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Curepe-Pentecostal Empowerment Ministries International


The Weapons of Praise & Worship 4

A. Review Questions:
1. What does shachah, the Hebrew word for worship mean? How does proskuneo, the Greek
word for worship, differ in meaning from this Hebrew word?
2. Why is it that anyone can praise but only those who know God can truly worship Him?
3. What does “worship in spirit and in truth” mean?
4. How is worship a lifestyle? How is it effective in spiritual warfare?

B. Worship in the Old Testament:

1. Altar Sacrifices
(a) Worship initially involved the free building of alters by individuals to offer sacrifices to God.
For example: Abraham built many alters (Genesis 12:7-8).
(b) Moses also built altars to God but while on Mt Sinai he also built 12 pillars (Exodus 24:4).
• These were built to accommodate all twelve tribes and the young men were sent there
to offer the sacrifices (Exodus 24:5).
• There were no ordered priesthood at the time and the need for a separate structure to
accommodate the volume of sacrifices was rapidly increasing.

2. The Tabernacle & the Ark of the Covenant

(a) God commanded Moses to prepare a sanctuary not just for receiving sacrifices but
because he wanted to dwell among the people (Exodus 25:1-8).
• This structure was to become God’s dwelling place.
• It was to be built through the willing “from the heart” giving of all (Exodus 25:2).
• This sanctuary was subsequently called the “Tabernacle of the congregation.” The
phrase is use 127 times and means the “tent of meeting.”
• It was a place for the people to meet with God (Exodus 25:22; 29:43).
• All that was in it was sanctified (made pure and holy) by God Himself (Exodus 29:43).
• It was made with precise instructions to contain the Ark of the Covenant (Deut. 10:1-5).
(b) The Tabernacle was carried in the wilderness until Joshua entered Canaan where it was at
Gilgal for a while (Joshua 4:19) and eventually set up at Shiloh (Joshua 18:1).
(c) The Ark of the Covenant became an idol to the people who trusted it more than God! It was
subsequently taken in battle and God’s glory departed (I Samuel 4:22).
(d) Although it was eventually returned the Ark of the Covenant did not go back to the
Tabernacle but was constantly moved about from family to family (I Samuel 7:1; II Samuel
6:3, 11; I Chronicles 13:13; 15:24-25).

3. King David’s New Testament Worship

(a) David built a new Tabernacle on Mount Zion replacing the one that was built at the time of
Moses (I Chronicles 15:1; 16:1, II Chronicles 5:2).
(b) He ordained a new order of priesthood for this tabernacle (I Chronicles 16:4).
• These were to continually praise God in music and singing (I Chronicles 25:1-31).
• This was revolutionary! It was a continual, 24-hour worship with music and song.
(c) Davidic worship was New Testament worship a millennium before its time!
• It was filled with gifts of prophesy (I Chronicles 25:1-6).
• It recognized that we ought to offer sacrifices of praise to God and not of animals
(Psalms 51:15, 16; Hebrews 13:15).
• It brought the presence of God (Psalms 132:13, 14).

C. The Jehoshaphat Process in Spiritual Warfare

1. Make it your lifestyle to habitually...

• Seek God and put away every idolatrous leaning. (II Chronicles 17:3- 6).
• Enquire into the Word of God through godly council (II Chronicles 18:4-6).
• Spread the Word of God (II Chronicles 17:7-9).

2. When in faced with a serious battle...

• Fast and pray. Ask others to do the same (II Chronicles 20:3-4).
• During the battle, sing praises and thank God for the victory (II Chronicles 20:21).
• Do not waver but stand firm and hold your position! (II Chronicles 20:17).
• Watch God work and then give Him the glory with rejoicing! (II Chronicles 20:22-29).

Compiled by Barry Joel Desaine

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