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Raportul gratuit al diagramei Natal

Următorul instrument gratuit pentru hărți nașterii listează semnele planetei, pozițiile casei și aspectele. De asemenea, vă permite să
comparați mai multe sisteme casnice. (Sistemul implicit al casei este Placidus).

Veți găsi doar câteva interpretări chiar acum (mulți dintre factorii majori, cum ar fi Soarele, Luna, Ascendentul, Mercurul și Venus în
semne și casă), dar lucrez la adăugarea mai multor interpretări frecvente, așa că trebuie să reveniți aici din timp la timp!

Interpretările din următorul raport al hărțiilor nașterii sunt scrise de mine, Annie Heese, și sunt de obicei interpretări extinse deja găsite
pe acest site.

** Notă: Raportul gratuit de pe această pagină este un raport interpretativ gratuit alternativ care este menit să completeze secțiunea
Raport gratuit a Cafe Astrology

** Important: în circumstanțe normale, nu este nevoie să schimbați compensarea fusului orar care apare după ce ați introdus locul de
naștere. Vă rugăm să nu ajustați compensarea fusului orar decât dacă știți cu siguranță acest lucru, deoarece compensarea implicită
încorporează factori cruciale (cum ar fi acum de vară) și este, în majoritatea cazurilor, corect. Vezi și notele de mai jos.


5 ianuarie 1932 la 12:00 (12:00 pm) (fus orar = UTC +2)

Ora universală: 10:00

Slatina, Olt, România

44 ° N26 '24 ° E22 '

Zodiacul tropical

Case Placidus

Date grafice pentru Alexandra


Următoarele listează pozițiile planetelor și punctelor din diagrama natală cu interpretări pentru factorii cheie.

Planete și puncte în semne

Soare în Capricorn 13 ° 51 '48 "

Soarele în diagramă arată caracterul nostru, identitatea personală, și ego - ul. Reprezintă voința noastră de a trăi și forța noastră de viață
creatoare. Așa cum planetele se învârt în jurul Soarelui în sistemul nostru solar, ne derivăm scopul vieții din Soare în hărțile noastre
natale. Soarele este „adultul” nostru - partea din noi care ne cenzurează „copilul interior”, motivează lucrurile și ia decizii finale. Soarele
oferă, de asemenea, indicii despre vitalitatea noastră generală. Soarele ne conduce și poate fi considerat „șeful” graficului nostru.
Când oamenii te întreabă „Care este semnul tău?”, Capricornul ar fi răspunsul tău. Din punct de vedere tehnic, totuși, este semnul dvs.
Soare Capricorn și sunteți alcătuit din mai multe combinații diferite de semne. Chiar și așa, semnul dvs. Sun este extrem de influent și
semnificativ și interpretăm acest factor aici.

Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn adopt a realistic, grounded approach to life that is
unmistakable no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart may or may not be. Capricorns know how to do things, and to get things

Unii Capricorni se întorc în mod natural cu spatele la lucrurile pe care le consideră prea frivole. Ei sunt foarte preocupați de lucruri care
merită - și acest lucru se aplică și propriilor lor vieți. Capricornii vor să facă și să fie ceva important. La fel ca rudele lor semnale de pe
Pământ, Taur și Fecioară, trebuie să se simtă utile și eficiente în lumea reală pentru a fi mulțumiți de viața lor. Dar semnele Capricornului
se învârt pe pământ este că au o nevoie mai puternică de recunoaștere în sens lumesc. Au un mare simț al societății și al cadrului ei și se
simt cel mai sigur atunci când simt că își fac rolul în cadrul respectiv.

Ca un Capricorn, ai tendința de a-ți plăcea lucrurile și te bucuri de lucrurile simple din viață. Cu toate acestea, unii Capricorni pot fi atrași
de simbolurile de stare, iar acestea vor purta cele mai bune haine (de bun gust!) Și vor conduce mașini impresionante în liniște.

Comparând Capricornii cu simbolul lor, capra, aduce câteva analogii interesante. Capricornii solari pot vedea în viitor și îl pot planifica.
Nu le deranjează să ia lucrurile încet, dar își propun absolut să ajungă în vârful muntelui în viață! În timp ce alte semne ar putea vedea un
munte (sau un drum lung și așa mai departe) și se vor teme cât de mult le-ar lua să urce pe el, Capricornii sunt cumva mângâiați de ideea
că pot ajunge încet, dar sigur, la vârf. Își fac drum în mod constant și sigur; iar puterea și unicitatea scopului lor sunt admirabile.

Capricornii pot fi uneori oameni destul de singuri, deși rareori îl lasă să se arate. Acestea sunt adesea puțin rezervate - chiar și standoffish.
Acest lucru se întâmplă de obicei pentru că apreciază toate lucrurile practice și rareori își vor purta emoțiile pe mâneci, cu excepția
cazului în care au un semn lunar deosebit de flambiant.

Acesta este un semn care este, fără îndoială, cel mai inventiv al zodiacului. Pentru unii, Capricornii sunt neimaginați, dar Caprele pot fi
extrem de creative atunci când vine vorba de lumea materială. Sunt oameni foarte capabili, cu un puternic simț al tradiției și

Mulți Capricorni au stăpânit arta de a face oamenii să râdă. Simțul umorului lor poate fi de o varietate mortală - sunt excelenți în a păstra
o față dreaptă. De asemenea, pot fi și sarcastici.

Capricornii nu sunt cunoscuți pentru că își asumă prea multe riscuri în viață. Ei apreciază traseul bătut și lucrurile „încercate și
adevărate”. Acest lucru nu înseamnă că sunt băgați în noroi - ei apreciază doar munca asiduă depusă de cei care au fost în preajma lor.

Ca un Capricorn, te gândești la bătrânețe mai mult decât majoritatea sau îți consideri „sinele viitor” de peste zece sau douăzeci de ani.
Această calitate se află în spatele multor dintre adjectivele atribuite semnului dvs. zodiacal, inclusiv prudent, precaut și atent. Probabil că
ți-ai asumat responsabilitatea în viața ta. Ești orientat spre obiective și poți fi foarte hotărât să realizezi ceea ce ți-ai propus. S-ar putea să
nu te grăbești la proiecte noi ca niște semne, dar tu ești cel care ajunge la linia de sosire.

S-ar putea să dai de un mic judecător, în mare parte pentru că te menții la standarde destul de înalte. De asemenea, ai tendința de a fi cel
matur al oricărui grup dat, cel puțin în spirit.

Căutați și doriți să creați ordine și sunteți foarte deranjați de ceilalți care nu respectă regulile și, prin urmare, ajung să intre în căile altora.
Dezavantajele de acest gen pot fi frustrante. Nu sunteți plictisitor, dar cu siguranță apreciați o anumită predictibilitate, respect, structură,
cod și organizare. Preferați să nu ieșiți prea mult din pachet, preferați să respectați limitele altora și să vă faceți drum prin viață în liniște
și constantitate.

Prietenii apelează la tine pentru ajutor atunci când trebuie să facă lucrurile cu adevărat. În calitate de Capricorn, ai sfaturi practice și îi vei
ajuta să-și organizeze și să-și gestioneze viața puțin mai bine. Capricornii sunt de obicei buni cu „cuvântul” lor, oameni de încredere și

Capricornul vibrează cu numărul 8, sâmbăta, plumbul metalic, marină sau bleumarin, verde închis, gri și pietre de jad.

Semnul Soarelui dvs. este modificat de diferiți factori, inclusiv aspectele pe care le face asupra altor planete și puncte, poziția casei sale,
casa cu semnul pe care Soarele îl conduce (Leul) pe cuspidă și semnul dvs. Saturn, deoarece Saturn este conducătorul planetar al
Capricornului. Aceste poziții adaugă mai multe straturi Soarelui în interpretarea Capricornului. Capricornul este un semn cardinal
Pământ. Mai multe despre Capricorn .

Ascendent în Berbec 15 ° 19 '59 "

De Ascendentul definește, în parte, prima impresie vom face pe alții într - o personal , mai degrabă decât un sens profesional.
Reprezintă aspectul nostru fizic, corpurile noastre fizice și sănătatea generală și egoul corpului. Poate fi masca sau costumul pe care îl
purtăm pentru a saluta lumea. Ea dezvăluie mecanismele noastre naturale și personale de apărare pe care le folosim pentru a ne adapta -
și pentru a face față - mediului nostru. Ascendentul arată, de asemenea, primele noastre impresii despre lumea care ne înconjoară și
așteptările noastre față de aceasta - indiferent dacă suntem în mod natural ezitant sau entuziast, de exemplu. Modul în care începem noi
proiecte și atitudinea noastră față de experiențe noi intră sub conducerea Ascendentului.
Cu un Ascendent Berbec, ești direct și rapid. Primul tău instinct este să faci, mai degrabă decât să gândești. Nu întotdeauna planificați în
avans - de cele mai multe ori, încărcați înainte fără prea multe, preferând să vă ocupați de problemele pe măsură ce apar.

Ești direct, dar nu neapărat agresiv. Nerăbdarea poate fi cu siguranță un viciu, dar nu ai prea multe probleme să asumi ceva nou, iar alții
îți admiră natura curajoasă și întreprinzătoare. Aveți o manieră tânără, directă, care vede ceea ce vrea și merge pentru ea. În același timp,
există rareori răutate în intenția ta.

S-ar putea să fiți competitiv, dar este mai mult despre a vă pune presiune pe voi înșivă pentru a fi PRIM. Îți place să ieși înainte în practic
tot ce faci. Te pregătești repede, mergi repede și ai puțină răbdare pentru a-ți face griji. Și temperamentul tău este rapid. De asemenea,
este rapid să dispară. De fapt, te dezvolți în a pune trecutul în spatele tău și a merge mai departe. Rareori aveți ranchiună (cu excepția
cazului în care aveți o prezență puternică a opta casă, Pluto sau Scorpion în diagrama dvs.). Manierismele tale sunt destul de simple și

Îți place acțiunea și deseori găsești încercarea de a provoca o anumită activitate. Unul dintre atuurile tale constă în căile tale
întreprinzătoare. Finalizarea lucrurilor pe care le începeți nu vine întotdeauna la fel de ușor, cu excepția cazului în care conducătorul dvs.
de semne în creștere, Marte, este plasat într-un semn mai tenace, cum ar fi Taur sau Scorpion. De fapt, Marte capătă mai multă
importanță în graficul tău, deoarece Marte stăpânește semnul tău ascendent. Poziția lui Marte în funcție de casă, semn și aspect în
diagrama dvs. are o influență puternică asupra modului și direcției în care vă direcționați energiile în creștere ale Berbecului. Își
colorează abordarea personală față de lume și atitudinea ta față de noi începuturi.

Acest Ascendent face adesea o plimbare destul de rapidă, cu capul înclinat ușor înainte. Această plimbare este surprinzător de distinctivă.
Durerile de cap și sinusurile sau problemele oculare sunt plângerile fizice obișnuite ale acestei poziții. Uneori apar erupții cutanate și
acnee pe față și pe umeri. Umerii largi și șoldurile subțiri sunt frecvente. Adesea, oamenii în creștere ai Berbecului zâmbesc rapid și
posedă un farmec tineresc de-a lungul vieții.

Este cu totul posibil ca la începutul vieții să fi fost prezentat copilul „independent”. Ca adult, acest rol s-ar putea să vă rămână foarte bine.
Oamenii nu aleargă să te ajute - pari destul de bine făcând lucrurile pe cont propriu. Ai învățat să fii autosuficient, iar acest lucru provine
de obicei din experiențele tale timpurii. Primul tău instinct este să ascunzi orice semn de slăbiciune. Acest scut sau mască vă poate
provoca câteva probleme uneori, întrucât oamenii vă văd adesea mai puternici decât ați simți.

Oamenii vă văd frecvent ca un lider sau un creator de tendințe, cel puțin la prima impresie și, ca urmare, nu vin de obicei puternic atunci
când se apropie de voi. Alternativ, puteți fi văzut ca un singuratic sau ca cineva care se simte bine de unul singur.

Ești un pionier și ești entuziasmat de lucruri noi. Tu ești cel care sparge gheața. Este posibil ca diplomația să nu fie cea mai bună calitate
(cu excepția cazului în care Balanța, Venus și / sau a șaptea casă sunt puternice). Sunteți cu siguranță centrat pe mine, sau cel puțin
întâlniți acest lucru, dar o faceți fără scuze. Presiunea colegilor te influențează mult mai puțin decât majoritatea oamenilor. De fapt, te
simți bine să-ți faci propriul drum și să-ți faci singur. Cu adevărat nu vrei să dai de urmăritor.

În ciuda uneori într-o manieră destul de bruscă și independentă, uneori sunteți foarte dispus să faceți compromisuri în relațiile voastre și
puteți fi foarte atașat de oamenii pe care îi iubiți. Mai multe despre Aries Rising .

Lună în Săgetător 11 ° 00 '59 "

Luna în semnele dezvaluie multe despre obiceiurile noastre, reacțiile și instincte. Arată modul în care ne exprimăm și ne ocupăm de
emoțiile noastre. Cel mai evident în casele noastre sau în privat atunci când ne simțim confortabil, semnul nostru lunar ne dezvăluie
nevoile cele mai interioare. Luna poate reprezenta experiența noastră de hrănire; arată, de asemenea, modul în care ne hrănim pe noi
înșine! Este important să rețineți că semnele lunii se schimbă la fiecare 2 sau 2-1 / 2 zile și, în unele zile, poate fi unul dintre cele două
semne, caz în care este necesară o oră exactă a nașterii.
Mai mult decât orice, aveți nevoie de libertate și spațiu personal. Ești extraordinar de fericit și ușor de atins, atâta timp cât nu te simți în
cușcă sau cuplat.

Cu Luna ta în semnul Săgetătorului, ai o nevoie simultană de activitate. Întâlnirea cu oameni noi, ieșirea în lume și călătoria sunt
esențiale pentru sentimentul tău de bine. Îți plac spațiile deschise și, în casa ta, un mediu încăpător, luminos și luminos.

Există un pic de profesor în tine și cu siguranță un spirit de ajutor. Uiți repede întâlnirile și altele asemenea, iar unele cu această poziție
lunară sunt chiar considerate iresponsabile. Cu toate acestea, este greu să rămâi supărat pe un Săgetător Lunar! Ești extraordinar de vesel
și optimist, iar optimismul tău este captivant.

Many people with this position are outdoorsy types. At the very least, you have a great love for changes of scenery and some disdain for the
regular routine. You also enjoy friendly competition. You want to feel that you can grow and improve on an emotional level, and if you feel
stifled in this respect, you're sure to get very antsy. You seek out knowledge, that's true, but also experience. There's a big world outside,
and you're always aware of this fact.

When the going gets tough, you have a great need to run away! It's not that you're scared. In fact, you're a courageous person. However,
you don't like to be caught up in routine for too long, and you simply need to escape situations that confine you. You'll be back when you
feel refreshed and your spirit is renewed!

You also tend to skim the surface when it comes to feelings. You may prefer to avoid emotional intensity if it seems to drag you down.
You're capable of becoming all fired up about ideas and situations, but you're disinclined to dwell on or genuinely explore the depth of
your feelings or others' complicated emotions (unless your Moon is connected solidly to the eighth house or Pluto).

There's a blind faith in Lunar Sagittarians that is admirable. You simply believe that everything will work out. You may feel you have a
guardian angel or powerful intuition that guides you. Not much for making detailed plans, you prefer to wing it. This can, at times, be
disconcerting to those who are not as free-spirited as you and who'd prefer a bit of a head's up.

You are very adaptable and generally on the go. You're also hungry for knowledge, new experiences, and mind-expanding ideas. You are a
great lover of the truth, and you'd make a wonderful, inspiring teacher. You're warm and spontaneous, and you're quick to jump in when
others are still thinking about it!

Mercury in Sagittarius 21° 35' 50"

What's your style of communication? How do you make decisions? How do you pick up, process, absorb, and exchange information?
These questions are answered, in part, by Mercury's placement by sign in your natal chart. Someone may be an assertive Aries, but they
could also have Mercury in Taurus, with a style of communication that's slower, patient, and not quite as spirited as one would expect
from an Aries, as an example. Mercury refines the Sun sign, and it helps to define how we take in--and give out--information.
With Mercury in Sagittarius, you seek freedom. You communicate in an optimistic, forward-looking manner. Your ideas are often very big,
but you're not always concerned about details. You have vision and mean well. In fact, you may want to change the world, and you're very
excited about sharing your viewpoint.

Not always thrilled about taking care of routine matters, you prefer to expand your mental horizons through thinking and reading about
larger subjects, like philosophy. Your thirst for knowledge is insatiable, but you have little patience for dry academics or cold, hard facts.
Yours is a restless intellect. You learn best when you're allowed the freedom to think and discover for yourself, when you're genuinely
interested in the topic at hand, and when the things you're learning are fun or meaningful.

Even though your definition of justice might bewilder some, you defend truth and freedom religiously. You're principled, and you love to
share your views. Your optimism is both your strength and weakness. Your conversations are stimulating and invigorating, and you make
life a little better for your positive, optimistic outlook. Sometimes, though, your optimism can be a bit blind to reality.

Organization, too, is not a forte of Mercury in Sagittarius. Who has the time for organizing anyhow? When the clutter around you becomes
too unbearable, you're given to trashing or piling things instead of putting them in their rightful places. You do appreciate lots of room, or
at least the illusion of space, when you're working, studying, or thinking. So, your office might look alright at first glance. Open up a
drawer or a closet, however, and it may be bursting its seams!

Your discussions are always interesting. Others can't help but admire your enthusiasm. At your worst, you take to preaching instead of
conversing. This may not be intentional and can get you into all kinds of trouble nonetheless. A good debate is hard for you to pass up. You
think you're open-minded--and you are in many ways--but you can come across as quite moralistic at times, too. You'll be the first to spot
bias or prejudice in everyone else's communications, but you can be a little blind to your own. You're not always the best listener, either,
and not adept at picking up the subtleties in others' conversation as you enthusiastically communicate your viewpoint.

Bluntness of speech is a trademark of Mercury in Sagittarius. You become impatient with indirectness and beating around the bush. It
baffles you, in fact! It may even piss you off for a while. A sure-fire way to get under your skin is by playing mind games with you.

When you're not fired up about some issue or another, you're fun-loving. You love to laugh, and it's usually pretty easy to get you giggling.
You're forever curious, a bit prophetic, and you enjoy a hearty debate.

Venus in Aquarius 13° 08' 19"

How do you attract things, situations, and people into your life? Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in
life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, preferences, artistic inclinations, and
what makes us happy. We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach relationships of the heart, as well as what gives us
pleasure. We also turn to Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how much we spend on leisure activities
(not to mention the kinds of leisure activities we seek). Venus rules attractiveness--both the ability to attract and attraction to others (and
things). Venus rules, amongst other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure,
sensuality, and comfort.
With Venus in Aquarius, you impress others with your open-minded, future-oriented spirit. You want potential partners to see you as
unique, rebellious, and a little provocative. You are attractive when you're a bit aloof. You want a lover to acknowledge and appreciate that
you don't follow the beaten track in matters of the heart. You may feel strongly that people can't belong to one another, and your ideas
about love and friendship may be unconventional.

You may be attracted to unusual or non-traditional relationships, or you personify these qualities, and this is how you attract who and
what you want into your life. You don't want to follow all the rules, although you may very well make quite a few of your own. You can
appear quite standoffish at times, and you can be put off or threatened by restrictions of any kind. You do value predictability and
longevity, but you don't feel that people should blindly adhere to traditions and principles just because they're in place or have served
others well. You are a true individualist!

Emotional or sensitive types may be put off by your detached manner in love. You want people to love you for your intellect, and to admire
your vision. You value lovers who are also good friends, and you tend to avoid emotional displays or confrontations like the plague. With
your Venus in Aquarius, you may very well delight in shocking people with your unusual ways or progressive beliefs. Certainly, your tastes
are out of the ordinary.

Pleasing you involves letting you know just how interesting you are. The right partner for you is one who accepts your occasional need to
act superior on an intellectual level--they know you are very proud of your unique viewpoint. They will dream along with you and won't
fence you in. You need space and will happily return the favor, giving a partner lots of room to breathe and space to be themselves.

My Personal Ad Bio: "I'm unique. I'm not possessive. I'm looking for a friend in a lover. Let's talk and have some fun."

Venus in Aquarius people are attracted to unconventionality, independence, and freedom as themes in their social relationships.
Experimental relationships are intriguing. Being friends as well as lovers is essential to Venus in Aquarius.

You prefer to write your own terms when involved in a relationship, and this can be challenging for a partner, as these terms can be
changeable! You may be reacting to a condition or situation of the moment, and in this way, you can be somewhat erratic. You can also be
a little inconsistent with your emotions and feelings. Except for these qualities, you are one of the least selfish people in love. You give
your partners freedom to be themselves, and you are rarely clinging or controlling. You're very easygoing in this manner --a partner can
appeal to your sense of reason, and you always strive to be exceptionally fair and impartial. You're likely to be attracted to art, furnishings,
clothing, and music from the past as well as the modern, abstract, and futuristic--rarely current. Your tastes can be unique, quirky, and off
the beaten track. Outdated ideas and pointless traditions are pet peeves. You prefer fresh approaches to love and life, and you want people
in your life to think for themselves.

You have a "take it or leave it" style that can be sexy or maddening, depending on the audience! You're open-minded, but you can have an
intellectual approach to feelings and love that comes across as cool, detached, or unemotional. You may come alive in unusual, non-
traditional, long-distance, or on-and-off situations. You enjoy surprising a partner perhaps more than anything.

You are exceptionally friendly and kind but could frustrate those closest to you with your detached and impersonal approach. The very
reason why friends find you invaluable can bother those who want more intimacy from you. You're loyal and value long-term connections,
and you are especially helpful, objective, non-judgmental, understanding, and fair. Because you seem so easygoing, others may be
surprised to find that you can be quite stubborn and very true to yourself, perhaps at all costs.

You are attractive and quite brilliant, and others appreciate your generosity, perception, and unique perspective. People love being around
you, and you get along with all sorts of people from all backgrounds. You are intellectually curious and find it easier than most to detach
your feelings long enough to enjoy someone's perspective. Perhaps you love people more in theory than in practice! You may feel a little
more comfortable in groups than in one-on-one at times. You're certainly highly observant and a perpetual student of human nature, and
your partners and friends usually would describe you as "one of a kind."

Mars in Capricorn 20° 10' 16"

With fiery Mars in the more orderly sign of Capricorn, you have a subdued and controlled style of approaching life. You may not come
across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, yours is a low-key but determined energy.

Mars in Capricorn natives like yourself tend to prefer to be on top of things. You are generally the goal-oriented and focused type who is
not afraid of hard work. You can be an achiever by nature who possesses well-defined ambitions--well-defined to yourself more than
anything. You're not a particularly flashy person, but your drive to succeed and to make your life secure is strong, even if it's not right out
there for the world to see.

You express anger in a rather cool, level-headed way with this position of Mars. Your self-control is strong when it comes to handling
anger, drive, energy, and sexuality. Capricorn is a sign that generally wants to avoid disorderliness and "letting go." You're likely to have
an unmistakably guarded streak in you.

This is not to say that you are cold in any sense of the word. Your desires are strong, but they are often centered around the physical and
material world--all that can be seen and held. With Mars in an Earth sign, your sensuality is expressed in an earthy way. However, you are
not overly self-indulgent by nature. You are usually quite disciplined. Capricorn possesses the ability to plan for the future--something
that many other signs find challenging.

Mars in Capricorn natives like yourself are working toward realistic and attainable goals. You are a productive person who is most
motivated when you can expect to see tangible results from your efforts.

Many people with this natal chart placement are a little hard on themselves, and sometimes others. You usually can be relied upon
because you have an innate sense of responsibility to both yourself and your loved ones. You may be very hard-working, and one of your
strategies for anger management is to throw yourself even more energetically into your work!

You instinctively understand that effort is necessary to achieve your goals, and you can be quite hard-working when inspired. You prefer
having a solid, defined, realizable goal in mind--this finds you at your best. Your responsible streak is notable. You’re also extraordinarily
tenacious, and you have the rare and desirable quality of self-motivation.

You also work best in an orderly fashion. You can be very precise, and this may be why you are not always inclined to work at top speed.
You prefer to produce something superior than to race to the finish line. In some cases, Mars in Capricorn relates to a somewhat strict
childhood, but even if your early life was relatively free, you tend to feel most comfortable and confident with some structure and

You could frequently feel that you’re left with more than your share of work or duties, perhaps because you’re often cleaning up after
others in some manner. Mind you, you do want to be in control of certain situations since you are self-reliant and prefer your own usually
more sensible and practical methods. This seems preferable to leaving things up to others who may be less reliable.

You understand the need for order, rules, and structure more than most, and thus you can be quicker than others to accept these things.
You quickly become frustrated with people if they’re disorderly or undisciplined. A haphazard or spontaneous approach to the world feels
chaotic rather than enlightened. It is essential to you that others treat you with respect.

Your ability to conserve is second to none. You’re not happy with waste, and as such, you typically find the most efficient path to your
goals. Even in an outgoing or bold chart, this Mars position suggests a cautious streak.

Jupiter in Leo 21° 29' 33" Rx

With Jupiter in Leo, you attract the most fortune when you express kindness, are generous with others, inspire confidence in those around
you, conduct yourself with dignity and sincerity, and avoid the pitfall of excessive egotism. Prosperous areas for you are creative ones,
entertainment, children, and recreation.

You take pride in everything you do. Generosity brings success your way.

As a Fire sign Jupiter, you identify strongly with your own opinions, beliefs, and perceptions, and you may take it quite personally if others
disagree with them! You make your own opportunities, and you are at your best when you are thinking in big terms, taking calculated
risks, and displaying confidence.

Saturn in Capricorn 24° 16' 19"

Self-preservation instincts are strong with Saturn in Capricorn. You are far more responsible than most people, but you can have a love-
hate relationship with this side of you. In fact, you may set such high standards for yourself that it can feel much more comfortable to
denounce ambition and material success entirely. Walking away can give you a sense of being in control, and fear of not being in control
can be a driving force in your life! However, this can be limiting and can serve only to feed your insecurities. In truth, there can be strong
desires for success buried deep inside you, but you have a hard time accepting your ambitious side. You need to watch carefully, too, for
internalizing all of this and becoming somewhat pessimistic, discouraged, or bitter.

In truth, you have a heightened sense of responsibility, and it's greater than it is for most people. Because it's so weighty, it can mess you
up, and you end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, bowing out of things too quickly because you sense they will be far too much to
handle. Giving up before you start is a common issue with this natal position. You can be harsher on yourself than is warranted, and this
can prevent you from entering a commitment that would otherwise benefit you. Looking around you, you may feel that others seem far
less burdened or responsible, and it can seem that life is easier for them. Fear of failure can be a persistent issue in your life, and you can
do much to protect yourself from the risks of failing--a defense mechanism that ultimately limits you in critical ways.

Watch for a side of you that is too stern or law-abiding than is healthy for you. You may have absorbed impossible standards for yourself,
and it's best to work on detaching yourself from these, without going too far in the opposite direction. When you were young, people may
have treated you as more mature for your age, but this may have put too much pressure on you. In your career, you may struggle with the
idea of working for someone, internally rejecting authority. Still, you may struggle with insecurity about being your own boss, as you feel
safer when things are predictable. Bones--especially teeth and knees--can be vulnerable parts of the body. If Saturn is well-aspected, this
position points to loads of common sense, practicality, and realism. Others appreciate you as a responsible and reasonable person.

Uranus in Aries 15° 29' 19"

You're most interested in making changes, innovating, and updating traditions related to independence, personal freedom, new horizons,
self-motivation, assertion, initiative, and personal responsibility. You seek more freedom in or through these areas, and you don't feel the
need to conform. You may believe in breaking through some of the inhibitions or taboos related to boldly pursuing one's desires. Despite
the need for progress, you can be very stubborn and set in your ways in these areas. You may challenge established thought on these lines
if you feel it limits progress or unnecessarily restricts the individual. Since you greatly value the ability to work from a hunch or sudden
spark of intuition, rote learning and routine work are not ideal. You are a true pioneer, ready to start fresh with much courage. You prize
progress and invention. While you have wonderful flashes of intuition, it can be challenging to follow through on many projects since most
of your joy is found in the pioneering process--much less so in the implementation part! Watch, too, for impatience that can serve to limit
the very freedom you so crave.

Neptune in Virgo 7° 48' 38" Rx

Your vision of an ideal world may center around superior health and work systems as well as the commitment to service. Simplicity,
purity, and selfless service can be your ideals. However, you could end up doing far more than your share because of a belief in self-
sacrifice. Your dreams have a distinctly practical side to them. You could find that a dream is not stimulating unless it has a realistic or
realizable quality to it.

Pluto in Cancer 21° 13' 19" Rx

Chiron in Taurus 18° 55' 10" Rx

You may very well hold onto guilt for enjoying material things, comfort, luxury, and so forth. In your head, you know you're entitled to
spoil yourself from time to time, but it's hard to truly convince yourself of this deep down. You're wonderful at helping others understand
that they're worth it, however! Whether you compensate by over- or under-indulging, you're likely holding onto too much guilt. Your
needs for security and safety run very deep, and sometimes they work against you if you're not careful.

Black Moon Lilith in Aries 16° 47' 31"

You may have felt shame for displaying assertive traits, for taking the lead without asking, or for making self-centered choices. You might
harbor some fear of taking the lead, asserting yourself, and making executive decisions. Learning to accept this side of yourself and
integrating these rejected qualities in palatable, small ways can be empowering and rewarding.

North Node in Pisces 29° 32' 26" Rx

One theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or
hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the
qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
Note that with the True North Node in Pisces, your South Node is in Virgo, as the North Node is directly opposite the South Node.

This placement can lead to certain "symptoms" as follows: If you find yourself worrying unremittingly, plagued by feelings of guilt about
under-performing, whether vague or explicit, lacking in faith or trust in a bigger plan, or caught in a mindset that over-analyzes yourself
and others, then developing the traits of your North Node sign can help get you on a more satisfying path.

With this position, you may need to put some faith in something greater than yourself -- the universe, spiritual powers, or the "big
picture." You may want to work on letting go of your fears that you're not doing enough. Your path is to develop your love for yourself and
others through growing your compassion and understanding, and learning more humility as you feel safe in the knowledge that you (and
others) are not perfect. You can benefit from developing your imagination, capacity for compassion, and faith. If you default to
overworking or over-attention to physical health, your path is to allow yourself to commit to your mental and emotional health. Attention
to mental health and emotional healing may help improve your physical health. Learning to let go of an obsession with rules, details, and
fears of not doing things perfectly or correctly will help you to achieve a greater sense of balance and to ease guilty feelings and fears of
failure, leading to a better state of inner balance.

Part of Fortune in Pisces 12° 29' 10"

Vertex in Libra 6° 10' 06"

Midheaven in Capricorn 7° 29' 53"

Planets and Points in The Houses

Sun in Tenth House

The Sun's house position modifies and refines its position by zodiac sign. With the Sun in your tenth house, the urge to work toward a
goal, for success and accomplishment, and/or for power is an essential part of your makeup. You are uncomfortable in any position in
which you must "take orders" from someone else, although if it furthers your own goals to do so, you'll do your best in this role. Recognize
your ambitions and your need for authority without going overboard. Seek out a career that allows you to manage, rather than be
managed, if possible. It is crucial that you accept the part of you that is ambitious, but take pains not to over-identify with an image that is
not really you! There is undoubtedly a very responsible, goal-oriented side to you. It's natural for you to work your way up the ladder. Your
strong, determined personality is often well-received, although there can be friction with other strong personalities from time to time.

Moon in Eighth House

The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction. If it's an issue, we can discover vital clues
to the reason for perpetual emotional unrest through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these can manifest as constant
changes or ups and downs in the areas of life ruled by the house. It is in these areas that we should aim to make deep attachments rather
than chase superficial and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a genuine feeling of belonging and emotional fulfillment. It's
important to note that house positions are quite sensitive to birth times.
With the Moon in the eighth house of your natal chart, more than usual, you are drawn to the world of more profound emotions and
attachments. While you have a strong need for emotional security, you are also a person who is drawn to pushing your limits, and many
lifestyle changes can be the result of this need to challenge--or reinvent--yourself emotionally. You are eternally fascinated with how
people work as well as with taboos, secrets, and all that is forbidden or hidden.

Sexual unrest, or an apparent need to transform or challenge yourself sexually, may be a symptom of emotional insecurity with this
position. Connecting with another person intimately is an emotional need, but your changeable emotions might often get in the way of this
goal. Jealousy and possessiveness might also be qualities you struggle with.

At your best, however, you are a person who is intimate, profound, sincere, and intensely loyal. You're not afraid to tackle the tough side of
life, although you can fear the exposure of your own vulnerabilities! Something about your upbringing may have inclined you to react
quickly and powerfully under pressure or in times of crisis. You don't shy away from emotional intensity. You are fascinated by mysteries
and emotionally complex, involved, and layered circumstances and situations. Your understanding of life and human psychology is
instinctive and natural, requiring little or no training. In your lifetime, you may be entrusted with others' resources, money, or business,
more than most. You expertly manage others' talents and resources. You're inclined to form strong attachments, and your emotions, too,
run deep.

Mercury in Ninth House

With Mercury in the ninth house, you are eternally curious, and you hunger for knowledge. You enjoy studying and learning, not because
you have to, but because you want to. You enjoy exchanging ideas and personal philosophies with others. You are exceptionally buoyant,
enthusiastic, and even inspiring in your communications. While you may not pay enough attention to details at times, you are skilled at

finding a quick solution to problems. You readily see the bigger picture and enjoy sharing your opinions and ideas. You get off on how
information affects people's lives, and you take great pleasure in learning that something you have shared or taught has inspired others to
take action, experience something new, or make changes in their lives. A potential flaw when Mercury is challenged here is to be too quick
to offer advice that might be lacking in thoroughness and practicality, or that you yourself don't follow. Or, your enthusiasm can lead you
to make quick statements before you've had time to check the facts, saying "yes" before you truly know that it's a go.

You may be especially interested in learning about different cultures and lands. You are intuitive in your thinking, believing strongly that
you'll get to the truth through instincts and visions faster and more accurately than you would if you used a more structured approach.
You are a lively conversationalist.

These traits are Mercury in the ninth house in pure form and are modified by Mercury's sign and aspects. [Note that house positions are
highly dependent on birth time.]

Venus in Eleventh House

With Venus in your eleventh house, you treat others kindly and fairly, and this has an excellent impact on your social life. You are friendly
and idealistic. This is a good placement for personal popularity. Many with this house position have an unusual and interesting group of
friends. In love, the friendship level of your relationship needs to be genuine for you to sustain romantic interest. You tend to focus on a
person's unique qualities — those traits that make them stand out — as the most attractive.

Your relationships should possess an unconventional element to keep your interest levels high. Calves and ankles are either erogenous
zones for you, or parts of your body that are particularly attractive! You may meet lovers through group activities. Although you value
friendships and group affiliations highly, you may jump into friendships without considering the responsibilities they might eventually

Mars in Tenth House

An urge to organize can amount to a minor obsession with this position! Your career motivation is constant and relentless, and people in
your life need to respect your independent drive and focus. You are task-oriented, and you are at your best and most effective when you
are in control of your time. In your relationships, you may often take the lead when it comes to organizing activities.

With Mars in the tenth house, you can be quite driven, goal-oriented, and competitive. You thrive in careers in which you can pioneer,
take the lead, or enjoy a certain amount of freedom or independence. You're a self-starter! You also need to be active and dominant in
your field or profession. You are more interested in pursuing your goals than gaining others' approval, and this can certainly create some
waves in your life from time to time.

Jupiter in Fifth House

You are generous, playful, and warm, particularly with children and in your romantic life. Prosperous areas for you tend to be creative
ones, entertainment, children, and recreation. You are talented at teaching and you display patience and love for the learning process and
those who want to learn. You have a strong sense of drama and enjoy performing. You are a bit of a risk taker at heart, and your heart is

Saturn in Tenth House

Uranus in First House

Neptune in Sixth House

With Neptune in the sixth house, you may easily gloss over the details of managing day-to-day affairs. Perhaps you've adopted a personal
philosophy that life means more than just sticking to routines, making lists, and organizing bills to pay. However, avoiding or ignoring
these essential responsibilities can lead to much confusion and chaos, as well as guilt. You might give in to co-workers too easily, or not
take credit for your own hard work. You could have inflated ideals regarding being helpful to others. You want to help others
unconditionally, but if you don't draw some lines and boundaries, you could feel put upon. Or, you could feel helpless when it comes to
managing your daily affairs or work, and often depend on others to save you from these tasks. On the level of health, you might have
mysterious health complaints that are hard to diagnose, sensitivity to drugs, or allergies. These might be related to the aforementioned
guilt. You can have a keen interest in alternative health methods. Some of you can be especially compassionate with animals and pets.

Pluto in Fourth House

Early experiences may have led you to feel self-protective or to be secretive about yourself. A caregiver might have been secretive or
ashamed, for example, and this pattern is deeply ingrained in your psyche. You might feel a sense of guilt for where you came from, even if
most of you feels proud of your roots. A parent/guardian might have been very protective of you and attempted to shield you from
negative experiences, and you subsequently grew to fear change. Or, your early experiences might have included a shocking, intense, or
scary event that lives within you. Alternatively, you might have absorbed the intense fears or obsessions of a parent. A parent/guardian
might have encouraged you to look beyond the surface of matters, and might have encouraged in you a love for psychology, mystery, and

Chiron in First House

Black Moon Lilith in First House

North Node in Twelfth House

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or
hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the
qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
With your North Node in the twelfth house, your South Node is naturally in the sixth house.

You are an expert at handling your practical affairs. Watch for overanalyzing things - your path is to believe, take a leap of faith, let go of
the need to control, and focus on emotional health not just physical. Allow yourself to surrender to the unknown from time to time. This is
your path to greater fulfillment.

Part of Fortune in Twelfth House

Vertex in Sixth House

Sun Conjunction Mars (orb 6°18')

With your Sun conjunct Mars, you have personal presence. You may discover that people are rarely indifferent towards you. You have a
courageous air about you, and you exude confidence even if you're not always feeling it. Many with this position are highly active and
energetic people, and most are confrontational. You get right to the point, go right for the jugular, and make things happen. Some might
say that you're impatient, but not in a nervous sense of the word--you simply can't wait around for things to happen. You prefer to be

You have a competitive spirit, and you like to win. Channeled into sports and games, you make a formidable opponent. Mind you, sports
that require strategy may not be your forte, simply because you are inclined to apply force to get to your goals, unless other strong
indicators in your chart suggest otherwise. If not channeled this way, you make a formidable business opponent! Those without a
"channel" run the risk of stirring things up or looking for a fight, getting all fired up and hot under the collar, and stirring up trouble at
every turn. Watch for a need to prove yourself. Properly channeled, though, you're gutsy, not afraid of conflict, bold, and quite daring. You
enjoy a good chase or challenge. You're also a survivor!

Sun Square Uranus (orb 1°38')

Sun Trine Chiron (orb 5°3')

Sun Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 1°23')

Sun Square Ascendant (orb 1°28')

Sun Conjunction Midheaven (orb 6°22')

Moon Sextile Venus (orb 2°7')

Moon Trine Uranus (orb 4°28')

Moon Square Neptune (orb 3°12')

Moon Square Part of Fortune (orb 1°28')

Moon Sextile Vertex (orb 4°51')

Moon Trine Ascendant (orb 4°19')

Mercury Trine Jupiter (orb 0°6')

Mercury Trine Uranus (orb 6°7')

Mercury Quincunx Pluto (orb 0°23')

Mercury Trine Ascendant (orb 6°16')

Venus Sextile Uranus (orb 2°21')

Venus Square Chiron (orb 5°47')

Venus Sextile Ascendant (orb 2°12')

Mars Quincunx Jupiter (orb 1°19')

Mars Conjunction Saturn (orb 4°6')

Mars Square Uranus (orb 4°41')

Mars Opposition Pluto (orb 1°3')

Mars Trine Chiron (orb 1°15')

Mars Square Ascendant (orb 4°50')

Jupiter Quincunx Saturn (orb 2°47')

Jupiter Trine Uranus (orb 6°0')

With Jupiter forming a trine to Uranus in your birth chart, very little escapes your attention regarding potential opportunities or
possibilities! You know how to turn around almost any situation. Your intuition is powerful and serves you well. In fact, you often work on
sudden hunches and moments of flash inspiration.

This aspect lends some good fortune with spontaneity to your life and personality, even if your chart has a cautious tone. You have a
strong sense of what may happen down the road, helping you to remain optimistic in most situations. You have a love of invention, or you
can be quite inventive yourself.

You have basic respect for the individual, and you advocate for freedom of speech and thought. Your perspective or belief system is
unusual and unique. You need freedom and space to think, invent, and follow your own path. You can benefit significantly from activities
that celebrate life, such as dancing, and you believe that laughter and celebration are the best forms of refreshment.

Your spirit of discovery is powerful and often attracts good fortune. You are not tied to tradition and convention as much as most. Being
able to move on when it's right for you is a gift, although there are times when an unsentimental approach can alienate certain others.
Your friends can be a very diverse group.

Jupiter Square Chiron (orb 2°34')

Jupiter Trine Ascendant (orb 6°10')

Saturn Opposition Pluto (orb 3°3')

Saturn Trine Chiron (orb 5°21')

Uranus Square Pluto (orb 5°44')

Uranus Conjunction Ascendant (orb 0°9')

Neptune Opposition Part of Fortune (orb 4°41')

Neptune Trine Midheaven (orb 0°19')

Pluto Sextile Chiron (orb 2°18')

Pluto Square Ascendant (orb 5°53')

Part of Fortune Sextile Midheaven (orb 4°59')

Vertex Square Midheaven (orb 1°20')

Compare House Systems

Moon North Part
House System Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Lilith Node Fort

Alcabitius 10 8-9 9 11 10 5 10 1 5 4 2 1 12 12

Campanus 10 8 8 11 - 10 - 6 11 1 6 5 1 1 12 12
12 11

Equal 9- 8 9 10 10 5 10 1 5 4 2 1 12 11

Koch 10 8 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 1 1 12 12

Meridian 10 9 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 2 1 12 12

Morinus 10 9 9 11 10 5 10 1 5 4 2 1 12 12

Placidus 10 8 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 1 1 12 12

Porphyry 10 9 9 11 10 5 10 1 5 4 2 1 12 11 -

Regiomontanus 10 8 9 11 10 5 10 - 11 1 6 4 1 1 12 12

Topocentric 10 8 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 1 1 12 12

Vehlow 10 9 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 2 1 12 - 1 12

Whole Sign 10 9 9 11 10 5 10 1 6 4 2 1 12 - 1 12

Alexandra's Planets' and Points' House Positions By House System

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Alcabitius 15° 19' 14° 35' 11° 40' 7° 29' 7° 44' 10° 38' 15° 19' 14° 35' 11° 40' 7° 29' 7° 44' 10° 38'
59" 57" 30" 53" 08" 28" 59" 57" 30" 53" 08" 28"

Campanus 15° 19' 6° 21' 25° 27' 7° 29' 20° 15' 13° 26' 15° 19' 6° 21' 25° 27' 7° 29' 20° 15' 13° 26'
59" 15" 37" 53" 46" 01" 59" 15" 37" 53" 46" 01"

Equal 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19' 15° 19'
59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59"

Koch 15° 19' 20° 51' 17° 03' 7° 29' 1° 54' 4° 59' 15° 19' 20° 51' 17° 03' 7° 29' 1° 54' 4° 59'
59" 01" 07" 53" 01" 28" 59" 01" 07" 53" 01" 28"

Meridian 8° 53' 10° 35' 9° 49' 7° 29' 5° 47' 6° 24' 8° 53' 10° 35' 9° 49' 7° 29' 5° 47' 6° 24'
18" 09" 00" 53" 30" 21" 18" 09" 00" 53" 30" 21"

Morinus 7° 29' 5° 47' 6° 24' 8° 53' 10° 35' 9° 49' 7° 29' 5° 47' 6° 24' 8° 53' 10° 35' 9° 49'
53" 30" 21" 18" 09" 00" 53" 30" 21" 18" 09" 00"

Placidus 15° 19' 23° 25' 17° 23' 7° 29' 28° 54' 27° 47' 15° 19' 23° 25' 17° 23' 7° 29' 28° 54' 27° 47'
59" 44" 36" 53" 16" 17" 59" 44" 36" 53" 16" 17"

Porphyry 15° 19' 12° 43' 10° 06' 7° 29' 10° 06' 12° 43' 15° 19' 12° 43' 10° 06' 7° 29' 10° 06' 12° 43'
59" 17" 35" 53" 35" 17" 59" 17" 35" 53" 35" 17"

Regiomontanus 15° 19' 28° 10' 21° 03' 7° 29' 25° 18' 24° 05' 15° 19' 28° 10' 21° 03' 7° 29' 25° 18' 24° 05'
59" 52" 11" 53" 32" 36" 59" 52" 11" 53" 32" 36"

Topocentric 15° 19' 23° 15' 17° 11' 7° 29' 29° 03' 27° 50' 15° 19' 23° 15' 17° 11' 7° 29' 29° 03' 27° 50'
59" 49" 02" 53" 22" 12" 59" 49" 02" 53" 22" 12"

Vehlow 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19' 0° 19'
59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59" 59"

Whole Sign 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00'
00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00"

Alexandra's House Cusps

Some notes about this birth chart calculator:

Please be patient when entering your birth city to allow the program to call up the list of locations as sometimes it’s not
instantaneous. If you’re just not getting results and can’t submit, it may be that the atlas is busy (GeoNames has certain limits per
hour and per day). In this case, you can use this same tool on my sister site, Astrology Cafe here
It’s important to enter the city name only or the first several letters of the city in the Birth City field, not the country or
state/province/region. For example, if you were born in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, you should enter “fuzhou” or similar and not “fujian”
or “china.” It’s better not to overtype – for best results, type in the CITY name and scroll through the list for the correct city.
**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone offset. Please don’t adjust the time zone offset
unless you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offsets incorporate crucial factors (such as daylight savings time),
and are in the majority of cases accurate for births after 1970. There are some discrepancies in all historical time zone atlases,
particularly for birth years before 1970, however, so if you need help with the time zone offset value, send an email to Be sure to mention why you’re writing and include full birth data. **Note that the atlas in this software
is not as particular about historical time zones (before 1970 births) as the atlas in our Free Report Section, but is excellent for post-
1970 time zones. It is always a good idea to check up on older dates since time zone changes, especially regarding Daylight Saving
Time, were erratic in some areas and not well-documented.
I have received many emails from people who feel they should be changing the +/- value of the time zone offset number, quoting
time converter formulas. Doing so will give you incorrect results. Please see the FAQ here for the reasons not to change the +/-
value. Bottom line: astrology software converts local time to UT and not vice versa, and the +/- values produced by this software are

Do you prefer Whole Sign houses? If so, you can create your free natal chart report with Whole Sign houses here. We also have a birth
chart generator that draws the chart using Koch houses and using Equal houses.

You can also produce a free chart wheel with a list of planetary positions only (without the interpretations).

See also Cafe Astrology’s Free Reports site, including full interpretations of the natal chart, transits, and compatibility.

Note about house systems: If you’re new to astrology, simply stick with the Placidus house system on this page and later in your studies,
you can explore different house systems. Mind you, many astrologers do end up sticking with Placidus after further study. Using Placidus
is not a sign of an unevolved astrologer, in other words, as some will have you believe!


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