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BrawlLib Resource Library - Version 0.

Copyright © 2009 - Bryan Moulton
This program is provided as-is without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
By using this program, the end user agrees to take full responsibility
regarding its proper and lawful use. The authors/hosts/distributors cannot be
held responsible for any damage resulting in the use of this program, nor can
they be held accountable for the manner in which it is used.
|************ Change Log ************|
- v0.10d- (02/08/2010)
. Fixed animation encoder bug.
. Fixed bug dealing with single CLR entries saving improperly.
- v0.10c- (01/31/2010)
. Various bugfixes
. Added VIS editor
. Animation frames now interpolate properly.
- v0.10b- (01/19/2010)
. Fixed image encoding bug related to image format on older systems.
. Fixed rendering bug related to materials without textures.
. Added various features to collision editor.
- v0.10 - (01/18/2010)
. Fixed a bug that was causing decal textures to link improperly in MDL
. Added minor support for EFLS resources.
. Added support for stage collision files.
. Added editor for stage collision files.
. Fixed minor bug that was affecting the way non-textured polygons are r
endered (alloy models).
. Increased maximum frame delay for animation playback.
. Fixed bug in OpenGL rendering dealing with depth buffer precision.
- v0.09b- (01/06/2010)
. Added minor support for single-color CLR0 entries. Fixes many crashing
. Fixed bug in CI4 encoder that was corrupting image blocks.
. Added floor option to model viewer.
. CopyAll/PasteAll in model viewer now saves the animation state globall
. Color lists now have two color columns, one with transparency and one
. Added gradient generator to color list.
- v0.09 - (01/05/2010)
. Added support for CLR0 nodes.
. Added color dialog for CLR0 and PLT0 editing.
. New Median Cut quantizer using method from GIMP library.
. Added features to BRSTM converter dialog.
. Fixed CHR bug that was causing long animations to cut short.
. Fixed bug in MSBin parser/decoder dealing with empty strings.
- v0.08 - (12/24/2009)
. Completed audio encoder.
. Completed BRSAR encoder, along with BrsarConverterDialog.
. Added audio provider classes/controls for audio playback.
. Added minimal support for RWSD/RBNK/RSEQ files.
. Added CopyAll/PasteAll/Clean/Clear controls to animation editor.
- v0.07c- (12/01/2009)
. Fixed various bugs with the CHR0 encoder.
. Fixed a bug in the MSBin encoder for border entries.
- v0.07b- (11/30/2009)
. Various improvements to the model editor:
Added option panel.
Added cut/copy/paste/insert/delete buttons to animation panel.
Animation length can be set from the playback panel.
Added context menu for animation list, which allows for faster i
Fixed issue with texture layers. Now all textures are rendered u
ntil it can be fixed.
Adjusted keyboard controls.
. Fixed bug with GLPanel not closing properly.
- v0.07 - (11/24/2009)
. Fixed various issues with OpenGL initialization.
. Removed many GL classes in favor of using the MDL0 classes directly.
. The MDL0 nodes now wrap OpenGL rendering and resources.
. Added support for multiple texture layers and uv points.
. Added the following features to MDL0 nodes:
Bone rendering and animation.
Model skinning.
Automatic texture loading.
. Added the following features to ModelEditControl:
Animation/bone editor.
Animation playback controls.
Bone/texture lists.
Built-in texture support for preview/replace/export.
External file loader.
Improved mouse/keyboard controls.
. Fixed a bug that was causing PAC files to export uncompressed regardle
ss of setting.
. Fixed a bug in the CHR0 decoder.
. Fixed file alignment for PLT0 files.
. Added RSTM decoder.
- v0.06 - (11/08/2009)
. Added FileAssociation and FileType classes.
. Added CHR0 encoder/decoder, with KeyframeCollection class.
. Added AnimEditControl for editing keyframes in CHR0 files.
. Added MSBinEditor for editing MSBin messages.
. Re-added RSAR support with new organization. (No audio features yet)
. Improved CMPR algorithm using modified code from the NVidia Texture To
. Lowered OpenGL version to 1.1, and changed the way mipmaps are generat
- v0.05 - (10/24/2009)
. Added ModelPanel from BrawlScape.
. Added TextureConverterDialog.
. Various improvements to node stability.
. Certain resources now automatically convert with the Export/Replace(st
ring) command. Mainly TEX0Node.
. Support for binary string trees has been added. (Use ResourceEntry.Bui
. More BRES entries now link to the string table. This allows other reso
urces to change size.
. BRES entries now do post-processing, and link groups/nodes to the bina
ry tree.
- v0.04 - (10/11/2009)
. FileMaps now hold on to a FileStream object until the map is closed.
. Added OpenGL support with basic functions.
. Added GLPanel/ModelPanel controls
. Moved MDL0 node classes to separate folder for organization.
. MDL0 support has been improved.
. GLModel objects can now be created from MDL0Node.
. GLModel can be attached to ModelPanel for rendering.
- v0.03 - (10/02/2009)
. Fixed many bugs dealing with node memory:
BRES entries properly adjust offsets in OnRebuild.
BRESGroup addresses change on rebuild.
Parent nodes (ARC/BRES) don't release sources until rebuild is c
Initialization flag is set so nodes know when to initialize from
a raw source.
. Began support for OpenGL/Models with OGL natives and GLPanel.
. Added minor speed tweak to LZ77 decompression.
- v0.02 - (09/29/2009)
. Added the ability to construct a resource tree from scratch.
. Various properties from ResourceTreeNode, TEX0Node and PLT0Node can no
w be written to.
- v0.01 - (09/28/2009)
. Initial release

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