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CS 1. Competența lingvistică: Aplicarea normelor lingvistice în formularea de mesaje simple şi corecte, valorificând limba ca sistem.
CS 2. Competența sociolingvistică: Utilizarea structurilor lingvistice, demonstrând funcționalitatea limbii în cadrul unui contact social.
CS 3. Competența pragmatică: Utilizarea structurilor lingvistice în cadrul unor contexte familiare și previzibile, demonstrând coerență și precizie în
CS 4. Competenţa (pluri/inter)culturală: Aproprierea elementelor specifice culturii țării alofone, manifestând deschidere și motivație pentru dialog

1. Curriculum Național la Limba Străină, ediția 2019
2. „English for Success”, M. Dusciac, M. Gisca, T. Schneider, an. 2015, editura Prut International
3. Ghidul de implementare a curriculumului disciplinar la Limba Străină, clasele V-IX, an. 2019
4. Repere metodologice privind organizarea procesului educațional la limba străină, an. 2020-2021


Numărul de ore pe săptămână Semestrul I Semestrul II Anual

3 45 57 102

Unități de învățare Nr. de ore Evaluări Observații


Semestrul I

Introducere 2 1

Planul de recapitulare/ 6
consolidare/ recuperare

Unitatea I 11 1
Unitatea II 10 1

(+1 Proiect

Unitatea III 12 1

Unități de competență pentru clasa a XI-a

Receptarea 1.1. Delimitarea prin audiere a structurilor fonetice specifice limbii străine rostite clar și corect.
mesajelor orale/ 1.2. Recunoașterea structurilor lexicale specifice în diverse contexte.
audiovizuale 1.3. Diferențierea structurilor gramaticale studiate în contexte uzuale.
Competența Lingvistică

Producerea 1.4. Aplicarea cu suficientă exactitate a unităților și trăsăturilor fonetice specifice limbii străine în diverse contexte
mesajelor orale uzuale.
Medierea 1.5. Utilizarea eficientă a unui repertoriu de mijloace lingvistice și lexicale în diverse situații cotidiene.
1.6. Integrarea eficientă a sintagmelor gramaticale frecvent utilizate în contexte uzuale.
Receptarea 1.7. Discriminarea normelor de ortografie specifice limbii străine din diverse mesaje.
mesajelor scrise/ 1.8. Definirea sensului cuvintelor și expresiilor necunoscute prin diverse mijloace.
audiovizuale 1.9. Racordarea structurilor gramaticale studiate la situații corespunzătoare.

Producerea 1.10. Respectarea normelor de scriere specifice limbii străine în diverse contexte.
mesajelor scrise/ 1.11. Integrarea cu suficientă corectitudine a structurilor gramaticale studiate în contexte familiare.
Competența Sociolingvistică

Receptarea 2.1. Recunoașterea actelor de vorbire utile în mesaje orale sau scrise, exprimate de interlocutor în limbaj standard.
mesajelor orale/ 2.2. Interpretarea imaginilor, schemelor, semnelor de orientare în spațiu, însoțite de instrucțiuni simple.
scrise/ audiovizuale 2.3. Selectarea strategiilor adecvate scopului şi tipului de mesaj sau conversație.
2.4. Descifrarea instrucțiunilor din diverse tipuri de documente.
Producerea 2.5. Explorarea repertoriului sociocultural în diverse situații de comunicare, în dependență de rol și relațiile cu
mesajelor orale/ interlocutorii.
scrise/ online 2.6. Utilizarea limbajului verbal și non-verbal pentru a argumenta un punct de vedere potrivit contextului social.
2.7. Adaptarea resurselor lingvistice pentru a redacta documente de uz curent folosind un limbaj standard sau neutru.
Interacțiunea 2.8. Inițierea conversațiilor pe teme de interes utilizând un limbaj adecvat , specific comunicării spontane și autentice.
orală/scrisă/online 2.9. Respectarea normelor socioculturale în dependență de rol şi relațiile cu interlocutorii.
2.10. Utilizarea eficientă a tehnicilor și strategiilor argumentative în redactarea textelor funcționale.
Medierea 2.11. Traducerea informației relevante din texte funcționale scurte din limba maternă în limba străină studiată și
Receptarea 3.1. Înțelegerea conținutul informațiilor din filme, programe televizate și/sau radiodifuzate cu referire la subiecte
mesajelor cotidiene cunoscute, articulate clar și cu un debit lent.
orale/scrise/on-line 3.2. Selectarea informațiilor relevante unei sarcini specifice dintr-un text de lungime medie.
3.3. Recunoașterea structurii diferitor tipuri de texte.
Producerea 3.4. Organizarea resurselor lingvistice pentru a produce texte funcţionale simple în contexte cotidiene.
mesajelor 3.5. Descrierea unui eveniment din viața cotidiană cu ajutorul frazelor scurte și clare.
Competența Pragmatică

orale/scrise/on-line 3.6. Inițierea unei narațiuni/descrieri simple în baza unei succesiuni de repere cu referire la subiecte variate din viața
Interacțiunea orală/ 3.7. Integrarea resurselor lingvistice în schimburi de informaţii pregătite și/sau spontane cu referire la subiecte
scrisă/ on-line familiare de interes personal şi general.
3.8. Participarea în interacţiuni scrise/on-line cu referire la subiecte de ordin cotidian şi de interes general.
3.9. Utilizarea resurselor lingvistice în schimburi de informații detaliate pentru a realiza sarcini comune de grup și/sau
activități on-line.
Medierea orală / 3.10. Rezumarea informației esențiale din textele scrise, întrun limbaj simplu, cu referire la subiecte de ordin personal/
scrisă / on-line cotidian.
3.11. Prezentarea structurată a rezultatelor unui sondaj.
3.12. Parafrazarea simplă a evenimentelor cotidiene, prezentate în programe de televiziune şi/ sau secvențe video
simple, articulate lent şi clar.
3.13. Traducerea orală a textelor informative și argumentative simple, cu referire la subiecte de ordin personal,
familiar și/ sau profesional.
Competența (Pluri/Inter) Culturală

Receptarea 4.1. Distingerea ideilor principale și valorilor umane în texte literare/ nonliterare, piese muzicale.
mesajelor 4.2. Recunoașterea aspectelor culturale specifice spațiului alofon pe subiecte de ordin personal și general.

Producerea 4.3. Corelarea emoțiilor personajelor din povestiri, filme, piese de teatru cu experiența personală sau cu cea a altor
mesajelor persoane.
orale/scrise/on-line 4.4. Compararea aspectelor culturale specifice țării alofone și țării de origine.
4.5. Utilizarea repertoriului lingvistic variat pentru a redacta texte pe teme de cultură.

Interacțiunea 4.6. Integrarea unor norme culturale specifice țării alofone utilizate frecvent în contexte variate de comunicare.
orală/scrisă/on-line 4.7. Alegerea strategiilor pertinente contextului social pentru a depăşi posibile obstacole în comunicare interculturală
legate de stereotipuri şi prejudecăţi.
Medierea 4.8. Identificarea problemelor-cheie în situații de dezacord din motive culturale, pe subiecte cunoscute, solicitând
orală/scrisă/on-line confirmări și/sau explicații.
4.9. Integrarea normelor de comportament politicos specifice culturii alofone pentru a transpune oral mesajul
conversației pe subiecte de interes personal.


Competența Unități de Nr.
de Strategii didactice și tehnici Observații
specifică competențe Conținuturi tematice/ lingvistice de Data
învățare/ de evaluare
CS2 2.8 Lesson 1 Conversation
CS3 3.1 Introduction to the Course 1 Dialogues
Question and Answers
CS1 1.2 Lesson 2 Fill in – exercises
1.3 Grammar and Vocabulary Review Matching
1.5 Reading
1.11 Multiple Choice Exercises
Lesson 3 Comprehension Questions Written Test
Initial Evaluation 1 Fill in – exercises
Paragraph Writing
Planul de recapitulare/ consolidare/ recuperare
CS1 1.6 Fill in – exercises
CS3 1.9 Lesson 4
1.11 Conditionals
CS1 1.6
Lesson 5
Fill-in Exercises
CS3 1.9 Multiple Choice Exercises
Subjunctive Mood after ‘’Wish” 1
CS1 1.6
Lesson 6
Fill-in Exercises
CS3 1.9 Multiple Choice Exercises
Infinitive. Full Infinitive 1
CS1 1.3 Lesson 7 1 Multiple Choice Exercises
CS3 1.8 Infinitive. Bare Infinitive Fill-in Exercises
CS1 1.6
Lesson 8
Fill-in Exercises
CS3 1.9 Multiple Choice Exercises
CS1 1.3 Fill-in Exercises
CS3 1.6 Lesson 9 Multiple Choice Exercises
ANUL DE STUDII 2021-2022

Unit I: It’s a Busy World – 18 hours

Specific Teaching and

Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Evaluation Resources h Date Notes
Competence Learning activities
Spoken - Holding a conversation on a L1 Busy Speaking: Talking
Interaction familiar topic using different 1 Enough? about levels school; Debating 1
and Culture strategies of pragmatics Brainstorming
(choosing the topic, expressing 2 School life Reading: Text-letter Continuous 1
Reading agreement/disagreement, turn- in the USA Exchange Programmes. evaluation Silent reading
Written - Listening to and presenting of Present Writing an essay;
Interaction some points of view and Tenses Pair-work
opinions and comparing them 3 1
with the students’ point of view; Grammar: using
Should and Feedback Grammar chart
Modal Verbs;
ought to worksheet
Grammar - Proper use of Modal Verbs;
Spoken - Decoding unknown vocabulary 4 L2 Enjoying Speaking: Talking Grammar chart 1
Interaction in context; Free Time about extra school Oral worksheet
and Culture or Working activities and hobbies; evaluation
Reading - Performing a series of actions in Reading Text ““West
an appropriate way; Buckland School 1
5 Individual 1
Written - Providing clear, detailed Initial test written work
Interaction descriptions of subjects related
to areas of personal interest and Test
Writing Making up
Extreme short dialogues; Continuous
Grammar - Proper use of Modal Verbs;
Hobbies and evaluation
6 1
Spots Portfolio: writing a
short story about your Individual
hobbies work
!!!!Present Feedback
Simple/Cont Grammar: using
7 inuous, Modal Verbs; 1
Perfect Past Tenses
Spoken - Listening to and presenting L3 Time is Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction some points of view and Money about free time & evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them working hard;
with the students’ point of view; Explaining Time
8 management Silent reading 1
Reading - Reading a text to identify its Time Reading an interview Continuous
theme and main idea, perception with Irina -a Moldovan evaluation
characters, time and space management exchange student in the Pair-work
frame; of students U.S; Post reading
in the U.S. activities;
Culture - Recognizing logic connectors in Top ten Writing Project work:
an informative text, essay, management making a chart of your
newspaper article, speech; mistakes daily schedule. Debate
- Decoding unknown vocabulary 9 1
Portfolio: making a Feedback
in context; Translating; short story based on the
Written picture;
Interaction Future Grammar chart
- Making up sentences Using intensions Grammar: Using the Written worksheet
Grammar Present Continuous; 10 1
“to be going Present Continuous; evaluation
Spoken - Holding a conversation on a 11 L4 Life at a Speaking: talking Oral Conversation 1
Interaction familiar topic using different glance about a successful evaluation
and Culture strategies of pragmatics Plans for the career; Defining notion
(choosing the topic, expressing future career of free time;
agreement/disagreement, turn-
taking); How to tell Reading the text,
when you “How to tell when you Continuous Pair-work
Reading - Presenting the information 12 are rich are rich”; evaluation 1
containing in oral or written text; Post reading activities;
Grammar chart
Written - Writing a narrative story with an Repeated Project work: planning
Interaction introduction, body and actions/past and organizing a writing worksheet
conclusion; 13 habits or contest; 1
states would Portfolio: writing your
and used to own narrative story Feedback Debate
Spoken - Holding a conversation on a L5 Climbing Speaking: talking Oral Brainstorming
Interaction familiar topic using different the Ladder about success and evaluation
and Culture strategies of pragmatics successful people; Group work
(choosing the topic, expressing Success
agreement/disagreement, turn- 14 Story Reading the text 1
taking); “Success Story”; Continuous Silent reading
Post reading activities; evaluation
Reading - Reading a text to identify its
theme and main idea, characters,
time and space frame; Mediocrity
and Success Writing
Written - Creating a success story Portfolio Writing a Individual
15 1
Interaction success story Feedback work

Spoken - Providing a short fluent L6 Practice Speaking: Talking Conversation

Interaction description of people and events; Your about success and Oral
and Culture English successful people; free evaluation
- Extracting the main ideas from time & working hard;
an unknown text; Debate
16 1
Written - Testing the level of written Project Work: Time is
Interaction and/oral knowledge and skills precious; Continuous
acquired studying the current evaluation Brainstorming
unit Portfolio: writing short
stories using Idioms.

- Practical application of 17 L7 Test Paper Test in Grammar 1

knowledge and skills acquired Summative Individual
Evaluation nr.1
while studying this unit. evaluation work
18 + Error correction
Analysis of
the test

Unit II: It’s a World of Communication - 16 hours

Specific Teaching and
Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Evaluation Resources h Date Notes
Competence Learning activities
Spoken -Holding a conversation on a L1 The Art of Speaking: Explaining Conversation
Interaction familiar topic using different 19 Talking. the proverb “Silence is Oral 1
and Culture strategies of pragmatics Gold” evaluation
(choosing the topic, expressing Silence is Reading: text ex.1p.
Reading agreement /disagreement, turn- 20 Gold 29 Silent reading
taking); 1
Pro-reading activities
Written -Creating and delivering a formal Modals: Writing a
Interaction speech that will contain and May, may Commentary;
introduction, arguments, a not; might, Portfolio: writing a list Grammar chart
conclusion based on sound might not of skills you possess Feedback worksheet 1
reasoning; 21 Could, must,
can’t Grammar: Using Individual
Grammar - Using Modals; Modals; work
Spoken -Holding a conversation on a L2 What did Speaking: Guidelines Oral Conversation
Interaction familiar topic using different You Say? for Giving and evaluation
and Culture strategies of pragmatics receiving Effective
(choosing the topic, expressing Feedback;
agreement /disagreement, turn- 22 1
taking); The web of Reading the text Role play
Life Guidelines for Giving Continuous
Culture -Correct spelling of words from and receiving evaluation
Reading the standard vocabulary; Effective Feedback; Silent reading
Letter Letter Writing
-Supporting a point of view with Writing Tips Portfolio: writing a Individual
Written relevant arguments while letter of application to work
Interaction exchanging written messages a college.
on cultural/literary topics; 23 Feedback 1
Discourse Grammar: Using Grammar
Grammar - Using Conjunctions markers to Conjunctions: worksheet
show contrast Although, in spite of,
yet, however,
Spoken -Performing a series of tasks in L3 Are you Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction an appropriate way; listening? about type of listeners; evaluation
and Culture
24 1
-Role-Playing a conversation Reading the text “Are Continuous Debate
between a speaker and a You Listening”; evaluation
listener; Post-reading activities
E-mail Writing a correct e- Written Pair-work
-Reading a text to identify its Conventions mail. evaluation
Reading theme and main idea, 25 Portfolio: Writing an 1
characters, time and space e-mail addressed to Feedback Individual
frame; your teacher. work

Written -Creating and delivering an e- Tips for Grammar: Using

Interaction mail addressed to your teacher; becoming a Types of Questions / Grammar
26 1
good listener Prepositions; worksheet
-Proper use of different types of
Grammar Questions/ Prepositions;
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L4 Are Speakers Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction some points of view and born or about “Are Great evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them Made? Speakers Born or
with the students’ point of Made”; Debate
view; 27 Are Great 1
Speakers Reading Manner of Continuous
Reading -Decoding unknown vocabulary Born or Made delivering a evaluation Group work
in context; Presentation;
-Reading a text to identify its Tips for
theme and main idea, reducing Writing:
characters, time and space anxiety. The Project Work. Writing
frame; 28 1
importance of Short Presentations Written
body Opinion Essay evaluation Grammar chart
Written -Writing an opinion essay with language Worksheet
Interaction an introduction, body and
Grammar: Proper use Feedback Pair work
Grammar - Using Proper use of Articles 29 Articles 1
of Articles;

Spoken -Listening to and presenting L5 Communicati Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation

Interaction some points of view and on is More about communication; evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them than a
30 1
with the students’ point of Monologue Reading the text “Too Debating
view; Bad”; “Tee Vee”; Continuous
Post reading activities; evaluation Group work
Reading -Selecting ideas from a text to Communicati
summarize its content; on problems Writing: Summary of Written Individual
31 in the modern the text. evaluation work 1
Written -Presenting the information families Homographs
Interaction contained in oral or written
texts; Reported Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar
Grammar 32 1
Speech Reported Speech worksheet
- Using Reported Speech.
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L6 Practice Speaking: Talking Conversation
Interaction some points of view and Your English about Improving Oral
and Culture opinions and comparing them Listening Skills in evaluation
with the students’ point of English
view; Pair work
Written Writing Grammar Continuous
Interaction -Testing the level of written Exercises. evaluation
33 1
and/or oral skill and knowledge Individual
acquired while studying the Grammar Using Written work
Grammar current unit types of Questions/ evaluation
Articles; Grammar
Prepositions; Modals Feedback worksheet
Reported Speech.

- Practical application of L7 Test Paper

knowledge and skills acquired 34 nr.2 Test in Grammar 1
Summative Individual
Evaluation while studying this unit. +
evaluation work
35 Analysis of Error correction 1
the test
Unit III: It’s A Challenging World – 20 hours
Teaching and Evaluatio
Competenc Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Resources h Date Notes
Learning activities n
Spoken -Providing Clear, detailed L1 Problems Speaking: Talking Oral Brainstorming;
Interaction descriptions of subjects related and solutions about conflicts; evaluation
and Culture to areas of personal interest Clustering;
and specialization; 36 Clean Up Reading: The text Continuous 1
Your Room “Clean Up Your evaluation Debating
Reading -Reading a text to identify its Room”;
theme and main idea, Post reading activities; Silent reading
characters, time and space Writing Written
frame; Portfolio: Writing a evaluation
Written 37 Family
response to the 1
Interaction -Writing an informative essay Conflicts
lesson’s focus
with an introduction, body and question. Feedback
conclusion; Prepositions Grammar: Using Grammar chart
Grammar Prepositions of place, worksheet
38 1
- Comparing and using movement direction;
Spoken -Presenting the information L2 The Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction containing in oral or written Exclusive about drug abuse and evaluation
and Culture text; Circle its preventing

Reading the text 1

-Reading a text to identify its 39 Preventing about “Preventing
Reading theme and main idea, Drug Abuse:Drug Abuse: The Best Continuous Silent reading
characters, time and space The Best
Strategy”; evaluation
frame; Strategy Post reading activities;
Fact and Opinion;
Written -Decoding unknown vocabulary Writing Individual
Interaction in context; Portfolio: Caring out Written work
World AIDS research on the evaluation
Grammar - Proper use of Articles with 40 Day HIV/AIDS issue. 1
some proper Nouns Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar
Articles with some worksheet
proper Nouns
Spoken -Identifying the main ideas of L3 Know Your Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction oral texts on everyday life Rights about slavery evaluation
and Culture topic; Debate
-Performing a series of tasks in Listening “The impact
41 1
Listening an appropriate way; of poverty on Conversation
Seeking a Children”; Continuous
Reading -Bilingual translation of better life Reading the text evaluation Silent reading
messages of average difficulty; “Seeking a better life”;
-Finding the meaning of words; Project Work. Writing
“A day Without Written
-Creating and delivering a formal How to make Conflicts”. evaluation
Written speech that will contain and an Outline of How to make an Pair-work
Interaction introduction, arguments, a Ideas Outline of Ideas?
conclusion based on sound Portfolio: Writing an 1
reasoning; 42 essay” Sportsmen Feedback
Grammar should win at all
-Studying Noun-Forming costs.”
Suffixes and the ways they are Noun- Grammar: Using Written Grammar
used. Forming Noun-Forming evaluation worksheet
Suffixes Suffixes

Written Practical application of 43 Winter Writing Written

Interaction knowledge and skills evaluation 2
44 Session
Error correction
45 Analysis of 1
the test
46 II TERM 1
Spoken -Performing a series of tasks in
Interaction an appropriate way; L4 The key to Speaking: Open Oral Conversation
and Culture the world societies-Open evaluation
-Translating sentences of average Borders; discussing
difficulty; about the positive and Debating
Reading negative aspects of Continuous
-Reading a text to identify its conflicts; evaluation
theme and main idea, Reading the article
characters, time and space “Youth
frame; Organizations”; Written
Youth evaluation Group work
Written -Supporting a point of view with 47 1
Organizations Writing:“For and
Interaction relevant arguments while Against”
exchanging written messages (Argumentative)
on cultural/ literary topics. Essay
Types of Grammar: Using Grammar chart
Grammar -Proper use of different types of Conditionals different types of
Conditionals; 48 1
-Wish Conditionals 49 Wish Grammar: Using
Conditionals Wish Conditionals 1
Spoken -Supporting a point of view with L5 Why Fly off Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction relevant arguments while the Handle? about feelings and evaluation
and Culture exchanging written messages emotions; Debating
on cultural/ literary topics; 50 1
The Filipino
Reading - Selecting ideas from a text and and the Reading “The Filipino Continuous Silent reading
arranging them into an Drunkard and the Drunkard”; evaluation
appropriate scheme; Writing: a paragraph Pair work
Elements of a about what would
-Reading a text to distinguish its story have done if you had Written
type; been one of the evaluation
Written 1
51 passengers; Individual
Interaction -Creating and delivering a formal work
speech that will contain and Grammar: Using
introduction, arguments, a Types of different types of
conclusion based on sound Conditionals Conditionals;
reasoning; Wish Wish Conditionals Grammar
Grammar - Using different types of 52 Conditionals Feedback worksheet 1
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L6 Practise Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction some points of view and Your English about The fish evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them Diagram HIV/AIDS Pair work
with the students’ point of Crossword;
view; Strategies for finding Continuou
53 Solutions. s Individual 1
-Testing the level of written Writing Completing evaluation work
Written and/or oral skill and knowledge Articles; types of
Interaction acquired while studying the Conditionals; Grammar
current unit Prepositions Feedback worksheet
- Practical application of L7 Test Paper 1
knowledge and skills acquired 54 nr. 3 Test in Grammar
Written Individual
Evaluation while studying this unit. +
Analysis of the evaluation work 1
55 Error correction
Unit IV: It’s a World of Art - 17 hours
Teaching and Evaluatio
Competenc Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Resources h Date Notes
Learning activities n
Spoken - Creating and delivering a L1 Enjoying the Speaking: Talking Oral Brainstorming;
Interaction formal speech that will contain Arts about arts; evaluation
and Culture and introduction, arguments, a Clustering;
56 1
conclusion based on sound Famous artists Reading: The text Continuous
reasoning; and their “Famous Artists”; evaluation Debating
Reading masterpieces
- Reading a text to identify its Post reading activities; Silent reading
theme and main idea, Writing Written
characters, time and space My favourite Project Work: evaluation
Written frame; 57 work of Art “Interpret a work of 1
Interaction - Decoding unknown vocabulary Art”
in context; Feedback
-Writing an informative essay Conjunctions: Grammar: Using Grammar chart
Grammar with an introduction, body and Unless and Unless and Lest; worksheet
conclusion; Lest
58 1
- Using Conjunctions: Unless
and Lest;
Spoken - Creating and delivering a 59 L2 Cinema and Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation 1
Interaction formal speech that will contain Films about types of films evaluation
and Culture and introduction, arguments, a
conclusion based on sound
reasoning; Reading the text
“Cry Baby” about “Cry Baby”;
Reading -Reading a text to identify its 60 by John Continuous Silent reading 1
theme and main idea, McClain Post reading activities; evaluation
characters, time and space Fact and Opinion;
frame; Writing Individual
Written -Decoding unknown vocabulary Portfolio: Describing Written work
Interaction in context; Defining/non- your favourite film. evaluation
defining 1
Grammar - Proper use of Relative Clauses 61 relative Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar
clauses Relative Clauses worksheet

Spoken -Identifying the main ideas of L3 Performing Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction oral texts on everyday life Music about Musical genres evaluation
and Culture topic; and Instruments; Debate
-Performing a series of tasks in
62 1
Listening an appropriate way; Conversation
Reading the text Continuous
Reading -Finding the meaning of words; Word Study “Ludwig van evaluation Silent reading
Writing Written
-Creating and delivering a formal Drawing evaluation
speech that will contain and 63 Conclusions Portfolio: Writing Pair-work 1
Written introduction, arguments, a “Report about your
Interaction conclusion based on sound favourite composer”. Feedback
reasoning; Conjunctions: Grammar: Using Written Grammar
64 Unless and Conjunctions: Unless evaluation worksheet 1
Grammar -Using Conjunctions: Unless and Lest; and Lest;
Spoken -Performing a series of tasks in 65 L4 All the Speaking: Tips on Oral 1
Interaction an appropriate way; World’s a How to Interview; evaluation Conversation
and Culture Stage
-Translating sentences of average
difficulty; Reading the text Continuous Debating
Reading Pygmalion “Pygmalion”; evaluation
-Reading a text to identify its Describing the plot of
theme and main idea, the classic comedy.
characters, time and space Monet’s Writing: Written Group work
frame; Biography Portfolio: Writing a evaluation
Written -Supporting a point of view with paragraph to evaluate
Interaction relevant arguments while 66 Monet’s continuing 1
exchanging written messages success and
on cultural/ literary topics. achievements.
-Proper use of different types of Types of Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar chart
67 1
Conditionals; Conditionals Adverbial Clauses; Worksheet
Spoken -Supporting a point of view with L5 It’s Always Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction relevant arguments while Love… about feelings and evaluation
and Culture exchanging written messages emotions; Debating
on cultural/ literary topics; 1
“The Moon Reading “The Moon
Reading - Selecting ideas from a text and and Sixpence” and Sixpence”; Continuous Silent reading
arranging them into an Post reading activities evaluation
appropriate scheme; Writing: Literary Pair work
Elements of a Focus: Written
Written -Creating and delivering a formal story “Characterization” evaluation
Interaction speech that will contain and Writing the summary Individual
introduction, arguments, a of the story. work 1
conclusion based on sound
reasoning; Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar
Passive Voice different Passive worksheet
Grammar - Using Passive Voice Voice
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L6 Practise Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction some points of view and Your English about feelings and evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them emotions;
with the students’ point of Writing Completing Individual
view; 70 Passive Voice; Continuous work 1
-Testing the level of written Adverbial Clauses; evaluation
and/or oral skill and knowledge Prepositions, Unless
Written acquired while studying the and Lest. Grammar
Interaction current unit Feedback worksheet
- Practical application of L7 Test Paper
knowledge and skills acquired 71 nr. 4 Test in Grammar 1
Written Individual
Evaluation while studying this unit.
evaluation work
72 Analysis of Error correction 1
the test
Unit V: It’s a Media World - 15 hours

Teaching and Evaluatio
Competenc Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Resources h Date Notes
Learning activities n
Spoken - Creating and delivering a L1 In formation Speaking: Talking Oral Brainstorming;
Interaction formal speech that will contain 73 about mass media; evaluation 1
and Culture and introduction, arguments, a Clustering;
conclusion based on sound The secret Reading: The text Continuous
reasoning; of....happiness “The Secret is evaluation Debating
74 1
Reading happiness”;
- Reading a text to identify its Post reading activities; Silent reading
theme and main idea, Types of Writing Written
characters, time; newspapers Writing an Article evaluation
Written - Decoding unknown vocabulary 75 and Portfolio: Expressing 1
Interaction in context; magazines your opinion about
-Writing an informative essay media. Feedback
with an introduction, body and Tenses – Grammar: Using Grammar chart
Grammar conclusion; Active Voice Tenses – Active Voice worksheet
76 1
- Using Tenses – Active Voice
Spoken - Creating and delivering a L2 Watching the Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction formal speech that will contain 77 Box about types of films evaluation
and Culture and introduction, arguments, a and Television
conclusion based on sound Programmes
reasoning; 78 Reading the text 1
What Do You about “What Do You
Reading -Reading a text to identify its Watch Watch”; Continuous Silent reading
theme and main idea, evaluation
characters, time and space Post reading activities;
frame; Fact and Opinion;
Written -Decoding unknown vocabulary Writing Individual
Interaction in context; Writing an Written work
advertisement Need a evaluation
Grammar - Proper use of I wish /If only 1
79 I wish /If only friend.
Feedback Grammar
Grammar: Using worksheet
I wish /If only
Spoken -Identifying the main ideas of L3 Cyber Smart Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction oral texts on everyday life What Cyber about Media evaluation
and Culture topic; Teen Are You? Stereotype; Debate
-Performing a series of tasks in
80 1
Listening an appropriate way; Conversation
Reading the text Continuous
Word Study “Mark Zuckerberg”; evaluation
Reading -Finding the meaning of words; Silent reading

Writing Written
-Creating and delivering a formal Internet evaluation
speech that will contain and 81 addiction Portfolio: Writing Pair-work 1
Written introduction, arguments, a
Create your Ideal
Interaction conclusion based on sound Feedback
reasoning; Scenario for a film
Collocation: Grammar: Using Written Grammar
Grammar -Using Homographs/ Homographs/ Homographs/ evaluation worksheet
82 Homophones; Homophones; 1

Spoken -Performing a series of tasks in L4 That’s News Speaking: What Oral Conversation
Interaction an appropriate way; makes good news?; evaluation
and Culture Comparison
-Translating sentences of average
difficulty; 83 Reading the text “No Debating 1
Reading No Story by Story”;
-Reading a text to identify its O. Henry Continuous
theme and main idea, Describing the plot of evaluation
characters, time and space the story.
frame; Drawing Writing: Written Group work
Written Conclusions evaluation
Interaction -Supporting a point of view with 84 Portfolio Writing the 1
relevant arguments while ending to the story.
exchanging written messages
Grammar on cultural/ literary topics. Word Grammar: Using Feedback Grammar chart
Formation: Word Formation: Worksheet
85 Compound Compound Adjectives 1
-Word Formation: Compound Adjectives
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L5 Practise Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction some points of view and Your English about Media evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing them Stereotype, TV and
with the students’ point of 86 Internet addiction; Individual 1
view; Continuous work

Written Grammar Writing Completing

Interaction -Testing the level of written revision Active Voice; Feedback Grammar
and/or oral skill and knowledge Compound Adjectives; worksheet
acquired while studying the 87 If only/ I wish. 1
current unit

- Practical application of
knowledge and skills acquired L6 Test Paper 1
while studying this unit. nr. 5 Test in Grammar
Written Individual 1
Analysis of Error correction evaluation work
the test
Unit VI: It’s a Beautiful World - 17 hours
Teaching and Evaluatio
Competenc Sub-Competences № Lesson Content Resources h Date Notes
Learning activities n
Spoken - Creating and delivering a L1 In Harmony Speaking: Talking Oral Brainstorming;
Interaction formal speech that will with nature about nature; evaluation
and Culture contain and introduction, Defining Nature, Clustering;
arguments, a conclusion Natural laws and
based on sound reasoning; 90 Harmony 1
Reading What is Reading: The text Continuous
- Reading a text to identify its Nature? “The Forces of evaluation Debating
theme and main idea, Nature”;
characters, time and space Silent reading
Written frame; Post reading activities;
Interaction - Decoding unknown The Wild Life Writing Written
vocabulary in context; of Moldova: Thank – You Note evaluation
-Writing an informative essay 91 Problems and Writing 1
Grammar with an introduction, body Solutions
and conclusion; Feedback
Grammar: Using Grammar chart
- Using Adverbs; 92 Adverbs Adverbs; worksheet 1

Spoken - Creating and delivering a L2 The Sense of Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction formal speech that will 93 Beauty about beauty of Nature evaluation 1
and Culture contain and introduction,
arguments, a conclusion 94 Reading the text 1
based on sound reasoning; Beauty and about “Beauty and
Physical Physical Continuous Silent reading
Reading -Reading a text to identify its Attractiveness Attractiveness” evaluation
theme and main idea,
characters, time and space Post reading activities;
frame; Fact and Opinion;
Written -Decoding unknown
Interaction vocabulary in context;
Writing Individual
Grammar - Proper use of Modal Verbs People I Making a two-minute Written work
admire presentation about evaluation
student’s point of view 1
95 on beauty. Feedback Grammar
Describing People worksheet
Grammar: Using
Modal Verbs
Spoken -Identifying the main ideas of L3 The World Is Speaking: Talking Oral Discussion
Interaction oral texts on everyday life a Beautiful about beautiful places evaluation
and Culture topic; Place of the world; Debate
-Performing a series of tasks in 96 1
Reading the text “The
Listening an appropriate way; Continuous Conversation
Seeing See Little”; evaluation Silent reading
Reading -Finding the meaning of words;
97 Writing Written
Autobiography Portfolio: Writing “If evaluation
I were given the use of Pair-work 1
-Creating and delivering a
formal speech that will my eyes for just three
Written contain and introduction, days I would...”
Interaction arguments, a conclusion Pronouns and Grammar: Using Written Grammar
based on sound reasoning; Nouns Pronouns and Nouns evaluation worksheet
98 1
Grammar -Using Pronouns and Nouns;
Spoken -Listening to and presenting L4 Practise Speaking: Talking Oral Conversation
Interaction some points of view and Your English about feelings and evaluation
and Culture opinions and comparing 99 emotions; Continuous Individual 1
them with the students’ point evaluation work
of view;
Writing Completing Feedback Grammar
100 1
Written -Testing the level of written Passive Voice; worksheet
Interaction and/or oral skill and Adverbial Clauses;
knowledge acquired while Prepositions, Unless
studying the current unit and Lest.
Grammar revision
- Practical application of Final Test
knowledge and skills Paper 1
101 Written Individual
Evaluation acquired while studying this Test in Grammar
evaluation work
unit. Analysis of 1
the test

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