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Rajib Baruah
Resource Teacher,
Block Elementary Office-
Hajo, Kamrup.

Evaluation in place of the word “Examination” is now being increasingly used in current
educational literature. Evaluation is a broder term than test and ‘Examination’. It includes
assessment of academic and non-academic achievement of learners in its broder sense.
Therefore, the Evaluation process is not restricted to the result of tests and examinations, scales
and inventories and such other gadgets as employed by the teacher but it has a wider meaning.
It includes the learner’s own estimate also.
Evaluation may be considered as the last stage in the teaching-learning process. The
learning experiences provided by the teachers are based on some criteria and thus these attempt
to fulfill certain objectives. Learning may remain incomplete if the teacher does not evaluate the
outcome of learning experiences with the help of evaluation procedures. The teacher is in a
position to judge the adequacy of subject matter, efficiency of the methods of presentation of
materials and efficiency and competence of himself as an instructor and guide.
Evaluation has to be very comprehensive in a system of education which aims at the
many sided development of the personality of a child. The school of today concerns itself not
only with the intellectual pursuits but also with the emotional and spiritual development of the
child. In the light of these objectives of education, comprehensive programme of evaluation
would include –
a) Evaluation of academic subjects
b) Evaluation of skill development
c) Evaluation of physical development.
d) Evaluation of moral and spiritual development
e) Evaluation of social development

Thus, evaluation is concerned with all the goals of an educational programme, degree of
success in reaching the goals and suggestions for changes in the programme so that goals
may be achieved completely.
A complete programme of evaluation will include the following steps.
1) Find out the product of teaching , the desired goal, the various objectives.
2) Define the objective in terms of the expected behaviour of the Pupils.
3) Identify the situations which will provide evidence for the achievement of the goal, or
the attainment of the behaviour pattern.
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4) Choose the suitable testing device out of the devices mentioned previously.
5) Construct the test or the device.
6) Administer the test and record the evidence.
7) Interpret the evidence recorded by continuous analysis.

Evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which our objectives have been
attained. It measures the effectiveness of the learning experiences provided in the classroom
and outside the classroom and find out how well the goals of education have been accomplished.

The new concept of evaluation involves the three things. i.e

a) Objectives of Education
b) Learning experiences
c) Tools and devices of evaluation.


Learning Experiences Tools and devices

Thus, evaluation is concerned with all the goals of an educational programme, degree of
success in reaching the goals and suggestions for changes in the programme so that goals
may be achieved completely.

Continuous and effective use of Evaluation certainly facilitate learning.
1. Evaluation helps in clarifying and redefining the objectives of education such as
what are desirable objectives? How far could the teacher help in attaining the
2. Evaluation helps in motivating student learning.
3. Evaluation assists in appraising pupils growth and development by interpreting this
4. Evaluation helps in framing adequate and reliable tools of measurement. An evaluation
tool is of little consequence if it does not accelerate improvement in learning.
5. Evaluation helps in providing and adapting courses and programmes to the needs
of individuals students.
6. Evaluation helps to select students.
7. Evaluation helps to collect information for effective educational and vocational
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Formulate Analyse Design
objectives Learning task Learning

Develop tests and

Fig. A system flow chart

1. Evaluation appraises the status of and changes in pupils behaviour.
2. Evaluation discloses pupils needs and possibilities.
3. Evaluation leads to improvement of instruction.
4. Evaluation expands the concept of worthwhile goals beyond pure academic
5. Evaluation helps to clarify objectives of learning.
6. Evaluation relates measurement to the goals of the instructional programme.
7. Evaluation serves as a means of improving school community relationship.
8. Evaluation helps the teacher to understand the nature of pupils learning, development
and progress.
9. Evaluation promotes better learning.
10. Evaluation facilitates the selection and improvement of measuring instruments.
11. Evaluation serves as a guiding principle for the selection of supervisory techniques.
12. Evaluation apprises the teacher’s competence.
13. Evaluation leads to curriculum changes.

The process of evaluation involves the following steps –

(i) Finding out the various objectives to be achieved through an educational activity.
(ii) Stating objectives in terms of behaviour modifications.
(iii) Imparting learning experiences in accordance with the objectives.
(iv) Choose the suitable device to evaluate the achievement in the light of objectives as
well as the learning experiences.
(v) Construct the test or plan the devices.
(vi) Administer the test and record the evidences.
(vii) Interpretation of the results.
(viii) Modification to be suggested.
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The existing evaluation systems is of two kinds – (a) Internal examination and (b) External
or public examination. Through these we evaluate the pupil’s progress of learning, but these
evaluation systems have some merits and demerits. In the internal examination, the teachers of
an educational institution, conduct an examination, it is called an internal examination i.e. monthly
evaluation test which is conducted by the school authorities under the guidance of Sarba Siksha
Abhijan Mission in the respective schools.
The importance of internal examination is great indeed. Its purpose is to reveal important
facts about the school or the college and the progress of its pupils. It is important because it
takes stock of what the pupils have learnt. And it is based on intimate knowledge obtained from
personal contact of the taught and goes a long way towards indicating what a pupils can or
cannot achieve.
The internal assessment aims at diagnosing pupil’s difficulties in learning. It finds out the
potentialities of individual pupils and his needs, interests and aptitudes. Such an assessment
stimulates the child to progress and achieve more. The teacher’s observation and other informal
technique are needed to find out the extent of development of these in the individual child. Internal
assessment alone can perform this function. No written examination can evaluate such qualities.
A subsidiary function of internal assessment is to be supplement external examination.
The purpose of the external examination is to take stock of what the pupils have learnt.
External examinations are held with this purpose at the end of certain definite stages of educational
course, as for example, the High School Leaving Certificate Examinations, Higher Secondary
Leaving Certificate Examination etc. But these external examinations determine the capacity
and fitness of the examinees to pursue further studies. The answers written in the external
evaluation by the examinee involve exercise of the powers of reasoning and judgement, selection,
comparison, interpretation of facts for criticism and other forms of mental activities.
The quality of a school or a college has often been judged by the number of pupils who
have successfully passed or distinguished themselves in examinations.
A student who is proceeding in his studies desires general recognition of his attainments
only through performance in external examination.
The traditional system of examinations has been severely condemned and criticized.
Examinations are bad masters when they begin to dominate our educational thoughts and
practices. The main defects of the traditional examination system are explained below :
1. Element of chance dominates in the examination of today. Some students prepare a few
selected questions and leave everything to chance and appear in the examination. When
their selected questions come in the questions paper, they pass with credit. On the other
hand , a student may be very intelligent and he has prepared the whole syllabus but his
result may not be better as compared to the former.
Again, failure in one subject means a loss of one year, however brilliant student may be in
other subjects. It is not appropriate and is not in conformity with the progressive view of education.
Examination adversely affects the moral standard of the students. The aim of the students
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has become to pass the examination by hook or by crook. Some students take books in the
examination hall. They threaten the supervisor and superintendent. Thus examination causes
moral degradation on the part of students.


The traditional examination system is responsible for lowering the educational standard
day by day. The efficiency of a teacher is judged by the pass percentage of the result. According
to Mudaliar Commission 1952-53, the present system of examination does not test anything
except memory and a certain kind of verbal facility. The Commission writes “we are convinced
that our system of education is very much examination ridden.”
Thomson viewed that “the examination is presumptions attempt to gauge the depth of
human ignorance.”
Students are more interested in cheap notes than in text book. They go for cramming
rather than for intelligent understanding. The examination is in fact “an obstacle to learning. In
this connection W.M. Ryburn says that examinations are the enemies of creative work at least
as they are usually conducted.”


Originality, initiative, truthfulness, honesty, sociability of an individual etc. without these
qualities of character, true aim of education is never properly achieved. Examination of today
does not provide any measure to test these qualities. Due to limited scope of examinations, it
does not test the many important aspects of the pupils development.
The prevailing examination system is highly subjective. Examiner’s mood and whim count
much at the time of evaluation of the answer scripts. An examiner sitting in a happy mood may
award more marks and one in bad mood gives less marks. Vermon points out that the same
answer scripts might receive different marks if read after dinner instead of before dinner. Thus
subjectivity leads to a great variability in marking.


The present system of examination is such that a student has to work very hard when
examination draws near. Because the whole weightage for success of failure is given to the
external examination only. There are many students, who do not work much otherwise but as
the examination approaches they start burning midnight oil. It tells upon their health. Many students
suffer from examination fever or they tend to have mental disturbances. Moreover examinations
stimulate an unhealthy competition spirit among children.


The examination system of today is mostly of written type only, it lacks oral examinations.
Of course, presently Sarba Siksa Abhijan Mission conducts oral examination. Moreover, the
examinations do not attempt to measure all round development of the students. Only the
academic aspect is taken into consideration. Other aspects like physical growth, social
development, character building etc. are not given any weightage.
Thus we have found that the examination system of present day suffers badly. It is not
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valid not reliable. The University Education Commission says that if we are to make any reform
in education it is in the examination system. Recently, we have seen that a lot is being thought of
and done to improve the examination system.
For better education, the shortcomings of examination have to be removed. We therefore
recommend that –
1. Introduction of new types of test : Attempts should be made to lesson the subjective
element. Essay type questions should be reduced and along with essay type, short answer type
and objective type questions should be included in the questions papers. The answers should
be definite, clear and intelligible.
2. Thought provoking questions :
Question should be thought provoking and questions set in the paper should cover the
whole syllabus as far as possible. The questions should be such that they discourage cramming.
3. Class work : Due consideration should be given to the regularity of the students in the
class room.
4. Appointment of examiners :
Examiners should be selected carefully. The paper setters and examiners for external
examination should be out of those who are actually teaching that subjects concerned.
5. Viva-voce :
External examinations may be supplemented by viva-voce tests, if possible because in
oral examination a candidates may show some inherent good qualities which cannot be tested
or shown in a written examination.
6. Standard of marking :
Grading system of marking should be implemented instead of numerical marks. By giving
grade, the answer of a student is better evaluated as compared to giving exact marks. In grading
system, there are less chances of variation. Therefore, grading system is an improvement
upon the existing numerical marking system.
7. Difficulty level of questions :
Questions should not be either too difficult or too easy. The questions should be arranged
in the question paper from easy to difficult ones.
8. Monthly test :
Instead of terminal examinations, a system of monthly test be introduced as is done in
SSA schools.
9. Cumulative Record :
The cumulative record of the pupils performances should be maintained. It is very helpful
in evaluating the achievements of the students in different spheres.
10. Reducing the number of examinations :
The numbers of external examination should be reduced. There should be one external
examination at the completion of the secondary stage.
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11. Compartmental examination :
The system of compartmental examination after the final public examination is very helpful.
12. New Certificate :
The certificate awarded by the examining authority to the pupils who complete the school
course should also contain results of school tests and school records.


External examination only tests the cognitive ability of students and that too at the end of a
course. Evaluation of non-cognitive aspects is totally neglected in this type of external examination.
Therefore, evaluation should be continuous and comprehensive.
The meaning of continuous evaluation is day-to-day evaluation of pupil’s work. From this
point of view, it does not end only with tests, it is continuous throughout the year. Continuous
evaluation is more dependable than an external examination. It reduces the evils of examination.
To maintain regularity in study on the part of students as well as to maintain a steady improvement
in their achievement, continuous evaluation is very helpful. It gives us a good deal of information
about the learners in detail. Therefore, continuous internal evaluation enables the teachers to
diagnose pupil’s difficulties in learning. It also help the teachers to suggest solutions to the
problems because it provides regular opportunities to find out the needs, goals, interests, and
aptitudes of a learner and shows him the way to the learners development. In this connection,
the teacher’s responsibility plays a vital role.
Indian Education Commission, 1964-66, viewed that “Evaluation is a continuous process,
it forms an integral part of the total system of education and is intimately related to pupil’s study
habits and teacher’s method of instruction and thus helps not only to measure educational
achievement but also to improved it.” So the process of evaluation is continuous along with the
educational process. On the basis of interpretation of evaluation report, step can be taken to
modify the educational objectives, curriculum and method of teaching, tools and technique of
evaluation itself. Thus, through continuous evaluation we can get a solid basis for giving
instructional guideline to the pupils to proceed in the right way.
Comprehensive evaluation does not confine itself only to the subject matter achievement
but also takes into account all the objectives of curriculum. This type of evaluation is concerned
not only with cognitive side but also covers all the aspects of pupils’ growth and development in
non-scholastic areas. In this regard, the Indian Education Commission, 1964-66 writes :
“Evaluation should concern itself with pupils’ physical development, personality and character,
social achievement, academic achievement and achievement in various types of skill.”
Thus, comprehensive evaluation covers all the aspects of pupil’s intellectual, physical,
moral and social development. All these developments must be recorded by the teacher from
time to time in a cumulative record card which will give a complete account of the progress of a
pupil in its totality.
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