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The Role of Rolul

Cognitive Disonanței
Dissonance in Cognitive
the Pandemic Pandemie
The minute we make any În momentul în care luăm o
decision—I think COVID-19 decizie— Eu cred că
is serious; no, I’m sure it is a COVID-19 e serios; nu, sunt
hoax—we begin to justify sigur că e o farsă—începem
the wisdom of our choice să justificăm înțelepciunea
and find reasons to dismiss alegerii pe care am făcut-o
the alternative. și să găsim motive de a
respinge alternativa.

JULY 12, 2020

JULY 12, 2020
Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris
Elliot Aronson and Carol Tavris
Psihologi Sociali
Social Psychologists

Members of Heaven’s Gate, a

religious cult, believed that as the Membrii cultului Heaven’s Gate,
Hale-Bopp comet passed by Earth un cult religios, credeau că pe
in 1997, a spaceship would be când cometa Hale-Bopp o să
traveling in its wake—ready to treacă pe lângă Pământ, în 1997,
take true believers aboard. o nava spațială va călători în
Several members of the group coada acesteia ca să îi ia cu ea pe
bought an expensive, high- adevărații credincioși. Câțiva
powered telescope so that they membri ai grupului au cumpărat
might get a clearer view of the un telescop foarte puternic și
comet. They quickly brought it foarte scump ca să poată să
back and asked for a refund. observe mai bine cometa. L-au
When the manager asked why, returnat rapid și au cerut să li se
they complained that the dea banii înapoi. Când managerul
telescope was defective, that it i-a întrebat de ce, s-au plâns că
didn’t show the spaceship telescopul este stricat, că nu se
following the comet. A short time vedea nava spațială din urma
later, believing that they would be cometei. La scurt timp, crezând că
rescued once they had shed their vor fi salvați după ce se
“earthly containers” (their bodies), descotorosesc de ”containerele
all 39 members killed themselves. pământești” (corpurile lor), toți cei
39 de membri s-au sinucis.

Heaven’s Gate followers had a

tragically misguided conviction, Adepții Heaven’s Gate aveau o
but it is an example, albeit convingere în mod tragic eronată,
extreme, of cognitive dissonance, dar este un exemplu, deși extrem,
the motivational mechanism that de disonanță cognitivă, acel
underlies the reluctance to admit mecanism motivațional care stă la
mistakes or accept scientific baza reticenței de a admite
findings—even when those greșelile sau de a accepta
findings can save our lives. This descoperirile științifice—nici
dynamic is playing out during the măcar atunci când aceste
pandemic among the many descoperiri ne pot salva viața.
people who refuse to wear masks Această dinamică apare în timpul
or practice social distancing. pandemiei la mulți oameni care
Human beings are deeply refuză să poarte mască sau să
unwilling to change their minds. practice distanțarea socială.
And when the facts clash with Ființele umane sunt profund
their preexisting convictions, refractare la ideea de a se
some people would sooner răzgândi. Iar atunci când faptele
jeopardize their health and vin în contradicție cu convingerile
everyone else’s than accept new lor anterioare, unii oameni și-ar
information or admit to being risca mai degrabă sănătatea lor și
wrong. a altora decât să accepte
informații noi sau să admită că

Cognitive dissonance, coined by Disonanța cognitivă, descrisă de

Leon Festinger in the 1950s, Leon Festinger în anii 1950,
describes the discomfort people descrie discomfortul pe care-l
feel when two cognitions, or a resimt oamenii când două
cognition and a behavior, percepții, sau o percepție și un
contradict each other. I smoke is comportament, se contrazic
dissonant with the knowledge reciproc. Fumez este în disonanță
that Smoking can kill me. To cu faptul că Fumatul mă poate
reduce that dissonance, the ucide. Pentru a reduce disonanța,
smoker must either quit—or fumătorul trebuie fie să se lase, fie
justify smoking (“It keeps me thin, să justifice fumatul (“Mă ajută să
and being overweight is a health rămân slab, iar obezitatea e tot
risk too, you know”). At its core, un risc pentru sănătate, după cum
Festinger’s theory is about how știm”). În esență, teoria lui
people strive to make sense out Festinger este despre cum
of contradictory ideas and lead oamenii se străduiesc să scoată
lives that are, at least in their own un sens din idei contradictorii și
minds, consistent and meaningful. duc vieți care sunt, cel puțin în
mintea lor, consistente și

Unul dintre noi (Aronson), care a

fost un protejat al lui Festinger la
One of us (Aronson), who was a mijlocul anilor ‘50, a avansat
protégé of Festinger in the teoria disonanței cognitive
mid-’50s, advanced cognitive- demonstrând rolul puternic, desi
dissonance theory by nu prea evident, pe care îl joacă
demonstrating the powerful, yet atunci când e implicat conceptul
nonobvious, role it plays when the de sine. Disonanța este cea mai
concept of self is involved. dureroasă atunci când dovezile
Dissonance is most painful when lovesc exact în modul în care ne
evidence strikes at the heart of vedem pe noi înșine—când ne
how we see ourselves—when it amenință credința că suntem
threatens our belief that we are buni, etici, competenți sau
kind, ethical, competent, or smart. deștepți. În momentul în care
The minute we make any decision luăm o decizie—O să cumpăr
—I’ll buy this car; I will vote for această mașină; O să votez
this candidate; I think COVID-19 pentru acest candidat; Cred că
is serious; no, I’m sure it is a hoax COVID-19 e serios; nu, sunt sigur
—we will begin to justify the că e o farsă—o să începem să
wisdom of our choice and find justificăm înțelepciunea deciziei
reasons to dismiss the alternative. pe care am luat-o și să găsim
Before long, any ambivalence we motive ca să respingem
might have felt at the time of the alternativa. În scurt timp, orice
original decision will have ambivalență am fi simțit la
morphed into certainty. As people momentul la care a fost luată
justify each step taken after the decizia, aceasta s-a transformat în
original decision, they will find it certitudine. Pe măsură ce oamenii
harder to admit they were wrong justifică fiecare pas făcut după
at the outset. Especially when the decizia inițială, o să le fie din ce în
end result proves self-defeating, ce mai greu să admită că au
wrongheaded, or harmful. greșit la început. Mai ales în cazul
în care rezultatul final se
dovedește a fi... . Especially when
the end result proves self-
defeating, wrongheaded, or
The theory inspired more than harmful.
3,000 experiments that have
transformed psychologists’ Teoria a inspirat mai mult de 3000
understanding of how the human de experimente care au
mind works. One of Aronson’s transformat înțelegerea
most famous experiments showed psihologilor despre felul în care
that people who had to go funcționează mintea omului. Unul
through an unpleasant, dintre cele mai faimoase
embarrassing process in order to experimente ale lui Aronson a
be admitted to a discussion group arătat că oamenii care trebuiau să
(designed to consist of boring, treacă printr-un proces neplăcut
pompous participants) later și jenant ca să fie admiși într-un
reported liking that group far grup de discuții (proiectat să fie
better than those who were format din participanți plicticoși și
allowed to join after putting in pompoși), au raportat ulterior că
little or no effort. Going through le place acel grup mult mai mult
hell and high water to attain decât celor cărora li s-a permis să
something that turns out to be adere fără niciun efort sau cu unul
boring, vexatious, or a waste of foarte mic. Să treci prin furcile
time creates dissonance: I’m iadului ca să obții ceva care se
smart, so how did I end up in this dovedește în final a fi plictisitor,
stupid group? To reduce that supărător sau o pierdere de
dissonance, participants vreme, creează o disonanță: Eu
unconsciously focused on sunt deștept, cum am ajuns în
whatever might be good or prostia asta de grup? Pentru a
interesting about the group and reduce disonanța, participanții s-
blinded themselves to its au concentrat inconștient pe orice
prominent negatives. The people ar fi putut fi bun sau interesant în
who did not work hard to get into acel grup și și-au acoperit ochii în
the group could more easily see ceea ce privea părțile negative
the truth—how boring it was. evidente. Cei care nu au muncit
Because they had very little prea mult ca să intre în grup, au
investment in joining, they had putut vedea adevărul cu mult mai
very little dissonance to reduce. multă ușurință—cât de plicticos
era, de fapt. Pentru că investiseră
foarte puțin în procesul de
admitere, au avut foarte puțin
The term cognitive disonanță de redus.
dissonance has since escaped the
laboratory and is found The term cognitive
everywhere—from op-eds and dissonance has since escaped the
movie reviews to humor columns laboratory and is found
(as in The New everywhere—from op-eds and
Yorker’s “Cognitive Dissonances movie reviews to humor columns
I’m Comfortable With”). But few (as in The New
people fully appreciate the Yorker’s “Cognitive Dissonances
mechanism’s enormous I’m Comfortable With”). But few
motivational power—and the people fully appreciate the
lengths people go to in order to mechanism’s enormous
reduce its discomfort. motivational power—and the
lengths people go to in order to
reduce its discomfort.
For example, when people feel a
strong connection to a political
party, leader, ideology, or belief, For example, when people feel a
they are more likely to let that strong connection to a political
allegiance do their thinking for party, leader, ideology, or belief,
them and distort or ignore the they are more likely to let that
evidence that challenges those allegiance do their thinking for
loyalties. The social psychologist them and distort or ignore the
Lee Ross, in laboratory evidence that challenges those
experiments designed to find loyalties. The social psychologist
ways to reduce the bitter conflict Lee Ross, in laboratory
between Israelis and Palestinians, experiments designed to find
took peace proposals created by ways to reduce the bitter conflict
Israeli negotiators, labeled them between Israelis and Palestinians,
as Palestinian proposals, and took peace proposals created by
asked Israeli citizens to judge Israeli negotiators, labeled them
them. “The Israelis liked the as Palestinian proposals, and
Palestinian proposal attributed to asked Israeli citizens to judge
Israel more than they liked the them. “The Israelis liked the
Israeli proposal attributed to the Palestinian proposal attributed to
Palestinians,” he told us. “If your Israel more than they liked the
own proposal isn’t going to be Israeli proposal attributed to the
attractive to you when it comes Palestinians,” he told us. “If your
from the other side, what chance own proposal isn’t going to be
is there that the other side’s attractive to you when it comes
proposal is going to be attractive from the other side, what chance
when it actually comes from the is there that the other side’s
other side?” proposal is going to be attractive
when it actually comes from the
Because of the intense other side?”
polarization in our country, a
great many Americans now see Because of the intense
the life-and-death decisions of polarization in our country, a
the coronavirus as political great many Americans now see
choices rather than medical ones. the life-and-death decisions of
In the absence of a unifying the coronavirus as political
narrative and competent national choices rather than medical ones.
leadership, Americans have to In the absence of a unifying
choose whom to believe as they narrative and competent national
make decisions about how to live: leadership, Americans have to
the scientists and the public- choose whom to believe as they
health experts, whose advice will make decisions about how to live:
necessarily change as they learn the scientists and the public-
more about the virus, treatment, health experts, whose advice will
and risks? Or President Donald necessarily change as they learn
Trump and his acolytes, who more about the virus, treatment,
suggest that masks and social and risks? Or President Donald
distancing are unnecessary or Trump and his acolytes, who
“optional”? suggest that masks and social
distancing are unnecessary or
The cognition I want to go back “optional”?
to work or I want to go to my
favorite bar to hang out with my The cognition I want to go back
friends is dissonant with any to work or I want to go to my
information that suggests these favorite bar to hang out with my
actions might be dangerous—if friends is dissonant with any
not to individuals themselves, information that suggests these
then to others with whom they actions might be dangerous—if
interact. not to individuals themselves,
then to others with whom they
How to resolve this dissonance? interact.
People could avoid the crowds,
parties, and bars and wear a How to resolve this dissonance?
mask. Or they could jump back People could avoid the crowds,
into their former ways. But to parties, and bars and wear a
preserve their belief that they are mask. Or they could jump back
smart and competent and would into their former ways. But to
never do anything foolish to risk preserve their belief that they are
their lives, they will need some smart and competent and would
self-justifications: Claim that never do anything foolish to risk
masks impair their breathing, their lives, they will need some
deny that the pandemic is serious, self-justifications: Claim that
or protest that their “freedom” to masks impair their breathing,
do what they want is paramount. deny that the pandemic is serious,
“You’re removing our freedoms or protest that their “freedom” to
and stomping on our do what they want is paramount.
constitutional rights by these “You’re removing our freedoms
Communist-dictatorship orders,” and stomping on our
a woman at a Palm Beach County constitutional rights by these
commissioners’ hearing said. Communist-dictatorship orders,”
“Masks are literally killing people,” a woman at a Palm Beach County
said another. South Dakota commissioners’ hearing said.
Governor Kristi Noem, referring to “Masks are literally killing people,”
masks and any other government said another. South Dakota
interventions, said, “More Governor Kristi Noem, referring to
freedom, not more government, masks and any other government
is the answer.” Vice President interventions, said, “More
Mike Pence added his own freedom, not more government,
justification for encouraging is the answer.” Vice President
people to gather in unsafe crowds Mike Pence added his own
for a Trump rally: “The right to justification for encouraging
peacefully assemble is enshrined people to gather in unsafe crowds
in the First Amendment of the for a Trump rally: “The right to
Constitution.” peacefully assemble is enshrined
in the First Amendment of the

Today, as we confront the many

unknowns of the coronavirus
pandemic, all of us are facing Today, as we confront the many
desperately difficult unknowns of the coronavirus
decisions. When is it safe to get pandemic, all of us are facing
back to work? When can I reopen desperately difficult
my business? When can I see decisions. When is it safe to get
friends and co-workers, start a back to work? When can I reopen
new love affair, travel? What level my business? When can I see
of risk am I prepared to friends and co-workers, start a
tolerate? The way we answer new love affair, travel? What level
these questions has momentous of risk am I prepared to
implications for our health as tolerate? The way we answer
individuals and for the health of these questions has momentous
our communities. Even more implications for our health as
important, and far less obvious, is individuals and for the health of
that because of the unconscious our communities. Even more
motivation to reduce dissonance, important, and far less obvious, is
the way we answer these that because of the unconscious
questions has repercussions for motivation to reduce dissonance,
how we behave after making our the way we answer these
initial decision. Will we be flexible, questions has repercussions for
or will we keep reducing how we behave after making our
dissonance by insisting that our initial decision. Will we be flexible,
earliest decisions were right? or will we keep reducing
dissonance by insisting that our
Although it’s difficult, changing earliest decisions were right?
our minds is not impossible. The
challenge is to find a way to live Although it’s difficult, changing
with uncertainty, make the most our minds is not impossible. The
informed decisions we can, and challenge is to find a way to live
modify them when the scientific with uncertainty, make the most
evidence dictates—as our leading informed decisions we can, and
researchers are already doing. modify them when the scientific
Admitting we were wrong evidence dictates—as our leading
requires some self-reflection— researchers are already doing.
which involves living with the Admitting we were wrong
dissonance for a while rather than requires some self-reflection—
jumping immediately to a self- which involves living with the
justification. dissonance for a while rather than
jumping immediately to a self-
Understanding how dissonance justification.
operates reveals a few practical
lessons for overcoming it, starting Understanding how dissonance
by examining the two dissonant operates reveals a few practical
cognitions and keeping them lessons for overcoming it, starting
separate. We call this the “Shimon by examining the two dissonant
Peres solution.” Peres, Israel’s cognitions and keeping them
former prime minister, was separate. We call this the “Shimon
angered by his friend Ronald Peres solution.” Peres, Israel’s
Reagan’s disastrous official visit to former prime minister, was
a cemetery in Bitburg, Germany, angered by his friend Ronald
where members of the Waffen SS Reagan’s disastrous official visit to
were buried. When asked how he a cemetery in Bitburg, Germany,
felt about Reagan’s decision to go where members of the Waffen SS
there, Peres could have reduced were buried. When asked how he
dissonance in one of the two felt about Reagan’s decision to go
most common ways: thrown out there, Peres could have reduced
the friendship or minimized the dissonance in one of the two
seriousness of the friend’s action. most common ways: thrown out
He did neither. “When a friend the friendship or minimized the
makes a mistake,” he said, “the seriousness of the friend’s action.
friend remains a friend, and the He did neither. “When a friend
mistake remains a mistake.” makes a mistake,” he said, “the
Peres’s message conveys the friend remains a friend, and the
importance of staying with the mistake remains a mistake.”
dissonance, avoiding easy knee- Peres’s message conveys the
jerk responses, and asking importance of staying with the
ourselves, Why am I believing dissonance, avoiding easy knee-
this? Why am I behaving this jerk responses, and asking
way? Have I thought it through or ourselves, Why am I believing
am I simply taking a short cut, this? Why am I behaving this
following the party line, or way? Have I thought it through or
justifying the effort I put in to join
am I simply taking a short cut,
the group? following the party line, or
justifying the effort I put in to join
Dissonance theory also teaches us the group?
why changing your brother-in-
law’s political opinions is so hard, Dissonance theory also teaches us
if not impossible—especially if he why changing your brother-in-
has thrown time, money, effort, law’s political opinions is so hard,
and his vote at them. (He can’t if not impossible—especially if he
change yours either, can he?) But has thrown time, money, effort,
if you want to try, don’t say the and his vote at them. (He can’t
equivalent of “What are change yours either, can he?) But
you thinking by not wearing a if you want to try, don’t say the
mask?” That message implies equivalent of “What are
“How could you be so stupid?” you thinking by not wearing a
and will immediately create mask?” That message implies
dissonance (I’m smart versus You “How could you be so stupid?”
say I’m doing something stupid), and will immediately create
making him almost certainly dissonance (I’m smart versus You
respond with defensiveness and a say I’m doing something stupid),
hardening of the belief (I was making him almost certainly
thinking how smart I am, that’s respond with defensiveness and a
what, and masks are useless hardening of the belief (I was
anyway). However, your brother- thinking how smart I am, that’s
in-law may be more amenable to what, and masks are useless
messages from others who share anyway). However, your brother-
his party loyalty but who have in-law may be more amenable to
changed their mind, such as the messages from others who share
growing number of prominent his party loyalty but who have
Republicans now wearing masks. changed their mind, such as the
Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee growing number of prominent
said, “Unfortunately, this simple, Republicans now wearing masks.
lifesaving practice has become Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee
part of a political debate that said, “Unfortunately, this simple,
says: If you’re for Trump, you lifesaving practice has become
don’t wear a mask; if you’re part of a political debate that
against Trump, you do... The says: If you’re for Trump, you
stakes are much too high for don’t wear a mask; if you’re
that.” against Trump, you do... The
stakes are much too high for
This nasty, mysterious virus will that.”
require us all to change our
minds as scientists learn more, This nasty, mysterious virus will
and we may have to give up require us all to change our
some practices and beliefs about minds as scientists learn more,
it that we now feel sure of. The and we may have to give up
alternative will be to double some practices and beliefs about
down, ignore the error, and wait, it that we now feel sure of. The
as Trump is waiting, for the alternative will be to double
“miracle” of the virus down, ignore the error, and wait,
disappearing. as Trump is waiting, for the
“miracle” of the virus

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