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Dag Hammarskjold Fund for Journalists

Dec. 14, 2010

In attendance:
Evelyn Leopold
Margaret Besheer
Bill Varner
Seana Magee
Edith Lederer
Giampaolo Pioli
Sylviane Zehil
Ifikhar Ali
Betsy Pisik

Bill Reilly (observer)

The following officers were elected by a vote of 9 to 0 for

2011: Chair: Evelyn Leopold, Huffington Post Contributor; Vice
Chair: Margaret Besheer, Voice of America; Secretary: William
Varner, Bloomberg News; Treasurer: Seana Magee, Kyodo News

Magee presented the treasurer's report of donations and year-end


SPAIN 1/4/2009 $2,500

EAST TIMOR 5/12/2010 $500
ML matching 5/12/2010 $65
GERMANY 6/2/2010 $1,000
UAE 6/2/2010 $3,000
INDONESIA 6/3/2010 $1,000
FINLAND 6/21/2010 $1,000
AUSTRIA 6/21/2010 $1,854
CYPRUS 6/21/2010 $615
CHINA 22-Jun $2,000
TURKEY 6/23/2010 $1,000
NORWAY 28-Jun $15,347.28
YEMEN 7/29/2010 $300
LIBYA 29-Jul $2,000
TRI/TOBAGO 7/29/2010 $300
Alexandar Bodini F 7/30/2010 $2,500
UNFPA 7/13/2010 $3,000.00
BOTSWANA 16-Aug-10 $300.00
Mary's contributor 20-Aug-10 $10,000
UN Foundation 9/13/2010 $25,000
Liechtenstein 10/1/2010 $1,000
Hurford Foundation 10/19/2010 $15,000
UNESCO 11/8/2010 $3,000.00
Azerbaijan 11/8/2010 $400
Congo 11/1/2010 $200
Jane Magdison 11/19/22010 $150

TOTAL $93,031

*US State DEPT in kind $4,307 + (trip to DC)

CHASE balance $21,189.64

MLYNCH $321,911.34

Leopold said the 2010 lunch was better than expected and that,
overall, the Fund ``survived the crash.'' She said the 2011
lunch with the honorary advisory board would probably be held in
March, and asked for assistance finding a venue.

Magee said the lunch lost $4,000.

Leopold said three of the four fellows performed admirably.

Leopold asked Lederer to recruit speakers for the 2011 lunch at

the World Economic Forum.

Lederer suggested that the request for donations next year note
that even some very small and least developed nations have
contributed in the past.

Paoli suggested that a minimum of $1,000 be sought from each


Leopold said 60 percent of donations are from foundations.

Reilly suggested that in the future at least one letter of

recommendation each of the fellows should be from a person other
than his or her editors/managers.

Leopold said the cost per fellow is $20,000 and that the
apartments for them this year were excellent accommodations.
Lederer said she would draft a 2011 fund-raising letter.

Paoli suggested that UNCA be part of the Fund's name. The idea
was rejected.

Reilly said that in the future, fellows should be better

prepared to deal with issues relating to transmission of their
stories and broadcasts.

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