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The holistic approach to grading of written work evaluates the written work as a
whole, and is used for the written papers for this class. The score assigned is
based on the overall impression of the content and style with consideration of
the syntax, grammar, content and format requirements. In holistic scoring, the
grader reads the paper once then assigns a numerical/letter score based on the
rubric for overall impression. Students at this point in their undergraduate
nursing coursework need to be able to analyze, compare, contrast, and
critically evaluate course related topics. The focus of grading is on the overall
scholarship of the writing not the details such as grammar, syntax, or
formatting. The grader may not make written comments, suggest revisions, or
make margin notes. To write comments on certain aspects of the written work
would interrupt the flow and force the reader to consider the individual points
of the essay rather than evaluating the overall impression left by the author. (If
the grader feels compelled to comment on aspects of the writing while reading,
this is indication that the paper is not outstanding.) The holistic view evaluates
all elements in an integrated manner. This emphasis is utilized to inspire
students to enter into a process of continual improvement of their overall
writing skills rather than having the narrow focus on one aspect of the writing
process. This is a transition to the profession and preparation for continued
nursing education.
Note: Letter grades may be assigned for any or all of the following reasons.
Please note: a “C” paper contains all content criteria for the paper.

"A" range: Outstanding achievement, significantly exceeds standards.

• Responds to the question/topic with substantial, unique and fresh
ideas; or unique treatment of topic, takes risks with content; fresh
• Sophisticated/exceptional use of details/examples.
• Paper is clearly organized. Original and "fluid" organization; all
sentences and paragraphs contribute; sophisticated transitions between
• Integration of quotations and citations is sophisticated and
highlights the author's argument.
• Confidence in use of Standard English, language reflects a
practiced and/or refined understanding of syntax and usage.
• Sentences vary in structure, very few if any mechanical errors (no
serious mechanical errors).
• All content criteria for the paper are present.
• Adherence to standard APA guidelines without exceptions.

"B" range: Commendable achievement, exceeds standards for course.

• Specific, original focus, content well handled.
• Significance of content is clearly conveyed; good use of examples;
sufficient support exists in all key areas, though perhaps some points are
supported more effectively than others.
• Has effective shape (organization), effective pacing between
sentences or paragraphs.
• Quotations and citations are integrated into argument to enhance
the flow of ideas.
• Has competent transitions between all sentences and paragraphs.
• Conveys a strong understanding of Standard English; the writer is
clear in his/her attempt to articulate main points, but may demonstrate
moments of "flat" or unrefined language.
• Has little variety in sentence structure.
• May have a few minor mechanical errors (misplaced commas,
pronoun disagreement, etc.), but no serious mechanical errors
(fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, etc.)
• All content criteria for the paper are present.
• Adherence to standard APA guidelines with few/minor exceptions.

"C" range: Acceptable, solid achievement, meets standards for course.

Overall this paper will have some weakness, such as, not fully
developing/addressing the content.
• Retains over-all focus, generally solid command of subject matter.
• All criteria for the paper are present but may not be developed.
• Subject matter well-explored but may show signs of under-
• Significance is understood, competent use of some examples;
details may be listed without integrating these into the reasoning of the
• Structure is generally solid, but an occasional sentence or
paragraph may lack focus.
• Quotations and citations are integrated into argument.
• Transitions between paragraphs occur but may lack originality/do
not enhance the understanding or flow..
• Competent use of language; sentences are solid but may lack
development, refinement, or style, or the overall sentence structure and
word choice are inappropriately simple and repetitive.
• Occasional minor mechanical errors may occur, these may impede
flow but do not impede clear understanding of material.
• No serious mechanical errors (fragments, run-ons, comma-splices,
• Limited adherence to standard APA guidelines with many or
repeated exceptions.
"D" range: Marginal achievement; only meets minimum standards (Note: The
"D" grade is a passing grade; work that is not of "passing quality" should receive
grade "F.").
• Significance of content is unclear; little or no understanding of the
subject matter is communicated.
• Many/key ideas lack support, elaboration; ideas are not
• Lacks sufficient examples or relevance of examples may be
• Support material may not be clearly incorporated into argument.
• Expression is awkward, or unclear; word choices and usage
interfere with understanding of material.
• Mechanical errors (problematic sentence structure/organization)
may at times impede clear understanding of material.
• May have a few serious mechanical errors, but no recurring serious
mechanical errors (fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, etc.)
• Lacks compliance to standard APA guidelines, repeated errors or
lack of use of guidelines.

"F" range: Failure to meet minimum standards

• Ignores assignment.
• Lacks significance.
• Lacks coherence.
• Includes plagiarized material (intentional or unintentional).
• Lacks organization and development.
• Lacks focus.
• Difficult to follow due to awkward sentence or paragraph
• Mechanical errors impede understanding.
• Problems with writing at the college level.
• No use of APA guidelines

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