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com/amiruldaniel Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah


Definition ( 6.1.1)

Give the meaning of data, information and information systems.



• Data are unorganized raw facts,

• made up of words, numbers, images, sounds, or a combination of these .
• It has little value.


• is organized data
• is valuable and meaningful to specific user
• conveys meaning and is useful to people

Information systems

• is a collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that

work together to produce a quality information.

Usage of Information Systems In Various Fields ( 6.1.2)

State the usage of Information Systems in education, business and

management. (

Field General usage

1. Education 1. to keep track of students statistics and grades. E.g :

2. help students and teachers in online learning and

discussion. E.g: Moodle, USM

3. store subject content. E.g : mySchoolNet, IIUM e-


2. Business 1. Carry out online buying and selling. E.g :,

2. Help planning and tracking the delivery of goods and


E.g :, FedEx. Express

3. Make room bookings and for checking the best rates.

E.g : Genting Online Booking,

4. Managing accounts and stock. Eg using UBS

3. Management 1. For human resource management e.g process salary,

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commission and promotion . give eg

2. analyze products, services and product prices.

3. process customer orders, organize production times

and keep track of product inventory.

Information System Components (6.1.3 )

List the Information System Components (

There are 5 components of the Information System:

• Data
• Hardware
• Software
• People
• Procedure

Define each of the Information System components (

Component Definition
Data • Raw or unprocessed facts such as text, numbers,
images, audio and video.
Hardware • Physical equipment that processes the data to
create information such as keyboard, mouse,
monitor and printer.
Software • A computer program that enables the hardware to
process data.
People • Individuals who communicate with the system such
as customers, employees, students, data entry
clerks, and accountants.
Procedure • Set of rules about how to combine components of
information systems.


Hardware Procedure

Describe the interrelation between Information System components

using a diagram (

Software People Amiruldanielsabri(SMK Sultan Badlishah

the interrelation between the components of an Information Systems.

The interrelation between the components of an Information Systems is when

Raw facts (data) is entered into Information System by a user (people) using
computers (hardware) with the help of computer programs (software) following
specified instructions (procedures

In an Information System, hardware, software, data, people and procedure

work together to produce information from processed data.

Example: SMM system(software) allows a teacher(user) to key-in student’s

biodata (data) through the keyboard (hardware) using procedures that has
been set by KPM.

**People is anyone whom build and use the system, using hardware and
software to help monitor and control process by using standard procedures
sets in organization in which data stored will be used to produce information
based on requirements.

Types of Information Systems (6.1.4)

List five types of Information Systems (

5 types of Information Systems are:

• Management Information System (MIS)

• Transaction Processing System (TPS)

• Decision Support System (DSS)

• Executive Information System (EIS)

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• Expert System (ES)/ Artificial Intelligent (AI)

State the usage of each type of information system (

Type Usage

Management • Provides regular information to the managers

Information System about the daily activities of an organisation
(MIS) • Makes the business processes and activities
more efficient.

Transaction Processing • Records daily business transaction.

System (TPS) • Keeps track of daily transactions in a database.

Decision Support • Helps managers to analyse data for make the

System (DSS) best decisions.
• Captures and stores the knowledge to be used
in decision making.

Executive Information • Allows executive managers to obtain real-time

System (EIS) information from any Information System in the
• Consolidates information and presents a
summary of information in terms of charts such
as sales, financial, manufacturing and service

Expert System (ES)/ • Captures and store the knowledge of human

Artificial Intelligent (AI) experts and then imitates human reasoning and
decision making
Hierarchy of data (6.1.5)

Define bit, byte, field, record and file (

Bit - smallest unit of data a computer can store in


Byte - a collection of bits which consists of 8 bits

Field - a unit of data contains one or more bytes


Record - a collection of related fields

File - a collection of related records

State the hierarchy of data (

• is the systematic organization of data

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• from smallest to largest (Bit→Byte→Field→Record→File→Database)





Software (6.2.1)

Define database and Database Management System (DBMS) (

• an organised collection of related files that designed

Database for specific function.

Database • program to create a computerised database which

Management contains collection of tools, features and interfaces
System (DBMS) that can manipulate data.

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List the benefits of using database (

The 4 benefits of using database are:

• Enhance data integrity

• Avoid data redundancy

• Improve data sharing

• Access information easily

Data integrity Data in systems is accurate, consistence and up-to-date

Data redundancy Duplication of data can be avoided or minimised
Data sharing Users can view same information in different ways
Accessed information Information can be accessed easily

State the relationship between attribute (field), record (row) and

relation (file). (

An attribute or field in a database is a single data item. Each row of data items
makes up a record and a collection of records in a table is called a relation or file


A file (table) is a collection of records (rows) and records are made up of fields
( columns)

A database record consists of a single value from each column of data in the
table. The data in the columns in a table are all of the same type of data,
whereas the rows represent a given instance

Define the primary key and foreign key. (

A primary key or the unique identifier or key field is the field that uniquely
represents a record in a table.


Each table in the database must have at least one primary key. These keys
must not have null values. Meaning, you must not leave these keys blank. The
primary key ensures that no two records in a database contain the same value
for that field.

For example, Student Name is not a good primary key because there might be
cases where a student can have the same name in the same school. The MyKad
Number can be used as the primary key since it is unique to that student only.
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Another way to uniquely identify each student, a special StudentID field can be
added to be used as the primary key.

A foreign key is the field that matches the primary key in another table.


It contains the same data as those of the primary key in the other table. Foreign
key fields are linked to fields in other tables. While a primary key must have
unique values, a foreign key may have duplicate values.

For example, the StudentID is the primary key in the Student table, but the
StudentID is a foreign key in the Subject table. Since a student may take more
than one subject, the foreign key (StudentID) will identify the subjects taken by
the student which can be a duplicate value in the subject table.

State the importance of the primary key. (

• A primary key ensures data integrity/reliability by uniquely identifying each

• It helps to avoid duplicating records.
• It prevents null values being entered in the unique field.

Differentiate between the primary key and foreign key. (

Primary Key Item Foreign Key

Unique Values - cannot Value Duplicate values – can
accept same value more accept same value more
than once than once
No Null Value Value May have Null Values
Exist in one table only Location May exist in more than
one table


A foreign key links to a primary key in another table. While primary keys must
have unique values, foreign keys may have duplicate values.

State the importance of relationship between the primary key and

foreign key. (

The importance of the relationship between a primary key and a foreign key is to
establish a relationship between two or more tables. By matching a foreign key
with a primary key, the data does not need to be entered repeatedly .

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There are 3 types of relations between tables : One-To-Many, Many-To-Many and



The primary key of one table becomes a foreign key of the other table. By
matching a foreign key with a primary key, the data does not need to be entered
repeatedly. A primary key improves data performance by relating smaller tables
into meaningful databases.


StudentID (Primary

Name Mathematics
Address Science
Date_of_Birth ICT
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Database objects (6.2.3)

Define the following database objects/tools : table, form, query, report


Term Definition

Table is a set of data elements (values) that is organized using a

model of vertical columns and horizontal rows. A table has a
specified number of columns, but can have any number of
rows. It can also be referred to as a relational file

Form Provide interface or areas for entering and changing data in

a database. Also call data entry form

Query Interface to request for specific data from a database.

Report Interface that allows user to design a report on the screen,

retrieve data into report design and then display or print the

Identify table, query, form and report as database objects / tools



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Data manipulation (6.2.4)

List the basic operation of data manipulation (

7 basic data manipulation operations are:

• Update
• Insert
• Delete
• Retrieve
• Sort
• Filter
• Search

State the usage of basic operation of data manipulation (

Basic Usages

Update Process the content of a record in a file/ table.

This updating may be adding, deleting, or
changing the contents of record

Insert To add record into database when obtain new


Delete To erase record from database

Retrieve To retrieve record

Sort To sort record whether ascending or descending

order based on chosen or specific….

Filter List one or more records using certain condition

Search Find records according using certain condition


Filtering and Search: is used to retrieve data record for certain criteria based on
certain condition. is the same as sorting. To search for something you have to

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Phases of Systems Development ( 6.3.1)

There are 6 phases of System Developments:

• Analysis
• Design
• Implementation
• Testing
• Documentation
• Maintenance
Describe the phases of systems development (

Phase Description
• the system developer will find out what is needed by the
• by interviewing or participating in survey the clients will give
Analysis their requirements and a description of what a system must
do and the main functions of the system.
• example: the system developers will define the purpose and
the focus of the system

• database designers will make a decision on the database

model , desired features and operations in details that is
perfectly suited the user’s requirements
Design • the system developers will design input interface and output
interface where the user can enter data and retrieve
information. using design tool such as flowchart

• the new or modified system is created by the system

developers , who will convert the technical plan and design
plan into a computer program.
• In this phase, a system developer uses database software
such as Microsoft Access as the development tool.

• testing is to ensure the system runs correctly and is error

free, which is carried out by system developer and end-user.
Testing • To ensure the quality of a database, the system developers
act as quality controllers .

• Documentation refers to the written materials generated

throughout phases of system development
• Documentation tells new system developers what was done in
the program.
• Documentation also helps to reduce the amount of time a
Documentation new system developer spends learning about existing
• Documentation in the form of user manuals with instructions
and tips on how to use the system effectively are provided for
end users

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• Maintenance refers to the changes in the system by fixing or

enhancing its functionality through checking, changing and
Maintenance enhancing to improve its performance
• All systems need to be maintained to take care of new
requirements that were not discovered previously


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