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Proiect Phare „Acces la educaţie pentru grupuri dezavantajate”

Programul „A doua șansă”


Modulul 3
Ghidul profesorului

Centrul Step by Step, 2006

Aceste materiale – publicate în cadrul Proiectului Phare „Acces la educaţie pentru grupuri dezavantajate” 2003 –
au fost realizate de o echipă de experţi ai Ministerului Educaţiei și Cercetării pentru a fi folosite în perioada de
aplicare experimentală a programului educaţional revizuit „A doua șansă” – învăţământ secundar inferior.

Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt:

Lucia Copoeru, coordonatoarea componentei „A doua șansă” – învăţământ secundar inferior
Dorina Kudor, autoare „Limba și literatura română”
Gina Anton, autoare „Limba și literatura rromani”
Carmen Costina, autoare „Limba engleză”
Iudit Sera, autoare „Limba engleză”
Nicolae Pellegrini, autor „Matematică”
Ariana-Stanca Văcăreţu, autoare „Matematică”
Luminiţa Chicinaș, autoare „Știinţe”
Ioana Mihacea, autoare „Știinţe”
Mihai Stamatescu, autor „Istorie”
dr. Horaţiu Popa-Bota, autor „Geografie”
Elena Bălan, autoare „Cultură civică”
dr. Doina-Olga Ștefănescu, autoare „Cultură civică”
Paul Vermeulen, expert U.E., componenta „Elaborare curriculum și materiale educaţionale”

Coordonator editorial: Laura Codreanu

Design copertă, layout: Elemér Könczey
Design și DTP: András Tánczos
Ilustraţii: Levente Szekeres
Corectură: Mirabela Mitrică

Secvenţele de conţinut care sunt semnalizate astfel

se pot parcurge cu ajutorul CD-ului audio inclus în Ghidul profesorului.

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României

Limba engleză : modulul 3 : ghidul profesorului / Iudit Sera. – București : Step by Step, 2006
ISBN (10) 973-1706-05-4 ; ISBN (13) 978-973-1706-05-4


Această publicaţie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 „Acces la educaţie pentru grupuri dezavantajate”,
componenta „A doua șansă”.
Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării
Data publicării: august 2006

Conţinutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene.

© Ministerul Educaţiei și Cercetării

Stimată colegă,
Contents Stimate coleg,
Ne bucurãm cã suntem
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 împreunã în marea echipã a
What Type of Learner are You? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 programului „A doua ºansã”.
Ordinele M.Ed.C.
Unit I. People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 nr. 5333/25.10.2005 ºi
1. Where Does She Come From? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 nr. 5375/29.12.2005 privind
2. Mind Your Health! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Metodologia aplicãrii
3. Are You Coming to the Party? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 programului ºi programele
Progress check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ºcolare pentru educaþia de
bazã sunt documentele care
Unit II. Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 stau la baza programului
1. Fame and Fortune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 „A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt
2. What’s on the News? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 secundar inferior.
3. The Way It Used to Be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ghidul de faþã face parte
Progress check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 dintr-o serie de materiale
educaþionale (ghidurile
Unit III. Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 elevului, ghiduri de evaluare)
1. The Right Person for the Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 care vor fi utilizate în cadrul
2. Working Mothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 programului „A doua ºansã” –
3. Are They Underpaid? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 învãþãmânt secundar inferior.
Progress check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Prin realizarea ghidurilor, am
dorit sã vã sprijinim ºi sã vã
Unit IV. Culture and Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 oferim materiale perfectibile,
1. What’s the Point? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 dar utile dumneavoastrã atât
2. Romeo and Juliet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 în cadrul programului,
3. The World’s Going Crazy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 cât ºi în întreaga activitate
Progress check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 didacticã.
Sugestiile pe care ni le veþi
Extra materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 oferi vor contribui la
The End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 revizuirea materialelor în
anul de pilotare, astfel încât
programul sã se poatã extinde
la nivel naþional.
Datoritã dumneavoastrã,
pentru tinerii din program
viitorul poate arãta altfel.
Vã dorim succes ºi vã
mulþumim cã aþi ales sã fiþi
alãturi de noi.

Lucia Copoeru
„A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt
secundar inferior


This Guidebook is for teachers of English Adults may get bored with highly repetitive,
working with students in Second Chance routine activities. It is important to practise
education, Secondary Level III This is the structures you plan to teach in situations
last of a set of three guidebooks for teaching that make sense to them and which they are
English to Second Chance secondary likely to encounter in real life. Move through
students. the basics quickly and return to them from
time to time.
Overall objectives
• To develop skills of oral and written It is highly important to build their self-
reception and production, focusing on confidence as learners; show them they can
communication and interaction learn and persuade them that speaking a
• To develop a positive attitude to English foreign language is an asset in today’s world.
by providing a context in which learning It is your job as their teacher to encourage
is stimulating and fun them to reflect on how they learn best and to
• To encourage students to take active role cater for their preferences. Help them assess
in their learning and to reflect on their their own progress and provide them with
progress constructive feedback.
• To establish a basic level of English on
which the students can continue to build Resources
In order to develop learner independence,
Language content we advise you to encourage the use of
Level 3 assumes that students have covered dictionaries in class and at home.
Levels 1 and 2 or equivalent; therefore, their
previous knowledge of English is essential. All the lessons in the student’s book have
The communicative functions covered in listening exercises included on the class CD,
this level are presented at the beginning of so you will need a CD-player and the class
every unit. Topics have been chosen to CD at every lesson. Alternatively, you might
reflect the interests of adults returning to want to use the scripts of the recordings
school to complete basic education. included in appendix A5 the Student’s
Guide, to check reading comprehension if
Active and cooperative learning necessary.
You should organise lessons so that students
play as active a role as possible. This will The songs suggested under “Extra Activities”
help them feel important, their motivation are not included on the class CD, so we
and interest will increase, and their learning advise you to check the internet if the songs
will be more meaningful and lasting. are not available in your school.
Developing an active role in the learning
process fosters a sense of responsibility and Evaluation
cooperation, promotes confidence in the Evaluation can provide important
students’ own capacity to learn a language information not only on the performance of
and teaches a number of skills and strategies the students, but also on teaching methods
necessary for a more autonomous type of and materials. For formative evaluation it is
learning. By participating in the pair work advisable that the classroom activities are
and group activities, students will get to monitored on going basis. To this end, use
know their peers and learn to work together, an activity record sheet and a simple system
thus developing their interpersonal and of marking in every session (e.g. N – need
social skills, too. more work; OK – good progress; E –


Lesson / Session / Date: III. Work on it! – practice and production
Learner’s Activity Practise the new vocabulary and structures
name 1 2 3 4 5 inviting students to do a variety of activities
(see also suggested learning activities in the
syllabus). This section of the lesson will be
recurrent. It follows naturally after “Catch
on to it!”

IV. Go for it! – application and transfer

For summative evaluation, you can use the This section contains extension activities.
progress checks at the end of each unit. The activities suggested here are appropriate
for differentiation. The complexity of the
PROPOSED SESSION STRUCTURE task can be adjusted to the students’
Be imaginative! You may have to adjust the abilities. Also, if more able students can
content of the lesson to the specificity of cover the Work on it! in a shorter period of
your group of learners. However, follow the time, the Go for it! can be done or started in
proposed structure as presented below: class. For slower students, Go for it! can be
assigned as homework.
I. Think about it! – orientation
At the beginning of the session, you might V. Did you get it? – self-reflection
want to share the learning objectives with At the end of each session, ask some
the students. You might have to use some questions that will help the students to
Romanian to do this effectively. reflect upon their progress, and then invite
students to say what they can now do, by
This is a key stage of the lesson. Your wording simple “I can” statements. Elicit
students will be engaged in learning such statements by asking first what they
depending on how well you manage to liked/disliked in the lesson/unit, what new
active them, and arouse their curiosity. We things they learned and what they can
recommend that you start each lesson by finally do on completion of the lesson/unit.
evoking previous knowledge and personal
connections. Also, encourage your students Thus, they will develop a self-conscious
to make intelligent guesses. Knowing what attitude to learning and consequently
the students already know or think they become more actively involved in the
know is extremely important. It shows you learning process.
what you need to avoid spending time on,
and where you may have to allocate more EXTRA ACTIVITIES
time than you had planned. Tune in! / Take a moment to relax!
These activities are included in the lessons
II. Catch on to it! – acquisition with a view to stimulating participation by
Build on the evoked knowledge when creating a relaxed atmosphere. A number of
introducing the new vocabulary and 12 songs have been selected as suitably
structures. Make sure whenever it is possible matching the 12 lessons in the module.
you link the new words and structures to the Some of the lyrics of these songs are
learners’ experience. Use illustrations, presented as listening comprehension
flashcards, etc to present new content. exercises, while others are to be found in
appendix A6 for optional reference.
Encourage independent learning. Train the
students into using dictionaries, have them “Tune in!” are activities that can be included
get actively involved into the process of in the orientation stage to arouse interest in
acquiring new knowledge. the topic, while “Take a moment to relax!”
offer further practice on the topic, and they
can be used either in the practice and
production stage, or at the end of the lesson.



What Type of Learner

are You?

Objectives of the lesson: • Rely upon yourselves. Open a dictionary

• to become aware of various learning and find for yourself what the word means!
• to develop techniques of self-reflection What else can you find in a good dictionary?
• to develop dictionary skills Discuss this question with your students using
• to become familiar with the structure of the dictionary definitions in the students’
the lessons in the module guide. Bring dictionaries to class, if possible,
and let the students discover things. Offer
Resources assistance, challenge them with tricky words.
• monolingual dictionaries
• CD-player, class CD 2. When doing the listening activity, tell the
• Self-assessment Grid (European Language students not to worry if they do not
Portfolio) understand every word. Play the CD several
times if necessary. You might want to have
Structure of the lesson the students read the script in appendix A5.
I. The activity can start as a group Encourage them to use dictionaries to check
discussion, with each group reporting to the the meanings of unknown words.
class the conclusions of their discussion.
Help the students understand the question Suggestions:
using helping questions such as: Have the students work in groups so each
Do you enjoy… student has a different word to look up and
… reading texts in English with a dictionary? then explain it to the others. Teaching others
… participating in group discussions? is one of the best learning methods!
… working on your own? / … doing
exercises? / … listening to your teacher and III. Encourage the students to predict the
taking notes? teacher’s advice. Let them do the exercise
individually first and then have them check in
The students can start by giving yes/no groups before checking with the whole class.
answers to your questions and group up Answer key: 1 – Daniel – obedient – a; 2 –
afterwards to share opinions. Victor – easygoing – b; 3 – Paul – diligent – c;
4 – Marc – phlegmatic – d.
II. The students will be confused at first, as
they are not familiar with any of these words. IV. Try to make the students understand by
• (Books closed) Write the adjectives on the themselves why the four students would
blackboard and ask the students to try to improve if they followed the teacher’s
explain the meaning of the ones they advice. Do not suggest that one student is
know. Do not explain the words to them. better than another. Focus on the idea that
we are all different and that each of us can
Suggest or ask them to suggest what they can use advice. Since nobody is perfect, there is
do with words that they don’t understand: always room for improvement. Encourage
• Infer the meaning using the context desire to improve in a positive, why not
• Find similarities to words in native humorous, manner.
tongue (phlegmatic = flegmatic). Draw
their attention to “false friends”! (e.g. V. After discussing the questions, you might
sympathy = compasiune ≠ simpatie;) want to show your students the self-
• Ask somebody to explain. This can work assessment grid in the European Language
on condition they ask a “reliable” person. Portfolio (see photocopiable activities) and
ask them to decide what their level is.



Unit I

Use the trigger page in the Student’s guide to:

• find out what the students already know about the topic;
• find out what they would like to know;
• find out which areas need to be allotted more time.
Title of the lesson Topic Language focus Suggested extra activities
to describe Adjectives and
Song: “An Englishman in
every day life people, places nouns of
1. Where Does New York” (Sting)
cultural to express nationality
She Come Photocopiable activity
differences tastes, British and
From? (see Appendix in the
stereotypes preferences American
teacher’s guide)
to write a note English
Present simple/ Song: “Gone fishing”
to encourage /
Present (Chris Rhea)
2. Mind Your eating habits warn somebody
continous Photocopiable activity
Health! and health of something
Frequency (see Appendix in the
to give advice
adverbs teacher’s guide)
to ask and give
having fun, instructions Song: “Tonight”
3. Are You Coming Expressing
celebrating, to make plans (TinaTurner & David
to the Party? future
going out to write a Bowie)

Arouse interest in the topic by doing various activities, such as:

• Prediction. e.g. Tell the students the titles of the lessons in the unit and ask them to predict the
topic in each lesson.
• Brainstorming. e.g. The students will say / write all the words that come to their minds, which
are connected to the topic.
• Debates. e.g. Come up with an idea (e.g. Life in a big city is better than life in a village.) and
organize a debate with one group in favour and one group against.

You might want to tell the students the titles of the songs suggested for extra activities. They might
offer to find them and bring them to class for the English lesson. This will be a motivating task for
the students as they will have the important role of assisting you in preparing the lesson.



Where Does She

Come From? 1
Objectives of the lesson
• to use adjectives and nouns
of nationality to describe
people and places Where Does She
Come From?
• to distinguish between
British and American English Word bank
Think about it!
• to develop awareness of • stereotype = an idea of
People in different countries speak different languages. Is
cultural differences
what a person or thing is
this the only difference? Can you find examples of other like, often wrong or unfair
differences? • cultural differences =
How many languages do people speak in Romania? What do differences relating to
we mean by cultural differences? Can you give examples? particular societies and

Structure of the lesson their ways of life

Catch on to it!
I. Ask helping questions to
Look at the illustration, listen to the conversation and try to identify the characters.
suggest differences in physical Victor and Marc are sitting in a café. At the table next to theirs, two young women are
talking in English. The men can overhear the conversation.
appearance, religion, customs Short-haired woman: “Germany, France,

and traditions, lifestyle. Italy accepted the euro as their currency

without fuss in 2002, but not us! The
government has promised to hold a
referendum on the subject and let
people decide.”
II. After listening to the Long-haired woman: “I can tell what the
result will be. I bet your people will
conversation, the students can vote against it!”
Marc: “Where do you think the tall one

read the text silently and write comes from?”

Victor: “I don’t know. Maybe she’s
big green eyes. And that long, wavy hair!
I wonder where she comes from.”
American.” Marc: “You’d better wake up. You don’t
down the words they do not Marc: “She can’t be! Why should they
accept the euro? They’re not in the
have a chance! Look at the classy guy
approaching their table!”
understand. Encourage the use Union. She must be British.”
Victor: “Who cares if she’s British, Canadian
Good-looking man: “Bonjour les filles!”
Victor: “What did he say?”

of dictionaries. Write examples or Australian! It’s the long-haired one

that I’m interested in. She’s so beautiful,
Marc: “He said “Hello girls.” He’s French.”
Victor: “Oh no! Now I really don’t have a

on the blackboard. Invite

with that tanned complexion and those chance!”

volunteers to read out the Work on it!

Phrase bank
dialogue. Ask: Who wants to 1. Discuss these questions with your classmates.
• Why does V Victor think he has no chance against the I agree/ disagree with…

play Victor? Who wants to be French man?

• Are stereotypes true?
I think that…
I don’t think…
• Is it a good thing to apply labels to people?
the long-haired woman?. If time
Do you believe/think that…?
• Are stereotypes dangerous? Why? Maybe you’re right, but…

allows, let the students rehearse

in groups of four before acting
in front of the class. LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

Ask questions, such as:

• Where does the tall woman
come from? How can you particular features but in fact, we should never judge a
tell? [She is British. Marc is person by these stereotypes.
right in his argumentation.] • Do stereotypes apply only to nations? What other
• Why does Marc tell Victor to stereotypes can you think of? [Talk about racial, sexual
wake up? Is he sleeping? and cultural stereotypes]
[Victor is daydreaming, • Use some examples of stereotypes to intrigue your
imagining a possible love students and make them realise how silly it is to think
affair with the longhaired in such prejudiced way.
• What is the stereotypical Pink is for girls and blue is for boys. [My son’s got pink
image of French men? trousers and he loves them. What’s wrong with that?]
[French men are said to be Women are bad drivers. [Yet statistics say that they make
charming, irresistible lovers.] fewer accidents. How’s that?]
• Point out that it is generally Black people are aggressive.
said that nationalities have Blond women are stupid.
Children are naughty and old women are ugly


1. Guide the students toward
the conclusion that stereotypes
can be dangerous labels applied
to people and try to
demonstrate that it is unfair
2. Draw a table in your notebooks with three columns and
sixteen lines.
Write the following headings for the three columns:
Remember and prejudiced to judge people
Country Adjective Noun (Person)
Use capital letters for
nouns and adjectives
by such labels.
Poland Polish a Pole of nationality.

• Translate the names of the following countries into English and write them under Answer key
the first heading.
China, Danemarca, Anglia, Franþa, Germania, Grecia, Norvegia, Pakistan, Polonia,
România, Spania, Suedia, Olanda, Turcia.
2. Britain – British – Briton
• Use a dictionary to find the nationality adjectives and nouns and write them in the
next two columns.
(formal)/Brit (informal); China
• Add two countries of your choice and check if your deskmate knows the nationality
adjectives/nouns for them. – Chinese – Chinese; Denmark
3. Did you know that there are differences between British and American English? Many – Danish – Dane; England –
words are similar but some are not. Use a dictionary to find the missing words in the
table below. Can you translate them? English – Englishman; France –
British English American English
Translation Take a moment
to relax!
French – Frenchman/woman;
= apartament Listen to the song Germany – German – German;
Greece – Greek – Greek;
An Englishman in New York
by Sting. Write
Write down some
fall differences between British

and American lifestyles.
How does the Brit feel in
Norway – Norwegian –
flat tire = panã de cauciuc the States?
Norwegian; Poland – Polish –
Pole; Romania – Romanian –
Go for it!
Lisa has invited her Romanian friends to go
Romanian; Spain – Spanish –
and visit her in the UK. She left a note for
them with useful advice. Read the note and
Spaniard (old-fashioned);
discuss what is different in our country.
What useful advice would you give to a Sweden – Swedish – Swede;
The Netherlands – Dutch –
foreign visitor to Romania?
Write a note.

Dutchman; Turkey – Turkish –

Did you get it? Turk.
• How many nationalities can you name?
• Can you explain why stereotypes can be dangerous?

3. lorry (Brit.) – truck (Am.) =

• Is it a good thing to be aware of cultural differences?

apartment – flat = apartament
maize – corn = porumb
autumn – fall = toamnã
lift – elevator = lift, ascensor
puncture – flat tire = panã de
Resources cauciuc
• map of the world, illustrations: nationalities, pavement – sidewalk = trotuar
countries, habits, traditions petrol – gas = benzinã
• dictionaries tube – subway = metrou
• CD-player, class CD, song: “Englishman in New York” rubbish – garbage = gunoi
(artist: Sting)
IV. Assign the note writing as
Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) home task but discuss some
I don’t drink coffee I take tea my dear / I like my toast aspects in class first.
done on one side are some examples.
Explain the word alien. Ask the students to explain why V. Encourage the students to
the singer feels like an alien. Talk about cultural reflect upon their progress. You
differences. You might wish to talk about the importance might want to elicit statements
of knowing some basics when visiting other countries or that emphasize the importance
receiving visitors from other countries. of tolerance and openminded-
ness for a good life together.



Mind Your Health! 2

Objectives of the lesson
• to practise giving advice
• to use present tenses in
appropriate contexts Mind Your Health! 2
Structure of the lesson
Think about it!
I. Your students might not
What do you like to eat?
worry about their weight or Is there healthy food and unhealthy food? Can you give
health, they have probably Is it true that unhealthy food tastes better?
Have you ever tried to lose weight? Did you go on a diet?

never been on a diet trying to

Catch on to it!
lose weight, so you might want
1. Angela and Monica are shopping for clothes. Angela is
to introduce the dialogue by trying on blouses, skirts, dresses but nothing looks nice on
her. She has put on some weight lately and she’s not
telling them that some people pleased with her looks. Everything looks perfect on
Monica, she’s in great shape and she’s feeling excellent.

spend a lot of time calculating What do you think they are talking about?

Angela: “How do you do this?”

the number of calories in Monica: “Do what?”
Angela: “Manage to be so slim? Are you on a diet?”
various types of food, trying Monica: “No, but I’ve changed my lifestyle, including my
eating habits.”
various recipes to lose weight, Angela: “I’m on a diet. I starve all day, I’m feeling depressed
and I lost a few kilos, but I stil look fat and ugly.”
Word bank
reading books on the topic and Monica: “You should try changing your lifestyle too.”
Angela: “I don’t have time to go jogging or to the gym, and
I’ve already changed my eating habits. I eat only once a
seeing diet specialists.
eating habits
day. It’s not working! Can’t you see?” (un)refined oil / sugar
Monica: “Eating once a day is not the solution. It’s what you white flour
eat, not how much you eat that really matters. I’ll help wholemeal flour
you. If you listen to my advice, I’m sure you’ll soon look raw vegetables

II. Make the link to the better and feel better. I’ll share my secret with you.”
Angela: “But first let’s find a place where we can sit and
fry / boil / bake / roast

previous activity by discussing

talk quietly. Maybe drink some hot coffee with recipe
sweetener instead of sugar.” to put on / to lose weight
Monica: “How about some plain fruit tea without sugar or to be / go on a diet
the illustrations and the words sweetener?”

in the Word bank. Play the CD 2. What do you think Monica will advise Angela to eat?
Listen to the second part of the dialogue and check your predictions.

and elicit opinions.

Work on it!
Use the photocopiable in the Make a similar table in your notebooks, but replace the examples in this table with
Teacher’s Guide. examples from the text. Can you write some more examples of your own?

Answer key: 1 – f; 2 – b; 3 – d;
4 – a; 5 – g; 6 – c; 7 – e LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

III. Some students might want

to understand the different uses
of simple and continuous e. with words like always, often, occasionally, usually,
aspects. never, sometimes? Present simple
You could ask simple questions
and refer to some examples. Explain the uses of present simple and continuous in the
Which do we use… following examples:
a. to describe things we do They play football every weekend. [a.]
regularly? Present simple She comes from Madrid. [d.]
b. to describe an action which I’m staying with some friends this week. [c.]
is happening now? Present We are doing the exercises right now, so call me later. [b.]
c. to describe temporary You might want to draw the students’ attention to the fact
situations? Present that some verbs are not used in the continuous form. You
continuous might group them into verbs of:
d. for things which are always • senses (I see birds in the sky.
true? Present simple I hear strange noises.)
• thinking (He thinks you’re right. I believe you.)


• feeling (He loves me so
much. I hate this music.)
• being and having (You are
beautiful. She has lovely
brown eyes.)

Ask your students to make

sentences to illustrate different
uses of present simple and
Subject + verb (+ s/es) Subject + am / is / are + verb+ing
+ –

I /you/we/they
I /you/we/they
don’t work.
I am working
You/we/they are
I am not working.
You/we/they are • Explain the use of adverbs of
He/she/it works
He/she/it doesn’t
He/she/it is
not/ aren’t working.
He/she/it is frequency. You might draw a
working. not/isn’t working.
Am I working?
line on the blackboard that
starts from 0%(= never) and
Do I /you/we/they work?
Are you/we/they working?
Does he/she/it work?
Is he/she/it working?

ends with 100%(= always).

Write the senteces in your notebooks using the verbs in
brackets in the correct form: Spelling tip! • Encourage them to try to do
the two exercises individually,
e.g. Monica (try) to help Angela.
Monica is trying to help Angela. 1. verbs ending in -ch,
-ch, -o,
1. I (not think) it’s a good idea. -sh,- ss,- x get the ending es
2. He (like) fish and chips?
3. We (be) very busy this week.
teach – teaches
go – goes
and then let them discuss in
4. They (stay) with some friends for a while.
5. She can’t come right now. She (have) a shower.
wash – washes
cross – crosses
pairs before checking with the
6. Watch out! The tree (fall)! fix – fixes
2. verbs ending in y: whole class.
3. Fill the gaps in Angela’s letter to Lisa. Write the words in play – plays
your notebook. say – says
e.g. weight. try – tries

Dear Lisa,
deny – denies
Can you explain why?
Answer key
I’m making efforts to lose w__ __ __ __ __. I’m on a special
diet. You would like it because you don’t have to starve. 1.
You can eat as much as you like, but don’t eat white
f__ __ __ __, refined o__ __, meat and s__ __ __ __. 1. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
I’m eating a lot of fruit, raw v__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __, and Take a moment
I drink a lot of t__ __. I even got used to the t__ __ __ __ of
wholemeal bread. I sometimes go jogging in the evening.
to relax! 2. Does he like fish and chips?
The best thing about this d__ __ __ is that it makes you feel
even more energetic. For me it is working very well. I hope
Listen to Chris Rhea’s song,
“Gone Fishing” and choose
3. We are very busy this week.
next time we meet you’ll be surprised to see how s__ __ __
I’ve become.
the best answer to the
questions: 4. They are staying with some
friends for a while.
Write to me soon! 1. Why is he going fishing?
Love, a. His hobby is fishing.
Angela b. There’s nothing else he

Go for it!
can do in the
5. She can’t come right now.
Your friend is a heavy smoker. The doctor is worried about
2. How is he feeling?
a. Sad and misunderstood.
She is having a shower.
his health. Make a funny poster for your friend to put on
the wall. You could “show” him what bad things happen
b. Happy to take up a hobby.
3. Why does he want to be 6. Watch out! The tree is falling!
to smokers (e.g. get wrinkles, black lungs etc) and suggest a alone?
daily programme with interesting activities that you could a. He has work to do.
do together to help him quit smoking. (e.g. On Sunday we b. He needs to get away.
go fishing, Saturday evening we go dancing etc) 2. Weight; flour; oil; sugar;
vegetables; tea; taste; diet; slim.

IV. You might want to ask the

students who like drawing to
draw a smoker, then continue
Resources with a class discussion on the
• dictionaries • CD player, class CD, song: “Gone effects of smoking. Ask the
Fishing” (Chris Rhea) students to suggest a daily
programme with one interesting
Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) activity for each day of the
Answers 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – b. week. The students can work in
groups and make a list of
Hints activities that one can do
Try to give logical explanations to make the students instead of smoking.
understand why some verbs don’t normally “accept”
progressive/continuous forms. V. Suggested questions: Do you
Why don’t people say “I’m loving you” or “You are think Monica’s advice on how
having beautiful blue eyes”? Examples like these might to keep fit is useful? Are you
make the students understand the difference between going to try it? What would you
temporary and “permanent” states. advise your friends to do to
stay healthy?



Are You Coming

to the Party? 3
Objectives of the lesson
• to develop skills of
identifying meaning from
context Are You Coming to the Party? 3
• to express future actions in
various ways
Think about it!
• to write a reminder (a note)
• Talk to your deskmate about a party you won’t ever forget.
• Do you like surprises? When was the last time you made / got a surprise?

Structure of the lesson Catch on to it!

I. The warm-up discussion will Paul’s birthday is in two weeks’ time. His friends are planning a surprise party

introduce the vocabulary

for him. What present(s) do you think they will buy for Paul? Where do you
think they will celebrate Paul’s birthday?
Listen to the dialogue to find out!
connected to the topic. Help Victor: “I’ll steal his keys and we’ll all wait
your students with words and for him at his place. We’ll turn off the
lights and when he walks into the room,

phrases. we’ll start singing “happy birthday”.”

Daniel: “That’s silly. You can’t steal his
keys! If you do, he won’t go home, he’ll
to go to a club / pub; to give a go looking for his keys. And even if he
does go home he’ll get a heart attack
(birthday) party; to have fun; to when he finds the door open and five
people inside in the dark.”
make (somebody) a surprise; to Monica: “Daniel’s right. It’s not a good
idea. I’m going to book a table for six at Angela: “In fact Daniel’s idea was great.

give (somebody) a present; to a restaurant.”

Marc: “And how are you going to get him
Now we don’t have to waste time
deciding what to get him. We’ll buy a
there?” big dictionary for him, so he can keep
buy somebody a present. Monica: “I don’t know, but I’ll think up
something. Don’t worry, I’m going to
one at home and take the other one to
take care of that. We’d better talk about Monica: “And we’ll wrap the two together
the presents now.” and give him one big present.”

II. Angela: “I think we should all buy him one

big present.”
Marc: “So that’s settled! I’m going to the
club now to have some fun. It’s Saturday

The prediction activity will

Daniel: “But I already have something for evening after all! Are you joining me or
him. I bought two pocket dictionaries not?”
last week and I’m giving one to him on Victor: “You bet we are!”
arouse interest in the listening his birthday.”
Victor: “Why do you always have to do
Angela: “Shall I phone Paul to ask if he
wants to come?”
activity. Ask the students to that?”
Daniel: “Do what?”
Marc: “I bet he’s got a book to finish.”
Monica: “How can you be so mean?”

keep their books closed as they Victor: “Do things on your own, without
talking to us first.”
Marc: “Here we go again! I’m not going into
a fight. I’m off! Girls, I’ll buy you two a
Marc: “Are we here to plan a party or to beer if you get him to the club. Ha, ha!”
listen, and then ask them to argue? If you two start arguing, I’m
leaving. I’
I’ve got better things to do.”
Monica: “Gin tonic for me, please!
Thank you.”
answer the two questions
[1. They will buy a big LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

dictionary for Paul’s birthday.

2. They will celebrate Paul’s
birthday at a restaurant.]
understand the differences in the various ways of
Ask the students to open their expressing future.
books and work on the text.
Explain unknown words, but Write examples on the blackboard and challenge the
let them work out the meanings students with questions like: How many ways of
of the noun fight and the expressing future can you think of? Ask them to find
adjective mean in the Word examples in the text.
bank. Draw their attention to Will future [“… we’ll start singing “happy birthday”.”]
the importance of the context. Going to future [“I’m going to book a table for six at a
Have them underline the two restaurant.”]
words in the text. Present simple [“… when he finds the door open…”]
[fight = 2. an argument; mean = Present continuous [“I’m giving one to him on his
1. not kind] birthday.”]

III. Assist the students in this The matching exercise will clarify the uses / meanings of
activity and try to make them various ways of expressing future:


Answer key:
1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – c; 4 – d; 5 – e; 6
– e; 7 – f; 8 – f.
For further practice you might
ask the students to write true
Study the Word bank and answer the questions below.
• Which of these two meanings of the word fight does
Word bank sentences about their plans for
Marc use when he says “I’m not going into a fight?”
• Which meaning of the adjective mean does Monica
• fight (noun)
1. a situation in which two
the future.
use when she accuses Marc of being “mean”? people or groups hit each

Work on it!
2. an argument
• mean (adjective) Ask them to think about their
future arrangements, intentions,
1. not kind
• Underline verbs in the text which express future actions. 2. not willing to spend
Use the table nr. 1 in Appendix A3 for guidance. money
• What other ways of expressing future have you found in
the text?
predictions, etc., and offer
• Match the examples on the left to the explanations on the
right. e.g. 1 – b assistance in making correct
1. I’m sure everything will go well. a. I’ve just decided. sentences. Give them time
2. I think I’ll take a taxi. I’m too tired to walk home. b. I’m sure.
The sky is overcast. It’s going to rain soon.
I’m going to work hard this semester.
c. I can tell because I can
see the clouds.
references: this weekend, next
I have to be back in August. School starts in September.
He has to go to bed early. His train leaves at 6 a.m.
d. It’s my intention.
e. It’s an official
year, in ten years’ time, etc. Ask
7. I don’t need a hotel reservation for next week. I’m
programme / schedule.
f. It’s already arranged. helping questions, and then
staying with some friends at their place.
8. Marc is taking Angela to a nice restaurant tonight.
He’s booked a table for two.
have the students ask each
other questions such as: “What
Go for it! Take a moment
are you going to do this
to relax!
• Work in groups to plan a surprise party for a friend. Decide
together on the time, place, number of guests, etc. Make a Listen to the song entitled weekend?”, “Where will you be
list of things you need to buy for the party. Give each
in ten years’ time?” etc.
Tonight, and count how
group member different responsibilities. Use the questions many times you hear the
below for guidance. What else comes to your mind? word “will”.
Who’s in charge with the music?
Who’s going to buy drinks?
Who’s going to make sandwiches?
Who will buy the present(s)? IV. The discussion will
• Write a note to remind yourself what you have to do. probably require words and
Look at the note Monica wrote herself as a reminder.

phrases for expressing tastes
and preferences. You might
______________________________________________________ want to group them on the
______________________________________________________ blackboard, and even write
______________________________________________________ some sentences, or ask the
students to think of some
• like • dislike • love • hate •
enjoy • can’t stand • prefer
• would rather • had better
• dictionaries If time allows, do a gap-filling
• CD-player, class CD, song: “Tonight” (Tina Turner & exercise to practise the words
David Bowie) and phrases.

Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) V. Find out from the students
You might want to play the song before doing the what new things they have
written exercises. learnt in the lesson.
They might mention new
The song “Tonight” is appropriate for practising the vocabulary, expressing plans
pattern will+verb because the structure is repeated many and future arrangements,
times. The lines are easy to remember, so you might writing a reminder (a note).
want to encourage the students to sing along with Tina Ask them to make notes in
Turner and David Bowie. This will give them the their learning diaries of what
opportunity to drill the pattern in a pleasant way. they think is useful to



Progress check I
• Allocate one hour to the progress check. Train the students into taking exams. Do not
allow them to disturb one another. Stress the importance of working individually and
relying upon themselves. For some of the exercises, the students will need dictionaries.
• Exercises I – VI will be done in writing. The students can check and mark their own test or
another student’s test if you decide to give them the answer key after taking the test. Once
they have finished ask them to report to you on their results. It is essential that you go through
the test with the whole class and discuss the answers. Repeat explanations, if necessary.
• The questions in exercise VII are suitable for oral evaluation as well. You might want to
prepare a longer list of questions if you decide to organize a session of oral evaluation.

Suggested questions for oral evaluation:

– What advice would you give to somebody who wants to lose weight?
– What to you like to eat? Is it healthy food?
– Where do you go to have fun?
– What present would you like for your birthday?
– What languages can we hear in Romania?
– In how many languages can you say “Hello”?

Answer key
I. Italy – Italian V. e. g. Angela: I like chocolate icecream.
France – French Angela likes chocolate icecream.
Spain – Spanish 1. Lisa lives in Liverpool.
Germany – German 2. Marc goes to the gym by bike.
Romania – Romanian 3. Paul says Monica is right.
4. Daniel does the shopping.
II. 1. Spanish 5. Angela tries to keep fit.
2. Chinese 6. Monica washes the vegetables well
3. American because she eats them raw.
4. Japanese
5. Hungarian VI. e.g. 1. I’ll buy
6. Russian 2. leaves
3. is going to tell
III. British American 4. will be
English English 5. I’m doing; is doing; does.
pavement sidewalk = trotuar 6. tastes; I’ll ask
petrol gas = benzinã
tube subway = metrou 1 mark / each correct answer = 42 marks.
rubbish garbage = gunoi Over 30 – excellent
IV. The author is British. Between 15 and 30 – good
ground floor first floor = parter Under 15 – you need more work
tap faucet = robinet
a quarter of = fãrã un
a quarter to
… sfert



Unit II

Use the trigger page in the Student’s guide to:

• find out what the students already know about the topic;
• find out what they would like to know;
• find out which areas need to be allotted more time.
Title of the lesson Topic Functions Suggested extra activities
to describe
people, places,
1. Fame and famous Order of Song: “Candle in the Wind”
Fortune people adjectives (E. John)
to express
to conduct an Song: “Democracy” (L. Cohen)
2. What’s on the interview Building Photocopiable activity (see
News? to write a vocabulary Appendix in the teacher’s
simple report guide)
to narrate
Past tense
3. The Way It memorable events Song: “The Queen and the
simple and
Used to Be events to write about Soldier” (S. Vega)
past events

Arouse interest in the topic by doing various activities, such as:

• Prediction. e.g. Tell the students the titles of the lessons in the unit and ask them to predict the
topic in each lesson.
• Brainstorming. e.g. The students will say / write all the words that come to their minds, which
are connected to the topic.
• Debates. e.g. Come up with an idea (e.g. When you have a lot of money, you are happy.) and
organize a debate with one group in favour and one group against.

You might want to tell the students the titles of the songs suggested for extra activities. They might
offer to find them and bring them to class for the English lesson. This will be a motivating task for
the students as they will have the important role of assisting you in preparing the lesson.



Fame and Fortune 1

Objectives of the lesson
• to describe people, objects
events using several
adjectives and intensifiers Fame and Fortune 1
• to express opinions
• to make a simple/short
Think about it!
Listen to Elton John’s song and answer the questions:
1. Who was Norma Jean?
2. Why does he compare her to “a candle in the wind”?
Structure of the lesson 3. What does he mean by: “your candle burned out long
before your legend ever did”?

I. You might want to start by

Catch on to it!
discussing the meanings of the
1. Read the lyrics of the 1997 version of the song and answer
two nouns in the title, or just the questions.
• Is the song dedicated to the same person?
start with the song, having the • Who was England’
England’s Rose?
• Why did he choose the same title for two songs

students infer meaning after the dedicated to two different persons? What is similar
about them?
• What differences are there between them?
discussion about M. Monroe. Candle in the Wind (1997)
Play the first version of Elton Goodbye England’s rose All our words cannot express
John’s song. May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
The joy you brought us through the years

Where lives were torn apart And it seems to me […]

You called out to our country
And you whispered to those in pain Goodbye England’s rose
II. Now you belong to heaven
And the stars spell out your name
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
1. You might want to play the And it seems to me you lived your life
Where lives were torn apart
Goodbye England’s rose

song again to make it easier for Like a candle in the wind

Never fading with the sunset
From a country lost without your soul
Who’ll miss the wings of your compassion

the students to notice the

When the rain set in More than you’ll ever know
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England’s greenest hills And it seems to me […]
differences in the lyrics of the Your candle’s burned out long before
Your legend ever will
two songs. Ask them to under- Loveliness we’
we’ve lost

line the lines that are different in These empty days without your smile
This torch we’ll always carry
For our nation’s golden child
the 1997 version. They can check And even though we try
The truth brings us to tears
by comparing the text on page 20
of the student’s guide to the one

Invite the students to find

similarities and differences and
accept various opinions.
Help the students understand the on descriptive adjectives. There are few adjectives in the
meaning of phrasal verbs, but ask text on page 20 (green hills, empty days, golden child), so
them to look up the rest of the you could introduce the grammar focus with a question,
unknown words in dictionaries. such as : “There are only three adjectives in the text. Can
Have them work in groups. you find them?”
• Ask the students to describe M. Monroe and Lady Di
2. using five adjectives for each of them.
• Check if any of the students
know details about Marilyn III. 1. It is not compulsory for the students to remember
Monroe and Lady Di. You the adjective order in the table they are asked to study.
might want to give them
some details about their Answers:
lives before answering the a. three big furry guard dogs. b. a useless long training
questions in exercise 2. session. c. a valuable antique diamond ring. d. a fantastic
• The last question makes the new mobile phone. e. a beautiful world-famous South-
link to part III, which focuses American opera singer. f. magnificent rocky mountains


2. If the students have difficulty
in finding adjectives that
collocate with the nouns in
exercise 2, you could write
some adjectives on cards, and
2. Discuss:
• How do people get to be famous?
• Can you name people who are (were) famous and yet seem(ed) to be
ask the students to match them
• Can you name three advantages and three disadvantages of being famous?
with the nouns. Have the
• Would you like to be famous? Can you explain why?
• Can you describe a famous person using at least five adjectives? students work in groups and
(e.g. beautiful, intelligent, talented, friendly, well-known, fantastic, rich,
wealthy, lucky, etc.) give each group different
Work on it!
adjectives. Write the five nouns
1. Study the table below to find the right adjective order to describe the
on the blackboard and invite
people,objects, places, events, then arrange the words under a–f.
number opinion size/condition/age shape colour material compound noun
each group to add adjectives to
square red brick terraced
brown wooden weekend
cottage the nouns on the blackboard
three pretty plump little girls
a funny big round-shaped red face
a pair of worn-out shapeless blue leather training shoes
a. furry, guard, big, three, dogs Describe the pictures.
3. Have the students make up
useless, long, a, training, session
diamond, antique, valuable, a, ring sentences using the nouns and
d. a, phone, mobile, fantastic, new
e. singer, beautiful, a, world-famous, opera, South-
the adjectives in exercise 2 and
f. rocky, magnificent, mountains then add intensifiers. (e.g.
2. Use a dictionary to find adjectives for the following nouns:
wind, party, film, clothes, city absolutely wonderful; extremely
3. Use words like very, really, extremely to make the boring; very strong; really good)
adjectives “stronger”.
(e.g. an extremely boring party, very strong wind…)

Go for it! IV. 1. Make this activity a

1. Describe something / someone in your classroom without game/ contest. Establish the
rules with the students.
naming the object/person. You score a point if other
students or the teacher can guess what / who you are
Did you get it?
2. Write one page about somebody you admire. If you can
find pictures, stick them next to your text.
• Find interesting pieces of information about his/her life.
• What did you like in this
2. This assignment can be
• Describe what the person looks like.
• Decide what adjectives best describe what he/she is
• What adjectives would you
use to describe yourself? homework. If the students find
it difficult, ask them to find
• Who is the famous person
• Explain why you think he/she deserves to be admired that you would like to
In groups, read out the descriptions and decide whose resemble?
composition will be read out to the whole class. information, pictures, etc, bring
them to class and do the activity
as group work. If you have
access to the internet, the
students can start looking for
information in class. Indicate a
Resources search engine (,
• dictionaries etc.) and tell
• CD-player, class CD, song: “Candle in the Wind” them to type the name of the
(Elton John) person in the search box.
• Newspaper cuts, magazines (an article about a famous
person) V. End the lesson in a positive
III. Suggested answers Stick a piece of paper (post-it)
• strong, high, light, an icy, a cold wind on the back of each student
• communist, conservative, democratic, labour, main, with the text:
major, national, political, republican, ruling, small What I like about you is that
party you are ….
• short, late, long, boring, good film The students will walk about
• clean, expensive, good, new, old, plain clothes the classroom and write one
• big, capital, great, inner, large city adjective on the back of each



What’s on the News? 2

Objectives of the lesson
• to build vocabulary and
develop dictionary skills
• to express likes, dislikes, What’s on the News? 2
preferences, give reasons
• to conduct a survey Word bank
Think about it!
TV channel
Imagine a TV programme that you would like to watch
Structure of the lesson
every day. Tell your group what you news (bulletin)
would like to watch in the morning, in the afternoon and talk show

I. Start with a group activity. in the evening. Can you agree on a programme that you
would all like to watch?
soap opera
feature film

Invite the students to begin sports

individually by thinking about Catch on to it!

their favourite programmes, tell 1. Paul and Angela are watching TV. What do you think
Angela likes to watch? What about Paul?
them to write down the names Listen to the conversation to check your predictions.

of their favourite programmes. 2. Discuss the following questions with your classmates.
1. Why do Paul and Angela disagree?
2. Do you talk about politics?
Set a time limit before the 3. Which of these words do you know?
republic, regime, democracy, dictatorship, monarchy,
activity begins, say five totalitarian country/state, government
4. Can you find their their dictionary definitions? Write
minutes. Ask the students to them in your notebooks!

share their ideas with the 3. Work in groups. Look at the TV programme below. Which
programme would be interesting to watch?

group. The group can then vote

for the best TV programme, or
they can choose to make up a
new programme that will
please everybody in the group.
Ask each group to choose a
representative who will present
the programme to the class.
Offer assistance with words
and phrases.

II. 1. You might want to start

with a prediction activity and
ask some questions such as:
1. Why do men and women you might choose to provide the definitions yourself and
often disagree when they ask the students to match the words with the definitions.
watch TV? democracy = a political system in which everyone can
2. Are you interested in vote to choose the government
politics? Do you like to talk republic = a country that has an elected government, and
politics? does not have a king or queen
3. What TV programme do you monarchy = a country that has a king or queen as the
think Paul wants to watch? head of state, and which may or may not also have an
What about Angela? elected government
• Play the CD once or twice regime = a government, especially one that was not
and discuss questions 1 and elected fairly or that you disapprove of
2 with the students. dictatorship = a political system in which a dictator (=a
leader who has complete power and who has not been
For questions 3 and 4 ask the elected) controls a country
students to look the words up in totalitarian country/state = a country in which the
their dictionaries. Alternatively, government has complete control over everything


government = the process of
governing a country
• For further vocabulary
practice, ask the students to
read the script in appendix

Work on it! 2. You might want to use the

1. Match the words with the definitions. Work in pairs and use your dictionary to check
your answers! (e.g. 1 – f)
TV programme in the student’s
1. the media a. to send out radio or television programmes guide or bring other TV
2. commercial
b. a short film or message encouraging people to buy a particular
product or service, which is broadcast on television or radio
programmes to class. Tell the
3. journalist
c. a short news programme on radio or television, reporting only the
most important information students that the purpose of the
d. an article in a newspaper or magazine that gives an opinion about a
4. to broadcast
new book, play, film etc.
e. someone who writes news reports for newspapers, magazines,
activity is to convince the
5. news bulletin
television, or radio
f. all the organizations, such as television, radio, and newspapers, that pro-
members of the group that the
6. review

7. the press
vide news and information for the public, or the people who do this work
g. newspapers and news magazines, or the people who work for them
programme is worth watching.
2. Work in your notebook. Use the words below to complete the gaps in the following
Each student will choose one
sentences: article, channels, correspondent, edition, episode, programmes, radio station,
reporters, talk show (e. g. 1 – channels)
programme and tell the other
1. A lot of people switch __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ during the commercials. members of the group why
2. I heard the news on the local __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
A lot of people complain about the boring television __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
There’s a new __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ on Rural TV.
his/her programme is the most
The final __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the series will be broadcast next week.
The story appeared in the Sunday __ __ __ __ __ __ __ of the newspaper.
7. I read an interesting __ __ __ __ __ __ __ about smoking yesterday. It was so
convincing that I’m seriously considering quitting smoking now now.
8. Some people have a pretty low opinion of __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __, especially those
who investigate the lives of famous people. III.1. This section is meant to
9. I think working as a foreign __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __is a dangerous job,
especially if you are sent to countries which are at war. develop dictionary skills and
Go for it! vocabulary. Ask the students to
Add a page to your portfolio.
Organize your report into three main parts:
1. Introduction work independently. Allow
them to check with their desk
Imagine a TV channel has 2. General findings
hired you to find out what 3. Conclusions (+ recommendations)
people’s preferences are. Ask Begin by summarising the purpose of writing the report
about their favourite
programmes and write a
The aim of this report is to….
Explain how the information was gathered
mates before checking with the
report on the findings.
Interview your classmates and
The data was collected from….
Group the information logically.
logically. T
ry to keep the report factual
whole class.
other people you know.
Try to organize your report as
The majority said that… / On the whole… / According to…
Compare options, assess problems, solutions. Answers: 1. 1 – f; 2 – b; 3 – e; 4
suggested here.
– a; 5 – c; 6 – d; 7 – g.
Give reasons for any suggestions (… is due to…).
Summarise the points so far.
Optional: Make a recommendation / refer to future action.

2. 1 – channels; 2 – radio
station; 3 – programmes; 4 –
talk show; 5 – episode; 6 –
edition; 7 – article; 8 –
reporters; 9 – correspondent.

Resources IV. Start by discussing the

• dictionaries • TV programmes • CD-player, class CD, logical structure of a report.
song: “Democracy” (Cohen). Write a sample report in class,
if necessary. Assist the students
Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) in preparing the list of
The text might be too difficult for the students to questions they are going to ask.
understand, but they might be able to answer a few
questions about the song, such as: V. Suggested questions for self-
Is it a patriotic song? Is the singer actively involved in assessment:
politics? Is everybody happy in the USA? What are some questions you
Alternatively, you might want to do the photocopiable asked your classmates / other
extra activity suggested in the Teacher’s Book, page 40. people in your interviews?
What useful things you have
Answer key: mean; scene; right; tonight; screen; bags; learned in this lesson?
decay; up; bouquet; USA What words did you write in
your learning diary?



The Way It Used to Be 3

Objectives of the lesson
• to narrate events using past
• to learn some facts about The Way It Used to Be 3
British history
Think about it!
Structure of the lesson
1. Can you name countries that are ruled by kings / queens?
I. The purpose of the first 2. Would you like to live in a country ruled by a monarch?

question is to start a discussion Did you know?

about various political systems. … that England used to be a republic?

Most countries in the world

In 1629 Charles I dismissed the parliament because he wanted the
monarchy to have more power and he ruled without it. In 1642 a war broke
out between the supporters of the king (the Royalists) and the supporters of
have elected presidents as heads parliament led by Oliver Cromwell (The Roundheads). The Roundheads
won, and in 1649 the king was beheaded and the monarchy abolished. England was a republic for eleven years,

of the state. The inherited governed by a Lord Protector.

Protector. In 1660 Charles’s
Charles’s son, Charles II was made king and the age of Restoration began.

position of king or queen still

Catch on to it!
exists in some countries, the UK Victor and his new friend from the UK are chatting over a beer.
being one of the examples. You Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below.

might want to find out what the Tom: “Last month my granddad and
grandmom celebrated their 70th
American woman who had been
married and divorced twice before.”

students think about this wedding aniversary. Can you

Victor: “What’s funny about that?”
Tom: “It’s that he had to choose between
Victor: “That’s hard to believe. 70 years his love and the throne because his
system, some might find it is a lifetime. How old are they?”
Tom: “He’s 90 and she’s 88. We were all
family and the government
disapproved of their relationship.”
outdated and undemocratic, having dinner when granddad started
talking about the year they got
Victor: “Which did he choose?”
Tom: “What do you think?”

others might think it is married. It’s funny, he can’t remember

what he did last week but he can
Victor: “I don’t know. The world is full
of beautiful women.”

important to keep the traditional

clearly remember what he did 1936.” Tom: “He gave up the throne. He said he
Victor: “What did he tell you about couldn’t rule without her by his side.”
that year, except that he married Victor: “So who got to be king?”
system. Introduce the words your grandmom?”
Tom: “It was the year when George V
Tom: “His brother, George VI.”
Victor: “Wasn’t he Queen Elisabeth’s
monarchy and republic in the died. The funny thing is that his son
whose name was Edward, like my T
Tom: “That’s right. And he proved to

discussion. Other useful words granddad’s, was in love with an be a great king too!”

• Choose the best answer to the following questions.

are in the Word bank on page 25 1. What is funny about Tom’s grandfather?
a. His name is Edward, like George V’s heir’s.
in the Student’s book. b. He can’t remember recent events but he’s got vivid memories of his youth.

Try not to suggest that one

system is better than another. LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

The “Did you know?” box

might make the students
interested in reading it if you Why did Charles I dismiss the parliament in 1629?
tell them that there was a time Who won the war between the supporters of the king and
in England’s history when the the supporters of parliament?
country did not have a How long was England a republic?
monarch. Some might know
what period you are referring to II. Ask the students to keep the books closed as they
from their history classes. Ask listen to the dialogue. Tell them to open their books and
the students to read the text look at the three questions under the dialogue. Let them
silently, then try to retell it choose the answer to the questions, and then tell them to
without looking at the text. read the dialogue and check their answers.
Answers: 1 – b; 2 – b; 3 – b.
If the task is difficult for them,
ask some comprehension III. The exercises in this section focus on past tense
questions, such as: simple and continuous.


You might want to use the
dialogue in part II to start
practising past tenses. Ask the
students to underline the verbs
in the past tense.

Write sample sentences on the

blackboard and ask the
2. What happened in 1936? 3. Who succeeded to the throne?
a. Edward VIII was dethroned.
b. Edward VIII abdicated.
a. Queen Elisabeth
b. George VI
students to add some examples
from the text.
Work on it!
1. Match the sentences to the illustrations. (e.g. a–3.)
a. They were having dinner when a stranger knocked on Tell the students that there are
the door.
no rules as to which verbs are
b. I was working in the garden while he was watching TV.
c. She was cooking when a ball broke the kitchen window.
d. He was having a nap when the phone rang.
e. When he got home, the children were cutting up his
irregular and which are not and
collection of newspapers.
3. 5.
that the best way to learn them
is to practise a lot. Spend some

time on studying the list of

irregular verbs in appendix A4.
2. Write the following sentences in your notebooks, using the past tense forms of the verbs
in brackets to complete the gaps. Use table nr. 2 in Appendix A3 for guidance and the list You could read out verbs and
of irregular verbs (Appendix A4) to check your answers.

They (go) _____________ to Spain last year.

ask the students to find the past
He (buy)_____________ her an expensive engagement ring.
We (catch)_____________ a late train and we (get)_____________there early in the morning.
tense forms.
She (leave) _____________ her car keys in the house so she (take)_____________ the bus.
I (be) _____________so tired that I (sleep)_____________ like a log.
My uncle (teach) ____________ me how to swim at the age of six. He (make) _____________
me practise the movements on the shore, and then he (throw)_____________ me into the Answers:
water. Later I (find out)_____________ that he (not know)_____________ how to swim.
You (eat)_____________ too many sandwiches, that’s why you (be)_____________sick. 1. a – 3; b – 1; c – 5; d – 2; e – 4.
3. Retell the story of Edward VIII using the information you can find in the dialogue
between Tom and Victor. Use the following words and phrases:
2. went, bought, caught, got,
twice-divorced, before the coronation, to abdicate, to be coronated, strong monarch
left, took, was, slept, taught,
Go for it!
Word bank
made, threw, found out,
Talk to your history teacher about British monarchs to find
some interesting / funny / unusual historical facts. Monarchy • King • Queen •
didn’t know, ate, were.
Using the model in the “Did you know?” box, add a page to Coronation • Republic •
your portfolio about a British king / queen / prince / State • President • Election
You could write about:
• Government • Parliament
• Prime minister Use the sentences in the two
• Queen Victoria and her 20-year retirement after her
exercises to practise negative
• Political parties
husband’s death • to abdicate = to give up
• Princess Diana’s tragic death being king
• Henry VIII and his many wives and interrogative forms. Ask
the students to turn some
sentences into negative form
and others into interrogative.

Exercise 3 is suitable for group

Resources work. Have the students work
• pictures of the British royal family • dictionaries in small groups of three. Each
• class CD, song: “The Queen and the Soldier” (S. Vega) group will read out the story.

Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) IV. The task is suitable for
The song offers practice both on the topic of the lesson home assignment. You might
and on the grammar focus of the lesson. Ask the students want to suggest the internet as
to underline the past tense forms in the script in appendix a source of information.
A6. Alternatively, you might write some lines on the
blackboard, leaving out some verbs. The students fill the V. Ask questions such as:
gaps with the missing verbs as they listen to the song. What new things did you learn
The soldier … knocking upon the queen’s door in this lesson?
He …, „I am not fighting for you any more“ What new words are you going
The queen … she’d seen his face someplace before write in your learning diary?
And slowly she … him inside. Can you say the past tense
forms of ten irregular verbs?



Progress check II
• See Progress check I (page 14)for suggestions on how to administer the test.
• For marking exercise VI the students will have to hand in their papers / notebooks to you.
[Hint: Draw the students’ attention to the fact that in exercise V there is a story that seems
to have been written to answer the task in exercise VI.]

Give 30 marks (out of 100) for exercise VI.

– relevance to the task (childhood memory, time reference, details, reason) (10 marks)
– use of past tenses (10 marks)
– layout (three paragraphs) (5 marks)
– coherence (5 marks)
Suggested questions for the oral evaluation:
– What famous person (actor, politician, sportsperson etc.) do you admire? Describe /
talk about him/her.
– What is your best friend like? Do you remember a time when he/she helped you or
you helped him/her?
– Did somebody in your family talk to you about an event that happened before you
were born? Can you retell it?
– Was life in the past better than it is nowadays? What do old people say?
– Do you think we always hear the truth on the news? Do you have a favourite TV
– Is Romania a democratic country?

Answer key
I. 1. – democracy 5. commercials
2. – republic 6. public
3. – monarchy 7. private
4. – regime 8. film
5. – dictatorship
6. – totalitarian country/state IV. 1. was working; got
7. – government 2. was sleeping; came; didn’t hear
3. went; arrived; took
II. 1. He bought her an expensive leather 4. bought
jacket. 5. came; didn’t know
2. We went to a fantastic rock concert. 6. was having; phoned; told
3. She is a very beautiful and talented 7. went; had
actress. 8. didn’t like; served
4. They live in a nice little brick house
by the lake. V. was; were having/had; didn’t like; didn’t
5. She has a very funny worn-out hat. learn; found; asked; discovered; sent; was;
6. Don’t wear that shapeless blue woolen gave; started; became; went; kept; had.
III. 1. programmes Exercises I–V: 50 marks (1 mark for each
2. commercials correct answer)
3. advertised Exercise VI: 30 marks
4. survey Exercise VII: 10 marks



Unit III

Use the trigger page in the Student’s guide to:

• find out what the students already know about the topic;
• find out what they would like to know;
• find out which areas need to be allotted more time.
Title of the lesson Topic Functions Suggested extra activities
Song: “She’s not just a pretty
to give personal
1. The Right face” (S. Twain)
information Present
Person for the getting a job Photocopiable activity (see
to write an perfect
Job Appendix in the teacher’s
to express
2. Working family and opinions Song: “It’s a Man’s World”
Mothers career to conduct a (P. Kaas)
survey, to report
on the results
to express and
3. Are They money vs. job Song: “Money, money,
ask for an Conditionals
Underpaid? satisfaction money” (ABBA)

Arouse interest in the topic by doing various activities, such as:

• Prediction. e.g. Tell the students the titles of the lessons in the unit and ask them to predict the
topic in each lesson.
• Brainstorming. e.g. The students will say / write all the words that come to their minds, which
are connected to the topic.
• Debates. e.g. Come up with an idea ( e.g. To get a good job, you need to pretend that you are
better than you really are) and organize a debate with one group in favour and one group against.

You might want to tell the students the titles of the songs suggested for extra activities. They might
offer to find them and bring them to class for the English lesson. This will be a motivating task for
the students as they will have the important role of assisting you in preparing the lesson.



The Right Person

for the Job 1
Objectives of the lesson
• to give personal information
• to write a curriculum vitae
and an application letter The Right Person
for the Job

Structure of the lesson

Think about it!
I. Try to lead the students Word bank
• Do you think some jobs are suitable for men, while others
towards the conclusion that are for women?
• What job would you like to have? Why? guide = someone whose job

both men and women are • What qualities are needed for the job that you chose? is to take tourists to a place
and show them around

suitable for various jobs as long Catch on to it!

host = someone who
provides the place and

as they have the required skills.

everything that is needed
• Look at the following job advertisement and and decide for an organised event
with your deskmate what kind of person would be suitable retainer = an amount of
for the job. money paid to someone so
that they will continue to

When talking about qualities des

Part-time hosts//guid
work for you in the future
hourly rate = the amount
needed for various jobs do a organise personalised tours for
We are looking for persons who
small groups.
can act as local
clients during
someone is paid per hour
expenses = money that you
ny our
brainstorming and write key hosts and guides to accompa spend on things such as
have vacancies for
their stay in your city/village. We travel and food while you
s or evenings, as
hosts who can only work weekend are doing your job and
fer generous hourly rates, a
words on the blackboard. well as weekdays. We off ffe
all expenses. Send which your employer then
monthly retainer and we cover
your application to the address pays to you

II. Have the students work in • Look at the CV and application letter sent by Ionica Pop. (in Appendices A1 and A2)
Do you think he qualifies for the job? Why?
• Ionicã Pop was selected for a job interview. Listen to the interview to decide if you would
pairs to make the description of give him the job or not.

the ideal candidate for the job. Employer: “Good morning, Mr. Pop,
have a seat.”
Candidate: “It’s like whisky but it’s
made from fruit. The best one’s

Some guiding questions might Candidate: “Good morning, Mr Evans.

Thank you.”
made from plums.”
Employer: “Do you make that too or do

be of help.
Employer: “Tell me, Mr. Pop, what you buy it?”
made you apply for this position?” Candidate: “Everything is home-made.
Candidate: “Well, I have lived in this My grandmom even bakes bread. It’s
Does it make a difference if it is village all my life, I know what a
foreign tourist would like to see.”
the best I’ve ever tasted.”
Employer: “Where would you take me
a man or a woman? Should the Employer: “I see. Imagine I’m the tourist.
Where would you take me first?”
next? That is, if we didn’t get drunk
and spend the rest of the day

person know foreign languages? Candidate: “First I would take you to

my grandparents’ house to taste our
Candidate: “Don’t worry, the food is so
“þuica”, some traditional food and delicious, you’d eat so much that
Which of the following qualities some home-made wine from my
grandpa’s vineyard.”
you wouldn’t feel any effects from a
small glass to start with and a glass
are important for this job: Employer: “What’s þuica?” of pure wine after the main course.

sociable, talkative, easygoing,

organized, tidy, shy, reliable, LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

• Before listening to the job
interview, invite the students
to read Ionicã Pop’s CV and Play the CD once and tell the students to imagine they are
letter of application in being interviewed. You might want to pause after the
appendices A1 and A2 in the interviewer’s questions to allow some time for prediction.
Student’s guide. Discuss
with your students what The second time you play the CD ask the students to
makes Ionicã Pop a suitable imagine they are Mr. Evans, the employer. Ask them to
candidate. take notes under two headings: Strengths (+) and
• Ask the students to think Weaknesses (–). Let the conversation flow uninterrupted
what they would write in a this time. Play it twice, if necessary.
CV and letter of application
for the position. The questions that follow the dialogue in the student’s
• Check if any of the students book will introduce the grammar focus.
have already been to job
interviews and invite them III. Write some examples on the blackboard and practise
to share their experience the forms using the list of irregular verbs in appendix A4.
with their classmates.


You might want to do some
more exercises to practise
Present perfect before doing the
exercise in the student’s book.
Make sure the students under-
stand the difference between
Present perfect and Past simple.
Have the students compare the
examples and draw the
Over lunch I would ask you some And there’s a lot to see: old books,
questions to find out what you were
most interested in.”
paintings and even an old loom that the
nuns are still using. You can watch them
conclusions with the students.
Employer: “What sorts of things?” weave beautiful linen and wool fabrics.”
Candidate: “If you were a nature-lover, I Employer: “Why are they doing that?”
would take you hiking in the mountains.
If you liked fishing, I would take you to
Candidate: “They sell them to give money
to the poor.” Answers:
the river to fish for trout. If you liked
horse-riding, I could talk to my father
Employer: “So, I would definitely not be
bored then. One last question, Mr. Pop.” 1. a. He is alive.
and we’d go for a horse-ride.” Candidate: “Yes, sir?”
Employer: “I’m afraid I’m not that kind of
tourist. I’ve spent my life reading books.
Employer: “Where did you learn English?”
Candidate: “I went to Second Chance
b. He is dead.
I don’t really like nature and insects,
and I wouldn’t kill an animal, not even
Employer: “I’m impressed. We’ll contact
2. a. Do you know what it
if it was a fish.”
Candidate: “No problem. There’s the old
Candidate: “Thank you. Good-bye, tastes like?
b. Did you like the taste of
monastery, not far from the village. We Mr. Evans.”
could get there by car in twenty minutes. Employer: “Good-bye, Mr. Pop”

• How long has Ionicã Pop lived in the village? • Where did he learn English? the icecream?
Work on it! 3. a. I know what it’s about.
1. Work in pairs. Read the following sentences Add explanations from the table below to b. I remember when I saw it.
and compare them: the sentences on the left and write the sen-
• a. Ionicã Pop has lived in this village all
his life.
tences under the right heading. 4. a. They are still married.
b. His great grandfather lived in this
village all his life.
– indefinite past
definite past
b. They are no longer married.
(connected to the (not connected to
• a. Have you ever eaten watermelon present) the present)
b. Did you eat the watermelon icecream ______ He is alive.
_____ He is dead
_____ I remember
Have the students write true
they served for dessert? ______ I know what

• a. I’ve seen “Out of Africa”.

it’s about.
______ They are still
when I saw it.
_____ They are no sentences about themselves to
b. I saw “Out of Africa” three years ago. married.
______ Do you know
married. practise Present perfect.
_____ Did you like
• a. They’
They’ve been married for three years.
b. They were married for three years,
what it tastes
the taste of
the icecream?
e.g. I have been to ….;I have
never …; The best film I’ve ever
and then they got divorced.

2. Study tables 2 and 3 in Appendix A3 and write true sentences about yourself.
…; I have … for/since …
Go for it!
1. Apply for the job advertised on the previous page or find a job in a newspaper / on the
internet and apply for it. Write a CV and a letter of application. Keep them in your Have them practise interrogative
portfolio, maybe you’ll have to use them soon.
2. Make a list of ten questions that you might be asked if you get selected for an interview.
Rehearse for the interview with a friend. Take turns in playing the interviewer and the
forms by asking one another
interviewee. questions, such as Have you
ever been to the seaside?

IV. You might want to have the

students do a first draft in class
so you can check and offer
Resources assistance, finish the
• sample CVs, application letters • CD player, class CD, assignment at home and hand
song: “She’s not just a pretty face” (Shania Twain) them in to you for checking.
Have the students look at each
Extra activity: Use the photocopiable activity on page 42. other’s applications, encourage
[key: 1–astronaut, 2–farmer, 3–ballerina, 4–journalist, them to give feed-back and help
5–geologist, 6–novelist, 7–soldier, 8–surgeon, 9–waitress, each other improve. The second
10–judge, 11–teacher, 12–politician] task is suitable for pair work.

Useful words V. Have the students reflect

CV (British English) • Resume (American English) • upon their progress with
Letter of application / covering letter (Brit.) / cover questions, such as:
letter (Am.) • To fill out / in an application form • Job Can you tell me what your
interview • To apply for a job • Employer • Employee • qualities are?
Interviewer Candidate • Unemployed • Reference(s) Have you found useful advice
in this lesson?



Working Mothers 2
Objectives of the lesson
• to ask for personal opinions
• to conduct an interview
• to use the correct Working Mothers 2
determiners with countable
and uncountable nouns
Think about it!
• What is more important for you: a job in which you can make a career or a family?
Structure of the lesson • Do you think it’s a man’s obligation to work and a woman’s obligation to mind
the house and the children?
I. The questions will make the
students reflect upon the Catch on to it!
controversial issue of choosing
Angela, Daniel, Marc, Paul and Victor are sitting on a terrace with drinks in front of
them, waiting for Monica, who is late. Try to predict why Monica is late.

between spending more time Marc: “Oh, let’s order something to eat.
I’m hungry. I don’t think she’s
with the family or focusing on coming. It’s half past.”
Angela: “She’ll be here all right. I

developing a career. The issue know her. She keeps her promises.
Something must have come up.”
Victor: “There she comes! Finally, we
tends to affect women more can eat!”
Monica: “Hello!”
than men, but it is not Marc: “You’re late!”
Monica: “I know.” Monica: “He earns enough money for
exclusively their problem. Daniel: “Oh, let her be! Can’t you see
she’s in a bad mood? What’s the V
the whole family.”
Victor: “See? She doesn’t need to work.
matter, Monica? You look concerned.” I can understand why he got angry.
Monica: “I am. My sister’s getting a It’s the man’s job to make money
divorce.” and the woman’s job to mind the
The second question will make Angela: “Oh, no! They’ve been married
at least ten years. And those nice
children and take care of the
the students reflect on a children!”
Paul: “If the parents don’t love each oth-
Daniel: “If he can afford to keep her
home, he can afford a housekeeper

prejudiced way of thinking, er any more, it’s better for the children
not to see them hating each other.”
or a baby-sitter, or both.”
Marc: “How many women does a man

namely that women and men do

Monica: “It’s not a question of love or need in the house? Children need
hatred. They’
They’ve been arguing ever their mother at this age. I think men
since Daniela went back to work.” only need housekeepers if they are
not share the same types of Victor: “Why did she do that? How
much money does her husband
single. My mother wouldn’t have
another woman mess around her
responsibilities and that they make?” house.”

should fit the traditional pattern. Listen to the second part of the conversation, and then work in groups to decide
who you think is right and who is wrong.

Do not impose a point of view,

but encourage open-

Introduce the vocabulary and

the phrases needed in the
• job satisfaction • earn/make to start with a reading activity and ask the students to tell
money • mind the children • you which of the characters’ opinions they share and why.
housewife • start/set up a
business • run a business • take Play the CD and ask the students to pay attention to the
up studies tone of voice. Which of the characters sound:
• I believe that … • I (don’t) • nervous
think that … • I agree … • I • convincing
disagree (with)… • On the other • sad
hand, … • It’s better / worse …
than … • You’re right / wrong Make a pause after the first part of the conversation and
to say / think that … ask the students to anticipate who will be the next one to
speak (ask: Who is the most likely to be irritated /
II. Having already discussed the annoyed by Marc’s last remark?)
issue, the students should be
interested in what the six Ask them to write what they would say, then listen and
students think. You might want compare opinions.


The students can use the script
in Appendix A5 to quote
opinions they agree with.

III. 1. You could use the table

in appendix A3 or make one on
the blackboard to explain the
Work on it! difference between countable
1. Find the nouns in the dialogue above and group them according to the table on page ….
Can you add three more examples of your own?
and uncountable nouns. Insist
2. Which of the underlined nouns are Countable nouns Uncountable
on the ones that are
countable and which are not?
Write [C] or [U] next to them.
– can be both singular
and plural
– have only one uncountable in English but
a. He really likes his new job.
countable in Romanian (money,
– when the noun is form
b. Did you do your homework?
homework singular, the – the verb that
c. I have a lot of work to do. following verb is also follows an
d. Do you like beer?
e. She didn’t have time to finish the test.
singular, when the
noun is plural, the
noun is always
news, information, advice,
f. There’s a policeman at the door.
g. His new car is expensive.
verb is also plural singular
furniture, luggage etc).
h. Who’s your favourite football player?
player Some nouns can have both countable and
i. Where’s my money?
money uncountable meaning. They are usually
j. They had a happy life together. names of animals, food, drink.

3. Practise asking and answering questions about ten nouns at your choice.
Discuss examples of nouns that
Look at the table no 4 in Appendix A3 for guidance. Examples:
Student A: “How many women does a man need…?”
can be either countable or
Student B: “I think a man needs one woman.”
Student B: “How much money do you need for the trip?” uncountable, depending on the
Student A: “I don’t need too much money because I’m staying with some friends.”
Student A: “How many players are there in a football team?”
Student B: “…………………”
e.g. business
Go for it! to do business to be in / out
Jane Barry, an American reporter, wants to find out what people in our country think
about working mothers. She came to your school and asked you to help her because she’s of business [U]
got a lot of work to do in very little time.

These are my questions:

to start / set up / run a
• Do you think children should stay
with their mothers or go to nurseries?
business [C]
• When is the right time for a mother to
go back to work?

Use both the text in the

• Do you think it is good for a father to
be on “paternity leave” if the wife has
a well-paid job and she wants to go to
Ask as many people as you can, then
student’s book and the script in
answer the questions yourself. Add some
questions if you like!
appendix A5 to teach countable
Thanks for your help,
Jane Barry and uncountable nouns.
Interview some people in your class, take some notes, then try to summarise people’s
opinions. Then, answer the questions yourself.
Revise irregular plural forms
when teaching countable
nouns. (e.g. woman – women)

2. Answers: 1. [C]; 2. [U]; 3.

[U]; 4. [U]; 5. [U]; 6. [C]; 7. [C];
Resources 8. [C]; 9. [U]; 10. [C]
• dictionaries
• CD player, class CD, song: “This is a Man’s Word” IV. Tell the students to use
(Patricia Kaas) percentages when they report
on the results. (e.g. 60% of the
Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) people interviewed believe that
Victor and Angela mention the song in the conversation. mothers of children aged 0 – 2
Play it and ask for opinions. should not work).
You might write the following lines on the blackboard
and ask the students to fill in the missing words as they V. Ask the students to write
listen to the song (Appendix A6). “I can” statements about what
You see, man made the _ _ _ _ to take us over the road they have learned to do in the
Man made the _ _ _ _ _ _ to carry heavy loads lesson. (e.g. I can interview
Man made electric _ _ _ _ _ to take us out of the dark people / conduct a survey /
Man made the _ _ _ _ for the water, like Noah made the ark summarise opinions etc.).



Are They Underpaid? 3

Objectives of the lesson
• to express possible and
hypothetical conditions
• to express an opinion, give Are They Underpaid? 3
Tune in!
Structure of the lesson Think about it! How many different ways of

I. The questions will probably

making money can you
• Do you know many people who are paid less than they name? Listen to ABBA’s
deserve? What are their jobs? song “Money, money,

lead to a discussion on job • Do you know people who get more money than they
deserve? What do they do?
money”. What solution does
she have for getting rich? Do

satisfaction. You might want to you think it is a good idea?

Why?/Why not?
Catch on to it!
ask the students to decide what
Listen to the conversation and discuss the questions that follow.
they think is more important in Monica: “Have you read the article in
life: money or job satisfaction? the newspaper today?”
Paul: “Which one?”
Monica: “The one about the teachers
threatening to go on strike.”
Paul: “Yes, I have. I don’t understand.
II. The first part of the If they are not pleased with their
salaries why don’t they give up
conversation on the topic of jobs teaching for better-paid jobs? If they
go on strike, all the children will be
and payment is in the student’s in the streets.”
Monica: “Has it occurred to you that You learn many things
better.. Y

guide. You might choose to ask they might like their jobs? Maybe
they don’t want other jobs, they just
working with experienced people.”
Monica: “I think it’s better if you
want decent salaries.” learn by yourself. You can gain
the students to listen to the Paul: “I would not go on strike if I were a
teacher. I would either look for a new
experience and self-confidence if you
have the courage to take the risk.”
conversation keeping their books job or accept the fact that teachers are
underpaid everywhere in the world.”
Paul: “Risk is the key-word here. You
have to borrow money to start and

closed. After the listening Monica: “What job would you look for?”
Paul: “A job in a big company. They
then you risk losing everything
because you’re inexperienced. And

activity, the students can open

make you work hard but they also pay believe me: nobody will help you if
you well. W Wouldn’t you do the same?” you’re in trouble.”
Monica: “I’d rather work for myself.” Monica: “What are friends for, then?”
the books and work on the text Paul: “What do you mean?”
Monica: “I mean I’d like to be self-
Paul: “Come on, honestly which one of
your friends has that kind of money?
to add some new words and employed. Start a business. On my
own! That’s what I’d do!”
It’s not about selfishness. Think!
Who could pay out your debts?”

phrases to the dictionary in their Paul: “I still think working for a large
company, say a multinational one is
Monica: “You’re too pessimistic. But
here comes Victor! Let’s ask him!”

learning diaries. You might ask • Why do Monica and Paul disagree? • Who is right? • What would you choose? •
What do you think V Victor would choose?
them to read the text and find Listen to the second part of the conversation to find out.

words and phrases that they

think are useful to remember or LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

ask them to find the following

words and phrases, and look
them up in their dictionaries.
• strike • to go on strike III. Use the texts in the student’s book and in the script to
• salary • decent salary start practising conditional sentences. The students will
• well-paid job (better-paid job) find the examples in the text. You might ask them to
• to be underpaid • (to be translate the examples into Romanian. Draw their
overpaid) attention to the use of tenses.
• self-employed Draw a table like the one in appendix A3 and invite
• to start a business students to the blackboard to write examples from
exercise 1 under the right heading.
The second part of the
conversation is A5 the Exercise 2. Ask the students to read out some of the
appendix. You might want to sentences.
use the script to develop
dictionary skills by asking the Extra activity.
students to work individually, Play a chain game. Explain the procedure. The students
underline new words and look will take turns in making up sentences by continuing the
them up in the dictionary. sentence of another student. Example:


Student 1: If you go to bed late,
you’ll be late for work
tomorrow. S. 2: If I am late for
work tomorrow, my boss will
get angry. S. 3: If my boss gets
angry, he will shout at me.
S. 4: If he shouts at me, I’ll go
Work on it! home. S. 5: If you go home,
• Study the table number 5 in Appendix A3, and then underline some examples of
conditionals in the dialogue on the left.
he’ll fire you. S. 6: If he fires
• Match the sentences to the illustrations (write the number of the sentence in the
blank corner of the illustration), then group them under the right column: me, I’ll find a new job. S. 7: If I
1st Conditional or 2nd Conditional.
1. If I marry a rich man, I will not work. 2. I will tell you a secret if you promise find a new job, I’ll be happy.
not to tell anyone. 3. I will tell Dianne the news if I see her. 4. He would marry
her today if she said “yes”. 5. If they had more money, they would move into a
bigger house.
The students who are unable to
Remember take over are eliminated. The
chain can continue until there
The form of the 2nd
Conditional is past but the
meaning is not.
They won the lottery and
is only one student left. He is
now they have a big house.
the winner and he will start the
new chain with 2nd Conditional.
(e.g. If I had a lot of money, I’d
go to England.)

IV. You might want to organize

• In your notebook, write true sentences about yourself:
If I learn to speak English well, ……
a debate between supporters of
If I have time today, ……
If I had a lot of money, ……
the idea that money is the most
If I could change one thing about my life, ……
I would be happier if …… If they won the lottery, they important criterion in choosing
a job and supporters of the idea
I will help my friend if …… would buy a big house.
If I get a good job, ……

Go for it! Phrase bank

that job satisfaction has nothing
Discuss in groups: to work for the money
to do with how much one is
If you were to choose between a well-paid job that you do
not like and an underpaid job that you like, which one
to inherit money
to steal money paid.
would you choose? to marry a rich person
Ask your classmates questions starting like this: What will to gamble
you do if……? What would you do if…? to win the lottery

The two groups will spend

some time on preparing their
arguments, and then send a
speaker in front of the class to
present the group’s point of
view. The members of the
opposing group will ask
Resources difficult questions.
• dictionaries
• CD player, class CD, song: “Money, Money, Money” If some students are undecided,
(ABBA) they could form the jury. Their
task will be to decide whose
Extra activity (Tune in!) arguments were stronger. They
We suggest you do the extra activity in the orientation will be allowed to ask
stage as there is a connection between the questions in questions. When announcing
“Think about it!” and the lyrics. The woman in the song the winner they should be able
works “all day” and “all night” and yet she has very to explain their choice.
little money. The solution she thinks of is getting
married to a rich man, so she wouldn’t have to work. V. Invite self-reflections with
You might want to start a discussion on the morality of questions, such as:
such a decision. If you could change your job,
what would you choose? Why?



Progress check III

• See Progress check I (page 14) for suggestions on how to administer the test.
• For the task “Apply for a job” it is not compulsory that the students choose one of the jobs
mentioned in the two advertisements. It is possible that some of them are looking for a job
and they can bring to class adverts for jobs that they would really like to get. They might
like the idea of applying for a real job. If they cannot think of a reason why they should
write the application in English, you might tell them that this will impress the employer.
• The oral evaluation for this unit can be organized as an interview where you play the role
of the employer who wants to know details about his/her potential employee.

Suggested questions for the oral evaluation:

– Tell me about your education / former jobs / experience.
– What are you good at?
– What are your strengths and weaknesses?
– What do you think makes you suitable for the job?
– How important is payment to you?
– Ask me some questions about the job. (What would you like to know about the job?)

Answer key
I. V. got; didn’t think; didn’t want; said; was;
1. – e decided; was; have learned; have made;
2. – a have been; got.
3. – d
4. – c VI.
5. – b 1. a
2. b
II. 3. b
1. application 4. a
2. CV 5. a
3. letter 6. a
4. reference 7. a
5. interview
6. job VII.suggested answers
1. What will you do if it rains?
III. composer; waiter; driver; shop-assistant; 2. If I learn to speak English, I’ll find a
actress; actor. good job.
3. Our friend will be happy if you
IV. invite him to the party.
1. have not / haven’t done 4. If I see Maria, I’ll give her the book.
2. have you ever eaten
3. has always been Total 45 marks (1 mark for each correct
4. has lost answer)
5. have you read
6. have not / haven’t seen



Unit IV

Use the trigger page in the Student’s guide to:

• find out what the students already know about the topic;
• find out what they would like to know;
• find out which areas need to be allotted more time.
Title of the lesson Topic Functions Suggested extra activities
to describe Adverbs /
places, events Adjectives
1. What’s the Song: “I like Chopin”
the arts to make Comparatives
Point? (Gazebo)
comparisons and
to give reasons superlatives
to express Modal verbs
Songs: “Romeo and Juliet”
agreement / (ability,
2. Romeo and (Prokofiev / Tchaikovsky)
feelings disagreement obligation,
Juliet “Romeo and Juliet” (Dire
to write about permission,
feelings deduction)
to draw
technology Word Songs: “Fur Elise”
3. The World’s to make
and formation (Beethoven)
Going Crazy predictions
environment (prefixes, “Fur Elise” (trans mix)
to write an

Arouse interest in the topic by doing various activities, such as:

• Prediction. e.g. Tell the students the titles of the lessons in the unit and ask them to predict the
topic in each lesson.
• Brainstorming. e.g. The students will say / write all the words that come to their minds, which
are connected to the topic.
• Debates. e.g. Come up with an idea ( e.g. A hobby such as painting is a waste of time.) and
organize a debate with one group in favour and one group against.

You might want to tell the students the titles of the songs suggested for extra activities. They might
offer to find them and bring them to class for the English lesson. This will be a motivating task for
the students as they will have the important role of assisting you in preparing the lesson.



What’s the Point? 1

Objectives of the lesson
• to use adjectives and adverbs
to make comparisons
• to give reasons for What’s the Point? 1
Think about it!
Structure of the lesson
• Why do people watch movies, go to the theatre / opera, read books, listen to music?
I. The first question is probably • Can you paint / sing / dance? Would you like to act in a film / play?

difficult to answer. You might Catch on to it!

want to start by finding out Listen to the conversation, then discuss the questions below.

what the students’ preferences Marc: “Why do people waste time

painting? If they like the scenery
are, and then ask them to why don’t they just take pictures?”
Monica: “You don’t get it, Marc.
explain what makes one art Painting is art.”
Marc: “So is photography.”

more interesting than another. Monica: “But painting is not about

recording an image on paper. It
creates a new world, because in the
Ask them for instance why they end you don’t see a “copy” of the
place. It’s not what the place looks
Monica: “Look! I’
I’ve got two theatre
tickets for tomorrow evening.
prefer watching films to like that you see.”
Marc: “Now I get it! In the end you see
They’ve put on a play by Eugen
Ionescu. Come with me to the theatre
reading books. what the place doesn’t look like!”
Monica: “Now you’re being stupid.
and see who’s talking nonsense.”
Marc: “What’s the play called?”
You see the painter’s perception of Monica: “The Bald Prima Donna.”
the place, you see what it made him Marc: “I’m afraid I don’t want to see
feel like.” “that”. It sounds boring.”
If any of your students have Marc: “What if it made him feel like
listening to some music? Will there
Monica: “Suit yourself! Anyway, I’m
sure Paul will be more than happy
artistic skills invite them to talk be musical notes hanging from the
to join me.”
Marc: “Yeah, the two of you will have

about how they discovered Monica: “Why not?”

Marc: “Because there’s no such thing
a great time singing happily with
the bald prima donna.”

them, how they intend to

as musical notes hanging from trees. Monica: “It’s a play, not an opera. You
That’s absurd!” don’t know anything!”
Monica: “Art is never absurd. Although Marc: “Maybe I don’t. But who needs
develop them. Find out if they there is Theatre of the Absurd!”
Marc: “Now you’re talking nonsense.”
to know all these things? What’s the
have thought of turning a hobby
(e.g. singing) into a career. • Can you find an example in the conversation above
which proves that Marc is ironic?
Word bank
• Whose side are you on? Who is right: Monica or ironic = saying the opposite
Marc? of what you mean, especially
• Is there any point in art? Is art necessary? in order to be funny

II. Before listening to the

conversation, find out if the
students see any point in LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

painting. Invite them to look at

the illustration and try to
predict what Marc and Monica
are talking about. Play the CD, Suggested answers:
so the students can check their 1. When Marc replies: “Now I get it!” He is being ironic
predictions. pretending to understand Monica’s explanation.
Questions 2 and 3: open answer. Do not impose a point of
Ask the students read the text view.
in the book to find words and
phrases on the topic “art”. You III. 1. Make sure the students understand the difference
could draw a word web on the between adjectives and adverbs. Write examples on the
blackboard as they read out the blackboard, circle the adjective and draw an arrow
words. pointed to the noun; circle the adverb and draw an arrow
pointed to the verb.
Discuss the comprehension
questions with the students. 2. Make a table on the blackboard with two headings:
adjective and adverb. Invite the students to go to the
blackboard to write examples that illustrate the notes in


exercise 2. Examples can be
found in appendix, A3, or in
the text in part II.

3. The students work

individually. Check their
notebooks as they work.
Answers: • carefully • slowly •
well • badly
Work on it!
1. Study the following examples: 4. Make a similar table on the
blackboard and work with the
whole class to complete the
table and discuss the rules.
He is a happy man.
He is singing happily.
Answers: cheap – cheaper –
The play is boring. They are bored.
(the) cheapest – 1; bad – worse
• Which word tells us about the play? Remember – (the) worst – 4; big – bigger –
• Which word tells us about how they felt about the play?

2. Find examples in the table no. 6 in Appendix A3 that

Not all words ending in – ly
are adverbs. Some
(the) biggest – 2; nice – nicer –
illustrate the following notes:
• Adverbs are generally formed by adding –ly to the
adjectives end in –ly too.
friendly, lonely, lovely, silly
(the) nicest – 1; modern – more
• If the adjective ends in –y we replace the –y with –ily
Don’t be silly.
He behaved in a silly way. modern – (the) most modern –
• If the adjective ends in –le we replace the –e with –y

3. Write the following sentences in your notebooks and insert the right adverbs.
3; funny – funnier – (the)
• He is a careful driver. He drives …… • They are slow workers. They work ……
• It was a good film. The actors played very …… • She’s a really bad singer. She sings ……
funniest – 5; expensive – more
4. Make a table like the one below in your notebooks and fill it with examples that illustrate the expensive – (the) most
following rules. Choose from: big nice modern funny expensive good. Add some of your own.

Adjective Comparative Superlative Rule

expensive – 3; good – better –
(the) cheapest
(the) worst
(the) best – 4.
Rule no. 5 If the adjective ends
1. The comparative and superlative of one-syllable adjectives are usually made by
adding – er and (the)… – est. in –y we replace the –y with – i
when adding – er and – est.
2. When the adjective ends with a vowel plus a consonant, you double the consonant
before adding – er and – est.
3. The comparative and superlative of two and three-syllable adjectives is usually
made by putting more or (the) most before the adjective.
4. Some adjectives have irregular comparative and superlative forms.
Can you make rule no. 5 for adjectives ending with –y? (e.g. funny – funnier – funniest)
IV. The task is unusual for an
Go for it! English class. Offer an
Bring out the artist in you! Do something creative. It’s up to you to write a simple poem or
recite one, sing a song, make a drawing / painting / a sculpture. YYou can do anything that
alternative task for the students
you find artistic. Your classmates will be “the critics” of your performance / work of art. who are not happy with the
task. Ask them to make a topic
page for THE ARTS. Tell the
students to group the arts into
visual and performing arts, to
find words for various artists
(painter, sculptor, photographer
etc.), maybe find some
Resources illustrations to make the topic
• dictionaries page more interesting.
• a book on art (with illustrations)
• CD player, class CD, song: “I like Chopin” (Gazebo) V. You might ask the students if
at the end of this lesson they
Extra activity (Take a moment to relax!) have found an answer to the
Let the students listen to the song and ask them to question “Is there any point in
explain the title. Check if any of the students are arts?”
familiar with Chopin. You might want to have them Ask if the students have
listen to some Chopin for a few minutes, especially if discovered artistic skills in
they have never listened to classical music before. themselves by doing task IV.
Ask them how they felt about
the lesson / what they



Romeo and Juliet 2

Objectives of the lesson
• to express various modalities
(obligation, possibility,
permission, doubt) Romeo and Juliet 2
• to express agreement / Tune in!
disagreement • Listen to “Romeo and Juliet”
Think about it! by Tchaikovsky. How does it
make you feel?
Do you know the story of Romeo and Juliet? Have you
Structure of the lesson
• Listen to the song with the
seen/read the play? Have you watched a film inspired by same title by Dire Straits.
the famous story? • What is different? What is

I. It is very likely that the similar?

students are familiar with the O e of

On W lli
o Wi l am Shakesp s eare’s
y , a sad romanti

kn w plays
wn Phrase bank
story of the famous lovers, r about two
Romeo and Ju
w yo
J li
y ung people,
w o fa
l et, wh
mili es are g
gr eat
f ll in love
t ough
th g th
gh t eir Expressing (dis)agreement
Romeo and Juliet, so start by
T eye marr rr y, but
rry secrettl
enemies. Th r
r, I (dis)agree with…
are prevev nted fr
ve f om being together,t
t ki
th k ll I(strongly) think / believe
e both
t ey
finding out what they already
and fi l th
f nally
ve that…
t emselv
… should (not) be allowed /
r dg
t e abri r ion
v rs
d ed ve
Y u can read th
know. They might have seen
Yo permitted… because…
r ,
t e play in Penguin Reade
o th
You are right / wrong when
v l 3.

one or several of the many film

you say that…

adaptations. The film Catch on to it!

mentioned in part II is a 1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

modernised version with • Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? Circle the right answer.
1. Shakespeare is a contemporary writer. T F
2. Monica disliked the modern version of Romeo and Juliet. T F
Leonardo di Caprio playing 3. Angela thinks men are romantic nowadays.
4. Monica cried when she read the play.
Romeo. You might want to have 5. Victor thinks women always know everything. T F

the students watch the film • Do you think classic works of art should not be adapted /
changed / modernised? Why?

before or after the lesson. 2. Read these lines from “Romeo and
Juliet”. Even if you don’t understand
some words, don’t worry.
Shakespeare’s language is not easy to
II. Talk to your students about understand. A dictionary / your
teacher can be of help.

the modern adaptation of the You could

… try to recite the lines / learn
them by heart.
play where the characters have … try to translate them into your
guns instead of swords. The
setting is completely changed,
but the story and the language LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

are unaltered. Ask the students

to try to predict the characters’
reaction to the film and have
them listen to the conversation Use the script in appendix A5 to teach new vocabulary.
to check their predictions. Ask the students to underline the new words and use
various techniques: inferring meaning from context, look
Ask the students to read the five them up in dictionaries etc. See also extra activity
statements in exercise 1 and “Which meaning?”
decide which are true and which Alternatively, you could give definitions for some words
are false as they listen to the and ask the students to find the words in the text.
conversation for the second time. e.g. find a word that means a very good work of art or
Ask the students to express piece of writing [= masterpiece]
agreement / disagreement with
the opinions expressed by the Discuss the meaning before the students start working on
characters in the dialogue and the translation. You might want to give them examples of
explain why they (dis)agree. word for word translation and lighten up the atmosphere.
[answer key: 1–F, 2–F, 3–F, 4–F,
5–F (He is ironic)] III. Ask the students to underline the verbs must, might,
can, should, don’t have to in the text in appendix A5


(page 54) and start working on
modal verbs by having the
students explain / translate the
sentences in which they
have found modal verbs.

1. Check understanding by
having the students translate
the sentences into Romanian.
Work on it!
1. Find the right captions for the cartoons. Put the correct letters in the blank corner.
a. They should read the play.
2. The sentences in exercise 1
b. I must finish the work tonight.
c. You don’t have to cook if you are tired, dear. We can order a pizza. serve as examples for the
d. You mustn’t smoke in here. Look at that sign!
e. May I borrow your pocket calculator? situations required in exercise
f. “It must be a giraffe.” “It can’t be. It’s got wings!”
g. It might rain. 2. The students can find the
right sentences in exercise 1,
and then make up their own
sentences and write them in
their notebooks.

3. Let the students work

individually for ten minutes
offering assistance if needed
and then have them switch
2. Should and ought to are used to give advice. What verbs do you use… notebooks with their deskmates
• to express obligation?
• to say that it’s not necessary to do something?
• to say that you are very sure?
and check each other’s
• to say you are sure that something is not possible?
• to say that something is possible, but you are not sure?
• when you are not allowed to do something?
• to ask permission?

3. Make eight sentences of your own using may

may, might, must, mustn’t can’t, should, have to, IV. You might want to try to
ought to.
write a poem in class by having
Go for it! each student add one line to the
Have you ever expressed your feelings in words? Would you like to give it a try?
Write about how you feel about someone you love. You could write a love letter, a poem poem. The students would work
or a simple description of what s/he looks like and how you feel about her/him.
on modal verbs as well if you
suggested they use a modal verb
in each line. You could write
the verbs on slips of paper, have
each student pick one at
random, so he/she would have
to use that verb in his/her line.
• dictionaries • class CD, song: “Romeo and Juliet” (by The task in the student’s guide
Tchaikovsky or Prokofiev, and by Dire Straits), the film should be assigned for
homework as they will
Which meaning? probably need to be alone to
romance – 1. an exciting relationship between two feel inspired to write about / to
people who love each other; 2. a story or film about the person they love. Tell them
two people who love each other that they can write to / about
adaptation – 1. a play, film, or television programme that an imaginary person.
is based on a book; 2. when someone or something
changes in order to be suitable for a new situation. V. Suggested questions for self-
classic – 1. recognized as having good qualities that last reflection:
and that people admire; 2. typical of a particular Is it easy / difficult to express
thing or situation. feelings? Why?
What would you change about
this lesson if you could?



The World’s Going Crazy 3

Objectives of the lesson
• to make predictions and
draw conclusions
• to develop awareness of The World’s Going Crazy 3
word formation in English
Think about it!
Structure of the lesson
• Do you often hear people say that “life is no longer like it
I. The idea that the used to be”? What examples do they give?
• Do you think we have a better/worse life than people in
development of technology the past?
• Do you agree with those people who think that technology

threatens life on the planet is destroys nature?

• Can you name three positive aspects and three negative

often debated nowadays. The

effects of technology?

students are probably aware of Catch on to it! You can read the abridged

changes caused by Look at the book cover and try to predict what “On the
Beach” is about. Have you read the novel / watched the film?
version of Nevil Shute’s novel in
Penguin Readers, level 4.

industrialisation, so they will Listen to the conversation between the six students about
the film inspired from the book and then state your own
opinion about the topic.
mention various aspects from
changes in the climate that can Work on it!
cause disasters to apparently 1. The following text is a fragment from the novel. Can you insert the prepositions
that have been omitted?

unimportant aspects such as the Use: about,, to,

e.g. 1 – of
to, from,
from, on,
on, of (3 times)

Soon after the middle…1… winter things felt better. At the beginning…2… July
fact that fruit and vegetables do few people were doing any work. Broken Hill and Perth were dead. The electricity
was still on. As the weeks passed, people drank less and less. Then motor-cars
not taste the same as in the began to appear…3… the roads. Nobody cared…4… money any more. If you
wanted food, you took it …5… the shops. If you couldn’t find any, you went…6…

past, even if they look better. another place. There was plenty…7… time because there was no work to do.
[from Penguin Readers, level 4: On the Beach by Nevil Shute]

2. W
Word building
• Add prefixes to the following words to make new words.
You could discuss the questions anti- co- dis- im- in- mis- non- over- pro- re- un- under-
appear build certain cooked dependent democracy developed nuclear operate
with the whole class or let the possible understand violent
e.g. antinuclear

students start in groups of four. • What similarity is there between the underlined prefixes?
a. They mean “not” and form opposites?
b. They mean too little.
The groups will report their • Find the prefixes and the examples that complet the table on the right.

conclusions to the class.

II. Looking at the illustration LIMBA ENGLEZĂ • GHIDUL ELEVULUI

the students will immediately

predict that what happens in
the book has to do with nuclear
weapons. Try to make them questions, and then have them check their answers by
predict how far things will get. reading the dialogue in appendix A5.
Do they think that total • Comprehension questions:
destruction (disappearance of Who is worried about the effects of technology upon
life on earth) is possible? our lives? [Monica]
Who thinks that such films should not be produced?
Have them listen to the [Marc]
conversation then check Who thinks such films will make people be more
understanding with responsible? [Daniel]
comprehension question, and Who talks about positive aspects of technology? [Paul]
then move on to questions that Who wants to go and play football? [Victor]
ask for their opinion. Write the • Opinion questions:
first set of questions on the Do you believe that the world can be destroyed at the
blackboard, ask the students to push of a button?
listen carefully to the Do you think that people don’t care enough about life
conversation and answer the on our planet?


III. 1. The gapped text offers
practice on prepositions, but it
will also give the students an
idea of what the book is like,
being a fragment taken from
“On the Beach”.
Answer key: 1 – of; 2 – of; 3 –
on; 4 – about; 5 – from; 6 – to;
Prefix Meaning Example
7 – of.
anti- against antinuclear
with, together

A prefix is a group of letters
added to the beginning of a
2. Exercise 2 gives practice on
too much
word to change its meaning
and make a new word.
word formation. We suggest
for, in favour of
A suffix is a group of letters
added to the end of a word that you work with the whole
class, inviting students to the
to form a new word. It often
again, back tells us if the word is a
noun, verb, adjective or
too little adverb.
blackboard while the others
• Group the following words under the right heading. Write the words in your notebook. write in their notebooks.
Answer key: disappear; rebuild;
improvement information identify financial careful careless carefully accurate active
capable communicate production expression happiness teacher widen practise
Example Adverb
Words Suffix
Words uncertain; overcooked /



-ly …
undercooked; independent; pro-
-tion … -ise … -less …

-en … -ate

democracy; underdeveloped;
-ness … -ive …
anti-nuclear; cooperate;
• Find some more examples and write them in your notebook or in your learning diary
impossible; misunderstand;
Go for it!
Did you get it?
The underlined prefixes mean
Can you predict what the
“not” and form opposites.
future will bring us? Are you
optimistic or pessimistic
about the future?
What are your plans for the Answer key:
anti- = against, antinuclear;
future? How can you fulfill

co- = with, together, cooperate;

• Discuss: Why do you think so many computer games are war games? Do you agree
with those people who say that cartoons for children are not suitable for children,
mis- = wrongly, misunderstand;
because they are too aggressive, too violent? Do you think people should do
something to make things better? over- = too much, overcooked;
• Work in groups. Write down some of your ideas about “making things better” and
present them to the class.
• Write an email to ecological / anti-war organisations to take effective measures to
pro- = for, in favour of, pro-
improve life on earth. democracy;
re- = again, back, rebuild;
under- = too little,

IV. The discussion will

Resources brainstorm ideas and it will
• “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute (book or film) help the students write the
• CD-player, class CD, song: “Fur Elise” (by Beethoven in email. Have each group present
the classical interpretation and a modern adaptation) their points of view to the class.
to discuss the effect produced by the original and If no computers are available,
adapted version of the song. you might want to change the
Noun suffixes: -ate: communicate; task into writing a letter or
-ment: improvement; -ise: practise; making a poster with ideas on
-ation: information; -en: widen; what people can do to protect
-tion: production; Adjective suffixes: the environment.
-ion: expression; -ial: financial; -ful: careful;
-er: teacher; -less: careless; -ate: V. Show interest in the students’
-ness: happiness accurate; -able: capable; plans for the future and encou-
Verb suffixes: -ive: active rage them to give you feed-back
-ify: identify; Adverb suffix: -ly: carefully on the lessons, on the student’s
guide and on your activity.



Progress check IV
• See Progress check I (page 14) for suggestions on how to administer the test.
• The questions in exercise VI can be answered orally. If you choose to use them for oral
evaluation, organize a session where all the students participate in a discussion,
encourage them to exchange ideas, to agree, disagree, give reasons, express opinions and
ask each other questions. Assess their ability to interact in a guided debate where you are
the moderator. Make sure that every student gets a chance to speak. If some students are
shy, address some questions directly to them.
• On this occasion you might want to get feedback on the whole course and on the
guidebook. Use the assessment questionnaire on page 44 to formulate questions about the

Answer key
I. IV. in; with; in; to; of; of; for; over; for; on;
0. work of art to; from; to; in.
1. artistic
2. artist V.
3. creative 0. a
4. museum 1. a
5. critic 2. b
3. b
II. 4. a
0. interesting 5. a
1. bad; badly 6. b
2. nervous; well
3. expensive Total: 45 marks (1 mark for each correct
4. nice; pleased answer)
5. wonderful; happy
6. in a friendly way; bad

0. disobedient
1. non-smoking
2. careful
3. information
4. building
5. useful
6. underestimate
7. impossible
8. remake
9. misunderstanding


Extra materials
• The appendices to the Student’s Guide can be used
in class, or at home for individual study.
Appendix A1: Sample Curriculum Vitae
Appendix A2: Sample Application Letter
Appendix A3: Grammar Reference Section
Appendix A4: List of Irregular Verbs
Appendix A5: Scripts of the conversations
recorded on the class CD
Appendix A6: Lyrics of some of the songs
suggested for extra activities
Vocabulary – words and phrases translated
into Romanian for quick reference

• In the Teacher’s Guide there are four pages of

photocopiable activities offering further practice on
the lessons in the Student’s Guide.

• We recommend that each student creates his/her

personal portfolio with four sections:
1. Pieces of writing, recordings (suggested in
Section Go for it!)
2. Progress check tests (at the end of each unit,
other tests etc)
3. Self-evaluation (The students write “I can”
statements; see Self-assessment grid cf.
Council of Europe, European Language
4. Teacher’s evaluation (grades and comments on
the student’s progress)

• For encouraging independent learning we suggest

that each student creates his/her learning diary.
(see detailed presentation in Module II)



Where Does She

Come From? I.1
Did you know?
Have some fun with maths!
Lisa is visiting her Romanian friends. Paul offered to go The British still use the
shopping and Lisa gave him this list. She is used to “impe- “imperial” measurements!
rial” measurements, but Paul can’t use them at the Market. Since 2000 food retailers
have been obliged by law to
1. Work out what Lisa needs price and weigh their food in
in metric measurements. metric measurements but
they are also allowed to show
2. Imagine you go shopping in the imperial equivalents. This
the UK. Make a shopping list will have to end in 2010.
and convert metric measure- Conversion table
ments into imperial ones. • length
1 inch (in) 25.4 milimetres
1 foot (ft) 0.31 metre
5 ft red ribbon = 1,55 m 1 yard (yd) 0.91 metre
2 yds tablecloth material = 1,82 m • weight
4 oz green olives = 113,4 g 1 ounce (oz) 28.35 grams
2 lbs cheese = 0,9 kg 1 pound (lb) 0.45 kilos
3 pts fresh milk = 1,71 l • liquid
Answer key 1 pint (pt) 0.57 litres


on the News II.2
Listen to the song “Democracy” and fill the missing words in the following lines:

I’m sentimental, if you know what I getting lost in that hopeless little _________

________________________________________ But I’m stubborn as those garbage ________

I love the country but I can’t stand the that Time cannot ________________________

________________________________________ I’m junk but I’m still holding _____________

And I’m neither left or __________________ this little wild __________________________

I’m just staying home ____________________ Democracy is coming to the ______________

Photocopiable page



Mind Your
Health! I.2
Insert Angela’s replies in the dialogue at the teahouse, and then listen to the conversation
to check your answers.

Monica (M.)
M. “You can do it, don’t worry! You may
eat as much as you like, but don’t eat
meat, refined oil, sugar and white flour.”

A. 1 ___________________________________
M. “You don’t have to. You can replace
meat with eggs, dairy products and you
can eat fish if you like it.”

A. 2 ___________________________________
M. “You’re not listening! I said refined oil.
There’s unrefined oil, wholemeal flour
and you can use honey instead of sugar.
M. “Right, we cook. But cooking does not
A. 3 ___________________________________ always mean frying, boiling, baking,
M. “But don’t overdo it! You don’t need to roasting. It can mean preparing a
starve but don’t eat more than you need. delicious salad. How about coming over
Do you see what I mean?” to my place tonight to taste one of my
vegetable salads?”
A. 4 ___________________________________
M. “You’re welcome! And one more thing. A. 6 ___________________________________
Eat as much raw food as you can.” M. “Bye! Don’t be late!”

A. 5 ___________________________________ A. 7 ___________________________________

Angela (A.)
a. “All right, all right, I won’t. Do you know something? I’m already feeling better.
Thanks for your advice.”

b. “That sounds better. I like fish. In fact it’s my favourite meat. But what can I cook if
I am not to use oil, sugar and flour?”

c. “I’ll definitely be there. I’ll do anyting to look like you. Thanks for inviting me.”

d. “That sounds better. Are you sure I can eat as much as I like? Because I already have
some recipes in my mind. And I can hardly wait to start eating!”

e. “I won’t. See you tonight!”

f. “That’s absurd! I’m not going to become a herbivore! No way!”

g. “Now you’re making me angry. Humans don’t eat raw food. We cook food.”

Photocopiable page



The right person

for the job III.1
• Listen to Shania Twain’s song “She’s Not Just A Pretty Face” and find the words
that go in the gaps numbered 1-12.
astronaut, ballerina, farmer, geologist, journalist, judge, novelist, politician,
soldier, surgeon, teacher, waitress

She hosts a T.V. show, she rides the rodeo,

She plays the bass in a band,
She’s an … 1…,
A valet at the parking lot,
A … 2… working the land,
She is a champion, she gets the gold,
She’s a …3…, the star of the show.
She’s not just a pretty face,
She’s got everything it takes.
She has a fashion line,
A … 4 … for „Time“,
Coaches a football team, Write the words here:
She’s a … 5 …,
a romance …6 …., 1. ________________________
She is a mother of three,
She is a …7 …, she is a wife, 2. ________________________
She is a …8 …, she’ll save your life,
She’s not just a pretty face, 3. ________________________
She’s got everything it takes,
She’s mother of the human race, 4. ________________________
She’s not just a pretty face.
Oh na, na, na, na..... 5. ________________________
She is your … 9…, she is your... 10…,
she is your … 11…., 6. ________________________
She is every woman in the world.
Oh, la, la, la 7. ________________________
She flies an airplane,
She drives a subway train, 8. ________________________
At night she pumps gasoline,
She’s on the council, she’s on the board, 9. ________________________
She’s a …12…., she praises the Lord.
No, she’s not just a pretty face, 10. ________________________
She’s got everything it takes,
She’s not just a pretty face 11. ________________________
She’s got everything it takes
She’s not just a pretty face 12. ________________________
[adapted from]

• Which of the followig jobs are also mentioned in the song?

Underline where they are mentioned in the text and choose jobs from the list.
actress, baby-sitter, coach, councillor, driver, executive, fashion designer, horse
rider, musician, nurse, pilot, priestess, secretary, shop-assistant, TV presenter

Photocopiable page



Self-Assessment Grid
Tick what you can do.

A1 A2 B1
I can understand the main
I can understand phrases and
points of clear standard
the highest frequency
speech on familiar matters
vocabulary related to areas of
I can recognise familiar words regularly encountered in
most immediate personal

and very basic phrases work, school, leisure, etc. I

relevance (e.g. very basic
concerning myself, my family can understand the main
personal and family
and immediate concrete point of many radio or TV
information, shopping, local
surroundings when people programmes on current affairs

area, employment). I can

speak slowly and clearly. or topics of personal or
catch the main point in short,
professional interest when the
clear, simple messages and
delivery is relatively slow
and clear.
I can read very short, simple
texts. I can find specific, I can understand texts that
I can understand familiar predictable information in consist mainly of high

names, words and very simple everyday material frequency everyday or job-
simple sentences, for example such as advertisements, related language. I can
on notices and posters or in prospectuses, menus and understand the description of
catalogues. timetables and I can events, feelings and wishes in
understand short simple personal letters.
personal letters.
I can deal with most
I can interact in a simple way I can communicate in simple
Spoken Interaction

situations likely to arise

provided the other person is and routine tasks requiring a
whilst travelling in an area
prepared to repeat or rephrase simple and direct exchange of
where the language is spoken.
things at a slower rate of information on familiar topics
I can enter unprepared into
speech and help me and activities. I can handle
conversation on topics that
formulate what I'm trying to very short social exchanges,
are familiar, of personal
say. I can ask and answer even though I can't usually
interest or pertinent to
simple questions in areas of understand enough to keep
everyday life (e.g. family,
immediate need or on very the conversation going

hobbies, work, travel and

familiar topics. myself.
current events).
I can connect phrases in a
Spoken Production

simple way in order to

I can use a series of phrases
describe experiences and
and sentences to describe in
events, my dreams, hopes and
I can use simple phrases and simple terms my family and
ambitions. I can briefly give
sentences to describe where I other people, living
reasons and explanations for
live and people I know. conditions, my educational
opinions and plans. I can
background and my present
narrate a story or relate the
or most recent job.
plot of a book or film and
describe my reactions.

I can write a short, simple I can write short, simple

I can write simple connected
postcard, for example sending notes and messages relating
text on topics which are

holiday greetings. I can fill in to matters in areas of

familiar or of personal
forms with personal details, immediate needs. I can write
interest. I can write personal
for example entering my a very simple personal letter,
letters describing experiences
name, nationality and address for example thanking
and impressions.
on a hotel registration form. someone for something.



The End
Dear teacher,
We hope the guidebook has offered topics for stimulating conversations during the English
classes, so that on completion of Module III your students’ knowledge of English has reached
the required level to help them pass the final examination with good results. We also hope that
the students have acquired not only learning skills that will help them evolve in the future, but
also attitudes that will foster social integration, such as openmindedness and tolerance in order
to become self-conscious citizens who take responsible decisions as active members of society.

We believe that cooperation between the people involved in offering assistance for the social
integration of disadvantaged groups can lead to the best solutions in order to reach the best
results. Therefore, we welcome all suggestions for improvement. Feedback on the guidebooks
is essential to us. We need to know how teachers have felt using the guidebooks and how
students reacted to them. The questionnaire below can help us reflect on how well we
managed to live up to your expectations, so we kindly ask you to share your opinions with us.
Grade each of the following aspects using a scale from 1 – 5, where 1 = unsatisfactory, 2 =
satisfactory, 3 = good, 4 = very good, 5 = excellent.
Grade Likes Dislikes Suggestions
Structure of the student’s guide
Introduction _____
Trigger pages _____
4 chapters, 3 lessons each _____
Progress checks _____
Final word _____
Appendices _____
Structure of the lessons
Orientation (Think about it!) _____
Acquisition (Catch on to it!) _____
Practice & production (Work on it!) _____
Application & transfer (Go for it!) _____
Self-reflection (Did you get it?) _____
Extra activities _____
People _____
Society _____
Jobs _____
Culture & technology _____
word banks _____
phrase banks _____
Grammar points
Communicative functions
Overall impression _____
illustrations _____
layout _____
Teacher’s guide
Thank you.


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