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An integrated approach
Increases and varieties of customer demands,
for supplier selection advances of recent technologies in
communication and information systems,
Ferhan Çebi and competition in global environment, decreases
Demet Bayraktar in governmental regulations, and increases in
environmental consciousness have forced
companies for focusing on supply chain
management (Tracey and Tan, 2001). The
“supply chain management” term has been
used for almost 20 years and is defined as the
integration of activities to procure materials,
transforms them into intermediate goods and
final products, and delivers to customers
(Heizer and Render, 2001). The supply chain
The authors consists of all links from suppliers to
Ferhan Çebi is and Assistant Professor and customers of a product. Goffin et al. (1997)
Demet Bayraktar is an Associate Professor, both at the have stated that supplier management is one
Faculty of Management, Istanbul Technical University, of the key issues of supply chain management
Istanbul, Turkey. because the cost of raw materials and
component parts constitutes the main cost of
a product and most of the firms have to spend
Supply chain management, Supplier evaluation,
considerable amount of their sales revenues
Programming, Analytic hierarchy process, Turkey
on purchasing. Hence, supplier selection is
Abstract one of the most important decision making
problems, since selecting the right suppliers
Competitive international business environment has
significantly reduces the purchasing costs and
forced many firms to focus on supply chain management
to cope with highly increasing competition. Hence, improves corporate competitiveness
supplier selection process has gained importance recently, (Ghodsypour and O’Brien, 2001).
since most of the firms have been spending considerable On the other hand, supplier selection
amount of their revenues on purchasing. The supplier decision-making problem involves trade-offs
selection problem involves conflicting multiple criteria that among multiple criteria that involve both
are tangible and intangible. Hence, the purpose of this quantitative and qualitative factors, which
study is to propose an integrated model for supplier may also be conflicting (Ghodsypour and
selection. In order to achieve this purpose, supplier
O’Brien, 1998). In other words, buyer-
selection problem has been structured as an integrated
lexicographic goal programming (LGP) and analytic
supplier relationships based on only the price
hierarchy process (AHP) model including both quantitative factor has not been appropriate in supply
and qualitative conflicting factors. The application process chain management recently. Considerations
has been accomplished in a food company established in have been given also to the other important
Istanbul, Turkey. In this study, the model building, solution strategic and operational factors such as
and application processes of the proposed integrated quality, delivery, flexibility, and etc. Supplier
model for supplier selection have been presented. selection decisions must include strategic and
operational factors as well as tangible and
Electronic access
intangible factors in the analysis (Sarkis and
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is Talluri, 2002). Hence, supplier selection
available at
problem can be modeled and solved by means
of utilizing multi-criteria decision analysis.
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is Furthermore, Ghodsypour and O’Brien
available at (2001) have stated that only a few mathematical programming models have
been published to this date those analyze
Logistics Information Management supplier selection problems involving multiple
Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · pp. 395-400
q MCB UP Limited · ISSN 0957-6053 sourcing with multiple criteria and with
DOI 10.1108/09576050310503376 supplier’s capacity constraints.
An integrated approach for supplier selection Logistics Information Management
Ferhan Çebi and Demet Bayraktar Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · 395-400

This study aims to show the usage of Development of the integrated model
integrated lexicographic goal programming
(LGP) and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) As mentioned above, this study aims to
model for decision-making problem and so propose an integrated model for supplier
how the mathematical programming selection. For this purpose, a Turkish
techniques could evaluate the multiple manufacturing company, which has been
objectives in determining the best operating for almost 40 years, was chosen. The
compromise solution for supplier selection company produces dry mixed food and drink
products. The company works with a number
demonstrated by means of using integrated
of suppliers for its raw materials. Some of the
LGP and AHP model. Therefore, the purpose
raw materials have been supplied from
of this study is to propose an integrated model
multiple sources while some of the others have
for supplier selection decision problem. In this
been supplied from single source. In this
study, the model building, solution and
study, the raw materials, which were selected
application processes of the proposed
by the firm, have been taken into
integrated model for supplier selection are
consideration. The purchasing cost of these
raw materials constitutes the important part of
Dickson (1966) presented 23 supplier the total purchasing cost of the firm.
selection criteria that were taken into Additionally, there have been alternative
consideration during the decision making suppliers for each raw material. Hence, certain
process in his earlier study (Weber et al., type of raw materials purchased from different
2000). Later, Wind and Robinson (1968) suppliers have been involved in this study.
reported that most vendor selection decisions In the food company, the most important
involved multiple criteria (Weber et al., 2000) factors, which are taken into consideration in
and since then, several articles have been supplier selection, are in the order of quality,
published for supplier selection. Verma and delivery, and cost. In the literature, these
Pullman (1998) stated that supplier selection factors are also taken into consideration in
literature is rich in terms of conceptual and supplier selection decision making process,
empirical works and decision support especially those utilizing both mathematical
methods for purchasing managers as well. programming approaches and decision
Weber and Ellram (1993) used multi- support systems (Weber and Ellram, 1993;
objective programming for supplier selection. Ghodsypour and O’Brien, 1998; Ghodsypour
Ghodsypour and O’Brien (1998) proposed an and O’Brien, 2001; Akbari Jokar et al., 2001).
integrated AHP and linear programming (LP) Because the company emphasizes qualitative
approach as a supplier-selection decision- factors regarding to its supplier selection
support system. In their recent work, strategy, it was required to develop a model,
Ghodsypour and O’Brien (2001) proposed which includes factors such capacity,
mixed integer non-linear programming model reputation, flexibility, communication, etc. In
to solve the multiple sourcing problem, with this pursuit, an integrated LGP and AHP
multiple criteria and with suppliers” capacity. model for supplier selection was developed.
Chen (2001) presented a multiple-criteria Quality, delivery, and cost factors have been
decision-making model based on fuzzy-set selected as the objective functions. In
theory for supplier selection. Akbari Jokar et al. addition, a utility function, coefficients
(2001) presented several necessary elements representing the supplier scores, has been
for a multiple criteria approach for strategic added to the model as the fourth objective
supplier selection and proposed a function. In order to obtain supplier scores,
mathematical model maximizing the total which are the coefficients of the fourth
utility of the supplier with respect to supplier objective function, an AHP model including
and buyer constraints. In addition to these several important factors that also effects the
articles, data envelopment analysis (DEA) supplier decisions except quality, delivery,
was used as a mathematical programming tool and cost has been developed. Quality,
for supplier selection (Weber, 1996; Liu et al., delivery, and cost factors are excluded in the
2000; Weber et al., 2000). On the other hand, model in order to prevent duplication in the
Choi and Hartley (1996), Verma and Pullman proposed integrated model. The reason for
(1998), Humphreys et al. (2001) and Tracey including the supplier score objective function
and Tan (2001) presented empirical studies to the integrated proposed model is the
related to supplier selection. enhance importance of supplier management.
An integrated approach for supplier selection Logistics Information Management
Ferhan Çebi and Demet Bayraktar Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · 395-400

Good suppliers can help manufactures during constraint was added to the model based on
the development of new products and the purchasing strategy of the company. The
processes, with long-term quality company has split its suppliers into two
improvements and cost reductions and can categories according to their payment terms.
provide enhanced delivery performance The company pays first group (G-1) supplier
(Goffin et al., 1997). Therefore, maximizing in the short-term and the second group (G-2)
the supplier’s score is the other challenging supplier in the longer term. The purchasing
factor that should be taken into consideration cost of raw materials from second group
during the decision processes. supplier constitutes at least 45 percent of the
The initial AHP model was developed by total purchasing cost. Furthermore, the
means of utilizing the previous literature in company prefers to buy some of the raw
supplier selection reported by Narasimhan materials from at least two suppliers as the
(1983), Lambert and Stock (1993), Choi and purchasing strategy:
Hartley (1996), Ghodsypour and O’Brien .
Decision variables. The decision variables,
(1998), Verma and Pullman (1998), which are represented as Xij, are the
Vonderembse and Tracey (1999), Yahya and amount of raw material i to be purchased
Kingsman (1999), Masella and Rangone from supplier j. Yij equals “1” if supplier j
(2000), Akbari Jokar et al. (2001) and is chosen for raw material i, and “0”
Humphreys et al. (2001). After reviewing the otherwise.
initial model with the managers from R&D, .
Objective functions. The objective
purchasing, production, logistics, and quality functions of the LGP model are in the
departments, a four level AHP model is order of maximization of quality objective
developed. The model encompasses criteria function, minimization of delivery
and sub-criteria, which may influence supplier objective function, minimization of cost
evaluation. The overall objective, which is objective function, and maximization of
“supplier evaluation”, takes place at the top of utility objective function. While the
the hierarchy. The criteria, which may quality objective function (equation (1))
influence supplier evaluation, take place at the is maximized, the delivery and the
second level and the sub-criteria at the third purchasing cost objective functions
level. Finally, alternative suppliers take place
(equations (2) and (3)) are minimized
at the lowest level as shown in Figure 1. The
and the utility objective function is
criteria and sub-criteria developed in this
maximized (equation (4)). The
study are the following:
coefficients of the fourth objective
Logistics criterion: delivery lead time,
function have been calculated based on
supply lots, flexibility in changing the
each product from the AHP model.
order, and delivery in good condition. .
Constraints. The constraints of the
Technologic criterion: capacity to meet the
decision problem are buyer’s demand
demand, involvement to formulating a
(equation (5)), minimum and maximum
new product or developing the current
order quantity of each supplier for each
products, improvement efforts in their
raw material (equations (6) and (7)),
products and processes, etc., and problem
number of suppliers (equation (8)), and
solving capability.
percentage of purchasing cost of G-2
Business criterion: reputation and position
(equation (9)).
in the sector, financial strength, and
management skills and compatibility. XX
Relationship criterion: easy Z max: ¼ Aij  X ij
communication, past experience, and i j ð1Þ
sales representative’s competence. ðQuality objective functionÞ;
Finally, alternative suppliers determined by XX
company management for the selected raw Z min: ¼ Lij  X ij
materials take place at the lowest level. This i j ð2Þ
hierarchical model has been utilized for each ðDelivery objective functionÞ;
product. Thus, eight AHP models have been
processed. XX
On the other hand, buyer’s demand and Z min: ¼ P ij  X ij
capacity of the suppliers have been
i j ð3Þ
determined as constraints. Also, another ðCost objective functionÞ;
An integrated approach for supplier selection Logistics Information Management
Ferhan Çebi and Demet Bayraktar Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · 395-400

Figure 1 The proposed AHP model for determining supplier scores

XX Lij = rate of raw material i late from

Z max: ¼ S ij  X ij supplier j.
i j ð4Þ Pij = purchasing cost (acquisition,
ðUtility objective functionÞ; transportation, etc.) of raw
subject to: material i from supplier j.
X Sij = score of supplier j for raw material i.
X ij ¼ Di ;i; ð5Þ Di = demand of raw material i.
Qijmin. = minimum order quantity from
supplier j for raw material i.
Qijmin:  Y ij # X ij ;i; j; ð6Þ Qijmax. = maximum order quantity from
supplier j for raw material i.
ni = number of supplier to be selected
Qijmax:  Y ij $ X ij ;i; j; ð7Þ
for raw material i.
X k = percentage of purchasing cost of
Y ij $ ni ’i; ð8Þ G-2.
The variables are:
PP Yij = “1” if supplier j is chosen for raw
P ij  X ij material i, “0” otherwise.
i j2G2
PP $ k; ð9Þ Xij = amount of raw material i to be
P ij  X ij
i j purchased from supplier j.

X ij $ 0 and integer ;i; j; ð10Þ

Application and solution of the
Y ij ¼ 0 or 1 ;i; j: ð11Þ integrated model
The constants are: As mentioned earlier, the proposed integrated
Aij = rate of perfect raw material i from model has been applied in a food company
supplier j. established in Istanbul. Eight raw materials
An integrated approach for supplier selection Logistics Information Management
Ferhan Çebi and Demet Bayraktar Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · 395-400

and three suppliers for each raw material, and material 5 should be procured from suppliers
thus 13 suppliers in total have been taken into 11 and 12. Raw material 6 should be supplied
consideration in the application process of the from the suppliers 1 and 13. Raw material 7
proposed integrated model. All the data should be procured from the suppliers 12 and
except supplier scores in the problem have 13. Finally, raw material 8 should be procured
been collected from the company and from the supplier 12. Within the conflicting
calculated for determining the parameters in objectives of the firm that are quality
the integrated proposed model. The data have maximization, late order percentage
not been given in this study to ensure the minimization, purchasing cost minimization,
confidence of the company. On the other and also utilization maximization the best
hand, a group has been constituted from the compromise purchasing quantity of each raw
same members who attended the AHP model material from the suppliers are listed in Table
building process in the food company in order I. The results of the model have been
to elucidate the pairwise comparison presented to the manager of the company.
judgments. The judgments in Saaty’s (1988) The results have been found to be consistent
scale were obtained from the group members and reliable by the management.
On the other hand, according to the
after the achievement of the consensus. Then,
solution results among the 13 suppliers, nine
the judgments were used to obtain supplier
suppliers have been proposed to be in
scores by means of utilizing Expert Choice for
relationship. This result is also in accordance
Windows software package. Additionally, the
with the fact that working with a small number
proposed integrated LGP and AHP model
of suppliers allows collaborative partnership.
building process has been performed
Organizations for whom buying are tending to
interactively with the manager of the
be in collaborative partnership rather than
company. LGP model was solved by
adversarial competition. Hence, this kind of
WinQSB, which uses lexicographical
relationship can be managed with a small
optimum. The results of the solution process
number of suppliers. Therefore, the
of the proposed model are given in Table I. organization can work with limited strategic
As it is seen in Table I, the solution results suppliers in order to maintain its collaborative
of the model indicate that raw material 1 relationship and also to cope with global
should be procured from the suppliers 1 and competition in its supply chain.
2. Raw material 2 should be procured from
the suppliers 4 and 5. Raw material 3 should
be procured from the supplier 7. Raw material
4 should be procured from the supplier 8. Raw Conclusions and future work

Supplier management is one of the most

Table I The results of the integrated model
important parts in supply chain management
Decision variables Solution values (unit) that gains importance increasingly in the
X1,1 6.000 globalization process. Most of the companies
X1,2 4.000 can improve their competitive advantage by
X2,4 15.000 means of good supplier management. Hence,
X2,5 15.000 supplier selection should be performed by a
X3,7 20.000 systematic and scientific approach. During
X4,8 25.000 the supplier selection process, the purchasing
X5,11 7.000 manager should take into consideration
X5,12 3.000 strategic and operational factors as well as
X6,1 50.000 tangible and intangible factors. In this study,
X6,13 50.000 an integrated LGP and AHP model was
X7,12 25.000 proposed for selecting suppliers among the
X7,13 5.000 conflicting objectives that are quality, delivery,
X8,12 10.000 cost, and utility.
Notes: maximized objective function value¼232,380;
One of the most important advantages of
minimized objective function value ¼ 5,300; minimized the proposed integrated model is that it
objective function value ¼ 989,833,920; maximized includes both tangible and intangible factors
objective function value ¼ 69,374 in supplier selection decision-making process.
Additionally, the decision maker can analyze
An integrated approach for supplier selection Logistics Information Management
Ferhan Çebi and Demet Bayraktar Volume 16 · Number 6 · 2003 · 395-400

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