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FIRST TERM [ 5 / 1 / 2010 – 29 / 5 / 2010 ]

Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material

8. THERMOCHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL Candidates should be able to: Computer,
ENERGETICS (7 periods) 1. explain that most chemical reactions are accompanied by projector,
8.1 Enthalphy changes, ∆H, of reactions, formation, energy changes, principally in the form of heat energy ; work
combustion, neutralisation, hydration, fusion, the energy changes can be exothermic or endothermic. sheet
atomisation, solution 2. calculate the heat energy change from experimental
measurements using the relationship : energy change =
3. define the term enthalphy change of formation, combustion,
hydration, solution, neutralisation, atomisation, ionisation
4. explain the terms enthalphy change of reaction and standard
5. calcualte enthalphy changes from experimental results

8.2 Hess’ law 6. state Hess’ law and its use to find enthalphy changes that
cannot be determined directly, eg an enthalphy change of
formation from enthalphy changes of combustion.
7. construct energy level diagrams relating the enthalphy to
reaction path and activation energy

8.3 Lattice energies for simple ionic crystals. A 8. define lattice energy for simple ionic crystals in terms of the
qualitative appreciation of their effects of ionic change from gaseous ions to solid lattice.
charge and ionic radius on the magnitude of 9. explain qualitatively the effects of ionic charge and ionic
lattice energy radius on the numerical magnitude of lattice energy values.
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
8.4 The Born-Haber cycle for the formation of 10. construct energy cycles for the formation of simple ionic
simple ionic crystals and their aqueous solution crystals and their aqueous solutions.
11. calculate enthaphy changes from energy cycles
8.5 The solubility of solids in liquids 12. explain qualitatively the influence on solubility of the
relationship between enthalphy change of solution, lattice
energy of solid, and enthalphy change of hydration, or other
solvent / solute interaction.

15. THE CHEMISTRY OF CARBON (10 periods) Candidates should be able to :

15.1 Bonding of the carbon atoms: the shapes of the 1. explain the concept of hybridisation in the bonding of carbon
ethane, ethene, ethyne and benzene molecules. atoms with reference specially to carbon atoms which have a
valency of four and the types of hybridization such as the
following : sp – linear , sp2 – triangular, sp3 – tetrahedral
2. describe the formation of σ and π bonds as exemplified by
diagrams of the overlapping of orbitals in CH4, C2H4, C2H2
and C6H6 molecules.
3. explain the concept of delocalisation of π electrons in
benzene rings (aromaticity) computer,
15.2 General, empirical, molecular and structural 4. explain the meaning of general, empirical, molecular and work
formulae for organic chemistry. structural formulae of organic compounds sheet
5. calculate empirical formulae and derive molecular formulae

15.3 Isomerism – structural, geometric and optical 6. interpret structural isomerism with reference to the ability of
carbon atoms to link together with each other in a straight
line and / or in branches
7. explain geometric / cis-trans isomerism in alkenes in terms of
restricted rotation due to π bond / C = C bonds
8. explain the meaning of a chiral center and how such a center
gives rise to optical isomerism 2
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
15.4 Classification based on functional groups 9. identify chiral centers and / or cis-trans isomerism in a
(general formula) molecule of given structural formula
10. determine the possible isomers for an organic compound of
15.5 Nomenclature and structural formulae for each known molecular formula
functional / radical group (refer to their trivial
names) 11. describe the classification of organic compounds by
functional groups and the nomenclature of classes of
organic compounds according to the IUP AC system of the
following classes of compounds :
(a) alkanes, alkenes
(b) haloalkanes
(c) alcohols (including primary, secondary and tertiary) and
15.6 Nucleophile and electrophile. phenols
(d) aldehydes and ketones
15.7 Structure and its effect on (e) carboxylic acids and esters
(a) physical properties : eg boiling point, melting (f) primary amines, amides, and amino acids
point and solubility in water
(b) acidity and basicity 12. define the term nucleophile and electrophile

The effect of the structure and delocalisation of 13. describe the relationship between the size of molecules in
electrons on the relative acid or base strength, ie the homologous series and the melting and boiling points
proton donors or acceptors, in ethylamine, 14. explain the attractive forces between molecules (van der
phenylamine, ethanol, phenol, and chlorine- Waals forces and hydrogen bonding)
substituted ethanoic acids l5. explain the meaning of Lewis acids and bases in terms of
charge / electron density
16. explain why many organic compounds containing oxygen /
nitrogen which have lone pair electrons (as Lewis bases)
form bonds with electron acceptors (as Lewis acids)
17. explain how nucleophiles such as OH-, NH3 , H2O, Br- , I-
and carbanion have Lewis base properties, whereas
electrophiles such as H+, NO2+, Br2 , AICI3 , ZnCl2 , FeBr3, 3
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
BF3, and carbonium ions have Lewis acid properties
18. explain induction effect which can determine the properties
and reactions of functional groups
19. explain how most functional groups such as -NO2 ,-CN,
-COOH , -COOR, > C=O , SO3H ,-X (halogen) , -OH, -OR,
-NH2 , C6H5 are electron acceptors whereas functional
groups such as –CH3, –R, (alkyl or aryl) are electron donors
20. explain how the concept of induction can account for the
differences in acidity between CH3COOH, CICH2COOH ,
Cl2CHCOOH and CI3CCOOH ; between
21. use the concept of delocalisation of electrons to explain the
differences in acidity between ethanol and phenol, as well as
the differences in basicity between CH3NH2 and C6H5NH2


16 HYDROCARBONS (14 periods) Candidates should be able to :
16.1 Alkanes, exemplified by ethane 1. explain alkanes as saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons
(a) Free radical substitution, eg the effect of 2. explain the construction of the alkane series (straight and
chlorination of hydrocarbons in water on the branched) and IUPAC nomenclature of alkanes for C1 to C5 computer,
environment (refer to 13.5) 3. name alkyl groups derived from alkanes and identify primary, projector,
secondary , tertiary and quartenary carbons. work
4. explain the homolytic cleavage of bonds which produces free sheet
radicals that determine the mechanism of a reaction

(b) Free radical reactions illustrated by the 5. explain the halogenation of alkanes and its mechanism as well
reaction of methane with chlorine as the oxidation of alkane with limited and excess oxygen,
(c) Crude oil as a source of energy and and the use of alkanes as fuels computer,
chemicals: cracking reactions (d) The 6. explain the mechanism of free radical substitution projector,
unreactivity of alkanes towards polar work
reagents 7. explain the use of crude oil as source of aliphatic sheet 4
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
hydrocarbons 8. explain how cracking reactions can be used
(e) the effect of hydrocarbons on the to obtain alkanes
environment and alkenes of lower Mr from larger hydrocarbon molecules

9. show awareness of the environmental consequences of CO,

16.2 Alkenes, exemplified by ethene CO2 and unburnt hydrocarbons arising from the internal
combustion engine.

10. define alkenes as unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons with

one or more double bonds
(a) Electrophilic addition 11. name alkenes according to the IUPAC nomenclature and the
common names for C1 to C5.
(b) Addition by electrophilic reagents,
illustrated by the reactions of bromine / 12. explain the mechanism of electrophilic addition in alkenes
ethene or hydrogen bromide / ethene
13. explain the chemistry of alkenes as exemplified by the
following reactions of ethene :
(a) addition of hydrogen, steam, hydrogen halides, halogens
(decolourisation) of bromine water and concentrated
sulphuric acid
(c) Simple tests for alkenes (b) oxidation -decolourisation of the manganate (VII) ions
(c) polymerisation

14. explain the use of bromination reaction and decolourisation

(d) The importance of ethene in industry of MnO4- ions as simple tests for alkenes and unsaturated
16.3 Arenes, exemplified by benzene and
methylbenzene (toluene) 15. explain briefly the preparation of chloroethane, epoxyethane, computer,
ethane-l,2-diol and polyethene projector,
(a) Electrophilic substitution reactions work
(b) Influence of substitution groups to the 16. explain the nomenclature of aromatic compounds derived sheet 5
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
benzene ring on further substitution. The from benzene and the use of o (ortho), m (meta) and p (para)
effect of induction as exemplified by –OH, or the numbering of substitution groups to the benzene ring
-Cl, CH3 , -NO2 , -COCH3 , -NH2
17. describe the mechanism of electrophilic substitution in
arenes illustrated by the nitration of benzene
18. explain the chemistry of arenes as exemplified by
substitution reactions of benzene and methylbenzene
(c) Oxidation of the side-chain to produce (toluene) with halogen, HNO3, CH3I / AlCI3, CH3COCI and
RCOOH. Halogenation in the side-chain or SO3
aromatic nucleus depending on the reaction 19. explain why the benzene ring is more stable against oxidants
conditions. like KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7compared with aliphatic alkenes

20. explain how a reaction between an alkylbenzene and an

oxidant such as acidified KMnO4 will cause the carbon
atoms which are joined directly to the benzene ring to
become a carboxyl group, and the remaining alkyl chains
will turn into water and CO2
21. determine the products of halogenation of methylbenzene
(d) Effects of arene compounds on health (toluene) with Lewis acid catalysts such as AlCl3and FeCl3
and in the presence of light only
22. predict the reaction products when the substitution group in
benzene is an electron accepting or donating group

23. explain the uses of arene compounds as solvents

24. explain that arene compounds are carcinogenic

17 HALOALKANES (6 periods) Candidates should be able to computer,

17.1 (a) Nucleophilic substitution reactions 1. explain the chemistry of haloalkanes as exemplified by projector,
(b) Reactivity of chlorobenzene compared with (a) nucleophilic substitution reactions represented by the work
chloroalkanes hydrolysis of bromoethane, the formation of nitriles, and sheet 6
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
17.2 Nucleophilic substitution at the carbon atom in the formation of primary amines by reaction with NH3
haloalkanes (b) haloalkane elimination reactions which produce alkenes
17.3 Relative reactivity of primary, secondary and 2. explain the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution in
tertiary alkyl halides haloalkanes
17.4 Elimination reactions 3. explain the difference in the reactivity of chlorobenzene
compared with chloroalkanes, with particular reference to
hydrolysis reactions.
4. explain the relative reactivity of primary, secondary and
tertiary alkyl halides

17.5 Haloalkanes as the starting material in the 5. explain the use of haloalkanes in the synthesis of organometal
preparation of organometals compounds such as the following :
(a) Reactions with lithium and magnesium to give
organolithium and organomagnesium (Grignard reagents)
compounds, and their respective uses in reactions with
carbonyl compounds, silicon halides (SiCl4) and tin
halides (SnCl4)
(b) Reactions of chloroethane witll Na/Pb alloy to give
tetraethyllead (IV)

17.6 Uses of haloalkanes 6. explain the uses of fluoroalkanes and chlorofluoroalkanes as

inert substances for aerosol propellants, detergents, coolants,
fire-extinguishers and insecticides (DDT)

17.7 Effects of haloalkanes on the environment 7. explain the bad effects of DDT and chlorofluoroalkanes on
the environment, especially in the depletion of the ozone layer
8. explain the formation of ozone in the atmosphere and in
9. explain the role of ozone in the atmosphere, ie the ozone layer
as an absorber of ultraviolet light.
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
18 HYDROXY COMPOUNDS (10 periods) Candidates should be able to
18.1 Classification of hydroxy compounds into 1. describe the classification of hydroxy compounds into
primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols and explain the
nomenclature of alcohols.

2. explain that most alcohol reactions can be divided into two

groups, ie
(a) the RO- H bond is broken and H is replaced by other
groups because alcohol and phenol, have the
characteristics of weak acid (formation of hydroxides and
(b) the R-OH bond is broken and –OH is replaced by other
groups caused by nucleophilic substitution reactions
18.2 Reactions of hydroxy compounds 3. explain the chemistry of alcohol compounds as exemplified
(a) Reactions of alcohols as exemplified by by following reactions
ethanol (a) The formation of halogenoalkanes
(b) Use of triiodomethane test (b) The formation of an alkoxide with sodium
(c) Comparison of the acidity of phenol, alcohol (c) Oxidation to carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids
and water (refer to 15.7) (d) Dehydration to alkenes and ether
(d) Reactions of phenol (e) Esterification
(f) Acylation

4. explain the difference in reactivity of primary, secondary and

tertiary alcohols as exemplified by
(a) the reaction rate of such alcohols to give haloalkanes
(b) the reaction products of KMnO4 / K2Cr2O7 oxidation in
the presence of sulphuric acid
5. explain the reactions of the alcohol with the structure computer, 8
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
CH3 ---- C --- with alkaline aqueous iodine to give
I triiodomethane
6. discuss the relative acidities of water , phenol and ethanol
with particular reference to the inductive effect and the effect
of delocalised electrons
7. explain the reactions of phenol with sodium hydroxide,
sodium and acid chlorides
8. explain the reactions of phenol with bromine water and projector,
aqueous iron (III) chloride work
18.3 Preparation and manufacture of hydroxy 9. describe the preparation and manufacture of alcohol from
compounds (a) the hydration of ethane (in the laboratory and industry)
(a) Alcohol – in the laboratory and industry (b) natural gas and fermentation process (ethanol)
(b) Phenol – in industry 10. describe the process of manufacturing phenol involving the
use of cumene

18.4 Use of hydroxy compounds in industry 11. explain the uses of alcohol as antiseptic, solvent and fuel
(a) alcohol 12. explain the use of phenol in the manufacture of cyclohexanol
(b) phenol and hence nylon -6,6.

19 CARBONYL COMPOUNDS (6 periods) Candidates should be able to Computer,

19.1 (a) Aldehydes, exemplified by ethanal 1. write the general formula for aldehydes and ketones, and projector,
(acetaldehyde) and benzaldehyde name their compounds according to the IUPAC nomenclature work
(phenylmethanal) and their common names. sheet
(b) Ketones, exemplified by propanone and

19.2 Preparation of carbonyl compounds 2. write the reaction equations for the preparation of aldehydes 9
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
and ketones
19.3 Chemical reactions
(a) Aldehydes 3. determine the properties of an unknown carbonyl compound
-oxidation to carboxylic acids (with KMnO4) - aldehyde or ketone -on the results of simple tests (eg
-oxidation with Fehling's solution and Tollen's Fehling's solution, Tollen's reagent and ease of oxidation)

(b) Ketones 4. explain the reaction of ketone compounds with the

-reaction with alkaline iodine as a structure CH3 ---C = O with alkaline aqueous iodine to give
triiodomethane test for methylketone I triiodomethane.

(c) Aldehyde and Ketone 5. explain the reduction reactions of aldehydes or ketones to
-reduction to alcohols primary and secondary alcohols through catalytic
-condensation with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine hydrogenation reaction and with LiAlH4
-nucleophilic addition witll hydrogen cyanide 6. explain the use of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent as a
simple test to detect the presence of >C=O groups.
7. explain the mechanism of the nucleophilic addition reactions
of hydrogen cyanide with aldehydes or ketones

19.4 Reducing sugar and carbohydrates as examples of 8. explain that natural compounds such as glucose, sucrose and
natural compounds which have the functional other carbohydrates have the >C=O group
groups -OH and >C=O, eg glucose and cellulose, 9. explain the characteristics of glucose as reducing sugar
with cellulose as a polymer for glucose

20 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS (4 periods) Candidates should be able to computer,

Carboxylic acids as exemplified by ethanoic acid 1. name aliphatic and aromatic acids according to IUPAC projector,
and benzoic acid nomenclature, and their common names for C1 to C6 work
(a) Preparation of carboxylic acids by the oxidation 2. write the reaction equations for the formation of carboxylic
of primary alcohols and hydrolysis of nitriles acids from alcohols, aldehydes and nitriles
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
(b) Chemical reactions of carboxylic acids 3. explain the acidic characteristics of carboxylic acids
compared with HCI, HNO3 or H2SO4 and their reactions
with bases to form salts
4. explain the substitution of the -OH group by the nucleophiles
-OR and -Cl to form esters and acyl chlorides respectively
5. explain the reduction of carboxylic acids to primary alcohols
6. explain the oxidation and dehydration of methanoic and
ethanoic acids

(c) Uses of carboxylic acids in industry 7. explain the various uses of carboxylic acids in foods,
perfumes, polymers and other industries

] 21 CARBOXYLIC ACID DERIVATIVES (6 Candidates should be able to Computer,

periods) 1. compare the ease hydrolysis of acyl chlorides with that of projector,
21.1 Acyl chlorides alkyl chlorides work
(a) Relative reactivity -hydrolysis of acyl 2. explain the formations of esters by the reactions of acyl sheet
chlorides and alkyl chlorides chlorides with alcohols and phenols
(b) Chemical reactions with alcohols, phenols, 3. explain the formations of amides by the reaction of acyl
and primary amines chlorides with primary amines

21.2 Esters as exemplified by ethyl ethanoate and 4. explain the acid and base hydrolysis of esters: saponification
phenyl benzoate
(a) Preparation of esters from carboxylic acids and 5. explain the reduction of esters to primary alcohols
acyl chlorides
(b) Chemical reactions of esters 6. explain tile importance of esters as fats and oils

(c) Fats and oils as natural esters: general structure

of glycerol ester derivatives of given long-
chain carboxylic acids 7. explain the use of esters as taste enhancers, flavourings,
preservatives, solvents and in the production of polyesters
(d) Uses of esters 11
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
8. explain the nomenclature of amides according to the IUPAC
21.3 Amides as exemplified by ethanamide 9. explain the preparation of primary and secondary amides from
(a) Preparation of amides reactions of acid chlorides with amines
(b) Hydrolysis of amides 10. explain the hydrolysis of amides in acidic or basic

22 AMINES (4 periods) Candidates should be able to

Primary amines as exemplified by ethylamine and 1. name amines according to the IUPAC nomenclature and their
phenylamine common names

(a) Preparation of amines (refer to 17.1) 2. explain the preparation of ethylamine by the reduction of
nitriles, phenylamine by the reduction of nitrobenzene and
amine by the nucleophilic substitution reaction between
ammonia and alkyl halides .
(b) Chemical reactions of amines with mineral 3. explain the formation of salts when amines react with mineral projector,
acids, nitrous acid and with aqueous bromine acids work
(refer to practical chemistry) sheet

4. differenciate between primary aliphatic amines and primary

aryl (aromatic) amines by their respective reactions with
nitrous acid and aqueous bromine
5. explain the structures of diazonium ion and diazonium salt
6. explain the formation of dyes by the coupling reaction of the
diazonium salt (benzenediazonium chloride) and phenol

23 AMINO ACIDS AND PROTEINS (4 periods) Candidates should be able to : Computer,

23.1 Amino acid as exemplified by aminoethanoic 1. explain the structure and general formula of amino acid with projector,
acid (glycine) and 2-aminopropanoic acid one amino group. work
(alanine) 2. identify the chiral center in the amino acid molecules. sheet 12
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
(a) General formula and structure of amino acids 3. explain the acid/ base properties of amino acids.
(b) Acid / base properties 4. explain the formation of zwitterions
(c) Formation of zwitterions 5. explain the peptide linkage as amide linkage formed by the
(d) Formation of the peptide linkage condensation between amino acids as exemplified by
glycylanine and ananilglycine

23.2 Protein-structure and hydrolysis of proteins 6. explain that the protein structure is based on the peptide
7. explain the hydrolysis of proteins

23.3 Importance of amino acids and proteins 8. explain the roles of amino acids and proteins in the biological

24 POLYMERS (9 periods) Candidates should be able to : Computer,

24.1 Introduction – artificial/ synthetic polymers, 1. explain the meaning of monomer, polymer, repeating unit projector,
natural polymers and copolymers. and copolymer. work
2. identify monomers in a polymer sheet

24.2 Preparation 3. explain polymerisation

(a) Condensation polymerisation 4. explain condensation polymerisation and addition
17 (b) Addition polymerisation, including free polymerisation
radicals and ionic (cationic and anionic) 5. explain addition polymerisation which involves free radicals
[4/5 – reactions – use of Ziegler Natta catalyst and ionic reactions mechanism
8/5] 6. explain the use and role of the Ziegler Natta catalyst in the
24.3 Classifications of polymers addition polymerisation process
7. suggest polymers which can be prepared from a monomer or a
pair of monomer
8. identify the manufacturing process for the preparation of
24.4 Use of polymers in daily life polyethene / polyethylene / PE, polypropene / propylene / PP,
polyphenylethene / polystyrene / PS and SBR synthetic computer,
rubber, ie phenylethene-buta-1,3-diene / styrene-butadiene projector, 13
Week Learning objective Learning outcome Material
24.5 Natural rubber (2-methybuta-1,3-diene) polymer
or polyisoprene 9. explain the classification of polymers as thermosetting,
(a) Microstructure : cis and trans forms thermoplastic and elastomer depending on their thermal
(b) Production of bulk rubber from latex properties
(c) Vulcanisation
(d) Uses of latex and bulk rubber 10. explain the uses of polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene and synthetic rubber (styrene-butadiene
copolymer) in the making of domestic products
11. explain the isoprene monomer in natural rubber sheet
12. explain the existence of two isomers in poly(2-methylbuta-
(a) the elastic cis form (from the Hevea brasiliensis trees)
(b) the inelastic trans form (from the gutta percha trees)
13. explain the process of producing bulk rubber from latex
14. explain the formation of cross-linkages via sulphur to change
the physical properties of natural rubber
15. explain the use of latex in the making of gloves, threads, etc,
and the use of bulk rubber in the making of tyres, belts, etc.

SECOND TERM [ 15 / 6 / 08 – 20 / 11 / 08 ]

Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material

9. PERIOD 3 AND GROUP 2: SELECTED Candidates should be able to : projector,
PROPERTIES (4 periods) 1. describe the reactions of Period 3 elements with oxygen and work
water sheet
9.1 Reaction of Period 3 elements, sodium to argon, 2. intrepret the ability of elements to act as oxidising and computer,
with oxygen and water reducing agents
9.2 Acid / base properties of oxides and hydrolysis of 3. describe and explain the acid / base properties of the oxides
oxides (reaction with water) of Period 3 elements
9.3 Trends in trhe properties of nitrates, carbonates, 4. describe the properties and the reactions with water of the
hydroxides and sulphates of Group 2 elements oxides of Period 3 elements
5. describe the clasification of the oxides of Period 3 elements as
basic, amphoteric or acidic based on their reactions with
water, acid and alkali
6. describe the thermal decomposition of the nitrates, carbonates
and hydroxides of Group 2 elements
7. interpret qualitatively and explain the thermal decomposition 15
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material
of the nitrates, carbonates and hydroxides in terms of the
charge density and polarity of large anions.
8. interpret qualitatively and explain the variation in solubility of
sulphate, in terms of the relative magnitudes of the enthalphy
change of hydration for the relevant ions and the
corresponding lattice energy.
9. interpret, and make.predictions from, the trends in physical
and chemical properties of Group 2 compounds.

10 GROUP 13: ALUMINIUM (4 periods) Candidates should be able to :

10.1 Extraction (refer to 7.10) 1. explain the electrolytic method of extraction of aluminium
from pure bauxite
] 10.2 Bonding and properties of the oxides and 2. explain the relationship between charge density of the Al3+ computer,
chlorides related to charge density of the Al3+ ions and their bonding properties, and the oxides and projector,
ions chlorides work
3. explain aluminium's affinity for oxygen in the Thermite sheet

10.3 Acidic character of aqueous aluminium salts and 4. explain the acidic character of aqueous aluminium salts and
their reactions with concentrated aqueous alkalis their reactions with concentrated aqueous alkalis

10.4 Resistance of aluminium to corrosion 5. explain why the aluminium metal resist corrosion

10.5 Uses of aluminium and its compounds in industry 6. describe some important uses of the aluminium metal in
relation to its resistance to corrosion, good electrical and
thermal conductivity and low density
7. describe the uses of the compounds containing aluminium in
modern industry, and examples of such compounds like
alloys, alums, zeolites and ceramics 16
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material

11 GROUP 14: C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb (9 periods) Candidates should be able to :

11.1 General study of the chemical trends for Group 1. explain the changing trends in chemical properties of Group
14 elements and their oxides and chlorides 14 elements and their oxides and chlorides

11.2 Bonding, molecular form, sublimation, thermal 2. describe and describe the bonding in and molecular shape of
stability, and hydrolysis of tetrachlorides, the tetrachloride
including mixed chlorides of carbon (freon) (refer 3. explain the formation of freon and the ill-effects of its use
to 17.7) 4. explain the volatility, thermal stability and hydrolysis of the
chloride in terms of structure and bonding

11.3 Bonding, acid /base nature, and thermal stability 5. describe and explain the bonding, acid-base nature and the
of the oxides of oxidation states II and IV stability of the oxides of oxidation states II and IV

11.4 Relative stability for higher and lower states of 6. describe and explain the relative stability of higher and lower computer,
oxidation for e1ements from carbon to lead in oxidation states of the elements in their oxides and aqueous projector,
their oxides, chlorides and aqueous cations cations work
7. explain the existence of different coordination numbers sheet
8. explain the descending property of catenation in the group

11.5 (a) Structure of the covalent crystal of carbon, 9. explain the relationship between the structure of covalent
eg, diamond and graphite crystal for graphite and diamond and their uses

(b) Use of carbon in industry 10. explain the uses of carbon as a component in composite
material (such as bullet-proof jackets, fibre and amorphous

11.6 (a) Use of silicon and silicate in industry 11. explain the use of silicon as a semiconductor and silicone as
a fluid, elastomer and resin

(b) Structure of silicate 12. explain the importance of silicate as a basic material for 17
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material
cement, glass and ceramics
13. explain silicate, SiO44- , as a primary structural unit and
connect these units to form chains (pyroxenes and
amphiboles), sheets (mica) and framework structure (quartz)
14. outline the structure of kaolinite and montmorillonite
15. explain the composition of soda glass, borosilicate glass,
quartz glass and lead glass

(c) Quartz glass and the effect of adding metallic 16. explain the effects of adding metallic and non-metallic
and non- metallic oxides oxides to glass

11.7 Use of tin alloys 17. describe the use of tin alloys in the production of solder and

12 GROUP 15: NITROGEN AND ITS Candidates should be able to : computer,

COMPOUNDS (9 periods) 1. explain the bonding in the nitrogen molecules projector,
2. explain the inertness of nitrogen in terms of high bonding work
12.1 Nitrogen energy as well as the non-polar nature of nitrogen molecules sheet
(a) The inert nature of nitrogen 3. show knowledge of the principles of extraction of nitrogen
(b) Principle of nitrogen extraction from air from air

12.2 Ammonia 4. explain the formation of ammonia from ammonium salts

(a) Its formation from ammonium salts (refer to
practical chemistry)

(b) Its properties as a base 5. explain the properties of ammonia as a base

(c) Its uses particularly in the manufacture of 6. exp1ain the importance of ammonia particularly in the
nitric acid and fertilisers manufacture of nitric acid and fertilisers.

12.3 Oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2, N204) 7. explain the structure of the oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2, 18
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material
(a) Formation of the oxides of nitrogen in internal N204)
combustion engines and from lightning 8. explain how the oxides of nitrogen are produced in internal
combustion engines and from lightning

(b) Use of catalytic converters to reduce air 9. explain the function of catalytic converters to reduce air
pollution pollution by oxidising CO to CO2 and reducing NOx to N2
10. explain the effects of the oxides of nitrogen and sulphur on
air pollution

13. GROUP 17: CI, Br, I (6 periods) Candidates should be able to :

1. state that the colour intensity of the halogens increase on
13.1 Variations in the volatility and colour intensity of going down the group in the Periodic Table.
the elements 2. explain how the volatility of the halogens decrease on going
down the group in the Periodic Table.
13.2 Relative reactivity of the elements as oxidizing 3. explain the relative reactivity of these elements as oxidizing computer,
agents agents projector,
13.3 Reactions of the elements with hydrogen, and the 4. explain the order of reactivity between the halogens and sheet
relative stability of the hydrides (with reference hydrogen as well as relative stability of the halides
to the reactivity of fluorine comparatively)

13.4 Reactions of halide ions 5. explain and write equations of reactions between halide ions
with aqueous silver ions followed by aqueous ammonia (refer
to practical chemistry) and with concentrated sulphuric acid

13.5 Reactions of chlorine with aqueous sodium 6. explain the reactions of chlorine with cold and hot aqueous
hydroxide sodium hydroxide

13.6 Important uses of the halogens and halogen 7. describe the important uses of the halogens and halogen
compounds compounds as antiseptic, bleaching agent, in purifying water,
and in black-and-white photography (explained as an example 19
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material
of redox equation)

14 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CHEMISTRY Candidates should be able to :

OF d-BLOCK ELEMENTS (12 periods) 1. explain variable oxidation states in terms of the energies of 3d
14.1 Chemical properties of d-block elements (Ti, Mn, and 4s orbitals
Cr, and Fe) 2. explain the colour changes of transition metals ions in terms
(a) Variable oxidation states and colour changes of a half-filled 3d orbitals and state the colours of the computer,
(refer to 7) complex aqueous ions of elements projector,
Note: No discussion of the zero and negative 3. state the principle oxidation numbers of these elements in work
oxidation states is required. their common cations, oxides and oxo ions sheet
4. explain qualitatively the relative stabilities of these oxidation
5. explain the use of standard redox potentials in predicting the
relative stabilities of aqueous ions
(b) Formation of complex ions by exchange of 6. explain the terms complex ion and ligand computer,
ligands 7. explain the formation of complex ions by exchange of projector,
ligands, eg water, ammonia, cyanide ions, thiocyanide ions, work
ethanadiote ions, ethylenediaminetetraethanoate and halide sheet
ions; examples: [Fe(CN)6]4- , [Fe(CN)6]3- ,
[Fe (H2O)5(SCN)] 2+

(c) Catalytic properties 8. explain the catalytic activity of transition elements in terms of
(i) Heterogenous catalysis variable oxidation states (homogenous catalysis) or adsorption
(ii) Homogenous catalysis by coordinate bond information (heterogenous catalysis)
9. explain heterogenous catalysis, eg Ni and Pt in the
hydrogenation of alkenes and Fe/Fe203 in the Haber process
10. explain the availability of the d-orbitals resulting in a
different mechanism of lower activation energy
11. explain homogenous catalysis in terms of the reduction of
Fe3+ by iodide ions and the subsequent reoxidation by S208 2-
Ions 20
Week Learning Objective Learning outcome Material

14.2 Nomenclature of complex compounds 12. show understanding of the naming of complex compounds .

14.3 Bonding in complex ions 13. discuss coordinate bond formation between ligands and the
central metal ions, and state the type of ligands, ie
monodentate, bidentate and hexadentate

14.4 Stereoisomerism of complex ions and compounds 14. explain the phenomenon of stereoisomerism :
(refer to 15.3) (a) geometric isomers. eg cis and trans - [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]+ ,
mer and fac – [Cr(NH3)CI3] ;
(b) optical isomers. eg d and 1 -[Cr(C204)3 3-
14.5 Use of d-block elements and their compounds, eg 15. explain the use of chromium in the hardening process of
chromium, manganese, cobalt and titanium (IV) steel and in stainless steel, cobalt and manganese in alloys,
oxide and Ti02 as a pigment, eg in plastics and paint



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