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Cinq Continents Volume 9, Numéro 19, 2019, p.


Volume 11 / Numéro 23
Été 2021
ISSN : 2247 - 2290
p. 86-102

Directions and strategies for the development

of rural settlements in Romania.
Case study: Domnești commune, Ilfov county

Alina-Simona CALOIAN1, Anca ALBU2, Manuela BĂRBĂRIE1

Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, Romania

2 Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Ovidius University of Constanța, Romania

Sommaire :

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................ 88
2. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................ 89
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................. 96
1. Elaboration of objectives and rural development plans for Domnești Commune ........... 96
2. Preparation of rural development scenarios ................................................................................... 98
3. Sources of project financing ................................................................................................................. 100
4. CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 100
5. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 101

Citer ce document :

CALOIAN, A.-S., ALBU, A., BĂRBĂRIE, M. 2021. Directions and strategies for the development of
rural settlements in Romania. Case study: Domnești commune, Ilfov county. Cinq Continents 11
(23): 86-102
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

Directions and strategies for the development of rural settlements in

Romania. Case study: Domnești commune, Ilfov county

Alina-Simona CALOIAN, Anca ALBU, Manuela BĂRBĂRIE

Direcții și strategii de dezvoltare a așezărilor rurale din România.

Studiu de caz: comuna Domnești, județul Ilfov. Prezentul articol surprinde
modul de evoluție al componentei sociale și economice în raport cu resursele
existente la nivel local al comunei Domnești precum și modul de utilizare al
acestora, pe baza raportului dintre activitățile desfășurate în conformitate cu
reglementările calității mediului, dar și capacitățile de adaptare ale populației
și autorităților locale. Principalul scop corespunde intenției de a expune în
prim-plan aspectele favorabile, dar și cele mai puțin favorabile identificate și
propunerea unor soluții de ameliorare și valorificare a resurselor existente.
La nivel structural, articolul cuprinde 5 părți ce deservesc identificării
principalelor forme și stategii de dezvoltare ale localităților rurale de pe
teritoriul României, cu accent pe comuna Domnești din județul Ilfov, plecând
de la elementele de cadru natural și utilizarea terenurilor, la structura socio-
economică, respectiv elaborarea profilului economic al zonei, până la
elaborarea obiectivelor și a planurilor de dezvoltare a comunității rurale
precum și pe întocmirea scenariilor de dezvoltare și a surselor de finanțare.
În urma acestui lucru s-au evidențiat aspectele pozitive și modul prin care
acestea contribuie la dezvoltarea locală a comunității precum și a celor
negative care de asemenea, contribuie și/sau influențează într-un mod nu
tocmai favorabil sistemul socio-economic al zonei.
Cuvinte cheie: strategie de dezvoltare, comuna Domnești, județul Ilfov, plan
de dezvoltare rurală.

Directions and Strategies for the Development of Rural Settlements in

Romania. Case Study: Domnești Commune, Ilfov County. This article
consists of 5 parts and aims at identifying the main forms and strategies for
the development of rural localities in Romania with a focus on Domnești
Commune in Ilfov County. Following this, the positive aspects and the way
they contribute to the local development of the community as well as the
negative aspects that also contribute and/or influence in a not very
favourable way the socio-economic system of the area were highlighted.
Thus, in the first part the natural environment and land use were analysed,
the second part reviewed the transport infrastructure of the commune, in the
third part the socio-demographic profile was analysed, in the fourth part the
economic profile was developed, and the last part focuses on the elaboration
of the objectives and plans for the development of the rural community as
well as on the elaboration of the development scenarios and the sources of
Keywords: development strategy, Domnești commune, Ilfov county, rural
development plan.



Traditionally, rural development is highly hearted onland intensive agriculture

production, poor participatory approach and imprudent strategies. “The robust and
volatile agriculture sector has been taken as a decisive cornerstone of rural development
which provokes a healthy tie to other economic sectors, nonetheless, rural development
is more than the scope of agriculture productivity.” (Chanie, M, 2018)
Attention is given to the development of agricultural and rural policy. At the same
time the environmental matter is addressed. The role of rural areas is not only the food
production, but also to meet the strategic functions in relation to the conservation and
protection of the natural environment and to act as a reservoir of cultural heritage
- customs, traditions.
The topic of the article was approached both at the level of territorial analysis and
at the general level on human settlements in various scholarly papers, designed to
highlight the framework of their territorial management both in terms of land
administration and socio-economic dynamism in relation to this as well as to highlight the
unfavourable aspects, but also the objectives proposed at the same time with the applied
strategies (Hadynski, J, 2011).
The main objective of this study corresponds to the intention to highlight the
strengths and weaknesses identified within the settlement as well as to propose
improvement strategies aimed at reclaiming and, capitalizing on existing local resources.
Throughout the paper, aspects on the current status o of the commune in terms of socio-
demographic profile involving a state of population development, economic profile, land
use and transport infrastructure will be approached.
First of all, the intention was to find outthe level of development of the inter-
relations between all these components, resulting in a first part of the performed analysis,
but also to consider the hypotheses of the scholarly literature, so that in the end an
overview emerges that contributes to effectively setting objectives and development
strategies or an action plan.
Thus, in order to develop this article, information sources were used, such as
scholarly literature found in the archives of official websites, for example development
strategies, draft decisions with local impact on areas such as public and private domain
administration, infrastructures, environmental reports, etc.
Broadly speaking, this paper captures the evolution of the social and economic
component in relation to existing resources at the local level, but also their use, the impact
of the geographical position of the township to the city and how it has contributed to the
emergence of new sectors of activity to the detriment of the disappearance of others; the
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

relation between the activities carried out in accordance with the environment quality
regulations, but also the adaptive capacities of the population and the local authorities.


Study area
Domnești Commune represents anadministrative-territorial unit, consisting of the
villages of Domnești (seat) and Țegheș, located in the southwest of Ilfov County, being
part of the Bucharest-Ilfov Development Region. The commune is crossed by the county
road DJ602 which makes the direct connection with the Bucharestring road.
From the point of view of the geographical location, the commune is located in the
area of the Romanian Plain, more precisely in Vlăsiei Plain, Cotroceni Field district (Figure
1). The main landforms present on the territory of the commune are represented by:
Argeș-Sabar-Ciorogârla meadow, located in the centre of the commune, in the area of
Argeş-Sabar-Ciorogârla Rivers and the Plain itself, intersected by dry valleys and
interspersed by a depressionary relief (Bărbărie, 2017).

Territorial and administrative location of Domnești Commune

Industrial centre

Figure 1. Territorial location of Domnești Commune, Ilfov County

Source: Google Earth


Land use
In terms of land use, agriculture was the main dominant activity, generating the
source of income, for most of the population of Domnești Commune. It has now been
replaced by other economic activities, in particular services and trade, especially with the
expansion of private property and residential neighbourhoods (in the years 2000s).
(Bărbărie, 2017)
Regarding the evolution of the property system on land use in Domnești Commune,
especially after the 1990s, a large difference can be noticed between the rise of the private
sector compared to the public one (Table 1).
Thus, with the end of the last century, public property, represented by state-owned
enterprises, was either abolished or changed its profile, most of them being privatized.

Table 1. Land tenure system in Domnești Commune (1994-2016)

Years 1994 2002 2016

Public property 1,000 527 259
(m² gross building area)
Private property 70,000 109,456 302,453
(m² gross building area)
Source: National Institute of Statistics

It can be seen that the public property on the residential area in Domnești Commune
gradually decreased from 1994 to 2016, when it decreased by about 1,000 to 750 m 2,
which indicates that some of the state-owned buildings during the communist period
were later privatized or closed. As for the other categories of land use, they are practiced
in very small number, most likely for domestic use if we were to refer to grass land and
vineyards; regarding orchards, they register a slightly higher number (about 80 ha), most
likely being cultivated for commercial purposes, but they also tend to decrease after 1994
(Figure 2).
Following the analysis of the statistics provided by the online TEMPO database, for
some of the agricultural activities, no data were identified, but it can be seen that, as in
previous cases, the largest share of land fund by use is intended to agriculture and arable
land which gradually decreased by about 1,000 ha between the period from 1992 to 2014.
As can be seen, the land fund area of construction land for 2014 is increasing, as a result
of the expansion of the residential area, but also of non-agricultural/degraded land as a
result of overexploitation of natural resources (Figure 3).
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

3107 3051
Hectares (ha)




45 50 106 52 50 81 52 75 81
1994 2002 2016

Arable lands Grass land Vineyards and viticultural nurseries Orchards

Figure 2. Land use in the primary sector

Source: National Institute of Statistics (2021)

Another way of land use developed in recent years is tourism, which is highlighted
in recent years by:
Transit tourism, byits positioning in relation to the important traffic routes,
existing or foreseen, which creates the premises for a development of this type of tourism.
Weekend tourism, due to the easy access and the presence of Ţegheş Forest and
Ordoreanu Forest with their landscape potential and tourist attractiveness.
Cultural and rural tourism, Domnești Commune has a valuable cultural-historical
and ethno-folkloric heritage that can give it attractiveness and tourist identity (Honduș,
et al., 2019).
Transport infrastructure
From the point of view of transport infrastructure, it is based in principle on the
transport of people and goods, thus, at the level of Domnești Commune, road and rail
transport are identified as main modes of transport.
Road transport has connections with the network of national, county and communal
public roads such as the Bucharest - Pitești Motorway, at the contact with the northern
limit of the territory, the DJ 100 A Ring Road and Bucharest - Domnești DJ 602 Road.
Regarding the current state of public roads, their length is 59.1 km of which only 24% are
modernized roads, 14% are paved, and the remaining 62% are earth roads. Public
transport is provided by a county operator. Within Domnești Commune there are 15
arranged stations located on DC communal road and 11 arranged stations located on DJ
county road.



Year 1992 Year 2005 Year 2014

Figure 3. Land fund area by land use, Source: National Institute of Statistics

Rail transport is designated by the belt line railway; Bucharest-Videle railway

passes through the commune, which is served by Domneștii de Sus flag station (Ianoș,

Socio-economic profile
The evolution of land use in recent decades has gradually influenced the population
dynamics in the township under analysis, which thus experienced critical periods, with
indices such as birth rate, natural growth rate or the evolution of population in number in
a downward trend, but as the commune experienced a development at the level of
infrastructure and services as well as an expansion of the territory, the structure of the
population is on an upward trend (Stoicescu, A., 2013).
Regarding the evolution of the number of inhabitants of Domnești Commune, this is
characteristic to the localities bordering the City of Bucharest. During the 1990s, the
population recorded a constant level, the stable population varying around 6,000
inhabitants. Starting with 2006, the phenomenon is reversed, the population growing in
number (Figure 4).
In the last decade and a half, more precisely since 2005, Domnești Commune is
characterized by two contradictory phenomena in terms of population evolution, negative
natural growth rate and stable population growth. This represents the effect of two
causes, namely the age structure of the stable population and the population that has
established their domicile or residence in the commune.
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102


Number of inhabitans (1992-2018)

1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018


Number of inhabitans

Figure 4. Evolution of the number of inhabitants in DomneștiCommune(1992 - 2018)

Source: National Institute of Statistics







Mortality rate Birth rate Naturale growth rate

Figure 5. Natural movement of Domnești Commune, Ilfov County (1992 - 2018)

Source: National Institute of Statistics (2021)

Thus, due to the characteristics of the population that established their domicile or
residence in the commune during this period, the birth rate increased slightly from 2002
to 2010. Starting with 2010, there are small fluctuations, but the general trend of the birth
rate is upward, which is why, in the same period, the natural growth rate registered
positive values, the highest threshold being reached in 2013 (3.67 ‰), given the fact that
mortality also registered negative values.


Given the general upward trend in recent years in the birth rate to the detriment
of the mortality rate, the migratory balance is also positive. These are mainly due to the
growth of the young population in recent years, immigration from the city, including
settlement settlements, which have contributed to these demographic phenomena.
Development of transport infrastructure from and to the areas adjacent to the capital, the
high demand for housing in the capital, the increase in the living standards and people’s
desire to live in houses, difficult to access in Bucharest from a financial point of view, the
provision of the necessary utilities in the towns and communes neighbouring Bucharest
are just some of the reasons behind the migration of inhabitants. Therefore, the migration
growth rate takes an upward trend as the incoming population is larger than the one
leaving the commune, although the resident population is not a good indicator for
establishing migration, as many people move without changing their residence.

Economic profile
Over time, the economy of Domnești Commune was based on agriculture and animal
husbandry, i.e. practically most of the activities carried out were part of the primary
sector. In recent years, however, more specifically after 2005, private sector activities
have grown, in particular through the opening of new trading companies and the
expansion of real estate, food, furniture, construction materials and equipment industries
(Figure 6).

Location of industrial centres in Domnești Commune


Industrial centre

Figure 6. Location of industrial centres in Domnești Commune

Source: Google Earth
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

Currently, most of the land in Domnești has become an agricultural land within
incorporated area, and in the areas with new constructions the arrangement of roads, the
installation of electricity poles and the development of the gas pipeline network have
started. In the last 10 years, there has been a real estate explosion, the main real estate
investments that stand out being the Brâncovenesc District or the Royal Court. At the level
of 2002, the indicators of Domnești Commune regarding the labour force, its employment
and unemployment rates were at the level of the average of Ilfov County (Table 2). This
was due both to the economic evolution of the area, which benefited from a peak of
economic development, and to the contribution of the employed active population that
migrated from Bucharest to the neighbouring localities in Ilfov County.

Table 2 Statute of the population by economic activity (2012)


Active population (35%) 2,227 1,418 809

Employed persons 1,862 1,125 737

Unemployed persons looking for 239 204 35
another job
Unemployed persons looking for 126 89 37
their first job
Inactive population (65%) 4,100 1,718 2,382

Pupils / students 1,019 531 488

Retirees 1,600 717 883
Housewives 706 31 675
Dependants 669 357 312

Persons supported by the state or 33 19 14

private organizations
Persons with another economic 73 63 10

Source: 2013-2020 Development Strategy of Domnești Commune

It can be seen that the inactive population rate of Domnești Commune has a higher
percentage than that of the active population, as a result of an obvious elderly population
and a high level of pupils and students who practically do not exercise economic activities
in the pay system. In the last decade, the situation has gained momentum in a positive


sense, as the population has migrated from Bucharest to the vicinity of the commune; the
favourable location of the township in relation to the City of Bucharest also contributes to
this fact, thus, due to the development of the economic and transport infrastructure in
recent years, many companies have opened offices nearby, which caused an expansion in
the territory, thus providing jobs to residents from Domnești. More and more people are
opting for home settlement due to the fact that taxes and land have a much lower rate,
which results in a development of the territorial economy but also in a new way of using
land as a result of the emergence of new economic activities (Bold, I, et al., 2013).

Rural development assessment

The topic of the article was approached both at the level of territorial analysis and
at the general level on human settlements in various scholarly papers, designed to
highlight the framework of their territorial management both in terms of land
administration and socio-economic dynamism in relation to this as well as to highlight the
unfavourable aspects, but also the objectives proposed at the same time with the applied
The development strategies were thus documented, having as main objective the
sustainable development by capitalizing on the local potential, as well as objectives that
reflect the current needs of the community and their reach in the future.
Subsequently, following the analysis at the local level, regarding the degree of
development of Domnești commune as well as the generating factors that contribute to
the evolution or involution of certain aspects that cause changes in the territorial planning
structure, they established a diagnosis based on which solutions for improvement and
consolidation in the light of the proposed objectives were assigned.


1. Elaboration of objectives and rural development plans for Domnești

Thus, own development objectives were proposed, in order to establish a clear
image of the current situation at the level of Domnești commune. Thus, the objectives and
development scenarios developed represent an individual contribution with the role to
contribute to a future direction of improvement.
Following the analyses carried out regarding the current situation of Domnești
commune, from the point of view of territorial administration and management policies,
the lack of certain concerns regarding the capitalization of certain resources, respectively
of some branches, such as tourism and leisure resources capitalization, encouragement of
traditional agriculture or participation in social life.
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

The objectives proposed in the strategic development plan of Domnești Commune

are meant to represent a framework necessary for the orientation and efficiency of the
economic-social development, based on a series of strategic directions of action,
respectively, economic, socio-cultural aspects, agriculture and rural development,
tourism, infrastructure, health but also social protection.
However, no detailed analysis of the current situation of these strategic directions
is drawn up, namely no project or plan is assigned. Thus, in order to provide a clearer
visibility of the current level of development of Domnești commune, strategic objectives
for each sector of activity, as well as the initiation of development scenarios have been

Objective 1 - Maintaining a stable balance between the administrative system / local

council and the population
The implementation of this objective is meant at informing the population about
possible changes in the administrative structure of the locality and at involving the
population in carrying out certain proposed activities, exposing risks and opportunities
regardless of changes taking place, finding new solutions for all stakeholders to contribute
to the mitigation of possible administrative problems, as well as to the mitigation of socio-
economic gaps. In the long run, this objective aims at supporting the population from a
socio-economic point of view in order to contribute to a higher level of well-being,
providing funding for projects serving the basic local economy and capitalizing on the
natural environment in order to develop the territory management activities.

Objective 2 - Economic competitiveness for rural development

This objective encourages the support of the local economy, helps to reduce the
share of the inactive population and the unemployment rate, capitalizes on unused land
and promotes public-private partnerships. The advantages of this local competitiveness
provide jobs in public state and private institutions in order to reduce the unemployment
rate, validate/certify the products obtained as a result of services and economic activities
and create markets.

Objective 3 - Durability and sustainability in rural areas

This objective helps to properly manage the development of activities in order to
mitigate the degree of pollution, to properly manage waste, rationally uses existing
natural resources and also expands green spaces, which in turn would generate a plan for
the development of activities, especially of the industrial ones, so as to help in preventing
the constructions throughout the year, of the location of selective waste containers both
at street level and punctually especially in the areas dedicated to tourism and would
create landscaped green spaces and playgrounds for children.


Objective 4 - Promoting culture and tourism in the commune

The objective is meant to capitalize on the local and cultural heritage of the area by
implementing an online tourist information network, to rehabilitate recreation centres,
to arrange recreational areas especially in forest areas and serves to develop the concept
of brand and tourism competitiveness.

2. Preparation of rural development scenarios

Regarding the development scenarios, they come as own contribution, with the role
to propose the implementation of development projects in Domnești Commune, in order
to improve the current situation. The latter refer to a series of issues that require a careful
contribution from local authorities, with the main objective of increasing the level of
connectivity with other localities, of improving living conditions, of meeting the needs of
citizens and building a civic spirit.

➢ SCENARIO 1 (REFERENCE SCENARIO) - it includes all proposed development

projects, for which the financing has been carried out and the actions are in progress. For
this scenario, two projects are highlighted.
PROJECT 1 - Rehabilitation of the road infrastructure, including the modernization of
the street network of county and communal interest.
PROJECT 2 - Rehabilitation of the road infrastructure including with bike lanes, road
signs and markings.

➢ SCENARIO 2 (MODERATE SCENARIO) – it proposes moderate measures for the

transport network in Domnești Commune. Thus, projects that propose the
expansion/modernization or moderate rehabilitation of existing infrastructure (roads,
public transport, parking lots, bicycle areas) will be included. The projects proposed for
the second scenario are in line with those discussed in the previous scenario.
PROJECT 1 - Development of road infrastructure, especially in the areas of expansion
of the land within incorporated area.
PROJECT 2 - Rehabilitation of sidewalks, especially in the case of the street network
inside the locality.
PROJECT 3 - Rehabilitation of bus stations in areas with moderate development.
PROJECT 4 - Rehabilitation of Domneștii de Sus flag station with appropriate urban
PROJECT 5 - Systematization/equipment of intersections with road signs and
PROJECT 6 - Arrangement of pedestrian areas, especially in the central area and other
areas of community interest.
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102

PROJECT 7 - Arrangement of parking lots mainly in areas of community interest.

PROJECT 8 - Provision of the street network with signs to facilitate orientation in
PROJECT 9 - Development of a surveillance system by introducing video cameras in
bus stations and on the main pedestrian arteries.
PROJECT 10 - Improvement of the street urban system through various types of
development in accordance with environmental policies (plantations, squares).
PROJECT 11 - Expansion of the public transport system in order to facilitate the
commuting phenomenon.
PROJECT 12 - Rehabilitation of the road and transport system to areas with tourist
PROJECT 13 - Design of a road system for cyclists inside forest areas.
PROIECTUL 14 - Design of a forest road system.

➢ SCENARIO 3 (EXTENDED SCENARIO) – it implies the extended measures

proposed for the rehabilitation/improvement of the road and transport system in
Domnești Commune. This includes projects involving the extensive
rehabilitation/modernization of existing infrastructure, in accordance with the projects
set out in Scenario 1:
PROJECT 1 - Elaboration of a detailed plan of the road and transport infrastructure
and its inclusion in a Zoning Urban Plan (ZUP).
PROJECT2 - Arrangement of parking lots / commodity loading/unloading/storage
places, especially in the industrial lane, in the area of the first ring of the Bucharest ring
road and of the A1 motorway, in order to reduce the general traffic.
PROJECT3 - Implementation of a management system regarding the imposition of the
legal speed of circulation.
PROJECT4 - Implementation of a management system for prioritizing public
transport (monitoring, management).
PROJECT5 -Elaboration of a study in order to monitor and intensify the traffic
according to the areas of interest.
In order to elaborate these development scenarios, their impact in relation to the
degree of economic development, their environmental impact, their accessibility, their
risks and the quality of life were taken into account. Thus, the Domnești Commune
Development Scenario aims at improving and consolidating the road and transport
system, at increasing connectivity and accessibility with the City of Bucharest as well as
with other localities and areas of interest by ensuring optimal basic services (e.g., the
existence of efficient and diversified transport networks; people’s access to opportunities,
etc.) (2013-2020 Development Strategy of Domnești Commune, Ilfov County, 2020).


3. Sources of project financing

➢ LOCAL BUDGET – establishment and integration of the measures for a better

management of the locality, in accordance with the “Law no. 215/2001 on local public
➢ ILFOV COUNTY BUDGET - distribution of funds for balancing local budgets.
➢ STATE BUDGET – according to the law, it is approved annually by the state budget
law for financing development programmes at local, county or national level (Ilfov County
Development Strategy Horizon 2020, 2020).


In recent years, sectors such as trade, industry and other services have begun to
grow, which has led to a diversification of land management methods, including land use,
on the one hand through the development of the economic condition, and on the other
hand by increasing private property, increasing demand for housing (the emergence of
residential complexes), etc.
Therefore, it was found that the level of economic development of a locality plays an
extremely important role in the territorial management of a locality. For example, at the
moment, Domnești Commune features a diversification that tends to evolve, even though
many of the basic activities have changed their trajectory.
The ever-changing branches whose objectives are the subject of the development
strategy and projects include transport (road and/or rail) infrastructure, environmental
issues and its sustainability, as well as the promotion and development of tourism
potential in the area, which also are part of the category of land administration.
There are also areas that face poor management of road infrastructure, street
development, cultural heritage management, environmental issues and lack of
environmental protection or pollution control.
In order to make these gaps less visible, it is necessary to grant a greater degree of
interest from both the authorities and the population in order to increase the
attractiveness of the area and ensure a balanced degree of development within the
territory. Also, due to the increasing phenomenon of urbanization as a result of the
expansion of residential neighbourhoods, the territory of the township may face huge
changes in terms of territorial and urban development in the sense that local authorities
will have to adopt new methods of administration in exchange of existing ones, and the
ability to adapt of both the population and the environment will bear drastic
Cinq Continents Volume 11, Numéro 23, 2021, p. 86-102


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