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We're all inR

Into the,

The sxample com parHes. cHg3nizaUons, products. domain names, e-mell addresses, logos, pecple, places, and. events depicted herein are ftcutlcus. No association wlth ~ny real compa ny, erga !lrla ton, product, dcrna In na m,~, '@ mel I address.lcco. person, pleces, or even ts 1.$ I iii te I'l d.e d 10 r she u I d be in f,erred_

W'- --.-. . .-.11

eo 1iI'~OO a

flex:ib,le cloud_;"computi,ng

Pla~A·m-·,r: ..

_ 'LI'~ , ,.

(a n We' Irolll it out by

TOM--'O' DR-'O" "W-·-~'

.. : ,I, ,~.,nl '- .. ",.: ~::'



~yna,mic J'nih8$fructu,e, J:nfj'oiit., Scala

I know-wh'o dtd this ... my n.e 1m ~si:s





computi n.g Dy a le I

nfras true I if!

If 31 (HiYate

data eenta r



Web ,Sslrvices

Clloud computl



provhdmnlng CapEl: vs 0 pEx

w~ 't:glril d~f~! CI~'~k.r

,a nd me~t blIlS,hll'e!S:S ne'oo s i~ffld~ntly by '9 o~nlgl to THE' CLOUD,!

~ I

'The ii'ndll!l:~try is go(i'r~g thlrcW!lg h a 'tr,l1,n5',"Dilmatj'O~ across the entire stack, the psrad ~glml is





..• ' DetQ.CR;I;r, ,ZlIP;pllh:;atiolllSr from h~ rrdwilr,e: •

.... • ' PM'dimlly 'n' SIct1'Q~l;e d.p,i1icatw· 5:

, . :r 'RF
- -- I
~ I ....

. ' .' it.ld ... to-end servioe mainagrem,elllt

O!LI~' psg-e.,sl lh,e- dlflrrn [,enter is under


, get jt! (~o'!Jd oJmlputingl makes, O!LIlr business agile

H CWu'il 1\$ itdo


We, ca Ii1 fDCU S, 011 selvl ng b ustness problems, not just putting out thenext

'm ~'e

The fj'exi,Dle

natu ~e of cloud compLJrtulIIg ,a Illows. I!jS to build and tea r'

down comiputers. and

.... ""'''i·I'.,..".!i11' ""1"111'""' nil: ;jj"!;,I1'''''y' rclll'j.!'lllul '=lIIIL~' '"1~'iI"lLi'ft',_,:·.,

ApIP:1 i:ctlltrans. and s>errViiGes can be deployed

quik:kly and efficie·nt,""


W:e,l.1111 spend less: time on op~r,a~ial1ls and ImOre Ilime cij'e~'ti[ngl predilct~ bll,e ~iJtild cons'is:teo't CliISOO mer

J '"

U~,lil'i!g oomipl.n~rs i 1ft the e,Ioud can m g k~ lots of $(:\'!'~$~. ,~~rth~f

How dOE-~ than IbJuy~ng and mair~t~ljning

this affect your own machhl!;e:'~r why not trg ~;e,

our o~gI;Eilnizatio:n? a divantagt1! of the aClr,~s of

lo'ternei'''acces,s:IIJII,e' servers

N\o rn,eed to ,in've's t, upfront on expern:!iih/€'

~nfr,a structure, Wow;, that w~111 rna ke' my job a Ilot ea,si,e'I'!

Now that you oave l1tH~ mii'nd3~t: and klftow th~ b~riI~flJt$ of

11~;j,j", '.' It _', _'_',;j,-_ -IiO'

~IL s ;al!ia ~~ our OP'I"P'Ift.:Jo

b~kl~~ W'(g flr!ii:~ k~ ~he ~ight

d~Cll$iQf'iI fiO:r Val! r Ib U~~l1t~~$., - '.'.


~~'~JIS'··...:II· ~ V~SlJl2Ituo 10'

Win dow'S Am ["@ IP II a tlo.nnn

~~Azulr~ . WindOWS",MJ~ AJ'ppFabr~

Th ~s, model ~ rov~des,

h ~gi1ly ,s(,al~ble ~l!ildl 'n~Jdb!l~ cloud sJ~rvk'~$ to customers woddWr,diiE!. ,M,iemst'-ft

- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -

plr,o\lii'dl~s, U,,~, $~~V~C~' r;llatForm and the data eentsrs 'H~ at: run tt,

[~m! HQ~~ dfJl we us~ Windows' AlUr!'1l1

You cam use

Windows ,AzurelDJ

to ...

i 8uild, modUY~· a,nO' (/istrj,'b,jlif;' 'Scat~bf,e' app#cntiOns with mlrJ~mal Qn-prem'ises ~es'OU'!I'ces,;;

!I' PcertonN j'QII'y,e-lIolum,e' 5tOJ;Qge ... batcn pl,'ocessinffo inten5e~, or Ilrrge=1lolume:


,.. CII'~(U~I' :r~st ... d~i?ugl .a,~d' distrlbu.te Web 5~rvk~$ qu'ick,fy and tne'xpensiv;ely t-o custom~rs Q'rouru~ the 'World..

T'hle Windlo;ws AZlure Plaltforml

IWindOW.5.A.zur,e .Pld~tfol.m

~ s al gltJ'ou p of (I oud tee h nologilie~sl each p!tJ'ovi diiingi ·a specff c set of services to a ppllimcation deveillol!)ers.,

Windows A_zu,,.e

Windows Azut'E 1$ a Windows @nvironm'~'n't for running applh::~Uons end 5<lOrfng data 011 com puters in M lcrcscrt data eEl nters,

MlcfOSiOft@ SOt Azure'™

Also,~d In the Windows AZUii@' platform is Mlcrosofl SaL Azu~e, which provides retettonal derabese servlces and eutomated mana.g,ement of relatlcnal S>ervlc~s .. SOL Azure can help reduc@ (OSE$ by ~n1:'e-grafll'1g with exls.ting tool sets and by p~Qvl(III'ng symm~try with on-pre mis@ a nd (10 ud d a te bases.

WIndOws Azul,s AppFa,IIt1'c'

Wi noo ws Azu r:@ AppFa lor lc ptoVr d ~5 I nfriill struc tu r€:! f-or ,appllc;!:! tic! ns. The psopla who create appli(a'tlons can ben~f1t 'from drff~rer1t kinds of frrrraSlfU(ture. and so AppFabric cen ttll~ ns va rlous pa rts, This s ectlon ta kes a clcser look at S.e rvi c~ B U$~ A-C'@i$'$ (OillJ10 I. and Cad1lng. tl1~ three cornponents of'Wlndows Azur~ AppFabrlc today.

Windows A_zu,,.e Mark.etplace

An onlin@ S€!n/lce for pun:ll~sing cloud-based data and applh::~tion$.

_. - . - . _. __ ._. ~

Applications ·a nd Det«


Wind.cM/I/~, AZllre 1$ a t::Qllectlo!1 of vlrtual machines that provrde cornoute and ~torag,e resources, This ccllecuon of v~(tual mechtnes Is called the fabrfc.The fabric is, managed by the fabrlc controller, which monitors and rnanaqes ev~ty vi rtua I rnacbine.and starts, stops an d restarts th em as lfIeoe sse ry.

, --.-- inte!rnet I·

The IP'abric C:ont.lfoller

(om m u n lcates with every server w'ith i n th e fabri c, lilt rna naqes the Wi ndows Azu r,e operating s)lstelm,r and every' aplP,liiication,r and! decides where new sppl icatiions :shoul d run in order 110 0 p1ttj~m ize' h a rdlwa re uf I ization,

Wliind,oW5 Azulre iM A,lutomlates the, Manallemslnt ,of VOlur IT' R',esolur,ces

Th!! 1ab~lc ccntrcller manages the day~to-da"J rnalntenance, monitou~ng, ,and updating o,f fha Ynd~rlyln9 op!!nnrng !.yst~m and o'f th~ applh:aUon5 and s~r-vlces FtJfHlli'lg on ILThl~ frees IT staff to focus IOn cteatlng scluttens Inst,ead of biting consumed by 'ted~ou$ and r,epet I tive m a I'rrten,a nee te s ks ..

Vliirt:liJlal~iz@d Compulat;iion p~ovides rnasslve

a ppl lea tl on sea lab 1111y_ You can build a ccmbrnatron 0" web and worker roles. Thesa rol es c an be

rep I reared as n eededl to scal,e lh~ appli,cations and

(Om IOU ration a I

prcce ssi ng ,pOW.f2 r.

Storag@ S@rvih~es,

allow you 'to scale to sto re li3IFge amounts of data - in an'f format - 'For an Y I,erlg'th of ti'rne. only paying for what you use: OF $tore.

:S@rvic@ Ma nag@menl

rs performed by the (abrilc control I er1 wnich (0 ntrols a II the resou rces with I'n lh e data center. The fabr'lc controller daploys you r se rvice an d men ito rs th ~ ever all heal th err th ~ fa brtc.

:SQclliJllril,y and Controlll com p~ I ses statE! -of-th ~-a rl ph~t~lca I s ec url'ty precesses com bfn eel with a S I r~ctly corn rolle d 0 S access model, Data Is replicatoo In rnulttple h!ul\, eernalns rn 1;1, location se I i!cted by you,

:5tat@-of:~'lh@-art data (Ienters

ar@i ID(:ate<{j around the

worl d. You. ca 11 h OSl you ~

a PIOI tea t I on s a nd data securel "II w h rle ma k,i ng the m ,acces~1 bl eo fro many

101 a CE you a II,ow.

L,~)rjs' g,et out ofheJ'te befcu',g [hIe 'w,h\Ole thi,n~' b~'(}"W5 Up' (In U~



D'OJt~t 'wo\r,r1~ The Window,s Azure PI;wlfolim offers sea Iidible~, d UI reble uti Ility=oa,5ed storage" And both Wli'rilGOtNS AZ!LI ~e

a ppliCaldcnl s and on-premises appl lcattons ca n access the Wi ndows Azure storaqe service,

·s········-t='o·, ···-ra······g·:··;,e·· 'S:···-·:·:·,e·· rvtees . ln I W·· .. ' '[!lln···,·d··lo· ···W~··~~'S'-· A" ··Z·I-U-[r:·e 1M

, •. ' .. ' I ' I .. ' .:.' -:;-' .. '.' '. ".' '. " ',.",.' .~.. . '. . ' , ' , . " .",~ . . .

,Scali a bl e~, duralble uti I ity-based storaqe

Wi ndows Azl.l re orf!!r~ sea 1 a 101 i!, oj ura b leu ~i I [t,y-,bas~d $l'O ra g,e a nd offers d Jffer,err~ option s f-or stc rl ng d ate r a nd i't has a uth ent I ca ted a cces~ an d t rlple Ff~pn,a'tion to h elp k~ p yo ur d~ta. sa fe. You ca n also prog ra m mat fca lIy access date wit Il sfm ID I!! HE! P n!!!:e nratton a I Stat e' Tra tu,fer (REST) Il"r~erfa CIS'S,., ava II a bl eo re motely a nd from 'th is' data cen ter, At nd, If 'Y'O u n,,=,e-d a more r,el at len Q I a pproa ch to d a ta s'tora ge~ yo u cen use SQL Azutem~J whtch is a dC!JlJd-based ~elatlonal databa SE! s!!tvl ce btl [It, 0 n SOL Se rver" tee hn 01 09,1 es, Sq L Azure prOVides, a hlgl,ly available, scalab,l~j mLlI~r-tenant di! t~ba se ser vh::e h os tied by M Icrowft I n ~h e cloud. M kresoft SQL AZl! re D,aj'ta base hel ps to , provr s i cnl ng a F:I d deploy men f of m Lli t I pi e d a la bases.

TO use Wtndows: Azu r~ s'tora gej a d ~ve 10 pE! r m lAst fl ['it cr!!ate a storage account To con rcl aC(E:Ss, 'to the Informa'lion In '~i,j:s. ;1CC'OIL.Int, Window!!; Aztlre gives Its cre3tor a se.r:rE,'t key, Each r'eq ueS't ali a ppl i(atr on ma·kes [0 i nforrnaLion In th Is. stcraqe ecce un t- b I nary I a vg e objecU (BLOB S}j ta b Ie s, d rl vesJ, a nd qU'i!ues-ca rrie:s. a s 19 nature created with U'~f~ Si!6r@t k,~y-In other words, au'thorizaUon Is at ~I,e

a ccou nt lEvel.

I.·· obs, I I ables, Que1ues and Driiv:es

It h-' t h-' t

~ . '.' t l' '. . .i ' I.' I. '. '" ..' \ " l':'

now w, Bin ,,'0 use w, . a ',i, ,i ,i


ProvMe a s lm p:1 e

I rn~'rf~ c,~ 'Fe r storing named fli es elon 9 with m ~tada ta for ttH~ nl~.


Provide structured storag e. A t~ bl,~ is a set of enrltles which COlililil n it $et o'f

pro pe rttes.


P rovlde r~liable

s,torag e a nd del lve ry of m ~S$ag~s fo r.

an applh,:atlon.


P'rQvid~ a d 1I ria ble NTFS fi lie syst~JT'I volume, sharable a cross Instances.

u1r'g,eJ, unstrucnned dail'a (a liId!I';Qo~ vr:die-o~ etcJ

MassJrw QlmO'IJI'ilU .of s~m polly SUlIiCW red daJla~ accessed lIJ$!11I19 ODaira or

WCF Data ServicEs

Seria,lly accessed

m i2-ssages O~' req uests, allk~wlrng processes

'W' rnt,eract

FUes o:r;gan~zed in all dirEctory st rlJIctl!llre

'. ·II!! - .. _ . 'f'~t- S' Q ,['.[.- -- 1M

II IIC'OSO--- ,'; I I'UUre'

Mh::ro'~Dftm :SQ'L A.I~l\e·'M Diidab~lt!je Is a clcud-besed relatIonal database' senlh::e built on SQL Serv~~ 'ttec: hn 01 og I'e! IIlrovldi!s til high Iy ava IIi'! ble, sea l.a b 1 e-j m u I tf -tenan t d,fllta bese serv I'~ hosted by Microsoft In the d oud, Sal Azu r~ Databa se hel ps to ea se pi rovision [n 9 and deployrn~nt err multiple detabases. Developers do not have to [list-alii, :;e,t up. patch, or manage any software. High availability and fault tolerance Is bullt-ln, and no physical adm'lnrstr3tlon I:; Fl!qulred.5Ql Azure! D~t!lba$e supports Transact-SQL {T-SQL). You can

u $e extst I n9 knowl eel g13' [n T-50L developme fit a nd a 'fa m Illar relational data model for

sy mmet ry wi th ,exist I rig on -prem lses daUI baSI2'S. SaL AZl! re Da t~ base ca n he,1 p redu ce costs by ~ntegratlng wltl1 ext's' ing tool sets and provide :syrnrnrt:try with on-premises and do ud d ata bases ..

Th e r~1 e-a~~ [rf Mloo~oft. SQ L S sr '!Ie r 1008 R2 adds (I ie!11 t -tools su pport for SQL Azu re, including added support through SQL S!?rver- Management Stucl!ro (5SMS}. 5QlServi!r Maflag'i:!'ment Studio Call be u~d 'to rnanaqe :SQl Azure and can Io-e downloild~d 'For h-ee a long wft h SQL Se rver Express. Add It I 0 na lIy, SQ L Server 2008 R2 and SQ L Ser"JIer Express hav~ full support 'faF SQL Azure ~ In terms of se-aml~ss cC!nn~ctlvlty, viewing obJe-cts fn the ob}&t SMO scrlptlngr.3!1d more.


O'lt tundersrend ,'tomgf' :services'.,

lb ut I "ml fiNJ'1 yet c:1 e;;ijf' '10111 how 'COfir'l,plIlters glfildl resources, in '; AJ!l!I re a ~e

'.' .... d ...I

orgaD,Z'fu an:, malld,glu



Wl;'b Ro[~ lrsstance

WQr~r R~t-e ~11l:n8:f1!Cof!.


" n'fJ' ou't,"

(omIPl!,.ltt~r$ (J edicatsd t:o W~ri!dOW$, AZUIFt1! ar~ organiz~d intto ,a 'f'albric tna!i1~ged by the fab~ii'~ controller,

Aut~matea ,a:p,plloatloD

ma"'B'," e'-'s H·t S·· .... o I!;'Q'ftU' "0 III

" III ~'. ···llill' . I',I!' '. ill 011 . ti-· Ill.',:.. , :- I"

'--- -- . -. _. .~- _' _'_ --- _'.- - "-_._ -

The Icoillectil'an of' servers M ul t~ p Ie VMs peer server

Ch ocse from five d rffere nt VM slzes, ba,s.ed on you r a pp I h::at ion needs

Service rna nag'em:ent VOILi tell It w het to dolt figu res out how

Oynamitally scale up, scale dowl11; update or roll if! ppl ~artl!Dn b ack ' 0

~ previou s verslon

S~ mple syste,m rna r.ZI 9 erne nt and deploy men t AP I s

Fabric Controller

Naw t-hart 'Y"O'U understa nd WfRd'ows A~,.el I~f~ 11,00o,k, at UH~' appl fl!:ation I rlf~ cY'(l~ a nd deployrnent for y>c)~ ~

Wu ndows Azu r~ Im.ple,m:e,n'idfmlll' ..

I n my spa re tl m'l;l I develop a 10 plication s for WI ndcws Azu re, Wi"! lie we ca n do Q 9 r@i3 t d~al of resrln 9 I []"~ IIYr We @!v~ntu a Ily have- to test ou r appllca tion sin the cloud before we deploy the th'iEl' II\I'~ production environment.

To do til ls, \!'Ie have two W1ndows. AZlIn; subscrtpnons .. One [5 an account WrJ:

USe for testlngraHld the other i:s the Irve production account, BeCalUSi:' sach account has its own Wrndows Llve® IDJ and Its own set of API keys, we can limit aCCESS to leach enviromrH~nt to a particular set or p~opl~. M~mbf:rs of the testing team and key members o:f the de\!lelo'pm€!nt team have· access to the test I ng ij C(OLInt 0 I'lly two key peopl ~ In th~ ou r operatlons d epi:l rtm ent have a ccess to th ~ produ etten ecce un t

Both o'f th ese ecce un ts a re stan d a rd Windows Az.ure' accc un ts, and beceu se th~ ~i1vlmnrnei1ts are Id~ntlcal Wf! can b~ confident that appll!;:;atfon code will run tn rhe same way In both. We can also In~ sure 'that application depfoyment will 'Work In 'the same way in both erlVrronment$ heceuse WE:!JlllIs~ the sa me pe ckage to deplo."1 to bot h test a nd prod uctton.

Our company can also perform testing by running the appHcation In the deV\e'I.opmellt fabric whrh~ We point the appllcatlon at s.'tor~ge rn 'the test Windows Azure E!flvrronment.Thrs Is Important because then; are more diffe rences between d eVe 10 p men t storage a n d cloud sto.r,ijge th.a r1 betw~~11 the development fabric and the cloud runtime envl~onment.AI$01 cloud storage Is rel,atlvel.y rnexp~"~I\I'E! to use compared to' other clcud resources.

We learlloo about !ill more eflid'ent "ItlHJl'ij to run OUlIr datai[:e:nte~' a nd provide services

'We.'lr,e a III inl ILet~ glo

Inrlo' title, Cll,oUlds


Get into the C OUD!

Learn m,ore abo !Jr.' t,he Windows Azure Piotfo,rm" '. ",' httpJ'/Www;'tartJed

Wilildows Azur-eJM ts an l'nter!J1&t=$,cale cloud serv~ce$ pl~tf'orm hosted 111 M r c ~osci'Ft cia ta cerntE rs are U tid th e wo rid that p r,o'V rei es a slm pier lrel ~a ble, and powef~li!1 pla'trorm for '[he creation of web a,Pplicatl.(l!J1S and servtces,

TOQ'etli er w;rth Leah in"! dI Z';a c h, you wi II lieiH'1ii a bout the clou d m in d$~t a rnd; Th e ben,efll'ts of c Il!Oud co m p'liI'tlng

Th e powerfu ~ 'fe;atulre:$ ,a I'll d 0 pttons fo,r' n:o,r ag ~ a lila ser vice manag,em,EHr'i'l th a t 'WI ndows A Z Lllre' Ci(f\"eifS

Th e a ppl lcatton II i'~'~ cyde ('(H' \f\f~ndows All!! re a ppl tcanon s

-"""- MiicliiOlScft-

S,QL Azu re~

teom ,mo,re about tne Windows: A :lure' Pkuiotm i i .'.' Il tIp:} fwww.wrndow.s.alliJns-.oom/getsta·rted

Scen~rri c Wri'ter'S: Morris BrowFl, D.!l! nny ~y~ ng. Mike Riches Story b oa rds ~nd I WI !lIcstrfif il'n; ft'Dbe rt M~5S~

Art' Dl~ect~r; Steve Godfrey

Speda I ftlut n Its,: 'Kathy A,lIey~ Tysoll'l Nevi L, Cym:hii'l ~ed ine, ~roI11r,mFlIi:!Ir, Mi'ke' l'illm~Fl

S-ar putea să vă placă și