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Journal of Wind Engineering

and Industrial Aerodynamics 95 (2007) 1028–1039

Wind-excited vibrations—Solution by passive

dynamic vibration absorbers of different types
Ondřej Fischer
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Prosecká 76, 19000 Praha 9, Czech Republic
Available online 23 March 2007


Passive dynamic vibration absorbers have been used up to now as an effective tool to face wind-
excited vibrations of civil engineering structures like high masts, slender bridges and esp. footbridges,
etc. Their idea is simple, but the way of application can be different according to the type of structure
and to the space where the absorber can be placed—that is why different types of absorbers were
developed since the half of last Century. The paper compares the effect of pendulum, ball and
sloshing liquid absorbers and assesses the effectiveness of each of them, summing up the experience
of the author and of some of his colleagues in the Czech Republic.
r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wind-excited vibrations; Slender structures; Vibration absorption; Passive dynamic absorbers;
Pendulum, ball and sloshing liquid absorbers

1. Introduction

Omitting the difficulties with hanging bridges, the wind-excited vibrations started to be a
serious problem since the middle of last Century, when the high, slender, mostly all-welded
towers and masts were built for TV antennae. After some years of exploration and
hesitation, the pendulum absorber has been used for the stabilization of the antennae in
former Czechoslovakia, many times since the end of sixtieth. In the same period, the
development of industry, construction technology as well as general requirements of

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O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039 1029

human society have made the vibrations of structures, including those caused by wind, an
integral part of the development of technical sciences both in the field of theory and
experiment and in the industry, offering the means for the struggle with vibrations. The
endeavour to minimize vibrations is motivated by necessity to assure the safety of
structures, i.e., to eliminate their dangerous fatigue stresses on the one hand, and by their
serviceability, should they be used, e.g., for the installation of sensitive measuring or
production equipment on the other hand and, last but not least, by the concern for human
health or comfort, which can be impaired by excessive movements.
The number of structures most highly endangered by wind-excited vibrations includes,
e.g., smoke or ventilation stacks, towers and masts for radio and television broadcasting,
look-out towers, technological structures of the power generating and distributing as well
as chemical industries, tall office or residential buildings, slender bridges, bridge cables,
mast guys, overhead power lines, etc. Perhaps we could say that, thanks to those
achievements, numerous risks of undesirable vibrations can be excluded in the very design
stage. In spite of that, however, it happens that vibrations of completed works appear,
perhaps after several years of service or after a reconstruction. As a rule, they are due to
some omission in design or even to a random concurrence of parameters of certain, e.g.,
meteorological, conditions influencing vibrations. A certain role is played also by the
fact that there is a number of mechanisms by means of which wind excites vibrations
of structures ranging from the elementary effect of gusts of meteorological origin to
highly complex interactive relations between the local wind pressures on the surface of
the structure and its elastic characteristics, both of which effects can be of more or less
random character.
There are a number of possibilities of vibrations prevention both in advance in the
design or subsequently after their appearance, and literature in this field is extensive.
However, they should of course be always effective in the given area and operating
conditions, besides, not too sensitive to the accuracy of setting of their parameters, and
affording the possibility of their rectification, if required. They should have reasonable
service life, maintenance requirements as well as costs. In these terms this paper affords
attention to passive dynamic vibration absorbers, with which the author and his colleagues
have had good experience.

2. Passive dynamic absorber

Passive dynamic absorbers are adequate in cases when the structure cannot be provided
with any additional fixed or yielding support required for the elimination of vibrations.
However, they are effective only in case of dynamic loads and, moreover, in a not very
broad frequency band. They are most effective in the case of stationary excitation of
known frequency, but can be used also in case of random or non-stationary excitation or in
case of transient vibrations.

2.1. Operation principle

The dynamic behaviour of a structure undergoes a change when an additional mass is

attached to the structure’s mass in a way, which makes the two masses free to move relative
to one another. A suitable design of the attached mass can ensure that the amplitudes of
the structure will grow smaller and that the energy imparted to the structure from the
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excitation will manifest itself primarily in the motion of the attached mass. The absorber
mass must be attached near the maximum amplitude of the vibration mode of the
structure, must be able to move in the same direction(s) as the structure (as the attachment
point of the absorber) is expected to vibrate, and must have space enough for its
movement, without impairing the serviceability and safety of the structure. The attachment
of the absorber’s mass can be elastic (spring), elastic with damping, only damping (viscous,
friction), discontinuous (impact) or variously combined.
Characteristic parameters of a passive dynamic absorber are: its mass (or the mass-ratio
m ¼ mabs/mstr), the spring constant of the attachment Kabs, or its natural frequency:
1 K abs
f abs ¼ , (1)
2p mabs
(event. frequency ratio l ¼ fabs/fstr), and the damping force Babs (force per velocity unit
(N m1 skg s1)), event. relative damping xabs ¼ Babs =ð2mabs 2pf abs Þ. The scheme of the
simplest case of the absorber used on a structure with one degree of freedom (mstr, Kstr,
xabs) is given in Fig. 1, together with the diagrams presented by Den Hartog (1956) for the
absorber design. The response of the structure with absorber (amplitude vstr) to stationary
harmonic excitation force acting on the structure F(t) ¼ Fei2pft is given by amplification
factors ystr and yrel, viz. vstr ¼ vstatystr; vrel ¼ vabsvstr ¼ vstatyrel, where vstat ¼ F/Kstr.
Dynamic absorber can also be used with more complicated structures, for any of its
higher mode. In such a case the structure is represented by an ideal SDOF system, whose

Fig. 1. Scheme of a dynamic vibration absorber on a SDOF system: (a) amplification factor ystr for the
displacement of the structure; (b) amplification factor yrel for relative displacement absorber-structure; (c)
optimum damping of the absorber mass xabs plotted against mass ratio. Curve (1)—simplest tuning fabs ¼ fstr;
Curve (2)—optimum tuning fabs ¼ fstr/(1+m).
O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039 1031

natural frequency corresponds to the jth natural frequency of the structure and the ideal
mass is the generalized mass corresponding to the same jth natural mode:
mabs;ðjÞ ¼ mðxÞv2ðjÞ ðxÞ dx ðkgÞ, (2)
ðvðjÞ ðxabs ÞÞ2 L
in which m(x) is the mass per unit length of the structure at the position x (kg m1), v(j)(x)
the jth natural mode [—], xabs the attachment point of the absorber on the structure (near
the antinode of the jth natural mode), L the entire length of the structure.
If vibrations in more frequencies (in more natural modes) are to be absorbed, more
absorbers can be installed according to what has been said above. Only in the case of very
near frequencies, one single absorber can be used, tuned near to the mean value of these
frequencies, and furnished with larger damping; its effect is, of course, smaller, see
Koloušek et al. (1984). The other possibility is to design the absorber itself as a system with
two or more degrees of freedom. The assessment of such a complicated device requires
special analysis, maybe including experimental verification.
The absorption of the structural vibrations is being realized through the force in the
attachment between the structure and absorber masses (i.e. through the spring and
damping forces), which is equivalent to the inertia force of the absorber mass
mabsvabs(2pfabs)2. It is therefore evident that the absorber should move with a considerable
amplitude vabs in the appropriate direction. For an extensive monograph dealing with
dynamic absorbers, see Korenev and Reznikov (1993).

2.2. The types of movements to be absorbed

The selection of absorber type depends primarily on the direction of the motion to be
damped. It may be the translatory motion in vertical direction (such as flexural vibrations
of slender bridges), translatory motion in horizontal plane—either uniaxial (lateral
vibrations of vertical shear walls) or biaxial, i.e., with the possibility of free movement in
the plane (vibrations of towers of—more or less—centrally symmetrical cross section), or
combined rotation and translation—in cases, when the mass and rigidity centres of the
cross section do not coincide (torsional vibrations of slender bridges, vibrations of tall
buildings with asymmetrically distributed vertical shear walls). Naturally, also various
combinations of these principal motions are possible.

3. Absorber types

3.1. Absorbers with translatory mass movement

Vertical translatory vibrations can be absorbed only by a vertically moving mass, which
means that the absorber mass must be suspended on helical, leaf or on other springs. This
type corresponds with the theoretical scheme on Fig. 1. The spring constant can be defined
very accurately by adequate spring dimensions and also the damping elements (e.g. of the
same type as motor car shock-absorbers) can be so set as to guarantee the required magnitude
and constancy of the damping force. Consequently, this absorber type can be considered as
optimum. By way of example the absorbers of GERB type (Fig. 2) can be mentioned. It is
intended for bridges; its necessary damping force is assured by a cylinder immersed in a
special fluid of well-defined viscosity, very little depending on the temperature.
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Fig. 2. Absorber for vertical translation—system GERB—Berlin.

The natural frequency of the translatory vibrations of the absorber mass is given by (1),
in which
K¼ ki ðN m1  kg s2 Þ (3)

and ki is the spring constant of one (of the ith) support of the mass mabs.
Horizontal motion proceeding in one direction only can be damped by an absorber of
the same type installed in the position differing by 901 from the former. In such a case, it is
merely necessary to fix it in vertical position and to adjust the connections of hydraulic
dampers and the reliable transmission of forces from the absorber (springs and dampers)
to the building structure. It can be mentioned here that the sum of these forces equals to
the inertia force of the absorber mass, viz:
F abs ¼ mabs vabs ð2pf abs Þ2 ffi Kvrel , (4)
thus the damping effect depends on the amplitude of the absorber mass. The last member
in (4) means simplification for zero damping xabs and small amplitudes of the structure vstr.

3.2. Absorber for two-component movement in horizontal plane

The absorber for a general motion in horizontal plane would most probably be designed
as a mass of plate shape supported by vertical elastic bars of circular cross section of by i
shear-stressed rubber (elastomeric) elements. These bars or rubber pads would be so
dimensioned that in their sum they would have the required spring constant in all
directions of possible motion. Such vibration absorber can be used also for rotary
vibrations in the same horizontal plane. To make its natural frequencies in translatory and
rotary motions mutually independent, the centre of gravity of the plate must be identical
with the centre of the system of points in which the elastic supports are fastened to the
absorber mass. In such case it is possible to tune the absorber separately for both effects:
while preserving its translation natural frequency (i.e. the magnitude of mass and the
number of supports) it is possible to modify the distribution of supports or the shape of the
mass mabs to achieve the adequate mass moment of inertia with reference to the centre of
O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039 1033

gravity. If required, such absorber need not be shaped as a plate, but may be a rod or bar-
bell in shape. Its effect in rotation is the same as in translatory motion absorption—it is
governed by the same principles as in Fig. 1, except that the displacement coordinate is
replaced with the angle of rotation and the mass with the mass moment of inertia.
The natural frequency in simple torsion is
1 Kz
f tor ¼ , (5)
2p I s
where K z ¼ i ki r2i is the spring constant in torsion (moment in the plane of the disc that
induces its rotation around the centroid z ¼ 1 rad), dimension (N m/radkg m2 s2), ri the
distance of the ith support from the centre of gravity s of the absorber mass mabs, Is the
mass moment of inertia of the absorber mass with respect to its centroid (kg m2).
If the natural frequencies in translation and rotation of the structure, which is going to
be damped, do not differ much, it is possible to tune the absorber in accordance with above
given principles to these natural frequencies as a system with two degrees of freedom and
to absorb the vibrations simultaneously in both modes. In such a case, the centre of gravity
of the mass does not coincide with the centre of elastic forces of the supports, thus the
absorber has two degrees of freedom. It is defined by three elastic constants Kvv, Kzz, Kvz,
and an appropriate choice of them, with respect to the mabs and Iabs, makes the effective
tuning of the absorber possible.

3.3. Pendulum absorber

The construction of a horizontally movable absorber mass on metal or rubber elements,

as described in Section 3.2, may be labour-consuming and costly. There is, however, the
possibility to suspend the mass and to absorb the vibrations of the structure by the motion
of a pendulum provided with the required damping. The absorber mass may have the form
of a massive body of small dimensions (‘‘point’’), of a plate, a ring, etc., according to space
available. The natural frequency is determined by the length of suspension Labs, viz
1 g mabs g
f abs ¼ ; the corresponding spring constant K abs ¼ , (6)
2p Labs Labs
the character of motion (in one single line, in a plane, rotation) is determined by the
combination of suspensions (ropes, chains, stiff rods) or by the type of their terminal
hinges (cylindrical, spherical). The absorber damping may be assured by hydraulic shock
absorbers, friction elements, deformation of low-stiffness elements (wire ropes), etc., as
required by the structure and the designer’s concept. Fig. 3 shows some possible
arrangements of the pendulum kinematics, Fig. 4 the pendulum vibration absorber used
for some 30 years on the masts and towers in the Czech Republic: the annular mass is
suspended from the mast lid and the hydraulic shock absorbers lean obliquely against the
same lid (see Fischer, 1974). A number of examples of different designs of absorbers of this
type can be found in Ruscheweyh (1998).
In case of minor amplitudes the pendulum absorber acts as the above described absorber
of translatory motion, the mass of which is stopped at the moment of maximum
displacement predominantly by its restoring force transmitted directly to the structure,
according to (4). In case of major amplitudes of the pendulum, a part of the energy of the
absorber mass is absorbed obviously by its lifting, and the restoring force, as well as the
1034 O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039

Fig. 3. Different types of pendulum absorbers: (a) translation—mathematical pendulum, (b) swaying—physical
pendulum, (c) rotational pendulum.

Fig. 4. Pendulum absorber used on Czech/Czechoslovak masts, hanging from steel lid of plastic cylindrical tube.

damping effect, will be slightly smaller with respect to the absorber according to Section
3.1. Its equation of motion is no more linear, and the damping force (the horizontal
component of the force in the point of suspension) is
: 2 3
H ¼ mabs gðsin jo cos jo Þ¼mabs g jo  jo þ . . . . (7)
Here j defines the displacement of mabs, viz. vabs ¼ Labs  sin jffiLabs  j, jo is its
amplitude. It is evident that the second term makes the force (7), in the case of larger
amplitudes jo, slightly smaller than that according to (4).
For swaying of a physical pendulum not only its mass, but also the distribution of the
mass around its centre of gravity plays role. This can be described by the eccentricity of
suspension r (distance between the centre of gravity and the point of rotation) and by
the radius of inertia of the swaying mass with respect to its centroid, is. Using their ratio k
(for mathematical pendulum r ¼ Labs, k ¼ 0), the reduced length of the physical pendulum
Lred as well as the natural frequency fabs (6) can be determined (see e.g. Fischer and
O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039 1035

Urushadze, 2005):
is i2
k¼ ; Lred ¼ r þ s ¼ rð1 þ k2 Þ (8)
r r
and for the maximum horizontal force of the pendulum it holds
mabs g
H¼ ðsin jo cos jo Þ. (9)
1 þ k2
The difference between the translating and swaying (physical) pendulum (cf. (7) and (9))
lies in the denominator of the total weight of the pendulum mabsg; its effect will probably
not be significant—for an absorber in the form of a rigid bar ofpthe ffiffiffi length l,pwhich
ffiffiffi is
certainly a little probable absorber shape, (l ¼ 2r, is ¼ is ¼ ðr= 3Þ; k ¼ ð1= 3Þ), the
reaction H, and also the efficiency with respect to the mathematical pendulum is 0.75.

3.3. Ball absorber

The disadvantage of pendulum absorbers is due to the fact that in tall structures of low
natural frequency they require extremely long suspensions that are very difficult to build,
similarly as extremely short suspensions. In such cases, it is possible to replace the
pendulum motion with the motion of a sphere (radius r) in a spherical dish (radius R), or of
a cylinder in a cylindrical void, if the case involves movement in a single direction. The
absorber mass is then the mass of the rolling body and its frequency depends on the
difference of ball and dish radii. The absorber can be seen in Fig. 5 and is described in
detail in Pirner and Fischer (2000).
Taking into account the geometrical relations
€ ¼j R
Rj ¼ ðc þ jÞr; a ¼ jðR €  rÞ;  ¼ c € 1 (11)
the natural frequency of the rolling of the sphere results in
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1 g 1 g
f abs ¼  ¼ , (12)
2p ðR  rÞ 1 þ sph 2 I 2p ðR  rÞð1 þ k2 Þ
msph r

where msph is mass of the sphere, acting as the absorber mass mabs, Isph the mass moment of
inertia of the rolling sphere with respect to the axis going through its centre, and k (see (8)).

Fig. 5. Ball absorber and forces on the ball rolling in the dish (msph—mass of the absorber sphere).
1036 O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039

The equilibrium of real and inertial forces gives the horizontal reaction of the absorber
msph g
H ¼ T cos j  N sin j ¼ ðsin j cos jÞ. (13)
1 þ k2
The expressions (7) and (13), which define the damping forces of a ball absorber and that
of a physical pendulum one, are formally identical; the difference is only in the magnitude
of k. While for the most inconvenient shape of the physical pendulum, mentioned at the
end of Section 3.2 (a rigid bar), the effectiveness with respect to mathematical pendulum is
75%, that of a (most frequently used) ball absorber with a massive homogenous sphere
(Isph ¼ 2/5msphr2, k ¼ (2/5)0.5) is 71%, and that of an absorber with a hollow sphere
(a spherical shell, Isph ¼ 2/3msphr2, k ¼ (2/3)0.5) only 60%. Therefore, if the ball absorber
should have the same effect as a pendulum absorber, its mass would have to be increased
accordingly. In spite of this, disadvantage manifested by the necessity of designing a
spherical absorber heavier than a pendulum one, the ball absorbers have proved well, and
in the above-mentioned cases of long or extremely short suspensions they may represent an
adequate tool for vibration suppression. Their effect was verified also experimentally on a
model of an absorber designed for a footbridge spanning 250 m, and on a 1:1 prototype of
an other absorber, which was designed and used on two TV towers in the Czech Republic
several years ago (see Pirner, 2002). The prototype on a testing stand in the laboratory is
shown in Fig. 6.

3.4. Sloshing liquid absorber

The use of vibration absorbers with ‘‘non-solid’’ mass, in the form of a liquid with free
surface in a vessel of different shape, is an idea which originated a few decades ago, and
was applied chiefly to tall buildings, but, in the form of a set of small tanks, could be
applied as a vibration absorber also to bridges, especially footbridges. Liquid absorbers are
used primarily in the form of a basin filled with a free-surface liquid, forming a wave of a
certain frequency in case of motion, and acting as a mass of the vibration absorber of any
other type (Yalla and Kareem, 1999). Less usual and so far not frequently applied is the

Fig. 6. Prototype of a ball absorber designed for a 70 m high TV tower, on testing stand in the laboratory
(msph ¼ 870 kg, r ¼ 0.30 m, R ¼ 0.41 m).
O. Fischer / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 95 (2007) 1028–1039 1037

use of connected vessels filled with the liquid that flows from one vessel to the other
through a tube in case of motion. If the liquid used in the absorber is water and the
absorber is exposed to the climate, it must be protected against frost. Its advantage,
however, consists in the fact that if situated near the top of the building, the tank with
vibration absorbing water may be used also as a reservoir of fire-fighting water, possibly as
a swimming pool for hotel guest.
A solution of the motion of the free-surface liquid in a vibrating tank was presented
elsewhere, e.g., in Náprstek and Fischer (1994); nevertheless, an adequate approximate
analysis was given by Housner (1961) who divided the liquid into two masses and
considered one as firmly fixed with the tank, and the other as elastically connected, i.e., as a
system with one degree of freedom (see Fig. 7). This second mass can act as vibration
absorber for an elastic structure, of which the tank with the first part of the liquid forms
part. However, the ‘‘absorber’’ mass is only a part of the liquid mass in the tank.
Consequently, such vibration absorber will be adequate primarily in the cases when water
can serve also other purposes, as mentioned above.
For a rectangular tank with h/lo1.6 following values are applicable for the fixed part mo
and the vibrating part m1 of the total mass of the fluid m:
  rffiffiffi !
pffiffiffi l 5h
tanh 3 tanh
h 5 2l
m0 ¼ m pffiffiffi l ; m1 ¼ m rffiffiffi , (14)
6 5 h
h 2l
ideal spring constant for the vibration of the fluid in tank
rffiffiffi rffiffiffi !
g 5h 5h
k 1 ¼ m1 tanh , (15)
h 2l 2l

where g is the gravity acceleration. From (14) it results that the effective ‘‘absorber’’ mass
m1 is smaller than the mass of the fluid inside the tank, smaller by 5/6 (83%) till 33%,
depending on the fluid height, for 0oho1.6l.
The motion of the liquid in a tank of adequate dimensions, generated by horizontal tank
vibrations, may absorb simultaneously also the torsional vibrations (tank tilting) that may
be useful against bending-torsional vibrations of slender footbridges. This phenomenon
was studied experimentally by Pirner and Urushadze (2004).

Fig. 7. Sloshing liquid absorber and its equivalent SDOF system of mass m1 ¼ mabs on spring k1 ¼ Kabs.
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4. Conclusions

Passive dynamic vibration absorbers have been since long time an effective tool for the
suppression of wind-excited vibrations, easily adaptable to the conditions in which they
should work. The number of their advantages includes their relatively low costs and small
maintenance requirements as well as the possibility of additional installation, if required.
Their disadvantages comprise the limited frequency range and the limited ability to react to
non-stationary excitation. The effectiveness of active vibration absorbers, i.e., those which
can optimize their stiffness or damping according to momentary conditions, which
comprise a sensor-controlled actuator reacting directly to the excitation intensity and to
the behaviour of the structure, is naturally higher. On the other hand, they represent higher
investments and their operation requires costly equipment, continuous power supply and
corresponding maintenance.
When assessing the effectiveness of various types of passive dynamic vibration absorbers
in terms of the magnitude of required mass, the most advantageous type obviously is the
absorber with translatory motion described in Section 3.1, followed by the mathematical
pendulum, physical pendulum (Section 3.2), spherical (Section 3.3), and finally free surface
liquid absorber (Section 3.4). However, engineering practice applies also other criteria,
such as feasibility, space requirements, local conditions, etc. In a specific case,
consequently, it is not possible to decide schematically; it is necessary to take into account
all relevant circumstances applying, however, the knowledge of the advantages and
disadvantages of all relevant possibilities.


The support of the research projects nos. A 200710505 and A 2071401 is gratefully
acknowledged. The identification code of the research project of the Institute of theoretical
and applied mechanics is AV0Z 20710524.


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