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BDS 5 End of Year Exam Papers 2004-2009

March 2009
1. List the common cysts of the jaw. For each entity explain how may it be differentiated from the
others on the basis of history, examination and investigations.
2. Describe the investigations and the treatment options for a first permanent lower molar with
approximal caries, in a 9-year old child.
3. Discuss how you might promote oral health and ensure appropriate access to dental healthcare for
the residents of a residential care home to meet their needs. Briefly outline what you expect will be the
oral health needs and other challenges faced by this group.
4. An adult patient presents with four missing upper incisors in an otherwise well aligned intact
dentition, where the upper canines are unrestored. Discuss your management of the case.


March 2008
1. Discuss how barriers to dental care might be overcome for disadvantaged groups.
2. Discuss your investigation and treatment options for a patient presenting with an upper midline
3. How would you decide whether or not to perform an incisional surgical biopsy of a mucosal white
patch in a general practice setting? Discuss indications and contraindications. How would you ensure
that a biopsy is presented to the laboratory in a suitable state for diagnosis?
4. What would be the periodontal consequences of bad or poorly executed restorative procedures
(direct and indirect restorations, fixed and removable prosthodontics)?

June 2008
1. An 18-year old presents to your surgery with tooth wear. Discuss the possible causes and the
preventive management?
2. Describe the steps required to undertake an epidemiological survey of dental caries in 5-year old
children in a London Borough. Briefly, discuss the possible findings and suggest how you would use
the results of this needs assessment.
3. A child of 10 years attends with the failure of eruption of the upper left central incisor (UL1), describe
and discuss your management of such a patient.
4. List the causes of unilateral swelling of one major salivary gland. Describe how a history, clinical
examination and special investigations can help to reach a diagnosis.

May 2008 Oral Disease Paper (ADS 3)

1. A 68-year old male presents with right sided facial pain of recent onset for which no dental cause
can be identified. What are the possible non-odontogenic causes of the pain. Outline your approach to
distinguish dental causes from any one of these conditions you have listed.
2. What are the indications for the surgical removal of third molar teeth? What information must be
given to a patient undergoing the surgical removal of a third molar tooth under a general anaesthetic.

3. Write an essay on the pathology of pulpitis and its sequelae.

4. List the causes of dry mouth. Outline the investigations helpful in diagnosis and management of the
5. Write short notes on each of the following: a) dry socket b) dentigerous cyst c) pleomorphic
6. Outline the differential diagnosis of a radiolucency at the apex of a lower first premolar tooth in a 25
year old adult.
May 2008 Restorative Paper (ADS 4)
1. A patient presents with missing upper incisors (UR2, R1, UL1, UL2) in a dentition without any other
teeth missing; the maxillary canines are unrestored. Discuss your management.
2. What are the causes of excessive tooth wear (tooth surface loss)? Discuss the various approaches
to restoring both intact and partially dentate natural dentitions exhibiting the condition.
3. What information can be gained from the common methods used to diagnose periodontal disease
and what are the limitations of each of the methods?
4. Discuss the methods that may be employed to restore the extensively broken down posterior tooth.

5. Discuss the common causes of failure of crowns and bridges.

6. "Partial dentures can damage your mouth". Discuss the statement indicating in your answer how
this damage may be minimised.

May 2008 Child Dental Health Paper (ADS 5)

1. A healthy 7-year old boy presents to your surgery having intruded his maxillary right permanent
central incisor 1 hour ago. Describe your immediate and long term management of this patient.

2. Write short notes on the following: a) the procedures for preventative resin restoration b) diagnosis
of dental caries c) the indications for preformed metal crowns (stainless steel crowns) in molar teeth.

3. Write short notes on the following: a) the indications for fluoride supplements b) the indications for
general anaesthesia in the child dental patient c) the use of bitewing radiographs in paediatric
4. What factors effect stability following orthodontic treatment? Describe the possible methods of
retention used.
5. Write short notes on the following: a) IOTN b) Failure of eruption of a permanent upper central
incisor c) Orthodontic treatment in the adault patient.


October 2008 Child Dental Health Paper (ADS 5)

1. What factors may lead you to make a diagnosis of rampant caries in a two year old and what advice
might have prevented the condition?
2. Write short notes on each of the following: a) the procedures for preventative resin restoration b) the
uses of bitewing radiographs in paediatric dentistry c) the indications for preformed metal crowns
(stainless steel crowns) in molar teeth
3. A mother telephones you to say that her healthy nine-year old son has just knocked out an upper
right permanent central incisor. What are the immediate, short and long term treatment options for this
4. Discuss the role of the soft tissues in the aetiology of malocclusion.
5. Write short notes on each of the following: a) Indications for and advantages of fixed appliances b)
the use of retainers following ortodontic treatment c) IOTN

May 2007 Oral Disease Paper (ADS 3)

1. How does intra oral squamous carcinoma present? What features in the history, examination and
investigations determine the patient's likely prognosis?
2. What are the complications which may arise from the removal of an upper molar tooth under local
anaesthesia in a healthy adult patient? How would you manage them?
3. Discuss the principles underlying the treatment of oral infections.
4. Outline the oral manifestations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease.
5. Write short notes on the following: a) immunofluorescence b) orofacial granulomatosis c) oral
6. A 35-year old male patient presents wih a multilocular radiolucent lesion in his posterior mandible,
initially identified on a dental panoramic radiograph. Outline your differential diagnosis. List the
additional imaging that you would suggest, and your reasoning.

May 2007 Restorative Paper (ADS 4)

1. Give an account of the dental problems and the barriers to care that may be encoutered when
providing restorative care for elderly people, who have retained most of their natural teeth. Indicate
how you would manage these problems.
2. Discuss the management of a healthy non-smoking 55-year old male patient, with no teeth missing
in the maxillary arch and the following mandibular teeth present LR 5 4 3 2 1 and LL 1 3 4 5 (45, 44,
43, 42, 41, 31, 33, 34, 35). Examination reveals a moderate periodontal disease (probing depths of 5-
7mm) and the LR5 has a large MOD amalgam restoration.
3. What are the possible cases of gingival overgrowth? How may these conditions be managed?
4. Discuss the aetiology, differential diagnosis and management of a cracked posterior tooth.
5. What factors indicate a successful root treatment? Outline the indications for and the procedures
involved in retreating a previously root filled tooth.
6.What are the indications for and the advantages of ising a duplicating technique (copy technique) for
the provision of complete dentures for an edentulous patient? Outline the clinical and laboratory stages
involved in one such technique.

May 2007 Child Dental Health Paper (ADS 5)

1. What do you understand by the term Early Childhood Caries? Describe and discuss the aetiology,
clinical manifestations and management.
2. What are the anatomical differences between primary and permanent molars? How does this
influence conservative treatment?
3. A healthy child of 8 years has avulsed the Upper Right Permanent Central Incisor. The mother
contacted the dental surgery by telephone. Describe and discuss your advice, management and
treatment plan.
4. Write short notes on the following: a) Indications for extractions of permanent teeth in orthodontic
treatment planning b) midline diastema c) adult orthodontics
5. A 10 year old patient attends with a 12mm overjet. Discuss your examination, diagnosis and
treatment options.

October 2007 Child Dental Health Paper (ADS 5)

1. A healthy 7-year old boy presents to your surgery having intruded his maxillary right permanent
central incisor 1 hour ago. Describe your immediate and long term management of this patient.
2. A 9-year old healthy boy presents with dental caries in a mandibular first permanent molar. Describe
the different non-pharmcological behavioural management approaches to dental treatment of this
3. Write short notes on each of the following: a) the procedures for preventative resin restoration b)
diagnosis of dental caries c) the indications for preformed metal crowns (stainless steel crowns) in
molar teeth.
4. Write short notes on the following: a) Oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment b) supernumerary
teeth c) functional appliances
5. A 10 year old patient, with no relevant medical history, attends with the upper incisors in an anterior
crossbite. Discuss your examination, diagnosis and treatment options.

October 2007 Restorative Paper (ADS 4)

1. Discuss the management options for replacing a missing maxillary central incisor in an adult patient.
2. A 29-year old patient presents with acute necrotic ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) superimposed on
moderate periodontal disease with localised increased severity on the mandibular LR2, LR1, LL1, LL2,
with teeth showing grade III mobility. Describe the clinical features and the short-term and long-term
management of this patient.
3. How would you classify furcation involvement in periodontitis? Describe the various approaches to
the management of this condition indicating how each class may be treated.
4. Discuss the aetiology and management of root caries.
5. How many study casts of partially dentate mouths aid the planning of restorative dental care?
6. How would you plan to achieve optimum support for removable partial dentures?

October 2007 Oral Disease Paper (ADS 3)

1. Outline the differential diagnosis of oral ulceration. How would you investigate and manage a patient
with a three week history of a solitary ulcer on the tongue?
2. A 26-year old female patient presents with pain and clicking fro mher temporomandibular joints with
limitation of mouth opening. Discuss your examination, investigation and possible lines of treatment.

3. Discuss the aetiology, presentation and briefly outline management of the fractures of the mandible.

4. Outline the clinical presentation of disorders affecting the mouth and Head and Neck associated
with the Herpes family viruses. Indicate the general principles of management of herpes infections.
5. List the clinical conditions that may present as discrete swellings of the gingiva (do not include
causes of generalised swelling). What are the causes and how may they be diagnosed?
6. Outline the surgical procedures that aid in the prosthetic replacement of teeth.

May 2006 Oral Disease Paper (ADS 3)

1. A 68-year old female patient presents complaining of a dry mouth. What are the possible causes
and what features in the history, examination and special investigations would help you to arrive at a
definitive diagnosis?
2. A 45-year old female patient presents with pain in the region of the posterior maxilla.Summarise the
possible causes and outline the investigations and management.
3. In an elderly medically compromised patient a tooth socket has failed to heal following a tooth
extraction. What are the possible reasons for this and how would you establish the diagnosis?
4. With what features may a patient with a fractured zygoma present? Describe the indications for
treatment and outline the treatment of zygomatic fractures.
5. Write short notes on the following: a) the antibiotic cover regimen for a patient with a prosthetic
heart valve b) mucous extravasation cysts c) irradiation osteomyelitis (osteoradionecrosis).
6. List the oral lesions and conditions that are considered precancerous or potentially malignant.
Outline the management after diagnosis of one of these disorders.

June 2006 Restorative Dentistry (ADS 4)

1. An adult patient presents with missing maxillary incisors (UR2, UR1, UL1, UL2) in a dentition
without any other teeth missing; the maxillary canines are unrestored. Discuss your management.
2. Discuss how the design, preparation and the completion of single-visit dental restorations may
contribute to the initiation and progression of dental disease.
3. What information can be gained from the common method used to diagnose periodontal disease
and what are the limitations of each of these methods?
4. Describe the methods that may be employed to restore the extensively broken down posterior tooth.

5. Describe your management following diagnosis of a patient presenting with acute apical
periodontitis associated with a maxillary first molar tooth.
6. What are the possible treatment options for a patient who has only two mandibular canine teeth
(LR3 and LL3) remaining?
June 2006 Child Dental Health (ADS 5)
1. Write short notes on the following: a) the indicatons for fluoride supplements b) the indications for
general anaesthesia in the child dental patient c) the use of bitewing radiographs in paediatric
2. A healthy 8-year old child falls over and damages the maxillary left permanent central incisor (11).
Clinical examination reveals a crown fracture of 11 involving enamel, dentine and pulp. Describe your
immediate and long-term management of the patient.
3. A 9-year old healthy boy presents with dental caries in a mandibular first permanent molar. Describe
the different non-pharmacological behavioural management approaches to dental treatment of this
4. Write short notes on the following: a) soft tissue factors in the aetiology of malocclusion b) posterior
buccal crossbite classification and possible treatment methods c) interceptive treatment in the mixed
5. A 13-year old patient attends with a retained maxillary primary canine. Discuss the examination,
diagnosis and treatment options.

October 2006 Oral Disease (ADS 3)

1. Give an account of the possible clinical presentation of jaw infections. Describe the management of
a patient with an increasing swelling at the back of the mouth due to pericoronitis around a lower third
2. Discuss the clinical differential diagnosis, investigations and management of a 40-year old patient
with a swelling in the parotid region.
3. Discuss the assessment of mandibular third molars for surgical removal.
4. A middle-aged female patient complains that one side of her lower lip has become numb. Discuss
your investigation of his problem.
5. Write shot notes on the following: a) Trigeminal neuralgia b) Acute Herpetic Gingivo stomatitis c)
Clicking of the temporomandibular joints
6. Write an essay on the histopathology of pulpitis including aetiology and sequelae.

October 2006 Restorative Dentistry (ADS 4)

1. A patient presents with UL4 and UL5 missing (upper left first and second premolars). Discuss the
factors that would influence you in deciding upon the most appropriate treatment plan.
2. Discuss the principles of diagnosis and treatment planning for a patient requiring restorations,
periodontal treatment and partial dentures.
3. Discuss the factors which may adversely influence the outcome of periodontal therapy.
4. Discuss the common causes of failure of corwns and bridges.
5. "Partial Dentures Can Damage the Mouth". Discuss this statement indicating in your answer how
this damage may be minimised,
6. How are complete dentures designed and constructed to restore a natural appearance?

October 2006 Child Dental Dentistry (ADS 5)

1. Write short notes on the following: a) the steps in restoring a mandibular first primary molar with a
preformed metal crown (stainless steel crown) b) list the indications for fissure sealants c) diagnosis of
dental caries in children
2. What factors may lead you to make a diagnosis of rampant caries in a two-year old and what might
have prevented the condition?
3. Describe the immediate and long-term management of a symptomless, non-vital upper permanent
central incisor in a healthy eight-year old child?
4. A patient attends with a class II div 2 malocclusion. Describe your examination, diagnosis and
treatment options.
5. Write short notes on the following: a) IOTN b) hypodontia c) indications for removable appliances.
October 2005 Oral Disease (ADS 3)
1. Discuss the indications for and the complications of the removal of third molar teeth. What
information must be given to a patient undergoing the removal of a third molar tooth under a general
2. Discusss your management of a 14-year old patient presenting with oral ulceration.
3. Write short notes on the following: a) Dry socket b) dentigerous cyst c) pleomorphic adenoma
4. How is the radiation dose to patients undergoing dental radiography in general practice kept to a
minimum? Why is this important?
5. List six medical emergencies (other than cardiac arrest) that may occur in a general dental surgery.
For each condition identify one drug, together with its dosage, and the preferred route of
administration, which may be of use in the acute management. you may not use the same drug for
more than one condition in your answer.
6. List the causes of excessive bleeding from the oral cavity. What medications, agents or procedures
are useful to control bleeding in a hospital unit.

October 2005 Restorative Dentistry (ADS 4)

1. A 45-year old woman presents with a heavily restored dentition and a mixture of mderate and
advanced chronic periodontitis. The maxillary anterior teeth are loose and have drifted labially.
Describe how you would investigate this case and discuss the possible treatment options.
2. Give an account of the general and dental problems that may be encountered when providing
restorative care for elderly patients who have retained most of their natural teeth.
3. Describe the clinical features of localised aggressive (juvenile) periodontal disease. What theories
have been proposed to explain the aetiology of the condition and how it is managed?
4. Discuss the indications and rationale for the use of gold alloys in conservative dentistry.
5. Discuss the means by which removable partial dentures may be retained.
6. during root canal treatment an instrument fractures in a root canal. Describe how you would
manage this problem and how it could have been avoided.

October 2005 Child Dental Health (ADS 5)

1. A cooperative 8 year old patient with a ventricular septal defect presents with gross caries in a
mandibular right second primary molar. Discuss your dental management of the patient
2. A healthy 2-year old boy presents with intrusion of his maxillary left central incisor. Describe your
management of this patient. What are the possible consequences of this injury to the permanent
3. Write short notes on the following: a) non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques in
paediatric dentistry b) the clinical features of acute primary herpetic gingivostomatitis c) the doses of
fluoride dietary supplements for ther child dental patient
4. Write short notes on the following: a) IOTN b) hypodontia c) indications for removable appliances
5. A 13-year old patient attends with a retained maxillary primary canine. Discuss your examination,
diagnosis and treatment options.

June 2005 Oral Disease Paper (ADS 3)

1. Discuss the significance of and causes of pigmented patches in the oral mucosa.
2. A 68-year old male presents with right-sided facial pain of recent onset for which no dental cause
can be identified. What are the possible non-odontogenic causes of the pain and how would you
distinguish between them?
3. Discuss the aetiology, presentation and management of fractures of the mandible.
4. Write an essay on the pathology of pulpitis and its sequelae.
5. Outline the clinical presentation of lichen planus. What investigations are relevant?
6. Outline the differential diagnosis of a radiolucency at the apex of a lower first premolar in a 25-year
old adult.
June 2005 Restorative Paper (ADS 4)
1. How may the dental treatment of a patient be influenced by a compromised medical history?
Illustrate your answer with examples relating to conservative dentistry, periodontology and prosthetic
2. What are the causes of excessive tooth wear (tooth surface loss)? Discuss the various approaches
to restoring both intact and partially dentate natural dentitions exhibiting the condition.
3. Describe the aetiology, clinical presentation and management of acute necrotising ulcerative
4. Describe the aetiology, differential diagnosis and management of a cracked posterior tooth.
5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dentures inserted immediately after the extraction of
the remaining natural teeth. What advice and after-care should be given when providing immediate
replacement dentures?
6. How would you classify furcation involvement in periodontitis? Describe the various approaches to
the management of this condition indicating how the types are treated?

June 2005 Child Dental Health Paper (ADS 5)

1. Describe the advice you would give to a mother anxious to maintain the oral health of her child from
infancy through to 8 years of age.
2. A healthy 7-year old boy presents to you surgery having intruded his maxillary right permanent
central incisor 1 hour ago. Describe your immediate and long term management of this patient.
3. Write short notes on the following: a) the steps in carrying out a vital formocresol pulpotomy in a
primary molar b) the features of nursing caries c) the use of posterior bitewing radiographs in
paediatric dentistry
4. Write short notes on the following: a) indications for extractions of permanent teeth in orthodontic
treatment planning b) supernumerary teeth c) use of retainers
5. A 10-year old patient attends with a 12mm overjet. Discuss your examination, diagnosis and
treatment options.

November 2004 Oral Disease (ADS 3)

1. A 45-year old woman presents with pain in the region of the posterior maxilla. Summarise the
possible causes and outline the investigations and management.
2. Discuss the initial management of a newly detected white patch on the oral mucosa by a dentist in
his/her own practice. What would be the reasons for referral to a hospital consultant?

3. Write short notes on each of the following: a) the antibiotic cover regimen for a patient with a
prosthetic heart valve b) mucous extravasation cysts c) irradiation osteomyelitis (osteoradionecrosis)

4. Give an account of the causes of dry mouth. Outline the investigations helpful in diagnosis and
management of the condition.
5. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a radiopacity in the alveolar bone in the mandibular region of a
40-year old dentate patient.
6. List the causes of excessive bleeding from the oral cavity. What medications, agents or procedures
are useful to control bleeding in a hospital unit.
7. Discuss the principles underlying the management of a dental abscess.
8. List the signs and symptoms that can result from dental anxiety. Describe the benefits of conscious
sedation in relation to these reactions in a patient with angina.

November 2004 Restorative Dentistry (ADS 4)

1. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of recurrent dental pain in the heavily restored
dentition of an adult patient.
2. Describe how restorations and fixed and removable protheses may adversely affect the health of
the marginal periodontium. Discuss what steps you would take to reduce these effects.
3. Discuss the implications of systemic factors to the health of periodontal tissues.
4. Discuss the factors that should be considered when assessing the suitability of teeth to serve as
abutments for bridgework.
5. How would you plan to achieve optimum support in the provision of removable partial dentures?
6. Discuss the aetiology, diagnosis and management of occlusal caries in the permanent dentition.

November 2004 Child Dental Health (ADS 5)

1. A 9-year old healthy boy presents with dental caries in a lower first permanent molar. Describe the
different behaviour management approaches to dental treatment of this patient.
2. A 13-year old healthy male falls over and attends your surgery immediately. His upper right
permanent central incisor is pushed palatally. Describe the management of this patient.
3. Write short notes on each of the following: a) the procedures for preventative resin restoration b)
diagnosis of dental caries c) the indications for preformed metal crowns (stainless steel crowns) in
molar teeth.
4. Write short notes on each of the following: a) oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment b)
orthodontic considerations of carious first permanent molar teeth c) use of radiographs in orthodontic
diagnosis and treatment planning
5. A 10-year old patient attends with the upper incisors in an anterior crossbite. Discuss your
examination, diagnosis and treatment options.

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