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Grade 10 3rd Period Module 3 Units 7, 8 & 9 2nd Term

No Word Definitions Meaning

1. Crude oil Oil in its natural condition , before it is separated into ‫النفط الخام‬
different products
2. entirely Completely ‫ كليا‬- ‫تماما‬
3. finite Having limits or bounds ‫ غير متجدد‬-‫محدود – متناه‬
4. Fossil fuel A natural fuel such as coal or gas , formed from the ‫وقود مستخرج من األرض بالحفر‬
remains of living organisms
5. Fractional Separation of a liquid mixture into fractions by boiling ‫التقطير الجزئي‬
distillation at different temperatures
6. polymer A substance that has a molecular structure consisting ‫ مركب كيميائي يشكل‬:‫البوليمر‬
chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units ‫بالتبلمر‬
bonded together , e.g. many synthetic organic materials
used as plastics and resins
7. refining The removal of impurities or unwanted elements from ‫التصفية – تكرير – تنقية‬
a substance , typically as part of an industrial process
8. invisible Cannot be seen ‫مخفي – محجوب – غير منظور‬
9. megawatt A unit of power equal to one million watts ‫الميجاوات‬
10. resolve To settle or find a solution ‫ يحل – يحلل‬-
11. spoil To damage or destroy the value of something ‫ يتلف‬- ‫يفسد‬-
12. actually As the truth or facts of a situation ; really ‫ فعال‬- ‫في الحقيقة – في الواقع‬
13. appliance A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a ‫أداة – جهاز منزلي‬
specific task , typically at home
14. breakdown A mechanical failure ‫ تعطل‬-
15. generate To make electricity ‫ ينتج‬- ‫يولد – يلد – يحدث‬
16. last To continue for a specified period of time ‫ يستمر‬- ‫يدوم – يبقي‬
17. motoring The activity of driving a car ‫السياقة‬
18. strong Great or powerful ‫قوي‬
19. asthma A medical condition that causes difficulties in ‫الربو‬
20. congestion The state of being congested-full of traffic ‫ اكتظاظ‬- ‫ ازدحام‬-
21. consult To ask for information or advice ‫ يتشاور‬- ‫يستشير‬
22. diminish To get smaller ‫ يقلل – ينقص‬-
23. End up with To be in a situation that you did not intend or want to ‫ينتهي به‬
be in because of something that has happened to you or
something you have done
24. government The governing body of a nation , region or community ‫حكومة‬
25. hazardous Risky ; dangerous ‫خطر – فيه مخاطرة – منطو‬
‫علي مخاطرة‬
26. irreversible Not able to be undone or changed : ‫اليقلب أو يعكس – ال يلغي‬
‫متعذر إلغاؤه – اليمكن تغييره‬
27. motorist The driver of a car ‫ سائق السيارة‬-
28. procure To obtain something ‫ يحصل علي – يدبر‬-
29. recently A short time ago , in the past few days / weeks / ‫مؤخرا – حديثا‬
months , a little while back
30. Self-employed Working for oneself rather than for a company ‫المهنة الحرة – ذو مهنة حرة‬
31. smog Fog that is filled with pollution :‫مزيج من ضباب ودخان‬
32. squander To waste or lose something foolishly – ‫يبدد – يشتت – يبدد ماال‬
‫ يسرف‬- ‫يبذر‬

33. wastes The careless , extravagant or purposeless use of – ‫نفايات – تبديد – إضاعة‬
something ‫مهمل – ضائع– إهدار‬
34. Contact lens A thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the ‫العدسات الالصقة‬
eye to correct visual defects
35. Cure-all A medicine or product that can cure a wide variety of ‫ دواء لجميع‬: ‫الدواء العام‬
problems ‫األمراض‬
36. currently At the present time ‫حاليا – اآلن – في الوقت‬
37. draw To take ‫يجر – يسحب – ينتزع‬
38. Gold-coated Covered with gold ‫ مغطي بالذهب‬-
39. innovate To make changes in something established ‫ يجدد‬- ‫يبتدع – يبتكر‬
40. instantly At once ; immediately ‫ حاال‬- ‫توا – فورا‬
41. latest The most recent ‫ أحدث‬-‫آخر‬
42. Micro-robot A tiny robot ‫آلي دقيق‬
43. nanoshell An extremely tiny case implanted in the body to fight ‫جهاز صغير يزرع في الجسم‬
disease ‫لمقاومة المرض‬
44. satnav Navigation that uses information from satellites ‫اإلبحار باستخدام األقمار‬
45. shock A sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience ‫صدمة‬
46. sophisticated ( of a machine , system or technique) developed to a ‫متطور – معقد‬
high degree of complexity
47. tumour A swelling of a part of the body ‫الورم – ورم خبيث‬
48. Bio-fuel Fuel made from living matter ‫الوقود الحيوي‬
49. Implement To put an action or a change into effect ‫ ينفذ‬- ‫ينجز – يحقق‬
50. obstacle A thing that blocks one's way ‫عقبة – عائق‬
51. outlandish Looking or sounding strange or unfamiliar ‫أجنبي – غريب – غير مألوف‬
52. suspension A part attached to the wheels of a vehicle to cushion it ‫مجموعة من النوابض تحمل‬
from road conditions ‫الجزء األعلى من العربة علي‬
‫محاور العجالت – نظام التعليق‬
53. Windscreen A rubber blade used to clear rain from a windscreen ‫المساحة الزجاجية األمامية‬
54. bifocal ( of special glasses ) having two different focal ‫ نظارة ذات‬-‫ثنائي البؤرة‬
lengths , one for distant vision and one for near vision ‫عدستين ثنائيتي البؤرة للبصر‬
‫القريب والبصر البعيد‬
55. frequent Happening or doing something often ‫متكرر الحدوث – مألوف‬
56. instigate To bring about or initiate ( an action or event ) ) ‫يحرض ( علي القيام بعمل ما‬
‫– يثير‬-
57. legible ( of handwriting or print ) clear enough to read ‫واضح – مقروء‬
58. obedient Obeying commands ‫مطيع – مذعن‬
59. patient Able to wait without becoming annoyed or anxious ‫صبور – حليم‬
60. reputation The beliefs or opinions that are generally held about ‫ سمعة حسنة – شهرة‬- ‫سمعة‬
someone or something
61. software The programs used by a computer ‫البرامج‬
62. spot A particular place or point ‫وصمة – بقعة‬
63. anniversary The date on which an event took place in a previous ‫الذكري السنوية‬
64. Heart rate The speed of your heart beat ‫معدل نبضات القلب‬
65. recharge To restore electrical power in a device ‫ يعيد شحن‬-

66. remind To cause(someone) to remember someone or ‫ ينبه‬- ‫يذكر‬

67. terminal A device at which a user enters data for a computer ‫جهاز إلدخال المعلومات‬
system and that displays the received output ‫للكمبيوتر‬
68. torso The trunk of the human body ‫جذع التمثال أو اإلنسان‬
69. transmit To send an electric signal ‫ ينقل – يرسل‬-
70. trespass To enter the owner's land or property without ‫ وبخاصة يدخل‬: ‫يتعدي علي‬
permission ‫أراضي شخص آخر دخوال غير‬
‫مشروع – تجاوز‬
71. wearer The person wearing something , especially clothing ‫ البس‬- ‫مرتدي‬
72. accounting The action or process of keeping financial accounts ‫المحاسبة‬
73. barter To exchange ( goods or services ) for other goods or ‫ يقايض‬-
services without using money
74. confidentiality Where someone is trusted to keep private information a ‫ بصورة تتم‬: ‫السرية – سرا‬
secret ‫عن ثقة بالمخاطب‬
75. economics Relating to trade , industry and the management of ‫علم االقتصاد‬
76. insurance An arrangement with a company in which you pay ‫التأمين‬
small amounts of money to guarantee loss of property
or damage
77. invest To buy shares , property or goods because you hope ‫يستثمر – يثمر – يوظف ماال‬
the value will increase and you can make a profit
78. investment The sum of money invested to make a profit ‫استثمار‬
79. loan A thing that is borrowed , especially a sum of money , ‫القرض‬
that is expected to be paid back
80. management The process of dealing with or controlling things or ‫اإلدارة‬
81. transaction An instance of buying or selling something ‫ معاملة تجارية‬-‫الصفقة‬
82. billionaire Someone who has assets more than a billion dollars or ‫البليونير‬
83. charitable Relating to giving help to those in need ‫ محسن – متصدق‬- ‫خيري‬
‫علي الفقراء‬
84. inherit To receive money or property from who has died ‫يرث‬
85. philanthropic ( of a person or organization ) donating money to good – ‫محب للبشر – خير –إنساني‬
caused and promoting the welfare of those in need ‫ مناصر‬-‫معتمد علي الصدقات‬
‫بأموال ابر‬
86. Tax return A form used to calculate the amount of tax owed ‫نظام حساب الضريبة – العائد‬
87. auction A public sale in which goods or property are sold to the ‫مزاد علني‬
highest bidder
88. complimentary Something given for free ‫مجاني‬
89. login A process of starting a computer system ‫االتصال‬
90. shipping The transport of goods by sea or other means ‫الشحن‬
91. Tax A compulsory payment to the government , used to pay ‫ضريبة‬
for public services
92. affluent Having a great deal of money ;wealthy ‫ فياض‬- ‫وافر – غني‬
93. evil Very bad , harmful or wicked ‫ مؤذ‬- ‫فاسد – ضار – رديء‬
94. extinct ( of a species , family or other larger group ) having no ‫ بائد‬- ‫منقرض‬
living members

95. generosity The quality of being kind and sharing ‫الكرم – شهامة – سماحة‬
‫ الكرم‬: ‫النفس وبخاصة‬

96. gross To produce or earn ( an amount of money ) as total ‫يربح ( أو يغل ) ربحا غير‬
profit or income ‫صاف‬
97. In this sense A way in which an expression or a situation can be ‫بهذا المعني‬
98. profit A financial gain , especially the difference between the ‫ فائدة‬- ‫ربح – نفع‬
amount earned and the amount spent
99. spur To encourage ‫ يستحث‬- ‫يحث‬
100. success Achievement ‫نجاح‬

Set Book Questions

Grade 10 Module Three Unit 7
1-There are many sources of energy. Mention them .
a- Oil b- Solar c-Coal d- Wave power e- Natural gas
2- Why is it necessary to develop new ways to provide energy?
Because natural resources are finite .
3- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different kinds of energy ?
a- Oil :
Advantages : a - Oil is one of the most abundant energy resources .
b- Oil has high heating value.
Disadvantages: a - It causes pollution.
b- It's very expensive to refine it.
b- Solar :
Advantages : a- It can reduce the household bills .
b- The house can take energy directly from the sun to power
household appliances.
Disadvantages: a - It's very expensive.
c- Wave power :
Advantages : a- Wave energy could provide enough power for the whole planet .
b- Wave farms will be invisible.
Disadvantages: a - Wave farms could be a danger to ships and fish.
b- They may put tourists off .
d- Natural gas :
Advantages : a- It burns clean compared to cola, oil (less polluting).
b- It does not produce ashes after energy release .
Disadvantages: a - It is not a renewable source .
b- It is a finite resource trapped in the earth .
4- What are the renewable oils derived from ?
a- They are derived from grain .
b- Wood chips .
c- Agricultural waste .
5- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the renewable oils ?

Advantages : a- Renewable oil can run most of the vehicles when mix it with crude
oil .
b- It reduces costs and pollution .
c- It ensures that the supply of natural oil lasts longer .
Disadvantages : a- It is difficult to replace the crude oil with renewable oil because
the renewable oil has many other uses .
6- The use of oil and other fuels are the main causes of the environment damage
and global warming . Justify
a-Because of the pollution from vehicles , factories and power stations which has
contributed to environmental problems .

b- Drilling for oil can also have detrimental effects on the environment as it sometimes
involves the destruction of animal habitat .
7- What is meant by oil refining ?
This is the process by which crude oil is split into many different types of oil , which
can then be used for different purposes .
8- Crude oil can be made into many things , like ……
a- Petrol for cars.
b- Polymers for plastic.
c- Tar for roads .
9 - Mention some sources of alternative energy:
a- Wave power . b- Solar energy. c- Wind power .
10- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wave power?
Advantages : a- Wave energy could provide enough power for the whole planet .
b-Wave farms will be invisible.

Disadvantages: a - Wave farms could be a danger to ships and fish.

b- They may put tourists off .

11- What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy ?

Advantages : a- It can reduce the households bills .
b- The house can take energy directly from the sun to power household
appliances .

Disadvantages: a - It's very expensive .

12- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wind energy ?

Advantages : - It can provide enough power to power some cities .

Disadvantages: -They spoil the countryside .

13- Why is it important for governments to invest in new technologies to provide
energy ?
It's very important for governments to do so because it's wrong to rely on certain finite
sources of energy ( gas , oil , and coal ) and not to discover alternative powers .

14-How can energy be saved at home?

a-By switching off any unnecessary lamps.
b- By reducing the use of electric appliances .

15- To save energy used in cars, we must:

a- Share cars with other people who are going to the same place.
b- Use alternative modes of transportation.
c- If you have a big car , you could replace it with a smaller one.

16-What could happen if we don't save energy?

We will end up with irreversible environmental problems.

Unit 8
17-Are you for or against Modern Technology? Why?
* For because:
a- It makes our life more comfortable and easy.
b- It makes communications worldwide faster with an eye blink.
c- It saves our time and efforts.

* Against because:
a- We are living a sedentary life style.
b- Many diseases spread because of lack of movement.

18-Islamic society always respects Science and Scientists. Discuss.

a- Because science strives for clear understanding.
b- Science helps to have a greater understanding of the world .

19- Mention some examples of modern technology and its benefits .

a- The AC system that can keep our houses cool.
b-Cars with satnav that can tell us how to get to anywhere.
c-Computers that can help us to communicate with people .

20- Latest Inventions will seem old – fashioned in just a few years. How?
Because scientists are inventing amazing inventions , such as :
a- The 3D television which allow people to watch 3D TV without wearing special
b- The "Smart Roads" where cars are driven automatically to avoid car accidents and
traffic jams.

21- How are cars changing?

a- Cars are becoming more intelligent .
b- Cars are able to drive themselves .
c-They can avoid danger and obstacles( through the use of complex sensors and
computer systems ) .

22- How is vegetable oil used?

Vegetable oil can be reused to power cars after it has been filtered and cleaned.

23- Why is bio- fuel preferable to petrol as a fuel source?

a- Because it emits less pollution .
b- It reduces wasted oil .
c- It is completely renewable fuel source .
d- It helps to conserve petrol .

24- Fantasy cars are becoming a reality. How?

a- Car lights come on automatically if dark starts.
b- Windscreen wipes are activated if they detect rain.
c-They can adjust certain suspension or engine power depending on the situation .

25-What should a foreign visitor to the Middle East do ?

a-Visitors must cover most of their bodies .
b-Clothing should not attract attention or be worn to show .

26-What shouldn't a foreign visitor to the Middle East do ?

a- They mustn't keep their shoes on when they visit a mosque .
b- They shouldn't shake hands with their left hands .

27- Why do people need to wear glasses?

a- Some people feel comfortably lost without their glasses .
b- Others need them for watching TV or reading.
28- Modern Technology helps people with bad sight by:
a- Inventing eye glasses.
b- Inventing contact lenses.
c- Inventing Laser Surgery.
29- " Smart Clothes" might help saving lives in the future. Discuss.
a- By transmitting a message to a satellite to help rescue teams to find the wearer.
b- By checking the wearer's heart rate and blood pressure and transmit this to a doctor.

30- Robomate is an invention that all housewives wish to get because:

a-It has a webcam that helps to check everything at any time in the house.
b-It likes doing jobs housewives find boring.
c-It can look after the house when the owners are out.

Unit 9
31- What are the different ways of payment ?
a- In Cash b- Cheques c- credit cards c. bartering

32- What are the qualities needed to make a good bank manager?
a- A university degree .
b- Good communication skills.
33- Money is a means to higher values. Explain.
*If it is earned, invested and spent carefully, it will reward the individual, their families
and society.
34-What did people barter for in the past?
a- Animals b- shells c- beads d- leather e- corn f- tobacco…
35- Bartering was very difficult in the past. Do you agree ?
No, because :

a- The world's population was much smaller than it is today.

b- People didn't have to go very far to barter .
36- Where were the first coins made ?
In Lydia .
37- Where were the first banks opened ?
In Babylon in Mesopotamia .
38- Where were the first paper money notes made ?
In China .
39- Where were the first cheques used ?
In Britain .
40-How large is Warren Buffet's fortune ?
Buffett's fortune has been estimated in 2008 at over $ 60 billion.

41- How does he make his fortune?

From investing in undervalued stocks of companies, buying them at prices which he
thought were below their true value .
42. People need money for many purposes such as :
a- To pay for their daily needs.
b- To start a business to make more money.
43: "Money makes the world go round." Do you agree or disagree ? Justify your
answer .
*I agree because :
When some people start a business to make money for themselves, they help their
employees to support their families. If this business stops m the employees lose their
jobs and cannot afford to buy anything .
44. Love of money is sometimes the root of evil. Explain .
a- Money sometimes spurs criminal behavior.
b- It can lead to wars between countries.
45- " Money talks " Explain this proverb .
-It means that money can control our lives , decides on our choices , influences the
others .
- For example , if I have a lot of money , I can control everything in the world and I can
control people too .
46- Why is the National Assembly Building so special?
a- It evokes Kuwait's rich culture heritage.
b- It is a symbol of political representation within Kuwait.
47-The National Assembly building has become a symbol of political
representation within Kuwait.
a- It houses the Kuwaiti parliament, the only parliament in the Gulf.
b- It houses the offices of Kuwait's leading politicians.
48- The sloping roofs of the National Assembly Building serve both a functional
and figurative purpose. Explain.
a- They provide shade for the parking area.
b- They also evoke the traditional Kuwaiti past by representing a traditional souk
covered by a tent.

Best Wishes

Language Practice
Grade 10 Module 3 Unit 7

I - Vocabulary
A: Choose the correct answer from ( a ,b ,c or d ) :

1- A :.Have you furnished your house ?

.B. Not yet. Some ………………….are still needed
a) insurance b) generosity c) software d) appliances

2- A : In less than three years he had ………………….the entire family fortune.

B : What does he do ?

a) squandered b) instigated c) recharged d) inherited

3- A : He has ………………….been promoted to Assistant Manager.

B : Congratulations !

a) briefly b) recently c) entirely d) illegally

4- A : Most of the food in the refrigerator had ………………….

B : Because the light went off .

a) bartered b) invested c) spoiled d) spurred

5- A : Police and ………………….organizations urged drivers to keep their speed down.

B : I hope they could do it to prevent car accidents .

a) motoring b) crude oil c) polymer d) megawatt

6- A : Hamad was desperate for money to ………………….his financial problems.

B : He could start new business .

a) draw b) remind c) transmit d) generate

.………… A : The real cost of oil is generally incurred by fractional distillation during oil -7
. B : This is the process by which oil is split into many different types of oil

a) refining b) appliance c) government d) asthma

8- A : After a week in bed I felt ………………….enough to try walking a few steps.

B : Good news !

a) hazardous b) irreversible c) finite d) strong

: B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list

congestion – actually – asthma – crude oil – last – waste – end up with – smog -fossil fuel (
1- A : They say the snow will ………………….until the end of next week.
B : It's a good chance to go skating .

2- A : The traffic ………………….in the city gets even worse during the summer.
B : It is always hot and crowded in the city .

3- A : If Richard, who suffers badly from ………………….had children, they might not get
it .
B : It might not happen .

4- A : Anyone who swims in the river could ………………….a nasty stomach upset.
B: Be careful ! It is dangerous .

5- A : It's a good idea to recycle household ………………….

B: By this way we can save the environment .

6- A : He may look 30, but he's ………………….45.

B : But he is smart .

7- A : About 700,000 gallons of ………………….spilled into the Arabian Gulf .

B : It destroys life in the sea .

. A : A: Using ………………….leads to dangerous environmental damage -8

. B: But it's a must
C - Choose the right definition for the underlined words.

1-A: I suffer from a severe obesity .

B: Actually, you should consult a dietician.

.a) to fix or join securely. c) to ask for information or advice

c) to try or attempt. d) to make changes in something established.

2--A: Can't we persuade him to change his mind ?

B: It seems that he has taken an irreversible decision .He's determined.

a) having a great deal of money b) having limits or bounds

c) not be able to be changed d) a thing that block one's way

3- A. Have you seen the accident last night?

:Yes. Both motorists have died. B
.a) the driver of a car b) having limits or bounds
c) the most recent d) a thing that blocks the way

4- A : These drugs diminish blood flow to the brain.

B: You shouldn't take them .

a) to get smaller b) to obtain something
c) to send an electrical signal d) to make electricity

5- A : I admit it was entirely my fault.

B : Never mind . We can correct it .

a) given for free b) completely

c) covered with gold d) the most recent

6- A : It seems like our copy machine has a breakdown every week.

B: Why don't you buy a new one ?

a) very bad , harmful or wicked b) at the present time

c) mechanical failure d) clear enough to read

7- A : The earth has a finite number of resources which we must protect.

B : I totally agree with you .

a) having limits or bounds b) can not be seen

c) a particular place or point d) not be able to changed

8- A : The wind farm may be able to generate enough electricity for 2000 homes.
B: It's preferable to use the alternative energy .

a) to send an electrical signal b) to make electricity

c) to obtain something d) to ask for information

9- A : The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health.

B: They may lead to cancer .

a) a particular place or point b) the most recent

b) given for free d) the driver of a car

10- A : The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.

B: It is a good invention .

a) can not be seen b) happening often

c) at the present time d) completely

11- A : She's managed somehow to procure his telephone number.

B: Has she phoned him yet ?

a) send an electrical signal b) restore electrical power in advance

c) obtain something d) get smaller
Grade 10 Module 3 Unit 8
A: Choose the correct answer from ( a ,b ,c or d ) :
. A: Nowadays , we can use mobile phones to do many things -1
.………………… B: In the future , they will be more
a) economic b) patient c ) sophisticated d) frequent

2- A : The government will ………………….new measures to combat terrorism.

B : It's our duty to help the government .
a) last b) squander c) innovate d) instigate

: B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list

( instantly - outlandish - innovated - anniversary - contact lens – Reputation

1- A : Jack and Kim celebrated their twentieth wedding ………………….in January.

B : Did they invite you ?

2- A : I see you are not wearing your eye glasses .

B : I am wearing ………………….Instead .

3- A : The company has successfully ………………….new products and services.

B: All customers prefer their products .

4- A : She came to the party wearing an/a ………………….costume and blond wig.
B : Oh ! She looks beautiful .

5- A : Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish ………………….

B : Be careful ! They can kill people too .

. A: We should select our friends well -6

. B: ………………….is a very important thing in our society

C - Choose the right definition for the underlined words.

.A: Dr Zueil wrote a lot about his inventions in chemistry-1

.B: I did admire his latest research

.a) closed very securely. c) the most recent

c) having a great deal of money. d) dull; tedious and repetitious

2- A: What does this device do ?

: B It transmits wireless signal to all the computers at home.
a) covered with gold b) make electricity
c) send electrical signs d)clear enough

. A : His job involved making frequent trips to Saudi Arabia -3

? B : What's his job
a) the most recent b) can not be seen
c) not be able to be changed d) happening often

. A : The firm currently employs 113 people -4

. B : It helps to increase the national income

a) very bad , harmful or wicked b) at the present time

c) a particular place or point d) given for free

.A : Gold-coated nanoshells will be able to find cancer tumours and destroy them -5
. B : There will be big changes in medicine

a) risky , dangerous b) completely

c) covered with gold d) mechanical failure

.A : The letter was torn and dirty but still legible -6

. B : That's right

a) clear enough to read b) can not be seen

c) a thing that block one's way d) highly praised

. A : This place looks like a perfect spot for a picnic -7

. B: Let's camp here

a) lack of food b) against the law

c) a particular place or point d) happening often

. A : I want to recharge the battery of my mobile to call my father -8

. B : You can use my mobile

a) to send an electrical signal b) to restore electrical power in advance

c) to obtain something d) to get smaller

Grade 10 Module 3 Unit 9
A: Choose the correct answer from ( a ,b ,c or d ) :

1-A: Where did you get this wonderful painting ?

B: I bought it from a / an ………………….for valuable things .
a-reputation b- congestion c- starvation d- auction
2- A :There are a lot of new buildings in your city..
B :Yes. Most people want to ………………….their money in buildings
a) generate b) invest c) consult d) remind

: B) Fill in the spaces with words from the list

) ) investments – accounting - inherited
.A: Fahad has become affluent overnight-1
.B: That's because he ………………….a large fortune from his uncle
. A: I'd like to be an accountant in a bank -2
.………………… B: You should get a university degree in
. A : Governments should encourage ………………….in their countries -3
. B: That appears through the facilities that are provided for businessmen
C - Choose the right definition for the underlined words.

. A: Generosity .is a very common value in Kuwaiti society -1

. B: That appears in different situations
a) the quality of being kind and sharing b) mechanical failure
c) given for free d) having limits or bounds

. A : Within just a few years , Bill Gates has become an affluent -2

. B: It's software business ! The most prevailing trade now
a) a thing that block one's way b) having limits or bounds
c) having a great deal of money ; wealthy d) clear enough to read

. A : I've got some complimentary tickets for the theatre tonight -3

? B: Can I come with you
a) the driver of a car b) completely
c) at the present time d) given for free

A : In the movie, the hero has to rescue the world from an evil scientist -4
. B : I don't like that kind of movies
a) happening often b) very bad , harmful or wicked
c) covered with gold d) risky ; dangerous

5- A : Although the tax on cigarettes has doubled , sales are still going up.
B : Most people ignore the dangers of smoking .
a) a compulsory payment to the government b) a particular place or point
c) the most recent d) not able to be changed
From a , b , c and d choose the correct answer :
1- a) What are you going to do ?
b) I think I must ………………….again .
a) to try b) trying c) try d) tries
2- a) Amna may ………………….from London tomorrow .
b) I miss her so much .
a) arrives b) arriving c) arrived d) will arrive
3- a) You should ………………….here .
b) Oh , I'm sorry .
a) don't smoke b) not smokes c) no smoking d) not smoke
. A: Look ! she is going to leave without paying money – 4
. B: She doesn't ………………….pay for water in restaurants
a) has to b) had to c) have to d) must
. A: A long time ago , people ………………….move from place to another place easily -5

. B: That because there weren't fast means of transport

a) can b) couldn't c) could d) should

? A.: Do you like your new car -6
B : Of course I do. It is ………………….than my old one.

a) more comfortable b) very comfortable c) most comfortable comfortable

7- A: Where did you lose your wallet?
B. I lost it………………….the beach.
b) at b) on c) at d) by

8- A: Amelia Earhat ………………….was a female pioneer in aviation ,was the first woman
to fly across the Atlantic.
B: Yes , but her tragic fate still remains as a mystery .
a- whose b- which c-whom d- who
9-A: What's your opinion about the lecture ?
B: Dr. Ahmed gave ………………….lecture so far .
a- more interesting b- most interesting c- interesting d-the most interesting

10-A: They set ………………….before dawn.

B: Do you think that they will get their destination on time?
a- off b-at c-up d- for
11-A: Muslims ………………….keep praying regularly .
B: Of course , it's one of the pillars of Islam .
a-should b-ought to c- must d- have to
Conditional Sentence (Type 1)
Correct the verbs between brackets :
1- a) Hind (not help) you if you don’t help me. ……….........................
b) So what . I don't need her help .

2- a) Please phone me when you reach home . ……….........................

b) I (not phone) you if I’m late.

3- a) Unless she comes on time , she (miss) the bus. ……….........................

b) She always misses it .

4- a) Will you go out tonight ? ……….........................

b) If it doesn’t rain , we (not stay) at home.

5- a) What are your plans for the weekend ? ............…....................

b) If it is fine , we (go) on a picnic.
6- a) If Ahmed plays with us , we (win) the match. ......…..........................
b) But I think he is injured .
7- a) If you do not come at 7 , I (leave) . ……….........................
b) Don't worry . I'll be on time .
8- a) Believe me sir . It was Ali who did it not me . ….................................
b) If Ali is a liar , he (be) punished .
Conditional Sentence (Type 2)
Correct the verbs between brackets :
1- a) What is your advice to me ? ……….........................
b) If I were in your shoes , I (buy) a new car.

2- a) You won't tell anybody , will you ? ……….........................

b) If Ahmed asked me , I (tell) him the truth .

3- a) I ( be ) angry with Nadir if he didn’t lend me the money. ………………………..

b) Don't worry . He won't let you down .

4- a) What are you going to do with that problem ?
b) If I had friends , they (support) me solve it. ………………………..

7- a) What do you think I shoud do ?

b) If she were my sister , I (help) her. ………………………..
8- a) Khalil (come) if we invited him . .……………………
b) But I know you won't do .
9- a) If he didn't come on time , I (leave) him. ………........................
b) I'm sure he will be here before time .
10- a) I ( be ) angry with Nadir if he didn’t lend me the money. ………........................
b) Don't worry . He won't let you down .
Conditional Sentence (Type 3)
Correct the verbs between brackets :
1- a) I'm too tired . I've been painting my room since the morning .
b) If you (ask) me , I’d have helped you . ………………………………

2- a) Ahmed was an hour late to work .

b) He (come) on time if he had been able to . ………………………………

3- a) If I (have) money , I’d have bought this Rolls Roice . ……………………………

b) Dreams are free .

4- a) Had Maha worked hard , she (succeed). ………………….

b) But she is too lazy .

5- a) Why are you late to work ?

b) If I had caught the bus , I (not be) late to work. ………..….....................

6- a) Ahmed (come) on time if he had been able to . …………………………

b) You are right .
7- a) Ali would have phoned if he (arrive) in London. ……….....…..................
b) Maybe his plane is late .
8- a) I sold my car to pay back the bank loan .
b) If you ( ask ) me , I’d have given you the loan . ………..….....................

9- a) It was such a splendid party . We enjoyed it so much .

b) I wish I (have) time to come with you . ………..….....................

10- a) My brother doesn’t do his homework.

b) I wish he ( do ) it. ………………………..

11- a) I wish I ( can ) buy a new car on my next birthday . ………………………..

b) But you haven't got a license yet .

12- a) I wish you ( invite ) me to your party last week . …………………………

b) I called you but you didn't answer .

13-A: Your room is a bit untidy .

B: Yes, I wish I (procure) a robot to clean up the mess. …. ……..……..
14-A: If we continue to use coal at today's speed , it (last) for 60 years only .
B: That's will be a serious problem . ……. ……………
15-A: The twins ( resemble ) each other more strongly when they were young ……………
B: But now they have changed completely.

16-A: Swine flu is a serious disease that (plague) the whole world recently .
B: What a pity? We hope that it will vanish soon . ……..…………….

Do as shown in brackets : -

1. The driver forgot to fasten the seat belt. ( Complete )

I wish he….………………………………………………………………….………..

2- I drove my car crazily , so I had an accident . ( Complete )

I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………

3- My brother did not forgive me for breaking the vase .

I wish ……………………………………………………………………….. ( Complete )

4- My brother will travel to the USA tomorrow .

I wish ……………………………………………………………………. ( Complete )

5- The hunters kill elephants for ivory to get a lot of money .

I wish ……………………………………………………………………….( Complete )

6- Scientists are currently innovating more sophisticated mobile phones. (Change focus)

7- "I finished writing my story yesterday ". said Noura . (Reported Speech)

Best wishes
English Language Depart ment


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