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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENT................................................................................................ii
1. Choosing a new product............................................................................................1
2. The content of Marketing Plan..................................................................................2
2.1 Executive Summary............................................................................................2
2.2 Table of Content..................................................................................................2
2.3 Defining Mission Statement................................................................................2
2.4 Situation Analysis...............................................................................................2
2.5 Goals: Setting Goals following Mission Statement Philosophy..........................2
2.6 Objective: Setting SBU’s Objective to achieve the Goals...................................2
2.7 Marketing Strategy (Focus on strategy)..............................................................2
2.7.1 Product (what is strategy for product)..........................................................2
2.7.2 Place (what is strategy for place)..................................................................2
2.7.3 Price (what is strategy for price)..................................................................2
2.7.4 Promotion (what is strategy for promotion).................................................2
2.8. Financial Projections..........................................................................................2
2.9. Implementation (Focus on activity to do strategy – the detail of activity should
be state clearly).........................................................................................................2
2.9.1 Product.........................................................................................................2
2.9.2 Place............................................................................................................. 2
2.9.3 Price.............................................................................................................2
2.9.4 Promotion.....................................................................................................2
2. 2.10. References....................................................................................................2
3. Formating:.................................................................................................................3
Topic: Marketing Plan Guideline Group: 2020

The lengh of the plan is minimum 3000 words, the content should demonstrae
student’s ability to develop a brand. This assingment will be done by group working.
Any found of plagiarism found, the marks will be Zero.

1. Choosing a new product

A new product is defined following by 2 terms
 A new product to the word ( We are doing this) , REMEMBER YOU ARE
 A new product to a market

Topic: Marketing Plan Guideline Group: 2020

2. The content of Marketing Plan

2.1 Executive Summary
2.2 Table of Content
2.3 Defining Mission Statement
2.4 Situation Analysis
2.5 Goal: Setting Goal following Mission Statement Philosophy
2.6 Objectives: Setting SBU’s Objective to achieve the Goals
2.7 Marketing Strategy (Focus on strategy)
2.7.1 Product (what is strategy for product)
2.7.2 Place (what is strategy for place)
2.7.3 Price (what is strategy for price)
2.7.4 Promotion (what is strategy for promotion)
2.8. Financial Projections
2.9. Implementation (Focus on activity to do strategy – the detail of
activity should be state clearly)
2.9.1 Product
2.9.2 Place
2.9.3 Price
2.9.4 Promotion
2. 2.10. References

Topic: Marketing Plan Guideline Group: 2020

3. Formating:
 Table of content: Automatic
 Page set up : A4
 Font: Time New Roman,
 Size
 Subject Heading
 Level 1: 16 - Bold
 Level 2: 14 - Bold
 Level 3: 13 - Bold and Italic
 Text: 13
 Paragraph Spacing: 1.5
 Margin
 (Left): 3.5m;
 (Right): 2 cm;
 (top): 2 cm;
 (bottom): 2 cm
 Header content: Left: Topic: Name; Right: Group: Number
 Footer Content: Page Number in the right
 Reference: APA style

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