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This paper focuses on the theoretical analysis and simulation study of mix network TCP
performance for flow-based anonymity applications. In order to thwart a variety of traffic
analysis attacks from degrading e-mail anonymity, researchers have designed batching and
reordering techniques for mixes to reduce timing correlation between packets entering a mix and
those leaving from the mix. Intuitively, attacks against message-based anonymity applications
can also be used against flow-based anonymity applications. For example, flow-based mix
networks can be attacked using packet (message) timing watermarks. Therefore, batching and
reordering defensive schemes should be considered for flow-based anonymity applications.
Anonymity analysis has been conducted on flow-based anonymous communication systems with
batching and reordering applied. However, it is worthwhile to study the performance of such
schemes, in the context of low-latency applications. Danezis utilized a Poisson model of traffic
and conducted traffic analysis of continuous-time mixes (refer to Table 1) for flow-based mix
networks. However, a Poisson approach is limited as a model for TCP performance.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the project is to analyze the TCP network. Anonymity is provided
to the user by following some techniques which will be discussed in detail.
Through this the performance of the network may be decreased, if it happens we
analyze the performance of the TCP and we derived some formulae.

1.2 Scope

The scope of this project is to apply it in the field of mix networks. This project
can be used as an analysis of the TCP network. This analysis after the modeling of
this project is very useful to know about the TCP performance of the mix
networks. This work improves the utilization of a mix network wherever required.
1.3Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations
The condition achieved when the identities of subjects are confidential, or
when the researcher does not know their names or any characteristics that might

reasonably lead the researcher or anyone to discover their identities. The
researcher cannot link the data to the participant.

Execution of a series of programs ("jobs") on a computer without manual
Changes the order of elements, assign a new order.

Bug Regression:
Regression testing is any type of software testing that seeks to uncover new errors,
or regressions, in existing functionality after changes have been made to the
software, such as functional enhancements, patches or configuration changes.


RTP- Real-Time Transport Protocol

RTO- Retransmission Timeout
RTT-Round-trip time
SRTT- Smoothed Round Trip Time
MSS-Maximum segment size
MTU-Maximum transmission unit

1.4 References
• X. Fu, B. Graham, D. Xuan, R. Bettati, and W. Zhao, “Empirical and
TheoreticalEvaluation of Active Probing Attacks and Their Countermeasures,” Proc.
Sixth Int’l Workshop Information Hiding (IH ’04), May 2004.

• D.X. Song, D. Wagner, and X. Tian, “Timing Analysis of Keystrokes and Timing
Attacks on SSH,” Proc. 10th Usenix Security Symp. (SECURITY ’01), Aug. 2001.

1.5 Overview

The next Chapter contains the overall description of the Document. It describes
about the Requirements ,Constraints, and Interfaces, user characteristics.



This software product is meant for theoretical analysis and simulation
study of mix network TCP performance for flow-based anonymity applications.
Web browsing and file sharing, in these scenarios, encryption alone cannot
maintain the anonymity required by participants.Here we quantify the
performance impact on flow-based applications when batching and reordering
schemes are used in mix networks to improve the anonymity. We systematically
analyze TCP throughput in a mix network that uses batching and reordering

2.1.1 System Interfaces

Proxy Proxy
Server Server



2.1.2 Interfaces
Interfaces used in this product is Java interfaces with swings and widget
tool kits and in SQL SERVER the main interface is command line where the
queries can be made and executed.


1. Client Window
2. Server Window
3. Proxy Window
2.1.3 Hardware Interfaces
The product end-user may contain the following configuration CPU
consisting of 256MB to 1GB RAM and any processor of the modern ERA, Hard
disk specification of about 80GB (or below).
2.1.4 Software Interfaces

Java Platform -Swing is the primary Java GUI widget toolkit. It is part of
Sun Microsystems' Java Foundation Classes (JFC) — an API for providing a
graphical user interface (GUI) for Java programs.
JFrameBuilder is an easy-to-use visual Java GUI Builder for Java Swing
applications. It provides the application GUI solution for Java developers. The
Java GUI designer enables Java developers to create sophisticated GUI
applications using drag-and-drop interface without spending a lot of time
writing code.

2.1.5 Memory Constraints

No Specific Memory Constraints

2.1.6 Operations
1. Intially the client,Server and the proxy should turned on so that there
will be communication between one another.

2. Now the user browses the clients window and selects a file which will
be sent to the server.
3. After this operation we will observe the corresponding file which we
sent from the client and these details will be displayed at the server window.
4. Now if the user wants to check the performance results ,he needs to
click on the performance button ,with this operation he will get the details
regarding Response Time and Transfer Rate.

2.1.7 Site Adaption Requirements

Any other modifications can be done to this product is we can use .NET
platform instead of Java. The usage of java has been done because of the
flexibility and the automated interface specified in that. If we use .NET platform
then we can specify any of the databases such as Microsoft ACCESS, SQL
SERVER, and Oracle.

2.2 Product Functions

using the below specified functions the user can understand the functionality of
the system.
2.2.1 Client Window
In the client window it consists of a combo box through which the client can
select a particular text or a file that need to be transferred to the server and it consists of a
search button to search the required file and a performance button to know the
performance of the transferred packet.

2.2.2 Server Window

In the server window it consists of the Ip address,port number of the server and it
displays set of requests from the client and the details regarding the file which is
transferred from the client.
2.2.3 Proxy Window

In the proxy window it consists of its IP address and port number and the details
regarding the transfer of files from client to server and server to client

Start Application

Target Selection

File Selection



Exit Application

2.3 User Characterstics

For this product there are no specific characteristics to be
known.But as the testers are the end users they should have a relevant experience in that
phenomenon. If this is used or any other want to modify the product then he should have
a particular experience in certain technologies like Database design and Java platform
and he should have the capability of understanding the system requirements.

2.4 Constraints
1. Beyond the present technology has to be implemented, then in that situation it
can be extended further for more operation capability.
2. The product is only for transferring the file so we cannot edit the transferring
file in any situation.

2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
In this SRS document some of the future modifications capability has not
specified, because future may have many advancements in certain platforms and
operating systems. And dependant software is also not specified here.

2.6 Apporting of Requirement

Here we can’t specify this because this can be further extended using any
platforms and Databases can also be modifiable. Where the new user can use the
modified system.

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