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CREW citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington April 11, 2011 By Email ( and First-Class Mail Department of Administration Legal Counsel 101 E. Wilson Street, 10 Floor P.O. Box 7864 Madison, WI 53707-7864 Dear Sit/Madam: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) makes this request for records, regardless of format, medium, or physical characteristics, and including electronic records and information, pursuant to the State of Wisconsin's Public Records Law, Wis. Stat 19.31-19.39. Specifically CREW requests all records of communications from February 14, 2011 to the present, among and between the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the Office of Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, including the Wisconsin Division of State Patrol, and/or the Wisconsin Office of the Governor regarding the use of the Wisconsin State Patrol or the Capitol Police Department to track down missing state legislators. We are aware that, among others, Department of Administration official Carla Vigue communicated with the Office of the Governor on this subject. As used herein the term “record” includes electronic records, audiotapes, videotapes, photographs, computer print-outs, telephone messages, voice mail messages, daily agenda and calendars, and information about scheduled meetings. Wisconsin’s Public Records Law specifically defines “record” to include information maintained on paper as well as electronically, such as data files and unprinted emails. Wis. Stat. § 19.322) Wisconsin's Public Records Law also requires you to construe this request “in every instance with the presumption of complete public access consistent with the conduct of government business.” Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a). Moreover, denying access to requested records “is contrary to the public interest and only in exceptional cases can access be denied.” /d. Any denial must be in writing and must state which part of the law entitles you to deny my request Id. As you know, the Wisconsin Public Records Law requires you to respond to this request “as soon as practicable and without delay.” Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a). Given the extensive public interest in the subject matter of this request, any delay in responding would be completely without justification. 1400 Eye Steet, NW, Suite 450, Washington, D.C. 20005 | 202.408.5565 phone | 202.588.5020 ax | wivecitzensorthics org eo Legal Counsel April 11, 2011 Page Two Finally, if'you are not the records custodian for the records we seek, please forward this request to the appropriate person. Please let me know if I can clarify or refine this request; T ean be contacted at 202-408-5565. Please send all responsive documents to Anne L. Weismann, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 1400 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 450, Washington, D.C. 20005, or email them to me at Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, _- Anne L, Weismann Chief Counsel

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