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Nov 24, '08 4:34 AM

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1. “spoken utterances in English and indonesian”

2. “noun and verb phrases in english and indo” . • View Contacts

3 Contrastive Analysis Between Javanese And Bataknese In Spoken English • View Groups (8)
• Photos of VIDO

4. Imperative sentence in English and Bahasa Batak Mandailing • Personal


5. The contrastive analysis an english and batak mandailing in request sentences • RSS Feed [?]

• Report Abuse
6. semantic analysis on the students’ ability in distinguishing ambiguity and
anomaly sentence of English

7. an analysis on the students’ competence in predicting information from the

pictures on reading text at SMP Negeri 10 Bandar Lampung"
(dilarang mengambil judul ini) VIDO

8. comparative study between literal meaning and non literal meaning in english
and indonesian poems

9. analisis makna fisik dan batin kumpulan sajak sepatu tua karya ws rendra

10. “the effects of using tape recorder technique on the students’ achievement in
vocabulary” .

11. “the kindergarten students’ ability in expressing parts of the human body
based on pictures”.

12. “semiotic analysis on the students’ speech based on gender”.

13. “the correlation between parents’ educational background with students’

ability in mastering english vocabulary” .

14. “the correlation between parents’ educational background with students’

ability in mastering english vocabulary”

15. the primary students’ ability in writing new words

16. “the effects of using media (picture) to the primary students’ achievement in
teaching vocabulary”

17. “english and mandailing demonstratives and pronoun”

18. Students’ Problem In Forming An English Sentence Based On The Maxim Of

Quality And Maxim Of Quantity

19. The effect of audio-lingual method on the students’ achievement in learning

plural noun.

20. students’ ability in identifying independent clauses and dependent clauses in


21. “an analysis on the politeness in indonesian adress system” .

22. “an analysis on the students’ ability in studying english sentence classification”.

23. The students’ ability in identifying antonims in scientific texts.

24. The Students’ Ability In Identifying And Classifying English Sentences In

Writing Text

25. “error analysis on the use of tenses” .

26. the effect of using environmental technique to the students’’ achievement in

learning vocabulary.

27. students’ abilirty in answering oral test based on gender.

28. “the students’ ability in building abstract noun from adjective based on

29. The Students’ Ability in Arranging Conversation Based on the Context of

Situation Offered by Teacher

30. “the students’ ability in constructing imperative sentences” .

31. the effects of using completion technique to the students’ achievement in

learning vocabulary

32. “Adjectives in English and Bahasa Mandailing” .

33. “The Students’ Ability in Using Perfect Continuous Tense”.

34. The Correlation Between Using Words Category Method And Students’
Achievement In Learning Vocabulary.

35. Students’ Speaking Competence By Using Communication Through Design

36. The students’ difficulties in distinguishing between adverbial phrases And

37. “An Analysis on the Usage Of Affixation in King Manggala’s Treasure”

38. “An Analysis on the Use of Sentences on the Text of Antigone Drama”

39. “The Elementary Students’ Problem in Differentiating the Use of Auxiliary

Verb Do-Does in the Negative Sentences”

40. “The Effect of Lexical Approach on the Students’ Achievement in

Understanding Text of the Junior High School”

41. “Aceh and English In Conjunction”.

" buat teman-temanku jangan pernah menyerah sebelum kalian mencoba sesuatu yang menurut
kalian, kalian tidak mampu, karena semua itu adalah awal yang menentukan kalian mampu atau
by : Vido Virziansyah


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3 CommentsChronological Reverse Threaded

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judulskripsi wrote on May 18, '10
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judulskripsi wrote today at 5:39 AM
semua judul ini adalah bajakan dari
sementara kalo anda minta disini data isinya pasti satu huruppun tidak ada,,,, semua isinya ada di Mr. hardy Hp. 081362065870 dan dia juga
yang empunya dan juga
untuk bro vido. tolong donk postnya jangan di sensor karena ada embelnya di atas made by vido. itu melanggar KUHP tentang IT, lagian sama2
tau dunia maya juga punya kode etik.... coba klo ada yang nanya datanya sama vido pasti tersesat... jd harapannya embel2 kalimat diatasnya atau
contact atau apalah namanya yang berhubungan dengan yan empunya di masukkan diatas .... thanks... atas postingnya
judulskripsi wrote on May 18, '10
semua judul ini adalah bajakan dari
sementara kalo anda minta disini data isinya pasti satu huruppun tidak ada,,,, semua isinya ada di Mr. hardy Hp. 081362065870 dan dia juga
yang empunya dan juga
untuk bro vido. tolong donk postnya jangan di sensor karena ada embelnya di atas made by vido. itu melanggar KUHP tentang IT, lagian sama2
tau dunia maya juga punya kode etik.... coba klo ada yang nanya datanya sama vido pasti tersesat... jd harapannya embel2 kalimat diatasnya atau
contact atau apalah namanya yang berhubungan dengan yan empunya di masukkan diatas .... thanks... atas postingnya
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yang lama. Paling lama 1minggu.
8. Kerjakan program / perangkat lunak. Ini adalah bagian yang paling sulit dan
membutuhkan waktu yang paling lama, karena kenyataannya tidak semua
mahasiswa teknik informatika menguasai programming secara utuh. Umumnya,
mahasiswa hanya menguasai dasar-dasar programming (yang diberikan institusi
pendidikan) dan tidak dikembangkan, sehingga programming skill mahasiswa
dirasakan kurang untuk mengerjakan program skripsi. Untuk poin ini, jangan kuatir.
Anda masih bisa mencari teman-teman / senior-senior anda untuk dimintai
bantuannya. Bagi yang mempunyai skill programming yang cukup, buatlah
prototype program dalam 1-2 hari dan coding atau kerjakan program anda dalam
waktu maksimal 1 bulan. Setelah program selesai, ini artinya anda sudah 80%
selesai … Take a break, refreshing & relax for a moment :)
9. Mulai menyusun bab3, bab4 dan bab5. Setelah program selesai, poin ini akan
relatif mudah, karena inti dari ketiga bab ini adalah apa yang ada di dalam program
anda. Bab3 adalah prototype / rancangan (ambil form2 dari program). Bab4 adalah
algoritma yang diambil dari program. Copy & paste source code dan diganti jadi
bahasa indonesia. Misalnya IF diganti jadi JIKA, THEN diganti jadi KEMUDIAN and so
on … Bab5? Gampang, simpulkan apa yang anda buat dan tulis kelemahan atau
saran perbaikan program yang tidak dapat anda kerjakan.
10. Konsultasikan bab per bab dengan dosen pembimbing. Ini adalah POIN YANG
PENTING. Beberapa institusi tidak terlalu mempersulit pengerjaan skripsi, paling2x
diganti dan dikasih saran perbaikan yang sesuai dan relatif tidak menyulitka. Tetapi
ada beberapa institusi yang mempunyai dosen killer yang akan sangat mempersulit
pengerjaan skripsi anda. Tidak peduli bagaimana bagusnya skripsi anda, tetap
harus ada perbaikan / coret2an yang dibuatnya di paper anda. Oh god … :( But it’s
alright, i have some great tips here. Untuk menghadapi dosen killer seperti ini, yang
harus anda lakukan adalah JANGAN PERNAH MENENTANGNYA. Pelajari dengan baik
skripsi anda, konsultasikan dengan penuh percaya diri dan jangan pernah terlihat
anda lebih tahu dari dosen anda. Beberapa dosen killer tidak akan dengan segan-
segan ‘membunuh’ mahasiswa yang tidak menguasai skripsinya (mungkin karena
mereka ingin mencari perhatian). Beberapa di antaranya mempersulit mahasiswa
yang bergaya sok tahu. So, saran saya: KUASAI SKRIPSI ANDA & KONSULTASIKAN
SECARA DUA ARAH. Note: bila anda diminta untuk membuat sesuatu yang di luar
kemampuan anda. Anda bisa mencoba membalikkan permintaan tersebut dengan
menyerahkannya kembali ke dosen tersebut. Caranya: minta dengan baik2 &
hormat supaya dosen tersebut membimbing anda dengan penuh untuk
menyanggupi permintaan tersebut, karena request tersebut benar2 di luar
kemampuan anda. Percayalah, bahwa tips ini akan membuat dosen anda sedikit
berpikir ketika dia meminta anda untuk menambahkan sesuatu yang rumit. But
hopefully, your tutor is kind … :)
11. Seminar Hasil & Meja Hijau. Saran saya sangat singkat, KUASAI SKRIPSI ANDA
bila anda tidak ingin menjadi ’sasaran tembak’ dalam event tersebut. Pelajari
minimal dalam 1 minggu dari teori sampai source code program. Bila saatnya tiba,
anda harus tampil percaya diri sehingga dosen anda akan mendapatkan image
bahwa anda memang bukan mahasiswa sembarangan :) Bila anda menguasai poin
ini dengan baik, tidak mustahil anda akan mendapat nilai ‘A’ untuk skripsi anda.
Congratulations, you’ve just got your title

A. Background
There are new appreciations in teaching and learning styles. The students often have
the unique in learning styles, for example: making pictures and sentences in brochures
and pamphlets. This particular community comes to classes and effort to have some
perceptions on how to encourage the different individuals in be come familiar for
teaching styles and presented the materials.
It is commonly happened to every body that certain educational levels should be familiar
to the different students; it means that the students who come from different
background. For example, social background, economic, level of competence, interests.
These phenomena emerges the teacher’s brain and as the basic consideration on how
she must spend her time and powers to understand these differences and try hard to
recognize the substance of phenomena of this complexity life.
However, some insights of individual differences apply to make an intelligent carrier
choice. Because of students learn in such different ways and differ so much in what
they already know and need to learn. The teacher’s role needs to give only sketchy
guidelines here, because it is understandable that the teacher carrier is to share her
vicarious experiences under regular guiding by reflection have the real encounter of the
harmonious society.
Regarding the communication process, especially oral communication in which Tarigan
Hendry Guntur (1986: 8) in his book “Menulis sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa “,
(writing as a language skills / called as direct communication is done verbally from the
communicator to his partner (interlocutor) in a two –way intercourse.
Furthermore, the teacher of language classroom efforts to pay much attention to the
student’s capability in speaking the target language in contrary, previously the student in
the language classroom are emphasized on the acquisition of linguistic structures or
vocabularies, and as a result, the students may know the rules of language usage that
will be unable to use the language (Diana Larsen, 1983: 124).
Fortunately, nowadays the students are challenged and rewarded to cope the sufficient
knowledge for the sake of their ability in speaking in target language. Means that, they
are challenged to speak English fluently, for example; when the students could express
his desires, ideas, thought or willingness by using the target language. So all at once he
may easily learn the listening, reading and writing skills accordingly. Secondly, they felt
rewarded when they understood that by mastering the English orally they might get
pleasant and intelligent carrier choices beyond the complex and the modern society.
To cove the students who have the definite capability, specifically, in speaking the target
language. The teacher in the language classrooms tries hard to involve themselves, the
students and all of their resource mentally and physically gain interest in learning the
target language. For one common thing, an imaginative and creative professional
teacher stimulates the students’ interest with various kinds of vicarious experiences
“learning by doing”, for example by asking the students to have field trip, camping,
recreation, picnic etc. Another, presenting the materials with miscellaneous interesting
and fascinating strategies, approaches and techniques in teaching introduces the
students with worth while or powerful media such as television, radio, videos, tape
recorder or OHP (over head projector) and even, easy, -made-media for the schools
which cannot effort to pay, because they are unreasonable in finance (Sadiman et al
1986 :8).
Brochures and pamphlets are two types of media which can be easily obtained
whenever or wherever in the market, even on the trees along the road, on the walls and
in any instance which familiar to public relation and advertising or promotion center.
Starting from those above phenomena the writer in this particular writing intends to
investigate the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets as a media of teaching used
to encourage the students motivation in oral presentation of the second semester
students of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri .
2. Statement of A Problem
This recent investigation is aimed at finding out the answer of the following question:
“Is the use of Brochures and Pamphlets effective in teaching Speaking?
3. The Purpose of The Study
The general purpose of this investigation is to find out some possible language
instructional media applicable for language teacher. especially, this simple investigation
is aimed at finding out the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets in teaching
speaking students.
4. The Assumptions of The Study
The research conducted is based on the following assumptions, that:
1. The populations of this study have approximately similar experiences in learning
2. Brochures and pamphlets are applicable media in teaching oral presentation
(speaking) of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri
3. The instrument of data collection and data analysis is considered valid enough to get
the data needed.
5. The Significance of The Study
Hopefully, the research would be of some uses to:
1. Encourage the application of visual aids as an easy made media for language
2. Encourage the use of brochures and pamphlets for language teaching and learning,
whether for speaking activities or in introducing other language skills.
3. Give a considerable suggestion to language teacher to create one easy made -
media and possible applicable visual medium for language instruction.
4. Give some beneficial information for further investigation.
6. Scope of Study
The scope of this investigation to be discussed in this writing is limited to the following
1. The study is limited to the effectiveness of brochures and pamphlets in teaching
speaking students at Aliyah Selaparang Kediri.
2. This investigation administered at the second year of Aliyah Selaparang Kediri in
Academic year 2003/2004.
7. The Hypothesis of The Study
This investigation hypothesis are stated which sound that :
“Brochures and Pamphlets are effective in teaching Speaking “.
For the sake of statistical computations, the alternate hypothesis (ha) Above needs to
be changed into null hypothesis(Ho). Which reads:
“ Brochures and pamphlets are not effective toward teaching speaking “.
8. The Definition of key Terms
To avoid possible misunderstanding and misinterpretation about the variables are
involved in this particular present study, the following definition are put for words :
1. Brochures and Pamphlets
1. Brochures
“Brochures is a small thin book (Booklet, pamphlets) especially one giving instructions
or details of a service offered, from money, holiday brochures .
2. Pamphlets
“Pamphlets is a small book with paper covers which deals usually with some matters of
public interest”, (Long man Dictionary 0f Contemporary English).
3. Speaking / Teaching Speaking Students
The term “Speaking” itself refers “to utter words with ordinary speech, modulation, talk
“or” to express one self engage in discussion, converse, talk, to recognize another, be
on good term” (Mories at al 1966:454). Conversely, this variable denotes to process of
transferring knowledge of converse and how to express one idea, thought, desires and
willingness into good pattern and ordinary speech used to talk or recognize another by
the English teacher or Aliyah Selaparang Kediri to the students under to guidance of
brochures and pamphlets media.

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