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QoS Aware Mixed Traffic Packet Scheduling in OFDMA Based LTE-Advanced


R. Kausar, Y. Chen, K. K. Chai, L. Cuthbert and J. Schormans

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
London E1 4NS, UK

Abstract— In this paper a packet scheduling framework is This is because different service types are competing for
proposed for LTE-Advanced downlink transmission. The radio resources to fulfill their QoS requirements. To allocate
proposed framework adds the new functionality of an adaptive radio resources efficiently and intelligently in such complex
TD scheduler with built-in congestion control to the existing environments is challenging. Various methods have been
conventional QoS aware PS algorithms. It optimizes multiuser proposed aiming to use radio resources efficiently to fulfill
diversity in both the time and frequency domains by jointly QoS requirements of different traffic types [4] [16] [17].
considering the channel condition, queue status and the QoS In [4], a service differentiation scheme is used which
feedback. The framework aims to improve the system spectral classify mixed traffic into different service classes and grants
efficiency by optimizing the use of available resources while
different scheduling priorities to them. Two types, VoIP and
maintaining QoS requirements of different service classes and
BE are considered and the results show an improvement in
a certain degree of fairness among users. The results show an
improved QoS of Real Time traffic and a fair share of radio
RT QoS at the cost of system spectral efficiency, when the
resources to Non Real Time traffic types. RT queue is granted the highest priority. In [5], an urgency
factor is used to boost the priority of a particular service.
Keywords- Packet schedulingPS, OFDMA, QoS, LTE-A. When any packet from a service flow is about to exceed its
upper bound of QoS requirement, its priority is increased by
adding an urgency factor. Although most of the packets are
sent when they are nearly ready to expire, a lower packet loss
Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) is an all-IP is achieved thus improving the performance of system by
based future wireless communication network that is aiming guaranteeing QoS requirements to different services. In
to support a wide variety of applications and services with mixed traffic scenarios, queue state information (QSI)
different QoS requirements. It is targeting superior becomes very important in addition to channel state
performance in terms of spectral efficiency, system information (CSI) [6] [15]. A time domain multiplexing
throughput, QoS and service satisfaction when compared (TDM) system based Modified Largest Waited Delay First
with existing 3GPP wireless networks [1]. (M-LWDF) is presented in [6] which takes into account both
As one of the core functionalities in radio resource QSI and CSI. This algorithm serves a user with the
management, PS plays an important role in optimizing the maximum product of Head of Line (HOL) packet delay,
network performance and it has been under extensive channel condition and an arbitrary positive constant. This
research in recent years. Different PS algorithms have been constant is used to control the packet delay distribution for
deployed aiming at utilizing the scare radio resource different users. This algorithm is applied in a frequency
efficiently. The classic PS algorithms exploiting multiuser domain multiplexing (FDM) system in [7] to optimize sub-
diversity are the MAX C/I and Proportional Fairness (PF) carrier allocation in OFDMA based networks. It shows
algorithms. MAX C/I algorithm allocates a physical resource improved performance in terms of QoS but like M-LWDF
block (PRB) to a user with the highest channel gain on that updates the queues state each TTI rather than after each sub-
PRB, and can maximize the system throughput [2]. The PF carrier allocation. In [8] M-LWDF is modified by updating
algorithm takes fairness among users into consideration and the queue status after every sub-carrier allocation. It takes
allocates resources to users based on the ratio of their into account RT and NRT traffic types and provides better
instantaneous throughput and its acquired time averaged QoS for both services. The results show an improvement in
throughput [3]. However these algorithms aim only at delay for RT and throughput for NRT service. However this
improving resource utilization based on channel conditions idea can be extended to more intelligent scheduling
of users; QoS requirements, e.g. delay requirements of real framework by adding more traffic types and making resource
time (RT) service or minimum throughput requirements of allocation more adaptive based on QoS.
non-real time (NRT) service, are not considered at all. In the In a multi-service environment, the crucial point is to
next generation networks, apart from system throughput and clearly define the QoS requirements of different services,
user fairness, the crucial point is to fulfill users’ QoS their demands for radio resources and their channel
requirements in a multi-service mixed traffic environment. conditions and queue status to support their demands.
Combined consideration of this information can lead to a The detailed description of the functionality of each unit,
more efficient PS algorithm, which can be further optimized the algorithms and policies used in each unit is presented
for network level congestion control by giving QoS below.
The work in this paper addresses the scheduling problem A. Traffic differentiator and prioritizing unit
in a multi-service wireless environment where the The need for a differentiator arises when there are
competition to get radio resources is keen and there are strict different traffic types demanding radio resources with
QoS requirements. A novel PS framework is proposed with different QoS requirements. In such an environment it
added functionalities, to achieve better QoS of different becomes very important to classify traffic in service queues
traffic types, a fair share of throughput among users and to enable queue specific prioritizing schemes to be applied
improved spectral efficiency. The proposed PS framework flexibly. Service classification is in fact the first step
segregates different types of traffic and sorts users in the towards optimizing utilization of available radio resources
service specific queues based on different queue sorting
while dealing with mixed traffic. This is because with
algorithms. A built-in congestion control pre-SUs is
complete knowledge of QoS requirements of each class, just
introduced in the TD which makes the system more adaptive
to meet QoS guarantees of RT traffic and prevent NRT enough radio resources can be allocated to these classes.
traffic from starvation. Multiuser diversity in both time and The QoS guarantees become more feasible when radio
frequency domain are exploited by frequent updating of resources are allocated according to the well-defined
queue state information and channel condition which leads to demands of traffic types rather than by estimation.
a balance prioritizing among users of different traffic types. In the proposed scheduling architecture mixed traffic is
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 classified in four queues; Control (control information), RT
gives a detailed description of the proposed PS framework. conversational traffic (voice), NRT streaming (video file
Section 3 presents system model and its performance download) and background (email, SMS). These queues are
metrics. The simulation model and results are described in chosen for the present study because they cover most of the
section 4 and finally conclusions are presented in section 5. common data types including low latency, high throughput
and low priority. The Background traffic represents the best
II. PROPOSED SCHEDULING FRAMEWORK effort (BE) class of traffic and does not have any QoS
A schematic diagram of proposed scheduling requirements. The control traffic is the most important
framework is shown in Fig. 1. traffic type so it is put into a dedicated queue and served
before other traffic types. In the present work control
information for downlink (DL) scheduling is considered
only as this study is for downlink transmission of LTE-A
In the proposed PS framework, one user is assumed to
have one service type and one scheduling unit (SU) carries
the information about user, service type and buffer status.
The queues in the differentiator are prioritized from top to
bottom that is Control, RT, NRT and Background
respectively. After differentiation, SUs are sorted within the
queues using different queue sorting algorithms. The
Control queue SUs are sorted by Round Robin (RR)
algorithm because all control information has to be equally
important, meanwhile RT, NRT and Background queue SUs
are sorted by using queue specific priority metrics.
Fig.1 Proposed scheduling framework
RT Traffic

The framework is composed of three main units: a traffic The QoS requirement for RT traffic is defined as
d k  DBRT where d k is delay of user k , DB
differentiator and prioritizing unit, a TD adaptive scheduler is the
with built-in congestion control and a frequency domain delay budget for RT traffic. The delay budget for RT traffic
(FD) scheduler where resources are mapped to users is 40ms [8] [18] in OFDMA based networks. If this
according to priority order selected in TD. Compared with condition is not met then the SUs will be dropped from the
other PS algorithms, the novelty of the proposed framework queue. A delay dependent queue sorting algorithm is used
lies mainly in the TD adaptive scheduler. However in the for RT users and the priority metric is formed by the product
traffic differentiator and prioritizing unit, delay-dependent of normalized Head of Line (HOL) delay and the complex
queue-sorting algorithms make a difference compared with channel gain of the users. The Normalized HOL delay is a
the schemes used in reference paper. ratio of user’s waiting time and the delay budget for RT
traffic. The waiting time of a user is equal to number of data rate of user k at PRB m if m is allocated to k else it
transmission time intervals (TTIs) during which the user has is zero.
not been allocated. The priority of user k at time t, pk (t) is
Background Traffic
pk t   FkRT t  H kRT t  (1)
Background traffic has no QoS requirements so priority
Where, H RT
is the channel gain of user k and F RT is is given to BE users based only on channel conditions.
kK k K
However to maintain some fairness between users, the
normalized waiting time of user k at time t given by. proportional fairness (PF) algorithm is used as the queue
TWaiting sorting algorithm for Background queue. The priority of
K t  
FkRT (2)
DB RT user k at time t, pk (t) is

Pk t  
Where Twaiting is the waiting time, DB RT is upper bound (6)
of delay for RT traffic.
In each TTI, the user with the highest priority value is Where rk is instantaneous throughput, Rk is average
sorted at the front of the queue followed by users with throughput of user k as defined previously.
priority value in descending order.
After prioritizing users in the queues the TD adaptive
NRT Traffic scheduler picks specific proportion of users from the
The priority metric for NRT streaming video traffic is queues.
the product of normalized HOL delay of each user and the B. Time Domain adaptive scheduler
ratio of its instantaneous throughput and the average
throughput over a given time interval. In this queue the This unit aims at guaranteeing the QoS of RT traffic and
throughput ratio is used instead of channel gain to provide a at the same time ensuring fairness for NRT traffic. It
balance between throughput and fairness. SUs are arranged allocates just enough resources to meet the QoS
according to the highest value of this priority metric thus not requirements of RT and remaining resources are allocated to
only satisfying their QoS requirements but also exploiting NRT services based on the requirements of service types.
multiuser diversity in TD. The priority of user k at time t, This scheduler unit enhances the adaptability of the whole
pk (t) is framework by collecting the QoS feedback, such as SU drop
rate, as its input to make decisions on the TD adaptive
Pk t   FkNRT
K t  
rk (3) scheduling policy selection. The system is said to be in
Rk congestion when the QoS of the RT service is not met and
due to system load RT SUs are dropping frequently. The TD
Where FkRT K
is normalized waiting time of user k at time t adaptive scheduling unit is integrated with a built-in policy
and is given by based congestion control that controls congestion of the
system in the network.
K (t ) 
FkNRT (4) The TD adaptive scheduling algorithm works as follows.
Let the total number of available PRBs be denoted
Where, Twaiting is the waiting time, DB is upper bound by C . If  denotes the proportion of PRB assigned to RT
of delay for NRT streaming video traffic, rk is instantaneous users and (1   )C is assigned to NRT users then  can be
adaptively adjusted according to the practical user
throughput and Rk is average throughput of user k .
distribution or QoS of RT traffic. The proportion of capacity
The time average throughput of user k is updated by the given to the NRT traffic for this paper is further divided in
moving average as below as used in [9] and many other different types of the NRT traffic (control, NRT streaming
papers, video and Background) such that first the control queue is
allocated enough PRBs to deliver control information of all
 1 users and then rest of the PRBs are allocated to the NRT
Rk t  1  1   Rk t   t 
 (5)
M /
m1 k ,m and the Background queue. In this way control queue is at
 tc  tc
the top and is always allocated enough PRBs.
Where tc is the length of time window to calculate the In this paper, three built-in congestion control policies
average data rate, 1 is called the attenuation co-efficient are chosen to exemplify the adaptive capability of TD
adaptive scheduler in which the value of  is changed
with the widely used value 0.001, rk , m t  is the acquired
according to network conditions. The value of  is changed
based on a threshold  which is set using the drop rate of Where, B is the bandwidth of each PRB,  2 is the noise
SUs of RT traffic. When the number of SUs dropped power density and    ln 5R  is the SNR gap
exceeds the threshold  , the built-in congestion control 1.5
policy changes accordingly to reduce SUs drop rate. The determined by bit error rate BER.
distribution of the NRT capacity is adjusted according to the In the proposed framework, users are served by one of
the differentiated queues depending on their QoS
buffer status and requirements of NRT service types such as
requirements. For example RT users must not exceed their
streaming traffic is more important and more frequently delay bounds, NRT users must achieve their minimum data
requested service than Background traffic and control rate and there should be fairness among Background users.
information is always less than actual data to be sent. At a given time t, PRBs are allocated to users by the
In this paper, the PS algorithm in [4] with fair TD following algorithm.
scheduling is considered as our reference algorithm. The TD Step 1: Initialize queues for all traffic types and the
scheduler in [4] uses conventional channel dependent queue number of PRBs.
sorting algorithms and gives priority to different queues Step 2: Sort users in these queues according to queue
sorting algorithms given in equations 1, 3 and 6 for different
from the top to bottom based on fair scheduling or by strict
traffic types.
priority. In fair scheduling one user is picked from each
Step 3: Select a number of users from these queues
queue at a time, starting from top queue and in strict priority according to built-in policies in TD adaptive scheduler.
queues are emptied completely one by one. In FD, resources Step 4: Allocate PRB to the user with the highest priority.
are mapped in priority order to the users selected in TD. Step 5: Remove the allocated PRB from the PRB list and
C. Frquency Domain scheduler the allocated user from the user list.
Step 6: Go to step 4 if the PRB list is not empty else go to
Resources are actually mapped to SUs in the FD next TTI.
scheduler according to the priority selected in TD. Multiuser Resource allocation is completed when all PRBs are
diversity is exploited by using channel dependent allocated.
proportional fair (PF) algorithm in FD. For each SU, the We analyze the propose PS framework under performance
best PRB is selected out of available PRBs and is allocated metrics of system throughput, user fairness and QoS of
to this SU. different traffic types. The system average throughput is the
III. SYSTEM MODEL AND PERFORMANCE METRICS sum of average throughput across all users.
We consider an OFDMA system in which the minimum To measure the fairness among users Raj Jain fairness
allocation unit is considered 1 PRB containing 12 sub- index is adopted that is given as below as used in [10][11],
carriers in each TTI. The DL channel is a fading channel 2
K ~ 
 Rk 
within each scheduling drop. The received symbol
k , m t  at the mobile user k on sub channel m is the sum Fairness   kK1  2
 ~ 
of White Gaussian Noise and the product of actual data and K   Rk 
channel gain as shown below, k 1  
k , m t    k , m t  k , m  k , m t  (7)
The value of fairness index is 1 for the highest fairness
Where,  k , m t  is the complex channel gain of sub channel when all users have same throughput. In Eq. (10), K is the
m for user k ,  k ,m t  is data symbol from eNB to user k ~
total number of users and Rk is the time average
at sub channel m and k, m t  is complex White Gaussian
throughput of user k .
Noise [8]. It is assumed as in [4], [5], [8] and [14] that the
power allocation is the same, Pm t   P
The value of SU drop rate and the average delay of RT
on all sub
M traffic are used to evaluate QoS of RT traffic. SU drop rate
channels. Where, P is the total transmit power, Pm t  is the is calculated by the ratio of number of RT SUs dropped to
total number of RT SUs. In addition, the average delay for
power allocated at sub channel m and M is total number of all NRT traffic is also calculated to prevent NRT traffic
sub channels. At the start of each scheduling drop, the
channel state information  k , m t  is known by the eNodeB.
from starvation.

The channel capacity of user k on sub channel m can IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

be calculated by using Eq. (8) as used in [5] [8],

A. Simulation model
 H k , m t  

Ck , m t    log2 1  Pm t 
   2  We consider a single cell OFDMA system with total
  system bandwidth of 10 MHz and PRB size of 180 kHz.
Total system bandwidth is divided into 55 PRBs. The
simulation parameters used for system level simulation are Fig.3 shows the delay of average RT traffic under
based on [12] and these are typical values used in many different system load when reference and the proposed
papers. The wireless environment is typical Urban Non Line algorithms are used. The standalone PF algorithm has no
of Sight (NLOS) and the LTE system works with a carrier functionality for QoS of RT traffic that is why it is not
frequency of 2GHz. The most suitable path loss model in included in this analysis.
this case is the COST 231Walfisch-Ikegami (WI) [13] as
used in many other papers on LTE.
Users are assumed to have a uniform distribution and the
total number of RT users is assumed to be equal to total
number of NRT users as in [8]. Each TTI is 1 ms and the
delay upper bound for RT traffic is taken 40 ms which is
equivalent to 40 time slots. Total eNB transmission power is
46dBm (40w) and BER is 104 for all users.
B. Simulation results
The performance of the proposed framework is
evaluated by comparing it with the stand alone PF and QoS
aware PF scheme in [4] referred to as the reference scheme
Fig.2 shows the average delay of RT users with different Fig.3 Delay under different system loads
adaptive TD scheduler policies for 80 active users. The RT delay increases with system load for both
reference and the proposed algorithm. However delay with
proposed algorithm remains lower than the reference
algorithm as shown. In Fig.4 SUs drop rate for RT traffic
under different system load is shown for the proposed and
the reference algorithms.

Fig.2 Comparison of TD adaptive scheduler policies

The average delay for RT traffic decreases as RT

capacity proportion is increased and increases as RT
capacity proportion is decreased. This change in average Fig.4 Sceduling unit drop rate Vs system load
delay of RT traffic is shown by solid line in Fig. 2. However There is no SU drop up to a load of 70 active users with
by increasing RT capacity, the average delay of NRT traffic proposed algorithm; however after that SU drop rate
does get very high. The average delay of RT and NRT increases at a tolerable rate. The SUs drop rate for reference
traffic is analyzed under a number of TD adaptive algorithm is zero when total number of users is 50 which is
scheduling policies to find a good trade-off so that RT lower than the available number of PRBs (55). However
traffic may not exceed its delay upper bound and at the same with the increase in system load, SUs drop rate for reference
time the QoS of NRT may be satisfied. For this particular algorithm increases significantly as shown.
user distribution, the policy (70%, 30%) shows a balance
point where both RT and NRT can get reasonable capacity Fig.5 shows throughput and fairness comparison of
proportion and it is adopted as the default policy in the next reference, proposed and PF algorithm. These simulations are
results. The proposed algorithm will start with (70%, 30%) done under the same system load of 110 users.
policy and will be able to switch to other policies depending
on network conditions.
Throughput (Gbits/s)

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