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Norman Green-Price
Thursday 7th April 2011

Journal News Letter (March 2011)

Those who’ve been following the March “Survival Journal” on my Scribd
networking site at, will realise the
news content is different from the normal media. This should be no
surprise, for we are now living under our “Controllers” of the “New World
Order”, who in the tradition of every Dictator, feed a highly selective
diet of information to their would be salves.

What we like to think is ” Democracy”, I prefer to call “demon-

occracy”. Those who have read George Orwell’s “1984” will know what I

Fortunately, the present reign of terror and chaos, engineered by certain

criminals, is to be short-lived, for JASHUAH (Jesus) shortly returns as
King and Saviour, to demolish their satanic kingdom and to replace it with
His own glorious reign of justice and truth.
When speaking of the”Controllers” of the “New World Order”, I speak of
a mere handful of people, who it is a matter of available evidence are
satanically controlled, and evily intentioned.

Many of them know full well who they are and so does the Almighty.

The good news is that He is dealing with them in His is own good time and
Provided we are truly on the Almighty’s side, we need have little concern.
Our part is to observe their devious moves, expose their “Knavish tricks” as
led by the Spirit of God, and pray for their repentance.

The purpose of these websites, which are listed below, and which I visit
constantly is to hopefully wean us off the diet of lies onto a foundation
of truth, at the same time remembering we all at present ” see
through a glass darkly”.

The Devil is “An Angle of Light”:

In choosing these websites, I do not discount other sites, but encourage

extreme discernment. The Devil is indeed “an angel of light” and is now
successfully deceiving the “whole world”! Though these four websites are
Christian, the last two hold a special additional significance, which I have
The World’s Last Chance Community:

“The Temple Website”:

Nutramedical Website (Dr.Deagle):

Dr. Deagle is a physician of over 35 years experience backed by
considerable practical biblical experience, as you may appreciate in time.

He has also many years experience in nuclear and military medicine, and
brings to the table this unique background, coupled with a “medicine chest”
of tailor-made nutritional supplements tried, tested and applicable to the
extreme trauma of these ends times.

LaRouche PAC TV

Lyndon LaRouche, was economic adviser to Ronald Reagan, and several

times Presidential Candidate. He is now challenging President Obama for
the Whitehouse in November 2012.

Lyndon LaRouche is the only viable American politician, so far as I can see,
who, with his formidable team of the next generation of political activists,
scientists and economists, have the courage, political wisdom and
experience to remove President Obama and his the Banker “Controllers.
The latter's scandalous record should be apparent to all, but so far all
governments seem incapable of effectively controlling these “Controllers”
to the detriment of the world.
On Lyndon LaRouche’s website you will find his imaginative plan, which in
his own words is to “save this world from the coming Dark Age”. In
considering this, we should certainly be aware that
“Unless the Lord builds a house, the Builders toil in vain”.

Now to the Content of these March Broadcasts of

Dr William Deagle

I will highlight only the bare bones of what is being said, while offering
LINKS for further study.
Each broadcast is peppered with periods of advertisements. With the
use of your cursor, these can be avoided, although if you’re interested
in “Survival”, some may be worth considering.

1. Bill Deagle in his March 1st Broadcast March 01, 2011 (hour 1),
interviews the author of “Jesus Christ History or Hoax?”, which gives the
history of the build-up of the pagan customs that have infiltrated most
Christian denominations.

It is my belief that for this gross rebellion we are now being judged, and
will continue to be in ever greater severity, until we as nation, like
NINEVEH, either REPENT or face the final awesome Judgement of
JASHUAH very shortly!

2.Much of the unrest in Middle East and many of the Western and
European countries, are thought to be motivated by the “Powers that
Be”, from now on referred to as (PTB),
Some of these are thought to operate through the offices of Internet
agencies, many of whom are themselves assets of branches of the CIA,
FBI, Mossad and British Intelligence. No doubt we now realise that if we
judge the intentions of our leaders by what they say and not by what
they do, we will be constantly caught on the wrong foot! March 01, 2011 (hour 3)

PTB have two main purposes in stirring up unrest: 1. Complete breakdown

of the World Economic System. 2. Nuclear WW3, in the Middle East
involving the already established Zionist Stake of Israel and their Muslim
neighbours. These two achievements would enable the “New World Order”
to take control for a brief moment ,before their utter destruction by the

3.Implimintation date for Real ID Chip in US could happen as early as

May 2011 as part of a larger world ID program. It is then a matter of
formality for other nations to follow,the US's lead, starting with Europe.
That is what the PTB are planning;, but as to when they will achieve it
depends on the response of people and the intervention of the Almighty.
March 01, 2011 (hour 3)

4.Harley Shlanger of the LaRouche Group explains the scandal of the

Federal Reserve and the other big banks in the Trans-Atlantic “Alpha
Group”. In doing so he also clarifies the benefits of The LaRouche Plan of
a Credit-based System, as apposed to the present bankrupt “Monetary
System “now crippling the taxpayers of Europe and America.

Through the re-enactment of the Glass – Steagall Act: 1:22:00 ,used by President Roosvelt to
release America and Europe from the Great Depression of the 1920’s-
30’s, this would immediately release funds for investment in people,
instead of the present “gambling derivative” scandal of the banks.
Through jobs, in basic wealth producing industries such as energy,
water- conservation and distribution through the nationwide scheme of
NAWAPA, which has been in the planning stage for some twenty years .

This would make available real growth and national wealth both in
America and Europe, and eventually worldwide, to nations that would
then be united, but SOVEREIGN- their own masters - which they are
certainly not to-day!
March 02, 2011 (hour 1)

5.Huge underground cities , have been built for the “Elite” worldwide
over the years funded by tax-payers.
These are “bolt-holes” for our future “Masters” from the coming
onslaught of epidemics, earthquakes, food shortages etc, that are about
to hit this world. The internet is awash with information about these
underground facilities. Here is an example,

However, they are making no provision for their citizen-slaves, whom they
plan to reduce from over 7 Billion to 500 million, so as to make control
It’s hard to beleive, Isn’t it?

6. Solar Mass-injections from Sun are one of the main causes of

“Climate Change”, earthquakes etc.March 04, 2011 (hour 3)

7. Chemtrails: This Broadcast will give you an undestanding of Chemtrails

and the damage they are doing to the health of millions of people
worldwide March 08, 2011 (hour 1)
Video (6.00)

9. The Extent of Radiation now Threatening people’s health apart from

Japanese Nuclear Disaster is considerable: March 29, 2011 (hour 3)

The words of this Hymn performed by “Amazing Worship”, magnificently

portrays the glorious happenings ahead, to those will but grasp this

‘Current ’


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