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FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 4

Internet Activity Student Worksheet


What Were They Watching?
WEB ACTIVITY: Search the web for information about movies that were popular and write about
them using the simple past and past progressive tense.



1. Before going to the website, answer these questions.

What TV shows did you watch last night?

What movies did you see last month?

What songs/CDs did you listen to last week?

2. Go to the website for your group. Group A: read about what was popular in entertainment 20
years ago. Group B: read about what was popular 10 years ago.

Group A:
Write three TV shows that people were watching 20 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Write three movies that were showing 20 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Write three songs/albums that people were listening to 20 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 5 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 2
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 1
FOCUS ON GRAMMAR, Third Edition, Level 4
Internet Activity Student Worksheet

Group B:
Write three TV shows that people were watching 10 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Write three movies that were showing 10 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

Write three songs/albums/CDs that people were listening to 10 years ago.

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

(Remember: Just look at the site to get information for this exercise; do not give personal
information or credit card information anywhere in the website.)


Bring the worksheet to class. Students in Group A will work with partners from Group B. Take
turns asking and answering questions about what is popular now and what was popular in the
past. Use the information in Part One. Ask these questions:
a. What TV shows did you watch last month?

b. What TV shows were people watching 10/20 years ago?

c. What movies did you see last month?

d. What movies were showing in theaters 10/20 years ago?

e. What songs/CDs did you listen to last week?

f. What songs/albums/CDs were people listening to 10/20 years ago?

Focus on Grammar, Third Edition, Level 5 Internet Activity Student Worksheet, Unit 2
Copyright © 2006 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use. 2

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