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' Name of the Script : Corporate Actions Reports IDC
Corporate Actions
' Scope of the Script : This test script covers 26 te
st cases related to the CA reports --> IDC Corporate Actions Reports
' Author : Mohan Gummadi
' Description : Corporate Actions Reports IDC
Corporate Actions
' Date and / or Version : 20-11-2008,version 1.0

Sub CAReportsIDCCorporateActions()
'****Declaration of Environmental Variable
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "True"
'''''''''Test case count
Const TC_COUNT = 26
strVar = Environment("TestDir")
strIndVar = Split(strVar,"\",-1,1)
strBound = UBound(strIndVar)
strAllPath =""
For i= 0 to strBound - 1
strAllPath = strAllPath & strIndVar(i) &"\"
strPath = Trim(strPath)
strDataPath = strAllPath & "DataTables\"
strLibPath = strAllPath & "Function_Library\"
'****Adding MFLogin sheet to the dataTable and Importing the Inp
ut DataTable
DataTable.AddSheet "CALogin"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "Login.xls","CALogin","CALog
DataTable.AddSheet "IDCCorporateActions"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsReports.xls
DataTable.AddSheet "ReportHeader"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsReports.xls
DataTable.AddSheet "HomePageVerification"
DataTable.ImportSheet strDataPath & "CorporateActionsReports.xls
' Logs the Scenario name Execution in a .csv file
Call Execution_log(DataTable.Value("Scenario_Name", "Master"), "
", "", "")
Call Execution_log(DataTable.Value(3, "Master"), "", "", "")
'****Invoking IE and navigating to the ADR Login page
Call invoke_URL("CorporateActions","Login Page",DataTable.Value(
'****Checking the username, password and login objects in the lo
gin page
Call pageCheck_WebEdit("CorporateActions","Login Page","username
Call pageCheck_WebButton("CorporateActions","Login Page","Login"
'****Entering username and password and login into the masterfil
e application
Call login("CorporateActions","Login Page","User","CALogin")
Call chkADRHomePage("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Divis
'***************************************** TC Driver Strat *****
For intTCCount = 1 to TC_COUNT
Environment.Value("Execution_Log") = "True"
If DataTable("TestRunFlag","IDCCorporateActions"
)="Y" Then ''If run flag is Y in test data table
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone,"######## BEGIN TEST CASE - '"
& DataTable("TestCaseID","IDCCorporateActions") & "' ########### ","Execution of
Test Case '" & DataTable("TestCaseDesc","IDCCorporateActions") & "' Started"
strFuncName = "CAReportsIDCCorpo
rateActions_TC" & intTCCount & "()" ''Formation of function name
''Call Function
Execute "Call " & strFuncName
If Environment.Value("Execution
_Log") = "True"Then
Call Execution_l
og("",Datatable.Value("TestCaseID", "IDCCorporateActions"), Datatable.Value("Tes
tCaseDesc", "IDCCorporateActions"), "PASS")
Call Execution_l
og("",Datatable.Value("TestCaseID", "IDCCorporateActions"), Datatable.Value("Tes
tCaseDesc", "IDCCorporateActions"), "FAIL")
End If
vent micDone,"######### END OF TEST CASE - '" & DataTable("TestCaseID","IDCCorpo
rateActions") & "###########","The Test Case Execution Completed"
End If
''Increment the test data table row
Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") = Environment
.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
While strPrevious = strNext
") = Environment.Value("DATATABLE_ROW") + 1
Call logoutfromApp("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Divisi
'***************************************** TC Driver End *******
End Sub
'***************************************************** TestCase #1 to TestCase #
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC1()
'Step #1
'Call chkCAHomePage("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Divis
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Navigate t
o DR Home page after successful login.","Successfully verified the links - " & D
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Navigate t
o DR Home page after successful login.","The links - '" & DataTable.Value("HomeP
ageLinks","HomePageVerification") & "' are not displayed"
End If
'Step #2
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
Call chkMFCAHomePage("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataT
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on C
orporate Actions in DR Home page.","Successfully verified the home page menus -
" & DataTable.Value("MenuName","HomePageVerification")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Click on C
orporate Actions in DR Home page.","The menus - '" & DataTable.Value("MenuName",
"HomePageVerification") & "' are not displayed"
End If
'Step #3
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
Call pageCheck_WebEditOR("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search","FromDate;ToDate")
Call pageCheck_WebListOR("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search","SecurityType;AssignedUserGroup")
Call pageCheck_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Search","Search;Clear","")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions Search.","Expected fields are displayed in
search criteria"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions Search","Expected fields are not displayed
in search criteria"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC2()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
strFromDefault=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If DateValue(strFromDefault)=Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the default
value in the from date field","By default current date is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the default
value in the from date field","By default current date is not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the
default value of the 'From Date' field","The default value should be the Curren
t Date"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verify the
default value of the 'From Date' field","The default value should not be the Cu
rrent Date"
End If
'Step #3
strToDefault=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If DateValue(strToDefault)=Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the default
value in the to date field","By default current date is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the default
value in the to date field","By default current date is not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verify the
default value of the 'To Date' field","The default value should be the Current
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verify the
default value of the 'To Date' field","The default value should not be the Curr
ent Date"
End If
'Step #4
s - IDC Corporate Actions Search").WebList("SecurityType").GetROProperty("select
If strSecurityDefault="Underlying Security" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the default
value of the underlying security field","By default underlying security should
be selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the default
value of the underlying security field","By default underlying security should
be not selected"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Verify the
default value of the 'Security Type' field","By default, 'Underlying Security'
is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Verify the
default value of the 'Security Type' field","By default, 'Underlying Security'
is not selected"
End If
'Step #5
ts - IDC Corporate Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").GetROProperty("
If strAssignedDefault="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the default
value of the Assigned to UserGroup field","By default no value is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the default
value of the Assigned to UserGroup field","By default some value is selected"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Verify the
default value of the 'Assigned to User Group' field","By default,no value is se
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Verify the
default value of the 'Assigned to User Group' field"," By default,some value is
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC3()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call ReadallValuesWebList("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corp
orate Actions Search","SecurityType","SecurityTypeOptions","IDCCorporateActions"
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the
items present in the 'Security Type' drop-down field","The following items are
available under Security Type dropdown:CUSIP and Underlying Security"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the
items present in the 'Security Type' drop-down field","The following items are
not available under Security Type dropdown:CUSIP and Underlying Security"
End If
'Step #3
s - IDC Corporate Actions Search").WebList("SecurityType").GetROProperty("select
If strSecurityDefault="Underlying Security" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the default
value of the underlying security field","By default underlying security should
be selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the default
value of the underlying security field","By default underlying security should
be not selected"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Verify the
default value of the 'Security Type' field","By default, 'Underlying Security'
is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Verify the
default value of the 'Security Type' field","By default, 'Underlying Security'
is not selected"
End If
'Step #4
Call select_Combo_Value ("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search","SecurityType",DataTable.Value("SecurityType","IDCCorporate
blnExistance=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Cor
porate Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").Exist(5)
blnHOLDRExistance=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search").WebElement("HOLDRConstituentsOnly").Exist(5)
If blnExistance="False" And blnHOLDRExistance="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the Assigne
d to the user group field is disappeared or not","Assigned to UserGroup field is
disappeared and HOLDR Constituents only filed appeared on selection of CUSIP in
the Security Type dropdown"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify the Assigne
d to the user group field is disappeared or not","Assigned to UserGroup field is
not disappeared and HOLDR Constituents only filed appeared on selection of CUSI
P in the Security Type dropdown"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Select 'CU
SIP' from the 'Security Type' drop-down field","On selecting CUSIP, the 'Assigne
d to User Group' field must disappear and 'HOLDR Constituents Only' is displayed
along with a check box"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Select 'CU
SIP' from the 'Security Type' drop-down field","On selecting CUSIP, the 'Assigne
d to User Group' field must disappear and 'HOLDR Constituents Only' is not displ
ayed along with a check box"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC4()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select Fro
m Date and To Date, click on search ","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated rel
ated to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select Fro
m Date and To Date, click on search ","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated rel
ated to the search criteria entered"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC5()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
If DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> "" Then
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("FromDate","
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Repor
ts - IDC Corporate Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
strFromDate=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corp
orate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value")
If strFromDate<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verify whether fr
om date field is selected or not","From Date field is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verify whether fr
om date field is selected or not","From Date field is not selected"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on t
he 'From Date' calendar button and select a date","The value is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on t
he 'From Date' calendar button and select a date","The value is not selected"
End If
'Step #3
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
blnCalendarExistance=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Exist(5)
If blnCalendarExistance="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the To date
calendar popup is opened or not","To date Calendar popup is opened"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify the To date
calendar popup is opened or not","To date Calendar popup is not opened"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on t
he 'To Date' calendar button","The calendar window is opened"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on t
he 'To Date' calendar button","The calendar window is not opened"
End If
'Step #4
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Image("ClearFieldValue").Click
blnTo=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If blnTo="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the To date
filed is cleared or not","To Date field is cleared"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the To date
filed is cleared or not","To Date field is not cleared"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Inside the
calendar window, click on the clear button","The 'To Date' field is cleared"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Inside the
calendar window, click on the clear button","The 'To Date' field is not cleared
End If
'Step #5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","Search")
If Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("text:=
OK").Exist(5) Then
strWarningText=Trim(Dialog("text:=Microsoft Inte
rnet Explorer").Static("text:=Please select To Date").GetROProperty("text"))
If strWarningText="Please select To Date" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'Please select To Date' is
Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'Please select To Date' is
not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
")= "False"
)= "False"
End If
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Click on S
earch","A pop up message is displayed saying 'Please Select To Date'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5:Click on Se
arch","A pop up message is not displayed saying 'Please Select To Date'"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC6()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
If Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("text:=OK").Exi
st(5) Then
strWarningText=Trim(Dialog("text:=Microsoft Inte
rnet Explorer").Static("text:=From Date cannot be greater than To Date").GetROPr
If strWarningText="From Date cannot be greater
than To Date" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'From Date cannot be greate
r than To Date' is displayed"
Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'From Date cannot be greate
r than To Date' is not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
")= "False"
)= "False"
End If
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Provide 'F
rom Date' greater than 'To Date' and click on Search","Error message pops up say
ing 'From Date cannot be greater than To date' is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Provide 'F
rom Date' greater than 'To Date' and click on Search","Error message pops up say
ing 'From Date cannot be greater than To date' is not displayed"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC7()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields where the 'To Date' is greater than
Current Date ","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated related to the search cri
teria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields where the 'To Date' is greater than
Current Date","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated related to the search crit
eria entered"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC8()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar")
blnCalendarExistance=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Exist(5)
If blnCalendarExistance="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the From da
te calendar popup is opened or not","From date Calendar popup is opened"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify the From da
te calendar popup is opened or not","From date Calendar popup is not opened"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on t
he 'From Date' calendar button","The calendar window is opened"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on t
he 'From Date' calendar button","The calendar window is not opened"
End If
'Step #3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Image("ClearFieldValue").Click
blnTo=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If blnTo="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the From da
te filed is cleared or not","From Date field is cleared"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the From da
te filed is cleared or not","From Date field is not cleared"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Inside the
calendar window, click on the clear button","The 'From Date' field is cleared"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Inside the
calendar window, click on the clear button","The 'From Date' field is not clear
End If
'Step #4
If DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> "" Then
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("ToDate","ID
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Repor
ts - IDC Corporate Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
strToDate=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value")
If strToDate<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Verify whether to
date field is selected or not","To Date field is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Verify whether to
date field is selected or not","To Date field is not selected"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Click on t
he 'To Date' calendar button and select a date","The value is selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Click on t
he 'To Date' calendar button and select a date","The value is not selected"
End If
'Step #5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","Search")
If Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinButton("text:=
OK").Exist(5) Then
strWarningText=Trim(Dialog("text:=Microsoft Inte
rnet Explorer").Static("text:=Please select From Date").GetROProperty("text"))
If strWarningText="Please select From Date" The
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'Please select From Date' i
s displayed"
Dialog("text:=Microsoft Internet
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rify the popup is displayed or not","Popup with text 'Please select From Date' i
s not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
")= "False"
)= "False"
End If
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Click on S
earch","A pop up message is displayed saying 'Please Select From Date'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5:Click on Se
arch","A pop up message is not displayed saying 'Please Select From Date'"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC9()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActionsHOLDR")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'CUSIP' from the 'Securi
ty Type' field and click on search ","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated rela
ted to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'CUSIP' from the 'Securi
ty Type' field and click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relat
ed to the search criteria entered"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC10()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call select_Combo_Value ("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search","SecurityType",DataTable.Value("SecurityType","IDCCorporate
blnField=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpora
te Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").Exist(5)
If blnField="False" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Assigne
d to the Group Users filed is disappeared or not","Assigned to the User Group f
ield is disappeared"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Assigne
d to the Group Users filed is disappeared or not","Assigned to the User Group f
ield is notdisappeared"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
blnCheck=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpora
te Actions Search").WebCheckBox("HOLDRConstituent").Exist(5)
If blnCheck="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify 'HOLDR Cons
tituents Only' field is displayed or not","'HOLDR Constituents Only' field is di
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify 'HOLDR Cons
tituents Only' field is displayed or not","'HOLDR Constituents Only' field is no
t displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select 'CU
SIP' from the 'Security Type' drop-down field","On selecting CUSIP, the 'Assigne
d to User Group' field must disappear and 'HOLDR Constituents Only' is displayed
along with a check box"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select 'CU
SIP' from the 'Security Type' drop-down field","On selecting CUSIP, the 'Assigne
d to User Group' field must disappear and 'HOLDR Constituents Only' is not displ
ayed along with a check box"
End If
'Step #3
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActionsHOLDR")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'CUSIP' from the 'Securi
ty Type' field and click on search ","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated rela
ted to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'CUSIP' from the 'Securi
ty Type' field and click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relat
ed to the search criteria entered"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC11()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call ReadallValuesWebList("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corp
orate Actions Search","AssignedUserGroup","AssignedUserGroupOptions","IDCCorpora
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Verify the
items listed under the 'Assigned to User Group' field.","The following items ar
e available under the 'Assigned to User Group' field:Corporate Actions and Unspo
nsored, Dividends, Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs, Proxy and Relationship Man
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Verify the
items listed under the 'Assigned to User Group' field.","The following items ar
e not available under the 'Assigned to User Group' field:Corporate Actions and U
nsponsored, Dividends, Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs, Proxy and Relationship
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC12()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search ","IDCCorpor
ate Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search","IDCCorpora
te Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are displayed as
'Corporate Actions Unsponsored' ."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not displayed
as 'Corporate Actions Unsponsored' ."
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC13()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search ","IDCCorpor
ate Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search","IDCCorpora
te Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are displayed as
'Dividends' ."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not displayed
as 'Dividends' ."
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC14()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search ","IDCCorpor
ate Actions Report is generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search","IDCCorpora
te Actions Report is not generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are displayed as
'Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs' ."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not displayed
as 'Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs' ."
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC15()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search ","IDCCorpor
ate Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search","IDCCorpora
te Actions Report is not generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are displayed as
'Proxy' ."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not displayed
as 'Proxy' ."
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC16()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports
- IDC Corporate Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDa
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search ","IDCCorpor
ate Actions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields and select 'Corpoprate Actions and
Unsponsored' from the 'AssignedUserGroup' field and click on search","IDCCorpora
te Actions Report is not generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are displayed as
'Relationship Management' ."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: In the res
ults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group' c
olumn","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not displayed
as 'Relationship Management' ."
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC17()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").WebElement("Today").Click
strDateText=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If DateValue(strDateText)=Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify today date
is populated or not in the from date field","Todays's date is populated in the f
rom date field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify today date
is populated or not in the from date field","Todays's date is not populated in t
he from date field"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'From Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on t
he link Today","The current date is populated in the 'From Date' field."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'From Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on t
he link Today","The current date is not populated in the 'From Date' field."
End If
'Step #3
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Image("ClearFieldValue").Click
strDateText=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If strDateText="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify today date
is cleared or not in the from date field","Todays's date is cleared in the from
date field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify today date
is cleared or not in the from date field","Todays's date is not cleared in the f
rom date field"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'From Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on t
he 'Clear Field Value' icon.","The current date is cleared in the 'From Date' fi
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'From Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on t
he 'Clear Field Value' icon.","The current date is not cleared in the 'From Date
' field."
End If
'Step #4
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").WebElement("Today").Click
strDateText=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If DateValue(strDateText)=Date Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify today date
is populated or not in the to date field","Todays's date is populated in the to
date field"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify today date
is populated or not in the to date field","Todays's date is not populated in the
to date field"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'To Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on the
link Today","The current date is populated in the 'To Date' field."
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'To Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on the
link Today","The current date is not populated in the 'To Date' field."
End If
'Step #5
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Frame("popCalFrame").Image("ClearFieldValue").Click
strDateText=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If strDateText="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify today date
is cleared or not in the to date field","Todays's date is cleared in the to date
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify today date
is cleared or not in the to date field","Todays's date is not cleared in the to
date field"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 5: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'To Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on the
'Clear Field Value' icon.","The current date is cleared in the 'To Date' field.
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 5: Click on t
he calendar icon for the 'To Date' field and in the calendar pop up click on the
'Clear Field Value' icon.","The current date is not cleared in the 'To Date' fi
End If
'Step #6
If DataTable.Value("SelectFromDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> "
" Then
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("FromDate","
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpora
te Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
strFrom=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Cor
porate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If DataTable.Value("SelectToDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> ""
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("ToDate","ID
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpora
te Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
strTo=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
If strFrom <> "" And strTo <> "" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the From an
d To date are populated","From and To date are populated"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify the From an
d To date are populated","From and To date are not populated"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields","The dates are selected and displa
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6: Select val
ues for the 'From date' and 'To Date' fields","The dates are not selected and di
End If
'Step #7
Call Select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Search","AssignedUserGroup",DataTable.Value("SelectAssignedUser","ID
strSelection=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").GetROProperty("selecti
If strSelection=DataTable.Value("SelectAssignedUser","IDCCorpor
ateActions") Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the velue i
s selected or not in the assigned to user group field","Value is selected succes
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify the velue i
s selected or not in the assigned to user group field","Value is not selected su
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Select any
item from the 'Assigned to User Group' field.","The item is selected and displa
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Select any
item from the 'Assigned to User Group' field.","The item is not selected and di
End If
'Step #8
Call deselect_Combo_Value ("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Cor
porate Actions Search","AssignedUserGroup",DataTable.Value("SelectAssignedUser",
strSelection=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").GetROProperty("selection"))
If strSelection="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify the velue i
s deselected or not in the assigned to user group field","Value is deselected su
Reporter.ReportEvent micGFail,"verify the velue
is deselected or not in the assigned to user group field","Value is not deselect
ed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8: Hold the c
ontrol key and click on 'Dividends' again.","The value is de-selected"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8: Hold the c
ontrol key and click on 'Dividends' again.","The value is not de-selected"
End If
'Step #9
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports
- IDC Corporate Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDa
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9:Select 2 it
ems from the 'Assigned to User Group'field and click on search","IDCCorporate Ac
tions Report generated related to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9:Select 2 it
ems from the 'Assigned to User Group'field and click on search","IDCCorporate Ac
tions Report not generated related to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #10
Call chkReportValues("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","item","Assigned to User Group",DataTable.Value("AssignedUserG
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: In the re
sults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group'
column.","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are either 'Corp
orate Actions and Unsponsored' or 'Dividends'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: In the re
sults displayed, check for the values displayed in the 'Assigned to User Group'
column.","In the 'Assigned to User Group' column all the values are not either '
Corporate Actions and Unsponsored' or 'Dividends"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC18()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date and one item items from the 'Assigned to User Group' field and
click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated related to the search c
riteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date and one item items from the 'Assigned to User Group' field and
click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated related to the sear
ch criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Results").WebElement("CUSIPName").Click
Call chkSortOrder("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Ac
tions Results", "Item","CUSIP Name","Ascending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on a
ny column header","The column is sorted in ascending order"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Click on a
ny column header","The column is not sorted in ascending order"
End If
'Step #4
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Results").WebElement("CUSIPName").Click
Call chkSortOrder("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Ac
tions Results", "Item","CUSIP Name","Descending")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4: Click agai
n on the same column header as in Step 3","The column is sorted in descending or
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4: Click agai
n on the same column header as in Step 3","The column is not sorted in descendin
g order"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC19()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3 To Step #4
Call SortCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Ac
tions Results","Sort",DataTable.Value("SortColumn","IDCCorporateActions"),DataTa
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3 & 4:Select
the value 'CUSIP Name' for the 'column' field and select the value 'Descending'
for the 'Order' field and click on Ok.","The results displayed are sorted in des
cending order based on 'CUSIP Name'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3 & 4:Select
the value 'CUSIP Name' for the 'column' field and select the value 'Descending'
for the 'Order' field and click on Ok.","The results displayed are not sorted in
descending order based on 'CUSIP Name'"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC20()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3 To Step #9
Call MultipleSortCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corp
orate Actions Results","Sort",DataTable.Value("SortColumn","IDCCorporateActions"
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3 To 9:Select
the value 'CUSIP Name' for the 'column' field and select the value 'Descending'
for the 'Order' field and click on Ok.","The results displayed are sorted in de
scending order based on 'CUSIP Name'"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3 To 9:Select
the value 'CUSIP Name' for the 'column' field and select the value 'Descending'
for the 'Order' field and click on Ok.","The results displayed are not sorted i
n descending order based on 'CUSIP Name'"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC21()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3 To Step #4
Call FilterCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Filter",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","IDCCorporateActions"),
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3 & 4:Verific
ation of Filter Criteria","Filter Criteria is working as per the requirement"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3 & 4:Verific
ation of Filter Criteria","Filter Criteria is not working as per the requirement
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC22()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3 To Step #9
Call MultipleFilterCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results",DataTable.Value("FilterColumn","IDCCorporateActions"),DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3 To 9:Verifi
cation of Multiple Filter Criteria","Multiple Filter Criteria is working as per
the requirement"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3 To 9:Verifi
cation of Multiple Filter Criteria","Multiple Filter Criteria is not working as
per the requirement"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC23()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
intRowCount=Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corp
orate Actions Results").WebTable("Item").RowCount
If intRowCount > 1 Then
Call SelectCAEventNameInReport("CorporateActions
","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Results","Item",DataTable.Value("SlectCUSIPNa
e("CUSIP Profile").WebElement("CUSIPProfile").GetROProperty("innertext"))
If strPageText="CUSIP Profile" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Ve
rify the CUSIp Profile page is displayed or not","CUSIP Profile page is displaye
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Ve
rify the CUSIp Profile page is displayed or not","CUSIP Profile page is not disp
Call captureScreenshot()
")= "False"
)= "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CUSIP Profi
le","HOME;DR Home")
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the records
displayed in the report","no records displayed so, unable to proceed further ex
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End If
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC24()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporat
Call DateComparision("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","Item","Received Date",DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateA
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Results").WebElement("Search").Click
strPageText=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebElement("Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search")
If strPageText="Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify IDR Corpora
te Agctions search page is displayed or not","IDR Corporate Actions search Page
is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify IDR Corpora
te Agctions search page is displayed or not","IDR Corporate Actions search Page
is not displayed"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on t
he 'Search' Link.","Reports- IDC Corporate Actions Search page is displayed"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Click on t
he 'Search' Link.","Reports- IDC Corporate Actions Search page is not displayed"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End function

Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC25()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
If DataTable.Value("FromDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> "" Then
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("FromDate","
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Repor
ts - IDC Corporate Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
If DataTable.Value("ToDate","IDCCorporateActions") <> "" Then
strDataTableValue = DataTable.Value("ToDate","ID
strValue = Split(strDataTableValue,";",-1,1)
strDateValue = strValue(0)
strMonthValue = strValue(1)
strYearValue = strValue(2)
Call click_Image("CorporateActions","Reports - I
DC Corporate Actions Search","ShowCalendar_2")
Call ClickIcon_SetDate("CorporateActions","Repor
ts - IDC Corporate Actions Search",strMonthValue,strYearValue,strDateValue)
End If
If DataTable.Value("AssignedUserGroup","IDCCorporateActions") <>
"" Then
Call select_Combo_Value("CorporateActions","Repo
rts - IDC Corporate Actions Search","AssignedUserGroup", DataTable.Value("Assign
End If
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Search").Image("Clear").Click
strFrom=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Cor
porate Actions Search").WebEdit("FromDate").GetROProperty("value"))
strTo=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpo
rate Actions Search").WebEdit("ToDate").GetROProperty("value"))
strAssigned=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC
Corporate Actions Search").WebList("AssignedUserGroup").GetROProperty("value"))
If strFrom="" And strTo="" And strAssigned="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"verify all the fie
lds are cleared or not in the IDR search page","All the fields are cleared in th
e IDR report search page"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"verify all the fie
lds are cleared or not in the IDR search page","All the fields are not cleared i
n the IDR report search page"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Search","HOME;DR Home")
End Function
Public Function CAReportsIDCCorporateActions_TC26()
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
'Step #1
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
opened successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 1: Under Repo
rts menu select IDC Corporate Actions.","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Search
page not opened successfully"
End If
'Step #2
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 2:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #3
Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporate Action
s Results").WebElement("CUSIPName").Click
var_X = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwnd
class:=IEFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var
_X+10, var_Y+10
If Dialog("text:=File Download").Exist(5) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Save as
Excel popup is opened or not","Save as Excel popup is opened"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Save as
Excel popup is opened or not","Save as Excel popup is not opened"
Call captureScreenshot()
End If
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 3: Click on S
ave as Excel in Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Results","A new window with file
name excelviewer.jsp should open and also a Pop-up window to Open ,Save and Canc
el the Xls having name as 'Excel Viewer.xls' is displayed "
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 3: Click on Save as Excel in
Reports - IDC Corporate Actions Results","A new window with filename excelviewer
.jsp should open and also a Pop-up window to Open ,Save and Cancel the Xls havin
g name as 'Excel Viewer.xls' is not displayed"
End If
'Step #4 & 5
strExcelPath=SaveASExcel("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","IDCCorporateActions","Save")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 4 & 5: Click
on Save option in jsp window","Results issaved to excel. The saved Excel is havi
ng the same content as present in the Reports - Event Creation Results page"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 4 &5: Click o
n Save option in jsp window","Results issaved to excel. The saved Excel is not h
aving the same content as present in the Reports - Event Creation Results page"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable

'Step 6
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 6:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 6:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #7
var_X = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwnd
class:=IEFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var
_X+10, var_Y+10
Call SaveASExcel("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","IDCCorporateActions","Open")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 7: Click on O
pen option in jsp window","Results is opened in excel sheet format"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 7: Click on O
pen option in jsp window","Results is not opened in excel sheet format"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
Call click_WebElement("CorporateActions","Depositary Receipt Div
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","CorporateActions",DataTable
'Step #8
Call CAIDCReportsSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports - ID
C Corporate Actions Search")
Call fnc_wait(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Co
rporate Actions Results").WebElement("TimeStamp"))
Call chkReportLinks("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Actions
Call chkCAReportsEvtCreationSearchCriteria("CorporateActions","Reports -
IDC Corporate Actions Results")
DateTimetext=Trim(Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corpor
ate Actions Results").WebElement("html tag:=SPAN","innertext:=As of.*").GetROPro
If DateTimetext<>"" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report",DateTimetext&" is displayed successfully"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify the Date an
d Timestamp of the report","Date and Timestamp is not displayed successfully"
Call captureScreenshot()
Environment.Value("Execution_Log")= "False"
Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")= "False"
End If
Call chkReportHeader("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate
Actions Results","IDCCorporateActions")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 8:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report generated relate
d to the search criteria entered"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 8:Select From
Date and To date click on search","IDCCorporate Actions Report not generated re
lated to the search criteria entered"
End If
'Step #9
var_X = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("x")
var_Y = Browser("CorporateActions").Page("Reports - IDC Corporat
e Actions Results").WebElement("SaveAsExcel").GetROProperty("y")
Window("regexpwndtitle:=Microsoft Internet Explorer", "regexpwnd
class:=IEFrame").WinObject("regexpwndclass:=Internet Explorer_Server").Click var
_X+10, var_Y+10
Call SaveASExcel("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","IDCCorporateActions","Cancel")
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 9: Click on C
ancel","The jsp window is closed and the user should see the IDC Corporate Actio
ns results screen"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 9: Click on C
ancel","The jsp window is not closed and the user should see the IDC Corporate A
ctions results screen"
End If
'Step #10
Call chkExcelHeaderNames(strExcelPath,DataTable.Value("TestCaseI
If Environment.Value("TestCase_Log")="True" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Step 10: Navigate
to the location where the Excel file is saved and open the Excelviewer.xls","All
the headers are displayed correctly"
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Step 10: Navigate
to the location where the Excel file is saved and open the Excelviewer.xls","All
the headers are not displayed correctly"
End If
Call select_Menu("CorporateActions","Reports - IDC Corporate Act
ions Results","HOME;DR Home")
End Function

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