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The Secret of Kings


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Tl1c Comtc ~c St. GcrmaiYl


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[original title page]


The Secret of kings: A Monograph

By Isabel Cooper-Oakley

Milano, G.Sulli-Rao



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First published 1912

Republished 2008 by Forgotten Books



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,-, ," "




About the Book "The original 'International Man of Mystery,' the Count St. Germain, was an

18th century European aristocrat of unknown origin. He had n visible mea ns of su pport, but no lack of resou rces, and moved in h ig socia I circles. He was a renowned conversationalist and a skilled musi ian. He dropped hints that he was centu ries old and cou Id grow d iamo ds. He never ate in public, was ambidextrous, and as far as anyone co Id tell, totally celibate. He served as a backchannel diplomat between Engl nd and France, and may have played some role in Freemasonry. He hob obbed with Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, Voltaire, Rousseau, esmer, and Casanova. He dabbled in materials and textile technology as well as alchemy, as did many intellectuals of the time (e.g., Newton). Th se are esta blished historica I facts, docu me nted by the extensive colle tion of contemporary accounts in this book. Less well understood are some of the other stories that have bee about the elusive Count: he always appeared about forty years old, up from time to time after his official death (on February 27th, 178 spot-on, una m biguous prophecies, co uId tra nsmute matte r, and neously teleported to distant locations. This has made him a su interest for students of the esoteric. The Theosophists, (of wh Cooper-Oakley was a founding member), considered St. Germain to ofthe hidden immortals who manipulate history. In the 20th centu Am" Activity, and its successors such as Elizabeth Clare Prophet' rents, elevated Master.' St. Germain to the status of a demigod, made opped ,made ject of ch Ms. be one ,the "I adhe-

an 'A cended

There is probably a good explanation for some of the anomalie in the na rrative. Ma ny of the me moirs of St. Germa in we re writte n yea rs a er the events, and undoubtedly embellished in the telling. He appears 0 have been conflated with several other aristocrats with similar last name, which may explai n the te lepo rtation ru mors. The Cou nt aIso inspi red id icu Ie, both high and low. Voltaire made a sarcastic comment that the Co nt was 'a ma n who knows eve ryth ing and never dies,' wh ich some have nfortu-


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tak n literally.







it was

impossible named Mil more extr these gags

to get him to shut up!) A contemporary Parisian comedian rd Gower had a popular routine in which St. Germain told even vagant stories, including having advised Jesus, and some of may have been mixed up with the Count's own tall tales in

popular m mary. Then there are the imposters. Casanova pretended to be him in 176 during a trip to Switzerland. Aleister Crowley toyed with the idea of dis uising himse If as the Cou nt. A menta lIy ill French ma n got a n TV in 1972 an claimed to be St. Germain. So was he hoax perp book, the f for any dis time traveler? A vampire? Secret agent of the Illuminati? Or a tuated by an unrelated series of charlatans? This enjoyable rst biography of St. Germain, is the indispensible starting point ussion of the mysterious Cou nt."

(Quote from

About the Isabel Coo er-Oakley (1853 - 1914) "Isabel Cooper-Oakley, (1853/4) was a prominent Theosophist and author. She was b rn in Amritza, India, and married Alfred J. Oakley. They then both chan ed their surname to Cooper-Oakley. Mr Cooper-Oakley stayed some year at Adyar, India as an assistant to Olcott. He left to become Registrar a the University of Madras. Sometime in the late 1890s, G.R.5. Mead bec me her brother-in-law when he married her sister, another prominent heosophist, Laura Cooper. Isabel Cooper-Oakley 1914, at Bu apest, Hungary." died March 3,

(Quote from


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L. XV. LORD HOLDERNESSE'S 1 (12) 141 150 159

ETC., 1760.6818,





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Th Comte de St. Germain




E was, perhaps, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived. The friend of humanity, wishing for money only that he might give to the poor, a friend to animals, his heart was concerned only with happiness of others.v-Mernoires de Mon Temps, p. 135. S. A. LE L NDGRAVE CHARLES, PRINCE DE HESSE.(Copenhagen, 1861.) D th H a RING the last quarter of every hundred years se Masters, of whom I have spoken, to help on manity. Towards the close of each century you outpou ring or upheava I of spiritua lity--or caII it an attempt is made by the spiritual progress of will invariably find that mysticism if you prefe r--

h s taken place. Some one or more persons have appeared in the world as th ir agents, and a greater or less amount of occult knowledge or teaching h s been given out.--The Key to Theosophy (p. 194). H. P. BLAVATSKY T E Comte de St. Germain was certainly the greatest E rope has seen during the last centuries.--Theosophical B VATSKY. Oriental Adept Glossary, H. P.

ONG the strange mysterious beings, with which the eighteenth century w s so richly dowered, no one has commanded more universal comment a d attention than the mystic who was known by the name of the Comte d St. Germain. A hero of romance; a charlatan; a swindler and an a venturer; rich and varied were the names that showered freely upon hi. Hated by the ma ny, loved and revere nced by the few, time has not yet Ii ed the veil which screened his true mission from the vulgar speculators of the period. Then, as now, the occultist was dubbed charlatan by the ig orant; only some men and women here and there realised the power of w ich he stood possessed. The friend and councillor of kings and princes, a enemy to min isters who were ski lied in deceptio n, he brought h is great knowledge to help the West, to stave off in some small measure the storm cI uds that were gathering so thickly around some nations. Alas! his words of warning fell on deafened ears, and his advice went all unheeded.


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Looking back from this distance of ime it will be of interest to many students of mysticism to trace the lif , so fa r as it may yet be told, of th is great occultist. Sketches are to be ound here and there from various writers, mostly antagonistic, but no oherent detailed account of his life has yet appeared. This is very largely owing to the fact that the most interesting and important work, don by M. de St. Germain, lies buried in the secret archives of many princely nd noble families. With this fact we have become acquainted during the areful investigations which we have been making on the subject. Where t e archives are situated we have also learned, but we have not yet in all cases received permission to make the necessa ry resea rch es. It must be borne in mind that the C mte de St. Germain, alchemist and mystic, does not belong to the Fren h family of St. Germain, from which descended Count Robert de St. Ger ain; the latter was born in the year 1708, at Lons-Ie-Sa uInie r, was first a Jesu it, and e nte red late r in tu rn the French, Palatine, and Russian military services; he became Danish Minister of War under Count Struensee, then e-entered the French service, and at the beginning of the reign of Louis VI., he tried, as Minister of War, to introduce various changes into the rench army; these raised a violent storm of indignation; he was disgrace by the king and finally died in 1778. He is so often confounded with his m stic and philosophic namesake, that for the sake of clearing up the ignor nce that prevails on the matter it is well to give these brief details, sho ing the difference between the two men; unfortunately the disgrace into hich the soldier fell is but too often attributed to the mystic, to whom we ill now turn our entire attention. That M. de St. Germain had intimate relations with many high persons in various countries is quite undeniabl , the testimony on this point being overwhelming. That such relations hould cause jealousy and unkindly speculation is unfortunately not rare in any century. Let us, however, see what some of these princely friends ay. When questioned by the Herzog Karl August as to the supernatural ge of this mystic, the Landgraf von Hessen-Phillips-Barchfeld replied: "w cannot speak with certainty on that point; the fact is the Cou nt is acq ua inted with deta ils about wh ich on Iy contemporaries of that period coul give us information; it is now the fashion in Cassel to listen respectfu Iy to his statements and not to be astonished at anything. The Count i known not to be an importunate sycophant; he is a man of good socie y to whom all are pleased to attach themselves .... He at all events stan s in close relation with many men of


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The Comte de St. Germain



considerable importance, and ex others. My cousin the Landgraf they are eager Freemasons, and . He is supposed to have interco who appear at his call." 1 Herr Mauvillon, in spite of his per is obliged to acknowledge the alchemist. For on his supposed newspaper of the period, wherei ma n of lea rn ing," "a lover of trut

rcises an incomprehensible influence on arl von Hessen is much attached to him; ork together at all sorts of hidden arts ... rse with ghosts and supernatural beings,

onal prejudice against M. de St. Germain, eeling of the Duke towards the great eath being mentioned in the Brunswick M. de St. Germain was spoken of as "a ," lid evoted to the good" and "a hater of

baseness and deception," the Du e himself wrote to the editor, expressing his approbation ofthe announce ent.2 In Fra nce M. de St. Ge rma ina ppe rs to have been unde r the persona I ca re, and enjoying the affection of Lo is XV., who repeatedly declared that he would not tolerate any mockery fthe Count, who was of high birth. It was th is affection and protection tha ca used the Prime Mi nister, the Duc de Choiseul, to become a bitter ene y of the mystic, although he was at one time friendly to him, since the Baron de Gleichen in his memoirs says: "M. de St. Germain frequented the ouse of M. de Choiseul, and was well received there." 3 The same writer, who later beca the fact that M. de St. Germain according to a strict regime. Louis Chateau de Chambord, and h Versailles with the King and the r One of the chief difficulties we constant changes of name and aroused much antagonism and howeve r, have made the pu b lic ( have been the practice of person e one of his devoted students, testifies to ate no meat, drank no wine, and lived XV. gave him a suite of rooms in the royal constantly spent whole evenings at yal family. ind in tracing his history consists in the itle, a proceeding which seems to have no little doubt. This fact should not, f the period) d isl ike him, for it a ppea rs to of position, who did not wish to attract

AKSAKOF, A., Psychische Studien, MAUVILLON, J., Geschichte



xii., p. 430. Leipzig, ii.,


Ferdin nds, Herzog von Braunschweig-Luneberg,

p. 479. Leipzig, 1794.


GLEICHEN (E. H. Baron de), Souveni s, Paris, 1868, p. 126.


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vul th M Ge

ar curiosity; thus, for instance, we have the Duc de Medici travelling in years 1698 and 1700 under the name of the Conte di Siena. The Graf rcolini, when he went from Dresden to Leipzig to meet M. de St. ma in, adopted anoth er na me. The Kur-Prinz Fried rich-Ch ristia n von

Sa hsen travelled in Ita Iy from 1738 to 1740, under the na me Comte La sitz. Nearly all the members of the royal families in every country, du ing the last century, and even in this, adopted the same practice; but when M. de St. Germain did so, we have all the small writers of that period an later calling him an adventurer and a charlatan for what appears to ha e been, practically, a custom ofthe time. Le us now make a list of these names and titles, bearing in mind that they co er a period of ti me dating from 1710 to 1822. The first date is mentio rei Ge ag int ed by Baron de Gleiche n, who says: "I have hea rd Ramea u and an old tive of a French ambassador at Ven ice testify to having known M. de St. ma in in 1710, whe n he had the appea ra nce of a ma n of fifty yea rs of ." 1 The second date is mentioned by Mme. d' Ad herna r in her most resting Souvenirs sur Marie Antoinette. 2 During this time we have M.

de St. Germa in as the Ma rq uis de Montferrat, Comte Bella ma rre or Ayma r at Venice, Chevalier Schoening at Pisa, Chevalier Weldon at Milan and Lei zig, Comte Soltikoff at Genoa and Leghorn, Graf Tzarogy at Schwalbach an Triesdorf, Prinz Ragoczy at Dresden, and Comte de St. Germain at Paris, th Hague, London, and St. Petersburg. No doubt all these varied changes ga e ample scope and much material for curious speculations. A ew words may fitly here be said about his personal appearance and ed cation. From one contemporary writer we get the following sketch:-"H looked about fifty, is neither stout nor thin, has a fine intellectual co ntenance, dresses very simply, but with taste; he wears the finest diamonds on snuff-box, watch and buckles. Much of the mystery with which he is surrounded is owing to his princely liberality." Another writer, who knew him when at Anspach, says: "He always dined alone and very si ply; his wants were extremely few; it was impossible while at Anspach to ersuade him to dine at the Prin ce 's ta ble."

1G 2

EICHEN, Op. cit., p. 127. 'ADH E MAR (La Comtesse),


sur Marie



d' utriche, Reine de France, et sur la Cour de Versaille, Paris, 1836.


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Karl von Span ish ve

rmain appears to have been very highly educated. According to eber,l "he spoke German, English, Italian, Portuguese and well, and Fre nch with a Pied montese accent."

st universally accorded that he had a charming grace and courtliness f manner. He displayed, moreover, in society, a great variety of gifts, playe several musical instruments excellently, and sometimes showed fa ilities and powers which bordered on the mysterious and incomprehe sible. For example, one day he had dictated to him the first twenty vers s of a poem, and wrote them simultaneously with both hands on two sep rate sheets of paper--no one present could distinguish one sheet from he other.

In order to arrive at some orderly sequence, it will be well to divide our material int three parts:-i. Theories bout his birth and character, which we h ve briefly noticed. ii. His trave I and knowledge. iii. His politi al and mystical work. Beginning, hen, with our first division, the theories about his birth and nationality re many and various; and different authors, according to their prejudices, race his descent from prince or tax-gatherer, apparently as fancy dictat s. Thus, among other parentages, we find him supposed to be descen ded rom:-1. The wido Z. A Portug 3. An Alsati 4. A tax-gat

with personal details, some of

of Charles II. (King of Spain)--the father a Madrid banker. ese Jew. n Jew. erer in Rotondo.

WEBER (Dr Carl von), Aus vier Jahrhunderten. Mittheilungen aus dem HauptStaats-Archiv ,Zu Dresden, i., p. 312. Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1857.


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been tne correa vlll.!'W. aeeo bl!!'l!!'nfou nd • .and other Informa . polnl. Georg Hell!!'kiel In hi'!! Abentll.!'ul!!' II 1'1 n We be, (op. i:it..• i:. :H8) a I!PO t d in Leif:ltig In 1777 as Prlni:1!!' Tt.a'Ogv. whii:n lattl!!" ls me,1!!' !.a'!!tfart we n.aVll.!' VII.!',WiedIn a notn hall ,I!!'fl!!'rlate r, Wfilten bV a pe n.aml!!' 'rza rogy. Anotne, wrlll!!'r reVll.!'a 11I.!'d. have comproml'!!lI.!'d im n 10 whic:n. ahe r ea refu I inve'!! ss. j Wfit.lng of M. de St. Ge rmain, fl!!'lt as to 1'1 I'!!hi'!!toflf,: I will!!'I to hls own word'!! • .adding a nv n e W.a'!! l!!'ignty·l!!'ighl ye.ars of agl!!'wn of P,ince RagOi:fY ~ of!· wne n q u ItII.!'you ng. unde, thl!!' ea ). who m.adl!!' 1'1 Im '!!lel!!'f:I hill!!' '!!till w I!!'rm.ain 11!!'.a'nI!!'d that hi'!! two bre nf,ied (R neinfl!!'k). bl!!'i:oml!!' had receivll.!'d Ine tllle'!! and na e him'!!l!!'lf: 'Vl!!'ry Wl!!'11.I will eal her.' I c:.annol in truth guara ntll.!'l!!' roteall.!'d by Ine Due: de MII.!'dlei I



GI!!',ma In of:ll!!'nly WCI'!! ftl!!'n kno o Ragony (R of .:.nldl!!"!!. to w at An! un o'igin would. f:I And this i'!!tne

n'!!.· a I!PO

·Soml!!' eu rlmity ay uUlnfulnl!!"!!!P. ae o,din lion'!!. He lold In.n and that hI!!''IJI\a!P a Tekell. HI!!'WCI dl!!' Medic:I ( a'!!tO reem, Wne n M. dl!!' St. P,ince!P'!! of H !ioe ·Wa Empe ror Cha rl VI.. a St. Eliza betn. h sa Id GI!!',ma no. tne H Iy 0, hI!!' wa'!! Ire me n ou'!!ly a nether '!!ou'i:I!!'. '

Ihl!!' ernest tV e planacam he,l!!'. ls fi wife.

, '!!f:lI!!'.ak'!! Ihl!!' sa me point, a n a on alua bll!!' M l!.an a reh 1vII.!'!P; 'I!!'fe, I we Ca ntu. libra rlan of tne g'I!!'.a1 libra ry in wno in hi


1i(~~E -CAS'5£L

1861. ~ R.II g(i t zy is thI!!


I!!lling of lIli:s. name, In tlung.ary it is

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

liani, ii_ 18, in Italy;


'Son of rinC€ f;:as uch i';. cou nrerJ

prot.e~ has

by tn sa Id

ia!rt in


!Peem!; to n.ave t.een mere or I '!!uuggle!; of hi!; ther,


'!!u un r.avel ne ra ng .and 'Il1'0' of tne O'I!!' I!!'I!!'tv seered wiln wn II Ine life !!Ioty th frel!!'dom of Ihl!!'l '!!ave 1'1 om bl!!'i g !ioWa I b~ tne r.aj:lidtv g'o unde, I I!!' influ nee of I I!!' ae Chu'i:h_ Inan Ge naa 10 lsehe A i:hiva rlus hr 17l4. pp. 40g '!!kl!!'K:nI R.agoc:zy. of 1'1 I we will quote • accord Ing 10 tn I effl!!' I!!'ftort'!!

u rvev of hi'!! fa Ily luI!!"!!.ne Ij:ling u!; 10 '!!uuoundl!!'d tne ifl!!'

prlni:ip.altrv. and 10 ng Au!rtrla n Em I,I!!' old Ge k. 410. 438. Leij:lt fa mlly. 1'1 I'!!.anll!!' oml!!' II!!'.ading fa s: late r '!!pelling·· hI!!' regAin hi'!! tn ro e. 'IJIi.a!; I!!'.allny nd W le of wnom we 'I!!'

tn I!; P,in

of the

Rago f!I/ m.auje ndSl"af t here

i, j:I,oj:ll!!'rtll!!'!;to me thl!!'ir gua rd lan .a bl!!'re!;pon!;lble nl w.a!; m.adl!!' In arm. 1688. Wn n• • 1'1 I'!!proj:ll!!'rtll!!"!!. . 1'1 m.anv re!rtrlal ns 1'1 m by Ihl!!' Em pe' of A ustrla, In 1 4 at K In· m- Rne In. Cn.a,lo Am.all.a. d.augn

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h iIrJ n, osepb, GeolKe a rJ Cnarlotte- AI

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his i IIl'ItI!!' f:!'0f:! a nd I

iat€ Iv afre r this pe riorJ Prinr,: noble men asain';t the Au'St rJep.endent I'owe.-. The h isro way. and '!!inguLulv f:!athl!!'f rtles we,1!!' rnnfi!ioCClt.ed_ Tne '!! ukl!!' thl!!' tllle!p of St. Ca

Ftasoav beS n Empi re, W of the Tne P,ince ! 10 gilt St_ Elltabl!!'ln
V on tn ls f:! bJea: "We a u ngl!!" sen e I!!' Ama lia of V tn ls m.a,'ns and broug d'l!!'aded n.a n C.a,Io. I!!' • hls f.alhl!!'r son then !:I!!'of Siebl!!' f.alne r, foug kowllt.. .and e in tn n.ave been .a

to lead

nOlice what Hl!!'ll!!'kil!!'l1 has to 'I!!'fu I inve'!!llg.alion'!! on the s mt.e dl!!' St. Ge,m.ain w.a!PIhl!!' Rago f!I/ .and tne P,ince!io'!! Cha rio Id wa'!! nuuied in 16!M. a nd WI!!"I!!'ukl!!'n f:!'i'!!on!!!'rs by tne Au!rtrl Ihll.!'Y 'I!!' also fo,!:i!!'d 10 glvl!!' uf:! th son, ailing 1'1 Im'!!l!!'lftne Muqui!p of In tn ye.a, • .afte, fn.. IIle!io'!!ruuggle !Pbu,ii!!'d In Sm~rn.a_ Thl!!' e Id n. and wa'!! acknowledged Pr on tne !PAml!!'wa rfa re as h by P,ince Fe,dinand of re . Tne you ngl!!'r brether took I!!'r. a nd a ppea rs. tne'l!!'fore. to Ihl!!' '!!I,iAn GOVll.!',nml!!'nl."

Ad v I!!' I!!''Miters have nudl!!' mu!:h Ihl!!' COmtl!!' de d lsposa . ind I!!'d. Iho!ioe Sot. rnuin w.a!P,ien a nd .alwaY'!! 1'1 'Mire wno enjoyi!!'d ea Iling hlm a· n.a,l.ala nand '!!wind II!!" did ot ,!!!'fta In a 1!iO rom hinting hi'!! monll.!'Y m ill·gone n ma y IIl'Itl!!'ngo se fa as 10 '!!ay that ne made it of:!ll!!'.an e ,!:i'!!ing an undu Infl uen!:1!!' ove r thl!!'m_ If old A,!: iv.a,i '!! a 1'I!!'.adV that n '!!hoW!; u!P ml!!'n onsd. we fl nd seme defl ire Informati whl!!' !:e tne la rgl!!' fonun!!!' posses by thls m • but alse Ine King e whV e wa'!! !PO w.a,mly wl!!'l!:oml!!'d '!! se well itn whom kno n at a Illhl!!' ee u rts of EU'Of:!I!!'.N obseu re ad !Peenl_ WI!!'.a I!!'dl!!'aling. but a ma n of prln!:1!!' blood. and


Tu rn I D.a!:k10 tne old ch ron Idl!!' Ihl!!' I til.!' Prln!:1!!' Fr.ant·LMpold Rag

736 ne will of bOlh hls sons are men-

] cp_

il.. 4S,. i.•

e zm n




pe in Ihl!!' ~II!!'I II!!"I1 w h::h

also iii third son, 1 It iii 1';.0 for this Pri nee Ftasoav fro

h ir.:h I'.-ol'erty


viiiI!!' In P.arl'!!_WI!!' a lse fl n

monev ou of any
W'!!paf:le Ie.ading ,jod lea I tass of f:l1I!O Ie• .and led by Ihl!!' 'I!!'!PS of f to·day .a d Iho!ioe .and mi lmpertan

rei .and Tou louse, To tnei whomal!:Onelen.a l.atgl!!'I . He nO!!'wI!!' must c:.a!rta'!!id 11!!"!!!p psnmlass adve n .and ind Iy l!ppo'!!l!!'df:ll!!'l"!!on-Tne!P1!!' we and '1Il'Itlew wrlll!!'l"!! of that d.a • . un nunatl!!'ly Ihl!!' of ne e,e I .a rem.a,ka bll!!'simlla rlry De ne n i etl!!'e nth cenluty .al In I!!'VI!!' t flung .al M_ de St. Ge rm.ain .and or m ,it. n.

~ from Ih - portion of OU su bJea 10 some of tne pe a In; I!!',haps Ihl!!' rnest inre re!rtl nil.!' who kn whim I!!'rs.on Ily In Anspaeh d u rl ng Ine ttlon -In t Ma, kgtaf_ It a ppsars th I!!' 10 tnen I!!'hI!!' •

' and Inll!!'re'!!tl ng. ·An'!!f:lam Inw:ired hlm to ee '!!f:I,ing,. .an 'rza (fo, tn ls WCI'!!hl!!' n.aml!!' t 'I!!'d) aCi:=1!!' d Ihi'!! Invlla Ion. on Ihl!!' c:ond Ilion tha 10 1M:! in h !Pown Y Llu unnoliced .and .al

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


forme r 'Wa';. eased to ave l"CIunrJhim_ It waos impos';.ible to G.-at Tla rogy dine .jJt he P -nce'os ble, a nd he only osawthe fuw time'S. a hoUSh sh I"'f c riDuosto make the ar.:quai !rtr.ang..!' ind dua L In stlen Ihl!!' Gtaf WeI'!!most e ntl!!' !pnov.r.edmu k nowll!!' glad 10 '!!f:!I!!'.a of hi'!! ,I!!'fl!!'ull.!'dwil ut I!!'mo n wiln II!!'.arsin hi'!! eve!p, likl!!'.a Prlni:l!!', One day 'rza bl!!'lllIl'Itl!!' him. e had b Ihl!!' Ma rkgta .an Invlla Ion ha d rei:l!!'lved. '!!I!!'nlbV a r, from Ihl!!' Gtaf AII!!':': Orloff. no !Pju'!!t ,I!!'turn Ing frem Ita Iy; tne I f:!'II.!"!!!Ped w:isil. as Orloff wa!p pas Ih,ougn Gtaf Tt.uog to p,aV N urem berg, _, Tne M.a, nl wllh u.a,ogv 10 u mbefg. whl!!"l!!' Ihl!!' G .af AII!!':':i'!! , 0 had Iready .arrived, On Ine I, .a, I O'loff. wiln opsn ar s. eaml!!' et .and I!!'!!' Gtaf the 'gy. wno n tal; and now appea re for tne Orloff !:aIled Im!Pe'lte s, 'C.a e p,ad,l!!'.' 'C.a,o .amim,' Th 'l!!'O:!iVl!!'dtne M,a,kgr.a nde burg·An,!!f:!aCn wllh tne f:!olltl!!'nI!!''!!!p. d tha nk a I lime'!! fer Ihl!!' protl!!'alo Ma rkgtaf n.a aecord d 10 nhv f,ie nd; Iney dined midday, Thl!!' '!! m inte'l!!"!!ting; tnev '!!f:!okl!!'a Ihl!!' eampa Ig in tne A nlf:!1!!' • an, stlll mere .aboul u!ioefuI n di'!!i:oVll.!',ie!P, II.!'d Ih Ma r .af a f:!iece of whl!!'n II!!"!!tIl.!'d ,odu!:ed ne IIh r Ha !Pno, i:inde rs. bUI !plmf:!lv in highl ashes .afte, it. 1'1 d IlkI!!'.a'!!f:!0nge, AftI!!', din n look tne Gta Tt.uogy nre I!!'ne room. wne,1!!' thl!!'V re m.ain i:on!pldl!!'r.abll!!' Iml!!' tog her, ne w IIl!!'r. wno wa'!! '!!tanding .al undl!!'r wn Ii:h ne ea rrla II.!"!! taf 0 loff wl!!'re dtawn uf:!. 'I!!'m.a, of of thl!!' Gtaf'!! I!!'f'\I'CI nt'!! penll.!'done of thl!!' c:,aui.age doors from tne box unde, th !Peat lArge red Ie.alhl!!'r D.a.g, .and ea rrl 10 Ihl!!' ether eem, A , tne r ,I!!'tu 10 An!Pp,ai:nIhl!!' Gtaf Tt.a them for In first tl e. 1'1 I nli.ak as a Ru!P'!!i.anGl!!'ne Imf:!l!!'rl.a1 saal ttacned; I!!'.a rwa Info'mll.!'d thl!!' M.a, I a Ua MIi1:Vw.a!P n assum d na • an that hls rea I na ml!!' w,a!P that ne w,a!P Ihl!!' !poII!!''I!!'f:!' I!!'nUI and de'!!!:end.anl of In P,ince Rago of Sil!!'be bu rg n of I!!'tlml!!' of tne Empsror Le

CtlrlCKII.:ItE'f'I er UtE'IOI'· cfI- 1818..

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


he aethor If of the


'I!!' found In "TI'le Co

RU!io'Sia •

.and '!!I!!'nl

a In 'IJI\a!P ne,1!!'in tne lime of hI!!' Ih,onl!!'. M_ Pyliaeff j In In


V IlvII.!'d ls '!!u pposil!d 10 bl!!' I II ,!!UI!!'e1 • .and 'Gr.akky' come'!! ne,1!!'Ine!!'ls, on tne!'lle e 'pl.avll!d IlkI!!' .an orchestra.' y f.amily' 11!!':w:1'!!'IJI\a!P 'I!!'f:l0nil!d 10 n.ave R_ . GI!!',ma I in hi'!! po!PSe'!!!plon_

I!!' G r k
rem rsf-

kyo In Ih '!!f:l0k

r in wa'!! tV of Ihl!!' of a b autiful

u nd bl!!'autifu Ily In 'I!!'d mare

GI!!' main's I!!'d II!!' I .aboul

"M_ Pylia

In ralatle lifl!!'_ HI!!' (Solll kow) i

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

in, M- Pyliaeff now at 'Some ';.iJ1e anrJ belonsed to im nim-self. He bousn lime. Thl!!'n I!!' VI!!' il 10 Ihl!!' !:omf:l0!Pe' Petl!!'r ''Spa pe I"!!.. bUI a'Sth f:I'l!!"!!l!!'nl.II m !rt ow t.e In Cn.aikow had wry litt 0 e r, M_ Pyllaeff I i ks II '11l!!'ryun Ilkl!!'ly dde n dl!!'.alh a II w,a!P fou nd. e'Sf:l1I!(: !P .al Cn.aikow!pkv''S direaion'S t.e n .aboul tne pro
• About the

usi 'Si8nec:l by St- Ge r

that it had it

ha Ik gre.a mu!pI! It !:ould t.e left v,{ heut .anv

ten- ';.Orne kif as a

WI!!' n.aVl!!''Sal !pn.adoWl!!'dtn

'S In hi'!! fa mlly had 10 'So I!!'e:w:ll!!'nt i ;one rema in a nee Ihi'!! we • Ihl!!' only on!!!' in nl!:h him!Pe1f it. eecu rs some 11m late, eha n rhs ng_ Afti!!', thl!!' retu,n of tne M.a, 6• .and wne re hI!!'ha hl!!'.a, seme of rred 10. ne a ppea rs ha'll!Pe nt Ine a Ibach to !Pel!!' tne .af T ogy. and I!!'tne hi'!!toty a'S ne 1vII.!'!P - • -an hi'!! III in t.ed_ whl!!'n

• .and to m.anv f:l1!!'0 any ea lumniato r I!!''WCI'S 'I!!'ady 10 II.!')((: If:late a'ShI!!'knll.!'Wof ne w.a

,og Ma rkgtaf. an tn I hI!!'would onl gdl!!'.aling!pwiln thl!!' Ihl!!' Ma ne Schw.aID.a!:h_" A r

a n'SWI!!'red !pln!:1!!' hI!!'offl!!'nde 'Su!:h in _ Thl!!' 'Sald 1'1

.a f:ll!!'rs.on Empsror of Auwia • .a de ndl!!'n!:e I!!'of hi'!! life. Ihl!!' g' II!!"!!t f:lion.age. ot Informl!!'d In I!!'M.a bout Ine f:lea red in !PO m.anv Iffl!!'r w,a!P un dl!!'r no eb igatio o one .and did no

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

t. Ge rmain h;u:L to rJef.-~y ttl


a~ r.:uriDu~ to th,n the write.- Ir;new so Ii we hi!l\le en. all Ihe '5.onS of Prlni:e ed for. and Ine roofs. we'e eve n more i!ltteS'5. ou r V. He goe'S.on 10 i!lVIn i:oni:lu'5.ion: "II would be dei: e Ihi!lt this man s a swind ler; for tn Is proofs. i!I a'e ot 10 be had." i'5. i'5. tru Iv i!In ingen leus '!I1 sem whi!lt on libet 10 '5. eak of anv One as i!I swindle r beVO dIne bounds of rd Ini!lry faim e'S.S. i!lnd II Is e'S.j:I view of tne flni!ll j:li!lrag j:lh. wnlch i'5. i!I'5.ollows: "As f dei!lll '5. wllh tne Mil graf. he neve, asked for rei:el d i!InYln Ing of t e slighle'S.1 Vi!llue. and neve r an'fl ing wn Ii:h did not eoneern him. an aeeou nt of life. 1'5. nb were ve limlled; when ne nad moneV Wi!! poor"
. k.

If we com pa'e Ine'5.e ,ds witn tn0'5.e spoken of M. Pfin!:e Cna,Ie'5.of esse, we '5.nallfind tnev i!Ire I nde' i'5. Inal i!Iwiler wno '5.j:leah '5.ui:hwo,ds i'5. '5.ubjeCl mlght a "swl nd ler." tf sueh wo,ds n be r of i!In •advenlu'er. "tne wou ld It be we II fer tne wo,1d If a f uld be found. ti!lord Ini!lry contradictions in life of M. de Sot. Germain.

CUt1 ~lt:Uef'l.01). tit •• pp. 57, 189, 2'93. 294.

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou



HE I'u.-e cu It of Natu.-e in the the heirloolT1 of those a lone beneath the I'henOlT1enonler;Jse to the human ki n8'5. a';o t e ir d jyine Ma to.-etatnel"';., It wa-s tbei r pre ive nrJ d ury to re that we.-e usefu I to manic inrJ- aye. reca II to life n-olT1al'l'a re n cred, wou IrJ nave inrJeed rJied d such I'owel"';. we.-e torthwit s

tbei Nat heal nes sh

to t that and Ihl!!'

';0 now trace, a';o ta r a';o we ca n wit , de St- Gel"lT1a in some of h i-se in • Ind ia an rJ en ina we gather fro tam ';tated by ma ny wmel"';. IrJ seem a irnless anrJ trivial to t e ise, but to students of my';tir.:i-s • a Lodse I' i-sa tact anrJ a nece';.'5ity in t ose srudems the wirJely em nd rJ loi:Ise will not be -su..-.,ri'5in,g; at er r rv to understa nd the lT1i';.'5ion tn an hild ren of men,

lT1e write i-s CIt a ma d e';oper.:iallytn e to wno tn e ';opimual e lu ion of ma kind ravel'5 of tn i • ney will see work tnat h

WI!!' u!rt t.ea r In mind. mo,l!!'oVll.!". tn I i tne anc:ll!!'n wo !il:11!!' eas we,1!!' reg.udl!!'d as diw:ine gift ,t gifu of th go DI\rI I!!'Dyna'!!tII!!'!P.'nev gAve Ihl!!' fir'!!t im ukl!!' to owlll II t Ihl!!' Ind witn whii:n thl!!'V had I!!'ndued I!!'. to Ihl!!' inVll.!'tle of aI thl!!' arts and seleneas." 1

lei tne a s, • King'!! n. and d I and f:jl!!'tf erto

Con I!!'ltI!!'din tneir sha Ilow ignOta nee gift'!! and tu rn aw.av frem Ihl!!' g,iVll.!'r'!!_ and .ai:ners WI!!"I!!'!pIlenD.!'d at tne rs whom tlml!!' has now J u'!!tlfied I
]8 vAT~t::'I' [H,

P.l. The

'51!!ae1 DoctrirM!'. i .• 11.380. UJOODll.


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou
1 1

1 1

hreeetn C€ntury we finrJ Me';.me r nat their live';., but their ,good na to wholT1 they 'We re sent by the Gr

!Pnow r.a ~ up tn e a r as po!io'!!ibll!!' foil

Ine m In t

I!!'Ir.a~Is. a nd In order to m.d:1!!'Ih m o,dl!!'r of Ihl!!'l r dates, r las eha pte, from 1710 10 .l822. I!!' ry fully wllh pe,iod. fer M, dl!!' I, memhs at a lime, Tne 1!!'.a,lle!rt'1!!'Ol '!!

Coun j in II.!"!!I!!' daY'!! an Mtaord In.ary ma n. I!!' Sot. Gl!!'r In. AI first hI!!' di!!lingui!iohl!!'d 1'1 I ugh hi'!! i:1e~,nI!!'!ps nd thl!!' gre d lverslry of hi'!! ra Il!!'nt'!!.bUI in .anol I!!'r !P et ne !POOna reus the g'I!!'.a11!!' asten lsh ml!!'nt, old Counle'!!!p v. vea rs e.a,III!!" aeeem p.anied of a mbassador, la eur's, Fo, !ioOmelime !Pnew.ali:ned fP,i'!!I!!'. In wn Ii:h w.a!Pml:W:l!!'dOI a Ii n eile me nt, '!!hl!!'appreachad tne Co I!!"

e .appointmenl


ge r with '!!ign!pof una bll!!' Oul of eu rlo!p1ryt

I!!' II!!' nl

.' sa Id tne Counlll.!"!!!p.'wnetne, 7107

y u,

quite u nc:onc:e,ni!!'d. 'It I'!! very m i:h I!!'Ifwa'!! l!\ring In Veni!:e .alIne en of I!!'ntu ry; I tne honou r 10 p.aV eu 1'1 to ad ml,1!!'.a few IU'!:a,olle!p of

Ihl!!' Comle de Sot. GI!!',ma In I kne .and vou • .al thl!!' e utsldl!!'. are

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


. I am 'V'ery olel. .

I!!'.'And tnen I I!!'Cou nt ~!:ounl ttle d a1I!io n !:h 'l!!'fe'l!!'nce w _He offl!!"l!!'d. If!io il"OJm'!!!:1!!"!! and
·NO. n

to Mml!!'_ v. G n com mon to e selll eeu tned 'I!!'ma,k'S. wn I!:h . _. y co nvln!:l!!'d.



that y u .a,1!!' mo'!!t e .a ·'For name • He a!d 10 be lefllh room imml!!'d I 10 gl!!'t 10 kn ·SI. G '!!!gula geniu'S g~at. large on I!!' IIl'Itl!!'n I I!!'Xpe aIn in a Ihundl!!' Ing vol!:l!!'. 'no s en

mf:l·ldee ul!!'mbll

in every 11m nd b.

an mo~ Intima d elega nt m.ann ir b lad; hi!io f.a!: .and Ihl!!' nobility mmon only 10 !iolm Iy bUIlth la'!!tl!!'. H ls on lu:.:u'Y rnn'Sim IIh whi 1'1 hI!!'is,1y rnv ~d; ne we.ars t !ioe1 in hls !ion UffDoxe!io.a

rma In ls of ; his rnmf:lle:.: 1'1 ls c:.auiage b ne Cou nt d,1!!' u mbe r of d la ry flnge'. and hI!!'appea ~d


rama ls Ih hand Po rtug " of Ine thl!!'V 'I!!' un nd thl!!' a,ienl unl St_ Gl!!'r ln, Tn forme r and Virgil • Ata ble in su

tIne Counl 'Sf:l1!!' F~ rich, E ngl k'S e!iol!!' equa IIV f:ll!!'rfl!!' Iy; 'So mueh se Inha blla nt'S of Ih a Dove !:ounuie ble to discove, t e 'Sllgnte'!!t fo I scholars n.ave p d tne knowle found him mo~ f:l1In Ihl!!' l.angu !io;wllh Ine ianI!!' ne !iopoke !ionOW tham tha ne had made nguagl!!"!!of Ihl!!' !rt we ~ but r€a:t and Monta i,g e.

sh, at In Ign

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

ied on the

iano without mu-sic:,not ifficult con erri, played on va rio u-s pressed - h the I'layins of tn i-s

mf:l,ow1!plng. m.aki!!"!! hls p.ainllng'S 'SO II!(:ret. whii:=n hI!!' has di'!!i:=oVl!!'~d• .and erdina ry br Ilia ncy. In hi'!! hi!Oto,ic:.a1 i!!"!! Inlo tn d ~'S!P of Ine women. that thl!!'V !Pel!!'mto n.aVl!!' 100. who neve, 11~!p in ng, 1'1 as one 'I!N:I ue'!!ted Ihl!!' Cou nt 10 I!!'r.hoWl!!'VI!!'• will nOI d I\rulgl!!' 11_ ng 10 'Sit t Ihi'!! Vl!!'ry oml!!'nt II su rmi'!!i!!"!!.one ea ue 10 hls k owledg II grou nded_ At .all I!!' !Pfer him of ound tne ordlna an'S of f:I'l!!' har '!!tall!!' nts. tne F.avou III!!' bV nl!!'r In ls I.a !Pe of
ut that wn le


nl on thl!!' knowledgl!!' of .a fl!!'llowa I I am wrll ng. Dotn eeurt .and IOwn I tn Ink. wl!!'l .a!P'!!l!!' .a portion of I of f:lh'f!ioli:=!p nd i:=neml!rtry In whii:=n nts II i'!! pa I a bll!!' hi'!! knowll!!'dgl!!' ed hl!!'.altn; a lifl!!' whii:=n will· ·0' wn leh I!!'d 10 m.a ; and has a lse I!!'ndoWll.!'d tavAge!P of lime from .affll!(:tlng Ihl!!' oni:=ern Ing t e Counl'!p asreu nd Ing ml!!'_ v. Geo anl!!'r hl!!'r first mel!!'ll ng rs. WeI'Seha during ne r fil"!!t my in • !Pne , II:w:i, wn Ii:=h 0' fully .a q u.anl!!" of a cen ry p~!Pe tnful eha r 'Shl!!' f:lo!P'!!i!!"!!!Ped zs. .al Elde Iy ge ntle n. wnom M e_ dl!!' !rtionl!!'d conDuning In I'S 11.a,inc:ldl!!'n gAve Ihl!!'.a uta n that Ihi'!! Ihl!!' truth, add Ing and Ing '!!tIl in youtnful ppe.a ce of Mml!!'. v. GMrgV su pported by !rtlmony 0 thl!!'!Peold m n wou I ma ke it a par '!!tIll mere prob.abll!!'. aCi:=omf:lan Ie !Peveral nalla n .airs fer br.all!!'d u nd r the na ml!!' of Comt.e!P'!!1!!' de Ini'!!hl!!'d 'Sing ng. Ihl!!' ill have a I!!'ry be.aullfu 'It01i:=1!!'. to I'erfet:t tn e charm y U -shou a 1';.0prese UI" nal'l'Y f betwe€n UI" 1& anrj 1 jIIth her: 'In filtl!!' 0' 'Six 'fI!!'ars p~'!!e rve .a long time; in e 'fOUl" beauty; thi';. will


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

• '8 t, Co u nr,' an';.wer€rJ

the notes, 'that d ';.not Iie in any

'f'.!'!P.' a n'!!W'.!',1I!dIn you pll!!'.a!pu 10 ~ ~

Iy that would


t.e en 'ming_' nd St, Ge,ma In

II I prornlse it 'fOu_' - En outagll!d bV the frl me hl!!'r venlu,1I!d to a'!!k - 'M d.aml!!'.' sa Id hI!!'. !Pig

ma nOI !ppea k, Suffiu!

ing n wood!p • .and me her, whom I WCI'!!n will hl!!'w It to VOU,' ne'!!l!!'word'!! St. Gl!!'r in tn ~w uf:! h mi IU rl!!' of .an ~f:!f n a Ily t.ea utlfu I f:!1I.!'C r MStuml!!'. lia -To d.all!!' dol!!"!! Ihi'!! d,l!!"!!!Pt.elong 7" ,ing In I'!! qul!!"!!tion the Counl f:!ul ,d a nether 10f:!ic:, I!!'ry d.aV one lSI, Ge, n 's ee pa ny. Soml!!' II M I!!',de Pom padeur a n bon n I'},I!!' w . ed 'ltl!!'ry bl!!'autifu Ily in black I!!'n.ame I qll!d Ihl!!' Mal1:ll!ioeIOf:!laD.!.th Ie'!! l.ate r !Pne wenl ta kl!!' 1'1 .aw.aV. a II ~'!!I!!'nt: thl!!' .agA11!!'1'1 d di'!!a ppea ~d !Pnepherdsss In tn mid'!!t of ne r fl -A r the bonbonnie ~ agAin t.el!!' di!!f:!I!!'.a'l!!'d. nd I!!'.agA1e re-a p a

a~ seme Ih I!!'VII.!'n 'f'.!'.ars of on mv a und har portra


one dl!!"·

rm; I


tne .a

ed Ihl!!' young
wn hi'!! !plel!!"ltl!!'

'!! su rprl!ioed bV

'IJIi.a!Pn lvers.a y.a min:!d, u

, Tne

wg~atw.a'!! Ih nd In it'!! f:!1A!:1!!'


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

writte in 1 23- It rnust be ca SI, , of 1'1 1'1


pi cde

ne I!!' In.u hI!!' 1=1'0

stones. fer a

ne began to u knowledgl!!' Ie gather from F_ ne !Ot.ul!!'ment

s .U Ihl!!' Coun of tne Sn.ah Pl!!'l"!!ia .and • uired hls knowledgl!!' of di mond'!! and hls own w:ry i:red Ible '!!r.UI!!' I!!'nt. II 'WCI'!! tne '!!I'!(:reu of Natu re; but 1'1 s a rd u u'!!ly nfl!!'r a long pe,iod of ea refu I udVI!!"!! I!!' a rthold 1 In hls Intl!!"l!!"!!ting we . .and hIllY nether 'Mire r that M, de Sot. e,ma In ha d

u,ing Ine d. T\JIIo inte'I!!'!Oting e:w:ltaCl!P

re Ihl!!"!!l!!'two that he dees nderfu I Iv. ls m

hls rlghl na me_ He sl ng-s.and w:ry '!!I!!'n!ioible_· ay in Engla nd may be fou n in R t, M.av 17th. 1760 • an d ls as f IIOW'!!:




ttOtillC'e MiIIl'W'I.


. me,


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


a nd expresses h ilT1-self1:1 e ins of all the a rrs and sdences, i-s a ,g a virtuO'So in IT1 -sic: and avery as.-e€able COIT1 paniDn, In 14 1174 r.:orrJinsto Walpo L e 'Wa';. on the f:!oint of bl!!'lng 'uined In E gl n d. a e who 'IJI\a!P je.alou'!! hi wlth.a lady. !plipt. .a lettl!!" into hls poe: t a from 1'1 you ng p,l!!'tendl!!" (tha king him for hi'!! '!!l!!'rvic;l!!'!Pnd de'!!irlng a m 0 con i ue tne m). and im I!!'d I Ie Iv hlm ra ken uf:! bV .a ml!!"!!!ioenge! ls lnnec n bl!!'ing fully prov r, 0 1'1 ls e:t:aml narion. ne wa'!! diseha rgl!!'d 0 r f rhl!!' u dV of tne me!io'!!l!!' din ne r by Lord H, [p,oba D 1IIIam 51 n nope. ra rI of H.a Soe!:,rurv of rhl!!' Trea'!! T,I!!'.a u ,of rhl!!' Cha mbe died 1760,] ThO!ioe who k him ill be !POrry (!PAY!P M_ that hI!!'has Incuul!!'d tne C ,- lan kl d lspleasu re,

Anl!!'r eh ls dati!!'. 174S. it '!!I!!' !ppenr !PO me rl me. in that rime • as we gathl!!" from a I whi!:n we sha II refl!!'r aga In .a
-I am Indl!!'Dled. - ne wr-

that , de St, Ge rm.ain w nt vie n na. and .and i 17S5 wenr to Ind a. r rhl!!' '!!l!!'Olnd r ef i'!! wrlne n to tne Gr.a vo ta mbefg.. to


saeend jou,nll.!'Y ee IndiA.· r e ye undl!!'r viu!!PO , of thl!!' wondl!!'rful ,!!lI!(:ret 0 wo,k WeI'!!Intl!!'uuf:!led at r EVl!!'ry write r, .adVll.!'r'!!1!!' 0' wondl!!'rfu I f:!OWl!!" of imf:!' dl!!' St. Gl!!'rm.ain_ Indl!!'l!!'d a I 0' 11!!"!!!p known to nlm. ju rhl!!"!!l!!'polnts,
] "tie 1i~l!!d as .a prirKl!! i
and IIlI!! rnt minister of thi!' wOl'§. I'll'§. mCKt p, 36 If'llimill

nowll!!'dgl!!' of me ing GI!!'Mr.a CI t JOU'MV I on .a 'I!!' '!!f:!I!!'.ak all r Ing; a wonhle'!!!p as 1!!':t:f:!1!!' Ime
755. with

I!!'WI!!'k to mv • who 'IJI\a!P 1 rv f.aint Idl!!'.a mpts that 1 r!p; thl!!' great

ur.a f:!'1!!' 10 '!! '!!tOM!P that w.a f:!o rt of art '!!1!!'1!!'m'!! ha I!!' rna ny te!rtlmon 11!!'!p tn.a

been more

Millrecn;l de 8elle-l'§.IE' w~ w.a:s. so taken

willl thi!' hrilliant and winv ~ .
Of'! ill ~~It 10 Pillri~."tii~lori~ h.age. 1869.

CDml1.ilnv him YNj ·'§.~ih'e"'-

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

neil:t rJa public, M. d W.a,. M.u.}!:


';. introd uC€rJ at Paris dl!!' Boe lie ·ISII!!'; but as

Ir;nown the t en M jnist haw !:oel!!'nfro f.amily 'I!!' I .and gr.a leus t. nor ~ De.a nishl!!' that tne king ms .at hls roya I Chatea of C a meord, e,1!!' uj:! fe r I!!'Xpe,iml!!'nt'!!• .an .a g uj:! of stu I!!'nt'!! Among tne'!!l!!' we find I!!' aa n de GIl!!'· hen, I!POtne P,ince!P'!! of An 1'1 It·ze, st, motn , of ml!!' de Gl!!'nhs, 1 '!!j:!I!!'.ak of 1'1 I at tn ls pe led, I

h j:!h'f!lics • .and w.a!P.a ry gre t ml!!'mi'!!t My d to judge. 'IJI\a!P d ml,1!!' of hls ab I llie'!! .a ove,1!!'d .a '!!I!!'!:n:!t'I!!"!! j:!I!!'aI g col VI!!' .an e:w:ltaord Ina ry Id !:on!:oenl 10 giVl!!' uj:! hi irs .an inte'I!!'! Inrun

d .a mldd ling·'!!i1l!!'d d la I!!'rhaving II weighl!!'d. 1'1 a mond as it is. a nd wit II wou Id De wortn ml!!' .a ga lner of feur ne ntiVl!!'ly. and sa ld, 'II in In .a menth _'

nd s Maj Ine '!!i:.: t Il!!'a Ie n thou nd. thous nd Il\rre!p ' St. pos bll!!'; it ma bl!!'

I!!' Comle de SI. nt D.a!:k thl!!' gaw II 10 Ihl!!' King. II j:!1!!'d a eleth in off. Thl!!' king had II 'IfII1!!'1 medi.all!!'ly .and . His M.ajl!!"!!fV then '!!I!!'nt. to hi jl!!'we lie r M. 1m of a nytn Ing that ha pas . TI'Ie je III!!" h u nd red Il\rre!p for II. Th KIng, noweve,. I!!'nl .and !PaId ne we u Id kl!!'l!!' II as a eu rles . HI!!'


'5iecte~. p. 88.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

r.:oulel not verwme his lT1illion'S. specia 11'f it he of 'SlT1aII nes, rh e Co

- de St- Germa in rnust be worth t of malr;ins IiJlKe rJialT10 nes out at he r.:oulel 01" cou lei not, but a~ f:l1!!'.ulsg'ow • .and glw tham rt.enlion • .and se did Mad.aml!!' de I St_ Gl!!'rmaIn WCI'!! q uaek. but a .af:lf:ll!!'as Inf.aluatl!!'d with him. r

One fart In In I'!! Pa rl!pl.a

Wl!!'nl in

I be omlnl!!'d; it appea rs frem 1 H I!!'rr von l:Iarthold .and Ine n• .al that timl!!' n:!'!!ident In Pa rls, !Pelf and other id Ie f:lI!!'Of:llebV . se that most of Ihl!!' '!!illy and Ihl!!' gO!P'!!iplng "salons" of tne voung fl!!'llow. v.a,iou'!! druil'!! of ot wonh funne r nOIiu!. bevond tne bl.aml!!' fer une ranees whic:n SVf:ll!!"!!tlllYn: • M.anv of tne wild ~ M. dl!!' St. GI!!',maIn .and wl!!'re .and rna king him ,id leu leus, A WI!!".' wa'!! a !pplendid mimic:.. and t, Ge,ma In·· n.atu 1'1 w.a!Pwty ken In by Ihi'!! m.akl!!'·believe St .

of nete"

tnO'SI!!'whom ne w.a! to find him '!!I!!'ntbV Lou I'!!XV _to Ine nces .a,1!!'va rlou!p1y told bV dl!!' St. Ge rm.ain p.a!P'!!ing Ih,ougn London Ch,onic:11!!'of J un!!!' :3 rd. ,iou'!! fO'l!!'igne r.· wno Ju!rt bV On!!!'w,ite, 1'1 I!!'w.a!Pwell pe'iod menlion hlm as .a "person p.aid. I In tne l:I,itl!pn Mu!Peum
. 1'1

] tlAU~~ET ,Mild.aml!! du~ ~cp_ cit. ) ti El£ IUE 1. op. fl•. , G.a ze1: I.e' till!! Ne1:he rIiI

'5 of music r.:OIT1I'O d by the ColT1te e St- G rma in on both they sre rJarerJ 11 5 and 1160. It '5 ';.(Jici verywbere, by II as by frienrJ';., t t he wa';. a ';.plen icI violi i';t; he ·l'layerJ

'I!!' is On!!!' 0'St Inll!!'~!rtlng!iOU I!!'nI, of M. de SI. e,ma In. whic:n we n.ave thl!!' goo fortu ne to !ioel!!'II - p~'!!l!!'rved in Ine llbra ry _ Ine gra nd old of Ra d n II:i! In Bohl!!'mla. Ine f:I'Of:ll!!'rty of Prlni:1!!' e,din.and von kowltt. A ong'!!t tne k of musl l!P'!!ion .au ogra ph, II MSs.. olne r If com pO'!!l!!'d by M_ d Ine p~!ioenl P,in ru ns tn U'!!:·· i:olll!!'tt n wI!!' fou nd .a whic:n. VIne graclous d the n!:aif:llion .and

I!!'dl!!' Lobkowl'lt., usique'!!onll!e. '!!l!!'lon Ie bon '!!I!!'n'!! .au:.: • '!!I!!"!! .aiml!!'nIII!!' vr i goQt I!!'ni:1!!'tart. qui

Tb .alt ough Ih R.a dnil:i!_


0' 11!!'ttef'S.of n.aVl!!'bl!!'l!!'n mest

hI!!' !ioign.atu~ .a,1!!' ,I!!'fully Itai:l!!'d

dl!!'i:1 phera DII!!'. I!!' IIDr.a,iAn .al

W nl!!':lrtha'll 10 pass on to Sot. f'SDUrg wne,I!!' • .a rnrd Ing Ihl!!' word'!! of tn G G~ 0' Orloff 10 Ihl!!' M.a r.aVl!!'of Br.andl!!'n utg·An'!! ach, M_ dl!!' St_ Ge m.ain "f:ll.aved .ag'l!!'at p.a In Ine I, ~volulio .1

. 1f'Id.

:s.tilrUlg ra this. • M_ dl!! ~_ Gl!!rInili


ntr'y. to wIlich hI!! c.aRll!' his Rl!!d Ribbon:



r wham oolhing
into Ihl!!
OIfQtJiIIlf'lIOIf'JfE''50, f'lO


c..a bine


iIII"III"IfOfnE',1"IO W'§. wI'IE'1'e I'If' krlDwledgl!!d by

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

He i';. me

iDned as ha ins been in St, P a nonymou';. oole, the rranslan First H1!!'1f:ll!!'rs of

of he title of

rs ulK by anctner irer, wn ir.:h r nos:

unVll.!',Wied attlltate i u!P 10 WI!!' n.ave Catne,ine hou!:oe in P

11!p hl!!'r po'S!:oe In ut a'S Iney .a,1!!'al pre'Sl!!'n . .and eeme ther a'S fr.agme nt Denl!!'r to wait , Va rleus 1'1 I nts, 1'1 form.nion. w Ich sh I!!'nope'S 10 UPpo'Sl!!'that M, dl!!' St_ Ge,m.ain a'S olli:l!!'d .alre.a VIne P,ince!P'!! of An I,. WA!PVll.!'tyf lendly 10 him; Ind d 1'1 rls.

we .a deef:lly Inll!!'re Ing emu nt of eer ph II I!!'of a 11!!'tte,from thl!!' Gtaf Ka rl Cob n.!1 10 tne P,ince Ihl!!' Prlml!!' In l!rte, _Tne In I!!'re'!!tlng it ls

-It w.a!p.ab ut tn reI!!' me hs .ago that Ihl!!' pe Comtl!!' de _ Gl!!'rma In !P'!!l!!'dn ls WAV. an ea t Ihl!!' most 'Sngul.a' rna n I at Ieve, 'Saw In m life, hi'!! blnh; I bl!!'li'.!'lle. now r, ne ls Ihl!!' son f:lOWl!!'rfuI nd Illu'!!t'iou f.amily, Po'!!!:oe!P'!!ingre I wl!!'.altn. ne live in tn greate!rt !Pm plic:1ry; hI!!' know!p I!!'VII.!'rytnng, .and 'ShoW'!! .an u f:I'igh ness, I good nass soul, won y of ad ml ratlon. on a numbl!!" of hi'!! acee pllsh ml!!'nt • ne m.adl!!'. u de r my own eye!p. om I!!'Xpe,iml!!'nt'S. of Ii:h In mest Imf:l a nt we rI!!' In tra nsm utatlon of ren nto a ml!!' as De gold. a nd I lea'!!t a'Sgo for .all gold'Smitn wo k; Ihl!!' dYl!!'lng .and lion of !pkl s, c:.auied 10 a perfeaion whic: sur a'S!:oeda II Ine !nO Ihl!!' world. and Ine f:ll!!'rfl!!'tl ta n n Ing; hI!!' Ing of !pllks. ea r ed 10 f:ll!!'rfl!!'ttlon hitneno un k own; tne like d woolll!!'n!p; In I!!'ding wood In I I!!'mest brlill nt colours penl!!'lr. hrough .and thre n• .an Ihl!!' whol witnout I!!' hl!!'r ind 19o 0' I. witn Ihl!!' ee ins.-ed lent and censeq ently at a very r.:olou rs to painting, u It a-ma ri ne i';. as pe

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


ell frolT1 I'a intins oils, a rJ maleins f"javet't€, of CoI';.iJt, and f mothers, have in my ha n '5 II these prod ucnens, lT1a e

tn e

rider lT1y

.ad Ihl!!'m undl!!' e I I!!'rnest !rtrla ex.amin.alio '!! and '!!I!!'eng I Ih I .a f:!,ofll wn Ich ig I mou nt Uf:! to m Illion!p. 1'1 VI!!' endl!!'avo re v.antage of tne f II!!' d!pnIf:! In i'!! rna n has II e Ie frem 1'1 m all these '!!II!(: !P HI!!'has given tharn 10 I!!'IfbllYOnd .a f:! nt f:!,of:!onion.all!!' to thl!!' frem t em. II bl!!'ing un this sha II bl!!' e Del!!'n dl!!'_ As, Ine thl!!' two polnl dupe • .and t e:t:f:!l!!'nitu re_ To .avoid Ih e:t:f:!I!!',iments


F,om nOlne r '!!Ou'!:I!!'. frem I e ml!!'moir'!! of C

a ou,nay 'IJIi.a!P informed e dl!!"!!ired to De f:!'I!!'!PI!!'nli!!'d n intl!!'f'\Iie • hI!!'wrote him to 'I!N:I u strletlon of co mlng in ito. and n itn him, C.a!io.anov.a found 1'1 Comtl!!' In I bl!!'.a,d_·

Inll!!'rview. M_ I!!' St_ GI!!',maIn informed arra ng ng .a Fabrlqul!!' fo th CODen!:1~_

ARN E Ii (A_ Riltl!!r von


f PhiliPI1 Cobl!!rvl and sl!!i






~ CA'iA OVA tF, '5ei~lt

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm



3, the dare at whic:n we nave now arrive il';.ot one yeal" in Be din, anrJ this account i Udonne rh ieba u It. wno Sive';.the tollowi a me 10 Bl!!'rlln .and 'I!!'m.ain I!!'d in cilY 0' Ine !!!' of ble man. who j:la'!!!PedbV Ihl!!' n.ame of th Comtl!!' de St. Pe'nI!!'lY w.a!P not !plow In remgn I!plng i to ma Ice .adl!!'j:ll. and ea ml!!' 10 us w· 0' then gol!!'!Pon 10 '1!!'1.are Ine Prlni: ne alse rama rks Ine old sare n!Pen 'IJIi.a!P d by M. de St. Germ.ain as "my son." SaY'!! u, .aulnOr:·· de T,ou!P'!!1!!'1 'WCI'!! lse .an:w:iou'!!to '!!I!!'e 1'1 Im. TI'Ie AbM a I!!'rne Ine m.ane r for her, and thl!!' COmtl!!' ml!!' to hl!!'r heu I!!' 0 10 '!!uj:lj:ll!!'r. Tnev i:n.ani:1!!'d10 m.ake men on of thl!!' 'philo pne!P nd tne Comre eu rtly OD-sl!!'f\I'I!!'d that m !rt peopll!!' wno WI!!"I!!'a'!!toni'!!hinglv Illogic:.aL I nasm eh as Ihll.!'Yem pi I fi,l!!'. forgl!!'ttlng that fl,1!!' bre.aks uj:l an dl!!'rnmj:lo!Pe!p. a I!!'nlly il 'IJIi.a!P e,1!!' folly 10 dej:ll!!'nd upon m fer tne building j:I of a po!ioillon. HI!!'dW1!!'1Imui:h uj:lon In I'!!• .and fina Ily led Ine ee VII.!' k 10 more gl!!'nI!!'r.al10j:lic:'!!. In .aj:lj:ll!!'.ara n M. dl!!' Sot. Ge r in w !P n d Inll!!'lll!!' He wa'!! elsa rlV of genlle binn • .and m Vll.!'d 11!!'ty;.and il w.a!P 'I!!'ported tne fa us Cagllo!rtro ( r 1'1 ls mY'!!tific:.alion of e.a, and thers at Pa rls] 1'1 d b . Thl!!' pUj:lil. hOWl!!'VII.!'r. eve, 'I!!'aened Ih IeVII.!'Iof hi'!! m.a n I!!'!.ane r 'flni'!!hl!!'d hi'!! ea ree, wilnoul mi'!! a p. C.aglio'!!t,o w ne polnl of erl mlna lilY. a nd died In tne p lsen of Ine Inq u I e . . In Ihl!!' hi!rtOty of M. de St. Gl!!'rm.ain.".r.e ave Ine hi'!!toty 0 p u I!!'nt rna n wno nl!!'VII.!'r ilfully offe nded a Inst Ine code of w 0' i ughl Ihat mlght offend our '!!l!!'n!Pl!!' j:I ob;tv.\l'l!!'l!p of wil 0 t I!!'nd. neVII.!".anVlhing ml!!'.anor seanda leus.' 1!!' of In ls vl!plt 10 Boe rlin ".r.e ea n not a rat.elv givl!!'. but . tne my In Vl!!'nIO!!'. wne,1!!' ne 'WCI'!!ou d by thl!!' ax f ~ .al In I'!!time Cha mbe ria In 10 Ihl!!' Emj:l '0' Joseph II .• a n In h
LT 'D.~ Meso~l..I'IImil"!i dl!! v.,gl Am. dl!! 'SE'j

r ill Berlin. iv, p. .

(Grid M.alC ljIooJ.U!' Wm(]riill d'un Mondilin 11.00. London.. 177

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


Ge rrT'iJin u rider

nave ';.Ome mtJoSt inte of Ma rq i';. a r, 01" 8elmal"e, aleins a of eJt:p€ rilT1ent"; - h i(, whic:n he '5 lear.:hins to 100 k lik Ita lia n lIl'Stablishl!!' q u ItI!!' a la ~ pia • n had .aboul .a hun I!!'d wo' VI'OU Id .af:lf:ll!!'.a, at 1'1 then tr.aVl!!'II!!' I 1'1 tne G von L...a bl!!'tg..!!'rpu bll!pne 'I!!'no:! LI!!' n II ie I!!'I Mo ndo (J u Iv. 1 0). u nd nead Ing "News orld." we n tn following p.atagr.a h:··


a riety ilie; he 1!!'f'S.I I r In .a pa Id a has Del!!'n'Stayl SI. GI!!',ma In. ph llesoph lea I k

rs ea to ma kl!!' v.a,iou f J nI!!'. in comp.anv w tne - 0' dl!!' 0' tne v.a!rtne!P!Pof 1'1 '!! f:lolith:: I .and

Onl!!' important de St_ Ge rm.ain Ru,!!!pI.anun Ifor 'IJIi.a!P. moreove,. In Ihi'!! Yl!!'.a, 1'1 Prlml!!' M Ini'Stl!!'r. my. Ihl!!' Du
:w:t. ae dina ry kind ne!io'!!.· "All hi'!! .abililll!!' • es Syf:llll'Stll.!'Yn(Of:l- -I.). s, I!!"Ite n a 1m1Iy. wn I!::h ferm c:n.ataCll!!'rl' dl!!' him se d a nd !PO De10Vl!!' 1770. anl!!'r Ih f.all f Ihl!!' Du!:: .af:lf:ll!!'.a'l!!'d Pa ls, It in !Pon 1"1 wit '1!!'.a11ll'St e:W:f:I'I!!"!!!Plon _ M_ dl!!' SI_ Gl!!'rma n ea me tne Pa rlslans al owed him 10 dl!!' H.ague anl!!'r tn of Lou ls a 10th. 1774) • .and D.a!::h In 1774_ '!! tne I.a!rt II hI!!' vl!p1I1!!'

L ';ome 1f'ltE'ft''§.U mCKt imE'rE'~lins

rnre de St. GE'tn'I.;i i'§. ptif'll 1"1ill V\iI et '§.OI"I ternos, r, MiII"'l"Ii L ooe
by hi m = .a
t (]I'I"4!SfJ

E'IllirelV nl!!w and

kll." d ill

Pr iI,8 LE wee 'tile c.o m t I!! il"l tbe 1'IiII1"Id~ of ill well Ir; ~ AtI~u1.; DE'rOreIons M. G I puDli~1"IU'lE'

dE'Il C II!' h s bI!!E'Il

I!!rg and M. de '51.. GI!!

.ain and i:s. now


, wl"lo I'§.PIJUins it if'! OtdE'rj


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

itn aa:u.-ac:y how often he 'Wa';. there. . . . a pny tnat he was in HollanrJ in 1710, 1135, 1
.al bring'S u!P10 tne f:ll!!'rlod that n.ave a 1'I!!'.adV orf .and .al Si:=nwalbaeh, whl!!' ma nv .alene re ea rrll!!'d on bV Ine Ma r taf .and tne Co proud of hls ml!!' k n Il!!'dgI!!'..and 0 I at Legnorn a i:=0f:lVof Ihl!!' I!!"!!i:=,iptlonfer t rmain, wn Ii:=h I!!'dl!!'tta. made bV M. de St. Ine n In Ihl!!' A I"(: 1'1 1f:ll!!' I!!'re hl!!'.al.

i';. rnrerJ


ina 760

From 17 -4 u til 1776 ".r.e haw Ihl!!' visit 10 m'f'Slh:: i Le I tlg" .and Ihl!!' following 'f'.!'.a, I shall ha in ou r ne:w:rPAf:lI!!". A mbutg; Ihl!!'nce hI!!'gol!!"!!to II me as hls loved and hen I!!'Xperim nts !!!'tne,. 1!!':t:f:ll!!'rl menl!P whic:n Ihl!!' 1'1 u an .ai:=I!!'. W,itlng of thl!!' knowl I!!'duc:.alio of . de St. Ge rm.ain bV Ihl!!' Du

hl!!'.u 0 ou r D'l!!"!!dl!!'n; wiln t 'SJe pe,iod ".r.e oul 1779 wI!!' 1'1 r of M. d St. ino:! Ka rl of HI!!' .and 'Stays itn u,1!!'d gul!!'!rt. Th bl!!'gan va leus wl!!'re In all c:.a!Pe 0 bl!!' of u to gl!!' and .allud I to tne a rly de MI!!'d lei, Ihl!!' P . ce !io.a'f!io:

Medii:=11 a'S i!p wl!!'ll known. a'S in possesslo of tne 1'1 nd II is nOI su rprl!plng I!!''Should haw r wn his I!!' rlie r mIne m.: bUI ne i:=l.aimed10 .aVl!!'Il!!'arned hls own a p llea . nand 'l!!'!Pea rehes, He th ,ougn IV u nde f:ll.anl!P. add invl!!'nted tne ml!!'dlcinl!!"!! whic:n hI!!'con Ily m.adl!!' use, and whi 1'1 f:I longed hls Ilfl!!' and hl!!'.altn. 'StIli hawaii his cif:ll!!"!!.bu tne f:lh'f!iolci.a !P rlol m urn .aga Inst hls !ioC:11!!' .aftl!!', his dea . Thl!!'re ce f:lh'f!iolcia • re au. wno bl!!'l!!' a pot ea ry • .and 10 w m I gaw i:='own!P VI!!" 10 work .alIne medii:=In!!!'!p nli:=h Ine Co I!!'St. Ge, a In ra ugh I 1'1 m mong others .and i:=hiefly 1'1 I rsa, whic:n tne . 1'1 Doughl and Ihl!!' poor re ived gratis, ... Anl!!'r Ine de 1'1 of Ihis f:lh'f'!!ic:1 • d l!iogu bV Ihl!!' ta Ik I hI!!' on a II 'Side'S. I wllhd,1I.!'W all hI!!'rei:=ipe'S .and • Id nOI 'I!!' lace LO!P'!!au.· king bai:=k at thl!!' record of all Ihl!!' pow and abl it II!!"!! tn ls gtl!!'at man. on!!!' f:loint me!p out elsa r defl n III!!'pia n• .a pla n not k own 10 Ine gl!!'n m plAce to f:llai:=1!!' witnout a I wilhoul f.amily
] tI E'56(

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm



';.Orrowful lire, rr I" '50 ,gifred a mortal he a .,ea.-erJ alwa'('5 c nt nred, thou,gh Ir;nowi 1T10.-e n rhos with tha , alway;. Siving, and n ver in need, evel" h I.,in,g. who he came into r.:on a il bl!!'rnmlll'!! obvl u!P 10 but n ve r cia Imlng aid· !P Iy wl'lh '!!UL~nlIl'Itiden ne eritlea I sceptle 1'1 n. mu!!l 1'1 ave guid Ihl!!' f:I!P .and life of Ih dl!!'ed. one of Ihl!!' quoli!!'d !io.a'f!l: ties-

n!:l!!' .and wne n ne • hI!!' lay u nee n'!!!:iou'!! I ra bll!!'tlml!!'. tnen '!!ud bl!!'en in anether wo tne d ad. Moreove,. h f:I" ed 1'1 Im!ioe on bl!!'lng If m.ake sna kill'!! li!rtl!!'n to m sl

f.a,·off la nd'!!; sem ime'!! I!!'nly re·.af:lf:ll!!'a • .a d let red d in c:ommu nic:.allo wl'ln bll!!' 10 lame DeI!!'!P,.nd 10

Thl!!'.a ther '!!l!!'l!!'m!pna u tne o,din.ary vog" ove r n.aklll'!!; and dou M. de St_ Ge rm.ain mmuni!::".ning wiln tn Ind la, Thl!!' po'Wl!!'r also. • tn n on 1'1 in Ihi'!! n In Ie nIh c:enlury. tha n ks fool f:I!P M. de St. G , a Inand who a re a Id I of a bove·q u oled wrNIIl'ItI!!' nele'!!!P. .allnough t polnl • hI!!' awa rd'!!.a b of hOn!!!'!rt ml!!'rl'l netlei g. wnen writing:· tn ls m.aV bl!!'. S . GI!!',ma In wa'!! In ma nd whl!!'reve, ne pe rsena Ily known ne I!!'nInd • .and Ihl!!' 'I!!' bra nO!!'of ma ny dl!!'ed'!!_M.anv .a f:I thl!!" of .a fa mlly. ma If:li!!'d by hlm In . __ not one bad. nor 'IJIi.a!P r known of hi '!!OhI!!'in'!!f:lired '!!~f:I Il!!'a'!!t n Holla nd. "
eharseter of On!!!' ual Hlera rc:ny bV who

of India have Ihi'!! I!!'.a,ni!!'dhi!p know! dl!!'ad has had mo In O!ioe wno follow in Ine sa me , i'!! sesptlea I on eer ph llesophar



y re!ppeCl!P a rama Il!!'ft a f.avouta bll!!' I and '!!ometime'!! of y a eha rita bll!!' in'!!tit ne di'!!honouta ble Iny IIl'Itl!!'rylJllhl!!'re.a •

ka bll!!' f:I'I!!'sany tlon. Clion d nOI

"ml!!' I!!'ngl!!'r"from that guide ; such ls thl!!' me earth !:all"adventu,I!!"_"

pi I

nh of Ihl!!' who

no bv seme i!p ea Il!!'d .a Ihl!!' world'!p lIl'Itolu Ion i'!! Ihl!!' sha llow critic:'!! f Ihl!!'

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

.-e tran';.larerJ fro oinette, by tn . nd of the Qu

,grar.:iou-sly Ie nd in,g to ha'V'elriept a dai written he r Souve tory re marie. T ney

an ejl(lJlana 60tol821.

dares occurs in
lJin to the o~i I";. to a IJl"CIlJh e wa rnerJ her

the nanrJ rJ May 1:2't her y St. Germai reach i ';..jJrJare t uld'!!~ I'll


ilbll!! to .I!l

Mild.aRll!' 1-1. P. BI.a


II'!( pillpeNo. d·Adh!!!ma.- in 18M.

nJlf'led i", tbe Re'VOli documents ilre" in

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

[1804]; in the
Ou ke de

mD t

Be rrl [1

of Ja uary, 18 , Iaw it the ';.iil:t!ioeof the g ne ral oml!!' fl!!'w rlll!!'l"!! V ne of:lin 10 !Pwill bl!!' 'I!!'.ali!!'dI te,.

of the rnu rder of the

Thl!!'!:e'd.ul!!'"!!.a,1!!' SI, Gl!!'rnuin died

reD.!'ived of:lin I Iy ,1!!'t1'l!!'dfrom pu tillle

Say'!! Mad.ame d' "Sln!::1!!' y pe n i!p m '!!ay '!!oml!!'ln Ing .a!::1!!' long t.efo eno,mou'!!ly rleh .auivi!!'d at Vl!!'l"!!a II Co de St, Ge,ma I • I will ls thl!!' wo,d) at thl!!' u rt of mou r f:I'l!!'ad a st nge!'. i:=e of ls JI!!'WI!!'lll!!'ry.1'1 d ju'!!t hat i'!! what no on!!!' 1'1 I!!'VII.!'r ruck

ing!p1 I!!'rfl!!'ttl •a p ! f:ll!!'n I!!'.af:lf:ll!!''I!!'d.a

'!!to!::king. Tne !pnull· n of fo,m; 1'1 I'!! '!!mill!!' dimf:lle ader i!!'d 1'1 I'!! r.all ng, Oh I wha 1!!''fI!!''!! I ut fortv 10 fo ·flvl!!' IS whl!!'re hI!!' h frel!!' ad.aml!!' du H.a, • bUI de Ch tea u roux, Yl!!'.a,. an ~ng: 'II i!p 100 l.all!!',,. dVll.!'nture tilI!!'fl!!' me, I I t some rel.alion of hls d.aV.a1 I!!'lgnt 0' eek in !PO that ,I had til t Ilnle I!!'huuiedly. Ine • .and Mel III!!', Rom n e. my nfidl!!'nc:e. cam In 10 tne Counl fer

w.a!P.alone In Pa rl own na me h tne mo,ning. I a tlml!!' for my 1011 !ioc:.a'!::1!!'1y tn nead w.aitlng·wo tell ml!!' that a ge n

I!!'"!!!P, Tne e pe rled nem.a, h ngul!!'do i!!'dlone f:I'l!!'f:larl

Counl' fu'!!i!!'d. .a ve ry !Pngu lar Ing gon to vls . II WeI'!! ne Su ,M.a!ps to go




dt ,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

·10 IJay a vis to '!NOma n at ighr 0' 10r.:1riwa'5 asai 'St all a it IT1 'f IJI"CI c u tor my lawyer ' I a';. d, F01" one h '5 a!wa on '';. neel'S, ho vel" Inle property one ma ,gentlemen my add 11!!'f. 0 r 0 I!!'of f.umers 7" mvarchlle

.,red rule'5- 'I';. one of these po'S';.e';.'5'1'5it

·'Out who ls .Ih m in Ihl!!' !:.amI!!' Ihl!!' world i perter, Hl!!'r j:ll!!'n'!!ionl!!'rin
·'1 thought,' ·1 lre.ned

n. my dl!!'ar

I!!'doi: ma n. wa!p a

uj:ll!!'tann u.rted

Comtl!!'!io'!!e. Ihi'!! person

'!!j:ll!!'tl M.ada me la ntll!!' ou of thl!!' '!!kIn of

·1 p.a!io'!!l!!'d in!:e w

any '!!j:ll!!'i:I.a1 knowonwh

i:ould have de!Perved V of Ihl!!' Idid not


o'!!t.and • 'I will I!!'de Sa Inl·&:! nuin I' ·'Comtl!!'de • 'Him!Pelf,' • My su rprl!Pe w.a great on fin WCI'!!!!'ignt VI!!' rs '!! !:e hI!!' I had bl!!'Olme of im, Hel!!'dIn !Pnow hlm In, • 'Did ne tell ·'11 i'!! M_ d .-e«I8ni'5e h i Count aIJIJea • 'Ihl!!' nun

ra Ice Ine

hI!!'WCI'!!II . rls and In mv house, It • and no on knll.!'WI tne Ie.a!rt what but mv eu mity. I rde,1!!'d hI!!" to

a on,g a thous
, e looked f

rid.' •

sh an

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm



me co mplilT1ent, but it miJy be

nether it wa'5 .51'5

.' I !:.aid to him, 'a f,il!!'nd. a f:I'OI

for it'!! ".r.e 1f.a,I!!'. '

.. A giga nth:: mn!ppltacy i'!! t.e Ing f I!::h as yet has no oth Ing 11I.!"!!!p bUI hI!!'will .af:lf:ll!!'a Defo~ long. T r of e:w:i'!!u. 10 ri!!'!::onruua II pia n. Tne ~ I'!! III· rds tne 'o~ I Ily. tne !::Ierg.J. Ine no lilly. I I!!' agl!rtr.a!::v_Tne,1!!' b Imf:lo'!!'!!ible_' • oWl!!"ltl!!'r.10 b.affle tne f:l1ot.:l.all!!'r. ehi

tne hl!!'lf:I of my two ea rs• .and pa rt ran I!!'.I ~f:ll!!'at. has no time to lese.'
- 1'1


u r f.a

I!!' a ud len!::1!!' Ihl!!' Cofrl1e de of • f r he ca n do I!!'VII.!'tylhing. t.e Ing I!!'nli

nd II!!'I hlm know nfide nO!!'of Ihl!!'

vetything I k now. ~f:l1 '!!ave Fta ce; 0 , ru ln, Thi!p ma n will undo you. Ma .amI!!' _' Ing ml!!' I!!'nough a bout It to gl!!'t you ur day!p,' tne B.a!rtille for

M. dl!!''l!!'pa!p; hI!!' has good i



• 'H '!HOule!reject the eviden ; besides he detests me the ';oilly Quatrain wh ir.:hcau';.erJ h i-sei(ile"1 'B.e uliful Ma 11:1 u1!iIe.nev pra I t re Iy are 'fOu .and very fra n Ie.:


'fOu' en


Hul all that d ees not f:I'lIl'Itl!!'nt Yo r flov.rers being floWl!!'I"!!_'

• 'T e 'h~e

I'!! lnaeeurate. Cou I,'

M_ de

•'0 I thl!!' M,a'Llui'!!1!!'p.aid Ilnl attl!!'ntlo 10 it..: Ma ref:la'!!wa'!! tne aueher of it... and hI!!'p tl!!'ndl!!'dthat I 0'- ma nu'!!i:,ipt frem him 0 !ilend foil WI!!'d thl!!' pu bli!:'.nion of th !iIew, inel dl!!'d ml!!' in 1'1 i'!! !PCneml!!'!P ve of Ne nhl!!'ll!!'!io'!!. M.ada me I.a Co ml!!' Ihl!!' Qui!!'en. of Ihl!!' '!!I!!'rvl Ihl!!' mi'!!!plon'!! that n.ave bel!!'n Eu pe, If ne r Maje!Oty will Ii n 10 ml!!' Ihl!!' !Pne will judgl!!' wnethl!!" II will be pr I!!'n!:e; wltho ut Ihl!!' intl!!'f\I'I!!' 110n. he mv InII.!' u.i non,' q
rmain, an d I I!!'ned attl!!'nlNe Iv 10 M, I!!'I"!! wou Id aga In fa II t . If I interfe rI!!' Ihl!!' ether ha nd. I knll.!'w I!!' Cou n bl!!' f:ll!!'rfl!!'tt opportu n Iry f:lolltii:'!!. and I fea red to less t n. gUill'!!!plngm tne King, Thl!!'COmtl!!' de nl·Ge,m

ve, fo Ne me,
to you, pe.ak of

e gover menlln
.a,iou'!! e urts of I!!' I know;

.all Ine

e SUre
'!!ald to

In Pa rls nmgnllo; anne; and If 10· morrow you will eem rae bins In tne Rul!!' Sa lnt- Hon ,.}. I will e'el i:k preel!ilely _' ould tatne, '!!I!!'I!!' in my VOU ., IllingJV; to·morrow. Ihl!!'n. wn hou ada ml!!','

• 'T Ink O'Ltl!!'rmy f:I'Of:lO!io.a~ a r


f ml!!' to of Ine ell!!'U'e n

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

me naci n8 we eV€ of socia I te:w:t. I dete,


a II rJay on thi'S aIJ a rrtlDn, a';. it were, an Comte de Saint rrT'iJin. Whatl we we red in
FranO!!' _

; hI!!' in

"I Dursl oul

e_ ve ry d.aV

I t 10 nts, a nd find ing Ma .a I!!'dl!!'

know that I wl'!!hl!!'d

hI!!" with

.a cn.a,ming writing,. and '!!mile!p:··


ml!!' In. Ie ntll.!"l!!'d; I!!'Quel!!'n 'IJIi.a!P '!!itting i f' Iting· wn 1m t e KIng hold given ne r;!Pn wa'!! , hl!!'ad !Pne sa Id 10 ml!!' with On!!!' of hI!!" r leus

I!!'mon.a,!::ny _' wiln a ma.!l!!'me n "' E:t:f:ll.ain vo u Ge rmain: I to M.adame dl!!' hI!!' had nlioned tne Comt.e e into al Ihat I knew of hlrn, of i'!! witn tne I til.!' King. adou • tne Du ke de enol u I; I !ppokl!!'of thl!!' 'I!!'.al!ioe eas d ,I!!'d 0 Ihl!!' State bV 1'1 I'!! iplomatlc .abiliry; I .ad a 11:1 u l!ioehI!!'had di ppe.a,1!!'dfrom Cou rt. n hi'!! retire menl_ W I!!'nI '!!uffi!::lenlly f:l1 u Ihl!!' d bV 'I!!'pea ling 10 e, tne Cou nt ha had !::onfl,ml!!'d tn morning.
If' • At tn ls command I

QUl!!'l!!'n '!P!::u'me Ihl!!' f:I'l!!' "tha Queen .a

I ~ived

a letter

m my my;ter'iDu'5 co rnu n icarien 'WOU Id '5


loy be

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


It Into se U'5con'5ic1er ion, on lJain of '5- The co ncidence of tnese two th n8';. i';. I'"emarlriaey come rc m the '5.51 '5ourr.:e; at de you tn inlr;

a 10 'Say munic:.uio ~d only

it HI!!'~ h 'S Ine QUl!!'en bl!!'en 'I!!'o:!!\ring 'S fer 'S'.!'IIe I 'f'.!'.af'S..and tne Comt.e de !rt@,day_'

ml!!'tn Ing I e I'S not sor 10 bring n m.ain In vo I will have

11!p l!!' 0 e ougnt 10 put m to !Pel!!'n 1m WI!!'~ il on Iv in m 10·mor 10 VI!!'r'!!a Ille!p. r a p.anml!!'nt'S .and a'S!POOnas u bOlh su m ned, Iwill not • ls mv !pIn!!!' q

usua I 'Signa L I rnnfide ce in tne Omtl!!' de t·Ge,ma In w.a!P In ide nO!!' 0 n ls eoml n 10 P.a,i'!! w h Ihl!!' wa rn Ing Ihl!!' day fe bV Ma rl I f.ani:led I 'Sa in It .a 'I!!'gula r of trli:kl!!' I a!pkl!!'d hI to 'Sf:ll!!'a 0 n 1m a bout It; k 'Sidl!!' I !;Olved rta In that n w.a!P prapa ~d and f:l1!!"o:!vII.!'dI'll m I and wI!!' retu I!!'d 10gll.!'Iner to in ne r, bUI i:rn,ding to h euste m hI!!'did at go back 10 v« rsa IIII!!'!P, would !pll!!'l!!'p H tn ls, eagl!!'r as nd ~Join ml!!' I!!'nl!!':lrtda _ I mn'Sl!!'nted for the s eesss of tn I

• ••
n Ii:h .al Vers.a III!!"!! e,1!!' ea lied w w ~ In my d II ng. Ihl!!'n. I q uarters ea to ask me on a !P I'll!!'of .af:lartme ts, whl!!'n On!!!'of Ihl!!' Que n's p.age!!P her M je';ty'';. be nit .. the '5 of the boo tnat she had des me to bri 8 er fro.., a ris. Thi';. ';. the '5isna I a81'"eed upon, I


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

a rJec:Ithe pase a valu m o n a';. he narJ gene, I toll

e nb.!',1I!dth,ougn Ihl!!' prlv.rte room wne re th

of some new no d, ar.:r.:olT1lJa ierJ n

bl net!p; Mad.aml!!'

at, anrJ a'S



ada me. for naa rly twe IV veal"!! I WCI'!! n o , ne dl!!'ignll!d to li!rtl!!'n ml!!' with k IndM ; hI!!' m,a I!!'u of my poor '!!• .and I do not I . k 1'1 rl!!'g b ille!p on !ioeveta I eeeasi d having n ml!!' 1'1 ls i:onfldl!!'n!:e, ' I!!'d' Ad ne m,a, 10 b i eeu tilt that

"'t u n.aVl!!'w1!pned Mad.a


I!!'Quel!!'n.' .an!Pwe'l!!'d I Cou nt In a '!!ole 1'1 I am .aboul 10 confide te har. Tn r: Ihll.!'Ywill only ebta It by thl!!' .ab!ioOlul nsure this 'I!!"!!ult Ihll.!'Ywill oVl!!'nn row th k a chil!!'f .among tne me De I"!! of tne 'o~ I n Ihl!!' Due: dl!!',l!!"!!; I i'!! prlnO!!' will baee a rlfli:1!!'him whl!!'n ne has a'!!lI!dto bl!!'u'!!l!!'ful II De offe red him. and 1'1 will find Ihl!!' sea I 'I!!' In I'!! day of '1!!'lribu Ion. i:'ul!!'ltl I , De Ihl!!' fl,olll.!'tlion thl!!' good .and !ioe la'!!t who will '!!I!!'izl!!' oWl!!'r witn tnei, b b II!pnthl!!' C.alholli: re ligio • Ihl!!' nobility. tne nothing bUI roy.a will bl!!'II!!"I1 inte, I'

EnC:Yi:lo i!rt pa rty de!pI,1!!' downfa II of Ih i:1ergy • an d flarty. who thelr II.!'YI!!"!! n who will n of Fta nO!!' Ine m.: Ih,onl!!', Bul In!rtead aW'!! will no i:,i Ided_ It ls !P; Iney will

these worrJ';. I nt rru pr the Cou nt in the


pon lT1e to

e zm n FDfZ(I!Im Boou

• 'Mon';.ieu I' I r.:ried

yo thin k of wh t you sre -sayins. anrJ before wnom

Inil.!' rt.e. .a I • 'tne!ioe are tn Ing'!! that

·'An d II I'!! In Ihl!!' r.a IIy !:oolly re pi d M, d Info f:laylng a 1'1 nuge I!!'Q f:loint oul hI!!" tn d nge

.at I find In I'!! bold ness,' ml!!' witn Ine intenlion of De we.aty. bUI indeed to own. if promf:ll mea'!!u'l!!'!P

·'You .a,1!!'

• petula ntlv-


·'1 adrnh.

ml!!'in mv that Ihll.!'Y P'iAm_ So Ihl!!' klngd Ihll.!'Ywill ml!!'mbl!!'r'!! pessessle b,ing In I nOIIi'!!tl!!'n _,lhI!!'Mr
• 'I mnfe'!!

i!pa c:.a!ioe polnl; bu you, Majl!!"!!fV will f:ll!!'rmit in u Ca'!! ndra fo old tne ru In of Troy. and!:1!!''!! Ine kingdom of I lm thl!!'n frem aII p.ans of I!!'i!!'dy VI!!' fer anO!!'. 'f:lOWl!!" • .and for monev; I!!'ir'lJli.av- n !ioedillou'!! popu l.a!:e an d seme g'l!!'at T end tham '!! f:lf:Ion;.a f:lirll of dell rlum will ra ke n!p; ivll WeI r will burst out itn all 1I!phorrors. II will I!!'r. f:I Ilagl!!'. 1!!'X11e,nen It w II bl!!' regretti!!'d that I 'IJIi.a!P !PI'!! aII bl!!'.a!pked raga In. but Ihl!!' liml!!' will bl!!'f:la'!!t , wef:l .all bl!!'fo,1!!' _'

Mon!ple, eha tn ls di'!!!:ou .a!!loni I!!'!P ml!!' mere and mere, and did I n know 1'1 I tn !.all!!'King ha .an affe ion fer yOu • .and 'fOu had!ioef\l'e 1'1 Im f.ait f Ily, _ OUwi'!!h to pea k to I I!!'King?'



of M, de


my; besi es, I ra

Ir; him

cse who will fu rrher the

"'YOu .UI!!' a nujo,ity,' "'Hl!!'i!iomo I!!'



Ihl!!' approbarlon of thl!!'

"'If you e:w: lu find II diff .adw:i!ioe' _'

!.alion with I e King. I fea r that 'fOu will .aje'SIY wno nnol .aa witnout his !:hief

s IhlllY wish to emf:llov ml!!';

but as I a on poIn ls a gr.aluitou'!! aet, '

me 10 n ve a .akM ; that b Ing!iom-



nunv parsons.

own, F.a, to 'fOu_'

of any Illu!iolo .aboul my n Ing shall De !:ommuni!:atl!!'d

• .and n 'I!!'IU Ing homl!!' wlln ml!!' M_ dl!!' Sainl·Ge, r .a long timl!!'. fer I do nOI


ins wh t I ha
oM, d Mau


her, lou ios XVI, will i'5 Minister will draw u!' a

osa id to

e In n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

wa rrant (Ienr€ d
orders to put it

ha'V'eno desi re to

etl asa in';! me, i(er.:ution- I kno the Ba'Stilie,'

to you? You

rJ of the pol ce will ha'V'e thing;. a re done, a nd I

tn rough tne IL MadamI!!',

!!!'Y. noll!!','

su mmon you?'

'I willtl!!'lu


• 'I n.ave tne ml!!'.a

olng !PO: do nOI

euble VO



I nt,'

• 'Ml!!'.anwn lie. Ish

• He de p.anl!!'d • .a uoubled_ I 1'1ad oul har wishl!!"!!. Mad.aml!!' de MI

as hI!!' had !.ak n off mv Nl!!'ry, I rem

e QUl!!'l!!'nthat In orde r to b Ihl!!' bl!!'tt.l!!',

u Id not Ie.aVl!!' I me 10 '!!l!!'l!!'kme I!!'rnl!!"!!!P, found I r.a!P'!!I!!'d; lOui!p:Ie my h.and. whii:n whl!!'n hI!!' pll!!'a'!! I!!' matea , _ , _ TWo n bl!!'n.alf f hl!!'r MaJe ne King w h M.a,ie·A n I,. on thl!!' hI!!' ki!P'!!1!!'d ours afll!!'r. ,I augured inl!!'tt.l!!'_Sne up 10 me in!!'.fer ne

wit.ud? • 'Tne Comtl!!' de S Inl

rmain, SI,I!!'? H has sta

• 'I bl!!'.a, no III·


you fer it.. no dees Ih QUl!!'l!!'n eitn t, for vou r tibia me the 'St a nser ten- a rins to 10 II reverses .- q uarte rs of th ,globe co IrJ not offer i the co urse

of a C€ntury- A de Ma u repa';.,

re necessa ry

'!!j:ll!!'.ak hlm 0 10 sha II nOI refu'!! gra ndfathl!!" Ilk wl'!!hl!!'d to rea .aj:lj:ll!!'.araee of n De hl!!'ld elsa r, '

.-ans in c how to I to sac m to the tha su JI!!'tt. a d if hl!!'.a 10 do 0, He is !:,edd his I!!'ty; but Defo

nr,:ealins him';.elt m the COlT1te y a-side h i';.pers a I enlT1itie';. it it nterests of the onarthy, I snall w:is1!!'!P to !Pel!!' inl·Ge,ma In. I ml!!' d with Inll!!'lll!!'rt a nd a billry; my gr.anling him rnnfe'l!!'nee. I ibll!!' c:on'!!l!!'qul!!'n !P of Ine fre'!!h , Whateve, m.aV

"MV ~'!! f.111!!'d wllh te rs at 1'1 I'!! '!!t,ikl g proof of Ine M.aje!rtII!!'!P.for t e Qul!!'e '!!j:lok 10 me.a .affl!!'rtlonately retu'nI!!'d !:alml!!'. but ve d. n I!!'rtnelll.!"!!• .al Ine tu rn tn Ukl!!'n • .and I In 'dly ngratu atl!!'d m If that M_ dl!!' Sa fO'lI.!"!!l!!'l!!'n all.

ndnll.!"!!'!!of tnei, did tne King_ I tn ls aff.air nl·Ge,m.ain

''T\Jllo heu rs la t, I 'IJIi.a!Ptlll I s wne n tne,1!!' 'IJIi.a .a knoc at In un usua I eornm 110n. .a d al ope!nI!!'d• .and M n!Peignl!!' re!:l!!'lve him - 1'1 r.alne more!:1!!' He ea _ rd w M.adame.' ne • 'for t e une enqui,ie!p 10 m ke of u• .and '!!I!!'ekvou,'

my '00
eeer of est


b,isk nass a '!!mi re mon 10 polit.enl!!'

a b'!!o,bl!!'d in m mv mode'!!t d diatl!!'ly Ihl!!' I urepas wa'!! .ann if il Ing eeu ntl!!'na n nsss of my w:isil: 'I!N:I u Ired that I

own thoughts. ling, I hl!!'.a,d .an folding doors un!:l!!'d, I '0!Pe 10 en Ihl!!' King of _ "' p.a,do n me. but I ha'lll!!' seme hould eeme 10

"tha !:ouniers tn ls j:I ,jod noWll.!'d.a e:t:qui!piIe j:lolill!!' II.!"!!!P woml!!'n. to wn 1m WCI'!!no ongl!!'r I bl!!' und In'!! j:lu,itv a ftI!!', t e storm wn I!:h 1'1 lng, I rej:llie • as I WCI'!! ound 10 do. to b , dl!!''l!!'j:la'!!.

"'WI!!'III' hI!!' 'II.!"!! retu'nI!!'d? , _ , Jugglery,'

"I 'IJIi.a!PDoU 110 a

iln a ge!rtu re of tne '0 e bene r eha n yea rs h not ';.I'ar-eQ -Germa n prese nterJ the

ntreaty:·· u do. Mad.aml!!'_ a nd the Queen ppea ranee of a

"' Bl!!'lil!!'ve me.' One tn ins on Iv der.:Ia.-e';.hat t t

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

man of forty. H thi'S inrormatio n

r tna:t lT1ay • W€ m st ow whenr.:e he ha'5 ,gained r.:irr.:ulT1'5tantial,'50 ala r in . .. He d irJ not ,give you hi';. rr ntr

• 'NO. Mon!ioll!!'ur

• 'II will t.e di!iO:l Ihl!!' King tI' GI!!',ma In. eXO!!'j:! Wl!!'11 'IJ.1"uml!!'d. u !:u,iou'!! tnlng'!!.' •AI Ihi'!! meme I oj:!l!!'ning of Ihl!!' who I!!'nrered I A I m u'!!t !i..lV eha a pproa!:hing 1'1 I ·'M. II!!'Comre

d. ou r poliu! h u for 'fOu' I. NOI in t.e Ing sh ut uj:! n Ihl!!' e conde!iO:!nd 10 II!!'II s

el!!'n '!!!:I!!'nt.... Fu rther ... rllll'ltou!io will t.efa II Sa Inl· whl!!'re hI!!'will bl!!' we II fed.

d V Ihl!!' nol!ioe m.adl!!' by tne '!! h Comt.e dl!!' SAinl·Ge,ma In urepas 1'1 u rrledly ress. and littll!!'. TI'Ie tha u matutgl!rt..

'fOurs.e If to mv bUI a limited tl hl!!'re aga In un III gr.aVl!!'.I told th 10 thl!!' King we shou Id n.aVl!!'Inl 10 'I!!'proa!:h m Ihl!!"!!l!!'ea la mllie !iouffl!:ient msm and inc:.aj:!abll!!' 'uin of emj:!i,l!!"!!.

I!!'d VOU 10 giVl!!' hlm good n a utnorlrv. In oppo'!!ing Ihl!!' mon.a,!:hv. for I have I!!'OVl!!". I shall not t.e '!!I!!'e n I ns n.aVl!!' gonll.!'down to Ine 10 tl!!'11 ne r; mv revelation!io ; it. i'!! u nfonunate VOu d me. I shall n.aVl!!'nothing eva'!!tate!io .all!:l!!'.As, to ave pre PA,1!!'dtham will t.e frem j:!o!rte,iry. frlvolou!io ong tnO'SI!!'wno !:au!ioe Ine

in. n.a.... '!!j:!o en thu lng out tAking brsa In. tu rned in. sh ut di'!!ap a d'l. All effon!io
10 fin

] AOl-ilMAft.. Op. it~ i.•PJL S2 ·'2.

zmI nIFDlJ'Dllm Boou


HE rncst e ply i eresting of Mada rJ·Ad €lT1a.- a re Gel"lT1a in ve t warn the ove rshadowins i - e ha evident Queen n-olT1 tn her en arJ'I'i';.e of wno .... i';.fr€Que He it wa'5 wno Mau.-epa';. and t of Fto'fa Ity, he the f;:evolution-

orrJerJ in h i';.d ry now M, de Fto'fa I FalT1 of t ily e'l'il';. wn r.:h .-e wattherJ ever the u nfortuna yo n8 into Franee, He '5 the • U'5 tly made,
ersrand t M, de

a II the inr.:iclent';. these whir.:n sbe

insdom, T e fri nrJ , 8a.-rue I lea in8

, we we
wa';. about to 0 ou r heads, struc ou r rJe';tI"Ur.:tion, "Meanwn ile, fro ime '!!natch u!Pfrom I i'!! faul

nea rins the rernbl F.-anee- T e ab'('5'5 wa';. at 0 al blinrJ ';.'5, we hurrierJ fro '5 like a Ir;i d of fr€ n:zy wn ir.:h h rust us 8 ily ca n a sto m be controlled w
rime, ';.CI tl"ClublerJ 0'- cbse cu,iry _ I h w a 1'I!!'.adV !PAid eha al thl!!' e !Pof Thl!!'ir MaJI!!'!Ot.i danger; ut M, dl!!' Maure rom .anv one bUI e more,· j

tn.aumatu rgl'!!l. a

Thl!!' d.all!!' .al wn le ne'!!l!!' ~nl!p WI!!" ta king place WeI'!!1 nO'Wl:!w r, did n u Imin til.!' unnl 1 3_ Mad.aml!!' d' Ad em.a, i!p e~nl!p .and doe'!! n I In I!!'ry c:.a!ioe 1=1 I Ihl!!' e:w:art date, T e attacks pon King .and Tn ron re.a!ioing I w:iolen!::1!!' .and Dine nass Vll.!'a by y r owl ng to Ine I !Palready Iludl!!'d to bvour w I'Il!!'r,Thl!!' f lvol"

ing hI!!' ar. of

ADtU': MAlt,


d " v.,],

e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou


the Cou rt incr€a-serJ peJri peJ~u unfortu nat€ Queoen, i ndeed, d irJ of atfail";., but in va in. MarJa me follows:

itn the



ea n not 'I!!'fr.ain frem copying ne • In o,dl!!" to give a

IYI. a 11!!'tt.I!!', ritten w 'I!!'!Pdl!!' Rl!!'qu!he!P• .an rlia menl at Tou leus vldity; manv eepies ed TOulou'!!l!!'. it. w.a lignac:.

dl!!'DAl1!!"!!I n thl!!' Natlona I A~l!!'m I pa rli.amenla ry .advl!ioe' 10 Ine of hls f,iend!p • .a ml!!'mDe r of tne 1=1 'WCI'!! !ppread .ab,oad .and 'I!!'.ad wl'lh in p.a,i!p, Befo,1!!' tne orlglna I raae drawl ng·,oom of Ihl!!' DUi:hl!!'!io'!!e l!!' d

-Thl!!' Queen. lu,ning 10 me. a'!!kl!!'d I!!'if I had it... .a procure 1'1 for her, Tn ls req ue!rt ea u I!!'d ml!!' rea l emba rra obll.!'YHe, MaJe!Oty• .and .al Ihl!!'!io.a I!!'II me 1 fl!!'ared to I P a Min 1!Ole';nOWl!!"U'l!!'r attaeh me nt mv Ihl!!' QUl!!'l!!'nI=I'I!!'VCI lie - M.a,ie·A ntoinl!!'tt.l!!' 'I!!'.ad In I!!'.anlc:le Mad.aml!!' d' Ad nem.a,.' '!!hl!!' !io.aid. a utnorlry of tne King .a,1!!'10 mI!!'l bl!!'gin 10 DelleVI!!' that you, Co wrong not to 11'!!Ie to him. but n dl!!"!!l=I0lic: ic:t.alOr'!!hil=l upon us, To d In mv l=I'I!!'!ioeni:l!!' • .an now pa Infu I .all Ine e .a,1!!''WCI Ing on d Ik de SI, ··Ge rm.ain . dl!!',I!!'p.a!P1m .a,1!!' eoml ng7' we

-, , . Tne Queen !ioenl fer mI!!'• .and I .a!Olenl!!'d10 har sacr lettl!!'r in 1'1 I!!' ha nd, 'Mad.aml!!' d' Ad 1'1 mar.' '!!hl!!'sald, 'hI!!' from mv unknown, H.ave you nOI ea rd I=IMI=lIetAlkl ng dl!!' St, ··Ge,m.ain 7" - 'NO.' 1 re plied; 'I n.aVl!!'not '!!l!!'l!!'n im and neeh Ing ha him,'
- 'rh I'!! tlml!!'.' added tne Quel!!'n. 'I I!!' eraels has u!ioed I

bll.!'COme'!!him. tne el=li'!!tle ls In Be; 1'1 may De DAd. i:hl!!'e,ing, You !pn.all it. .al VOU r l!!'i'!!u,l!!'.fer 1 n.aVl!!'1=1' 10 tne Abbe de aa Ili'II'le,l!!"!!.1 wj!Pn In mv frll!!'nd'!! eou Id I

] tr.DtI ~ MAR. (]11. at .. iv.• 11. 63.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


en lT1ie-s triulT1lJh in their Quar

"'Thl!!' Queen may '!!atl!OlYb BI'!!hof:l'~_' "'you .UI!!' ml AbM d'E1"!!1!!' gl!!'ntll!!'ml!!'n a mlgnt.. '!!ince u are com B.UOM~ d I!!' SU"H had nuke, of tne good King to reason.' I will r.alk a d I!ppeI tne m l.ancnoly of I


I!!'pl'!! m lire Mllhl!!'r 10 thl!!' 'I!!"'!!_Thl!!' prereetors of I I!!"'!!I!!' tne ill·wlll i'!! on my !pldl!!'; OU !Pof A,io'!!to (tne '!!f:I!!!'ec:h f Ihl!!' o een). play tne pa rt of pe eeuntess DI.ana. m.akl!!'hl!!'r Ii tl!!'n I. tlylng lola ugh In orde 10

"' nlana i'!! .a '!!f:loilt ch lid.

f,iend'!!_' "'YI!!'!P. ada M obey Ihl!!' Qu taca bll!!' to Ine I, e nemil!!"'!! I will I n.' at tne AbM dl!!' BaIINle,1!!"'!! .ad into tne sma II closet, w e,1!!' Ink. and pa par, I rnf:lied Ihl!!' ane 1"1J... ards bl!!'C.aml!!' Iv 100 on

''Tney !:ame Inform .auivl!!'d acee a'!!ke Mad.aml!!' following pa ~. ebseu I!!' elear _ "'Thl!!' tlml!!' ls Sun'Oundl!!'d will ea II to m Thi'!! d.aV. a A nydra w:ile will ea rry off In!!' of will 'I!!'ign• .a Yl!!'aI FaIllng!p Towers and He nce'forth Wn ich we sh .a!rt V mi'!!fortu n nd such hl!!'ll !!!'enI ls nea nd!:OWa rd Iy ne alia r, In

.all WI!!' '!!!!!'e !PCu1i:hMn'!!. -II all be frau • II finrJ inst

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

de I nea ....oiJnrJ €;II:i


- €-s ci'l'il rJi'5r.:o.-rJ lourJ

ring crilll'!! on a II '!!ide hI!!'asse mbly VOIIll'!! d I wno ea n '1!!'f:l1yo t at b,ows .augu!OtI n'!!te rs treated as Ih I"!!.. Of:lf:l'I!!'!P'!!i!!'d. w:i 'I!!'.ai:hlll'!!you all in ,me'!!. evil'!!. wh I!!'Ihl!!' '!!ubjeCl!P. as thl!!' one usu rpar h n on!!!' haa rt mi'!!li!!'d Io'!!ing tne .ab'f'!l!pand I '!!.ayoung Illy. mo

G'l!!'at And e What Opp Tne What Ml!!'n.a And Mo,1!!' At I.a

u,dI!!'MU'!! Jud !!!'eIhl!!' WIIo,d pel!!'f'Sof hI!!' • v.anqui'!!hl!!'d urn. In tn ls ee t .af:lf:la Iling gui nlatl!!'!p1 rlum phs In co humbled an bern frem a b m n by.a pen

e!iO:! dip. 7g '!!I . _. mon wtei:k.


I d

my br.ain!p 10 guess heir mea n Info,

WCI'!!t e r !plmf:lle'St mea n Ing I oughl I g it 'IJIi.a!P Ki tne and QUl!!'l!!'n he i:lear ·whl!!' !PAid:·

dV knll.!'W .a!rtOni!pned mI!!'. • w eou Id I De lieve it tham I How inugln!!!'. for uld d Ie a vloll!!'nt deatn. Id nOI. In 1788.. have !puch

pe rsen i:ould II!rten. !Pne


I!!'di!pm.a~ng I Bul I!!'Vc:.annol.aff tt vo r MaJI!!"!!fV-Peopll!!' do !PAV things. follllll'!!; If. oweve r, Ihl!!' ,of:lh le wo,d!p tu rn out to De will cenes rn eer !!I1!!"itv.

ave n 'fOu '!!f:lI!!'.ak Iy. MAda ml!!' •Ad 1'1 tr r, thl!!'!:oeare 'Str.ange 1!!':t:f:ll!!'rll!!'ni:lIl'!!_ i he ra ken Intl!!',1!!"!!tIn me fer e m.anv 'fI!!'.af'S -11'10 wilno t !!!'ekIng .anv 'lI.!'Ward. and wno yet h '!! a I ns me of Ihl!!' oVll.!'nn of eve ng

mar.' 'I!!'plied Ihl!!' Qu !!!'en;

thi'!! personAge wno has t ma king 1'1Im!:oe known. If y!Plold me Ihl!!' trutn? He t exlm a nd. If ne give'!! a it_'

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou



to r.:omfort the Que be Icnown outside.

Ice her

hie nes live on 800rJ term'S

II:! carrels

Ma rie- ntoi

t thei.- .,rivate me i the-se

me wo,d!p:·· "'YOu fa ncv I 1=I0!io'SIIl'!!!P it or 1=10 r in c~ Ihl!!' ml'SfortuM 10 bl!!'li~ tha I .a Q ~n Thl!!' c:on'Sl!N:I nO!!' I'S all ry to ru I!!' ue .adva nt..age_ I am thl!!' eenul!!' .a c d Iffic:u Iry In avoid lng, Evervon i:oml=ll.a ns of MIl!!' of .a Quel!!'n of FtC!nea, Th I!!'i!pa ve fin m.akIng .a eha ngl!!' in Ine i g:" King .a,1!!' 'Should '!!.aVwlln mo~ '1!!'.a!POn: "King!p a ee d I!!' 10MIIM!io'S_" "'So I shou Id .aa we ~ I 10 begl mV!:a' I!!'ra rv.and h.

M.adame d' Ad ne m.a, dees nOI glvl!!' an~ ve ry II ls i:hiefly bV tne 1'1 lstorlea I e lsodes. 1'1 le we .a,1!!'.able 10 ma rk tne pa ~ of Iml!!'_ P.a evenl!p. del!!'l=Ilyinte'I!!'! In I!!'m!Pe1 s, DU St, GI!!',ma In. we eome 10 th Roya Ii'!!u In 1789. and ene mere I I!!' u w.uning from har unknown dvl'Sl!!'r. hes we.ak to u nde rsr.and_ Hea 'in of Ihl!!' 1=1'0 M.a,je·Antoin I!!'tt.I!!' !Penl 10 WeI n tne 0 i:h M.adame d' Ad nema r Y 11!!'11!p I
"I a rO'!!l!!'.and 'Showing Ihl!!' pa I • M.adame dl!!' Polignac, Ieou Id

lion ars 100 tne lignaC'!!. 1=I, fa II. ng

I!!'. I WI!!' t off 10 I!!"I!!'thl!!'


Du ke. hI!!" 1'1 usba nd. har slster n·law. t e Co de B.alll\ri'}~!p, an 'Sl!!'l!!'lng 'S Ie mn I k mv '!!till wi!!'t wllh Ihl!!' tea rs that 1'1 d mingle wi I eome for .a'Sad 'I!!'.a n; Ihl!!' D cne "'What
1'1 ave

n~'S I!!'Vfell I!!',

!fOu to II!!'II me 7" 'S I!!''SaId;' .am

e zm n




" ';.iJici L for tha:t whit: fri nrJ, bea r it with re'';.i,gna:t on my IiI'';., anrJ the Counte-s
• 'y U .UI!!' ea u'!!ing mv !pI!rtI!!', M d.aml!!'. i!pIne matte '

be ut to bum pon you- AI '51 m'f '5 d r.:oul"ase. -. ·The';.e wo ';.rJied a Ul' the wo.-rJ , ';.iJici :-by your

t 'f

void tne !=I'O!:a ptlon that th I!!'atl!!'n!p r some month to vll!!'n na.'

,i'!!" g_

• 'T e QUl!!'l!!'nd,ive'!! ml!!' aw.a • a

I!!'n I went on .and 'I!!'pe.a i:h rged ml!!' to Ie ll her, I!!"I!!'we re mere crlas, m to 11'!!Ie M_ dl!!' V n; iring'!!; I did not k n mere fi,mn !P


to ne


.a!pI'sa Id Ine DUchl!!'!io'!!.it. !P ' Qui!!'e n wlll!p 1'1; but wi I

duty to ODeV. I "11!:erta In Iv I!!' si !:e not !=I1!!',mit. e to '1!!'!=I1!!'.a1 vl!!'rb.a11v V

f 'fOu' going bl!!'f 'I!!' '!!hl!!' !=Ilion will ma .aml!!'nd!p

I!!'nuehess bl!!'Ul!!'d me 10 kl!!'n .al tne '!!ad Inll!!'rvlew WeI mly. It w.a!P a flood of 01 I!!'r se elesa Iv Iney !=lit. u I 10 !Pee_ •A tn ls mome nt.a ienl!!'r w!P un nown.

pa ny hl!!" • .and i:on!Penll!!'d. I!!'ntne!Pe frll!!'n !Pwho loved la lnes, tea rs. si !P; Iney e n 01 tea r Ihl!!' !Pelvl!!"!!a 1'1 WeI'!!t


, ugnt 10 thl!!' Q I!!'n. i:u'iou'!! '!!I!!'.all!!'d; ne !P e lookl!!'d .al mI!!'. .and !PAid: 'I I'!! frem u,

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

tn to me thal he shou Id ave rema nerJ e; besides, he ha-son Ivan ir.:ipa:ted


om Ihl!!' lime wn ch my Int.l!!', d I 10!iledwhat I


ra nes. and in ewrv 1m nDunl!!'d. .a m'f'S«! rleus d to fe.a,; I a lold VOu !iOmething of to do,

i.e 10 me. read this lenl!!' ; you r I!!'


ars that !Pnenew, !:I!!'.a!ile

nVll.!'lope I 'I!!'ad what folio

ra; my wo,d!p haw fa lie n • and you 1'1 I!!''I!!'.a!:hl!!'dIh 10 r a q ue'Stlo of t.a!:king b tgy; In orde r to do tn ls .a '!!I!!' tate 'fOurself rom thl!!' pe all pretM frem I!!''I!!'Dels, M IN ; .all thl!!' Pol" naes and tn po II!!'d oul 10 th a'!!!io.a!io'!!in'!! w IIIe .and Ine f:! ovo!rt of thl!!' Ihir'St fer hi'!! blood; II!!'I 1'1 I unlcate fu

I!!'rlod of wn I!:h I Inform of mel!!'ll ng tne storm to In!:'I!!'.a!ileyou r 'St'l!!'n '!! whom 'fOu rnest low ove, Ihl!!"!!l!!'f:!1!!'r'!!on!p I run frll!!'nd!p .a,1!!'doomed to eatn and .a,1!!' haw Ju'!!t mu,dl!!"l!!'d tne offl!:l!!'r'!! Ihl!!' reba nts, Thl!!' Comre d' A ls will PI!!'I!pn; t.l!!'11 'fOu ni'!!.

Du!: dl!!' tianee Revo IUllon. In hls life (that of tn an of the Oue.. a de Guic:he, of the

h .a me n.a!:e inevlla bly ea !P an nou n WI!!' all runl!!'d. and 1'1 him!iol!!'lf WeI'!! q ue!rtlonl!!'d. d. una bll!!'to keef:! !pllenO!!'.ne lold us n had Ju!rt I him as well as tne King,. I at tne m of o,dl!!" 10 eons I .are II. had m.adl!!'uf:! Ihl!!'l mlnds to kl!!' COmtl!!' d' Ai). and that of the Duene I!!'dl!!'Poll rJ al'5o the liII of Me';.'5ieul";.de Vaud reu I. de Ve Our.:';.de Bros i ,de Ia Va U8uyon, de Ca

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

de e.-ere uii, Me~ieu a .-eal proscriprien .. ·On retu rn ins home.

de 'Villede u ii, d' A


es PoliJ';tronos- n a worrJ

note waosSiven to

worrJed :--

·'AII ls lest, Coun~'S I TI'I1!psun is Ii'll!!' la III !Pet on thl!!' 10· morrow II will exl no mere. ehaes wi I I=! lIl' know a II I h.avl!!' tli 10 do to give aft ir'!! .a d· !:Olrned; now II ls to l.a~ . • '... Keel=! 'fOur'!!1!!'1f '1!!'11'l!!'ml!!'nl.I will 'fOu will su rvive tne mpe!rt 11'1.11 ill h v w dl!!"!!i,1!!' that I n.ave to e 'fOu; what shou I a'Sk of me tne Iml=!o ibll!!'; I do not I Queen. neeh Ing fer e F.amily. no 1'1 I!!' I who will bl!!' trluml=!h nt to-merrew, and w o, a I Ihl!!'!itolto De In n frem Ihl!!' tol=! of h Tel r ia n reek, NI!!'VI!!' 'fOu wou Id !:a'1!!'VI!!' much to mel!!'t wi n 01 frll!!'nd. go to e'eleek M.a!P'!!.II thl!!' ~co llets. and I!!'n~ I e !Pe ond chapel on hand.

IN_' •AI Ihis na me. a lrea hI!!'wno 'IJIi.a!P to h !PAid for long vea rs p.a!rt.. what an 1!!'1=!0i:h I Wh doni!!' witn life? Fo, I ruml=! of fony or f I!!'lgnteenlh c:enluryl

guessed. a cry of
died in 1784. an I!!' !pudde n Iv rehad hI!!'come to F r new seme old I=!II!O 'f'.!'ars of agl!!'. a

p n Ie d that .II thl!!' beglnni


·It 'IJIi.a!P o'i:lod .a one vou!P 'IJIi.a!P!!'.a,IV.So I 1 ' ml!!' and. in thalr h· cous gOtl!!'!ill:luen s, hoWl!!'VI!!"undl!!'l"!!ta nd ng II. A'Sday dawne • I a res mv bulle, to b,ing ] tr.DtI ~ MAR. up. at .. iv PJL 189-193.

hlfu I d n:!.am!pI rm n~d I!!'Id tne futu re . heut we rn out. I ha nd I took two

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou


wni tall

';. mmonec:l a sedan chair,

re a ired to the f;:er.:ollet';..


a'S!i.entinl!!'l .and I I!!'n~ ~d thl!!' I colleClI'!d my tho nt'S f:If:I eaeh Ing. It w.a!i- him!i.e f in a n a'S in 1760. while mini!!' s it. de_. _ . Isteed Imp~!P'!!l!!'d 1'1 nd, kl!P'!!l!!'d galla ntlv- I wa il fIne !P.analty of Ihl!!' plaO!!'_

,Idl' ed. p~ttv nI!!'.a, ) nothing ls !PO stra nge as of lOui!i- x v. di'!! o!i.ed of? Yo • down Ine ~ (I undl!!'rlinl!!' Ihl!!' t!!'n!i-ne ~_ How i'!! Ihl!!' e did not! it. ea n not a kl!!'

!rte,dayl' . g~at 'I!!'ign? And C.u 1m mad, Whatl not 'ull!!'l . e Ma u ~f:la'S would II!!'I e mf:l,omi'!!l!!'d e rytn Ing. I W.a'!!C.a'!!!P.andta. do 'fOu sta d? • 'Mad.aml!!'. hI!!' wno !POW'!! thl!!' I!!'GO!i-f:lI!!'I. e,ha ps not b O'I!!' p n. and f:lMf:l1e eou Id on Iv .aVl!!'


hands sre tied by a stre ... en to r€t.-eat i'5 ilT1po'S';.ible, CIt e rs

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

when He enrermg.'

ill be €i(et:urerJ- Into




• 'W ill you

·'NO. !Pne_


• 'Doomed I e wha ? • 'To deatn ' nOI ke p back a nd In a I I!!'mbllng vo • I '0!Pe on my !, I'Said: V n.and!p


at. 'fOu


·'You kn ven !pU'SI!!'tt, Retu, 10 Ine Pa laes, go .and Ie II tne ne I"!!I!!'I that tn ls ay will De f.a1A1te her: t e,1!!' ls a • ltated_' I!!'Comt.e lake frign 'Eruing
has premised.'


wiln 1'1 lm, dll!(:ldl!!'d_' ·'Mon!pll!!'u would_'

Ind I Eve n ow tnev .a,1!!'Sl!!'ttling ' t to do I!!'in!!l'uml!!' I or w:ittlm; bV ncen a will De

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

I tnousht I shou IrJ not

be listened to, The houl" of repose

ctl!!'lIl'!!of Providen!:1!!' must De fu Ifilled_' hat do thl!!'Vwa nt?' I!!'eornpl I!!' uIn of Ihl!!' Hou rbons. Iney will I!!':t:pe tha m fmm .all Ihl!!' l rones tne 00:: I=!V. and In Ie'!!!;tha n .a !:I!!'ntu ry tnev will retu,n 10 tne ra nk '!!iml=!le I=!' .all!!' ndivld u.ak In tnei, d 1ff1!!"l!!'nt ra nchas, ' b

el=!u lie. Em pl,l!!'. m 1:t:1!!'d ove rn menl!;. lo,ml!!'nted. .agllated. G ve, IYtCI nt'!! '!!hl!!'will pass 10 ethers who are ambitiou!; wilhoul III divldl!!'d. pa rc:elled out. cut up; and Ihlll'!!l!!' are no I=!leo· U'!!I!!'thl!!' eoml ng tlml!!'!; will b,ing abe ut Ihl!!' ovenh,ow of Ihl!!' wi I !ioWay 0' .aboll!;n di'Stinttlon!;. nOI from vlnul!!' bUI from niry. and II i'!! Ih,ougn vaniry that thl!!'V will eeme back to tne m, Thl!!' rich, IlkI!!' 1'1 lid I!!'nI=!I.a~ngwllh haadeu ffs .and '!!llng'!!. will play witn tllle'!!. ns evetything will bl!!' a toy to them eVl!!'n to Ihl!!' '!!houlde ratle aI Gu.a,d; thl!!' greedv will dl!!"ltou' Ihl!!' flna ness, ScmI!!' fifty for a dl!!'fi!:lt. In Ine na me of whicn Ihl!!' Revolulion i'!! made, irulorsn II=!of tne I=!hilanth roplsts. Ihl!!' ,hl!!'lo,icla ns. Ihl!!' at!!!'debt willl!!':t:!:eed '!!eVl!!'ta I thousa nd million'!! I'

I a nVI!!'r'!!atlon se selsmn. se gloomy. se t!!!'''~ng, In!;pl'l!!'d - h to !:onlin ue It. M, dl!!' St,· ·Ge, n ol=!l=!'lIl'!!!Ped v hl!!'.an m 'I!!' II I'!!stra ngl!!' now much we eha ngl!!'with agl!!'. now we look • I!!"Itl!!'nd lsgust, on Iho!Pe who'!!e pre!Pen!:1!!'fo,me,1y nd mY'!!l!!'lfin this cond Ilion undl!!" prl!!'!Penl eircu msta nee!;; d late d.ange' of tne QUl!!'l!!'npie-eceu pled me, I did nOI ne Counl. I=!I!!',ha If I e nUl!!'atl!!'d hlm ne would n.aVl!!' ps wa!; .a!Pe .and than. resuming tne convl!!'r'!!atlon:·· •

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



let me deta in you Ion erl' he ';.jJ- ; 'the.-e i-sa l.-eady d istu rbance in he to see a nd I nave seen. ~ow I will ta ke !' IT ina nd leave yo I ave a j urne'f to talee to Sw"erJen;a great rewl ng thl!!"l!!'. ng 10 try f:I''.!'IIent it, His Majl!!"SfV Gu!Ot.aVu!P !rt'!! me. ne is wonh re his renown,'
,I a m like Atha Iie, I wi


Id• .and snll II!!'!P'!! a qUl!!'l!!'n,' as had nOI li'!!tl!!'ned 10 you_' is IIl'Itl!!'rwitn us truth ul w
I!!'O:! 1vII.!'r'!! 10

oeve, '!!ay'!! that wn I

.a,1!!' e leemed. but fil!!' w passt F.a'I!!'WI!!'II. ad.aml!!'; au M

deef:l med ILuion. nOI knowing is vl'!!it or nOI; I decidl!!'d 10 w.ait If II teeml!!'d witn mi!Ofonu nas. I .a.g,.ain a'!!kl!!'d hlm if ne had '!!I!!'en I



!:1'.!'IIe eon] u ror?' r

• 'No M d.aml!!'; did M.ada me l.a nt oul ]u!rt now. hI!!' d. fo, I did nOI notl!:1!!'



ull am



mean to rJen'f it. but

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

porta nt nOlI!!' whfilly qUOlil!d, II i!p ls imf:lonanl Iitt II!!'


rnuin or erm whic: '!! t.el!!'n .al enlly from o, whi!:n i!p

wa'!! thl!!'n raging on aI sl I!!' dy notic:ed may. hoWl!!'VI!!' h • ne pen of Ine biogra pne tn '!!foilOW'!!:

o S n t

me 'Mitten bV In lglna I MS., .and da d , Ge,ma In aga In• .a d lion of tne Queen at e dl!!'ath of Ine Du of thl!!' mu rde,

untsss. fa'!!tl!!'ned wllh • .l82L She died In 1822, lwaY'!! to m un'!!f:lI!!'.aka '!!u'f:I,i!Pe:.a tn a !io.a!io'!!i· Die hI!!'com Ing f tne 18th l:I,um.aire; Ihl!!' a V I Ing nghil!!'n; In I!!'monlh of Janu.aty. 181 ;.a d n Ihl!!' e Due: de I!!'rrl, I aw.ait Ine !p1:w:rn vls e God

aness illu!Ottatlng, bUI 10 e:1 a by thl!!' MY'!!tic: MI!!"!!!Pe I I!!'la'!!t Illy q uotl!!'d ne wo,d!p of tne Propnet re .a Ine vol!:1!!'of one g in thl!!' wil l!!',nl!!"!!!P, 1:1 ut, alas for Fr n p pne!:il!!"!!no, WeI rn ng av.ailed hI!!' !ioIowly and '!!adIv has Ine 1'1 I" I!!'IUrned rou nd. f:I OV thl!!' Vl!!'r.a;tv .and ac:c:urac:yof that !P!Pe 10 w.a,n ne of hI!!'dee m I come, nt
II ~

nou r .and trust. In w b

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

-"~ob.DI1 I I

POll leAL
fin ite hint of any iti a I worlri on the I'a IT of the ermain i';. f m the pe Madame d' ArJhemal" 1



CI'!!kl!!'d to I!!'P bv n ls MI n !rters··

hI!!' wnoll!!' '!!V!rtem of !ioei:,1!!'t. I!!'l!!'tnS 10 sta nd out as CI new

zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

Fl(Jnr.:e e ml'!!'!!ion!p. e:rowned Oul!Pldl!!' I .a'i:hM:!'!!.


Loui';, xv - trierJ to cut; henc ins '5 ret asent";, men who r.:oulcl n fO'l!!'d oml!!'d 10 t.ea r In blaml!!' of , Ihl!!' pa m of sueesss. 'It.a,iou!p Fo~ Ign Offiu!!p. !Pwty I Ie known that hatsoewr, In rna "I hi'!!to,je!p a of hi'!! lifl!!'; Ih ~fo,1!!' II i!p ei: 10 t.ea r thl!!'ir I !Pesta nes voila I, • Ihl!!' sceptle. nee wll F,i!!'de,ii:k of p ssla !PAVS.A doubt !io'S likely to haw a bl!!'lIe r euelee - euL M_ I!!'K.aunil:i!. and pitt do nOI I n1"1kno by a M, dl!!' St Ge,m.ain. w I!!'Cou n II F.alhl!!'r'!! .and w 0 will preba • , Maje!Oty In tne eou r'!!1!!' fifry ye.ars, H of knows I!!'VII.!'tylhing_·1 su pped at T~nt· ls a ref ~ nO!!'to thl!!' owe,',!! impe rsenatlen a d ml!p~j:I'l!!' ic:n ntion has .a1'I!!'.ad bl!!'l!!'nm.adl!!', pohtlea I co ngland. ader'!!_ Tne molrs, and as baea ml!!' la tne Comtl!!' de t. GI!!',maIn. ome of tne

mane politir.:a I

which CClulci the i(ins of ith del icare

Ie 0 In I!!'I, !PeaI!!'I
Ge, aln had any mol Ihl!!'~ ls no

mention wrltl!!'rs as NOI Il!!'a'!!t

Due:de Ch sa Id to t.e T'l!!'nl wllh '!!I!!'eng yo I d 11!!'!p • .and Thl!!' all usi

'ltolu ml nous rll 1st-n. .a B~d II I!!'tn ir '!!I!!'i:~t_ II I'!! 0 uppe forme,lv.a1 Iv.ave e honour of I'!! a m n who neVII.!"

o'igin.ali!!'d M_ dl!!' SI_ nl point in f M, dl!!' St_ ria. as If hI!!'

ns in FtC! O!!'_ n ing to gl!!'t .a Ihl!!' .a11i.ani:l!!' tne Due: dl!!'

nd M.ada me dl!!' pomj:ladou r aea, __ , Thl!!' Ma rsna I 'I!!'W uj:l tne n M_de St_Ge

01, Ivlii.J

!). 3 o.J!). 3(;1,

s, 1668,

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

. de

_ Boefo,1!!'n

ring on Ihl!!' amb ssaarthold to

frem H "



mmenl Ily on a

,i'II'.UI!!'mis Ion. wne

r, bUI thl!!' wo had n 'I!!'Luion

d wne n Ihis info,m


I!!' wl!!'re In jll.!'Op.ud • hls II rs: it. a ppsars Ih t M. old

lime 10

t l

the' his



u; p. 81.

e zm n I ~m



prl .a

en HI

woule! be bole! enough to out the Ir;nowler;Jse of You r M w that thi'S Prinr.:e had est i:ipll!!'. Ihl!!' Mlni!rtl!!" of one If'S of a nothl!!" _ It to, ned oul a'S !PII Ice .a guilty f:l1!!'r'!!on.thl!!' Ma l'!!eu l's .aaion wa'S a pprovll!d; b n nasses, havl ng nudl!!' good tn rds 10 .a,,1!!"!!tM_ de St, Gl!!'rma 10 EnglAnd_ I n.ave !ioOmegrou n 10 St, PI!!'tef'SDU - j rg_

e-sir€ t ne je';ty'';li,;-nerJ.

I M, dl!!' 1_GI!!" a In e ir .a!io'!!1!!' dl!!"!! atml!!'d t, • wno. n.avlng bl!!'en 'Sfor De Il!!'ving hat hI!!'

f:I hi, Tnei, .a I tgI!!' Y of Iv.a Iy a'nI!!'d. 00 len 1'1 agAin

De'iJl!!'r aeeou nt i:ould De givl!!'n inet Cou nell of Ihl!!' way in all wed n ls a rr.angll.!'ml!!'nrs to n 'lie r, ra pld Iy 0 n to follow thl!!' re'!!tl ng dl!!'!Pp.alCne!P from M_ d rt .at thl!!' Hagul!!'. wne'l!!'in hI!!' , Unts m en tha hl!!"!!l!!':lagl!!"!!in pra l!ioeof tne Co f dl!!' ledge and tnen goe!!Pon re sa -I had eauses of tne trou bles of I!!'.and i'!!tl!!'r in Ihi'!! kl ngdom_ Thi'!!. Mo !ioeigneu • ls su jett 'Thl!!' tad leal evil I'S tne m nareh '!P w.anl su ,ound him. knowing n ls e:w:'U1!!'I!!' goo su ,oundll!d on Iy bV i:'I!!'.alu'l!!"!! f:l1A II!d by ea !ioea II Ihl!!' trou Die of Fta nea, ls tne "uf:ll I!!"Ite tn nll!d Ihl!!' f:llAn!p of Ihl!!' bl!!"!!ttill I!!'n in Fr nes, t e M.a al He O!!' Ine d lsu n Ion and [ea 10u!ioY rnongst hI!!' M I i'!!tl!!'r'!!. 'SI!!' I!!'a diffe renl mon.a'i:h_ All i'!! rru ptI!!' by Ih 1:1 roth Fr nee. provided thl!!'V m.av att..ain tnei, 0 jeer 0 gel In I ml Ilon!p1 Un tne King has n 'Saga Iry a'S tne'l!!'fore. .awa re of tne hI!!' f:l1!!'f:l1e .a ing n i'!! of fl,m nass • .a,1!!' 'S pled in fl.atte rl ugh 1'1 are I!!"Ite r f:I'l!!'feta Diy li'!!te I!!''Sam defea.a!p fe nd In Ihl!!' mlstress. Shl!!' knOW'!! nd has nOI ee tag I'I_' It ls hI!!'tne n. M_ dl!!' Sot. Ge,m.ain who wi I u nde a Ice to eu
G E1C.I-IUt (C_ tI. Baron del M!!!m(]il"!! E' Br~

lCi.• PJL 1 1. 132.



p;)ri~- DlJ'VE'rl"e'!( "NE'ff!

sreiU fl

f'lc1E'r~ U'IE'


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


ence oiJnrJCI perati te, whic:n ha'V'e hit

him -Sl'ealr; '50 n sure of hls grou d 0' nll!!'l"t..ain vou r E:Ko:! i:V owli!!'dgl!!' of ph 'f!ioli:!p id I


, I!!'.a. I


gAlne~d. Choi!Pl!!'uld then bl!!'ga 10 f:!,odigV. 1'1 nee tn follows:

from wnO'SI!!' n.anged hi'!! frll!!'nd I tne pia ns of Lou ls tne wno dl!!'!Pp.aK:n a musi i'!!

e! hes thl!!'!Pe e:M.'tta tene. n find Ing the 0 V.; th !Pelf·'I!!"!!f:!l!!'tllngd If:! !PO I Iv ne la uded gly d I!!'n:! t in 10nl!!'• .and r n n


I.a!rt Monday

broug I him n o,dl!!" to dem.and f nd I!!':Irtr.aditlon of tne mous St. Ge rm.ain hls !rt Ch,i!rtia n MaJe un Ii:atl!!'d tn ls order Ihl!!' Couni:il of .a!io'!!l!!'mblyof wn le tne WeI m ing

four hou makl!!'f:!l!!'a Iplom gAVI!!'him!Pelf e ~ tn de l:Ielle·I'!!Ie. rom a '!!Oml!!'ItaD.!'!P of i:onfld Ini:ipll!!'!p of tne Ma hal, me In .ai:rnrd.ani:1!!' 1'1 Ih WeI mly In favou r of !rt i:olou rs Ihl!!'

patch, Ihi'!! WeI ry

tls retu,n!p onD.!' m , .air'!! of a !Pei:,1!!'t n om ne !Pnowi!!'d II!!' Iffl!!',ing frem Iho!Pe ini:llnatlon of Mm I!!'d.a,kenl!!'d Ine pi Ine diffiD..dlle!p .an nd by tne!Pe fl.anl!!'rl

undl!!'l"!!too dl!!' Chol!Pe pomf:!adou • we pa Inling i Ihl!!' di'!!!Pe nslen

IA'LlANO Mondes.., hli

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou


tnousht to ,gain the r.:onfirJen~ of the E Ii h p;iJ narJ wrinen to the MiJ.-.;.nalde Be lie-I';.! J th t M. rJ· A appreciare or ca rry out the !'lan';. of tee mte de

Ir; new ntinck-f;:

.a ma n of Ine bl!!'!rt inre ntiens in tn rid. u'!!l!!'fuI 10 Fr.ano:! In order 10 pr tlens witn Engla nd. Tne!Pe Il!!'tters WI!!' command 10 fo,bid Sot. Gl!!'rnuin to ml!!'d e:W:j:!iatinghi!p rash nass for thl!!' ,I!!"!!t of 1'1 ls d.a Fr.anL':I!!'_" 1
1'1 Im-se If

nd d !p1,1!!'d n o

T'uly ludic:rou'!! i!ptne d 1ff1!!"l!!'neeIn the n!!!' Ge rnuin 'IJI\a!P endl!!'avou rln 10 c:.auy oul t e nelj:! .an I!!'!rted L':ounlry; Ine'!!l!!' effo !P Cnol-se u I. who had 1'1 ls own schemes 10 natura I eou Id have OL':(:U rred by Ihl!!' opposite p.any_ It ls evldl!!'nt.. frem Ihl!!' pa pe' L':ited. I confidenL':1!!' of Ihl!!' Ma rsna I de Be lie •I'!!I Sa:w:on Amba ssado r U'!!I!!"!!hl!!' phrase • I '!!j:!I!!'.ak of Ine corre'!!j:!ondl!!'nee ne n.a Ing denL':1!!' I!!' 'IJI\a!P forced to .adm 11_ h From In tne piau re of Fr.anL':1!!' !picetthl!!'d bV M_ d d.a,k: Fta nee Imj:!ove,i!iohl!!'d. ru'!!hing wi wn Ich 'IJI\a!P 10 bl!!' a '!!L':l!!'ne blood .and of '!!I!!'e tne lIl'Itil day!p that wl!!'re dtawing Ing plau,1!!' 100 d.a,k Iv. wne n I!!'ndl!!'.avou,ing But wI!!' mu!rt ukl!!' uj:! some olne r tn rea '!! Pru,!!!pla 'IJI\a!P. at Ihi'!! j:!l!!'rlod. in Freybe rg, nd Ju!rt auiVl!!'d in London to confl!!' w following aeeou nt i'!! giVll.!'n late, bV F,1!!'d rle "an hi'!! .auival in that clrv [London • .aj:!j:!I!!'.a'l!!'d rs. a nun whom no on!!!' h '!! Ine known undl!!" Ihl!!' na me of thl!!' Co em plo'fl!!'d bV F rei nee. and 'IJI\a!P even!;O ign In f

I!!'wa'!! been _.


op. m .•p. 897.

e Inn




of Sivins hi..., t e Palar.:e of C a...,borrJ- (Oe

rn i


'!! la n agl!!'nt russla n ne age frem d "f'!! witn Ihl!!' IUillV de F lay. and th !P put into tne Ba'!!tllle, C 01!Pe I assu u V Ihl!!"!!l!!'ml!!'.an! ne Id '!!ill!!'n!:1!!' r, Sota 1'1 re mbe rg, but I is ''!!!:I!!'ne ind of Ihl!!' sa ron '!P!!'r'!! oisl!!'uL h dl!!'t:.amf:l .adw:i!plnghim n his Il!!'avlng • de,ic:k ta kl!!"!!care n find fa u It !:on!:lude that II WCI'!!

ut we finrJ that or to bring .aboul ne red eVl!!'n WOr'!!I!!'; ne later , , , retu,n ng 'is. WCI'!!ind u o:!d to n. re!:l!!'lvlng a LI!!' re i!!'d Ihl!!' f:I'ison!!!" I at e !pu'!!f:lic:lon!pof ne nIl!!" WCI'!!slmpl a fou nd noth ng uri n nOI to '1!!'·l!!'n , - 1'1 hls agl!!'nt. no P.a,is; on tne 01 e r 1'1 .an a rti!:le in ne


li.alion'!! it I diffl!:ult to find ne hat St_ Ge r in 'IJIi.a!P !Pel!!'nIn ne hI!!' In l!rte, ref:llled: 'Je on c:.abinet.· ~ de Choisl!!'u I a lif.a:.: hoW'eVl!!"


d be on!!!' ml!!'tnod of e ng Ine pel I I!!'nt.angll!!'ml!!'n ul!!' of .a f:I,onoun!:i!!'d '!! rt rr.anged tne King. a pp.a'1!!' ledge of hls !:hief M lil!!". In ord I!!' 10 .auiVl!!' .al .a pe !:I!!' oil!!' eou ntry pln!!!'d_ In ls d Iffic:u II '!!ilu lion tne e d Ihl!!' COmtl!!' de St, !io'!!l!!'ngII.!" pe.a , of mfon .and sla n e r

dl!! PrLmll!'. aUljlf1!~ Poslll p, •'. po. 93, 94 • . it~ p. 94.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou



he me'5~.

anrJ the h i'Story re ca u-seQ by the a rnblncns of

W 0 riel .-e co rtI ec:I I'Olitir.:a1 leaders.

0 ne

aos!plngon 10 Engl.and. nd Ilion of affa I rs In Fta nce a n Genl!!'ta I Yorke. Ihl!!' ind seme VI!!' Intl!!"l!!"!!ting correospondl!!'nce bl!!' I!!'rneos!Pe London, By in INI!!' .alIne HAgUe. and ierd H E Ii'!!h 'l!!'f:I'l!!"!!l!!'n bl!!'l!!'nklndlv f:ll!!'rmltti!!'d es cia I f:ll!!'rmlos~ fro m Ihl!!' FO'l!!'ign Office we h n!:e ls 100 Ie ngrny 10 to ke U'!!e of 1!!'!Pe :w:ttaCl!P,Thl!!' fu II i:OUl!!"!!f:I e .. Thl!!' fil"!!t de!pp.ali:h ls !!!' pe,mi!P'!!ibll!!' In tne!Pe f:I prl I In Ine limIt f,o Gl!!'nI!!'r.a1 Yo e 10 tne [,a,1 of Holde,nI!!'!P'!!l!!'; losd.ali!!'d Ma reh 141h. 17 O• .and glve!p t fu II aeee u nt of a long Inll!!'rvie Wl!!'l!!'ntne Comt.e dl!!' St, I!!'rma In .and .m!Pelf.. Thl!!' forme r cia I ms. hI!!' 10 have been osl!!'ntby that Mo nos. d' Affry los . Fr.a i:1!!'10 nl!!'gol I!!' cenes rn Ing tne Peace. bUI me!p from "While n.all. n in Ihl!!' !PeaI!!'I Tne a nosWI!!"to In ls doc:umen M.a eh 2l'!!t. 17SO " .and i!p fro m Lord Holdl!!'rne'!!'!! Gl!!'ne rei I Yorke; in In los ne I,i!!'rtosIhl!!' I.a Ine Klng'!p erders hI!!' 01 di!ioCuOS!P su bJl!!'tt wiln hlm un less ne In uess seme a utne ntie of hi!p bl!!'lng m plo'fl!!'d witn Ihl!!' conosl!!'nt .an owledgl!!' of tne Ffl!!'ni:h ," In Ihl!!' nI!!':w:t l!!'!Pp.alCn.datl!!'d Wn ItI!!'haIL Ma d 28th. 1760. "Ine King ets Ihl!!' os me a noswe, shou Id bl!!' retu,n Mon!p, d' Affrv as has al .adV been giVl!!' to M de St .. Ge rm.ain, Thl!!' King n k'!! it preba bll!!' M .. de !Pa utnorl!Ped 10 tAlk to Gl!!'nI!!'r.a ,kl!!' In Ine manner hI!!' I!!'Cnol!Pe u 1...


inosighl of Ge !ppondenO!!' havl!!' bel!!'n g" owl ng to M.. havl!!' sssn.

tge III.. In Ihi'!! CClOSI!!' re m.a, i!p "In touts xv, seme hint as 10 I I!!'n by one king to Ihl!!' other .. In e Chelseul tne Treaty of!!' dl!!' SI, Ge,m.ain f:laos!Pedon ether wllnl!!"!!!Pe!p.we find

• unleos!p In hls f:I,N.a11!!' al cond Ilion of tn Ingos i:aosl!!' tne f.att remal nos nOlar~ngl!!'d;and.aos m Engla nd 10 Ru!P'!!i.a ..

me molrs !io.a~lng:·whill!!' tn ls sl to !ppeak of him to tne F'l!!'nc ; I prlv.ale Iv I!!'Xpreos!Ped hlm 10 e Id prlv.all!!' and Inlim.all!!' e.a, dl!!' Be,ni'!!. frem wn wrlnl!!'n .al tne II me whl!!' n Affa I rs. I!!'tc:,; on Ihi'!! la'!!! pei

lar waos .al Be rlin. I nvov. thl!!' Ma 11:1 u ls dl!!' 'I!!'.al osu'f:I,i'!!e In los witn f:ll!!'f'SOnosf high o ne had. it WelOS ld, sa ne Ca rd hl!!'ld thl!!' ne envoy made ml!!' no

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm OOU

p;iJ~a8e ilT1 pli nrJ_


other rJi

rrs, of wbir.:n

that wnen M. .a 1'1 Ign pu tIIlii: 76.. unde, thl!!' fart tnAt hI!!' ambsrla In. G Comtl!!'··ln the !Oedthem, til mui: intei: urse wiln tne ru menl n De eorrobe has en ea refully (wil !;pe!i:i.alpe!,mi

e bl!!'l!!'n ot.ed. m.d:l!!'!; n imj:lonanl q Il!!'ml!!'nt e Sot. GI!!" aIn WeI'!!n iPlig Ihl!!' Ma reelini i j:lo!;lIion I D'I!!'~en_ ur j:lhilo!iOpn r wa'!! at na ml!!' of hlll'lt.alle, We don. and did nOI at all '!! a Prl n Ragony. T I!; info,ma nt aY'!!: "tha f Ma reeli I. !:ame frem D'l!!"!!dl!!'n10 iPlig and n.aml!!'of aIn promlses: M_ de St. re~en. wn I!!' ne had P'u!P'!! n Aive n'!!leb n_· ~ Tnl!; tl!!'d by I wrlll!!" of t life of Gtaf m piled f om Ihl!!' see ion) by th F'l!!'lhl!!'u 0' uprlgnt n '!!hown mp.alhv I'!!aII tne I!!'n lion of n.ame of I!!'rlng St. rvli:1!!' o t

'!!wind II in on hi'!! .a , in Saxon a 1,1!!'d to Le I Ig wllh thl!!' I of 1'1 I'!! .au- aI unde r Ihl!!' ting 'I!!'!;U III!!'d in tne Gtaf if ne would nde, a great ,l!!'fu!Oedthes offers.
II ~

SI_ Ge rm.ain obI!!" 1776 . mj:lonanlj:lo 'Wondl!!'rMa 'nowl!!'lte

hI!!'dera II'!!of any of In gatne, Ihl!!' f gml!!'nrs nd. plll!(:lng r proved. rom Cou to Coun. a • In I!!'Comle e Sot. Ge aIn 'IJIi.a!; e r

'!!I!!' Ij:llomatic: ml!P'!!ion'!!; d I!!'m 10gll.!'Ihl!!' thl!!' fart ong king'!!. pr ness, and I!!'lved and kn

~ti E ~0'

Ttil SAuL. .• OIL tit., i~~ P 84; 3rd ed IUE L, , Abef'lletJE'rii GE'~E'.E'I'"IJ i RN. f ~ Camillo. Grilr .ar"[(]lini: (i

!). 46.




'5kizze". Dres.d

• 1877_

lBIB FDlJ'Dllm



HE d i tcmaric corresponde n !,a pe is prar.:t~II'f a nappe n a re i tel'"e'Stins and ilT1!'ort nt lin ko; in bro Sht M. de St. Germa in to En IanrJ- Cnan ben icenr The - M itr.:ne I Pa !,e 1";.,- in whie:n tn imeresti n con a led, ave neve r yet bee n en -.-ely !'ubli';on 111- q uesre tnat these decumen -shoulrJ not lite, anrJ th 'f wer€ acr.:orrJinsly Pia a, Kee r of the e ritish M useu
ndence wa-s bouSht

hcle of tn i-s

been ';.0 Ions that Georse lie: rJurins h i-s

I cere of M.-.

the neil" ot Sil" An the time tnat a II thes his rJi!'lDmatie: ca r€el"



. de St. Ger

the M s UIT1 t.-olT1 Sir no had en Envo'f at in portion of in 1850; no ai ,anrJ th etters wnir.:h

rs, curiou';oly e nough, d i!'lDmati'St';o and u rrlng e:t:j:llI.!',ien!:1I.!' ludll.!'d. II.!'VII.!'n eases In


of silence" for it is a

ph Ilo'!!0j:lhll.!" ntaln mu!:h

a nee of such emlssi rks In whicn M_ d

V search I

ne diffe renr


edir ens usu this De II.!'rof r I'!!.a 10

Ily 1I.!':t:!:1 tne Infor ude '!!I!!'enin a wo,k j .lIre V 'lI.!'feul!!'d II.!' .a:t:on Areh 1ve!O In 0 1I.!'!iodll.!'n_tn S In g a rtl!:1e on M_ de St.

L W Blit tOt Cilri '110'"'1, AI.1§. vier Jill staa '§.-Arcf'I1 III nresdeo, l.eiptis, 113


dem tiOlUpt-

lBIB FDlJ'Dllm




ns of t ese volume';.. I n'Stan herever po'S';.ible.

Fo~ Ign f:!e,m· whi!:n is P,in!:e lettl!!'!"!! England. II the e whl!!'n'San


OffI!:1!!' rseerds eon in.a volum I slon .al lengtn being Ihl!!'~d tog Ga litlin. who 'IJI\a!P I thl!!' f:!1!!"jod ul!!"!!f:!ondl!!'n!:1!!' rna ked ·'SlI!(:ret.· is

u!P !:OUI!!"!!f:!O er: Ihis In!:lu Ru!P'!! Min I nd can only

r In

ml!!'nrs w lettl!!'r a p ars to GI!!',ma In. ut no qua Inl. a d Ihl!!' histoty II wonn

m rseerds n.aVl!!'no such ~!rtrlal up tn ls PAf:!I!!"have I!!'n rnpled how Lo,d Hoi I!!'rne'S!Pe .al~a CI!Pn.aVl!!'So fa r bel!!'n fe u nd on Ihis ' II!!'!POmewn.a1 hl!!'avy eer !rtudV.

nos. nen!:1!!' tn deeuheut de lay. I!!'first k new of M. e St.

n undl!!'rukl!!' by thl!!' Com ~t OM. a nd that h to di!!gu I!!'how f.a, ne Lou ls XV -.: with ehi pol nt in ml n it will bl!!' e ic:ullie!p in which 1'1 w.a!P Invol

'S In

to. Hal

lIT. P. L. C

o'ke''S 11!!'tte, to tne Earl of Holdl!!' . In ter Holdl!!',nl!!"!!!Pe of Ih 21!rt. 1760. 's •




a 1"(:1'1

e. M.a,!:h 141

• My f:!'1!!"!!nl shua . on i!p'SOve ry dl!!'lic:.aI!!'that I .am 'S !plble I sta nd i nl!!'ed of Ine ut in ulgl!!'nce. wn I!:h I no I sha II cent ue to find f MaJI!!"!!fY''Sunbe u n ed good ness. and If:! is !:onw:in antagl!!' of tn whateve, I '!!AV. 0 do. has no ether m service, A it has lessee His Maje';ty ce Hi'S se nti genera I u on the situation of afta il"';. i o eJt:pre'5';. by

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


lie: tra nq u illity, I '5

the '5a me channe E nslanrJi';. i';., at

kl!!'n by Fr.ani:1!!' e 10 rd'!!hif:l knoW'!! Ihl!!' Counl SI. Ge, hing; .and has witn 1'1 re hI!!' has bl!!'en upon da e Pomf:ladou r, M_ d e Roya I C.a!Ot.l1!!' Cha of


may be the 1'1"01' asr, e mtJI'5t na ra I way

ploy a nybodv to I Ik 10 me_ i'!!torv of I!!':w:trerdina ry m • wno 'I!!'~dll!d se I!!'timl!!' In n Ine'!!l!!' two or I 'I!!'e vea rs ne most fa milia, 011ng witn 1:i1!!'111!!'·i!pll!!'. I!!'K:.;w Ii:h has f:I'o bord, 1 and has e a bll!!'d him n. known bV thl!!' ngl.and whl!!'re hI!!' I!!"!!ided in Fr.ani:1!!' tne Freni:h King. 'I!!'d hlm a gr.anl m.ake .a O!!'nain



d r€'5';.ins it';.e If to u nting for the

a pe.a'II!d. fer some da • at Am!rte,da m I!!"I!!'hI!!'w '!! mui:h ea re!P'!!l!!'d n I.a kll!d of • .and uf:lon I I!!'m.aui.age of Pri '!!!PC.amll I!!'.allgnted at Ihl!!' Tne !PAml!!'eu rles i:re.ared Ihl!!' sa attl!!'nlion 0 him ne,1!!' HI'!! _ of tongue fu rn I ned him witn he reB; hls f I!!'edom uf:lon a II itlon!P··.a mong wh - 1'1 hi'!! bl!!'lng I!!'nt a bout Pl!!'aO!!'

ffrv ul!!'ats 1'1 Im wllh 'I!!'!ppea .and .atten nOI se much as n!!!'W mv acqua I ra nee wit r, at mv deer _ I ,I!!'tu ned hi'!! w:i'!!it.: .and '!!Ie rd.aV h I!!'In Ihl!!' .afte,noon. ut did nOI eome hI!!'.af:lf:loin e 'I!!' ewed 1'1 I'!! .af:lf:llli:ati tn ls me rn Ing a d WeI'!! ad iatl!!'ly to ru n on abo t the bad !OUII!!'of ra nee ··thl!!' 1'1 ir d '!!ire 10 ma kl!!'II. and 1'1 ls own f:lartic:u la r .am bllion nl 0 dl!!"!!ir.abll!!'or 1'1 u nity In gl!!'n!!!'r.a~ne ra n on abo f 1m hI!!' pretl!!'nded t f:I'l!!'!Penl

dl!!'!PI'l!!'d !ppeak to d. and thl!!"l!!'fo,1!!' !ned. HI!!' bl!!' r w.anl of Pl!!'aO!!'·· conuibure to an t hi'!! prll!d IllI.!'Ction ade 1'1 Im a good

w houl bl!!'ing bl!!'lte, I • Id hlm that tnO'SI!!'a wno had no nl I!pUppmI!!' tn ls '!!lYle e pr duO!!'d 10 me, by 1!p1!!'. On!!!'datl!!'d Ihl!!' 41

a n. and did nOI c OO'!!I!!' I!!'n I!!'rInlo conve rsato formed. I .affeae .al fll"!!t 10 I!!' grave .and .air'!! we,1!!' 100 dl!!'l i:atl!!' 10 bl!!' lre.ared Detwel!!'n Ion .and the,l!!'fo, dl!!'!PI'l!!'dI know hI!!' '!! irk'!!ome 10 1'1 I • for imml!!' i.all!!'iy anl!!'l"IJIIa,d!p ay of i:,lI!denli.a1 IWO I frem Ma rshsl • tne other thl!!' 2 1'1 of Fl!!'bru rv. In tne fil"!!t hI!!'


e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

';.enrJ';. h ilT1 the F.-enr.:n I(in~) ';.er.:onrJ he eJt:preos';.e';. great im ie n out in prai'5e-s of h i';. leal. h i';. a ility, a what hI!!'ls gone abo ut, I ha'lll!!'n •Afte, j:ll!!'ru'!!ing Ine m.. and sem I!!'Xpl.a1 him!Pelf. whic:n hI!!'did n pomj:ladou r• .and a II Ihl!!' Coun M, _ Be rrler, de!pI,1!!'peace wiln inte'io, raquires it. Tnev w.anl nliml!!'nt'!! wi!pn 10 ma kl!!'up m.anl!!'r'!! witn neur _ M. 'Affrv i'!! n and Ihl!!' Du ke Choi!Peul ls !PO A 1'1 at hI!!'do !PnOI tell bUI slgn Ifll!!'!pnothing. fer h lu,ni!!'d 0 t. nOI Au!rtrla n. but i'!! not firm.. bl!!' e dees n I know wh t !Pne i'!! sure of Pe.a!:I!!'.!Pnewill De wiln thl!!' F'l!!'nc:n King''!! know! 0 !Pend _ Gl!!'rm.ain .a hepe, Sp.ain I'!! not relll!!'d uj:lon .a turn g- I!!'n by tne and IhlllY don 'I pretl!!'nd to I!!'X CI mu 1'1 good f m tnAt qu mu!:h more. 'IJIi.a!Pd'!:i!!'d bV this a htleal Ad nturer, I great eeu tilt wnerhl!!'r I '!!hou enl r Into ee Vll.!'f'S.ulon; !:onw:inced hI!!' i!p 'I!!'.ally !Penl• .a hI!!' '!!.a • I thoug I I shou Id n j:I,oVll.!'d If I ta Iked in gl!!'neta I I rms, tne refore lold hlm 1'1 dl!!"!!i,1!!' Peace wa'!! '!!ince,l!!'. for d tne e eou Id b no doubt had made tne proposa I In th inc:rea'!!l!!'d '!!in!:e; that with eu Allie!p. tne aff.air 'IJIi.a!Pa'!!v. e impessl bll!!'; and Fta nce k ew 0 , !pl'luatlo info,m.allon frem me: that as p.anl lars. WI!!' dl!!"!!i,l!!'.Defo,1!!' IhlllY !:ould bl!!' I u!:hi!!'d uj:lon. an info'med; I ta Iked of Ihl!!' dej:ll!!' dl!!'nce of!:e pen Ine I and tne d l!P.agrel!!'all!!' j:I,o!ppea I!!'fore hl!!'m I!!'VII.!'n thl!!' King b if unfortu n.ale. but de!:11ned gol rther eha nIne tnO'!!t Ihl!!' most po'!!itlvl!!'. assu!:1!!' of tne c:on'lll!!'r'!!ation g'l!!'w mer .ani Ihl!!' tnO'!!t fer in he, 10'!!!Pe!p. wn I!!'r 1'1 as C.anad it CO'!!t Ine m In Iny·!ioi:w: ill ns• .a d bre ugh m lou pe? Thl!!'v would neve, !rtOj:I for eha I!!'nough wltho ut 1'1_ Thl!!' E.a!rt In waos r.:onnec:terJ with a II their Ounlr;irlr;1 He marJe no rJiffir.:u
• As,

e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

upon it. He then tnat 'We had talK nave told them e:W:l=Il!!'n!:oe.

Mi nOrQI r I nerJ it; that,

ever asa in, a




he, I

ernbanassec with the

Ine eeurse of In e hours' bl!!' d tne '!!I!!'i:ret mlghr bl!!' nl!!' lill hI!!' knll.!'W gl!!'d. no, d I uragl!!'d

"rh I'!! I'!! tne moine la I 1=1 rt of what pa convers.nion whi 1'1 I P ml!:oed 10 'I!!'Ln ; h Ice pt,. and 1'1 I!!'she Id wnethe, I .a

nope H ea'!!v to i:ondua brsa k off a II Inll!!'


1'1 u mbly

!OtV will nOI di

1=11=1' VI!!'

w I I have don ; it ls nOI


u nde r such cl' um !PI n.aVl!!' kl!!'n· ul=l. ra

as 1!!'.a!pIIV

"tha KIng !:oeeml!!' de!pl, u!P 10 open tne In wa nt of ,tne 01=11=10 rtuniry orders Defore I !rt, .a 1=1 f.anner, AGe U!rtl!!' • .and tnev m Iling 10 go fa rtn , I wou Id De glAd of !ioOme offe r; .and H, ,C, Indoll!!'nt in ra kl ng re!ioO lion,

ss !:oel!!'m!p 10 tnei, n n Ih U'I!!' 10 !PAV but IhlllY '• .a d Ihl!!' L.adV .a I!!'a Iitt II!!' •


Engll 1'1 Envoy fou nd hlm If In .a diffli:ult . Ion; Ihl!!' de St, Ge rm.ain wI!!' !puffl· ntly good en!pure .a credl!!'nlla I'!!of thl!!' haa rl ng, but hI!!' !Pn I!!'r, G orge II. '!!I!!'e 10 n.aVl!!' understood Ihl!!' e ml=lr n as It ould a ppea r from thl!!' .an!PWe ! 1'1 ls eem r hleh ru ns as Ilows: Copy of Il!!'tte, f,o "Wn 1'1 n.all. M,I'i:h 2
• SlI.!'Cret.



e zm n DIJ'DIIm Boou

lea';.u re to acq uaint yo in the conversstion you h u nt in you r secret I -Thl!!' King h::uLuly appla uds vou r lion witn tiline prod uesd two 'fOu rlgnt e !:ef\l'e we re .a sort of e g@nI!!'tal II!!' • and In a way confer uId arl!:e 10 Hi'!! M.aje dl!!'trlmenl f:lublldy kn


H '5 M je';ty enti r€1y al'l'.-ove';. Co St- Ge rmainJ of whic:n 14 _ I!!'nrering Inlo !::onvers,a· a rsna I Bellei!ioll!!'.whicn u lalked to him only In u forml!!'r lnstruetiens, no 'I!!' evetylhing 'fOu !PAid

un ulnorl'!!l!!'d (f:ll!!'!io n e hI!!' .a I!!"!!fY) bV seme Pers.on'!! lgh in I done • .and no m.ane r t Ihl!!' eha nl!!'d bV 1'1_ But Ine re I of tne King''!! aC!::'l!!'ditl!!' s, ac:c:o,ding 10 hi!iof:I'l!!"!! ne'l!!'a'!!. SI. Ge rm.ain i'!!a !::I!!'remony w enl!!'VII.!'rhl!!' Cou rt of F n I fln!io it own acce n hi!iocommi'!!!iolon ls nOI n unkn wn do, at tne Hue. bUI I!!"Itl!!'no tne M - I!!'rfe t who. tho 1'1 In re.are ned with thl!!' !PA i'!!'!!tillthl!!' f:I

St_ Gl!!'rma In may nowledge of Hls Mo!rt I!!'Cou nell'!! of Fta nO!!'to nl!!'1i'!! If a de!ioltaDie end f.anne r rnnvl!!'r'!!atlon!io d such .a pe rsen as this you '!!ay will De oWll.!'d with little !::onVll.!'n lenl_ And by hls Ihl!!' Ffl!!'n!::nAmba'!!!PA· Ign Affa Irs at VI!!'r'!!a Ille!io. I Ihl!!' Ca rd Ina I Bl!!'rnls,


I!!'Hi'!! Majl!!"!!fY''!!f:l1e.a!ioU u s uId al:(! u.aint Cou nt St. In an'!!WI!!"to Ihl!!' Il!!'tters 'fO WfO I!!' in !::on!:equl!!'n!::1!!' you r of witn nlm. you are dire to V. t .al you c:.annol tAlk witn eh inte'l!!"!!ting su Djea!io u II!!'!P'!!I!!' f:I duces some authl!!'nlic ing e mploved th tne k ow dge and con'!!l!!'nl of Hi!io n Majl!!'!Otif. Bul at Ihl!!' m tim vou may add. tne KIng, prove Ihl!!' '!!ince,ity .and f:I ity 1'1 I'!!I tl!!'nllon'!! to prevenl tne n of Ch,i'!! blood. "I bl!!" of:ll!!'n Him!:elf on tne .a Ine Coun I!!'mploy .a pe r!POnduly autnorl!:e negotiate on that s rov- ed alway!io. It bl!!' f:I'l!!"Itiou'!!ly e pla Inl!!'d .and unde • hat i tne I'IJIIOCrown!io shall e on thl!!' te,m'!! of tneir ace. I!!'Cou rt of!::1!!' shall confidenli.a Ily ag'l!!'e I at HI'!! ajl!!' 's Allle!io. and nomm.}· of Pru'5';.ia.sre to be m r€he rJed in the acccmocemem fair€. GI!!',maIn I .a !::onVll.!'r'!!atln him uf:lon s f:I,oof of h Mo!rt Cnrl I!!"Itl!!'read r f.anhl!!'r

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

I'lt is unnecessa Po rpeJrIers of a

la nd aC€ whic:n is n



r '50 lT1ur.:has heal" any His Maje';ty a';- Eleaor,

"HalDER NESS[, " In a p.a~a~ u011l!d frem {T EOSQPHICAlEVI EW. :w::w:ii,. 4s M, de St, Gl!!'rm In w.a!P tn rown

Ho e,nl!!"!!!Pespok uuly whl!!'n wr ing:" wn raas St. Gl!!'r in will De di'!!av WI!!'d w tn

ir'!! f 1:IA,on de G Il!!'lchl!!'n I!!'nwitn now Ilnle D.!'fl!!'mony ne Ing'!p Coun!:ll. and Lord .a you will !PAV will DI!!'a utne ntie: rv Inle !:I!!'remony wnenl!!'VII.!"

"Hagul!!'. Af:I,il 4tn. 1760.

!:,1I!dII of mv g.ained grou '!!I!!'tuf:lon di~'l!!'d· In ny aff.air'!!. I h II re prudenl tle. AdVll.!'n re r, M, I d '!!in!:e my I.a¢ .and In .ng hlm hI!!' ake'!! I I!!'not !Pel!!'n hlm let hlm .alone tne Il!!'nor of

,m.ain. dees n01 '!!I!!'em10 Cho l!Peul'!!1!!'1!!'m'!! mu!:h 'SO 10 f:I'I!!'VII.!'nt i'!! meddll ng h een Intl!!'f\liew. and I thought !:I!!"!!!!oml!!'ln Ing mere .aulne n' 'I!!'!:eIvII.!'d;hI!!'i'!!. howeVll.!".

pol co nei lnc tn


Du!: de Cho in 'I!!'nll.!'W hi to Ilea I aff.air'!! of '!!I!N:I nO!!' If h ue ne r for in'!!in .aling things ag Ina lion or ap rehl!!'n!plon. !Pne he ha'5 ar.:Qu dan enelT1Y wrote to him under M, rJ·A

, d' Affry that hI!!''!!hould n ing whi!:n relatl!!'d to thl!!' I I'!!0 e r wiln .a me n.a!:e of thl!!' pa ou r i!p nOI f:l11!!'.a!Ped witn him In!rt 'Aff. of whic:n. I!!'lIhl!!'r from as aC(! .a" ted the Due: de Cnol'!!l!!'uL So ere tn e h rJ. Mal"';.nal 8elleisle, too, ',;-cove, ut i r.:ivil terms, thankins him

for h i';. leal and c:tiYity, but

F.-enr.:h lri;ins narJ an Am ba';.";a r.:onfirJenC€, he m ht ';.iJIe1'f co rnu n icare to Ihl!!' !Pef\li!:e of Fta O!!';thl!!' ton of Ma rsna I Be I i!Oll!!"!O Ie had Del!!'nmere

e, tnat a'S tn he .,lar.:ed hthougbt 'Wa';. fo '!!hoW!iothat 1'1

-In all thls eerr about SI. Gl!!'rma I in'!!in u.nion'!! St. rnuin and tne DAd ha n IhlllY WI!!"I!!'I Du!: de Choi'!!l!!'ul '!!gol tne b do it. in all Ihl!!' ot rs, e!Ope!:i.a11 dl!!"!!i,1!!"!! to fo w.a,n all tn FO'l!!'ign Min I hlm Ihl!!' Cou rt mignt I!!'all !:'I!!'dit. nd confide nO!!' IIhl!!'r abe such a nun .e,.ain d any eradi . "A person of con'!!l!!'qul!!' d' Affry '!!howed a l tha 11!!'tt@f'S. gave me Ihi'!! aunt. 10 Who knows hI!!'nuv n.aVl!!' PAidto Mr. Yo, 1!!'as I kn ! • wa It upon him_ _ d' Affty Id In I'!! person likewl!Ol!!'. autnorl!Ped 10 'I!!' IvI!!' .anv pro !PAl'!!rem Eng nd. and f Ihl!!' worst of Ihl!!' u.aul!!'l eou I not nukl!!' Ihl!!' first pro of:ll!!'nI!!'d 1'1 Im!PeIf eeuld De e:t:f:I d at fl ra ken no notl!:1!!'0 V im.agl ned E -I won 'I pretl!!'nd !Pel!!'mselll era m dl!!'Cnol'!!l!!'uI has that prev.ail!O. WI!!' nl!!'goli.alion'!!; tne will nOI treat bu I!!'XCludl!!'d.from eha nO!!'In wa r on deer ope n for!:o dtaw any har eeneluslen rom aII tn !O I!!':w:c:e tne pt with tne u natura I mnnl!!':t: n of ViI!!' wn I!:h tne Du -II !:,I!!'dII I!!'no gh 10 '!!uf:lf:lort. c:.annol l!!':t:f:I .anvtn Ing bu have bl!!'en pe.aled Iv Mid in conJunal n wllh hi'!! Ally tne King P'u!P'!!..aIS 10 en!:1!!'it. I'!!'I!!' sena bll!!' 10 ee lude I I!!'Vwill Iry Ihl!!'l I!!'more. tno' 1'10 !PI!!' who go inl!!'d 10 kl!!'ep Ih ing DAd ag.a n If nI!!'!:l!!"!!!PAty_


In 'Some of thi'S a 1';.1, to wn ir.:htn


i';. no Ice'f

there sre Ion r the ., u blic.


i ci.,he.- (numer
le, therefore,

Thill' C I'J'ItIll' dill' S1.

n worrJ';. wntain

the eJJa~


he w ole correspondence to appea ....'5 we rnu

rrJ Ho dernesse to M... Mitr.:hell. the E li';.h En

Thll.!' arl of gll.!'r)_j

. R. 1711'1. May.n

Me lssen (b

a Pru'!!~ n

"Wn 1'1 n.all. M.a 6t . 1760_


"You will ha'll

by !:oeVll.!'ta I of mv latl!!' Iettl!!'f'S. all that kll.!'.and Counl SI. Ge,m.ain a I II.!' Hagu r~ will not ha'llll.!' f.ailed to infor in order to avoid tne funhll.!' re'!!lI.!'nt

as p.a~lI.!'d .a d I am

of thll.!'


l-IoIdE'lTll!!ssl!! is to

Mr. Mildll!!l.



n.mlOlf'l COur.. From tMi~ It illpoE'illNo 0I",1v1f'1.8 (lWiIf'ldj OIf'ld Lotd ttOlid oesse II" ICing_ This B.arnn ICnypIlii hils b

.a1r1!'ildy (Mes

M_ dl!! ~_ Germain

by M(]n:5.. Dil!! donne Th !!! ba

e sejoUt ill Dertll", 'VOl. iv., p. 53,:3 ed .• Pillri~ ] 5 3J. w~ mE'E'Una If'I 8E'rtlf'l iIIl ill mumlililet dIe.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


·The Kins theughr t risnt you shou IrJ be intormerJ of tn i';. the Kins'';. pleasure you shou IrJr.:OlT1lT1uni e the 'Sub his Pru,!!!pla MaJe n with .y ur mest 0 nd reg.ud. numble 51.!' "HOLDERN ·MR. MITCHELL" Tne re is a my!!ll!!'ry nOI '!!olved bV the I his retu,n m ust h maga.!ine'!! of tne j:I In tne London Ch in EnglAnd. bl!!'found in va rleu f.aas of what oecu in Ihis eu rleus bye. nic:ll!!'. Jun j:ll!!'ak of Ing plaess tha red arl!!' not ay of Eu'o ngland whleavl!!' at 0 eW'!!j:lapars June. 1760_ i!p E.

diAll!!'. '!!ino:! In M.a

• Ihl!!'re is a 10 aeeeu nt of him In fa'll uta bll!!'Il!!'r !P.T e,1!!'are hint ne did n rea IIV leavl!!' bu se fa r tne a qui'll!!' elaa . ThI!!"1!!''!!m I 10 bl!!'lea r I!!'.an j:loll'Ian

hi!p to ua I ed

PI!!'.ai:1!!' .aj:lj:ll!!'as me r of Ine F'l!!'nc:n MI n !rti!!'rs block mu!rt n.aVl!!' een Ih unde rta ki g for the b Ihl!!' work.: .al every urn ne mI!!'l oppositlo All tn ls form'!! .a de j:lly Inll!!'re Ing !rtudy. m'f'!!tli:a I .and j:lhilo ph leaI !pldl!!' f this lin o

tne j:ll!!'f'SOn.a1 'I!!'!P de d Omtl!!'de St. in. k • and i:ould bUI wI!!' mu undl!!'r'!!too
of this mis Ion Diffic:u 1'1 ind

w,a,. an

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


CU IEU)( '5 rutsteu r de la natu re J' a con nu u gra nd taut Ie prinr.:i J' a vu 1·01" n IJui'5';.iJnr.:e u fond d a


IT1 re, in~

nt un pepin

ulT1ide IJOU~~ re, ain et Ie 'llin. j

un iYe.-.;. IJO';le, e '5outien.


lifl!!' of of
fa ~ a mong me n; nd lea tlens of fo,!:i!!"!! un kno .a fl!!'W I!!'.a,nl!!"!!t!rtude I!P. hls pu plls. !rtrl\ring Ihl!!'l r t ne t1Ull!!'rl.a1 we rid wll tneir k nowll!!'Lige of tne u nosl!!'l!!'!Pp



OCClJlt E'm~los"'. II00000pI'IIql.Je'§. ~Ut 1'!'Iom E'. COel ME'rtlet.

F\iI'i§., ] 79Si.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


foraDltom1.noh.DI1 ·-irl----

sre the '5i8n';. that '5U eviclen


of hi'S con necncn with th

ublic movement '5l'rin8';. u der. althougn in nunv!iO "1!!'t.1 Ffel!!'ma-son lit.etatu re tn

and e Ma-son eha ria n bV lead Ing Ma'!!on!p. Ca ref a 1"(:1'1 IvI!!' 'OVll.!'!P 10 De unuul!!'; In Ihi'!! for M. d St. Ge rnuin w.a!Pone asens .al Ihl!!'lr great een GI!!',mans wno d l'!!tlngu I'!! n [}.aIDerg, Fof'Stl!!',. Du k FI!!' In.and Ru!P'!!wo,m. von Wollne r, 'It I!!". Lud rk, Thade n von W1:Ic:n ,.. . Thl!!' 'I!!'pre'!! d bV St. Ge,ma In. St. Mol in. To MlI.!"!!ml!!' Duuou'!!'!!l!!'l. d'H.},lI.!'COu a d • rt,

of Bru n'!!wli:k. Ig Prl nO!!' of H Freni:h wl!!'re tet· Duc:n.anll!!'.a

ruii. i!p given . ~We find DII.!"!!i:ha ps !ppea Ing m SI. Ge rnuin as An aeeeunt i'!! alse giVll.!'n of ne in I . lion of C.aglio 0 bV t e St. Gl!!'rma In. and Ihl!!' ,itu Iud on I " eeeasien i'!! sa d to ha of tne Knighl!p Tl!!'mpl.a,. I ugnt thl!!' wllde!rt .and In. M. de St. M.anin .and . ana I"(:ny. I!!'IC.Thl!!' eha rgl!!' Phil.aletl!!'!p OU Cne rml!!'u Ma-son odge of "LII.!"!! mi'!!· R4l! unI ." A inc:e K rl of He'!!!PI!!'. .aIe ttl!!' I!!' Sa Lange I!!'ROV.a1 T'l!!'a'!!u'l!!'r). Ihl!!' vi 0 I!!'dl!!' T nne. Cou nt d GI!!'Deli. and .all really my'!!tic: '!!tudl!!'nt'!! of Ii'll!!' lme we I!!'in Ihi'!! Ordl!!'r. Thl!!' AD aa rrua I j nditted tne wnoll!!' bodV. I di . a d c:olleaNI!!'Iy. I tI!!',m!p w:iolenl .a d on i:n.atge'!! !PO unfou n ed hat e n non ·Ma'!!on!p and an i· MV!rtIi:'!! Oll!!"!!ti!!'d. e ai:i:u!ioed M. d SI. H rnuin .and 1'1 I'!!followe of DeI

] M~iIIZ

01-. . . (el.( RT. lE'i~. lSS,,.. i tes ~l!!c.-etI!!set Ia 'Societ!!!. (] Ii., !). 12 . iIIri~. 1881.
~ l!!:s. ~

~ Mem(]

s wr I"tlisloil"l!! du Jilc(]binism

• ii; . SS4.

ilT1 morality-

of lome nti




Th I!!'!ioe h a rg.e '!! WI!!"I!!'C:.U e Mou n Il!!'r. a wrltl!!" wno none!rt dea ling. MounDefore .adol=lling Ihl!!'m a ne who fe.ars nOI 10 p dei:ided 1=I,00k. '!!nould fa lis. bV all r!gnt·minde B,auul!!'l .a.g,.ain'!!t Soi:ie .a of JI!!'.an Jacqul!!'!p

!rtlg.ared .and 'I!!'JI!!' ns se atre must !ioel!!'k Ihl!!' me .aulne rrtle m. withoul being I tne pos it.I Iy l=Iuni'!!hl!!'dby !.a and, wne . Sui:h i!p thl!!' 1=I'0i: Ihl!!' Ch

!Pby . J_ 10Vl!!' of .al

u!rt bli'!!h I!!'!ioe pso that


Thi'!! w1ew a ppsars 10 be In f.aa.. tne 1=I,00f I'!!con with thl!!' pa rtv .a toin'!!i'!!t_


bor.all!!'d. and i!pul=lh Id bV va rio !Pwrit rs: I at M_ de St. Ge, in nOI ·ng 10 do b II} aa rrua I a nd In I!!' bDe Mignll.!' ave t Il!!'d

Anolhl!!'r wrire r '!!ay!p: " re fo,me In P tneir proteetors wl!!'re leMa d dl!!' sou II . Ylv Lodge'!! WI!!"I!!'neld at E, I!!'non i . thl!!' l=I'Ol=ll!!'rtyof hI!!'firg· n.a ed, T en II!!'fa 1m WeI'!!'d'.}t.abll r nil.!' mu n Ii:atlon e nul!!' D I!!'pa moyl!!'n dl!!'!P Ihre!p inre r Now bOlh Ihl!!' M.a'LlU - dl!!' ,din sta u nc:h Roy.ali'!!t!pand C thor w,a!Ptne lattl!!'r. mo un n.aI=lI=lVoui'!! XVI. and ls fa L In Ihl!!'ir .alte mpted tne!ioe C.alholli: nobles na I f,iend!p of M. de n.a,dly .al=ll=ll!!'a po'!!!plbll!!' rs sserrlons of Ihl!!' Ab any vl!!''!! fou n .alion. '!! nce Ihl!!' I!!"!!ta bli'!!hin earta Inly doe!p not a ppe r ath i ieal In tendeni:V. n of Uul!!' Roy.aII'!!lS .a!.a,m nglv , lu Ilon.arv_ Ai:COrd I wrltl!!', Elil=lha'!!L.}vi ) M. e SI. rm.ain WeI'!!.a Catnol oD'!!l!!'rvanO!!' Althougn 1'1 wa'!! I!!'founde, of Ine 0 _
De rlnfll.ll!'rKl!! illtribu!!!1!! U:II: Phil dl!! Frillla!'. 11.15"_ T bi


ei, II!!'

I!!'O'Ite r,


ea pe_ Aga
St. Ge .}'!! l:I.arrue I of "C.alnol r thl!!' elesa 10 Ihl!!' In outw,a, de, of St_

Iii ~oIl1i[)ll

~ter 'iisl"iltm~"n, .•art. v


an, 18(U. 809.

ttl~toee de I.; ttilll.lte M.;!i • po. 4

420. Pillri~.1660.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou


eo nelT1ia. he separ theories besa n to '5

him';.elt from th i';. ';.OCiety d a mons it';. lT1elT1be.-.;.. rm in U ing of Ih I hi!p Phi· dl!!' la

Some of tne asse til· '!! in wn 1m Ihl!!' Comtl!!' de f:lhilo'!!Of:lhV we,1!!' h I in Ihl!!' Rul!!' Platrl'},I!!'; oth r me Ialetl!!'!P" we,e neld Ihl!!' LOdgl!!' "des Aml!p·M Sou rd I.}re. rlters, Ihl!!'re 'IJI\a!P wong .a cia n trad ltien- ·in tn ls re ng thl!!' rnnd ltlens of life TneO'!lOf:lhi'!!rs of • ay .are doing. Pr.atth::aI m'fSlh::i'!!m WI!!"I!!'hl!!' I!!' d .and .aim of Ihl!!' phil.aleth I of!::1!!' I"IJIIne d them, and ,!!i:=e nes of till ove I I '!!tudie'!! .away. A f.att d lstu r f:l1!!'r'!!ona dl!!'volion I f:lonta II. In thl!!' d' I!!'ngtaved on coppe

iln Ihl!!' in!Paipllon:·· aIn. c:ele tIIr.aled Alml!!'mi'!!t.

•Ain!p1que Prom.}tn I!!' II d.},oba Ie feu. P.a,qui Ie mende I!!'et PA' qui lOut 'l!!'!Ppl,l!!'; La nato,1!!'.a sa vol:.: ill!!'l '!!I!!' msurt. S'il n'e!rt pas Dieu uI ~ me. unO Il!!'upu lssant fin Tn ls coppe'· pl.ale intima Ie f,iend of Chl!!'valier dl!!' l'Ord Bta un'!!!::hWl!!'ig. hi'!! u T from 0,. Bie!rte'. tn Amongst !;Ome .am 10 '!!how now inaC!:: M. dl!!' St. Ge rm.ain Ma'!!Onic: Confl!!"l!!'n 'fI!!'ar, ope ns hls 'I!!' who rJierJ two yeaI"';. r.aving wa'!! dl!!'dleated


e SI. Gl!!'rm.ain. a well·know et Mllit..aire dl!!' St. Lou· • et ludy f:lonta II. howeve,. P u dilOr of Ihl!!' Be,lin lsehe Mo I di.auiDe!p. Ine fe llowing i!p rt .an .angry I!!'d Ito r !::an De. '!! we '!! In Ihl!!' 'fI!!'ar 1785 mo n re P.arl'!!.NeVll.!'nhl!!'ll!!'!P'!!.. Hl!!'rr '!! wllh tne asten lsh Ing ru in Oani';.n Hol'5tei n I' I

mt.I!!' dl!!' M Ilv. an of I e pe,i d. and I!!'I'll!!' Ro dl!!' d a u,iou'!! .anad 'ift. n Junl!!' 1785. y of etlee, if on Iv n.ave '!!I!!'e . n re!:oe tatlvl!!' at Ine In tn

e zm n FllfZ(l!lm Boou

n proceeds to r,:linr,:hthe argu me nt a';. talloW';.: 1'1 even n ad, ma ny now believe tnat he ios';till living, anrJ will al I Wne reas he i'5 dead as a door-na i I. probably 1T10U I .a V ord In.arv wno c:.annol work miracle'!!. and who

I!!'mu!rt e:W:i:u!ioe I!!'ditor frem Ihl!!' eha rge of bl!!'lng a I" eer na l.a~ til t I!!'i!!'din our own d.aVS erlties of m.atters eecu 1'1 are J st as d Ll .ally po~llve as thl!!'V we re .a ce nturv ago. no mattl!!'r Ine r '1!!"!!j:!l!!'as_ WeI'!!seme ju'!!tific:.uion 'I!!' 'I!!'!:ent write r !PAVS:·· fer tne rntemenl!P of He

" town in who!ioe en ureh hI!!'w.a!PI!!'ntombed q uItII.!'pr n thl!!' c:hu rc:h regl'!!te r WI!!' read as foilOW'!!: "Dei:l!!'.a u,ied on Ma rc:h 2 nd. 1784 Ihl!!' so-ea lied COmtl!!'

ny.a d Ihl!!' 'il hi e 'I!!'

mt.e de SI, Gl!!'rmaIn .a lomb In thl!!' N leetai Chu'i:h 1'1 , ub N, 1. 30 yl!!'.arslime of dl!!'i:CIV10 Rlnlr, .and fo, oj:! thl'~ In all 12 Rlnlr,· Tr.aditlon 11!!'11!p the lan that t, GI!!',maIn bu,ied in SIe'!!~ in the Ffiede'ik!pbetg rder to con'!!ult hi!p gh est in l.are heu rs of thl!!' nighl, 0 1'1 mayo, and thl!!' eeuneil of Ei:kl!!"nfOrde g.aVll.!'egAl l 0 O!!' atll.!'_In 1'1 i'!! !PAid: "A'!! Ihl!!' Comre dl!!' St_ Gl!!'r • '!! aI!POhl!!'re. undl!!" Ihl!!' na me of Comtl!!' dl!!'SI_ GI!!',maI ,ing In I!!'la'!!t feur vea rs has been l!\rlng In In I'!!eou ntry d i!!'d n i:kl!!',nfOrde. 1'1 I'!!effl!!'tt'!! n.ave been !ioe.aled .and • ssa ry as well 10 hls I!!'VII.!'nlu.a1 Inll!!"!!tate hl!!'lrs. as untl n e a'!!i:I!!'rt.ained conce,ning a left will I!!'tc:, , , , Thl!!" 'I!!' Ill!!'d uj:!on to ee me forwa rd witn tnei, elaims on 0 0 I!!'r


definite Iy M, dl!!' Sot. Gl!!'rma In wa'!! we II known I!!'Idown (il i!pwritten In Vll.!'rvm.anv diffe renl 'lJll.aV'!!)W!io f'I CilWilir
1'"1 ]


~J. illS

LaV\iltE"''§. 1tE'j'§.e UI Dillrwnillrti

I ';ommE't"E'I'"I



e zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou

eut-a-s to the

die: MarJa me

-He i!p bl!!'lll!!' Ell!!'aorof He his Vl!!'nl!!'t.lan dl!!' 5.aint·GI!!" go em

ei:I!!'.a!Pedin 1784. WIIig. wne n wllh tne I!!'Counl dl!!'Cn.ilon • howe t, 0 ,I!!'t.urn Ing frem 788. mid ml!!' of 1'1 I havl spok n 10 tne Con"l1e d.aV fo,1!!' I!!'Il!!'ft Vl!!'niu! to

-Among!!l tn lstn Feb_ 17 olhl!!'!"!!_-~ And .aga In fro Ambresla n.a L

invltl!!'d 10 tne g'l!!' I een I!!'n!:e at Wllhl!!'lm'!!bad _ Gl!!'rm.ain Ini:lud d wiln St. artin .and rna ny

LiDr.a iAn of Ine G'l!!'at

-And whl!!'n. I orde 10 Dr ng about a eeneslla of thl!!' Ro!pli:' Ihl!!' aom.anlisrs. Ine • the I!!'wa hl!!'ld.a Co Ihl!!' Lodge of mic:1 un IIi" tne,1!!' ako

Ion De I!!'v.a,iou!p saets Ca bAr III umlnatl. tne re!io'!!.al Wlln m!iobad. Ine n In !PCagll stro, witn Sot. M.anl n.

'!!idl!!"!! .and "Ch i:h rei: rds" .a,1!!'not alway!p • E'ltldeni:1!!' Ihl!!' infa IliDII!!'; he ma n .a ea '!!I!!'al! I'}Dre n.a!P.a'- I!!'nf,o a f lliou'!! dl!!'.alh_ If Ihl!!' Comt.e de t, G rma I wishl!!'d to disa ppe r frem uDlii: ifl!!'. this wa'!! Ine m II!pnhi wish_ bl!!"!!t w.aV 10.a

tr.DtI ~ MAR.



.• 11.2 9..

~ rft'imiliUtet

I'\iIft i

FtiIIl1Irift'lfl'"l, L.ltomlOl,

• Ii., p 9.

~ CANTu C(~

• Gli rl!!lici ·ltilliil_ TLIin. 18.67. 'It _ iii; Di _ lii; _:(. 402.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

ASSI ~G now fro..., ~ nee to A ~tri~, let us see at h i~ i nteresting. tho Sh r.:uriDu y writte n, sketches. few eil:t'-~mout of
rafter ~~


,give. the n, a

~o MESMEf;:


ut h~ ~ojoum tnere e

~ fa.--off ime,

n~ mely.


n ern cenru ry,

person only,

oun,g ma n,

esmer wa~ struck by t e ~ppiea'-~ ce of the ~r.-~nser,

he, 'wn~e ~
n'fIT10u~ tter


I received

must be the ay fro..., the

r tnls hour, on

"' t Was the rna n wno has i st len me wno In i!Ifarherly i!I'5. tn Is i:hi!lnnel, He 1' celebr ed i!I'5.uonome' He In

i!I'5. Ided my gu

.alCimiliiln tlell 'Impi!'riill LIt m.trooo tNl1IIi'§. ror 1'\iI'l,ri1l!: ,e;vel'"l flic"';I",. lee cesterr. NiUi ill I Ef'lCVd er], TD lIli:s. highly s


me lighr?'

10 1.;lI;e W m~1'"IeU :lidie. art. Me-§ffier,"


d schDl.a.- ilre" 1ef'llif1fi11l1y iIIl'"Id

zm n FlllJ'Dllm Boou




rou nd Ihl!!' thl!!'oty of ebta Ining tne

ml!!'nt of nugneti'!!m

in .a !Pe,ie'!!of

_Thl!!'n Ihl!!'V p.anll!d.


rings .aI, b I!!'fo'I!!'

'I!!"!! I!!' rch a

I. Among

neall!d in Ine mvsth::al work of Ine s. ~ and Ihll.!'Y again mI!!'l and l!!'!Pea 1 among thl!!' rseerds of Ine 1"(:1' I'!! mel!!'llng in Vienna mu!rt have .adV mentl nll!d. '!!ml!!" b n hls o,k in P.a,i'!!judging by tne i::OnIM. O!!'nl~ fer Ihl!!' Ro eru ela ns and other allied Soc:II!!'tII!!'!P. ne !:I,lidl!!" Ihl!!' itte, de'!! tlehrs." I!!'K:. Tne forme r u plll!d Ihl!!'m'!!l!!'ive'!! dl!!'l!!'piy witn Y wno ~.aliy bl!!'nInd !Pa nd had hl!!'lr I.a Otatory In tne L.and!rtr.a!P'!!I!!'. hem WI!!' fi d a g p of St. GI!!"·m.ain '!PfolloWl!!'f'S.

.ant GrAff raga In:·· I I!!'C:omt.e de St_ Ge, n. Ine mest '!! in Vienna. An e Il!!'tlrli:: sheck e_ Ou' Adelll c:1'i::1ew.a!P Ih,illed Vienna. _ ..

on. 1892.

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

IT1 the surpri-sins he has hi'S pal'ers-

n from Ca-S.51 nova,

da m.. .add'IIl'!!!:oed10

ls I!!'mf:llY_ NObody , A'!! to lugg,.age. d InM' tlms, Bul d to go .and fin d Ihl!!' La ndstrasse,

r.alofY ls un 10i:ked; a sl ult.aMOu!P cry of ni!pnmenl 1!!'!ioCCI pas ta Die ls !:oeated St, G mAin. ea 1miy read ng a folio. whicn i'!! .a araealsus, Tney sta nd dumb at tne tn re n Id; tne my'!!tl!!'rlous lowly closes tne boo and !plow-iy ,i'!!I!!'!P I!!'II know Ihl!!' two , men that Ihi'!! .af:lf:la rll- n ean De no othl!!" In nders. Thl!!' de'!!i:rl '!!hadow against .a hole form. Dignity 11Iy_II WeI'!!as if .a b'ighl !ppll!!' deur I!!'nVl!!'loped nI ignlY deda red tnem'!!l!!' ei:hle'!!!io.. Tne Counl ,d 10 ml!!'e1 them

lernen, I Ir;now of ech wa';. not possi Ie,

.aVl!!' anether 11Il'tt.I!!', i'!! lung i'!! gOM. hI!!' will bl!!' u doins-s; can I be ot

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

• LinrJen lairJ a ';.miJll table, .,lar.:ed it befor€ him a nd '!He -Thl!!' Cou nt ~!P 10 GrAffl!!' 'fOu' f,iend Linde n VI'OU Id know you through A nge 10 Af'ic:.a_ If Lin dl!!'n eemes I him!Pl!!'lf; ne wa'S. hoWl!!'VII.!". Ihl!!' word'S: 'I u nde I"'!!t.andyou - Mea nwhill!!' tlnden retu,n GI!!',ma In smlles Ine reat wll ,1!!'f'I!!'!Pn enl_ Thl!!' Counl'!p!p I m Ihl!!'re any !POU I on Ihi'!! I!!'arth 10 tne bertles and rsma rk!p: ' from my frll!!'nd K.uhl!!'rln!!!' ma n '!Ppa Inling!p of tne I!!' !:.amI!!' G~ffe, a nd Linden _' Ca'Sanova, -Thl!!' Count Ihl!!'m quite do!ioe 10 I!!'am ot e . an n!!!'ou'SIV_HI!!'wrlll!!"!! witn Doth a If a utogtaj:lh'!!.. 'Sir; c:nOO'!!1!!' one 0 tn whii:n; tne i:onll!!'nt ls thl!!' ''!!t,okl!!' fer woke. beeh n.and of I, -Thl!!' 'Mire r 'Smile!p;!!"!! aga In!rt tne window"j:la na: it. !ioel!!'n.!PO ex.attly ls on!!!' Ine WI!!"I!!'imj:l'I!!"!!!Plon'Sfrem Ine dumb, -Thl!!' Counl Ine n 'SaId: 'On!!!' quickly a'S possible _ In a q u lic:nten';tein; the bea r€1" will


a cupbca rtI in t e wall

him'!!l!!'lf .and !:.a'f'!!: led_ I will !ioe vou rve as .able to 'I!!'nde r 'S .a.g,.ain,' GrAffl!!'r ,e 'l!!'!ioj:Iond mere In

I k ne

lone, rvlO!!' I oVll.!'re

ndl!!'n broughr tne _ Tn u.ane rs of tne !Pnel!!' place j:I n witn e IIhl!!'r hand imulta !P.alike • .and !:.a'f!io:'Ivo mil ls .a matti!!" of indie,' I!!'XCla both 1m

'I!!' only On!!!'wrlli thl!!'V a ppe.a, a'S If tne Tne witne!P'!!l!!'!PWI!!" strue


lsh de INl!!'red 10 A going oul w

1!!'1o.a P,in

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

a then Sl"adually pa~d I 0 a 'So IT1 n mood. For a fuw conrJ';. e r irJ a';. a 'Statue. h i';. eye'S. whic:n .-e 1wa'f'5 €i(I'.-e';.'5- beyonrJ word'S. e rJu II and colou.-le';.'5- Pre-sent, wever, hi';. who e beins baea me 'I!!' imat.l!!'d_He madl!!' .a ment Ith hls ha nd a'SIf in hls dl!!'f:I '. Ihl!!'n 'Sa 'I .am Il!!'avl g (1m se I!!'I ); do nOI vl!piI Id: u !Pee me. To·mouow ighl I .a Ie; then in Engla nd. Ih !"e 10 P In Ihl!!' ne:w:rcenlurv-· ra Ins .an e,ma ny _ Thl!!' seasons III grad Ily eha ngl!!'··first Ih 'Sf:I,ing. mer, II i'!! thl!!' gr.adua ce!P'!!atl n lime Its.elf• as Ihl!!' anof Ihl!!' end of tne i:~Ie. rologe rs and m Mrolo· In Ing, t.e lieve me; on!!!' !rtud II!!'dIn thl!!' mid'S Il!!'d_Towa rds tne end I sha II d l!!!' rukl!!' my!Pe1f10 tne , alay.a!p.I will !"e n eighlV"fiVl!!' yl!!'.arswill I!!'Ieye!p on me, fte r tne!Pe solemn Iy u thl!!' Counl !"ef:ll!!'t.l!!'dIhl!!' n.and_ Tne two .adl!!'pt • oVl!!'r d bV the force of 'Sui:h d imf:l'I!!"!!!Plon!p.Il!!'ft I i:onditlon of mf:lletl!!' In Ihl!!' 'Sa me memsn !pudden hl!!'avy hoWl!!". bV .a f:l1!!'.a1f tnund r. In'!!tl cr- I!!'Iy tnev retu,n to thl!!' o r !pneill!!'r.Tnll.!'Yopen Ine deer, 51 Ge m.ain ls no mere ne,I!!'.. _

"HI!!"I!!'. t nues G r.affl!!'r.• mv !!Ioty pei:ull.a, ir i'!!tibll!!' fel!!'llng has eom tlens in w ng once mere, anl!!'r 1843.

10 !ioe1

me mory tn rou heut, A down tne!Pe nsae• J ust 10·d.aV. J u e 151h.

eha r.aal!!'r of!: Gr.a bl!!'lea rned that Dotn

p. ] 36- ]62. It i§.


be re


I.8I'rt ~l.IWlflo", or


pooba Ij't. hDWEli'l!!r. e"lCpE'ril!!rKl!!d student

woo d prnha

iIIltOOl.JSI'Il"f' ~I'rt


~ljf1ed oil

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

of St. Germai
ere recorded, 'We ca n derJ a rtir.:1e in the a me volume, wne re it is '88. or '89. 0 '90. in Vil!!'nna. wne,1!!' heneur of m ting 1'1 Im." 1

cugh no d

iIT1 a te Iv f ·forgone n

rrT'iJin 'Wa';. in the yea r

ad t e neve,·to· Ine Co dl!!' St. Ge,m.ain 'IJI\a!p.a1sa Rosie: ucla n thl!!"l!!' I no eeu tn.. Conrunlly. in thl!!' M.a!POn .and My!Ot.ii:: le of Ihl!!' la'S! lIl'Itideni::1!!"!! fou nd of his intima i:=Y V,{ 1'1 I!!' f:I omine nt R are u'S!,i.a_Tnl!p mvstli:: bodV ,- ·nally !ppr.ang up In St:! os.: it has. at va rleus II me nd tn ugh d Iffl!!'re t orga n1!P.a· lion'!!. '!!f:I'l!!'.ad ne S.aal!!'d !"Jc:ll!!'ni:=e K 0 and dg wlln wn Ii::h oml!!' of 1I!p Hl!!'ad'!!wl!!'re I!!' Iru'S!i!!'d··tne !P.amemes f mt gl!!'whie:n gu ldes Ihl!!' spi ltoa I I!!'volutlo n of tne hum aeh Ing, as glvi!!'n by eer mvstli::. .a,1!!'i::learly fou n re quored M.ada me!Pkv.wh ml!!'nllon'!! a "Cypne, Ros .anu!ioCrlf:ll·~ as bl!!'lng in his possessio Sne emphasises aI!PO Ine !rte,n tone thl!!' vll!!'W!p hl!!'ld bV M. dl!!' . GI!!',maln, Tne f.aa pos '!! f:lo!pllion hl!!'ld him. Tu rn Ing .ag.ain 10 1'1 11!!'.ai::hing on" umbers" and Ihl!!'ir v.alue!p him .ag.ainwit thl!!' P!( Si:=hooL Sum f:la'!!~ a,1!!'of deef:l inte'l!!'!rt to Ih whii::n unde,r !P all Ine oulWCIrd d lvi!!'rs undl!!'r d Iffl!!'re t na me'!!. yet witn !POmu h In ee would appea r bl!!'lte, rasu 1I!pmlghr be !pm.allbodie'!! I!!'nwe Idl!!'d Inlo one lArge of thl!!' eignt!!!' nth i::l!!'ntury. thl!!' raasen F rei nee. tne Je uIts we,1!!'.a11·f:loWl!!'rful .an who '!!hoWll.!'d Ign'!! of oecu II knowll!!'dgI!!'_ at wa r; .anv l.a masses of !rtudenl!P wo of f:lolltii:=al d lgns, Thl!!' v.a,iou'!! sma II lIl'Itidenl tha I _dl!!'St. Gl!!'rmain wenl f,o and taaeh In&; f his i::onrunl eon nll.!'Ctionw ether f:I,ook; . I:IJ~'nruhl wrlle'!! In 1'1 I'!!


cit .• iii., 11leC"ft'1


00 ,i~, iL,p. :2 ]1, 3rd ee.

~ ii .• PJL 616. 61

e zm n FDlJ'Dllm Boou

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