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BY:-- Karnail Singh

1. The quotation for a tender should be valid for a minimum period ………… days
from the date of openings a tender

a. 30 b.45 c.60 d.90

2. Payment should be made within ………….. days of receipt and acceptance of


a. 15 b. 30 c.45 d.60

3. Bid security should remain valid for _______________ days

a. 15 b. 30 c.45 d.60

4. Time interval between invitation and submission of bid in case of large projects

a. 17 b. 30 c.50 d.90

5. For limited tendering minimum number of parties required are

a. 1 b. 2 c.3 d.4

6. Bid opening statement is prepared by corporate contract and

a. project engineering b. Core engineering c. finance d.


7. Standard format with package Specific details required to be filled in is known as

a. invitation for bid b. Instruction to bidders c. Bid data sheet d. Special

conditions to contract

8. Standard Section not required to be changed on Package to Package basis is

known as

a. invitation for bid b. Instruction to bidders c. Bid data sheet d.

Special conditions to contract

9. Which one of the following Provides package specific details to corresponding

clauses in ITB
a. invitation for bid b. Instruction to bidders c. Bid data sheet d. Special
conditions to contract

10. Engineering group finalize work schedule in consultation with

a. Project coordination group b. Contract deptt c. CQA d. Cost eng. Group

11. Approval of estimated cost and release of bid documents is done by which

a. Project coordination group b. Contract deptt c. CQA d. Cost eng. Group

12. Finalization of payments terms for contract After consultation with finance is
done by

a. corporate planning group b. Contract deptt c. Engineering group d. Cost

eng. Group

13. Review of draft specification for quality assurance requirement is done by

a. contract deptt. b. Eng. deptt c. Corporate quality assurance deptt

d. Cost eng. Group

14. Which procedure is used in case of Works of special nature where the problem
of unequal technical bids is likely to be encountered

a. single stage single envelope b. single stage double envelope c. two stage. d.
none of these

15. which kind of qualification method is used in case of contracts for civil works
and large turnkey contracts

a. Pre qualification methods b. Post qualification methods

16. Finalization of conditions of contracts is done by

a. contract deptt b. Engineering group c. corporate planning group d.

Project coordination group

17. in case of past experience of procurement which procedure is used for bidding

a. single stage single envelope b. single stage double envelope c. two stage.
d. none of these

18. Bidding confidence credibility is high is case of

a. single stage single envelope b. single stage double envelope c. two stage. d.
none of these
19. In which one of the following ease of preparing specification is very good

a. single stage single envelope b. single stage double envelope c. two stage. d.
none of these

20. Ability to exploit all market conditions are very high in case of

a. single stage single envelope b. single stage double envelope c. two stage. d.
none of these

21. Finalization of volume entitled’ technical data requirement’ is done by

a. contract deptt b. engineering deptt. C. project engineering goroup d. none

of these

22. Approval of the estimated cost and release of bid documents is done by

a. contract deptt b. core engineering deptt c. corporate planning group d.

none of these

23. In case of single stage, double envelope which envelope is opened firstly

a. Price bid b. Technical bid

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