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The written work is made or created based on researching result which is called
science research. The structure of science research writing usually divided into
three parts majority, namely: introduction, discussion and closing, as the
complement created into conclusion and suggestion.

In this research, we involve two kinds of prior activities, such as:

1. Research Activity
In this activity, we start finding the idea up to finding out the result of research
and making the implication or suggestion of that result of research.
The activities consisting of :
a. Seearching for Idea
Surroundings our students’ life, there are many activities which can be the topic
of research, such as, their achievement in studying English and mathematic.

b. Making Economic Model

If we take the student’s achievement in studying English and mathematic as the
example used in the topic of this research, so the economic model for this result of
research, such as :

Note : Y :› dependent variable

X :› independent variable
Y :› dependent variable ->score of mathematic test
X :> independent variable ->score of English test

c. Making Hypothesis
After making the Economic Model, we can make hypothesis, namely:
1) The influence of X to Y is positive.
2) The influence of X to Y is negative.
Positive -> if the higher in one direction ( score of mathematic ), so the higher in other
direction (score of English).
Negative-> if the higher in X and the lower in Y.

d. Searching for Data

For instance, the data taken by using the test given to the objects (the students),
then we do the sampling technique.

e. Deciding the Proper Analyzing Instrument

The instrument will be used in this research is REGRESSION and
f. Calculating the Regression and Analyzing the Result of Research

2. Report of the Result of Research

Generally, methodology of report in Result of Research is written, such as :
a. Introduction Complement, consists of :
1) Cover of Title
2) Motto and Acknowledgement
3) Introduction
4) Table of Content
5) List of Tables / Graphics
6) List of Pictures ( if it is necessary).
b. Body / Content, consists of :
1) Chapter I : Introduction
a) Background of Study
b) Problem Solving
c) Usage of Research
d) Objective of Research
e) Function of Research
f) Hypothesis
g) Analysis Instrument
h) Review of Literature
i) Literature Methodology

2) Chapter II : Research Subject

It tells about the subject of research.

3) Chapter III : Basic of Theory

a) Basic of theory
b) Analysis Instrument of Basic Theory

4) Chapter IV : Data Analysis and Result of Research

In this chapter we analyze the data from the Result of Research,
then we discuss based on the hypothesis.

5) Chapter V : Conclusion and Implication / Suggestion

In this part we conclude the result of research based on the answers
in Chapter IV, then describe the implication in real condition.

c. Complement of Closing
As the complement we can enclose, such as :
1. Bibliography
2. Appendix or other enclosure
in the last part of the writing.


One of the objective of data analysis is to predict or estimate how far or how high
the effect of quantitative research from the changing of one or something happen to other
happened. The mathematic equation used in this analyzing by using the Regression
Equation. The data will be analyzed can be accepted from many kinds of activities or
fields which produce the pairs of observation as many as “n” which are stated as (X ,Y).
Note :
i = the total or amount of observation ( the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,etc…)
X = independent variable
Y = dependent variable
* Independent variable :» variable which can influence other variable
* Dependent variable :» variable which can be influenced other variable

Principally, the formula of SIMPLE LINEAR EQUATION is :


Note :
Y : dependent variable
X : independent variable
a : intercept (point of intersection of curve against the Y axist)
b : the slope of linear curve

This equation can be used for estimating the score of Y if the scores of a, b and X
have been known. The score of a in that equation is the score of Y which is cut by linear
curve at vertical axist of Y. In other word, a is the score

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