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Discovering the Science of Making

Your Dreams Come True

to creating change in our lives? That’s

the main question I set out to answer when I started writing this
book. Scientists are making discoveries on the quantum level of
the universe every day. It seems unlikely that what can affect the
world on the microscopic level doesn’t also have an impact on
larger things like human beings. But through what mechanisms?
Coming from the business world, as a technologist, strategist,
and innovator, I’ve always been fascinated with cutting-edge dis-
covery, and I’m constantly studying it. My job often has been to
research and explain the latest advances in science and technol-
ogy to my colleagues and clients, so that we can figure out ways
to practically apply them. In my reading I came across the concept
of amplification: starting with something small and turning it into
something huge. The more I studied its many applications, the
more exciting I found the idea. Amplification can turn a whisper
into a shout, a dim light into a laser beam, a snowball into an av-
alanche, and a pale dream into a bold vision. Even more intrigu-
ing, physicists use the term amplify to describe the process by

the science of making things happen

which quantum possibility becomes reality. Amplification seemed

to be the answer to the question “How can we tap the enormous
potential available at the quantum level of the universe to make big
changes in our lives?”
I dove into the latest research in a variety of sciences and dis-
covered four other building blocks to support what I call the Pos-
sibility Amplification Process. As I have shared these ideas with
the people I counsel, they’ve been able to make great use of them
in creating success for themselves in all areas of their lives.
Long before I introduced these ideas to my clients, though, I
experimented with them myself. I’ve read hundreds of popular
books about creating the life of your dreams, and concepts in these
books intrigued me. Because I’m a practical person, however, I
wanted to know: is there a science to turning your desired possi-
bilities into reality? So I began my quest to find out. But even be-
fore that, three events in my life shaped the nature of this book.
First, I was hit by a truck. Literally. Two weeks after sepa-
rating from my husband of eight years, I had a head-on collision
with an eighteen-wheeler. That these two incidents happened so
close together resulted in the biggest transition of my life. Among
the broken things were my neck, my sternum, my marriage, my
social life, and my ability to work. I was self-employed and a
freshly single parent of a three-year-old boy. My decision to keep
the house we had lived in as a family seemed idiotic, as I would
have to struggle to pay with one salary what used to be covered
by two. It was due only to the loving support and generosity of
my family that I was able to physically and financially survive
this time.
In the months I spent recuperating, I thought a lot about what
had to come next if I was to avoid sinking into the mire. I had al-
ways imagined I would have a reasonably linear life — one in
which I would be married forever, for example — and that it


would proceed pretty much as it had up until that point. I really

hadn’t expected my life to take a hard left turn. I was unprepared.
During my recovery, as I sat at sunset on the patio of the home
that I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep, it all of a sudden oc-
curred to me that the next phase of my life — or my “next life” as
I called it — could be completely of my own design. I was excited
by the possibility. What if I didn’t follow the rules? What if I went
with my hunches, with my dreams, with my gut? What if I de-
signed my next life and then set out to achieve it, letting nothing
stop me? And what if, after a number of years, I decided to have
yet another kind of life? Was there anything to stop me from
building life after life, each of them different from the others, and
all of them encapsulated in this one life I’d been given to live on
this planet? I imagined how content and satisfied I would feel on
my deathbed after living such an intentionally designed life. It
seemed like an excellent way to live. Staring into the orange glow
cast by the setting sun, I could see them there, all of my potential
future lives laid out before me, shining like gems.
This image inspired me for years. What I came to realize was
that there is a whole universe of possibility out there for the tak-
ing, if only I could figure out how to access it on a consistent basis and
bring it to life.
The second event that helped shape this book occurred seven
years later in a philosophy of religion course I took at Barry Uni-
versity in Miami, Florida. We were studying the historic philo-
sophical arguments for and against the existence of God. Before
I discuss this, let me say that I am certainly no expert on the exis-
tence of God, and that what I am about to describe was a thought
experiment only.
For my class project, I decided to refute a particular argument
for God’s existence, that of Saint Anselm, a Christian philosopher
and theologian of the eleventh century. Saint Anselm’s argument

the science of making things happen

is tricky. He wanted to prove that God exists not only in the minds
of humans but also in reality.
His argument starts with a definition of God. He said that
God is a being “than which none greater exists” — meaning, God
is the most powerful being in the universe. If God exists only in
our thoughts, Anselm argued, then we can imagine another being,
a greater being, one that exists both in our minds and in reality.
But, his argument continued, that can’t be, because God is the
most powerful being in the universe. Therefore, Anselm con-
cluded, God must exist both in our minds and in reality. This is
difficult to get your head around, but it’s an exceedingly success-
ful philosophical argument.
My counterargument was based on the premise that perhaps
it’s more powerful to exist as a thought in the mind than in real-
ity. Here’s a bit of how I presented it to the class.
“Imagine a Coke can.” I brought one to the podium to help
my audience achieve this. “In reality, this can is red and silver
and made of aluminum. But in my mind . . .” I closed my eyes,
“this can is now green. Now it’s orange. Now it’s made of glass.
Now it’s a four-foot drum. Now it’s as skinny as a reed.” I opened
my eyes.
“This Coke can, when it exists in my mind, can be anything.
All possibilities are available, much as a painting while in the
artist’s mind can be changed or enhanced. The artist can play with
the colors, the perspective, and the shadows. She can add or sub-
tract brushstrokes or objects. But once the artist sets paint to
canvas, the painting becomes limited. The paint dries, and the
painting becomes static. The only way the painting will change
in this world is if the artist puts another layer of paint on the can-
vas and covers up what she has already created. By bringing the
artist’s image out of her mind and into this three-dimensional re-
ality, she has actually reduced it, not made it greater. If God is the


most powerful being in the universe, then all possibilities are avail-
able to God. To bring God into this reality is to limit the limit-
less. Therefore, God must exist only in the mind.”
I remember that my professor stared at me after I finished
speaking. Finally he said, “There’s something wrong with that.”
His eyes narrowed. “But I don’t know what it is.” I took the A and
went home.
This exercise enlightened me to the fact that all possibilities
are available to us as thoughts first. Learning to stretch our ca-
pacity to envision more and more possibility for ourselves trans-
forms us into more powerful creators. Our dreams can be bigger.
The things we choose to bring into this reality are limited only by
our imaginations. Our imaginations are limited only by our will-
ingness to expand them.
The third event that helped shape this book was a simple one.
I attended a conference with my mother, who is a medical pro-
fessional: the annual conference of the National Institute of the
Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. (This is the sort of
thing that geeks like me do for fun.) At the conference, I heard
about some of the latest work in a fascinating array of sciences:
brain research, behavioral therapies, biology, and various modal-
ities of energy healing. It occurred to me that most of the world
had no idea of the concepts and research being shared in those
rooms. More important, this was a conference about application.
There were definite links between the science and the application
of that science that the ordinary citizen would benefit from know-
ing. I wondered what else was out there that could be shared and
utilized. It was at this conference that the basic concept of this
book took form and blossomed.
So much has happened since that fateful day with the truck
and me. I’ve recovered my health and have run my first half-
marathon. Money is no longer a concern. In fact, the universe has

the science of making things happen

become such an abundant place that I’m sometimes surprised by

how much it keeps giving me. I’m remarried to a wonderful man.
I’m surrounded by a loving collection of friends. My son has blos-
somed into a charming young man. I travel to exotic places around
the world and have high adventures. I’ve experienced a meteoric
rise in my career, and I’m doing exactly what I wanted to do pro-
fessionally. I’m living the life of my dreams! The fact that I can ex-
plain this with science grounds me and makes me confident that
this science can help you too. And you don’t have to get hit by
truck! A personal crisis is not a prerequisite for taking advantage
of the principles in this book. All you need is the desire to live
your life to the fullest. All you need is a dream.

how to use this book

Why haven’t you already brought your dreams to life? Is it be-
cause your dreams are not quite in focus? Then understanding the
power of observation can help you. Do you hold back from get-
ting a clear picture of what you want so that you won’t end up
disappointed in yourself or life? Then learning how the brain am-
plifies even your smallest thought will inspire you. Do you fear
what might be waiting for you at the other end of the bridge to
your dreams? Then you’ll want to read about epigenetics in chap-
ter , and about how your personal beliefs impact your results. Or
is it more the thought of failing to get there in the first place that
stops you from getting too excited about changing your life? If
so, you’ll find the answer to how to stay on track in the inverse
Zeno effect, described in chapter .
The collection of science-based tools in this book will help
you design, refine, and align yourself with your dreams in order
to more easily bring them to life. You will learn how to strengthen
the possibilities you want and suppress the ones you no longer
want. You will learn how to leverage the environment to help you


with your creative process. You will even learn how to accelerate
the realization of your dreams and identify what you might be
doing right now to slow yourself down. You will begin to recog-
nize the signs of this science at work as you transition from what
used to be your “real” life to the life of your dreams.
The big lesson of this book is that the universe is designed to
make your possibilities come true. In part , “The Five Secrets
from Science for Creating the Life of Your Dreams,” I explain the
science behind that statement. In chapter  you’ll discover your
own power to influence the quantum nature of the universe. In
chapter , you’ll learn what makes you capable of turning possi-
bility into reality. Chapter  will reveal your ability to override
the seeming inevitability of your genetic code. Chapter  will
show you how the universe turns quantum possibility into reality
— and how you can tag along for the ride. And in chapter , you’ll
learn that physicists have figured out how to speed up a quantum
process, and how you can use the same method to speed your
progress toward your goals. You will find that throughout the
book I have cited the work of many researchers and pioneers who
are discovering and applying this science.
In part , “Applying the Five Secrets from Science in Your
Life,” each chapter will guide you intentionally and scientifically
to improve your finances, career, love life and relationships, health
and fitness, and community involvement. You will also find a col-
lection of tools to help you use this science in productive ways.
What happens at the quantum level of the universe can make
a difference in your life. Take your dream and combine it with this
science, and make it happen!

From the book The Science of Making Things Happen.
Copyright © 2010 by Kim Marcille Romaner. Reprinted
with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. or 800/972-6657 ext. 52.

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