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Balanced Three Phase Circuits

Balanced Three Phase Voltages


EE Dept.
KFUPM Dhahran Saudi Arabia

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

 Balanced Three Phase Voltages.
 Positive Sequence Voltages
 Negative Sequence Voltages

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

 Identify the main components of three-phase
 Understand the role of each main components
of three-phase circuit.
 Differentiate between the balanced voltages
 Imagine the positive and negative sequence
voltages opposite direction

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Introduction of three-phase circuit
 Generating, Transmitting, Distributing and
consuming electric power is achieved through
the three phase circuit
 The basic structure of a three phase system
consists of voltage source, transformers,
transmission line and connected loads

Figure 1.Three phase Circuit Components

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September
Balanced Three Phase Voltages
 Three sinusoidal voltages form a set of
balanced voltages when they have the same
amplitudes and frequency.
 These voltages are shifted in phase by 120o
with each other.
 The standard practice is to name those
phases by a, b and c and use phase a as
 These voltages represent phase a voltage,
phase b voltage and phase c voltage.

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Phase Voltages of Balanced Three Phase Source

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Phasor Diagram for Balanced Three Phase Voltages

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Positive Sequence Voltages
 When phase b voltage lags the reference phase
a voltage by 120o and consequently phase c
voltage must lead phase a voltage by 120o.
 The above relation between phases is known as
positive sequence or abc.

Phasor Diagram of
Balanced 3 Phase
Voltages (abc)
EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September
Positive Sequence Voltages
• In phasor notation we represent the set
of balanced positive sequence voltage as:

V a =V ∠00
Vb =V ∠−120 0

Vc =V ∠+120 0

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Phasor Diagram for Balanced Three Phase Voltages

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Negative Sequence Voltages
 When phase b voltage leads the reference
phase a voltage by 120o and consequently
phase c voltage must lag phase a voltage by
 The above relation between phases is known as
negative sequence or acb.

Phasor Diagram of
Balanced 3 Phase
Voltages (acb)
EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September
Negative Sequence Voltages
• In phasor notation we represent the set
of balanced negative sequence voltage
V a =V ∠0 0

V b =V ∠ + 120 0

V c =V ∠−120 0

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Sum of 3 Phase Voltages
 An important Characteristic of a positive or
negative sequence set of balanced
voltages is that the sum the phasor
voltages is equal to zero
V a +V b +V c = 0
 As a consequence the sum the related
instantaneous voltages is equal to zero
υa + υb + υc = 0
 If the phase sequence is known and one of
the voltages of the balanced set is known
then the entire set becomes known.

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

 Define the phase sequence for this first
set voltages
υa = 208cos(ωt + 27o )V .
υb = 208cos(ωt + 147o )V .
υc = 208cos(ωt − 93o ) V .
 The relevant phsors are :
Va = 208∠270V . Vb = 208∠+1470V . V c = 208∠− 930V .
 Therefore the sequence is acb

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

 Define the phase sequence for this first
set voltages
υa = 4160cos(ωt −18o )V .
υb = 4160cos(ωt −138o )V .
υc = 4160cos(ωt +102o )V .
 The relevant phsors are :
V a = 4160∠−180V . Vb = 4160∠−1380V . Vc = 4160∠+1020V .
 Therefore the sequence is abc

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Three-phase voltage source

 Three-phase Voltage source connections.

 The single phase equivalent circuit

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Ideal three phase Y connected source

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Ideal three phase ∆ connected source

The load can be connected in Y or in ∆ and similarly to the source

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Three-phase voltage source (Cont)
The load can be connected in Y or in ∆
and similarly to the source .
Source Connection Load Connection
Y ∆
∆ Y
∆ ∆

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Y Connected Three Phase Source Model
 Three phase source
model that includes
winding impedance
is for both
connections is
shown here
 The winding
represents the
internal reactance
and the internal
resistance Source

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

∆ Connected Three Phase Source Model
 Three phase source
model that includes
winding impedance
is for both
connections is
shown here
 The winding
represents the
internal reactance
and the internal
resistance Source

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Analysis of Y-Y circuit

EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

Analysis of Y-Y circuit
 Note that the source neutral is taken as
reference voltage and VN as the voltage
difference between the nodes N & n.
 Apply nodal voltage at point N then obtain
the node voltage relation
V N + V N −V b'n + V N −V an '
+ V N −V c'n = 0
Z 0 Z B + Z lb + Z gb Z A + Z la + Z ga ZC + Z lc + Z gc

The above equation could be applied to any Y-Y


EE205 Dr. A. Zidouri Monday, 12th September

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