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Master Key System Study Group

Workbook Series

Book 3

Chapter 1 – Week One

Day 1 – Where SHIFT Happens

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Audio Link For Chapter 1

I love listening to the audios of books. Even though I love reading as well.
When a book is a hard read, then it is usually an easier listen. I find it hard to
even listen to The Master Key System sometimes and I wonder why that is?
But I can tell you one thing. We can do it together. So, thanks so much for
being here.

More love to you,

~anasha – Where SHIFT Happens

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Preface to One

The preface to part one is like poetry. Go on... Listen to it or read it.

This consciousness that Charles is telling us to get is easier done than to read.
As I have continued to seek, I have found that getting into these
consciousnesses that Charles speaks of, you must do the exercises that he



This gives me a new basis in which to read this course. Mmmmmm.... Now,
I know what we will do. – Where SHIFT Happens

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Exercise First

44. Now make the application: Select a room where you can be alone and
undisturbed; sit erect, comfortably, but do not lounge; let your thoughts roam
where they will but be perfectly still for from fifteen minutes to half an hour;
continue this for three or four days or for a week until you secure full control of
your physical being.

45. Many will find this extremely difficult; others will conquer with ease,
but it is absolutely essential to secure complete control of the body before
you are ready to progress. Next week you will receive instructions for the
next step; in the meantime you must have mastered this one.

Before we get into the theory and mind matter lets get the physiology down.
I know that it may be difficult to sit with yourself, but I want to encourage
you to take this exercise seriously.

Set yourself up a timer that will ring in about 5 minutes. Do this 3 – 6 times
and you will reach your 15 – 30 minutes.

STOP AND DO THIS NOW!!! Before going on to doing the theory of this
course. You do not even have to read the theory or go through this
workbook. Unless you're a serious student like me. Just do the exercise first
and listen to the chapter everyday.

Before I finish this workbook. I am going to sit down for my 15 – 30

minutes of meditation. – Where SHIFT Happens

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Anasha on the Exercise:

The meditation was absolutely amazing. For the first time I was not judging my thoughts. I was just
sitting with my thoughts and letting them go on and on. My thoughts seemed very happy that they were
being heard. I guess that was my ego rambling on and on and on. I was cool.

Then my back started hurting and my mind focused in on the pain. Then it began to transform. The
energy in my body caused me to shake and rock a bit at the end of the 15 minute session. I went over
for a few minutes to let the shakes wear off.

I am excited to do day 2 and see where it takes me!

~anasha – Where SHIFT Happens

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PART ONE – MKS 1: 1-7

1. That much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and

that loss leads to greater loss is equally true.
When you feel like you are losing, then you will continue to experience more
loss. But resistance is futile. So, how do we get back to winning or gaining.
How do we gain back our “muchness?”
The meditation technique that is taught in this lesson. Will lead you back to
your muchness. It will allow you to sit with the thoughts of loss until they
have thought themselves out. There is a peace there. A “muchier” peace. In
this place you will be begin to gather more.

2. Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in

life are the result of our habitual or predominant mental attitude.
I used to think that your mental attitude is what you thought during the day. And
it is. But it is much more than just thoughts, but your state of being. It is your
thoughts, feelings and emotions bound into one, that makes your mental attitude
what it is. This too can be recreated by doing the exercise in this chapter.
There is a bit more to recreating the mental attitude than by just sitting with your
thoughts, but the peace that this exercise alone brings is something that can not
be explained with words.

3. The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think.

Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession
depends upon our method of thinking.
The are zillions of thoughts in the ether. The receiving station of the brain
(which will be talked about later in the Master Key System) can only focus on
thoughts that it is tuned into. By the frequency of the channel this brain is
on, thoughts will be transmitted to the consciousness associated.
The frequency of the brain is changed by changing the state or the
predominant mental attitude. True, we will at first think, but then to actually
get to the state we will not actively think, but give up thought and allow the
Higher Intelligence within us to reason for our new state. Hence, new
thoughts. – Where SHIFT Happens

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4. This is true because we must "be" before we can "do," and we

can "do" only to the extent which we "are," and what we "are"
depends upon what we "think."
I want to bring a new light this statement. Our being is what we think. There
is no one without the other. We do not have to completely change our way of
thinking to get to a state of being. We must decide, yes- through thought- to
be. Then we can be, do and have, because we are.
Once the decision is made to be. We sit with that awareness in the silence
and our Higher Intelligence will bring this being to us.

5. We cannot express powers that we do not possess. The only

way by which we may secure possession of power is to become
conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power
until we learn that all power is from within.
All power has been placed within us. It has been within us since the
beginning of time. We are the power. We are in the power. We are of the
power. It is this awareness that creates and harnesses the power at the
same time.
Become conscious of the power, even if you do not believe its there. Your
mere consciousness will create it.

6. There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and

power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces
are mighty.
Do the exercise, if you have done it already. You will become a bit more
aware of this inner mighty power, each time you do the exercise.
Remember to do the exercise daily. Do not judge your thoughts or try to
stop thinking. Just be with yourself and know the power of the peace that is
there. – Where SHIFT Happens

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7. The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this

world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for
every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all
laws of power and possession are also within our control.

Everything is most certainly found inside. As we continue with this course of

study, you will find that the outer world is nothing more than a mirror image
of the inner world. There is no war, no hate, no crime that was not already
committed inside.
In the beginning that realization may feel bad or even feel like too much
responsibility. That is the illusion of fear and separation talking. We have
not come to this part in the course yet.... but we are all one. – Where SHIFT Happens

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Dear Powerful Manifester,

Day 1 has been awesome for me. I hope your day one is awesome as well.
I'll have the day 2 Pdf out by Sunday evening. I love you all!

~anasha – Where SHIFT Happens

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