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Латышев Данила

1. Задание номер 1

Лидерство – это не конкурс популярности.

I agree with this statement, because a leader is a strong person who can lead people. A leader must
have strong qualities in order to be judicious in dealing with different situations.

Лидерство не обязательно в том, чтобы быть самым громким в комнате, а в том, чтобы быть
мостом или тем, чего не хватает в дискуссии и попытками достичь консенсуса на основе этого.
I agree with this statement, because today, when the whole world is in a strange state, where every
leader of a country or society dictates their requirements or guidelines, thereby breaking ties with other
countries. The year 2020 has shown that during a pandemic, only the health of people and nations is
important, and not disputes, disagreements, external factors, since we must think about the future,
where our children will feel comfortable and safe.

2. Задние номер 2

1. Autocrat. Самодержец
2. Demagogue  Демагог
3. Facilitator  Посредник
4. Instigator of change  Установщик изменений
5. Pacesetter  Задающий ритм
6. People pleaser. Люди угождают
7. Servant leader. Слуга-лидер
8. Torchbearer  Факельщик
9. Unwavering captain  Непоколебимый капитан
10. Visionary Провидец

I think a democratic. Democratic leadership is a participative style of leading that involves a team of
people who collaborate with a leader to make critical decisions. This type of leadership style is very
different from autocratic leadership – because with a democratic approach you DO get these things:
1. Creativity
2. Multiple options
3. Fluid change in routine
4. Open forum for feedback
Democratic leadership gives you a range of ideas to choose from, and a team to consult when making
your decision.
A democratic approach to leadership is definitely one of the better-liked types of leadership in business.

Today, the modern world puts pressure on a person from all sides, demands from him a constant active
position, the ability to be flexible and think diplomatically, to respond promptly to changes in the
situation, to act consistently and decisively. Therefore, for me, a leader is a person who is responsible,
honest and decent, ready to take risks, confident in himself and in his abilities, a desire to take the

Задание номер 6.

1. It does not matter who you are by profession, you must share what you have and be honest
with those around you.
2. Acknowledging that you do not have all the answers does not shy away from action at all.
Prompt action is often the only way to obtain this information.
3. Values can be a light guide. You must be loyal and honest with your values so that we can help.
4. Sometimes our instincts are ready to kill us; therefore, we must always control ourselves. In
difficult times, we must also be together with the authorities, who will also provide support.

7. Задание номер 7

a) Upheaval creates fear, and in the midst of it, people crave security. ( 00:42 )
b) It means that you must share what you know and admit what you don’t know as such a
kind of honesty creates more psychological safety for people, not less. ( 00:56 )
c) Even though she did not have a lot of information, she did not wait to communicate
about the threat with the nation and then she took a quick decision to impose a
lockdown, which saved people’s lives. ( 02:25 )
d) Sharing power with those around you during a crisis, because instinctively we want to
have even more control at such times. ( 03:44 )

8. Задание номер 8

1. In principle, I agree that in the face of some problems, you need to rely on all factors. This is
information, to be honest, to help people, so that the authorities do not lie, but, on the
contrary, support and unite people.
2. First. One of the most important measures in a crisis is to reduce costs to the lowest possible
level. It is better to postpone expensive repairs or complex marketing research until quieter
times. Analyze the prices of your suppliers' competitors - you may find someone whose prices
will be more favorable, this will also save you money. Evaluate the effectiveness of each
employee and part with those who do not bring much benefit. Now you have a good
opportunity to optimize your staff. However, here it is also important not to overdo it;
otherwise, there will simply be no one to work. There should be just enough employees to run
the business.
3. For example, Pepsi, when Pepsi launched a new ad campaign in April 2017 with an infomercial
starring Kendall Jenner. Over the next 48 hours, 1.6 million people watched. It may sound
harmless enough, but by this time, we all know what followed. The world was treated to Jenner
leaving the modeling gig to join in a conversation that she and her fellow marchers seem to have
won in quotes after she handed the police a Pepsi. At first, the company issued a statement, but
after 24 hours, the company removed the advertisement and completely suspended the
advertisement. Answer - It is clear that we missed and we apologize.

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