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Ferestre de risc seismic in 2011/ Seismic windows for 2011

Cercetare realizata de Dan Mirahorian

In luna si vecinatatea lunii martie exista o fereastra de risc seismic maxim pentru anul 2011. La fiecare doi
ani apare o perioada e perigeu maxim( proxigeu) care declansa maree acvatice si magmatice maxime,
Aceste maree sunt legate de posibile cutremure si eruptii vulcanice. Cutremurul de 9.1 grade pe scara
Richter din Sumatra din anul 2004 a avut loc in proximitatea datei de proxigeu[Nota 1].
Luna are o orbita eliptica in care distanta sa fata de Terra variaza cu+/- 8%. Aceasta variatie a distantei se
traduce in +/- 25% variatie in efectul gravitational. (adica este o minciuna asigurarea ca apropierea Lunii
nu are efecte notabile asupra Terrei)
In cursul fiecarei rotatii a Lunii de 28 de zile apar distante minime(perigeu) si distante maxime (apogeu).
[Nota 2]. Odata la 1,5 ani apar distante minime(proxigeu) ale perigeului care determina maree atat de mari
incat nu e recomandabil sa va aflati pe o plaja.
In 19 Martie 2011, Luna se afla in cel mai apropiat perigeu (proxigeu) din acest an si din ultimii 18 ani (the
closest pass in 18 years), si va mai fi din nou la fel de apropiata de abia in anul 2016. Aceasta apropiere
este insotita de aliniere intre Luna, Soare si Pamant(Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line) si va crea cele
mai mari maree si va determina posibile cutremure si eruptii vulcanice. Acest efect a declansat deja 3 eruptii
vulcanice descrise mai jos si 3 cutremure mari(inclusiv cel din Japonia) .

Nota 1
Data de proxigeu 1/10/2005(10 ianuarie 2005) faza de Luna Noua [se observa distanta de 14 zile pana la
megaseismul de 9.1 grade pe scara Richter din 26 Decembrie 2004 din Oceanul Indian cu epicentrul pe
coasta de vest al Sumatrei, Indonesia [earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred at
00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia;
December 26, 2004 00:58 off west coast northern Sumatra, Indonesia victime: 230,000; marime: 9.1 Mw
Nota 2
Luna face o rotatie completa in jurul Pamantului in raport cu stelele fixe, aproximativ o dată la fiecare 27.3
zile (perioada siderala). Cu toate acestea, deoarece Pământul se mişcă în orbita sa în jurul Soarelui, în acelaşi
timp, este nevoie de ceva mai mult pentru Luna pentru a arăta aceeaşi fază pe Pamant, care este de
aproximativ 29.5 zile (perioada sinodica)./The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth with respect
to the fixed stars about once every 27.3 days (its sidereal period). However, since the Earth is moving in its
orbit about the Sun at the same time, it takes slightly longer for the Moon to show the same phase to Earth,
which is about 29.5 days (its synodic period).
Mareea in perioada urmatoare 13-19 martie 2011 indica cresterea stresului magmatic

Chiar daca unii afirma ca nu se cunoaste nici o influenta a atractiei Lunii si a Soarelui exista
cercetatori care au evidentiat aceasta influenta in eruptiile vulcanice si in declansarea cutremurelor.
Cele mai mari cutremure au avut loc in proximitatea datei de proxigeu.
Cercetatorii Donna si Stephen O'Meara au descoperit ca eruptiile vulcanice sunt declansate de
mareele magmatice provocate de Luna /volcanism and tides

Predictia mareelor in aceasta perioada se poate vedea pe siturile de mai jos
Se observa ca trebuie sa fim foarte atenti in perioada 14-24 martie 2011 care incadreaza data de 19 martie

Verificati pe situl de mai jos ce se petrece in data de 19 martie 2011

Visit the Lunar perigee and apogee calculator to calculate these distances yourself!

Ce se intampla in data de 19 martie 2011

se vede ca in 19 martie 2011 apare sincronizarea dintre perigeul maxim(proxigeu) si data la care are loc
faza de Luna Plina(F) . Defazaj 0 ore; cele doua plusuri ++ indica intr-adevar ca este cea mai mica
distanta(perigeul maxim=proxigeu) din anul 2011;
Mar 19 19:10 356577 km ++ F+ 0h
Full Moon/Luna plina
2011 Mar 19 18:11

Tabel cu datele perioadelor de perigeu in anul 2011

Jan 22 0:11 362792 km F+2d 2h
Feb 19 7:28 358246 km F+ 22h
Mar 19 19:10 356577 km ++ F+ 0h
Apr 17 6:01 358087 km F- 20h
May 15 11:19 362132 km F-1d23h
Jun 12 1:43 367187 km F-3d18h
Jul 7 14:05 369565 km N+6d 5h
Aug 2 21:00 365755 km N+3d 2h
Aug 30 17:36 360857 km N+1d14h
Sep 28 1:02 357555 km N+ 13h
Oct 26 12:27 357050 km - N- 7h
Nov 23 23:25 359691 km N-1d 6h
Dec 22 2:58 364800 km N-2d15h
Perioade de Luna Noua
2011 Jan 4 9:05
2011 Feb 3 2:33
2011 Mar 4 20:48
2011 Apr 3 14:34
2011 May 3 6:51
2011 Jun 1 21:03
2011 Jul 1 8:54
2011 Jul 30 18:40
2011 Aug 29 3:04
2011 Sep 27 11:09
2011 Oct 26 19:57
2011 Nov 25 6:11
2011 Dec 24 18:08

Perioade de Luna Plina

2010 Dec 21 8:15
2011 Jan 19 21:23
2011 Feb 18 8:37
2011 Mar 19 18:11
2011 Apr 18 2:44
2011 May 17 11:08
2011 Jun 15 20:13
2011 Jul 15 6:39
2011 Aug 13 18:58
2011 Sep 12 9:27
2011 Oct 12 2:07
2011 Nov 10 20:18
2011 Dec 10 14:38
2012 Jan 9 7:32
Perioade critice in anul 2011/Critical periods for the year 2011
Vedeti zilele in rosu
Primavara Toamna
Perioade de perigeu Perioade de Luna Noua Perioade de Luna Plina
Inainte de cutremurul din Japonia din data de 11. 03 am primit urmatorul e-mail
On March 19, 2011 the Moon will pass by Earth at a distance of 356,577 kilometers (221,567 miles) – the
closest pass in 18 years . In my world, this is known as lunar perigee and a normal lunar perigee averaging a
distance of 364,397 kilometers (226,425 miles) happens… well… like clockwork once every orbital period.
According to astrologer, Richard Nolle, this month’s closer than average pass is called an Extreme
SuperMoon. “SuperMoon is a word I coined in a 1979 article for Dell Publishing Company’s HOROSCOPE
magazine, describing what is technically termed a perigee-syzygy; i.e. a new or full Moon (syzygy) which
occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth (perigee) in a given orbit.”
says Richard. “In short, Earth, Moon and Sun are all in a line, with Moon in its nearest approach to

Vedeti alerta pt luna martie Pe 19 Martie, Luna va declansa cutremure, eruptii vulcanice sau schimbari
climatice săptămâna viitoare. Conform publicaţiei Daily Mail se susţine că pe 19 Martie luna va fi în cel mai
apropiat punct de Pământ, din 1992 încoace, şi că atracţia gravitaţională va aduce haos pe Terra.
Warning For Week of March 14 - 19th, 2011

3/11/11 .. Trei vulcani au erupt in acelasi timp cu cutremurul din Japonia/This makes three volcanos
that have erupted at the same time as the Japan Earthquake!!!!!

March 11, 2011 - Earthquake Analysis / Update - a geologic record setting day

Tineti legatura cu siturile dedicate

"Cele doua concepte de secretizare si de transparenta sunt centrale in orice discurs despre libertate si
şi corectitudine intr-o societate democratica"/"The twin concepts of secrecy and transparency are
central to any discourse on the freeness and fairness of a democratic society";
Interplanetary “Day After Tomorrow?”
Earth Changes Media
Grupuri Yahoo
see published books:vedeti cartile si articolele publicate pe:
Ascunderea schimbarilor planetare si interplanetare
Hidden Earth and Interplanetary Changes .
Care sunt adevaratele cauze ale incalzirii globale ?
Which are the true causes of Global Warming ?
Ziua de dupa la nivel interplanetar ? Interplanetary “Day after Tomorrow?”
Viitoarele harti ale Terrei/ Future Maps of the Earth
Tabel cu datele perioadelor de proxigeu intre 2003 si 2023
When will the Proxigean Tides arrive between 1999-2020?

Verificati corespondenta intre anii de proxigeu si marile seisme pe

Lista cutremurelor mari in sec XXI/List of 21st-century earthquakes

Data Faza Lunii

3/11/2003 Luna Noua
1/10/2005 Luna Noua [se observa distanta de 14 zile pana la megaseismul din 2004 din Oceanul
Indian cu epicentrul pe coasta de vest al Sumatrei, Indonesia [earthquake was an undersea megathrust
earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west
coast of Sumatra, Indonesia].
2/28/2006 Luna Noua February 28, 2006 Tiab earthquake, Mw 6.0: Implications for tectonics of the
transition between the Zagros continental collision and the Makran subduction zone
12/12/2008 Luna Plina January 3, 2009 19:43 West Papua province, Indonesia 7.7 Mw
1/30/2010 Luna Plina February 27, 2010 03:34 offshore Maule, Chile 8.8 Mw (USGS)
3/19/2011 Luna Plina
5/6/2012 Luna Plina
6/23/2013 Luna Plina
8/10/2014 Luna Plina
9/28/2015 Luna Plina
11/14/2016 Luna Plina
5/25/2017 Luna Noua
1/2/2018 Luna Plina
7/13/2018 Luna Noua
8/30/2019 Luna Noua
10/16/2020 Luna Noua
12/4/2021 Luna Noua
1/21/2023 Luna Noua

Extreme Super Moon March 19 Expect Earthquakes, High Tides, Extreme Weather

Doar in Romania se fac ca ne informeaza batandu-si joc de "conspirationisti"

Cercetatorii Donna si Stephen O'Meara au descoperit ca eruptiile vulcanice sunt declansate de

mareele magmatice provocate de Luna /volcanism and tides

There were SuperMoons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005. These years had their share of extreme weather and
other natural events. Is the Super Moon and these natural occurences a coincidence? Some would say yes;
some would say no. I'm not here to pick sides and say I'm a believer or non-believer in subjects like this, but
as a scientist I know enough to ask questions and try to find answers.

We obviously know that there are scientific laws that say the moon affects the Earth (i.e. tides). There are
also less proven theories that propose that the moon affects the Earth in other ways (i.e. abnormal behavior
during a full moon). Can the Super (full) Moon contribute to extreme weather and other natural
"The last extreme super moon occurred was on January 10th, 2005, right around the time of the 9.0
Indonesia earthquake. That extreme super moon was a new moon. So be forewarned. Something BIG could
happen on or around this date. (+/- 3 Days is my guess)"

This Super Moon will occur on March 19 when it is in its closest position to the earth this year. This one
happens to be a full Moon, so it is time to prepare now. Full Moons in general can cause havoc, and this one
for sure will not go unnoticed by anyone.

Get ready for what could be moderate to severe weather patterns, increased seismic activity, tsunamis and
more volcanic eruptions than normal. This phenomenon includes the days leading up to March 19 and the
days after until around March 22nd.

We experienced extreme weather conditions under the last Super Moons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005.
Hurricane Katrina is one example which happened in 2005 under a Super Moon’s influence. January 10,
2005 gave us the 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia, also under a Super Moon.

The well known astrologer, Richard Nolle coined the phrase, Super Moon and he is predicting just such
occurrences this March in particular and could continue into April of this year. The Moon exerts
gravitational pull on the earth and the closer it is, the more influence it has. Super Moon’s have a particularly
strong pull on the earth because they are much closer to the earth during these phases.

This March may prove to be one of the worst months for severe weather and seismic activity yet this year.
This may be because the Moon has not been this close to the earth in 18 years. The coastal regions should
prepare for especially strong and high tides.
This will be the second of three Super Moons this year. One occurred in February, again in March and April.
These three months should mark a noticeable change in earth activity, along with natural gas leaks. Get your
camera out because this particular Super Moon will appear extremely large at it rises after the sun sets,
because it will be the closest one of the year.
Just after the Super Moon, get ready for more financial concerns world-wide, an increase in oil and gas
disruptions and the price of everything going up and into panic mode. Many power outages are likely to
occur, especially if they hit densely populated areas. Stock markets may also be in for a wild ride.
<img src="">

The Proxigean Tide occurs when the Moon is at its closest point in its orbit to the Earth and in its New or
Full Moon phase. At this time, its tidal effect on the Earth is maximum. Tidal gravitational forces vary as the
third power of the distance between Earth and Moon, so even a small difference in distance can translate into
a big effect. The orbit of the moon varies from a distance of 356,500 to 406,700 kilometers with an average
distance near 380,000 kilometers. The variation between the maximum and minimum distances results in
tidal force changes of a factor of 1.2 times the average tidal forces.

New Moon is pretty bad because both the Sun and the Moon are on the same side of the Earth, and with the
Moon near its closest point to the Earth, the tide- making potential is highest. I will probably not plan to be
on the beach on the above dates!

Full Moon at its shortest distance to Earth + Earths Wobble - 19th march 2011

Super Volcano Yellowstone About to Blow? Predictive Conditioning 2012 Movie?

The man who predicts earthquakes: Jim Berkland

Interview with Jim Berkland, Earthquake Prediction
James Berkland Predicts Earthquakes
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seismic window 19th march 2011 Proxigean tides

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