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THU: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you today? ….

Ok, let’s get started and move on to our next topic today. I’m Thu and I am Vy.
VY: Statistics show that because of this problem, about 20% of the world's population lacks access to safe drinking water and about 50% lacks adequate
sanitation.Each year there are about 250 million cases of water-related diseases, with roughly 5 to 10 million deaths.
So far, who can make a guess what it is? (asksome students)
Well,now I’d like you to ask yourselves a simple question. You guys here may all know water pollution, but how many of you can state exactly what its causesand
effects are, and how to contend with this problem?
Yes, it may bea hard question, so we are here today to help you enhance your knowledge of water pollution, its causes and solutions!!!
VY: First of all, I’d like to outline the contents of our presentation. We will start off by bringing you up-to-date on the main causes of water pollution. And then we will
go on to discuss in more depth some possible solutions to it.
( khuc nay bo di, phan introduction la thu lam, vy khong can lam dau)
VY: My name’s Vy and now Ms Thu ( minh nghi nen gioi thieu ten truoc ). So we have gone through the main causes of water pollution.As you know, water pollution
has influenced every aspect of our lives and we all want adequate and effective solutions to it; otherwise, our living environment will be getting more and more
severely damaged. So how are we going to overcome it? and I will talk you through some sufficient solutions to deal with it. Let’s go!
VY: The first one is how to deal with pesticide ( minh nghi nen gioi thieu vay de cho ro, Vy ghi thi tot roi, nhg minh nghi bai viet thi nen noi ro cho no de hieu), the
reduction of pesticide volume used every day is a good option to cope with water pollution. The farmers should follow label instructions strictly such as the timing of
pesticide application in order to avoid potential runoff due to rainfall or irrigation. Moreover, pesticide applications should be delayed when soil is saturated with water
and rain is expected. And another important thing is that we must not apply more pesticides than need as well as adopting better chemicals and methods so as to
decrease the occurrence of pesticide runoff.
THU: Well, mentioning pesticide application, we cannot omit the tremendous use of fertilizer and nutrients in our daily life. Nutrients and fertilizers are now widely
abused all over the world, and cause many serious effects to our environment, one of those is the Dead Zone.
The Dead Zone is an effect of nutrients and fertilizers abuse which almost could not be solved. However, we can stop it from spreading by cutting down the nutrients
pollution and restoring ecosystem functions.Furthermore, we should reestablish coastal wetlands and reduce fertilizer use to filter pollutants, decrease plankton growth
and raise dissolved oxygen levels. Let me take an example of these solutions’ efficiency.
The dead zone on the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea peaked at 20,000 square kilometers in the 1980s. After that, because of the collapse of economies in the
region, phosphorus applications were cut by 60% and nitrogen use was reduced by 50% and in 1996, amazingly the dead zone shrank the first time in 23 years.
VY: Together with pesticides, nutrients and fertilizers pollution, industrial and domestic wastes also contribute to the significant increase of water pollution. Therefore,
wastes must be disposed properly before being discharged into water sources as lakes, rivers, seas, or oceans. The industrial wastes should be chemically treated so as
to neutralize the harmful substances present in them. Waste papers, food, plastics, rotting vegetables and fruits must not be thrown into open drains but be placed in
suitable places for latertreatment or recycling process. The other thing isthat solid wastes should be sent to biogas plants to lessen the contaminated runoff in water.All
of these above solutions all aim at helping control the introduction of pollutants into the water cycle.
THU: Oil spill is emerging as a threatening danger to water sources.Water is severely polluted and hundreds of species were dead because of this, so we need to take
strong steps to prevent and deal with this (Khuc nay minh co noi o causes roi Vy khong can fai noi lai dau mac cong dai wa, may ban nghe khong hieu) . In order to
prevent oil spill, we could take advantage of the important role of the government by strictly regulating and inspecting the movement of commercial ships as well as
educating citizens about the dire consequences of this problem. In addition, we should absorb the grease by using sorbents and (bo di nhe, minh nghi cang don gian
cang tot) start to use means of transportation that do not consume too much petrol, like hybrid and electric cars, or public transport. Not only preventing oil spill, we
must take actions to deal with this problem too. People should select affected materials and get rid of the lubricant without injuring any other part of the material. This
is considered the best way for people can get near affected materials which equipment cannot enter. Environmental, bio gradable products and chemicals such as
Bioremediation cleaning products, which are considered the most useful environmental oil spills solutions, should be used more commonly in replace of old products.
VY: As Thu has mentioned the government’s role above, it is quite obvious that the government definitely have a strong impact on the problem. Government
authorities should come forward with latest provisions in order to eliminate water pollution. Water protection laws should be made more stringent and anyone who is
found breaking them must be penalized severely, from celebrities to normal citizens. Besides, the government should take strong steps for the disposal of agricultural
pollutants. The lawmakers should take strict steps and execute water pollution solutions and the rules wouldabsolutely eliminate this type of pollution to great extent.
THU: Afterdiscussing some main solutions, we should implement other miscellaneous solutions in assistance with the above ones, too. Those include preventing
plastic pollution by starting to use ecological bags instead of plastic bags, recyclingplastic bags as much as we can, prohibiting deforestation, cleaning up mining
practices and chemical substances.
VY: In addition to this, we should improve the sewage treatment system because outdated waste treatments do little to solve the water pollution, so fixing them up can
help clean up a great deal of the water pollution ( minh nghi nen sua lai la polluted water) that currently exists and prevent pipe leakages. Eventually, we should control
the water cycle by applying the method of rain gardens, which could absorb water that otherwise, would have runoff into waterways and stop contaminants that may
have been washed into those waterways.

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