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Worado, (continued.) Colorado, (continue&)
authority of United States over In- attorney, appointment, fees, salary, and
dians thereon not impaired ..... 172 duty of ........................... 175
territory may be divided. &......... 172 marshal, appointment, fees, salary, and
executive power and autbority,.... 172, 700 duty of ........................... 175
governor, term, powers, and duties,... 172, contingent expenses of territory, annual
176, 700 appropriation for .................. 176
appointment, qualification, and si- seat of government, how established and
a .................... 175 changed .......................... 176
salary of, as superintendent of In- delegate to Congress, qualifications and
dian a ............
*rs 175, 700 election o, ........................ 176
veto power, ................... 700 school sections ...................... 176
secretary, term, powers, and duties, 172,176 constitution and laws of the United
secretary, appointment, qualifica- States. if not inapplicable, made ap-
tion, and salary ............... 175 plicable to the territory ......... 176
when to act as governor ........ 172 surveyor-general to be appointed ....... 176
legislative power, .................... 178 compensation, powers; duties, Uc., 176
extent and limits of. ............. 174 appropriation for, ........... 219, 277, 278
legislative assembly to consist of council annual direct tax apportioned to....... 296
and house of representatives,. ...... 178 and Utah to make one surveying dis-
pay of members, and expenses of,. 175, trict ............................. 869
176, surveiror-general of, to be suriveyor-gen-
appropriation to be made for ex- era[, ......................... 86g
penses of................ 176 and Utah to make one nd district ....409
time and place of Art and subse- and-ofee established in .............. 418
quent sessions of ......... 178, 176 registerandreceiverto be appointed, 418
sessions not to exceed term of forty duties, salaries, &c .......... 418
days, except the first, ........... 178 post-routes established in ..... 420, 574, 664
council, number, term of service, &c.,. 178, time of holding second session of legis-
175 lative assembly of .................. 619
election of members of ........ 178 appropriation for survey of lands in,... 861
house of representatives, number, term surveying public lands in ............. 748
of service, &c.. ............. 178, 176 register and receiverin ............... 748
apportionment for election of members census of ........................... 748
of council and house ............. 178 territorial library in .................. 748
census before first election .......... 178 territorial prison in ................. 749
first election, proceedings thereof,..... 178 Indian service in ..................... 791
subsequent elections and apportion- Cooed Women and CAsgd,ri,
ments ....................... 178,176 National Association for the relief of, In-
voters at first and subsequent elections, 178 corporated ..................... 650, 661
eligibility to office at first and subse- See Nationl Association, c.
quent elections .................... 178 Colred C ien. See Psn"y &Aools.
who are disqualified to hold office,. 1741 provision for e ucation of, in Washing-
township, district, and county officers, ton County, D. C ................. 402
how appointed, . ................. 174 act providing for education of, in Wash-
judicial power, in what vested .... 174, 700 ington andGeorgetown, D. C. .. 407
supreme court, number, appointment, ten per cent. of taxes collected from per-
and salary of judges of,... 174, 175, 700 sons of color In said ciuea, to be set
jurisdiction, &c., in chancery and at apart for education of .............. 407
common law .............. 174, 700 trustees of public schools to have con-
clerk, appointment, fees, &c., of, 174, 700 trol ............................... 407
writs ot error, exceptions, appeals to to provide rooms, teachers, &., .... 407
and from .............. i74, 176, 700 to have same powers as now over
trial by jury not allowed in cases re- public schools now existing,.... 407
moved to ..................... 174 in the District of Columbia, duties of
times and places of holding courts, 174, trustees of public schools under act for
176 education of, transferred to special
district qourts, number, appointment, board of trustees ............... 587, 588
and salary of judges of,... 174, 175, 700 powers and duties of new board,.. 68
jurisdiction, &c., of, in chancery term of office of trustees ........ 58
and at common law,.. 174, 175, 700 vacancies in office of, how filled,.... 688
times and places ot holding courts, 174, Celored Persons. Sei Personsof Color.
178 in District of Columbia, rights of, under
clerk of, appointment, fees, &c., of, 174, the law .......................... 407
176, 700 not to be excluded from cars of Alex-
to be register in chancery, ... 174 andria and W. Railroad, for their
probate courts, jurisdiction of, and ap- color.......... ................... M
pointment of judges of, ....... 174, 700 Colored Yout,
justices of the peace, appointment and act to incorporate the institution for the
jurisdiction of. ................ 174, 700 education of ....................... 796
&deutl 0pu ,-by wbm writs of, mawr Colmbia, District of. See District of Colmbia.
be granted ............... 17 , 700 appropriations for, &c., 148, 144, 217, 865,
pre.edence of trials of ........... 701 867, 198

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1302 IDEX
Wumbia Instudon fr the Iastnstion of the Deaf Commercial Redations,
and Dumbi and the Blind, number of copies to be annually printed
amount to be allowed for salaries and in- and distributed .................... 826
cidental expenses ................... 869 Commissaries,
apropriadon for salaries, completion of, of battalions, pay and emoluments of,.. 280
additions to building ........... 870, 747 Commissaries of Sbsitence,
receipts and disbursements to be twelve to be appointed2 ............... 287
reported to Secretary of Inte- rank, pay, and appointment, ...... 287
rior .......................... 870 Comisry Deportmet,
property of Washington's Manual Labor act to promote the efficiency of ....... 648
School, &c., in District of Columbia, commissary-general and auistants, to
may be transferred to ............... 80 be added........................... 648
to assume debts, &P., of said corpora- vacancies, how filled ............. 648
tion .............................. 81 Comasary-G.eneral,
Columbia River, appropriations for the office of, 98, 99, 189,
land district established ............... 16 140, 862, W8,689
boundaries, register and receiver of, 16,17 additional clerks in office of ...... 888, 868
appropriation fbr works of defence near Comnissar.Generalof Svbsistence,
mouth of ......................... 348 to be added to army .................. 648
Columbas, assistant commissaries to be added,.... 648
Kentucky, no longer a port of delivery, 687 additional clerks in office of ........... 696
Ohio, national arsenal established at, .. .687 regimental, of volunteers, pay of ...... 270
C'manhet, commsion,
appropriations for the,.... 48, 224, 61-6, 177 authorized to run boundary line between
Com0s, Leslie, territories of United States and Cali-
liability of, as surety of A. J. Mitchell, fornia ............................ 22
discharged ........................ 890 of whom to consist, and how ap 2
Combinationls pointed ...........-.............
persons In, against government ordered where to commence, &e......... 22
to disperse .......... 257,282, Appendix, land-marks to be placed at cor-
1268 ners, ......................... 22
Commnand, pay of commission ................ 22
of troops In field, may be assigned to of. to examine and report upon United
flers of same grade without regard States Military Academy...... 68, 69
to seniority ....................... 617 appointment, pay, duties, and -re-
Commander, port of ..................... 68, 69
grade of, in the navy, established ..... 583 to adjust private land claims In Florida,
number, relative rank, and pay of,.588, 86, Louisiana, and Missouri .......... 85, 86
686, 687 to determine the claims of citizens of
Commanders, the United States against Costa Rica
in the navy, Increased pay of ......... 24 and New Granada, ................ 145
in the navy may be superintendents of See Coga Ra. New Granada.
navy yards and heads'of bureaus,.... 285 upon West Point Academy, appropria-
of vessels in the navy, not required to tion to pay ......................... 126
act as paymaster, or assistant pay- to equalize and reduce pay of oficers
master ........................... 258 of government ................... 288
Commanders of Atm-rican Vessels, of whom to consist---------... 288
sailing to foreign ports to take oath of appointment and duty of ......... 288, 284
allegiance ..................... 854, 610 may report by bill or bils to each house
who may administer oath,.... 864,610 at next session of Congress,..-.. 288, 284
penalty for violation ......... 84, 610 may employ a clerk, his pay ........... 284
Commading-General's Ofice, appropriation for expenues of ......... 816
appropriation for expenses of ......... 646 joint, to protect Atlantic fisheries ...... 869
Commerce, President to appoint commissioner, 869
treaty provisions respecting, see Belgium, appropriation ..................... 869
Chisia,Japan, Pariguay. toexamine and determine the amounts
Commerce and Navigation, due to Missouri, for expensps In arm-
appropriations for annual statement of, 100, ing, &c., state troops ................ 60
141 to investigate military claims in the
annual statements of, wjhat to Include,.. 197 department of the West, awards of,to
Com nercal Agents. See Cohsd. be paid............................ 616
judicial authority of, In uncivilized coun- Commissioned Oicers,
tries .............................. 78 of army, navy, or marine corps tender-
Commer Agena, ing resignations, when to'be deemed
apprgpriations, &c., for ...... 886, 886, 688 deserters ........................... 816
Commeia Intercourse, Commissioner. See Direct Tax.
with inhabitants of states declared to be under treaty with Great Britain, subsist-
in Insurrection, prohibited .......... 267 ence, U0., of .................... 20, 21
goods and vessels to be forfeited,... 267 to carry into effect convention with Para-
'resident may license in certain cases, 257 guay, appointment, pay, &c., of,... 15, 16
proclamation of the President forbid- of atents, osalary
see Parauay.
of, U . .............. 247
ding .............. Appendix 1262

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emaioner, (continued.) Conmissioners, (continued.)
powers and duties of ............. 246-249 under act abolishing slavery in District
See Paten-Office. of Columbia, their appointment, pow-
to Hayti and Liberia authorized ....... 421 ers, duties, pay, e.p ............ 876-878
See Slavery.8
pay, kc., ........................ 421
to codify laws of District of Columbia, of primary schools to be appointed,.... 894
appropriation for .................. 682 their powers and duties ........... 894-402
to revise and codify the naval laws of See Primar.Y Schools.
Congress...................... 826 to examine claims in western depart-
to report code at next session. 826
ment ............................. 628
salary, .......................... 826 to report in sixty days ............... 628
COmmissionerof Agricuaiv, to take bail, &c., may take surety of the
appointment, &c., of ............. 887, 888 peace and good behavior, .......... 887
See Agriculture. three to be appointed to settle damages
appropriations for the office of the,.... 691 by depredations of Sioux Indians, 652,
Co"muisione of CAlstvisa,
appropriaUions for office of. 868, 889, 686, 687
8 powers, duties, sessions, pay, bond, 658, 654
Comisoner of General Land-Officee special, in Indian Department, how ap-
to make rules and regulations 'under the
pointed ........................... 792
homestead act,................898 two to be appointed, under act to carry
duties of, under act to reduce the ex- into effect convention with Peru..... 7?5
pnses of survey and sale of public
lads .......................... 4W9, 410 (See Conention.)
under act concerning the Western De-
appropriation for the office of the,.. 687, 688 partment, or the Department of Mis-
Ceommimoner of Internal Revenue, souri, to have six months within
See Internal Revenue. which to make their report ...... 82
office of crerted ..................... 482 Commissioners of Direct Taxes in insurretion-
commissioner to be appointed, &... 482 ar Districts,
salary, duty, &c ............ 484 488 appropriations for the................. 694
to have franking privilege ....... 488 Commissioners to Foreign Co tces,
to decide whether any Instrument is appropriations for the,.. 20, 21, 170, 886 688
liable to stamp duty ................ 478 Comissioners of Po/ice,
to supply ollectord or assistant treas- See Mropolitan Police District,4-c.
urers at San Francisco and Portland, in District of Columbia, appointment,
Oregon, with adhesive stamps, U.,.. 682 qualificatious, term, authority, &c., 820-
no greater commission than now .826
allowed ....................... 682 Commissions of Peie,
appropriation for pay and expenses of not to exceed two in any district,.... 760
office of ........................... 686 one to be a retired naval officer ....... 760
to pay over moneys monthly to treas- salaries ....... ............... 760
urer, ...................... 726 Comuissions,
to take receipts, ,.............. 726 who to give to volunteer officers, 269, 270,
moneys in his hands, to be subject to in- 818
spection .......................... 72 paid to colectors of taxes and deputies, 808
bend of, penalty, how approved...... 726
may deliver stamps to certain collectors on contracts with government for pro.
without prepayment ............... 724 visions, supplies, &c., appropriation
Omnussioner of Pension*, for ............................... 884
may appoint civil surgeons to make on disloyal employees, appropriation for, 686
biennial examinations ............ 569 on the conduct of the war, appropria-
fees for such examination, and certifi- tion to pay expenses of ............. 618
cite, and how paid, ................. 669 may employ a stenographer ........ 614
to furnish claimants printed instrue. Gmmiee on Conud of the War,
tions free of charge ................ 869 moneys paid by Secretary of the Senate,
to notify claimants prosecuting claim on order of, to witnesses, &c., to be
by agent, that pension or bounty is allowed him .................. 824, 826
granted .................... 6..69 CAmitees, Sdlect,
appropriations for the office of the. 688 appropriations for expenses of ........ 182
CTommisioner of Taxes, Cbntodore,
office of, created ...................... 812 grade of, in the navy, established ....... 688
appointment, duties, pay of; ........ 812 number on active and retired list,. 688, 686,
way appoint clerks, ................ 812
Commissioners, rank and pay .............. 86, 886,67
of the various offices, appropriations for "Commonwelth, ' lTe. Scooner,
offices of ............. 188, 189, 860, 861 fishing bounty due to, to be paid to
to procure allotment certificates from Moses Noble ...................... 886
volunteers, how appointed, their duty, ComPanies,
&c.,............................... 881 of infintry, in new regiments ofregular
to determine compensation to railroads army, how composed ........... 9
and telegraph lines for their use by of cavalry, ................. 270,280
government, ..................... 884 Comsplaint Books,
their award to be submitted to Congress, 884 to be kept by board of police In District
their pay .......................... 84 of columbia ....... .......... US

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1303 1855-1863

P~AO 1U'n

cbAphtro~rs, Conres, 7anks of

appropriations for offices of, 94,95, 186, 187 to Dahlgren, Captain John A ........... 824
858, 859, 685, 68 Davis, Commodore Charles Henry,.. 828
of s& . eanking Anoco.- Porter, Commodore David D ......... 824
Rosecrans, M *or-General William S., 827
appointment,, salary, duties, &c., of, 665, 682 Rowan, Captain Steven C.........8. W24
deputy, appointment, &c .............. 666 Stringham, Rear-Admiral Silas H.,.. 824
oath, bond, seal, &. ................. 666 Worden, Commander John L ...... 824
rooms to be proyided fr, . 666 "Cngress," 7%e Frqate,
Cmfederated .rrie and Ba of Indians n accounts of ohlcers and crew of, to be
Mide Oregon, equitably settled ............. 875, 876
appropriations for the ........ 285,526,788 not over $60 to be paid each man,.. 876
CnbtdPropery widows, children, &c., of those lost in,
bond fide claims of loyal citizens, &c., to receive equal to twelve months'
to be first paid out of proceeds of,... 762 pay, .............................. 581
claims to be such as could be specifically certificates to officers, crew, &e, of the,
enforced against the property ....... 762 to be paid ......................... 818
act to confiscate property used for in. appropriations for light-houses In. 61, 62
surrectionary purposes ............. 819 post-routes established in ....... 164,418
propert7 used in aiding insurrection annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 296
may De confiscated, ................ 819 Canner, James,
President to cause same to be seized payment to representatives of Weton-
and.condemned .................... 819 saw. son of ........................ 848
in what" courts proceedings may be in-, Connor,John,
stituted, .......................... 819 to have six hundred and forty acres of
who to institute proceedings and for land ............................... 1181
whose use........................ 819 Conscrption Act. See National Forces.
when claims to persons held to service 'so called ....................... 781-787
and labor to be forfeited ............ 819 Canaervator,
of property of those engaged in the at President's house, planis for... 107, 216
present rebellion, provisions concern- Consolidated Land-Offices,
ing .......................... 590, 591 act making further provision in relation
President to warn all persons in states to, .......................... .....181
in insurrection, to cease to aid, &c.,... 591 register and receiver of, at Booneville,
warning given ........ Appendix, 1266 90, to have additional pay........ 181
proceedings to secure condemnation of not to exceed a certain amount,... 181
property seized .................... 591 allowance may be made for office-
of property coming into loyal stats rent and clerk-hire ............. 181
from states In insurrection, except employment of clerk to be first
through special agents, &c., provis- authorized ................. 181
ions for the ................... 820,821 provisions of this act extended to all
punishment of persons through whom consolidated land-offices ............. 181
it comes unlawfully ............... 821 former registers and receivers to be al.
penalties may be remitted ........ 821 lowed for room-rent and elerk-hire,.. 181
Congress, Cbnspnucies,
extraordinary sessions of, convened, act to define and punish certain ....... 284
Appendix, 1257, 1268,1269 to overthrow, put down, or destroy by
appropriations for, 91-98, 182-186, 865, 866, force the Government of the United
867, 868 States ............................ 284
pay of members of ........ 91, 92, 188, 184 to levy war against, or oppose by force
library of .................... 98, 185, 857 the authority of the United States,... 284
number of members of the House of by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the
Representatives of, established ...... 858 execution of any law of the United
number of representatives in, incresed States, ............................ 284
one for thirty-seventh Congress ..... 411 by force to seize, take, or possess any
additional one ssi~qed'to California, 411 property of the United States against
election of representatives to, by single the will, &e....................... 284
districts ........................... 672 by force, intimidation, or threat to
act to prevent members of, from taking prevent any person from accepting
consideration for procuring contracts, or holding office under the United
office, or place ............. ! ... 577, 578 States........... ................. 284
Congresional Documents. See Public Docments. in what courts and how punished,....., 284
standard of paper for ................ 118 Constabe,
distribution of .................... 244, 245 in Washington County, D. C., power of,
Congressional GW , ., limited ........................... 808
appropriation for the, 184, 856, 868, 688, 684 to take oath of allegiance, and give
CongriinalJornasand Dwntments; bond .............................. 808
to be sent to such libraries and Institu- Constifui and Laas of &t United Sates,
tions only as, &e .................. 860 extended over the state of Kansas, and
Cag Liiar.
,onla See Lr6,yof Ompw. the territories of Colorado, Dakota,
new roof to ......................... 750 and Nevada, so fr as applicable,.... 128,
eompensatlon of laborers in, established, 278 176, 214, 244

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1304 1855-1863

INDEX. 1805
constitution of Ea"a, Consularand Dn1ematic Expenses, (continued.
republican in form .................... 126 amount due William L. Baker, to be
Constitutionqf the United tat-, paid his widow ..................... 689
joint resolution to amend ............. 261 salaries of commissioners, &c., to Hayti
Construction and Repair, and Liberia, ....................... 689'
bureau of, established in Navy Depar60 expenses under treaty with Great Brit-
ment ............................. 610 am for the suppression of the slave-
officers, &W., of, their salaries,..510, 611 trade ........................... 689
appropriations for bureau of,...690, 691, 816 awdsear cert&*ams,
transfer of appropriation for bureau of, 681, required for voluntary emigration of
682 Chinese subjects ................. 841
Consular and Diplomati Erlenss, not to be given, unless, & ............. 841
general appropriation for 1860-1.:19, 21 Consdar Court. See Consuls, Ministers.
for 1861-62........... ... 170, 886 in Canton, appropriation for marshal for, 21
for 1862-68 ........................ 886 act establising in China, Japan, Siam,
for 1868-64 ....................... 688 &c ............................. 72-79
envoys, ministers, and commission- repeal of former inconsistent acts,.. 79
ers....... ..... 19,20, 170, 8, 688 when act takes eflhct ........... 79.
secretaries of legation, Ac.... .20, 170, 885, appropriations for, in China, Japan,
688 !am, and Turkey,... 171, 386, 689, 648
contingent expenses,.... 20, 170, 86,68 COsular Fees,
Barbary powers ........ 20, 171, 88, 688 reduced for vessels running regularly to
consulates in Turkey,....20, 171, 885, 688 or between foreign ports ............ 816
American seamen abroad,... 20, 171, 885, not more than four trips a year to
638 be paid for ................... 816
office-rent of consuls-gneral, .... 20,171, Consular O.Oiers,
886,688 whose salaries exceed $1000, not to en-
salaries of, and of consuls, ... 20, 21, gage in mercantile business ......... 88
171, 886, 689 their consulates to be in list of salaried
interprete:s in China,.... 20, 171, 886,689 consulapes ........................ 88
blank-books, stationery, flags, &e .... 688 Consulate,
boundary line commission between at Trinidad de Cuba, may be discontin-
Great Britain and Washington Ter- ued............................... 764
ritory ........................ 20, 21 Consulates in Turkey,
suppression of slave trade ......... 21, 689 Coatal
approriations for ...... 20, 171, 885. 688
bringing home persons charged with
crime ................ 21, 171, 887, 689 one.may be apointed at Cienfuegos,... 754
prison ship in China ............... 21 Consu/s and C .te,
marshal at consular court in Canton, 21 treaty provisions respecting. See Tides
commissioner to China and consuls, 21 of the somal Treaties tal Foreign
prisons in China, Japan, Siam, and Coutries.
Turkey .......... 21, 171, 886, 689 Consuls and Vice- Cons le,
marshals at consular courts in China, provisions concerning, in treaty with
e ................... 21, 171, 886, 689 Bolivia, ........................... 1019
office of consul-general at Simoda abol. with Liberia .................... 1946
ished ............................. 171 Cons.d-Geeml,
salaxies of consuls at Kanagawa and at Simoda, office of, abolished ......... 171
Nagasaki established ............... 171 to Hayti and Liberia authorized ....... 421
appropriation to enable the Secretary of pay, U e ........................ 421
tate to prepare, &c., authentic copies Con~s,
of the settlement of boundaries of appropriations to pay salaries, &c., of, 20, 21,
certain states, and maps and charts 171, 885, 886, 689, 648
relating thereto .......... : ....... 171 of the United States, in China, Japan,
for bringing from Batavia seamen and Siam, to, have certain judicial
of ship "Staghound, ........... 172 powers in addition to powers imposed
salaries of consuls at Bremen, Newcas- by treaties ......................... 72
tle-upon-Tyne, Pictou, N. S., Port as to crimes and misdemeanors,... 72
Mahon, and Swatow established,.... 886 as to civil rights ................... 78
consular officers, whose salaries exceed provisions of act in a certain degree ex-
$1000, not to engage in mercantile tended to Turkey ................. 76
business ........................... 886 also to Persia, Morocco, Muscat,
their consulates to be in list of sala- Tripoli. and Tunis ............. 76
ried consulates ................ 88 civil and criminal jurisdiction, how to be
consols not to be appointed, except to enforced ......................... 78
places named in the act, ............ 886 forms of proceedings, &c., to be furnish-
nor their compensation be raised,.. 886 ed by ministers ................ 78
pay and increased salaries to sundry consul may assent or dissent, and
consuls ........................... 888 proceedings thereon...........8
for bringing from Sidney seamen of ship
"Junior," chared with mutiny, &c.,
complaint Ac.,
onthenticated, mayproperly
issue warat for ,:ar-
iled and
and guard and witnesses ......... 887 rest for offences ................... 74
salary of consul at Guayumas estab- or upon facts within their 4"
Ushed, ............................ 689 knowledge .................... 74

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1806 INDE4X.

Consus, (continued. Centracnds,

may try, convict, and sentence offender, 74 medicines and medical attendance for,.. 646
punishment to be proportioned to of- Contractors,
fence ........................... 74,76 for carrying the mail, to have interest
to be either fine or imprisonment, on certain sums found due them, 1,2, 112
except, &c.................... 74, 76 interest to be in full for damages, &C.,.. 2
power to punish for contempt, ......... 74 who failed to keep their contract from
jurisdiction of, without right of appeal, default of payment to them by the
in civil and criminal cases ......... 74 United States, to be relieved there-
in clvil cases arising under treaties, 74 from .............................. 118
jurisdiction of, with right of appeal,.. 74 and route agents paid in part,.... 114
when may call to their assistance aid of to furnish supplies, &c., to army or navy,
not over four persons ............... 74 to be deemed part of land or naval
proceedings in such case .......... 74 force of the United States........... 596
when may call in aid, in civil cases aris- If found guilty, by coeart-martial, to be
ing under treaties ............... 74 76 punished ......................... 596
proceedings in such cass ......... 7 penalty on, for failure to deliver steam '
evidence in all cases, civil and criminal, machinery, may be remitted ....... 616
how to be taken ..................... 75 for naval supplies, claims of certain, to
objections to testimony, and rulings beadjusted and settled ............. 828
thereon, to be notd ............ 76 who to determine ............... 828
may assent to settlement of certain crim- claims to be presented within six months, 828
inal cases by parties ............... 76 limit to allowance to contractors ...... 828
to favor settlement of civil cases by par- certain, may be discharged from penal-
ties or by arbitration ................ 76 ties of unfulfilled contracts ...... 828, 829
may call on local authorities for aid,... 76 mode of settlement ofsuch accounts, 829
meaning of word "consul" In this act,. 76 CGontrats,
to be responsible to the United States for all, except, &c., to be made after adver-
their diplomatic and judicial conduct, 76 4ising for proposals ................ 103
when and who to act in the absence of proceedings in such cases ........ 104
minister .......................... 76 all, for supplies and services, except per-
what expenses may be allowed in the sonal services, to be made after adver-
adjustment of their accounts ......... 77 tising for proposals, unless, &c ..... 220
authority of, and of enmmercial agents if exigency requires, they may be pro-
in uncivilized countries ........... 78, 79 cured by open purchase or contract,. 220
effect of marriages abroad solemnized by, 79 none to be made, unless authorized by
certificate thereof to be returned to law, or under an appropriation, ex-
Department of State ........... 79 cept, &c ......................... 220
what to specify ............... 79 all, made by Secretaries of War, Navy,
salaries of, at Kanagawa and Nagasaki, or Interior, or their subordinates, to
established ....................... 171 be in writing and signed ....... 411, 600
may be appointed for certain foreign copies to be filed In "1Returns Office,".. 412
ports, during present insurrection,... 286 bids, proposals, &c., to be filed. 412
when employment to cease ............ 285 all papers in relation to each contract to
pay not to exceed $1600 per annum,... 286 be connected together and numbered, 412
paynof certain, in foreign ports, may be officer making, to affix oath to hie re-
ncreased ......................... 286 turn ............................... 412
but for not longer than, &c....... 286 form of oath, .................... 412
salaries of, at Bremen, Newcestle-upon- false swearing herein to be perjury, 412
Tyne, Pictou, N. S., Port Mahon, and penalty for not making returns, ... 412
Swatow established ................. 886 "Returns Office " established ........ 412
not to be appointed except to, &c ..... 886 to be in Department of Interior,. 412
nor their compensation increased, . 886 clerk to bo appointed ........... 412
increased salaries to certain ........... 886 salary and duty ............. 412
to report fraudulent practices upon the index book to be kept ................ 412
revenue, &c., ...................... 5659 to contain names of contractors, . . 412
vice-consuls, or commercial agents of and number of contract .. . 412
the United States abroad, duties of, copies of returns to be furnished to any
as to invoices of imports of foreign
goods, ................... 787, 78
one paying, &c....... ......... 412
ee Fad.
8Od fees..................... 412
certificates to be appended ....... 412
Cpssuls-Geaev, returns certified under seal to be evi-
appropriations to pay office-rent and sal- dence ............................ 412
aries of ................ 20, 171, 835, 688 printed letter of instructions to be forth-
Contmp, . with given to each subordinate officer
power of bertain consuls abroad to pun- authorized to make contracts ....... 412
ish for, in cases heard before them,.. 74 to contain what .................. 412
blank forms, etc., also to be furnished,.. 412
of trials before courts-martial, how often, act susperided until first Monday in Jan-
and for what reasons, to be allowed,.. 786 uary, 1868 ......................... 600
CoraiAnd of Wor, lists of contracts solicited or proposed,
provisions concerning, in treaty with and modifications of old ones, to be
Bolivia ........................... 1012 published weekly .................. 624

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1306 1855-1863

INDE. 1807
Cbafcs (continued,) Coi Trade,
certain contracts excepted ...... 624 act to prohibit, by American citizens in
act to prevent members of Congress and American vessels ................. 840
officers of government from taking no citizen or resident of the United
consideration to procure ......... 577 States to prepare any vessel to pro-
such members and officers, and those of- cure coolies from China for transporta-
fering consideration, to be punished by tion .............................. 40
fine and imprisonment, ........... 677 anyvessel, owned in whole or in part b
such contract and agreement to be void, 678 United States citizens, so employed
memberand officer disqualifledfor office, 678 to be forfeited ..................... 840
for goods or supplies with any depart. ma/v be seized, prosecuted, and con-
ment, to be promptly reported to Con- en .................... 840
gresy ............................ 696 building, equipping, navigating, &C,
interest of contractor in, not to be trans- such vessel, how punished .......... 40
ferred ............................. 596 taking coolies on board, or transporting
asch transfer to annul the contract them to dispose of them, how pun-
as against the United States,.... 696 ished ............................. 841
rights of the United States saved,. 596 this act not to interfere with voluntary
for survey of public lands, provisions emigration of Chinese ....... :.....841
concerning ......................... 409 consular certificate required In such
printed manual of instructions to be part case ......................... 841
ot ................. ............. 409 not to be given, unless, &.c... 841
special instructions of surveyor-gen- provisions of acts relating to passengers
eral, also .................... 409 inmerchant vessels, to apply to such
with government, appropriation for ex- vessels carrying passengers between
penses of special committee on, ?.... 884 foreign lorts.................. 841
by Winnebago Indians, certain, not to penalties and forfeitures of those
be valid .......................... 660 acts to apply to masters and Yes-
with government, act to punish frauds in ls.......................... 841
(see Fraud) .................. 696-699 United States vessels of war may ex-
with the Navy Department, provisions amine United States, &c., vessels sus-
regulating ......................... 828 pected of having coolies on board,... 841
Conhats with Government, vessels employed in violation of this act
members of Congress not to take consid- are to be sent to the United States,.. 841
eration for procuring ........... 696 when act takes effect ................ 841
former act extended, so as to embrace
any agent of the government, ....... 696 for the army, supervision of .......... 744
anvakoent a ps, cooks to be detailed from privates of
to be frequently inspected ............ 688 each compaoy ................... 744
soldiers fit for discharge to be discharged, 688 each to have two under.cooks of
Convention, African descent ............... 744
act to carry Into effect with New Grana- pay and rations of under-cooks,... 744
da and Costa Rica, ................. 145 CoIsaac,
between the United States and Peru, act portion ofjudgment against, remitted,, 914
to carry into efbct ................ 795 Coav',
two commissioners to be appointed,.... 795 pay of soldiers acting as, appropriation
their powers, duties, and pay,..795, 796 for ............................... 64
solicitor or agent to be appointed ...... 795 in the army, to be detailed from privates
his duty and pay ............. 796,796 of each company .................. 744
secretary, his duty and pay...... 795, 796 how Long to serve ................... 744
rules and regulations for business. 796 -each to have two under-cooks ........ 744
Secretary of State to transmit papers to Copes,
commissioners ................. 796,796 of letters-patent, authenticated, &a.,
papers to be returned, or deposited made legal evidence ............ 249
at Lima ...................... 796 fees for, in PatentOffice, .......... 248
appropridion to carry act into effect,.. 796 copists,
thirty added in office of quartermaster-
in the penitentiary in the District of general ........................... 641
Columbia, how to be employed ...... 626
deduction from term of sentence of, for appropriation for care of,. 109, 217, 850, 747
good conduct .................... 626 right of appeal *om decisions of circuit
In criminal court of District of Colum- courts in cases of, extended ........ 180
bia, where to be sentenced for offences Corbin, Thomas G.,
punishable by confinement in the pan- payment to .......................... 892
itentiary .................. 685, 686, 828 "Gurinda," Te,
transportation and support of,.685, 686, tonnage duties, wrongly exacted, to be
828 repaid to owners of ................ 917
transfer of certain, to Albany, N. Correspondencetwi Reds,
Y., declared valid, ........ 685, 686 act to prevent ....................... 696
payment to be made to discharged,.... 686 verbal or written, with rebel govern-
(mnaa, William, ment, or agents, or persons, how pun-
land-claim of, under Houmas grant, not ished, ............................ 696
confirmed... ................ 867 In what court offence to be tried, ...... 69

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1307 1855-1863

1308 INDEX.

Cosa Rica, (continued.)

internal duties on, &c., how assessed and Costa Rica released from claims re-
collected ......................... 487 jected by...................... 208
for religions and charitable purposes, provision for cases pending before
not to hold more titan 850,000 of real umpire at the termination of,.... 208
estate .................. .......... 501 umpire to decide in sixty days .... 204
vested rights saved,...:........ 51 pay of commissioners ............ 204
in Nevada Territory, may sue, &c.,.. 709 convention, how and when approved,.. 204
Corpsof Engineers, s!gnature, ratification, &c.........205
act to promote the efficiency of. 748 Caoton's ig A-Signals,
topographical engineers merged in,. 748 appropriation to pay for use and manu-
organization of corps, officers, ....... 749 Costs, facture of ..................... 815, 816
how to be selected ............... 748
officers in, below rank of field officer, not of trials before certain ministers and
to be promoted to higher grade, ex- consuls abroad ............... 78, 76, 76
cept after examination .............. 748 in prize cases, provisions concerning, 874,
iling in examination, to be sus- 875, 608, 627
,pended from promotion for one fees and expenses of sales of prize prop-
year ......................... 748 erty, how to be paid ................ 759
upon second failure, to be dropped See Prize Cases.
from army .................... 748 Cotton,
Corpus Ciristi, tax on, &c ..................... 465,466
office ofsurveyor ofeustoms atabolished, 48 tariff on ........................ 551,568
deputy collectorship established ....... 48 imported from certain places, exempt
pay of deputy collector ................ 48 from additional duty ............... 742
(bau .kita, apprapriation for investigations to test
act to carry into effect the convention flax and hemp as substitutes for,..... 691
between the United States and,.... 145 Coton Seed, See DIties on Imports.
commissioner to be appointed by the
United States ..................... 146 appropriation to purchase for distribu-
duties, pay, &c., of ............... 146 tion ............................... 888
regulations to be made for commission, 146 where to be purchased ............... 888
proper papers to be sent to commis-- Cmsel,
sion .............................. 146 to captors in prize Cases, pay of, ....... 760
papers, &c., to be deposited In State De- authority of Secretary of Navy to em-
partment .......................... 146 pojloy, repealed ..................... 760
testimony of unwilling witnesses, how Fes,
taken ............................. 148 in prize cases, in supreme court, how
appropriation for expenses of commis- pai4 .............................. 760
ston, and of umpire ................ 146 Counterfeiting,
convention between the United States coins, appropriation for prevention of; 88
and the republic of; for the adjust- 1@,
ment of claims, July 2, 1860 ........ 199 treasury notes, bow punished ......... 128
date ofsignatures, ratifications, proc- or having possession of paper for the
lamation, &c .................. 199 purpose of counterfeiting, &c....... 128
contracting parties ............... 199 United States treasury notes or bonds,
citizens of United States, claims of, &c., 200 how punished, .................... 847
commissioners, board of, how appointed, 200 See Penalty.
certain claims cannot be considered detection and arrest of those engaged
by................. .......... 200 in ................................. 749
vacancies in commission, bow filled, 200 penalty for, United States notes and
to meet at Washington In ninety bonds............................. 718
days .................... 200 Couny Colledor,
to take oath................. 200 of Washington County, D. C., duty of,
same to be recorded.............. 201 under act concerning primary schools, 589.
to name an umpire ............... 201 Coupon Bonds.
when disagreeing, who to make ap- See Bonds, Loans, Treasury lotes.
pointment, ..................... 201 may be issued for part of national loan. 259,
mode of procedure of ............ 201 260, 818
claims, each government to furnish pa- how executed ind transferable ....... 259
pers in regard to ................... 201 Secretary of Treasury may issue,...... 709
amount of indemnity, how ascer- Coupons,
tained ........................ 20 1 of semi-annual interest, to be attached to
mode of payment of indemnity,... 202 certificates of stock .......... 79, 129, 178
when first instalment to be paid,... 202 for interest, how signed and executed,.. 259
subsequent instalments and Inter- Court Expenses and Prosecution of Crime,
est ........................... 202 ap ropriations fof, ....... 102, 148, 866, 698
appropriation, by government of Costa cort-91o1fse,
Rica to meet pamments .............. 202 in Philadelphia, appropriation for con-
commission, when to end .............. 208 struction of ................... 90, 869
record, secretary, rules ............ 208 rent of, at Los Angelos, California, to
proceedings of, to be conclusive as be paid..... ............... 108
to certain claims ............... 208 at Indlanapois, appropriation for, ..... 219

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1308 1855-1863

INDEX. 1809
Cotut of affints, Cout-Room,
to take proof of value of claims of heirs and law library for supreme court of the
of Stephen Johnston ............ 915,916 United States ..................... 110
adverse decision of, confirmed in the fol- rent of, at Los Angelos, California, to be
lowinl eases: paid, . ............................ 104
Anderson, Alexander D ......... 928 Cowrts. See.Tides of Me differnt Cotrts.
Anderson, John ................ = in Kansas, and the new Territories.
Armstrong, Brigadier-General,.... 925 See those Tiles.
Barker, Jacob, assignees of, ...... 925 Courts in Districtof Cotumbia,
Clements, R. A., administrator,... 928 reorganization of .................... 72
Eddy, Joshua's, heirs ............ 9 See Distrit of Columbia.
Edwards, Arthur, and others,... 922 Courts-Martial,
Hicks, Isaac ..................... 928 for the trial of militia, to be composed
Hicks, Thomas, executor ....... 928 of militia officers only . ........... 282
King, Thomas B ................. 922 fines imposed by, how collected and
Knaggs, James W., administrator, 922 paid ............................. 28
Mitchell, David 1) ............. 9238 authority of, where the militia fall to
Mullican, James N .............. 928 obey orders of President caling them
Ward, R. R., and others ........ 925 out, .............................. 282
Yale, Moses ..................... 928 general, who may appoint ......... 880, 881
Yates, George ................... 922 authority of officer appointing, to con-
rooms for, in the capitol ............... 110 firm, pardon, &c., sentences...... 880
appropriations for the,.... 94, 185, 857, 685 certain sentences to be confirmed by
appropriation for additional judges and superior officer .................... 880
bailiff ........................... 762 recordq of, to be transmitted to office of
act to amend the act establishing,._:: 765 judge-advocate-general ............ 598
two additional judges ................ 765 sentence of death 'or imprisonment In
petitions and bills for private claims the penitentiary, not to be executed
against the government to be sent until approved by the President, ... 598
to, ............................... 765 field-officer substituted for regimental or
set-offs and counter-claims by the gov- garrison courts-martial ............. 598
ernment, to be considered .......... 765 duty of such field-officer .......... 598
if claimant owes the government, judg- proceedings to be approved ....... 598
ment to be entered therefor, ....... 765 limit to punishment, ............. 698
judgment, how enforced ......... 765 not to sentence to any penitentiary, un-
annual sessions of court, when to com- less, &c ..... ..................... 89
mence ..... ................ 765 navy officers" dismissed by, or resigning
rules, &e., of practice ................ 765 to avoid, not to be reinstated, ....... 585
commissioners ....................... 765 sentences of, on persons convicted of
law library for ...................... 765 mutiny, murder, being a spy, or de-
bailiff, salary, ....................... 765 serter, how may be carried into ex-
to have a seal ........................ 766 ecution ...... ................. 786
members of Congress not to practise courts of the nitd Sles,
in........... ... ........... 76 may make rules, orders, and decrees,
appeals to supreme court, when may be and issue process to carry confisca-
had . ....................... 766, 767 tion, &c., act into effect ........... 692
solicitor and assistant, how appointed,.. 766 Cowing, Wdiam;,
duty and salary .................. 766 payment to, for services as clerk ...... 884
claims sustained, how paid ........... 766 £'adlebaugh,John,
interest, when to be allowed ......... 766 payment to, for removing records,
Secretary of Treasury to report to Con- & . ................................ 917
gres sums paid on judgments of this Craig, Wiliam G.,
court ................. ........... 766 to continue to occupy his land, ........ 960
payments to be full discharge of claim,. 766 Cran, Lied. T. M. A.,
no money to be paid for claims, until may accept medal and diploma from
appropriated upon estimates ...... 768 Spanish government ............... 250
claimant may be examined on oath, ... 766 Crawford, Witima G.
proceedings in such case ...... 766, 767 opayment to ....................... 999
court not to have jurisdiction 'of certain
claims, under treaties ............. 767 appropriations for the, 48, 224, 225, 516, 516,
claims to be filed in court, within six 1777
years ........................... 767 provision for relief of loyali ........... 614
persons under disability .......... 767 Crescent City, (Caljfornia),
petitions to court, to be verified by afi- c6ast mail between, and San Francisco,
davit, ............................ 767 established ........................ 882
contents of petition, .............. 767 mall service at, ...................... 647
judgment not to be rendered in favor Crime,
of any claimant, unless he and all appropriations for prosecution of4 102, 148,
prior owners are loyal. ......... 767 868, 698
practising, or attempting to practise Crimes. See Special leks and Penalty.
fraud upon the United States, how punishment of, connected with forging,
punished.......................... 767 &c., treasury notes ................ 3
appeals in such eases .......... 767 using stamp cut from envelope ...... 167

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1309 1855-1863

1 810 INDEX
Crimes and Mie anmers,
in certain foreign eastern countries, ju- transportation bond given by, for pack-
risdiction over to be in ministers, con- age shipped to Calirnla, to be can-
suls, &c., of the United States,.... 72-79 celled ........................... W8
trials for, punishment of, &c.,.. 78-78 Cro, A.,
See Consuls, Ministers. title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed
disobedience of orders of Presidentwhen to,-........................ 892
calling forth the militia,............. 282 Orum, Abraham, ,
certain conspiracies against the author. life-yension
CTrump, .R. o ....................... 80
ity and government of the United
States ............................ 284 payment to ..... ............. 861
selling, &c., spiituous liquors, &c., to
volunteers in District of 'Co1nmbia, 286, widows, children, &c., of those lost in1
291,292 to receive equal to twelve months
delivering or dis"olng fraudulent tax. pay, &e., ......................... 581
list ................................ 298 accounts of officers and crew of, to be
false oath under tax law to be perjury, 808 equitably settled .............. 876, 876
recruiting soldiers or sailors to serve not over $60 to be paid each man ...... 876
against the United States ........... 817 certificates to officers, crew, &c., of the,
soldiers or sailors enlisting to serve to be paid ......................... 818
against the United States ........... 817 Cummins, George W.,
false swearing before commissioners, indemnification for money borrowed by,
&a., of police, to be peijury ....... 824 of Bank of Smyrna ............... 918
using violence against any elector in the Cunningham, Ann H.,
District of Columbia ............... 824 payment to, for freed slave ......... 924
using violence against a police officer, Qarrenaj, National. See Bankig Assciations
when in discharge if his duty ....... 824 act to provide, &c ................... 665
for police not to arrest for certain of- bureau of, established ................ 665
fences ............................ 824 eomptroler of, appointment, &c., of, 665, 682
falsely personating a police officer..... 824 " rtis Mus," The kchooner,
violation of oath of allegiance ........ 827 name changed to that of "Supply,"... 498
CWnal Cases, Custom-Eouss,
certain, in foreign countries, with con- changed from Point Isabel to Browns-
sent of minister or consul, may be ville .............................. 39
settled ............................ 76 at San Francisco, accounts q( contractor
Oiminal Courtfor the District of Columbia, to build, to be adjusted ............. 111
when judge Is sick, or disabled, circuit at New Orleans and Charleston, provis-
judges to hold in turn .............. 18 ions concerning .................... 105
regulations therefor ............ 18, 14 at Boston, alteration of steps, c. 760
if any circuit judge is disabled, other Cbtom-Hiouses, '
circuit judge to take his place ...... 14 appropriations for annual repairs of,... 106
clerk may adjourn court from time to appropriation for, at Bangor ........ 582
time for not over one week ........ 14 appropriations for St. Louis,........ 182
circuit judgeis to have no additional com- at Belfast and Ellsworth ......... 219
pensation under this act ............ 14 may In certain cases be established at
former provisions of law concerning, re- any secure place in district ......... 256
pealed............. 18 either on land, or on board a ves-
accounts and salary of clerk of. 408 sel ......................... 256
clerk not to be accountable for certain repairs o ........ ............ 749
fees, .... ................... 40 Custms, ONcr qf,
persons convicted in, of offences punish- certain, may be appointed under act to
able by imprisonment in penitentiary, further provide for the collection of
where and how sentenced,...... 6, 828 duties on imports ............. 266, 257
abolished ........................... 764 act reducing compensation of,in Califor-
judge of supreme court of the district. "nla,............................... 411
to hold a criminal court, ............ 768 Custio,
Crimina Offenes, i-., vessel and cargo detained in, of oficer
treaty provisions respetting. See Bel- of customs, not to be taken from,
giun, China, Japan, Paraguay. unless, &c ........................ 256
Criminal Process, of delinguent collectors of taxes, com-
expense of execution o4 in District of mi.ed. ............................ 807
Columbia, to be borne by United of persons refusing to testit and com-
States ............................ 824 mitted under law collecting income
C"iminals, tax ............................. 810, 811
extradition of, (see Sieik,. and ormy,1 fees and exlinses of, and discharge
surrender of, by the Indians. See we from ............................... 811
various Indian Truaties. Cattings and Seeds,
Crttenden, Robert H., appropriations for, procurement, &c., of, 108,
liability of, as surety of A. J. Mitchell, 217, 860, 691
discharged,.. ........... 890 rules of distribution ....... 271,850
Crous, Dennis, packages of, made mailable matter, .... 169
decision of court of claims against, con- rates of postage thereon, .......... 169
firmed ............................ 912 postage upon packages of ......... 704, 709

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1310 1855-1863

INDEX., 14!1
Da (onnued.) holing
times and plas of ar24
Dabo.Ws Ear SipS
to be rested ......................... 62 district courts, number, appointment,
one erected by Dabol at New London, and salary of judges o4 ........ 241-24B
Ct., to be purchased ............... 62 jurisdiction, &c., o4 in chancery and
Dacotak Indians, at common IaW ............ 241, 242
See MedaanXwato, iv., &usseton, '.. times and places of holding courts,
Dahiren, CaptainJMn A., 248,24
thanks of Congress to ............... 824 elar of, qpointment, fees, &o., of4 24
Dainess, Francis, to be repister In chancery.... 242
pa nent to, for expenses and losses at probate court% urisdicon of, and ap-
Constantinople, .................... 89 pointment of judges og;......... tl,W
DaIba, justices of the peace, appointment and
territory of, established .............. 289 jurisdictio n of .................. 1 , 248
boundaries ........................... 289 Aabeas expa, by whom write of may
rights of Indians not impaired ...... 289 be granted ........................ 242
Indian territory excepted out of boun- attorney, appointment, fees, salary, and
daries until, &c... .... ....... 289 duty of ........................... 242
authority of United States over In. marshal, appointment, fees, salary, and
dians thereon not impaired ..... 289 duty oC ........................... 242
territory may be divided, &o .......... 289 contingent expenses of territory, annual
executive power and authority ...... 289 appropriation for .................. 248
governor, term, powers, and duties, 289-244, seat of government, how established and
700, 701 changed, .......................... 248
appointment, qualification, and sal- delegate to Congress, qualifications and
ary .................... 242, 48, 700 election of; .... ................... 248
salary of, as superintendent of In- school secdous ................. 248
dian atfhirs......... 248, 700, 701 constitution and lafra of the United
veto power .............. 700, 701 States, if not inapplicable, made ap.
secretary, term, powers, and duties, 240-248 plicable to the territory ......... 244
appointment, qualification, and sal- surveyor-general to be appointed...... 244
aryl...................242,2W compensation, powers, duties, &ec.,. 244
when to act as governor .......... 240 Yancton land distriet constituted ...... 244
legislative power ..................... 240 location, how made and changed,.. 24
extent and limits of .............. 241 register and receiver appointed,... 244
legislative assembly to consist of council lay, powers, and duties oA ... 244
and house of representatives ....... 240 Dakota River ....................... 244
pay of members, and expenses ot. 248 certain portions of Utah and Washington
appropriation to be made for ex- territories to be added to Nebraska,.. 244
penses ot ..................... 248 annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 296
time and place of first and subse- appropriation for survey of lands in,... 861
quent sessions of ........... 241-248 post-routes established in .......... 42D,664
sessions not to exceed term of forty appropriation for expenses o;. . 277, 278,
days, except the first, ........... 241 698
council, number, term of service, &ec.,..240- part of direct tax laid upon, to be
248 deducted from ................. ON
election of members of ........... 240 expenses of census of ................ 748
house of representatives, number, term territorial library in................... 748
of service, &ec................. 240-248 damages sustained by Inhabitants, from
apportionment for election of members depredations of certain Indiana, to be
of council and house ........... 240 p------------------....80,804
census before first election ......... 240 Dakotaia. See Sioux Indian.
first election, proceedings thereof ..... 240 act to relieve, for damages by depreda-
subsequent elections and apportion- tions of certain bids o4 ........... 662
ments ......................... 240, 241 Dakota River,
voters at first and subsequent elec- name established .................... 24
tion ....................... 241 Dasuage. See Sioux Ians.
eligibility to office at first and subse- by certain bands of Sioux Indians, aet
quent elections .................... 241 concerning ....................... 625
who are disqualified to hold office,. 241 Dankh Berk "g1, Loratua,"
township, district, and county officers, payment to owners of, for wrongfal seiz-
how appointed, &ec ................ 241 ure and detention of ......... 902, 90
judicial power, in what vested......... 241 Da, Mary E.,
supreme court, number, appointment, ,payment to ......................... 846
and salary of judges of ........ 241, 24A
jurisdiction, &c.,in chancery and at port of entry at, abolished ............ 482
common law .................. 242 deptycollector at ................... 482
clerk, appointment, fees, &c., of,... 242 Dart, Anso,
writs of error, exceptions, appeals . yment and indemnity to ........... 860
to and from .................. 242
trial by jury not allowed In eases payment to Duvall and Brothers, as-
removed to .................... 242 sign e of ......................... 89

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1311 1855-1863

1812 INDEX

• yrV"'eia nng June 80; 1860,.... 7-19

appropriations for purhase of right to
use ................................ 148 ofIer of Senate ................ 17
Davis, L)aid., contingent expenses of Senate and
land-warrant to Issue to .............. 881 House ..................... 17, 18
Davis, Bjanmi, employment of draughtsmen
payment to be made to, In settlement of and clerk on land-maps to
a .......................... 8
es% .................... 18,
D s, ooo Cars HRy, acconts ofCapt. Meigs to be
thanks of Congress to ................ 828 settled .................... 18
Day, SY/vstr department of state ......... 18, 19
payment to representatives of ......... 861 mission to Japan ........... 18
Dayon, Wi-m L., American seamen abroad,..... 19
appointed regent of Smithsonian Instf- expenses of delegates to Statis-
tution ....... .............. tical Congress ............. 19
Dead-Leter ie" war department ................. 19
act to promote efficiency ot ........... 882 navy department, ................ .19
diad-letters to be returned to writers, American Nautical Almanac,.. 19
except, U ........................ 882 survey of public lands ........... 19
postage thereon,.:................ 882 payment to George G. Durham,... 19
additional clerks authorized ........... 882 Indian agents in Utah ........... 19
salaries .......................... 882 post-office for June 80, 1860 ............ 112
receipts to pay for compensation,.. 882 for the year ending June 80,1861,. .181-188
report to be made to next Congress,... 882 contingent expenses of the House of
ad ropriationforadditional clerks iv,... 881 Representatives .................... 182
. See Post-Office Depment. capitol extension ..................... 182
in California, Oregon, and Washington, printing and paper, 86th Congress ..... 182
to be sent to General Post-Office,.... 205 custom -house and post-office at St.
advertised letters, when to be returned Louis, Missouri .................... 182
as dead ......................... 168 suppression of the slave-trade ........ 182
unclaimed money from, how applied,... 168 pay, mileage, and contingent expenses
report concerning, to be made,.... 168 of Senate ......................... 182
postage on those returned ............ 168 contingent expenses of Senate and
Postmaster-General may make regula- House ............................. 182
tions concerning ........... 702, 708 eighth censu, ........................ 182
with valuables to be registered ....... 708 select committees of the House of Rep-
disposel of their contents .......... 708 resentatives ....................... 182
other such letters, how disp6sed of,.... 708 removing office of Fourth Auditor to
foreign, to be subject to agreements with Winder's Building .................. 182
foreign governments ................ 708 to enable superintendent of public print-
Djostge on ........................... 70 ing to carry into effect resolution of
Da11 Dumb, ad BUnd, I June 28, 1860 ..................... 182
appropriations for the, 109, 217,89,870, 747 no part to be expended until title to
De = o, Gadaupe Eudilo, propert 7 is approved ............ 182
payment to, for losses sustained by hus- pay of clerks in land-office at Kickapoo,
band .............................. 849 2Kansas---------------------....188
De Boone, Sieur, no payment to be made except on
representatives of, may Institute suit for vouchers, &. .................. 188
lands in Michigan ................. 888 act of 1856, ch. 129, § 7, repealed,.... 188
malls from New York to Sn Francisco,
Dee*. proceedn
ee, Divedt W In uch suit, ....... 888,889 via Panama ........................ 188
of real estate sold for taxes ....... 804, 810 amount received for postages to be
form of, when to be given, cost of, 804, 806, deducted ...................... 188
title under, when property of delinquent 806, 810 for seamen .......................... 215
for completion of geological survey of
collectors or sureties is sold ......... 807 Oregon and Washington ............. 207
of real or personal property in the Dis- for fiscal year ending June 80, 1868 ... 648
trict of Columbia, may be acknowl- state department .................... M
edged before a notary-public ........ 91 marshal of consular court at Bang-
certified under his hand and seal, to have kok .......................... 648
same effect as if made before a justice, at Canton .................... 648
or justices of the pence for the district, 91 war department, ............. 6 48-5
of real estate under the internal rev. contingencies in office of Secretary
enue act .......................... 441 of War, and in other offices of
of personal estate ................... 487 the department,......... 48, 649
See Interl Revene. additional clerks, ............. 649
office of register of in District of Co- blank beoks, stationery, &e ...... 649
lumbia, established ................ 651 quartermaster's department ...... 649
of public sques and lots, In Washing- cavalry and artillery horses ...... 649
ton, D. ., by officers, not invalid for transportation .................... 649
want of acknowledgmen; ........... 807 barracks, quarters, and hospitals,.. 649
lothing, camp and garrison equi-
of Washington, appropriations for, 889, 62 Ppe ..................... 649

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1312 1855-1863

TWDEM88 t818
D~fo~ag Appreprk"io (continued,) Delawam n'oJ (connued,)"
steam r~B,, .......... 49 United States to paytr certain depr-
arms, o ab,iL ordnance stores, 650 dations upon Indians ............... 1181
gunpowdir and lead, .............. 660 for lands, reserved for the Dela-
medical and hospital department,.. 660 wars, but previously assigned to
surveys for military defences, maps, other Indians ................. 1181
&c ........................... 660 ehefs and interpreter each to have a
subsistence of regulars and volun- tract of land....................... 1181
ters .......................... 650 annual salary of councilmen ......... 1181
treasury department .................. 649 Inconsistent stipulations invalid....... 1182
additional clerks in New York and expenses of this eaty to be borne by
Philadelphia, .................. 649 the Indians and paid out of their trust
expenses of loans snd treasury finds,....................... 1182
notes ......................... 649 Interest under the treaties to be paid
collecting direct taxes In insurrec- April let and October 1st, .......... 1132
tionary districts ............... 649 signature, ratifications, &c ........... 1182
Interior department, .................. 649 mendment, ......................... 1182
special agent, to detect frauds on conditions upon which patents shall
pension cases .................. 649 Issue to the railroad ........ 1182, 1188
annual repairs of President's house, 649 surplus lands to be disposed ot If the
agency debts in Colorado ....... 649 company falls, &c................ 1188
Fort Laramie treaty ............. 649 railroad to sell all the lands in seven
surveyor-general of lUinois and Mis- years, ........................... 1188
souri ......................... 649 amendment assented to .............. 1188
contingent expenses of House of Repre- signatures and ratification ............ 1184
sentatives ......................... 650 treaty between the United States and,
folding documents, and miscella- July 2, 181, ...................... 1177
neotis Items ................... 650 preamble, &c ...................... 1177
stationery, furaiture, repairs, &c.,. 660 surplus lands, purchase of, by railroad
contingent expenses of Senate......... 660 company ......................... 1177
clerks of committees, messengers, forfeiture, &c., proceeds for the
....................... 6601 benefit of Indians ......... 1177
public printing, and paper for public Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western
printing .................. 650 Railroad Co.. ..................... 1177
De Grot, Wiam H., bonds of, amounts of each, ....... 1178
aecount of, to be settled, ........ 874, 895 provision of payment, &c.. ....... 1178
D"goo, Willim H., lit of lands .................... 1178-1180
resolution In favor of, repealed ........ 895 United States may take possession
papom to be transmitted to court of of, ........................... 1180
claims ............................ 89 railroad company entitled to patent,....1180
acknowledgment of agent of do.,...1180
indemnification to certain citizens of, for authority of agent of do., to, hiake
expenses in equipping volunteers,.. 918 conveyance, .................. 1180
annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 296 to execute bonds and mortgage,...1181
post-route established in .............. 678 form of bond, form of warrant . 1182
Ddaioom fadiam, * certificate of register of deeds, d..1188
treatywith, of May 80, 1860 ....... 1129 of judge of district court ....... 1188
provisions of treaty, of May 6, 18M,.. 1129 ratification ..................... 1188
reservation in former treaty to be sur- signature, &o ................... 1186
*eyed ............................ 1129 Delwares,
eighty acres tobe assigned to each mem- appropriations 1or the, 49, 226, 516, 517, 778,
ber of the tribe ................... 1129 779, 798
how to be divided and assigned,... 1129, certain sums to be credited to, for trust
118' funds abstracted, ............... 69,5
certifieates to Issue for such tracts,..... 1180 Dologate to C-9ss,
suc land* not alienable, unless, & .,.. 11 0 from Col6rado, Dakota, and Nevada, 176,
t9 be secured to family, In case of 214,248
death ........................ 1180 Dequent Coler See Direct Tax.
provision In case lands assigned are of taxes, provisions concerning ....... 807
bandoned........ .......... 1180 personal property may be taken and
Improvements ....... .......... 1180 sold on warrant, ................... 807
Leavenworth, e., railroad to have pref- may be arrested ftc..............
... 807
erence in the purchase of remaining Xestate
r may e sold ............... 80
lands........................ .1180, 1188 Ddim~j,
minimum price to be $1.25 per acre,. - .1180 of letters by earriers, to be for one cent
patent in fee to Issue to such road ..... 1180 each ................ ;............ 88
proceeds of sales, how to be applied,... 1180 boxes for, at outside stations in suburbs
railroad company to have perpetual right of cities, & ....................... 88
of way, ........... 1180 of letters and newspapers by carriers,
provision for certain absent Del&wares, 1180, within a circuit of nine miles from the
1181 City Hall, New York, .............. 168
reservations, and when to be disposed of free letters, no charge for allowed
of ................................ 1181 to postanisteif, except at Washington, 204

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1313 1855-1863

Ddioa1 , (coatinued.)
of letters at branch 7 toffices,... 880, 704 In ca' pending in the Patent Offie,_
See BrancA a-Ofmies. how may be taken ................. 246
prceedings therein ........... 246
fishing bounty o to be pai Moses No- of witnesses in military courts, residing
ble ............................... 886 out of the district, may be taken,.... 786
Dsmen, reasonable notice to be given ..... 786
for certain taxes, how made .......... 714 of witnesses in the United States, may
special, not necessary, In certain cases,. 714 be taken, to be used in certain suits
Demand iTreas 1 Notes, in foreign countries................. 769
ceraln,to taken
e rapidly,........ 845
up mode of procedure to take ...... 769
certain, made A legl tender and lawfkl penalty on witness for not appearing, or
money ............................ 870 for refusing to testify ............... 769
Dvr(Colorado Territory), fe and mileage of witneses ....... 769
act establishing branch mint at, for coin. commissions to take testimony of wit-
ago ot gold ........................ 882 nesses in foreign countries, in suits in
Secretary of Treasury to receive con- which the United States are parties,
.veyances of grantors of certain lots or have an interest, how returned, 769,
In,f r purposes of branch mint at,.. 8 77C
Mint, Depls. See B.
DeW Brand of public moneys may be in certain
appropriations for current expenses of,. 750 solvent specie-paying banks........ 814
Deover fty, with banks, U., certain amount of to be
tri-weekly mail to ............... 169, 206 taxed ............................. 712
Dqartaen of Apg'dcidte Bee Agriaklume Dpledaftn. See Sioux Indians.
act to establish ................. 887, 888 by certain bands of Sioux Indians, act
appropriations for salades of commis- concerning, ........... 662
toner, &c ........................ 691 agreements by Indians not to commit,
for collecting statistics ......... 691 and when committed, to pay Ar. See
distributing cuttings and seeds,.... 691 severod Imdian l7eatis.
introduction, &c., of isectivorous yAsa Teasure. of As Unied States,
birds..................... 691 appointment of, at New York, author-
experiments in chemstry ........ 691 .ed
culture of cotton and tobacco .....691 compensation, duties, e ........ 868
preparing flax and hemp as substi- DeO.§,olecf. See t Ta.-
tutes for cotton ................ 691 for colleeting direct appointment,
D*patoet of te west, dutles,and pay of,............. 808
pay, bounty, and pensions to ofiers sia under the internal revenue act, appoint-
men of the department oA .......... 874 ment, power and duty of,....... 484-489
appropriation thereflr ................ 886 See Intewal Revenue.
payments suspeded,
t8 *o .................
e 28 Deputone ollector
o.. 628 (Custos),
authorized at CMinoteague Isand, 687
fees .................. a? .67be
commissioners under the act concern.
ber t,~o....................... 8% under
ing, to have six months to make internal revenue act, may admin-
Aster oath ......................... 68
no fees therefor ................. 682
"returns ofe" established in ....... 412 may perform duties of eollectors, ...... 114
See Cnut. pay of,.......................... 725
a priation for the-........ 649, 687,688 Dq* uty Co M Pisnrrhtrad
f Revenue,
appointment, salary, duties........ M 72
appopriations for paper and printni of Dqns CossbVItrol. of the C0mienc,
the . ... 100, 141, 867 650 685 appointment, &P.................... 666
",See oft4
as n . Deputy Solictor of Court of Mlims,
how appointed, duty, o ............. 766
United States notes in sums of not less Do Rqpendpiy. 71.Oiaw
than $100, for not less than thirty rejrentatives of, may institute suIt for
days, may be received on .......... 846 i h A .................
rate of Interest and llow withdrawn, 846 proceedings in such suit ....... 888, 889
interest to cease at pleasure of See- Deserat
retary of Treasury .......... 86 ordinance of theprovisional government
aggregate of depo it not to exceed of the state of, establishing, &o.; po-
* p5,00,o00............... 846 lygemy annulled .............. 01
my be received for not over Desetr,
awed , #o000.o0o
..................... 870 when commissioned o merstendering
resignatons, to be deemed .......... 816
of public moneys. any banking auoe4- persons drafted and notified, and not
tion may be made .................. 680 appearing, or, &o., to be deemed,.... 88,
but not of receipts fom customs,.. 680 784
DePoani'ta-. See Direct Tax. punishment for being ................ 785
in each state to be appointed to recelve, not returning acoording to the Ptres.
&e., money oilece0 from taxes..... 09 dent's proclanation, how punished, M
duties of ................... 809, 810 786

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1314 1855-1863

INDE 1815

Deseters (continued.) Dhvd 21rT,(continued.)

penalty for enticing to desert, for bar- when to be appointed and qual -
boring, &e.,. 786 cations o................. 296, 811
See Ncztiou Forces. collectors to give bond before entering
Deserrfroms Vesses, on duties ......................... 296
provisions concerning, under treaty with amount and sureties, where to be
Bo via, ........................... t0 filed................... 296
Deertion, bends to be from time to time re-
of wife by husband, protection to wife newed, &c .................... 296
and her property, in case of ....... 60 assessor to divide district into assess-
ment districts, ..................... 296
in applications for patents for, models toappoint assistantassessor for each
may be dispensed with, when, &c.,... 247 assessment district ............. 299
extension of patents for .............. 248 assessor and assistants to be sworn,.... 296
Des Moines, form of oath .................... 97
M irer, for clerk hire at ....... 82 certificate of oath to be filed with
collector ....................... 297
grant of lands to Iowa for improvement penalty for acting without taking
og confirmed ..................... 648 the oath ...................... 299
Ddecive Police, how to be recovered ....... 297
provision for .................... 581, 749 Secretary of Treasury to establish reg-
De iuser, Simon, ulations and frame instructions,...... 297
relieved from certain penalties,...... 889 assessors and assistants to follow
to pay costs ................... them, &- ..................... 297
Dikkin, Asbury , real estate taxed to be valued as of
to be allowed In his accounts a payment April 1, 1862, ..................... 97
to Mrs. E. A. Richardson .......... 272 regard to be had to state valuation
Dickson, Susan, nearest April 1, 1862, .......... 297
widow of John, payment to ........... 920 what exempted from taxation-..... 297
D/7, anuel fH., tax lists, property owner to furnlsh, upon
assignment of land warrant by, to R. request ............................. 297
K. Doebler, made valid ............ 852 if owner has no list and will disclose,
Dipomatic Correpondence, assessor to make list .............. 297
appropriation for printing ............. 86 penalty for delivering or disclosing a
Diplomatic Representatives, fraudulent list, .................... 298
to Hayti and Liberia, President may ap- lists how made out in such cases ....... 298
point ............................. 421 when notice is to be given owner to far-
their rank and pay ............... 421 nish list .......................... 298
DipOMatic &eroe, proceedings when list Is not given upon
general appropriation for, 1860-1,...19, 20 notice or request, .................. 298
general appropriation for, 1861-62,..170-172 list of property of absent owners, how
general appropriation for, 1862-.68,..886, 887 made.......... ............ 298
ditional appropriation for, 1862, ...... 886 lists how made of property in another
general apropriation
Dirwot of the lint, for, 1868-64,...744, 754 collection district ............... 29 9
duty of assessors in sueh eases,.... 299
at Philadelphia, to have control of their fees ................... 299
bianch mint at Carsop City....... 770 lists to be taken with referenee to April
Dretr. See Borban Associatons. 1, 1862, ........................... 299
in banking associations, number, resi- list of residents to be made ......... 299
dence, interest, oath, term of of- and of non-residents ............. 299
fice .............................. 676 forms of list to be devised by assessor,. 299
election of, and filling of vacancies,.... 676 lists to' be given to assessor by assistant
by-laws, for election, &e., of .......... 668 assessor within tie ................ 299
limit of indebtedneasof .............. 675 penalty on assistant assessor for
debts of, tp be stated ................ 678 neglect of duty .............. 299
wilful vAlation of act by, to forfeit the notice to be given when Hats and valua-
franchise .......................... 679 tions are completed9................. 29
embezzlement b7, offunds of association, proceedings of assistant asseisors open
how punished, ..................... 680 to inspection ...................... 299
Dime Tar, appeals may be heard within certain
of 0,000,000 laid and how apportioned, period ........................... 299
annually........................ 294-296 appeas to be in writing, what to con-
only one to be levied under act of 1861, tain,........................... 800
until April 1, 1866.................. 489 asessors to hear and determine appeals, 299
amounts apportioned to several states how valuations are to be determined by
and territories and District of Colum- assessor ...................... 299", 800
b ........................... 296,296 valuations may be examined and equal-
states, territories, lc., to be divided into zed8............................. M800
convenient collection districts ....... 296 not to be increased without previous
any state or territory may form one notice to owner ................... 800
districk ................... 296 ff more than one collection district in a
assessor and collector to be appointed state, assessors may equalize valua-
for each district ........... . 296 tions, ............................. 80C
VOL. xL. INDEX- 168

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1315 1855-1863

Isis IIIN1j ,
Dhvct Tax, (continued.) Dhvw Tax, (coutinued.)
how to be equalized ............... 800 may redeem after sale .......... 804
assessors to make out lists and deliver deed not to be given until, &o., .. 8.
to board of assessor . 800 form, cost, &c., of deed ........... 805
assessors for any state to constitut a collector to render account of sale, &c., 804,
board ............................. 800 805
board to organize and make rules and collection of tax on property of non-res-
regulations ......................... 800 idents ............................ 806
to appoint clerks to act under property may be sold, if tax had re-
a ................. 800 mained unpaid one year ......... 805
penalty for acting before taking provisions as to sale ....... 806
oaths ............ 800 collectors to deposit with clerks of
duty of clerks............ 800, 801 court, lists of property sold, .... 805, 806
assessors to attend general meeting of right of redemption, proceedings, ...... 80
board, ... ,.. ,...
. ..... 800 clerk'iees ......................... 806
penalty for neglect ................ 800 redemption when lands of infalnts, in-
for failing to furnish board with sane people, &c., are sold ............ 806
lists ....................... 800 improvements by purcuser to be
may be remitted by Secretary paid for ....................... 80
of Treasury ............... 801 cllectors to transmit to Secretary of
board to make out equalization and ap- Treasury accounts of coiletos
portionment, ...................... 801 monthly .......................... 806
their valuation to be final and the to pay over quarterly ............ 806
basis of taxation .............. 801 to be charged with amounts re-
board diligently to revise and adjust ceipted for ................... 806
lists .............................. 801 to be credited with what, ..... 806,807
relative valuation not to be changed un- delinquent collectors, proceedings
less, &c ......................... 801 against, ....................... 80N
inequalities of taxation to be reported warrant of distress against collector and
to Congress for relief .............. 801 sureties .......................... 807
board to proceed to apportion tax ...... 801 personal property of collector to be
to deliver to assessors certificate of sold........................... 807
apportionment, ................ 801 for want thereof body may be taken,
assessors to make their lists conform,.. 801 e., .807
contents of lists ................. 801, 802 sums due from cllector to be len on
lists to be given to collectors within, &c., 802 his lands and those of his sureties,... 807
penalty for default in this ........ 802 real estate may be sold ............... 807
this valuation, apportionment, assess- title under tax deed .................. 807
ment, &c., to remain until altered, &c., 802 balance of proceeds of sale, if any, how
tax assessed to be a lien upon real estate disposed ot ........................ 807
for two years .................... 808 penalty on, collector or deputy for ex-
pay of assessors, assistants, and clerks,. 802 tortion ........................... 807
allowance to be made for stationery accounts of money received for tax,
and blank books ............... 802 how kept at Treasury Department,. 808
collector to give bond before receiving to be laid before Congress........ 808
lists............................. 802 assessors yearly to make out lists of
frm, penalty, &c., of bond,... 80 80 changes and transfers of real estate,.. 808
on receiving lists to give three re- to do what with lists ............. 808
ceipts ........................ 802 duty of collectors in such cases ........ 808
for what receipts are given,... 802 proceedings in case any state il to
collector may appoint deputies and re- pay her quota of tax .............. 808
voke appointments ................ 808 penalty for taking false oath, &c., under
mode of appointment ............ 808 this act, ........................... 808
authority of deputy ................ 803 pay of collectors and deputies ..... 808,809
collector responsible for moneys collect- not to exceed certain sums ....... 809
ed,.......................... 808 allowance for blank books and station-
to advertise that tax is due and ery, .............................. 809
payable...................803 provisions as to income tax....... 809, 810
to demand tax once at dwellings. 808 See Ideme Tax.
to distrain if tax is not paid within, if any state is in rebellion when this act
&c ..... ..................... 808 goes into operation, act to be enforced
duty in case of distraint,.. 808, 804 when, &c ........................ 811
property distrained may be restored on each state may collect and pay its quota
payment of tax and costs ........... 804 of direct tax in its own way........ 811
if tax not paid, property to be sold,.... 804 proceedings in such case,....... 811
what exempted from distraint......... 804 deduction In such case of fifteen
real estate to be sold, if personal not per cent ..................... 811
sufficient ......................... 804 to what to apply .......... 811
provision as to sale ........... 804 deduction of ten per cent. in cer-
if real estate will not sell for enough to tain cses ...................... 811
pay tax, United States to take it,.... 804 no assessors, collectors, &c., to be ap-
oWner, &c., may prevent sale by pay- pointed in such case ................ 811
ment, &c ......................... 804 atate may pay its quota of tax, by re-

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1316 1855-1863

INDE87 1817

Dkwt Tax (continued.) Diret Taxre, (continued.)
leasng so much of its liquidated claim further time for redemption allowed in
against the United States ........... 812 certain cases ...................... 424
In such case same abatement to be al- appeal from decision of tommiss'oners, 424
lowed, ............................ 812 jurisdiction of federal courts in such
collectors to collect duties imposed by cases......... ............. 4M
this act ........................... 812 commissioners may lease lands taken for
to prosecute for recovery thereof,.. 812 taxes and bid In by the United States, 424
fines, penalties, and forfeitures Imposed form, term, and security of leases,. 424
by this act, how recovered and to conditions of lease and terms of
whose use ....................... 812 occupancy, .................... 424
debts due from collector to United States commlssionersWaysellinsteadofletting, 426
to be a Ben on his real estate and that notice and certificate of sale ...... 42
of his sureties ..................... 812 who my be purchase ........... 426
when such real estate may be sold, 812 terms of payment, ............... 426
validit.y of tax deed, ................ 812 rights of preimption may be Sc-
commissioner of taxes to be appointed,. 812 quired therein ................. 425
authority and duty of.. ..... 812 proceeds of sales and leases, how may
may have clerks assigned him. 812 be disposed o .................... 425
salaries of clerks ............ 812 to be paid. into the United States
if collector Is sick, deputy may act,... 812 treasury ...................... 426
notice thereof to be given to Secre. proceeds of sale and leases, one fourth
tary of Treasury .............. 812 to be paid to governor of state,
Ac.....o.........° ........
if collector dies or resigns, deputy long- to reimburse loyal citizens, A.,.. 426
estin service to act as collector,..812, 818
Dic Taan. See Taxs. one fourth to be paid to state as a
provision for state paying ............ 884 fund to aid colonization or emi-
act to collect, in insurrectionary districts, 422 gration to Hayti, Liberia, Ac.,.. 425
when not collectable In any state be- mistakes in valuation, &c., not to affbot
cause of insurrection, they shall be validity of tax, .................... 425
charged upon all lands and lots, ex- tax books to be kept by commissioners, 426
cept , ...... ................... 422 what to be entered therein, ....... 426
what valuation to be taken ......... 422 transcripts to be filed in osce of
when records of assessments and Secretary of the Treasury,. .426, 426
valuations are lost, 4c ........ 426 when to be evidence,.............. 426
what part of tax charged on each piece property of the value of 8600 and less,
or lot of land...................... 422 owned by ndividuals, to be exempt
= ty to be chae beside ......... 422 from taxation ......... ....... 426
Ideut to proclaim In what states act to take effbet upon its passage ..... 426
the Insurrection 4xists ............. 4221 act to amend the act for the collection
tax and penalty t9 be thereupon a lien of, in insurrectionary districts ...... 640
on lands ........................... 422 tax commissioners to advertise for sale
owner may within certain time pay tax lands on which taxes are unpaid,.... 640
and d land from lien. 422 sale, how advertised and notified,...... 640
title toland on which tax is not paid to to be to highest bidder, but for not
be forfeited to the United States. 428 less than taxes, a ........... 640
after sale, to vest in the United when commissioners may bid in for the '
States, or purchasers, clear of all United States ..................... 640
incumbrances ............... 428 payment to be made in what, ........ 640
tax commissioners to be appointed for certificate of sale, eff ct o ............ 640
each of such states ................ 428 how alone impeached ............ 641
number, pay, iond, .............. 428 owner, or any loyal person having a
pay not to begin until they en- lien thereon, may redeem ........ 640
ter on their duties ......... 428 proceedings for redemption,...640, 641
may employ a clerk, pay, Ac.. 426 where the owner is a minor, or
when to enter upon their duties,... 428 under disability ............ 641
to advertise for sale lands on which certain t fatsmay bb bid in for govern-
taxes are unpaid .............. 428 mgut purposes. ................... 641
to sell same to highest bidder .... 428 provisions concenn .......... 718, 781
or to bid in for the United States,.. 428
payment for land sold for taxes, to be Disatler S~diem,
made in wjiat ..................... 428 act to hfilitat the discharge of ....... 688
certificate of sale ............... 428
to be prid face evidence of title, of volunteers at end of war .......... 268
Ae............. ............ 428 provision for, so as to reduce military
owner of lands, or any loyal person hav- establishment at end, & ........... 281
ing any interest therein, may redeem, officers of regular army to retain
&c......... ........ ............ M position, &c.................. 281
proceedings for redemption ....... 428 Dhwsin 0fflcer,
when owner is a minor or un- acounts of certain to be settled, ...... 116
der disability .............. 424 DWie n Officer and Agent,
certificate of commissioners, how alone act to provide for more prompt settle.
imeached ..................42 ment of accounts o4 ................ 598

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1317 1855-1863

1318 IND3X
DiDid Attorney (continued.)
D i-s Oi- -d .- a-,. (continued.)
accounts o4 to be settled monthly .....69ZI In northern distrkr of California, to de-
when to be forwarded .......... 69E fend certain suits ................... 126
proceedings if accounts are not re- pay for services in suppression of the
ceived in seas.on ............ 698 slave-trad ......................... 869
time may be eitended,....598, 594 pay In prize cases ................... 875
may move to have jurors take additional
of contingencies of navy expenditures, oath .............................. 40
each bureau to show its own.....81, 148 special duty of, in prize ases,....... 608
detailed estimates of expenditures to be to report to Secretary of Navy, &.,.... 608
given ............................ 81 to attend on settlement and allowance
of marshals' bills8. ................. 608
of volunteers at end of the war, ....... 268 par of, not to exceed .000...........
allowance to volunteers when honorably suits in behalf of the United States, un-
dischaged sfer cert n services,. 270 der banking act, to be conducted by, 68C
of enlisted men for physical disability, in what courts to be brought, ..... 681
act to facilitate ................... 886 to Inquire diligently as to violations of
medical inspectors way dischargeT, with act to punish frauds against the gov-
the consent of the person disc haged, 886 ernment .......................... 698
certificate of inspector to be evidence written consent of, necessary to discon-
Of,...........................M tinue suit brought by private prose-
what certificate must show,....... 88 cutor under that act ............... 698
pay due at time, not affected, ......... 886 to have two per cent. upon collections
to be reported to adjutant-generil and under revenue laws, in full for costs
surgeon-general ................ 886 and fees .......................... 741
President may discharge any officer of fees of, for defending suits against col-
army, &c., for cause, or to promote the lectors for official acts .............. 741
service............................ 596
Dica/dConvct, to appear in suits against collectors, un-
less otherwise ordered ............ 741
from penitentiary, in Distriet of Colum. to make returns annually to solicitor,.. 741
bia, pament to ................... 68 returns to state what,................. 741
to be transmitted to Congress,..... 741
appropriation for comfort of .......... 508 to attend at examinations of political
Discount. prisoners before the Uhited States
rate of Interest upon ............. 678, 679 judges ............................ 766
Diskyal Empojeee, compensation to, for serwices In enfore-
of the government, appropriation for er- ing the laws for the suppression of the
pnses of committee on ............ 586 slave-trade ........................ 89
Dismissal, to be under the authority of and report
President may dismiss any officer of to the Attorney-General, ........... 286
army, &c., for cause, or to promote may be aided by counsel employed by
the service ........................ 598 Attorney-General, ........... 286
Dtld Srits. See Inera Reeu. to Institute proceedings for condemna-
provisions of internal revenue act con- tion of property used to aid Insurrec-
cerning ........................44-459 tion ............................... 819
D&'iers. See I eal Rmenue. federal, in Calfornia, may certify, &-,
provisions of internal revenue act eon- records in law cases ............... 80
cernin;.................446,46 effect of such record ............. 820
of oa oil..... .......... 468 may employ clerks to transcribe rec-
Distraint. See Direct Tax. ords .............................. 820
foMr taxes, provisions concerning,...808, 804 number and pay of clerks ....... 820
what exempted fiom ................ 80 clerks of courts to deliver, on request,
proceedings for under the internal reve- records to attorneys................ 82
nueact,........... 489,440,448,449,462 penalty for not doing so ........... 820
copy of, where to be left, ............. 714 to be vigilant in enforcing the prohibi-
Distras. See Direct Tax. tion of commerel intercourse with
" for taxes, provisions concerning,...30, 804 inhabitants of states in Insurrection,
what exempted from ................. 804 Appendix, 1282
Distribution. See Public & ".
of public books and documents, provis- assessment for assessing direct tax . 296
ions concerning the ............... 828 Volioe, in District of Columbia,......822
Ditriutive Slamae Property, Did&v S. ee nternal Reen
duty upon, if over certain value,...486-487 tax upon ....................... 469, 470
District Attorey, Divdends,
vacancy in ofiee ot when may be filed of profits of bankig ssociations, to be
by court,.......................... 768 made in May and November, .. 678
apontment, to last how log, ........ 768 capital stock not to be diminished by, 677
tn ichigan, ........................ 661
Dist'et Atones, Divisons,
appropriations for,...102, 148, 865, 88, 869, of volunteers, how made up,......... 69
698 Divorces, - fi~arco c
in Kansas, Colorado, Dakota, and Ne- act to authorize, in the Ditrict of Co-
vada. See tose Taes. lumbh .".....................

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1318 1855-1863

continued.) Distic (JmrtS of the Unaited &atea (contlUed.)
court to have jusdition, 59 in California, duty and power of, in re-
application to be made by petition ..... 69 spect to surveys and plats of private
proceedings on such petition .......... 59 land claims ...................... 88, 84
notice to respondent, ............. 69 eo~enstlon of judges for extra
., hearing to be when summons has labos.............. 84
-. , been served twenty days ....... 59 appropriation therefor ........ 104
)judgment for divorce not to be render- 69 See Cafmd.
- ed on default withuwt proof ........ 59 additional terms of,.in Kentucky, .... 86, 87
admissions in answer not..............
to be taken as 59 at Covington, Louisville, and Padu-
proof of fets charged cah, ........................ 86,87
such facts must be proved by other provision also for special terms,. 86, 87
evidence ..................... 69 clerk to keep office at each place, 86, 87
causes for divorce from the bond of mat- for northern district of New York, sub-
rimony. .................... 59 division of district for trials of issues
former husband or wife living, Ac., 59 of fact abolished, .................. 8
lunacy, impotency, adultery .. 59 terms of, in Oregon, ................. 86
cause for divorce from bed and board, 69,60 salary of judge of ................... 86
cruelty, desertion, &c............. 60 term og in Northern District of Tior-
not to be granted for causes occurring ida, ............................... 86
out of district,.................... 60 in Kansas, established ................ 128
unless party applying has resided terms of appeals, &c., from ........ 128
two years in the district, ....... 60 in Minnesota, terms of ........... 220
Issue of what marriages thus dissolved, in Colorado ..................... 174
to be leitimate ................... 60 in Nevada, ...................... 212
question of legitimacy how tried,.. 60 in Dakota, ...................... 241
alimony, dower, and separate property, 60 provision for holding, during temporary
court may restore to wife her maiden absence of judge, where there are two
name,..... I ...................... 60 judicial districts in the state........ 818
and grant her custody of children, jurisdiction of, in appeals in cases of re-
&C..................... . 60 demption of real estate ............. 42
after divorce from bed and board, adui. laws vesting certain, with powers of
tery by wife to be cause for depving circuit courts, repealed ............ 577
her of custody of children, aiony, time and place of holding, in Ken-
&c.,.......................... 60 tacky ............................ 886
protection to wife, deserted by her hus- power and duty of clerk in absence of
band ............................ 60,61 jUdge ............................ 886
priieedings in such case,....... 60, 61 ournments . ...................... 886
her property, earnings, &., to be speal terms, ...................... 886
here ........................ 60,61 terms not limited,................... 886
order of court to that. effect to be jurors, grand jury, talesmen......... 886
entered of record ............. 61 clerk and deputies
provision for pending process not re- 887
person taking such property after
notice and record, to restore prp-
erty and double its value,......61 bail bonds, dediult new bnd,. 887
after such order wife to be as einse September term for distrit of Maine to
instead of at
sde ............................ 61 e held at Bath,
Div. John, asset, ............................ 575
bounty land warrant to issue to ....... 848 provision for prooes .... ..... 575
Distnic Court Of the District of Cwiebia, time and place of holding, In West Ten-
abolished ............................ 764 nessee ........................... *. 587
judge of supreme court of the district, provision for pirocess, &e .......... 587
to hold a district court, ............. 768 Distric eAd
See drict of Colmbia. appropriations for salaries of the,.. 148, 869,
Ditrct O t ofthe United State, 698
special session in the disltiet of In- when may authorize collector to search
diana...................... 681 for and seize invoices, papers, A.,... 741
proces pending and returnable,... 681 Distit of CJonaia,
in Washington Territory, times and provisions. concerning criminal court
plaoes for holding,_... .......... 648 in, ............................. 18,14
time of holding in Indiana,............ 657 tavern and other licenses in, how grant-
in Ohio .......................... 657 ad............................... 29
in Michigan ................. 657,661 Grand Lodge of Odd-fellows in, incor-
terms of in Iowa and WIsconsin ....... 699 , rated,.........................
. 29
In Cliforni and Oregon, no longer to Wnslngton's Manual Labor School in,
have powers of circuit courts,.. 794, 796 dissolved, &c. ................ 80
certain, may issue executions and final German Benevolent Socet in, incorp-
process in certain cases .............. 807 rated ............................. 81
times for holding in Northern District of Prospect Hill Cemetery in, proprietors
Alabama, changed .............. 28 oC incorporated. ................... 82
provision for return of process ...... 28 National Gallery and School of Arts in,
special terms may be held on notice, 28 incorporated .................. 85
inconsistent laws repealed ........ 28 act authorizing divaore in,....... 69-6

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1319 1855-1863

1320 I2DIM.

Dhsfr ofOfUMMo loontinue) District of Co1lmik, (continued.)

extension of branch of the Alexandria, laws of, to be revised and codified, 764, 78
&c., railroad in ................... 128 patherefor .................... 766
appropriations for judges, &a., in...... 148 zoemts, %blic. See PublicDocme.
auxiliary guard, penitentiary, &h., 144, Documents. See Stamps.
21F provisions concerning stamps upon, &h., 82,
insane of the army and navy in,... 177 B.,
annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296 Dodd Wilim
act creating metropolitan police district payment to Horace Austin, as commis.
of, ............................... 820 sioner, of money for the creditor o4 499
appropriations for the ............. 865, 867 Dode, Israd,
act abolishing slavery In ....... 876, 878 land claim of, confirmed .............. 866
See SlaverY. further provisions ............... 88
appropriation to aid colonization from,.. 878 De, Fre'dric,
act relating to highways in county of _ymentto ......................... 879
Washington,. ..................... 888
See Bighwoys, assignment of land warrant to, by Sam-
primary schools In Washington Coun- uel ILDill, iade valid, ............ 862
ty ............................. 895-f2
for education of colored youth, ... 402 tax on certain, in the District of Colum-
act prescribing qualifications of electors bis .......................800
In.................. 408 Dolphin," Mh,
oath of allegiance, . ............. 408 American replster to Issue to ....... 481
violation of, to be perjury,.... 408 Domestic and foreaqn Missiary %c ai~the
act for revision, &c., of law of.... 408,882 Protetant Bpscop aCurch in &heyz
pay of commissioner for, &c....... 82 States,
act providing for education of colored may enter the "Mi sdon Farm," Wis.
children in........................ 407 consm ........................ 22
rights, &c., of persons of color In...... 407 Doaldson aJ &*o",
accounts and salary of clerk of circuit land claim of, under Houmas grant, not
and criminal court, ................ 408 confirmed ........................ 887
to be regarded as a congressional district Dotse, John A.,
for purposes of appointment to naval payment to, for freed slaves, .......... 924
academy, ......................... 565 DMUC/Costs,
police code for, established, ........... 581 plaintiff to pay, if nonsuited in actions
employment, &e., of convicts in peniten- _ainst officers for false arrest, &e.,.. 767
tiary . ........................... 626
sentence of certain persona convicted in act allowing in certain cases repealed,.. 290
the criminal court of the,... 686,686, 828 Dogas, James S., enior,
appropriations for penitentiary in,. 686, 686 land patents wronr Issued to James
when suitable penitentiary is built, pris. 5. Coleman, for nds inMississippi,
oners to be removed to .............. 686 to issue to; ........................ M0
office of register of deeds 6staished in, 651 .Doglas, Stephen A.,
See l. f Dds. widow of, to be paid amount of sal
act concerning highways in ..... 88, 668 due him as Senator at the time of his
vacancies In levy court in, how filled, .... ?8 death ............................ 900
act to reorganize the courts In,.... 762-766
supreme court established ............ 768 provisions as to, in cases of divorce in
urisdietion of ................... 768 District of Columbia, .............. 60
ustices, number, appointment, oath, Draft. See NationalForces.
and tenure of office .......... 768 how made ...................... 788, 784
their salaries, ............... 764 those drafted and notified, to do what, 788,
general and special terms, ....... 768 784
court may appoint clerk ........... 768 to be inspected by surgeons,.. 738, 784
oath, bond ...................... 768 penalty for not appearing according to
district court, who may hold, and terms notice, or, &c....................... 784
of ................................ 768 penalty for resisting, or advising to ye.
criminal court, who may hold, and terms sist the ........................... 786
of, ............................... 768 Drafted Mea, .
rules for repeals and practice, .... 768, 764 tobeassigned to any service .......... 786
trials of issues of fact or law...... 768, 764 for nine months, or less, who enlist in
exoeptions, motions for new trials, &e.,. 764 regiment from same state, for one
writs and process, how teste ......... 764 year to have bounty .......... 748, 744
writs of error and appeals to supreme Dragoonsr,
court, ............................ 764 the two regiments of, to be known as
'appeals from judgments of justices of cavalry ............................ 289
the peace, ...... * ................. 764 presentofficers to retain rank ......... 289
justices of the peace may be removed rule as to promotion ............ 289
by the court, after due notice, &c.,. 764 Droughtemen,
present circuit, district, and criminal employment of, to cease .............. 18
court abolished ................... 764
provision for pending process, Ue.,. 764, for patent-office report, appropriation
765 for, .............................. 106

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1320 1855-1863

v&a PAM
on foreign hemp manufactured &c.... 197 excess of duties pald to be refnded,... 611L
thecent. to be
United States, ..... for
retaned use
...... 197 act concerning those levied by Mary-
land at the port of Baltimore ....... 125
to be allowed on certain articles ....... 298 act of March 2, 1861, establishing,..179-198
ten per cent. to be retained ....... 298 correction of errors therein........ 252
under internal revenue act, provisions duties to be collected on and after April
concerning ......................... 488 1, 1861, on
evidence of exportation, to entitle to sugars, syrps, and molasses, 179, 180,548
benefit of ......................... 780 proviso,lbrfeiture, 1.............. 180
on cordials, &a ................. 780, 781 brandy, distilled spirits, cordials, c.,.. 180
bureau of exports in New York to have duty to be collected on basis of first-
charge of ......................... 780 mof ........................ 180
power of head of bureau, and of bureau, 780 Imitations to be charged same duty
on foreign saltpetre, manufactured into as genuine article .............. 180
gunpowder, and exported .......... 742 brandy and spirituous liquors may be
ten per cent to be retained....... 748 imported in bottles ................ 180
See Internal Revenu packages not to contain less than
one dozen .................... 180
across Ohio River, how to be con- bottles to pa a separate duty ..... 180
structed .......................... 570 spirituous liquors not enumerated ..... 180
Drew, James A., cigars, snuff tobacco .......... 180,644
payment to, for lost land-title in Maine, 514 bar-iron, Iron in slabs, &a........... 180
Droeater, pig-iron, old scrap-Iron, &a.......... 181
postage on, celivered by carriers,.. 11, 169, what shall be deemed old iron, ......... 181
_r 705 band and hoop-iron ................... 181
Thugs, 6-C. aee luteral Reveue, smooth, ., sheet-Iron, ............. 181
not to be sold without stamp afxed,... 478 steel,................................ 181
entered for exportation, may be export- manufacturers oZ not otherwise pro-
ed, &c ........................... No vided for ..................... 182
Duftq Taylor, partial manufacturers of, not other-
payment to, for serves s clerk of wise provided for .............. 182
court in Minnesota, ................ 891 bituminous and other coal ............. 188
D4;ont, Capt. &bmue F., lead, lead-pipes, Uc., pewter for remanu-
and the offlers and men under his com- tacture ............................ 182
mand, thanks to, for victory at Port copper, sine, spelter, &c ............. 182
Royal ..................... 618 white lead, linseed oil, candles, . 182
Durham, eorg, G., salt, bristles, honey, vinegar, and pickled
' payment to,...................... t. 19 fish ............................... 188
beef pork, corn, rice, . .............. 188
the Dutch text the approed one of the spices, currants, figs, nuts,m ......... 188
treaty with Japan, ................. 1061 wool and hair unmanufactured..... 188, 262
Duties, (Imprts,) when mixed with dirt ............ 188
treaty provisions respecting. See Ee- wool, when difibrent qualities are im-
pi,, Bolivia, CMina, .aPt Lberia, ported In same bale ................ 188
Pargaay, Ottoman Emptre, -ezla. when boles of different qualities are
&-e imports. in same invoice ............... 184
on certain arms imported by states, to sheepskins ...................... 184
be remitted ................... 25, 274 carpets, mats, r screes, &c.. 184
act fturther to provide for collection of, woollen cloth$ ad manufactum ofwool, 184
on imports, .................. 25-258 yar, blankets, shawls ....... 1 185
may be collected on shipboard in cer- delalnes,bunting, &c ................ 185
tain cases .......................... 256 oil and floor-cloths ................... 185
certain specific and ad valorem, Imposed, 292 manuf-ctures of cotton unbleached,.... 185
additional, oil articles in certain foreign plain woven cotton goods ........ 186
vessels, c .................. 28 cotton goods with more than 200
goods in warehouse and on shipboard to threads to square Inch .......... 185
pay former rates ................... 298 cotton thread ........................ 185
on goods deposited in bonded ware- shirts, &c., made on frames, cotton vel-
houses and public stores, when to be vet, U ........................... 185
paid ................................29 linens, duck, &o .................... 186
amendments of former act ............ 294 hemp, cordage, cotton bagging, sheet-
repeal of Inconsistent laws ............. 294 Ings, &a .......................... 186
saving as to laws for collection of, &e.,.. 294 flax, &c ............................ 186
act to increase, on tea, coffee, and sugar, 880 silk and silks ........................ 186
on imports, to be paid in coin, or in cer. glass, rough plate, f. ................ 186
tain demand notes .................. 846 glassware and porcelain glass ......... 187
coin, &c.. paid to be set apart as a china and porcelain ware ............ .187
special fund .................. 846 earthen and stone ware, .......... 187
on arms, time for remitting extended,.. 875 books, periodicals, and pamphlets ...... 187
goods warehoused at date of act increas- articles payingaduty often percent., 187-189
ing duties on tea, coffee, and sugar, to of twenty per cent .......... 189, 190
pay duties Imposed by former act,... 611 of twenty-five per cent ......... 190

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1321 1855-1863

"182 NEX.
Ade,(continued.) Dwse, (continued.)
of thirty per cent ............... 191 chalk china, and porcelain ware,
of five per cent ................. 190 clay unwrought, earthen and.
articles'free of duty ................. 198 stone ware ................. 650, 51
duty on raw, &c.articles not enumerated, dragon's blood, emery, ergot, ep-
ten per cent ....................... 196 so00, &C., salts, essences .... 647, 549
on manuftctured articles not enu- flnit etheis, French, &c., green,... 647
merated, twenty per cent ...... 196 feathers, fire - crackers, f-nit - trees,
goods, ft. in public stores April 1,1861, seeds, &A...................... 661
subject to same duty upon entry as if ginger root, gold and silver ea4
imported after that ay ............. 196 gum, aloes, . ........... 47,49
meaning of word "ton,' ............. 196 gloves, gunpowder, garden, eedsp.. 61
railroad Iron, partly worn, may be ad- glass ware, plate lss, porcelain
mitted free, to be withdrawn after re- and Bohemian gass,...........566
pair or remanufbture .............. 197 honey, iodine, ipecac, jalap ....... 645
Secretary of Treasury to prescribe hides, hollow-ware, hope, human
rules, ......................... 197 hair ........... ............... 51
market-value to be of the actual ship licorice, lithrge ................. 6US
ment,..................... .197 lead ore, India-rubber and silk man-
bm of lading, certified, to show date of
ufctures ................... 661,562
shipment, ......................... 197 magnesia, manna, medicinal barks
annual statistical statement of commerce an4 preparations, morphine, ni-
of the United States, how to be made trate of sods, .................. 64
up and what to Include ............. 197 marble, mustard, &c........... 562
drawback on foreign hemp, c.,.... 197 ochres, ois, opium ............... 6U8
ten per cent. to be retained, ....... 197 plates engraved, plumbago, pota-
inconsistent laws repealed,......... 197 top, percussion caps, plyng-
existing laws, as to collection, punish- cards, pens, pencils, and pen-
ments,penalties, forftures, &e, saved, 197 holders ....................... W2
duties, how assessed, when goods of dif. parafmne, Paris whit, perfumes, pi- -
ferent values are in sdme Invoice, 184,197 mento, potash, petroleum. patty, 548,
construction of words "value" and 649
"valued," ......................... 197 ninine, rhubarb, rum essence..... 58
goods, &c. on shipboard and bound to ce, sago, sheathing copper and
the United States within fifteen days metal, t .................... 562
after passage of this act, and in public sltpetre, ssntonlne, seeds, sugar of
stores April 1, 1861, subject to what lead, tartar emetic ....... 648, 649
duties ........................ 197, 198 varnish, vanifla beans, verdigris,
goods in warehouse April 1, 1861, on whiting ...................... 69
which duties are lessened, ma; be additional duties upon ale, porter, and
withdrawn on payment of less duty, 198 beer ......................64
argentine, articles embroidered or
when collector to take possession of cer- worn, and not otherwise provided
tain imports ....................... M9 for ........................ 6, 6
act to increase temporarily ........ 48-681 anvils, anchors, &.c.............. 46
duties to be collected on and after Au- - brandy and other distilled spirits,
gust 1, 1862, in lieu of former duties bay rum ...................... 644
on sugars, syrups, molasses, &c,.68, 644 duty to be colected on basis of
syrups of sugar, a., entered under first proof ................ 644
any other name to be forfeited,.. 4 bottles containIng wines, &c., to
standards of colors and grades of pay same duty as wines....644
sugars ........................ brass, In bars and pigs, and old brass, 646
cigars, snuff, tobacco.................. 544 Britannia w re, baskets, braces,
paper cigars, &c., and wrappers to bracelets, brooms, brush", &c.,. 65
pay same duty as cigars ...... 644 blmoral skirts, blankets, bunting,. 6568
duties in lieu of former duties, and carpets and c doetings,
mats, rugK
upon articles now exempt, -upon and scteens, clothing ready-ma e,
acids, alum, argols,.arsenc, asphal. &e. ......................... 6 2
tum.......... ........ 547,549 canes, capers, caps, card cases, car.
anchovies, andirons .............. 61 riages, clothing, comb, comfita
balsams, bark, blanc flxe, barytes, compositions, cotton ords and
burning fluid, bitter apples, borax, laces, court-plaster, cutlery,. 566
borate of lime, buchu leaves, 47, 549 coal, coke, and culm of'coal, cop
barley, bonnets, braids, books, bris- per, eopper rods, &. ............ 648'
tIes, brandy coloring ............ 661 chocolat, copperes, eastic soda, 6W0
cotton and linen rags for paper cotton, manufhetures of &., cotton
to befree ................. 661 fagging, cordage .......... i68, 664
dolls and toys, ................... a
camplor, cantharides, cayenne and
other pepper, cloves, cobalt, coc- delaines, and goods of similar de-
oultum indiaes, cosmetics, cuttle- scription ...................... 65M
fish lone, cubebs............ 647, 49 eaustic tiles, epaulets, &. 666
candles, chicory, coffee substitutes, f r ;ereens,
flames for umbrel-
cork wood, cotton ............. 661 las, furniture, furs dressed, ..... 6

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1322 1855-1863

IN1DX. 1828
Dli,, (continued.)
felts, flannels, flax threads, Dutes, (continued.)
658, 554 certain descriptions of iron exempt from
gs cloth ...................... 554 additional duty..................... 546
pencils, hair cloth, hat bodies, 56 no allowance to be made for rust on iron
hemp yarn, and other manufactures and steel, &c., except, &e ......... 546
of hemp ...................... 4 imported cotton and linen rags for man-
Iron, and manufactures of .... 646, 640 uftkture of paper to be free ....... 551
certain iron exempt from addi- duty on certain plain woven cotton
tional duty ............... 546 goods, and upon cotton goods above
no allowance to be made for a certain value ................... 653
rust on. except, &c......... 546 hemp and preparations of hemp used
jute,jute butts and yarns, &o. 564 by the government for naval pur-
ink, jet and manufhectrea of ..... 66 poses, to be 6f American growth, &c.,-
leather, tanned, patent, &c., ...... 5 56 If of same quality and price........ 64
liquors, spirituous, .,............544 ten per cent. additional duty on pro-
lead, in pipes and shot........646 ducts of countries beyond the Cape
white and red ............... 560 of Good Hope, if Imported from places
linseed, &c., oil ................... 50 this side the Cape .............. 657, 658
linens,.linen threads ............. 664 additional tonnage duties to be imposed
maccarom, &c .................. 66 on vessels after Dec. 81, 1862 ........ 8
manufctures of iron and steel, 546, 546 certain ships to pay tonnage duty
of wool and worsted ...... 562, 658 only once a year .............. 568
of hemp .................... 664 rights acquired under any treaty,
of bone, paper, &c., not other- not impaired hereby ............ 68
wise provided for........ 557 law prohibiting the export of guano sus-
morocco skins, muskets, lie. 657 pended for one year ................ 658
needles of all descriptions ....... 557 tare, how estimated and allowed ....... 568
Ol cloth ..................... 558, 567 no goods to be admitted to entry afterNov.
paper, paper envelopes, boxes, &c., 1,162,unless invoiceIs verfledbyoath, 568
paper-hgings, &e ............ 557 oath to certify what .............. 658
pins, plated and gilt ware, prepared by whom to be administered,.. 658, 5659
meats, vegetables, &ft........ 567 fees for verifying invoice .......... 659
ratan, reeds, roofing slates....... 567 these provisions not to affect goods
saleratus, salt, soap, spirits of tur- imported under reciprocity treaty
pentine, starch ................ 650 with Great Britain ............. 659
seagliola tops, sealing wax, side nor invoices from beyond Cape
arms, silver-plated metal, stereo. Horn and the Cape of Good
type plates, still bottoms ....... 557 Hope until April I, 1868.....
spirituous liquors, &e ............. 644 nor from countries wherei there
steel, And manufactures ......... 646 is no consul, vice-ms l, ft.,
twines, type, type.metal .......... 557 of the United States ....... 5 59
umbrellas, parasols, velvet &c.,... . 657 consuls, &c., to report fraudulent prac-
wafers, water colors, watches, web- tices upon the revenue ............. 559
bing, ......................... 567 amendments of tariff act of 1861 ...... 559
woollen and worsted yarn ........ 558 additional duty for breach of transports-
zinc, and oxide of zinc ........ 546,550 tion bond under the warehousing act
additional duties upon certain articles, to be double the duty, not double the
and duties upon articles heretofore value of the goods ................ 669
exempt ........................... 549 goods in public stores and on shipboard
antimony crude, assafwtida, ...... 649 August 1, 1882, subject to what rates
beeswax, blacking, building stone, 449 of d5ty0 .............. 5
calomel, catsup, civet, oil o4 cobalt goodi In public tore to be witrwn,
ores .......................... 549 or daues paid within one year after
extracts of indigo, &c ........... 649 importation ....................... 560
flints, flocks, furs dressed, when not or may be transshipped within three
on the skin ................... 549 years, ......................... 60
garanaine, ginger, green turtle, otherwise to be sold .............. 560
grindstones, gutta-percha,.....;. 550 goods on which duties are paid may re-
Isinglass, japanned ware, lastlngs,.. 650 main In warehouse ................. 580
mats, matting, manufactures of gut- at whose risk and expense ........ 560
tawperca, milk of India-rubber, drugs, &e., may be exported ........ 660
medicinal preparations, music, return of duties on goods exported not
musical instruments,......... to be allowed after, &c........... 660
nickel, osier ................ 550 supplies for vessels of war of nations
philosophieal instruments, plaster reciprocating the privilege. may be
of Paris, ground............... 560 bought from warehouse duty ee,... 56
quills, strychnine, staves for pipes, re]eal of Inconsistent laws ............ 560
& .,o..........................560 existing laws as to collection of duties,
teeth, thread lace, woollen listings, 650 imposing penalties, &c., to apply to
wire covered with cotton, silk, &c., to this act, ........................... 00
pay additional duty ............... 545 Instruments under the tax actuot to be
wire chains, of wiresless than half inch In void without stamp prior to January 1,
diameternot to bedeemed chain cables, 545 1868, ......................... .. 5i

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1323 1855-1863

'1324 INDEX.
Duties, (continued.) Indians, (continued.)
Dosifisk 1&c.,
must be stamped before they are President to be informed of
admitted or used In evidence, wishes of Indians .......... 929
until, &c ..................... 561 Indians may be removed from res-
when different parts of said tax act ervations at the discretion of the
take effect .................... 561 President ..................... 929
act to modify existing laws concerning, 742 or may be consolidated ....... 929
certain goods, &c., in bond, may be en- to be remunerated for expenses
tered prior to June 1, 1868, at rates of and improvements ....... 929
act of 1862 ........................ 742 reservations may be surveyed into
cotton and raw silk, imported from lots and assigned .............. 929
places this side Cape Good Hope, annuities not to be taken to pay
exempt fron additional duty, for two debts of individuals............ 929
years .............................. 742 to be withheld from Indians
prohibition of export of guano sus- who drink, &o., ardent spir-
pended ........................... 742 its ....................... 929
tonnage duty oif ships, U., from ports tribes to preserve friendly relations, 929
south of Mexico, down to Aspiowall to pay for depredatioq ...... 929
and Panama ...................... 742 to surrender offenders ......... 929
duty on printing paper ............... 742 not to make war except in gelf-
seedlae and sticklac,......... .. 742 defene ................... 929
polishing powders, Frankfort black, to free all slaves and not to ac-
Berlin, Chinese, fig, and wash quire others ....... v ........ 929
blue ........................... 742 not to trade out of the United
petroleum and coal-illuminating oil, 742 States .................... 929
drawback on faralgn saltpetre manu- appropriation for expenses of re-
factured into gunpowder and ex- moval and settlement ........ 929
ported ..................... 742 United States to establish 'a free
ten per cent. to be retained,. %..... 742 com on school, provide instruc-
Dwin, (intenal) See interna vnue. tors, &c................... 929,980
on certain cloths, &c., to be assessed to furnish mechanics, physi-
only on increased value .......... 729 cian, medicine, &c .......... 980
"gose ssessed on full value, to be treaty when to take effect, ....... 980
remitted ...................... 729 signature, ratification, proclama-
illegally collected, may be recovered don .................... 980-982
back ............................. 729 Dw &., 'n,
articles manuflctured from materials appropriations for the,.. 56 282, 28, 786
that have paid, exempt,... .... 728, 729 Dye, Aed L., .
Dtdy&ui rp. See $&onps. repayment to, for tonnage dues ....... 917
provisions concerning ........ 682, 688, 721 Dje, Josep W.,
Deva and Brothers, repayment to, for tonnage dues,........ 917
payment to, as signees of R. A. Da- Dyer, WiMam W.,
vidge ....... : .................. 894 repayment to, for tonnage dues ....... 917
D.itsieh, Sndmih, and other alied, &•c.,
TIe of Idians in Washington Teritory,
treaty between the United States and, of
Jan. 22, 1855, preamble, contracting-
parties, &c ........................ 927 Bar Sslgna1s,
cession of lands to the United States, 927 •experiments to be made to test .... 6,68
boundaries of lands ceded,.... 927 BdWashnptn Libar Association,
reservation, amount reserved ..... 928 act of incorporation of ............... 868
to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 928 corporators, corporate name .......... 868
whites not to reside thlreon powers and liabilities of corporation,... 868
unless, &c. ............... 928 may take and hold property to ex-
foreign Indians not to reside tent of not over $50,000 ....... 868
thereon, without, e... 929 act may be repealed or altered ....... 863
roads may be run through, the Eaton, E. W.,
damages to be paid......... 929 private land claim of, confirmed ....... 71
may be lotted opt, and assigned effect thereof ................. 71,72
to individuals ............. 929 EdipU,
furter reservation for schools,.... 928 of the sun, ofJuly 18, 1860, arrangement
.ocation and bbject thereof,.... 928 for observation of, at some more suit.
entrl agency, &c., may be estab- able point on eastern shore of this
lished elsewhere ............... 928 continent ......................... lii-
tribes to settle on reservation with. Eddy, Joshua,
in a year,.. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 928 heirs of, adverse 'decision of court of
where to remain meanwhile,.. 928 claims, confirmed ................. 922
rights of fishing, hunting, &c., se- EMir Hook.
cured to Indians ............... 928 Port Angelos harbor, beacon-light for,.. 749
aot to take shell-fish from beds Edcation,
of citizens ................. 98 of certain Indians, provisions respecting.
payments by the United States,... 928 See the Treaties with the several Lndian
how to be applied ........ 928, 929

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1324 1855-1863

INDEX. 1325
Edcation, (continued.) Raginaers,
act providing for, of eolored chidren in and assistant, additional, may be ap-
Washington and retown . 407 pointed in the revenue servie, ..... 276
of Winnebago Indians, provision to be in the revenue cutter service, their
made for ........................... 680 grades, pay, &cw,............ 689, 640
of certain Sioux Indiana, reasonable pro- Engineers, Chief of,
vision to be made for ............... 820 additional clerks in office of,.. 888, 861, 695
Education of Colored Youth, appropriation for .................... 689
act to incorporate the institution for Engineers in the Navy,
the ............................... 796 increase of pay of .................... 26
Edwards. Arthur, appropriationfor the,..... 80, 147, 561, 814
claim of, and his associates, for carry- Engineer Soldiers,
ing the mails, to be adjusted ....... 875 three companies to be added to engineer
Edwards, Arthur, and others, corps, ............................. 87
adverse decision of court of claims, con- toy, rations, and allowances ...... 287
firmed. ........................... 922 6w recruited, subject to articles of
Eector, war ..................... 287, 288
penalty for using personal violence upon how composed, duties of ......... 288
any, in District of Columbia ........ 824 Engraving. See Penalty.
Elco I plates in likeness of plates for printing
ac prescribing qualifications of, in Wash- United States notes, &a.,howpunished, 847
ington and Georgetown ............. 408 public, how to be executed ......... 119
oath of allegiance to be taken....... 408 of plates, &c,, for counterfeiting circulat-
form of oath, &c., ............ 408 ing notes, how punished ............ 681
Electoral Votes, of probable cost of over $200, to be
appropriation for conveying ........... 108 awarded, after advertisement, to low-
Elenr Td"ekrah, (see Magnectic Tegraph,) 41 est and best bidder ................. 826
Ellitt, AenatA St., where coat exceeds 250, to be awarded
compensation to, for private property to lowest and best bidder ......... 685
wrongly taken .................... 842 appropriation for .................... 857
Ealworth, treasury notes may be engraved, &e.,in
appropriation to pay balance due con- the treasury department, ........... 682
tractor for custom-house at,........ 219 E"nrings,
EMore, G gr, made mailable matter, and lJostage
title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed, thereon ........................... 169
to.. ............... ........ 89 Enlisting. See Recruiting.
El Paso County, as soldiers or sailors to serve against
Texas, collection of revenue in ....... 761 the United States, how punished,.... 817
Eisha, Mark, Enlistments,
land claim of, confirmed ............. 888 term of, in the regular army in 1861 and
"ElizabetA Mary," The Sdooner, 1862 to be for three years..... 280, 281
fine remitted to owners o4 ............ 919 after January 1, 1868, to be for five
Ely, Edward, years ........................ 281
accounts of, to be settled .............. 868 those enlisting after July 1, 1861, to be
Emirnts, allowed same bounty, &c., as now al-
appropriation to protect oveland to Cal- lowed to volunteers ................ 281
foruina, Oregon, and Washington Ter- to be in charge of officers appointed
ritory ...... ......... 204, 888, 642 from civil life ...................... 281
Emigrant, additional, in navy authorized ......... 816
protection of female, (see Passengers,) .. 8, 4 of minors, law requiring assent of parent
Emigration, or guardian to, repeated ............. 889
voluntary, of Chinese subjects in Amer- persons under eighteen not to be mus-
ican vessels, provisions concern- tered into service .................. 889
ing ............................... 841 oath of, to be conclusive as to age ...... 889
to Hayti, Liberia, &c ................ 425 resolution to encourage, in the army and
Eaiancpasvion. volunteer forces .................... 620
appropriation to carry out act concern- premium for recruits .................. 620
mg ............................... 682 advance pay to soldiers ........... 620
Embezzlement, from volunteers into the regular ser-
of funds of banking associations by ofli- vice, not permitted ................ 787
cers. how punished ................ 680 Enrolling Board,
Ergineer-on-Chief of e Nay, pay of citizen and surgeon on ......... 787
to be appointed from the list of chief appropriation for ................ 761
engineers .......................... 286 Enrollinq Oficers,
Enyineer wor. See Corps of Engineers. to be appointed for each sab-district, 782, 788
six lieutenants to be added to.......... 287 duties .......................... 788
three companies of engineer soldiers to Earalment. See National fones.
be added to, ................. 287 of the militia, to include whom, and how
two lieutenant-colonels and four majors apportioned ........................ 697
added to ...................... 817, 818 President in what cases to cqt it to be
act to promote efficiency of ........... 748 made ............................. 598
En tsera, (Anny), board of, in each district, how consti-
pay of volunteer privates, &c., of ...... 697' tuted and appointed ............... 782

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1325 1855-1863

1826 IN" M
wAmd , (continued.) Evne4, (continued.)
board to appoint enrolling officer testimony of witness before committee
for each sub-district ............ 788 of Congress not to be used as, against
of those liable to do military duty, how him .............................. 888
made ........................ 782 788 oath of enlistment of recru, to be con-
EZrc gt D atris. See Nahoal Forces. clusive as to age ................. 889
for enrolling and calling out the natoA- tax deeds to be pribd fbcie, of the fatts
al forces ......................... 782 stated therein ..................... 441
how constituted, .................... 782 bill of sale of goods, &c., sold under dis-
may be subdivided, .................. 782 traint, to be conclusive, as to right of
Elwyn , officer to sell, &c .................. 446
grade of, in the navy, established ..... 688 rules of, as to competency of witnesses,
number, relative rank, pay, 588, 586, &. 587 to conform to those in state courts... 8
Bee Wits se.
of goods under reciprocity treaty with Examination,
Great Britain without consular certifi- to determine qualifications of commis-
Cates .............................. 672 sioned officers of volunteers' to be.
fees for entry.................. 672 made by a military board ........ 270
Eamvp Extraordinary, d-., I under oath, of persons in reference ton-
appropriations for..... 20, 21,170, 886, 688 come tax ......................... 810
penalty for refusing to testify ....... 810
provisions concerning ................ 167 of officers in engineer and ordnance
Emni n. Sea Tax. corps, for promotion ............... 748
under the tax act, how, made .... 484-489 mera
ialration. See Drect Tax. in patent-office, pay of certain ....... 110
of tax lists, valuations, &o.,... 800, 801, 802 y of, tn be restored ................ 796
Aquestran Statu of, Washington, ist assistant and second assistant in
appropriation for inaugurating, ........ 114 patent-office, may be appointed ... 247
iew and BReig, not to exceed four in each class,.. 247
=ureau of, establihed In navy depart- special agents may be appointed, as of
ment ............................. 610 banking associations .......... 679, 680
officers, &0., of, their salaries,. 610, 611 pay of .............................. 68)
transfer of appropriation for bureau of, 681, Examiner in Mcfij
682 in patent-office, three to be appointed, 246
appropriations for bureau of,.. 690, 691, 815 salary and duty of .............. 26, 247
additional, may be appointed ......... 247
competency of witnesses In suits In, Executions,
in federal courts, to be determined certain distrlic courts may issue in cer-
by law of state in which court Is tain cases ........................ 807
held .............................. 88
Error. See Writs of Erro. appropriations for, expenses of, K4 18M M8
866-869, 744, 764
punlshment of marsbals, &e., for volun- pr o for, 94, 96.99, 100, 186, 188,
tarily suffering prisoners to escape,.. 69 140, 141, .s 8M, 86k, $64, 68, 667, 690,
to what cases to apply ........... 69 691.
"fio;," T1 Saner,
register to be issued to ............... 898 Exatve Dqarbt*,s
of the government, vacancies in, how
for expenses of navy department to be Md ............................. 656
made to Secretary by chiefs of bu- not for longer term than six months,... 656
reaus .............................. 512 See Tills of the d$'ere, and &ecreturie.
Evas, Augusu H., EXemptftcm DutY,
payment to, for services as clerk in Mes articles manufactured from materials
sour, ............................ 887 that have paid duty ........... 719, 72)
Eans,Bobert M., EAm/yot. See Tax.
aounts of for recruiting in Indiana, from taxation, property of individuals
and bringing cavalry troops to Wash- to the value of00 and less..... 2 97, 426
ington, to be adjusted .............. 909 lots in Mount Olivet cemetery,.... 426
amount to be paid not to exceed under the internal revenue ac,.... 440,
am ............... 0 459, 462. 46, 468, 478
ivdTee. See Extradition of Oj',der&. from distraint ........... 804, 440
of woman complainant, in complaints for from military duty, who entitled to..... 781
seduction, &c., on board vessels, not claims to, for disability, how decided,.: 784
to be sufficient to convict unles, &a., 4 See Nationad Forces.
in, lvii and criminal cases before certain ExAZWitiof
c/Idtrl of all Nations,
consuls and ministers abroad to be In in London, in 1862, Industrial interests
writing ............................ 7 of the United States to be represented
' in cues of private land claims In Call- therein .......................... 828
forl a .......................... 88,84 Ezlriny Expedion,
in Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri, 87 two copes of works of, to be distrib-
admissions in answer in divorce cases, uted ......................... 116, 117
In District of Columbia, not to be,... 59 appropiation to payarrears due authors
copies of letters-patent, when to be,... 249 and artis, .................... 14

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1326 1855-1863

INDEX. 1827
Expkriny ExpmMtion, (continued.) Fees,
preservation of collections of ......... 860 tariff of, for judicial services under act
appropriation for putting plats of, in or- #iving certain ministers, &a., abroad,
der and transporting em .......... 868 judicial powers, to be established,... 76
balance, if any, how expended..... 868 how to be applied and paid ...... 76, 76
accounts thereof to be rendered to See-
of rice and wheat from Japan, forbid- retary of State ............... 76
den .............................. 1064 ofattorney, marshal, and clerks of courts
of coins, except copper, allowed ...... 1056 in the terrifories of Colorado, Dakota,
Export Duies, and Nevada. See those ties.
treaty provisions respecting. See Bligiu, all in patentoffice abolished, and new
Boivia, China, Ja, Liberia, Otman rates established ................... 249
Empire, Paray , ey ,.a once paid not to be refunded ......247
Exports, of clerks of federal courts, in certain
condensed statement of aggregate cases of estates sold for taxes ......806
,amount of, provision for printing, police in District of Columbia not to
& ........................... 826 receive ............................ 82
number of copies, and how distrib- of pension agents and attorneys,.... .. 68
uted .......................... 825 See Pension.
Express Companies. See Internal Revenue. ri ht of arrest, search, seizure,
not to transportpackages unlessatamped, &c., In
.........................478 cases of suspected, in District of Co-
in lieu of stamp duty, to pay duty on lumabia ........................... 822
gross amount of receipts ....... 722, 728 Feton, Corn lius C.,
Extension of Patents. See Patent-Offce, P tent. reappointed regent of Smithsonian In-
provisions concerning ............. 246-249 stitution .......................... 251
prohibited ........................... 249 Female Nurses,
Extortion, may be substituted for soldiers in hos-
penalty on collector and deputy collector pitals.............................. 288
of taxes for ....................... 807 number, pay, and duties of ......... 288
by collectors or deputy collectors under Fenwike, Waher,
the internal revenue act, how pun- land claim of, connrmed ............... 865
ished ...... ................ 448 further provisions concerning,..... 866
Extra Clothin~g, PerntedLiquors. See IntraalRevenu.
may be farnished to sick and wounded provisions of internal revenue act con-
soldiers .......................... 824 eerning ................... 446,450,458
Extradiio of Cru,nals, Fer Beats,
treaty provisions concerning,.... 1125,1199 tax upon receipts of ................. 468
See Merie, mSeden and Wrwa,. to pay duty on gross reeipts ....... 722
Extradition of Ofenders, PFdd and aff Cbmmissioned a.nd 'on-Comis-
papers, &, offered in evidence in extra- sionad Offlce,
dition cases, how to be authenticated, 84 of the infantry, artillery, and cavalry
regiments, added to regular array,.- 280
Aldd Signals,
F. purohase ofappartus, &c.,forarmy,... 666
signal-officer on staff of army,........ 66
Fabanks, 0. F. D., appropriation for manefactvre or pur-
Pallyment to ......................... 879 chsse of apparatus and equipments
of the United States pledged topay prin- for,............................. 279
P1)1k Auditor,
cipal and interest of loans,. .80,129,179,
261 appropriations for office of, 96, 96, 186, 187,
and for redemption and payment of 858, 869, 886, 687, 696
FR/erom, TAO",
treasury notes ............. 121, 179
persondiing payment to ......................... 886
a member of"the police force, how pun-
ished ............................. $2 imposed by eourtw-martial on officers
Pant, (oye,, Rittenouse, Pantand Company,) and privates of milit, how collect-
portion of deposit on bid for stock re- ed ................................ 282
tnded to ......................... 842 if not paid, person owing to be im-
Fanners' B,,k, prisoned ........................... 282
in Dover, Delaware, Indemnification for term of imprisonment ................ 282
money borrowed of ................ 918 under the internal revenue at, how re-
FarraqW. Captain .aid G., covetable................... 444
thanks of Congress to, and to the offi- under the liquor law ............ 571
cers and men of his command ....... 622 under ordinances of the levy court, in
Fa ut, D. G., the District of Columbia, how re-
payment allowed to, in settling his so- covered .......................... 808
1 * counts ............................ 908 Aimes and Penalties. See Penaly.
J0si., ituiiliation, and PraW, certain, imposed on ma&ters or owners
President requested to recommend a of vessels, since December 1, 1861,
day of ............................ 828 may be remitted, if their default was
proclamation for aday otnatjonal, Appendix, not wilful or fraudulent, ............ 271
1261,1270 imposed on the "India," to be repid,.. 271

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1327 1855-1863

158 INDEX.

Fre-Arns, J-c-, Plataed, Kootats, i., (continued.)

patented, prohibition from purchasing Indians to be remunerated for ex.
repealed ......................... 150 penses and improvements ...... 976
reservations may be surveyed into
for protection of public stores and hoo- lots and assigned ............... 977
pitals in Washington ................ 868 annuities not to be taken to pay
only one to be employed in each store debts of Individuas ........... 977
or hospital ........................ 868 to be given free of expense, .. 977
pay not to exceed $600 per annum, 868 to be withheld from those who
Fire-plug Tax, drink, &c., ardent spirits, .. 978
the corporation of Washington may levy tribes to preserve friendly rela-
and collect .................... 804, 805 tions ......................... 977
re of v ,alts to pay for depredations, ...... 978
for the currency bureau, .............. 666 to surrender offenders ....... 978
First Auditor, not to make war but in self-de.
appropriations for office of,.94, 95, 186, 187, fence, .................... 978
858, 869, 686, 687 United States to establish free com-
mon schools, provide instructors,
appropriations for office of,.94, 96, 186, 187, &C, .......................... 977
858, 869, 685, 688 to furnish mills, mechanics,
rt Pof, physician, medicine, &c., ... 977
meaning of, as applied to spirits under to pay salary, furnish house,
the internal revenue act, ............ 447 & ., to head chief; ......... 977
Miser, Geore, treaty when to take effect, ....... 978
claim of, to be considered anew ....... 878 signature, ratification, proclama-
resolution in fiavor of, repealed ....... 89o ttion, Ac .............. .978,979
in waters of Washington County, D. C., appropriations to test, &., as substitute
regulations as to .................. 808 for cotton ...................... 860, 691
"FeeSisters," The Schwaer, Fkoati. Batteries,
fishing bounties due to, to be paid to one or more authorized.............. 288
Moses Noble ...................... 886 appropriation for ................... 286
Fchao kbt. See Yesi Notes.
of rear ufmirals. .................... 58 of the United States, provision for fand
provision as to, of the three senior rear ........................
admirals, repealed, ................. 769
Flay Olr , at navy-yard, New York, appropriation
who may be, how selected, authority, for ............................... 817
pay, Ac
&.) .... ..................... 329 if Secretary of Navy deem it ex-
Fkatme and other Confederate Tribes, Fkal pedient ....................... 817
appropriations for the,. .8, 58, 284, 286, 526,
788 or certificates, may be issued to owners
Flateads,Kootenays, and Upper Pendd'Orilles, of Las Ormigas, and LA Nana tracts
treaty between the United States and, of of land, ........................... 871
July 16, 1855, preamble, contracting how may be located .............. 871
parties, Ac ....................... 975 tile and loyalty to be first shown,. 871
cession of lands to the United not to exceed a certain amount,... 871
States, ....................... 976
boundaries thereof .......... 975 Florida,
as a punishment in the army, abolished, 817
reservation, boundaries ....... 975,976 lands Wling within, on
to be set apart, surveyed, &a.,. 976 settlement of
whites not to reside thereon, dividing line between, and Georgia,
unless, &M., .............. 976 confirmed, if, &a ................ 11, 12
roads may be run through,- terms of federal district court in north-
damages to be paid. ...... 976 em district of ..................... 86
may be surveyed into lots and additional terms may be held..... 85
assigned to individuals, .... 977 act for flnat adjustment of private land
guarantied against claims of claims in, .................... 85
Hudson Bay Company,.... 978 See Land CLams, Priate.'
Bitter Root Valley maybe surveyed post-routes in, established ........ 164, 155
and set apart for a reservation,.. 978 annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 295
meanwhile not to be opened for district court in, may issue executions, .
settlement ................ 978 &c., in certain cases ................ 8M
tribes to settle on reservation within blockade of ports ot; declared,... Appendix.
a year ................... 976 1269
where to remain meanwhile,.. 976 martial law declared In certain islands
rights of fishing and hunting re- on the coast of .......... Appendix, 1280
served to Indians ........... 976 inhabitants of, proclaimed to be in insur-
payments by the United States, .. 976 rection,....... Appendix, 1262, 126, 1269
how and for what to be ap- commercial Intercourse therewith pro-
plied ..................... 977 hibited ........................... 1262
Fresident to be informed of forfeiture of goods, vessels, &c.,. Appendix,
wishes of Indians ......... 977 1252

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1328 1855-1863

INDEX. 1829
Pkria, new Silver, Forfetres and Penaies, (continued.)
of Austria, value of .................. 207 officers and privates of the militia for
Flour refusing to obey the order of the Pres-
Secretary of the Navy may purchase, ident calling them into service ...... 282
for the navy, as he deems best, ...... 818 under laws for collection of revenue
Foyd, Jame, from customs, .................... 2DA
life-pension to ....................... 886 under law for imposing direct tax and
Fg-bell income tax,.. 24 7, 298, 299, 800, 802,
near Sandy Point light-house ......... 749 807,810
Fote, Cptd.n A. H., under tax law, how may be .recovered,
and the offi es and men under his com- and to whose use .................. 812
mand, thanks of Congress to ...... 616 of vessels intended for piratical aggres-
Foote, Captain Andrew H., sions ............................. 814
thank Of Congress to ................ 626 of property used in aiding the insurrec-
Foot-Post, tion .............................. 819
no one but Postmaster-General, &c., to of claims to persons held to service and
set up any, ........................ 205 labor when thus used .............. 819
tasury notes, how punished...... 128
officers of the army entitled to, to draw
it In kind ......................... 694 of circulating notes, how punished,.... 680
not to be commuted, when it can be Fort Abe, ombie,
furnished in kind .............. 594 appropriation to protect emigrants on
of major-generals, brigadier-generals, the route from, by Fort Benton ..... 642
colonels, &c ..................... 594 Fort Atknson,
Foregn Coamerce, reservation of, made subject to laws
annual statistical account of, how to be relating to public lands, preEmption
made up, and what to include ...... 197 rights, &L......................... 28
A*f Hefp, Fort B on,
oawback on certain, to be allowed, ... 197 protection of emigrants on route by,... 642
Foreign Intercours Fort ClincA,
general appropriation for, for 1860-61,.19-21 appropriation for completion o4 ......... 508'
appropriation for, for 1861-62 .... 170-172, Fort Cra.ord Miiary a .
272 in Wisconsin, to be surveyed and sold, 772
for 1862-68 .............. 885, 886, 887 Fort Davis. Texas,
for 1868-4, .............. 688, 689, 762 back rent for site of, ................. 65
Feign Missions, American Board of Cods- damages for cutting .................
pall,............. timber for, to be 2D
isnr for,
released from certain obligations...... 884 Fort GjAiot,
Foremanof Bdinnq, part of military reservation at, granted
appointment and pay of, &c........... 117 to Port Huron for a cemetery ....... 88
Forman of Printing, Fort Howard Military Besen, .
a pomtment and pay of, ........... 117 in Wisconsin, to be surveyed and sub-
Forfeiture, divided into lots ................... 771
of sirops of sugar, &c., if entered under portions to be dedicated as streets..... 771
any other name ................ 880 p=ats to be certified and recorded ....... 771
of gods, peltries, &c., of person in In- lot to be sold separately, at public auc-
dian country, on whom contraband li- tion ............................. 771
quors are found ............... 889 sale not binding, unless approved ..... 771
proceeding in such ase,........ 889 patents to issue for said lots. ....... 771
of vessels and vehicles, &c., refused a portion of public domain adjacent to, to
permit or clearance, attempting to de- be surveyed into lots and sold,...771, 772
part without, ...................... 404 rights of persons in possession, who
of goods, &c., prohibited from transpor- have made improvements ...... 772
tation, and transported, or attempted Fort$oations,
to be transported ............... 405 appropriation for armament of, 66, 202. 2683,
proceedings for ................... 406 2134, 841, 845, 507, 646
proceeds of, how distributed ........ 405 for continuing construction of,...67, 68,
Forfeturs. See Interad Rltlenu 24,8 16, 41, 842, 664
under the internal revenue act, how re- for contingent expenses of, 68, 2N, 816,
coverable ......................... 444 84655
power of President to remit .......... 66 how to be used and applied ....... 816
under act, to punish frauds against the appropriations for the construction, pres-
government, ................ 698,699 ervation, and repairs of
prosecutor to receive one half ....... 698 Fort Abercrombie ............... 816
Forfeitewes and Penalies. See Penally. Fort Adams .............. 268, 848, 656
under act further to provide for the col. Fort at Alcatraz Island....... 264, 842
Iction of the revenue ........... 257, 268 Fort at Fort Point ........ 268,842,65
of goods, vessels, &c., trading with states Fort at entrance of Kennebec Riv-
in insurrection, after prohibition of S... ..................... 654
commercial intercourse therewith by Forts at Provincetown Harbor,.... 665
proclamation, &c. 2R,.... Appendix, 1262 Fort at New Bedford Harbor,. .842, 665
In what courts they may be enforced,... 258 Fort at Sandy Hook, ..... 284,842, 665
when and how may be remitted,...267, 258 Fort at Ship Island ......... 843, 655

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1329 1855-1863

1ss0 INDEX.
Ptjicakion, (continued.)
Pot at Staten Island ....... 848,655 4n te District of Columbia, ayluf for,
Port at Willet's Point, .. .268, 842, 848, established ........................ 798
66W Furth Auditor,
Fort at the Tortugas ........ 848, 656 approprations for office of, 95, 96, 186, 187,
Fort Calhoun,........ 268, 842, 666 868, 869, 686, 687
Fort Carroll..........268, 842, 666 appropriation to remove office of ...... 182
Fort Clinch ................ 665
Fort Constitution ............... 654 appropriations for the.....54,229, 621 ,8R
Fort Delaware, ........... 842, 666 treaty with ..........................1171
Fort Hamilton...........84,, 665
Fort on Hog island Ledge .268, 842, may be issued, In lien of postage cur-
664 rency ............................ 711
Fort Jackson ................... 665 amount not to exceed $50,000,000 .....- 711
Fort Jefibrson ....... 268, 842, 848, denominations same as postage cur-
Fort Knox ............... 268,842,654 rency, ....................... .....711
Fort McClary ................... 656 to be prepared in treasury department '
Fort Mifflin ..................... 848 building ......... 711
Fort Monroe ....... ..... 848,65 exchangeable for United States notes,
Fort Montgomery,... 268, 842, 848, 654 in sums not less than $8 ......... 711
Fort on site of Fort Tompkins, 262, 842, receivable for any dues less than $5,
848,66 except duties on imports ........... 711
Fort opposite Fort Delaware ..... 48 tax on, to be five per cent .......... 712
Fort l'reble..................... 64 Flunk, Antonio,
Fort Richmond ............... 268, 848 payment to ......................... 917"
Port Saint Philip ................. 656 FrankingPrile,
Port Schuyler .............. 848, 655 chief of bureaus in the navy department
Fort Taylor .......... 268, 842, 848, 666 to have ........................... 612
Fort Scammel............... 812, 654 commissioner of agriculture to have,,.. 88
Fort Warren ............... 82, 655 of internal revenue to have ....... 488
Fort Winthrop: .......... 842, 848, 656 wb6 entitled to ...................... 708
Fort Wool, ..................... 666 of members of Congress, when to com-
for fortifcations on northern fron- mence, and when to expire ........ 708
tier, .......................... 842 limit in weight, ...................... 706
at Buffilo .................. 842 exceptions as to weight ........ 708, 709
at Detroit .................. 842 envelopes, how to be marked and in-
at Fort Gratiot .............. 842 dorsed ............................. 708
at Mackinaw ................ 842 penalty for false marking,.......... 708
at Ogdensburg .............. 842 FrankVn, Lieut. &Skad R.,
at Oswego .................. 42 to be allowed pay of purser, &e ...... 879
at Salt Sainte MMe ......... 842 "Frank Pieroe,"
dehonce in Oregon and Washington, the name of the schooner, changed to
near Columbia River .......... 848 that of" General Sigel," ........... 481
temporary works In Maine ....... 848 Fraud. See Contract.
in harbor of Portsmouth, N.H., 848 in officers making contracts for govern-
in Narragansett Bay ........ 848 ment, act to prevent and punish, -. 411,
permanent d-fces at Narragansett
Ba.y............. .......... 412
666 In fivnshing supplifs, &a............9
additional fortifications at New London Frauds,
Harbor ........................... 655 upon the Government of the United
not to be expended unless New Lon- States. act to prevent and punish, .... 696
don is to be naval station....... 656 persons In military or naval service
defensive works In Oregon and Wash- making or knowingly presenting a
ington Tetritory .................. 655 fictitious claim, how punished,...e96, 697
defence of Washington ............... 656 false bills, receipts, vouchers, .696, 697
bridge trains and field equipage,...842, 848, making faldse oaths ............... 697
66 forging signatures to any paper, &U., 697
tool and lege
F aine.......... 842, 665 utterin; forged papers ............. 697
conspiring to defraud, by obtaining
appropriations for the,.....66 281, 522, 649 the allowance of false claims, . . 697
784 stealing, embezzling, misappropri.
Fr P'dge., b., Wagn-d, ating arms, ordnance, ordnance
accounts of superintendent og to be set- stores ........................ 697
tled ................................ 204 wrongly and knowingly selling, or
Forts. See FiOetioa. disposing of arms, &Co.,....... 697
Fort Sater, contractors, paymasters, quarter-
act for relief of certain musicians and masters, or other persons having
soldiers stationed at, ................ 278 the charge thereof, concealing
Fist Union, New M.-zi'o, property ...................... 697
military road from, to Santa 4, app o- delivering, &a., false receipts for arms,
priation to complete ............... 208 &c ...... ........................ 697
rovaneing f . . .7 purchasing or receiving in pledge, &e.,
provsions concerning ............. 706 arms, &., fro soldiers .......... 097

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1330 1855-1863


Fraud, (continued.) FraudsupMm Reven, (continued.)

persons so offiending may be tried by penalty for making entry by faLe cO-
court-martial, .................... 697 tificate or invoice, ............... 788
if found guilty, may be fined and by fMlse sample or collusion ....... 789
imprisoned ..................... 697 upon revenue officers, for admitting
may be sentenced to any punish- to entry, by any means, goods,
ment, save that of death ....... 697 &c., for less than legal duty, 789, 740
dismissl trom service not to prevent for ameepting any fee or gra-
trial ................. ............ 697 tuity ..................... 740
persons not in the service, committing remission in cases of forfeiture ....... 788
such frauds, how punished ......... 698 collectors may release goods seized,
forfeiture, damages, and imprison. upon payment of their value, If it
ment,.. 698 does not exceed $IMO ,........... 740
what courts to have jurisdiction of these solicitor of treasury to look after frauds
crimes .......................... 698 and attempted frauds upon revenue,.. 789
any person may Institute and carry on to have three additional clerks,. 789
suit .............................. 698 their compensation, and how paid,. 789
to be at his est, but in name of the collectors to report seizures to solici-
United States.................. 698 tor ............................... 789
not to be withdrawn without writ- offering present to any revenue officer,
ten consent of judge and district how punished .................... 740
attorney ...................... 698 when district judge may authorize col-
one half forfeiture and damages, lector to search for and seize invoices,
and all costs, to go to prosecu- Pa l fe..... ', . .......... 740
tor,......................... .698 vos, &c., seized, may be re-
other half to the United States, ... 698 tallied ....................... 740
suits to be commenced within six years wilful concealment or detruotiqn of in-
from, &c ......................... 698 voices, how punished .............. 740
district attorneys to inquire diligently Yrase Lyrdia,
concerning violations of this act, .... 698 payment to, for serviobs of husband,
defendants may be arrested and held to John Frazee, architect, &e., of New
bail .............................. 698 York custom-house ............88
amount of bail, and who to deter- Amasmr, Capt. Aleander V.,
mne .......................... 698 payment to, for rations ............... 886
persons directly or Indirectly Interested
In profits of a contract, not to act for act to secure all persona within the terni -
the government in making the con- tories of the United States .......... 482
tract ........................ 698, 699 Free LiUrar .
penalty for so doing ............. 699 and re~ing-room for soldiers, in Wash-
repealing and saving elanse ........... 699 ington ............................ 82-
liabilities of sureties not affected by this Freesman, Watson,
act . ............................. 699 payment to, for expenses in repair of
practising, or attempting to practise, court-house in Boston ............. 914
against the United States, in proof, "Jremont,John 0.," Te &hooaner
&c., of claim in the court of claims, to name changed to "Horizon, ......... 250
forfeit claim ........................ 767 FP-ie, A. M.,
duty of court in such case....... 767 accounts of, to be adjusted, and amount
act for the prevention of4 in Insurrec. ofjudgment credited to him.......878
tionary districts ................... 820 Frost,hn A.,
Ihuds upon the Reitue, payment to legal representatives of.... 872
act to prevent and punish ............ 787 FAgitiosfromi &ewe,
Invoices of foreign goods to be in tripli. military and naval officers prohibited
Cate after une 1, 1868 .......... 787 from returning those escaped, ....... 864
how to signed 1e ............... 787 penalty for so doing ............. 854
to be produced to consul ....... 787 not to be surrendered, unless claimant
declaration indorsed thereon ...... 787 shall make oath that alleged owner Is
consul to make certificate on each,. 788 loyal ............................. 591
to whom to deliver the same,.. 788 FWrE, Chammy W.,
goodsnot to be admitted toentry, unless life-pension to ....................... 866
invoices conform ................... 788 Fkller, Emma L.,
if triplicate is not received by collector pension to .......................... 919
before goods arrive, they may be en- Fuoqhs
tered by owners giving bond ........ 788 right of Secretary of Navy to furlough
collector, in such case, to notify officers,'continues ................. 27
consul ......................... 788 to non-commissioned officers and pri-
duty not to be liquidated until trip. vates ............................. 786
licate is received ........... 788, 789 by whom granted, and under what re-
proceedings, when It is impraetica. strictions ......................... 786
ble to produce invoice....... 788, 789 roeqh Pay,
this act not to apply to certain coun. ot officers In the navy, not affected by
tries, nor to certain invoices ....... 789 act Increasing pay of navy, ......... 27
VOL. xu. INDx - 170

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1331 1855-1863

1332 INLDE .
German Benevolent Soc ,
G. act to Inorporate ..................... 81
Gaither, Kate R., powers and duties of the corporation,.. 81
payment to, for freed slaves ........ 924 funds, how to be invested ............ 81
Gales #- Son, limit of property ............. 81
contract with, .or publishing American interest of, how may he applied,... 81
state papers, modified ........ 110, 111 corporation not to act as a bank, nor is-
Galeston Buy, Texas, sue notes, &c., under penalty on offi-
light-vessel to be restored at .......... 68 cers permitting same ............... 8"
range beacons not to be erected ....... 68 charter may be altered, &e........... 81
Game, Gibson, Darid,
prohibitions as to killing, in Washington payment to representatives ........ 849,850
County, D. e ...................... 808 Gibson, Randall L.,
Gas, land claim of, confirmed .............. 845
appropriatiou for ..................... 107 Giddings, George H.,
price of, in Washington, not to exceed payment to, for services on a mail-
certain sum ........................ 107 urote............................. 895
price of, furnished by the Washington Goff, Eli W.,
Gas-Light Company ............... 684 ameot to ......................... 871
Gaue, Gold Gbin and Bullion,
of Pacific railroad and branches, estab- may be received on deposit, with treas-
lished ............................. 807 urer or assistant, ................... 711
Geiger, William, certificates to Issue therefor ........... 711
payment to, In fiall of all claims....... 886 in what amounts................. 711
Gea d-Ofice, coin and bullion, to be retiuhed to pay
duty of commissioner of, under act for certificates on demand .......... 711
adjustment of private land claims, 85, 87 such certificates may be Issued to pay
See Land Claims, Private. interest on public debt, and duties on
appropriations for the...... 97, 188, 687, 688 imports ........................... 711
provisions concerning ................ 409 amount not to exceed coin and bullion.
Geological Surep, in treasury, twenty per cent ....... 711
of Oregon and Washington ........... 207 contracts for the purchase of ...... 719, 720
Georgetown, loans on, not to exceed par value of,... 719
city o4 to be reimbursed fbr money ad- Gold Coins,
vanced to construct Little Falls Bridge appropriation to enable mint to furnish
over the Potomac, ................. 29 small ............................. 279
when act to take efe.ct, ......... 29 Goldsborough, Coptain Louis M.,
corporate authorities of, may regulate thanks of Congress to, and to the officers
speed of running of cars by the Alex- and men under his command ....... 621
andria, L & H. R. R .............. 128 Good Behavior,
corporation of; may lay a water-tax, .... 406 commissioners to take bail, may take
or appropriate necessary money surety of ....................... , 887
from corporate funds ........... 405 sureties for, towards the United States,
may make rues for distribution of wa- may be required of state prisoners dis-
ter ............................... 406 charged from arrest, ............... 756
may collect water-taxes .............. 406 "Good Hope," The Brig,
proceedings in the levying and collecting fishing bounty due to, to be paid to
of such taxes ................ 40, 406 Moses Noble ...................... 886
certain ordinances, &c., concerning wa- Goods in Public Stores,
ter-taxes, ratified ................... 406 April 1, 1861, duties on .............. 196
may repair footways and tax lots adjoin- and on shipboard, August 1, 1862, duties
ing therefor ....................... 407 on, (See Dutes,) .................... 559
appropriation for rebuilding bridges and Goodwin, Charlotte A.,
market-house in............... 758,754 payment to ......................... 84.
mayor of, to be one of board of police, 820 Godi.a, Joak,
duty of, to furnish station-houses for may apply for renewal and'extension of
police ............................ 828 patent ............................ 904
provision for quelling riots, suppressing extension not to subject certain
insurrections, &c., in ............... 828 persons to claims for damages,.. 904
Geoia, 906
ds granted by, which may fall in Go vte, Aasette,
Florida, after dividing line Is settled, assignment of land to children of ...... 1118
qonfirmed, if, &c.............. 11,12 Gow'ile, Bateet,
post-routes established in ............. 166 assignment of land to children of,..... 1118
annual direct tax apportioned to...... 296 Governor,
blockade of ports of, delared,.... Appendix, of the territories of Arizona, Colorado,
1258, Dakota, Idaho, and Nevada. See those
inhabitants of, proclaimed to be in insur- titdes.
rection,... Appendix, 1262, 1266, 1268 to be also superintendent of Indian af-
commercial intercourse therewith pro- I fairs ...................... 176, 218, 248
hibited ............. Appendix, 128, Government ospita4
forfeture of goods and vessels,.. .Appendix, appropikations for support of patients
1262 ........................ 36 749, 817

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1332 1855-1863

INDE= 1388
Gortent in the Territories, Gret Britai, (continued.)
appropriations for the,... 101, 14, SK 865, duties of courts, no appeal ........ 1227'
692 .eparation for wrongful acts to be
GraduationAct, made by each government, ...... 1227
concerning public lands, repealed, ..... 418 punishment of offending officer,... 1227
Grahaam, Hannibal, merchant vessels may be detained, &c., 1227
G yment to; for extra services ....... 918 hatches with open gratings......... 1227
G n, Thons l., bulk-heads, spare-plank, shackles,
opinion of court of claims adverse to, &C., ........................... 1227
confirmed ...................... 911 water and water casks.........1227
Grand C&.e isad, Lottia, mess.tuhe, cooking apparatus, &c.. 12%
survey of, uonfirmed .................. 48 rice, farinha, &e .................. 1228
preimption rights granted ............ 48 matting, &c .................. 12
Grand Jurors, evidence, to be primal facie en certain
additional causes of challenge to, in the proof ............................ 1225
United States courts ............... 480 vessel to be condemned, &c., .......... 1220
additional oath to .................... 480 no damages paid to. if certain arti-
drawing, &c., of, in the District of Co- cles found on board of.......1228
lumbia, .......................... 480 condemned to be broken up... 1228
GrandLodge. See Odd FeUow. owners, offiers, &c., of, to be pun-
of Independent Order of Odd Fellows In ished .......................... 1228
District of Columbia, incorporated,.. 80 persons on board of, to be sent to-
Grand River and Wintak Indians, their nation ................... 1228
agent for ......................... 498, 499 witnesses ..................... 122B
Grand Roud aley, subjects of either power found in
titles of white settlers In, to be extin- vessels of a third power,......... 1229
guished .......................... 982 negroes found on board oC how dis-
Grats, posed of ....................... 1229
to individuals under treaties with the treaty, instrument annexed to ......... 1229
Indians. See ts Tisk of the mvd when to be ratified, bow long to
Treaties. continue ...................... 1229
of lands to the U. States. See Cession. signature, &c................... 1229
Grant, Uiyna S., Annex, (A).......................... 1229
allowance to, In settling accounts, for ships of war, instructions for .......... 122
loss by theft ..................... 905 search and detention ......... I29
if accounts are settled, money to be paid vessels to be sent for judgment,.... 1229
him ............................. 905 before what courts to be brought,.. 1280
Gatikt, Port, search, how and by whom made ...... 1280
part of reservation at, granted for a cem- if vessel is detained, who and what
etery ............................. 867 left on board .................. 1280
Gratukty, declaration of captor, ............. 1280
to seamen promoted for merit, ......... 85 list of papers, & ................. 1280
Gray, S lvester, to contain names of officers, c.,... 1280
land claim of, confirmed ............. 869 change of condition of vessel to be
Gre Britain, certified to .................... 1280
treaty between the United States of negroes, when may be disembarked,... 11?80
America and, for tie suppression of certificate stating causes thereof,.. .1280
the slave-trade, April 7, 1862. 1225 vessel detained, proceedings if unsea-
preamble, object of treaty, contracting worthy ............................ 1280
parties, &c ........................ 1225 If abandoned or destroyed. ........ 1280
vessels of war of each nation may visit Instructions annexed to treaty ........ 1281
merchant vessels, &c .............. 1226 Annex (B) ......................... 1281
may detain and carry away vessel mixed courts of justice, regulations for, 1281
engaged in slave-trade .......... 22 how comred ................... 1281
right of search, authorized by vessels of power of Judges .................. 1281
war, ............................. 1225 registrar, oath and duties of, ...... 1281
restriction to merchant vessels,... 1225 salaries of judges and registrars, ...1281
within certain limits .......... 1225 expenses of, how to be borne ...... 1281
p ode of, by ships of war .......... 1226 expenses of detention, &c., of ves.
.limits of, to be exercised ........... 1226 sels, how defrayed .............. 1281
ships of war, to be furnished with vessel, released, captor to pay ex-
treaty ...................... ...... 1226 penses ........................ 1282
names of, to be given by each na- courts, jurisdiction ............... 122
tion .......................... 1226 decisions of, to be made in twenty
rank of commanders of ........... 122 days........................... 1282
mode of procedure towards vessels final sentence within two months,..1282
under convoy ................. 1226 counsel ....................... 1282
instructions, &e ................. 1227 proceedings of, to be in writing, and
losses by, wrongthl detention by, recorded ....................... 1282
&c ....................... 1227 procedure, mode of ...............1282
Indemnity to be paid, &e ......... 1227 examination of ships' papers by,...1282
mixed courts, three to be established,.. .1227 umpire, how and in what case to be
places of courts, may be changed,......127 chosen, ....................... 128

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1333 1855-1863

1884 PIDEX.
Gkest Britwn, (continued.) "lu Lake ReservationPLO
proceeding if vessel Is restored,... 1282 ceded to the United States ........... 1249
damages, within what tlm-to be paid, 1288 half section of land and mission-
proceedings when detained vessel buildings excepted ............. 1249
is condemned .................. 1288 these granted to Rev. John John-
negroes to be set at liberty ........... 1288 son ...........................1249
courts to determine claims for dama- (JwaboatFed,
ges, ........................ ...... 1288 appropriations for ................ 607, 509
to make complete indemnification, 1288 western transferred to navy department, 57
in total loss. and other cases, ..... 1288 vessels now under construction and re-
interest, claimants entitled to ...... 1288 pair to be completed by war depart.
currency ............................. 1288 met,............................. 587
demurrage, not to be paid, Ac. 1288 (.',mloate,
rate of .... ..................... 1284 on western rivers, appropriations for,.. 268,
judges, registrars, &c., not to receive 816, 881
gifts .............................. 1284 appropriations for ................ 814,815
disability ofjudges or arbitrators,.. 1284 Guiers,
vacancy, how filled ............. 1284 in the navy,-sea service of; how com-
for United States, and in Great puted,........................586
Britain ................... 1284 payof .......................... 818
for and in Great Britain, ...... 1284
for Great Britain in United pa of officer charged with experiments
States ..................... 1286 n, at navy yard, Washington,....... 27
vacancy, notice of ............... 1286 Gwapoider,
to be supplied, &c ........... 1286 and lead, appropriations Ar, 268, 264, 608,
regulations, ratifications, Signatures, 646
&. ...................... .. 128 Gutlre, Mary K.,
Great Saft Lake COi, widow of Presley N., pension to ...... 88
tri-weekly mail to ............... 169, 206
Gre. See Diplomatic Service.
appropriation for minister resident In,.. 762 H
Orem, Smd S.,
fine for filure under mail-contract re- Habeas Corpus,
courts in Colorado, Dakota, and Nevada,
G-rigno,mitted to .........................
Pierre, 885
authorized to grant,... ... 176, 21% 242
land title of, confirmed ............... 857 provisions concerning, in Colorado Ter-
Grittaer,M. C. ritory ............................ 701
payment to, for damages for breach of act relating to, pmd regulating judicial
contrat4 .......................... 846 proceedings ...................... 756
writ of, may be suspended during pres-
law prohibiting export of certain, sus- ent rebellion ...................... 765
pended for a year ................. 668 effiect of the suspension ........766
prohibition of export of; suspended. 742 list of state or political prisoners in cus-
Gawdian Soiy, tody, to be furnished to judges of cer-
act to incorporate in the District of Co- tain United States courts ........... 756
lumbia, .......................... 499 when such prisoners are to be discharg-
inembership, by-laws, officers, &c.,..... 499 ed ............... ............... 75
trustees may receive certain minors Into court to pas the order therefor,... 756
house of industry .............. 499, 600 penalty for refusing to obey order
may reject extremely vicious and of court, ................ .65
Incorrigible offenders, .......... 500 no person to be discharged, until after
may bind out inmates ............ 600 he has taken oath of allegtanoe,. .765, 756
persons committed as witnesses to be sureties of the peace may also be re-
placed In home of industry ....... 500 quired........................ 766
and those under eighteen years and that he will appear when di-
committed for trials............ 6N0 rected, before the court, to be
no commitment of convict to be for less further dealt with ............. 768
term than daring minority .......... 0 district attorney to attend the examina-
those deemed thoroughly reformed may tion .............................. 756
be discharged ..................... 500 such prisoners, under indictment for bail-
authority of superintendent ........ 600 able offience, to be admitted to bail,.. 758
unworthy', &., apprentices may be re- If list Isnot furnished within twenty
turned ..... ................ 600 days, &c., any citizen may apply to
fupitives may be arrested..4 ........ 600 court for their discharge ......... 768
private examinations,...., ...... 5, 6,01 mode of procedure ............... 766
maintenance of inmate, how paid... 501 any order of the President to be a de-
rites to be established by trustees,. 601 Pence to any action for easarrest,
grounds and bildg exempt fom tax- .. ac..o............ 768
ation ............................. 501 may be made by special plea, or
under general issue ............ 766
salary of cionsul at, established . 689.. actions against officers, &e., for costs In
Gdo',Fraci, making arrests,to be removed to cir-
Mad claimnsof heirsof, co i ...... 882 oult court, ..........................756

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1334 1855-1863

MNEX. 1885
Habeas br , (cntinued.) Hma, (continued.)
.. r removal, .......... 766 date ............................ 1188
state court to go no farther,...766, 767 protocol, ........ 1188
original attachment to hold, ....... 757 dues to be maintained, &c. 1188
after final judgment in state court, ao- American vessels, proof of nationality
tion may be removed to circuit court, required .......................... 1188
by ppeal......................... 767 excnge of ratifications ........... 1189
either party, within six months proi-lamstion by the President,..... 1189
pfter judgment, may have writ appprmon to fulfil treaty stipulations
with ............................. am4
of error ...................... 767
proceedings in such cue, ..... 757 Hanc", Ebea S.,
Circuit court to try the ese, as my enter certain land in Minnesota,... 864
though originally commenced Hae, W. Y.,
therein ....................... 767 payment to,......................... 849
bail and attachments . ...... 757 Hiet Lane," 21,
state court to proceed no farther,.. 767 may be transferred permanently to the
if removal is not perfected, state navy ............................ 276
court may Issue execution ...... 757 how cost o4 may be applied .......... 276
appeal, &c., not allowable in criminal Baris,Mary I.,
prosecution, where defendant has had . lifepension to ....................... M
final judgment in his favor....... 767 Har*s, Townsed,
in suits hereafter commenced, if plain- payment to, or to his representative, for
tiff is nonsuited, &c., defendant to negotiating treaty with Slam ....... 884
recover double costs, ............... 757 Hart, Bose M.,
suit may be carried to supreme court,.. 757 widow of Edward Harte, payment to,
suits and prosecutions to be commenced for papers prepared by him under di-
within two years, ................. 767 rection of commissioner of patents,. 906
limitation not to commence until after Harktene, H. T.,
a ge of this act ................. 767 extra expenses to be paid to .......... 872
approprition for expenses of act con- Hartauf,Gerp L..
cerning ........................... 768 ptyment to, for public funds lost, ...... 877
writ of, may be suspended in the islands Hamff, C/ar, '.,
of Key West, Tortugas, and Santa payment to be made to ............... 846
Ross ............ i ...... Appendix, 1261 Hasc&', Wage:n E.,
Half-breed. payment to be made to ............... 846
of the Poncas, provisions for........999 4Hasting," T4e
of the Kansas tribe, assignments of land American register to issue to ......... 82
to children of .....................1118 Haven, Franklin,
I repayment to, and associate, of deposit, 205
to officers absent, with leave ........ 786 Hanir, and Peddler,
Hamiton, Richard J., licenses to, in District of Columbia, how
portion of judgment againt remitted,.. 914 granted ....................... 29, 808
Bin okee Mieaja,
Missouri, not to be longer a port of de- ie-pension
Haym, Beda, ............
to ......... 885
livery ...................... ... 587
Hannai and L roa Company, life-pension to ....................... 8M
may unite with Kansas company,.. 49
may extend its road, &c .......... 495, 497 President may appoint diplomatic repre-
payment to, for transportation of o, sentatires to ...................... 421
&C.................. .... 6 615 to be commissioner and consul-gen-
not to exceed ............... 616 eral, .......................... 421
part may be withheld ................ 615 pay, ................ 421
road may be taken possession of ....... 615 aid for colonization or emigration to,... 426
Hamomer, appropriation for mission to ........ 68
treaty between the United States of Head and Colle#,
America, and the King of, oenern. appropriation to liquidate debts con-
ing the abolition of the Stade or tracted by ........................ 649
Brunshausen dues, Nov. 6, 1861,.....1187 Helm, CA are . I
preamble, contracting parties, &c. 1187 accounts consul-general at Havana,
plenipotentiaries ...... ......... 1187 Hep, to tie an tad and settled, ............ 2D
Btde or Brunshausen dues to be abol- approprition to purchase for the navy, 81,
ished, ..................... 1187
not to be renewed, . 1187 M4, 266
Elbe, works necessary to free naviga- drawback on foreign ................. 197
tion of, to be maintained without appropriation to test, &c., as substitute
charge upon American vessels. 1187 for cotton .................... 860, 691
Indemnity, United States to pay ....... 1188 all, used by government for naval pur-
where paid and to whom, ......... 1188 poses, to be of Amerlcan growth, &e.,
interest thereon .................. 1188 if,&e.
.. ... ............. ....... E
treaty to be executed as soon as Hory, krs. M"3
possible, ...................... 1188 naval pension to ..................... 889
former treaty to remain in force, &o.,1 1 88
ratifications, when exchanged, ......... 1188 name ofark, changed to that of "Flora,"481

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1335 1855-1863

1335 W"DF,
Hesl y, &ad ., . Hoesteads, (continued,)
payment to, for cattle ................ 847 certain persons may enter certain quan-
peasoent to .......................... 58 tities of certain unappropriated lands, 892
such persons to make affidavit ........ 892
Herie Wilia B., contents of affidavit, .............. 892
llfe-pension to ....................... certificates and patents, when to issue,
E!hbard, Daniel B., and upon what proof .............. 892
payment to, for carrying the mail .....892 a.avit,. ........................ 892
H"maA, provision in case of death of appli-
Kentucky, no longer a port of deliv- cant, ......................... 892
Hides,e, .............................. 587
Thomas, record of applications to be made,...... 893
lands thus acquired not to be subject to
executor of lsaae, decision of court of prior debts, ....................... 898
claims against, confirmed .......... 928 when lands thus entered revert to gov-
Ries , Llorame M., ernment .......................... 898
to be credited, in settling his accounts, not over one quarter section to be thus
with roperty lost by the burning of acquired, ......................... 898
the "Pennsylvania, . .............. 906 rules and iegulations to be made under *
Higgins, William, this act ........................... 898
bounty land warrant to issue to ....... 849 fees of registers and receivers .......... 898
High Court of Impeachment, existing predmption rights not im-
of West H. Humphreys, appropriation paired ............................. 898
for expense of .................... 582 certain minors serving in the war to
Highwags have benefits of this act, ........... 898
in County of Washington, District of punishment for fais swearing under this
Columbia, act relating to ........ 888 act, .............................. 898
levr court may alter and lay out addi- applicant may have the land upon pay-
tional . .......................... 888 ing the minimum price, &c., before
what shall be deemed public .......... 888 the five years expire .............. 898
penalty for obstructing ................ 88 Horse Equipments,
fines, how to be collected ........ 888 appropriations for ........ 268,264, 84,
HorsPod, 7
public, to be surveyed, and plate made,. 888
survey to be recorded .......... 888 Postmaster-General, &c., alone to estab-
lines and boundaries to be marked lish and regulate the route ........ 206
by monuments ......... 888, 884 Hoe Railroad,
obstructions in, to be removed ........ 884 between Washington and Georgetown
expense of removal, how borne,... 884 Horses,incorporated, ...................... 888
width of roads hereafter to be laid out,. 884
land may be taken for roads ......... 884 artillery, cavalry, and dagoon, appro-
materiale for making and repairing roads priation for,.......282, 8, 264,8466,
may be taken ...................... 884 644, 649
fields and gardens, &c., not to be taken allowance to company officers of cavalry
until after usual time of taking off for, risk of, abolished .............. 69
crops,............................. 884 Hose Apparatus,
in the District of Columbia, time for appropriation for .................... 88
surveyring, &c., extended ........... 48 HospitalDepartment,
laying out, altering, discontinuing, appropriation for ......... 28, 845, 507, 644
and repairing, of certain, in Hospitalfirthe Insane,
ahinon gounty, D. C.,.799-82 in the District of Columbia, apprpria-
Hockaday and WoaL?.Wd,
tions for .............. 107. 217, 860, 747
payment of daumaes to ............ 898 appropriation for, at Marine Barracks,
HlWen, Edward, Washington ....................... 715
title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed HospitalSquare,
to ............................ 891,892 San Prancisco, suit may be brought
Holaday, S. W., against the United States to try title
may institute suit against the United to lots in, ......................... 126
States to test title to certain lots in proceedings in such suit .......... 126
Hospital Square, San Franciso,..126, 125 Hospital Stewards,
proceedings in such suit, ............. 128 additional may be appointed ........... 878
Holliky'* Core Railro , their pay to be $80 a month ...... 878
declared a highway and post.road .....670 Hospitals,I
may complete,&c.,bridge across the allowance to army, of fruits, milk, &c., 289
Ohio River ................... 670 sanitary condition of, to be under whose
Holliday, SepAen, direction,..l ....................... 879
title to saline lands in Illinols, confirmed all military, general, to be frequently in-
to............................ 892 spected ........................... 688
Bosma, Joseh soldiers fit for discharge, to be dis-
payment to ......................... 999 charged .......................... 688
Hobes, Pdip B., repair_ of .......................... 749
payment to, for use of invention,....864, 88 Hospials, Navy,
Homesteads, appropriations for construction and r,.
act to secure to actual settlers on the pairs Of,................. 8 149,64,817
public domain, ..................... 892 appropriations for, ................... 817"

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1336 1855-1863

Routnas Gwrxnt, rinho, (continued.)
certain claims under, Congress reftse rights of Indians, not impaired ...... 809
Hours, to confirm ......................... 867 Indian territory excepted out of boun-
daries until, & .................... 809
of labor of employees at navy yards, 880, 587 authority of United States over In-
Housener, Elabeth, dians thereon, not impaired, .... 809
pension to ........................... 921 territory may be divided, &o.,....... 809
Hos, Hil W., executive power and authority ........ 809
judgment against, released ............ 86 governor, term, powers, and duties, 809414
qeof dusty. See Gwardian Swiey. appoitment, qualification, and sal-
in the District of Columbia, may be es- ary, .................. 809, 812
tablished by Guardian Society,.. 499, 500 veto power of, ................ 810, 811
Rom of Representatives, secretary, term, powers, and duties, 809-814
appropriations for, 18, 92, 182, 184, 276, 856, appointment, qualification, and sal-
867, 688 ary, ........................ 809, 812
number of members of, established,.... 868 when to act as governor,.......... 809
eight additional members, to what states legislative power..................... 809
assigned .......... " * ....... 86 extent and limits of ........... 810
duty of clerk ofin preparing for the or- veto power, ..................... 810
ganization of ..................... 804 legislative assembly to consist of council
House, Sanueal 0., and house of representatives ..... 809, 810
Houwrd, against, released ...........
Hugh H., 84 pay of members and expenses of,.. 818
appropriation to be made for expen-
invalid pension to................... 908 ses of ......................... 818
Howard Ro rPts, time and place of first and subse-
appropriations for ................. 94, 186 quent sessions of....... 810, 818, 814
rule for distribution of, ................ 245 sessions not to exceed term of forty
Hom, 2omas, days, except the first,........ 810
portion of judmeutagainst, remitted,.. 914 to be but one session annually,
Hudson, Captan eiliae, unless, &e ................... 818
may accept testimonial from Great Brit- not to make expenditures for ob-
a ............................... 116 jeets not specially authorized by
may accept for his wife testimonial from* Congress, nor beyond sums appro-
the Emperor of Russia, ............. 252 priated, ................. 818
Httffak r , John S., coun-l, number, term of service, &c., 809, 818
grat of half section of land to, ........ 122,
ButeLuaC., election of members of ........... 810
house of representatives, number, term
widow of Charles H. Humber, pension of service, ft ...................... 810
to .................... ..... 585 apportionment for election of members
Hwuiilation, Public, of council and house .............. 810
Wting and prayer, days of, appointed, census before first election, .... : ..... 810
Appendix, 1261,120 first election, proceedings thereof...... 810
Hunpey, West H, subsequent elections and apportion-
appropriation for impeachment of ..... 582 ments ........................... 810
Hunt, Alie, plurality to elect, ................... 810
pension to, for life or widowhood ...... 886 voters at first and subsequent elec-
Hunt, (.Smiht and Hunt,) tions ...... ...................... 810
payment to ......................... 854 elegibility to office at first and subw
Hunter, John F., quent elections ................... 810
life pension to ....................... 848 who are disqualified to hold office,. 811
Hmt, township, district, and county officers,
Oyment to........................... 19 how appointed, &c ................ 811
&M , Brasts, judicial power, in what vested,.1 ..... 811
pension to ........................... 868 judicial districts and asiignments of
Huttsnann, Francis, judges ............................ 814
claim of, to be adjusted and paid ...... 887 supreme court, number, appointment,
duties illegally exacted of, to be repaid,. 908 and salary of judges of, ........ 811, 81
HYdrans, jurisdiction, &a., in chancery and at
appropriation for ..................... 868 common law, .................. 811
tax may be laid for .................. 804 clerk, appointment, fees, &c., of, 811, 812
Hydrographic Suroeys (foreign), writs of error, exceptions, appeals to
appropriations for preparing and publish- and from................... 811, 812
ag, to be applied only after report that times and places of holding courts, 811
they are fit for publication ........ 150
Secretary of Navy to order a board of district courts, number, appointment,
three naval officers to decide upon and salary of judges of ........ 811, 812
their fitnes ................... 160, 151 jurisdiction, &o., of, in chancery and
at common law ............ 811, 812
L times and places of holding courts, 811
ordaho, precedence of trials in, .......... 812
territory of, e lished .............. 08 elerk of, appointment, ees, &c., 04 811
boundaries ....................... 80, 809

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1337 1855-1863

1888 INDBX.
Make, (continued.) lrnults of such ports to be estab-
to be register In chancery,.... 811
probate courts, jurisdiction o and ap- lished, ........................ 256
pointment ofjudges of ........... 811, 812 collection, &c., laws to apply to such
justices of the peace, appointment and ports ......................... 256
jurisdiction o ..................
t 811j 812 when dutes cannot be collected in any
abeus corpus, appeals in certain comes port of entry or delivery in any dis-
ot ................................. 812 tret, custom-house may be estab-
attorney, appointment, fees, salary, and lished at, &c....................... 26
duty of ........................... 812 residence and duty of collector,... 256
marshal, appointment, fees, salary, and Secretary of Treasury to make reg-
duty (f ........................... 812 ulations ................. 266
contingent expenses of territory, annual vessel may change her destination
appropriation for,..... ...... 812 to unobstructed port If, &a ..... 25
seat of government, how established and vessel
or cargo not to be taken from cus-
changed ........................... 818 dy ofofficrs of customs, unless, &., 266
delegate to congress, qualifleations and if attempt is made, military and
election of, ........................ 818 naval force may be used,.......256
school sections reserved ............. 814 ports of entry in any district may be
constitution and laws of the United do.5d, if6 ..................... 6
States, if not inapplicable, made ap- notice thereof to be given by proc-
plicable to the territory ........... 818 lamation ..................... 256
disbursing officers to give security for efiet of such discontinuance ..... 256
moneys Intrusted to them .......... 814 to continue until obstructions cease, 256
treaties with Indian tribes, to be faith- vessels, &., attempting to enter
fully observed ..................... 814 such ports to be forfeited ...... 257
existing agencies and superintendenles the President In certain cases may de-
continued,... ................... 814 clare the inhabitants of a state, &.,
locations may be changed ....... 814 to be in insurrection ............. 267, 284
territorial officers to take oath of offlce,. 812 commercial intercourse thereupon
form of oath................... 812 to cease ................. 267
slavery not authorized or permitted in vessels and cargoes, &c., to be for
the territory ...................... 811 felted, if, & .................... 267
M~ctt Cumetin. See Passengers. the President may license intercourse
by master or person employed on board under regulations ................... 267
any vessels of the Unted States, dur- Secretary of Treasury to prescribe
ing voyage, how punished ........ 8,4 regulations ................... 257
may appoint officers of cus-
post-routes established in,.15, 414, 878, 662 toms ..................... 257
annual direct tax apportioned to, ..... 296 their duty, pay, & ........... 267
additional representative in Congress vessels belonging to those in insurrec.
assigned to ........................ 858 tion, when to be forfeited .......... 257
election of additiond representative to other suitable vessels may aid revenue
Congress from..................... 572 cutters in this service ............... 257
change of federal judicial districts in,.. 686 forfeitures and penalties under this aft
provision for pending suits ...... 6 may be remitted ................. 257
process, how served ............. 686 rules and regulations to be estab-
judgment in pending esee, how ex- lshed ..................... 257,258
ecuted ....................... 586 in what courts forfeitures may be
repeal of conflicting provisions,.... 686 enforced ....................... 258
to constitute part of the eighth judicial specific duties imposed upon certain,.. 292,
circuit, ....... .............. 687 298
sirup of sugar, &e., entered as mo-
of public buildings in Washington, Feb- lasses, to be forfeited, ............. .92
ruary T2, 1862, appropriation for,.... 848 ad valorem duties on certain imports,.. 292
certain articles in foreign vessels, &.,
of West H. Huphreys, apuropriation subject to additional duty ........... 293
for expenses of ................. 682 drawback allowed on certain articles,. - 298
roport Dutiff, ten per cent. to be retained ....... 298
treaty provisions respecting. See Bri- on shipboard, and on deposit in ware-
yhues, Bolsia, C ina, Japan, Likeia, houses and public stores, to pay for-
Ottoman Empire, Paraguay, Veneuela. mer rates ........................ 298
Imports. See Duties. when goods deposited in bonded ware-
act to regulate duties on........... 172, 209 house or public store must be with-
act further to provide for collection of drawn, and duties paid ............. 294
duties on ........................ 266 amendments to former act ............ 294
when Impractlcable to collect duties at repealing clause .................... 294
a~y port of entry, in any district, they saving of laws as to collection of duties,
may he collected at any port of de- £.............................. 294
livery In same district ............ 256 act to increase duties on, &..........648
powers otaurveyors at such ports,. 266 condensed, statement of aggregate
weighers, gagers, ,nusurors, &0.,. amount of, provision for printing,
to be appointed ............... 256 &a............................... 826

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1338 1855-1863


lidprendentLine of Tdraph
number f copies and how distrib- may ue streets, &., n the District of
uted .... ed................... 828 Columbia, with written approval of
Secretary of the Interior, & ... 827
for non-payment of Ies imposed by proper use of streets not to be ob-
court-martial, on non-commissioned structed ...................... 827
oflicer and private, for disobedience lines to beprotected, ................. 827
to orders of President, calling forth Independent Or- of Odd Fellow,
the militia ........................ 282 act to Incorporate the Grand Lodge of4 8M8
of convicts from the criminal court in Indepndent Treanny,
the District of Columbia, where may appropriations for.......102,148, 86, 98
be ordered ..................... 685,828 appropriation for, Increased establish-
ment of ........................... 278
made b Indiana, to be paid for, if they portions of act establishing, suspended, 818
are removed from reservations. See 81a
Treatis *Whthe several ad/in 2hea. Iadiana,
of settlers on Puget's Sound to be paid post.routes established In,.166, 41, 578, 662
for .............................. 57,58 annual direct tax apprtioned to...... 296
purchaser at tax sale to be paid for those special session of United States district
made by him, &c.................. 806 court for ........................ 681
Ior" DJuf. See Internal Revenue. provision for process pending and
provisions of internal revenue act, con- returnable .................... 681
erning ............... 809, 810, 478475 to constitute part of the eighth judicial
releal of former ................... 478 circuit, ............................ 687
portion of act of 1861, establishing in- time of holding district and ircuit
Come tax, repealed ................ 478 courts in ......................... 667
duty on annual gains, profits, or income, expenses of repelling rebel raids in, how
If over $00-and not over $10,000, 478 paid ............................. 760
if over 10,000 .. .............. 478 radian Affairs,
on Income derived from United superintendent of,for Washington Ter-
States securities. .............. 474 ritory, authorized.............. 180
on stocks, &c., owned In the United salary, &e., of 180
States, by citizens of the United tribes may be attached to either Oregon
States residing abroad, ......... 478 or Washington superintendency,when
local and other taxes to be first de- situated partly in either ............ 180
ducted ................... 478, 474 appropriation for, changed ......... 844
for what year to be assessed and for offiee of commissioner of;..860, 687,
collected ...................... 474
when payable ................... 474
India Agencis,
penalty for delay or detalt in pay- right of United States to establish on
ment ......................... reservations. See Treaties wi the
amount due to be a lien on property several Indian Tribe.
from which income accrues ..... 474 Indian Adqeq,
lien may be enforced by distraint in Iown,reservation for, made subject
and sale, .................. to laws relating to public lands, ... 28
474, 475
proceedings in such case,..474, 475 preimption rights, &c..........." 28
eertificates of sale by collector, ef- Indian Agent,
fect of; ....................... for Grand River and Wmtah bands of
persons to make return of income, &e., 476 Indians in Colorado ........... 498, 499
in case of neglect or refusa asses- radianAgents,
sors to determine amount and as- three additional to be appointed ...... 118
ses the same ................. 475 salary...... .............. 118
assessor may increase amount of income in Utah, p..'ment of, ................ 19
returned, ........................ three additional for Washington Terri-
persons may make oath as to amount of tory authorized ................... 180
income .......................... 475 salary........................... 180
house rent actually paid, to be dedue salary of,to the W'ithitas............. 289
from income, &e .................. on the Upper Missouri, salaries of two, 792
Increase, in Nevada and Utah Territory ..... 798,794
of the regular army and navy, directed, for Ottawas, Chippewas, and Christian
Appendix, 1260 Indians ........ ............ 792
agency to continue only one year, . .792
of states for expenses incurred, &c.. 276 speial agents and commissioners, not
andenrnity, appointed by President, to be appoint-
3epe of law requiring, by the United ed by Secretary of Interior ......... 72
Sae, for ceti trepaMes of In- IninAgents, Superintendents, t'
dians by whites, how to be constru- duty of,to search for and seize liquors
ed ....................... M unlawfully introduced, &, into the
right to indemnity existing at time of Indian in ^-1Ktm ..........
.,. ..... 88
repeal, not affected ............... 120 ri.............
to States for war expenses, act concern-
to apply to expenses incurred be- onlarsenal established at ........ 687
fore and[ ater date of approval ...... 615 completion of court-house at,........748
voL. x i Izx- 171

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1339 1855-1863

P&Oa Pass
kdin Comly, Iradia Departent, (continued.)
President may negotiate with loyal In- Sacs ................ 54, 280, 521, 788
dians in, to provide home for Kansas Scotons .......... 45, 221, 618, 774
Indians. .......................... 798 Seminoles ........ 64, 280, 621, 788, 798
Indian Departen Seneca ...... 54, 55, 280, 521, 788, 784
appropriations for fulfilling treaty stipu- Shawnees, 66,57,280,281, 621,6 2, 28,
lations with certain tribes ........ 4-11 784
general appropriations for, for 1860-61,44-89 Sioux,.56, 68, 281, 287, 288, 622. 62S,
for 181-82, .............. 221,289 784, 785
for 1862-68 .............. 512,880 Six Nations .......... 56, 281, 622,784
for 1868-4 .............. 774, 794 S'Kallams ........ 10, 286, 627, 789
agents, superintendents, &e., 44,46, 221, Texas Indians ................ 56, 236
287, 288, 612, 774 Umatillas .............. 6, 288, 524, 786
clerks, interpreters, 8v., 45, 221,612,629, Umpquas, 46, 56, 221, 231, 624, 775, 785
774 Utah ........................ 629, 792
presents, provisions, buildings at Walla-Wall ........ 6,10,288,524,786
agencies ....... 46, 221, 612,629, 774 Wichitas ..... 6, 286, 29, 527, 790-798
transportation and contingencies, 46,221, Winnebagoes, 48, 66, 228, 281, 515, 628,
612, 527, 774 777, 786
treaty stipulations, &c., with the Yakama, ....... 7, 57, 68, 288, 624, 780
Apaches .......... A 224, 516, 777 Yanctons, 56, 57, 281, 286, 288, 528, 527,
Blackfoot Indians,.46, 67, 221, 286, 612, 785, 790-792
774, 791 Indian service in California, 67,286, 288,512,
Calapooias ........ 6, 281, 522, 528, 785 627, 80, 790
COmanches ........... 48, 224, 515, 777 in Colorado Territory ......... 629, 791
Cayuses .............. 6, 288, 624, 786 in Michigan and Minnesota, 67, 286, 627,
Clhtas ............... 46, 221, 618, 775 790
Chickasaws...... 48. 224, 516, 777, 798 n Nevada Territory .......... 629,791
Chippewas,.45, 46, 47, 48, 61, 68, 222, in New Mexico,. 66, 286, 288, 627, 789,
227, 287, 61619, 627, 775, 777, 781, 790
790 in Oregon ........ 68, 287, 628, 791, 79t
Choctaws,.... 48, 224, 288, 516, 777, 798 in Texas............... .... 56, 286
Clackamas ...... .. 6, 282, 515, 785 in Utah Territory, 68, 287, 629, 791, 792
Comanches,........48, 224, 516, 777 in Washington Territory,.8, 287, 528,
Creeks,.......... 48, 224, 516,778, 798 791, 798
Delawares ............ 49,225, 618, 779 in country leased from the Choc-
Dwimish .............. 6,282,528, 786 taws ................. 286,527, 790
flatheads ........... 8, 58, 284, 625, 788 California to be divided into two Indian
Fort Laramie .... 66, 281, 522, 649,784 districts ........................... 67
Foxes ............... 54,230, 620, 788 superintending agent for each district
Iowa$ ............... 49, 226, 517, 779 appointed by President ............. 67
Kansas ............. 49, 225, 517, 779 salary, bond, duties .............. 67
Rickapoos ........... 50, 226, 517, 779 to appoint supervisor for each reser-
Kiowas ............... 48, 224, 515, 777 vation ....................... 67
Lake Winnebagoshiah,.47, 58, 228, 514, salary and duty .............. 57
776 not more than four laborers ....... 67
Makahs ............... 6, 282, 523, 786 compensation ................ 57
Menomonees,.48, 60, W8, 226, 516, 517, repeal of inconsistent laws, ........... 67
777, 779 vaccination ...............57, 287, 628, 790
Mianies6 ......... 60, 226, 517, 779, 780 improvements of settlers on Puget's
Middle regons, .. .9, 67, 286, 626, 788 Sound to be paid for,.......... 57,8
Missourias ....... 51, 2W7, 618, 529, 781 land to be bought for Ottowas, &c., in
Molasa ............. 68, 282, 628; 785 Michigan .................... 68
Molels ............... 10, 286, 620, 789 Spunk or Bull Firog, alias Henson, Jo-
Nez Perc ......... 7,58,284, 624, 787 seph, payment to .................. 68
New York Indians,....48, 228, 516, 777 payment for damages by's
Nisquallys, ........... 50, 226, 518, 780 band at Spirit Lake ............... 68, 69
Omahas,.......... 51,'226, 518,780, 791 amounts to be first adjusted,. 69
Osages .............. 61, 227, 518, 780 negotiations with the Red Lake and Red
Ottawa ....... 62, 227, 51%, 781, 792 River Chippewas in Minnesota ..... 69
Ottoes ........ 51, 227, 618, 529, 781 with the Arapahoe and Chienne Indians, 59
Ottowas ..... 51, 68, 228, 519, 781, 792 Merit L. Young, payment to .......... 69
Pawnee#, 52, 67, 228, 286, 288, 619, 527, annuities to Pawnees, Ponea, and Yano-
781, 790 ton Sioux ................ 286, 527, 790
Pillager Bands....47, 68, 29, 514, 776 Chippewas ............. 287, 627, 790
Poneas, 6,68, 67,282, 286, 288, 628, 527, pay of agents, clerks, supervisors, and "
786, 790 laborers...... 287, 288, 527, 528, 774, 790
Pottawatomies ....... 68, 228, 520, 782 survey of Ponca Reserve.............. 287
Pnyallups ........... 50, 226, 618, 780 payment to Sisseeton and
Quspaws ............ 63, 224, 620, 788 bands of Dakota or Sioux, for reser-
Quil-leh-utes ....... 10, 286, 626, 789 vation on Minnesota River ......... 287
Qui-nai-elts .......... 10,286,626,789 to Med-a-wa-kan.ton and Wah-pa.
Rogue Rivers .... 68, 229, 288, 620, 788 koo-ts bands for their reservation, 287

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1340 1855-1863

INDEX. 1841
hdian Dpartaxn, (continued.) I a ADate, of Interior to report to
ecretry (continued.)
may be made in bonds authorized
at this session of Congrew ...... 287 Con"res expenditure of appro-
payment to Rogue River Indians for im- priation ....................... 792
provements ..................... 288 special agents. and commissioners, not
for arrears of interest .........238 appointed by President, to be ap-
expenses of treaty with Sioux ....... 288 pointed by Secretary of Interior ... 792
payment of $500,000 to Choctaws under relief of the Weas, Peorias, Kaskaski a,
treaty, half money, half bonds...... 288 and Piankeshaw Indians,............ 792,
to be charged to Choctaws in fu- 798
ture adjustment of claims of Choc- bonds, purchased with proceeds of
taws ...................... 288, 289 sales of their lands, to be sold, -. 798
salary of agent to Wichitas and other notice of sale and minimum price, 798
be appoint-
Indians in the country leased from no special agents to
the Choctaws .................... 289 ed................ ....... 798
relief of destitute Indians, and prevent- sale not to be made, unless the In-
ing suffering and starvation among dians assent and approve ....... 798
the Indian tribes.................... 289 negotiation of treaty with the several
amount to be expended in present tribes of Indians in Kansas, to extin-
fiscal year..................... 289 guish their titles to lands ......... 798
deficiency in contingent fund ......... 529 with the tribes south of Kansas and
payment to Shawnees ................. 628 west of Arkansas, known as the
medallions of the President for distribu- Indian Country, to secure home
tion among the tribes ............... 528 for Kansas Indiana ............. 798
appropriations to tribes in hostility to be with various tribes, to procure re-
suspended .................... 528, 798 moval, c....................
C 792
Cherokees, Clikasaws, Choctaws, salary of Indian agents in Nevada and
Creeks, Seminoles, Wichitas, and Utah ......................... 798, 794
afiliated tribes included ....528, 798 removal of Winnebagoes, tolocation out-
part may be expended on those side of the limits of any state ....... 785
driven from their homes, ...528, 798 Indian Disticts. See Indian Department.
accouqts to be kept........ 528,798 Indian Hostilities,
if tribe is in actual hostility, President payment of expenses incried in the
may declare treaties abrogated ...... 628 suppression of, by
purchases of articles for Indians to be Utah Territory, ................. 151
made after advertisement ....... 52,798 Oregoh Teritory ............... 198
negotiation of treaty with the Chippe- Washington Territory ........ 198, 199
was of Northern Minnesota ......... 529 California ................... 199, 200
Shoshonees, or Snake Indians,.... 529 Minnesota to be repaid expenses of sup-
Nez Perc~s ofWashington and Ore- pressing, ......................... 764
gon, .......................... 29 Indian Lands,
salary of superintendent in California, 529 white persons not to reside or go upon
no new engagements to be made in certain, unless, &fc ............ 1102, 1112
treaties to pay money ............... 529 Indian Reserrations,
payments to be in clothing and agri. in Kansas and Nebraska, appropriation
cultural implements ......... 529 for survey of outlines of ........... 861
goods for Indian department to be certain, of the Sisseeton, ic., bands of
purchased only on written requisi- Sioux Indians, to be surveyed and
tion .............................. 629 sold .............................. 819
settlements with incompetent or orphan Indian,
Indians ............................ 629 treatie with the Arapahoe and Chgnne, CU
Inquiry to be had as to reduction of In- petmas Delaare, Diuish41, 6-c., g =ua,
dhan reservations in California ......
- 580 Kansas,
L., Makahe,
ap ropriation for incidentals for extraor- Soux, Middle Oregons, Mendawakonton, ivc.,
Molds, er Pero.
d Indian troubles in the north- Ottawas, Qui-naielts, 4-c., Pone#, PFttawa-
western states and territories .....:. 792 tomie, S and Foxes, Sisseeton, OT-., Sioux,
payment to Tah.sah, or White Cow, an S'Ka , Swan ereek, 4c., Tonawandas,
Omaha chief ...................... 791 Walla- Wellas, Wirnehaq". d-., apd Yaka-
to S. C. Webber and J. J. Miller, for mas. See thee srerat Ttl4a.
erecting a mill on the Omaha res- rights, of, preserved,
ervation ...................... 791 in the admission of Kansas ....... 127
agents on the Upper Missouri ......... 792 in establishing the territory of Colo-
Iose to Yancton Sioux, by sinking of redo ........................... 172
the steamer "J. G. Morrow," ....... 792 of Dakota .................. 210
Incidentals, from extraordinary Indian of Nevada, ................. 289
troubles .......................... 792 relief of destitute, appropriation for,.. - 289
agent for the Ottawas, Chippewas of sale, &rt., of spirituous liquors, or wine,
Swan Creek and Black River, and to certain, how punished ............ 889
Christian Indians in Kansas ....... 792 may be competent witnesses in Cases
claims of half-breeds to proceeds of under act regulating trade ....... 889
lands in the Nevada reserve, ....... 792 See Spirituous Liquors.
intercourse with Indian tribes, with act to protect property of those who have
whom are no treaties,...: .......... 792 adopted habits of olvilized life ....... 427

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1341 1855-1863

1842 1"F-DX.
1842 1~427
Injbw Asplum, (continued.)
damage for trespass thereon to be may be at any time altered or re-
pealed, ......................... 798
sessed on the bend or tr'ibe of objects, powers, estate, &c., of ......... 798
trespasser, if&& .............. 427 may retain foundlings, and innt hil-
amount to be withheld from maydren
bl committed
them out, to its
or care
place ...........
them for 798
next payment to tribe ..... 427
and paid to person injured,... 427 adoption........ ...........
placuathemtfo 798, 799
if trespasser be a ce, he may besus- ........ 2 69
d, &c ...................... 428 Ifay how composed
of volunteers,
indian Sco. See the Teais iA the see- nine new, to be addedtoregular army,. 279
rWl Indian Trlbe& each to consist of two or three batta-
Indian S&qVwindents, ions, ............................. 279
appropriations for.............. 44, 221, 288 bdaion to consist of eight companies,. 2 9
provisions concerning,ie CQlorado, Da- companies, how made up ............ 219
kota, nd Nevada, .......... 176, 218, 248 field and staff commissioned and non.
INdia Tites, commissioned, officers .............. 280
to lands afibcted by act alding the Pacific pay, term of enlistment, &c.. ...... 280,281
railroad and telegraph line, to be ex- provision for disbandment, when, &c.,.. 281
tinguished, ....................... 492
inda 7Vder, lands of4 sold for taxes, provisions for
license of, revoked, and bond put in suit redeemin .......................... 806
for introducing, &e., liquors into In- 1Army, 2"e Waingon,
dian country ...................... 889 payment to sufferers by the burning of.. 906
Indian Tribes, Washintpiopr n for....... 817
appropriation to those In hostility to be
suspended, &o., by the President,.... 528 Injury. See Wi'fl and Malicious injury.
part may be expended on those wilful and malicious ................. 88
driven from their homes....... 528 lnk-pa-d04-ah's Band,
accounts to be kept, ......... 562 adjustment and payment for damages
Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, done by, at Spirit lake, ...... 68, 59, 208
Creeks, Seminoles, Witehitas, and aF hwnte,
lated tribes deemed hostile ...... 628 of the army, navy, and revenue cutter
If tribe is in actual hostility, the Presi- service, may be retained in the insti-
dent may declare the treaty abro. tution at Washington, until cured,
gated ..................... ....... 628 &e .......................... 28
negotiation of treaties with certain, ap- rules for admission of, to the Govern-
priatlons for,................. 629 ment Hospital for the insane in the
no new agreement .to be made to pay District of Columbia, ............ 177
money to ......................... 529 expenses in whole or in part to be
payments to be hade in clothing or charged to those who have proper-
agricultural instruments ........ 629 7
settlements with incompetent, or orphan In=ae,%;ospitalfor .the,..........
Indians. .......................... 529 in the District of Columbia, appropria-
credits to be given to certain, for trust tion for .......... 109, 217,850,747
funds abstracted from the custody of Insane, 2T,
Jacob Thompson ........... 689, 540 lands of, sold for taxes, provision for re-
sums to be held in trust, and inter- deeming ......................... 806
est paid ................. 5W isoiuMC'V1
stolen bends to belong to the United transfers, &c., by banking associations,
States ............................ 540 in contemplation of: with a view, &a.,
act to apply to such tribes only as assent void .............................. 679
in writing thereto,................. 540 Inmpaction,
appropriation for interest on bonds, .... 540 of transport vessels for war department, 888
intercourse with various, with whom of convalescent camps and hospitals,
are no treaties, appropriation for,... 792 provisions conerning ........... 688
nfegotiations for removal, exchange soldiers fit for discharge, to be dis-
of lands, boundaries, &c.,....785,792 charged ........ ......... 688
secretary to report to Congress dis. to be made of drafted men, by the sur-
i osition of the money .......... 792 geon, ............................ 784
penalty on sutgeon for neglect &c., in
fine of Improperly exacted from, regard to inspection .............. 78
to be re 'd......... ' ............. 271
indutrialErhibion, r- tNavy
a d, New York, fitting, & 748
at London in 1862, industrial interests of INpedr of Cutom,
the United States to be represented to be appointed at Benicia, Monterey,
there ............................ 828 Sacramento, San Diego, San Pedro,
usualities. See Dirc Tax. Stockton ......................... 411
of taxation, to be reported to Congress, salary ofeach to be $1000 ........ 411
to be rectified, ..................... 801 inpetos. See internal Revenue..
Zpisa Agilaia, under the internal revenue act, to be
act to incorporate St. Ann's, In the Dis- designated by colleetor ............ 447
trict of Columbia, .................. 796 duties, pay, &Ac................ 447-M

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1342 1855-1863

INDEX. is"8

Isopectors-General, n or, Dertment q t,

five assistants to be appintd ........ 287 appropriations for support of, 97, 188,189
rank and pay of ................ 287 277, 860, 861, 687, 68
two additional, authorized ............ 818 eight additional night watchmen ....... 277
lnspscOrsof Steamboats, See Legislativ, iva. Appropriat-on
appropriations for ....... 102,148, 866, 694 Interior, secreta3 Of tme,
appropriations for office of, 97,188, 860, 687
to subscriptions on national loan, provis- _ See Seretayf tMe nteior.
ion as to payment,&., of .......... '0 Jntelocvtor Sale. SeeIa
Secretary of Treasury may make regu- in prize cases, provisions concerning, .. 874
ltIons ........................... 20 .lnterients,
penalties for not paying........ 260 in Mount Olivet Cemetery Company,
rustitutionfr ase Educati of CledYOut& report of, to be made .............. 427
act to incorporate .................... 796 ln a Revenue,
Insuments. See tam. act imppoing internal duties, stamp du-
provisions concerning stamps upon, &c., 682, ties, licenses, &c............... 482-489
88, 725 when various parts of, take effect, 561,
issued without stamps, not for that rea- 627
son to be void, ............. 682, 724, 725 acts amending................ 627, 718
not to be admitted in evidence, without commissioner of internal revenue, ap-
stamp............................. 725 pointment, salary, duties, &c., of, 482, 488
stamp may be affixed in court ........ 725 clerks in office of ................ 488
Ausmznce Agents, to have franking privilege ........ 488
to pay for license .................... 715
Insurantce Companies, GZunUAL PRovIsIoNS.
tax on divideuds o4............... 470, 471 convenient collection districts to be
duty to be paid by ................ 719-721 made ............................ 488
hnsuwqmts, any state may make one......... 488
President shall order to disperse, when, limit to number of in any state, ... 48
La...........................282 number in California, ............. 488
Insurrection, assessor and collector appointed for each
when inhabitants of a state, or part of a district ......... ........ 488,561
state, may be declared to be in,... 257, to be residents within the same,... 48
284 assessor to divide his district into assess-
commercial intercourse therein to ment districts ..................... 488
cease, unless licensed, and er- to appoint assistant assessor in each, 488
,tain property to be forfeited,... 257 oath of assessors and assistant assessors, 488
inhabitants of certain states declared to certificate to be delivered to collector, 488
be In ....... ....... Appendix, 1262 penalty for acting without taking
commercial intercourse therewith to oath .................... 488
close, & ., ..... . .... Appendix, 1282 collectors to give bonds before entering
made a capital ofibnce under act giving on duties .................... 48, 48M
judicial powers to certain ministers, amount, sureties, conditions ...... 484
&c ................... ........ 76, 77 where to be filed and kept ...... 484
See Capital Offeces. to renew and strengthen them from
Ins mtionar Districts, time to time .................. 484
act to collect direct taxes in ........... 422 collector may appoint deputies and re-
collection of abandoned and captured voke appointments ................ 484
property in, provisions concerning,. 820, to pay deputies ................. 44
821 my require bonds, &.,........ 484
officers and soldiers receiving such prop- to be responsible for act of his depu.
erty, or cotton, sugar, rice, or tobac- ties ........ ............. 484
co, to turn the same over to special ma. collect the whole tax and du-
agents ........................... 821 S ties.......................... 484
persons claiming to be owners of, may deputy collectors, to have power of col-
prefer their claims in the court of lectors to collect texes, e .......... 484
claims, ......................... '820 persons, firms, and corporations to re-
upon what proof may recover,...:: 820 turn to assistant assessor amount of
annual income and its of articles
to be paid certain contractors for carry- subject to tax, &c ................. 484
ngthe malls ................... 1,2, 112 forms, &c., of returns ............ 484
rate of and provision concerning, on regulations, instructions, &c., of com-
bonds, treasury notes, &c.,..259, 280,818 missioner to be binding on assessors,
Coupons for, how executed, &c....... 259 &c., and collectors, &c............. 484
on income-tax due and not paid ........ 810 assessors to cause assistants to make out
on purchase-money in case of redemp- tax lists in each district ........ 484,485
•tion of real estate sold for taxes,.. 804, persons, &., failing to return lists, may
806 disclose to officer, ................. 486
on United States bonds and notes to be officer to make ist ............... 485
paid in coin ....................... 845 list when signed and sworn to, to
act to pay on public debt ............. 482 be list of such persons ..... ;.. 486
rate of, upon loans and diseounts,.. 678, 679 penalty for delivering or disclosing
usury to forfeit the debt .............. 679 frtadulent list .................... 486

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1343 1855-1863

1844 INDEX.

.ard R1s=, (continued.) lutenad BReve, (continued.)

valuation and enumeration, how to be liable to pay ten per cent.
made In such cues ............. 485 additional ..................... 489
no appeal therefrom ......... 435 to make demand personally, or at dwell-
assistant assessors to notify persons ab- ings, within ten days from receiving
sent at time of call to return tax lists, 485, lists............................... 489
718 to distrain and sell, if not paid In ten
upon refusal or neglect to give lists, days .............................. 489
assessor to enter upon premises proceedings in case of distraint, &c., 489,
and make lists ............. 485, 718 440
such lists to be good lists ......... 486 what is exempt from distraint,..... 440
fifty per cent. to be added to value goods, &c., distrained, may be re-
of such lists ........... 485, 48 stored to owner, if before sale,
penalty for such refusal, &c ...... 487 amount due and expenses are
lists of non-resident owners, how made, 486 paid or tendered ............... 489
non-resident owners may deliver lists of proceedings in case of sale.... 489, 440
such property to assistant assessor of proceedings where property distrained
district where they reside .......... 486 is not divisible .................... 440
such assistants to transmit such to purchase for the United States prop-
lists .......................... 486 erty sold in certain cases ......... 440
further proceedings therewith,.... 486 such property may be sold, ...... 440
lists to be taken with reference to what to seize and sell real estate where per-
day ............................... 486 sonal property is not sufficient, ...... 440
assistant assessors to make general lists, 486 procedings in such case ...... 440,441
of residents ...................... 486 d:eed, to recite what ........... 441
of non-residents ................. 488 effect thereof ............... 441
forms and contents of such lists, 486 lands seized may be redeemed from
to deliver them to assessors within sale, by paying, &c., amount due, 441
thirty days ................... 487 to keep record of sales of lands....... 441
penalty for non-delivery in time,... 487 record, where to be deposited ..... 441
assessors to notify, where tax-lists, &c., entry of fact of redemption of lands
may be examined ................. 487 to be made on record .......... 441
notifications to state what ........ 487 claim of government on lands sold,
lists to remain open, how long....... 487 to date from seizure ........... 441
to be submitted to inspection of any to collect tax upon property of persons
person, ....................... 487 non-residents, inthe United States, 441,442
assessors to hear and decide .appeals proceedings in such case .......... 442
from valuations ................... 487 to return monthly statements of collec-
question to be decided by asses- tions to commissioner ............. 442
sors .......................... 487. to complete collections, and render final
regxamine and equalize valuations, 487 account within six months ........ 442
but may not increase without no- receipt of officer of designated de-
tice ..... .................... 487 pository to be sufficient voucher, 442
notice, how given ........... 487 to be charged with whole amount of
appeals to be In writing, and specify taxes receipted for ................. 442
grounds of appeal.......... 487 to be credited with what .......... 442,448
assessors to make out lists for collection, 487 penalty on collector for neglect to col-
contents, &c., of such lists,... 487, 488 lect, pay over, &c., in time ........... 448
separate lists of property of non-res- warrant of distress to issue against
idents ........................ 4 88 his estate, and that of his sureties, 448
to deliver lists to collectors within proceedings thereon .......... 448
ten days ....................... 488 real estate may be seized and sold, 448
penalty for neglect ........ 488 penalty for extortion or wilful oppres-
remission of penalty,...*::: 488 sion ................... .......... 448
pay of assessors and assistants,.... 488, 726 collectors and deputies, to give receipts
additional in Califoinia, Oregon, and for all sums collected, &c............ 443
territories ..................... 488 may enter any place where taxable
where collection district embraces property is kept, to examine, &c, 4
more than Congressional districtk 488
charges for stationery and books penalty for refusal to admit, &., .. 444
allowed ....................... 488 for forcibly hindering collector,
collectors, receiving lists, to subscribe U, in discharge of his duties, 444,
three receipts .................... 488
one on full copy of ist ........... 488 to collect taxes and prosecute to recover
such list torentain with assess- them and all fines, &c ............. 444
or and be open to inspection, 488 fines, &e., how recoverable, and to
others, on aggregate statements of 488 whose use ................... 444
lists,...................... If collector is sick, &c., deputy to act, 444
to whoto o be sent. 488, 489 notice to Secretary of Treasury, ...... 444
to give notice that taxes, &c., are due, 489, responsibility of collector and sure-
714 ties, not affected, ............... 444
notice, how given ........... 489 if collector dies, deputies continue to
persons neglecting to pay in time, act,until, & ...................... 4

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1344 1855-1863

INDEX. 1845
huraenl Rmnw, (continued.) Lenal Beueas, (continued.)
deputy longest In service to act as distilled spirits to be stored therein, 448
collector, &. .................. 4 duty thereon, when to be paid, 448
remedy for delmults of such owners of sulls to keep account of spir-
deputy ................... 444 its distilled ....................... 448
swearing falsely, where oaths are re- to be open to inspection of collec-
quired by this act, to be perjury, 444,446 tor ........................... 448
punishment therefor ............. 445 to render accounts to collector three
separate accounts to be kept at treasury times a month .................. 448
of moneys from each state ......... 445 to keep account of grain, U0., used
of amount of each species of duty for distillation ................. 448
or tax ....................... 445 to pay art duties, & ........ 448,449
abstract to be laid before Congress collector may permit owners to send or
annually ..................... 445 ship spirits out of district, &P...... 449
pay of collectors, ............... 445 but for not less than fifty barrels,... 449
commissions not to exceed $10,O0 .quantity and proof to be first ascer-
a year ................... 46, 725 tained, ........................ 449
allowance for stationery and blank bill of lading in such case ......... 449
books....................... 446 what to contain .............. 449
if tax is paid by levy and distraint, per- duties, when and how collected,... 449
sons aggrieved thereby may-apply to if not collected, spirits to be
assessor .......................... 446 stored, &c ............... 449
assessor to investigate and report to commissioner may make further
commissioner ................. 445 regulations .................... 449
power of commissioner in such distilled spirits and refined coal oil may
cases.......................446 be removed from place ofmanuficture,
for crtin purposes ............
in cases of distraint and sale of goods
and chattels, the bill of sale thereof
proceedings to effect such removal, 449 449
by the officer making sale, to be con- oath, bond, onditions ...... 449
elusive evidence, &c .............. 445 removal not permitted in certai
f act cannot be executed In any state at cases......................... 449
any time, it is to be put in force as when bond may be cancelled,. 449, 460
soon as authority is restored, ... 445, 446 proceedings In case of breach of
interest on sums collected to be condition of bond .............. 450
charged in such case .......... 446 entries in books of distiller to be veri-
officers under this act to perform duties fied three times each month by oath,. 450
under the tax act of 1861 .......... 446 form of oath .................... 40
and under any direct tax act here- oath where original entries are not
after .......................... 446 made by owner ................ 460
direct tax on Nebraska for 1861, bow to duties on beer, ale, porter, and other
be satisfied ....................... 446 fermented liquors ............. 450, 728
Tennessee to have until December, 1862, when and by whom to be paid,.... 460
to assume her portion of tax of 1861,.. 446 fitetional parts of barrels, &c., .... 450
owners of breweries making fermented
Px RTS, ALZ, BnR, PORTna. liquors to enter in books, amounts of
collectors to grant licences for distilling, 446 materials used, and of beer, &c., pro-
license, how granted, to contain duced ............... 40,461, 728
what, &c .................... 446 books to be open to inspection of
applicant to give bond ......... 446 collector ...................... 451
penalty and conditions of bond, 446, to render account monthly to col-
lectors ....................... 461
bond may be renewed or changed,, 447 accounts to be verified by oath,... 461
application for license, to state what, 447 to pay duties at time of rendering
penalty for false statement, .... 447 accounts ..................... 451
duties on spirits in addition to license,.. 447 provision where person manufactures in
when payable .................... 447 one district and has a warehouse In
no lower rates than the basis of first another .......................... 451
proof ......................... 447 entries in books to be verified on oath,.. 451
meaning of "first proof,"....... 447 form of oath ...................... 461
inspectors to be designated by collector, 447 oath where original entries are not
their duties and pay ............. 447 made by owner ............. 451,452
to inspect, gauge, prove, and mark pen4lty on owner, &c., for not making
spirits, &c ............... 447, 448 true entry, &r .................... 452
inspectors' fees to be paid by stills, liquors, &c., to be forfeited,. - 452
owner of spirits........... 448 collector may seize stills, &c..... 452
penalty for attempting to evade duties proceedings to enforce forfeiture,.. 452
by changg marks ......... 448,714 to be in nature of a proceeding
on inspector for fraudueatmarking, 448, in rem ................. 452
714 If duties on spirits, ale, &c., are not paid
for using marked casks to sll sp'r- in time, ten per cent additonalto
its of a different quality,... 448, 714 be charged.................... 462, 714
owners of distillery may erect ware- duties, &e., to be a lien on distil-
house for bonded warehouse ....... 448 lery, U ..................... 452

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1345 1855-1863

1846 INDEX

Inkmal Reve , (continue n lmW Rwanue, (continued.)

if duties not paid within ten days, the apothecaries ................. 458, 714
amount may be collected by distraint manuficturers.............. 458,714
and sale of personal property of de- photographers, .............. 458,459
linquents .......................... 452 awyers ................ 459, 714,727
proceedings in case of distraint and physicians, surgeons, dentists, 459, 727
sale ....................... 462, 458 claim and patent agents ........... 459
owner may redeem beflre sale, by apothecaries, retail dealers, &c.,
payment or tender of amount whose annual gross sales, &c., do
due, &c....................... 452 not exceed $1000, need not take
persons licensed as distillers or brewers out license ................... 469
to furiish monthly So assessors licenses not to be required.for certain
amount of liquors, &a ............. 458 persons for sale of certain artcles4..5.. 459
accounts to be verified by oath,.... 48 licenses under this act not to authorize
any traffic prohibited by the laws of
any state........... ........ 459
persons, firms, and corporations, not to States may tax, &c., any artce taxed
.carry on certain trades or business herein ............................ 459
unless licensed ................ 45, 724
proceedings to procure license ....... 468 MLiNUACTUnz, AnTIcLas, AND PRODUCTS.
penalty for carrying on trade, Ac., with- specific and ad valorem duty.......... 459
out license ............... 458, 464, 727 persons, firms, &c., before commencing,
license to state what, ................ 454 &c., manufactures, &c., to furnish as-
to be good only for thepa speci- sistant assessor sworn statement,.... 460
fied therein ................... 45 contents of such statement, ....... 480
persons carrying on more than one to make monthly returns ............. 460
trade, must have licens4 for each, ... 454 form of statements, returns, &c........ 460
any number of persons carrying on meaning of word "persons," as used in
business at one place In copartner- this act ...................... 459,460
ship, may act under one license ...... 456 duties on manufactures to be paid
auctioneers not to sell goods, &c., at monthly .......................... 460
private sale ............... 454, 727 proviso as to thread .............. 460
penalty for so doing............ 44 to whom duties thereon are to
may sell goods of licened dealers, be assessed ................ 460
on their premises, at auction,.... 464 penalty for neglect to pay at time, &b.,. 460
judicial sales and public sales by duties, &o., to be a lien8.............. 460
executors, &c., not included here. duties on goods manufactured on com-
in .................... mission, &c., by whom to be paid,.... 460
privileges of licenses may be transferred on articles manufactured and sold
in certain cases,......... 454, 455, 727 under contracts made prior to
names of new persons to be enter- . this act, ...................... 460
....455 goods, &s-., to be forfeited for neglect,
sums to be paid for license by bank- c., to pay duties thereon . 460,461
ers ...................... 466, 714-716 proceedings in case of forfeiture,.. 461
auctioneers .................. 455,727 seizure and notice to owners, ...... 461
wholesale dealers in liquors, &c.,.. 456, who to be deemed manufaturers
716 of the goods .................. 461
retail dealers in liquors, &.,. 455, 716 summons and sale ............ 461
retail dealers .............. 455, 715 excess of proceeds to be refunded,. 461
wholesale dealers ....... 45, 715, 716 commissioner may review, &c., ca-
pawnbrokers .................... 455 ses of forfeitures ............. 461
rectifiers .................... 456 perishable articles may be sold, &c.,
distillers ...................... 456,468 before declaration of forfeiture,.. 461
brewers ............ ............ 46 penalty for refusing, &o., to make sworn
hotels, inns, taverns ....... 456,457 statement, monthly returns &. .... 461
steamers ................... 456, 457 if goods are manufactured and sold, .&c.,
sums to be paid for licenses by without paying the duties, their val-
eating-houses .................. 457 ue may be estimated,.and duties as-
brokers .......................... 457 sessed and collected.............. 4628
commercial brokers ............. 457 certain manuflatures, &e., exempt from
land-warrant brokers ............ 457 duty............................. 462
tobacnists ............... 457, 714 value, &c., of goods, to be estimated by
theatres ........................ 457 actual sales ...................... 462
circuses, ............ 457 in certain cases from average mar-
jugglers ....................... 467 ket value .................... 462
bowling-alleys and billiard-rooms,.. 457 duties on certain manuftctured articles
confectioners ...............47, 458 produced and sold, &c. 462-468, 729
horse-dealers ..................... 458 candles,.......... ......... 462
livery-stable keepers ............. 458 minerl coals, except pea and dust
cattle brokers ................... 458 coal, .... . ........ 462,716
tallow.chandlers and sap-makers,.. 468 certainlessees topay the tax,. 462
coal-oil distillers ................. 458 lard oil, and certain animal and
peddlers ........................ 468 vegetable ols ......... 42, 729

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1346 1855-1863

IN DEX. 18V7
latowai Rwmuej, (Continued.) hatuw Bawse, (Continued.).
red oil exempt, .............. 462 les by judicial and executive of&-
Illuminating gas .............. 462 cer, &o., exempt, .............. 467
duty may be added to price
charged consumers, . 468 Cimnuens, YAcurs, BiLL1gAp TAzras, AND
coal tar exempt ..... p ...... 468
competing gas companies to duties assessed thereon In Schedule A. 467,
pay rote imposed on largest - 627, 717
company ................. 468
coal Illuminating oil, &e........ 468 S.LAOMz&M CATE, HOs, Aam SHEEP.
distillers of coal oil to be subject to returns of amounts slaughtered for sale,
provisions of this act ........... 468 to be made monthly ............ 488, 718
ground cofee ....... ........ 468 duties to be paid monthly ............ 468
ground spices .......... 468 penalty for defat, ............... 468
refined sugar ............... 468, 716 commissioner to prescribe rules, Ac.,... 468
brown, &c., sugar ........... 468, 688
confectionery ............... 468, 717 RAILROADS, STEAMBOATS, AND ERRYBOATS.
chocolate and cocoa ............. 468
saleratus ....................... 468 persons, &c., owning or having care of
railroads, steamboats, &c., to make
starch, .......................... 468
tobacco ................. 468, 717-729 returns monthly, under oath, of gross
snuf ....................... 468, 717 receipts for preceding month,.... 468,469
cigars ....................... 464 duties to be paid monthly . ......... 469
gunpowder ..................... 464 penalty for neglect to make returns, &e., 469
white lead ...................... 464 for attempting to evade payment,.. 469
oxide of zinc ................... 464 duties to bea lien ................... 469
sulphate of barytes ........ 464, 716 may be collected by distraint and
paints and painters' colors ....... 464 sae, & ...................... 469
clock movements ............ 464, 717 tax may be added to rates offire..... 469
pins .................... ...... 464 dudes on receipt of toll bridges,... 468, 469
umbrellas and parasols ....... 464,717 RAILROAD BONDS.
screws .......................... 464
railroad, band, hoop, and sheet iron, 464, Interest on railroad bonds and dividends
717 on stock to pay tax ......... : ...... 469
stoves and hollow ware ........... 464 persons, Ao, having charge of railroads
cast iron for bridges ........ 464,717 to withhold amount of duty,.... 469, 470
steel ............................ 464 to make return of such amount as
paper, ........................... 464 often as once in six months ..... 470
soap$............................ 464 payment to be made at time of mak.
salt .......... ......... .464 ing such return ................ 471
pickles ....................... .464 return to be under oath, ........... 470
glue, gelatine, and cement ........ 465 penalty for default in making return or
leather and skins, ............... 465 payment, ..................... 470, 471
conducting hose ................. 465 In ease of default of return or pay-
wire... ........... M ment, assessment, and collection how
varnish,...................465 made ............................ 470
f11 ............................ 465 Buns, TnusT CoMnxEs, SAvINGs IxNSTu-
cloth, cotton or woollen......... 465 TIONS, AND INSURANOE COMPANIES.
diamonds and other jewelry ...... 465
cotton ........................ 465 duty to be paid on all dividends in scrip
tax to be a lien ............. 466 or money ................. 470, 728, 724
penalty for removing, &c., with- on all sums added to surplus funds,
out paying tax ............ 465 &P. .......................... 470
certain, held by manufaeturer, on dividends in life insurance corn.
exempt, ............... .. 466 panies when to be deemed due,.. 470
manuflactures of cotton, wool, silk, banks, trust companies, a., to withhold
&c., and of non-enumerated arti- frkom stockholders, &c., amount of
AM ................... 466, 717, 729 such duty ........................ 470
printed books, &a.,boards, &c., returns of such amounts to be made
and certain other articles, not under oath .................. 470
considered manufactures un. to be made as often as once In six
der this act, ............... 466 months . ................. 470,471
payment to be made at time of re-
AucTrx SALEs. turn .......................... 471
percentage to be paid on all sales at penalty for defalt, ............... 471
auction ............................ 466 Insurance companies to pay duty on
auctioneers to return monthly amount gross receipts for premiums and as.
of sales ............................ 468 sessments, ........................ 471
return to be verified by oath, ..... 466, foreign companies to pay same,.... 471
467 returns to be made quarterly under oath,
.to duty monthly,............. 467 except by life insurance companies,.. 471
ty for delinquency In making duties to be paid at such times.......471
list of payment, ................ 467 penalty for de ...............
.ult, 471
VOL. xL JNDzX -172

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1347 1855-1863

1848 INDEX.
latanai BRwea, (continued.) IJtesa Rsatae, (continued.)
PMRsoxS instrument, &c., also to be invalid, 475,724
but not prior to Jan. 1,1868 ...... 661
IN TRx SERVICE OF TR UNITRD STATzs, AND stamps for one instrument not to be
used for any other of same amount, 476
duty on excess of salay above $600,... 472 If so used to be of no avail,....*.... 476
to be paid by all in employ or sW*. paper, &c., stamped for particular pur-
vice of the United States, ...... 472 pose, to be used for no other pur-
members of Congress included,.... 472 pon e ............................... 476
amount of duty to.................
be withheld in set- 472 forging or counterfeiting, &c., stamps or
tling accounts, dies, how punished ................ 476
duty on p ssports to be paid collector,.. 472' usWingforged stamp, &c., knowingly, with
collector to account therefor ...... 442 intent to defraud .................. 476
fraudulently tearing or cutting off stamp
AnvzaVinxan S. how punished .................... 476
duty on receipts for advertisements In- persons using certain stamps to mark
serted In any newspaper, magazine, them ......................... 476,721
ft ............................... 472 penalty for neglect ............... 476
amount of $1000 of receipts, ex- proprietors of proprietary articles may
empt from duty ............... 478 furnish their own stamps ......... 476
newspapers cirulating not over dies, &c., to be retained by commis-
2 copies, exemp .......... 478 soner ........................ 476
managers of newspapers to return un- stamps to be so affixed as to be de-
der oath gross amount of receipts stroyed, ................... 476, 477
quarterly ......................... 472 forging or fraudulently using such
duties payable at time of such return,.. 472 stamps, how punished ........ 477
penalty for neglect, fraud, &.. 478 penalty for making, &c., bills of ex-
if returns, &c., are not made, assistant change, &c., without stamps, with de-
assessor to estimate the duties, &,.. 478 sign to evade, U ............... 477
duty may be added to price of advertise- acceptors of bills of exchange to place
ments ............................ 478 stamps thereon ................... 477
bilp not to be negotiated without
JzooxB Dui~r. stamp ........................ 477
portion of act of 1861 establishing in. penalty for forging or negotiating bill
come tax, repealed, ................ 478 without stamp ................... 477
duty on annual gains, profits, or income, commissioner to sell stamps to collect-
if over *600-and not over $10,000, 478 ore, postmasters, and others,.... 477, 718
if over #10,000 .................. 478 five per cent. commission to be de-
on income derived from United ducted ........................ 477
States securities ............... 474 discount to proprietors of proprietary
on stocks, &c., owned in the United articles furnishing their own stamps,. 477
States, by citizens of the United commissioner to make allowance for
States residing abroad ......... 478 stamps rendered useless, ....... 477, 478
local and other taxes to be first de- to decide upon application of any
ducted ............ 478, 474, 728 person, whether any instrument
for what year to be assessed and " is chargeable with any duty ..... 478
collected................ 474 special stamp in such case,.... 478
when payable,................ 474 telegraph companies not to send mes-
penalty for delay or deoiult In pay- sages unless stamp Is affixed, &e..... 478
ment .......... ..... 474 one stamp only required for one mes-
amount due to be a len on property sage sent by many companies ....... 478
from which income accrues,..... 474 express companies not to receive articles
lien may be enforced by distraint for transportation without stamp,.... 478
and sale ................. 474, 475 drugs, cosmetics, perfumery, &c., not
proceedings in such case, 474, 475 to be sold without a stamp,- *...478,727
certificates of sale by collector, ef- penalty therefor ............... 478
fect of ........................ 475 this provision not to apply to phy-
persons to make return of income, &c., 475, sicians' prescriptions, .&c.,... 478,479
718 penalty on makers of drugs, &c., for re-
in case of neglect or refdsal, asses- moving, &c., stamp with intent to
sors to determine amount and as. evade duties .................. 479, 727
sess the same ................. 475 for selling same without stamp, ... 479
assessor may increase amount of income medicines fQr exportation not in.
returned ........................ 475 eluded herein ................ 479
persons may make oath as to amount of maker, &c, of drugs, &c., to make
income ........................... 475 monthly statement In writing ....... 479
contents of such statement, ....... 479
STAxP Durin. penalty for false statement ....... 479
stamp duties to be levied, collected, and schedule of stamp duties ....... 479-485
paid, on certain instruments, &&,475485 agreements ........................ 429
561 bank-checks ........................ 480
penalty for making, signing, &c., such bills of exchange .......... 480, 720
instrument without a stamp ...... 476 bilk of lading ..................... 481

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1348 1855-1863

INDZX 1849
Intenal Revnue, (eonthinued.) InternalRevente, (continued.)
bonds ............................... 481 what evidence required that duty
crfiate .................. 481, 720, 721 has been paid,................. 88
charter-party ................... 481, 721 drawback, how paid.............. 488
contract ........ ............ 481 but not for less than twenty
conveyance..................... 481 dollas ................... 488
despatch, telegrph ................... 482 allowance in certain cases in addition to
entry .............................. 482 drawback.......................... 488
expresses ................... 481,721,722 fraudulent claiming drawback, how pun-
insurance policy ...... . 482, 719, 720 ished .............................. 488
lease, &. ... 482 certain sums credited to New Mexico,
legal documents.............488, 484 on account of direct tax ............ 489
mani ........................... 482 only one direct tax to be laid under act
medicines and preparations ......... 484 of 1861, ch. 45, until April 1, 1865,.. 489
mortgage,................... 482, 488, 721 act amending the act to provide......682
passage-ticket, .................. 488, 720 who may administer oaths ....... 682
perfbmery and cosmetics .............. 484 instruments, &c., not to be void for
playing-cards ...................... 486 want of particular stamp, if, &c., 682
power of attorney ............... 488,720 proprietary articles excepted,.. 682
probate of will ...................... 481 ofmlal documents and papers ex-
protest .............................. 488 empt, ......................... 682
warehouse-receipt ................... 488 instruments issued without stamps,
writ ............................488, 84 prior to March 1, 188, not to be
suits by governments and criminal void for that reasn ............ 682
process exempt, ............... 484 if to be used Inevidence, to be
stamp duties on manifests, bill, of lad. stamped ................... 68
tog and, not to apply act to mend act to provide, &e,.- - 718-784
to vessels plying between the United written notic, may be partly inpint,.. 711
tates and Brith Provinces ....... 484 amendment of section eleven .......... 718
LlGAorzs AND DSBxsTzBUvz Sn aas o1 Pu s- assistant assessors may perform any
SONAL PROrRTY. duty of assessors ............. 714
amendment of section nineteen ....... 714
administrators, &e., or trustees, where deputies may do duties of collectors, 714
personal property exceeds $1000, made notice to delinquent tax-payers, how
subject to tax ...................... 486 sent,........................ 714
rate of taxation in several cases, 48, 48 to state what, ............... 714
legacy to husband or wife of per- demand for certain taxes ......... 714
son who died possessed, t9 be ex- not necessary, under stion
empt ......................... - 486 seventy-seven. ........ 714
duty to be a lien..................... 486 copy of distraint, where to be left,. 714
administrator, &e.,to pay duty, .... 486, 718 amendment of section twenty-eight,....714
to render statement on oath of imprisonment added to fine ....... 714
amount of property, and of duty, 486 amendment of section forty-three,...... 714
contents of statement ......... 486 penalty for fraudulent use of marked
collector on delivery of such statement Cases, &C ..................... 714
and payment of tax, to give receipts, 486 amendment of section forty-four ....... 714
penalty on administrators, &c., for neg- words "contiguous to such distil-
lect &a ........................... 488 lery" strickbn out,.......... 714
where there is no executor, &c., and no amendment of section fifty-five...... 714
Statement is filed, ........ .... 486,487 as to time when duties on liquors
rate of duty in such eases ......... 487 are payable .................... 714
lien to be enforced and realized,... 487 amendment of section sixty-four ...... 714
tax deeds, effect of ............... 487 licenses of lawyers, tobacconists,
records, &c., to be exhibited ...... 487 apothecaries, and manuibeturers, 714
penalty for neglect . ...... 487 additions to section sixty-four.......114
duties on corporations, commissioner to licenses of architects and civil en-
decide in what district tax is to be as- gineer ............... 714,715
sessed, & ......................... 487 builders nd contrators ... 715
artics on which ditties are imposed, owners of stallions and ja'-ks,.. 715
forfeited in what cases .......... 487 lottery ticket dealers, .... 715
proceedings to enforce forfeiture to insurance agents .......... 716
be in nature of proceedings in rem, 487 butchers ................... 715
to be brought in eircuit or retail dealers ............716
district court of the United wholesale dealers ......716, 716
States, 487 any license understatedl, may be
persons having such articles in posses- again assessed .............. 716
sion, with intent to sell and evade tax, wholesale dealers in liquors,.. 716
liable to penalty ................... 488 retail dealers in liquors ......716
appropriation for purposes of act, ...... 488 amendment of section seventy-flve, ....716
ALLOWAvCEz DRAWBAC. duties on paints and painters' col-"
ors .......................... 716
drawback allowed on all articles except eal mined and delivered ......... 716
cotton ................ 48, 780 sur, refined and refiners ........ 716

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1349 1855-1863

1850 INDEX.

ntuaad Reswne, (continued.) uternma Rosva, (continued.)

marine engines ................... 716 assignment of mortgage, lens,
rivets, nuts, bolts, & ............
c 717 icy ....................... 72 1
rolled brass, copper, &P ........... 717 documents made in a foreign coun-
sails, tents, shades ................ 717 try for use here, to pay same duty
tobacco, snuf/ &P ................ 717 as though made here..........7.2
mineral, &c., waters .............. 717 whotoaffix the stamp....... 721
tailors, dress-makers, shoemakers, mortgage or personal bond for pay-
........................... 717 ment or security of money, ..... 721
umbrellas, parasols, fi .......... 717 no conveyance of land or other
ships, steamboats, vessels, U. ..... 717 roper to pay duty of over
confectionery ................... 717 0 ... ................... 721
goid-ioaf ........ .......... 717 stamp duty not required on papers relat-
castings of iron ................. 717 ing to bounties, pensions, c.- - .. 721
clocks and time-piees. ........ 717 nor relating to indemnity for iDju-
amendment of section seventy-seven,.. 717 ries by Sioux Indians ........... 721
taxes on carriages, yachts, Uc, to nor on certificates of measurement,
be paid annually............... 717 weight, &c...... *.......... 721
schedule A ...................... 717 nor on certain deposit notes of in-
amendment of section sevdnty-eight,.... 718 surance companies . ........... 721
sigughtered animals.. ........ 718 nor on certfictes of record of deed,
amendment of section ninety-one,. 718
"gas" stricken out, ........... 718 when bond or note Is secured by mort-
amendment of section ninety-three,.... 718 gage, only one stamp duty required,. 721
proceedings in case of neglect or re- stamp dutr to be the highest kind
fsal .......................... 718 required ...................... 721
amendment of section ninety-nine,..... 718 transportation by express companies ex-
"ninety-eight " substituted for empt frQm stamp duty .......... 721
"ninety-three," ................ 718 stamp duty on charter-parties .......... 721
amendment of section one hundred and cancellation of stamps, commissioner
two, .............................. 718 may prescribe method for ......... 721
by striking out and inserting cer- mode may be required of manufacturers
tain words ................... 718 of proprietary articles ............... 721
amendment of section one hundred and duty on interest on bonds of canal, navi-
twelve ........................... 718 gation, slackwater, or turnpike com-
by striking out and inserting cer- panles ......................... 721, 722
tain words,. .................. 718 returns to be made under oath,.... 722
stamp duty on lottery tickets ......... 719 penalty for default, ............... 722
lotteries, or sale of lottery tickets, duty on ferry-boats ................... 722
not authorized hereby ........... 719 on express companies .......... 722, 728
penalty for making or sellinglottery income in estimating amount paid for
tickets without stamps ......... 718 rent to be deducted ............... 728
prizes not recoverable ............ 718 duty on ale, beer, porter, coal-oil, rock-
forfeiture of twice amount paid, ... 718 oil, &c-,until April 1, 1864 ....... 728
duty on amounts received for insurance none on that manufactured or dis-
against injury by travelling ....... 719 tilled prIor to Sept. 1, 1862 72R
no stamp duty required on tickets frctionalpartsof abarrel....... 728
or contracts of insurance ...... 719 deductions for leakage8 ...........
certain contracts concerning coin and brewers to make returns .............. 728
bullion, to be in writing ......... 719 not to render certain accounts,..... 728
stamp duty thereon .............. 719 banks not making dividends, to make re-
duty if loan, U., is extended ..... 719 turns once in six months,. : ... .. 723
loans on pledge of coin, not to exceed 729
the par value of the coin........ 719 when first return is to be made; ........ 724
duty on such loans, .....---- 719 what duty td pay7 ................ 724
transactions with government not licenses to run from 1st Monday in May, 724
affected ....................... 719 to continue until what time ....... - 724
contracts, loans, and sales of coin, not in those granted after May let ....... - 724
accordance with this act, void, ...... 719 provision for unexpired licenses,... 724
mone paid may be recovered commissioner may, in certain collection
...................... 719, 720 districts, deliver stamps to collector
amendment of section one hundred and without prepayment,7 .............. 24
ten, ....................... 720 commissions, bond of collector,.... 724
schedule B. amended ............ 720 collector to supply deputies ....... 724
duties on bills of exchange, drafts, no instrument issued prior to June 1st,
notes, &c...................... 720 1868, without a stamp, to be invalid
on other certificates than those for that cause ..................... 724
specified in Schedule B. 720 not to be admitted in evidence with-
on passage-tickets ............... 720 out a stamp, ..... ....... 724, 726
powers of attorney ............... 720 stamp may be affixed in court,..... 726
policies of insurance, marine or collectors, py of ............... 725
fire. ......................... 720 to be allowed for postages, &c. . 726
bill of sale of a vessel ............ 720 salary not to exceed what sum, .. 726

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1350 1855-1863

INDEX. 1351

internal Ramus, (contlnue.)

commsioner of internal revenue to pay how designated, oath, fees, ........ 72
over monthly to treasurer, moneys in mWAnctured tobacco to be Inspected,. 729
is h .......
aan 725 penalties for fraudulently marking . 729
treasurer to give r 725 or changing marks to evade duties, 780
8th audito and lot comptroller to tobacco mal be removed for export with-
pass upon accounts .......... 72 out psynent of duties ............. 780
moneys in his hands to be'apen to bond to be given ................ 780
inspection .................... 726 ptovisions concerning tobacco, not to
bond, sum, condition, custody,..... 72 apply to snuff, cigars, of fine-out to-
deputy commissioner of internal rev- bacco ............................ 780
enue, ............................. 725 drawback, evidence of exportation, to
apponitment, salary, and duties, M, 726 entitle one to'benefit of .. ..... 780
when to act as commissioner,...... 726 bureau of exports of New York to
Secretary of Treasury -may appoint have charge of, ................ 780
three revenue agents .............. 726 power of head of bureau and of
their duties and salaries .......... 726 bumu ....................... 780
eashier of internal duties, President to existing mode of paying drawbacks
apoint,.......................... 72 not altered, .................... 780
salary, duties, bond................ 726 collectors and assessors in California,
assessor's salary...................... 728 Oregon, and Nevada, how paid ..... 780
ofice rent allowed .. .......... 726 this act to take efet on Its passage, ex-
clerks and their pay .............. 726 cept, .......................... 786
postage, stationery .............. 726 existing law as to punishment of offences
assistant a.asors to be allowed post- save ............................ 780
ages ............................. 726 drawback on cordials and certain mana-
in California and Oregon, to receive factured liquors ...............780,781
additional compensation, .... 725, 727 amount how to be ascertained,.... 781
•10 make out accounts for pay month, allowance not to be made unless,
Iv............................ 727 &c............ ......... 781
when approved, to be paid by col- Z"t"ationci Statistical Congresss,
lector ........................ 727 at London, appropriation for expenses
appeal from collector to eonmis- of delegates to .................... 19
saone ........................ 727
penalty on assessor for corruptly to commission to carry into efibot con-
approving any account ....... 727 vention with Paraguay, pay of ...... 64
penalty fbrknowingly exerising a trade, to legations and consulates, Ipropris-
&c., without a license .............. 727 tion for ......... ! 1,88 6, 688, 689
authority of auctioneers under their'l- with Indian tribes ................... 774
ense . .. ..................... 727 ixtoxicatng Drbinks,
of lawyers'and physicians....... 727 sale, &c, o4 in the District of Colum-
persons licensed and removing. may car- bia, to volunteers, prohibited ....... 291
ry on buiness at place of removal,.. 727 punishment therefor,... 6, 291, 292
new entry to be made ............ 727 not to be included in autlers' list, ...... 871
who to be deemed manufaeturer of arti - sale o4 not to be authorized ........ 871
else in schedule C ............. 727, 728 !Walil Pensions. See Pensions.
medicines, &c., intended for exportation, appropriadonus for .......... 2,124,881, 687
may be manufactured, where ....... 728
manvacturer first to give bonds, ...... 728 ohrt!yseventh (ngreai, first session,
such oods, when manufactured, how appropriation for, .................. 816
ma e ............................. 728 Sow drawn and disbursed, ........ 816
what materials may be carried to ware-
house free of duty ................. 728 to be verified by oath alter certain date,.08,
what transferred ................ 728 be in
Imports in original packages may be re- of Imports of foreign goods, to
moved thither ..................... 728 tripliate .......................... 7,7
nothing to be removed but for ex- to be produced to consul, U. ......... 78
portation ................... 728 declaration to be indorsed thereon,..... 787
labor to be done, under whose supervis- consul to make certificate for each,.... 788
Ion and at whose expen ........ 728 to whom to deliver the same ....... 788
manufactures from materials that have goods not to be admitted to entry, un-
paid duty to be free ro duty,...72, 729 less invoice conforms hereto ........ 738
tax on certain cloths to be only on in- when search for may be authorized,.... 740
creased value.................... .729 wiUl concealment, &c., of, how pun-
duties assessed on full value to be ished ...................... ...... 740
remitted, ...................... 729
duties illegally collected sad paid under of ships or floating batteries, appropria-
protest may be paid back, ........... 720 tion to test the,.... . ............... 617
minufacturers of lard and lubricating
oil subject to what provisions ........ 729 reservation of Fort Atkinson and In-.
producers of certain articles, subject to dian agency made subject to ordinary
same duties as manufacturers ....... 7 reservation of pubnlo lands ......... 28
Inspectors of manutctured tobacco,... 729 prmption right ailowbd and how, 28

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1351 1855-1863

1852 INDE.
lme, (continued.) Japan,
peyment to, for expenses of defence for mission to ....................... 18
against tMe Indians ................. 68 apropiation for expense of the em-
necessity of calling out troops to be bas.y from ........................ 116
shown ........................ 88 civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis-
pay and allowances of, as in the ters and consuls of the United States
army .......................... 68 in ............................... 72-79
and only while in active service, 68 one malihal may be appointed in. 77
post-routes in, established, 156, 414, 572, 662 one prison may e hired in ............ 78
United States quits its title to certain See Consus, Ministers.
lands along the Des Moines River report of survey of route between, and
above the mouth of Raccoon Fork to California,....... ............. 88
the state of ....................... 261 treaty between the United States and,
annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296 of July 29, 1868 ................... 1051
additional representative in Congress as- contracting parties and negotia-
signed to ......................... 858 tors, ...........................1051
certain lands heretofore granted to, dis- amity and friendship ............ 1051
charged fbrom the conditions of the diplomatic agent of United States
grant, ............................ 586 may reside at Yedo ........... 1062
grant of land to, for improvement of consuls, or consular agents, may
Des Moines River extended ....... 648 reside at any open ports,.... 1052
lands, how to be held, &c............. diplomatic agent and consul-gener-
terms of United States circuit courts al may travel freely in any part
In ............................ 684, 686 of Japan .................. 10562
terms of district courts in ............. 699 diplomatic agent and consuls of
damages sustained by inhabitants from Japan in the United States,... 1062
depredations of certain Indians, to be President of the United States, on
paid ........................... 808, 804 request, to act as mediator be-
district court in, may issue executions, tween Japan and any European
&c., in certain cases ................ 807 Power ........................ 1052
United States ships-of-war to aid
appropriations fbr the ..... 49, 226, 517, 779 Japanese vessels on the high sm,1052
credits to be given to, for trust funds United States consuls to aid Japan-
taken from ................... 6 89, 540 ese vessels in ports ............. 1052
Iron SteM Battsry, additional ports opened ..... 1062,1063
at Hoboken, K. J., board to examine, American citizens may reside
Ac ................................ 828 therein ................... 1053
Iron P/ated ea-Steamerv, rules and regulations as to their
appropiation for two ................. 814 residence ................. 1058
lron.cdad Steam Gu~-Boats, provisions as to residence of Ameri-
the construction of twenty authorized,.. 888 cans in Yedo and Osaca,.. .1068, 1064
profrlation therefor ................ 88 regulations of trade,........ 10
these provisions to be made public
one or more authorized to be built,..... 286
for, ..................... 286 by Japanese government ....... 1054
appropriation munitions of war, to whom only to
Irona Steam Vesls of War, be sold ....................... 1054
appropriation for .................... 881 rice and wheat not to be exported
Irkuo Point, from Japan ................... 1054
Michigan, appropriation for purchase of - supplies thereof to be sold to
land at, for certain bands of Ottowas residents, and for ships'
and Chippewas .................... 58 crews, &c., ................ 1054
Iran Richard, copper, surplus to be sold at auction
decision of court of claims against, as by Japanese government ....... 104
trustee of Mechanics' Bank, con- Americans in Japan may employ
* firmed ............................. 912 Japanese servants ............. 1054
duties, to be paid according to tar-
of what marriages dissolved by divorce iff.............. 1054,1056
to be legitimate................... 60 proceedings where there is a differ-
See Divorce. ence as to the value of duties,...1065
supplies for United States navy,.,.. 1056
J. opium, Importation of, prohibited,.. 1055
provisions as to seizure and de-
Jadsr of Colnia, struction thereof,........... 106
appropriations for ............... 108, 144 Imports on which duties are paid,
James, Fank, may be transported without fur-
assignment of land to chilren of. 1118 ther tax, &e ................... 1066
Taes Jsph no higher duties than are fixed by .
assignment of land to children of,...... 1118 this treaty, &e................. 1056
,Tms' Projeiles for Rifed C(anon, foreign coin to be current in Ja-
examination of, authorized, ........... 828 pan) ..................... 1065,1056
famesRiver. may be used in iyments, .. 1066
in Dakota Territory, to be called the to be exchanged for Japanese
Dakota River ..................... 244 coin, e. ................. 1068

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1352 1855-1863

= EX. 1858

As, (Continued,) PA" T...p, (continued.)
coins, all except copper, may be ex. regulations as to goods to be landed, 1064
ported ......................... 1086 certain supplies need not be en-
uncoined foreign gold and silver tered, ........................ 1066
may be exported .......... 106 as to clearance of vessels, &c.,. 1066
jurisdiction over offences ....... 1056 meaning of word "ship" in treaty
Americans against Japanese, in or regulations ................. 1066
consular courts ............ 1066 tonnage duties not to be levied on
Japanese against Americans, by American ships, ............... 1067
local authorities ........ 1086 fees of custom-house authorities,... 1067
consular courts open to Japan. tariff of duties in Japan ........ 1067
ese creditors ........... 1056 cls one to be free .......... 1067
forfeitures and penalties for vio- class two to pay five per cent.,.1067
lation of treaty ............. I08 class three to pay thirty-five
neither government to be responsi- per cent.............. 1068
ble for debts of its citizens ....... 1057 clas four to pay twenty per
limits of right to travel, &c., in cent, ..................... 1068
opened harbors ................ 1067 duties on exports ............... 1068
what Americans shall lose right of import and export duties may be
permanent residence in Japan,. .1067 revised and when ............. 1068
such persons to have reasona- ratifications exchanged, and procla-
ble time to settle their affairs, mation ....................... 1068
to be determined by Ameri- office of consul-general at Simoda abol-
can consul. ....... 1067, 1058 ished, ........................171
Americans in Japan to have relig- salaries of consul at Kanagawa and
ious freedom .................. 108 Nagasaki, established ............. .171
religious animosity not to be ex- of marshals of consular courts in ..... 171
. ........................ 1058 rent of prisons for American convicts in, 171
Japanese authorities, on request of Japanese Government,
consul, will arrest deserters and presents offered by, to officers of the
fugitives from justice ......... 1058 - Niagara," may be accepted by them, 612
will receive prisoners in jail,.. 1058 Ja"ner" 2heSooner
consul to pay just compensa- Isig-bounty due to, to be paid Moses
tion ....................... 1058 Noble. ............................. 886
Japanese government may purchase Jeffer B r ,
or construct vessels far, &-. in funds for erection of arseal at, ........ 208
United States,. ... .1058, 1059 Jenkins, C. J.,
may engaqe in the United decision of court of claims against, as as-
States scientific men, &c.,... 1059 signee of John McKinnie, confirmed,. 911
their purchases may be export- "Jessie,' The British Brq,
ed ....................... 1059 owners ot to be paid for losses in rescu.
except contraband of war,. 1039 ing the passengers and crew of the
regulations appended make part of American ship "Northumberland,".. 852
treaty,.................... 1059
"John C. Fremwit," fTe 8dwoner,
conflicting provisions of treaty of name chaged to "Horizon," ......... 250
March 81, 1854, repealed ....... 1059 Jon .Johnson,
and of convesition of June 17, half section of land and mission-build
1857 ..................... 1069 ing on Gull Lake Reservation granted
rules may be made to carry this to, ...............................1249
* treaty Into effect, .............. 1059 John o, lorad,
this treaty may be terminated after payment to ......................... 849
July 4, 1872, by either govern- J'dsm, NawV M.,
ment, on a year's notice ....... 1060 payment to, as administratrix of Walter
treaty, &e., subject to revision.... 10GO R. Johnson ....................... 86
treaty, when to take effect, ........ 1060 Johnson, . S. J.,
ratifications, how verified ......... 1060 decision of court of claims against, cen-
treaty executed in quadruplicate,. .1061 firmed ............................. 912
Dutch version of treaty to be deem- Joinsto , Robert,
ed the original ............... 1061 may locate certain military bounty land-
signatures ...................... 1061 warrants, ...................... 867,M88
regulations for conducting Ameri- warrants may be subject to certain
can trade In Japan ......... 1061 equities ...................... 868
at custom-house ............. 1061 assignments before the issuing of
Japanese custom-house officers to atents to be void, ............. 868
be placed on board merchant ves-
sels ........................... 1062 land-entry ofZIn Missouri, onfirmed,... 882
unlading of goods ............ 1062
fine forbreaking locks and seals,.. 1062 claim&hepn,
Jlo/nston, of heirs of, to bereferredack to
1068 court of claims, and proof taken, &e., 916
goods discharged without entry to land scrip to issue to heirs of .......... 916
be forfeited ................... 1068 Jones, Emilie G.,
fsuds on revenue, and attempts at payment to, as executrix of Thomas P.
fraud, how punished, ..... 1063, 1066

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1353 1855-1863

1854 Mb=EX
uar, (continued.)
Invalid pension to,................... 862 part of, may have free library and read-
"-Aeyga Lerntrne," ng-4 oom for soldiers erected thereon, 822
payment to owners of the, for damages and home for destitute news-boys, 880
for wrongtbl detention .............. 902 "Anles et Marie," Te
Judge Advocate, damages to be paid to the owners of the
for each army In the field, appointment, French brig ....................... 918
rank, pay, &c., of .................. 698 "Jutir" Mh &ip,
may appoint a reporter ............... 786 appropriation to bring home seamen otA
his duty and oath ................ 786 charged with mutiny, &e........... 887
may compel the attendance of witnesses Justileson. See Consuls, Miniater.
befbre courts-martial and courts of in- civil and criminal, of certain ministers
qwry .............................. 754 and consuls abroad .............. 72-78
Judge Advocate General, Jrors,
to be appointed ...................... 598 summoning 09 in capital cases, in the
rank, pay, and emoluments og ........ 698 federal courts ..................... 589
records of courts-martial, &c., to be re-
Sturned to office of, for 'revision, ...... 698 act providing for selection of, to serve
in the courts of the District of Colm-
Judges, ba,............................... 428
of district courts in Califtornia, compen- list to be made and kept ............. 428
sation oZ for extra services...84, 104 names to be selected from the list,..... 428
in the territories, appropriations for, 865,866 to be taken in due proportions from
See idMeof the everal Territories. the several wards ............. 480
appointment and pay ofZ under the treaty who to be exempt fron) jury duty.... 428
for the suppression of the slave-trade, 8 name not to be on list, ....... 428
jury box -and where kept .......... 428
when commence ............ 829 drawing of grand and petit jurors,..428, 429
Aude of Unit States Court , talesmen may be summoned ........ 429
duties of, under the act relating to ha. notice to those drawn as jurors . 429
b corpus...................... 755, 76 penalty for not attending,....... 480
Judgmet, proceedings of officers, refusing or ne-
payment of amount recovered against glecting to make lists ............... 429
A. T. Lee, aod others .............. 201 if jurors are notified and do not at.
Judicial Circuits. See Cireuit Courts. tend .......................... 429
jdikial Ditrbts. See District burts. if the inel is incomplete ....... 429
in Illinois changed ................... 86 qualificatlqns of jurors ............... 429
Judicial Expenss, excuses from serving as jurors........ 429
appropriations for, and prosecutions for penalty for misconduct in making list
crime ..... * .......... 102, 148, 86, 698 or drawing jurors ............... 429,480
Judicial Powers, act defining additional causes of cial-
certain, conferred upon United States lenge, and prescribing an additional
ministers and consuls, or other fanc- oath for, in the United States courts,. 480
tionatles, in certain eastern coun- fees of, in assessing damages for laying
tries ......... .................... 7279 out highways ...................... 802
See O , Marsals Minist. how summoned, &a ............. 802
Judicial Proceedings. See Haes Corpuw. Jury Bo,
act to regulate, .................... 765-757 in the District of-Columbia, where and
Jrudicial ygitm, how to be kept, .................... 428
of the United States, act to give greater
efficehcy to ....................... 768 Ithye District of Columbia, who to be 4M
inase of disability, &c,, of judge of • exempt from,.......................
supreme court for any circuit, Judge Jutices of the Peace,
of any other circuit may, upon re- in the District of Columbia, to report
quest, hold the court ............... 768 fines imposed under the liquor law in
proceedings in such case .......768 that district ...................... 542
where there is no judge, the chief jus- to pay over moneys, .............. 642
tice to make the request ............ 768 penalty for neglect, ...... ....... 642
any civil cause certified into any circuit for station-houses, &e. ............ 580, 681
court, may be certified back ........ 768 in the District of Columbia, may be re-
by what judge cause to be tried,... 768 moved by supreme court of the Ele-
court may fill vacancies in office of mar- trict, after due notice, &c......... 764
sbal or district attorney .............. 768 JuveMie Ofne s. See GuardianSocetg.
appointments to continue how long, 768 in the District of Columbia, act to re-
bond of clerk and marshal ............ 768 form .......................... 499-01
certified copy, to be prima fide
proof of execution and of con-
tents thereof .................. 78 L
Judlay. See Tides of te,dffeen Oourt. Kanaaa,Japa,
appropriations for the, 101, 142,148,865, 866, salary of consul at established ... 71
698 Kansas,
disbursements for volunteers in, in 1866, 67
appropriation for grading and lmprov. certain mal routes established In ..... 4
lag$................................ 5W appropriation for service on. 16

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1354 1855-1863

INDEX. -1855
tinued.) lditns,4continued.)
hon consias asaat.................. . 126 prior contracts for sale, not.made
Indian territory excepted ou until, 126
boundries. effetive hereby ...............
lands of reservees may in certain cases
& ............... ooooo. 127 be sold ........................... 21
rights of Indians to be preserved,...... 1L7 patents to Issue therelbr ........ 21,22
one representative in Congress ......... 127 proceeds of " to go to benefit of
Congress does not assent to the claims reservees .................... 22
in the constitution, &., of K*nsu,.. 127 sale of lands o4 by sealed bids, post-
propositions to be submitted to popular poned ............................ 680
vote ...................... 127 President may negotiate treaties with,
if accepted, to be obligatory,......127 to extinguish their titles to lands,.... 798
sehool lands .................... 127 for home to be prepared for, In the
state university lands............ 127 Indian country ................ 798
lands for public buildings ....... 127 treaty with, of October 5, IM ......... 1111
salt springs and contiguous lands,. -127 portion of their rdservaton to. be set
salt springs, &c., vested in individ- apart and assigned n severalty to
uals, not to be granted by the members ofWie .................. 1111
state ......................... 127 boundaries of reservation........ 1111
percentage on land sales .......... 127 assignments of laud to heads of &nm2lies,
foregoing propositions are on ondi- &e ............................... 1111
tion .... ......................... 127 for Indian agency and schools.... 1111"
state not to tax property of United States to be in a compact body ..... 1111, 1112
in state*....................... 127,128 intermediate parcels to be held in com-
lands heretofore confirmed to Kansas mon, subject to assignment in sev-
and now granted to be deducted, ..... 128 eralty ........................... 1112
laws of the United States, &c., extended whole to be called the Kansas Reserva-
to Kansas ......................... 128 tion ............................... U12
state made a judicial district, .......... 128 whites not to reside or go thereon, un-
district court established ............ 128 less,&e., .........................1112
jnrisdictlon and terms thereof ........ 128 assignment, &., to be made under di-
judge, attorney, marshal, and their pay, 128- rection of Secretary of Interior,..... 1112
appeals and writs of error ............. 128 certificates to issue for tracts assigned, 1112
successor of supreme court of Kansa what to specify .... *............. 1112
territory .......................... 128 lands assigned not to be alienated, 4c.,
post-routes established In...... 4, 157, 416 unless, &c.......................... 1112
aurveys of public lands in,... 218, 851, 748 to be exempt from taxation, &c.,... 1112
appropriations for the territory of ..... 142 rules, c., concerning disposition
annuam direct tax apportioned to ...... 295 o ........................... 1112
terms of United States circuit courts in, 684 provision In ease of abandonment ot
685 lands assigned, .................... 1112
grant of lands to, In alternate sections, certain surplus lands may be sold for
to aid in the construction of certain certain purposes, ................... 1112
railroads and telegraphs ............ 772 mods, &c., of sale ........... 1112
description of roads and branches ...... 772 improvements ............. 1112, 1115
If any section has been sold, an equal proceeds of sale, how expinded,.... 1112
quantity to be granted in lien thereof, 772 validand just debts tobe paid there-
certain lands tot within this act, ...... 778 from .................... 1112, 1118
sections remaining to the United States, if proceeds of sale are insufficient to pay
not to be sold for less than double mn- debts, moneys now due my be used , 1118
inuin price................. 778 to be applied under direction of
not to be subject to private entry, Secretary of Interior .......... 1118
until, & ..................... 778 President, with assent of Congress, may
settlers on reserved sections, entitled to modify any existing treaty with the
patente under homestead law . 778 Kansa tribe ....................... 1118
lands granted, to be disposed of only for expenses of this treaty to be paid out of
what purposes..................... 778 funds of the Kansas tribe ........... 1118
railroads, &e., to be public highways,.. 778 asIgnmdnt of lands to children of their
free of charge for transportation of half.breed relatives ................. 1118
troops, &c.................... 7 78 not to be disposed of except. &c.,.. 1118
loads, how disposed of by state........ 778 right of way for roads and railroads,... 1118
roads, &c., to be completed within ten when treaty to be binding ............ 1118
years, ......................... 778, 774 signature............. ......... 1118, 1114
malls to be transported over roads, at ratification with an amendment,-1114, 1116
what price ......................... 774 amendment agrbed to ............ 1116
district court in, may issue executions, treaty proclaimed .................. 1116
&e., in Eertain cases ................ SO treaty with,'of March 18, 1862,. 1221
Kaams Indian, reference to former treaty ......... 1221
appropriations for the.... 49, 225, 517, 779 contracting parties ...... ....... 1221
title of United States in reservation as- the valuq of Improvements by certain
signed to, Vested in reservees ....... 21 settlers to be ascertained, and certifi.
or in those decided to be heirs pf cates of indebtednessissued therefor, 1221
reservees ..................... 21 122B

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1355 1855-1863

1856 INDEX

KaniasIndks (continued.) g9 , l21raa B., . eon

half section of land to Thomas S. Huff- adverse decision of court of claim, un.
aker ............................ 1222 m
Armed ............................ 922
signature and ratification .........122 Knme, William,
amendments and assent thereto....... 1228 land warrant to issue to, as executor of
proclaimed by the President of the' Robert Forterfield, ................. 886
United States ..................... 1224
Kanas Rsen'djon, appropriations for the ..... 48, 224,517, 777
what to Ie known as the ............. 1112 Eattery,
payments made to clerks at navy yard
. payment to: ........................ 749 at, &c., allowed .................... 160
"Karnak,"t KE Navy Yard,
American register to issue to the steamer, 652 appropriation to purchase land adjoin- 564
Lrskvskias, Ing,................................
trust funds of, to be made good ....... 640 Km
provision for relief of the ........... 798
1, Joseph,
mileage and salary of ................ 868
Imnap, Charles,
adminitrator of W. W. Russell, pay- contract with, to be modified, ......... 887
ment to, for freed slaves ............ 924 Knogya, James W.,
Khela, (Wisconsin,) dministrator of Whitmore ,K=igs, ad.
building a pier and beacon-light at ....749 verse decision of court of claims con-
KeIt, EdwardIV., firmed ............................ 922
payment to, for his apparatus for sepa- Knoxville,
rating gold, c ................... 842 .hooeenagTennessee,
1ndana,not a port of delivery ..... 587
additional term of federal, circuit and treaty with. See FkAeds.
district courts in................. 86, 87
at Louisville, Covington, and Padu- L,.
cah,......................... 86,87
post-routes in, established,.... 158, 415, 688 Labor,
annual direct tax apportioned to....... 295 hours of, Innavy yards .......... 880, 87
additional representative in Congress Laborers,
assigned to ....................... 858 additional, in offlee of quartermaster-
act regulating time of holding the fed- general,....................... 64a
eal courts m, ................. 886
volunteer force may be raised in ...... 641 appropriation for painting iron finee
not exceeding M0,000 .................. 641 around,........................... 8
term of service ................. 641, 642 Laird, Adrew,
where and how to be employed,... 641,642 ent to ........................ 917
offlcers, how appointed and commis-
sioned, ........................... 642 in Michigan enlarged ................ 88
when only entitled to pay ....... 642 land, thereon to be subject to ole
to be mustered into the service of the and entry ..................... 688
United States ..................... 642 Labe Wirnaebagos India
subject to articles of war.......... 642 appropriations for the,. .47, 58, 228, 514, 776
pay, subsistence, &c ............... 642 treaty with, March 11, 1M88....... t2
two regiments may be mounted riflemen, 842 &ee CAipemos.
President may make rules ............ 642 La Nana. See Flodst.
these volunteers may become three tract, certificates to Issue to owners of,. 871
years' volunteers ................... 642
expenses of repelling rebelxaids in, how in Washington City, value of certain, to
"d,............................ 750 be ascertained and reported to Con-
appropriation for coal depot at ....... 816
island o; declared to be under martial of Pedro Chaboya, to the tract called
law ............... ... Appendix, 1260 "Lra Pose de San Juan Bautista," to
writ of habeasopua may be suspended be heard and determined ........... 902
in .......................Appendix, 126 Land Claims,
provisions confirming grants by GeorNi
certain entries of land in Leavenworth which may fall in Florida, on settle-
Island made at, to be as valid as if ment of dividing line, if, &c..... 11, 12
made i proper office in Missouri,... 209 private, in Callforria, provision concern-
Kikapos, Iug surveys and plate of ...........88, 84
apptopriations for the .... 60, 226, 617, 779 jurisction of district court in such
.a..s..... ............... 88,84
free persons in District of Columbia, See 01 O'rnia.
with intent to reinslave them, or to provision respecting certain private, in
sell them as slaves, how punished,... 878 Missouri .......................... 84
reisslaving, how punished ........ 878 of Ames, Holladay, and Blair, to lots In
King,Abraham, Hospital Square, San Francisco, suit
decision of court of claims against, as may be brought to determine,... 125, 126
administrator ofJohn Mfandeville, con- proceedings in such suit,......... 128
firmed ........................... 912 private, in Cahlirna appropriation for, 148

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1356 1855-1863

IN"=X 1357
Land Cams, Priate, Land Claims, (continued.)
certain, in Now Mexico, confirmed, 71 cation, when osts thereof are ad-
of E. W. Eaton, John Scolley, Cor- vanced ........................... 410
nelio Vigil Ceran St. Vrain ..... 71 limit to power of surveying off-
claims of Scolley, Vigil,- and St. Vramin, cer ...................... 410, 411
to be surveyed and located ......... 71 grant not to be deemed incomplete for
certain other such claims confirmed,... 71 want of survey and patent, .......... 411
but not that of Juan B. Vigi, ..... i Land Districts,
effect of such confirmation ........ 71, 72 an additional one (Columbia River Dis-
Juan B. Vigil may institute a suit against trict), established in Washington Ter-
the United States on his claim ...... 72 ritory ............................ 16
within what time, and how court boundaries, and alteration thereof, 16,17
to be governed ................ 72 register and receiver to be appointed,
heirs of Luis Maria Baca, may select and their pay ................. 17
certain land in lieu of, &c.......... t.. 72 Yancton District in Dakota, established, 244
selection to be made within three where land-office is to be located,.. 244
years ......................... 72 register and receiver may be ap-
lands to be surveyed and located,.. 72 pointed .. .............. 24
act for final adjustment of, in Florida, former law maling appropriation for ad-
Louisiana, and Missouri ............ 85 ditional, in Washington Territory, re-
claimants by grant prior to cession to pealed............................. 218
the United States, may apply to com- District of Nevada established,.... ... 08
missioners for confirmation of claim,. 85 part of Cheboygan land district in Michi-
mode of application .............. 85 gan added to Lake Superior district,. 688
who to be comdiisaloners, their author- LadOffGeneral,
ity and duty ...................... 86 appropriations for the, .96, 97, 188, 860, 687, 88
to report to commissioner of gen-
eral land-office ................ 86 Land-Offce_
claims reported upon to be divided into at incennes, Indiana, register to be al-
three classes ...................... 86 lowed for office-rent at, ............. 642
contents of each class .......... 86 John Moore, to be allowed for custody
no claim shall be reported for confirma- of papers ...... ............. 642
tion that has been heretofore rejected register at Booneville, Mo., to receive
by any board as fraudulent, ....... 86 certain fees for services ............ 181
or twice rejected on Its merits .... 86 not to exceed, &c ............... 181
bommissioner of general land-office to receiver to have his equal share,... 181
report to Congress claims approved reasonable allowance to be made
for confirmation .................... 86 for rent and clerk-hire ....... 181
and all things done under this act,. 87 no clerk to be paid, unless, &c.,.... 181
claims approved and rejected by said provisions of act to extend to all con-
commissioner to be treated as belong- solidated land-offices ............... 181
ing to public lands of the United and to cover expenses heretofore in-
States............................. 87 curred ........................ 181
claims disproved to be reported to Con- former registers to have allowances for
gress ........................... 87 office-rent and clerk-hire ......... 181
proceigs when lands, title to which clerical services authorized to bring up
is confirmed, have been sold by the arrearages of work at Olympia, Wash-
United States ..................... 87 ington Territory .................. 198
other lands may be entered In lieu the President may, upon, c., order dis-
thereof ....................... 87 continuance, 4c., ofany ............. 409
evidence given to former boards as to in Colorado territory established ...... 418
any claim, shall be taken as priad offiers, &e., in .............. 418
fade true ........................ 87 Lndrum. Lawrence P. .,
and be admitted on examination of invalid pension to ..................... 907
claims under this act ........... 87 Land Scip. See Pvlic Lands.
lands claimed under this act, not to be to be issued to states and sold for bene-
sold, bef e final decision ......... 87 fit of colleges for agriculture and the
cultivated land not to be surveyed, mechanic arts .................. 508-606
&c.,without, &c .............. 87 location, &e., of .............. 604, 605
claimants to advance certain fees for re- Land Survegs,
cording......... ............ 87 in townships not mineral or reserved,
proceedings where lands have not been may be made on application by set-
held twenty years, but are claimed by tlers in writing, &c ................ 608
complete grant, &c .............. 87,88 Land Tite,
to be by petition to federal district act to quiet certain in the late disputed
court, ......................... 88 territory of Maine .......... 6...
proceedings thereon ......... 88 Land Warrants .......................... 84
this act to be in force five years unless, SeeiBo 'ad Warrants, and Viu'ma
&c.,................ .......... 88
claims presented within five years, may Lands,
be decided afterwards ............. 88 cession of, by Indians to the United
survey of derived from foreign govern- States. See Cssion and Ttles of to
ment, may be made, on written appli- Teral w indianatriba.

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1357 1855-1863

1858 INDEX.
Land, Pst, (continued.)
iteof United States, in reservation of Johnston, Robert, ............. 867, 868
Kansas Indians, to vest In resehees Kinney, William. ............... 886
or their heirs ..................... 21,22 Lavonture, Francis .............. 857
in Iowa, reserved for Fort Atkinson and Logan, Doctor .................. 892
an Indian agency, to be disposed of as Logan, John..................... 892
public lands ordinarily are .......... 28 Logan, T.. ................... 892
certain preamption claims allowed,. 28 Madden, (or Aaddin) Thomas, .... 844
two persons on same quartersection Matthews, Robert A.,
may jointly preimpt, ........... 28 attorney of Charles W. Tosh,... 881
no declaratory statement required,. 28 Meeker, Moses ................ 888
lot to be conveyed to city for schools in Michie, ThomasU, .............. 8w
Washington,. . . .......... 27 Morgan, Isaac,.................892
to continue to be used lbr schools. 27 M s, Alexander........... 892
title to certain, in Baton Rouge, Lou. Nellson, Hall ................... 892
ana, relinquished to city of Baton Pariah of St. Matthew's Church,.. 884
Rouge, ........................... 48 Point Coupee, Louisiana, .......... 871
survey of Grand Cheniere Island, con- Portertield, Charles (or Robert),... 886
firmed ............................ 48 Port Huron, Michigan ......... 867
pre mption rights granted ....... 48 Quails, William.................. 891
certain entries o4 by mall contractor, Repentidny, Chevalier de ........ 888
ecnfirmed .................... 70 Smith, lizabeth ............... 871
patents to issue, if terms of contract Sorrels, John .................... 892
are complied with ............. 70 Sorrels, Joseph.................. 892 891
and entries been used as stations,.. 70 SMinks, John O................
provisions of act restricted to one and y.lor, John W ................. 847
the first set of 6ond JSe prebmp- Thomas, Cyrus.................. 892
tions ............................. 70 T'hompson, William ............. 846
no more rights to be acquired under Ttaunt Wendell .................. 846
the act ....................... 70 Wadsworth, Solomon ............ 860
reservations to be sold, when stations are Watkins, Greenbury M. .......... 888
abandoned ........................ 71 Wherry, Mackey ................ 866
laws granting preimption rights to whit Woolsey, William ......... 891, 892
contractors, repealed, ............. 70, 71 Worthen, Daniel................. 891
missionary claims at Sault Ste. Marie, Worthen, Richard ......... 891,892
to be confirmed as claims of individ- appropriations for the survey o4...218, 861,
uals, ......... .................... 88 747, 748
upon approval, patents to issue title to certain, In Hospital Square, San
therefor ...................... 88 Francisco. to be tested by suit,...125, 128
grant to parish of Point Coupee ........ 118 proceedings In such suit ......... 12
acts concerninIg, in favor of time for selecting salt springs and con-
Ames, J. G ..................... 880 tiguous lands in Oregon, extended,... 124
Atkins, Josiah ..... ......... 88 provision concerning school and other
Blair, James .................... 880 lands in Kansas ............... 127
Blnemont College Associaton,.. 891 See Ka.
Bragg, Braxton ................. 845 grants of, to Minnesota and OregonLlb
Brott, ee F ................. 848 university purposes ................ 208
Brush D. ............. 891 lands in St. Louis, Missouri, on which
Clark, Danliei .............. 867 the arsenal stands, to be sold,....208, 209
Coleman, Jamet S.. ............. 840 proceeds, how aplied ........ 208, 209
Conway, William, ................ 867 entries of, in good Maith at Kickapoo,
Crow, A ....................... 892 Kansas, in the Delaware land district,
Davis, Daniel, ................... 881 in Leavenworth Island, as valid as
De Bonne, Sieur ................ 888 though made in proper office in Mis-
Dill, Sanuel H., ............... 852 souri .............................. 209
Dixon, John ..................... 848 certain, In Iowa, along the Des Molnes
Dodge. Israel .................... 866 River, and above mouth of Raccoon
Doebler, IR.K .................. 862 Fork, to be relinquished to State,... 251
Donaldson and Scott, ........... 867 expenses of collection of revenue from,
Douglass, James S., senior,...... 840 a;ropriatIon for .................. 867
"lisha, Mark ........ ....... 888 cates to issue to owners, U., of
Rimore, George .................. 892 Las Ormigas and La Nana tracts,.... 871
Penwick, Walter ................ 868 Lang, William,
Gibson Randall L. .............. 846 released fom penalties of unfulfilled
Gray, Sylvester ................. 869 contracts ................... 89
arlgnon, Pierre .................. 857 Lamoa, oar Janma.
Guillory, Francis, ...... 85 payment to, for services as land receiver, 847
Hanscomb, Eben ....... "....84
H *gginsWilliam............ 849 appropriation to complete charts of sur-
Holden, Edward, .......... 891, 892 vey of the ........................ 150
Holladay, S. W ................ 880 free navigation of the, and Its tribatarles,1017
Hollday, Stephen ............... 892 Lard and Lvbvriad 0i,
Johnston, Gabriel J ............. 882 manufacturers of, suldedt to what duty, 729

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1358 1855-1863

1"Ex. 1859
L~as 0mas. See Mloats, 'ative,
1c,, Ap.rpriations, (continued.)
trat, certificates to Issue to owners of, 871 or to abolish any existing office,... 85
Latha=, Obadiah B., legislative ......................... 91,188
payment to ......................... 919 Senate........ 91, 92, 188, 866, 867, 688
-, Oliver S., House, .. 92, 98, 134, 276, 866, 867,
payment to ......................... 919 688
Lavontwre, Francis, Congressional Globe and Appndix for
hand tide of,confirmed ............... 867 each member of second session of 86th
Law Exp ases, Congress....................98
appropriations for ............ 102, 148 proviso as to cost per volume for
Lawfd Money, each session .................. 98
what may be deemed, under the bank- for members of 87th Congress, 184, 855,
ing act ...........................
Law Librue/, 877 68,684
how to be bound ............ 3656
for supreme court of the United States, 110 reporting proceedings in Daily Globe,.. 98,
L-1w 184, 186, 276, 866, 867, 688, 684
publication of, appropriation for,....... 272 what shall not be allowed John C.
of District of Columbia, act for codifica- Rives in settlement of his ac-
tion and revision of ................ 408 counts ........................ 98
final report, when to be made ..... 408 former rates repealed ............. 98
rt of act repeated .............. 582 additional compensation to report-
of District of Columbia, provision for era ................... 186, 856, 688
codification of ..................... 765 library of Congress ....... 98,185, 867, 684
naval, of the United States, revision and public printing and paper,..98,94, 185 867,
codification of; ..................... 826 867, 684, 686
Leawse Island number of clerks of superintendent
Secretary of Navy may acept title to, of, limited .................... 98
and to marsh, from Philadelphia, for superintendent to submit to Con-
naval purposes,.................... 576 gress at each session estimate of
title must be perfect and indefeasi- expenses in detail ............. 185
ble ...................... ..... 575 to report payments for the year, 185
public interests must be promoted executive ............ 94, 186, 867,685
by acquiring the tite .......... 576 court of claims,.......... 94, 185, 857, 685
Leak, Tilman, state department ......... 94, 186, 867, 685
money to be refunded to, on his surren- secretary's office ..................... 186
der of land patent, ................. 840 publishing laws ................ 94, 186
Leases. See Taxes. Howard's Reports .............. 94, 186
by tax-commissioners of lands bid in N. E. Executive Building ..... 94, 186, 868,
by the United States, in sales for 686
taxes ............................ 424 treasury department,..94,186, 187, 276, 868,
Leavenworth Idand, 685
entries of land in, at Klckxpoo, Kansas, secretary's office .... 94, 186, 858, 685
in Delaware Land District, to be as assistant secretary ......... 858, 65
valid as though made in the proper extra clerk hire ................. 95
district in Missouri ......... 2D9 comptrollers' offices,.. .94, 95, 186, 187,
Leaveaworth, Pawnee, and Western Railroad 858, 369,.686, 686
Con pan,,
auditors' offices ... 94, 96, 96,186, 137.
to have preference In purchasing re- 368,869, 686, 687
maining land of the Delawares ..... 1180 the twenty-nine clerks transferred
to have perpetual right of way....... 1180 from third auditor's offiee to other
patents to issue for such lands ......... 1180 bureaus, to bepermanently trans-
conditions upon which patents shall Is- ferred ........................ 96
sue ........................ .... 1182 power of transfer of clerks, not
may construct railroad and telegraph taken from heads of department, 95
line to connect with Pacific rail- treasurer's office, .. 96, 98, 186, 187,
road .......................... 498, 494 368, 859, 686, 687
may unite with road through Kan. ieglster's ofice,...96, 96, 186, 187,
sas ........................... 496 868, 369, 686, 687
Legacies, solicitor's offioe,...9, 96, 186, 187,
duty upon, where property is over 868, 869, 686, 687
$1000 in value.................. 485-487 office of commissioner of cus-
Leisaive Assembi, toms,. .. 96,96, 187,868, 686, 687
in Arizona, olorado, Dakota, Idaho, light-house board, 95, 96,187,
and Nevada. See those titles. 868, 860, 686, 687
lEislative, Exectie, and Judicial Expenses S. E. Executive Building, including
Appropriations, extension, &c.......... 96, 187, 188, 860,
general, legislative, executive, and judi- 687
cial appropriation bill, for 1860-61,.. 91 department of the interior ..... 96, 188, 189,
for 1861-62 .............. 188, 214, 276 277, 860, 687
for 1862-6 ................... 855, 867 office of secretary and aaistant,.96,
lbr 1868-64 ..................... 682 97, 188, 860, 687
nothing herein to impair the right to re- biennial register .......... 141,277
duce compensation of office ........ 85 statutes at large ................. 277

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1359 1855-1863

1860 INDEX.
Leg Wativ, 4., .pp d , (continued.) ?AU Lg_ ativs,6c-., Appropriations, (continued.)
cler and watchm ........... 277 court expenses, and prosecution of
general land-office, 96, 97, 188, 860, crime.... ...... 102, 148, 866,698
687, 688 annuities and grants ............. 148
to carry Into effect act estab- counterfeiting coin ............... 102
lishinj additional district in independent treasury,....102,148, 278,
Wanshington Territory, . 96 868, 698, 694
Indian af .... 96, 97, 188, 860, inspectors of steamboats ...... 102, 148,
687, 688 866, 694
pensions ..... 96,97, 188, 189, 860, collection of revenue from lands, . .108,
687, 688 144, 866
public buildings,..97, 189, 861, 688 registers and receivers ........... 144
surveyors-general and their penitentiary, ......... 108, 144, 278, 867
clerks..... 97, 98, 139, 277, 861, public buildings, repairs and care
688, 689 of, .102, 198, 148, 144, 866, 867, 694
recorder of land titles in Mis- public grounds ...... 102, 108, 148, 144
souri...... 98, 189, 861, 689, 690 868, 693
war department,.98, 189, 140, 277, 861, President's house,.... 102, 108, 144, 866
862, 689, 690 867, 69
office of secretary and assist- auxiliary guard,........... 108, 144
ants ...... 98,189, 140, 861, 689 draw-keeper atthe Potomac bdges, 144,
adjutant-general ...... 98, 189,140, 866,694
quartermaster-general, 986,689, conveying electoral votes to seat of
189, 140, government ................... 108
862,689 rent, of court-rooms at Los Angelo,
paymaster-general ..... 98, 99, 189, California, to be paid, .............. 108
140, 862, 689 payment not to exceed $8000 ..... 108
commissary-general, .... 98, 99, 189, Attorney-General's office .......... 105
140, 862, 689 Washington aqueduct, ........... 106
surgeon-general,...98, 99, 189li 40, how to be expended ........ 106
office of Engineer of Potomac Wa-
topographical engineers,.... 98, 99, ter-Works abolished ........... 106
140, 862, 690 repairs, tbmlture, &c, of custom-
chef engineer. . 98, 99, 140, 882 houses, court-room, and postof-
6W9 ice .......................... 106
colonel of ordnance,....98, 99, 140, purchases and contracts, except for per-
862, 90 sonal services, &c., to be made after
1. W. Executive Building, 99,140, advertising for proposals, ......... 108
277, 868, 690 how to be made when immediate
building corner of F and 17th delivery, &c., is required, .. 108, 104
Streets... 99, 140, 278, 868, 690 not to be made unless authorized
navy department, .... 99, 140, 868, 690 by law, or under an appropriation
secretary's ofce,..99, 140, 868, 690 therefor ...................... lot
assistant secretary, .. 278, 868, 690 except in war and navy depart-
bureaus,..99,100,140, 141, 868, 690 ments, for clothing, &c.,... 104
additional clerks, &c. in...... 278 arms, or military supplies, of a patented
S. W. Executive Building, 100, 141, invention, or right of using patented
868, 690 invention, not to be bought, unless,
post-office departnent,....100,141, 279, &c ............................... 104
864, 690 war debt of California to be paid. 104
general post-offiee extension,. 100 no payment to be made beyond un-
paper and printing for executive de- expended appropriation ....... 104
partments ................ 100, 141 extra salaries of district judges of Call-
for biennial register and annual fornia to be paid .................... 101
statement of commerce and navi- arrears due authors and artists of the
gation ....................... 141 exploring expedition, to be paid,... 144
biennial register to be made under amount of refining at the branches of
the direction of the Secretary of the mint and at the pssay-office In
the Interior .................. 141 New York, to be limited, when, &c., 144
mint and branches,.. .100, 101, 141, 142, capitol
278, 864, 691, 692 no in
partNew Mexico
of the money............
to be expended 110
New York assay-off ie,. .. 100, 142, 218, till plans, &c., for completion of
864,692 building at sum appropriated, are
territories, government in..101, 142, 278, approved by Secretary of Tres-
864, 86, 692, 698 ury, .......................... 110
judiciary ...... 101, 142, 148, 865, 898 lighthouse at Oswego, New York ..... 110
office of Attornoy-General, ... 101, 148, old Senate chamber to be made court-
865, 698 room and old court-room law lib-
expenses of private land-claims in ray, ............................. 110
California, ........ 101, 148, 866, 698 apiopriation how expended, ...... 110
reporter............. 102,148 %65, 698 rooms for the court of claims .......... 110
district attorneys, ......... 10r. 148, 865 survey of eastern boundary of Califor-
marshals ............ 102, 148, 866 nia, .............................. 110

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1360 1855-1863

IND=_18 ,1861
survey oc.,AP * ion,
rt7boundary (cntinued.)
between Ore- -LegiAlath I-. Aprnpratoss,(continued.)
payment to Michael Cassin, administra-
gon and ashilnton,. 110 tor of James Cassin ............... 220
repair of capitol in Nebra . 110 accounts of Charles J. Helm to be set-
for payment of interest to the Chick- tied, &e .......................... 220
asaws, ............................ 110 expenses and payments to be al-
finishing maps, &c., of Atrato route,.... 110 lowed,. ... o......oo 220
law relating to payment of cents from purchases and contract., except for per-
the mint, repealed ................ 110 sonal services, &c., to be made after
pay of certain examiners and assistant advertising for proposals ............ 22D
examiners in patent-office ........ 110 not to be made unless authorized,... 220
to be paid from patent-office find,.. 110 except in the war and navy depart-
contract with Gales and Seaton as to ments for clothing, &c ......... 220
American state papers, modified,.... 110, how made in cases of exigency,... 2A0
111 restriction upon purchase of patented
price, distribution, pay of publish- articles, repealed ................... 220
era, 8W. ...................... ll second mileage to be paid............. 855
average size of volumes, whole ex- only two mileages for 87th Con-
pense . .................. 111 grew, ........................ 855
repeal of inconsistent laws ....... 111 printing diplomatic correspondence,.... 855
accounts of contractor to build cuw clerks to committees .............. 866, 688
tom-house, &c., at San Francisco, Capitol police ................. 856, 868, 688
to be adjusted and payments made heatin d ventilating ........... 856,688
him............................... ill miselaneous, ............... 856, 868, 888
value ofcertain land in Washington City pay of representatives and delegates,... 866,
to be ascertained .................. ill 88
to be reported to Congress, ...... 111 of officers, clerks, &c., of house,.. $6,
clerk on speial service in the general 88
land-office .......................... 218 ontingencies of house,-...... -856, 688
repeal of former approprlatin for ex- clerks to committees and temporary
pense of additional land district in clerks.......................... 856, 684
Washington Territory ............. 218 folding documents and matris,...856, 684
preparing unfinished records of sur- fuel and lights ................... 856, 884
veys .............................. 218 furniture, repairs, .............. 86, 684
patent-office building, constructing cel- stationery ......................... 8M, 684
lar, and iron railing ................ 217 horses, carriages, and saddle-horses-...858,
transportation of bullion from assay. 684
office in New York to the mint for laborers8......................... 856,684
coit ge............................ 218 miscellaneous, newspapers ........
- 857, 684
internal improvements in "Winder's pages and temporary mall-boys, .... 857, 684
building, ......................... 218 lithographing and engraving-...... 857,685
additional appropriation for mint,...... 218 lithographing and engraving, where the
and for branch at San Francisco,... 218 cost exceeds $250, to be awarded,
payment to Mrs. E.A. Linn .......... 219 after advertising, to lowest and best
pay of Indian superintendent and addi- bidder. .......................... 686
tiona agents in Washington Terri- public binding .................... 857, 68
tory ............................. 216 court of claims, judges, a ....... 857, 685
payment of balance due contractor for Executive, - President and Vice-Presi-
custom-houses at Belfast and Ula dent, ........................... 857, 686
worth ............................. 219 secretary, contingencies ....... 867, 685
court-house and post-oflice at Indianapo. state department, ................ 867, 686
HS ................................ 219 incidental and contingent expenses,.. 867
sewer on Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn,
N. Y ............................. 219 losses on drafts8 .................. 867
Brooklyn to pay half the ex- prison at Amoy .................. 857
pense ........................ 219 publishing laws, pamphlets, and
former appropriations for binding, rIl- newspapers, .............. 858, 685
Ing, and blank books, to be placed proof-reading, packing, &a., 858. 885
to credit of superintendent of public stationery, printing, books, &c., 858,685
printing ........................... 219 extra clerk hire, &c........... 858, 685
superintendent to cause printing or additional clerks ............. 860, 688
binding of 2d Session 86th Congress, part may be used for piece
to be executed, if printers, &c., fal to work ................. 60, 688
doit, ............................. 219 commissioner of pensions ........ 860
appropriation for executive and judi- travelling expenses of special agent, 688
ciary of Colorado ............. 219 contingencies ................. 860, 687
legislative and contingent expen- office of secretary ............ 860, 0,81
ses-.-.-------......o.. .220 journals and documents to be sent
accounts of Brigham Young for dis- to such libraries, &c., only as will
bursements for Indian service in pajy cost of transportation ....... 860
Utah, to be examined and statement metropolitan police ........... 867, 894, 752
made to Congress.................. 220 appropriation for year ending June 80,
terms of district court in Minnesota,... 220 .............................. 867 -

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1361 1855-1863

1.362 INDEX
q62 , j., A. ,Wiato, (contnued.) E PA42
isatd, *c., tp 'oas, (continued.)
ptoffice buidino, ..... 867 additional clerks and employees author.
paper and blanks for executive depart- lzed .......................... 694,695
ments ............................ 867 in office of Secretary of Treasury,. 696
surveyors-general and orates .......... 868 second auditor .............. 695
office of fourth audtor ................ 868 third auditor ................. 6Q6
clerks in Attorney-General's office.... 868 fifth auditor ............. 696
additional clerks, laborers, &c., in ofce assistant treasurer at Boston,.. 695
of Secretary of War, and other offices at New York ......... 696
in war department, ................. 868 at Saint Louis .......... 695
assistant secretaries of war ........... 868 treasurer of the mint, ............ 695
additional clerks in navy department,.. 868 secretary of the navy ......... 696
water-pipes, hydrants, &c ............ 868 ordnance bureau ................ 696
firemen for protection of public stores bureau of provisions and clothing,. 695
and hospitals ...................... 868 medicine and surgery ......... 695
one fireman only to be employed at equipment and recruiting, .... 695
each store or hospital ........ 868 navigation ................... 696
pay not to exceed 8500 ...... 868 navy department ................ 696
roof of library of Congress .......... 868 pension-office .................... 696
preservation of plates of Exploring Ex. Secretary of War,............... 695
pedition ........................... 868 chief of ordnance ............ 695
unexpended balance, if any, how to adjutant-general, ............ 696
be applied .................... 868 commissary-general ......... 696
completing patent-office building...... 868 surgeon-general ............. 695
mileage and salaries of John Kline, Jo- paymaster-general ........... 695
seph Sega, and John IL Butler, con- chief of engineers......... 696
testants ...... .............. 868 clerks and employees, how appoint-
.district attorneys, for services sup- ed, ........................... 696
pression of slave-trade ......... 808,869 appropriatin therefor,.... 695, 696
marshals and other persons ........ 869 salaries of superintendent of census
Colorado and Utah to make one survey- and"assistant pm ter-general,
Ing district .................... .. 869 not to be increaed,.......... 696
surveyor-general of Colorado to per- Letter-Carriers. See Post-Offle Departaiat.
form duties ................... $69 to deliver letters for one cent each, .... 88
Nevada surveying district to be united to receive same for services ......... 88
to that of California, ............... 869 provision for daily or semi-dally delivery
surveyor-general of California to of letters by, in New York city..... 168
perform duties ................. 869 appointment, at what offIces ........ 708
.post-office and courtihouse in Philadel- salary, bond, &e.,. ........ . 708
phia, to be refitted and repaired .... 869 provision puay be made for frequent de-
whole expense not to exceed, &e.,.. 869 livery of mail-matter by ......... 708
asstant secretary of interior, appoint- expenses of, to be kept distinct, ....... 704
mertauthorized ................. 869 to be paid from income of office
salary and duties ................ 869 where incurred ............... 704
attorneys, witnesses, and commissioners, 685 mayv deliver newspapers, &,o., for pub.
commissioner of internal revenue. lishers ..... ..................... 704
offlce ........................ 886 no fees for letters delivered by ......... 705
dies, stamps, paper, printing, &o.,.. 686 Letter-Postage. See Post.Qflee Departwent.
temporary clerks in treasury depart- to include what ..................... 705
ment, ......... 685 matter not enumerated to be treated as, 705
secretary may classify clerks and Letters,
assign compensation to each,.... 686 in post-office, undelivered if name and
department of agriculture ............ 691 request of writer is thereon, may be
commissioner and chief clerk ..... 691 returned to wrlte' ................. 11
statistics, experiments, &0.,...... 691 not to be advertised or treated as dead
encouraging culture of cotton and letters until, &e ................... 11
tobacco........................ 691 letter-sheets, with postage-stamps i.a
of flax and hemp, as substitutes pressed thereon, may be fkaished,.. 168
for cotton ................. 691 advertised,.when to be returned as dead, 168.
territories, government in ........ 692, 698 postage on dead, returned .......... 168
New Mexico .................... 692, postage on drop, to be prepald by stamps, 169
Utah ....................... :... 692 dead, in California, Oiegon, and Wash-
Washington ..................... 692 ington, to be sent to general post-of.
Nebraska ................. 692 Bee .............................. 206
Colorado. ....................... 692 written by soldiers In service may be
Nevada, ....... ........... 698 forwarded without prepayment of post.
Dakota, ................... 698 age .............................. 270
part of direct tax laid on Dakota, postage to be paid by rqipents .. 271
to be deducted from appropria- to soldiers, if prepaid, and direted to
tion .......................... 698 station, may be farwarded wlthot
eommissioners of direct taxes in InUr. charge.......................22
reetionary districts, ............. 694 sent ,by sailors and marines in actual
coatingent expenses ............. 694 service, need not be prepaid ........ 889

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1362 1855-1863

MMEX 1868

Ltwsv, (continued.) Lovy Cout of IWolua Co,D. C., (continued,)

postage to be paid by recipients ........ 882 .gards roads and bridges,.. 799, 800, 801,
of soldiers, sailors, and marines, duly 802.
certified, need not be prepaid ....... 706 support of the poor, and poor-house, 80D
certain, may be forwarded ............. 706 sanitary rules and regulations,...808
what may be returned to their writers, abatement of nuisances ........... 808
and when .......................... 0 Sabbath-breaking .............. 808
not prepaid by accident to be forwarded, 706 killing game, and fishing ....... 808
to be charged double postage on de- licenses to wholesale and retail deal-
livery ........................ 706 era ........................... 808
Leater,, 111devred, public roads and highways, laying out,
lists of, to be posted or published ...... 708 altering, &c .............. 799, 800, 801
pay for publication not to exceed levying and collecting taxes for,... 799
one cent a letter ............... 708 appointment of clerk, treasurer, and
addressed in foreign languages, to be collector of taxes ........ 799,800
published in paper of that language,. 708 superintendents and supervisors of
Leter of Mare, roads ......................... 800
none to be granted under treaty with immediate and extraordinary re-
Bolivia, ........................... 1016 pairs ......................... 801
when President may issue, to private opening new roads, or changing
armed vessels ..................... 758 course of old ones,......... 801, 802
rules and regulations concerning,.. 758 proceedings ..............801, 802
authority to cease In three years,.. 78 damages, if claimed, how de-
Ladts, E., termined, .............. 801,802
painting In Capitol, by, to be completed materials for making or repairing road,
and paid for ....................... 610 how procured ..................... 802
"Leant," Tle, tax on property, and on dogs .......800
act for relief of widows and orphans of bridg to be erected and kept in repair, 800
the officers, &., of ................. 278 poor ahd poor-houses to be supported,.. 800
to be deemed as lost. at what time...... 278 tax therefor to be levied and col.
pay, &c., of officers, &c., to be allowed lected ........................ 800
to that date ....................... 278 metropolitan police to enforce regua.
additional pay to widows, Ac., of those tion Of, .......................... 808
lot, .............................. 278 power of county constables limited.... 808
accounts of Andrew J. Watson, pay- to take oath of allegiance ......... 808
master of the "Levant" to be settled, 278 to give bond .................... 808
credits to be allowed ............. 278 lines, how may be recovered ......... 808
LeY, repeal of inconsistent laws ........... 808
on visible property to collect Income tax, 810 Levy, Wok P,
on property of delinquent collectors for attorney-general to ascertain and report
collection of amount due ............ 807 the facts concerning the will of, de-
Levy Coet of Waskington cit., D. C., vising Monticello to the people of the
may grant licenses to taverns, &e.,in United States .................. 880,881
Distric of Columbia, ............... 29 Lmis, Crotifn,
power and duty of relating to high- payment to ........................ 846
ways .................. 888, 884 Lemim,
members of, need not be taken from discontinued as a port of entry ........ 71
among the justices of the peace, ....884 Liability, Indiciduc,
to appoint commissioners of primary of shareholders In banking assocations, 668
schools, .......................... 895 of directors in banking associatlos,.... 679
no member of court to be commissioner Liria,
or trustee ........................ .402 President may appoint diplomatic rep-
to appoint board of commissioners to resentative to ...................... 421
examine candidates for teachers, 896, 896 to be commissioner and consul-gen.
clerk of, to make, &c., copies of assess. eral .......................... 421
ment books .. ......... 897 pay not to exceed $4000 per
to impose and levy chool tax, for pri- annum .................. 421
mary schools ...................... 897 aid for c6lonization or emigration to,... 425
for colored schools ............... 402 appropriation for mission to ........ 84
to exercise general supervision over treaty with, of October 21, 1862....... 1245
commissioners, .................... 402 contracting parties ...................1246
duty of, in preparing jury list,. ...428 peace and friendship ..................1245
vacancies in, may be filled by the Presi- reciprocal freedom of commerco, ...... 1245
dent, .............................. 668 tonnage, impost, and other duties.....1246
act to define powers and duties of, in goods in United States vessels not to be
certain matters .................... 799 prohibited, A ................ 1246,1248
to consist of nine members ............ 799 in Liberian vessels .............. 1246
appointment and term of offie ........ 799 vessels wrecked or damaged ....... 1246
one third to go out of office each year,.. 799 disputes as to salvage ............ 1246
when terms commence ............... 799 privileges of most favored nation ...... 1246
residence of members. vacancies ...... 799 consuls .............................1246
oath of office and allegiance, pay....... 799 United States not to interfere with the
jurisdiction, power, and duty of, as re- domestic concerns of Liberia....... 1246

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1363 1855-1863

1864" INDEX.

Libria, (continued.). L&enant-Co zidnder,

ratifications, signature, exchange of rati- grade of, In the navy, established .....588
fications, proclamation ........ 124, 1247 number, relative rank, pay, 588, 86, 8, 687
Librarianof Patet-o9fe, Lietenant-General, Bres:,
salary of, established .................. 247 If retired, to have present pay, allow-
ances, &c. ......................... 289
'of Congress, appropriation for,. .98, 185, 867 Leutenants,
at executive mansion ......... 107, 217, 880 Inthe navy, increased pay of ........ 24
for new roof and ventilation ...... 868 of lieutenants commanding ....... 24
L"ar, Free, grade of, in the navy, established ...... 688
and reading-room for soldiers, in Wash- number, relative rank, pay, 88, 68, 686, 587
ington ............................ 822 Life-Bbats and Apparatus,
appropriations for,...107, 216, 849, 745, 746
salary of two laborers in, established,.. 278 Ligget, WiSam,
appropriations-for ................ 278, 684 payment to, on, account of Hockaday
new roof to ......................... 760 and Ligget, for damages ......... 898
for commercial intercourse with inhab- at Oswego, New York, appropriation
itants of a state in insurrection may for ......................... ...... 110
be granted by the President, ........ 257 Light-Homs Board,
Intercourse to be conducted according apropriations for, 96, 187, 868,680, 86, 687
to fixed regulations ............... 267 Ligk --HowEstablishmend
regulations, to be prescribed by Secre- appropriations for,..'. 106, 215, 848, 849, 746
tary of Treasury .................. 257 Light-.1ouses s,, Buoqs, dv.,
to sell spirituous liquors, &c., in the general appropriationifor ............ 81-68
District of Columbia, forfeited by saving of appropriations from filling
permitting volunteers to drink, &c.,. 571 into surplus fund ................. 61
any, under internal revenue act, under-. provisions respecting, In the followihg
stated, may be again assessed ...... 716 States, viz :-
for distilling spirits, & ........... 446-468 California ...................... 68
for breweries ...................... 446-468 Connecticut .................... 81
general provisions concerning ....... 458-49 Louisiana ...................... 62
under tax act not to authorize any Massachusetts .................. 61
traffic prohibited by the laws of any Michigan ....................... 62
state ............................. 459 Mississippi, ...................... 62
for carrying on certain trads, business, New Jersey .................... 62
and professions ............ 468-4M New York ..................... 62
of attorneys, architects, & ........ 714-716 North Carolina, ................. 62
to run from first Monday of May ..... 724 Rhode Island, ................... 61
how long to be. in force .............. 724 Texas ......................... 68
ratable proportions of unexpired li- Virginia....................... 62
censes, ........................... 72 Washington Territory .......... 68
persons licensed and removing, may Wisconsin ...................... 62
carry on business at place of re- Daboll's ear-signal to be tested ....... 62
moval, ........................... 727 signal erected by Daboll to be pur-
new entry to be made insuch case, 727 chase ........................... 62
See Internal Revnu& other ear-signals to be tested ......... 62, 68
levy court of District of Columbia mayr lighthouse and site at Pass Christian to
grant to certain wholesale and retail be sold ......................... 62,68
dealers............................ 808 money not to be expended for light-
tavern and other, in the District of Co- houses, &c., until, &a.............. 68
inlumbia, how granted .............. 29 necessary preliminary surveys for light-
houses, how made ................ 68
direct tax assessed to be for two years proceedings when reports are adverse,.. 68
on whole property and parts, ........ 808 when favorable ................. 68
sums due from collectors of taxes to be Secretary of Treasury may reifstablish
a lien on their estate and that of their discontinued lighthouses on recom-
sureties ........ ......... 807, 812 mendation of light-house board ...... 68
income-tax to be a ien on property or light-vessel to be restored at Galves-
other sources of Income .......... 809 ton Bay .......................... 68
of suders on soldier's pay, abolished,.., 881 authorit to erect range.beacons, re-
of sutfers in the volunteer service, upon 68
pay, officers, men, &.,.... ... 872, 878 .......................
provisions concerning those upon slaves near Mai nee River and Bay ......... 749
in the District of Columbia, ......... 877 at Port Royal harbor ................ 749
taxes and penalty to be upon lands, &c., 422 at Ediz Hook ....................... 749
how discharged ................. 428 Limation,
duties, &., and expenses to be, on proP- of suits against sureties of postmsqters, 680
erty taxed, &a., 462, 465,469,478,474,486 claims to be filed in court of claims
.ien within six years .................. 767
upon vessels in certain cases, at to pro- upon certain suits for recovering fines,
tect .............................. 762 penalties, and forfeitures, for violation
what liens included in the act ........ 72 of revenue iaws, repeal of .......... 741

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1364 1855-1863

INDEX8 1865.
of suits(continued.)
and prosecutions against offcers Lee, (continued.}not or leassum thn $1000, .. 79
for false arest, c .................. 767 coupons of semi-annual interest
to be commenced within two years, 157 may be attached.......... 79
ia, Mr. R. A., how assigned and transferred ..... 79
appropriation for payment to, ......... 219 appropriation for expenses under this Villioa A., act ............................... 80
judgment against estate of, to be satis- no additional compensation to any"
fed ....................... 877 salaried offlcer ................ 80
Lis. See Ditsrt Tax. faith of the United States pledged for
of taxable property for direct tax, how payment of loan and interest,...... 81
obtained or made ............. 297,298 at of February 8, 1861, authorizing,.. 129
prperty-owners to furnish, on request, 297 not over $2,000,000 may be borrowed
if owner has no list and will disclose, before July let .................... 129
officer to make list, ................ 297 how to be applied, ................... 129
penalty for disclosing or delivering stock to be issued for amount borrowed, 129,
fraudulent list .................... 298 when reimbursable .............. 129
how made in such cases .............. 298 rate of interest ................. 129
notice to owner to furnish, In certain form and amount of certificates, ... 129
cases, ..................... o interest coupons may be attached, 129
how made when not given on notice or certificate with coupons assignable
request,................298 by delivery ....... . .... 129
of property of absent owners.......298 proposals for loan to be advertised for,.. 129
of property in another colLection district, 298 what to state .................. 129
assessora fee fi such ist, ....... 299 when, where, and how to be opened, 129
to be taken in reference to a day cr- what bids to be accepted ..... 129,180
tain ............................. 299 Secretary of Treasury to report to Con-
of residents and non-residents ....... 299 gress, & ......................... 129
assessor to devise forms of ......... 299 contents of report ............... 129
notice faith of the United States pledged,..... 129
be given when lists are com- 29
residue of loan of 1860, how to be ap-
to be submitted to is of pro plied ............................ 129
erty owners ....................... 299 bonds under act of 1860 may be ex-
to be delivered to assessors ............ 800 changed'fr treasury notes....... 129
to be revised and adjusted by board of appropriation for expenses of engraving
assessors, ........................ 801 and printing notes ................. 129
assessors to make lists conform ...... 801 no pa to any salaried officer for services
contents of lists ...................... 801 un er this act...................... 180
to be given to collectors .............. 802 Secretary need not accept most favor-
of transfers and changes of real estate able bids, unless, &c ............... 160
to be made yearly ................. 808 may advertise for a new loan..... 180
Lithoiegapg, of $12,000,000 authorized by act of
appropriation for ............... 867 March 2, 1861 .................... 178
where cost exceeds $260 to be awarded how to be applied ............. 178,179
to lowest and best bidder ........... 685 not to be applied to service of pres-
of probable cost of over $200, to be ent fiscal year ............ 179
awarded, after advertisement, to low- when redeemable ............... 178
est and best bidder ................ 826 stock to be issued therefor ............ 178
of certain maps, public printer to con- certificates, rate of interest, trans-
tract for .......................... 82 fer, &e ........................ 178
tigsho,,, Thomas R., not to be sold at less than par, .... 179
payment to ......................... 861 coupons may be attached ....... 178
proposals for loan to be advertised for,.. 178
of 1848, duplicate certificates of, to Issue notice thereof to state what, ...... 178
to Frankiln Torrey ................ 878 when to be opened .............. 178
bond of indemnity to be glven,. .. 879 which to be accepted .......... 178
of twenty-one million of dollars, to be Secretary of Treasury to report to Con-
used in the redemption of treasury gress his proceedings under this act, 178-9
notes, act authorizing ............. 79 If proposals for loan are not satisfactory,
prop9sals for loan to be advertised for, 79 they need not be accepted, and treas-
when to be opened, and what bids ury notes may be issued,.......... 179
accepted ....................... 79 treasury notes may be issued instead of
Secretary of Treasury to report to Con- any loan, if, &e.................... 179
grea umount borrowed, terms, &c.,.. 80 national act to authorize ............ 259
to give an abstract of proposals, not over $250,000,000 may be borrowed
and tate what were reeted within twelve months, .............. 259
and what.accepted ............ 80 aggregate never to exceed this full sum, 260
stock to be issued at six per cent. for coupon or registered bonds or treasury
nwoney borrowed .................. 79 notes may be issued therefor ....... 259
none to be disposed of for less than bonds when redeemable .............. 269
par ........................... 79 rate of interest and when payable,. 269
certificates to be signed and sealed, treasury notes, denomination, lntereat,
&. .................. ...... , 79 when payable. .................... 259

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1365 1855-1863

1886 INDEX.

Zo,(contiued.) Long BMAge

oertain of less than O0 may be ex- across Potomac, appropriation for ro-
changed for coin 259 Lord,Jo,
ro s of, .......................... 827
but not for lea than *100 at one
time ........................ . 269 payment to......... .......... 917
or to pay salaries or other dues .... 269 Lotero. See Internal Rerenue.
not to be smaller than $10 ....... 269 stamp-duty on lottery-tckets not to au-
not to be smaller than $5 ......... 818 thorize ............................ 719
not over $50,000,000 of these notes Lon Ticets. See nternal Reenue.
to be issued, .................. 269 provisions of revenhe act ooncernin., 715,
bonds and notes under this ac4 how
signed, &c........................ 259 Loubshnw
how transferable ................ 259 act for final adjustment of private land-
obligations of $50 and upwards to be claims in .......................... 85
under seal ....................... 259 See Land'Claim., Private.
no treasury note need be under seal,... 818 post-routes 6stabllshed in .......... 159, how signed ......... 269 assent of Congress given to act ot im-
compensation of those signing,.... 259 proving the navigation of Red River,. 250
books to be opened for subscription to annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296
treasury notes of $50 and over,.... 259 blockade of ports o, declared ..... Appendix,
places, rules, notice, Ac., for sub- 1259
scription . .................... 29 inhabitants of, declared to be in insur-
who may subscribe .............. 259 rection ......... Appendix, 1262, 1266
if larger amount Is subscribed, Sec- commercial intercourse with, probibited, 2 2
retary of Treasury may take the . pndi,1 6
whole, &c...................... 259 Loaim.iue and Portland Canal,
if he does not, smaller subscriptions enlargement of, autliorized ............ 116
to be preferred ................. 280 branch may be built.................. 116
mode of payment of subscriptions,. 260 credit of the United States In no way
penalty for non-payment of instal- edd hereby. ................... 116
ment ......................... 260 tols to be only such as to keep the canal
pay of those receiving subscriptions, 260 in repair .......................... 116
treasury notes of $50 and upwards of Loyal Miens,
former issue may be exchanged for of states in rebellion, appropriation to
coin, Ae ........................... 260 supply with arms and munitions of
*roposels for the portion of the loan in war .................... .......... 288
bonds to be issued ............. 260 Lyon, Br~geier-GeneroiNathaniel,
form, notice, &c. ............. 20
6 services of, recognized by Congress,... 611
most favorable to be accepted, ..... 260
but not for less than par ...... 260 M.
not over $100,000,000 may be negotiated
abroad ........................... 60 Maom, HarridB.,
form of bends therefor ........... 260 pension to, .......................... 889
how such loan may be negotiated,. 20 Maca, _eogia,
interest, rate of exchange, payinent, made a port of entry for the time being, 114
&C.,.................... *.....260 Maddin, (or Medn) Tm ,
treasury notes under $50 may be re- heirs and representatives of, may enter
Isued,......................9 60 certain lands in Missouri, ........... 844
or may be cancelled and new ones patent to Issue therefor ............... 844
issue ........................... 20 right of prelimption and purchase limit-
limit in amount and as to time,.... 280 ed to two years,.................... 844
treasury notes of any pf the denomi- Madding, Y47Wo
.................... ... 84
nations, and payable on time, may be
issued in exchange for coin, &...... 21 oppmw, atlon for the construction,
limit as to .time of payment and com-
amount .................... 261 pletion, and repairs of ........ 82, 149, 564
Secetary of Treasury to report to Com- naval, appropriations for ............. 817
gross his doings under this act, ...... 261 Afagazasm,
contents of report, ................ 261 postae up ........................ 707
faith of the United States pledged, ..... 261
certain provisions of former act revived, 261 from MIssouri to San Francisco, propo.
appm aon for expenses under this sals for use of by government to be
act,.......................... 281 advertised fr ..................... 41
Loa". See Bmnkin Associa. contract to be given to lowest respond-
limit Of, to officers and shareholders of ble bidder......................... 41
banking asocamtions .............. 676 not more than 40,000 a year to be paid
rate of interest upon .............. 678, 679 by the United States ............... 41
Logan, Dodor, right of way, and to use public lands
title to saline lands in Mts,, conflrmed, 892 for stations, granted ................ 41
Logan, Jobs, prelimption rights not granted hereby,... 41
title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed, 892 or exclusive right to construct lines, 42
L tiNt T- X, contract not to be made until line is In
title to .. lin.lands In Dlll~o~s,89 operation ........................41, 42

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1366 1855-1863

INDEX. 1867

M tc Tegph, (continued.) Mail Stations,
payments to cease when contractors for certain contractors west of the Mis-
a to comply with contract, .... 42 sissippi, to be reserved ......... 70, 71
government to have prior right to use reservations to be sold when stations are
lines ................ ..... " abandoned,........................ 71
and may connect same. by lines with Mail Steautships,
military posts ................... .42 from Charleston, avi Savannah, to Key
lines to be open to use of all citizens,... 42 W est, ............................ 112
rates of charges lbr transmission of tele- MailableMat r. See Po.t-Offi .Depared.
grams ............................. 42 maps, engravings, &e., books, cards,
branch line to Oregon may be built,... 42 blank or printed, seeds or cutting in
right of way, &e ................ 42 packages, deemed to be .......... 169
if government business at ordinary rates postage thereon .................. 169
exceeds contract price, excess to be description of dlftbrent kinds of .... 704, 706
reported to Congress ................ 42 divided into three.classes ............ 706
use of line to be free for certain scientific rates of postage upon .......... 704-709
purpos ........................... 42 M7s,
telegrams to be impartially transmitted, 42 transportation of foreign, or domestic,
act may be altered, &e ............... 42 by steamship, for postage ......... 89
Mail Contract. See Post-Offiee, Post Routes. preference to be given to American
on route number $076, extended so as to steamships, when, &e .......... 89
expire as on route 12,678 ........ 169, 206 transportation otf to Olympia, Oregon,. 89
on route number 18,564 .............. 205 appropriation for transportation of the,. 168,
Mai Contractors. See PnOt* Oc, Poet Rowtes. 881, 646
for service through territories west of Maie,
Mississippi may have certain land en- annual direct tax apportioned to...... 295
tries olrm ed .................... 70 appropriation for erection of temporary
patents to issue, if terms of con- works of defence n,............848
tract are complied with, &c.,. 70 post-routes established in .......... 416, 678
no new rights to be acquired under act act to quiet certain land titles In the late
of 1865 ............................ 70 disputed territory of ............ 540, 541
mail stations to be reserved, &c.,.....70, 71 place of holding the September term of
reservations to be sold when stations district court in, changed, ........... 675
are abandoned ..................... 71 provision for process ............. 576
laws rting pregmption rights to, re- Majosr-Generls,
pealed ............................. 71 of volunteers, not over six to be ap-
for daily overland mail to California,... 169, pointed ............................ 269
170, 206 army officers appointed to retain rank,. 269
on mait-route 8076 in Texas ........ 169, 170 requisite number to be appointed,...... 274
on mail-route 12,678, entitled to present four to be added to regular army ....... 280
mail-pay while, &e. ................ 206 eachto have three aides to be taken
provisions do not apply to local con- from captains ....... &.......... 280
netting routes .............. 206, 207 number not to exceed forty ......... 06
Mai Routes See PostOffice Dearment. thirty additional, may be appointed..... 699
certain, established in Kansas ......... 4 how to be selected ............... 699
appropriation for service on ....... 16
provisions concerning those numbered appropriations for the ....... 6, 282, 628, 786
8076. 12,678, and 18,664,..169,170,205, 206 treaty between the United States and,
connecting with or intersecting railroads, of Jan. 81, 1866, preamble, contract-
the Postmaster-General may change,. 421 ing parties, & .................... 989
Mail &nrice. See Post-Office, Post Routess. cession of lands to the United States, 989
in Kansas, apropriations, &c., for.... 4, 16 boundaries thereof. .......... 989
between Cafornia and Washington reservation, boundaries, &e ....... 989
Territory ....................... 69,70 to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 989
to be six -times a week between whites not to reside thereon,
Sacramento and Olympia, ..... 69,70 unless, fc ............... 989
compensation,.... ......... 69, 70 foreign Indians not to reside
ocean service from San *niso
so thereon, without, &c. ..... 941
Olympia to be discontinued on per- roads may be run through, dam-
formance of this ................ 69,70 ages to be paid ............. 989
between east of Rocky Mountains and other ftiendly tribes may be
any state or territory on the Pact- placed thereon ............. 940
Sfc ......................... 169, 206, 206 tribe to settle on reservation within
on overland central route to Califor- a yea ' ......................... 140
nia, ............................ 169, 208 where may reside meanwhile,. 940
on mail-route 8076 in Texas .......... 169 rights of fishing, sealing, &e., se-
on Butterfield route .......... 169,,208 cured to Indians ...............
on mail-route 18,68 In Minnesota,..... 205 not to take shell-fish frbm beds
by steamship between New York and of citizens ................. 940
San Franelsoo ........ 188,170,208 payments by the United States,... 940
lpovisoms and appropriaions concern. how to be applied,... .... 940
lug ........................... 648, 647 President to be informed of
on route 18,l 4, to be semi-weekly,.... 864 wishes of Indians ......... 0O

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1367 1855-1863

1868 =NEX.

Mlkovhs, (continued.)
appropriation for expenses of remov- damages to be paid to the owners of the
al, settlement, &e ............. 940 French brig ...................... 918
Improvements abandoned because Marine Barracks,
of this treaty to be paid for... 940 at Charlestown, appropriation for.... 816
Indians may be removed to other at Mare Island, California, appropria-
reservations, .................. 940 tions for construction of ........... 816
or may be consolidated ..... 940 plan to be first approved by Secre-
to be remunerated for expenses tary of the Navy ............... 816
and improvements....... 940 appropriation for hospital at, in Wash-
annuities not to be taken to pay ington, D. C., and sewer ........... 751
debts of individuals ......... 940 Marine Coarps,
to be withheld from those drink- appropriations for,....81, 148, 266, 602, 668,
ing, &c., ardent spirits ....... 941 816
tribe to preserve friendly rela- act for the better organization of ..... 275
dons ......................... 940 of what officers and men to consist,.... 273
to pay for depredations ....... 940 commissions of present officers not to be ,
to surrender offenders ....... 941 vacated ........................... 275
not to make war but in appointments of officers ........... 275
fence .................... 941 to be between 20 and 26 years of age,
to free all slaves, and not 1c and to be examined ............... 275
quire others ............... 941 retired list for officers of, provisions con-
not to trade out of the United cerning ....................... 289, 290
States .................... 941 officers of, may be retired, or dismissed,
United States to establish free com- when, &c ......................... 596
mon school, provide instructors, Marine Hospituls,
&c............................ 94 1 appropriations for repairs of ........ 749
to furnish mechanics, physi- may be rented to city, &c., authorities,. 848
cian, medicine, &c......... 941 provision for sick and disabled sea-
separate school may be established, 941 men, .......................... 848
treaty when to take effect ....... 941 for infectious diseases........ 848
signature, ratification, proclamation, at Burlington, Iowa, may be leased, or
&c ...................... .. 941-948 used, or closed .................... 852
Malcious Injur. See Wilful and Alalmote Marines,
Injury................................. 88 engaged in certain naval actions at
MHadeile, Todm, Hampton Roads, to be allowed not
decision of court of claimi against ad- over $60 each ..................... 876
ministrator of, confirmed .......... payment to officers and men of marines
Mienfeet, for losses by foundering of steamer
master, &c., of vessel enrolled and li- "Governor," ...................... 622
censed for coasting trade in northern, Marines' Letters,
&c., frontiers, to file and obtain clear- may be forwarded without prepayment
ance, ............................. 671 of postage ......................... 705
duty of master at other ports ..... 571 "Marion,' The,
of collector at such ports...... 571 American register to Issue to ......... 829
blank, to be kept for sale by collectors Market Hose. (See Washington.)
and surveyors ..................... 572 in Washington City, grant, &c., for build-
price thereof .................... 572 ing......................... 14, 16
Mann, W. W., appropriation for building, in George-
assignee of John McKinunie, decision of town ........................... 753, 754
court of claims against, confirmed, .. 911 Market alue,
Mansmr, R1f0s, to be of day of actual shipment, ....... 197
payments to, for lost land titles in Marq ette and Wisconsin State Line ilroad Co.,
Maine, See
Manufactures. ..................
Inter,,,d Revenue. 40, 541 line of location of road changed ...... 621
uties on, under tax act, &c....... Maragea,
459-466 in presence of any consular officer in a
what not to be considered manufactures, 466 foreign country, between what per-
provisions of internal revenue act con- sons to be valid .................... 79
727-7219 certificate thereof to be sent to de-
"a cerning ................... partment of state .............. 79
American register to Issue to the steam- contents of such certidate,... 79
vessel, ..................... 7 Married Woman,
Maps, protection fbr, and for her property,
public printer masx contract for litho- when deserted by her husband,.. 60, 61
graphing certain, to accompany an- ploceedings to obtain order of court
nual report of general land-office,... 822 in such case ............ 60,61
Mare Island, (Calfornia,, effect of such order ......... 60, 61
appropriation for construction of marine provision for redeeming lands of, sold
barracks at, ....................... 816 for taxes .......... ,... 0
plan to be first approved by Secre- Marsk, Ge P.,
tary of the Navy, .............. 816 payment to, far special services ........ 847
appropriatidns for navy yard at . 817 Mars l on
pay of commandant of navy yard at,... 826 of District of Columbia, to attend upon

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1368 1855-1863

INDEX. 1869

arshal, (continued.) "Massausa,,t, M s ,ip
sessions of commissioners under act name changed fom "Bokal," ...... 48
abolishing slavery therein ........ 877 Massachusats,
of southern district of New York, duty appropriations for light-houses in . 61
of, under the court in New York, for post-routes established in..........169, 578
the suppression of the slave-trade,... 581 annual direct tx apportioned to ...... 296
vacancy in office of, when may be fillad Maste,
by curt, .................... 768 grade of, in the navy established ....... 88
appointment toinst-how long-------768 number, relative rank, pay,..688, 086, 686,
of District of Columbia, duty and fees 087
of, in summoning jurors to assess in the navy, increased pay of and to
damages for laying out, &c., high- whom to attach .............. 24, 25, 27
ways ........................... 801, 802 Matthew, Robert A.,
MarNhall, Anlrew E., payment to, of price of land-entry since
pension to6........................... 857 cancelled .......................... 881
Marshals, Mattinyql, Ignatius C.,
appropriations for the,....102, 148, 865, 698 allowance to be made to, in settlement
deputies and other ministerial officers, of accounts ....................... 917
punishment of, for permitting prison- Moee River and Bay,
ers to escape ....................... 69 erection of two lights near ............ 749
Mauy, $3
to what cases to apply ........... 69
President may appoint, for certain con- the name off a the vessel changed to that
sular courts ...................... 77 of "Bene ctress,"................. 481
number and distribution ........ 77 McConsll, John C.,
bond, salary, duty ............... 77 accounts of, for raising regiment of
provision for suits on such bond,... 77 volunteers in Maryland, to be set-
and for the production of them in tled .................. ............ 898
such suits ................... 77 not to exceed $8600, ........... 899
appropriation for pay ot for consular erenick, Cwrus H.,
court in China, ................... 21 time for taking testimony In his ap-
allowance to, for extra services in the plication for extension of patent, en-
suppression of the slave-trade,....219,869, larged,............................. 89
829 - Hugh,
compensation in any year not to exceed payment to, for freed slaves ........ 924
-- ............................ 219 Me rabh, Jane M.,
appropriation for, for consular courts in payment to, as executrix of John W
hina ........................ 171; 886 McCrab ......................... 845
and their deputies, to have authority of McCullough, George,
sherillh, Ac .... .................. 282 released f#om contract to deliver stone,. 842
to be under authority of, and report to, - Hhiaai,
attorney-general ................... 285 released from contract to deliver stone,. 842
to be vigilant in the execution of the McGowan, Steurt,
law prohibiting commerual inter. life pension to................... 889, 874
course with the inhabitants of a state Mclntyre, Robert,
in insurrection ......... Appendix, 1262 payment to, and others, for work done,
to have custody of property seized as &c., on Washington aqueduct, ....... 619
prize...... ....................... 874 McKean, Captain W. IV.,
to sell property condemned as prize, ... 875 may accept presents from the Japanese
special duty of, in prize cases ......... 608 government, ....................... 612
charges, &e., not to be allowed, unless, McKnitlfit, Sheldon,
payment to, of not over ,000....... 870
to deposit proceeds of sale with the as- Meade, Rwcard V.,
sistant treasurer ................... 608 payment to .......................... 841
pay of, ............................. 608 Mechanics' Bank,
in Michigan .......-.............. 661, 682 New York, decision of court of claims
MartialLaw, against trustee of, confirmed,....... 912
declared in the islands of Key West, Medalltone,
the Tortugas, and Santa Rosa, on the of the President for distribution among'
Florida coast ............. Appendix, 1260 Indian tribes, ...................... 628
Martin, Richard C., Medals of Honor,
payment to, for lost draft, ............. 878 to seamen promoted for merit, ......... 6
Maryland, to be prepared for petty officers, sailors,
post-routes established in ..... 159, 415, 678 marines, &c ......................380
assent of Congress to act of ........... 125 apprpriation therefor ................ 880
annual direct tax apportioned to .......- 295 reant to cause to be prepared with
provision concerning payment of cer- emblematic devices ......... 628, 624
tain volunteers from ............... 827 appropriation for ................... 624
expense of repelling rebel raids in, how appropriation for additional, ........... 761
d . ... ...................... 760 Med--.on-kn-tn Band of Sioux Indian,
MaryladAvenue, appropriation for payment for reserva-
appropriation for lighting .......... 760 tion of, in Minnesota .............. 287
msw, Ohls H., may be made in bonds .............. 287
payment to heirs, &., of ............. 84 act to relieve for damages by ......... 62

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1369 1855-1863

1870 INDEX.
Med-a-tcan-on Band of Sioux Indians, (cont'd.)
lands may be assigned to ............. 819 of hospitals, appointment, rank, pay,
reservations of, to be surveyed ...... 819 &c., of ............................ 879
See Sioux Indians. to have supervision of sanitary condi-
Mdical Cadets, tion of army ...................... 879
corps of, to be added to medical staff of power and duty of, in relation to dis-
army ............................. 288 charge of enlisted men for physical
rank, pay, number, qualifications, and disability ...................... 885, 886
duties of ........................ 288 Inspectos, (Amny,j
to enlist for one year and to be subject appointment, rank, pay, and duties of,. 879
to articles of war ................. 288 powers and duties in relation to dis-
near approach of their discharge to be charge of enlisted men for physical
reported to surgeon-general ........ 288 disability ...................... 886, 886
twenty additional, may be appointed,.. 878 eight to be added to the present medical
to have one ration a day, in addition to corps ............................. 688
their pay ......................... 878 selection, rank, pay, & .,.............. 88
Medical Corps of A -' additional duty upon inspectors, ...... 688
to be increased .................. 67 may direct soldiers to return to duty, or '
officers of, reported as disqualified for may discharge them ............... 688
promotion, or unfit for duty, to be Medical Purveyors, (Anny,)
sent for examination to medical to select and purchase medical supplies, 879
board ............................ 879 books, instruments, &c ............ 879
addition to the ...................... 688 power, in cases of emergency ........ 879
duties and powers of ............. 688 Medical Purveyors and Storekeepers,
to give bonds approved by Secretary of
Medical CYorpsSee Medical Inspectors.
qf Nvt, ar .............................. 600
medical ofccers, incapable of further ser- Medical Staf,(Amy,)
vice at sea, may be placed on retired officers promoted from, during rebellion,
list ...... ........................ 150 to retain respective rank, &c ........ 879
pay in such cases ............... 150 Medical &tore;apers,
vacancies caused thereby, how filled,.. 150 not exceeding six, may be added to the
number on active list not to be increased medical department of the army,.... 403
hereby ........................... 150 their qualifications, duties, and pay,... 404
increased, and of what to consist ...... 284 appointments to last only during rebel-
Mfedical Doeprtent, Lion, .............................
" 404
appropriation for, of the army,.66, 202, 268, Medicinal Preparains,
845, 644, 645 duty upon .......................... 484
of the navy ................. 80, 147 Medicine and Swyery,
Aledical Depainentof the Amay, bureau of, established in Navy Depart-
act to reorganize and increase the effi- ment, ............................. 610
ciency of ......................... 878 officers, &c., of, their salaries,..510, 611
surgeons and assistant surgeons to be transfer of appropriation for bureau of,. 682
added ..................... ...... 878 appropriations for bureau of,..690,691, 816
medical cadets and hospital stew- Medicies or Preparation,
ards........................... 878 intended for exportation, may be manu-
their pay, and from when com- factured where, .................... 728
puted ..................... 878 Mee, , Eliza,
medical cadets to have one ration a day eight acres of land to be given to, . 1289
in addition to pay ................. 878 -, Eniinme,
appointment of surgeon-general,.... 879 eighty acres of land to be given to .... 1289
of assistant surgeon.general,.... 879 -,11oses,
of medical inspector-general,...... 879 payment to, for rent wrongly exacted,. 888
of medical inspectors ............. 879 Megomrn, Stewart W.,
regard to be had to qualifications solely 8 life pension to .................. 89, 874
and not to rank .................... 879 Me49, Captain,
rank, pay, powers, and duties of sur- accounts of, to superintend Washington
geon-general ...................... 879 aqueduct, to be settled .1............ 8
of assistant surgeon-general-...... 879 Mebers of ongres. See .opqres.
of medical inspector.general of hos- what to be excuse for absence of ...... 628
pitals ......................... 879 to have franking privilege .......... 708
of medical inspectors ............ 879 when to commence and when to ex-
medical purveyors to procure medical pire- ......................... 708
supplies .......................... 879 not to practice in court of claims ..... 766
their power in cue of emergen- Mendawakanton and Waakoka Bands of Da-
cies ........................... 879 kotas or Sioux,
proceedings when any oficer of the treay between the United States and,
medical corps is disqualified for pro- June 19, 1868, preamble, contract-
motion ............................ 879 ing parties, &c ................... 1081
act to last during present rebellion,.... 879 reservation set apart, surveyed, &P.,1081
proviso as to officers promoted from made subject to laws regarding
medical staff of the army ...... 879 intercourse with whites, &e.,1088
not over six military storekeepers to be eighty acres to be allotted to
added to ................ ; ..... 408,404 each head of family, "u.,. .. 1081

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1370 1855-1863


Rafuodmoka, v.c, du. (continued.)PA Metopeita Police Distrct, fc., (continued.) PasA
patents to issue .... . 1082 board of police,ofcers of, president,
lands to be exempt from treasurer, clerk, ............... 821
taxes, ................. 1082 bond of treasurer, pay of clerk,... 821
not to be alienated, except, duty and authority .................. al,
&c .................. 1082
residue to be in common,....1081 my make rules and regulations .......
further allotment ....... 1081, 1082 police may act throughout district, .... 821
expenses of surveys and allot- police force, of what to consist........ 821
ments ..................... 1082 officers, appointment, tenure of office,.. 821
certain provisions of treaty of Au- qualifications, duties, removal, &c., ... 821
gust 6, 1851 ................... 1082 officers and men to be citizens of the
question of title to lands to be sub- United States ...................... 821
mitted to Senate ............... 1082 to be able to read and write Eng-
what allowance to be made if de- lish ........................ .821
cision Is in favor of Indians, ... 1088 must not have been indicted and
decision of the Senate .......... 1042 convicted of crime ............ 821
if lands are sold, not over $70,000 police to have authority of constables
may be paid to chiefs and head- except power to serve civil proes,.. 822
men) ......................... 1088 may seve warrants ........... 822
to be approved by superintend- provisions as to bail ................. 822
ent of Indian aflidrs ........ 1088 superintendent and sergeants of police
United States may maintain mili- authority of, in cases of suspected
tary posts, roads, &e., on reserve felony ............................. 822
tion, ......................... 1088 district may be divided into precincts,.. 822
to pay damages caused there- station or sub-station in each district, .. 822
by,...................... 1088 details for duty ...................... 822
to pay expenses of this treaty, 1084 orders and regulations, how promul-
ndiaato preserve friendly rela gated ............................ 822
tions ..... .............. 1083 superintendent of police, authority of, 822
to pay for depredations, .1088 board may employ additional patrol-
amoint of depredations men ............................. 822
how determined ....... 1088 provisions concerning such addi-
not to engage in hostilities but tional patrolmen .............. 822
in self-defence ......... 1088 special patrolmen, power, duty, badge, 822,
to surrender offenders, .. 1084 828
annuities to be withheld from thoe policemen, resignation, re-appointment
drinking, &P-, intoxicating liq- of ............................... 828
uori, ......................... 1084 custody of stolen property ............ 828
Secretary of Interior to have dis- complaint books to be kept,........ 828
cretion over manner and objects rgstry boks of lost property.......828
of annual expenditure ....... 1084 record of police, contents .........828
Senate to decide as to payment to treasurer's account to be in proper
A. J. Campbell, ............... 1084 books ............................ 828
signatures, ratification, proclama- allbooks to beopen for inspecti. 828
tion..................... 1086,1086 police reports and returns to be kept and
bound ............................ 828
appropriations for the .... 48, 50, 228, 226, cities of Washington and Georgetown to
616, 517, 777, 779 provide station-houses ............. 828
Had , Ruma H., if they refuse or neglect to do so,
widow of Captain Charles G. Merchant, board of police to provide them
life-pension to .................... 878 at expense of city ............. 828
duty of police incases o arrest,..... 8A82M
authorized In offices of the three assist- places for detention of witnesses to be
ant postmasters-general ............ 168 provided .......................... 824
Afeteorogiiud Obsrvatio, present telegraphic appratu and public
appropriations for continuing ....... 646 police property to be for use of board
M dt E spal Church, of police ......................... 82
payment to Missionary Society oi for expense of criminal process, how borne, 82A
release of land claim in Oregon, board of health may call on police for
810, ............................... 44 aid .......................... 82A
appropration fbr purchase of land of, at limit of such service ............. 82
- quois Pot.. i.higa.
............ 68 ordinances and by-l4aws of the cities to
Metropolitan Pmie, be enforded,... ........... 8.. 24
appropriations for, ....... 867, 694, 761, 762 board of police may call f military as-
act establishing
Aftofif.a .
Poliqs Distrivt ...............
af the District of 82D sistanue .......................... 824
may compel attendance of witne-
es ........................ 824
act creating ........................ 820 commilssiers of police may administer
board of police constituted, ........... 820 Oaths ............................. 8
of whom to consist, quorum, &e.,.. 820 what shall be deemed peury,......... 824
appointment, qualifications, term of penalty for using personal violence upon
office, ..................... 820, 821 any elector or member of polie,.... 824
voL. xz. Imvx - 175

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1371 1855-1863

1872 INDEX.
etropoitn Police District, (continued.) Mexco,
penalty for member oiplice not to treaty between the United States of
make arrest; .................. 824 America and the republic of, for the
or for falsely personating a police extradition of criminals, December
officer ......................... 824 11, 1861 .......................... 1199
paynof commissioners, treasurer, super- preamble, &c., plenipotentiarles ...... 1199
intendent, officers, and men ....... 826 persons accused of certain crimes, &c.,..1200
auxiliary guard abolished ............ 826 what proof required .......... 1200
authority of board of police .......... 826 crimes committed in fmotler st@ts,
superintendent to make quarterly re- requisitions how made ..............1200
port ............................. .82 for which delivery is to be made...1200
board to make annual report .......... 825 fugitives, surrender of, made by Execu-
board of police and police, not to re- tive ............................. 1201
ceive fees, &c., unless, &c.,........ 82 expenses of detention and deUv-
rewards, fees, &c., to constitute "police- ery ............................1201
man's fund," .................... 826 political offences not included ..... 1202
who may enjoy the fund .............. 82 slaves not to be returned ..........1202
board of police may make regulations past offences ..................... 1202
as to bond of superintendent,....826, 826 citizens not to be surrendered, ......... 1202
and as to oath of members and reg- treaty to continue ................... 1202
istr .......................... how terminated,................. 1202
appropriation for this act, ............. 2 ratifications exchanged, .............. 1202
repealing clause ...................... 826 signature ........................ 1202
act to amend the act establishing ...... 578 ratification, proclamaton, &P...... 1208
property stolen to be in custody of postal convention between the United
register to clerk," ... .........
be kept,.............6578 578 States of America and the Republic
of December 11, 1861.............. 1205
when and how such property may preamble, plenipotentiaries, &o....... 1206
be restored .................. 578 postage, sea rates of ............ 1206
when to be sold at public auction,.. 678 gn letters, newspapers, periodicals,
horses or perishable property ...... 579 and pamphlets ................ 1206
when property is desired as evidence,.. 579 newspapers to be sent in narrow
pay of property clerk and of secretary bands ........................ 1206
of board of police ................. 679 United States inland, on mail mat
surpeons of police ................... 679 ter to Mexico; ................. 1206
sanitary police company ........... 679 to be preaid by stamps ......... 1206
power of sanitary company ....... 579 to belong to the United States, .... 1206
proceedings where public safety or inland Mexican postage for United
health is endangered ........... 679 States ........................
search of houses, &o., believed to be inland and sea postage to be prm-
kept as common gaming-houses, or paid, ......................... 1207
for prostitution. ................ 679, 580 by stamps ...................... 1207
authority of police over pawnbrokers to belong to Mexio .............. 1207
and other doubtfud establishments,... 680 United States mail matter from
stations, station-houses, &q., may be es- Mexico nand, on............... 1207
tablished ......................... 580 where to be collected and to whom
powers, privileges, and exemptions of to belong .................... 1207
the police and of the board of po- on mail matter from the United
lice ...... ........... ........... 680 States, in Mexico ............. 1207
justices of thepeaceforstation-houses,.. 681 where collected and to whom to be-
not to discharge those sentenced to long.......................... 12 7
fine and costs, without payment on mail matter not conveyed by
or security .................... 681 mae,.........................1207
if security is taken, justice is per. mails, matter of, not to be detained... 1208
sonally liable theretor ........ 681 mailable matter forwarded by steam
members of, not to resign without to- or other packet ............... 1208
tie .............................. 81 to be made up at regular Intervals,1208
may reside anywhere In district, .. 581 closed through Mexico ........ 120
detectives and their pay ........... 681 agent, ......................... 09
rewards and presents ................ 5W1 closed through United States ..... 1209
fines imposed for discipline ......... 581 agent, .......................... 1209
when police may arrest without war- transit of closed, to be arranged,...1209
rant, .............................. 81 war, provision in case of ............. 1209
prisoner to be conveyed forthwith regulations, &c., to be settled ....... 1210
to nearest magistrate ......... 581 details may be modified .............. 1210
police code for district to be prepared, 581, postage, inland to be reduced .......... 1210
582 convention, how long to contfnue, ..... 1210
repeal of inconsistent lws.........582 ratifications, when exchanged .......... 1210
superintendent of, to pay over certain signatures, ratification, proelation,
moneys for a "contingent fird,".... 628 &,, ........... ,..... 121....
to enforce ordinances of the levy court, 808 fiareiei
necessary funds to be paid by levy. appropriationas hew
the, 50, 225, 517, 518, 779
court, ........................ 808 780

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1372 1855-1863

INDEX. 1878
3"ire , 27WOMae
J M&&s Ore Indians, (continued.)
land warrant to issue to, as executor of Indians may have other resem-
Robert Porterfield ................. 886 tionn ......................... 964
to be remunerated for expenses
appropriations for light-houses In....... 62 and improvements, ........ 964
post-routes established in .....169,416,578 reservations may be surveyed into
annual direct tax apportioned tQ,. 296 lots and assig . n . 966
additional term of federal eirchit court patents may issue, ad be can-
in. ................................. 574 celled .... 966
grant of land to, for railroad purpoes,.. 620 conditions and restrictions,.... 966
construction of words " Wisconsin State annuities not to be taken to pay
Line," in former act, ............... 820 debts of individuals ......... 966
line of railroad changed .............. 620 to be withheld from those who
price of land bordering on road ....... 621 drink, &e., ardent spirit ... 966
purchasers of land on old line may ex- tribes to preserve friendly relationa, 966
change lands, ..................... 621 to pay for depredations ...... 966
rights of state in lands, ............... 621 to surrender offenaders ....... 966
to constitute part of the eighth judicial not to make war but in self-de-
circuit ............................ 687 fence ..................... 966
times and places of holding district and United States to erect school-house,
circuit courts in................ 667 provide instructor, &o. ......... 966
divided into two judicial districts. 660 to furnish mills, mechanics,
boundaries of eastern and western dis- physician, medicine, &.,... 966
tricts, .......... ........... 660 to pay salary, furnish house,
times and places of holding courts,.... 660, &c., for head chief ........ 9
661 treaty when to take efibct,.... 967
pending process records and files, .....661 sgnature, ratification, procesmation,
removal of pending suits to western dis- &e, ......... ......... 967, 970
trict, ............................. 661 Midesiman,
suits, where to be brought hereafter,... 662 grade of, in the navy established, ...... 688
judges, district attorneys, and marshal, 661 number, relative rank, pay...... 686,-
688, 687
appropriation. for pay of judge, mar- appointment of, to the Naval Academy, 86
shal, and district attorney for western If deficient at examinations, not to re-
district of ......................... 750 main .............................. 686
act granting lands to, In alternate sec- President may appoint to Naval Acade-
tions, to aid in the construction of my ten acting, from sons of oflcers,.. W5
military wagon-roads........... 797 increased pay of ................. 25
lands subject to disposal of the legisla- Mitlege, %
ture....................... 797 of members of Congress, second, to be
mode of disposal of lands.......798 paid at present session ........... .856
mode of constructing roads,......... 798 only two mileages for 86th Congress,...
delivery, &c., of annuities to Indians in, 790 of army officers travelling on duty, un-
Jrwhiimackinack, der orders, ........................ 694
discontinued as a port of entry, ....... 761 actual only, to be paid for ....... 6 96
Middle Oregons, (Indians,) of senators, &c, for 3d session of 87th
_ a propriations for the,...9, 57, 8, 526, 788 Congress, from what money to be
Mi Oregn ndians, paid.............................. O50
treaty between the United States and, M Ary Aeomy,
of June 26, 1855, preamble, contract- appropriations for, for 1860-61 ....... 28
ing parties, &c .................... 968 for 1861-6% .................. 124,125
cession oflands to the United States, 968 for 1862-68 .................. 887,888
boundaries thereof ........... 968 for 188-64 .................. .68
reservation, boundaries ......968, 964 commission upon to be appointed, &e., 68,
to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 964 69
whites not to reside thereon, un- purposes and report of commission,...68, 69
lea, &c.................... 964 pay, appropriation for, ............... 69
highways and railroads may be for expense of commission upon, .. 125
run through .............. 967 cadets in and entering, to take oath, ... 288
may be surveyed into lots and penalty for refusal to take........288
assigned to individuals .....966 cadets reported as deficient, and recom-
tribes to settle on reservation, with- mended to be discharged, not to be re-
in a year ................... 964 appointed ........................ 288
where to remain meanwhile,.. 964 nor appointed
until, to any place inj..........
&c ................ the army JOB
other reserva~on may be had In
lieu of this, ................... 94 Jfiliary Assistnce,
rights of fishing and hunting re- maybe called In aid of civil power to
served to Indians ............ 964 quell riots, by board of police in Dis-
payments by the United States,... 96. trict of Columbia, .................. 82A
how, and for what to be applied, 966 Military Aeeum,
additional, for buildings, &.,... 966 act appropriating certain moneys Of the
proviso in ease any band does not hoital fund and post fund for, ws-
accede to this treaty ............ e .............................

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1373 1855-1863

1374 SINDE

H0il07 b , (centnecL)
JiiANOY Beard,
or commission to examine commissioned how commanded, Pay nOdrations,. 287
officers of volunteers ............... 270 how recruited and.made up,... 287, 288
what officers to wake up the board..... 270 corps of medical cadets added to medi-
Ofect of adverse report, if approved,... 270 c a ls4................ 288
Military Duty. See Nato Foro. number, qualificatlons, term of en-
who liabLe to perform ................ 781 listment, duty, pay, discharge, .. 288
who exempt from ..................... 781 female nurses may be substituted for
enrolling board to decide on claims to soldiers when, &. ................. 288
exemption from ................. 784 duties and pay o ................ 2
Miiay EataUW~mat one chaplain to each regiment, ......... 288
of the United States, act to increase the who only to be appointed, py, , 288
.present, ....................... 270-81 cadets at West Point reported deficient,
nie regiments of infantry to be added, 279 &c., not to be re-ppointed until, &e.,
one of cavalry and one of artillery,.... 279 *unless, & ..........................
regiment of infantry, of what to consist, 279 all to take oath of allegiance ....... 288
battalion to have eight companies ...... 279 refusing to take oath, to be dis- '
tompany, officers and men of ......... 279 missed,................. 288
field and staff commissioned and non- form of oath ............. 289
commissioned officers .............. 280 certain extra pay for re-enliatments,
regiment of cavalry, how composed,... 279 bounty for enlistments, premiums,
battalions, squadrons, and companles,.. 279, &c., abolished .................... 288
280 2a month to be retained from pay of
field and ttaff commissioned and non- each enlisted man ............. 289
corrmiswioned oflicers .............. 280 oath of allegiance in e'istuts ad re-
regiment of artillery, how made up,.... 280 enlistments, by whom may be admin-
btteries to consist of what ......... 280 istered ............ *.............. 289
additional officers authorized ...... 280 dragoons, mounted riflemen, and cavahy
four major-generais and three aids each to be known as cavalry .......... 289
authorized ......................... 280 present officers to retain their rank, 289
six brigadier-generais and two aids each rule as to promotion .............. 289
authorized ....................... 280 army ration to be increased .......... 289
ay of officers and men .............. 280 of what to consist, ............ 289
of regimental bands............. to be reduced when, &c.......... 289
s ddler, &c., sergeants, and drum- allowance to hospitals of fruits, milk,
................. quarter'master,28 &a........................... 289
certain commissioned officers of army
and commissaries ........... 280 and marine corps may be retired at
term of en i tment, ........... 280, 281 their request, ...................... 289
bounties and allowances ........ 281 pay and emoluments n such case,.. 289
Increase to last during the rebellion,... 281 any commissioned officer of army and
to be reduced to 26,000 men when, marine corps may be retired, if inca-
&C..... ..................... 281" pacitated .......................... M
rovisiou for reduction by dlsbandment, 281 pay, allowances, promotions,....4. 289
officers of regular army to resume if brevet lieutenant-general is retired,
their positions ............. 281 pay, &c., not to be reduced ....... 289
enlistments to be in charge of ofers retired list not to have more than seven
appointed from civil life ........... 281 per cent. of whole number of officers, 289
offiars from the regular army to be on Secretary of War or Navy may, If Presa-
duty in the field ................... 281 dent approve assemble a board to de-
how may be employed ......... 2 81 termine the disablties of officers,... 289
act for the better organization o . 287 board, how composed .......... 289,
Assistant Secretary of War to be ap- membs to be sworn..........290
pointed .......................... 28 duties, powers, &............... 290
saary and duties ................ 287 decision subject to revision by the
additional inspector-generals surgeons, President ..................... 290
and assistant-surgeons to 6. appoint. effimt of decision when approved,.. 290
ed ............................ 287 army officers not to be reted with-
ad.utant-qeneral's department, of whom out a hearing, if they demand it, 290
to onsdt,.................. , ...... 287 oefficers may be wholly or partially re-
twelve commissaries to be added to sub- tired, ......................... 20
sistence department, ............ 2 87 rights in each ease, .......... 90
pay, ran and alowanee, ........ 27 act allowing certain double rattons re-
lieutenants to be added to corps of en- pealed ........................... 290
gineers and topographical engineers, 287 army ofzr absent from d4ty over six
additoanl officers In qmuftrmasters de months not to have certain allowances, 290
partment, ......................... 287 certain navy offi ers to be retired at their '
rule for promotions in ......... 287 own reuest, ..................... 20
masterwagoneM, pay, 4o.,...... 287 pay, , ........................ 290
ordnance department to be inceased,.. 287 etired list for navy officers.........
appointment of officers o4 ........ 287 pay and rations ............. 290,291
engineer soldiers added to engineer pay and rations of those now en
COA ............................ 287 Sretired lst, ............... 2

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1374 1855-1863

INDX 1875
Aff.y Zatablienw, ,w(rn
rule as to promotions ............ 291 widow bf Robert Mills, payment to, for
navy officers, reporting themselves un- services of her husband as architect,. 8 0
able to do duty, when ordered, or in MtlW Eleshian Statue of Waa~on,
any way incapacitated, to have their appropriation for expense of inaugurat-
cases referred to 0 board ............ 291 ing ............... ........ 114
board, how composed, duty, Ac ...... 291 Miltinore,Edward,
members ot, to be sworn ............. 291 children of, to be restored to relatives,. 67
decision, report, and effect of, when ap- MiNarl Lands,
proved ........................... 291 preemption and settlement of, not au-
what officers to be retired and how,.... 291 thorized .......................... 410
may have a hearing if they demand not subject to provisions of act to re-
it,; .................. ... 291 duce the expense of survey and sale
prlvilejes and liabilities of retired off- of Rublic lands .................... 410
cers....................... 291 Manos, bee Bi itsent.
daty may be asigned them .......... 291 enlistment of, in army ............... 889
oluth pos S, serving in the war, in the army or the
of the United Stae, telegraph lines to, 42 navy, either as regulars or volunteers
Mity Road, to have the privileges of homestead
in Washington Territory, appropriation act,............................ 898
fr, ........................ 19 MinatIsL,*sg Light-Hous,
Port Benton to Wal.Wala,... 19 appropriation for ................... 107/
Steilacoom to Fort Vancouver,.. 19 Minia Resident,
where to be expended ..... 19 in Greece, special appropriation for,... 762
appropriation for completion of certain, Miniters, te.,
PC New Mexico ..................... 208 of the United States In China, Japan,
from Fort Union to Santa Fd and and Siam, to have, judicial powers,
from Taos to Santa F ........ 208 &c., in addition to powers Imposed by
from Fort Wilkins, Michigan, to Fort treaties, ........................ 52-79
Howard, Wisconsin, lands granted to as to crimes and misdemeanors,... 72
Michigan and Wisconsin to aid in as to civil rights ................ 78
construction of ................... 798 provisions of act, as to crimea and oftien-
mode of construction of ............ 798 ces, extended to Turkey .......... 76
to he public highway and free to the and to civil cases, where the law of
United States, ............. 797, 798 Turkey permits ............. 76
Mi/itia. Bee roluter. provisions or act extended in a certan
appropriation for year ending June 80, degree to Persia, ................... 78
1861, to pay tbose called into the ser. and to Morocco, Musea Tripoli,
vice of the United States,........ 26 and Tunis .................... 78
the President may call forth and em- civil and crimlial jurisdiction, how to
ploy when, c.,.... ........... 281 be enforced ....................... 78
when so called, to he subject to articles to prescribe forms of process to he used
of war ........................... 282 by onsuls ................... 78
to he continued in service, until dis- mode of executing and return there-
charged .......................... 282 of ........................ 78
but not beyond, &a., unless, &e.,... 282 form of trial, oaths otf witnesses,... 78
pay, rations, and allowances ........ 8 costs and compensation of officers,. 78
penalty on officers and privates of, for ball bonds and appeals ............ 78
disobedience to orders of President, 282 regulons and decrees to be in writing,
seventy-five thousand called out,.Appendix, ........ .............. 78
Proo. No. 8 conulto seto dissent in writ-
additional called for,.Appendix, Proc. No. 6 in ........... .......... 78
not to be mustered into service on cer- to he published with consent, &c.,
tain conditions .................... 889 and thus become binding, until
when called forth by the President for annulled, &c., by Congress ..... 78
service, call to specify term of service, 597 to take efiet from what time ..... 78
term not to exceed nine months,.. 597 to be sent to ISecretary of State, to
to be mustered and continued for be laid before Congress for revis-
such term unless sooner discharg- ion........................ 74
ed............................ 597 tor prescribe modes of authenticating
President to provide for enrolling, &a., complaints on which warrants for
in certain States ................. ;.. 697 arrest -issue........................ 74
enrolment to include whom ........ 597 to adjudicate finally upon certan ap-
how apportioned, ................. 697 peals from consuls, oc.........74, 75
when called into service, how organi- to decide finally all cases coming to him
ed ............................... 698 by appeal, ......................... 76
Ma. Lac rudians, to issue process to carry decision into
not to be compelled to leave their reser- effect ............................ 75
vation, ........................... 1251 to prescribe rules for granting new
NWi. Lac REervation, trials.......................... 76
ceded to the United States .......... 12 9 approval by, of convictions in capital
MOer, J. J., Casem.......................... 76
payment of claim of ................. 791 may postpone capital executions;...76

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1375 1855-1863

1876 6INDEM
Miisers,4-., (continued.) Minnesota, (continued.)
or submit the case to the President new grant of land to, for railroad ..... 626
of the United States for pardon,. 76 terms of United States circuit courts in, 684,
to establish a tariff of fees for judicial 686
servies, .. ..................... 76 act to relieve persons in, for damages
howtobe paid and applied ....... 76,76 by Indiana ...................... 652
accounts thereof to be kept, and to be repaid expenses of suppressing In-
transmitted annually to Secre- dian hostilities .................... 754
tary of State ................... 76 amount of claims, how determined, 754
may assent to settlement of certain delivery. &c., of annuities to Indians
criminal cases by the parties ...... 76 in,........................... 790
to favor settlement of civil causes, by district court in, may issue executions,
parties, or by arbitration ............ 76 &c., in certain cases ................ 807
to prepare forms for submission to ar- Mint,
bitration .......................... 76 appropriations for the,...109, 141, 142, 864,
may call on local authorities for aid and 684
supprt...... . .......... 76 cents no longer to be exchanged at, for
meanmg of word "minister" and "con- certain coins ..................... 110
sul" in the act .................... 76 provisions for limiting amount of re-
where there is no minister, his duties de- fining at, extended to .ranch mints,. 144
volve upon consul-general or consul, 76 appropriations for transportation of bul-
to be responsible for their conduct to the lion and coin .......... 278, 864, 584
United States ..................... 76 to enable it to furnish small gold coins, 279
both in their diplomatic and judir.l act establishing branch at Denver, for
capacity ....................... 76 coinage of gold ................... 882
may try capital cases for murder and in- land to be acquired for branch at Den-
surrection ......................... 77 ver ........................... 827, 828
may issue writs, &c., to prevent enlist- treasurer of, to designate clerks, & ,.. 752,
ments, &c ........................ 77 768
may resort to force to execute this branch established at Carson City, Ne-
power ........................ 77 vada, ............................. 770
what expenses to be allowed in the ad- Minute Men,
justment of their accounts ........ 77, 78 expenses of, in Pennsylvania, Maryland,
jurisdiction of, to be appellate only,.... 78 Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky, in re-
except in qapital cases of iurder pelling rebel raids ..... ........ 750
and Insurrection, or where a on- claims, how to be determined,..... 760
sular officer is a party or a wit. Micelneous Payments,
net, ........................... 78 in post-office department, detailed state-
to foreign countries, appropriations for, 19, 20, ment of expenditures under head of,
170, 835, 688 to be reported ..................... 88
no part to be used in defence of certain
Minnesota, suits ............................. 88
provisions of swamp-land act extended Missionary Claims,
to ........................ ....... 8 at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, to be con.
grant not to Include certain lands ..... 8 firmed as claims of individuals ..... 88
selections to bi made within two years, 8 upon approval, patents to issue....... 88
from what time to be computed,.. 8 Missionary Socisy of the M odist Episopal
appropriation to pay expenses of legis- Cliurch,
lative assembly of territory of ..... 42 payment to, for release of land claim in
provision for damages to citizens of,at Oregon, &c ...................... 44
Spirit Lake ...................... 69 appropriation for purchase of land of, at
for negotiations for extinguishing Iroquois Point, Michigan .......... 58
title of Chippewas in ......... 59 Mision Farm,
post-routes established in......... 160, 416 in Wisconsin may be entered at $1.25
terms of district court in ............. 220 per acre .......................... 22
grant of public lands to, for university, 208 Missions, Foreign. See Foreign Missions.
payment for Indian reservations in,.... 287 Mississippi,
land-surveys in .. :........... 189, 218 appropriations for light-houses In..... 62
mail-route No. 18,504 in, extended,.... 205 post-routes established In.............. 160
annual direct tax apportioned to...... 296 annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 296
additional representative in Congress as- blockade of ports declared ...... Appendix,
signed to ................... 858 1269
certain settlers in the Blue Earth region inhabitants of, declared to be in insur.
may perfect their rights as preemp- rection .......... , ..... Appendix, 1262
tors ......... .. ................. 666 commercial intercourse with, prohibited,
how settlers may establish claim ....... 566 Appendix, 122
Secretary of Interior to determine its Mimsipp Squadron,
validity .......................... 66 building, repairs, &c................ 71
to report list of bond fide claimants Missouri. See Land Claims, Private.
to Congre .................... 666 payment to, for expenses in repelling
land officers to have no additional fees, 566 the Osage Indians in 1887 ......... 28
may change line of certain branch rail. act for final adjustment of private land
roads in that state, .............. 624, 626 clalim n ......................... 86

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INDEX, 187

"Moritor" ?
Mbsouri, (continued.)
act to confirm certain private land claims 84 crew of the, to be compensated for loss
in,............................... p of clothing, by her sinking ......... 880
post-routes established in.. .160, 416, 578, 662 Mowoe, Edmond
annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296 payments to, for lost land-titles in
pay, bounty, and pensions to officers aine ......................... 540, 41
and men of the department of,... 874 fMW_ _,Isaac,
appropriation therefor ............ 885 title to saline lands in Illinois, conflrnied
act granting right of way and public to ............................. 892
lands to aid in constructing railroad,. 422 Morocco, (See Consuls, Ministers.)
time of constructing road extended ten civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis-
years ............................ 422 tersand consuls ofthe United States in, 78
may credit against her quota of direct Mois, Alexandsr,
tax the money expended in arming, title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed
&c., her state troops .............. 600 to ........................ 892
commissioner to be appointed to audit Moras, Robert H.,
and determine the amount, ......... 600 account of, as postmaster of New York
rate of compensation to be allowed city, to be readjusted, and allowance
the state ..................... 600 made, ............................ 884
discount of fifteen per cent, to be al- balance due, if any, to be paid his exec-
lowed, it &c ..................... 600 utrix, or legal representatives ....... 884
M/ssurza, Most FavoredNation,
approriationsfor the ...... 51,227, 618,629 treaty provisions for the benefit of, to
the United States. See Belgiun, Bo-
sureties of, released ................. 890 liva, China, Japan, Liberia, Ottoman
Mitel, A. M., Epire, Paraguay, Veexsuea.
payment to be made to .............. 840 Moa,Jodn B.,
M'*W and Rammdebug, payment to, for services as acting secre-
payment to, for furniture for court In tary of Nebraska Territory ......... 914
Ohio............................. 879 Mount Olimet Cenetery Compan!#,
Mitchell, David D., in the District of Columbia, act to incor-
decision of court of claims against, con- porate, .......................... 426
firmed ........................... 928 name and powers of corporation ...... 426
Modds of Inventions, may hold real and personal estate .....426
no articles to be deemed, which can be but not over 100 acres of land, &c.,. 426
fitted for use.................... 195 not less than thirty acres for ceme-
of designs, may be dispensed with in tery...................... .
certain cases ...................... 247 burial lots may be sold, leued, &c... 426
authority to appoint agents for transpor- certificate to be tite.......... 426
tation of, repealed ................ 247 record ....................... 426
colection district of, abolished, &e. 411 lots not subject to debts or taxes ...... 426
managers of corporation .............. 426
inspector to be appointed at, &c ...... 411 streets, &c., not to be opened through
Monomer, Alander, cemetery ......................... 427
payment to children and heirs of, of corporation not to obstruct street,
amount due under pension certificate, 88 &c .......................... 427
Molallas, reports of interments to be made,...... 427
appropriations for the, .66, 282, 628, 786 corporation not to issue notes as curren-
cy, ............................... 427
certain sirups, entered under name of, oororators individually liable for debts, 427
to be forfeited ..................... 880 penalty for defacing or destroying grave-
stones, monuments, fences, &c.. 427
appropriations for the ..... 10, 286, 62 , 789 act may be altered or repealed ....... 427
treaty between the United States and, Mounted Rflewen,
of December 21,1855, preamble, con- regiment of, to be known as cavalry,:.. 289
tracting parties, &c ............. 981 present officers to retain rank ......... 289
cession oflands to the United States, 981 rule as to promotion .................. 289
boundaries thereof ........... 981 two regiments of volunteers in Kentucky
payments, &c., by the United States, 981 may be ........................... 642
privileges of former treaty se- Muller, James N.,
cured................981 accounts of, as supervising inspector of
flouring and saw mill ......... 981 steamboats, to be settled, ............ 910
Mhllican, James N.,
manual labor schoo 981 decision of court of claims against ad-
carpenter, joiner, and farmer,.. 982 ministrator of, confirmed ........... 923
Moles to remove to reservation,... 982 Manses Indians,
expense of removal to be borne by treaty with, (see Sr Creek, L.), .... 1106
the United States. ......... 982 Murder. See Capikia Offenes.
rations to be furnished Indians,.... 982 made a capital offence under act giving
titles of white settlers in Grand judicial powers to certain ministers,
Round Valley to be extinguished, 982 &c................................76. 77
signature, ratification, and procda- when punishable by sentence of general
mation, .................... 982 988 court-martial, ...................... 786

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1377 1855-1863

1878 IkDEM
Muscat. See Cons, Ministers. National Forces, (continued.)
civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- second ela ...................... 782
ters and consuls of the United States second class not to be called into ser-
in ......................,..... 78 vice, until those of first claso have
Museum. Army Medial, been called ....................... 782
appropriation for ..................... 5 the United States to be divided into en-
Mumczans, rolment districts ................... 782
pay to certain, for losses -of private prop- what to constitute the districts,.... 782
erty, in removal from Fort Moultrie provost-marshal for each district ...... 782
to Fort Sumter ................... 898 appointment, rank, pay ...... 782, 784
how to be divided ................ 898 provost-marshal-general, appointment,
certain, stationed at Fort Sumter, to be rank, pay ..................... 782, 784
paid for losses of private property,... 278 office of, to form separate bureau in
how payment to be made ........ 274 War Department, .............. 782
Mlatited Ciruatingjvote, duty of provost-marshal-general ....... 7782
may be exchanged for new ........... 675 of provost-marshals .............. 782
may be replacd by reissue ........... 870 board of enrolment in each district, .... 782
to be destroyed ...................... 870 how constituted and appointed,.... 782
Mutiation, enrolment districts to be subdivided,.,. 782
of circulating notes, &c., with intent, enrolling officers, their duties, &c..... 788
&c., how punished ................ 680 each class to be enrolled separately,.... 788
Myerle, David, to embrace only what persons,..... 788
payment to, for losses, &c., in testing persons enrolled subject to be called into
process of water-rotting hemp ...... 860 military service..................... 788
when called, to be on same footing
N. in all respects as volunteers,.... 788
whea national forces are to be called
NVaga uh, anw, out for military service, the President
al yof consul at, established, ........ 171 to assign to each district the number
Names of Vessels, it is to frnish ..................... 788
Secretary of Navy may change certain,. 816 principle of assignment, ........... 788
Arrayansett Bay,- numberin the several states to be equal-
appropriation for erection of temporary ized,.............................. 788
works of ilefence in ................ US enrolling board to draft the required
appropriations for permanent defences number .......................... 788
at ............................ 6ON and fifty per cent. in addition, ..... 788
waters og to be surveyed and examined to make exact and complete roll,
to ascertain their fitness for a navy and in the order they were
yard, ............................. 676 drawn .................. 788
Natonal Academy of iene, persons drawn, how notifed ......... 788
act to incorporate, corporators ........ 806 those drafted and notified must appear "
number of ordinary members ........ 806 on the day appointed ............... 788
election of foreign and domestic mem- or furnish an acceptable substi-
bers. ............................. 806 tate .......................... 788
power of corporation ................. 806 or may pay not over $800 ........ 788
annual meeting ...................... IN Maiing to Appear, or to find substi-
Investigations, examinations, &ec.,on sub- tute, or to pay, to be treated as
jects of science of art, .............. 806 deserters ..................... 788
expenses thereof ................. 806, 807 persons drafted to be inspected by sur-
Nional Armories, geon, .......................... 788,784
superintendents of, to be ordnanoe ofil- claims for exemption for physical dis-
cers .............................. 818 ablity to be decided by enrolment
Natia Assoiation or Reief of Destitute board ............................. 784
Colored Women and Ghidren, its deciion to be final, ........... 784
incorporated, ........................ 650 penalty on surgeon for neglect in is-
purposes, powers, and officers
poration, ...................6f the cor- spection, &ec...................... 784
660, 661 for making Imperfact or fidse re-
government of the institution ......... 651 ports ......................... 784
society may receive d6stitate children, those drafted and not wanted, to be dis-
and bindthem out, ................ 651 charged........................... 784
what lands may be held and how ac- travel to and from rendezvous to be
quired ............................ 661 allowed, ...................... 784
National Currency. See Banking Aswiations. expimses of enrolment and draft how
act to provide, &e ................. 66-682 paid .... ......................... 784
National Foes, of arrest and return of deserters .. 784
act for enrolling and calling out the, ... 781 those furnishing substitutes to be &i.
who to constitute, and liable to military charged from draft ................ 784
duty, ............................. 781 substitute to have same pay, &e.,as if
who are exempt, .................... 781 originally drafted .............. 784
no person convicted of felony to be en- bounty to volunteers now in service for
rolled or permitted to serve; ......... 781 relilistment, ...................... 784
to be divided Into two clases, ...... 781,782 when companies of a regiment may be
flint ela .................... 81, 782 eonslidated ...................... 84

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1378 1855-1863

INDEX. 1879
National Fowss, (contlnued,) Adimal Fvrmi, (continued),
regimental officers to be reduced in sles, on conviction, to sufr death, ... 737
proportion .................... 784 Natina Gaffery and School of Arts,
company not to exceed maximum act to Incorporate in the District of
number ....................... 784 Columbia, ...... ; ................. 85
offliers not to be appointed to regiments name, corporte powers, &C. ....... 85
reduced below the minimum, .... 784, 785 Nioa ManiaOn* g, and Prayer,
sentence of court-marti on person days set apart as days of,...Appendix, 1261,
convicted of being deserter, spy, &c., 1270
need not be approved by the Presi- NationalLoma. See Loan.
dent ............................. 785 a"t to authorize ..................... 259
sentences therefor, how carried Into Naona Obervat.
execution, .................... 786 use of certain telegraph lune to be free
officers absenting themselves without to, for scientile purposes .......... 42
leave may be reduced to the ranks by Naticai Almac,
court-martial .................. 786 ap7pria ton for...... 19, 88,150,665,818
clothes, arniii, &c., of soldier not to be Naufic lxa ts,
sold, bartered, or pledpd, &c. 785 appropriation for ................. 880, 816
persons not soldiers having them Inpos-
session, to have no property or inter- appropriais r ......... 82, 149, 565, 818
est therein ........................ 785 appointment &of midshipmen to ...... 85
possession thereof, by a person not a regulations, c., concerning ..........
soldier or officer, to be evidence of ava Aghun,
sale.......................... z.... 785 ay~oriations for the, 82, 149, 267, 56K817
penalty for procuring or enticing to
desert............................ 786 6 pria ous for the,... .149, 564,817
for harboring deserters ......... 786
for purchasing arms of a soldier,.. 786 of the IUnited States, resolution to ap-
for carrying away such deserter,.. 786 point a commissioner to revise and
for refusing to deliver him up, when codify the ........................ 82
ordered, ...................... 786 Naval Monimt,
for resisting the draft, &c....... 785 appropriation for removal of, from Capi-
or counselling any person to tol to Naval Academy, Annapolis,... 83
resist .................... 785 Naval 06servator,,
persons resisting, &c., the draft, to be apa pr tin for, ...... 82, 149, 880, 566, 818
subject to summary arrest .......... 785
President to issue proclamation to sol- at F kanlsoo, salary of, established, 411.
diers absent without leave, to return, Raval Saypi,
&c .............................. 786 in contracting for, chief of bureau may
those returning, only to forfeit pay; 786 reject any bid by previous defult-
deserters not returning, to be pun-
ished accordlng to law ......... 786 such defiulter not to be surety for con-
depositions, to be used In military tractor,.......................82
courts, of witnesses beyond the lira- contractors not to be sureties hor each
its,......................... 786 9ther, ............................. 828
to be taken, on reasonable notice,.. 786 only one bid from any person ......... 8
judge advocate may appoint a reporter, 786 who only to be received as contractors, 828
duty, oath ....................... 786 bidders may be present at opening of
continuances, when and how granted,.. 786 bids,......................... 828
prisoners in close confinement, to be 787
tried in sixty days, ............. NwA
van of, established in navy depart-
certain oflnces by persons in the mill- ment, ............................. 610
tary service, to be punished by court- offiler &o., of, their salaries,. .510, 511
martial ........................... 786 transer of appropriation for bureau of 631
punishments therefor ............ 786 ia
officers absent from duty with leave, appropriations for bureau ot...690, 691, 816
except for sickness or wounds, to aroriatons eNe,for, 1860--61"1. 80
have half pay...................... 786 gnrl1co1-2,.------------... 147, 265
absent without leave, to forfeit pay,
in addition to penalties imposed - for 1862-686..................... 61
by court martil
. ............... 786 for 1868-64, ..................... 814
fiurloughs may be granted to non-com- pay, provisions, sick, &c.,..80, 147, 264, 561,
missioned officers and privates ...... 786 814, 816
the President, during the rebellion, may pay for year ending June 80, 1860 ..... 88
call out the national forces ........ 786 repair and equipment, 80,147, 266, 61, 814,
those drafted, to be assigned to any ser- 816
vice ............................ 786 repairs costing over $8000, at any yard,
details to special service, how made,... 786 an hull and spars of any vesel not
enlistments from volunteers to regular to be made, until commission reprt
service, not allowed ................ 787 thereon ........................ 80, 147
eavalry service, pay of grades of ...... 787 commission of whom to consist,..80, 147
certain grades abolished and certain repairs costing over 81000, .,c..80, 147
established, ................... 787 examination to be made of the sailing

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1379 1855-1863

1880 1MIND
Raw (contiued) MNy (cotined,)
vessels of the navy, and cst of giving commandants, at Kittery and Phila-
them full steam power, ............. 80 delphia, allowed ................... 150
report thereon, and on expediency of medical officers incapable of-seaservice,
the alteration, to be made to next to be placed on retired ist, .......... 160
Congress, ......................... 80 pay in sucheases ................ 150
purchase and charter of vessels,.267, 880, vacancies in medical corps, ocasaloned
662, 814 thereby how filled .............. 150
purchase of steamers and tug-boats,.... 751 number of medical officers on active
fe, hemp, ordnane, &c.,. 81, 147, 266, 267, list not to be increased thereby,...
of ptented 150
880, 561, 81 law prohibiting purchase
oontingenies .......... 81, 147, 266, 681, 815 fire-arms, repealed ................ 160
each bureau to show its own dis- pay of superintendent of naval istro-
bursements .................. 81, 148 nomicl expedition to Chili ........ 150
estimates hereafter to be given in appropriation therefdr ....... 150
detail ....................... 81 appropritions for publication, &e., of
saltpetre ............................. 81 foretgn hydrographic surveys, when
marine corps .......... 81, 148, 267, 562, 816 to be applicable ............... 150, 161
navy yards, preservation of works, and board of three naval officers to
current repairs, .. 2.."82,
148, 267, 562, 816 first approve thereof. 161
naval asylums ...................... 82, 267 pay of clerks of commandants at navy
hospitals, construction andrepair o..82, 149, yards, except, &c ............... 161
564, 817 certain acts repealed ......... 151
sagazinee, construction and repair, .82 149, ordnance foundery at Washington
, ~..........,r......•..... ... .... 88
568, 187
civil establishment at navy yards,...82, 818 siwheel steamers ............... 266,751
Instruments, books, charts, ft ...... 82, 880 seven steam screw sloops of war,..161, 266,
contingent expenses ........ 82, 147, 267 751
Naval Observatory,...82,149,880, 564, 818 law requiring navy agent at San Fran-
Naval Academy .......... 88, 149, 565, 818 cisco to do duty of purser, repealed,. 151
Nautical Almanac ......... 88,150, 58, 818 printing salling directions ............ 268
report on survey of route between Cali- patented articles connected with marine
fornia and China, &e .............. 88 engines not to be bought, or used, un-
charts of Behring's Straits survey,..... 88 less, &c ...... .................... 268
Academy, of naval monument to Naval 88 coal depot at Key West .............. 815
pursers to be..........................
called paymasters ........ 88 marine barracks at Charlqstown ...... 815
Coston's night-signals ................ 816
pay of pursers' cleris at certain navy ordnance ........................... 816
yards ............................. 88 quarters, &c., at Fort Abercrombie,.... 816
for prevention of counterfeiting, ...... 88 a boats for Western rivers ........ 816
examination of Isthmus of Chiriqui,.88, 148 cretary may change names of vessels
report upon quality and probable purchased for government use...... 816
quantity of coal there .......... 88 preserved meats forming part of navy
report upon value of privileges con. ration, how procured, prepared, and
tracted for conditionaIly by Secre. packed ........................... 561
tary of the Navy .............. 88 surgeon's appliances- for the sick and
to purchase right to use Davideon's boat- hurt, ......................... 61, 816
lowering, U., apparatus ............. 148 clothing, ......................... 562,816
Brooke's deep-sea sounding appara- navy officers to be employed to charter
tus, ........................... 148 and purchase vessels, when, &e., .... 562
Sargeant's steam-engine governor, 148 to receive no additional pay ...... 562
pay of chiefs of bureaus and superin- compensation of other persoms employed
tendent Naval Observatory not al- to charter or purchase ........... 562
tered ............................ 72 lithographer ........................ 562
of officer expenmepting in gun- raising roof, &c., of navy department
nery at Washingn ........ 27 building............................ 562
what hereafter to constitute sea service, 27 no building to be erected or extended
furlough pay or right to furlough offi- until plans and estimates and conrats
cers not affected hereby ........... 27 are made .......... : ........... 568, 564
pay of officer, on reserved list, when no salaries to be paid any employee in
celed into active service .......... 27 navy yard except those designated in
their present pay not affected here- the estimates ..................... 564
b ...................... 27 pay of captain in navy doing duty as
completion of charts of survey of the chief of bureau ..................... 565
La Plata .......................... 1Wt of clerks of navy yard and of navy
publication. &c., of charts, &c., of North agency at Mare Island ....... 566
Pacific Surveying Expedition and of secretary of commander of a
Coral Archipelago, ............. 150 squarn ..................... 56
but only of-surveys by Captain spirit ration to cease from and after
Ringgold, & ............... 150 Sept. 1, 1862, ...................... 5
charts of North Pacific and China seas commutation in lieu thereof ...... 5
and Behring's Straits .............. 150 orders, &c., of Secretary of Navy to be
payments made to clerks of yards and regulations of navy department, .....

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1380 1855-1863

NatT, (continued.) A , (continued.)
age of chaplains in navy at their ap- may be fitted with ordnance and
pointment, ........................ W5 ordnance storesr............... 272
President may appoint ten acting mid- temporary appointments of acting lieu-
shipmen to naval academy f'om sons tenants and other officers confirmed,
of officers, . ...................... 5 until, ....................... 272,278
District of Columbia to be regarded as their rate of pay confirmed, ....... 278
a Congressional district for purpose appropriation for ..................... 278
of appointments to naval academy,... 6 assistant Qecretary of, the, authorized,.. 282
Stevons's battery, for Immediate com- salary and duty of ........... 282, 288
pletion of ......................... 380 medical corps of, increased ......... 284
stipulations of contract for comple- retired list for officers of, provisions con-
tion of ........................ 88 cernming ........... ...... 289-291
payment additionil enlistments in, authorized,... 816
tingentofupon appropriation to beascon-
its success an increase of seamen In, directed,.. Appendlx
iron-clad sea-going war-steam. 1286
er, ............ 880 thanks to, for recent brilliant victorias, 610,
not to be expended unless Oecretary 614
of Navy, &c .................. 880 act to increase and regulate pay of
navy ration of coffee and sugar may be the.............................. 28-27
commuted for extract of coffee, &c.,.. 881 vay, on the active list of; ............. 24
at the discretion of the ecretay1 of captain ....................... 24
the Navy, and if acceptable to the commanders and lieutenants com-
men .......................... 881 moding ...................... 24
Iron-clad steam vessels of war ....... 881 lieutenais
chaplains,. ............ 2.
armor-plated sea-steamers of iron ..... 814 to condtict pubhc worship after 2
contract to be made tlierefor only
after advertisement, &c.........814 manner of-church if which
construction and repair ofmachinery, 751,815 he is a member ............ 24
ordnance machinery, magazines ..... 815 to report annually to Seetary
testing methods of working steam ..... 761 of Navy ................... 24
powder-tugs and ordnance-boat, ....... 815 masters ................. 24,25
shot, shell, powder, small arms, &c.,... 815 increased pay to whom to at-
photographer for ordnance bureau,. 815 tach ...................... 27
compass-stations, books, signals, flags, passed midshipmen .............. 25
&P, .............................. 815 midshipmen .................... 26
bureau of yards and docks, ........... 815 sugeons, passed assistant, and as-
of equipment and recruiting,. .. 815, 816 sistant surgeons ............... 26
of navigation, .................. 816 purers ........................ 25,26
of construction and repair ........ - 816 professors of mathematics ........ 26
of provisions and clothing ....... 816 engineers....................... 26
of medicine and surgery ......... 816 warrant officer ............... 26,27
marine barracks at Mare land ....... 816 act further to promote the efficiency
plans to be first approved by Secre- of........................... 829
tary of Navy ................... 816 naval officers, sixty-two years of age,
repairs of barracks and rent of offices,.. 816 or on the register forty-five years, to
superintendents, naval constructors,... 818 be retired from active service...... 829
salary of civil engineer at Washington names to be on retired list of their
avy Yard ....................... 818 grade......................... 829
of bureau of yards and docks ..... 818 may be assigned to shore duty,.... 829
certificates of officers and crew of the pay in such case ............ 829
"Congress" and "Cumberland" to officers on retired list may be detailed
b paid ........................... 818 to command squadrons or ships..... 829
temporary appointments of acting assist- receiving a vote of thanks of Con-
ant paymasters and ensigns confirmed gress they may be restored, to
until, Uc ......................... 818 active list..................... 829
rate of pay approved .............. 818 fiag.fficer, who may be, .............. 829
p~cbase of four for the navy,........ 818 authority, pay, Ac........... 829
baking of bread ..................... 818 pay of retired ofaers ................. 29
asstant paymasters attached to war- promotions in place of offtcers retired
vessels to be allowed a clerk ........ 818 under this act, ..................... 880
but not In vessels having comple- medals of honor for .petty offiers, sea-
ments of less than one hundred,. 818 men, marines, &c.................. 880
except supply steamers or store- appropriation therefor ......... 830
ships,................ 818 hours oflabor inxavy yards........880
pay of boatswains, gunn, carpenters, rate ofwaesto be paid...........880
and sail-makers ................... 8189 art to establish and equlize grade of
resolution providing for the Immediate line oficers in ..................... 588
payment of the ............ 8.22, 828 nine grades established .............. 588
act to provide for temporary inrese of number of officers of each grade ...... 588
the .............................. 272 vessels of the navy divided Into four
vessels may be hired, purchased, or eon- classes........................588
how to be eojmanei, ........
traeted for ........................ 272

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1381 1855-1863

Naty, (continued.) a, (continued.)
advisary board on promotion in the if there to a surplus .............. 607
vy, ............................. 84 district attorney in each district to give
to be appointed every four year,.. 56 Secretary of Navy list of prize cases, 608
certificate, commissions .............. 684 to famish list monthly ............ 608
rear-admirals, from what grade appoint- secretary of Navy may employ counsel
ed .. . . ... . ............. 5 to aid district attorney in prize cases, 608
certain navy officers not to be retired marshals to render statements, ......... 608
until after fifty4ve years of service fees for disbursements not tobe al-
in the navy ........................ 84 lowed until, Ac ................ 608
when officers in the navy and marine ales decreed, how to be made ......... 608
corps may be advanced one grade,... 84 grass proceeds where to be deposit-
,volunteer lieutenants may be placed In ed,.......... ........ ....... 08
line of promotion, when, &e ......... 684 pay of district atorneys, marosas, prize
limit to number ................. 584 commissioners, &e................. 608
seamen may be promoted to warrant pensions to disabled officers and seamen, 608
officers ............................ 684 authority of officers over crews when
on such promotion to have gratuity vessel is wrecked or lost, ....... 608, 609
and medal of honor ........ ,58 pay of officers and men of ship captur-
students at naval academy to be styled ed by an enemy to continue, if, &a.,.. 609
midshipmen ....................... 5 list or muster roll of men to be kept,... 609
graduating sesfully, to be com- duties of commanders of vessels as re-
missioned as enigs, ...... 586 spects their men ................ 609, 610
number, selection ageexamnation, 586 petty officers and persons of inferior
if deficient at any examination ratings to be sent to Atlantic port on
not tocontinue at academy, un- expiration of service .............. 610
less, aC..................... 585 shipping.articles to contain such
navy officers dismissed by court-mar- provision,.... ................. 610
tial, or resigning to avoid one, not to who to be deemed petty officers.. 610
be reinstated ........ ........ W copy of regulations, &c., to be fuaished
flag of rear admirals. ....... 86 officers............................ 810
relative rankofarmy and navy officers, 56, repeal of inconsistent laws ........... 610
587 ATM1 Aget,
admirals and commodores on retired -at an'Pranclsoo, not to do duty as pur-
list...........................8. ser .............................. 151
pay of different grades on active list,... 586
on retired lit,................... 687 appropriations for the,.. 19, 99,140, 868, 868
increased pay of higher grade, to be al- additional clerks in, authorized8 ....... 8
lowed in certain cases, from what appropriation for pay of .......... 868
d o............". ............. 6 'act to reorganize ....-............ 610-512
sea-service of boatswains, gunners, &c., eight bureaus established .............. 610
how computed, .................... 686 chleft of bureaus to be taken from what
dutV of clerks,..' ..................... 587 grades of officers ................... 10
assistant to bureau of medicine and sur- to hold office for four years ....... 610
ry............................. 687 clerks in the office of the Secretary of
rations ............................. 5 7 the Navy and in-the several bureaus,
pay of volunteer officers, to be same as and their salaries ............ 10, 511
that of like grade in the regular navy, 587 watchmen and laborer ................ 11
act for the better government of,...600-610 duties of the department to be distrib-
articles for the government of. 801-8 uted among bureaus ............... 611
proceeds of vessels, &c., adjudged good orders of bureaus to be considered as
prize, where sole property of captors, 606 coming fiom the Secretary of the
when divided between captors and the Navy ............................. 611
United States ..................... 606 bureaus to furnish Secretary of Navya
distribution of prize-money ............ 606 with estimates of expenses .......... 612
bounty for vessels destroyed, to be di- appropriation for each bureau to be
vided as prize-money ............... 606 kept separate .................. 612
duty of commanders Incases of captures chiefs of bureaus to have franking priv-
of jrizes ..................... 80D7 lege---------- -............. 12
arme vessels in the service of the Unit- repeal of inconsistent laws----------5.. 12
ed States making capture, to have eight additional clerks In, authorized,.. 288
same rights as vessels of navy ...... 607 salary to be $1200 per annum, .... 288
property not to be removed from vessel transfer of former appropriations to cor-
by any navy officer ............... 607 respond with present organization, 681, 682
persons captured In prizes, not to be remaining balances to be expended
maltreated ........................ 07 for clerical services ............ 682
ransom-money, &c., to be distributed;.. 607 Navy Oplcsr,
assignment of wages or prlze-money,... 607 certain, may be retired at their own re-
sale of wages and prlze-money to be quest ............................. 290
discouraged ....................... 607 retired list for, provisions concerning, 290
prize-money accruing to the United 291
States to remain fnd for pensions,.. 607 may be heard, before they are retired,.. 291
if fund is insaient, ............. 607 certain, may be detailed for service of

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1382 1855-1863

INTD=X loss
Now Cffeim, (continued.) Nero, (continued.)
war department to inspect transport commanders of United States arm-
vessels ............ ed vessels may deliver there, .... 41
forbidden to return escaped fgitives NeMasn Hall,
from service ...................... 854 te to saline lands in Jilinois oonarn.
to be employed in purchasing steam- ed . .................... 892
vessels, or chartering .............. 562 Nelson, iilia,a*,*
not to decide on validity of claim to an credit to be allowed In his account,.... 87
alleged fugitive slave .............. 591 Nevada Ter"' g,
dismissed by courbamartial, &c., not to established ......................... 09
be reinstated ...................... 585 boundaries, ......................... 209
proviso as to portion within the limits
actto alter and regulate ........... 264 of California,. ..................... 210
'of what it shall consist ............ 24, 285 rights of Indians not impaired, ........ 210
what articles may be substituted,....- 286 Indian territory excepted out of boun-
daly allowance may be varied or dimin- daries, until, &c., ........... 210
ished when necessary .............. 26 authority of United States over In-
payment to be made to those whose dim thereon not impaired, ..... 210
allowanceis diminished according territory may be divided, &e..........210
to scale ....................... 285 executive power and authority ........ 210
commander making diminution to governor; term, powers, and duties, 210,214
report to navy department, .....265 appointment, qualification, and sal-
and to give paymaster written .218
orders, spe fying diminution salary of; as superintendent of In-
or reduction .............. 265 dian aftin .................... 218
when act to take effect, ............... 25 secretary; term, powers, and duties, 210,218
repealing clause .................... 25 appointment, qualification, and sal-
preserved meats, pickles, butter and de- ary, ............................ 218
sicested meats, how procured, ....... 265 when to act as governor ........... 210
provisions as to spirit ration ......... 265 legislative power, ............ 21 211
who may not draw, &P ........... 26 "zteut and limits of...........211
payment in lieu thereof .......... 2 legislative assembly to consist of coun-
of coffee and sugar, .may be commuted,. cil and house of representatives ..... 211
if, &c ....... ..................... 881 pay of members, and expenses of 218
Navy Yard at Mare IAd, apprpriton to be made fbr expen-
pay of commandant of; ............... 826 ses of ....................... 218
apr riation for barracks at .......... 816 time and place of first and subse.
quent sessions of .......... 211,214
approp tions for, 82,148,149,267,568,816 sessions not to exceed term of forty
811 days, except the first, .......... 211
superintendents of,may be taken fim council; number, term of service, &e.,.211,
captains or commanders ........... 286 218
hours of labor and rates of wages of em- electi of members of .......... 211
ployees at,..................... 880,587 house of representatives; number, term
harbor of New London, and waters of of service, ae .................. 211,218
Narragansett Bay, to be surveyed and apportionment for election of members
examined to ascertain their* fitness of council and house .............. 211
for, ............................... 576 census before fint election ......... 211
Nedrasla Terli"or first election, proceedings thereof ..... 211
appropriations for survey of lands in,. .189 subsequent eetions and apportion-
218, 81 ments ............................ 211
post-routes established in .......... 161, 420 voters at first and subsequent elections, 211
annual direLt tax apportioned to ..... 296 eligibility to office at first and subse-
the direct tax on, under act of 1861, quept elections ............... 2 11
how to be satisfied ................. 446 who are disquafie to hold office,. 212
repair of capitol in .................... 110 township, district, and county offiere,
two additional Indian agents in, to be how appointed, &c ................ 212
appointed ....................... 118 judicial power, in what vented, ....... 212
ont for the Poncas and one for the supreme court; number, appointment,
Pawnees ..................... 118 and salary of judges of ......... 212,218
salary.......................... 118 jurisdiction, c., in chancery and as
appropriations for government in ..... 142 common law ................. 212
portions of Utah snd Washington Terr- clerk, appoiutment, fees, &c., of,... 212
tories made part of ................ 244
Ne.coe-eo, writs of error, exceptions, appeals
to and from ................... 212
to have three hundred and twenty acres trial by jury not cases
of land ........................... 1181
Negres, removed to ................... 212
tims and plam of holding courts, 21
mulattoes, Ac., delivered from vessels
seized in the slave-trade, may be sent district courts; number, appointment,
to Afca, &.................... 40,41 and Salary of judges of ......... 212,218
President may contract therefor,....40, jurisdiction, &4,o4 in chancery and
41 at common law ............ 212,218

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1383 1855-1863

1884 INDEX

Nevada Trxy. (eon psnu ohi Nw Granada,(continued.)

district courts, times V places of hold. proceedings In such cases,. 987
Ing ........................... 212,214 to give certificates to claim-
clerk of, appointment, fees, &c., of, 212 qnts of sums due under their
to be register in chancery,.'..... 212 award ................... 987
probate courts, jurisdiction of, and ap- agregate of sums, to be p*id by New
pointment of judges of ............. 212 Granada to the United States...... 987
justices of the peace, appointment and mode of payment, .................. 987
jurisdiction of ..................... 212 special appropriation by New Granada
habeas corpus, by whom writs of, may be to meet the payments,....... 987, 988
granted .......................... 212 commission to conclude its labors in
attorney, appointment, fees, &c., of, ... 218 nine months ...................... 988
marshal, appointment, fees, &c., of,.... 218 decision to be final ..... ...... 988
contingent expenses of territory, annual awards to discharge New Granada, .... 988
appropriation for .................. 218 pay of commissioner and umpire ..... 988
seat of government, how established signature, exchange ofratifications, &e., 988,
and changed ...................... 214 989
delegate to Congress, qualifications and act to carry into effect convention with, 145
election of ........................ 214 President to appoint commissioner,. 145
school sections ...................... 214 commissioner, with one appointed by
Constitution and laws of the United New Granada, to determine claims,.. 145
States, if not inapplicable, made ap- secretary and clerk may be appointed,. 146
plicable to the territory ......... 214 pay of commissioner, secretary, &c.,.. 146
surveyor-general to be appointed, .. 214 contingent expenses of commission,... 146
compensation, powers, duties, &c.,. 214 regulaone for commission ............ 145
appropriations for ........ 277,'278, 865, 698 Secretary of State to transmit proper
annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 296 papers to commissioner .......... 145
territorial limits of, extended .......... 575 commissioner from New Granada may
appropriation for survey of lands in, 851, 748 deposit certified copies, or duplicates, 146
surveying district of, to be united to testimony of unwilling witnesses, how
California, ..................... 869, 409 procured ......................... 145
salary of surveyor-general in ....... 410 Indebtedness of New Gransda to claim-
post-routes established in ....... 421, 664 ants, established by award tobe paid
land district in territory of, established, 608 to the United Staes............... 145
to be called the District of Nevada, 508 United States to pay claimants,... 146
register and receiver to be appoint- appropriation for expenses ........... 146
ed............. ........ 60
duties, pay, &c., of .......... 608 post-routes established in,. 162,417, 574
law of, respecting corporations, disap- annual direct tax apportioned to. 295
proved ........................... 709 NM Jere,
corporations n, may sue, &c ......... 708 post-routes established in, ......... 162, 417
register and receiver in .............. 749 annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 9
census of ........................... 748 part of, added to collection district of
territorial library in ................. 748 New York ........................ 658
act to establish branch mint in the terri- assistant collector at Jersey City,.. 618
tory of ........................... 770 New Jeh AMue,
collectors and assessors in, how paid,.. 780 repair of culvert in ................. 760
Indian scrvio in .................... 791 Ne London,
salaries of Indian agents in ....... 798, 794 harbor of, to be surveyed to ascertain
New Bedjbrd, its fitness for a navy yard ........ 576
portion of custom-house at, to be fitted appropriations for additional fortifle- "
up as po.t-ofle,. .................. 647 tions at,....................... .. 655
Newcaad-ipon-7ae, not to be expended, unless New
salary of consul at, established ........ 886 London is selected as site for per-
New Granada, manent navy yard ............. 65
convention with, of September 10, 18567, 985 N Mexico Terrkoy,
plenipotentiaries .................... 985 a private land-claim in, confirmed .... 887
certain claims of citizens of the United part of, made the Territory of Arizona, 664
States upon New Granada to be re- acts of, extended over Territory of Ari-
ferred to commissioners ........... 985 zona ............................... 665
especially those caused by riot at laws of, recognizing slavery, repealed,. 665
Panama ...................... 986 collection district in, and Texas ....... 761
New Granada acknowledges its liability, 988 jurisdiction of district court, over El
two commissioners, how appointed,... 986 Paso county, Texas ............... 761
provision in case of vacancies ... 986 Indian service in ................... 789
commissioners to name an umpire,..,. 986 pa and allowances to militia called out
if they do not agree, how umpire in 1864 ........................... 68
is to be chosen ................ 986 to be same as in the army ....... 6d
to meet in Washington, &c ...... 986 only for active service ........... 68
to take an oath .................. 986 act to confirm certain private land-claims
oathto be recorded .............. 986 in,............................... 71
to examine and determine claims,.. 986, effect of such confirmation . 71, 72
987 See Land-Claims,Privalt

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1384 1855-1863

INDEX. 1885
Nw Mari. Teitory, (continued.) Nie Pee,(continued.)
apr on for completion of Capitol President to be informed of
....,....... 110
,oooooo......... wishes of Indians, ......... 99
no part to be expended until, &0.,. 110 remuneration for expenses and
one additional Indian agent in ........ 118 improvements ......... 96,959
reservations may be surveyed into
annusaldiret tax apportioned to.: 29618 lots and assigned ............. 959
certain sums to be credited to, on ac- annuities not to be taken to pay
connt of direct tax, ............... 489 debts of Individuals .........960
appropriations for government ln,.101, 142, -to be given free of cost, ....... 99
864, 692 to be withheld from those who
pst-routes etablished in .......... 162, 421 drink, &c., ardent spirits,... 960
ldsurveys in .............. 189, 218, 851 tribes to preserve friendly relations, 960
appropriation for military roads in. 208 to pay for depredations, ...... 960
Veport, (RPJde Island,) to surrender offenders ......960
portion of custom-howe at, to be fitted not to make war but in
up as post-office ................... 647 fence .................... 959
United States to establish free com-
home for destitute, in Washington, ... 880 mon schools, provide instructors,
portion of Judiciary Square may be &e.......................... 959
used for, ....................... 880 to furnish mills, mechanics, phy-
no expense to government, ......... 880 sician, medicine, £ ........... 959
Ne Papero, United States to pay salary, furnish
sent in packages, to one address, postage house, &e.,to head-chief ....... 959
prepaid, &e., to be delivered to owners, 8 William Craig, to continue to oc-
weight of newspaper mail limited,.. .169, 205 cupy his land, ................ 960
postage upon,.................. 707 treaty when to take effect,........ 960
certain to be free ............. 707 signature, ratification, proclamation,
postage on, between eastofRocky Moun- U........................ 960,962
tains and Pacific ............... 170,205 appropriations for the, ........ 7,58, 28
stamped envelopes for ................. 167
Yogafl,524, 787
rates of postage on packages of, deliver-
ed to regular dealers, .............. 168 collection district of,extended, ........ 761
delivery of, by carriers in New York,.. 169 "Nghtina'e," T Si,
time of newspaper, &o., mail, overland ent to certain of the crew ..... 85
to California, .................... 169
certain, exempt from paying tax for ad- Coston's, appropriation to pay to use
; 478 and manufacture ............... 815,816
.Weuo,, vertisements
Henrg, .........................
tou le apropriations for experiments with,... 815
released from penalties ofunfulfilledcon-
tracts ............................ M approprlations for the ...... 5, 226, 518, 780
law subdividing northern district o into. fishing bounties of several vessels to be
three divisions, for trial of issues of Pad to,........................... 886
fact, repealed ...................... 8 N e, Wiliam H.,
post-routes established in........ 48,162, payment to, for dues as superintendent
417, 574 of Fort Rldgel , &e., wagon-road,. .. 911
annual direct tax apportioned to ....... 295 Non-Commissioned VJ ,k
part of New Jersey added to collection certain, may be employed as clerks in
district of ........................ 658 office of adjutagenal, ....... 88, 868
AeM York India, No-4divered Letters. See Letters.
appropriations for the..... 48, 281, 515, 777 lists of, to be posted or published ...... 708
Net Pows, Noa-resident Owners,
treaty between the United States and, lists of property of, under tax ac, how
of June 11, 1855, preamble, contract- made ............................ 486
ing parties, &c .................. 957 collection of taxes on property. of. .441, 442
cession of lands to the United States, 957 iBoa-Reuidents,
boundaries thereof ........... 957 tax-litse of, to be made out,........... 299
reservation, boundaries, & ...... 958 collection of tax on property of ........ 805
to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 958 Nbrr's, George momwrville,
whites not to reside thereon, patent to, as assignee of Etienne Ber-
unless, £................ 958 not, confirmed ..................... 909
roads may be run through,- North1 Carolina,
damages to be paid ....... 958 post-routes In, established, ............. 102
may be surveyed into lots and annual direct tax apportioned to....... 295
assigned to individuals ...... 95 blockade of ports of, declared,.... Appendix,
tribes to settle on reservation with-
n ayear ................ 9 inhabitants of, declared to be u insur.
where to remain meanwhile,.. 968 rectiou .................. Appendix, 1282
rights of fishin. and hunting re- commercial intercourse therewith pro-
served to Indians.............. 98 hibited ..................Appendix, 1262
payments by the United States, 958, 959 Nwoas E 'tiveBatding,
how to be applied ........... 959 appropriations for ..... 94, 99, 186,8, 685

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1385 1855-1863

SAG, Pas
264"er Fronztier, Oat, (continued.)
appropriations for works of defence on, 842
North, Bw3y,
by whom to be administered, &c.,.. 588
to be taken by Postmaster-General, post-
account of, for wood ftruished volun- masters, and all employees In depart-
teers,to be settled,................. 899 ment and offices, in addition to oath
orth P.aci Seas, of office ....................... 701, 702
publishiug hofo.
No~urPoqing .................. 150
Expediio, persons not taking, liable to penal-
ties, &a........................ 702
apparatus foprinting, &c., surveys of, 150 renewal of, in certain matters conneed
North Star," Tw, with patents, not to be required, ..... 796
American register to issue to ......... 481 Oath of Allegiance,
NortWe Executive Buildg, form of, for cadets ................... 288
riaties for the, .140, 278, 868, 690 by whom, may be administered to en-
listed men In the military service,.. 80
convention with ...................... 112 persons in civil service of government
See Soedm and N.rway. to take ............................ 825
lbraVia. Bark form of oath ........................ 826
"Admiral P. Tordensklold,' damages to penalty for refusing to take oath ...... 827
be paid to owners of ............... 916 fore whom it may be talken ....... 827
Notaries-Pbic, . violation of, to subject offender topain
in the District of Columbia, may take and penalties of perjury......... 826
acknowledgments of deeds of real or and to dlschasge from service. 826
personal property therein ......... 91 to be taken by masters of American
otce s vessels, clearing for foreign ports, ... 854
to caveator in patent eases, from what commanders of American vessels sail- "
timeeompute .............
i f... 247 ing to foreign torts, to take ........ 610
of hearings on appli.ation far e 2ten- persons prosecuting claims asgalnt the
thatt ...........................
article is patented, how given, .... 249
249 United States, to take .............. 610
who may administer oa ........ 610
pefalty for violation of, ........ 610
in Wasbhngtdn County, D. C., abate. to be required of state or political pris-
ment of .......................... 808 oners before their discharge, .... 7 756
NurM, Oath of Office
pay of soldiers acting as, appropriation act to prescribe, to all persons in the
for, . . ................. .. 646 civil, military, or naval departments
rintifor citen, ............ 64 of the public service ................ 602
oath to be preserved and filed, .... 502
payment to, for horses, &c., for members fale swearing In taking the oath, to
of 28th Congress ................... 907 be perjury ........ 02,.08
for damages for being deprived of eanslty, .08
use, &c.of certai I t, ........ 907 of commiseloer, chief clerk, &a.,of ag-
to give receipts in fll of allclaims,.. 907 riculture ........................ 888
form of, for commissioners of primary
schools in the District of Columbia,. 8
0. of assessors and assistant assessors un-
der taxact, ........................ 484
of 'assessors and assistant assessors of of all connected with post-office depart-
direct taxes, ............... 29, 297 ment, by whom may be taken ...... 681
certificate of .................... 297 of comptroler of the currency, and
penalty for acting without ....... 297 deputy ........................... 666
of clerks of board of asessors ....... 800
penalty for taking false, ............ 8. 08 formtro to be presci ed in trials, &c.,
of commissioners of police ....... 820, 821 before certain ministers and consuls
of members of police force, and registry abroad ........................... 78
of,................................ 82 under internal revenue act, assessors
form of, how to be prepared ...... 826 and assistanta, collectors and deputies,
of ofermaking contract, to be append- may administer ............... 682
ed thereto ......................... 412 no fees there8or2............. 82
form of ......................... 412 Obq, Pel a,
"ae swearing in taking, to be per- assignment of land to children of ...... 1118
jury.o ...... ............ 412 O'Brien, Agatha,
additional, for Jurors in the United payment to, of sums due her late hus-
States courts ...................... 480 band, Brevet-Mejor J. P. J. O'Brien,. 848
persons declining to take, to be dis- Observatory, Naval,
charged from the jury .......... 480 appropriations for,.....82, 149, 880, 564, 818
pnalty for taking as oath ......... 481
r eiectors in Washing ton and George- public highways, in Washington Coun-
town, suspected of disloyalty ....... 408 ty, D. C., how punished ........ 888, 884
who may administer ............. 408 Oean Ma service,
fale swearing in taking, to be per. may be performed for postage ........ 88, 89
jury .......................... 408 preference to American steamships, 89
tbr veriflcation of invoices to certily between San Francisco and Olympia,
what, ....... .............. 18 when to be discontinued .......... 69,70

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1386 1855-1863

INDE=8 188.7
OMae MalSerW (continued.)
temporary, between New York and San approprations for, 66, 81, 84 880,51, I'M
Francisco by nearest and most expe-
ditious route ...................... 170 for office of colonel CC .......... 98, 99
appropriation for, between New York transfer of appropriation for bureauof,..681
and San Francisco, vi Panama, ..... 205
Odd Fdow, bureau of, established in navy depart-
Independent Order of, in District of Co- ment ............................. 610
lumbia, incorporated, ............ 80 appropriation for bureau of ....... 690, 691
power and duties of corporation, officers, &c., of, their salaries,. .510, 611
o 80 Ordnae and Ordnanc Stores,
Offader, for the navy, appropriaton f ..... 26, 257
provision for urrender o by Indians. appropriations for purchase and manu-
See the TreaOtles wd the aNOW I '= facture o ......................... 286
2ribes. to be increased ....................... 287
Cpsc See ctmbcs. officers how appointed, rankand pay of, 287
act to prevent members of Congress and Oda , hf f,
officers- of government from taking additional clerks in office of ....... 888, 868
consideration to procure,: .......... 577 Ordnaace Depatent,
act to prevent any agent of government designation of enlisted men of ........ 608
from taking consideration to pro- pay, rations, &t, uiot changed,.... 609
c r .............................. addifionA officers appointed to ........ 748
salary to be withheld from certain per. how appointed ...................... 748
sons appointed to fll vacancies in,... 648 increase to last only during present re-
bellion ........................... 744
accounts of certain disbursing, to be set- officers below rank of field-officer not
tied ...... ................. 115 to be promoted, except after examina-
Ojk" of Gowme, tion .............................. 748
act to prevent, from taking consideM- filing in examinaon, to be sus-
tion forprocuring contracts, office, or pended from promotion for one
pFao,.: ....................... 677, 578 year, ......................... 748
upon second falure, to be dropped
to be examined by military board,.... 270 from army ................... 748
if report is adverse, Commissions to be Ordna Fnndery,
vaeated ........................... 270 at Washington Navy Yard, appropria-
tion for ........................ 880
dcuments en'd papers .d by United
States ofiers not to be stamped,.... 682 appropriation for repair oc ........... 815
post-routes in, established, 168, 417, 69, 674, provisions of swamp4and act extended
to, .......................... 8
annual direct tax apportioned to....... 296 grant not to Include certain lands,. 8
additional representative in Congress, selections to be made within two
assigned to,. ... : ................. 868 years ........................ 8
to constitute part of the seventh judicial fiom what time to be computed, 8
circuit ............................ 687 branch telegraph line to, certain con-
times and places of holding district and tractors may construct ............. 42
circuit courts in ............... 657 privileges granted therefor ....... 42
expenses of repelling rebel raids in, how terms of federal district court in ...... 65
paid .............................. 750 salary of district judge .............. 85
04Is River, survey of part of boundary between, and
certain bridge a-ross, declared legal Washington Territory ............. 110
structure ...................... 669, 670 time for selecting salt springs and con-
bridges may be built across, &c......... 670 tiguous lands in, extended, .......... 124
vessels, &c., to regulate pipes and chim- appropriations Ar land surveys in,.139, 218,
neys so as not to interfere with such 861, 747
bridges, ........................... 570 for light-house service In ......... 216
Oio vdeuteem, far Indian service n,.58, 287, 628, 791,
act for relief of ...................... 274 798
pay to commence when accepted as post-routes in, established,........... 168
companies by the governor ........ 274 postage from east of Rocky Mountains
Olmpia, Oiegon, to ............................ 169, 170
mail-service to ...................... 89 Incurred by, to suppress In-
04pnia, ( Washid'on Trty,) hostilities, to be paid, ....... 198, 199
pay for clerical serviees in bringing up payment may be made in bonds of
business in the land-office 4 ....... 198 the United .tate.............
Omnahas, approprition to complete geological sur-
appropriations for the ..... 51, 226, 518, 791 vey ............................ 207
Opium, grant of public lands to, for university, 208
importation Into Japan prohibited, .. 1056 annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296
0jvdinances, appropriations for defence In .......... 848
of cities of Washington and Georgetown, appropriations for survey of lands in,.. 861
to be enforced by police ............. 824 salary of surveyor-general In ....... 410
VOL. XIL NDUX- - 177

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1387 1855-1863


Ol'ego, (continued.) Ottawas, (continued.)

pay of assessors and sistant under expenses of this treaty ..............1241
thetax act in .............. 488, 726, 780 signature, ratification with amendment, 1241
idstrlct of, with that of California, to amendment assented to ............. 1242
constitute tenth circuit, ............. 794 treaty pMlaimed, .................... 2
district courts in, not to have power of
circuit courts ...................... 794 appropriations for the,.61, 227, 518, 529, 781
* times and places of holding circuit courts Ottman ~wpire,
in ............................... 794 treaty of commerce and navigation be-
Oreon Stem contpan, tween the United States of Axnerioa
right of way for railroad through public and, February 25, 1862 ............ 1218
Wands, granted to .................. 677 preamble, coutractingparties, &e..... 1218
plenipotentiaries, ................... 1218
appropriations for the .... 51, 227, 18, 780 treaties, rights under former .......... 1218
Owego, privileges of most favored nations,
appropriation for light-house at, ....... 110 granted, ...................... 1218
"Ottwa,"7ie, citizens of United States may Purchase,
American register to issue to ....... 829 &0. ............................... 1218
Ottawa., tomlt
from local governors ....... 1218
appropriations foi the, 52, 227, 519, 781, 792 Nties, interna in Turkey ......... 1214
salary of agent for ................... 792 export from Turkey ............. 1214
act for relief of those now in Michigan, 2D7 prohibitions, &. ....... ...... 1214
treaty with the Ottawa Indians of Bian- eight per cent. export, to be charged,1214
chard's Fork and Roche de Bont; of to be reduced annually, U .......... 1214
June 24, 1862 ...... ............... 1287 trsport and prohibitions ......... 1214
certain Ottawa Indians to become citizens import, not to exceed, &e ........ 1214
of the United States in five years 1287 Im.ports for principalities ............. 1216
John T. Jones .............. 1242 privileges, citizens of each country to
'reservation of the Ottawas to be sur- . enjoy equal as to warehousing ...... 1215
veyed....................127 in Ottoman vessels,.... ......... 1215
sections of land to be reserved to remu- duties, tonnage, harbor, pilotage, light-
nerate the chiefs, &, .............. 1288 house, &c., not to exceed ........ 1216
ptents to issue ...................... 128 vessels, meaning of word,........... 1216
heads of families to receive 160 acres of goods of the United States pasing
land ............................... 1288 through the Dardanelles, ........... 1216
others, 80 acres ................. 1288 duties reduced ftom three to two per
annuities ........................... 128 cent ............................ 1216
debts ............................... 1288 citizens of United States to have same
lands to be set apart for endowing a tovges ......................... 1216
school, ........................... 1288 t and salt, exceptions in relation
no tax to be laid thereon,....1288, 1289 to ............................... 1216
management thereo; ............. 1288 gunpowder, importation into the Otto-
locating school ...................... 1288 man em pire ................. 1217
what to be taught in school ........... 1289 IpeX license, &c ........... 1217
trustees to manage school-funds and firmans for merchant vessels ........... 1217
property .......................... 1289 custom-house rules, deposit of manifest,1217
quorum, records ................. 1289 confiscation of contraband goods,. .1217
treasurer and secretary, .......... 1289 commercial rights to be same as those
bond of treasurer ............... 1289 of any foreign power, .............. 1217
upon sals of lands, patents to issue,.. 1289 treaty, present to be substituted for for-
who may enjoy the privileges of the mer ............................. 1217
school ............................ 1289 construction of .................. 1218
lands set apart for Baptist church ..... 1289 commissioner, to settle tariff duties, ... 1218
land to each of the children of Rev. J. treaty to be ratified .................. 1218
Meeker ........................... 1289 exchange of ratifications, proclamation,
how to be selected, ......... 129, 1240 signatures, ..................... 1219
plate and records................. 1240 Overland Ewiigrnts,
not alienable, and conveyances in. approprition to protect..........204, 888
valid ......................... 20 to the states, &c., on the Pacific, appro-
the Indians may sell to each other,.... 1240 priation for the protection of....... 642
census ............................. 1) on the route from ort bercrombie by
money of minors to be paid their par. Fort Benton, ...... ........ 4.2
ents, &c .......................... 1240 Overland Mail Cmpma,
after locations are made, the remaining may occupy pulic lands for stations,.. 664
land may be sold to actual settlers, .. 1240 not to be more than one station in each
mode of sale .............. 1240, 1241 ten miles, ........................ 664
Ottawas may protest against any certain preemption rights granted to,... 664
purchaser .................... 24 to be in lieu of former rights..... 664
if purchaser fail to pay, he may be Overland Route
dispossessed .............. 12A0,1241 prtection of emigrants upon ..... 20, 888
Ottawas to be paid claims allowed for
stolen ponies, cattle, &c............ 1241 beyond the sea, lands of, sold for taxes,
interpreter to be appointed ......... 12. provision for redeeming ............. 8W@

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1388 1855-1863

"INTDEL. 1889
VIA" (continued.)
Parag, commissioners, PASS
how appointed,.... 1088
Pai* Ma teamship Compay, where and when to meet, and
payment to, for tranportation, 879
8.. how long to be in session,...1089
Pact Railroad Comay of AIm'r, to be sworn ................. 1089i
may unite with Kansas company,..494, 495 how to be paid ............... 1090
payment to, for transportation of troops, Paraguay to pay any award of com-
a ........................... 614, 615 missioners in favor of said com-"
part may be withheld ................ 615 panyy ........................ 1089
road may be taken possession of ...... 616 time and mode of payment,... 1089
Paoi hi ad and Telegapk Line, convention, when to be ratifed,.. .1090
act to aid in the construction of, .. .489-498 signature, ratification, proclama-
See U~ion Pactfc¢ Raikad Compbany. tion, ......................... 1090
first meeting of corporittors to be held act to carry Into effect convention be-
at Bryan Hail, Chicago, first Tuesday tween the United States and ....... 16
of September, 182, ................ 588 United State to appoint commissioner
notice thereof ................... 588 and secretary, ................. 15
Pacqfc i&droadand Braa, commissioner to make rnles &c. 15
gauge of, established ................. 780 pay of commissioner, secretary, inter-
preter, &.,c....................... 16
ofnewspapers and periodicals for differ- papers, &c., to be sent to commission and
ont persons, received at post.offlce, returned to State Department, ....... 16
and postage Prepaid, to be lelivered commisloner for Paraguay may de-
to individual owners ............... 88 posit copies. &e ................ 16
of cards, blank or printed, &c., weighing money paid under this act to be retained
eight ounces, to be milable matter, 169 from that received from Paraguay,... 16
rates of postage thereon .......... 169 treaty between the United States of
of seeds and cuttings not exceeding eight America and the republic of, Febru-
ounces in weight, .................. 169 ary 4, 189 ....................... 1091
rates of postage thereon ........... 169 contracting parties, negotiators,... 1091
Paddk, Cl. Josp, amity, peace, &a.. ............... 1092
payment to,.......... ........ 918 free navigation of the Paraguay
Pg, Comade, Thomas ., conceded , .................... 1092
suspended items of accounts to be al- privileges of the -citizens of the
lowed ........................... 898 United States in Paraguay,..1092,
Paluer,Aaron H., 1094, 1095
payment to, for services,*............. 888 of citizens of Paraguay in the
Panama Railroad Company, United States. ............ 1098
payment to, for tranportation ......... 907 of most favored nation, each to
Pper , have, ..................... 1098
for printing, appropriation for ......... 185, no other or higher duties, &c., and
660, 68s no prohibition, &c.. ......... 1098
duty on............................. 742 duties same on same articles im-
,%standard for congressional documents ported in vessels of either coun-
how determined,.............. 118 try .......................... 1094
samples of, to be furished. 118 same to citizens of the United
duty on imported ..................... 651 States and Paraguay ...... 1094
cotton and linen rags imported for man- what to be deemed United States'
ufatureo to be free .............. 651 vessels and what Paraguayan, ..1094
for printing, appropriation for ........ 857 privileges ofimerchants, citizens, &e.
Pa/es. See &amps. of 'each country in the territory
provisions concerning stamps upon, &c., 682, of the other .......... 1094-1096
688 provisions in case of the death 9f a
Pappan, Mcaw, citizen of one country in the ter-
assignment of laud to child of ......... 1118 ritory of the other. ........ 1096
Pappan,Jdia, citizens of each country to be free
assignment of land to children o. 1118 from compulsory militaryservice,
Pappan;,Lewis, & .......................... 1096
assignment of land to child of ......... 1118 citizens to be protected in person
Pappas" i~t and property..................lo09
esslgmeaintf land to children of ...... 1118 to enjoy religious liberty, rights
ParaMy, of burial and of worship, ... 1098
convention between the United States of consuls may be appointed to reside
America and the republic of, of Feb- in the other's territory ....... 1097
ruary 4,1859 ...................... 1087 their privileges,, and immuni-
ties .......................
claims of "United States and Para- 1097
guay Navigation Company" to be provision in case of war........... 1097
d ........................ 1087 treaty to be in force for ten years,
contracting parties, and negotiators, and for twelve months after no-
1087, 1088 tice, .................... 1098,1099
Paraguay binds Itself to respond to when to bo ratifed .......... 1099
any decree of commissioner, .... IM8 signatures, ratification, and proc.
eommission-to be appointed, ...... 1088 lamation, ..................... 1099

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1389 1855-1863

1890. INDEL

P.Far" Pweas-Offic, (continued.)

Presldent may extend, to those in rebel- other principal and assistant examiners
lion .............................. 692 may be appointed .................. 2WT
power of the President as to certain, In not to excel a certain number, ... 247
criminal cases .................. 656, 67 total annual expenses of patent-ofice,
par of &. fattheds,Church not to exceed the reeIpts ........ 247
may ,sell certain ls of Land in Wash- salary of com tsioner of patnt-offlce,. 247
ington, ........................... 884 of chief clerk,.................... 27
Passed As S YMM, of librar , ..................... 247
in the navy, incrqased pay of ......... 25 commissioner may return models. in
Pased Aldshipmen, cases of rejected applications, ...... 247
in the navy, Increased pay oA ......... 26 and in eases of applications for de-
seduction o4 or illicit connection with a Ins ................... .A7
models or deigns "may be dispensed
female, by master, or other person, with in certain cases ............ .. 247-
emplyed on board any vessel of the authoilty to appoint agent to
United States, during voyage, how maodels, repealed................... .7
unished ............... ..... 84 commissioner may require apes fied
subseuent intermarriage may be plead- In his offiMe, and not legi ly written,
edin bar ........................ 8 to be printed,................ 247
no conviction to be had on uncorroborat- may reftse for gross misconduct t #
ed testimony of te female seduced,.. 4. recognize apersonas patent agent, 247
Indictment to be found within one year, 4 reasons for refusal to be reolrded,,=
sentence may direct fine, when collected,. &c ............................. 9A7
to be paid for use of female or child,. 4 fees paid on applicati6ns not to Be re-
officers and persons employed on board funded ........................... 247
not to frequent part of vessel assigned on filing caveat not art of fees re-
to emigrant passengers, except, &c.,.. 8 quired on subsequent application, 247
doing so, to work a forfeitwre of three months' notice to caveator, frd -
wages ........................ 8,4 what time computed, ............ 247
master permitting such frequeuting, authority to annex to letters-patent de-
to befined ..................... 6 scription and specifications of addi-
notice hereof in different languages tional Improvements, repeled, ...... 247
to be posted in conspicuous places independentptents must be applied for
in vessel ...................... 4 where additional Improvements are
penalty on master for neglecting to now admisible .................... 247
post such notices ............. 4 existing fees abolished, and new rates
Passegpe in Merdion Venss, estblshed, ........... ....... 248
provisions of acts relating to the ear- new fees ........................ 248
riage of, extended to such vessels car- who may apply for and have patents,.. 248
ying passengers between foreign subject-matter of patents ............. 248
ports ...................... .841 term of patents..................... 248
penalties and forfeitures of those patentees of designs entitled to exten- .
acts extended in like manner,... 341 sion of pateints for seven years,...... 448
applications for patents to be completed
duty on............................ 471 within two years .............. 248
to whom raybe granted ............. 764 for extensions, when to be filed,... 249
Patent Afta. Bee Ptand-O.ks. notice of day for hearing to be published
Pateat ,o e O j,
for sixty days, ...................... 249
right of appeal In, ftm decisions of cir- notice that article is patented, how
cuit courts to supreme court, extend- given ............................ 249
ed .............................. 180 commissioner may- caume ten copies of
Patete Artides, descriptions and claims of patents to
Obnneeted with marine engines, not to be printed,..: ..................... 249
be bought or used, unless, a.. 258 cost not to exceed, &a, .......... 249
PatentedFRre-arms, expense, how borne,............. 249
prohibition of purcham o4 repealed,... 180 contents of letters-patents, how made
4'atssit Fund, evidence ....................... , 249
approp*ation r deficiency In ........ 088 patents hereafter granted, to be for sev-
enteen years ......... $........ 249
pay of certain examiners and assistant and not to be extended ........249 '
examiners in, ...................... 110 repeal of inconsistent provisions ......
pay of examiners, clerks, &a.,to be re- Pat.OffihBuiluq,
stored ............................ 796 completinq work on ................. go
affidavits and depositions In cases pend- appropriation for finishing and frnish-
ing In, how to be taken .......... 246 tMg ............................ 747
proceedings where witnesses refase to Patent.,
appear or testify.............. 248 payment to Edward N. Kent for use of
pay of witnesses .................. .24 sapparatus for separating gold, &c.,
three examiners in chief to be appointed, 2 fPom foreign substances ............. 842
salaries and duties ............... 246 to David Myerle, for losses, &a., in
appeals from their decisions, ........... 248 testing the process of water-rot.
247 ig hemp .... a.............. 81

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1390 1855-1863

INDEX 1891
Patmis, (continued.) Pay, (continued.)
Philip B. Holmes and Wliam Ped- of sick and wounded soldiers in hospl-
rich for invention of a machine tal and convalescent camps, &e., reso-
for cutting raw hides, &c., and its lution concerning the .............. 826
use by the United State ........ 865 Pay and Allouances
time for taking testimony In application of volunteers, to be same as of same
of Cyrus H. McCormick, for exten- grade in regular army ............. 269
sion of, enlarged ................... 894 Pay and E Anenwis,
to Etienne Bernot and his assignee, con- of certain army officers, act concerning, 594
firmed, ........ ............. 909 forage to be drawn in kind ......... 594
of John Goulding, renewal and exten- when to be commuted ......... 6 94
sion of ........................... 9N of major-generals and other officers, 594
and patented inventions, arms and sup- officers on duty, requiring them to be
plies of, or right to use, not to be mounted, to have pay of cavalry offi-
bought unless, &e.................. 104 cors......................o. 594
when to issue under the homestead act, 892 employing soldiers as servants, to
renewal of oath in certain cases not re- dduct pay of soldiers from their
quired ............................ 796 own pays ....... ......... 94
d"e of, ........................ 796 penialty for not so doing...... 594
final fee, when to be paid.............. 796 emoluments of commissioned officers
If not paid within the time, patent not to be increased by act 1861, ch.
to be withheld, and Invention to 68, J 1 ............................ 94
public property ........ 796 quartermaster-sergeants to have pay of
Fa~nea.become See Police. commissary-sergeants .............. 594
not, over 160 authorized .............. 821 regimental bands to be mustered out of
appointment, removal, authority, pay, service ........................... 594
............................. 821-25 brigde bands, number, pay, &o., of,... 594
additional patrolmen ................. 822 mileage of officers ................. 94, 695
special patrolmen ................ 822, 828 actual mileage, &c., only paid for,. 595
pay, rations, tnd qualifications of chap-
pension to .......................... 884 ............ 595
allowance for risk of horses abolished,. 696
of certain volunteers, when to com- proceedings in case of arrest of officers, 596. 698
mene.............................. 274
of officers of revenue catters ......... 275 copy of charge, trial, &c.. .... 59,596
of officere and men in the new regiments certain officere of army and navy may
of regular army .................. 280, be retired, ......................... 696
of regimental bands .................. 280 contracts for goods, supplies, &c., to be
&c., sergeants,
of major, and drum- reported to Congress ................ 59
.................... 280 interest in any ontat not to be trans-
ofbttaion adjutant, quartermaster, ferred ............ .... ..... 698
commissaries, &e.................. 280 transfer to annul the contract on the
of militia, when called forth and em- part of the United States.......
ployed by the Preident, ........... 22 rights of &heUnited States saved,. 696
$2 a month to bededucted from, of each supplies to be marked with name, &c.,
enlisted man, until expiration of ser- o persons furnislng, .............. 696
vice ........................... 288, 289 certain contractors to be subject to rules
of assessors and assistants, and collec- of army and navy service .......... 696
tors and deputies, &c., under the law punishment of those found guilty
for direct and income tax, ...... 802, 808 of fraud ...................... 5
of commissioner oftaxes, and his clerks, 812 President may, for cause, dismiss any
of commissioners of police ......... 826 officer ............................ 59
of tresurer and superintendent of po- 25 or if such dismission would pro-
lice ............................... 8 mote the public service5 ......... 98
of officers, and of patrolmen of police,. 826 may purchase cemetery grounds for sol-
com lPany, officers of volunteers to be diers ............................. 698
pad on pay-rolls of company, unless, law authorizing additional aides-de-
Ac...... .......... ..........41 camp, repealed ........ ....... 69
to officers and men in the department of those now appointed under that law
the west, or of Missouri ......... 874 to continue in office............ 697
and to their heirs .................... 874 pay, &c., of volunteer engineers, sappers
,appropriation therefor, ............... 885. and miners, pioneers, &c............. 697
'or assessors and assistant assessors un- aliens honorably discharged from mili-
der the tax act, ................... 488 tary service, how may become citi-
of collectors and deputy colectrs,.... 445 zens ...... ...................... 597
of the navy ...................... 686 adjutnt-general's office, increase of of-
increased, of higher grade allowed in ficers in ........................... 597
certain cases .................... grade of captain
586 "Pajmasfer," .
to be abolished, 697
of officers temporarily appointed,.... 587
of officers absent with leave ......... 786 pursers in the navy to be hereafter
absent without leave ............. 786 called. .. .................. 8
of the army and navy, resolution for Pa aga,-Genel,
the immediate ..................... 822 appropriations for office of,. .98, 99, 189, 140

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1391 1855-1863

1892 INDEX.
Paymaster-General,(continued.) Peaties, (continued.)
expense of removal, &c., of office of,... 852 on witnesses ibrrefusing, upon summons,
to pay sick and wounded soldiers In hos- to appear before justice and give depo-
pitals and elsewhere, in sixty days,.. 825 sition, &c................. . 20
Pa*miter-Generul' Office, upon officers and privates of militia for
additional cleiks in,.. 888, 868, 609, 696 disobedience of orders of President,
appropriations for,....862, 868, 509,510, 689 calling them into service, &c ...... 282
Pamaters, for certain cohspiracies against the gov-
to be allowed for payments of advance ernment and authority of the United
bounty, in settlement of accounts,... 748
advance, how to be charged .......... 748 for sale of spirituous liquors, Ac., in Dis-
duty of, as regards allotment certificates trict of Columbia, ......... 286, 291
of volunteers ..................... 831 under laws for collection of revenue from
Ptaastrin the Nary, customs .......................... 24
grade of assistant, established ........ 258 on assessor and assistant assessor for act-
number, rank, &c ............... 268 ing without taking oath .......... 297
pay of acting ........................ 268 for delivering or disclosing a fraudulent •
corps of paymasters, when and how to tax-list, ........................ . 298
be reduced .................... 258, 259 on assistant assessor for neglect of duty, 299
official bonds of, by whom to be ap- on assessors for neglect of d .... 800, 802
proved ........................... 675 on clerks to assessors for acting before
clerks allowed to assistants ......... 818 taking oath .............. : ....... 800
PavM g, Commodore B., on collector and deputy collector for ex-
may receive a sword presented him by tortion ........................... 807
the republic of Nicaragua, .......... 252 for refusing to testify in an examination
Padding, Hirm, under the income tax law ........ 810
payment to, for expenses in defending for recruiting soldiers or sailors to serve
lawsuit, ......... t................. 90 against the United States ........... 817
Paupers, transient, for enlisting as soldier or sailor against
appropriations for, in Distkt of Colum- the United States ................. 817
bia .................... 107, 216, 851, 746 for perjury, in examinations before the
Paubroker, police in District of Columbia, ...... 824
power ot police over establisnnnnents of,. 680 for using personal violence upon any
elector in District of Columbia, ..... 824
appropriations for the,.... 228, ... 62, 67, upon any member of police force,
619, 627, 781 when in discharge of duty...... 824
Pearson, Charles, if member of police force in District of
oks,Mto legal representatives o4... 888
Peel payment Columbia falls to arrest, &c......... 824
for falsely personating a police ofiicer,.. 824
payment to, for services as surveyor,.. 884 for violating oath of allegiance ....... 827
Peay and A#le, for obstructing, or attempting to ob-
accounts of, tobe adjusted ............ 866 struct, the government from using in
Pedrich, Villam, the rebel States, railroads and tele-
ment to, for Invention ofsa machine,. 866 graph lines ....... ........... 884
Pep.,paC4111, for selling, exchanging, giving, &c., spir-
payment to, for services as watchman,. 885 ituous liquors, or wine, to certain In-
Penalties. See Pines and Forfeitures. dians ............................. 889
for seduction ot or illicit connexion with for Introducing, or attempting to in-
female passengers on any vessel of the trodue such, liquors........ 889
United States .................... 8 for having such liquors with intent to
on officers of German Benevolent Soci- introduce, &P ....................... 889
ety if the corporation acts as a bank, for being a spy, or acting as such ..... 840
&c................................. 81 for forcing a safeguard ............... 840
for wilful, &c., injury to tombs, fences, for preparing, &c., vessels, to procure
'c ....................... 82 from China coolies to be transported, 840
under act giving judical powers to min- for building, equipping, or navigating
isters, consuls, &c., in China, Japan, such vessels ....................... 840
&c ............................. 72 for taking coolies on board, or trans-
for malicious injuries to and trespasses porting them, &c., to dispose of them, 841
upon public and private property in for forging, counterfeiting, &c., or caus-
the District of Columbia ........... 88 ing to be forged, counterfeited, &0.,
upon superintendent of public printin treasury notes, or bonds, &c.,....847, 718
and other officers for being interested for uttering, or attempting to utter, such
in certain publications, or contracts,. 120 notes, &c., with intent, &c...... 847, 718
for forging, counterfeiting, &c., treasury for bringing Into the United States with
notes, or ttering such notes ....... 128 intent to utter or sell, treasury notes
for engraving plate, &c., for forging, &c., or bonds, &c., with intent, .... 847, 718
such notes,. .................... 128 for persons having custody of plates,
for possessing such forged notes, with &c., using them for printing notes,
intent to utter them ............ 128 &c., without authority,...... 847 718
for using a stamp cut from stamped let- for engraving plates in similitude of
ter or newspaper envelope ............ 167 plates designed for printing treasury
for violations of the -evenue act of 1861, 179 notes, with intent, &ac.,....... 847, 718

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1392 1855-1863

PM.S, (Continued.) Pacnliess (continued.)
for selling, &c., such plates, with on jusess of the peace for neglecting
intent .................... 847, 718 to pay over les received under the
for having such plates in custod18y, liquor law, in the District of Coluim-
with intent, &c.............. 847,718 bi, ............. .............. 542
for having In pos!emon blank notes, under the new tariff act -----........ 560
&e., in similitude, &e., with intent, on pension agents, &c., who demand or
&c ............................ 847, 718 receive greater fees for services than
for printing, photographing, &c., notes, the law prescribes,.t .............. 568
&c., in similitude, &c., without au- under amendment to liquor law of the
tho......................... 847, 718 District of Columbia ............... 571
for selling such prints, photographs, on owner of vessels on northern, &c.,
........................ 847, 718 frontier where master neglects to file
for having in possession paper for such manifest, e ..................... 571
notes, &e., with intent to use same in on members of Congress, and officers of
forging, or counterfeiting, &c., 847, 848, 718 government for taking consideration
on masters of vessels, fop violation of for procuring contracts, place, or of-
oath of allegiance .................. 854 foe ............ ....... ......... 677
on militan, or naval officers, for return- on persons who offer members and offi-
ing fugitives from service ........ 854 cers consideration to procure con-
on paydasters, fQr paying to sutlers tracts, place, or oce ............. 677
more than authorized sunis ....... 872 for fraudulent sale or use of postage
on commander of company, for certify- stamps, ........................... 588
ng pay-roll for greater sum ....... 872 for treason ........... ...... 89, 690
on army officers, for receiving presents for engagig In, or sisting and etting
from antlers ....................... 878 on foot rebellion against the United
on antlers, for violating provisions of law, 878 States ............................ 690
for kidnapping, reinslaving, &c., free for making, issuing, circulating, or pay-
persons in the Districtof Columbia,.. 878 Ing any note of less value than one
for obstructing highways in District of dollar, as money ....... ....... 592
Columbia ................ 888. 884 contrtors found gulty of fraud in
for obstructing passage, or injuring prop- nisbifi. supplies,. ............. 596
erty of Washington, &e.,.R. Co.,.. 891 for certain military ofiences, punishable
for false swearing under the homestead by court-maral .................. 598
t............................ 898 for offences under articles governing
on school officers, under act concern- the navy of the United States,... 601-;606
ing primary schools In Washington on masters of certain American vessels,
County, D. C ............ 898, 401, 40o2 and persons prosecutingclaims against
for fldse swearing, under act prescribing the United States, for violating oath
qualifications of electors in Washing- of allegiance, ...................... 610
ton, &e., D. C .................... 408 for faiire to deliver certain steam ma-
for vessel or vehicle, refused a clearance, chinery to be remitted ........... 616
departing without permit, .......... 404 for perjury in giving testimony before
for transportation of goods, &e., prohib- the commissioners upon damages done*
ited from being transported .......... 405 by the Sioux Indians ............... 654
under act punishing fraud in officers upon banks for not making returns of
making contracts for government,... 412 their circulation ................... 670
under act for collection of direct taxes for unlawful delivery of circulating notes
in insurrectionary districts ....... 422 to unauthorized 'persons, or associa-
for defacing, destroying, &e., grave. tions; ............................ 676
stones, fences, shrubs, &c., in ceme- on officers of banking' associations for
tery ............................. 427 embezzlement of funds of the asso-
under act to protect the property of cer- ciation ............................ 680
tain Indians ...................... 427 for forging, counterfeiting, &e., circulat-
for placing wrohg persons on jury lists, ing notes, ......................... 680
8;c.,. ............................ 429 for uttering such note, ............ I... 680
for jurors neglecting to attend according for engraving plates, &c., for such notes, 681
to notification ..................... 480 under act to prevent and punish frauds
for tking false oath of allegiance,. 481 upon the government, ...... 696, 697, 698
for not complying with or fraudulently for falsely endorsing "offcial" on en-
evading provisions of internal rev- velopes to abuse franking privilege, .. 708
enue act, forging stamps, &i.,. .. 48248, on surgeon for neglect in inspection of
persons claiming exemption from draft
how recoverable, ........... 444 on account of disability ............ 734
See Inter,.l Reenue. for enticing to desert, harboring desert-
for bigamy in the territories of the United er, &c ........................... 785
States ............................ 501 for purchasing arms of soldiers....... 785
for false swearing in taking oath of of- for resisting draft, &e.,................ 786
fice ............................... 502 for assault and battery with intent to
for forging, counterfeiting, fraudulently commit a felony .................... 736
engraving, photographing, &c., treas- upon spies--------------------787
ury notes, under the act authorizing under act to punish frauds upon tie
the issue of $160,000,000 additional,. 588 revenue, .................. 788, 789, 740

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1393 1855-1863

1894 9NDEX

Pwalie, (continue&) Pnene, (continued,)

under act relating to /aboae os.x, and Guthrie, Mary K ................ 888
regulating judicial proceedings ..... 785 Harris, Mary L ................. 845
for collusion in sales of prize goods to Hawkes, Micajab ................ 885
deftud captors ................. 759, 760 Hayes, B e ................. 848
for attempt to enforce fraudulent claims Herrick, William B. ............. 88
in the court of claims .............. 77 Henry, Mary Ann ................ 889
upon witnesses neglecting, when sum- Houener, Fizabeth ............. 921
moned, to appear and give depositions Howard, Hugh H ............... 908
in certain cases, .................... 769 Humber, Lana C. ............... 885
on persons for unlawftlly bringing with. Hunt, Alice ..................... 86
in the lines of the United States aban- Hunter, John F ................ 848
doned or captured property ......... 821 Hutchins, Erastus ............... 88
on officers, &c., receiving 'cotton, sugar, Jones, Ezekiel .................. 862
&c., and not turning it over to ]roper LcyJames...... ......... 850
authorities ......................... 821 Lanum, Lawrence P N. .. 907
power of President to remit In criminal Maeomb, Harriet B., ........... 89
cases ......................... 656, 657 ddux ary J... ......... :.840
to be deemed judgment debt ........ 657 Marshal, Andrew E.............. 847
may be collected on execution ......... 6857 McGowan, Stewart, ....... 889,874
P at, m$tz Megowan, Stewart W ........ 889,874
reese d from contract to deliver stone, 842 Merchant, Eliza M .............. 878
Padayast,Jeromia&,, Patti, Gregory .................. 884
payment to ......................... 848 Pendergast, Jeremiah ............ 878
life-pension to, ...................... 878 Plummer, Frances H ............ 920
Paieaurj, Plympton, Eliza M., ........... .. 890
appropriations for the 108,144, 278, 279, 867 Preston, Mary .................. 868
in the District of Columbia, when per, Randall, Nathan .................. 848
sons in military service may be con- Reeves, Annie D ............... 886
fined therein ..................... 589 Reeves, Eliza, .................. 880
certain persons now therein may be dis. Reily, Arabella .................. 889
charged .......... 7 ................ 8 Renshaw, Caroline T ............ 921
mode of obtaining discharge ...... 589 Russell, Katherine K ............ 890
convicts by court-martial not to be con- Sanderson, Martha .............. 861
fined in, except, ................... 589 Smith, Fanny Mactier ......... 908
convicts in, how to be employed ...... 626 Smith, Anne M. ................ 889
deduction from sentences of, for good Smith, James ................... 886
behavior. ......................... 626 Steele, Webster S ............... 848
in District of Columbia, persons con- Stevens Margaret L ............ 921
victed of offences punishable by Im- Sutton, Wilam ................. 888
prisonment in, where and how sen- Taylor, Kate D ................. 887
tenced ......................... 685, 636 Tuerck, Herman ............. 918
appropriations for,,how applied. 86 Walbach, Mary .................. 886
when suitable one is built, prisoners to Wehrhelm, Valentine ............ 854
be returned, ....................... 88 Whitehead, Margaret, ............ 864
former transfr of prisoners from, de- Wood, Emma A ................ 850
clared valid ................... 686, 68 Wright, Beriah ................. 858
Pemnsjlvania, Yates, Jane . ................. 888
post-routes established In,.184, 418, 574, 668 appropriations for Invalid pensions, navy
annual direct tax apportioned to, ...... 295 pensions, &c. ......... 2, 124, 881, 687
additional representative in Congress no penson to be paid to those in rebel-
assigned to ....................... 358 Hen,&e ........................ 882, 688
expense of repelling rebel raids in, to names of persons in arms, &c., against
be paid,......................... 750 the government to be struck from
Peasime, pension rolls ...................... 887
provisions respecting, in favor of to officers and men, wounded, &c., in the
Adams, Adelaide ............... 847 department of the west ............. 874
Alexander, James ................ 861 appropriation therefor ............ 8N
Appleton, Charles ............... 888 claims for, not to be allowed to chil.
Bailey, Margaret, ................ 909 dren, &Pc,of certain persons serving
Baxter, Elizabeth M. ............ 919 in the war of the Revolution ...... 876
Bernard, William G ............. 882 to disabled officers and seamen of the
Bowman, Angelina C.,........... 888 navy, and to marines .............. 608
Brooks, Charles W.............. 852 masters serving on board of gunboats,
Byrne, Louisa Abort ............. 908 entitled to ..................... 625, 628
Castor, Mary Z ................. 888 act to grant...................... 566-69
Capron, E. A., children of ........ 880 who may hare...... ........ 66-89
Champlain, Prentis .............. 887 rate o in the military and naval ser-
Chittenden, Thomas ............. 887 vice .... ............... 67
Crum, Abraham, ................ 860 widow and children to have, in cae of
Flod, James ................... 88 death of those entitled to ........ 5874S69
Fuller, Chauncey W ............ 865 when the mother of a person entitled to
Fuller, Emma L., ............... 919 pension may receive it ............. 687

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1394 1855-1863

INDEX 1305

Peaons, (continued.) PerihabeArtida, (continued.)

such pension to terminate upon her in prize cases, proceedings concerning. 874,
re-marriage, .................. 567 Peiry,
not to receive more than one pen- by witnesses before board of police,.... 824
sion at same time ............. 567 under the internal revenue act, what to
when sisters may receive the pension,..567, constitute, and how punished,... 44, 446
568 punishment of, before commissioner on -
not to receive more than one at the damages by Sioux Indians .......... 654
same time ................... 568 Persmit. See Tax.
no pension to be paid to disloyal per- to owners of distilleries, to send away
sons .............................. 8 or ship spirits .................... 449
right of disloyal heirs, &c., to vest to vessels and vehicles, laden, &e., may
in loyal heirs ................ 568 be refused, . 404
when to commence to run ............ 668
fees of pension-agents ................ 568 Perry, Eliabeth 0.,
penalty for demanding or receiving annuity and grant to ................. 148
greater fees .................... 668 Perry, Mary A.,
for wrongftlly withholding any payment to, for freed slaves ......... 924
part ofolam ............... 568 Pen,, &mud,
commissioner of pensions may appoint payment to, for wrong deduction from
civil surgeons to make biennial exam- freight, ........................ 886
inations ........................... 568 Periy, Thomas J.,
fees for examination and certificate, payment to, for freed slaves ....... 7. 924
and how paid ............. 668, 669 CPerseorne," The chomer,
to furnish printed Instructions to register to issue to.................... 208
claimants free of charge ...... 569 Peria. See £bnsud, Ministers.
to notify claimant when pension is civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis-
allowed, if claim is prosecuted by ters and conuls of the United States
agent, ........................ 569 in ............................... 78
pilots, engineers, and crews of gunboats Person,
to have bounty and pensions ....... 569 meaning of word as used in the internal
459, 480
to have only one pension or bounty act, .................
for present war ............ 5 69 of Color,
widows and heirs to have bounty in District of Columbia, subject to same
and pension ................... 569 laws as free white persons .......... 407
special agent of pension-office to detect to be tried for offences in same man-
frauds, ............................ 669 nler and liable to same penalties, 407
salary, &c ....................... 569 "Perthshire," IC Brtish &hiP,
repeal of inconsistent laws ......... 6 69 payment to owner, for illegal detention
no duty on pa re relating to ......... 721 of.. .... ............. 901
to widows and orphans of officers, &e., Peru. e oeni.
of the sloop.of-war "Levant' from act to carry into effect convention with, 795
what date to be allowed ......... 897 Pet Jurors,
Pesion Agets, In the United States courts, additional
fees of, for services in procuring pen- causes of challenge to, .............. 48
sions ............................. 68 additional oath to ............... 480
penalty for demanding or receiving drawing, &c., of, In the District of Co-
greater ....................... 568 lumbla, ........................... 480
for wrongftly withholding any Pefroeut,
part from claiman%......... 569 duty on ............................ 742
compensation (of government) to be two Peqj Of-,
per cent. on disbursements ........ 629 who to be deemed, under act for govern-
P naregate not to exceed 2000,.. 629 ment of navy ................... 610
appropriations for the ..... 97, 188, 861,688 payment to ........................ 851
twenty additional clerks authorized in,. 685 Pidelphia,
grades of, and appropriation for,... 685 appropriation for construction of court-
special agent to detect fiauds upon, au- house and in .......... 89,90
thorized ........................ 569 provision for court-house and post-office
salary, &c ..................... 669 in .................................869
additional clerks in ............... 695 place of deposit for public moneys
Peoria, in ................................. 752
credits to, for trust funds lost, ......... 540 Photoraphing. See Pemay.
provision for relief of the ............. 798 notes in similitude of treasury notes,
Peperl how punished, ..................... 847
army ration hereafter to include ....... 744 f ae bureau, appropriation for,. 816
Periodicals. See Postage, Post-Routes.
sent in packages to one address, prepaid, Physican*
&c., to be delivered to owners ...... 88 private, services and medicines, appro-
postage upon........ .......... 707 priation for ....................... 654
Perihabl Atcls Piankemsa
provisions for sale of those distrained credits to, for trust-funds lost .......... 540
under the internal revenue act, ...... 461 provision for relief of the ............ 798

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1395 1855-1863

1896"* 8NDE-
Pie, (Nora Posar, (continued.)
salay onsul at, established ....... 886 treaty between the United States and,
Pillayet Bands, of March 12, 188, preamble, contract-
appropriations for the,.. 47, 58, 228, 614, 776 ing parties, &................997
Pillag Indians. See Glippewas. cession of ail lands to the United
treaty with, March 11,1868 .......... 82 States .................. 997
Pillar Boxes. See Post-Ofc Learhment. except reservation ............ 997
may be established 1or receiving mal boundaries of reservation,.... 497
matter ........................... 704 to be set apart, &c........ 997
expenses of, how charged ......... 704 whites not to reside thereon,
Pine, Charlis H., unless, &c ................ 999
portion of judgment against sureties o4 roads may be ran through,-
remitted ........................... 914 damages to be paid........ 999
he not to be released ................ 914 not to be alienated, but may be
Pionfers, divided among themselves,. 1000
pay of volkinteer privates, &a.,of ..... 597 tribes to settle on reservation
Piopio-,ox.mox, within a year ............. 997
treaty provisions in fyaor of .......... 947 to be protected therein,... 997
Piracy, payments by the United States, ... 997-
appropriation to suppress, &6 .......... 278 999
act supplementary to act to punish, 814, 816 how to be applied ............ 997
may be diminished if Poncas
act granting right of way through pub- aecrease,... .......... 998
lic lands, extended five years ....... 677 all claims against the United States
Plate, released ....................... 1000
dutyfup .................. 487 annuities -not to be taken to pay
Plates and D , e debts of individuals ......... 1000
for preparing circulating notes, ow pro- to be withheld from those who
ured, and In whose custody icept,... 670 drink, &L., ardent spirits, . .. 1000
forging, &c., such plates, how punished, 681 tribes to preserve friendly relations,1000.
Plattburg, to pay fbr depredations,.......1000
discontinued as a port of entry ........ 761 not to make war but in self-de-
Plummer, Frances E., fence ..................... 1000
pension to ........... &............... 920 to surrender offenders ....... 1000
PWgmpon, Eliza M., United States to establish school,
life pension to ....................... 890 provide instructors, &c.........998
Point Copee, attendance of children there-
grant of land to parish ef, in Louidana, 118 at,....................99
condition of grant, ............... 118 to famish mills, mechanics,
Point Isabel, physician, medicine, &c.,... 998
Texas, custom-house removed from,... 89 may maintain military posts,
Poigomnin Lale Reservation, roads, & ................. 999
ceded to the United States ........ 1249 to pay 620,000 for existing obli-
Pice, gations ................... 999
of the United States in Baltimore, ap- payment to Joseph Hollman, Wil-
priation 8r ........................ 279 iam G. Crawford, and Jesse Wfl-
how to be expended .............. 279 lians ................ ........ 999
of District of Columbia, act concern- provision for half-breeds. ....... 999
ing ............................. 820-828 land srip to Francis Roy ......... 999
of what to consist,..................... 821 Poncas to furnish apprentices for
members of, not to resign, except, &c.,. 28 mills and shops ............... 998
who may not be reappointed,.......... 828 to prevent injuries to mills,
See Metropoitan Poic District, iv. houses, Ac ............ 998,999
'act concerning .................. 678-82 houses, &c., may be given to In-
Capitol, appropriation for......... 856, 868 dians in the discretion of the
metropolitan, appropriation for...... 867 President ..................... 999
See l)eAtective Pode. Metropolitan Police. lawful residents on lands ceded
Police ode, may enter 160 acres, &e...... 1000
for metropolitan police district ........ 581 signature, ratification, proclamation,
RoJlieman's Fund, c., .................. 1000, 1001
what to constitute the, ............. 82 Port Atwl o., ( Wasington Territory,)
who may enjoy ................ 825 established as a port of entry and deliv-
ery, ............ ................. 482
'in the territories of thQ United States, mall service at ...................... 647
how punished, ..................... 501 Porter. See Internal Revenue.
Poor ,d Poor-Houe provisions of internal revenue act con-
maintenance on support of eertain, in cerning, .............. 446, 45%-458
Washington County, D. C ......... 800 P~e, David D.,
tax on real and personal property there- . payment to, for extra expenses ...... 886
for, ............................... 800 Par, Commodore David D.,
Pounce, thanks of Congress to ................ 824
appropriations lr the,.. , 66, 57, 22, 528, lortejWd,harre, (or Robert,)
527, 785 land warrant to Issue to executors oC4.. 841

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1396 1855-1863


P1ort Huro, (McAdan,)PA Postage, (continued.)

part of military reservation of part to ecipient of letters,.. 82
Gratiot granted to, for a eemetery,... 88 one cent additional may be charged
Portaiod, (Qrepona, on letters deposited in branch post-
mail-service a, ...................... 647 offices ............................ 880
PertMahon," to be prepaid by stamps ........ 880
salary of consul at, established, ........ one cent may be charged for each letter
Potman, Adon L. C., delivered ......................... 880
payment to,
Pertoe]Entrf ndas Dutch nterpreter .861, 82
Dd* to be paid on delivery ............. 880
rates of, on mailable matter of the sov-
established In Beaufort District, S. C., eral clases .................... 704-709
near Hilton Head, to be called Port certain to be prepaid, by stamps, 704-
Royal ............................. 86 709
officers, pay, & ................ c., 885 other, to be prepaid quarterly in
Port Rmyal, advance ................... 704-709
thanks of Congress for victory at ...... 618 double to be charged when not prepald,
made a port of entry ................. 85 &c ..................... 706, 706
officers, pay, & ................ 885 on letters from abroad, not prepaid, how
Pad Real Harbor, my be collected, ................. 880
establishing a series of range lights at,. 749 Postage Cirenc. See Fractional No.
Port Townsend, ctional notes may be issued in lieu of, 711
abolished as a port of entry ...........
Ports in lneTtrectionanj States,
ay IM
P .d
maytageIjmpr'essed on letteisheets, &o.,. 167
special agents may be appointed at, .... 672 penalty for using stamp out from en-
pay of such agents .............. 672 velope ............................ 167
pay of seil agents in, .......... 821 fraudulent sale or use of, punished,.... 688
Portmou N. Postal Coteaon. See Belgium, Medco.
appropriation foe erection of temporary with Belgium ................ t149
works of defence in, ............... 848 with Mexico, ........... .... t8
Porte of Dov, 3 Post Service,
duties may be collected A in any dis- may be discontinued on post-routes,
trict when collection at ports of entry where it cannot be safely continued,
is obstructed ................... 2 6, 266 or the revenue be collected, &c.,. 177, 178
certain in the Mississippi, &c., valley, appropriation for, on post-routes estal.
abolished ......................... 87 lished at this session ............... 481
Po of En, PastwaserGeserol,
may be closed in certain cases....... 266 appropriations fr office of the, ..... 100,141,
when obstructed, duties may be col- 279, 864. 691
leed at ports of delivery in same to give detail of expenditures under
district, ............... , 266 head "miscellaneous payments".... 88
establIhed at 8us peu'e Br )I may establish boxes in the suburbs of
Rouse's Point, and Ste. Marie,. 761 cities, ........................... 88
discontinued at Lewiston, Plattsburg, to modify contracts with mail contract-
and Miohilimackinack .............. 761 ors between California and Washing-
Pota, ton Territory ..................... 69
term "letter postage" to Include what, 705 to advertise for proposals for overland
on drop letters delivered by carriers, it malt to California .................. 169
on prepaid letters directed to soldiers, to extend mail route in Texas,........ 169
&c .............................. 272 to provide stemship between New York
name, date when subscription expires, and San Francisco ............... 170"
and address of person to whom sent, to refund money to Franklin Haven and
may be written, c., on printed mat others ............................ 205
ter after publication ................ 4 may return all dead letters, except, &.c, 882
on letters by private ship ......... 168, 706 may employ additional clerks in dead-
on letters or packets, by steamships on letter office ....................... 882
routes where mail is regularly can- to report to Congress additional in-
veyed ........................... 168 come ......................... 882
on newspapers regularly delivered to may establish branch post-offices ....... 880
regular dealers ................... 168 and rules and regulations therefor, 880
on main, engravings, prints, envelopes, thay establish coast mail between San
&c ....... ....................... 169 Francisco and Crescent City ......882
on cards, in packages .............. 169 may change the termini of certain exist-
on seeds and cuttings in paekages,.. 169 ing mal-routes .................... 421
from places east of Rocky Mountains to may fix the salaries of special agents an
any state or territory on Pacific,.. .169, 170 temporary service at less, &P....... 421
on drop-letters to be prepaid by stamps 169, to determine upon expenditure of appro-
706 priation for posta service on new post
on letters written by soldiers need not routes ............................ 42
be prepaid .................... 270, 271 may contract for mail service by steam-
on dead letters returned to writers, 168, 882, sh between San Francisco and Vic-
706 tons, ....................... :.....647
en letters of sailors and marines In so. duty as to mall service in Minnesota, on
teal service need not be prepaid,. ... 882 route 18,64 ...................... 604

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1397 1855-1863

1898 INTDEX.
Poshwdo'Gineral, (continued.) Post-Offic Dqprmt, (coutinued.)
duty under act amending the laws uas newspapers and periodicals, re.
rlag to he post-office depart- celved In packages ................. 88
ment ......................... 701-709 detailed statement of expenditures under
to determine the price for which the head of" miscellaneous payments" to
mail shall be carried over certain rail- be made to Congress in Postmaster.
roads in Kansas ................... 774 General's annual report, ............ 88
to collect postages on letters from abroad, no part of "miscellaneous payments"
not prepaid, as may seem to him ad- appropriation to be used in defence of
visable ........................... 880 certain suits, ...................... 88
Postmstira. See Po-Office Department. delivery of letters by carriers not to ex-
limitation of suits against sureties of,... 580 ceed one cent each ................ 88
oath of, before whom may be taken,... 681 wiole to go to carriers ........... 88
who to be appointed by President, and boxes for delivery at outside stations in
who by Postmaster-General, ......... 701 suburbs of cities ................... 88
residences .......................... 701 net revenue therefrom how applied, 88
general provisions as to their duties,. 701-709 malls may be carried by steamship for ,
not to retain more than amount of sal- postage, &c. ................. 89
ary, .............................. 702 pre ce whe to be given to
Post-Office, American steamships ......... 89
act to provide for erection of, in Phila- mail service to Olympia, Oregon ...... 89
delphia......................... 89, 869 proposals and contract for carrying mail
application of former a propriations,.. 89 in steamships, from Charleston, va
purchase of Bailey andLevy lots, and Savannah, to Key West, ............ 112
construction of building thereon, for payment to E. X. Collins of remaining
court-house and post-olce ........... 90 balnce ........................... 112
limit of price for sate of property bought contractors who failed to keep their con-
of Bank of Pennsylvania, .......... 90 tract from default of payment to them
Post-Offie Building, by the United States to be relieved
appropriations for repair, &c., of,..100, 141 therefrom, ........................ 118
807,691 Postmaster-General may furnish letter-
Po-Offi DWatment. See Pawst.. sheets with postage-stamps Impressed
ap ropriation for auditor of treasury thereon .......................... 187
lor ............................... 279 and may adopt other advisable im-
deficiency appropriation for, for 189,.. 1 provements ................... 167
appropriation for 1880 ................ 1 penalty for using stamp cut from stamp.
for 186041 .................... 87, 112 ed letter or newspaper ........... 167
for 1861-62 ....................... 204 continuation of act 1854, oh. 207, §4,167, 168
for 1862-68 ....................... 881 messenger authorized in offices of three
for 1868-64 ....................... 646 assistant Postmasters-General .......
- 168
Interest to be paid on certain sums due advertised letters, when to be returned
contractors ....................... 1, 2 as dead ............................ 168
to be payable only to contractors unclaimed money from dead letters, how
themselves. ... ........... 1, 2 applied .......................... 168
to be In full for all damages and so report to be made to Congress,.... 168
receipted for .................. 2 postage to be charged on dead letters
not to be allowed on payments for returned ......... :................ 168
quarter ending December 81,1869, 2 postage by private ship................ 168
appropriation for temporary clerks, ... 2 by steamships on routes where mail
post-offce blanks to be printed by con- is regularly conveyed........... 168
tract ..o....................... 2 repeal of inconsistent provisions ...... 168
contract to be awarded, after notice, postage on newspapers, to regular dealers, 168
to lowest bidder2............... 2 letter and newspaper delivery, daily or
inconsistent laws repealed ........ 2,112 semi-daily, in New York City ....... 168
transportation of ma l..87, 204, 881, 648 maps, engravings, &c., books, &c., made
compensation of postmasters,.88, 204, mailable matter .................... 189
881,648 postage thereon .............. 169
mail depredations and speclagents, 88, packages of cards, blank or printed,
24,881, 647 weighing at least eight ounces, made
clerks to postmasters, shipletters, mailable matter ................... 169
office furniture ...... 88, 204, 881, 647 postage thereon ................. 169
advertising, paper, mall-bags, locks, packages of seeds or cuttings not exceed.
& ................ 88, 204, 881, 647 ing eight ounces in weight, made mail-
miscellaneous,. . 88, 20, 881, 647 able matter ....................... 169
postage stamps ad stamped envel-
ptge thereon ................. 169
opes ........... 88, 206,881, 647 postage between places east of Rocky
foreign balances,...... 88, 205, 881, 47 Mountains and states and territorles
letter-carriers ....... 112, 206, 881, 647 on Pacific ................ 169, 170
deficiency appropriation, if revenue on drop-letters o be prepaid by
is insufficient, ............... 88, 206 stamps .................. 189
pay ofioute agents not to exceed $800, 88 overland mail to California, by central
of special agents not to exceed *600, 88 route ......................
propua and contract, . ..6,
postmasters when to deliver to individ-

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1398 1855-1863

INDEX. 1899,
Post-Offi Departaet,(continued.) P e Department, (continued.)
amount of bid not to exeed . 169 payment to, to be made from what fund, 408'
Denver City and Great Salt lakp laws giving preference to American over
City to be supplied semi-weekly foreign steamships repealed .......... 882
without change ................. 169 coast mail by steam-vessels authorized
letter-mail to go through in twenty between San Francisco and Crescent
days .......................... 169 City8............................... 82
newspaper, &., mail in thirty-five to be not less than seml-monthly,.. 882
days ......................... 169 pay not to exceed $20,000 per an-
pamphlet, magazine, and public num .......................... 882
document part of mail, may be coast-mail between San Francisco and
sent by steamship .............. 169 Crescent City to cease .............. 647
weight of newspaper-mail limited,. 169 Postmaster-General may change tormi-
mail-coTitract on route $,016 extended so nus of existing mail routes, connect.
as to expire with Butterfield route,.. 169, ing with or Intersecting mail roads,
170 when, & . .......................... 421
cost of service, how paid.............. 170 may fix salaries of special agents,
temporary steamship service may be less, &c ...................... 421
provided between New York and San pt-offices at Newport, R. L, and New
Francisco .......................... 170 Bedford, Mass ..................... 647
price not to exceed $800,000 ...... 170 undrawn balances of appropriations
contract may be annulled at any made applicable to deficiencies, .... 647
time.......................... 170 transfer of appropriation for paper, &c.,
coat of service on certain routes, how to to pay for blank agents and assistants, 647
be paid ........................... 170 mail-service by steamship between San
discontinuance of mails since March 4, Francisco and Victoria, Vancouver's
1859, to be inquired into, and service Iland, ........................... 647
be mstored, .................. 204 limit of appropriation ............. 647
no change to be made without assent delivery at Crescent City and Trin-
of contractor .................. 204 idad, California................. 647
nopay to be allowed for delivery of at Astoria and Portland, Ore-
fee letters and newspapers except gon, ..................... 647
in Washington, D. .......... 204 at Port Angels, Washington
restriction of pay or route agents re- Territory ................... 647
pealed ....................... 204, 205 mail-service on route 18,564 to be semi-
law requiring dead letters in California, weekly6........................... 64
Oregon, and Washington to be sent to overland mat company may ooeetpy
San Francisco, repealed ............ 205 public lands at stations .............. 664
now to be sent to general post- to have preemption rights ...... 664
office .......................... 205 in lieu of former............... 664
no person except Postmaster-General to act amending the laws relating to-..... 701
set up any foot or horse-post ....... 205 Postmaster-General to appoint, &e., post.
pay of special a ent for Pacific coast,.. 206 masters, where salary is less than
mall from New York to 8an Francisco, $1000 per year ................... 701
via Panama, three times a month,... 205 the President appoints all others ...... 701
repayment to Franklin Haven and asso- reside within the deliv- 01
postmasters to offies------------7..
ciates.... ................... 2 ery of their
aUl prsons connected with,
deduction to be first made ......... 206 and with
mail contract on route 18,564, in Minne- carrying the mail, to take oath, be-
sides oath of oe,-..............701
sota, extended, .................... 206 form of oath............... 701
mail.service in central overland route to
California, ........... 206, 206, 882, 647 employees not taking oath, liable to same
to connect with Denver City and penalttes as though they took it, . ... 702
Great Salt Lake City ........... 206 mail matter
postage not to be delivered until
is paid---------------702
pony express ..................... 206 box-rent to be prepad------------702.
pay to contractors ............... 206 postmasters to keep record of postage-
contractors on route 12,578 entitled to stamps and predecessor
envelopes, books, &c., re- 702
two months contract pay as liquidated ceived from .............
damages ................. ........ 206 records to be delivered to sucessor.702
if contractors on route 12,578 foil to ac- to of
open to examination
cept suchmolification ofcontract, con- ................. of agents 702
tract to be annulled, and new eoutract unusual business at a post-office, because
made ............................. 206
apropritons therefor ........... 2 06 of a military "or naval force near, to
have extra compensation ........... 702
provision not to apply to local postmasters to report quarterly amount
routes connected therewith, .... 206
new contract may be modified, or discon- of emoluments ................. 702
not to receive or retain mo e than
tinued ........................... 206 salarye
m e-.............
--- 702
reasonable damages to be paid con- quarterly account to be sworn to....... 702
tractors ....................... 207 form of oath, ................. 702
repeal of inconsistent laws ......... 207 false swearing in, to becpunishedas
twenty-five additional clerks for dead- pejury....................... 702
tetter office ...................... 881

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1399 1855-1863

1400 IND=L
Pot-9fic Lqxmnt, (continued.) Poet-Office Dqxn*eat, (otne.
dead letters, Postmaster-General to make fuller description of these classes,.. 706
regulations concerning ....... 702, 708 maximum weight of single letter post-
lists of non-delivered letters to be posted age .............................. 705
or published .................... 708 rates of postage of domestic letters, to
pay for publishing, not to exceed be In all oases prepaid by stamps, .*. 705
one cent a letter .............. 708 on drop letters, to be prepaid by
letters addressed in a foreign lan- stamps .... ................ 705
guage, to be published In paper no extra fee to carriers, for letters
of such language .............. 708 delivered or recei ed ........... 705
dead letters with valuables, to be reg- letter postage to include all mail matter
istered, ........................... 708 wholly or partly in writing ......... 705
contents, how disposed of ......... 708 book manuscripts, and corrected proofs,
other dead letters, how disposed of .... 708 to be as printed matter .......... 705
printed matter not called for, how dis- address of subscribers may be printed
posed of ......................... 708 or written on newspapers, &c ........ 705
notice to publishers, that it is not called receipts for payment, and bills of sub-
for ............................. 708 scription may be enclosed .......... 705
may be sent free ............... 703 non-enumerated mail matter to bear let-
foreign dead letters, disposal of ........ 708 ter postage ......................... 705
letter-carriers, at what offices to be em- matter Teaching delivery office, not paid,
ployed ............. t ............. 708 to be charged double on delivery,.... 705
' salary not to exceed $800 per an- soldiers, sailors, and marines, letters of,
num,......................... 708 may be sent unpaid ................ 706
when, and at what offlces, it so as to letters not prepaid by acci-
may be increased to *1000,.. 708 dent, ... .................... 705
to give bond with sureties,........ 708 to be charged double posta
frequent delivery by mal-carriers, may on delivery . ........ , 706
be provided br ................... 708 what letters may be returned to their
branch offices, pillar-boxes, and. other re- writers, and when .................. 706
ceiving boxes, may be established,. 708, 704 such letters, when to be treated as
if bran-V-office is established, person in dead letters .................... 706
charge, how appointed ............. 704 pos.ta on returned dead letters, not
salary and bond, as letter-carrier,.. 704 registered ......................... 706
to be a depositary for sale of stamps, 704 registered as valuable ............ 706
- expenses of letter-carriers, branch offi- forwarding of letters ................. 706
ces, &c., to be kept distinct from or- ship-letters, rates of postage .......... 706
dinary expenses of office ........... 704 registration of valuable letters ........ 706
to be paid out of income of office, fee not to exceed twenty cents ... 706
where established, ............. 704 department not to be liable for loss, 706
postmasters may contract with publish- return receipt to writer, provision
ers of newspapers, &o., for their de- for, ........................... 706
livery by letter.carriers ............. 704 to be received in courts as prinA
at what rates and terms ........... 704 fade evidence of delivery,.. 706
contract to be approved by Post- maximum weight of single rate of prlt
master-General ............ 704 ed matter ......................... 706
delivery by carriers of packets, not po on transient printed matter, .... 706
exceeding certain weight, ....... 704 to be prepaid by stamps........ 706
to be prepaid by stamps, and at on prlnted matter issued once a
what rate, ................. 704 week or oftener ............... 707
packages by mail not t9 exceed four to be prepaid by stamps ...... 707
pounds weight, .................... 704 not to be delivered until paid,. 707
except books by order of Congress, 704 newspapers within the county to be
mall-matter to be prepaid at time of free to subscribers .............. 707
mailing, by stamps, ............... 704 on periodicals, &., issued less fre-
domestic letters .......... . 704 quently than once a week ...... 707
transient printed matter ......... 704 on packages----------------....707
seeds, pamphlets, books, maps, to be prepaid............707
.prints, &e................... 704 subscription bills may be enclosed, 707
other matter not expressly other- name and address of subscribers
wise provided for .............. 704 may be printed or written ..... 707
certain mail-matter to be prepaid quar- other enclosures to subject same to
terly before delivery ............... 704 letter postage .................. 707
may be paid at office of mailing or delivery of mail matter by route agents, 707
delivery, -------------- 704 wrappers of mall matter ............. 707
provisions for fractions of quar- to be so put on that matter can be
ters .......................... 704 conveniently examined ....... 707
daily, weekly, tri-weekly, and semi- if not, to be charged with letter
weekly publications ......... 704 postage ................... 707
all mail matter divided into three classes, 704 postmasters may remove wraprs, to
706 ascertain If more postage sLould be
letters, regular printed matter, mls- charged ....................... 706
cellaneous .................... 705 publishers may be required to make

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1400 1855-1863

INDEM 1401
IND X11,011
Poet- Ofc rmn,(otne. Ptomac Water Works,
IRdsvl that papers, &c., are sent, &c., supervision of, transferred to depart-
only to regular subscribers,......... 708 ment of the interior ................ 620
penalty on, for sending to other than provision concerning ............. 804, 805
subscribers .................... 708 Pottawatomies,
one half to go to informer..... 708 appropriation for the,.58, 228, 229, 620, 782,
ftanking privilege, who entitled to,.... 708 788
envelopes have to be marked and act for relief of certain, residing in
Indorsed ..................... 708 Michigan ......................... 207
penalty for false marking ......... 708 Pottawatonie Inadiane,
limit in weight, except, &c., ... 708, 709 treaty between the United States of
publishers of periodicals, nbt over six- America and, November 15, 1861, .... 1191
teen ounces, may exchange'fee ...... 709 preamble, contracting parties, &c..... 1191
interchange confined to one copy,. 709 reservation in Kansas to be disposed of,. 1191
act to take effect on and aftr June 80, to be surveyed .................. 1191
188, ............................. 709 to be set apartin severalty ........ 119"2
repealing clause ...................... 709 remainder to be sold for benefit of
Post-Roads, tribe. ......................... 1192
railroad and telegraph lines, taken pos- census of tribe to be taken .......... 1192
session of by the government, when assignments of land and certificates of
to be considered as ................ 884 same ............................. 1192
bridge across the Ohio River at Steuben- lands, exemption from levy .......... 1192
yule, Ohio, and Holliday's Cove rail- to whom may be sold ......... 1192
road, declared a lawful structure and receipt of certificates to be relin-
a post-road ............... 669,570 quished, &e................... 1192
other bridges across the Ohio may be to be granted in fee to certain per.
built and be made post-routes ....... 570 sons by President,.......... 1192
Poet-Roite, payments to be made ............. 1192
aet establishing, in persons to become citizens ....... 1192
Alabama ........................ 151 their lands to be subject to levy,
Arkansas ...................... 152 taxation, &c .................. 1192
California, ...... 152, 418, 572, 678, 662 to take oath of allegiance ........ 1192
Cherokee Nation ................ 167 undivided quantities of, to be set
Choctaw Nation .................. 167 out, fl. ..... ................. 1298
Colorado ................. 420, 574, 664 Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western
Connecticut ................. 154,418 Railroad may purchase certain lands,1298
Dakota, ...................... 420, 664 price, terms of purchase, fic.. 1293
Delaware ....................... 578 patents to certain condition, . 1294
Florida ................... 154 right of way, damages, &c......... 1294
Georgia ................... 155 forfeiture of lands by railroad com-
Illinois .............. 155, 414, 573, 662 pany ......................... 1%4
Indiana, ............. 156, 418, 578, 662 land, conveyance of, to certain parties
Iowa, ............... 156, 414, 578, 662 for religious purposes ............... 1294
Kansas ....................... 157, 415 condition, &c ................... 1294
Kentucky .............. 158, 415, 668 improvement fund, annual interest of,.. 1294
Louisiana ....................... 159 how to be paid hereafter ....... 1294
Maine ....................... 416, 578 removal of Indians, provision for ..... 1295
Maryland............. 159, 415, 578 former claims to hold good ........ 1295
Massachusetts, ................ 159, 578 agricultural purposes ................. 1295
Michigan ................. 159,416, 578 when articles of treaty to take effect,..1295
Minnesota .................... 160, 416 signatures of Indians ........ 1295,1296
Mississippi. ...................... 160 ratification and signature ....... 1-97
Missouri,.: ........ 160, 416, 578, 662 Powder Ricer,
Nebraska, ................ 161, 420, 668 immigrant road to be opened from, to
Nevada ...................... 421, 664 base of Blue Mountains ........... 947
New Hampshire .......... 162, 417, 574 Powder.T4s,
'New Jersey ................... 162, 417 appropriation for purchase of three, ... 815
New Mexico ................. 162, 421 Pmyer, Polic,
New York ........... 162, 417, 474, 668 humiliation, fasting and, days of. %ap-
North Carolina .................. 162 pointed,...... .. Appendix, 1261, 1270
Ohio ................. 168, 417, 574, 668- Precincts'
Oregon .......................... 168 police, in District of Columbia ....... 822
Pennsylvania ........ 164,418, 574, 668 Pre'mption,
South Carolina ................... 164 public lands to which Indian title is ex-
Tennessee ....................... 164 tinguished to be subject to........... 418
Texas .......................... 165 when unsurveyed lands are claimed, no-
Utah .............. 165, 421, 668 tice to be filed, when ............... 418
Vermont...... ..... 165, 419, 574 effect of itilare to file notice as re-
Virginia ......................... 166 auired ........... ..... *....... 418
Washington .............. 421, 674, 64 rigut of, in lands bid in by the United
Washinpton Territory ............ 167 States, in sales for taxes ......... 425
West Nirginia ................... 664 right of, granted to certain settlers in
Wisconsin .............. 1567, 419, 664 Wisconsin ................... 30

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1401 1855-1863

1402 INDEX.
Priemjtion. (continued.) Presidat of Ae Uailed ,ae,(continued.)
rights of, on reservation of Winnebago to borrow $10,000,000, or part thereof,. 179
Indians ........................... 69 to appoint land-officers for Dakota,.... 244
act to give right of, to certain purchas- power and duty ofg in collecting revenue
ers on the "Soscol Ranch" in Call- when ports of entry in any district
fornia, ............................ 808 are obstructed ................ 255, 258
of reservations of certain Sioux Indians, 819 when ports of entry and of delivery
of settlers on the home reservation of are obstructed ............. 256, 257
the Winnebagoes, in the Blue Earth may-employ military and naval forces,
region, Minnesota, ................ 566 and volunteers, in protecting officers
proceedings to perfect such rights, 566 of customs, ....................... 25
certain, granted to overland mail com- may close ports of entry, when, &c.,.256, 257
peny in lieu of former ............. 664 to give notice by proclamation,..... 256
Prmptio,, C/imanats, may proclaim inhabitants of a state, or
must file declaratory statement within partof a state, to be in insurrection, 257,284
three months from, &c ............ 410 effect of such proclamation ....... 267
Pampti n Mi s. See Lnds,, Publi. may license commercial intercourse in
Prefer,,e, certain cases, and under regulations,. 267
homestead act, not to interfere with,... 898 may employ suitable vessels to aid the
laws requiring Postmaster-General to revenue cutters in service .......... 257
give, to American over foreign steam- may appoint assistant paymasters In the
ships, repealed8.................... 882 navy, ............................. 258
Presevd Meats, vc may authorize restriction as to sailors
for navy ration, how to be procured,... 286 relinquishing part of spirit ration ..... 265
forming part of navy ration, how may power And duty of, under act to author-
be prepared and packed ............. 561 ize the employment of volunteers, 268-
Peidvn, (see Banking Asocktiont.) 271, 286
of banking associations, one of directors under act additional thereto ...... 274
to be8............................. 676 under act for better organization of
by-laws concerning election ot ........ 668 the marine corps .............. 275
embezzlemfnt by .................... 680 under act to increase the military
to keep list of shareholders ......... 80 establishment of the United States, 279
Preident of the United States, may call forth and employ the militia,
certain acts and orders of, legalized,.... 826 to suppress rebellion, &c....... 281, 282
to alpoint a commissioner to investigate to command Insurgents to disperse, 282
clams against the government of to increase consular representation of
Paraguay,. ............... . 15 the United States during present in-
to establish Columbia River land district surrection ....................... 285
and appoint register and receiver,... 16 power and duty, under the act for the
to carry into effect any acts for the sup- better organization of the military es-
ptession of the slave-trade .......... 21 tablishment. ................... 287-291
to appoint commission to run boundary to divide the states into convenient col-
lines between California and territo- lection districts for assessing and ool-
ries ............... 22
-.............. lecting direct tax .................. 296
to appoint envoy, &c., to Sardia -.... 40 to appoint assessor and collector for di-
to contract for reception and care of Af- rect tax .......................... 296
ricans rescued from vessels in slave- for income tax ................... 809
trade. ............................ 40 to appoint commissioner of taxes ....... 812
to instruct commanders of armed ves- to appoint additional aides-de-camp,... 814
sels to proceed to Africa and there to direct commanders of public armeJ
deliver such negroes ............... 41 ships to seize piratical iessels ....... 815
to appoint commission upon the U. S. to appoint additional inspectors-general, 818
military academy ................ 68 duty of, under the act to confiscate er-
to reprieve or pardon certain convicts,. 75 tain property ...................... 819
to appintmarstals, &c., foroonsular dis- to appoint commissioners of police for
tricts in Japan, China. &6 .......... 77 the l)istrict of Columbia ........... 20
to allow expenses of buildings for pri- acts, proclamations, mid orders of, after
'ons, &c............................ 77 March 4, 1861, legalized ............ 826
to borrow $21,000,000, or part thereof,. 79 duty, as to the Industrial Exhibition at
to direct the valuation of certain real London ...................... 828
estate in the city of Washington..... II request to appoint day of fasting, &c.,.. 828
to appoint Indian agents In Nebraska,. - 118 various proclamations of ....... Appendix,
to cause treasury notes to be prepared,
&c............................... 121 various proclamations, &c., of, legalized, 826
authorized to borrow $26,000,000 - 129 duties ot, under the act to promote the
to make a separate Indian superintend- efficiency of the navy .......... 829, 880
ency of Washington Territory and to appoint commissioners to procure al-
appoint additional agents ............ 180 lotment certificates of volunteers ..... 881
to appoint commissioners on claims may appoint additional assistant secre-
against New Granada and Costa Rica, 146 taries of war ...................... 882
to place on retired list certain medical may, when public safety requires, take
officers ........................... 150 -poesson of railroad and telegraph
Lines ........................... 884,.62
to appoint surveyor-general of Colorado, 176

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1402 1855-1863

INDFJt 14o8
Preident fthe Uited Saes, (contInued.) tofte UitedSates, (continued.)
duty of, under such act, ....... 884, 625 courts-martial in the penitentiary, in
may detail navy officers to inspect the District of Columbia, ........... 689
transpors vessels for war depart- power and duty of, under the confise-
- ment, , .......................... 888 tion act, ................... 590, 591,592
may ordef vessels of war to search ves- may arrange for employment, &c., in
sels suspected of having coolles on the West Indies, &c., of persons
board ............................. 841 seized on board slave-vessels, 592, 598
duties of, as to certain appropriations for may retire certain army o9rs. 6
forts and coast defences ............ 848 may dismiss any officer In the army,
to ppoint commissioner in joint cor- navy, or marine corps ............. 596
mission to protect the Atlanti fish- may purchase cemetery grounds ...... 596
eries.............. ........ 869 may call forth, enroll, &c., the militia,. .597
duty under act abolishing slavery In may accept services of volunteers,.... 598
the District of Columbia ........ 876, 877 may appoint judge advocate general,
in the expenditure of appropriation 7c........................... 598
to aid colonization to Hayti and may employ persons of African descent. 599
Liberia ...................... 878 may assign command of troops in the
to appoint officers for branch-mint at ield to one of several officers of same
Denver, .......................... 882 grade, without regard to seniority... 617
to appoint a commissioner of agricul- to cause resolutions in memory of Brig-
ture, ............................. 887 adler-General Nathaniel Lyon to be
to appoint commissioners to revise and read
head of every regiment in the 611
codify the laws of the District of W m me of honorbe prepared, 68
Columbia, ..................... 408, 682
to appoint chaplain for Vpermanent hos-
pitals ............ 408 to communicate to LieutenantJ. S. War-
duties and powers, under act to reduce den, &c., thanks of Congress ....... 622
the expenses of survey and sale of to Capt in Andrew H.Foote, thanks
public land, .................... 409, 410 of Co seass,.................628
may discontinue, &., land-offices,.. 409 to appoint eight medical inspectors in
AY appoint diplomatic representatives the army ......................... 688
to Hayti snd Liberi ............... 421 to issue his proclamation in regard to
to procimn in what states the insurrec- West Virguna ................ 684
tion exists,..................422 to appoint the commissioned c in
to appoint board of tax commis- the revenue cutter service ......... 689
sioners in such states .......... 428 duty under act for collection of taxes in
duty of; under the tax act ..... 482,488,445 insurrectionary districts ........ 640, 641
to appoint two directors n the Union under act authorizing volunteer
Pacific Railroad Company ........ 491 force in Kentucky ......... 641, 642
to appoint commissioners to ascertain to appoint register of deeds for the Dis-
ad report upon completion of por- trict of Columbia ................. 67
tions of such road ................. 492 to appoint commissioners to determine
to determine certain points of location damages sustained from certain bands
of route of road. ................ 496,496 of Sioux Indians .................. 68
width of track of road and branch- to appoint assistant register of the treas-
es ....................... 496 ury,..........................66
to settle terms upon which other roads solicitor of the war department,... 86
may connect, ...................... 496 to authorize persons to perform duties
may appoint agent for Grand River and of heads of departments, &c., in case
Wintah Indians, in Colorado Terri- of absence or inability ............. 656
tory ............................. : 499 power of, to grant pardons, and renis-
to appoint additional surgeons and as- sions of penalties and forfeitures,.66, 657
sistant surgeons of volunteers ...... 502 may fill vacancies in levy court of Wash-
duty under act establishinga land dis- ington County, D. C ............... 668
trict in the Territory of Nevada,.... 58 to appoint assistant collector at Jersey
limit upon authority to appoint major- City ........................... 658
generals and brigadier-generals ..... 506 to set apart lands for the Winnebago In-
may appoint military storekeepers .... 5 09 dians, and remove them from Minne-
duty of, under act reorganizing the sota, .............................. 0 68
navy department .................. 510 under act dividing Michigan into two
may declare treaties with certain Indian judicial districts ...... ..... 60,662
tribes abrogated by such tribe ....... 528 to appoint territorial officers of Arizona, 665
duty, &., under act to carry into effect duty of, under the act to provide a na-
the treaty with Great Britain for the tional currency ................. 665, 668
suppression of the slave-trado ....... 81 appointment of major-generals and brig-
may appoint ten acting midshipmen adler-jenerls . ........... 89
from sons of officers, &ic.......... 665 territorial offrs of Colorado and
duty of, under act to estblish and Dakota .............. 700, 701
equalize the grade of line officers in to appoint certain postmaster ....... 701
the navy ...................... 84, 586 to appoint cashier of internal duties,... 728
'Appointments of midshipmen,.. 685 duty of; under act to enroll and call out
power and duty of, as to convicts by the national oces, ............. 781-7?
VOL. Xu. Imzx-179

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1403 1855-1863

1404 INDEX.
Presidentof as Unaed Sw, (continued.) Presdt'sMsae, (continued.)
to prolaim to soldiers absent without to print what number......... 82, 826
leave to return at fixed day or be when to deliver, and to whom,.... 826
treated as deserters ............ 786, 786 number of copies of reports proper, 826
may drop from the army certain officers not to print any greater number,.. 826
who M to pus examation....... 748 statement of aggregate amount of ex-
may reduce the number of officers in ports and imports to be given to su-
certain corps after the present rebel- perintendent of Aublic printing on or
lion ..... ........................ 744 before November 1st, in each year,.. 826
may enlist two under.cooks of African number of copies to be printed, and
descent, ........................... 744 how distributed ............ 826
to cause additional "medals of honor" commercial relations, number of copies
to be struck off and distributed ..... 761 to be printed and distributed ...... 826
to appoint certain officers in the signal. form and style of printing to be deter.
corps of the army ................. 758 mined by the superintendent, ....... 826
may discontinue certain consulates, and Preaston, Mry,
appoint consuls .................... 764 pension to ............... .......... 868
to reserve town sites from sales of pub- Pr "y .kools,
lic lands .......................... 754 act to provide for the public Instruction
may suspend the privilege of the writ of youth In, "in county of Washing-
of habeas corpus ................... 755 ton, District of Columbia," &c ..... 894
may confer brevet rank upon commis- how to be construed ............ 402
sioned. officers of the volunteer and commissioners of, to be appointed,..... 894
other forces . ..................... 758 who may not be ................. 402
may issue letters of marque and general residence, term of office ....... 894
reprisal ........................... 758 vacancies,-how filled .......... 894
to ap point an assistant treasurer of the notice of appointment, how given,. 894
United States ..................... 761 oath, form, record. .......... 894, 896
to appoint four justices of the supreme to hold two stated meetings each
court of the District of Coumnbia,... 768 year ................... 896
a person to revise and codify the other meetings............. 895
Iw relating to the District of quorum,- records, .............. 895
Cotumbia, .................... 765 toa ppoint a clerk ........... 896
to appoint two additional judges of the his duties, pay, &c.9 .......... 895
court of claims .................... 765 to allow compensation to treasurer, 896
solicitor, deputy, and assstat .... 78 not to exceed $100 .......... 896
to appoint officers of the branch mint at to examine candidates for teachers, 895
Carson City ....................... 770 qualifications, certificate ...... 895
to cause patents to issue for lots in Fort may dismiss teachers ............ 896
Howard Military Reserve ........ 771 may direct what school-books be
to negotiate treaties for the removal of used .......................... 896
Indians, and to provide them new to visit schools twice a year ...... - 896
homes ..................... 785,792, 798 to apportion school-moneys ....... 898
to appoint an additional justice of the to have supervision of trustees,... 402
supreme court of the United States,. 794 county to be divided into school dis-
to appoint commissioners, secretary, and tricte ............................ 896
solicitor, under the act to carry into districts to be described and numbered, 895
effect the convention with Peru ..... 795 record thereof .................. 895
to appoint judges of the levy court of to be of contiguous territory ..... 895
the county of Washington .......... 799 may be changed, if trustees assent, 896
to appoint officers fir the Territory of proceedings when formed ........ 896
Idaho, &c...................... 808-814 notice of first meeting of in-
duty under the act for the removal of habitants ................. 898
certain bands of Sioux Indians,..819, 820 choice of trustees and collee-
to communicate to certain officers the tor,....................... 896
thanks of Congress......... 824, 827 tax may be assessed.......... 896
to appoint acommissioner to revise and site for school-houses ........ 896
codify the naval laws of the United school-house and ftrniture,.. 891
States ............................ 825 meetings of school, how organized, 897
to grant compensation to marshals, dis-. records of .................. 897
trict attorneys, &c, for services in each organized district to be a corpora-
suppressing the slave-trade ....... 829 tion .............................. 400
Preident's Hmvr, power and duty of corporation.... 400
appropriations for repairs, fuel, lighting, treasurer of the primary school fund,
&c.,. 144, 216, 849, 850, 861, 852, 649, 694 treasurer of levy court to be ....... 897
74t1 bond ............................ 897
President'sMessage, salary, .......................... 895
and accompanying documents, resolu- to attend meetings of commission-
tion to expedite the printing of ..... 82 ers, and present books and ao-
superintendent of publieprinting to have counts ....................... 89
manuscript copies of documents ac- penalty on, for neglect of duty,.... 401
companying annual reports of iteads uty of, as to tax for education of
of departments, on or before Nov. lot, 826 colored children, .............. 402

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1404 1855-1863

W01*E49 1405
Priouti Sdocl, (continued.) Primaq aWcs, (continued.)
candidates for teachers to be examined, 896 member of levy court not to be commis-
anatflcations, certificate, &, ..... 896 sioner or trustee, .................. 402
dismissal of teachers .................. 896 levy court may levy tax for education
teachers may be employed by school of colored children ................ 402
trustees, further provisions for such schools, 402
teachers forand paid,children.......402
............ 897
colored act, how to be construed ....... 402, 408
school-books, commissioners to direct school districts, formation of ...... 895, 896
what shall be used............. 89 to be of contiguous territory ..... 805
tax may be collected for ........ 896 meetings of ...... ............... 897
trustees to provide,............... 897 organized, to be a corporation, .... 400
trustees of schooL districts; number, power and duty of; .......... 400
choice, &c, ....................... 896 Printed Matter. See Posge.
who may not be, ................ 402 sent through malls, what may be writ-
to take oath .................... 898 ten on, after publication ............ 11
term of office, vacancies ......... 898 sent through post-ofice and not called
toprovide school-house., books, &c., 87 for, how disposed of ............... 708
402 rates of postage on, &c .......... 706, 707
to employ and pay techers,...897, 898 Prinng Pape-,
to Inake statements of moneys to duty on ............ ......... 742
commissioners ................ 898 Print4q Pulic,
to keep account of their proceed- appropriations for ..... 98,185,857,650,084
tugs, ..................... 899 appropriation for, transferred, ......... 612
to keep account against district col- Prioners,
lector, ........................ 899 punishment of marshal, &c., for volunta-
may require payment from school- rily permitting escape of ........... 69
children, &c .................. 899 under martial law, in close confinement,
to make tax-bills and rate.lists,.... 899 to be tried within sixty days ....... 786
to deliver warrant to collector,.... S99 Prieners of War,
form of warrant .......... 8 99 supplies, care, &c. of ................ 607
to report annually to commission. supplies, transportation, &c. of; appro.
era ............................ 899 priation ......................... 644
contents of report, ........... 899 list of state or political prisoners in cus-
may take land for schcol-houses,.. 400 tody to be furnished judges of United
proceedings in such cases, 400, 401 Staas courts ................... 755,75
to be supervised by commissioners, 402 when to be discharged ....... 755, 766
may enforce discipline......... 402 oath of allegiance to be taken,.. 755,
duties o4; as to colored schools, .... 402 766
may receive donations, &q., when sureties of the peace may be
for, ....... ..... 402 required ...................... 756
penalty for making ie certificates, 898 such prisoners under indictment for bail-
lmhol-hoes% sites ror,:..........
may be pro. able offence to be admitted to bail,... 756
cured................ 89, 897 proceedings where list is not furnished, 756
land may be taken fbr ......... 400 See Habeas Corpus.
proceedings in such case,..400, 401 Priss,
not to be placed within certain lim- for American convicts in China, Japan,
its ..................... 401 and Siam, money paid by ministers,
may be used for public worship,... 402 &c., for rent of buildings for, to be
for colored children .............. 402 allowed them in their accounts, .... 77, 78
taxes, for school purposes, may be lev- also for wages of keepers ........ 77,78
ied, ........................... 897, 402 number of prisons In said countries, ... 78
upon what to be levied ........ 897 for American convicts In Japan, China,
when and how to be collected,. 897, 400 Siam, and Turkey, appropriations for, 171,
tax-lists and rate-bills ............ 899 886, 689
collection of, from lands .......... 400 Prison SAip,
for colored schools ............... 402 in China, apropraton for............ 21
upon parents .............. 402 Private Examisnations,
clerk of levy court to gve copies of as- permitted in the District of Columbia,
sessment books to sceool trustees .... 897 in cases of persons under the age of
collector to be elected by ballot ....... 896 eighteen, If they request it in writ-
duty as to collection of taxes ..... 897 Ing ........................... 500, 501
to keep moneys collected by him,. 899
farm of warrant to .............. 899 not tobe any, under treaty with Bolivia, 804
to give bend for discharge of duty, 400 Private Land Cim,
to collect taxes which.are a charge provision for survey, &. o0...409, 410, 748
on land ...................... 400 See Land Claims, Prvt.
pntyon, for neglect, &.of duty, 401 PrivateLand Clai i New Mezi,
for collecting more than Is confirmed, .......................... 887
due ....................... 402 Privat",
duty of; as to tax for education of $2 a month to be deducted fottn pay,.. 288,
colored children, .............. 402 289
white residents may select schools for in regular army, pay Increased, ....... 826
. their children, &a ................. 402 to be a18
a month, ............... 62

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1405 1855-1863

1406 WtDEX
Prim Caft"Ssimrs. Se" PdaPS
not extended to witness .............. 888 duty, ,under the prize law .. .874, 876
what may belawtl subjecto .... 819 pay of, not to e x . . 60
not to exceed two in number in any dis-
better admntration of the
act for the S ............................. 760
law of ........ .................... 874 one to be a retired naval officer,... 760
prize commissioners to receive and keep salaries of both not to exceed S600
captured property until process issues, .874 a year ....................... 760
to examine and report If any Is per-
ishable, Ac................874 Ihos#
naval service entitled to, to be
to receive papers and documents,.. 874 credited therewith .................. 759
to take testimony, &c ............ 874 captors entitled to whole, if vessel cap.
court to proceed promptly to hearing tureds of equal or superior force,... 606
and adjudication ................. 874 to half, if of inferior force ...... 606
certain charges, s pilotage, tonnage, &., other half to the United States, ... 606
how audited, allowed, and paid ..... 874 distribution of ....................... 606
such charges, when to be part of apportifnment amoug vessels within sig-
costs ......................... 875 nal distance ...................... 606
pay of, and of district attorney ....... 876 who not entitled to share of .......... 606
how to be determined and paid, ... 876 armed vessels caturing, entitled to,... 607
proceedings upon final decree of con- arsons tempra ly absent may share,.. 606
demnation. ....................... 875 ounty for vessels destroyed, &c., to be
sale, and proceeds of sale .......... 876 divided as ...................... 606, 607
shares of public vessels ........... 875. accruing to the United States, to remain •
act to apply to pending cases and to a fund for pensions ................. 607
future cases ...................... 875 if land is iasufficient, ............ 607
also to captures and seizures under if there is a surplus ........... 607
laws for the abolition of the slave- duties of district attorneys and mashals
trade ......................... 876 St ............................. 808
Prizs-aws, to be paid into the treasury of the United
act further to regulate proceedings in, 7 States ............................ 627
766 PrieProper. See Prize-Oasss.
sale of prize property, when court to provison concerning sales of perish-
order ...................... 769 able, ;c .......................... 759
appeal not to prevent,.......... 759 captured vessels, arms, &a., may be
proceeds of sale ................. 769 taken for government use ......... 759
payment of expenses and disburse- proceed~ns in such ases........ 769
menta ........................ 769 collusion in iaes of, to defraud captors,
of coots, fees, and charges ....... 769 &o., how punished ............. 769, 760
residue to be paid into the treasury, ... 759 P ad Prie;Goods,
clerk to transtnjt copies of final decree made by private armed vessels under
to Secretaries of the Treasury and letters of marque, rules for disposal of4 758
Navy ............................. 769 Prize. Vensd,
those in naval service entitled to prize- duty of commanders of vessels captur-
money, to be credited therewith, ....759 lug ............................... 607
costs, how paid when decree is for resti- - property not to be removed from ....... OT
tution without costs ............... 759 persons on board not to be maltreated,. 607
captured vessels, arms, &c., may be Probaft courts,
taken for government use ......... 769 in Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho,
proceedings in such cases ......... 769 and Nevada. See those ties.
Secrtary of Navy to employ auctioneers Pccla&"~ia of she Preda,
to sell prize-goods under the direction convening extraordinary sessions of the
of the marshal ................... 759 Senate ....... Appendix, 1257, 1268, 1269
compensation of auctioneer ....... 759 of April 15, 1861, calling out the
advertisements .................. 759 militia, Ac........Appendix, 1258
collusion in sale, to defraud captors or of April 19, 1861. declaring the
government, made a felony, and how blockade of ports in certain
punished ....................... 759, 760 states ........... Appendix, 1259
compensation of counsel to captors, how of April 27, 1861, extending block-
determined and paid .............. 760 ade to ports of other states,.Appendix
authority of Secretary of Navy to em-
ploy counsel, repealed ............. 760 of May 8, 1861, ealling out more
counsel-fees in, how paid ............. 760 volunteers, and directing an in.
witness.fees in,how ad, ............. 760. crease in the regular army and in
commissioners of prize, not to exceed the seamen of the navy,..Appendlx.
two in any district, ................. 760 1260
one to be retired naval officer .....760 of May 10,1861, declaring martial
salaries of both not to exceed 6000, 760 law In the isand. of Key West,
appeals from districts in, to be directly the Tortugas, and Santa Rosa,
to supreme court .................. 760 on the coast of Florida, and per.
and to be made in thirty days, un- mitthg the writ of haboa corpus
less, &e ....................... 760 to be suspended there..... Idx
I 1W0, 1E
in what cases appeals may be claimed,.. 760

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1406 1855-1863

IDBX. 1407
Proclmaifee of the Proed, (continned.1, Prosecutor,(continued.)
appointing daye, of public humilia- to be liable for all costs incurred by
tion, fating, and prayer,.. Apendix, bimsel........................ 698
Prospet Hil Cemetery,
of August 16, 1861, declaring the act to incorporate, and name .......... 892
Inhabitants of certain states to powers and duties of corporation ...... 82
be in insurrection, and prohibit- officers, their powers and duties ...... 82
ing commercial intercourse there- to hold o2ce until successors are
with ............... Appendix, 1262 elected ........................ 82
celebration of 22d February ..... Appendix, each proprietor entitled to one vote,.... 82
1268 not less than seventeen contiguous acres
recommending public thanksgiving for to be set apart for cemetery ........ 82
victories................ Appendix, 1268 streets, &c., not to be opened through
declaring ports of Port Royal, Beaufort, cemetery .......................... 82
and New Orleans open ........ Appendix, not to be obstructed by corporation, 82
1268 wilful injury, &c., of tomb, monument,
regulations of trade with those fence, shrubbery, &e., ho* punished,. 82
ports............. Appendix, 1284 corporation may receive bequests, gi,
in regard to proclamation of Major-Gen- &c., for certain purposes, and hold
eral Hunter ............. Appendix, 1264 personal property..............82
declaring certain states, &c., to be In not to issue notes, c., as currency, 84
rebellion ............... Appendix, 1268 burial lots not to be subject to debts of
warning persons engaged in rebellion to proprietors........ ........ 82, 88
cease and to return to allegiance, certificate of, under sel, to have same
Appendix, 1266 effect as deed ...................... 88
declaring the slaves in certain states and stockholders individually liable for debts
parts of states fiee ....... Appendix, 1267 of corporation ..................... 88
proclaiming the'objects of the war, and act may be amended, &c ............. 88
that slaves in staxes in rebellion will when to take effect, .............. 88
be free, &c ............. Appendix, 1266 Protection,
certain acts, and orders of President to emigrants on overland routes to Cali-
of the United States, legalizedl .... 826 foria, &. ......................... 204
Prodacers. See InternalRevene. Pioidence," 217e,
of certain articles, subject to same duty American register to issue to,....... 829
as manufacturers .................. 729 "Po'viei," The Spani Bark,
PromissoryNotes. See teral Revenue. payment to owners, for wrongful seiz-
rates of duties upon ............. 480, 720 ure and detention of ............... 90
Promotions, Provident Association of C rs,
in army, navy, and marine corps, in charter of, amended ..... ......... 17
cases of retired lists ......... 289, 290, 291 members may withdraw on notice, and
in navy, in consequence of retired list, 880 receive share of assets ............. 17
In the navy, advisory board upon...... 584 Provisions and Cotkhinq,
offieers receiving thanks of Congress to bureau of, established In navy depart-
be advanced ....................... 684 ment ............................. 610
of seamen distinguishing themselves in officers, &c., of, their salaries,. .610, 511
battle ......................... 584, 585 transfer of appropriation for bureau of,. 681
acting volunteer lieutenants, when in appropriations for bureau of,.. .690, 691, 816
line of ............................ 84 Provost-Marsnhals,
Proofs, one to be appointed thr each enrolment
corrected, between authors and publish- distridt .......................... 782
ers, to have same postage as printed rank., payand duties ot ........... 782,784
matter ................ 705 Provos-a.m&/. Gmard,
pro"et Clew4 to be appointed or detailed by the Presi-
of metropolitan police ......... 678, 579 dent .............................. 782
Poposals, rank, pay, and emoluments of ..... 782, 784
for loan to be published ........... 260 office of, to form sepaate bureau of the
most favorable, by responsible bidders, war department, ................... 782
to be aeeepted .................... 260 duties of ......................... 782, 784
ProprietaryArtida, Prowy. See BiaUing Anociations.
provisions of tax act concerming ....... 476 shareholders in banking association
provision concerning stamps upon. 682 may vote by ...................... 876
Pseution.. See Actons, H.Weas Crpus. officers of banking association not to act
against officers for flse arrest, &., pro- as............... ......... 7
ceedings therein ................ 756, 757
Prosecutor, minister of, to the United States to ap-
in suits for violation of act to punish point an umpire between commission-
frauds against the government, to re- era of United States and New Gran-
ceive one half forfeitures, and dam- ada, If, c .......................... 98
ages ............................... 698 PWiv Building.,
and all costs ................... 698 approprifion toiuminate, February 22,
to carry on suit, at own expense,..... 698
not to discontinue, without written oon. for oice of commissioner of, . .861, 688
sent ofdistrictjudge and attorney,... 698 for purposes and repairs o4 686-691,74

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1407 1855-1863

1408 NDkX
Pub/ Lands, (continued.)
heretofore printed or pr d at cost grant to Michigan to aid In eonstruction
of the government, and now on hand, of railroad ............ -620, 621
to be equally distributed among mem- line of railroad changed, ..... 620, 621
bers of both Houses of present Con- price of lands .................... 62
grant of, to Wisconsin to aid in con-
structing railroad .............. 618, 619
act to pay interest on ............... 482 grant ot; to Minnesota, for railroad,- 626
Public Doeummts, act to reduce the expenses of the survey
act for distribution of ............. 244, 246 and sale of ........................ 409
rales for distribution where copies are 4 does not apply to mineral lands, - -. 410
insufficient to supply one Institution,.24 , contracts for surveys not to be binding
246 until, &c .......................... 409
documents of 86th Congress, 2a ses- certain printed instructions to be deem-
sion......... .............. 246 ed part of such contract ........... 409
institutions selected to receive docu- prices of surveys to be established by
ments of first session, to receive those commissioner of general land office, - 409
of second session, unless designation accounts of cost of qurveying and plat-
is changed before distribution com- ting private land-clams and map, to
menoes, .......................... 245 be kept, ........................... 409
proviso as to duplicates ........ 245 patents not to issue until such costs are
documents to be sent to institutions al- paid ............................... 409
ready designated, unless, &e........ 245 Utah and Colorado may be made one
distribution of works of John Adams,.. 245 surveying, district .................. 409
of American state papers ......... 245 surveyorgeneral of Colorado to per-
* of pamphlet laws,............. 245 form the duties ................ 409
of public statutes ............ 245, 246 surveying district of Nevada to be uni-
decisions of supreme court, ........ 246 ted to that of California ......... 409
number of copies of Biennial Register, surveyor-generid of California to
or Blue Book, to be printed2........ perform the duties ............ 409
repeal of inconsistent lws- ........... - 246 transfer of effects and archives ..... 409
Pub 'cDues, the President upon, &., may discon-
certain treasury notes may be received tinue any land-office, ......... 409
in payment of. ................. 259-261 pay of registers and receivers ....... '409
public bAsting, Humiliation, and Praye, annual salary, fee, &c............ . 409
President requested to recommend a fees in donation cases ............. 409
day for,..See Proca~tn. 828 to be accounted for .......... 409
limitation as to maximum) ........ 409
P'ubic Grounds, settlements upon unsurveyed lands,.... 410
appropriations for,...: 107,216,849, 850, 746 privilege of, exended to Califor-
purchase of tools and trees, &c.,. 849 ala ........................... 410
Pub ealth, pre mption claimants to file declar-
power and duty of police In ease of dan- atory statements within three
ger to ............................. 579 months ........................ 410
abatement of nuisances afibecting the,... 808 prefmption and settlement of mineral
Puhc Hghways. See Highways. lands not authorized ............... 410
what to be deemed in the county of surveyor-general of New Mexico to do
Washington, D. C................. 888 duty of repister and receiver......... 410
in Washington County, D. C., power of in any district surveyor-general may
levy court over................. 799-808 be required to do such duties,... 410
Public lnstrction. See PimarySchools. salaries of surveyors-general of Califor-
of youth in primary schools in the Dis- nia, Oregon, Washington, Utah, and
trict of Columbia, act concerning,... 894 Nevada, established. ............... 410
Public Lands, settlers in any township not mineral or
appropriations for survey of,.. 108, 218, 851, reserved, may have survey thereof,
747 by filing application and advancing
act to secure homesteads to actual set- costs, if, &c........................ 410
tiers on ........................... 892 not mineral, to be granted to each state, 68
graduation act repealed .............. 418 . quantity that may be granted,. *... 08
certain, granted to Missouri, to aid a how may be apportioned and selected,.. 608
railroad, to revert to the United States where there is not full amount in
if road is not completed within time,. 422 any state subject to private en-
certain, heretofore granted to Iowa, dis- try, land scrip may b5 issued,. 504
charged from the conditions of the such scrip may be sold........ 504
grant ....... ..................... limit upon its location ......... 604
certain settlers in the Blue Earth region, not to be located until after '
Minnesota, may perfect their rights as January 1, 1868 .......... 60
prel'mptors ......................... 66 expenses of management, &c., of lands
proceedings for that purpose ...... 56 to be borne by states,...............04
act granting right of way through, to all moneys from sale of such lands by the
rail and plank roads, extended ..... 577 states to be Invested In safe stocks,... 64
right of way for railroad, to Oregon to constitute a pcrpltnal fund, - . 504
Steam NavilttInn Company ....... 677 capital to be undiminished ....... 60

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1408 1855-1863

MMqDK. 140

Posle Loui, (contnued.) Pubc Printe, (continued.)

interest to be applied to maintain, not to employ more hands than
&c., at least one college for agri- neoese.....................
ssy 117
culture and the mechanic arts,... 04 to report number employed to Con-
conditions of grant to states ........... 604 gress at each session ........... 117
assent of states ................... 04 to be responsible for manuscripts,
to be given within two years,.. 605 plane, & .....................
s 118
any diminution of fund to be made to have charge of alU matter ordered
up by states ................... 04N- to be printed, .................. 118
application of annual interest,......604 to account quarterly with Secretary
no part to be applied to buildings,.. 604 of Treasury .................. 118
college to be provided within five to receive advances to pay for work
years ..................... 604, 605 and materias ................. 118
annual report of college........... 606 to settle accounts like other disburs-
copies, how distributed, ....... 5 Ing officers .................... 118
computation of number of acres, rates of printig,................ 118
where lands are selected from to charge himself with all materi-
those at double minimum price, 605 als received ................... 118
states in rebellion not to have ben- to do no printing but what is or.
efit of this act, ................. 06 dered by Congress or heads of
foes of land officers .................. departments, ................... 118
governors of states to which scrip to I- to see that volumes and sheets are
sued to report annually to Congress, promptly delivered, ............ 118
sales of scrip ...................... 506 to furnish samples of standard W
certain may be set apart for the national per for Congressional documents
association for the relief, &a., of color- to applicants .................. 118
ed women and children ............. 650 to advertise annually for proposals
eighty acres may be given to each In- for paper ..................... 118
dian who aied the whites .......... VA proposals, how and where to
granted to Wisconsin and Michigan, to be opened............. 119.
aid in construction of a military road contract to be given to lowest
from Fort Wilkins to Fort Howard,.. 797 bidder. ................... 119
conditions, restrictions, and privileges of to see that contract is properly per-
the grant, ...................... 797, 798 formed, ....................... 119
town sites to be reserved from, surveyed difflrenees between superintendent and
or unsurveyed ..................... 754 contractors, how determined ...... 119
reservations to be surveyed into urban proceedings where contractor is in de-
or suburban lots ................... 764 Ihult ........ .............. 119
value of lots to be appralsed .......... 764 liability of suhcontractors and
lots to be sold at public sale or private their sureties ................. 119
entry............................. 756 suprntendent to procure engraving to
Fort Howard Military Reserve in Wis- ne ......... ................. 119
consin and lands adjacent to be sur. to prepare estimates annually, .... 119
veyed and sold ................ 771, 772 to report to Congress .......... 119
Fort Crawford Military Reserve to be subjects of repor, ................ 119
surveyed and sold, ................ 772 not to be interested directly or ndi-
grant of, to Kansas, to aid in the con- dectiyin any newspaper, &c., nor
struction of railroads and telegraph In any pr 9 ............ 120
lines............................. "772 violation tereofto
be penitentiary
Pub&Aieneu, offence........................ 120
at Philadelphia, may be deposited in collusion of superintendent to defraud
custom-house building ............. 752 the government, how punished, .. 120
appropriation for fitting up rooms further provisions In relation to,... A2 , 86
therefor ...................... 752 See &peritedent of Public Printing.
pAlic Prter,
to contract for lithographing certain P4U s PYIt Pi.
maps........................... 822 land conveyed to city of Washington
appropriations for ............... 186 for ............................... 27
superintendent of, at each session, to sub- Public Sips,
mit estimate of expenses of, in detail, 186 of the United States, shares in prizes,
and to make report of expendi. how determined, ................... "875
taes .......................... 185 Pwbic Soes,
price of, reduced forty per cent. ....... 120 goods deposited I, when to be with-
and binding to be done under direction drawn, and duties paid,............. 294
of superintendent, ............... 117, 118 goods in, August 1, 1862, subject to what'
superintendent to purchase or erect rates of duty ...................... 559
buildings, procure machinery, &c,.. 117 provision for withdrawal of goods from, 50
cost not to exceed $150,00 ....... 117 56
may appoint foreman of printing for fermitting goods to remain in,. 660
and of binding ................ 117
salary and qualifications ofeach, 171 school-houses of primary schools in
their duties and responsibili- Washington County, D. C., may be
ti ..................... 117 used for .......................... 409

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1409 1855-1863

1410 INDEX
Publiher. See Poet-QFfi Dqiarbabat Qoartermster'sDeartment, (continued,)
of newspapers, periodicals. &c., may con- *tore in, since July 1, 18% and report
tract for their delivery by carriers,... 704 to be made ....................... 204
may be required to make affidavit as to officers to be added to, rank, pay,&c.,.. 287
sending to regular subscribers without rule as to promotion ............. 287
prepayment of postage .............. 708 matter-wagoners, number, rank, and
penalty on, for so sending to other than .y............................. 287
regular subscribers ............. 708 tary storekeepers in, authorized,... .09
one half to go to Informer,....... 708 number not to exceed twelve ..... 09
ma7 interchange free one copy of pub- Qw*mteSergeant,
hcations .......................... 709 regimental, pay of ................... 270
Pupes &Sod, to have same pay as regimental con-
improvements of settlers on reserva- missary-sergeants .................. 694
tiens within, to be paid for ........ 67,68 Quartermastars,Rwieat,
Pe S d C lle on Dishid, not to allow use of army wagons for
Port Townsend abolislied as a port of sutfers' purposes ................... 878
entry .............................. 482
Port Angelos established a port of en- namo of the bark, changed to that of
try and delivery ................... 482 "General Burnside," ............... 619
Punishmeats, Qu-ai~des and QW/e-uvt,
imposed by certain ministers abroad, &c., appropriations for the ..... 10,286,526, 789
to be proportioned to offence...... 74, 75 treaty between the United States and, of
for murder and felonious assaults, to be July 1, 1856, and January 25, 1856,
imposed by court-martial ........... 786 preamble, contracting parties, &.,... 971
Purchaseand Charterof Venels, cession of lands to the United States, 971
appropriations for ................ 27, 880 boundaries thereof .......... 971
who to make, their pay, &c .......... 562 reservation, amount reserved, &a.,. 971
Pwuases, to be set apart, surveyed, &e.,. 971
not to be made for supplies of govern. whites not to reside thereon,
ment, until after advertisement for unless, &c ................ 971
proposals, except, &c. ...... 108, 104, 220 foreign Indians not to reside
nor unless authorized by law, or under thereon, without, &o ...... 978
ana ppropriation made ....... 104, 220 reads may be run through, -
prohibition of, of patented fire-arms re- damages to be paid ....... 971
pealed,............................ 220 may be surveyed into Iota and
of articles for Indians, to be made after assigned to individuals, .... 972
advertisement ...................... 528 tribes to settle on reservation with.
goods for Indian department to be niade In a year .................... 971
only on written requisition ......... 29 where to remain meanwhile,.. 971
Pser, rights of fishing and hunting re-
in the navy, increased pay of ........ 26,25 served to Indians ............. 972
tobe called "paymasters," ............ 88 not to take shell-fish from beds
pay of pursers' clerks at certain navy of citizens ................ 972
yards ............................. 88 payments by the United States,... 972
P r' Clerks, how to be applied ......... 972
at certain navy yards, pay of ......... 88 President to be informed of
Pe, Peai wishes of Indians ......... 972
assignment of land to children of ..... 1118 appropriation for expenses of re-
Puralup, moval, settlement, &c........ 972
appropriations for the ..... 50,226, 618,780 Indians may be removed to other
reservations .................. 972
or may be consolidated with
other tribes ................ 972
Quh, William, to be remunerated for expenses
title to saline lands in Illinois confirm- and improvements ........ 972
ed, ............................... 891 reservations may be surveyed into
Quapaws,. lots and assigned ............. 972
appropriations for the ..... 68, 229, 620, 788 annuities not to be taken to pay
Quartmenuster-General, debts of individuals ............. 972
appropriations for office of the,..98, 189, 140 to be withheld from those wao
862, 868 drink, &c., ardent spirits,.... 978
additional clerks in office of ....... 888, 868 tribes to preserve friendly relations, 972
clerical force in the office of, to be in- to pay for depredations ...... 972
creased ............................. 641 to surrender offenders ....... 978
copyists and laborers ............. 641 not to make war but in self.
Qutermaster-General'sDepartment, defence ................... 972
fitting up temporary rooms for,........ 751 to free all slaves and not to
Quartermaters, acquire others ............ 978
of battalions, pay and emoluments o4.. 280 not to trade out of the United
Quartermaser Department, States. ................... 978
appropriations for,....64, 200, 844, M44,606 United States to establish free com-
Secretary of. War to cause an exam- mon schools provide instructors,
ination to be made of the expendi- &e. ........................... 978

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1410 1855-1863

INDEM lial
Quii-el.a ,nd Qii.leA-u,, (continued.)
to unish mechanics, phypi- to be distributed as prize-money ....... 607
clan, medicine, &c....... 978 Rate of Postp. See Piet-O.Ja Dpart.
treaty,when to take effect ........ 978 on mailable matter ................ 704-709
signature, ratification, proclama- Ratio, (Ary,)
tion, &e .................. 978, 974 of coffee and sugar may be exchanged
for extract of coffee, if men desire it, 610
hqreafter to include pepper ......... 744
acts allowing double rations in certain
Rabbit Lake R&emration, cases, repealed ................... 290
ceded to the United States ........... 1249 one allowed daily to officers of navy at
Wfof" owve, se,*...... ............ W7
assent of Congress given to ac of states not alowed toofie onretired 1It,... 687
coneernin ........................ 250 daily, allowed to under-cooks of African
Ratre , See Washington - G. It. Co. descent, ........................... 744
Washington and Georgetown, incorpo- Raw, S,
ra t ed............... 888 imported from certain places, exempt
act to extend the charter of the Alexan- from additional duty ........... 742
dria and Wasbington, .............. 799
Pl&roadBonds, fe, and lbra, for soldiers in Wash-
tax upon Income from .............. 469 ington.. ................... 822
RerMstate. SeeDire Tax, Inte a
certain, may build bridges across the sale of, for taxes................... 804-806
Ohio River........................ 570 right of redemption ................ 804-806
R=7road-Engine. and Cars, deed, when to be given,..........806, 808
lost or destroyed in military service of tax to be a lien on ............ 808, 808
the United States, to be paid for .... 748 lists of transfers and changes of, to be
Rearead/Lon, made annually .................... 809
provision concerning duties on ........ 197 of collectors and sureties, sums due
RBaloads. See Tax. from collector to be a lien on,..807, 812
tax on gross receipts of .............. 468 may be taken for taxes where personal
act granting right of way to, through property is insufficient, ............. 440
public lands, extended fve years, ... 677 proceedings in such case,......440, 441
President may take possession of; when of banking associations, what and for
public safety requires it,............ 884 what purpose may be held, &c,.. 669
may prescribe rules for holding, value of, to be stated by cashier semi-
using, repairing, and completing anually .......................... 678
the same ..................... 884 Rowa-Adnir*4
may put officers, &c.,of, under mil grade of,in the navy established ...... 88
itary control, ...... ....... 884 number on active and retired lst,.. 586,
may be considered post-roads and part 586
of military establishments .......... 884 fago .............................. 86
obstructing, or attempting to obstruct, rank =n p .............. 58, N8, 687
the government inthe use 4f, in rebel Br-Admirals -
states, punishable by death or other- 884
wise, ........................ provision as to flag of the three senior,
repealed, .......................... 769
Pr *identto appoin-t commissioners to
determine pay of; for such use of their made a capital offence under
property .......................... 884 judicial power to certain ministers,
pay of commissioners ................ 884 , .. ..................... 7 ,77
transportation of troops, supplies, &A., See C mcaOfeoes.
to be under control of Secretary of Rellon against the United States,
War ............................... 884 act to provide for the suppression of
conflicting, &c., provisions, repeal- the ............................ 281, 282
ed ............................ 884 the President may call forth ad employ
At to continue in force until &c .834, 885 the militia, when, &e. ............. 281
meaning of this act declared, and part and the land and naval forces ..... 281
repealed..... ............... 626 to command inurgents to
time for completing certain, in Missouri, within, &a .................... 282
extended ten years ................ 422 militia to be subject to articles of war,.. 282
grant of land to, in Minnesota,... ..... 625 to continue in service until dis- *
and branches, in Kansas, public lands eharged ................ 282
granted to state In aid of construe- but not beyond, c. unless, Ic.,... 2892
tion of ....... .............. 772 pay, rations, and allowancse off.... 282'
Ramndsbu, Mr'che/ and, penalty of officers and soldiers of;
ment to, for furniture for court-room, 879
Nathan, for disobedleuce of orders of Pres-
Ident ......................... 282
life-pension to ....................... 818 courts-martial for trial of militia to be of
Rmt, militia officers only ................ 28A
relative, of army and navy officers,....586 fines imposed by courts-martial, how
relative, of officers in the revenue cutter collefted-and paid,.................
service, when serving as part of the masils and deputy marshals to have"
navy, ................ ..... 40 aittorityofsherii,........... ... 28

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1411 1855-1863

1412 INDMbL
pasm PAM
&inottait dted aoa, (continued.) RdaTo. See Diroet Tax, internadRew e
repealofportionofactof1796 ........ 282 of property distrained for taxes ....... 804
states in, not to have benefit of grants of real estate sold for taxes ........ 804, 800
of land for agricultural, &c., colleges, 506 of lands sold for taxes in states where
against the United States, persons aid- the insurrection exists, proceedings
ing, &c., how punished ............. 590 for ...........................4"425
seizure and confiscation of property of of goods distrained under the tax act,
those engaged in .............. 690, 591 provision for ............. :489,441, 452
of land sold for taxes in lnsurredtionr 4
act to punish correspondence with,.... 669 districts ...................... 641
verbal or written correspondence with, who may redeem, and how,... 640, 641
how punished ...................... 696 where owner is a minor, or under
in what court offence to be tried, ...... 696 disability ..................... 641
of circulating notes of banking associa-
three to be given by collectors of tax,.. 802 tion, when association fails to redeem,
contents thereof ..................... 802 provisions concerning ..... 672, 678, 682
Receiver, Red I/oer,
provisions concerning appointment of, assent of ongrass given to acts Improv-
for banking associations in default,.. .678 ing the navigation of ............. 260
6F1 tolls may be charged, .............20 261
expenses of receivership, how paid,.... 676 Ped River of tMe North
Receive and Regi8ters qf LaN-Offie, appropriations for survey of sites for mil-
duties and fees of, under homestead itary posts near ................. 66, 67
act, ................... 8 report to be made to Congress, .... 67
Receivers of Land-O fc, appropriation for the construction of a
at Santa Fd, New Mexico ........... 760 milttary poe tnear the valley of ...... 208
of Columbia River District, appointment site to be selected, and post built,
and pay of ........................ 17 under the direction of the Secre-
of land-office in the district of Nevada,.. 608 tary of War .................. 208
of consolidated land-offices to receive Reft litnents,
certain fees, &c......... 8......1 three months extra pay for certan, abol-
and allowance for ofce-rent and ished. ............................ 288
clerk-lhire ..................... 181 oath of allegiance in cases of, may be
of land-office at Boonevilie, Mo., to re- administered by whom............. 289
ceive certain fees, &o.............. 181 Reeves, Aside D., widow of J.S.K. Reeves,
for Yancton land district authorized, llfeension to ...................... 85
'm............................ 2(4 Bee" E/isa,
powers, duties, and pay of, . .. 244 pension to ......................... 880
a propriation for salaries of ........ 887
ayoy salary, and fe, .............. 409 Aff"on at the mint, limit to mount
limitation as to maximum ......... 409 of, extended to branches of mint, &c., 144
surveyor-general in New Mexico to act
as ............................... 410 to states, expenses for volunteers, ap-
any surveyor-general may be required propriation fot .................... 845
to do duty of ...................... 410 Reget of Samdoin Institution,
in Colorado district, .................. 418 appointments ot ............ 261, 617, 826
duty and salary of ............... 418 A. Badger expelled .......... 2
Reciving Boxes. See Pes-Offlce Deate.
may be established for receivipg mail- of what to consist, and pay of ..... 270, 280
matter ............................. 704 act authorizing, repealed ............ 694
expenses of, how charged ........ 704 men composing, to be mustered out of
Reciproeitjt ., service In thirty days .............. 694
goods may be entered under, without Regiments,
consular certificate ................. 572 of same arm and from same state,
with Great Britain, expenses of commis- when companies of, may be onsoli-
sion under ......................... 749 dated, ............................ 784
Recorder of Land-Thies in Missowr, officers of, in such cases, redueed ...... 784
" a ropration for..... .... 189, 861, 689 officers not to be appointed to regiments
reduced below the minimum ........ 786
of 'police in District of Columbia, con- . Bond. See Bond, Loan, Treasuy
tents, &c ......................... 828
to be open for inspection ......... 828 Secret of Treasury may issue .....709
of sales of land for taxes to be kept by maybe ssued for part of national loan, 269,
collector,.... ................ 441 260
See Tax. how executed and trnseabe 260
Recruiting1. See Enlisting. issue of, authorized .............. 846, 846
soldiers or sailors to serve against the Register Of Deeds,
United States, how punied... 817 office of, established in District of Co-
ReavWXY Service, lumbia, ........................... 661
appropriation for ............ 505,642 appointment of register ........... 651
Rere A, duties, fees, &. ............... 651
payment for bringing, allowed, ........ 09 Secretary of Interior to furnish rooms
premium for ........................ 82 for, ........................... 661,662

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1412 1855-1863

INDEX8 1418
Relic (otiue&.) ..
Rujiawe Of Treastil
appropriations for offieoZ.95, 96, 186, 187, osck and disabled seamen .......... 848
08 8, 859, 686, 687 of semen in foreign countries ....... 848
Re strof Vole ter, Reliios, a-., orporataop
to be prepred....................... 750 in territories, not to hold min than
Registers, Arcon $60,000 of real estate .............. 501
to issue to the vested rights saved .............. 602
Blue Bonnet,.................. 829 Relgious Freedom,
Cairnia, ................. 82 provisions concerning, under treaty with
City of Toronto, ................ 829 Reiin, Bolivia, .......................... 1011
Estella, 8........................
astings ....................... 829 of penalties, U, incurred under law pro-
K arnak ............... .. 2 hibiting commercial intercourse with
Marion ........................ 829 inhabitants of states in insurrection,
Ot taw
a 829 provisions concerning .......... 2 258
Providence ..................... 829 Appendix, 1261
Selkirk, of Winsor ............. 829 &ies and penalties under clearance law
Ristof ofLand-Offis, when there was no wilful negli-
of land-offices, appropriations for,. .278, 748 gen.e ............................ 271
of Columbia RiWer District, appoint. of additional duties under transportation
ment and pay of............... 17 bonds ............................ 271
of comlidated land-offices, to receive of penalties and forfeitures, for vessel
certain fees ....................... 181 leving without permit, after clearance
and allowance for ofte-rent and
clerk-hire ..................... 181 for transporting, or attempting to
of land-office at Booneville, Mo., to re- trsnsport, goods, &c., prohibited, 406
ceie certain fees, &c.............. 181 of forfeitures under the act to punish
for Yancton land district authorized,... 244 and p ent frauda on the revenue,.. 789
power, duties, and pay of ......... 244
ppropriationfor salaries ot ...... . 867 pension to .......................... 921
Mo, salary and fees ............ .. 409 Repabr,
limitation as to maximum ......... 409 of vessels at any navy yard, costing over
surveyor-general in New Mexico to * $8000, how to be made ........ 80,147
act as.............................. 410 costing over $1000 ......... 80,147
any surveyor-general may be required Repstigay, Chevalier de,
to do duty of .................. 410 representatives of, may institute suit to
in Colorado district, ............. 418 recover certain lend in Michiga, .... 888
duty and salary of..... ..... 418 proceedings In such suit, .......... 889
of land-office In the district of Nevada,, ON
Rgistation. See Po-Office D"Vtme. quarterly, of superintendent of police,.. 825
of valuable letters, provisions concern- annual, of board of polie, ............ 825
ing ....... ....................... 706 Rep""te,
fee not to exceed twenty cents, ....... 706 of decisions ofsupreme court, appropri-
department not to be liable for loss,.... 706 ation for ................. 12, 866, 698
return receipt to be sent writer....... 706 before military courts, judge advocate
showing to whom and when deliv- may appoint ...................... 786
ered .......................... 706 ROW*
receipt to be in courts timan fucto ap ................. 276,866
evidence of delivery ............ 707
Registy of Los, 6v., PrPery, of comptroller o the c ey, amnual, 681
to be kept by board of police in District of banking associations to le made quar-
of Columbia ..................... 828 terly to comptroller .............. O7
Regular Army. See Militmy Eablishmet. abstracts to be published ............ 671
act to Increase ................. 279-281 separate reports to be published quar-
when increase to be reduced .......... 281 terly ............................. 671
term of enlistment in ............. 280, 281 In large cities,
P~qo 'wa s,montbly, .............. 672
bounties and allowances, ........ 281
officers of, detached for duty with other of police in District of Columbia, to be
regiments, &., may resume positions, ke t and bound, ................... 828
&0............................... 281
certain of new regiments to be em- ............. N.. 682
ployed in enlistments and others Represenaivs to O3gress,
on the field, ................... 281 to be elected by single districts ........ 672
Reily, Araila, this set not to apIy to California for
pension to....... ............. 889 the thirty-eighth Congress .......... 572
additional member from Illinois may be
of loyal citizens of states in insurrec- elected at I.d............ 5n
tion, provision concerning,.......... 425
of states for moneys expened,....760, 764 of Winnebago Indians, to be appraised
and sold ............. ; ......... 68, 659
of destitute Indians ................... 289 mode of procedure ............ 68, 659
of emigrants on overland routes ...... 204 treaty provisions In regard to settle-
of American seamen8................. mente of Indians on, and against set-

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1413 1855-1863

1414 UM=
BservaStns, (continued.) Revenu Cutters, (continued.)
tement by whites. Se . leia certain, may be sold, and others subt-
Treaties. tuted.......................... 275, 276
foreign Indians not to reside upon,..8, 9, I additional engineers and assistants au-
of public lands for mail stations to be thored ......................... 276
sold when stations are abandoned,.... 71 the "Harriet Lane" may be transferred
for certain Indians, appropriation for to the navy,.* ..................... "276
survey of ........... f............. 58 Revenue Lqw,
Indian, provisions concerning. See
awar"ee, Kansas Indian, SwnCek Del- provisions for executing and enforcing,
when execution, 40. obstructed,..2-258
dc., Winnosgoes,...1101, 1105, 1[11, 1129 otl~er suitable vessels may be employed
of various bands of Dakota or Sioux to gid revente cutters in service,..... 257
Indians, appropriation for payment Revenue Marins. See Reveue Cutlers.
of ............................... 287 act relative to ........................ 275
payment may be made In bonds of Revenue Officers,
the United States ............. 287 penalty on, for knowingly admitting to
Orcertan Sioux Indians, to be surveyed entry, goods, &c., for less than legal
. and sold, .......................... 819 duty, ............................. 789
those of the Chippewas ce ed to the for accepting a fee or gratuity,.•.. 740
Unite# States ..................... 1249 offering presents, &, how pun-
that of the Ott~wqs to je surveyed, ished ............................ 740.
, ........ ..................... 1287 Reue Stmps,
pprt of expenses of special dies for, al.
in the navy, pay of officers on, when lowed to Butler and Carpenter ...... 752
called into active service ........... 27 Revsion
Noddeant. See Dbt Tax. of laws of District of Columbia, act con-
tax Ist of, to be made otit ........... 299 cerning ....................... 408-765
Assistance to te Laws of the Uited Stes, final report, when to be made..... 408
. act to provide for the suppression of,..281, repeal of part of act, .................. 582
See PRd~ion, 4'c 282
a""liejV 8 Reward, naval laws of the United States,.. 825
of the
Retired List,
for medical 6ficers of the navy ....... 150 police in District of Columbia not to re-
pay of such officers .............. 150 ceive, ............................ M2
for officers of the army, marine cor, Reynolds, Thomas C.,
and navy, provisions concerning,. 290, Rkett,payment to, for oed al services,... 877
pe ament to .......................... 846
of the navy, who to be retired, &o.,.829, 880
certain officers of navy receiving thanks
of Congress, not to be placed on, un- annual direct tax apportioned to........ 29
til after fifty-five years of service,.... 84 additional representative In Congress
for officers of the army and of the ma- 88
rine corps whose names have been on R assigned to, .......................
register forty-five years, ............ 596 1054
PRetwwOjic See Coubts. e rtpatonof,from Japan, prohibited,.
to be established In department of the payment to, for duties wrongly exacted,. 890
interior ...... .................... 412 Rice Lake Reservatmo,
clerk, salaruty .................. 412 ceded to the United States ........... 1249
emu See rds,Impoft. RhKcards, f. R.,
act to punish and prevent frauds upQn,. 787 payment to, as chaplain of penitentiary,. 872
act to provide increased, from Imports, Ri; 2 rson, AIden B.,
&c. ............................ 291 indemnification for money borrowed by,
Reveae Agents, of Farmers' Bank,.................. 918
three to be appointed................ 726 Riots. &C.
duties, salaries, & ................ 726 in District of Columbia, board of police
Revenue, octo of. See Collection of Revenue. may call in military aid to quell,..... 824
how appropriation for collection of, may Rienhouse, (Savny, Rittenhouse, Fant, and
be applied ................ #...... 286
Revenue Cutr &-etie, part of deposit on bid for stock to be
commissioned officers of, to be appointed refunded to ....................... 842
by the President, ................... 689 River Aux Jacques, or .Tames River,
grades of engineers n, and their pay,.. 689, name of, changed to Dakota River,.... 244
640 Rives, John C.,
wages ofpetty officers and crew........ 640 provision as to settlement of accounts of, 98
relative rank of officers in the, when
serving as part of the navy ......... 640 and highways through lands of Kansas
change of rank by this act not to Indians ............................ 1118
increase pay ................. 640 laying out, altering, repairing, and dis-
Reenue Cuttes, continuing certain, in Washington
steam or sailing, appropriation for .....272 County, D. C., ............ 79,802
pay of officers of .................... 275 taxes therefor to be levied and collect-
number of officers for each revenue ves- ed .............. 799, 802
sel,.......,....... ............... .27 par may"be paid in labor .....800, 801
what service to perform .............. 275 collectors of taxes .................... M

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1414 1855-1863

INDEX "1415
Rea, (continued.) sackes Hror,
superintendents and supervisors ofroads, 800 collection distriet o4 annexed to that
immediate and extraordinary repairs,... 801 of Cape Vincent, ................... 617
opening new roads, or changing course Socramento,
of old one ...................... 801, 802 coilection district of abolished, &e.. 411
claims for damages, if any, how deter- inspector to be appointed at, Ac...... 411
mined. ........................ 801, 802 qa oa: F .' AInian,,
juries, how summoned, &c....... 802 sale of lands Of by sealed bids, post-
fe of, .......................... 802 poned, ............................. 680
of marshal for summoning,.... 802 treaty with ......................... 1171
materials for marking or repairing roads,
how procured ..................... 802 appropriations for the, 54, 229, 280, M, 788
Roaolmo Weand, Saddlers,
thanks of Congress to officers and men pay of,......................... 270
for the victory at Roanoke Island,... 621 Safeuard,
Roberts, Mars"L0., forcing, how punished, ............... 840
claim for loss of "Star of the West," to Sxfe, Tera Anm,
be decided by the attorney-general,.. 911 payment to, for freed slaves ........ 924
Roberson, Jo/ T., Sailing Deho,
liability ot; on bond released, .......... 874 application of appropriation for printing, 268
"Rockall," The Shl'pl Sailing Vessels. See Stac.-Veesl.
name changed to "Massachusetts," .... 48 of the navy ....................... 80
to have three hundred and twenty acres in the navy, sea service ot how com-
of land .......................... 1181 puted ............................ 86
Rock Idaad, pay o .............................. 818
national arsenal established at, ........ 687
o e, .am&u, engaged in certain naval actions at
payment to representatives o, ......... 850 Hampton Roads, to be allowed not
Rogersin, Peter and &n, over $W1each .............. .... 878
payment to, for losses, &a.,by rescuing Sailors' Ldttrs
the passengers, &c., of the American may be forwarded without prepayment
ship "Northumberland,"............. 858 of postage ........................ 705
Roue River Indian, Saint ILuis
appropriations 6tr the,..... 58, 229, 288, 520, removal of arsenal from, .............. 208
788 sale.of grounds of ...............208, 209
conletion of custom-house and post-
payment to, .................... 19 o. e at............................ 182
Baseman, aorGeeul William S., Saint Mate~ws Church,
thanks of Congress to, and to the offlcers parish o in Washington, may convey
and men under his command ........ 827 certain lands ...................... 884
Rams Point, Slaries. See Internal Revene.
port of entry established at,........... 761 of those in the service of the United
Route Agents, States, tax upon .................... 472
in post-office department, pay of none to no money to be paid as in any office,
exceed $800 ....................... 87 unless authorized, .................. 646
law limiting their pay. to $800 a year nor to persons appointed to fill er.
repealed ....................... 204, 2D5 tain vacancies .................. 646
may deliver packages of newspapers ls. See Diret Tax. Inteu Revenue.
and periodicals................. 707 of real estate and other property for
Born, Captain Stephen C., taxes ........................ 804, 805
thanks of Congress to ............... 824 right and mode of redemption,.804, 806, 806
Roy, Francis, under internal revenue act,.489, 440, 449-486
land scrip to issue to ................. 899 "s aly McGee,"
Wj Charles F., name of the schooner, changed to that
payment to, of pay and emoluments,... 904 of "Ocean Ea^gle, ..............62
Bis; orae P., Sapde,
payment to assignee of ............... 888 appropriation to purchase ............ 81
RusseU, Katheine K., drawback on foreign, manu ctured into
pension to .......................... 890 gunpowder and exported ............ 748
Russel, W. W., Spr ini,
payment to Moses Kelly, administrator and eontiguons lands, time for selecting
in Oregon extended,............. 124
924 Sanderon,
aust, ot........................... Martha,
allowance not to be made for, an iron naion to*............. 860
and steel, &c., except, &c.......... 546
colfection district of, abolished ........ 411
inspector to be appointed at, &a ...... 411
S. Sa ds, Captain J.oha R.,
may acept testimonialfrom Great Brit-
ain ............................... 116
the Washington County, D. C., levy Sn4d Lake Reservation,
court may pas ordinances to prevent, 808 ceded to the United States.........12I9

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1415 1855-1863

1416 MNDX

&n Francisco, Scieander,Antoa, •

accounts of contractor to build custom- land-title of, confirmed and patent to
house, &c., at, to be adjusted, &c.... 111 issue ............................. 851
coast mail between, and Crescent City Schools. See Primary Schools.
may be established,................ 882 trustees of, for township in Adams
to be not less than semI-monthly,.. 882 County, Illinois, may select certain
cost not to exceed p20,000 per an- lands ........................... 44
num, ...... ,.............. 882 lands to be held for school purposes, 44
to be discontinued ......... 647 patent to issue therefor,......... 44
certain distriotq attached to collection former grant to revert to the
district of ......................... 411 United States ................. 44
salary of collector, naval officer, sur- treaty provisions for establishing, among
veyor, and appraiser at ............. 411 the Indians. See the Tide, o 1latier
mail service between, and Victoria, .... 647 with the several Indian Tribes.
Sanitary Condition, primary, for instruction of youth, in
of the army, to be under supervision of Washington County, D. C., provision
medical inspector-general, ........... 879 concerning .....................89-402
provision for sick and wounded in casws for colored children ............... 402
of emergency ...................... 879 Sol-books. See Primary Schools.
2 tniar Police Cowpany, in ty,
primary schools In Washington Coun-
D. C.......................... M9
to be selected from metropolitan po-
lice .............................. 579 Slod.Districts. See Primary Scol.
8Binty P.Woandand duties of .................
Regaations, 679 in Washington County, D. C., provis.
ions concerning ............ 895, 896, 400
In Washington O,bttty,D. C., provisions ,4001-Homm,
concerning ........................ 808 for primary schools in Washington
San .Toaquim, County, D. 0 ............. 896-402
collection district of, abolished, &e .... 411 for colored schools.. ............ 402
San T-a Exploring Erpeditibit, m be used for public ship .......... 402
appropriations fr drawIngs, &c.of .... 208
,SU Pod-o, trustees for a township in Randolph
obectibn district of, abolished, &c.,.... 411 County, Illinois, may select land in
inspector to be appointed at, &c ...... 411 lieu of that lost ................... 84
6ta Fe, Nyew Mexim, where selections may be made ...... 84, 86
military roads to, from Fort Union and patent, when to issue therefor .......... 86
Taos, appropriation to complete,.. 208 provisions concerning, in the act admit-
receivera ......................... 750 ting Kansas ....................... 127
Santa Rosa, establishing Colorado Territory,.. 176
martial law declared in the island of, Pakots, ..... .......... 248
Appendix, 1260 Nevada,..................... 214
habeas orp may be suspended in, Shoi-Tceadws. See Primary Schools.
Appendix, 120 provision concerning, under act for in-
Sappers and Miners, struction of youth in Primary schools
pay of volunteer privates, &c., of ..... 697 in District of Columbia ............ 896
Sar-oor-ie, for colored schools, ............... 402
to have three hundred and twenty acres •Scoiuq, John,
of land, ........................... 1181 lad-caim of, confirmed to certain ex-
Sardinia, tent, .............................. 71
grade of diplomatic officer to be sent effect thereof .................. 71, 72
to......................... 40 to be located and surveyed ....... 71
to be envoy extraordinary, and minister &.t;Indians,
plenipotentiary .................... 40 appvopriation for the,...... 46, 221, 18, 776
salary......... ............ 40 Scott, Ann,
Sargeant's Stema-Engie Governor, payment to ......................... 842
appropriation 'or porhse 'of right to -, John,
use, if,&e.,........................ 148 judgment against, to be released...846
&jon de San, RiBt, Screw Steamers,
decrees of district court concerning the seven of second-class, to be built, ...... 161
land known as, confirmed ....... 642, 648
Ste. Mfari, of office of comptroller of the cumney, 666
port of entry established at, .......... 761 effect of certificates under ............ 66
S4aiqs Institutions, impression may be on paper as well as
tax on dividends of ............... 470, 471 wax, ........... .................. 666
Sawyer, He n, S&am=n,
may accept a medal from the King of appropriation for relief of,..19, 20, 105, 216,
Holland........................... 611 885, 848
Sayre, Benamin, distinguishing themselves in battle, may
payment to ......................... 869 be promoted ...................... 84
,oav, CMarnerT., to receive gratuity and medal of honor, 684
payment to, as administrator of Gilbert S a Service,
8talker ............................ in the navy, what to be regarded as,... 27
fbeerer, Goweb, of boatswains, gunnerv, sailmakers, and
judgment against released, ...... * .... 851 carpenters, how computed .......... 86

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1416 1855-1863

INDEX. 141

of American vessels suspected of being

SweAn ,e f hkat , (itinued.)
'returns oce" established ...... 412
engaged in coolie trade, by U. S. ves- as to surveys of private caims de-
sels of war, authorized .............. 841 rived from foreign governments,. 410
of premises believed to be kept as com- duty under act to protect the property
mon gaming-houses, bawdy-houses, of certain Indians ................. 427
&c ....... ........................ 679 to appoint five commissioners for the
of premises for invoices and papers in Union Pacific Railroad Com pany,... 490
cases of alleged fraud upon the reve- to cause lands granted to saidrailroad
nue .............................. 740 company to be surveyed and set of,. 498
&wq's I _and, duty of, underact ganding lnd to states
adjacent to Kittery navy yardto be par- that provide colleges for the benefit
chased,..........................684 of agriculture and the mechanic arts,
Second Audtor, 68, 604
nation for office of,.858, 859, 688, 687 to inquire into expediency of reducing
tional clerks authorized in offce of,. 696 the Indian reservations in Califor-"
Sacod Comptroler, mIa,& ........................... 680
apopriation for office of,.858, 859, 685, 686 to allow for rent of land-office at Vitt-
additional clerks authorized in office of,. 762 cennes, ...........................
to set apart equal amount of land to
to comulsioner to carry into effect con- Iowa, ............................ 53
vention with Paraguay, appointment, to decide upon claims of certain prefmp-
pay, &c., ........... . 16, 16 tors in the Blue Earth region, Minne-
to commissioners appointed under act to sots, .............................. 56
carry Into effect convention with Peru, 795 to appoint special agent to detect frauds
to commissioner to carry into eflbct con- upon .pension-ofc .. 6..............
ventions with New Grenada and Costa may make payments from suspended an-
Riea, ............................. 146 nuities to loyal portions of Seminoles,
his power, duties, and pay, ...145, 146 Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws,. 614
of commander of squadron, pay of ..... 65 to cause lands on. lines of railroads in
&Cretarjt of le Inter-w, Wisconsin and Michigan to be dis-
appropriations for the office of the,.96, J188, posed of .................. 618, 619, 621
880, 687 to have supervision of Capitol exten-
may employ clerks for the census office,. 14 sion, .......................... 617
duties of, m relation to lands of half- of Potomac water-works ......... 620
breed Kansas Indians .............. 21 to distribute Biennial Register ........ 628
may divide California into two Indian to make an expenditure for the Winne-
districts,............. .......... 67 bago Indians .................. ".628, 629
to adjust damages to property of citizeps to designate suitable prison In a conven-
of Minnesota and Iowa by Ink-pa-di- ient state where certain convicts in
tab's band of Sioux Indians ......... 59 the District of Columbia may be sen-
to restore children of Edward Miltinore tenced to hard labor ............... 685
to their relatives .................. 67 to contract with authorities of such
to reserve mail stations on .route from prisob for the imprisonment, subsist-
the Mississippi to the Pacific ....... 70 ence, and employment of prisoners,.. 686
how to construe act in relation to Vir. to inform the court of the location of the
ginia land-warrants ................ 84 prison ............................ 686
to iakl rules for reissue of land war- to provide for safe transportation, ..... 685
rants lost ......................... 90 transfer of prisoners to Albany, N. Y.,
to make allowance for office-rent of land- legalized ...................... 685, 828
offices, ........................... 181 duty s to appropriations for peniten-
to allow for clerical services at land-office tiary ............................. 686
at Olympia, .................... 1.. 198 to pay ten dollars to each discharged
to audit accounts of superintendent of prisoner .......................... 686
Fort Ridgely, &c., wagon-road ...... 204 to transfer to a suitable penitentiary in
condition of the metropolitan police of the District when built, prisoners con-
the District of Columbia to be re. fined outside ..................... 69
ported to ......................... 826 to furnish rooms for the register of
may strike from pension-rolls names of deeds In the District of Columbia, 651,652
persons in arms against the United duty ot under the act for the relief of
States, &c......................... 887 persons for damages sustained from
to purchase cotton and tobaccoseed for the Sioux Indians..........68, 654
general distribution ................888 duty under act for removal of Winne-
receipts and disbursements under act bako Indians, and the sale of their
concerning Columbia Institution for reservation in Minnesota ........ 659,880
deaf and dumb, to be reported to,.... 870 4o cause reservations for town sites to -
to determine pattern of rails for Wash. be surveyed into urban or suburban
ington and Georgetown railroads,.... 889 lots.......................... 764, 756
dauty in regard to land-offices ....... 409 approval of sales of certain reservations,
survey of private land-claims de- necessary to complete the sale ....... 771
rived from foreign country ...... 410 duty of, under act granting lands to Kan-
duty of, under act to punish fraud in sas to aid in the construction of cer-
making contracts, ................... 411 tain railroads and telegraphs ........ 778

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1417 1855-1863

1418. INDRMT
sia oJda,0ae
Tateri.-, continued.) A & o the NaVy, (continued.)
negotiate tra es with Indian# as to autke allowance of not over $60 each
to bondaries, exchange of lands, "e., 792, to the sailors and marines in certain
798 naval actions in Hampton Roads,.... 876
to determine as to draws in structure duty under apdropriaton for completion
Along the Potomac Bridge .......... BOG of Stephens. battery .............. 880
duty o under the act for the removal, may commute navy ration of coffbe and
&o. of certain Sioux Indian# ..... 819, 820 sugar, when, &0 ................... 881
to grant portion of judiciary square fbt duty of, under act to punish fraud in
fee library and reading-room for sol- making contracts ............... 411, 412
dirs2. 82 may contract for raising sunken vessels
and for Whome for destitute news- and other property of the United
boys ............ 880 States ............................ 481
to distribute all public book. and doou- duty and authority of, under act reor-
mets, fc................... 82 ganizing the navy department,.. .610-12
written approval to be obti; ed for loca- may prepare and pack the preserved
tions of line of telegraph in Washing- meat part of the navy ration ...... 561
. ton, &c., D. 0 ...................... 827 orders, &c.1 of, to be regulations of navy
department,.... ................... 6W
appropriatons for,........ 20, 170, 88, 688 ma. receive from 'city of Philadelphia
to Sardinia, and compe ion, ........ 40 title to League Iand, if perfet, &, 676
~Secdry of~hdo v to appoint board to survey, Ue., for fit.
o ofie of the,. 99, 140 808, ness for navy yard at New London,
88, 690 and in the waters of Narragansett
to authorize superintendent of nasae Bay .............................. 676
asylum toreceive paiento ........... 28 to appl t an advisory board on promo-
to appoint examiningboard for repair of tions in the navy ................... 584
vessels ............................ 80 may asign clerks and laborers attached
to pay balance due I. K. Collins and to one bureauto duty in another .... 87
ot.e, ..... ............... 112 authority as to hours of labor and rates
tconstruct seven steam screw sloops.- of wages in navy yards ............
Of-war ............................ 161 may casse contractors furnishing sup-
to appoint a board of paymasters to plies to mark their goods---------696
determine qualifications of candidates duty of, under act for bet government
fir office of assistant paymaster,....268 of the navy ..................... 600-610
to establish regulations for action of as to legal proceedings In prize
such ioard, ........................ 268 cases,.....................608
may procure preserved meats, pickles, may remit certain penalties for flulure
butter, and desiccated meats at his dis- to deliver steam machinery under
cretion............................ contracts .............. 616
to expend balance of appropriation for may test plans, &e., for rendering ships
printing saln uie........
os invulnerable ...................... 617
authority, &c., ot, under act for tempo- to communicate to Captain David G.
rary increase of the navy ........... 272 Farragut U., thanks of Congress,. 622
temporary appointment. of various offi- may take captured vessels and property
cers, and their pay ratified...... 272, 278 for government use ................. 769
to provide for examination as to qualifi- to employ auctioneers to sell prize-
cations of applicants for commission goods ...................... ! ...... 769
In the marine corps ................ 276 may not employ agents or counsel for
to prescribe duties ofAssistant Secretary captors ........................... 760
of Navy.......................2 to approve of appointment of prize com.
to appoint a board in relation to iron or misioers ......................... 760
steel-clad ships ..................... 286 dutj of, as to proposed marine barracks
to assemble a board to determine dis- at Mre Island, and floating dry-dock
ability of certain navy offices,., 289,291 in New York .................. 816, 817
to cause additional enlistments for the to purlase flour for the navy, as he
n r........... ..... .816 salI deem best, and contract for bak.
may change the names of vesls pur. I bread theretom ........... 818
chased for the departfent ........... 81I to aduusi and settle equitably certain
to cause twelve small side-wheel steam- claims of certin eontractors,....828, 829
ers to be constructed .............. 810
to appoint examiners of steam floating to be allowed for money paid on the
battery atHoboken,IN. J..........8Us order of the committee on the conduct
to allow Charles T. James to test bis of the war ..................... 824,826
projectiles for rifled cannon ........ USampt..r qf Stage,
duties under proclamation directing an appropriations for offie of,.94, 186, 857, 86
increase of seamen In the navy, Appendix to send papers to the commission on
oloims Against Paraguay ...... 16
to cause medals of honor to be pr to expend the appropriation for the Jap-
pared ........................ 880 anesq embassy .................... 116
may appoint additional clerks ......... 8 to ro the ommission on
way cause to be constructed not over Claims ans"t New Grenada and Co.-
twenty iron.clad steam-gunboats,.... 888 ta Rlca ........................ 146,146

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1418 1855-1863

INDLM. 1419
S i Slate, (ontned.) retarei of the Tr ., (contInued,)
Madit account of Charles . Helm, may rent, &c, marine hospitals ....... 848
consul at Havana .................. 220 may contract with city authorities fbr
to have direction of appropriation for care of sick, &c., seamen ........... 848
bringing home seamen of ship "Jun. and for those that have infectious
lor," ........................... 887 diseases ....................... 848
to furnish list of state or political prison. may leave hospital at Burlington, Iowa, 82
ers in custody, to judges of United or may use or lose it ......... 152
States courts ...................755, 756 may Issue certificates of indebtedness to
to send to commission under the con- public creditors ................... 852
vention with Peru, records, docu- duties of, under act for additional clerks
ments, &c.......................796, 796 in office of assistant treasurer at New
&vretary of theTreowy, York ............................. 858
appropriations for the office of the,.94, 186, may purchase coin and issue certficates
88, 685 of mdebtedness ................... 870
to Issue registers to certain vessels,.... 2 may receive temporary deposits to an
to permit superintendent of insane asy- amount of not over $50,000,000 .....870
lum to receive patients... 0...... 28 may prescribe rates of interest,.... 870
to pay Missouri for repelling the Osage may replace mutilated notes by reissue, 870
Indiana ............................ 28 duty under act refunding, &c., duties on
to prescribe regulations for transship- arms ............................. 876
ment of goods at Brazos Harbor, &c., 40 duties under act abolishing alavery in
to advertise for sealed proposals for con- the District of Columbia, ........... 877
struction of Atlantic and Pacific tele- duty under act establishing
graph ............................ 41 at Denver ........................ 828
to change name of ship "Rockall,".... 48 to appoint certain officers at the port of
to cause necessary surveys for sites for entry, &c., of Port Royal ......... 885
light,houses ....................... 68 may classify temporary clerkslin his
to prepare certificates of stock and ad- department ....................... 894.
vertise for proposals to loan......... 79 may refuse clearance to vessels suspect.
to issue register for brig" Charles H. ed of being destined for ports in pos-
Jordan," .......... 90 session of rebels .................... 404
to settle accounts of the contractor to may prohibit transpqrtation of goods,
build custom-house as San Francisco, 111 &c., to places in possession of rebels, 404,
duties of, under act of Dec. 17, 1860, 405
authorizing the issue of $10,000,000 duty of,under act to collect direct taxes.
freasury notes ............ 121- 28 in insurrectionary districts,. .428, 425, 426
to change name of schooner" "Augusta," 180 to change name of certain vessels,.481, 49,
to issue register to schooner Persever- u ms 698, 619, 626
ance," ...................... 208 to iboue American register to certain
to refund and remit duties on arms im- vessels ................ 481, 498, 619, 626
ported by states ................ 256, 274 for duties under the tax act, see Tax,482-489
to appoint officers of customs in cases of to issue to the Union Pacific Railroad
obstruction to collection of revenue,. 266 Company bonds, &c.,.
.. 492, 498, 497, 498
when commercial Intercourse with to pay to commissioner money for cred-
inhabitants of a state In insurrec- itors of Win. B. Dodd .............. 499
tion is licensed ............. 27 duty under act- authorizing the issue of
to make rules and regulations under act 9160,000,000 additional trtasury notes, 582
further to provide for colleion of -may appoint deputy collector of customs
duties on imports.... ....... 266,257 at Chincoteague Island ............. 687
duties of, under act to authorize a na- to credit certain amounts to certain
tional loan ......................29-61 Indian tribes in lieu of bonds stolen
may remit fines and penalties in certain from their trust-funds .......... 589, 640
cases, ............................. 271 topacrtain prsons for lost land-titles
and additional duties imposed upon In Maine ...................... 640,541
transportation bonds ........... 271 duty of,under the new tariff act, 44, 68, 60
to pay certain musiclans, &c., at Fort may appoint special agents at ports
Sumter, for losses of private property, 278 opened in states in insurrection,.... 572
duty under act relative to the revenue may extend the time to disbursing offi,
marine ........................... 276 cers for rendering their accounts,.598, 594
authority to purchase or charter vessels duty of, as to certain goods in ware-
for revenue service ................ 286 houses............................. 611
to establish rules and regulations con- as to certain appropriations for
cerning sale of unclaimed warehoused printing, ...................... 612
goods ......... ............ 294 to pay over prize-moneys on order of
1 to carry Into effect law conucerning proper court,................... 627
direct tax ..................... 297 to tranefr certain appropriations for the
to carry-into efbc law concerning navy,............................ : 681
income tax ................... 80 to cause the annual report of the banks
duties under the supplementary act to to be completed and printed ......... O87
authorize a national loan ........... 818 number of copies to be printed,.:.. 687
duties of, under act authorizing Issue of to issue American register to steamship
$16D0,000,000 treasury notes ..... 845,846 "Karnak,"r ....................... 662
VOL. X1I. 114DEX - 11j

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1419 1855-1863

1420 INDEX

&DvW3' of the 2lvaw j, (continued.) sha"~ of War, (continued.)

to approve bonds of commissioners to duty of, under proclamations calling for
determine damages from Sioux In. volunteers, and directing an increase
dian ,............................. 54 in the regular army, ........ Appendix,
duty of, under the act to provide a na- 1280
tional currency ............ 665, 682 assistant, authorized; salary, duties,.... 287
may issue bonds, treasury notes, United two additional assistant secretaries au-
States notes, &o., under act to provide thorized .......................... 882
ways and means ................ 709-718 may appoint additional clerks ....... 888
may appoint three revenue agents to to expend appropriation for overland
detect, &c., frauds upon the revenue, 726 emigrants ........................ 888
duty of, under act amending the revenue to have immediate control, &c., of trans-
act, ............................ 718-781 portation of all troops, munitions,
duty of, under act to prevent and pun- supplies, &c...................... 884
ish frauds upon the revenue .....787-741 repeal of inconsistent laws ....... 884
may appoint additional clerks in the may appoint not exceeding six medical
.ofice of second comptroller ...... 762 storekeepers ....... .......... 404
to make an allowance to Butler & Car- duty of, under act to punish fraud in
penter, for engraving revenue stamps, 752 making contracts ........... 411,412
duty of, as to deposit of public moneys to appoint board of medical officers to
in the city of Philadelphia, ......... 752 examine applicants as surgetns and
to pay to governor of Minnesota costs asdistant surgeons of volunteers, .... 502
of suppreshing Indian hostilities,.... 754 may commute army ration of coffbe
to credit navy department with the and sugar for, &c., if, &, ........... 106
amount of prize-money held for dis- may cause contractors furnishing sup-
tribution ......................... 769 plies to mark their goods ......... 696
to appoint cashier, assistant cashier, four to determine amount of bonds of medi-
chiefs of division, messenger and as. Cal purveyors and storekeepers ..... 600
sistant, and two laborers ........... 762 to cause expenditures of Missouri for
to submit estimates for, annually,.. 762 arming, &c., her troops to be ascer-
duty 'of, in relation to judgments of the tained ............................ 600
court of claims .................... 766 to procure allotment of certificates of
duty of, under act to establish a branch. pay fom oficets and enlisted men,
mint at Carson City................ 770 risoners of war in Qie so-called Con-
'to Issue an American register to the "ate States .................... 818
"Maple Leaf" .................... 807 to cause drafts to be given therefor,.... 818
to estimate for the expenses of the terri- may make adjustment with Hannibal
torial government of Idaho ........ 818 and St. Joseph Railroad Company,
duty, under.the act to provide for the and Pacific Railroad Coapany,...814, 615
collection of abandoned property, &c.,- may withhold-portions of money due,.. 615
in insurrectionary districts ....... 820, 821 may accept moneys appropriated by
to Issue otes for the immediate pay- states for their volunteers, and apply
ment oz the army and navy,....822,828 the same as directed ............... 416
to furnish condensed statement of ag- to suspend payments under act to secure
gregate of exports and imports to pay to officers and men in Western
superintendent of printing, &c..... 8 Department, and to appoint ommis-
to receive conveyance of rights of grant- sioner to examine all claims under
ors to certain lots in Denver, for said act, ......................... 828
branch-mint, ....................... 828 to furnish extra clothing to sick and
to issue American registers to eight wounded ......................... 624.
vessels .............. 829 to apoint additional clerks in the office
Secretwy of War, of the quartennaster-generl, ....... 641
appropriations for office of the,.98, 189, 861, to expend money for protection of over-
land emigrants..................... 642
to permit the superintendent of Insane consent of, &c., that National Associa-
asylum to receive patients ... .. 28 tion in Washington, D. C., may oc-
to pay Iowa for defences aginst In- cupy lands near Washington ....... 651
diane, ..............;............ 68 may pay surgeon and citizen on enroll-
to convey cemetery lot to Port Huron, ng board out of certain appropria-
Michigan .......................... 88 tions ............................. 751
to pay war debt of California ....... 104 to convene a board to examine and ap-
to direct sale of lands at St. Louis and prove officers and' men for the signil
removal of arsenal thereon .......... 208 corps ............................ 768
may introduce system of allotment tick- to furnish to judges lists of state or po-
ets among volunteers .............. 271 litical prisoners ................. 766, 756
to reimburse volunteers for certain ex-
. penses of regimental, &cb.,bands,.... 284
may take captured properly for goverrn-
ment use ......................... 759
to prescribe certain duties of assistant Sert &rvke Fund,
secretary of war,.. ............ 287 appropriation for .................... 608
to approve of certain alowances to ho- &ducaion,
pitals ............................. 289 of female passenger, on any vessel of the
to assemble a board to determine dis- United States, by off or persons
abilities of army, &c., officers,....289, 290 employed on board, how punished,.. 8, 4

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1420 1855-1863

&sds and Co~r oddllnquentshareholdern may be sold, 667
appropriation for the purchase, &c.oC 217,
850, 691 mode of sale .................... 667
rules for the distribution thereof by &larWder. See Banling Assodatibns.
ma l, .......................... 217, 860 In banking associations, names ad resi-
packages of made mailable matter, and dences of, to be state, .............. 667
rates of postage thereon ........... 168 stock of delinquent may be sold ....... 667
postage on packages of ........... 704, 709 mode of sale ............... 667
rights and liabilities of,............
mileage and salary of ......... 868 indebtedness of, limited ........... 676
personally liable to amount of shares,.. 668
act relating to prize .............. 874676 entitled to one vote for each share .....676
under laws against the slave-trde,..... 875 .mayvote by proxy .................. 676
"Skrk, f Winsor," The, list of, to be keptat pice ofbsiess,
Amerman register to iss to ......... 829 and copy In comptoller's ofice, ..... 680
appropriations for the .....64, 280, 521, 788 appropriations for the ..............56,57,
provision for relief of loyal, ........... 614 280, 621, 522, 528, 784
topa. for depredations agWinst, cOdno
appropriations for pay, &e.of the,..17, 91, mitted by citizens of the United
106, 866, 688, 768 States ........................ 15
extraordinary sessions o el,..A n claims, how to be adjusted and
1259 proved, ........................ 15
5 -1267,1 offenders need not be shown to
pay of those elected or appointed to fill have been brought to trial ....... 15
vacancies, ......................... 624 Skeley, Bennevilles
payment to, or "claim," and improve-
appropriations for the,..6, 66, 280, 61, 788, ments taken for the Omaha reserva-
784 tion,.......................... 906,907
SiLees.So Put Offic Depaotunl.
of death, how executed upon person con. Son, ...................... 706
victed abroad, before consular court,
of capital offnce,.................. 75 certain fines and deductions to be remit-
reprieve, pardon, ............. 75 ted to........................... 869
of courts-martial, not to be to any peni- Shilo and , . -
tentiary, unless, &c ............... 689 ertain fines and deductions to be me-
of death or imprisonment in the peni. mitted to ................. ...869
tentiary not to be carried into effect
until approved by mresident, ........ 68 appropriations for the ......... 29, 629
of general court-martial, how to be con- LUnistana, not a port of delliery,... 687
irmed, executed, &c.... .. M8 Shubyrk WiMan B.,
Ssensof Police. See JReplaanPoic eredit to be allowed to, in aceount,..... 870
Shubrick, Captain Wi lim .,
ten authorized In District of Columbia, 821 may accept a sword from rresident Ur-
appointment, tenure, authority, &,c,.821-826
eroi& ad Labor, .uz,---
claims to persons held to, how for- payment to rpresentatves o... .449, 850
feited...... ................ 819 Shuffs, W. H.,
Sewimn Law payment to ....................... . 749
rule for distribution of ............... 246 BoiL (see Marais, Minisers.)
Seven 8&r-eW skep, civil and eriminaljurisdiction of minis.
,Sanl, Biqjai., for ...................
ppropriations 26 ten and consuls of the United Stop
in, ............................... 7 -79
Pyment to, for lost landttles ........ 641 one marsh may be appoliteIn,.. 77
SAW7, John Y., .
, one pison hired in .............. 78
Payment to, for services in recovering a
lost mail,......................... 889 letermd gi from, where to be depo-
it .... I.... 616
on Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
appropriation for .............. 219 of the army, provision for the Incase of
Brooklyn to pay half the expense,.::.. 219 emergencies,. ..................... 879
appopriation for cleaning, &c .....860, 746 extra clothing may be fomished tr,... 62A
Side-awhl Steamers,#
appropriation to pay contingent expenses appropriations for ................... 256
of ............................... 142 construction of twelve small, authorized, 816
Share. See Banking Assocaim appropriation for,............... 816
in banking associations, number and
amount f, .................... 667,675 appropriation for ............ 842, 656
to be rsmonal property........ 668 Sierra Leon,
how transferable and asignable, 668, 676 judge and arbitrator appointed at, under
when cannot be sold or transferred, 676 treaty to suppress slave-trade ....... 681

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1421 1855-1863


Sioa, (continued.)
ofthe army, ow nuizatibn of ...... 753 land to be set apart for Indiana who aid-
offlcers and men, their pay, ....... 758 ed. the whites ..................... 64
not to sert until examined and to be free from forfeiture and taxes, 664
approved,..................... 758 not to be aliened or devised, ex-
to be subject to rules of war...... 758 cept, &. ...................... 64
clerks in office of signal-offeer ......768 lands outside the limits of any state to
preference given in appointing,........ 758 be assigned to the Sisseton, Wnbpa-
officers may be appointed in recess of ton, Medawakanton, and Wahpakoots
Congress .......................... 758 bands of ..................... 819
army officbrs appointed may be restored enough to give each member eigh-
to their corps after the rebellion .....758 ty acres ....................... 819
&gnolOfficer, reservations of, to be surveyed into legal
to be appointed on staff of the army,... 66 subdivisions ....................... 819
0 and allowances of .......... 66 subdivisions to be appraied ........... 819
improvements separately ......... 819
pay and emoluments of ........... 344 lands not to be subject to preanption, .
pay of offioers temporarily serving in,.. 844 unless, &c ....................... 819
appropriation for ..................... 844 after survey, reservations open to pre-
&ina Zvice~, emption, entry, and settlement, ...... 819
apropadone foe .......... ......... 66 who may prempt, &o., prior to exposure
for sale at auction .............. *.. 819
value of, declared .................. 207 portions to be sold at public auction,... 819
SmMnons, &nc G., what is unsold to be aubject to sale at
representatives of, allowed a credit to private entry....................... 819
In his accounts for money stolen, . 914 minimum price ................... 819
Simsk, J41wa, proceeds of sales to be invested for the
office &f consul-general at, abolished,. 171 benefit of the Indians ........... . . 819
SMikig Fund Indians who endeavored to save the
t Pa debt of the United States ...... 84 lives of whites in the late mase-
intest on, how applied ........... 846 ere, may each have not over eighty,
Sioar. See Me&oakantm and ,fadow: acres ............................. 819
appropriations for the .......56,56,281, annual appropriations for those Indians,
282. 522, 628, 784 how to be expended ............... 819
payment to certain bands of, for reser- no part to be paid in money ....... 819
vations ..... ......... 281,287,288 discrimination in favor of loyal
act to relieve persons for damages sus- chiefs ..................... 819, 820
tained byL depredations by certain to be subject to the laws of the United
bands of ................... 652 States, and criminal laws of the State, 8M0
treaties with certain, annulled inpm .. 62 and to rules and regulations of the
annuities and claims forfeited, ....... 662 Secretary of the Interior ....... 820
two thirds of unexpended balances due, cannot make a valid civil contract, ni-
to be apportioned among survivors, less, & ........................... 820
of masscre ........................ 652 except with native members of
not over $200 to any fNily ...... 658 their tribe,_: ................. 82Y
claims to be presented before June Secretary of Interior to make reasona-
1, 1868 ....................... 6 8 ble provision for their education, .. SW
three commissioners appointed to make Susdon ad Wahpaton Ban& of Tdkoa or
distribution ....................... 658 siou,
to give bonds.................... 658 treaty between the United States and
only one to be resident of Min- of June 19, 1868, preamble contract-
nesota,........... ........ ON ing parties, &o ..................... 1087
their duties, powers. UessQin ...... 668 reservation set apart, surveyed, Le., 1087
testimony before them to, be re- made subject to laws regulat-
duced to writing, 6.........
58 lng intercourse with whites,
majority to select presiding ofileer,. & ....................... 1089'
and to decide all questions,...... 658 eighty acres to be allotted to
Ast session ................ 658 each head of family, &.,..1087
all claims to be presented before further allotment, ............ 1087
Sept. 1, 1868 ................ 6M patents to issue ..... .. 1087
eommiuloner* to make return on - to be exempt from
'or before Dee. 1, 18ft,........ 658 taxes, La..... ... 1088
their pay for services and expenses, 658 not to be alienated, L.,.1088
summoning of witnesseq, pay, &a.. . 658 residue to be held in eommon,.10$7
contingencies of commission, appropria. expenses of surveys and allot-
tion fee, ................. ........ ments.................... 1087
tis act to be published infoui newspa- certain provisions of trw#., of July 2L,
pers in Minnesota, ......... 0.60,054 1861 ............................. .IuS
punishment for perjury before te cm- question of title to lands to be spb- -
nilsioners ........................A mitted to Senate ............. 1088
commissoners May make rules abou what allowance to be made if decis-
Se ,............. 664 ion is in favor of Indians ....... 1088
ruCs to be pulshed fn newspaper, . H54. decision of the Senate ............ 1042

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1422 1855-1863


BstRmw andW.=~ao Bakds, c. (continued.) S'Allaam,, (continued.)

if lands are sold, not over 70,000 to be remunerated for expenses
to be paid to chiA and head- and improvemeut ........ 984
men, ................... 1088, 1089 reservations may be surveyed Into
to be approved by superntend- lots and assigned ............... 984
ent oIndlian afiir ........ 1089 annuities not to be taken to pay
United States may maintain mili- debts of indliiduals, ........... 984
tary posts, roads, a., on rserva- to be withheWl from those who
lo .......................... 1089 drink. &&,.ardent sphitI- 985
to pay damages caused thereby,1089 tribes to preserve friendly relations, 985
to thistreaty,
ay expenses of negotiating 1o00
to pay for lepredations ...... 8
no; to make war but in gelf-de-
annuities to be withheld fr m those .enee, .................... 985
who drink, &c., Intoxicating liq- - to surrender offenders ........ 9851.
uors,.... ............. 1040 to free all slaves and not to ac-
Indiana to pesve fedly r- quire others............... 98
tions .......................... 1089 not to trade .ott of the United
to pay for depredations .......
amount, how deeried,.l1089
1089 States,.-................. 986
United States %Uaablbh
free com-
not to engage in hostilities, but mon schools, provide instructors,
in - e .............. 1089 &e., .......................... 985
to surrender oftenders ........ 1089 to'fur ish meehanics, physi-
members of bands may dissolve Alan, medicine, & ......... 985
tribal connections, &c .......... 1040 treaty when to take efibet, . -.. 98b
efibet thereof .............. 1040 signature, ratification, proclamation,
Secretary of Interior to have discre. &c........................ 985, 987
tion over manner and objects of appropriations for the, ............ 10, 286,
annual expenditure ............ 1040 627, 789
signature, ratetion, proclamation, Sqlkrew Cattle Hop, and I,Se
&C...................... 1040, 1041 duty upon ........................ 467,468
8iston Bands of iout indans,
act to relieve for damages by .......... 662 act supplementary to act to abolish-.8
lands may be assigned to....-......... 819 oath to petitions under said act, ........ 8
reservations of to besurveye,........ 819 how made when clalmantis a minor, 88
Six Nawin, when a non-resident .......... 88, 589
appropriations for the ..... 65, 281, 6, 784 when ersons in the military or
ne ................. 9
payment to, for drawings, &L,of public if persons having claim to services of
buildings in WashingtonO........ 900,904 slaves do not, slaves may file state-
ment, ............................ 89
treaty between the United States and, such statement to be received8....9
of January 26, 1865, preimble, con- clerk to isue certificate, if facts in
tracting parties, rP ...... ......... 988 said statement are found to be
cession of lands to the United States, 988 true. ......................... 89
boundaries thereof ........... 988 slaves owned in any state, but employ-
reswetloh, smount reserved, &c.,. 988 ed in the District of Columbia since
to be set apart, surveyed, &e.,. 984 April 16, 1862, to be free ............ 689
vhites not to reside &ereon, in the District of Columbia, abolished. 876
unless &e., --------- 984 loyal persons may petition for remuner-
foreign kndians not to reside ation ...-.......................... 876
thereon, without, &c.- 986 petitions to set forth what ............ 876
roads may. be run through,- 9 to be under oath ................. 876
damges o be Paid......... oath not to be evidence ............ 876
other friendly tribes may be three commissioners to be appointed to
placed on, ................. 984 receive petitions .................... 876
may be surveyed into lots and their powers and duties .......... 876
assigned to individuals, ..... 984 any two may act, ............ 876
tribes to settle on reservation with-
in ayear----------------....984 may appoint a clerk, ........ 877
his powers and duties------ 877
where to remain meanwhile,.. 984 to hold their sessions in Washing-
rights of fishing and hunting re- ton ........................... 877
served to Indians, ............ 984 may compel attendance ofwItnesses 877
not to take shell-fish from beds persons claiming and porsons
of cistens; ................. 9 clatmed, may be called ...... 877
payments by the United States,. .. 984 color not to exclude a witness,. 877
how to be applied ............. 984 to report within ninie months . 877
President to be informed of report to be conclusive, except,
wishes of Indians .......... 984 &- ...................... 877
appropriation for expenses of re- apportionment, &c., of commissiOners not
moval, settlement, c .......... 984 i aggregate to exceed $00 for each
Indians may be removed to other slave, .......................... 876, 877
reservations, .................. 984 certain slaves, and laves of ertain per-
or may be consolidated,...... 984 sons not to be allowed for- ..........

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1423 1855-1863

1t424 T3DE-1
Aay, (continued.) SS-e21als, (continued.)PA
sums awarded by commissioners to be contract may be renewed from time to
paid.............................. 877 time ............................. 40
to be received in faln ............ 877 commanders of armed vessels of United
provision for conflicting claims to, or States to proceed to Africa and there
liens upon, slaves ....... e........ 877 deliver such negroes, an-l afterwards
payment to be suspended in such bring captured vessels, &a, to United
cases, until, &e ................ 877 States ........................... 41
marshal to attend sessions of commis- tsact to APPy to Africans recently
sions, ............................. 877 lauded insouthern district of Florida, 41
pay of commlsioners ................ 877 appropriation thereftr ............ 41
of clerks ....................... 877 allowance to marshals, district attorneys,
of marhal, ..................... 877 and others employed In enforcing laws
of other reasonable expenses,....: 877 suppressing ...........219, 868, 869, me
appropriation to carry set into effect,... 878 compensation to district attorney or
kidnapping, regnalaving, &e., how pun- marshal not to exceed rate of
ish d ............. .............. 874 6000 a year................ 219, 829
owners, &c., to file statements of prsons provisions of act concerning prize law
held to service by them within limited to apply to captives and seizures
time ............................. 878 for ......................... ..... 876
claim of those neglecting to file, &c., act in addition to acts prohibiting...692, 698
not to be allowed .............. 878 President may arrange for the employ-
clerk of circuit court to receive, &c., ment, &., in the West Indies, &c., for
statements ........................ 878 five years, of negroes, &c., seized on
to deliver ceitiflcates to those made board slave-vessels .............. 92,598
tree, .......................... 878 suitable clothing, employmenti and
contents of certificates ........ 878 instruction to be furnished ...... 598
fee therefor .................. 878 no expenses to be incurred after
appropriation of $100,00, to aid in polo- landing ....................... 598
nizin; emigrants from District of Co- arrangement may be renewed from
lumbia to Hayti or Liberia, &e., ..... 878 time to time .................. 698
not over $100 .to be paid for each those seized may be delivered di-
. emigrant ...................... 97 .rectiy at such islands ........ 698
repeal of inconsistent laws and ordi- appropriation for expenses under the
n ces, ........................... 878 act to carry into effect treaty with
pecuniary aid towards the abolishment Great Britain concerning ....... 681, 689
of, to be ogain recommended to Con- pay of arbitrators and judges, and ex-
gress,.............. Appendix, 1267 paus of mixed courts .......... 829
laws of New Mexico reeognmzng, re- Sleps-of- War,
pealed .......................... .665 seven screw-team, of the second cas
not to exist in Arizona, ............... 665 to be built, ........................ 11
Ss,a Bsbert, and others,
treaty provisions for tribes to free those half of value of the "Planter" to be ap.
now held and not to acquire others,.. 929 portioned among .................. 04
986, 941 share of each may be invested by
in certain states and parts of states in Secretary of Navy, and income
rebellion to be free January 1, 1868, be paid over .................. 904
Appendx, 1267
declared free........... Appendix, 1269 Smiey, WIM H., •
may accept telescope Om Belgian gov-
compensation to loyal masters tobe emnment, .......................... 258
recommended, .Appendix,
. 1267 Smith and Hod,
claims to persons held to service and outme
tto, ......................... 8"
labor, how forfeited ............... 819
of persons convicted of treason, to be life-penslon to ....................... 889
made free ......................... 60 *CfwMak,
of persons engaged In the rebellion, &c, paymentt ................... 917
to be deemed captives of war, and be
set free............................ 691 lazd-warran to issue to ............ 871
escaping, not to be surrendered, unless "K.S.,
claimant shall make oath that alleged portion of udgment against, remitted,. 914
owner is loyal ...................... 691
no person in miitay o" naval service pension to ......................... 908
to decide on validity of claim, ...... 691
may be employed in -suppression of re- payment to ......................... 871
bellion ............................ 692 -, James,
colonization of those feed, ............ 02 pension
.,Joe*to.,......................... 88
appropriations for suppression oi....21, 182, pay4ment to, ......................... 82
218, 219 ---- ,John A.,
President may contract for the reception act for settlement of aceounts og as clerk
in Africa of negroes, &c., delivered of circuit court, Washington, D. C.,. 408
i-em vessels seized in the slave-trade, .ymnt,
&e..c ......................... 40 paymient to ..................... 917

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1424 1855-1863

INDEX. 1425
itsoan 'Istitution, owoa Ranch,
appropriations for the use of certain in California, act to grant right of pre-
telegraph line to be free to, for scien- emption to certain purchasers on .... 808
tific purposes ................... 42 public surveys to be extended over, ... 808
regents of, appointed .............. 261 costs to be first paid .............. 808
Theodore D. Woolsey appointed regent certain persons may enter lands at $1.26
of ................................ 617 per acre.......................... 808
to be supplied with volumes of Wilkes's municipal claims, how entered ......... 808
Exploring ]xpedition ............. 618 claims to be presented within twelve
George B. Badger expelled from board months ........................... 808
of regents,......................826 adjudication thereon .............. 808
Louis Agassiz appointed In his place,.. 826 if not so brought, to be barred, and
Snake Indian", lands treated as public lands,.... 808
appropriations for the ......... 626, 629 reserved and mineral lands excepted
Saow ,kWiiam B., from this act ..................... 808
portion of judgment against, remitted,. 914 South Carolina,
Solaeanes, F'rancisco, postroutes established in, .......... 164
decrees of district court in land claim, annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 295
known as Saijon de Santa Rita, con- blockade ofports o declared,.... Appendix,
firmed ........................ 642, 548 1259
pay to etain, for losses of
ASoers, inhabitants of proclaimed to be In insur-
private prop rection .................. App.ndix, 1262
erty, in removal from Fort Morie commercial intercourse therewith pr-
to Fort Sumter, . ..... 898 hibited.................. Appenix, 1262
how to be distributed ............ 898 Southeast Executive Building and Exenion
certain, stationed at Fort Sumter to be apppto for,.... 96, 187, 188, 80, 687
paid for losses of private property,.. 278 oath Pass Wagon Road,
how psament to be made....... 274 accounts of superintendent of; to be set-
act to acilitate the discharge of dis- tled ............................... 204
abled .......................... . 688 Southwest Eecutive Bulding,
medical inspecting officers may order appropriations for, . . .100, 141, 868, 864, 691
their discharge .................... 689 Spalding, Axel,
or direct their return to duty ..... 688 payment to, for commissions on dis-
sick and wounded In hospitals, conva- bursements as pension-agent, ........ 886
lescent camps, and elsewhere, to be Spanish Bark "Pridencia,*
paid in sixty days ................. 825 payment to owners of, for wrongful selz-
Saidiei Home, ure.......................... 908
proceeds of sale of Western Military Sparks, John G.,
Asylum, to be restored to ......... 89 title to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed, 892
di" Le, . 8s 1ioe-Qjl
.Oee D* enut. Special Agents,
written by soldiers in service may be in post-office department, pay of, never
forwarded without prepayment of to exceed $1600 ................... 88
postage ................... 270, 271, 705 of post-office department, on temporary
if prepaid and directed to stations, &c., service, salary of, .................. 421
may be forwarded thence without fur- of pension office to detect frauds ...... 669
ther chare ...................... 272 number of Indian, In Washington Terni-
Solicitor of CoW of Claims, tory, limited ....................... 180
and assistants, how appointed, duty, &e, 766 in Indian department, not appointed by
S icitor. See Convention. President, to be appointed by Secre-
to be appointed under act to carry Into tary of Interior .................... 792
efect convention with Peru, ........ 796 none to be employed in sale of bonds of
Salioroj"the Treaswy, the Weas, &c., unless Indians first as-
appropriations for the office of,. 95, 187, sent .............................. 798
858, 859, 686, 687 appointed to collect and receive aban-
duties not affected by set placing district doned and captured property in insur-
attorneys, &c., under direction of At- rectionary districts ............. 810, 82L
torney-General ..................... 827 See Abandoned, 4fc., ProperV.
to look after frauds and attempted Special Commissioners,
frands upon revenue .............. 789 in Indian department, not appointed by
to have three additional clerks ... 789 President, to be appointed by -ecre-
may rent unproductive lands of the tary of Interior---------------...792
United States, or sell them....... 740 Special S~t
mycompromise cime in favor of tii details to, how only made, ............
nited States ..................... 740 enlisted men not to receive extra pay
Soiior of the War L armni, therefor ................... . 80
appointment of, authorized ......... 656 Sp~ec Duties. See lnternd Ren .
salary and appropriation for ...... 66 - nposed on certain articles ............
under internal revenue act, provisions
collection district of, abolished, f.c.. 411 concerning, ....................... 469
Sorods, Johb, speyer 4 Co., Phlip,
title to saline lands in lino, confirmed, 892 duplicate certificates of stock to Isu
- , Joseph, to ............................... 901
title to saline lands InIllinois, onfirmed, 891 bond of indemnity to be first filed, .....902

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1425 1855-1863

1426 INDEX.
Staps, (continued.)
how to be punished, in time of war or commission on sale .............. 477
rebellion, ......................... 840 postage and other, to be furnished as-
sentences of court-martial on, how exe- sistant treasurers and other designated
cuted............................. 785 depositaries ...................... 692
punishment of, on conviction, to be to be exchanged In sums of not less than
death ............................. 787 $6 for United States notes ........ 692
Spirit Lxas, receivable in payment for dues of less
adjustment and payment for damages than $5 to the United States, ...... 592
done by Ink-pa-du.tah's band at,...58, 59 instruments, Ac., without, not to be void
appropriation there for damage ...... 208 prior to January 1, 1868 ............ 561
Spirit XRation, no instrument, &c., required to be
in the navy, provisions concerning,.... 265 stamped, to be invalid for want of a
who may not draw .............. 266 particular stamp, if legal stamp of
payment in Hen thereof .......... 266 equal value be used thereon........ 682
to cease September 1, t862, ........... 66 .proprietary articles excepted ...... 682
commutation in lieu thereof .......... 666 official documents, &c., used by United
Spirits. See Internal Revenue. States officers, exempt from duty,... 682
licenses for distilling, and taxes upon,446-450 instruments required to be stamped, is-
meaning of "first proof," ............. 447 sued prior to March 1st, 1868, with-
pirituoves Lquore, krc., out a stamp, not for that reason to be
sale, &c., of, in the District of Columbia void,.. .................... 682
to volunteers prohibited ......... 291 time extended to Junel, 1868,... 724
punishment therefor ...... 286,291,292 not to be used in evidence until
sale, exchange, gift, &a.,of, or wine, to stamped,........... ... 688, 724
certain Indians, how punished ....... 889 who may afi stamps in such
attempting to introduce into Indian cases ..................... 688, 724
country, how punished .......... 889 provision concerning cancellation of,... 721
unless authorized by war depart, to be delivered to certain collectors with-
ment ......................... 889 out prepayment ................... 724
search may be made therefor ......... 889 Scanfll, Sampson,
if any found, the same and other released from a judgment, &a.........882
goods to be seized, &c.,....... 889 St. Ann's h nt Asylum,
proceedings to enforce forfeiture,.. 889 in the District of Columbia, act to incor-
license of trader, who deals in, to be re- porate ............................. 798
voked .......... ............ 889 objects, powers, estate, &a., qf corpora-
any ardent spirits, or wine, may be de- tion ............................... 798
stroyed .......................... 889 ma rretain foundlings and inflnt chil-
Indians competent witnesses under this dren committed to its care ........ 798
act,....................... 889 may bind them out, or place them for
punishment for selling in the District of adoption ..................... 798, 799
Columbia, without, &P ........... 571 act may be altered or repealed, ........ 799
those licensed permitting volunteers, &e.,
to drink, to be punished ............ 571 or territory, &c., -proceedings upon fal-
and to forfeit license ............. 071 ure by, to pay its quota of tax ...... 808
fines collected to be paid to levy court,. 671 if in rebellion ....................... 811
bprio~ld may assume to pay its quota of direct
thanks of Congress. to the officers and tax,............................. 811
men who fought the battle of ....... 611 deduction in said case ................ 811
"Springfield" to be borne on the regi- State Department,
mental colors ....................... 611 appropriations for,.... 18, 186, 857, 868, 685
"Spring Hill," Te Schooner, States
nameot changed to the "United States," 250 expenses incurred by, for volunteers, ap-
Spumk or Bal F,n propriation to refund ............... 264
alias Joseph Henson, payment t ...... 558 the several, to be refunded certain ex-
penses incurred in the defence of the
of cavalry, of what to consit ...... 279, 280 United States ..................... 276
,uie, E. Geo . . . .. and rte of states designated as in re-
paymeljt belion,.................. A.? ndix, 1268
ghmd,"to for outfits, &. ........... 870 &tat, Screy of. See o Iwwate.
bringing home seamen of ............. 172 appropriations for offie of,. .94, 186,857.
Sua/ker, Gilbert, 858, 685
payment to Chatter T. Scaie, adminis-
trato- of ........... .............. 886 assessors and collectors of tax to be
&~amp Duty. See Intena Revenue, allowed for .................... 802, 809
provisions of internal revenue act con- charges for, allowed to assessors, &c., and
cerning ...................... .. 475-479 collectors, &c., under the internal rev-
schedule .........................479-486 enue act, ....................... 488,446
on various articles, &a ............718-781 appropiation for temporary clerks to in-
not required on certain articles ......721 clue .............................. 752
Sa". See Internal Revenue. ,Station Houses,
used under act to be marked, &c.,...416-721 for police in District of Columbia, who
to be sold by collectors, postmasters, &c., 477 to provide ........................ M

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1426 1855-1863

INDEX 1427
SAn ca Iccoumt of Commat, t, Stonon, Capfzin Ricard,
how annual to be made up, and what to payment to administrator of estate og.. 920
contain ........................... 197 teenso, Mary,
payment to, for freed slaves .......... 924
appropriation tbr expenses of delegates asteves* Batter,
to,................................. 19 appropriation for immediate completion
Of,.. ..... ... ........ ..880
appropriation for collecting and compil- stipulations for contract for completion, 880
ing ultral,................... 691 payment to be contingent upon success
of butery as an iron-dad, &e ........ 880
appropriations for distribution of, .. 109, 277 not to be expended, unless Secretary of
distribution of....................... 246 Navy, &e ........................ 880
appropriations for annual pamphlet,. .94, 186, SWoc See Loan.
867,686 under $21,090,000 loa, provisions con-
additional compensation to publish. cerning .......................... 79, 80
ers of ...................... 760 under $26,000,000 loan, .............. 120
volume twelfth................... 760 under $10,000,000 loan ......... 178, 179
itealy. Geaqie, under $250 000 000 loan .............. 260
acount of, to be settled .............. 841 St od.. See 'a es.
Steamboat nP'sectws, in banking associations, limit of indebt-
_ appropiations for ........ 102 148, 866, 694 edness to association ............... 676
prsonal liability of...............0 68
tax upon receipts of .................. 468
lost or destroyed in military service of inspector of customs to be appointed at, 411
the United States, to be paid for,.... 748 salary.......................... 411
Stesn EngineI*"n Sjokho, Robert,
bureau of, established in navy depart- accounts of, as quartermaster in the
ment, ............................... 510 Revolutionary war, to be settled and
officers, &c., of, their salaries,. .510, 611 ai.......................89
tmfer of appropriation for bureau of,. 681,
682 provision for custody of, in District of
appropriation for bureau of ........690, 691 Columbia, ......................... 828
steamers, Srests,
twelve small side-wheel, authorized, .... 816 corporation of Georgetown, D. C., may
appropriation for .................... 816 repair footways of, and tax lots ad-
appropriations for building and purchase joining therefor ................... 407
of side-wheel, screw, &c ........... 767 power of levy court over, in Washing-
Slm FloaItg Bate'r, ton, D. C ........................ 799
at Hoboken, N. J., board to examine, parts ?4 may be used for telegraph com-
4C ...... ................. 828 pames ............................. 827
Steam Raws Sriuha, Rear-Admral Sim H.,
appropriations for......... 607, 609, 814 thanks of Congress to ................ 824
Steam-&ret Sloops.f- War, StroV, WlUam Y.,
seven of the second class to be con- __yment of 650 to ................... 901
structed, .......................... 151 St. rain, oen,
draft, armament, speed ............... 161 lnd-claim of, confirmed to certain extent, 71
Steamship Mail Servce, efibet thereof .................. 71, 72
between New Yodrk and San Prancisco, 170 to be located and surveyed ....... 71
See Po Offxe Dqmt. Susblet Outof Massacre,
esps, Iron or -te-dad, payments for furnishing food, clothing,
one or more may be built, ............ 286 &c., to survivors of ................ 879
apropriation for ..................... 286 Sa6scription. See Loan.
to treasury notes, part of national loan, 269,
examination to be made of sailing ves- 250
ses of navy, and cost of giving them - provisions concerning ....... 269, 260
fu steam-power, .................. 80 Stdskstnce Departmeat,
sAbin,LamwA., twelve commissaries to be added ......287
payments to, for lost land-title, .....640, 51 whence to be taken, rank and pay, .... 287
a commissary-general and assistant com-
one or more may be bullt, ............ 286 missaries to be added ............... 648
vacancies, how filled............. 648
life-pengion to....................848 Sstitutes
those drafted may furnish, and be ex-
to joint committee on the conduct of the empt, .......................... 788,784
war, authorized,............... 614 to receve same &c.,as though
Sk v/e and Indiand Ralroa o., Orginally = ................. 784
ma complete, &a.bridge across the sub-TrMMsaY,
Ohio River ....................... 570 portions of act establishing, suspended, 81
Stves, MaryardL., 81~
pension to,.......................... 921 appropriation for blank checks for .....858
stews, Robt L.,
right of United States in Stevens's Bat- allowance to non-commissioned officers,
tery released to heirs of ............ 628 &c.,.......................... 68
vOL. XiL INDBx - 182

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1427 1855-1863

1428 INDEX

duty on .............. 880 of'dian districts in California, up-.

sirups ok oC.,entered under any other S poif ntment, pay, Ac ............... 57
name to be forfeited, ............... 880 &p'lhes
standards of clor and grade of, under furnished, far army or navy, to be nmrk-
the asot,
........ . 544 ed with names of those furnishin,.. 596
act imposing an additional duty on .....88 not to be received unless so marked, 696
but not on sugar from sorghum,... 588 Sewres Curt, Decsins
,Skdts. See Litadow. law as to distributin ................ 245
against sureties of postmasters, limita- Sq~r-m Court of the l~rdof Wlmnbia,
tion o ........................... 580 established, &e ..................... 768
Propert, of ........................ 769 See Die+rneejWumbia.
Suprme CObrt of MUnh 89wfSates,
of the United Stan, wt forraing,... 481 courtroom and law library for ........ 110
&peritadencies (Indian), to consist of chief justice and nine asso-
of Oregon and Washington, limits o,; cates ............................ 79"
may be changed .................. 180 six to conititute a quorum,........ 794
&peritedent, one additional justice to be appointed,. 794
of in Nevada, to act as as- to be assigned to tenth circuit,.... 794
sistant treasurer ................... 770 allowed 61000 a year for travel,
may py for gold-dust, bullion, &o., drafts when, &c................... 795
or give certificates of deposit, ....... 771 districts of Callfornla and Oregon to
Bepoiienaadstof di Census, constitute the tenth circuit, ......... 794
to funish war statistics to Secretary of Supp""so of Mie Slave. Trade,
War, .............................. 618 act to carry into effbct treaty with
salary of,not to be Increased .......... 669 Great Britain for the ............... 581
Lhqerineendm- of aIn&-4A#W-, certain judges and arbitrators to be ap-
apprpriations for ................ 97, 221 pointed by the United States ....... 581
for Washington Territory authorized, one at New York ................ 531
180 at Sierra Leone ......... 6..
duties and pay of ................ 180 at the Cape of ood Hope,.... 681
In Colorado, Dakota, and Nevada. See pa Tof judges And arbitrators ........ 81.
those tides. udgeat New York may appoint a clerk, 681
Swret f Polioe.
&e. See Metropolitan fees of clerk .................... 681
Fok isrc, duty of marshal, ..................... 581
appointment, tenure of otce,authority, repeal of ineoinistent laws ........... 681
pay, &c., ........ 821, 825 appropriation for ................... f88
&Sperlntendentof Public Pripn,, appropriation for expenses under the abt
to award contract for printing postofce for Indians,
Buqudstid 2h........................... K9
blanks to lowest bidder ............ 2
additional duties ot ...........117-12D treaty with, (see Dzoise) ...........
appropriation to enable him to carry In. Sw* of the Ptos.
to effect law regarding public print- commissioners to take bail, may tak;.. 887
ing ............................... 182
not to be expended until title to on contracts with the governmen, not
property is approved, .......... 182 released by act to punish frauds in
bond o, to be Increased ........... 822 such contracts,... $................ 699
appropriations for office og ........ 185, 684 Solde of th Peac, I
to print and deliver document accom- may be required of state or political pria-
panying reports of heads of depart- oneM .............................. 766
ments on or before 8d Monday in Snyeos-General
December ..................... 826, 826 appropriations for office of,. .98, 99, 189,'140,
number thereoK and of reports"
proper, .................... 825, 826 four aditional In the army to be ap-
no greater number unless di- pointed,........................... 67
rected by either house of appointment, rank, pay, and duties og. 879
Congress ................. 826 expense of removal, &c., office of,... 862
number of bills or resolutions ordered addidonal-eLerkB In oftce of,..888, 868, 09
by either house.................... 826Surgeos (Army),
condensed statement of amount of im- ten additional, to be appointed, ........ 878
ports and exports .................. 826 forty additional, of volunteers, authoer-
number of copie%,and how distuib- tied ............................. 602
uted ....... ............. 826 appointment, rank, pay, c...... 02
number of copies of "Commercial Re-- brigade, how styled, ...... ....... 602
lations," and how distributed, ...... 826 compensation to citizen for medical at-
to determine the form and style of pub- tendance ....................... 64% 646
lic printing ....................... M in the navy, lncreasW pay of ........ 2
to award to lowest and best bidder lith- number of, In the navy ........... 284
ographing and engraving of probable ten, and twenty assistant, in the army,
cost of over 00, ................. to be appointed, .................... 287
rank ad py of ................. 287
of Indian districts in Califori, appoint. Suren of Ptie,
ment, pay, &e ..................... 57 appointment of three, authorized, 679

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1428 1855-1863

. WDRX. 1429
PAMi Bu~ter, ({otined.
SWt of Public Ln,,
appropriations for .................... 218 vacancy ruled in same manner,.... 872
&WWong Districts, sutler, thus chosen, to have lien on one
Utah and Colorado to make one ....... 409 sixth part of monthly pay of officers
of Nevada, may be added to California, 409 and men, ......................... 872
&veyisq Expedidow, penalty for allowing or paying a greater
preservation of colleetions of ......... 850 sum, .............................. 872
surveor of Custom, or for certifying a pay-roll for a
office of, at Corpus Christi, abolished,.. 48 greater sum .................. 872
at San Francisco, salary o4 established, 411 eutlers to sell only articles in list, ...... 872
Strveur-Geaev4 and for prices named ............. 872
in California, duty of, In connection with to have no claim beyond one sixth of
surveys and plats of private land- pay of officer or man ........... 872, 878
Claims ..................... 88, 84, 409 place of sale and articles to be inspected
for Colorado, appointment, duties, U., once in fifteen days ................ 878
,of ........................ 176, 409, 418 report thereof to be made ......... 878
for Nvada ........................... 214 no person to act as sutler except accord-
for Dakota, ......................... 244 ing to this act, ..................... 878
of New Mexico, to act as register and and only for one regiment ........ 878
receiver, .......................... 410 not to under-let, ................. 878
of any land-office, Jnay be required to to give only limited credit to enlist-
act as register and receiver ....... 410 ed men ....................... 878
salar of, in Califoria Oregon, Wash- wagons and transportation ........ 878
ington, Utah, and Nevada, .......... 410 sutlers violating this act to be dismissed,
of any district, my survey townships and ineligible to reappointment, ..... 878
on written applicton ofsetters, 11 officer not to receive ptesents from sat-
c................................ 410 ler ............................... 878
&irVeyorOf CusOms, Sttoa, William1,
powers o4 at certain ports of delivery, 266, pension to .......................... 888
26 Swan Creah and Black River Chippmas, and
&wvoyomGerdandtheir a1rks, tgo Muse or YWtn Idians.
appropriations for,.97, 98, 189, 861, 868, 88 treaty with, of July 16, 1869 ......... 1105
intention of this treaty .............. 1105
p, Nkevada
&c., of, In Colorado, Dakota and former reservations to inure to the ben-
....................... 277,278 efit of the Swan Creek, &c., Indians
thereon ............................ 1106
for light-houses, how to be made ...... 68 Munsee, &e., Indians to be united with
settlers in townships not mineral or re- the Swan Creeks, &c............... 1105
served, may have surveys made, &c.,. 08 portions of land to be as..ned to mem-
applieation'to be in writing and deposit bers of united bands ................ 1106
made ...................... 08 .proceedings in suech case ......... 1106
portions set apart for manual labor
school, ............................ 1106
provisions concerning, ........ 409, 410 portions to be held in common ........ 1106
Swuvs of Public Lawds. See Pabline . but may be assigned ........... :.1106
appropriation for ........ 19,97,108, 861 amount of reservation not to exceed,
provisions concerning contracts for,.... 409 &a............................... 1106
pries ot to be established ........... j 409 laws thereon ........................ 1106
settlers of townships may have them whites not permitted to reside thereon,
survyed,f, &o.................... 410 unless, &P......................... 1106
assignment of tracts of land, how made,
port of entry established at, ........... 761 A ............................... 1106
6wuifs, certflicates therefor, how issued, and
lien on soldier's pay abolished ........ 881 what to contain, .............. 1108,1107
extra rights and privileges abrogated,.. 881 lands not to be alienated, ............. 1107
in volunteer service, act to provide for to be exempt from taxation, &c. .. 1107
appointment of, and to define their proceedings in case tracts assigned are
duties ............................. 871 abandoned, ........................ 1107
list of articles for antlers to sell to be residue of former reservation to be soldl107
prepared........................... 871 mode of sale .................... 1107
to be posted in conspicuous place,.. 878 proceeds of sale to bDlong to Chippewas,1107
subject to revision ................ 871 allowance of money to the Indians..... 1107
not to contain Intoxicating liquors, 871 howto be rased ................. 1107
copy to be furnished to certain of. appropriation for stock, agricultural im.
ers ......................... 871 plements, &A ...................... 1107
price to be affixed to etih article in ftm what source to be taken-.... 1107
list ........................... 871, 872 appropriation for school-house and
to be reported for approval,........ 872 shops ............................. 1107
may be changed not oftener than residue of fund to be invested, and how,117
once ia thirty days, ............ 872 the Indians relinquish all claims under
sanler to be selected for each regiment, 872 former treaty ...................... 1108
by commissioned officers ......... 872 rIht of way granted ................. 1108
to be sole sutler ................. 872 non this treaty takes efteet .......... 1108

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1429 1855-1863

1480 116EM
swan Ceek 4Vc., rzd*kus (continud) Tax, (continued.)
signature, ratification, &e.............. 1109 on various articles under internal reve-
wamp Land Act, nue act ......................... 714-781
provisions of, extended to Minnesota and See Intral t eotte.
Oregon ............................ 8 United States stocks, securities, &., ex-
what lands grant not to include, ...... 8 empt from ....................... 846
selections to be made in two years ..... United States bonds and treasury notes
from what time to be computed,.... 8 to be exempt from ................. 710
Tax CoMM0uioecu. See Ta-s.
salary of consul at, established, ........ 886 three may be appointed in states where
Sedes aid Nerseal, the insurrection exists ............. 428
convention with, of March 21, 1860,....1126 their powers, duties, & .......... 428-426
certain fugitives from justice to be de- appropriations for................. 649, 694
livered up ......................... 1126 in murrectionary districts, duties when
preliminnry proof required ....... 1126 taxes are unpaid ................ 640, 641.
crimes for which they may be delivered 249m. See C mmiesoner.
upP ............................. 1126 commissioner of, appointed ............ 812
expenses of extradition, how borne,. .1126 provision of former act, that state may
this convention not to apply to citizens pay its quota, by release of so much
or subjects ....................... 1126 of its claim against the United States,
nor to political ofibuces .......... 1126 to apply to claims for expenses of vol-
provision in case person commits a new unteers, filed before July 1, 1862, .... 884
crime where he seeks refuge ........ 1126 abatement in such ase ........... 884
when this convention takes eflbet, .... 1126 Tax Losts. See Tax
signature, ratifications, &e, ........... 1126 under the tax act, how prepared, &A.,..484-
&isn, Fang n 489
part of deposit on bid foar to be re- Taylor, Kate D.,
funded to ......................... 842 pension to ................... 887
&'kests, Madi"o. -, .4k. W.
payment to, fbr supplies farnished In- assignment of eertain prelmption bounty
dians ......................... 840 land warrants made valid, &....... 847
-, Saw ei H,
7easpayment to .......................... 868
Tactics atdAfnsufien, increased duty on ................... 880
s~eli~onefor books o4; .261,Wk5770
... TdWyapL See Magnetic Tekpegwup........ 41
public lands in Kansas granted to stte
an ma eW4 payment to ......... 7 to aid In the construction of ...... . 772
Talemen, Telerap (Amnpanies,
provision for summolng, In the Dis- not to send messages unless stmped,.. 478
trict of Colombia, ................. 429 one stamp only required if message
(.'Lw Mexi-,)
Mad om, to Santa iW,appro- is sent by many.companles,...... 478
certain, may make arrangements with
priaton to complete ............... 208 the Pacific Railroad Company,....497,498
Tar, In he District of Columlit, resolution
how estimated and allowed, ........... N8 in Mavaon to, ............. 8..........
Tar. See Duie. may use streets with the approval of the
the, of March 2, 1861 ............. 179-198 Seetary of the Interior, &c.,....... 827
amendments to am of March 2, 1861;.. 294
Tax. See Lkre, Tax, Inom Tax. appropriation for ................ 107,644
direct, of $20,000,000, how apportoned, 294, Tderiak Apparatus, tc.,
298 certain, to be foruse otbo d of poce. 884
three per cent. on income of over 00 Teqraph Lino. See R roads.
to be collected, &c .................. 809 -Presidiptmay take possession of,when
public ssAy _requires, ............... 884
_purposes of primary schools in
Washington County, D. C ..... 886, 402 Neguip rh to M~e Azq, *
for colored schools ................... 402 act to aid in the construction o;.... 489-498
See Prima'y Aod. Temporary Gydrks
in Washington County D. C., to be m treasury department, approplition
levied and collected iir, ........... 800 for .............................. 894
erection and repair of bridges, .... 800 may be classIfied, ................... 894
laying out, altering, repairing high- In treasury department, appropriation
ways and roads, ............. 799-0 for, to include statonery and funi-
part may be pai In labor .... 801 ture, for their use ................. 752
poor and mantenanee of the
and.poor-hoses.........80 Secretry of the Treasury may eaesiy, 686
on dog ......................... 800 of dehnce, in certain states, &c., appro-
eoliectore of, how appointed, &.,...799, 800 priation f r ....................... 848
Congress intends toimpose ........... 612 Tener,
purposes of-such tax, ............. 612 certain treasury notes made lega ex-
n cMution ao backs. crn ... 7.. ,7181 eept for duties and intersok ......... 85
See Bam~s. certd demand notes made a legal.... 70
direct, provisions conceringr. 18 -781 certain notes made legl,..670, 710, 711, 82

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1430 1855-1863


The Vhlam PafC B'ailroadCompany, (continued.)

post-routes established in ............. 164 secretary and treasurer, bonds, &c.,.... 491
annual direct tax apportioned to...... 296 annual meetings ...................... 491
inhabitants of, declared to be in insur- right of way for road and telegraph,... 491
rection, ................. Appendix, 1282 materials foy construction ............ 491
commercial intercourse therewith pro. alternate sections of public lands on each
hibted ................. Appendix, 1262 side of road, granted ................ 492
to have until iDecember, to assume her mineral lands excepted .......... 492
portion of tax, under act of 1861,....446 lands thus granted and not sold, within,
terms of federal, district, and circuit &a, to be subject to prelamption, .... 492
court, in West Tennessee .......... 687 patents for such lads, when to issue,.. 492
Tennessee River Improerment, commisaioners to be appointed,.... 492
unadjusted contracts to be audited and company to render statement on
pod, .............................. 29 oath .........................492
Territorie Librares, bonds of the United States to be issued
purchase ot for Colorado, Dakota, and to said company .............. 492, 98
Nevada, ...................... 748 issue and delivery thereof to consd.
Taentwal Pntson in (JWorade, tute a firstmortgage of road,.... 498
appropriaton for .................... 741 proceedings upon ftilure to redeem
Territores, bonds ......................... 498
act to secure freedom to all persons in,.. 482 twenty-five per cent. to be reserved, 497
-pay of assessors and assistants under the grants of lands made on certain condi-
tax act in..................... 488 tions ............................. 498
Teitors, Governmuent in t64, company to file assent to this act within
appropriations for the ........... 101,142 one year of its passage ............. 498
of Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, and Neva- to complete road and telegraph be-
da established, see those tals. fore, &c ...................... 498
See Deposkion, Evidence, Witnes. to designate general route in two
years ......................... 498
payment to, for volunteers sinae Jeb. 28, to file map thereof ........... 498
1666, ....--------------- -...
68 lands on line ot road to be then
limit of amount and proot ........ 68 withdrawn from preemption,
lot of land in San Antono, to be recon- &c.................. 498
veyed to city ..................... 69 point of connection of main trunk with
post-routes established in ............. 166 eastern connections ................. 498
annual direct tax apportioned to ...... 296 where line of railroad and telegraph to
blockade of ports of, declared,..Appendix, commence ........................ 498
1269 direction of route ............... 498
inhabitants of, proclaimed to be in insur- Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western
rection .................. Ap endix, 1262 Railroad of Kansas, and Central Pa-
commercial intercourse therewith pro- cific Railroad of California, may each
hibited................... Appendix, 1262 construct railroad and telegraph, to
and New Mexico, collection district in,. 761 connect with this road .......... 498, 494
district court in, may issue executions, companis to assent to this act,.... 494
&c., in certain cases, ................ 807 when roads to be completed ...... 494
may unite after completion ....... 494
appropriations for the,.............. 856
286 Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, and
The lfs ion for tA. Edon Of the Pacific Railrow of Missouri, may
unite with Kansas county ....... 494,495
act to incorporate ................ 796, 797 Central Pacific Railroad may continue
objects, powers, seal, property, ofecers, its construction, &c ............... 495
by-laws ........................796, 79 the roads to meet and counect..... 495
not to exercise banking or commercial aid for most difficult parts to be treble,. 496
business ........................... 797 locain where road crosses boundary of
act may be at any time repealed, ......797 state,£c., ......................... 495
Te Union Paic RailroadCompany, width of track, grades and curves, ..... 495
act to incorporate ............ " 489-498 road and branches to be one line ...... 495
meaning of word "company as used in Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad may
this &L% .......................... 496 extend Its road ................ 495, 496
names of corporators ............. 489, 490 Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western
name of corporation ..... ........ 490 Railroad ma construct
rad to and unite,...
construct sin- 496
power, seal, & ....................... 490 Union Pcifc
termini of railroad and telegraph line,.. 490 le line from western boundary of
board of commissioners of, &c.......490
quorum, first meetings, &c.,. . .490, 8 when to be completed, &c ....... 496
organiation ................ 490 other railroads may connect ........ 496
subscription books ....... .... 490 meaning of word "company" in this
first meeting of subscribers to stock, 490, 491 act, .............................. 498
each share of capital to entitle owner to the companies named in this aot, and con-
one vote .......................... 491 senting, may be consolidated ....... 497
directors, qualifIcations, authority, &c., 491 notice to be given to department of the
term of omee of president, directors, &c. interior .................... 497
to be for three years ............... 491 if the companies fai to comply with the

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1431 1855-1863

1482 INDEX.
The Union PacifW Rairoad Company, (continued.) 2bnenotudw, (continued.)
terms of this act, Congress may com- pay by the United States for such
plete and use the road,. ......... 497 surrender, .................... 992
roads, when to be forfeited to the United Tonawandas may purchase reserva-
States ............................. 497 tion of Ogden and Fellows ...... 992
twenty-five per cent. of bonds granted, United States will pay therefor
to be reserved, &c ................ 497 an avere of not over 20
Congress may reduce rates when bet an ae ............... 992
earnings exceed ten per cent ...... 497 deed to ran to Secretary of In-
act may be altered, repealed, &c..... 497 terior in trust ............. 992
arrangements with telegraph companies, 497, until New York legislature
498 appoint some other trus-
annual report of corporation ........ 498 tee, .................. 992
contents of report, ............. .498 unimproved lands surrendered to
Tird Aud'tor, Ogden and Fellows in thirty days, 992.
appropriations for office of,.9, 186, 187, 858, Tonawandas may appoint one or
859, 685, 686 more attorneys ............... 992
additional clerks in office of ........... 69 part of purchase-money may be in-
Thomas, C3 rwU, vested in stocks, when, &c.,....998
title to certain saline lands in Illinois the interest to be paid to the
confirmed ........................ 892 Indians .................. 998
Thompson, William, improvement money to be appor-
payment to gran4children and heirs of,. 846 tioned, ....................... 998
land-warrant to issue to .......... 846 signature .................. 998
TAornon, Gilb t E., supplementary articles ......... 994
allowance to be made to, in settlement portion ofreservation may be bought
of accounts ....................... 924 at more than, $20 an acre ....... 994
2TWMo, Hen'y, ratification, and proclamation,..995, 996
to have three hundred and twenty acres Tonnage Duty,
of land ........................... 1181 additional, on vessels after December 81,
Tilghman, Tench, 1862, ............................ 568
payment to .......................... 887 certain vessels to pay, only once a year, 658
Tilton, Wheeldwright, and Compan, rights acquired under any treaty not
released from penalties of unfulfilled affected ........................... 568
contracts, ......................... 829 'on ships, fc.,from ports south of Mexico, 742
Tobacco, Tool Trains,
appropriation to encourage cultivation o 691 appropriation for................. 8 656
inspectors of manufltctured ............ 729 ToporaplhcalEngineers,
to be designated by collectors, ....729 appropriations for office o..98 99, 140, 862
fees, duties, oath ................ 729 corps of, six lieutenants to be added to,. 287
may be removed for export, ........ 780 two lieutenant-colonels and four majors
penalty for fraudulently marking or added to ........................817,818
changing marks ................. 729, 780 company of soldiers added to ...... 817, 818
Tobacco Seed, how organized, pay, &a.,...... 817, 818
appropriation to purchase for distribu- corps of, abolished and merged in en-
tion .............................. 888 gineers .......................... 748
To Braqes, officers of, how to take rank ...... 748
tax upon ieceipts of .................. 468 "Tenolddd Adiral P.,"
"Tom Dyer," TPhSchoon, damages to be paid the owners of the
name changed to that of "Dolphin,"... 498 Norwegian bark ................... 916
dorrplrate ierficates of loan of 1848 to
meaning of word in the tariff act ...... 206
Tonawanas, be issued to, ...................... 878
treaty between the United States and the bond of indemnity to be given,.... 879
Tonawanda band of Seneca Isdians, TortVM, Te,
of November 5,1857................ 991 martial law declared in,......... Appendix,
preamble, contracting parties, &.,. 991 1260
terms of certain former treaties,... 991 habeas may be suspended in,.. .Appx.,
reservations in New York grant- 1261
ed to Ogden and Fellows,... 991 To, Charles W.,
surrender of lands by the In- payment to attorney o, .............. 881
dians, .................... 991 Tt, BrigadierGmn Jeph G.,
reservations west of the Mis- . payment to ......................... 908
souri to be set apart for the ToW Sits,
Indiana, and money paid,.. 991 to be reserved ftom public lands, sur-
payments by Ogden and Fel- veyed or unsurveyed........... 764
lows to the Indians ...991, 992 reservations to be surveyed into lots,.. 754
former treaties unexecuted as to the value of lots to be appraised, .... . 754
Tondwanda reservation ....... 992 lots to be sold at public sale or privat
number of said Indians now on said entry, ......................... 766
reservation ................... 992 Totonsead, Betsy D.,
certain claims under former treaties released fiom liability on a replein
relinquished, .................. 992 bond ............................. 88

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1432 1855-1863

WDEX 1488
$aXterwof, not mineral or "e , my Treew Name. See Lemn.
lon for the redemption of, act authoriz.
have them surveyed upon,.&e ....... 410 ing ....................... %....... 79
T1rait Datiss, Issue of,under act of December 17, 180, 121
provisions respecting. See Bdgyint . amount and denomination of ......... 121
to be redeemed In one year from date,. 121
t'supplies, &c., to be under con- rate of Interest, and when interest to •
trot of Secretary of War ........ 884 ese , ............................. 121
appropriations for, of amy,6w,02,2'82,44 who to receive payment .............. 121
W0,W4 fah of the United States pledged. 121
of goods, destined for rebels, by sea or how prepared and lAgned, ............ 121
land, to be prohibited and prevented,.4 account of, how to be kept, ........... 121
405 treasurer to account quarterly . 122
security may be required,. . 404,406 Issued at par to public reditors, 122
goods may be forid ............... 406 rate of Interest on such nots, how
proceedings for penalies and Orfeitures, 40 to be detemined ............. 122
for the marine corps ................. 816 transferable by indorsement and deliv-
of the mail ....................... 646
of certain prisoers ................. 686 recevable in payment of dues to the
United States .................... 122
additional dutie secured by, may be re- amount of note, how ascertained in
mitted, if obligor are without fult,. 271 such cases ..................... 122
under the warehousing act, in ease of proceedings when so received by
breach of, additional duty to be equal collectors, receivers, Ac.......122
659 Secretary of Treasury to make regula.
to former
Trnsuuton Mal, ................... tious as to custody and disposal of
appropriation fo, ................... 881 such notes ........................ 122
laws giving prefrence to American to pay notes at maturity ....... 122,128
stmships in, repealed, ......... 82 to purchase them at par........128
appropriation for sn pent and
fbr war department, how to be inspect- purchase .......... ...... 128
eA ............................... ass new notes may be issued in place of
Treasen, those redeemed ................. 128
against the United States, how pun- but not after Janary 1, 188 ..... 128
Ished ......................... W, 590 ag egateat no thuse to exeeed
former acts 4 not aeted, ........ 590 $I0,*00,00 .................... 128
death, or Imprisonment and fine,... Secretary of Treasury to publish month-
slaves of persons convicted of, to be ly statement of notes Issued, redeem.
made fre..............690 ed, and outstanding ................ 128
punishmein t, not to work forfelture'f appropriation for expense of preparing
real esate of Qlbnder beyond his notes, & ....................... 128
natural ife ........................ 27 money hereafter contracted fr under
Treasurer, act of June 22, 1860, to be applied to
of board of police, bond, pay, Ac.,.. 821, 816 redeem treasury notes........ 128, 124
accounts 4 ......................... forging, counterfeiting, U, the notes,
of school fund in Washington County, how punished,..................... 128
D. C., K+0o049
&c., of in regard to "&-
Vi. uttering, passing, altering, &o.,how pun-
mary ished .............................. 128
See Primary Sc&o. engraving plate, or possessing engraved
l2asursr o f int, plate, &c., with Intent, &c., how pun-
in h phi, to designate chief clerk, 762 ished,..................... 128
chief clerk may act as treasimrer,..762, 768 possession of blank notes, &c., or pa-
duties of clerks, ................ 76 per &c., with intent, &c., how pun.
Treasurerof doe Iwhed &cat, ached, ............................. 122
appropriations for office o.96, 96, 186, 187, Issue of, under act of March %181,... 179
88, 89,886, 886 ten millions may be Issued If, &c.. 179
payof ....................... 68 to be in sams of not less than My
salary of increased to SM ........ 7.82 dollars...................... 179
2irsa SwDepartment, rate q9f Iterest, and when it shall
appropriations for,.94-98, 186,187, 276, 88, close ......................... 179
89, 686, 8 may be substituted for whole or part of
appropriadon for additional and tempo- bonds ...................... 179
rary clerks In ................ 894, 686 certificate not to be excheng
appropraIton fbor temporary clerks in, bonds, in sums less than $50W,.. 179
to Include what,................... 72 mlpbe
temporary clerks in, may be clsssied,. 894, jitedt States,
in .....................
ment of dues to the
686 faith of the United States pledged to
appintment of asistant-register an- their payment................... 179
tised......................8658 ap priation ftr expenses of act,.... 179
his term, salary, duties ............ 656 authority to lssue, imited to June 0,1
ofor ............. 8eft 1882...I,....... I..............'179
redeemable wit~n two year%, as palows
Appropriation or
............ 106, 22D ure of the VOWedtates,........179

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1433 1855-1863

1484 InDEX.

26awy Notes, (continued.) I2l..a Nes, (continued.)

may be issued for portion of national and of imprint, of copy of seal of
loan .............................. 259 the treasury department ....... 846
how executed and transferable,.... 269 Imprint, how and when made,. 846
certain, under $50, may be exchanged or may be signed by the treasurer, and
for coin, &c ................. 259, 261 countersigned ..................... 84
but for not less than 6100 at one appropriation for purposes of this act,.. 848
expenses of preparing uder acts of July
time ......................... 259 851
whole amount thus used not to ex- 17,1861, and August 5. 181.
ceed 0,000,000 ................ 259 issue of $150,000,008 additional, author-
not to be issued for less than $10 ...... 259 ized .......................... 58
may be issued for 65 and upwards, 818 denominations, how payable ........ 682
books may be opened for subscription 259 no notes for fractional part of a dol-
for,.......................... lar, ........... ..... ......... 68
of subscrip-
rules and regulations not over $85,000,000 to be less than
tion ..................... 25, 260 .. ...................... 882
who may subscribe .......... 259 to be receivable for all dues, except in-
If larger amount is subscribed, terest and duties on Imports ........ 582
It may be received ........ 259 to be legal tender, except, &c.......... 82
If not received, smaller sub- may be deposited in any sum not less
scriptions preferred ....... 260 than $50, &m...................... 582
pay of those receiving subscriptions,... 260 certificates of deposit, convertible
certain, of $0 and upwards, may be ex- into coupon bonds .............. 582
changed, &e ................... 260, 261 notes may be exchanged for bonds. 582
limit to amount thus used,.... 260, 261 or paid in coin ................. 682
certain, of any of the denominations, those received in exchange may be
maV be exchanged ................ 261 reissued ...................... 682
limit of amount, ................. 261 notes may be engraved at the trefaury
under $50, when redeemed, may be can- department, ............ ... 682
celled and new ones issue .......... 269 machinery and materis may be
or may be reissued ............... 269 provided ...................... 82
limit as to time of reissue..... 259 limitation on temporary deposits re-
when may be made payable .......... 818 pealed ........................ 682
how executed ....................... 818 deposits not to exceed $100,000,000,.. 682
need not have seal ................... 818 may be9*Ithdrawn on ten days' no-
may be issued for not less than $5..... 818 tice.......................5 88
on demand, without interest and under reserve for payment of ....... 588
$ 0, receivable for public dues ...... 818 certflicates of, convertible into
ten million demand, in addition to the stocks ......................... 588
millions authorized .......... 888 part of $250,000,000, authorized by for-
enomination to be not less than $5, 888 mer act, may be borrowed within, &c., 588
to be part of loan of 8250,000,000,.. 888 appropriation for detection of counter-
act authorizing the Issue of 860,000,000, felting coin, may be applied to detect,
not bearing interest, payable to bearer, 846 &c., those engaged in counterfeiting
denominations of not less than $5,. 845 treasury notes, ..................... 588
650,000,000 to be in lieu of demand appropriation for purposes of this act,.. 588
notes ................................ 845 penalties under former acts to apply to
demand notes to be taken up as rapidly forgery, counterfeiting, &c., under this
as possible ......................... 8 5 act, .......................
receivable for all dues to the United holders of, issued under former acts,
States, except duties and interest on must present them for exchange for
federal bonds and notes ............ 845 bonds before July 1, 188 ........... 711.
such interest to be paid in coin,.... 846 right then to cease .............. 711
to be legal tender, except for duties and Secretary of Treasury may issue 4M,-
interest ............................ 845 000,000 ............................ 710
convertible, in sums of not loss than 650, when payable, and rate of interest,. 710
into United States 6 per cent. stock,. 845 interest payable in lawful money,.. 710
such stock redeemable after five denominations, and how disposed of, 710
years, and within twenty years,. 845 how a legal tender ................ 710
receivable as coim for loam ereafter ne- for what exchangeable ........... 710
gotiated ............................ 846 other notes may be issued for those
may be reissued as exigencies require,. 846 exchanged................710
provisions for funding ............. 845, 846 $150,000,000 United States notes
coupon bonds to be lssued, ........ 846 may be issued for exchanges.... 710
amount, denominations, when notes issued for exchange, and applied,
redeemable ......... 846, 846 how replaced, ...................... 710
may be dibposed of at any time, to pay the army and navy and other
and for what ............ 846 creditors, $18D,000,000 United States
to be exempt from taxation.........846 notes may be issued ......... 710, 711
form of treasury notes and coupon or this amount to include former -
registered bonds ................... 846 amount authorized'..... 710, 711, 828
to bear signature of treasurer, and of not to bear interest .............. 71
register of treasury ................ 846 how payable, and denominations,.. 711

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1434 1855-1863

INDEX. 1485
2Wasw Notes, (continued,) "Two Braoers," The Schooner,
to be legal tender, except for duties fishing bounty due to, to be paid Moses
on imports and interest on public Noble ........................... 886
debt, .......................... 711
when returned to treasury, may be
reissued ....................... 711 U.
Issues authorized In Hen of those
cancelled ...................... 711
'bow signed, &c........... 711, 712 treaty with. See W aa-Wallas.
penalty for counterfoiting, alter- appropriations for the, ...... 6, 288 524, 786
ing, & ........................ 718 Vopire,
Otal notes may be Issued In under convention ivith Peru, appropria-
lien of ecurrenc, ........ 711 tion for compensation of ......... 79
appropriations for the .....
46, 221, 618, 522,
appropriations for office of the. .94, 186, 187, Under- Coolce 28, 785
68, 685
each company cook to have two, of
with certain Indian tribes, appropriation African descent, ................... 744
for negotiating .................... 629 pay and.ratlons, ..................... 744
Chippewas, Nez Perces, and Shosh- Underwood, W. H.,
onees, or Snake Indians,. . ..... 62 payment to representatives of ......... 80
with certain Sioux Indians, annulled in Union Pai RailroadCompany,
part, ...................... 662 act to Incorporate the ............. 489-498
For treaties with the several See The &uon Paq* Railroad Comprmny.
and Indian Tribes, see those Sveral
Th/a. name of tZe "Spring Hill" changed to, 250
Trespass. See W37Jid Tresass 1Anifed Slaoes Apgricuwua Sociey,
act to Incorporate ................... 12
. ayment to representatives of,. 849, 860 corporate name, powers, Oc ...... 12
officers and their duty .......... 12, 18
form of before certain ministers and terms of membership ........... 18
consuls abroad, ................... 78, 78 United Slow Military Academy.
TrWad, (Caltbrne) See Mdita,* cMa
mail srvtice at, ...................... 647 United &ae$and P uay NavqAon Com-
Tmidad de Cuba,
onsule at, may be discontinued, ...... 754 cms of, against Paraguay, to be set.
Tripol. see Casubl, Miniswor. ted by a commission ......... 1087-1090
civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- "9UitedSkate, Bond,"I
ters and consuls of the United States term, how construed under the banking
In................................ 78 association ac .................... 666
ThatWWd4 United Stats Notes,
land warrant to Issue to .............. 846 $160,000,000 may be issued for ex-
Trustees of Puhtw &kiols changes,... ................. 710
to have control of funds, a., for educa- when issued and applied, how re-
tion of colored children ............ 407 placed ........................ 710
to provide rooms, teachers, Ac.,. 407 $150,000,000 may be Issued to pay army,
Thuteso &Aoalsor Colored a'CA- navy, and other creditors ........... 710
In strct of Columbia, board of, cre- to include amount formerly author-
ated ........................... 687, 588 ized, .................. 710, 711, 828
powers and duties oA ............. 688 not to bear interest, .............. 711
term of office of ................. 588 how payable, and denominations,.. 711
vacancies, how filled, ............. 88 to be legal tender, except for duties
and Interest, ................... 711
of prinnary schools for education of youth when may be reissued ......... 711
in Washington County, D.C., provis- issues authorized In lieu of those
Ions concerning ................ 895-402 cancelled ..................... 711
Tuerck, Lieutnn Hermon, how signed, &e............... 711, 712
invalid pension to.................... 918 penalties for counterfeiting, alter.
Tanis. See Cons, midser. l 1g,
&c ...................... 718
civil and criminal jurisdiction of mini- issue of S00,000,000of authorized,.... 82
ters and consuls of the United States not bearing interest, how Payable,
In,............ ............ 78 and denomitions .......... 828
flu*V. See Gonsule, lfiistsrs. to be legal tender............... 828
consulates In,appropriations for, 20,171, 886, receivable and payable for all dues ex-
688 cept duties on imports and interest on
civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis. public debt, ....................... 828
ters and consuls of the United States Unierat L d.,
In.......................... 76 panted to Oregon and Minnesota,..... 208
one narhal may be appointed in, ..... 77 See also Kansas, Coorado, Dakota, and
one prison may be hired in ......... 78 Nvada.
Unsafe Buildings
Alsbama, not a port of dellvery ....... 87 Power Of Poice over .............. 579

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1435 1855-1863

1486 4NDRX.
tuuiaeyed Lands, Fafuaio', (continued.)
laws In regard to settlements upon, ex- under the internal revenue act, how
tended to California ................ 410 made ..................... 484-489
but not on mineral lands ......... 410 may be equalized .................... 487
when claimed for pregmption, notice of not to be increased without notice,.... 487
specific tracts claimed when to be filed, 418 "Value and Valued,"
effect of failure to file notice ...... 418 construction of the words in the tariff
Upper Pend d'Oreilke Indions, act......... ............... 197
treaty with. See FAaeade, Van BA*krl, Margie,
Ueeul Arts. Se Patent O#16s. payment to .......... ......... 857
act to promote the progrem o4 ........ 20 Vaa ,ia=,
to be allowed aocertn sum in settle-
in making loans or discounts by bank- ment of accounts .................. 916
ing asoclations to forfeit the debt,... 679 "Nowrua,"
Territory, pay to petty offcers and seamen of the,
payment of Indian agents in .......... 19 for losses of property by the slkin
appropriations for Indian service In,..19, 18, Of, ...... .................. 62
287, 791, 792 Vattier, J. L.,
for government ot ............ 101, 142 dxpenditures reimbursed to .......... 749
for survey of public lands,. .... 189 Venezuela,
expenses incurred by, to suppress In- treaty of amity, commerce, navigation,
dian hostiities, to be refunded
. ...... 161 and surrender of fugitives with, Au-
part of territory of,added to Nebraska,. 244 gut 27, 1860....................... 1148
postroutes In, established ......... 165,421 contracting parties.................... 1148
annual direct tax apportioned to. 296 peace and friendship to be established,. 148
and Colorado, to make one surveying privileges of citizens of either nation In
district ........................... 869 caso of war ....................... 1144
and Colorado, to make one land dis- passports ............................1144
trict .............................. 409 military service, exemption from,......1144
salar of surveyor.general in, ..... 409 privileges of citizens of either nation for
r acts of the territorial and pro- the transaction of business ....... 1144
visional government of, annulled and right to employ agents and brokers,1146
disproved .......................... 501 to have access to judicial tribu-
rights of property not interfered nals ..........................A 146
with .......................... 601 religious toleration, provided for ...... 146
salaries of Indian agents in ........ 798, 794 cemeteries to be protected ......... 1146
persnial property, right to dispose of,..1146
appropriations for the ................ 791 right of sueeession ............... 1146
Efterin. See Penaky. real estate ..........................1146
omunterfeit treasury notes, how pun- imports and duties .................. 1146
ished ............................. 47 reciprocity of trade...............114T
equal duties to be assessed upon
vessels of both nations ........ 1147
V. exports, equal privileges to both nations
Vacanie, concernng exportation of goods,.... 1147
in lists of medical officers, how filled,.. 160 coasting trade, to be reserved by each
in company offices, among volunteers, nation exclusively for its own citizens,1147
how filled .................. 270, 818 national vesels, character of ......... 1148
in regimental offices ............ 270, 818 duties, no other or higher duties ...... 1148
proceedings in ease of certain tempo. to be the same to each nation asif
rary, in offie of judge of federal dis- payable to any other foreign
trict court......................... 818 country ....................... 1148
caused by organization of cavalry forces, imports, no prohibition of ............ 1148
how to be filled .................... 699 privileges, granted to most ftvored a'
in executive departments of the govern. tions by either party to enure respec-
ment, how filled .................... 656 tively to each .................... 1148
not for longer term than six months, 656 duties, imposing of discriminating,....1149
in levy court, District of Columbia, may vessels, privileges relating to wrecked
be Alled by President,............ 658 vessels ........................... 1149
I'ucinatiwn, charges and salvage ............. 1140
among the Indians, appropriation for, 57, 287, repairs......................... 1149
528, 790 storage of cargo during the same,..1149
Palette, fees and charges ................ 1149r
payment to representatives of ......... 850 neutrals, rights of .............. 1150
Valleo, Mariano G., blockade, notice of, right to leave ......1150
paYment to.......................... 887 contraband of war, articles enumerated,11
Valuaien. See Diet Tax. fie ships, free goods, liberty of persons,1151
of real estate under act imposing direct soldiers in service of enemy. 1161
tax, to be of what date, ............. 297 merchant ships cn the Igh am in time
farther provisions concerning, equalls- of war ........................... 1161
Ing by increasing decreaing, a.,. 800
upon what principleor to be determined, .07-
shall exhibit papers, eaates,
S97D 4kc .......................... 1162
goods not to becotrabeand, ....... 111

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1436 1855-1863

pasenzr, Vess of War, (continued.)
passports lbr neutral ships ............
1152 of the navy, divided into four classes,., 588
to be renewed every year .... 1152 first rates, commanded by commodores, 588
additional certificate of ..o.. 1152 second rates, commanded by captains,.. 588
no other pper required . ... 1162 third rates, commanded by command-
vessels without passports, by whom ers ............................... 588
examined, when confiscated.11 A t52 fourth rates, commanded by lieutenant
ifmaster otf ship named in passport commanders ....................... 588
dies .......................... 1168 Victoria, ( Vancmmi's Idand,)
ships of war, examination of vesses by, 118 mail service between, and San Francis-
ships iin g withconvoyes..1168 co, contract and appropriation for,... 647
V';iA a~radio,
duty in cae of c veels,..1154
commadr an uerag of ves- land elam of, confirmed to certain ex-
sel not to be removed.......... 1154 tent ..............................
crew and passengers ............. 1154 Vigil, Jwa B.,
courts, prize courts and decree ........ 1156 land claim o&not confirmed ........... 71
ships of war, commanders of, responl- may institute suit for lands clamed,... 72
ble, ....................... 115 suit to be brought within two years, 72
privateers responsible, and com- how court to be governed, ........ 72
manders of to give bonds...... 1155 Viflarubia, Jose, Jr.,
prize vessels, &c., not to pay duties,... .11586 released from certain penalties ........ 89
not to be arrested ...... ...... 1166 to pa costs ......................... 889
limitation of privileges in relation to,1156 Virgia .ndlarmats,
privateers of enemies, prohibition in re- construction of former act concerning,.. 84
laton to ...........................1156 no warrant to, satisfied with certain
citizens of one nation not to use letters scrip ............................... 84
of niarque against the other ........1167 Viainia,
consuls and vice-consuls, shall be al- lost-routes established in.............. 166
lowed ............................. 1167 annual direct tax apportioned to ...... - 295
shall enjoy privileges, &c. ......... 1157 blockade of ports o4; declared,.. .Appendix,
shall sit as judges and arbitrators,.1158 1269
shall arrest deserters, proceedings inhabitants of part of; proclaimed to be
In relation to ..................1158 in Insurrection ....... Appendix, 1262
- fugitives from justice to be delivered up commercial intercourse therewith pro-
on evidence of crime ............... 1169 hibited ................... Appendix, 1262
crimes for which surrender is al- Visser, Simon &,
lowed, ......... ....... .. 1169 released from certain penalties,........ 889
Executive alone to surrender ..... 1159 topay9%, osts.................... 889
expenses at cost of party making Vouteers,
demand ...................... 1169 certain, to be paid from date of their or-
provisions fbr surrender of, not to ganization and acceptance as compa-
apply to political offences .......
1160 nies by governor of state ......... 898
convention, for term of eight years,.... 1160 certain in Alleghany. county, Maryland,
notice to terminate .............. 1160 to be paid......................... 899
place and time of ratification .....1160 limit of amount paid to individ-
signature, date, c ............. 1160, 1161 uals, ............ ............ 899
remaiR, payment to, for services in New Mexico
post-routes established in, ..... 165, 419, 574 and in Iowa, .................... 68
annual direct tax apportioned to....... 296 payment to, for services in Utah, ...... 161
additional representative in Congress in Oregon and Washington ........ 198
assigned to ...................... 858 In California, .................... 199
aprofPriation for year ending June 80,
intended for piratical aggressions may 186,to pay those called into the ser-
be seized and ondemned, .......... 814 vice of the United States,...256, 264, 844,
duty of commanders of public armed 846, 886
vessels, collectors, marshals, &a.,as to, 815 appropriation to refund to states ex-
employed, &c., in transportation of penses of,.........................
Chinese coolles to be forfAited, &c.,.. 840,
841 for subsistence of ............. 261-24
act to authorize the employment of,. 258-2L
names of certain, changed, - not over 500,000 may be accepted ..... 268
The "Frank , "Pierce," --------- 481 term of service, disbandment, Ac..... 268
The "Maury ----------- - 481 laws applicable to all volunteers serving
The "Henry EL Didler,"........... 481 for not less than six months ......... 268
Vessels of War, to be called for by proclamation and
of the United States, sank, act for rals- from states in proportion to popula-
ing ............................... 481 tion ..................... 268, 269, 286
accounts of 'ofleers and crew of those proclamation to state what,... .268,2 9
lost in naval engagements at Hamp- to be subject to army regulations ...... 269
ton Roads, Marich 8 and 9, 1862, to to be formed into regiments of infantry,
be equitably settled, ............... 876 artillery, and cavalry ............ 269
of foreign nations, reciprcating the infintry regiments, how made up,..::: 269
privege, may buy supplies from divisions and brigades, how composed
bonded warehouse, duty fee ....... 560 and officered .................... 29

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1437 1855-1863

1488 INDEX.
Mo/mteems (continued.) Velst trs, (continued.)
major-generas, brigadIer-generals, &c., called out by proclamations of the Presi-
to be appointed .................. 269 dent................ Appendix, 1258,1260
number and mode of appointment, 269 not to be mustered Into service on con-
if selected from regular army, to dition of confining their service to
retain their rank therein ...... 269 any state, except, &c ............. 889
field, staff, and company officers, how age of enlistment. A,c............. 889
commissioned .................... 269 eompany officers of, to be paid on pay-
pay and allowances to be those of reg- rolls of company .................. 481
ur army ........................ 269 unless on detached service or leave
allowances for clothing .......... 269 -of absence ..................... 481
for horses and horse equip. act providing additional medical officers
ments ................. 269,270 of..................502
commutation of subsistence and travel,. 269 how long to be in fore ........... 502
each regiment of, to have two assistant
If disabled or killed in service, entitled surgons ......................... 502
to same benefits as in regular army,.. 270 Pedent may accept 100,000, as infim-
widow and heirs to receive 6100, be- try for nine montha ................ 598
sides pay, &e....................... 270 advance pay and bounty to these,.. 598
pay of regimental bands ............... 270 President may accept such numbers as
of wagoners and saddlers .......... 270 may offer for twelve months, to fill
commissary and quartermaster-ser- infaintry regiments now in service,.. 598
geant ......................... 270 bounty, pay, and allowances ....... 98
chaplain to each regiment ............. 270 appropriations by state for its own, may
appointment, qulifcation, and du- be accepted and applied by Secretary
ties .......................... 270 of War, as such state trect......616
military board to be appointed to exam- Governor of Kentucky may raise not
ine commissioned officers of volun- over 20,000 within the state ....... 641
teers ............................. 270 term of service, and where to be em-
who may be a member of board,... 270 op1loyed ........................ 641,642
adverse report, if approved, to va- cers, how appointed and commis-
cate commission ............... 270 sioned ........................ 642
vacancies In company officers, how filled, 270 to be mustered Into the service of the
in resimental officers ............. 270 United States .................... 642
officers thus elected, how commissioned, 270 two regiments may be mounted rifle-
postage on letters written by soldiers men .............................. 642
need not be prepaid, ........... 270,271 may become three years' vhmteers,... 642
system of allotment tickets may be enlistments from, Into the regular ser-
used..................... .271 vice, not allowed .................. 187
families .of voluntetrs to draw part for nine months, or less, may enlist into
of pay ........................ %a1 regiment from same state to serve one
pay of certain, to commence when se- year, and receive bounty ......... 748, 744
cepted as companies by the goversur in repelling rebel raids, in border states, 750
of the state ...................... 274 claims, how to be determined ..... 750
maY be accepted In such numbers as the register of, to be prepared .......... 760
exigencies of the service require,.... 274 Von PUL, Baker and,
but not to exceed 000,000 in num- accounts for fulniture for courts in OWio
ber ..... .................... 274 to be paid ...................... 880
how to be armed and mustered into
service, ....................... 274 qualifications o& in the tertores of Ari-
requisite number of may major.generads or sona, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, and
brlier-generas be appointed, 274 Nevada. See those titW.
certan, to be reimbursed expbnses of Vouchersl
employing regimental and company affidavit of commanding oficer to show•
bands .......................... 284, 285 lmof ........................... 641
may be accepted without preious proc-
lamation, and in any numbers, from
any state, ......................... 285 W.
sale, &c., of spirtuous Ilquors, Sc., to,
In the District of Colum i punished, 286, Wadsww*jm Solosion,
291, 292 land titla of, confirmed and patent to
$2 a month to be deducted from pay of issue, ...................... 860
each enlisLd m~a, until expiration of
service ........................ 288,299 rate of, in avy yards,* ........ 880, 587
vacancies among commissioned oficers to be determined by commandant
in, how filled, ...................... 818 Wagoners, of yard ....................... 880
appropriation Ibr collecting, drilling, and
organizing.....................8316 pay of .......................... 270, 287
payof, tobe$ 8amonth ............ 826 Wago Boads. See Hiftmy Wago Roads.
when to commence .................. 826 lands granted to Wisconsin and M cM-
apprpriaton to pay certain, in Alle- s to aid in cnstruction of . ...... 797
g=my ountY, Mayland, who enlisted W~aka= ad W of iia;dikAins
to protect rablroad ridges, .......... 827 act to relieve for damages by ....... 652

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1438 1855-1863

INDEX. 1489
iv, I~m,(continued.) War Doabaut
ndsimay be assigned to .......... 819 appropriations Tor,. .19, 98, 99,189,140, 277,
reservations of tobe surveyed ........ 819 1 278, 861, 862, 868, 689
See Sis Inimm. additional clerks in offi s In......... 277
Waffineh, &fA"~, additional clerks In, authorized,....888, 88
life pension to ...................... 88 blank books, stationery, &a........ 277
Waldo, David, appointment of solicitor of, authorized,. 656
payment to ......................... 89 sarwy and appropriation for ...... 666
Weba- Waas, Cajie , and UMatillas. See
Midde Oreqone. payments to, for lost land titles,.. 540, 641
treaty between the United States and, of -1R_ R.,
June 9, 1855, preamble, contracting and others, assignees of Jacob Barker,
parties, &e ...................... %5 decision of court of claims against,
cession of lands to the United confirmed, ....................... 92
States.. ................ 946 Warhouse. See Internal evenwa
boundaries thereof ........... 945 owners of distillery may erect for bond-
reservation, boundaries, &c. 946 ed warehouse, ..................... 448
tobe set apart, surveyed, &c.,.. 946 Warelhoes,
-whites not to reside thereon, goods deposited in bonded and public
unless, &C................. 946 stores, when to be withdrawn and
roads may be run through, - duties paid....................... 294
damages to be paid ........ 948 if not withdrawn within time2lmited to
may be surveyed into lots, and be deemed abandoned to the govern.
assigned to individuals,..... 947 ment ............................. 294
patents to issue ............. 948 -wharves, &c., at Staten Island, repair-
conditions and restrictions,... 948 Ing,...............................
WazM'&,, Pwic, 74
assignments of patents may be
cancelled .................. 948 goods in, provision concerning duties
certain head chieS to have 160 on under tariff of March 2, 1861,.197,196
acres ..................... 948 Ware, &Mas C.,
tribes to settle on reservation within payment to, for professional services, .. 872
a year, .......................... 948 War Statistcs,
where to remain meanwhile,.... 8 superintendent of census to furnish to
rights of flihing and hunting re- eretay Of War.................. 618
served to Indians ..........- 946 Warraut,
payments by the United States..... 946 of arrest for offences, may be Issued by
how to be applied ............. 94 certain onsuls abroad .............. 74
proviso in case any bands donot ac- Warastof Distress,
cede to this treaty ............. 946 against property of delinquent collectors
Indians to be remunerated for ex- of taxes ............................ 807.
penses and improvements .. M Warrington,Let's,
reservations may be surveyed into accounts as paymaster, to be settled,
lots and assigned ................ 947 &c............ .............. 88
annuities not to be taken to pay debts decision of coutt of claims against ex.
of individuals .................. 98 ecutors of, confirmed,.............. 912
to be withheld from those who Washington,
drink, &e., ardent spirits..... 948 grant of land to city of, for a market-
tribes to preserve friendly relations,. 948 house, ............................ 14
to pay for depredations ......... 948 house how to be constructed ......... 14
not to make war but in self-de- limit of expenditure thereon, ...... 16
fence. ...................... 948 city may create a debt -herefor ...... 14
to submit to regulations, ........ 948 limit and rate of Interest ........... 14
United States to establish schools, United States not to be liable there
provide instructors, &a .......... 947 for,..................... 14
to famish mechanies, physician, stok,'how to be paid ........... 14,16
medicine, & ................. 947 title to land granted, to be in oily only
to expend $60,000 for buildinf, while msrket-house continues there-
&e., in two years atter ratl- on, ..............................
cation hereof ................ 947 when powers
clsed, herein granted, to be e16r-
to build dweliig.honuses fir head 15
chief ....................... 947 land conveyed to, for public schools .... 27
Pio-po-mox-mom to have dwelling not to be sold, &c., for other pur-
and salary ...................... 947 poses, ......................... 27
and house for trading-post for five value of certain land to be ascertained
years, at mouth of Yakama and reported to Congress ............
River ...................... 947 Mills's equestrian statue of. appropria-
immigrant wagon-road to Pow- tion for expense of inaugurating,... 114
der River, .................. 947 maor of, to be one of board of po.
treaty when to take e tfet, ........ 948 lice .............................. 82
signature, ratification, proclamation, duty of, to furnish station-houaes for
&e.......................948,949,960 police ............................. 28
We&k. Walsa, provision for quelling riots, suppress.
appropriations for the,.. .6,10, 288, 524, 786 ing insurrection, &c., in, ............ 824

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1439 1855-1863


Washl.agto, (continued.) Washgton's Manal Labor Sdod, ad Male

appropriation to complete the eAnces Orph- aa A dSoi
y of tde Di. rit of
of ............................ 889,666 Calu bia,
debts already Incurred to be first may by deed transfer all their property
paid ........................... 889 to Columbia Institution for dea, and
no part to be spent for works here- dumb, and blind.................... 80
after commeced, .............. 889 deed to be recorded .............. 80
deeds of public squares and lots In, by debts, &c., of old corporation to be
commissioner of public buildings, not assumed and paid by the a-
invalid for want of acknowledgment,. 807 W l nee ........................ 81
Wa ilt and Akerwada Raroad,....... 80
See Alexadria and Washinqton Railroad. appropriations for ................... 817
Wadagiyon and GwgqetowaRailnnd Cmopn, saary orei
engieer at ............ 818
act to incorporate ........... ......... 888 Tea'ir,
................. 888 additional land district in, establish-
line of of
power corporation
track, ......................... 8N8 ed .............................. 16,17
horse power, fare, 4c ................ 888 See Land Dis r dt.
use of road subject to municipal regula- .ppropriaton for military roads in,.... 19
tions........ ; .................... 889 appropriations for Indian service in,.58, 286,
road to be deemed real estate ......... 889 287, 791, 798
'taxation ............................. 889 survey of part of boundary between, and
railway, bow to be laid ............... 889 r . ..t... . .......... ...110
corporation to keep tracks and part of IMUM ttax apportioned to,...... 296
street in repair .................... 889 post-routes established in,.166, 421, 674, 664
grades, &c., of streets may be altered appropriations for government of ...... 142
by authorities ...................... 889 for survey of public lands In,..189, 218,
corporation, in such ases, to alter its 861, 748
tracks ............................ 889 Indian superintendent and agents in .... 128
act may be changed, altered, or repealed, 890 arrearages of work In land-offlce at
to be void unless railroad Is com- Olympia, .......................... 198
pleted within, &c ............. 891 expenses incurred by, in suppressing In-
corpomlon not to issue notes or scrip dian hostilities, to be refkkded ...... 198
as currency,....................... 890 part of territory of, added to Nebraska,. 2 4
capital, par value of shares ......... 90 appropriations for defence in .......... 848
stock, how transferable .............. 890 salary of surveyor-general in ........... 410
subscription to tock, when and where times and places of holding district
to be opened, ..................... 890 courts In......................... 648
In what cae to be void ......... 890 Wat0ce ,
a r ment of stock ........... 890 appropriation for eight additional, in In-
wtattobereceived in payment,... 891 terior Department, ................. 77
first meeting of stockholders .......... 891 Water Pipes,
directors, president, treasurer ....... 891 Watrapropriation for .................... 868
to make annual report ........... 891 ;te.,
vacancies in directors ............ 891 act to authorize the corporation at
by-laws ............................. 891 Georgetown, D. C., to lay,.......406-407
annual meeting of stockholder ....... 891 corporation of Washington may levy
flroVcl cara to be used ......... 890 and collect on real estate ........... 804
limes of running..................... 890 to be uniform, ....................... 804
pasenger rooms, depots, & ......... 890 to constitute a fund to defray cost of dis-
tracks between sabfe and depots ...... 890 tribution of water .................. 805
land for stables, depots, Ac.,.4 ........ 890 Water Worhs,
artieles of value loft in the cars, ........ 890 corporation of Washington may levy
government may transport reight ears and collect a water tax........ 804, 806
over tracks ..................... 890 may lay down water pipes, erect
reasoneble compensation to be paid fire-plugs and public hydrants on
therefbr ........................ 890 any squarest ............... 804
officers of cities of Washington and may levy and collect fire-plug tax, 804,
Georgetown not to obstruct, &c., rail- 806
road, .............................. 891 appropriation for the ................ *. 106
obstruction of passage over road, Injury to be under the superintendence of
to cars and property, how punished,.. 891 Coptacn Mds . . 106
penalty, damages ................ 891 ofen of en ne: f oishelbd........ 106
suite to be brought n sixty dayn.. 891 Wailcts, (kenry M.,
Washington Qu., D. C., to have patentlbr quarter section of
schools and school districts in...... 894-402 land in Kansas................ 888
See Przmmy Sdhools. Wat o.,\AAd5o J.,
Washinglas -Light Company, acoingap . of, as paymaster of the "ILe-
prie ofa to usto mer limited, ...... 584 nt, to be settled .............. 897
Wat , Ikfla-, , Mie late viymfster of the "Levant," ac-
pament to certain suarera by the burn. eonts of to be settled .......... 278
mgoZ .............. ........... 906 certain credits to be allowed ...... 278
ap=opriation for...... ......... 817 ,Bnjamin T.,
r naof
K to be sold atauction ....... 612 payment to .........................

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1440 1855-1863

=ND=X 14AI

S ap and Mom, Wfflimsm

act to provide for the support of the assignment of land to child ot ........ 1113
government, ................... 709, 718
lad scrip to isu to heirs og ...... 915,916
credits to, for trust funds lost,....... 40 Wider, Okmes 8.,
Wbe, S. C., for relief of the .......... 798 credit to be given to, n account 1or
_V moneylos
WW=/i A.,
t 8.2
payment of claim of ................. 791
wehde.l .Sarak credit to be given to, fn account for
payment to, for freed slaves .......... 924 money lost ....................... 869
Wehrhis, VAZn.e' WI'dees BquW ,
pension to ...............84 appro tion fo removal of Fourth
Anuditr's o e to ................. 139
reserved to the Yakama, Indians ...... 954
Westera Department, sale, &1., o=to eertaln Indlans, how pun-
commissioners under the act concerning, ished ............................ 889
to have six months to make their attempting to introduce into Indian
claims ........................... 824 country, how punished .............. 8W
Vter, Flotilla," may be searched for, seized, and de-
' As of Congress to officers and men stroyed,...... -, ............ 89
of the ............................ 616 W&me 0o0, ;1..
Western MilitWAy Asyglu, appropriations far the,..... 48, , 228, 515,
at Harrodsburg, Kentucky, to be sold, 89 628, 777, 785
_ _p fgs under such asec ........ 89 treaty with, of April 15, 1859........ 1101
West 1i. Se ,VitW1 Acdmy. eastern portion of their reservation to
appropriations for................. 887, 686 be set apart and assigned in severalty
provision concerning cadets at, ........ 288 to members of tribe ............... 1101
Wek Samml A., linlits of reservation ............. 1101
released from contraet to deliver stone,. 842 assignments of land ................. 1101
Wes Vnibga, to be in a compact body ....... 1101, 1102
act admitting into the Union ....... 688, W84 intermediate parcels to be held in oom-
not to take effect until after the mon, subjeet to assignment........ 1102
Proclamation of the President,... 684 whole lands to be known as the Winne- '
counties composing the state, ..... 688, 684 bago reservation ................... 1102
proposed change of the constitution of P whites not to resde or go thereon, un-
the'state,.......................... 684 less, &a ........................... 1102
when act is to take effect, ............. 684 assigiunent to be made under direction
post-road in, established,.; ...... .. 64 of Secretary of Interior, .......... 1102
Weoasaw, .ertificates to Issue for tracts isalgned,. 1102
son of ames Conner, payment to rep-. what to specy ..................... 1102
sentatives of ...................... 848 tracts not to be alienated, &e., unless,
&C., ............................. 1102
exportation of, from Japan, prohibited,.1054 to be exempt from taxation ...... 1102.
Wheelr, John H., rules and regulations oncerning dis-
payment to, for losses and expenditures, 889 position of ...................... 1102
Vlerr, Macke . provision in case of abandonment, ..... 1102
land title of, confirmed ............... 866 certain lands may be sold for certain
7ie, Gecrge, purposes, .......................... 1102
payment to, for freed slaves .......... 924 mode, &c., of sale ............... 1102
PhdtA ad, Ma2iare, improvements thereon ........ 1102
•pension to, ........................ 864 surplus land may be sold, ............. 1102
WhaWa, David ., proceeds howdelbts
to be.........
paid ........ 1102, 1108
payment to, for services as faslator,.. 881 valid and just
if proceeds of sale are, insuffieient to
appropriations for the, ..... 6, 286, 289.527, pay debts, &c., moneys now due to be
used ............................. 1108
Wifid3 and M'aloua &790,m798 to be applied under diriction of Secme-
to public or private property in District try of Interior ...... ........ 1108
of Columbia, how punished ........ 88,89 President, with assent of Congress, may
kinds of property and manner of in. modify any existing treaty with Win-
jury......................... 88,9 nebagoes ........... ............. 1108
jurisdiction of ofibuces to be in justiess all members of tribe to be notified of
of the peace ...................... 89 this agreement and may participate
W. persons convicted may apeal..... 89 therein, ......... ............ 1108
those not rejoining the tribe in one year
itpon public or private property in the not entitled to benefit of treaty ..... 1108
District of Columbia, bow punished,. 89 exenses of treaty to be paid out of the
See Wilfel and Maliiousinjwy. finds of .Winnebagoes ............ 1108
WY, e S., signature, ratification, . ... 1108,1104
account of, for bread famished votu- expenditure for, authorized, ........ 628
teers, tb be settled,. ............ 899 tract of land may be set apart for ...... 658
Warm, Je, they may be removed from Minnesota,. 685
viymnt to ........................ 899 present reservation to be appraised, 658, 659

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1441 1855-1863


*Wimae , (oontlmed.) Jv'mwa, (contqnued.).

cadings In the District of Colum-
Improvements to be appraised sepir-
tely .......................... 09 bia ............... . ....... 89
when to be subject to prelmption,.. 659 eompetency of, in federal courts, trials
who may prelmpt, ............... 659 at common law, equity, and admiralty,
what is not preimpted may be sold, 659 to be determined by law of state in
minimum price ............ 659 which court Is held, ............. 588, 589
improvements, how treated, ..... 659 examined as to claims against New
lands of, set apart for debts to be sold Granada, if tunwilling. may be com-
by sealed bids ................... 659 pelled to testfy.................... 615
bids when dnd how received,... 659 provisions concerning depositions and
what taken in payment, .......... 659 aflidavits in cases in Patent Office,... *8
proceeds of sale, how disposed of,.. 69 may be summoned and compelled to
lands to be allotted in severalty,&c.,... 859 give lbeir attendance ............... 248
to be vested in such Indian and his travel and attendance ................ 246
heirs ........................ 659 not oteplled to disclose certain mat.
amount of allotment .............. 659 ters .............................. 2V
annual appropriations for, how expend- in examination of claims against New ,
ed ........................... 659, 660 Granada and Costs Ria, ........... 14
discrimination in ikyor of ithful chiefs, 660. may be compelledtoattend before board
Indians subject to criminal laws of the of police ......................... VA
United States and state,°&e......... 80 who may administer oaths, &e, to,..... 824
cannot make valid contracts ...... 860 perjury by, what shall constitute.......2
provision for their education ...... 660 accommodations to be provided in Dis-
Win&*a Iimerixon, trictof~oiumbia, ftr&ioedetainedas, 824
what to be known as the ............. 1102 depositions of certain, may be take for
Wift'nsn, e bore military courts ........ 786
post-routes in, establish,.....167, 419, 664 befoeo courts-martial and courts of In-
annual direct tax apportioned to...... 296 uiry, jdge-advoeate may compel
certain lots of land In, to be surveyed,. 580 e attendane of ................. 754
construction of word "northerly," in teitimony of Piose residing in the
act granting lands to aid In construc- United States may be taken to be
tion of railrls In, ................. 518 used n certain suits in ibrelgn coun-
state to receive same quantity of law% 818 tries, ........... ................. 769
grant of land to, for railroad.......... 618 mode of procedure to take ........ 769
road to be constructed within, Uc.,. 618 penalty if witness does not appear, or
lands on line of road, how aisposed'of,. .618, refuses to test*p ................... 760
619 es and mileage of.... .......... 769
to constitute Jart Of the elgbth 1ud-ot immaksons to . testimany of, i
circuit ........................... 687 •eren countries In suits in which
made pan of ninth judicial circuit,.. 8... 648 the United States are interested, how
terms of circuit and district courts In,.. 699 returned, ...................... 769, 770
act granting lands to, in alternate sec- Fes,
tions to aid In constructIon of a mill- ii prize'cases, bow to'be paid ......... 760
tary.wagbn-road .................. 797 W.1, =.sa7a .,
lands subject to disposal of legisktre,. 797' life pension ...................... 850
mode of disposal of lands ....... 798 -, Quer sypnce
mode of constructing roads ......... 798 accounts to be settled equitaNy and al-
district court In, may issue executions, lowances made ............ 905, 906
&e., In certain cases ............... 807 _r- ,Wilian Mazwdl,
payment to, for mileage...............
testimony of any, beftre congres or Woods, Hem],
committee, not to be used against account of, to be reopened, ........... 87-1
him ....... ...................... 888 Wole, Thodos D.,
privilege not to extend t6 official paper Smithsonian Ta-
or record ......................... 888 • ttuton,...................... 81?
not -privileged fin testifying or produc- -,William, "
ing paper ........ ..... ,... 888 ttle to saline lands In iinol, confirmed
be punished for peiury ........ 888 to .............................. 891, 892
Indans are competent, in cases under W , Lieutentant .. ;
act to regulate trade, &c ........... 889 thanks of Congress to, and to the offi.
before commissioners, under act a' -&- cam and men of his command, ....... 622
ing slavery in District of Columbia, -, oanaderJAw L.,
may be compelled to attend........ 417a Worthe,
thanks of Congress to ................ 828
color not to exclude, ............. 877
persons making claim, may be examin- title to lands in Illinois, conirmed
ed as ............................. 7 to, ............................... So1
persons claimed, may be called, for pur-
pose of identifdition ............... 877 tletr to sahe lands in Illinois, confirmed
in the District of Columbia, comdltted
fer want of bail, to be placed in house WtG. .................... 81
of Industry ......................... 500 the, of'the army, provision for, in eaf
color not to exclude, In any judicial pro- of emrene .................... 972

HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1442 1855-1863

INDEX. 1443
of mail matter, may be Department.
See Post-Office regulated, &c.,.. 707 Yakamas, (continued.)
reservations may be surveyed into
Wright, Beriuh, lots and assigned ............... 953
invalid pension to, for life............ 858 annuities not to be taken to pay
Writings.. See Stamps. debts of individuals ............ 954
provisions concerning stamps upon, &c., 682, to be given free of cost ...... 954
633, 724 to be withheld from those who
Writs of Error, drink, &c., ardent spirits,... 954
from judgments of the circuit court to tribes to preserve friendly relations, 954
supreme court in copyright and pa- to pay for depredations ....... 954
tent cases, to be allowed without re- to surrender offenders,....... 954
gard to the amount in controver- not to make war but in self-de-
sy, ............................... 180 fence ..................... 954
from the courts in Kansas and in Colo- United States to establish free com-
rado, Dakota, and Nevsda. See these mon schools, provide instructors,
titles. &c .. ........................ 953
the United States may prosecute to the to furnish mills, mechanics,
supreme court, without giving secu- physician, medicine, &c.,... 958
rity for costs, &c.................... 657 to pay salary and furnish house,
costs, how paid ............... 667, 668 &c., to head chief, ....... 958, 954
from state courts to circuit courts, in Kamaakun is head chief ......... 954
actions against officers, for false ar- treaty when to take effect ........ 964
rest, &c............................ 767 signature, ratification, proclamation,
not to be allowed in certain cases,.. 757 &c ... ..................... 956, 966
from circuit court to supreme court,. 757 Yak, Moses,
decision of court of claims against, con-
firmed ........................ 928
Y. Ya con Land Ditrict,
established at, boundaries, &c.......... 244
Yachts, register and receiver at ............. 244
duty upon4.......................... 467 Yanctos,
Yakaeas, appropriations for the,. .6, 57, 232, 238, 528,
appropriations for the, 7, 67, 68, 288, 524, 786 627, 786, 790
treaty between the United States and, Yards and
of June 9, 185, preamble, contracting bureau of, established In navy depart-
parties, &c......................... 951 ment, ............................. 510
cession oflands to the United States, 951 officers, &ec.,their salaries ...... 610, 511
boundaries thereof ............ 951 transfer of appropriation for bureau of,. 681
reservation, boundaries ......... 962 appropriation forhbureau of, ... 690, 691, 816
to be set apart, surveyed, &c.,. 952 contingent find of bureau of ......... 751
whites not to reside thereon, salary of civil engineer of bureau of,. 818
unless, &c................ 962 Yates, George,
roads may be run through, - decision of court of claims against, con-
damages to be paid .... 952, 958 firmed, ........................... 922
may be surveyed into lots and - , June,
assigned to Individuals.... 954 pension to, during widowhood ......... 888
Wenatshapam fishery reserved, 954 Young, Brigham,
tribes to settle on reservation within accounts of, for disbursements for In-
a year,. ...................... 952 dian service in Utah, to be exam-
where to remain meanwhile,... 952 ined .............................. 220
rights of fishing and hunting re- -, George,
served to Indians ............... 958 amount of fine for violation of the rev-
payments by the United States,... 958 enue law, remitted to ............. 919
how to be applied .......... 958 -, Merit L.,
President to be informed of payment to, for subsistence to certain
wishes of Indians ......... 968 emigrating Indians ............... 59
remuneration for expenses and improve- -, Thomas,
ments ............................ 952 amount of fine remitted to ............ 919


HeinOnline -- 12 Stat. 1443 1855-1863

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