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40sec on 10-20 sec off

1. Bycicle Crunches( on back, oposite knee to oposite elbow, back on
floor,don t pull head, shoulders off the ground,lower bach well on floor !)
2. Bugs walks(on back, kees at 90, feet touching floor 1by 1..cum faceam pt
dureri lombare !)
3. Hollow body hold (on back, legs and arms, straight ca o lingura-
4. Heel Taps (on back, genunchii indoiti, atingem calcaiele cu mainile (catre
tavan) prin laterale , head and shoulders off the ground
5. UP-DOWN Planks(de pe maini pe coate si invers)
6. Criss-Cross leg lifts( pe spate, picioarele criss-cross si de la 90 catre jos si
7. TOe Touches (pe spate, picioare drepte la 90 si vii sus cu mainile sa atingi
degete picioare, umeri si chest coming up )
8. V-Ups de pe spate, vii in V si iar pe spate
9. PLank Hold on elbows
10.Leg Lift Extensions – pe spate, cu picioarele la cm de sol, vii in sus, si ridici
cu abdomenul fundul sus catre tavan , picioare catre tavan , drepte !

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