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by Kora Koos on Saturday, 02 October 2010 at 16:27 FB

Sitting relaxed in stillness

Breathing with full awareness

Slowly, gently, joyfully.

The alert and attentive mind

Sinks slowly in a state of silence

Deeper, wider, number.

The awareness permeates the moment

Holding on to nothing in particular

Just joyfully expanding.

All of a sudden, the mind stops completely.

The awareness cuts off from body-mind

Totally mindful of itself.

There is nothing but pure awareness

Filled with its own beingness:

Ecstatic and orgasmic.

This is the blissful moment of fullness

A blessed moment of integration

Untouched by thought.

Eventually, the thinking mind took over again

Holding on to that blissful experience:

Pining, hankering for that.

Unfortunately, that bliss is beyond doing.

Mind can only think about it

Trying to recreate it.

Koosraj KORA VENCIAH 4.7.2010

Paresh Chandra Mangaraj Eternal play of mind trying to grapple with

mindlessness, awareness. When everything is seen as it is, only appearances
arising out of and as consciousness then mind is at rest. But then scene changes
again,appearances trick the mind out of its... rest and the game of hide and seek
resumes. We are only actors in a play, experiencers of thoughts not owners of
anything, not even our thoughts. Only identifying with them instead of flowing
with them creates problems. Otherwise everything is as it should be.
Thank you Kora Koos for tagging and the honour. Welcome to a mysytic poet
among us. We don't have too many of them.

Keith Loy Excellent Kora - you put it so well and so simply - you've said it all

Mrityunjayanand Jee Excellent Kora.

All of a sudden, the mind stops completely.

The awareness cuts off from body-mind
Totally mindful of itself.
There is nothing but pure awareness
Filled with its own beingness:
Ecstatic and orgasmic.

This is the blissful moment of fullness

A blessed moment of integration
Untouched by thought.

Do you know why? Because mind gets restrained. And that is what Sri Krishn
has preached in Bhagavad Gita:

"And, O Arjun, that man is meritorious who restrains his senses with his mind
and employs his organs of action to do selfless work in a spirit of complete

He is a superior man who exerts inner (rather than external) control over his
senses, so that his mind is freed from passions, and who does his duty in a state
of total desirelessness.

Humble wishes.

Kora Koos Thanks dear for your comments, enriching interaction.

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