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Study Guide - Exam 2

Ch. 4-7

Ch. 4
- Assimilation
- Accommodation
- Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
- Object permanence
- Symbols
- Egocentrism
- Animism
- Centration
- Criticisms of Piaget’s theory
- Naive physics
- Orienting responses
- autobiographical memory
- Learning numbers
- one-to-one principle
- Zone of proximal development
- Private speech
- Fast mapping

Ch. 5
-Trust vs Mistrust
-Initiative vs Guilt
-Basic emotions
-Complex emotions
-Regulating emotions
-Cooperative play
-Parent’s roles in play

Ch. 6
-Concrete operational
-Formal operations
-Criticisms of Piaget’s theory
-Working memory
-Memory strategies
-Gifted children
-Intelligence & creativity
-Mental retardation
-phonological awareness
-Knowledge-telling strategy
-Knowledge-transforming strategy
-Elementary girls vs boys

Ch. 7
-parental behavior
-negative reinforcement trap
-temperament and parenting styles
-birth order
-blended families
-popularity and rejection

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