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Unit 10: Risking life and limb

to preserve to keep something in its original sačuvati, održati u dobrom

state in good condition
prehistoric connected with the time in pretpovijesni
history before information was
written down
hunter a person who looks for and lovac
collects a particular kind of thing
shepherd a person whose job is to take ovčar, pastir
care of sheep
cave a large hole in the side of a hill špilja
or under the ground
fur the skin of an animal with the fur krzno, dlaka (životinje)
still on it, used especially for
making clothes
to reckon to think something or have an smatrati, prosuditi
opinion about something
shelter (from something) to stay in a place that protects skloniti se, naći zaklon
you from the weather or from
snowstorm a very heavy fall of snow, usually mećava
with a strong wind
starvation the state of suffering and death smrt (skapavanje) od gladi,
caused by having no food
arrow a thin stick with a sharp point at strijela
one end, which is shot from a
axe a tool with a wooden handle and sjekira
a heavy metal blade, used for
chopping wood, cutting down
trees, etc.
berry a small fruit that grows on a boba, zrno
bush. There are several types of
berry, some of which can be
crop (pl) a plant that is grown in large usjevi, prirod
quantities, especially as food
cereal (pl) one of various types of grass žitarice
that produce grains that can be
eaten or are used to make flour
or bread. Wheat, barley and rye
are all cereals
carnivore any animal that eats meat mesožder
to get around to move from place to place or ići naokolo
from person to person
area part of a place, town, etc, or a područje
region of a country or the world

How The West Was Won

cover something to spread over the area pružati se, obuhvaćati

vast extremely large in area, size, golem, beskrajan, prostran,
amount, etc.
largely to a great extent; mostly or uglavnom, najčešće; uvelike
unexplored that nobody has investigated or neistražen
put on a map; that has not been
settler a person who goes to live in a naseljenik, kolonist
new country or region
scarce if something is scarce, there is rijedak
not enough of it and it is only
available in small quantities
to farm to use land for growing crops obrađivati tlo, uzgajati
and/or keeping animals
government the group of people who are vlada
responsible for controlling a
country or a state
pioneer a person who is the first to study prvi naseljenik
and develop a particular area of
knowledge, culture, etc. that
other people then continue to
to acquire to obtain something by buying or steći
being given it
to stretch to extend over a distance or area protezati se, steranje
or in a particular direction
primitive being the first or earliest of the primitivan, koji se odnosi na
kind or in existence, esp. in an
early age of the world najranije kulture u povijesti
ljudskoga roda
native a word used in the past by domorodac, domaće
Europeans to describe a person
who lived in a place originally, stanovništvo
before white people arrived there
hazardous involving risk or danger, pogibeljan, opasan,
especially to somebody's health
or safety neizvjestan
large-scale involving many people or things, opsežan, zamašan, masovan
especially over a wide area
migration the movement of large numbers seoba, seljenje, migracija
of people, birds or animals from
one place to another
consist of to be formed from the things or sastojati se
people mentioned
treeless without trees bez drveća, nepošumljen, gol
plain a large area of flat land ravnica, nizina
blizzard a snowstorm with very strong mećava
livestock the animals kept on a farm, for stoka
example cows or sheep
delay a period of time when odgađanje, zadržavanje,
somebody/something has to wait
because of a problem that makes odgoda, zastoj
something slow or late
fierce very strong in a way that could divlji, žestok, bijesan
cause damage
encounter to experience something, susresti, naići na
especially something unpleasant
or difficult, while you are trying
to do something else
migrant a person who moves from one migrant, onaj koji migrira
place to another, especially in
order to find work
disease an illness affecting humans, bolest
animals or plants, often caused
by infection
dust storm a storm that carries clouds of olujni vjetar s oblacima guste
dust in the wind over a wide area
prašine s isušenog tla iliti
pješćane oluje
wagon a railway/railroad truck for teretna kola
carrying goods
mud wet earth that is soft and sticky blato
plague of something large numbers of an animal or kuga, pošast, pomor, zator,
insect that come into an area
and cause great damage najezda
mosquito a flying insect that bites humans komarac
and animals and sucks their
blood. One type of mosquito can
spread the disease malaria
to fail to not be successful in achieving ne uspjeti
destination a place to which odredište, cilj
somebody/something is going or
being sent
self-inflicted a self-inflicted injury, problem, zadan samom sebi (rana)
etc. is one that you cause for
frequently often često
shoot (at the act of firing a gun raniti (ubiti) iz vatrenog
somebody/something) oružja, pucati
tragedy a very sad event or situation, tragedija, dramatičan,
especially one that involves
nesretan, često grozan
događaj, posebno onaj u
kojem ima ljudskih žrtava
to decide to think carefully about the odlučiti, stvoriti odluku
different possibilities that are
available and choose one of them
to emigrate to leave your own country to go iseliti se iz zemlje
and live permanently in another
vital destructive to life; of critical životni; bitan, temeljni
mistake an action or an opinion that is (po)greška
not correct, or that produces a
result that you did not want
follow something to go along a road, path, etc slijediti, ići za, pratiti
untested not tested; of unknown quality or netestiran, neisproban
route a way that you follow to get from put, (određen) smjer
one place to another
morale the amount of confidence and duh, moral (kolektiva)
enthusiasm, etc. that a person or
a group has at a particular time
temper if somebody has a temper, they raspoloženje, ćud, narav
become angry very easily
to flare to suddenly become angry plamsati, buktjeti, (svađa,
tučnjava) planuti
to stab somebody to push a sharp, pointed object, ubosti, probosti
especially a knife, into
somebody, killing or injuring
short (of something) not having enough of something; nedovoljan, manjkav
lacking something
impassable impossible to travel on or neprohodan
through, especially because it is
in bad condition or it has been
blocked by something
to prepare to make yourself ready to do pripraviti (se), spremiti (se)
something or for something that
you expect to happen
to starve to suffer or die because you do gladovati, skapavati od gladi
not have enough food to eat; to
make somebody suffer or die in (oskudice)
this way
glue a sticky substance that is used tutkalo (prirodno ljepilo
for joining things together
dobiveno posebnim
postupkom od kostiju i kože
životinja), kelj
eventually at the end of a period of time or konačno, na koncu
a series of events
region a large area of land, usually predio, područje
without exact limits or borders
savage an offensive word for somebody pripadnik neciviliziranog
who belongs to a people that is
simple and not developed
plemena, divljak, barbar
tribe (in developing countries) a group pleme
of people of the same race, and
with the same customs,
language, religion, etc, living in a
particular area and often led by a
complex (adjective) made of many different things or složen, zakučast, zamršen
parts that are connected; difficult
to understand
culture the customs and beliefs, art, way kultura, ukupnost
of life and social organization of
a particular country or group
materijalnih i duhovnih
dobara, etičkih i društvenih
vrijednosti, što ih je stvorilo
own (adjective) used to emphasize that vlastit
something belongs to or is
connected with somebody
individual typical of one particular person pojedinac, ličnost
or thing in a way that is different
from others
human being a living creature ljudsko biće
indivisible that cannot be divided into nedjeljiv
separate parts

natural existing in nature; not made or prirodan

caused by humans
soil the top layer of the earth in tlo, zemlja
which plants, trees, etc. grow

relation the way in which two or more odnos, veza

things are connected
generally by or to most people općenito

friendly behaving in a kind and pleasant prijateljski; sklon,

way because you like somebody
or want to help them
blagonaklon, dobrohotan,
trade the activity of buying and selling trgovanje
or of exchanging goods or
services between people or
to integrate to become or make somebody sastaviti u cjelinu, ujediniti,
become accepted as a member
of a social group, especially
združiti, uključiti
when they come from a different
society a particular community of people društvo
who share the same customs,
laws, etc
traveller a person who is travelling or who putnik
often travels
blanket a large cover, often made of pokrivač, deka
wool, used especially on beds to
keep people warm
bead a small piece of glass, wood, etc. krunica, ogrlica
with a hole through it, that can
be put on a string with others of
the same type and worn as
jewellery, etc
exchange an act of giving something to zamjena
somebody or doing something
for somebody and receiving
something in return
ammunition a supply of bullets, etc. to be municija, streljivo
fired from guns
to regard to think about cijeniti, uzeti u obzir
somebody/something in a
particular way
amusement the feeling that you have when zabava, razonoda
something is funny or amusing,
or it entertains you
conflict a situation in which people, sukob
groups or countries are involved
in a serious disagreement or
greatly (usually before a verb or uvelike, vrlo
participle) very much
the Gold Rush the rapid movement of about
40000 people to the US state of
California in 1848–9 after gold
was discovered there. They were
called forty-niners. The gold rush
later spread to Canada and
nationality a group of people with the same narodnost, nacionalnost
language, culture and history
who form part of a political
to flock to go or gather together (na)grnuti, navrvjeti, navaliti
somewhere in large numbers
gold rush a situation in which a lot of navala kopača zlata u kraj
people suddenly go to a place
where gold has recently been
gdje je otkriveno zlato
development he gradual growth of something razvijanje, rast, razvoj
so that it becomes more
advanced, stronger, etc
mining camps
growth (in/of something) an increase in the size, amount rast, porast, jačanje, napredak
or degree of something
industry the people and activities involved industrija, grana proizvodnje
in producing a particular thing,
or in providing a particular i trgovine
road system sustav cesta
railroad a track with rails on which trains željeznička pruga; željeznica
sacred very important and treated with posvećen, nepovrediv
great respect
ground the solid surface of the earth tlo
inevitably as is certain to happen neizbježan, neminovan
to ensue to happen after or as a result of slijediti, biti posljedicom,
another event
nastati iz
wilderness a large area of land that has divlji kraj, pustoš
never been developed or used
for growing crops because it is
difficult to live there
potential that can develop into something moguć, potencijalan
or be developed in the future
profit the money that you make in korist, dobita, probitak
business or by selling things,
especially after paying the costs
the environment the natural world in which okolina, okoliš
people, animals and plants live
farming the business of managing or poljodjelstvo, seljački poslovi
working on a farm
mining the process of getting coal and rudarenje, rudarstvo
other minerals from under the
ground; the industry involved in
central most important središnjica
buffalo a large animal of the cow family. bivol
There are two types of buffalo,
the African and the Asian, which
has wide, curved horns.
enormous extremely large golem
herd a group of animals of the same krdo, stado
type that live and feed together
estimate something (at to form an idea of the cost, size, ocijeniti, procijeniti, načiniti
value etc. of something, but
something) without calculating it exactly procjenu
virtually almost or very nearly, so that praktički, zapravo
any slight difference is not
extinct (of a type of plant, no longer in existence izumro
animal, etc.)
to defeat to win against somebody in a poraziti, osujetiti
war, competition, sports game,
somebody/something etc.
homeland one's native land domovina
tension a situation in which people do napetost, trzavice
not trust each other, or feel
unfriendly towards each other,
and which may cause them to
attack each other
to explode to suddenly become very angry prsnuti, planuti
or dangerous
hostility acts of fighting in a war neprijateljstvo
atrocity a cruel and violent act, especially grozota, strahota
in a war
to surround to move into position all around okruživati, opkoliti
somebody/something, especially
so as to prevent them from
to disarm to take a weapon or weapons razoružati (se)
away from somebody
band a group of people who do četa, gomila
something together or who have
the same ideas
to break out to start suddenly razviti
to slaughter to kill a large number of people poklati
or animals violently
spirit a state of mind or mood; an duh, odvažnost, energija
to persuade to make somebody do something nagovoriti, uvjeriti, nastojati
by giving them good reasons for
doing it
reservation any of the areas of land given to rezervat, teritorij na kojem
Native Americans by the US
government autentičnim načinom života,
zaštićeni zakonom, žive
prvobitni stanovnici u nekim
zemljama Amerike i
official (often in compounds) a person dužnosnik, predstavnik
who is in a position of authority
in a large organization
to encourage to persuade somebody to do poticati, nagovarati
something by making it easier
for them and making them
believe it is a good thing to do
to adopt to choose a new name, a prihvatiti, usvojiti, uvesti,
country, a custom, etc. and
begin to use it as your own

Jim, who ran away from his nurse, and was eaten by a lion

dreadful very bad or unpleasant strašan, grozan

appalling shocking; extremely bad užasan, grozan
befell to happen to, esp. by chance or zadesiti, dogoditi se
to relate to give a spoken or written ispričati
report of something; to tell a
foible a silly habit or a strange or weak mana
aspect of a person's character,
that is considered harmless by
other people
inauspicious showing signs that the future will koban, nesretan
not be good or successful
to slip to go somewhere quickly and ispustiti (ruku)
quietly, especially without being
jaw either of the two bones at the čeljust
bottom of the face that contain
the teeth and move when you
talk or eat
sprang past tense of spring; to move skočiti, pojaviti se odnekud,
suddenly and violently
naglo se pojaviti
to commence to begin to happen; to begin započeti
gradual happening slowly over a long postupan
period; not sudden
shin the front part of the leg below goljenica (kost)
the knee
ankle the joint connecting the foot to gležanj
the leg
calf the back part of the leg between list (noge)
the ankle and the knee
to loathe to dislike somebody/something biti mrzak, gaditi se, osjećati
very much
gnušanje nad (odvatnost
to detest to hate somebody/something mrziti, osjećati odvratnost
very much
frown to make a serious, angry or mrštenje, mrgođenje
worried expression by bringing
your eyebrows closer together so
that lines appear on your
miserable very unhappy or uncomfortable bijedan, jadan, kukavan
self-control the ability to remain calm and vlast nad sobom,
not show your emotions even
though you are feeling angry, samosvladavanje
excited, etc
bade past tense of bid; to tell zapovijediti, naložiti
somebody to do something
hold the action of holding držanje

give me a hand
be heading for something to be likely to experience
something bad
big-headed having a very high opinion of
how important and clever you
are; too proud
shake hands (with somebody) to take somebody's hand and
move it up and down as a way of
saying hello or to show that you
agree about something
have a head for something to be good at something

have a heart of gold to be a very kind person

face to face with something in a situation where you have to

accept that something is true
and deal with it
put a brave face on to pretend that you feel
confident and happy when you
something do not
be on your/its last legs to be going to die or stop
functioning very soon; to be very
weak or in bad condition
go to somebody's head (of to make you feel too proud of
yourself in a way that other
success, praise, etc.) people find annoying
pull somebody's leg to play a joke on somebody,
usually by making them believe
something that is not true
find your feet to become able to act
independently and with
a sharp tongue

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