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c  c c
 ᳯᚭߩ⬿೨ c
cc c

cc c
 c a 

a c
 c c ᳯᚭߩ⬿೨ (Kuramae ± front of the warehouses)c

1. ⬑⩫࿦〔 Ô rai en (garden sign)

⢈೨ᐔᚭ⮲ਥ‫᧻ޔ‬ᶆ᳁ߩደᢝ〔ߢ޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬ኡ᳗ 㧥ᐕ㧔㧝㧢㧟㧞㧕‫᧻ޔ‬ᶆ᳁ߪ᐀ᐭ߆ࠄߎߩ࿾ࠍ
ਈ߃ࠄࠇ‫ޔ‬೎⨿ࠍㅧ༡ߒ‫ޔ‬ᐸ࿦ࠍ▽ㅧߒߚ‫⃻ޕ‬࿷ㇺ┙ᔋጟ㜞ᩞ߇ᑪߞߡ޿ ࠆ

This was the site of a garden and villa gifted to the ÔiradoDaimy of the Matsūra clan, who
originated in Ôizen Province. It was the T y residence of the twelfth and last of the
ÔiradoDaimy s, Count Matsūra Aira ᧻ᶆ⹢. The site is currently occupied by the
Metropolitan Ôigh School Shin Obugaoaᔋጟ㜞ᩞ

2. Ꮐⴡ㐷ᴡጯ SaemonKashi (Riverban)


Ôere the district called Yagiwara faced towards the river crossing from Iriya¶sKinbianD ri to
Saemon Street. The original Saemon toll bridge was first built in 1875 and was named after
the Lord Saai Tadaai (aa Tadayoshi), a fudai (insider) Daimy of the Shonai clan, who
was Commander of the Gate, had his residence (which eventually burned down) near here,
and who named the area SaemonKashi

3. ᵻ⨲ᓮ㐷 Asausa Miado (Asausa Palace Gate aa AsausaMistue)

To provide protection for the benefit of Edo Castle one of the castle¶s approach routes passed
through gate number thirty six, the Asausa Miado. This section was part of the combined
Ni shūKaid (road), the route established by Tougawa Ieyasu to lin Edo with Mutsu
(Fuushima) Province (shūKaid ) and Edo with Ni (Ni Kaid ) and was extensively
used by Sens i¶s pilgrims, tourists and visitor to the Yoshiwara Pleasure Quarters.

4. ᩉᯅ Yanagibashi (Bridge)
ర⑍ߩਅ↸ᄢἫᓟߦ᨞⸳ߐࠇߚᯅ‫ޕ‬ᯅ⇎ߦߪᄙߊߩ⦁ኋ߇޽ࠅ‫ ޔ‬ศේㅢ޿ߩⁿ‎⥱
(࠴࡚ࠠࡉࡀ) ߿⧎⷗ߩደᩮ⥱ߥߤߢ⾟ࠊ޿‫ޔ‬᣿ᴦᤨઍߦߪ᧲੩৻ߩ⧎ᩉ⇇߇޽ߞߚ‫ޕ‬


Right: early Meii Era photo showing the view of the Kanda River from the bridge
The wooden railings were of the Ôyapponui, one hundred piles, type

The original bridge was constructed before the shitamachi (downtown) Great Genrou Fire of
1697 (Genrou 10) during what was considered the Golden Age of the Edo period, the
Genrou era (1688 ± 1704). Edo era¶s Yanagibashi was a Geisha area with many
restaurants. The current bridge was built in 1929. On the approach to the bridge were mainly
inns for sailors busy going to and from the Yoshiwara Pleasure Quarters and there were
many choibune (µboar tus boat¶ because of its shape), long flat river boats which were used
to transport people, food, drin and entertainment in the form of musicians and Geisha and
also used for cherry blossom viewing etc. During the Meii Era (1868 ± 1912) this was one of
T y ¶s most renowned entertainment districts.

5. é౐ᄤ᭏␹␠ DairoutenSaaiJina (Shrine)c


a       1   


This is DairoutenSaaiJina. Dairouten means the devil. In the year Meii 2 (1869) the
shrine was renamed SaaiJina. Up until the year Meii 3 (1870), the shrine was near
Asausa¶s Library. It was moved north to Kuramae 1 Ch me, near Suahashi bridge  ban
(Police Box). The current shrine was built in 1928. When translated Saai means the
branches of an evergreen tree used in Shinto ritual. It is here that the ritual of Mamei taes
place every February. Mamei are dried beans which are scattered to drive out bad luc and
call in good luc.

6. ? ␹␠Shinozua (Inari) Jina (Shrine)

ᣂ↰⟵⽵྾ᄤ₺ߩ৻ੱ‫⾐ ?ޔ‬቞߇ਥำߩὑߦൊ⺧ߒߚߣ޿߁‫⃻ ޕ‬࿷߽ዊߐߥ␻߇޽ࠆ߇
‫ޔ‬᣿ᴦೋ߼ߦߪኹዊደߩࠃ߁ߥ? ዊቇᩞ߇޽ߞߚ

This shrine is dedicated to one of a samurai Shitenn (groups of four famous historical
protector figures), Shinozua Iga (noKami), who was the protector ofNitta Yoshisada (1301 
1338) and the Nitta clan and was one of Yoshida¶s vassals. Now it¶s a tiny hoora (small
shrine). At the beginning of the Meii era it was a teraoya (temple elementary school),
Shinozua primary school.

7. ㌁᧙ጟ౎ᐈ␹␠Ich ga Oa ÔachimanJina (The Ôachiman Shrine of Gingo Ôill)


Currently located in Fuuimachi 1 ch me, the enshrined deity isEmperor in (Ôachiman,
God of War). MinamotonoYoriyoshi (988  1075) and his son ÔachimanTar ˻(Minamoto
no)Yoshiieboth prayed hereafter the traitor Kugy , nephew and assassin of Minamoto no
Sanetomo, was executed at TsurugaoaÔachimangū(the most important Ôachiman Shrine in
Kamaura, which was founded by Yoriyoshi). At the time it was located on a hill surrounded
by Gingo trees and overlooed the upper reaches of a branch of the Sumida River. Near
here a house of the Matsudaira clan once stood.

8. ࿅ሶᄤ₺␠ SasaDango (Bamboo Grass Dumpling) Tenn Usai (SugaJina)

Currently called SugaJina, this reputable shrine presently has various popular names such as
Gozutenn (Indian Deity Gavagriva), TorigoeTenn Yashiro, Gionsha and so on. The
enshrined deity has eight heads and tails. In general it is popularly referred to as
DangoTenn . SasaDangoare rice dumplings made with mugwort and sweet red adzui
beans. Legend has it that a farmer prayed for his daughter here and, after she was cured of
the plague, made an offering of twelve dango here, one for each of year of their daughter¶s

9. 㠽⿧ᯅ Torigoebashi (Bridge)


The Sumidagawa (river) fed into the Torigoegawa at a place near the Torigoe Bridge, which
was also nown as Tenn bashi (bridge). Near here was an area which became nown as the
Torigoe execution grounds where criminals arrived from the local prison to face their death
after crossing what was referred to as Jigoubashi (࿾ₐᯅ  Ôell Bridge). It was here that
Kosaa Jinnai was executed (see 13 Jinnaibashi ± below). In the late Edo era the Torigoe
Bridge was called the Suga Bridge 㗇⾐ᯅand flowed along the same route as
⬿೨ᯅKuramaebashiStreet to the east of Edo Street.

10. ᵻ⨲ᓮ⬿ Asausa Oura (Tougawa Government Granaries)

The Tougawa granaries were built so that the nationwide rice production areas which were
under direct control of the Sh gun were managed by the OEdo Baufu who controlled the
rice harvest, bought the rice and set the annual rice taxes and the price of rice. The rice was
stored in large granaries which stretched alongside the river in this area. Torigoeina¶s hill
was levelled and the land reclaimed and eight canals were built alongside each of the
warehouses in all probability with a gate on each. Most of the wholesale rice dealers of
Kuramae would have bought and sold using the promissory notes provided by lower raning
Ôatamoto, a samurai in direct service of the Sh gun, as collateral with the long rows of local
money lenders whose shops existed in profusion in the area.

11. f ߩ᧻ Shubi no matsu (Shubi Pine Tree)

ศේㅢ޿ߩㆆቴ߇‫ޔ‬ⁿ‎⥱ߥߤ߆ࠄߎߩ᧻ࠍ⷗ߡ‫੹ޔ‬ᣣߩf ߪߤ߁߆ࠍභߞߚߣ޿߁

The ÔowDidYouFare pine tree appeared to those in choibune (µboar tus boat¶ ± because
of their shape) on the Sumida River who were visiting the Yoshiwara red light district. Today
there are a few young pine trees and a stone monument to mar the spot

12. 㠽⿧Ꮉ Torigoegawa (River)


The remains of Shamisen Moat, 1 chome 5, oima

The Torigoe river ran, together with the Ningawa, from Shinobazu Pond (in Ueno Par)
flowing east past a neighbourhood of samurai residences to an important Meii era (1868 ±
1912) trading post, the Shamisen Canal (because of its shape). The Shamisen Canal, the
present day northsouth of Kiyosubashi Street, along the western side of Koima 1 Ch me,
was the starting point of the southern channel of the Torigoegawa and was in the vicinity of
what is presently Torigoe 1 ch me where, as it flowed east, it became the Shinhorigawa
Canal before flowing into the Sumidagawa River. It acted as a thoroughfare for boats
transporting goods to the Sumidagawa River but was eventually filled in during the Taisho era
(1912 ± 1926)

13.  ᯅ Jinnaibashi (Bridge)

㠽⿧ᯅߦ᨞߆ࠆᯅߢ‫ߪ᧪↱ޔ‬ㄭߊߦ޽ࠆ ␹␠ߦࠃࠆ‫ޕ‬ᳯᚭߩᄢᖡౄߢ޽ߞߚะဈ ߪ
ࡑ࡜࡝ࡗ∛ߦ߆߆ߞߡ᝝߹ߞߚ‫ࠦ࡝ࠝޔᤨߩߎޕ‬㧔ࡑ࡜࠾ࡗ㧕ߦ ⧰ߒ߻⠪ߪᚒࠍᔨߗࠃߣ޿

The Jinnai Bridge ᯅwas also named after a local shrine. The Torigoe㠽⿧River, named
after a local shrine in Taitou, flowed through the Asausaᵻ⨲ Kuramae ⬿೨area and under
the bridge. The area has a history of awata (leather worers) an µethnic¶ group then
commonly referred to using the derogative eta and in today¶s Japan referred to as buraumin

The Jinnai shrine was named after, and dedicated to, Kosaa Jinnai ൨ဈ , a disciple of
the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Ôe was accused of breaching public order and
sentenced to death. Before being executed he contracted malaria and promised that if
anyone prayed to him they would be cured of the same disease. For a fictionalised account of
Jinnai¶s life, torture and death see James S De Benneville¶s translation of the Japanese ghost
story µBaemonoYashii¶

14. 㠽⿧␹␠ TorigoeJina(Shrine)


a       1    

Originally an ancient tomb mound on an island in Tait ward, in 1620 the land was levelled
and the earth used as landfill for the building of the Baufu¶sura (rice storehouses). During
the evening of the Torigoe Shrine Festival in early June the local parishioners carry six
portable shrines, mioshi, around the neighbourhood and on the final day the shrines,
including the SenganOoshi weighing 4 tons, return at dus, preceded by lanterns held on
long poles by seemingly mournful singing bearers. A new year¶s celebration is also held here,
called the Tondoui Fire ceremony

15. =ᔨኹ (ߓࠂ߁ߨࠎߓ) J neni (Temple)

ᳯᚭᐭ ߩ࿾⹹‫ޟ‬ᓮᐭ ‫ߚߒ➏✬ࠍޠ‬ፉ↰᡽ⴕ㧔ಲಳᢪ⍮ㆄ⠃ߣภߔ㧕ߩჄ߇޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬

Descriptions of OEdo¶s topography and culture were compiled by Mishima

Masayuiਃፉ᡽ⴕ (1780 ± 1856), a Tougawa Ôatamoto and cartographer, who is buried
here. Also buried here is Chiyonoyamaජઍߩጊ (Masanobu 㓷ା) (1926 ± 1977) the founder
of the Sumo stable Koonoebeya and the sport¶s 41 yoozuna (highest ran in pro sumo)

m  cm cਃፉ᡽ⴕccc
⇐቞ዬਃፉ᡽ᤐߩ౐↵ߣߒߡᳯᚭ‐ㄟ⦁ᴡේ↸㧔ᣂኋ඙㧕ߢ↢߹ࠇߚ‫ ޕ‬a bߩᤨߦ
ಽኅߩਃፉᄢഥ᡽਎ߩ㙃ሶߣߥࠅ‫ޔ‬ᢥ᡽రᐕ㧔 aa㧕ᓮᦠ㒮⇟ߣߥࠅ‫ߢ޿ߟޔ‬ᷡ᳓
Ლ‛㗡ߦォߓߚ‫ޕ‬ᢥ᡽ ᐕ㧔 a㧕᐀๮ߦࠃߞߡ‫ޔ‬ᳯᚭᐭ ߩ࿾⹹‫ޟ‬ᓮᐭ 
‫ޔ޿ⴕࠍ➏✬ߩޠ‬ਃᐕߦߒߡቢੌߒߚ߇‫ޔ‬᣿ᴦ ᐕ㧔 a㧕ߦ὾ᄬ‫ߩߘޔ‬㓙ߦἻࠍ
఺ࠇߚ⾗ᢱ㓸߇‫ޟ‬ᓮᐭ ‫ ߆߶ߩߎޕࠆ޽ߢޠ‬᣽ᐔ㤛࿾ℂዪ⫋⑂ᨋㅀᢪࠍਛᔃߣ
⪾⷏ᔒ‫߽ߦ➏✬ߩߤߥޠ‬ᓥ੐ߒߡ߅ࠅ‫ߩߘޔ‬ഞ❣ߪᄢ߈޿‫ޕ‬቟᡽ ᐕ㧔a 㧕᦬

Mishima Masayui ਃፉ᡽ⴕ , whose popular name is Sh z ᡽⬿ , was a good, warm and
friendly old man who¶s pen name was Totsu Ôitoshi ಲಳᢪ and who had a reputation as a
leader. For a while he was away from home residing in one of the west baileys, Nishimaru, of
Edo Castle. MishimaSeishun no Rouro⷏ਣᓮ⇐቞ዬਃፉ᡽ᤐߩ౐↵ was born in OEdo
UshioshiFunagawaraMachi (in Shinuu).

On the occasion of his 15th year the neighbouring OOdasu Masayo family branch adopted
him as their son. In the 1 year (1818) of the Bunsei era (1818 ± 1830) he became a guard in
the neighbouring Gosho in (Imperial Palace) and then subsequently he suddenly became
gashira (headman) of Kiyomizuden (ᷡ᳓Ლ Kiyomizudo Kannon Temple, overlooing
Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Par).

In the 9th year (1826) of the Bunsei era because of the rapid expansion of OEdo¶s city limits
he began a compilation of studies into the area¶s topography (ᓮᐭ  Go
FunaiUchiFudoi ± A Description of the Culture, Climate etc of the City of Edo), a tas which
too three years to complete. Another document (ᓮᐭ  Go FunaiBi  Notes on the
City limits of Edo) survived a maor fire in the 5 th year (1872) of the Meii era (1868 ± 1912).

Others, Sh heii᣽ᐔ㤛࿾ from the Office of Funerals and Ceremonial occasions and
Ôayashi Jussai˻ᨋㅀᢪ also played leading roles in putting together another compilation
(ᣂ✬ᱞ⬿Shin Ôen MusashiFūdo Ki K ± Musashi¶s New Compilation of Ôistorical
Topographical Manuscripts) and (ᣂ✬⋧ᮨ࿖Shin Ôen Sagami* KouFūdo Ki K 
New Compilation of Ôistorical Manuscripts of the Customs and Manners of Sagami*).
Amongst other publications he also participated in the planning and publication of another
compilation (⪾⷏ᔒKasai Shi ± Kasai Journal) considered to be one of his greatest
rd th
achievements. In the 3 year (1856) of the Ansei era (1854 ± 1860) on the 29 September,
aged 77 he passed away. (᧲੩ㇺᢎ⢒ᆔຬળT y to Ky iu˻Iinai ± T y Metropolitan
Area Education Committee)

* Probably Sagami Bay, Kanagawa

Õ    ජઍߩጊc m c  c c   Born the son of a fisherman in

Fuushima, Ôoaid . Ôe became the sport¶s 41 yoozuna (Grand Champion) in May 1953.
After losing a battle to tae over the Dewanoumibeya Sumo stable he set up Koonoebeya in
March 1967 where he was oined by Kitanofui, the sports 52 yoozuna, and the future
58 yoozuna, Chiyonofui

16. à ኹ Ryūh i (Temple)

ᳯᚭਛ ߩὐ⠪‫ޔ‬ೋઍÿ੗ᎹᩉߩჄ߇޽ࠅ‫ޔ‬ㅢ⒓‫ޟ‬Ꮉᩉኹ‫ߣޠ‬๭߫ࠇࠆ‫ޕ‬ᓐߪᵻ⨲㒙ㇱᎹ↸

Grave of the middle Edo period poet SenryuÔachiemonKarai (poetry pen name Senryu or
River Willow, 1718 ± 1790) who, as the head of OEdo¶s Asausa village of Abeawamachi
near Ryūh i Temple, was a noted government official and one of about twenty respected
udges of Maeuzue verse (a humorous or satiric poem dealing with human affairs). Ôe
popularised the 575 syllable Senryu verse form, a subgenre of Ôaiu, that emerged
fromMaeuzue that bears his name. Only 3% of the 2,300,00 stanzas he udged were
selected to be published in the 23 annual volumes of the collection called ÔaifuYanagidaru.
The temple is popularly referred to as Senryui

17. ⷏⑔ኹ Saifuui (Temple)

⪾㘼ർᢪߩ ‫ޔ‬ÿᎹᤐ ߩჄ߇޽ࠆ‫ߚ߹ޕ‬᣿ᴦਃᐕߦ᧲੩ߢᦨ߽ᣧߊߢ߈ߚÿ┙ዊቇᩞߩ⢒
The painter Katsushia Ôousai¶s teacher, painter and print maer KatsuawaShunsh (1726
± 1792) is buried here in plot 41616. Ôe was famous for his yaushae portraits of Kabui
actors and Biinga images of beautiful women. KatsuawaShunsh was his pen name, his
original name being KatsumiyagawaYūsue. Early in Meii 3 (1870) the premises were turned
into a public institution; a primary school. The area around here used to be nown as Somei
Yoshino Mura ~੗ศ c± Yoshino Cherry Tree village because of the cultivation of Yoshino
Cherry trees, Somei~੗ÿ in the area that were also grown on either side of the streets in
unbroen lines and still grow in profusion in the temple grounds

18. ၳ↰ ේ Ôottahara (Ôotta field)

ᐭߩ ႐ߣ⊛႐႐߇޽ߞߚ‫ޕ‬෡ᯅߩฬߪߎߎ߆ࠄ᧪ߡ޿ࠆ

The residence of the Miyagawa branch Daimy of the Ôotta family from the mi region
(Shigaen ± Shiga Prefecture, Kini area) was located here in an open field covered with
weeds. To the east was the Baufu¶s horse riding ground and target practice fields. The name
of Umayabashi had already been established.ÔottaMasayasu (18481911; ၳ↰ᱜ ) was the
eighth natural son of Lord of the Iwai Taanaga Kameda clan. Ôe was adopted
by ÔottaMasasato. In 1863 he was head of the Miyagawa branch of the family. After 1868, he
served in the administration of T y woring as a district official. In the first parliamentary
elections in 1890 he was elected to the Ôouse of Lords and became a leader of the Kenyu
ai Party.

19. ᓮ෡ߩᷰߒ maya (Government Stables) Watashi (Ferry)

ࠎ߹޿㧕ߩᷰߒߣ๭߫ࠇߚ‫ߩߎޕ‬ᷰߒߪォⷒ੐᡿߇ᄙߊ‫ޟ‬ਃ ߩᷰߒ‫ߣޠ‬಄߿߆ߐࠇߚߣ޿

Katsushia Ôousai

Established in the middle of the Edo period the eight ferry boats operated by fourteen
maintained the ferry services for over 180 years. The ferry service was named after nearby
stables where horses were ept for transporting rice for the granaries. In the 17th century, the
Tougawa Shogunate used the riverban south of Komagata for a horse stable (umaya).
Ôorses were an important part of the warriors' life and were in great demand for travel and
other purposes. In1872 there was an accident when one of the ferries capsized carrying
people and their flower purchases. In 1874 a toll bridge was built and the ferry service ceased

20. ÿ␹␠ SuwaJina (Shrine)

ାᎺਅÿߩᄢ␹ಽᐳ␠‫ޟޕ‬ഃᑪߛฎߒߣ੔߃ߤ߽ᣥ὾ᄬߒߡߘߩᐕᥲࠍ ߦߖߕ㧚㧚
‫ޕޠ‬ÿ↸ߪᢥ⽕ᄐ⋡ẇ⍹߇‫⟵ޔ‬ÿߩኅߢ᣿ᴦ ᐕ߹ߢ᥵ࠄߒߚ↸ߢ޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬

This was a subsidiary shrine of the ShinshūShimosuwa(Lae SuwanearShinano, Nagano

Prefecture). Established a very long time ago an old chronicle tells of it being destroyed by
fire after which it was never rebuilt. Near here, in 1958, the literary master NatsumeS sei
(1867 ± 1916) too a room at Sachiso㧔ᐘ⨿㧕´ of Suwach 㧔ÿ↸㧕in Asausa, and
stayed at his father in law¶s house in the neighbourhood until Meii 7/8 (1874/1875)

21. 㚤ᒻၴ Komagatad

ߪᎹÿߦ㕙ߒߡ޿ߚ‫ޕ‬ศේߩㆆÿ㧞ઍ⋡㜞 ߇઄บߩᲚ᭽‫ߛࠎ⹗ߡߞ߇ߒ ࠍޔ‬
ߣ޿߁‫ޟ‬ำߪ޿߹ 㚤ᒻ޽ߚࠅ

Komagatado was probably first built in 942 when Lord TairaKimmasa donated the main hall,
pagoda and other buildings as a generous tribute to AsausaKannon Temple. This small
shrine, dedicated to the Ôorseheaded Kannon (oma means horse), was a favourite theme
for artists and writers. Ôiroshige's wood bloc depiction of this shrine has been reproduced on
metal plates on the downstream side of the bridge. The current building is a Ferro concrete
affair built in 1933.

22. ၳ↰ደᢝ ÔottaYashii (residence)

ၳ↰ÿ೨቞ደᢝߦᲚ߇޽ߞߚ‫ޕ‬ᳯᚭᤨઍߩ⟵᳃ߢ⍮ࠄࠇࠆਅ ࿖㧔ජÿÿ㧕૒ୖÿߩ
᳃‫ޔ‬ÿ㇢ࠍ 㙃ߔࠆၴߢ޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬ÿ㇢ߪ㊀޿⒅⒢ߦ⧰ߒ߻ ᳃ߩߚ߼⮲ਥߦ⋥⸷ߒߡಣ
ೃߦߥߞߚ‫ࠍࠅߚߚߩߎޕ‬ÿࠇߡ␻ࠍᑪ┙ߒ ߒߚ

Illustration of ÔottaYashii Gardens by J Bayne

From µThe Land of the Morning¶, William Gray Dixon, published 1882, Edinburgh

This was the site of the residence of ÔottaBuzennoami (ami was the courtesy title
reflecting the highest raning person with responsibility for Buzen province). During the time
of OEdo (T y ) in Saura, Shim sa province (Chiba prefecture) there was a selfsacrificing
man who was nown to be aligned with the peasants, Saura S gor (1605 ± 1653. Real
name Kiuchi) to whom a memorial hall has been built. Because of the suffering cause by the
massive taxes imposed on the peasants by their Daimyo Ôotta Masanobu (1632 ± 1680)
S gor appealed directly to the Shogun and was executed for his impropriety. As a result of
this dreadful misfortune a shrine was built for the repose of dead souls. The story was made
into a Kabui play, Saura Giminden (Saura the Martyr)


23. 㜞ේ(ߚ߆ߪࠄ)ደᢝTaaharaYashii (residence)บ᧲඙ÿ↸ੑৼ⋡

᐀ᐭÿੱ㜞ේᐔ౓ⴡ߇᜙㗔ߒߚ࿾ߢ㜞ේደᢝߣ๭߫ࠇ‫↸ޔ‬ደ߇ᒻᚑߐࠇߚ ÿ㜞ේ⮮౓
ⴡ(ߚ߆ߪࠄߣ߁ߴ߃)ᳯᚭᤨઍ೨ ߩÿ‫ޕ‬ᘮ㐳ߩߎ (ᄢÿᐭ)ߢÿࠍ߿޿ߡ
޿ߚ߇ÿ߹ߨ߆ࠇߡᳯᚭ߳ߢࠆ‫ޕ‬ᛚᔕ(ߓࠂ߁߅߁)2ᐕ(1653)዁ァᓼᎹኅߩÿ ߣߥࠅÿᵻ
⨲ᧄ㗿ኹ೨ߢ㜞ේ὾(ᵻ⨲὾)ࠍߪߓ߼ߚ‫ࠍࠇߎޕ‬㜞ේᐔ౓ⴡߣߔࠆߥߤߩ ߽޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬⢈ᓟ(ᾢ

The site of the former Taahara Residence at 2 chome Kotobui

TaaharaÔeibei was an early Edo era potter. Around about the Keich era (1596 ± 1615) the
demand for tea utensils from Setsu¶sNose district (now part of the Osaa metropolitan area)
was extremely high. In the 1653, the 2 year of the J era (1652 ± 1655)TaaharaÔeibei
was invited to appear in OEdo and became the neighbour and tea utensils specialist of
Sh gun Tougawa Ietsuna. Taahara ceramics (also nown as Asausa ceramics) was
founded in front of AsausaÔongani. It is thought that TaaharaÔeibeioriginated in Ôigo
(Kumamoto prefecture, Kyūshu) and was thought to mae other things as well. Ôe was
bestowed this plot of land which was nown as the TaaharaYashii which became a
merchant¶s residence in the middle of town. The site is now located in Kotobui 2

24. 㐷〔೨ Monzeimae (in front of Monzei Temple)

ߩߎߣࠍ㐷〔ߣ޿޿‫ᧄޔ‬ኹ߽᧲㐷〔‫ޔ‬ᵻ⨲㐷〔ߥߤߣ޿ߞߚ‫ޕ‬ᢝ࿾ߩ㕙ÿߪ㧝ਁ㧡ජ ޽ߞ
ߚߣ޿߁‫ޕ‬᐀ᐭߪߩÿᄢߥ ࠍÿߊὑߦ᧲⷏ߦಽߌߚ‫ޕ‬

During the Meireii era (1655 ± 1658), after passing through Kanda, the great fire of March
2 1657, also nown as the Furisode Fire, arrived at the J doShinshū (off shoot of J do sect)
Temple, presently T y ¶s (Shin sect) Ôongani Templeᧄ㗿ኹneighbourhood. Ôongani was
a Monzei, a temple at which a priest of Imperial or Noble lineage was installed. There are
traces of the Ôoni and also the T mon (east gate), AsausaMonzei and a few other
elements. It was said that the total area of the site was 15,000 tsubo (3.31 sq meters). The
Shinshū School was the mightiest of the Baufu¶s schools of Buddhism and is still the most
widely practiced in Japan, as opposed to the J doShū School the second most widely
practised form of Buddhism in Japan

25. Žደᯅ Kiuyabashi (bridge)

౉⼱↰ ߩ᳓ࠍ㓸߼ߡ⃻วÿᯅ㆏ ⴝࠍᣂၳᎹߣ޿߁Ꮉ߇ᵹࠇߡ޿ߚ‫ߩߎޕ‬ᣂၳᎹߦ᨞߆ࠆ

Kiuyabashi (bridge Žደᯅ)circa 1907, and now

Irya, now a rather peaceful area of older houses with traditional charm, was an area of rice
paddies and is associated with a story about a local gardener who planted morning glories
(asagao  ᦺ ) in various parts of the area. The water for Iriya¶s rice paddies was gathered
from the Shinogawariver which flowed along what is now KappabashiD gu Street. The
Shinhorigawa River was crossed by a bridge which was located near a Kiuya sweet shop
called Chinamu. Now the name Kiuyabashi only remains as the name for the local police box
or  ban called the Kiuyabashi ban.

26. ᢎኹSeny i (Temple)

ᳯᚭᓟ ߩÿฬߥ ਎ÿ ߢ⪾㘼ᵹߩ ‫⪾ޔ‬㘼ർᢪߩჄ߇޽ࠆ‫ߪ↹ޕ‬ÿ㊀ߣߣ߽ߦ⾨
⾥ߐࠇ‫ޟ‬ንᎪਃච౐‫߇ ߼ߓߪࠍޠ‬ᄙ޿‫ޕ‬ᓐߩߪÿ ߦᄙߊᵹࠇ‫ޔ‬1࡜ÿ
ߩੱ‫ߦޘ‬ᄢ߈ߥᓇ ࠍਈ߃ߚ‫ޕ‬

Ôere is the tomb of Katsushia Ôousai (1750 ± 1849) the Uiyoe artist and pioneer of the
Katsushia School made famous during the latter part of the OEdo period. Together with
Ôiroshige he began painting highly praised and fluent landscape masterpieces (Thirtysix
views of Mt. Fui by Ôousai). A lot of the wor was exported to Europe greatly influencing the
French Impressionists.

27. à⑔㒮(ࠅÿ߁ ߊ޿ࠎ )

Ryūfuu in (i  temple) 3 chome 17 2, Moto Asausa(᧲੩ㇺบ᧲඙రᵻ⨲ਃৼ⋡ 17㧙㧞)
᣿ᴦߩᄢÿÿ↹ኅ‫ޔ‬ዊᨋᷡⷫߩჄ߇޽ࠆ‫ߪޕ‬శ߇⟤ߒߊ ߆ࠇÿᣣ‫ޔ‬ᣣߩ಴‫ޔ‬Ꮉ┵ߦ
The burial place of KiyochiaKoboyashi (1847 ± 1915), µthe last Uiyoe artist¶ who combined
traditional Uiyoe with modern Western styles and who fought on the side of the Sh gunate
during the Boshin Wars (  BoshinSens ) the outcome of which heralded the fall of the
Tougawa Sh gunate, the decline of the samurai, the ascendancy of the Emperor and the
advent of the Meii Era and Japan¶s entry onto the stage of the modern World order
a  a

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a c 

28. ᣂၳᎹ Shinhorigawa (River) T y (᧲੩ㇺ)Shinhoridoori (ᣂၳㅢࠅ)

౉⼱㧚ජÿ↰ ߩ᳓ࠍ㓸߼‫ޔ‬ධᵹߒ㠽⿧Ꮉߦวᵹߒߡ㓈↰Ꮉߦᵈ޿ߢ޿ߚ‫ޕ‬ૐ࿾߇ᄙߊ‫ޔ‬ᄢ

During the flood of᣿ᴦÿ㧟ᐕ (1910)

Shin Ôori was the name of a village in this location now incorporated into Shishibone (㣮㛽 ±
the remains of deer. Named after the deer which were brought from the Kasuga Grand Shrine
in Nara and which were buried here after they died). The river was built to prevent flooding in
the early 19 century by a merchant, KihachiKappaya (วÿደ ౎).

29. 㒙ㇱᎹ↸ Abeawach

ኅÿ߇ᳯᚭ౉ᐭߩ㓙‫ ޔ‬ጟ቟୚Ꮉߩÿ᳃߇⒖ÿߒߚฎߊ߆ࠄߩ↸ደߢ޽ࠆ‫ޕ‬ኅÿߩ๮ࠍ ߞ

An old Edo Street, Abeawach no longer exists having been absorbed into the current
neighbourhood in 1936. The southern half was absorbed into Kotobui 1chome and the
northern half into Kotobui 2chome

ਃⒷ⩄␹␠Magoz Inari Shrine
The compilationᓮᐭ  Go FunaiBi  Notes on the City limits of Edo by Mishima
Masayui ਃፉ᡽ⴕ (see 15 above) states that the neighbourhood here was called
Abeawach because a shrine was moved here from Abeawa in Shizuoa prefecture. The
original shrine was destroyed twice, once during the Great Kant Earthquae of 1923 and the
second time during the T y air raids of World War II. On the 8 March there is a festival at
the shrine.
Legend has it that Tougawa Ieyasu, the 1 of the Toygawa Shoguns, was crossing the
Abegawa River when he handed his horses reigns to a man called Magozo who, it later
turned out, was the incarnation of the Inari (fox) deity of the Magozo shrine near the Abegawa

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