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Romeo and Juliet THEMES

Put your NAME on the first big square. Using the small booklet,
write one THEME at the bottom of the page. Then open up the
booklet and write about the theme in the big square.

You will see that you have five lines to fill up—one for each
theme, and one for a final note.

Write at least a paragraph about each theme. Fill up your square!

Here are some things to answer when you write about each
♦ Where do you see this in Romeo and Juliet?
♦ Who is involved with this theme and how are they involved?
♦ Is there a certain scene in the play that describes this theme
very well?
♦ Are there certain lines or quotes from the play that talk about
this theme?
♦ Do you think this was the most important theme in the play,
the one that stands out the most? Why or why not?
♦ Anything else noteworthy that might help you to learn and
remember the themes


Line #1: The Forcefulness of Love

Line #2: Love as a Cause of Violence

Line #3: The Individual Versus Society

Line #4: The Inevitability of Fate

Line #5: Overall Impression

Here, write your overall impression of the two movie versions of
Romeo and Juliet. Which film did you like better and why? Give at
least 3 reasons why you liked a certain film version. The earlier
film version we watched was directed by Zeferelli, while the new
one with Leonardo DiCaprio was directed by Luhrman. You can
refer to them by their directors so I know which film you’re
talking about.

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