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(PhD, MPE, BPE) (PhD* M. Phil, MPE, BPEd, BSc. {P.E., H.E. & Sports})

1 Director of Physical Education & Sports, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (Madhya
Pradesh), India.

² Lecturer of Physical Education

A Paper Presented 14th Commonwealth International Sports Science Congress 2010, Manav Rachna
International University, Faridabad (Haryana). October 27th – 30th, 2010.

"The right to play is a child's first claim on the community. Play is nature's training for life. No community
can infringe that right without doing deep and enduring harm to the minds and bodies of its citizens.'

(David Lloyd George, 1925)


Play or physical activity is an inborn instinct in living beings. We often see animals being involved in playful
activities and same is true with the human beings. Physical activities are essential for the growth and
development. The modern living or mechanized life continuously reducing the use of the human body i.e.
physical activities affecting the human body adversely and gradually making it weaker and weaker. If
possible steps are not taken in this regard than we are going to have the human race which will have a very
big head on the shoulder and limbs like match stick. Non participation in play or physical activities will also
drastically affect the mental and social development of the human race thus affecting mental aspects like
reasoning analysis, interpretation, anticipation, action and reaction and social aspects like cooperation,
dedication, loyalty, division of labour, leadership, followership etc. adversely. Earlier human race was
involved in physical activities for survival but now it is important or must in order to fulfill its need & it is
only possible through play. Now day’s children have less time to play than previous generations due to
utmost emphasis put on academic accountability and a push for improved test scores across the nation.

Education is becoming so focused on benchmarks, data, accountability and adequate yearly progress that
even at the preschool level, intense, structured and direct teaching is taking time away from the spontaneous,
imaginative play that used to dominate preschool classrooms.
This change in educational practice also “appears to have led to a corresponding decline in the general
understanding of the important contribution that high –quality play can make” in children ‘s development.

The right to play is a global issue. Around the world children’s play opportunities are threatened through
war, poverty, fear and the widening gap between the poor and rich. The right of play is evident throughout
nature and is perceived in people and animals, particularly in the cognitive development and socialization of
those engaged in developmental processes and the young. In the modern theories and principles of education,
‘play’ has wider meaning and far reaching effects. Whatever the meaning of play one takes, the common
thing is physical activity or movement of the body as a whole in every play. Any play without physical
activity is like the body without a soul. Play is not only a biological satisfying activity aiming to help human
survival but it is also woven in the intellectual texture of personality.


‘Play is what children and young people do when they follow their own ideas and interests, in their own way
and for their own reasons.’
(DCMS, 2004)
“Play is very important for the preservation, growth and development of the organism”


Play is universal in nature. All the children play and they play remarkably alike. The play is not bounded by
any caste, colour, creed, nationality etc. Every child plays during his/her infancy and childhood stages of
growth and development. Play can be defined as a physical or mental activity that has no purpose or
objective outside of pure enjoyment or amusement .Play is a generic term applied to a wide range of
activities and behaviors that are satisfying to the child, creative for the child and freely chosen by the child.
Play is extremely important for humans from birth to death. Play is a state of mind, but it is also a state of
body, emotion, and spirit. Play is a right and a quality of mind in engaging with one's worldview.
Play refers to a range of voluntary, intrinsically motivated activities that are normally associated with
pleasure and enjoyment. Play may consist of amusing, pretend or imaginary interpersonal and intrapersonal
interactions or interplay. Play can be spontaneous or recreational, expressive or therapeutic. Spontaneous or
recreational play is play activity in which the child chooses the items and activities, and it can provide
distraction from stressful circumstances. Expressive play provides a means for expression of feelings, release
of energy, and relaxation.
Every child playing during his infancy and childhood stages of growth and development involves lot of
imagination. It can be observed when child plays with toys and breaks it in order to reassemble as per his
imagination. If any child do not play in the initial stages of his development it means there is some problem
with him and such kind of behavior will definitely deviate his normal pattern of growth and development
towards the unusual one. In the long run it will create numerous problems of personality development,
general behavior and social adjustment and so on.

Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High
Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child. Play is an inevitable reality of life as well as a
medium of education. Playing has been long recognized as a critical aspect of childhood and child

1. Process Orientation: The focus of the play is on the process of playing. There is no ultimate
destination for the play; the focus may shift throughout the play.

2. Intrinsic Motivation: Play is child initiated and chosen by the child .Children play because the play
itself is rewarding; there is no extrinsic reward for playing.

3. Non literal Quality: Children constantly transport back and forth between reality and imagination;
they experiment with new ideas.

4. Experimentation with Rules: Children create their own rules when they are playing. They experiment
with the rules they bring with them based on prior knowledge and understanding.

5. Active Engagement: Children are actively involved in the process of playing. They are focused and
engaged and not easily distracted.


To answers the simple questions why do children play? What are the bases of play? How its form goes on
changing from one stage of development to the other? The biologists, sociologists, psychologists and
educationists have given numerous theories of play to reply the aforementioned questions. These theories are
as follows:

1. Surplus Energy Theory: This theory was promoted by the German Philosopher Van Schiller and the
English naturalist Herbert Spencer. They stated that the Play “As the expressions of surplus energy”.
According to them play is the result of an aimless expenditure of surplus energy. They maintain that
children play because they seem to be overcharged with physical (organism) energy. Further they
simplified that play is an expression similar to the signing of birds collectively.

2. Anticipatory (Pre Exercise) Theory: This theory was explained by Carl Groos. He considered play as
a “Pre exercise in the preparation for serious business in life”. He believed that play develops
instincts so as to help the child become an adult.

3. Recreational Theory: The pioneer of this theory, Lord Kames and G.T.W.Patrick are of the strong
belief that “The basis of play is recreation”. They consider recreation to be the re-charger of energy
which we spend in serious work. Further, they stated that, instead of discharging the surplus energy
through play activities, play rebuilds it. According to the exponents of this theory, play has special
importance in removing boredom and monotony resulting in from the modern civilization.

4. Recapitulatory Theory : This theory was proposed by G. Stanley Hall. He has opined contrary to the
anticipatory theory given by Carl Groos and stated that the child does not make a rehearsal of his
future but repeats the social past, and hence play is a repetition of the past rather than anticipation of

5. Cathartic Theory: The origin of this theory is traced in the writing of Aristotle. The word cathartic
means effecting catharsis, which means emotional release or pent up of emotions. Aristotle stresses
that play activities are cathartic in nature. This theory further stated that play clears the individual of
undesirable elements in his personality. Cathartic theory is conceived with emotions, and play is the
best media to release/overcome the emotions.

6. Instinct Practice Theory: The profounder of this theory Prof.M.C. Dougall believes that instincts are
the prime movers of behavior of both men and animals. Play is due to the “Pre- mature developing of
instincts”. It is an expression/display/ demonstration of instincts of combat, construction, destruction,
self assertion etc. which involves the element of competitions and rivalry. During childhood, the
instinctive energy finds release through play. The author considers play to be a general innate
tendency and not an instinct itself.

7. Social Contact Theory: Sociologists and social- psychologists consider play as a medium of social
recognition in the society. Play brings individual together and it strengthens the group behavior. Also
it binds social bonds between various groups of the society. All this is essential for the development
of culture, civilization and individual. Play provides plenty of opportunities for socialization and
individual recognition.

8. Play is life Theory: This theory is concerned with the educational philosophy of John Dewey. He
believes that the reason of play can be explained on the ground that “all organic living beings are
naturally active and their natural activities in the period of their growth and development are
playful”. Activity is the very essence of life. It may take any form because the purpose of every
activity is growth, development, protection and recreation of the individual.

9. Psycho-Analytical Theory: The greatest clinical psychologist, Sigmund Freud is behind this theory.
According to the psycho analyst, play is a medium of outlet the anxieties , tensions, conflicts,
frustrations, etc. which results from repression and suppression of the libidinal energy desires and
wishes in the early childhood, or at any stage of growth and development

10. Cognitive Theory: This theory was proposed by Piaget .Play is derived from the child's working out
of two fundamental characteristics of his mode of experience and development. These are
accommodation and assimilation -- the attempts to integrate new experiences into the relatively
limited number of motor and cognitive skills available at each age.


There's no way that we can help children to learn to love and preserve this planet, if we don't give them
direct experiences with the miracles and blessings of nature.

Play is a dynamic process that develops and changes as it becomes increasingly more varied and complex. It
is considered a key facilitator for learning and development across domains, and reflects the social and
cultural contexts in which children live (Christie, 2001; Fromberg, 1998, 2002; Hughes, 1999, in press).

Play brings hugely important benefits to children as individuals, groups, families, communities and society
as a whole. The benefits of ensuring that children have access to play opportunities link a number of areas –
learning, health, social relationships, family and community. We recognize that play is open-ended,
spontaneous and joyful; it is considered an essential expression of childhood. While play continues into
adulthood, it has been argued that the immense value of play lies in the early childhood years. Playing is
integral to children’s enjoyment of their lives, their health and their development. Children and young people
– disabled and non-disabled – whatever their age, culture, ethnicity or social and economic background, need
and want to play, indoors and out, in whatever way they can. Play is not merely wastage of time, efforts and
energy; it has biological, psychological & mental, sociological and educational implications. We may look
at play from any angle, the reality is that it is an activity which educates, socializes the individual and
enables him to live in this world to his fullest with peace of mind and good health. Play also offers an ample
opportunity for parents to engage fully with their children. Through play, children also learn the skills
necessary to effectively participate in their world. Play is freely chosen, intrinsically motivated and
personally directed. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of release and connection that can
tap into creativity and can allow you the chance to connect with your inner child and the inner child of
others. Theorists, regardless of their orientation, concur that play occupies a central role in children's lives.
They also suggest that the absence of play is an obstacle to the development of healthy and creative
individuals. Psychoanalysts believe that play is necessary for mastering emotional traumas or disturbances;
psycho socialists believe it is necessary for ego mastery and learning to live with everyday experiences;
constructivists believe it is necessary for cognitive growth, maturationists believe it is necessary for
competence building and for socializing functions in all cultures of the world; and neuroscientists believe it
is necessary for emotional and physical health, motivation, and love of learning.


There's no way that we can help children to learn to love and preserve this planet, if we don't give them
direct experiences with the miracles and blessings of nature."

Play brings hugely important benefits to children as individuals, groups, families, communities and society
as a whole. The benefits of ensuring that children have access to play opportunities link a number of
learning, health, social relationships. Many theorists suggest that the absence of play is an obstacle to the
development of healthy and creative individuals. Psychoanalysts believe that play is necessary for mastering
emotional traumas or disturbances; psycho socialists believe it is necessary for ego mastery and learning to
live with everyday experiences; constructivists believe it is necessary for cognitive growth, maturationists
believe it is necessary for competence building and for socializing functions in all cultures of the world; and
neuroscientists believe it is necessary for emotional and physical health, motivation, and love of learning.
Play is not merely wastage of time, efforts and energy; it has biological, psychological & mental,
sociological and educational implications.
Biological Sociological Psychological & Mental Educational

Physical& Motor Socialization Skills Confidence Development Language & Literacy

Development development
Fine and Gross Motor Connection to Others Play builds self-esteem Play provides base of
Skills Career
Strength& flexibility Followership Skills Cognitive Benefits Academic development

Stronger & healthier Increases empathy Reduced Anxiety Problem Solving

bodies compassion & sharing

Strength coordination Conflict resolution Reduced Depression Improves communication

Leadership skills
Positive Mood
Skill development
Emotional benefits Encouraging children to
experiment and take risks.


Rights mean those freedoms which are essential for personal good as well as the good of the community.
Rights are entitlements or permissions, usually of a legal or moral nature. Rights are of vital importance in
the fields of law and ethics, especially theories of justice and deontology.


The UN Convention on the Rights of the child is an international treaty that sets out universally accepted
rights for children. It is a benchmark against which a nation’s treatment of its children can be measured. It
brings together in one comprehensive code the benefits and protection for children hither to scattered in a
variety of other agreements, including the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted in 1959.
The Convention was officially approved by the United Nations in 1989 and has been ratified by almost every
country in the world. Ratification of the Convention is a commitment by “States Parties” to comply with the
articles of the Convention and thereby to protect and enhance the basic rights of children through their
policies, programs and services.

Article 31 of the UN Convention

1. That every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities
appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
2. That member governments shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in
cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for
cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.

Fundamental Rights is a charter of rights contained in the Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties
such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. The Fundamental Rights
are defined as basic human freedoms which every Indian citizen has the right to enjoy for a proper and
harmonious development of personality. These rights universally apply to all citizens, irrespective of race,
place of birth, religion, caste, creed, colour or sex. They are enforceable by the courts, subject to certain

The six fundamental rights recognized by the Indian constitution are:

1. The right to equality

2. The right to freedom
3. The right to freedom from exploitation
4. The right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and educational rights
6. The right to constitutional remedies


The International Play Association (IPA) is an international, non-governmental organization founded in

Scandinavia in 1961with members in over 50 countries. Its purpose is to protect, preserve and promote
children's right to play as a fundamental human right, according to the Article 31 of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child.IPA is an interdisciplinary organization, bringing together people from
all profession working with or for children. These include play workers, planners, educators, psychologist,
academicians, researchers, trainers, health workers and many more. For many decades the International Play
Association has been actively promoting the importance of children’s play and in the 1980s played a
significant role in ensuring that the child’s right to play was included in the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child. IPA has consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). IPA is very
serious about focusing attention on this most important right of children. The relationship between play and
resilience and play and children’s well-being is clear. It is also clear that there are growing barriers to
children’s play all over the world. IPA intends to harness its own resources and to welcome other like-
minded organizations so that together we can mount a concerted effort to gain the attention of States Parties
worldwide. The IPA declaration of child’s right to play was originally produced in November 1977 at the
IPA Malta Consultation held in preparation for the international year of the child (1979). It was revised by
the international council in Vienna, September 1982 and Barcelona September 1989. The IPA declaration
should be read in conjunction with article 31 of the U.N. convention right on the child (Adopted by the
General Assembly of the United Nations, November 20, 1989) which states that the child has the right to
leisure, play and participation in cultural and artistic activities. Early in 2008 the International Play
Association promoting the Child’s Right to Play.IPA entered a partnership with seven other international
organizations to propose that the Committee on the Rights of the Child. IPA Supporting organizations are:

 International Pediatrics Association

 World Organization for Early Childhood Educ. (OMEP)
 World Leisure Association
 International Toy Library Association
 Right to Play International
 European Child Friendly Cities Network
 International Council on Children’s Play


Despite the benefits derived from play for both children and parents, time for free play has been markedly
reduced for some or majority-large population children. Researchers and Pediatricians can advocate for
children by helping families, school systems, and communities consider how best to ensure that play is
protected as they seek the balance in children’s lives to create the optimal developmental milieu.Play is an
essential part of growing up and researchers believe it is important to ensure children reach their full
potential in life. Parents don't always understand the importance of play in today's competitive world, the
temptation is to stop children "time wasting” and to put the time to what they believe is more constructive
use. For a child, however, there is no more constructive activity than play.

Factors that have reduced play are as follows:-

1. Continuing poverty: This factor is very much evident in underdeveloped countries and the inner cities
of industrialized countries. Poverty affects the likelihood of progressing through school to attain
formal educational qualifications and physical activity at school. Children from poorer backgrounds
are more likely to play truant and to be excluded from school.

2. Changing cultural values in developed societies: Where indifference towards the importance of play
is prevalent. The many activities children are required to participate in and the amount of time they
spend viewing television decrease the time they spend in play. The vast majority of children enjoys
playing outside and would like to do so more. But from a parental stance, outdoor urban
environments are often ridden with hazards such as stranger-danger, traffic speed, gangs and drugs.

3. De-emphasis of physical education: Physical Education is playing vital role for child overall
development but one of the academic trends that we find particularly disturbing today is the
de-emphasis on physical education in the schools and parents consider other subjects to be
more important compare to physical education. Traditional academic subjects such as
Science, English and Mathematics are given more importance by parents. Physical education
is considered to be of much lower status or as a time wasting subject.

4. Inadequate environmental planning: Developers do not include play spaces in their community
designs; pollution and traffic deter childhood play; and segregation of children in communities
prevents the child's day from being an integral part of the life of a neighborhood.

5. Increased attention to academics and enrichment activities: Currently, many school children are given
less free time and fewer physical activities at school. Parents and teachers attach too much
importance to “Home Work” as part of school studies than to play. This practice on the part of
parents and teachers hampers proper growth and development of a child.
6. Child labor: Some children are given less time for free exploratory play as they are hurried to adapt
into adult roles and prepare for their future at earlier ages.
7. Hurried lifestyle: Changes in urban lifestyles seemingly have influenced a shift in the attitudes of
adults towards children’s play, their recreation & leisure activities.

8. Changes in Traditional Family Structures: Another important factor likely to be influencing family
life and consequently children’s recreational and play activities is changes in traditional family
structures. The role of the extended family has been eroded.

9. Parental Employment Patterns: Another factor that may be having an impact on children’s playtime is
changes in parental employment. In urban areas many families have two working parents .Parents
also are often working long hours .This situation coupled with the heavy schedules that children
themselves often have at school and with extra-curricular activities is likely to curtail the amount of
time left for free and unstructured playtime.
10. Advances in Technology: Due to technological advances many are spending long hours in front of
the computer. The computer is increasingly becoming a focal point for all members of the household.
Advances in technology have seen changes in the way children spend their time.
11. Changing Attitudes to the Use of Public Space: Another factor that may be impacting on children’s
play is the space available for play in urban settings. In some urban communities less public space is
available for play areas that accommodate play equipment for children. This has arisen from the
increased cost of living in such communities where the price of land often comes at a high premium.
Not only are individual families more often moving into smaller homes such as apartments and town
houses, which have less land attached to them for children’s play but also less land is available for
communities as a whole in the form of public parks and other areas.
12. Increased Crime Rates and Fears for Personal Safety: Increased crime rates in some urban
communities may also limit children’s playtime. Children and young people are increasingly
becoming the victims of violent crimes. As a result of increased crime rates and increased fears
concerning personal safety in urban communities, children are often discouraged from outside play
particularly if it is away from direct adult supervision. Because parents have less time for closely
supervised playtime, some forms of play may no longer be viable for children.
13. Cost of the equipments: Equipments are too expensive now days. It is not possible to every child to
purchase equipment for games and sports.
14. Neglecting the indigenous activities & non glamorous games like kabaddi, kho-kho, volleyball,
football and handball etc. in spite of their suitability in all respect.
15. Lack of knowledge regarding benefits of physical activity: It is evident on the part of parents,
academicians and policy makers.
16. Non availability of playing facilities & distance of the playing facilities from residence: Because of
rapid urbanization.


Play is quickly vanishing from preschool classrooms and is being replaced with additional teacher directed,
incremental practices. Despite their perception as being more valuable in the classroom, these practices teach
fewer skills and concepts than play and in a far less meaningful way. Children are growing up in a rapidly
changing world characterized by dramatic shifts in what all children are expected to know and be able to do.
Higher and tougher standards of learning for all populations of students are focusing on a narrow view of
learning. Consequently, students have less time and opportunity to play than did children of previous
generations. Few would disagree that the primary goal of education is student learning and that all educators,
families, and policymakers bear the responsibility of making learning accessible to all children. Decades of
research has documented that play has a crucial role in the optimal growth, learning, and development of
children from infancy through adolescence. Yet, this need is being challenged, and so children's right to play
must be defended by all adults, especially educators, parents and policy makers. The time has come to
advocate strongly in support of play for all children. There is growing concern about the effects of ‘play
deprivation’ on children and young people and of the possibility that children’s play is restricted to a degree
that is causing them long term harm. Manifestations of this might be incidences of anti-social behavior,
poorer motor skills unbalanced personality and less resilience to stressful or traumatic events. The constraint
to children’s free play globally has a direct bearing on all others.

And it is high time that Indian constitutions should adapt Right to Play as its Seventh right and make all
possible efforts at grass root level to make all play especially the children & youth of India. As the Right to
Education has been adopted by Indian government. RTE will propel India to even greater heights of
prosperity and productivity for all guaranteeing children their right to a quality education and a
brighter future." There are an estimated eight million Indian children and young people between the
ages of six to 14 out-of-schools, the majority of whom are girls. RTE provides a platform to reach
the unreached, with specific provisions for disadvantaged groups, such as child laborers, migrant
children, children with special needs, or those who have a disadvantage owing to social, cultural,
economical, geographical, linguistic, gender or such other factor." Creative and sustained initiatives
are crucial to train more than one million new and untrained teachers within the next five years and
to reinforce the skills of existing teachers to ensure child-friendly education. Bringing eight million
out-of-school children into classes at the age appropriate level with the support to stay in school and
succeed poses a major challenge. Substantial efforts are essential to eliminate disparities and ensure
quality with equity. Families and communities also have a large role to play to ensure child-friendly
education for each and every one of the estimated 190 million girls and boys in India who should be
in elementary school today. The policies of India should mobilize the movement of PLAY in such a
manner where by mass is involved in physical play (physical activities) thus people of India become strong
& making India a strong nation.


The Indian Constitution has a framework within which ample provisions exist for the protection,
development and welfare of children. There are a wide range of laws that guarantee children their
rights and entitlements as provided in the Constitution and in the UN Convention. It was during the
50s decade that the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted by the UN General
Assembly. This Declaration was accepted by the Government of India. As part of the various Five
Year Plans, numerous programmes have been launched by the Government aimed at providing
services to children in the areas of health, nutrition and education. In 1974, the Government of India
adopted a National Policy for Children, declaring the nation's children as `supremely important
assets'. This policy lays down recommendations for a comprehensive health programme,
supplementary nutrition for mothers and children, nutrition education for mothers, free and
compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14, non-formal preschool education,
promotion of physical education and recreational activities, special consideration for the children of
weaker sections of the population like the scheduled castes and the schedule tribes, prevention of
exploitation of children and special facilities for children with handicaps. The policy provided for a
National Children's Board to act as a forum to plan, review and coordinate the various services
directed toward children. The Board was first set up in 1974. The Department of Women and Child
Development was set up in the Ministry of Human Resource Development in 1985. The Department,
besides ICDS, implements several other programmes, undertakes advocacy and inter-sectoral
monitoring catering to the needs of women and children.

Recommendations to promote Right to Play:

1. Parental attitude: Parents should be educated regarding the limitless valves of play and its effect on
the wellbeing of the children.
2. School management should emphasize on physical education as subject: Physical Education is
education through physical activities for the development of the total personality of the child, to its
fullness and perfection in body, mind and spirit. Immediately it is concerned with the development of
physical fitness.
3. Proper time for play: All children need at least 60 minutes of free play each day, preferably outdoors.
Recess must be a daily school activity, and should never be withheld as a way to punish a child.
4. Children value and benefit from staffed play provision: Children should have access to a choice of
staffed facilities where children’s play rights and needs are the first priority, such as adventure
playgrounds, play centers’, holiday play schemes, afterschool play clubs, breakfast play clubs, toy
5. Children should be able to play freely in their local areas: Children have the same right to use and
enjoy public space as others. Local streets, estates, green spaces, parks and town centers’ should be
accessible for children and young people to move around in safety and offer places where they can
play freely, experience nature, explore their environment and be with their friends. Play facilities
should be made available at very close vicinity so that parents are not in fear or tension.
6. Adults should let children play: Parents and other adults can support children and young people’s
play by respecting the value and importance of all types of play, playing with their children and by
creating opportunities and allowing time for children to play independently with their friends, inside
and outside the home.
7. Children’s play is enriched by skilled play workers: Qualified, skilled play workers are trained to put
children’s play needs at the centre of their work in a variety of settings, enhancing the range and
quality of play experiences for all children. The role of the play worker is as important as that of any
skilled professional working with children and should be respected and rewarded accordingly.
8. Children need time and space to play at school: The school day should allow time for children to
relax and play freely with their friends. Young children learn best through play and, as they get older,
play supports and enriches their learning. Children learn best if teaching is creative and enjoyable. In
school, time and space for play and outdoor learning is as important as formal teaching. School
grounds should be good places to play.
9. Safe Places to play: Children need safe places to play within an easy walk from their homes. Ideally
these should be playgrounds integrated with natural settings. Opening school playgrounds for
afterschool and weekend play would increase available play space significantly. Creating safe routes
to schools and parks would allow children to walk and bike more freely.

10. Pleasant play associations & Place: Where individual enjoying being around one’s friend
11. Provide effective coaching practices for children’s: Children should have special coaching much
different from the adults.



Schools can play a critical role in increasing physical activity by offering daily physical education
programme and other opportunities to recreate. Physical education not only gives children an opportunity to
be active but it teaches them the skills they need to be active throughout their lifetime and develop
wholesome personality. Thus, investing in quality physical education in all schools for all grades is a
logical and essential step toward improving the health of the students. The PETs role is to design a school
environment and schedule that promotes play. PETs instruct students in sports, recreational activities and
healthy lifestyle issues, in order to motivate, develop and enhance level of physical fitness and skills, self-
esteem and interpersonal skills. PETs play a big role in our childhood, all the way from Kindergarten through
12th grade. PETs accomplish these both in and out of the classroom by a number of different approaches
within the school community. PETs instruct school-age students on healthy living, exercise and physical
fitness. They organize and supervise athletic activity during class and instruct students on proper exercise
routines and technique. Nearly all schools from first grade through the end of high school employ PETs. The
first priority of PETs is to create a safe learning environment where children are free to explore and play
without getting hurt. Next PETs use their knowledge about their student’s development, interest and ideas to
choose materials and arrange the classroom or playground in a way that invites children to engage in fun and
meaningful learning experiences. Good PETs are intentional in guiding and extending children’s play, they
ask open ended productive questions that extend student’s thinking. There are many different types of
productive questions, like attention-focusing questions help children focus on important details of their play.

“In supporting children’s right to play, attention must be paid not simply to the external expressions of
play, but to the conditions in which ‘playfulness’ thrives.”


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Web Addresses

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22. at 10 June 2010)

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24. (Accessed at 10 June 2010)

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31. at 10 June 2010)

32. at 10 December 2010)

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34. at 28 February 2010)

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10 June 2010)

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37. at 10 June 2010)

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39. at 10 July 2010

40. Kathleen Alfano .The Many Benefits of Play at 10 June 2010)

41. Play: 'Play phenomenon' honored for work". Available at Children & Young People Now. April 26,
2006. (Accessed at 10 June 2010)
42. Play - The Importance Of Play.Available at
Play.html(Accessed at 10 June 2010)

43. (Accessed at 20 March 2010)

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