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Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February22, 2011 11:40 AM .
To: GOV Press
Subject: IGYMI: Indiana Democrats Flee Their House

ICYMI: Democrats across the country are fleeing rather than casting votes 0222/NEWS/11 0222004/House-Democrats-f1ee-lndiana-.


House Democrats are leaving the state rather than vote on anti-union legislation, The
Indianapolis Star has learned.

A source said. Democrats.areheaded .tolllinois,.though it was possible some also might go to

Kentucky. They need to go to a state with a Democratic governor to avoid being taken into
police custody and returned to Indiana.

The House was came into session this morning, with only two of the 40 Democrats present.
Those two were needed to make a motion,and a secondlnq motion, for any procedural steps
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With only 58 legislators present, there was no quorum present to do business.. The House
needs 67 of its members to be present.

Rep. Terri Austin, D-Anderson, told House Speaker Brian Bosma, R-Indianapolis, that
Democrats "continue to be in caucus" to discuss potential amendments to several bills.
Bosma said he was "flummoxed," adjoured until noon, and labor union members watching in
the gallery and hallway outside cheered the work stoppage.

Today's fight was triggered by Republicans pushing a bill that would bar unions and
companies from negotiating a contract that requires non-union members to kick-in fees for
representation. It's become the latest in what is becoming a national fight over Republican'
attempts to eliminate or limit collective bargaining.

House Minority Leader B. Patrick Bauer, D-South Bend, "has taken a page out of the
Page 2 of2

Wisconsin Senate playbook apparently" by keeping his caucusIn hiding,' Bosma said. "They
are shirking the job that-they were hired to' do'."

In Wisconsin, Senate Democrats have fled to Illinois to deny Republicans the quorum they
need to pass legislation limiting collective bargaining for many public employees.

Asked at what point he would call in the Indiana State Police to attempt to round up the.
Democrats, Bosma said: "We'll see how the day goes."

Gov. Mitch Daniels had said he supports the policy his party is pursuing in this legislation, but
. said earlier that'this'isnotthe'yearto"do itwith'so"manyotheruiticallegislatio!1 in theworks.:
including his education reform agenda.

Bosma said he spoke to Daniels and said the governor is "very supportive of our position to
come in and try to do our work. He was not pleased that the Democrats weren't here to do
their work. And like me is just waiting to see how the course of the day proceeds."

Austin told reporters that "it doesn't matter where they (Democrats) are at this point. What
matters is that they're trying to figure out a way to save the state from this radical agenda."

Asked if they were in the state, Austin said only: 'They're working hard."

The last time a prolonged walk-out happened iii. the Indianalegislature was in the mid-1990s,
... '._' ~..lI!Iben.RepubJicaus_wEm;,jn control and tried to draw new legislative district maps, eliminatinq a .
district that likely would have been a Democrat one, in the middle of the decade. Democrats
won that standoff, staying away several days until Republicans dropped the plan.
Page 1 of5

Werwie, Cullen J. GOV

",rom: Ed Wodalski [• • •
Sent: Tuesday, February22, 2011 6:28 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject: re: Text-of the Governor's Address

Well done,

Ed Wodalski
Managing Editor .
The Business News

From: GOV Press <GOVPress@wisconsill.9ov>

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 6:18 PM
To: GOV Press <>
Subject: Text of tbe..Governor'sAddress

February 22, 2011

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Text of the Governor's Address

m.p " ": r,._'
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Madison-Below is the text of Governor Walker's conversation about our current fiscal year challenges,
the divisions which have arisen over the past week and his positive vision for moving Wisconsin forward.


Wisconsin is showing the rest of the country how to have a passionate, yet civil debate about our
finances. That's a veryMidwestern trait andsomething we shouldbe proud 0/ Ipray, however, that this
civility will continue as peoplepourinto ourstate from allacross America. .

First, let me be clear: I have great respectfor those who havechosen a career in government. I really do.' .

In 1985, when Iwas a high schooljunior in the small town of Delavan, I wasinspired to pursue public
service after I attended the American Legion's Badger Boys Stat~ program.' The military veterans and
educators who put on that week-long event showed the honorin serving others.

Tonight, I thank the 300,OOO-plus state and I~cal government em;loy~es whoshowed up for work today
and did theirjobs well. We appreciate it. if you take onlyone message away tonight, it's that we all
respect the workthat you do.
, Page 2 of5

l also understand how concerned many government workers are about their futures, I've listened to
theircomments and read their emails..

I listened to the educatorfrom Milwaukee who wrote to me about her concerns about the legisiation
and what it might mean for her classroom.

That's why last weekweagreed-to"make'''changes'to the bill toaddressmany tJfthose'issues.

And I listened to others like the correctional officer in Chippewa Falls who emailed me arguing that
bargaining rights for public employee unions are the only way to ensure that workers get a fair say in
. their working conditions.

I understand and respect those concerns. It's important to remember that many of the rights we're
talking about don't come from collective bargaining. They come from the civilservice system in
.Wisconsin. That law was passed in 1905 (long before collective bargaining) and it will continue long
after cur.plan is approved..

You see, despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard over the past 11 days the bill Iplitforward Isn't aimed
at state workers.end it certainly isn't a battle with unions. If it was, we would have eliminated collective
bargaining entirely or we would have gone after theprivate-sectorunions.

But, we did not because they are our partners in economic development. We need them to help us put
250,000 people to work in the private sector over the next four years.

, The legislation t'veputforword is about onethinq. It's about balancing 'our budget now -- and in the
future. Wisconsin faces a 137 million dollar deficit for the remainderof this fiscal year and a 3.6 billion
dollar deficit for the upcoming budget.
. :.' ~ .

Our bill is about protecting the hardworking taxpayer. It's about Wisconsin families trying to make ends
meet and help their children. '

People like the woman from Wausau who wrote me saying "I'm a single parent of two children, one of
whom is autistic. I have been intimately involved tnmy school district, but I can no longer afford the
taxes I pay. I am in favor of everyone paying for benefits, as I have to. ,i '

It's also about the small business owner who told me about the challenges he faces just making payroll
each week. His employees pay much larger premiums than we are asking because that's how they keep
the company going and that's how they protect their jobs.

Or the substitute teacher here in Madison, who wrote to me last week about having to sit at home
, unable to work because her union had closed theschool down to protest. '

She sent me an email that went on to say, "I was given no choice in joining the union and I am forced to
pay dues. I am missing out on pay today. Ifeel like I have no voice."

lassure you that she does have a voice.

Page 3 of5

And so does the factory workerin Janesville who was laid off nearlytwo years ago. He's a union guy in a
union, town who asks simply why everyone elsehas to sacrifice except those. in government.

Lastweek, I traveledthe state visiting manufacturing plants and talking to workers -just like the guy
from Janesville. Many of them are paying twenty-five to fifty percent of theirhealth carepremiums.
Most, had 401k planswith limited or no match from the company.

My brother's in the same situation. He worksas a banquet manager and occasional bartenderat a hotel
ami my sister-in-law worksfor a department store. Theyhave two beautifulkids.

In every way, they are a typical middle-class family here in Wisconsin. David mentioned to me that he
pays nearly$800 a month for his health insurance and the little he canset aside for his 401k.

He -like so many other workers across Wisconsin - wouldlove a deal likethe benefits we are pushing in
this budget repair bill.

That's because what we are askingfor is modest - at least to those outside of government.

Ourmeasure asksfor a 5.8% contribution to the pension and a 12.6% contribution for the health
insurance premium. Both are well below the national average. .

And this isjust one part of our comprehensive plan to balancethe state's 3.6 billion dollar budget

Now, some have questioned why we have to reformcollective bargaining to balance the budget. The
answer is simple the system is broken: it costs taxpayers seriousmoney - particularly at the local level.
As a former county official, Iknow thatfirst hand.

For years, I tried to use modest changesin pension and health insurance contributions as a means of
balancing our budget without massive layoffs orfurloughs. On nearlyeveryoccasion, the local unions
(empowered by collective bargaining agreements) told me to go ahead and layoff workers. That's not
acceptable to me:

Here's another example: in Wisconsin, many local schooldistricts are required to buy their health
insurance through the WEA Trust (which is the state teachers union'scompany). When our billpasses,
these school districts can opt to switch into the state plan and save $68 inillion per year. Those savings
could be used to payfor more teachersand put more money into the classroom to help our kids.

Some have alsosuggested that Wisconsin raise taxes on corporations and'people with high-incomes.
Well-" Governor Doyle and the Legislature did that: two years ago. In fact they passed a budget-repair
bill(in just one day, mind you) that included a billion-dollar tax increase.

Instead ofraising taxes, we need to control government spending to balance our budget.

Two years ago, many of the same Senate Democrats who are hidingout in anotherstate approved a
biennialbudget that not onlyincluded highertaxes - it included more than two billion dollars in one-time
federal stimulus aid.
Page 4 of5

That money.was supposed to be for one-time costs for things like.roods and bridges. Instead; they used
it as a short-term fix to balance the last state budget. Not surprisingly, the state now faces a deficit for
the remainder of this fiscal year and a 3.6 billion dollar hole for the budget starting July 1st.

What we need now more than ever, is a commitment to the future.

As more and more protesters come in from Nevada, Chicago and elsewhere, I am not going to allow
their voices to overwhelm the voices ofthe millions of taxpayers from across the state who think we're
doing the right thing. This is a decision that Wisconsin will make.

Fundamentally, that's what we were elected to do. Make tough decisions. Whether we like the outcome
or not, our democratic institutions callfor us to participate. That is why I am asking the missing Senators
to come back to work.

Do the job you were elected to do. You don't have to like the outcome, or even vote yes, but as part of
the world's greatest democracy, you should be here, in Madison, at the Capitol.

The missing Senate Democrats must know that their failure to come to work will lead to dire
consequences ver.y soon. Failure to. act on this budget repair blll means (at least) 15 hundred state
employees will be laid off before the end ofJune. if there is no agreement byJuly Ist, another 5-6
thousand state workers -- as well as .5-6 thousand local government employees would be also laid-off.

But, there is a way to avoid these layoffs and other cuts. The 14 State Senators who are staying outside
of Wisconsin as we speak can come home and do their job.

We are broke because time and time again politicians of both parties ran from the tough decisions and
- punted them do.wtftheibi'id foi anotherdiiv. We"cali no lonqerdo'that.because.vousee, whdtJ"ie'r~ ~ -
really talking about today is our future.

The future ofmy children, of your children, of the children of the single mother from Wausau that I
mentioned earlier.

Like you, I want my two sons to grow up in a state at least as great as the Wisconsin I grew up in,

More than 162 years ago, our ancestors approved Wisconsin's constitution. They believed in the power
of hard work and determination and they envisioned a new state with limitless potential.

Our founders were pretty smart. They understood thai:it is through frugality and moderation in
government that we will see freedom and prosperity for our people.

Now is our time to once again seize that potential. We will do so at this turning point in our state's
history by restoring fiscal responsibility that fosters prosperity for today- and for future generations.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May God richly bless you and your family and may God continue to
bless the great State of Wisconsin.
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Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J ~ GOV'

From: GOV Press
Sent: Monday, February 21,2011 6:50 AM
To: GOV Press
Su bject:Colle0tive·Elargaining is a Flscallssue
Attachments: DOC memo.doc

February 21, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released specific examples to show how collective bargaining
fiscally impacts government. '

Example #lWEA Trust

, Currently many school 'districts participate1n WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as
many school districts across the state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible.
Union leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. If school districts enrolled in the
state employee health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. 'Beyond that if
school districts had the flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state
plan, additional savings would likely be realized.

Example #2 Viagra for Teachers, , " ". __ "

The Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a pollcvestabllshed by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Viagra. Cost to taxpayers is
$786,000 a year. '

Reference:!H ea Ith!m i1wa ukee-schoo Is-ban-viagra-teach e rs-union-sues-


Example #3 Unrealistic Overtime Provisions

On a state level, the Department of Corrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect
overtime if they work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen
was collectively bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.

Reference: Attached department of corrections memo

Along with these specific examples illustrating why collective bargaining is a fiscal issue Governor
Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following statement:

Col/ective bargaining has afiscal impact at aI/levels of government.

Page 2 of2

Two years ago Senate Democrats rammed through a billion dollar tax increase in 24 haurs without a
publichearing, Nowit is reportedthey ar.e.hiding out tit a Best Western in Illinois, While they are .
vacationing the taxpayers who are paying their salaries are hard at workproducing materialsand
providing services all while tryingto make enough money to pay theirfamilies' bills.

Instead of stimulating the hospitalitysector of llltnols' economy, Senate Democrats should come back to
the Madison, debatettie'bitl. 'cast their vote, and help get Wisconsin's economy back on track.


. '..-..,...-." .. ..J.. ••
Page 10f2

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV·

From: GOV Press

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:00 AM
To: GOV Press
SUbject: (GYMJ: Hunning·away is·irresponsible

FYJ"":'a good editorial about the actions of Senate Democrats.

Running away is irresponsible

A Wisconsin State Journal editorial I Posted: Monday, February 21, 2011 7:00 am .

They made their point.

Now it's time to get back to work - in Madison, not Rockford, Ill., or Chicago.

The Senate Democrats who fled Wisconsin for Illinois last week need to do the jobs they were elected to do at the state
Capitol in Madison. Running away from their problems won't solve them.

All 14 Democrats in the 33-member Wisconsin Senate staged a walkout from the Wisconsin Capitol in Madison on

They bolted to preventthe 19 Republicans who control the' Senate from potentially voting in favor of GOP Gov. Scott
Walker's controversial budget repair bill. The proposal, which the Democrats adamantly oppose, includes sweeping limits to
collective bargaining for public employee unions.

So the Senate is now stuck because. it needs at least 20 members for a quorum before it can vote on fiscal matters.
o~~ m~re senator than th~ RepublicaJ;-'ni~j~ritY~a;.' " ..

And that's

State law allows the Senate to use law enforcement to force absent members back to the Capitol. But because all ofthe
Democrats are apparently holed up out of state, they're outside the jurisdiction
. .of Wisconsin law enforcement.

So Wisconsin sits and waits. For how 100ig? Until Walker apologizes for winning the last election?

Like it or not,. the majority ofWisconsin voters elected Walker and other Republicans to run the statehouse for the next two
years. The Democrats can't change that nntil subsequent elections.

Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, met with the State Journal editorial board late Tuesday afternoon, urging us to urge the
governor to slow down his bill. We agreed with Erpenbach that the public deserves more than a week to consider such a
major piece oflegislation. And we said so in an editorial Thursday morning.

But We don't agree with Erpenbach failing to show up for days to work and, on Sunday afternoou, suggesting from a hotel in
Chicago that the Seuate Democrats might not return until Walker gives in to their demands.

That's irresponsible.

Moreover, Erpenbach has his own history of rushing legislation. We scolded him back in 2009 for scheduling a public
hearing with barely 24 hours notice. We did so even though we strongly supported the bill he was moviug - a statewide ban
on smoking in bars and restaurants. .
Page 2 of2

The many lawmakers who opposed the controversial smoking ban didn't head for the hills. They responsibly showed up at
the state Capitol to represent their constituents as best they conld,even though their side didn't prevail.
. '. .»

Erpenbach.and his Senate Democratic colleagues hiding out in Illinois should do the same.

http://host.madison.comlwsjfnewsfopinioi:1leditoTla1fartic'le· 5606ac81-c8ea-5682-9clc-
1af2e9071e77.html .
Werwie,'Cullen J • GOV



lCYMl: Running'
away is.irrespo... DeI'Ivery has ~rat'Ied to these rsctpren
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Subject: ICYMI: Running away is,irresponsible

';:".. ". .. ; ,.. . '., " -,-

RE: ICYMI: Running away is irresponsible Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Culien J - GOV

From: Rep.Toles []

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:01 AM
To: GOV Press
SUbject: HE: ICYMI: Running-away is-irresponsible

It is the policy of our office to reply to all constituent inquiries, including email messages; via
the regular mail for residents of the 17th Assembly District. If your initial email did not include
your full name, home address and telephone number, please respond to this email with that
additional information.

- Thank you!
Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

..' . . . ,

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:01 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Ret-CellectlveBargalnlnq ls-a Flsoal-lssue

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: GOV Press <>

Date: Mon, 21 ,Feb 201106:49:36 -0600
To: GOV Press<>
Subject: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue

February 21, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

'Collective Bargainingls a FiscaHssue

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released specific examples to show how collective bargaining
fiscally impacts government.

Example #1 WEA Trust

Currently many school districts participate in WEA trust because WEAC collectively bargains to get as
"o~ ··,.• ".many-scnoeldistriets·aerossthe state to participate in this union run health insurance plan as possible,
Union leadership benefits from members participating in this plan. Ifschool districts enrolled in the
state employee health plan, it would save school districts up to $68 million per year. Beyondthat if
school districts had the flexibility to look for health insurance coverage outside of WEA trust or the state
plan, additional savings would likely be realized.

Example #2 Viagra for Teachers'

The.Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association (MTEA) tried to use a policy established by collective
bargaining to obtain health insurance coverage that specifically paid for Vlagra, Cost to taxpayers is
$786,000 year.


Example #3 Unrealistic Overtime Provisions

On a state level, the Department ofCorrections allows correctional workers who call in sick to collect
overtime ifthey work a shift on the exact same day. The specific provision that allows this to happen
was collectively bargained for in their contract. Cost to taxpayers $4.8 million.

Referelice: Attached department of corrections memo

Page 2 of2

" Along.with these specific examples illustrating why collective bargaining is a fiscal issue,Governor
Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following statement:

Collectivebargaining has a fiscal impact at all levels of government.

Two years'ogo'Senate'CJemocratsramme'd-throl1gh o bitlkmdotlortoxtncrease in 24 hours without a

, public hearing. Now it is reported they are hiding out at a Best Western in Illinois. While they ore
vacationing the taxpayers who are paying their salaries are hard at work produclnq materials and
providing services all while trying to make enough money to pay their families' bills.

Instead of stimulating the hospitality sector of Illinois' economy, Senate Democrats should come back to
the Madison, debate the bill, cast their vote, and help get Wisconsin's economy back on track..

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Boegli, Deanne [

Sent: Monday. February 21, 2011 8:01 AM
To: GOVPress
Subject: Out of Office: ICYMI: Running away is irresponsible

I'm out of .t he o.ffic.e Uda.eb.. 18 ...IL.tbi.s .i.s .an urgent ..PR matter/media request contact
me on my cell at . More PR'information is-available at . Or you can reach Cindy Tomlinson on our team at AI £73 Thank

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV
To: ,..
Sent:. Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:56 AM .' . .
Subject: Undeliverable: ICYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and vote

ICYMI: Burlington
residents to... 0 eI'Ivery has f at'I e d' t 0 th ese racrpren
lolents or d'ISt nib Ut'Ion I'ISt'5:

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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 08:SS:32 -0600
Subject: ICYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go backto Madison and'

-'". :' ," "".,~ ..

~ ." ._~: .. -;i~_·,·· ~,.. ',~ .. ' ." ..... ... :. ";'., - .... ""~ --,

Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV·

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:56 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject~ IGYMI: Burlington' resldents-toSen.Wlrch: Go back to Madison and vote

Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to

Madison and vote eO-960a-
001cc4c03286.html .

BURLINGTON - Cheryl Herrick, 51, of Burlington, has a message for her "missing" state senator, Sen.
Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie. "Come back and vote," said Herrick, who works in retail. "Elections
have consequences."

Wirch, who represents Burlington and most of Kenosha County, is one of the 14 senate Democrats who
fled Madison last week when the state Senate was scheduled to take a vote on Gov. Scott Walker's
. proposal to essentially eliminate collective bargaining for public workers.

Wirch has not returned calls for comment for several days.

In downtown Burlington on Monday, the consensus among area residents selected at random was that
Wirch should go back and vote. Many, including Herrick, said they would like to see Wirch recalled for
.~_~.< away, he is not doing his job, said Kellie Kerkman, 39, of Burlington.

"All I see is this teaching our younger generation to run away from problems. It's time to grow up," said
Kerkman, who owns Kerkman's SplitEnds, a hair salon at 316 N Pine St.

Down the street, Carl Schultz, 61, of Twin Lakes, said Wirch should be fired for avoiding "his

He recalled firing a worker from his car part manufacturing business, Five Star Fabricating, for
repeatedly missing work after receiving multiple warnings, he said.

"If they are hired to do ajob, they should be there," said Schultz, who feels that way about his
employees and his state legislators.

And the possibility of a recall may become a reality.

Dan Hunt, 51, of Pleasant Prairie, where Wirch lives, is looking into forming a committee to recall the
senator. So far he has 175 volunteers who have signed upto help circulate petitions to recall Wirch, he
said as of Monday afternoon, but he said he would need about 300 volunteers-to successfully launch a
campaign: According to the Government Accountability Board he would need about 15,000 signatures
for a recall election.
Page 2 of2

For now, Hunt said, he is waiting to see ifWirch goes back to vote.
. . _.. .._~ .. -- . .. . . ... ' .
"The longer he stays away, the greater the likelihood," Hunt said of a recall effort.

While it appears in downtown Burlington there is support for a recall, Tony Watson, 30, of Burlington,
said he for one would not sign a recall petition for Wirch. Watson said most people in the Burlington
area support Walker's proposal. But he works at Nestle and among his co-workers there is a lot of
concern about the governor's proposal, he said. People wonder what might eventually happen for unions
like theirs, he said.

Instead of recalling Wirch, Watson said he would support recalling Walker. But he would have to wait
until January for that to happen. -

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267"7303

Werwie, Cullen J ·GOV

Sent: Tuesday, February 22,.2011 8:56 AM
SUbject: Undeliverable: IGYM!; Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and vote

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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 08:55:31 -0600
Subject: ICYMI: Burlington residents to sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and
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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 08:SS:31 -0600
SUbject: ICYMI: Burlington residents to sen. Wirch: Go back to Madlson,and
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Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2011 08:55:31 -0600
Subject: ICYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and
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.' Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
. From: . .. Lucas, .PauL[ .~_ ....- ....
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:56 AM
To: GOVPress
SUbject: Out of Office: (CYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch:'Go back to Madison and vote

I'm be trav.eling on business Feb..22 - 25.

. ."-

Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:05 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: -Collectlve Bargaining -is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Februarv 22, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen WerWie, 608-267-7303

Collective Bargaining isa Fiscal Issue: Part 2

. Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how collective
bargaining fiscally impacts government.

Example #1 Paid-Time Off for Union Activities

In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectivelv bargained for paid time off, fourteen
employees receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time
release for union business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these
·employees to only participate in union activities such as collective bargaining.

Example #2 Surrender of Management Rights

Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a
. direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational needs
'--"H~-;'and·reql:liring·netice·an.d. approvalby the unlorrprlor to scheduling changes.. As county executive, .' '.
Walker attempted to reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by
instituting' a 35-hour work week to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed. Additionally, government
cannot explore privatization of functions that could save taxpayers money. .

Along with this release Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Unfortunatelyfor the mil/ions of taxpayers who are currently paying these Senators'salaries and
benefits, SenatorJulie Lassa and her 13 colleagues decidedto take a 6 day vacation to illinois to get 'to
know a lot of my fellow caucus members.'

While Senate Democrats are getting acquaintedwith each other in another state, Governor Walker is in
Wisconsin working to balance the state budget. Senators should return to Wisconsin and make their
.voice heard through the democratic process by casting their votes.
Werwie, Cullen J -GOV
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Subject: E-mail received

The Catholic Herald Newspaper has received the e-mail you sent. It will be directed to the
appropriate department.

Thank you.
-------- Original Message --------

> February 22, 2011

> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
> Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal ~s?ue: Part 2
> Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples
> to s= how 'how co.L'Lect-Lve bargaining fiscally impacts government.
> Example #1 Paid-Time Off for Union Activities In Milwaukee County
> alone, because the union collectively bargained for pai= d time off,
> fourteen employees receive salary and benefits for doing union =
> business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
> busines= s. Milwaukee county spent over $170,000 in salary alone for
> these employee= s to only participate in union activities such as collective ba~gaining.
> Example #2 Surrender of Management Rights Because of collecting
. ~""~> Da:l;'-g.g~.i:rr:}..n'g {
-un Lcne :have--:i<f1cTUd~d~'prcrvi9J.drtS·.Ln -emPti.Q'Y= e-6f":Ct>rtt:r-B:eG. ~,'. ". -" -' -->·-~~:r'-'~ ,~.. > . " - .-.. <

> that have a direct fiscal impact such as not allowing manageme= nt to
> schedule workers based on operational needs·and requiring notice and
> approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As county
> executive{ Wa= lker attempted to reduce work hours based on bUdget
> pressures and workload = requirements by instituting a 35-hour work
> week to avoid layoffs, which the= union opposed. Additionally,
> government cannot explore ~rivatization of f= unctions that could save taxpayers· money.
> Along with this release Governor Walker's spokesman{ Cullen Werwie{
> release= d the following statement:
> Unfortunately for·the millions of taxpayers who are currently paying
> these = Senators' salaries and benefits, Senator Julie Lassa and her
> 13 colleagues = decided to take a 6 day vacation to Illinois to get
> 'to know' a Ipt of my fe= ~low caucus members.'
> While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in
> another st= ate{ Governor Walker is in Wisconsin working to balance
> the state budget. A= Senators should return to Wisconsin and make
> their voice heard through ~he = democratic process by casting their votes.
> H#
> -- 000 54458D04BOB7924C905A097136CD6EB24ADDE2A713MEWMADOPC02GO
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> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-size= :12.0pt; font-family:Calibri'>February 22,
> 2011<o:p><!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p c1ass=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt; font-family:Calibri'>For Immediate
'.~>" Release<:'G: p><! o :P><:!'span><! font><!p>' ~ ' 0. • . • •_ .•.•- " ,_.,

> <p
class~3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D.' f'orrt-r s Lz e> : 12. Opt; .
> font-family:Calibri'>Contact: Cullen Werwie,
> 608-267-7303<o:p><!o:p><!span>~<!font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'><o:p>&nbsp;<!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal align=3Dcenter
> style=3D'text-align:center'><b><font si~
> ze=3D5
> face=3DCalibri><span .
> style~3D'font-size:20.0pt;font-family:Calibri;font-wei~
> g!].t:
> bold'>Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part
> 2<o:p><!o:p><!span><!fo=
> nt><!b><!p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'><o:p>&nbsp;<!o:p><!span><!font><!p>'
> <p clas·s~3DMsoNormal><st1 :place w: st=3D"on"><st1 :City
> w:st=3D Hon"><font siz=
> .o=3D3
> face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Calibri'>Madis~
> on<!span><!font><!stl:City><!st1:place><font
> face=3DCalibri><span style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Today
> Governor Walker&#8217; s o f f i.ce. released more specific examples to show
> how collectiv~ e bargaining fiscally impacts
> government.<o:p><!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
...... ~;> --".o.'::-.~.. :~. _._~ ~,(.: ~:'- ........-:"~,:,,. ~~--,--.... ~~".-::- "',- -,.. ~-'---~--__ -~_r;'-~·.-«:",,:,,.,--P"""J···'·~;'" -"- >~• •- " , .... ":« -..,-...".::r.;~ ..• _~ :",,"~.~;:,. -:-.. ':-r:~" -:--"~',.. '7":'~ "',-
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size~ :12.0pt; .
> font-family:Calibri'><o:p>&nbsp;<!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><u><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt; font-family:Calibri'>Example #1 Paid-Time
> Off for Union Activities<!span><!=
> font><!i.l><font
> face=3DCalibri><spah style~3D'font-family:Calibri'><br>
> In <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:PlaceName
> w:st=3D"on">Milwaukee</stl:PlaceNa=
> me> <stl:PlaceType
>' w:st=3D"on">County<!stl:PlaceType><!st1:place> alone, because the
> uniDD collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees
> receive salary= and benefits for doing union business. Of the
> fourteen, three are on full-time release for union business.
> &nbspi<stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:PlaceName w:s=
> t=3D"on l l > M i l w a u k e e < / s t l : P l a c e N a m e >
> <st1:PlaceType w:st=3D"on">County<!st1:PlaceType><!st1:place> spent
> over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to only participate
> in union activities such as collective bargaining.</span></font><font
> size~3D2 face= =3DArial><span
> style=3D'font-size: 10. Opt; font-family:Arial '>&nbsp;
> <!span><!font><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'><o:p><!o:p><!span><!font~
> ><!p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=3D '.font-'size= :"12. Opt; font-family: Calibri' >&nbsp; <b r>
> <u>Example #2 Surrender of Management
> Rights<o:p></o:p></u><lspan></font><I=
>'15> .- ~~ .. -. ..,. ""'--.-".' -.,,-.
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :l2.0pt; font-family:Calibri'>Because of
> collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee
> contracts that have a direct fiscal. impact such as n= at allowing
> manaqement; • t o- .schedul.e. workers .ba.sed <on ...op.erational .nasds .and
> requiring notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling
> changes. &nbs= Pi As 'county executive, <stl: City w: st=3D"on if><stl :place
> w:st=30"on">Walker</s= tl:place><lstl:City> attempted to reduce work
> hours based on budget pressures and workload requirements by
.> instituting a 35-hour work week to avoid layoffs, which the union
> opposed.&nbspi Additionally, government cannot explore privatization
> of functions that could save taxpayers money.&nbsp; <br> <br> Along
> with this z e l.e a's e "Governor' ·Wa1.ker&#821. 7; s -spokesman,' Cullen 'Werw'ie,
> released the following statement:<o:p></o:p><lspan></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=30'font-size= :l2.0pt; .
> font-family:Calibri '><o:p>&nbsp; </o:p></span></font><1 p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><i><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>Unfortunately for the millions.
> of 'taxpayers who are currently paying-these Sen~tors&#8217; salaries
> and benef= its, Senator Julie Lassa and he~ 13 colleagues decided to
> take a 6 day vacation = to Illinois to get &#8216;to know a lot of my
.> fello~ caucus members.&#8217; <0= :p></o:p>~/span></font></i></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style~30'font-s= ize:l2.0pt;
> font-family: Calibri; font-styl·e·:·i 't a.l i.c ><0: p>&nbsp; </0: p></ spari><1 font>
> </i><=
> Ip>
''';'''.'' >"'<pi (j1'sss=3DMsoN'ormar><f>'<:fC5i1t • sfzW=Gjj3··=f-a·6e"'3DCaT:t.prf~sp'aIl ."'>;'~'" .:;".".' ~'''''-. ,.'''''' -......< . . . ., •...•.; "', =~.
> style=30'font-s= ize:l2.0pt;
> font-family:Calibriifont-style:italic'>While Senate Democrats are
> getting acquainted with each other in another state I ,Governor Walker
> is in <stl:pla= ce w:st=3D"on u><stl:State '
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin<lstl:State><lstl:place> workin= g to balance the
> state budget.&nbsp; Senators should return to <stl:State w:st=
> =3D uon"><stl:place w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</stl:place></stl:State> and
> make their voice heard t= hrough the democratic process by casting
> their votes.&nbsp; <o:p></o:p><lspan></fo=
> nt></i></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal align=3Dcenter style=3D Ttext-align:center'><font
> si"ze=
> .=303
> face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-size:l2.0pt;font-family:Calibri'>###<0:p=
> ></o:p><lspan></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><font siz.e=3D3 face=3D"Times New Roman"><span
> style=3D=
> Tfont,":"size:
> l2.0pt'><0:p>&nbsp;</o:p><lspan></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><font size=3D2 face=30Georgia><span
> style=30'font-size= :lO.Opt;
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'.,. ". ..

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
"From: Mick Trevey I
Sent: Tuesday, February 22,2011 9:11 AM
To: GOVPress
Subject: RE: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Hey Cullen,

Is the Governor available toqay?


-----Original Message-----
From: GOV Press <>
Sent: Tuesday; February 22, 2011 9:05 AM
To: GOV Press <>
Subj ect: 'Collective Bargaining "is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Madison-Today Gove~nor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how
collective bargaining fiscally impacts government.

~"Examp),e--#lo·:;pa:·i--d""';'TIimeD:f:<;l¥--.fQr- Union "Activit-ies In' Milwaukee ·County "alone-;" -be-cause the union"
collectively" bargaineq'o for paid time off, fourteen employees receive salary and benefits
for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in sal~ry alone for these employees to
only participate in ,union activities such as collective bargaining.

Example #2 Surrender of Management Rights

Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions 1n employee contracts

that have a direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based
on operational needs and requiring notice and approval by the union pri0r to scheduling
changes. As county executive, Walker "attempted to reduce work hours based on budget
. pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35-hour work week to avoid layoffs,
which the union opposed. Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of
functions that could save taxpayers money.

Along with this release Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Unfortunately' for the millions Of taxpayers who are currently paying these Senators'
salaries and benefits, Senator Julie Lassa ~nd her 13 colleagues decided to take a 6 day
vacation to Illinois to get 'to know a lot of my fellow caucus members. '

While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in another state, Governor
Walker is in Wisconsin working to balance the state budget. Senators should return to
Wisconsin and make their voice heard through the democratic process by casting their

The infor~ation contained in this communication may be confidential or legally privileged

and is intended only for the recipient named above. .. .
If th~ reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that
any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication or its contents is
strictly prohibited. If· you have received this communication in error, please immediately
. advise the sender and delete the original and any copies from your computer system.

, :.. . .. -

Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen
. J . • GOV.. ~

From: Joe Costanza • • •

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:44AM
To: GOV Press
Subject:·Re: Collective Bargaining:is a FiscaHssue>Part2


Isn't there a statutory limit to the number of "vacation days" or time off that a legislator or other
elected official can take before incurring penalities such as loss of pay?

Joe Costanza

----- Original Message -----

From: GOV Press
To: GOV Press
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011.g:04·AM
Subject: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

-. ~ -' _.- .' .

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how collective
bargaining fiscally impacts government.

Example #1 Paid-Time Offfor Union Activities . .

In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen
employees receive salary and benefits for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-
time release for union business. Milwaukee Co.unty spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these
employees to 'only participate in union activities such as collective bargaining.

Example #2 Surrender of Management Rights

Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts that have a
direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational
needs and requiring notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As county
executive, Walker attempted to reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload
requirements by instituting a 35-ho"ur work week to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed.
Additionally, government cannot explore privatization of functions that could save taxpayers money.
Page 2 of2

Along with this release Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following
statement: _.. . ..
.< .. _........... ••• • •• _ •••• ~ •••

Unfortunately for the millions of taxpayers who are currently paying these Senators' salaries and
benefits, Senator Julie Lassa and her 13 colleagues decided to take a 6 day.vacation to lilinois to get
'to know a lot of my fellow caucus members.'

While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in another state, Governor Walker is
in Wisconsin working' to balance the state budget. Senators should return to Wisconsin and make
their voice. heard. through the democratic process by casting their votes. .
Page I of2

Werwie, Cullen

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:39 AM
To: WelWie, Cullen J - GOV
SUbject: FW;Colleotive'Hargaining isa Fiscal Issue: Pari 2

Tom Evenson
Press Aide
Office of GovernorBcottWalker
Direct Line: (608) 267-7303
E-Mail: tom

Wisconsin is Open for Business

From: Joe Costanza [mailto:

Sent: Tuesday, February:22, :20119:44 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Re: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2


Isn't there a statutory limit to the number of "vacation days" or time off that a legislator or other
elected offioial can take before incurring penalities such as loss of pay?
. ~' .'
Joe Costanza'

----- Original Message -----

From: GOV Press
To: GOV Press
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:04 AM .
'Subject: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Pari 2

February 22, 2011 .

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwle, 608-267-7303

Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how collective
bargaining fiscally impacts government. .

Example #1 Paid-Time Off for Union Activities

Page 2 of2

In Milwaukee County alone, because the union collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen
employees recelvesalarv and, benefits far. doing Of the fourteen, three are on full-
time release for union business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these
employees to only participate in union activities such as collective bargaining.

Example #2 Surrender af Management Rights

Because of collectlngbargalnlng, unions have included provlstonsln employee contracts thathave a
direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based on operational
needs and requiring notice and approval by the union prior to scheduling changes. As county
executive, Walker attempted to reduce work hours based on budget pressures and workload
requirements by instituting a 35-hour work week to avoid layoffs, which the union opposed.
Additionally, government cannot explore privatization offunctions that could save taxpayers money.

Along with this release Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Unfortunately for the mil/ions of taxpayers who are currently paying these Senators' salaries and
benefits, Senator Julie Lassa and her 13 colleagues decided to take a 6 day vacation to II/inois to get.
'to know a lot of my fellow caucus members.'

While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in another state; Governor Walker is
in Wisconsin working to balance the state budget. Senators should return to Wisconsin and make
their voice beardtnrouqt: the .democratic process by casting their votes. '.
Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV.P.ress
Sent: Tuesday, February 22,2011 10:39 AM
To: WelWie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: FW: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal lssue: Part 2

Tom Evenson
Press Aide
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Direct Line: (608) 267-7303

Wisconsin is Open for Business

-----Original Message-----
From: Mick Trevey [ma~lto:
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:11 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: RE: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Hey Cullen,

Is the Governor available today?

-----Original 'Message----- ,
From: GOV Press <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:05 AM
To: GOV'Press <>
Subject: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal .~ssue: Part 2

February 22; 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how·
collective bargain~ng fiscally impacts government.

Example #1 Paid-Time Off for Union Activities In Milwaukee County alone, because the union
collectively bargained for paid time off, fourteen employees receive salary and benefits
for doing union business. Of the fourteen, three are on full-time release for union
business .. Milwaukee Gounty spent over $170,000 in salary alone for these employees to
only participate in union 'activities such-as collective bargaining.

Example #2 Surrender of Management Rights

Because of collecting bargaining, unions have included pro~isions in employee contracts

that have a direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to schedule workers based
on operational needs and requiring notice and approval by the union prior to schedul~ng
changes. As county executive, Walker attempted to redpce work hours based on bUdget
pressures and workload requirements by instituting a 35-hour work week to avoid layoffs,
which the 'uniort opposed, "AdditiOhally, qove'rnmeh't cannot explore' prlvatiiation of ... '
functions tha~ could save taxpayers money. ' .

Along with this release Governor Walker1s spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Unfortunately for the millions of taxpayers who are currently paying t~ese Senators 1
salaries and benefits, Senator Julie Lassa and her 13 colleagues decided to take a 6 day
vacation to Illinois to get 'to know a lot of my fellow caucus members.'

While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in another state, Governor
Walker is in Wisconsin working to balance,the state budget. Senators should return to
Wisconsin and make their voice heard through the democratic'proce~s by casting their


..................................... ' .
The information contained in this communication may be confidential or. legally p~ivileged·
and is intended only for'the recipient named above. '
If the reader of this messqge is not t~~ intended recipient, you are hereby notified ~hat
any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication or its contents is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately
advise the sender and delete't4e original and any copies from your computer system.

~ ... >~. - ; .., - .<

", '

Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:39 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: (CYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and vote

Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to

Madison and vote e79-11 eO-960a-

BURLINGTON - Cheryl Herrick, 51, of Burlington, has a message for her "missing" state senator, Sen.
.' RobertWirch, D-PleasantPrairie. "Come back and vote," said Herrick, who works in retail. "Elections
have consequences."

Wirch, who represents Burlington and most ofKenosha County, is one of the 14.senate Democrats who
fled Madison last-week when the state Senate was scheduled to take a vote on Gov. Scott Walker's
-proposal to essentially eliminate collective bargaining for public workers.

Wirch has not returned calls for comment for several days.

In downtown Burlington on Monday, the consensus among area residents selected at random was that
Wirch should go.back and vote. Many, including Herrick, said they would like to see Wirchrecalled for
.:_:.• "_.~ay.Qiding By.running away, he is not doing his job, said Kellie Kerkman, 39, of Burlington,

"All 1 see is this teaching our younger generation to run. away from problems. It's time to grow up," said
Kerkman,.who owns Kerkman's SplitEnds, a hair salon at 316 N Pine St.

Down the street, Carl Schultz, 61, of Twin Lakes, said Wirch should be fired for avoiding "his

He recalled firing a worker from his car pai:t manufacturing business, Five Star Fabricating, for
repeatedly missing work after receiving multiple warnings, he said.

"If they are hired to do ajob, they should be there," said Schultz, who feels that way about his
employees and his state legislators.

And the possibility of a recall may become a reality.

Dan Hunt, 51, of Pleasant Prairie, where Wirch lives, is looking into forming a committee to recall the
senator. S'o far he has 175 volunteers who have signed up to help circulate petitions to recall Wirch, he
. said as of Monday afternoon, but he said he would need about 300 volunteers to successfully launch a
campaign. According to the Government Accountability Board he would need about 15,000 signatures
for a recall election.

For now, Hunt said, he is waiting to see ifWirch goes back to vote.
. ._. ... . -. _. ~~-" .. ~- .. '

"The longer he stays away; the greater the likelihood," Hunt said of a recall effort.
'. .

While it appears in downtown Burlington there is support for a recall, Tony Watson, 30, OfBurlington,
said he for one would not sign a recall petition for Wirch. Watson said most people in the BUrlington
area support Walker's proposal, But he works at Nestle and.among his co-workers there is a lot of
concern about the governor's proposal, he said. People wonder what might eventually happen for unions
like theirs, he said.

Instead of recalling Wirch, Watson said he would support recalling Walker. But he would have to wait
until January for that to happen.

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303
Email: chris.schrimpj@wisconsingov

.. ~ -.'
RE: ICYMI: Burlington residents to Sen. Wirch: Go back to Madison and vote Page 1 of1

WelWie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Rep.Toles [
Sent: Tuesday, February 22,.2011 10:40 AM
To: GOV Press
..Subject: RE:-ICYMI: Burlingtonresidents to ·Sen.. Wircti: Go back to Madison and vote

It is the policy of our office to reply to all constituent inquiries, including email messages, via
. the regular mail for residents of the 17th Assembly District. If your initial email did not include
your full name, home address and telephone number, please respond to this email with that
additional information. .

Thank you!
Werwie. Cullen J - GOV
Mick Trevey [".!IlI!
Tuesday, February 22, 20
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV '
SUbject: RE: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Okay, thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:42 AM
To: <
Subject: RE: Collective Bargaining 1S a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

No, not today.'·He·will'begiving hd sv speech tonight.

He may be available in a number of venues tomorrow.

Cullen Werwie
J?ress Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303
Email: Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov

-----Original" Message-----
From: GOV Press
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 10:39 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: FW: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Tom Evenson
Press Aide
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Direct Line: (608) 267-7303

Wisconsin is Open for Business

---~-Original Message-----
From: Mick Trevey [maUto: G _
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:11 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject: RE: Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Hey CUllen,

Is the Governor available today?


-----Original Message-----
From: GOV·Press <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 9:05 AM
To: GOV Press <>
Subject: ,Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2
February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Cullen.Werwie, 6087267-7303

Collective Bargaining is a Fiscal Issue: Part 2

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released more specific examples to show how
collectiye oargaining fiscally impact~ government.,

Example *1 Paid-Time Off for Union Activities

In Milwaukee. County alone; . because ·the union collectively bargained 'for paid time off,
fourteen employees receive salary and benefits for doi~g Uni?ll business. Of the fourteen,
three are on full-time release 'for union business. Milwaukee County spent over $170,000
in salary~alone for these employees to only participate in union activities such as
collective bargaining. .

Example *2 Surrender of Management Rights

Because o£ collecting bargaining, unions have included provisions in employee contracts

that have a direct fiscal impact such as not allowing management to sched~le workers based
on operational needs and requiring notice and approval by the union prio~ to scheduling
changes. As county executive, Walker attempted to reduce work hours based on bUdget
pressures. and workload requirements by instituting a 35-hour work week to avoid iayoffs,
which the union opposed. Additionally, governm~nt cannot explore privatization of
functions that could save taxpayers money.

Along with this release' Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, 'released the following

Unfortunately for the millions of taxpayers who are currently paying these Senators'
salaries and benefits, Senator Julie Lassa and her 13 colleagues decided to take a 6 day
vacation to Illinois to get 'to know a lot of my fellow caucus members. r

While Senate Democrats are getting acquainted with each other in another state, Governor
Walker is in Wi~consin working to balance the state budget. Senators sho~ld return to
Wisconsin and make their voice heard through the democratic process by casting their
votes .

... . . .. . .. . . . . . .. " ~ .
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legally privileged and is intended only for the recipient named above.
If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, .you are
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communication or its contents is strictly prohibited. If 'you have
received this communication in error, please immediately advise the
sender and delete the original and any copies from your computer system.

The information contained in this communication may be confidential or
legally privileged and is intended only for the recipient ,named above.
If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are
hereby' notified.. that any di's'semination, -ctistributruii"or copying' of this"
communicat~on or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately advise the
sender and delete the original and any ,copies from 'your c~mputer system.

Page 1 of4

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 6:14. PM
To: GOV Press .
Subject: Text..of the.Governor's·Address

February 22, 2011

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Text of the Governor's Address

. Madison-Below is the text of Governor Walker's conversation about OUf current'flscal year challenges,
the divisions which have arisen over the past 'week and his positive vision for moving Wisconsin forward.


Wisconsin is showingthe rest ofthe country how to have a passionate, yet civil debate about our
finances. That'sa veryMidwestern traitandsomething we shouldbe proudof Ipray, however, that this
civility will continue as people pourinto ourstate from ailacross America.

First, let me be clear: Ihave great respectfor those who have chosen a career in government. Ireaily do.

In 1985,when I. was a highschooljunior in the smail town of Delavan, I was inspired to pursue public
~",. .service.afierl attendedthe American Legion's Bac/ger Boys State program. The military veterans and
. "educators who put on that week-long event showed'the honorin serving"others. ..' .'

Tonight, I thank the 300,ODD-plus state and local governmentemployees whoshowed up for work today
and did theirjobs well. We appreciate it. tf vou take onlyone message away tonight, it's that we all
respect the workthat you do.

I also understandhow concerned manygovernment workers are about theirfutures. I've listenedto
their comments and read theiremails.

Ilistened to the educatorfrom Milwaukee who wrote to me about her concerns about the legislation
and what it might mean for her classroom.

That's why last week we agreedto make changes to the billto address many of those issues.

And Ilistened to others like the correctional officerin Chippewa Falls who emalledme arguing that
bargaining rights for' public employee unions are the onlyway to ensure that workers get a fairsay In
their working conditions.

I understand and respect those concerns. It'simportant to remember that many of the rights we're
Page 2 of4

talking about don't come from collective bargaining. They come from the civilservice system in
'" Wisconsin. That law was passed in 1905 (long before collective bargain/rlg) and it will continue long
after our plan is approved.

,You see, despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard over the past 11 days the bill I puiforward isn't ai~ed
at state workers, and it certainly isn't a battle with unions. If it was, we would have eliminated collective
bargaininrrentirely 'or wewould'have'goneafter the prlvate-sectortmions.

But, we,did not because they are our partners in economic development. We need them to help us put
250,000 people to work in the private sector over the next four years.

The legislation I've put forward is about one thing. It's about balancing our budget now -- and in the
future. Wisconsin faces a 137 million dollar deficit for the remainder of this fiscal year and a 3.6 billion
dollar deficit for the upcoming budget. '

Our bill is about protecting the hardworking taxpayer. It's about Wisconsin families. trying to make ends
meet and help their children.

People like the woman from Wausau who wrote me saying "I'm a single parent of two children, one of
whom is autistic. I have been intimately involved in my school district, but I can no longer afford the
taxes I pay. I am in favor of everyone paying for benefits" as I have to."

It's also about the smollbusiness.owner.wno told me about the challenges he faces just making payroll
each week. His employees pay much larger premiums than we are asking because that's how they keep
the company going artdtnat's how they protect their jobs.

Or the substitute teacher here in Madison, who wrote to me last week about havtnq to sit at home
unable to work because her unkmhad closed the school down to protest ,: , '0

She sent me an email that went on to say, "I was given no choice in joining the union and I am forced to
pay dues ... I am missing out on pay today... I fee/like I have no voice."

I assure you that she does have a voice.

And so does the factory worker in Janesville who was laid off nearly two years ago. He's a union guy in a
union town who asks simply why everyone else has to sacrifice except those In government.

Last week, I traveled the state visiting manufacturing plants and talking to workers -just like the guy
from Janesville. Many of them are paying twenty-five to fifty percent of their health care premiums.
Most, had 401k plans with limited r:r no match from the company.,

My brother's in the same situation. He works as a banquet manager and occasional bartender at a hotel
and my sister-in-law works for a department store. They have two beautiful kids.

In every way, they are a typical middle-class family here in Wisconsin. David mentioned to me that he
pays nearly $800 a month for his health insurance and the little he can set aside for his 401k.
Page 3 of4

He -like SD many other workers across WiscDnsin - wouldlove a deal like'the benefits we are pushingin
this budget repair bill.

That's because what we are askingfor is modest - at least to those outside of qovernment.

Ourmeasure asksfor a 5.8% contribution to the pension and a 12.6% contribution for the health
insurance premium. 'Both-are weitbelow-the-nanonot average.

And thisis just one part Df our comprehensive plan to balonce'thestate's 3.6 bidion dollar budget

Now, some have questioned why we have to reformcollective bargaining to balancethe budget The
answer is simple the system is broken: it costs taxpayers seriousmDney - particularly at the Iocat ievel.
As a former county official, Iknow that first hand. '

For years, I triedto US? modest changesin pension and health insurance comributions as a rneons Df
balancinqour budget without massivelaYDffs or furlouqns. On nearlyevery'occaston, the local unions
(empowered by collective bargaining agreements) told me to go ahead and layoffwDrkers. That's not
acceptable to me.

Here's another example: in wtsconsln, many local schooldIstricts are requiredto buy their health
insurance through the WEATrust (which is the state teachersunion'scompany). When our bill passes,
these school. districts can-opt to switch into the state plan and save $68 million per year. Those savings,
could be used to pay for more teachersand put more money into the classroom to help our kids.

Some have alsosuggested that Wisconsin raise taxes an corporations and people with high-incDmes.
Well-- Governor Doyle and the Legislature did that:'two yearsago. In fact they passed a budget-repair
"'<" "
,- ..bill ¥In'jusCone ifay;' mlti'dyo"iij%fJ,t iiJ-aiJaeaiTljillIOn~ifi:Jlliii'Ti:Jj(Tticreijse. ": .':'" -,
",~ c ;',' ~. ~CC-;"' ':

Instead of raising taxes, we need to controlqovernment spending to balance our budget.

Two years ago, many of the same Senate Democrats who are hidingout In anotherstate approveda
bIennIal budget that not onlyincluded hIgher taxes - it included mare than two billion dollars in one-
time federal stimulus ald.

That money was supposed to be for one-time CDStS for things likeroads and bridges. Instead, they used
it as a short-termfIx to balance the last state budget. Not surprisingly, the state nDW faces a deficitfor
the remaInderof thIsfIscal year and a 3.6 bldion dollar hole[or the budget startingJuly 1st.

What we need nDW more than ever, Is a commitment to the future.

As more and more protesters come In from Nevada, Chicago and elsewhere, I am not goIng to allow
their voIces to overwhelm the voices of the miltlons Df taxpayersfrom across the state whD thInk we're
doIng the rIghtthing, ThIs Is a decisIon that WIsconsin will make.

Fundamentally, that's what we were elected to do. Make tough decisions. Whether we like the outcome
or not, our democratic lnstltutlons call for us to participate. Thatis why Iam askIng the mIssIng Senators
Page 4 of4

to come back to work.

Dothe job you Were elected to do. You don't have to like the outcome, or eveii vote yes, but as part of
the world's greatest democracy, you should be here, in Madison, at the Capitol.

. The missing Senate Democrats must know that their failure to.come to work witl lead to dire.
consequences verysoon.'Pai!uretoacttm'this·budgetTepair bill meansiatleast} 'lShundred'state
'employees wjIJ be laid off before the end ofJune. If there is no agreement by July 1st, another 5-6
.thousand state workers -- as well as 5-6 thousand local government employees would be also laid off

But, there is a way to avoid these layoffs and other cuts. The 14 State Senators who pre staying outside
of Wisconsin as we speak can come home and do their job.

We are brokebecause time and time again politicians of both parties ran from the tough decisions and
punted them down the road for another day. We can no longer do that, because, you see, what we're
really talking about today Is our future.

The future of my children, of your children, of the children of the single mother from Wausau that I
mentioned earlier.

Like you, I want my two sons to grow up In a state at least as great as the Wisconsin I grew up in,

More than 162 .years ago, our ancestors-aoproved Wisconsin's constitution. They believed in the power
of hard work and determination and they envisioned a new state with limitless potential.

Ourfounders were pretty smart. Theyunderstood that it is through frugality and moderation in
government that we wjIJ see freedom and prosperity for our people.
i· .. - ···7~· '. - "":"7 ..•' . n ~.~

. Now is our time to once again seize that potentlai. We wl]! do so at this turning point In our state's
history by restoring fiscal responsibility that fosters prosperity for today - and for future generations.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May God richlybless you and your family and may God continue to
bless the great State of Wisco,nsin.

February 17, 2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Walker Calls Democrat Legislators Back Into State

Madison-Today Governor Walker released the following statement:'

Out of respect for the institution of the Legislature and the democratic process, I am calling on
Senate Democrats to show up to work today, debate legislation and cast their vote. Their
actions ,by le,ov]ng thestateandhidinq from voiinq.are disrespectful to the hundreds of
thousands of public employees who showed up to work today and the millions of taxpayers they

Governor Walker will be holding a press conference at 4:45p.m. CST today in the Governor's
Conference room to discuss the day's events. It will only be open to credentialed members of
the media,

_: ... -'.. - .- '-.'-0-:: ,..,.--> - ..

-r ":; ,
Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Weininger, Chad [

Sent: Tuesday, ,February 22, 2011 5:56 PM
to: GOV Press
SUbject:, RE: Wal~erCalls Democrat LegislatorsBack Into State'

Can I get a oopy of the embargoed text of the gov's address", Please,

From: GOV Press []

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:51 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Walker Calls Democrat Legislator~ Back Into State

February 17, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Walker Calls Democrat legislators Back Into State

Madison-Today Governor Walker released the following statement:

Out of respect for the institution of the Legislature and the democratic process, I am calling on Senate
.Democrats to show up to work today, debate legislation and cast their vote. Their actions by leaving
c.;-.;" <. the'state'cm'dhidihg1rom voting' are disrespectful, fothehurfdied's'iJf thousands ofpublic employees
who showed up to work today and the millions of taxpayers they represent.

Governor Walker will be holding a press conference at 4:45p.m. CST today in the Governor's
Conference room to discuss the day's events. It will only be open to credentialed members of the

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Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Kathy Reynolds ~:• • •

, Sent: Tuesday, February 22,2011 6:50 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject,: RE: Text of the Governor's Address

Could we please get the name of the Wausau woman that the Governor was referring to?
Thanks '
Kathy Reynolds

From: GOV Press [mailto:GOVPress@wisconsin,gov]

Sent: Tuesday, February22,20116:14 PM .
To: GOV Press
Subject: Text of the Governor's Address

February 22, 2011

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Text of the Governor's Address

Madison-Below is the text 'of Governor Walker's conversation about our current fiscal year challenges,
the divisions which have arisen over the past week and his positive vision for moving Wisconsin forward.

, ...':--.. .....
Wisconsin is showingthe rest of the countryhow to. have a passionate, yet civil debate about our
finances. That's a very Midwestern traitand something we shouldbe proudof Ipray; however, that this
civility will continue as people pour into ourstate from allacross America.

First, let me be clear: I have great respectfor those who have chosena career In government. I really do.

In 1985, when I was a high schooljuniorin the smalltown of Delavan, I was inspired to pursue public
service after I attended the American Legion's Badger Boys State program. The 'military veterans and
educators who put on that week-long event showed the honorin serving others.

Tonight, Ithank the 300,OOO-plus state and local governmentemployeeswho showed up for worktoday
and did theirjobs well. We appreciate it. If you take onlyone message away tonight, it's that we all '
respect the work that you do.

Ialso understandhow concerned many governmentworkers areabout theirfutures. I've listenedto

their comments and read their em ails;

Ilistened to the educatorfrom Milwaukee who wrote to me about her concerns about the legislation
and what it might mean for her classroom. .
Page 2 of4

, _ .rbprs why lqst weekwe..agr.eerJ. to rt}q/{e]ge$.tQ tbfi}Jill to-! of tboseissues: ". '.' .

And Ilistened to otherslike the correctional officerin Chippewa Falls who emailed me arguing that
bargaining rights [or-public employee unionsare the onlyway to ensure that workers get a fair say in
their working conditions.

I understand and respect those concerns. It's important to remember that many of the rights we're
talking about don't comefrom collective bargaining.. They comefrom the civil service system in
Wisconsin. Thatlaw was passed in 1905 (long before collective bargai(ling) and it will continue long
after our plan is approved.

You see, despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard overthe past 11 days the bill I put forward isn't aimed
at state workers, and it certainly Isn't a battle with unions. if it was, we wouldhave eliminatedcollective
bargaining entirelyor we wouldhave gone after the private-sector unions.

But, we did not because they are our partnersin economic development We need them to help us put
250,000 people to workin the privatesector over the nextfour years. .

The legislation t've.put.forward isabout one thing. It'sabout balancing ourbudget now -- and in the
. future. Wisconsin faces a 137 million dollar deficitfor the remainderof thisfiscal yearand a 3.6 billion
dollar deficitfor the upcoming budget.

Ourbillis about protectingthe hardworking taxpayer. It's about Wisconsin families trying to make ends
meet and help their children.

People like the womanfrom Wausau wha wrote me saying "I'm a single parent of two children, one of
.c...;' .. wHom Is fJlitisfiDf'/Yave oeen'/ntimatelyini!0Ived7nmYichoo!distad:; buf I c&rino longeral/li'rcfthe' .,
taxes Ipay. Iam infavor of everyone payingfor benefits, as I have to."

It's also about the smallbusinessowner who told me about the challenges hefacesjust making payroll
each week.. His employees pay much larger premiumsthan we are asking because that's how they keep
the company going and that's how they protect theirjobs.

Dr the substitute teacherhere in Madison, who wrote to me last week about having to sit at home
unable to workbecause her union had closedthe schooldown to protest.

She sent me an email that went on to say, "I was given no choice injoining the union and I am forced to
'pay dues... I am missing out on pay today... Ifeel like Ihave no voice."

I assure you that she does have a voice.

And so does-the factory workerinJanesville who was laidoff nearlytwo years ago. He ~ a union guy ina
union town who asks simplywhy everyone else has to sacrifice except those in government.

Last week, I traveledthe state visiting manufacturing plants and talking to workers -just like the guy
from Janesville. Many of them are paying twenty-five to fifty percent of theirhealth carepremiums.
Page 3 of4

Most, had 401k plans with limited or no match from the company.

My brother's in the same situation. He works as a banquet manager and occasional bartender at a hotel
and my sister-in-law works for a department store. They have two beautiful kids. '

In every way, they are a typical middle-class family here in Wisconsin. David mentioned to methat he
pays nearly $'800 a-month forhtstieotthtnsurance and-the little he can set aside for his 401k.

,He -like so many other workers across Wisconsin - would love a deal like the benefits we are pushing in
this budget repair bill.

That's because what we are asking for is modest - at least to those outside ofgovernment.

Our measure asks for a 5.8% contribution to the pension and a 12.6% contribution for the health,
insurance premium. Both are well below the national average.

And this is just one part of our comprehensive plan to balance the state's 3.6 billion dollar budget

Now, some have questioned why we hove to reform collective bargaining to balance the budget. The
answer is simple the system is broken: itcosts taxpayers serious money- particularly at the local level.
As a former county official, I know that first hand.

For years, I tried to use modest changes in pension and health insurance contributions as a means of
balancing our budget without massive layoffs or furloughs. On nearly every occasion, the local unions
(empowered by collective bargaining agreements) told me to go ahead and layoff workers. That's not
acceptable to me. ,
:--';, . ..•. ., - :.$",,' ...... - . .

Here's another example: in Wisconsin, many local school districts are required to buy their health
insurance through the WEA Trust (which is the state teachers union's company). When our bill passes,
these school districts can opt to switch into the state plan and save $68 million per year. Those savings
could be used to pay for more teachers and put more money into the classroom to help our kids.

Some have also suggested that Wisconsin raise taxes on corporations and people with hlqit-lncomes.
Well -- Governor Doyle and the Legislature did that: two years ago. In fact they passed a budget-repair
bill (in just one day, mind you) that included a billion-dollartax increase. '

Instead of raising taxes, we need to control government spending to balance our budget.

Two years' ago, many of the same Senate Democrats who are hiding out in another state approved a
biennial budget that not only included higher taxes - it included more than two billion dollars in one-
time federal stimulus aid.

That money was supposed to be for one-time costs for things like roads and bridges. Instead, they used
it as a short-term fix to balance the last state budget. Not surprisingly, the state nowfaces a deficit for
the remainder of this fiscal year and a 3.6 billion dollar hole for the budget starting July 1st.

What we need now more than ever, is a commitment to the future.

._._ J.__ " < ••• ' ••
_.,~ --,- • • "~~.-""-~-' " .,., -'-~" .... " . -~. "- ......" .,,-'

As more and more protesters come in from Nevada, Chicago and elsewhere, I am not going to allow
their voices to overwhelm the voices of the millions of taxpayers from across the state who think we're
doing the right thing. Thisis a decision that Wisconsin will make.

Fundamentally; that's what we were elected to do. Make"tough decisions. Whether we like the outcome
or not, our democratic institutions callfor us to participate. That is why I am asking the missing Senators
to come back to work.

Do the job you were elected to do. You don't have to like the outcome, or even vote yes, but as part of
the world's greatest democracy, you should be here, in Madison, at the Capitol.

The.missinq Senate Democrats must know that their failure to come to work will.lead to dire
consequences very soon. Failure to act on this budget repair bill means (at least) 15 hundred state
employees will be laid off before the end ofJune. If there is no agreement by July Ist, another 5-6
thousand state workers -- as well as 5~6 thousand local qovernment employees would be also loid off.

But, there is a way to avoid these layoffs and other cuts. The 14 State Senators who are staying outside
of Wisconsin as we. speak can come home and do their job.

We are broke because time and time again politicians of both parties ran from the tough decisions and
punted them down the road for another day. We can no longer do that, because, you see, what we're
really talking about today is our future.

The future oj my children, of your children, of the children of the single mother from Wausau that I
mentioned earlier.
-'.-" .
Like you, I want my two sons to grow up in a state at least as great as the Wisconsin I grew up in.

More than 162 years ago, our ancestors approved Wisconsin's constitution. They believed in the power
of hard work and determination and they envisioned a newstate with limitless potential.

Our founders were pretty smart. They understood that it is through frugality and moderation in
government that we willsee freedom and prosperity for our people.

Now is our time to once again seize thatpotential. We will do so at this turning point in our state's
hist;ory oy restoring fiscal responsibility tbat fosters prosperity for today - and for future generations.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May Gad richlybless you and your family and may God continue to
bless the great State of Wisconsin.

. February .22,.2011. -. -- . . , , ,,' .. ,
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Text of the Governor's Address

Madison-Below is the text of Governor Walker's conversation about our current fiscal
year challenges, the divisions which have arisen over the past week and his positive
vision for moving Wisconsin forward.


Wisconsin is showing the rest of the countryhow to have a passionate, yet civil debate
about ourfinances. That's a very Midwestern trait andsomething we should be proud,
of I pray, however, that this civility wl/l continue as people pourInto ourstate from all
across America.

Hrst; let me be clear: Ihave great respectfor those who have ch.osen a careerin ,
government. Ir.eally do.

In 1985; when I was a highschooljuniorin the small town of Delavan, I was inspired to
pursue public service after I attended the American Legion's Badger Boys State program.
The military veteransand educators who put on that week-long event showed the honor
in servlnq others.
-' -- -"! ,"- - .
. Tonight, -{thank the 3iJo~b(jo~pluss'taFe'and7Qcci(go';ernmentemployees wh'o·showed up

for work today and did theirjobs well. We appreciate it. If you take only one message
away tonight, it's that we allrespect the workthat you do.

I also understand how concerned many government workers are about theirfutures. I've
listened to theircomments and read theiremails.

Ilistened to the educatorfrom Milwaukee who wrote to me about her concerns about
the legislation and what it might mean for her classroom.

That's why last week we agreed to make changes to the bill to address many of those

And I listened to others like the correctional Officer In Chippewa Falls who emailed me
,arguing that bargaining rightsfor public employee unions arethe only way to ensure
that workers get a fair say in their working conditions.
~ '"~ .....' ~ ...' .... . I understand-and-respect those-concerns- It'-s· lmportant. to remember that. monyof;the..·,,-· ..·-·~ .., ....... . .
rights we're talking about don't come from collective bargaining. They come from the
civilservice system in Wisconsin. That law was passed in 1905 (long before collective
bargaining) and it will continue long after our plan'is approved.

You see, despite a lot of the rhetoric we've heard over the past 11 days the bill I put
forward isn't aimed at state workers, and it certainly isn't a battle with unions, if it was,
we would have eliminated collective bargaining entirely or we would have gone after the
private-sector unions.

Butrwe..didnot.because..thevare.our partners in economic development. We need them.

to help us put 250,000 people to work in the private sector over the next four years.
. ~

The legislation I've put forward is about one thing. It's about balancing our budget now-
- and in the future. Wisconsin faces a 137 million dollar deficit for the remainder of this
fiscal year and a 3.6 billion dollar deficit for the upcoming budget.

Ourblll is about protecting the hardworking taxpayer. It's about Wisconsin families'
trying to make ends meet and help their children.

People like the woman from Wausau who wrote me saying "I'm a single parent of two
children, one of whom is autistic. I have been intimately involved in my school district,
but l can no longer afford the taxes I pay. I am in favor of everyone paying for benefits,
as I have to."

. -- _ ...~_~.Jt:s_alw.abQ.uJ
_. tbesmatlbustness.owner
. . . . . , .. - , .."'.
who told meaboui.
. '.' ., : ' . tbe.
'. .
... ".
/," ,

making payroll each week. His employees pay much larger premiums than we are asking
because that's how they keep the company going and that's how they protect their jobs.

Or the substitute teacher here in Madison, wha wrote to me last week about having to
sit at home unable to work because her union'had closed the school down to protest.

.She sent me an email that went on to.say, "I was given no choice in joining the union and
I am forced to pay dues ... I am missing out on pay today... Ifeel like I have no voice."

I assure you that she does have a voice.

And so does the factory worker in Janesville who was laid off nearly two years ago. He's
a union guy in a union town who asks simply why everyone else has to sacrifice except
those in government.

Last week, I traveled the state visiting manufacturing plants and talking to workers -just
like the guy from Janesville. Many of them are paying twenty-five to fifty percent of
. their: health care-premiums. Most; hod 401k·plans with limited orno matdifromthe->- ....

My brother's in the same situation. He works as a banquet managerand occasional

bartenderat a hotel and my sister-in-law works for a department store. They have two'
beautiful kids.

In every way, they are a typical middle-class family here in Wisconsin. David mentioned
to me that he paysnearly$800 a month for hishealth insurance and the little he canset
asidefor his401k.

He -like so many other workers across Wisconsin - wouldlove a deallike the benefits
we are pushing in this budget repair bill.

That's because what we are asking for is modest- at least to those outsideof

Our measure asksfor a 5.8% contribution to the pension and a' 12. 6% contribution for
the healthinsurance premium. Both are wellbelow the nationalaverage.

And this isjust one part of our comprehensive plan to balance the state's 3.6 billion
. dollar budget defkit.

Now, some have questioned why we have to reform collective bargaining to balance the
budget. The answeris simple the system is broken: it 'costs taxpayers serious money-
_~_.par.ticularlyat the local level. As a former cQuntyoffidal,.I.know·that.prst.hand.
. • • . • . • • . . _ ",l • .:' .. ' • ~ • • • ,.' ., • . •. "

For years, Itried to use modest changes in pension and health Insurance contributions as
a means ofbalancing our budget without massivelayoffs' orfurloughs. On nearlyevery
occasion, the local unions (empoweredby collective bargaining agreements) told me to .
go ahead and layoff workers. That's not acceptable to me.

Here's anotherexample: in Wisconsin, many local school districtsorerequired to buy

their health insurance through the WEA Trust(which is the state teachers union's
company). When our bill passes, these school districts can opt to switchinto the state
plan and save $68 million per year. Those savIngs couldbe used to payfor more
teachers and put more money into the classroom to help ourkIds.

Some have alsosuggested'that WisconsIn raIse taxes on corporations and people with
high-Incomes. Well-- Governor Doyle and the LegIslature didthat: two years ago. In
fact they passed a budget-repaIr bill (In just one day, mInd you) that included a btlllon-
dollar tax increase.
.. ,,, , ,·..Inste-ad..of ralslnqtaxes-we.need-to-eontrol. qovemmeni ' ,.. <-. ~'.,~ " ••


Two years ago, many of the same Senate Democrats who are hiding out in another state
approved abiennial budget that not only included higher taxes - it included more than
two billion dollars in one..time federal stimulus aid.

That money was supposed tobe for one..time costs for things like roads and bridges.
Instead, they used it as a short-term fix to balance the last state budget. Not
surprisingly, the state now faces a deficit for the remainder of this fiscal year and a 3.6
billion dollar..hoJe.f<Jf:.,the.budgetstar.ting.)uIy.1st.

What we need now more than ever, is a commitment to the future.

As more. and more protesters come in from Nevada, Chicago and elsewhere, I am-not
going to allow their voices to overwhelm the voices of the millions of taxpayers from
across the state who think we're doing the right thing. This is a decision that Wisconsin
will make.

Fundamentally, that's what we were elected to do. Make tough decisions. Whether we
like the outcome or not, our democratic institutions call-for us- topartkipate. That is Why
I am asking the niissing Senators to come backto work.

Do the job you were elected to do. You don't have to like the outcome, or even vote yes,
but as part of the world's greatest democracy, you should be here, in Madison, at the
--- ..,.. ~,.<.~ •• _ _• • _ . __ ••• _._~.CapitoL.~ ~_:"
<_, __ - ...,. .. '" .'. ''---;- ...;.. "0 -~ ""'1'. ='_ ......., ~.~ • .......,-.,,-~r:::::...--:-. ..,..~-._ ....~~7:""" .... ~ 1: -.~- •__ ~~ - -: .. #.~._.~.~ .... .,.. "'" ~~

The missing Senate Democrats must know that thelr.failure to come to work will lead to
dire consequences very soon. Failure to act on this budget repair bill means (at least).15
hundred state employees will be laid off before the end ofJune. if there is no agreement
by July ist, another 5..6 thousand state workers -- as well as 5-6 thousand loccil
government employees would be also laid off. '

But, there is a way to avoid these layoffs and other cuts. .The 14 State Senators who are
. staying outside of Wisconsin as we speak can come home and do their job.

We are broke because time and time again politicians of both parties ran from the tough
decisions and punted. them down the road for another day. We can no. longer do that,
because, you see, what we're really talking about today is our future.

The future of my children, of your children, of the children of the single motherfrom
Wausau that I mentioned earlier.
· .-Like-you,·f.wantmy--twIHons·-to,gr-ow upinostote at.least:as-great as-tbe-vvtsconsin I- " : .......'",._..... ".--'
grew up in. .

More' than 162 years ago, our ancestors approved Wisconsin's constitution. They
believed in the power of hard work and determination and they envisioned a hew state
with' limitless potential.

Our founders were pretty smart. They understood that it is through frugality and
moderation in government that we will see freedom and prosperity for our people. our. time tc.once.aqaln-selze-that potential.: We will do so.aUhis.turning pointtn

our state's history by restoring fiscal responsibility that fosters prosperity for today - and
for future generations.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May God richly bless you and your family andmay God
continue to bless the great State of Wisconsin.

Werwie. Cullen J - GOV
_From: ..
- Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Timeline of Union & Senate DemocratsBudget Related Events

Subject: E-mail received

The Catholic Herald Newspaper has rece~ved the e-mail you sent. It will be directed to the
appropriate department.

Thank you.
-------- Original Message --------

>-February 21. 201~

> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
> Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Related Events
> Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released a timeline of union
> and Sen= ate Democrats' actions rel?ted to balancing tqe budgeto
> 2009
> February 17-Governor Doyle introduces a budget repair bill that raises
> taxe= s by one billion dollars.
> February 18-Senate Democrats ram the bill through the Legislature.
> without = a public hearing.
> (
> 2010
-:-- ..... >:-€am~a.Lgfi"-- SE;:!aS01)-@Overn'Qr campa.Lqns- Q-Q..'~ ~1.1clg~t X:l~f®:t.l1l:":-"7"rJhions.-send -out . r-•. ~ .. ~.'<-.= .•

> flyer= s warning that Walker might reform collective bargaining.

> November 2-County Executive Scott Walker becomes the Governor-elect.
> November 10-Governor-elect Walker asked Governor Doyle to suspend
> contract = negotiations so their fiscal impact could be considered in
> the context of t~ he 2011-13 state budget: -
> Novemper 29-Governor-elect Walker penned a letter to the lame duck
> legislat= ure,.asking them not to take up state employee contracts.
> (attached) December 7-Marty Beil. executive director of AFSCME calls
> Walker,· "master0= f the plantation and we' r.e supposed to be his slaves."
> (
> December lO-The contract negotiations, which were not completed in the
> firs= t 17 months of the contract period. were suddenly finalized.
> (
> December 16-State employee contracts fail to pass the Legislature.
> Marty Be= iI, executive director of AFSCME calls a Legislator "not a
> pros:titute, a wh= ore. W-H-O-R-E. u
> (
> dc76-~
> 0862~11eO-a476-001cc4c03286.html)
> January 3-Governor Walker is inauguratedo Wisconsin faces a $137·
> million cu= rrent fiscal year shortfall and looming $3.6 billion
> s t ruct.ueaL budget defi= ci to _
_> February ll-Before-introducing budget repair bill. Governor Walker
> personal= ly briefs Senator Miller and Representative Barca on the
> bill. Governor Wal= ker introduces budget repair bill.
> February- 15-The Joint Finance Committee tftkes 17 hours of pUblic
> testimony = on the budget repair bill.
> February 16-The Joint Finance Committee passes the bUdget repair bill
> with = changes to protect workers rights.
> February 17-Fourteen Senate Democrats flee Wisconsin to avoid
> debating, off= ering. amendments or casting a vote on the budget repair
->- biil-.. "- They go to a= Best Western in Illinois and corrt Lnue to dr'aw
> their paycheck, total cost t= a taxpayers $1;915 for the day plus the
> cost of their benefits. (Legislator7·s are paid $49,943 per year.
> $49,943 divided by 365 days, times 14 State S= enators =3D $1,915)
> February 18-Public employee unions claim to support having their
> members pa= y 5.8% a pension contribution and 12.6% of the cost"of
> health insurance···.GGv= ..e naqe., Gf?:v-e.:J::::nor Wal.ker states that -when local
> governments receive cuts to = state aid they are going to need the
> tools contained in his proposal to hel= p balance their budget without
> layoffs or reductions in the delivery of cov= er government services.
> Fourteen Senate Democrats remain in Illinois, "take= an additional
> $.1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpa= yer funded qenefits.
> February 19-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue -their vacation in
> Illinois, = take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day.
> Continue to receive = taxpayer funded benefits .
. >'February 20-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in
> Ll.Li.noi.s j = take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day.
> Continue to receive t= axpayer funded benefits.
> February 21-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in
> Illinois, = take an additional $1;915 from taxpayers for the day.
> Continue to receive t= axpayer funded ben~fits. Senate Democrats begin to fundraise.
> (
> Along with this timeline Governor Walker's spokesman" Cullen Wer~·de,
> releas= ed the following statement:
> Senate Democrats need to come back to work the jobs that they are
> getting p= aid to do. ,24 hours was enough time for them to increase
> taxes by $1 billi= on dollars two years ago. Now with more than 17
> hours of public testimony = and a 5 day vacation to Illinois, .Seriat.e Democrats say they
need more time.
> The truth is at a time when Wisconsin is in a fiscal crisis, these
> individu= als are on a taxpayer funded, campaign fundraising
> vacation-avoiding debate= and their duty to cast their vote on a
>· that· ·is 100%· directed -at b= alancing our state's budgeL.·
> Instead of using Wisconsin's fiscal crisis to fill their campaign
> coffers, = Senate Democrats should do their job.
> -- 000 54458D04BOB7924C905A097136CD6EB24ADDE2A664MEWMADOPC02GO
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> {color:blue;
> text-decoration:underlinei}
> a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
> .{color: purple;
> text-decoration: underline i'}
> span.EmailStylel7
> {mso-style-type:personal-composei
> font-family:Calibri;
> color:blacki
> font-weight:normali
> font-style:norma1i
> text-decoration:none none;}
> @page Sectionl
> {size:8.5in 11.0in;
> margin: f. Oin 1.0in 1.0in 1. Oin; }
> div.Sectionl
> {page:Sectionl;}
> -->
> </style>
> </head>
> <body lang=3DEN-US link=3Dblue vlink=3Dpurple>
> <div class=3DSectionl>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D "font-size= : 12. Opt; "font-family:Caribri' >February 21,
> 2011<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNorma1><font size=3D3 "face=3DCalibri><spah" .
> style=30'font-size= :12.0pt; ,font-family:Callbri'>For Immediate
> Release<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>'
'> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span'
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family: caLi.brL I ->.ContaGt.·: 'Cullen· WerwLe.,
> 60S-267-7303<o:p></o:p></span>= </font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-familY:Calibri'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal align=3Dcenter
> style=3D'text-align:center'><b><font si=
> ze=3D4
> style=3D'font-size:15.0pt;font-family:Calibri;font-wei~·
> ght:
> bOld'>Timeline of Union &ampi Sepate Democrats Budget Related
> Events<o:p></= o:p></span></font></b></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><st1:place w:st=3D"on"><st1:City
> w:st=3D"on"><b><font =
> size=3D3
> face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size:12.0pt;font-family:Ca1ibri;font-w=
> eight:
> bold'>Madison</span></font></b></st1:City></st1:place><font
> face~3DCalibr=
> i><span
. ~~ry're=3D' font:-famrly: Calibri '>&#'S212rToElay' ·G6'le-rl'lor.'WaIKeI-oi#152 n ;. s: .'c
> office released a timeline of union and Senate Democrats' actions
> related to balan= cing the budget.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> .
> <p c1ass=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face~3DCa1ibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><u><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>2009<o:p></o:p></span></font></u></P>'
>'<p class=3DMsoNorma1><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Ca1ibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 17</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
.> style=3D'font~fami1y:Calibrl'>&#S212;Governor Doyle in= troduces a
> budget repair bill that raises taxes by one billion
> dollars.<o:p></o:p></= .
> span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> lS</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#S212;Senate Democrats ram the bill
> through the Legislature, without a public
> hearing.<o:p></o:p></span></=
> font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> fOr'lt-familY:Calibri' > (http://l·egis·.wisconsin.go"v!2009/data/SB66hst . htm
> 1)<0:=
> p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
>. style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> .
>.<p class=3DMsoNormal><u><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ·ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>2010<0:p></o:p></span></font></u></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt; .
> font-family:Calibri; font-weight :.bold' >Campaign
> season</span></font></b><fon= t face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Governor campaign= s on budget
> reform.&nbsp; Unions send out flyers warning that <stl:place w:st=3D=
> "on"><stl:City w:st=3D"on">Walker</stl:City></stl:place> might reform
> collective bargaini= ng. <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-familY:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> 2</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;County Executive = Scott Walker
> becomes the Governor-elect.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D' font-s= ize: 12. Opt; .
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> 10</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Governor-elect <s= tl:place
> w:st=3D"on"><stl:City w:st=3D"on">Walker</stl:City></stl:place> asked
> Gover= nor Doyle to suspend contract negotiations so their fiscal
~4:irripacr'Ci5uld Jj" considered ii1;'~lie' ·context of">iohEi '2 O]l'r",J:3 'm:at-e~ _.,~. ",c" -.
> bUdget.<o:p></o:p></span></f=
> ont></p>
> <p class?3DMsoNormal><b><font. size=3D3'face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> 29</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Governor-elect <S= tl:place
> w:st=3D"on"><stl:City w:st~3D"on">Walker</stl:City></stl:place> p enrled
> a le= tter to the lame duck legislature, asking them not to take up
> state employee contra~ ets.
> (attached) <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
~ <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>December
> 7</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Marty Beil, execu= tive director
> of AFSCME calls <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:City w:st=3D"on">Walke~
> r</stl:City></stl:place>, &#8220;master of the plantation and we're
> supposed to be his slaves.&#8221;= <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'> ( ics/26049415/det
> ail.h=
> tml)<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsbNormal><b><fontsize=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>December
.> 10'</sparr></fC5n't></b>~'Cfn-e' face=:JDCalibr±>,,<span'" ..'- -. ._-" - .. ..
~ '-,.~ _~ ,_ -.... ~_- ",_ .. , - ..'-
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Thecontract negotiations,which
> were not completed in the first 17 months of the contra= ct period,
> were suddenly finalized.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D',ze= ..: 12. Opt.;
> font-family:Calibri'> (http://www. channe13000. com/politics/26ll465l/det
> a Ll.v he
> tml) <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><b><fontsize=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>Oecember
> -16</span></foht><!b/<font face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;State employee co= -ntracts fail
> to pass the Legislature. Marty Beil, executive director of AFSCME
> call= s a Legislator &#8220inot a prostitute, a whore.
> W-H-O-R~E.&quot;<o:p></o:p></s~
> pan></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>(
> po l Lt> .
> ics/article e836dc76-0862-lleO-a476-00lcc4c03286.html)<o:p></0:p><lspa
> n></f~ -
> ont></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><b><fontsize=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>January 3</span></font></b><font
> face=3DCalibri><span style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Governor
> Walker i= s inaugurated. <stl:place w:st=3"O"on"><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on u>Wisconsin</stl:S=
"'. -;'-''''_~>-;- t'a"te>-<i s t 1 :pl-a.cEf7' ,: .,. -'- -:';'1" :y.~.~ ." ,:~,<,-:' ~ "'-:>•. ~.....p,{<.:;... :--.:. ~-..,. ....".,.""'..,..;""-~-:.:-;""':-~"~ ...-_ •.:,.,.".... ..-;: .,~,
> faces a $137 million current fiscal year shortfall and looming $3.6
> billion structural budget deficit.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> '
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><b><fontsize=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 11'</span></ font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Before introducin= g budget
> repair bill, Governor Walker personally briefs Senator Miller and
> Representative Barca on the bill. Governor Walker introduces budget
> repair ~ bill.
> <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> l5</span></font></b><font face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;The Joint Finance Committee takes
> 17 hours of publ~c testimony on the budget repair bill.<o:p=
> ~</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
'> font-family:Calib~i;font-weight:bold'>February
> l6</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;The Joint Finance Committee
> passes the budget repair bill with changes to protect workers rig=
> hts.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> sty1e~3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
» font-fam1:ly: Calibri")"font-weight: bold'>February .'
> 17</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen Senate D~ emocrats flee
> <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</stl:State></s=
> t1:place>
,>to avoid deba t Lnq, ..o f f e r Lnq -ameridmerrts .c.ri.cas t Lnq -a- :vote on ,the bUdget
>repa= ir biI1.&nbsp; They go to a Best Western in <st1:place
>w: st=3D"on "><stl: State = w: st=3D" OD."> Illinois</ stl: State></ stl: place>
>and continue to draw their paycheck, total cost to taxpayers $1,915'
>for the= day plus the cost of their benefits. (Legislators are paid
>$49,943 per year.&nb= sp;
> $49,943 divided by 365 days, times 14 State Senators =3D
> $1,915)<o:p></o:p>= </span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;,
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> l8</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Public employee u~ nions claim to
> support having their members pay 5.8% a pension contribution and 1=
> 2.6% of the cost of health insurance coverage. &nbsp;Governor Walker
> states that= when local governments receive cuts to state aid they.
> are going to need the tool= s contained in his proposal to help
> balance their budget without layoffs or reductions in the d~livery of
> cover government services.&nbsp; Fourteen Sen= ate Democrats remain in
> <stl sp Lace w: st=3D"on n><stl: State w: st=3D"on">Illinois<=
.> /st1:State></st1:place>, take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for
> the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
><p class~3DMsoNormal><b><fontsize~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span'
> style~3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 19</span></ font></b><font .face~3DCalibri><span
:;1', s.ty]:'e'=3D 'font.~f"rri:kly: Ca-J:J,bri""' >&'#82'12-;-Foto::teren S'e'fiate' D~. -enlbc"t'a'bs" "'- '~".::> ..-.. -C':'7,' . ~~""""....-
~'. '
.-.;..- ',<, -;

> continue their vacation in <stl :place w: st=3D"on "><stl: State

> w:st~3D"on">Il= linois</st1:State></st1:place>, take an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day.&nbsp; Continue to rec= eive
> taxpayer funded benefits.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p c1ass=3DMsoNorma1><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
;, font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>Februa~y.
> 20</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen Senate D~ emocrats
> continue their vacation in <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">I1= 1inois</st1:State></st1:place>, take an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
. > <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 21</span></font></b><font face~3DCa1ibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen Senate D= emocrats
> continue their vacation in <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:State
> ,w:st=3D"on">II= linois</st1:State></st1:place>, take an additional
.> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits. Senate Democrats begin to fundraise. <o:p></o:p><~
> /sparr></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCa1ibri><span
·> style~3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family: CalibrPY(http://www , ssdc-wi, org/'SSDC/lIome .·htm1) <o:p></o:p
> ></sp=
> an></font></p>
>..: •.
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-size= :12,Opt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> . .
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D' font7.s.i.z.e= ..,.1,2."Opt-; .fQnt-t:amily~,Calib",i '>Along ,with, this
> tirneline Governor Walker&#8217;s spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released
> the following statement:<i><span
> style~3D'font-style:italic'><0:p></0:p></span></i></span></font></p>
> <p c1ass~3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt; ,
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font>
> </i><~
> /p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><i><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-farnily:Calibriifont-style:italic'?Senate Democrats need to come
> back t= 0 work the jobs that they are getting paid to do.&nbsp; 24
> hours was enough t= ime for them to increase taxes by $1 billion
> dollars two years ago.&nbspi Now with more than =
>,17 hours of public testimony and a 5 day vacation to <st1·:place
> w:st=3D 11on l l = .
> ><stl:State
> w: st=3D"on ">Illinois</ stl: State></ stl: place>, Senate' Democrats say
> they ne~ ed more time,&nbsp; <o:p></o:p></span></font></i></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><i><font .size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
.> font-family:Calibri; font-style·: italic' >&nbsp; <0 :p></o :p></span></font>
> </i><=
> /p>
».> <p··clasS=3BMsoNo-rtn1l1:><iY<:Ebnt -"i2e"'0D3 'fB:ce=3DCaribrfX",span" ,~.,.~., "", -:":.•.' -'"""..;;.- '.'.... - -r-w.:» .• -
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>The truth is at a time when
> <stl:pla= ce w:st=3D"on"><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</stl:State></stl:place> is in ~ a fiscal crisis,
> these individuals are on a taxpayer funded, campaign fundra~sing'va=
> cation&#8212;avoiding debate and their duty to cast their vote on a
> proposal that is 100% directe= d at balancing our state&#8217;s
> budget. <o:p></o:p></span></font></i></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D',font-s~· ize: 12 .Opt;
> font~family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font>
> </i><~ r . .

> /P>
> <p size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s=ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>Instead of using <st1:place '
> w:st=3D"= on"><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</st1:State></st1:place>&#8217;s fiscal crisis to
> fil= 1 their campaign coffers, Senate Democrats should do their
> job.<o:p><lo:p></s~
> pan></font></i></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s~ ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri; font-style: italic'><o:p>&nbsp;</o: p></span></font>
> </i><=
> Ip>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DCalibri><span
>' font-size: 11 ;Opt; font·-family: Calibri ;·colm:: bl-act·' ><o·:p>&ribsp!, -
> <Io:p=
> ><lspan></font></p>
> </div>
> </body>
> </html>
> --- 000- 54458D04BOB7924C905A097136CD6EB24ADDE2A664MEWMADOPC02GO

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

From: Jim Pugh

Sent: Monday. February 21, 2011 2:03 PM
To: GOVPress
Subject: RE: Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats BUdget Related Events

Very nice

From: GOV Press []

Sent: Mon 2/21/2011 1:49 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject: Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Related Events

February 21, 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Related Events

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released a tirneline of union and Senate Democrats'
actions related to balancing the. budget.

.- :.' . "",'..
February 17-Governor Doyle introduces a budget repair bill that raises taxes by one
billion dollars.

February 18-Senate Democrats ram the bill through the Legislature, without a public


Campaign season-Governor campaigns on budget reform. Unions send out flyers warning that
Walker might reform collective bargaining.

November 2-County Executive" Scott Walker becomes the Governor-elect.

November ~O-Governor-elect'Walkerasked Governor Doyle to' suspend contract negotiations so .

their fiscal impact could be considered in the context of the 2011-13 state budget.

November 29-Governor-elect Walker penned a letter to the lame duck legislatur~, asking
them not to take up state em~loyee contracts. (attached)

December 7-Marty Beil, executive director of AFSCME calls Walker, "master of the
plantation and we I reo supposed to be his slaves."

December lO-The contract negotiations, which were not completed in the first 17 months of
the contract period, were sUddenly finalized.

(ht t.p: //www;"l·itica/2lHN65-1/det·aiLhtml)'·

December 16-State employee contracts fail to pass the Legislature. Marty Beil, executive
director-of AFSCME calls a Legislator lfnot a prostitute, a whore. W-H-O-R-E."

( e836dc76-0862-11eO-
a47 6-001cc4c03286 .frtml.) -

January 3-Governor Walker is inaugurated. Wisconsin faces a $137 million current fiscal
year shortfall and looming $3.6 billion structural budget deficit.

February ll-Before introducing budget repair bill, Governor Walker personally briefs
Senator Miller and Representative Barca on the bill: Governor Walker introduces budget
repair bill.

February 15-The Joint Finance Committee takes 17 hours Of public testimony on the budget
repair bill.

February 16-The Joint Finance Committee passes the budget repair bill with changes to
protect workers rights.

February 17-Fourteen Senate Democrats flee Wisconsin to avoid .debating, offering

amendments or casting a vote on the budget "repair bill . . They go to a Best Western in
Illinois and continue to draw their paycheck, total cost to taxpayers $1,915 for the day
plus the cost of their benefits. (Legislators are paid $49,943 per year. $49,943 divided
by 365 days, times 14 State Senators = $1,915)

February 18-Public employee unions claim to support having their members pay 5.8% a
pension contribution and 12.6% of the cost of health insurance coverage. Governor Walker
states that when local governments receive cuts to state aid they are going to need the
tools contained in his proposal to help balance their budget without layoffs or reductions
in the delivery of cover government services. Fourteen Senate Democrats remain in
Illinois, take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive
taxpayer funded benefits.

'13emoc'rats'" contrLnue . .' t"heir vacation "in Ill:iho,is"~~.;take-afl ...
-"~ " ~',

additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded

February 20-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in Illinois, take an

additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded

February 21-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in Illinois, take an

additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
benefits. Senate Democrats begin to fundraise.


Along with this timeline Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the
following statement:

Senate Democrats need to come back to work the jobs that they are getting paid to do. 24
hours was enough time for them to increase taxes by $1 billion dollars two years ago. Now
with more than 17 hours of pUblic testimony and a 5 day vacation to Illinois, Senate
Democrats say they need more time.

The truth is at a time when Wisconsin is in a fiscal crisis, these individuals are on a
taxpayer funded, campaign fundraising vacation-avoiding debate and their duty to cast
their vote on a proposal ,that is 100% directed at balancing our state's budget.
,- ."-'~._' .-.- .. ~ - ~ ' - .

Instead of using Wisconsin 's fiscal crisis to fill their campaign coffers, S~nate
Democrats should do their job.

~._~"'. ..-

Werwie,Cullen J - GOV
From: '
Sent: Monday, February 21, 201 PM
SUbject: Re: Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats BUdget Related Events

Subject: E-mail received

The Catholic Herald Newspaper has received the e~mail you sent. It will be directed to the
appropriate department.

Thank you.

-------- Original Message --------

> February 21, 2011

> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
> Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Relat~d Events
> Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released a timeline of union
> and Sen= ate Democrats' actions related to balancing the budget.
> 2009
> February 17-Governor Doyle introduces a budget repair bill that raises
> taxe= s by one billion dollars.
> February 18-Senate Democrats ram the bill through the Legislature,
> without = a public hearing.
> (
> 2010
~ - ~ Y"9ampg-i:gn '-q Ha SQn "'-Ge V:'e r n o J;-- :---e amp a"ig n s " qn ·.buelgee··Tef~':(nf:;"·-"1;1ni6r1S·seXld.~·out - •.' . ---.~.,,­
> flyer= s warning tQat Walker might reform collective bargaining.
> November 2-County Executive Scott Walker becomes the Governor-elect.
> November lO-Governor-elect Walker asked,Governor Doyle to suspend
> contract = negotiations so their fiscal impact could be considered in
> the context of t= he 2011-13 state budget.
> November 29-Governor-elect Walker penned a letter to the lame duck
> legislat= ure, asking them not to take up state employee contracts.
> (attached) December'7-Marty Beil, executive director of AFSCME calls
> Walker, "master 0= f the plantation and we're supposed to be his slaves."
> (
> December lO-The contract negotiations, which were not complet~d in the
> firs= t 17 months of the contract period, were suddenly finalized.
> (
> December l6-State employee contracts fail to pass the Legislature.
> Marty Be= iI, executive director of AFSCME calls a Legislator "not a
> prostitute, a wh= are. W-H-O-R-E." .
> (!article_e836
> dc76-=
> 0862-11eO-a476-001cc4c03286.html)
> January 3-Governor Walker is inaugurated. Wisconsin faces a $137
> million cu= rrent fiscal year shortfall and looming $3.6 billion
> structural budget defi= cit.
> February II-Before introducing budget repair bill, Governor Walker
> personal= ly briefs Senator Miller and Representative Barca on the
> bill. G0vernor Wal= ker introduces budget repair bill.
> February 15-The Joint Finance Committee takes 17 hours of public
> testimony = on the budget repair bill.
> February l6-The Joint Finance Committee passes the budget repair bill
> with = changes to protect workers right~.
> February 17~Fourteen Senate Democrats flee Wisconsin to avoid
> debating, off= ering amendments or casting a vote on the budget repair
.>: bill.' -, Th-ey go' to a~ Best WesterJi-' in Illinois and continue to 'draw-
> their paycheck, total cost t= a taxpayers $1,915 for the day plus the
> cost of their benefits. (Legislator~ s are paid $49,943 per year.
> $49,943 divided by 365 days, times 14 State S= enators ~3D $1,915)
> February l8~Public employee unions claim to support having their
> members pa= y 5.8% a pension contribution and 12.6% of the cost of
> health Lnsurance C0V-=;: .e r aqe . ,.Governor ~Walker states that when .Loce.L
> governments receive cuts to = state aid they are going to need the
> tools contained in his proposal to hel= p balance their budget without
> layoffs or reductions in the delivery of cov= er government services.
> Fourteen Senate Democrats remain in Iliinois l take= an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for 'the day. Continue to receive taxpa= yer funded benefits.
> February 19-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in
> Illinois, = take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for the 'day.
> Continue to receive =
taxpayer funded benefit~.
> February 20-Fourteen Senate Democrats' corttinue their vacation in
> Illinois, ~ take an additional $1,915 from,taxpayers for the day.
> ~ontinue to receive t= 'axpayer funded benefits.
> February 21-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their ~acati~n in"
> Illinois, = take an,additional $1,915' from taxpayers £or the day.
> Continue to receive t= axpay~r funded benefits. Senate Democrats begin to fundraise.
> (http:.! / ,
> Along with this timeline Gover~or Walker 1s spokesman, Cullen Werwie,
> releas= ed the following statement:
> Senate Democrats need to come back to work the jobs that they are
> getting p= aid to do. 24 hours was enough'time for them to in~rease
> taxes by $1 billi= on dollars two years ago~ Now with mor~'than l~
> hours, of public testimony ~ and a 5 day vacation to Illinois, Senate Democrats 'say they
need more time.
> The truth is·at a time when Wisconsin is in a fiscal crisis, these
> individu= als are on a taxpayer fund~d"campaign fundraising
"> vacation-avoiding debate= "and their duty to cast their vote on a
",'" "> proposal ·that' is 100% directed at--bo;', aLuicing< oui"'stat'e':§, DU,dget" ,
> Instead of using Wisconsin's fiscal crisis to fill their campaign
> coffers, = Senate Democrats should do ~heir job. ~
> -- 000 54458D04BOB7924C905A097l36CD6EB24ADDE2A664MEWMADOPC02GO
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii ll .

> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

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> <body lang=3DEN-US link=3Dblue vlink~3Dpurple>
> <div class=3DSectionl>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D' font-size= : 12. Opt; font-family: Calibri" >February 21,
> 2011<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face=3DCalibri><span~
> style=3D'font-size~ :12.0pt; font-family:Calibri'>For Immediate
> Release<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-famiLy: Calib:l~i '>.Conta.ct: ·..cul1en Werwie,
> 608-267-7303<o:p></o:p></span>= </font></p>
> <p,class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt; ,
> font-family:Calibri'><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal align~3Dcenter .
> style~3D'text-align:center'><b><font si~
> ze~3D4
> face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size:15.0pt;font-family:Calibri;font-wei=
> ght: '
.> bold'>Timeline of Union &amp; Senate Democrats Budget Related
> Events<o:p></= o:p></span></font></b></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D' font-size~ : 12. Opt; ,
> font~family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~3DMsoNormal><stl:place w:st~3Dnonn><stl:City
> w:st=3D"on"><b><font =
> size=3D3
> face=3DCalibri><span
> style~~D'font-size:12.0pt;font-familY:Calibri;font-w=
> eight:,'
> bold'>Madison</span></font></b></stl:City></stl:place><font
> face~3DCalibr=
> i><span
:-'----:>':i1i:yre=3D' font,.famHy:-C'ali:bri·i.>'&#B2 r')f;-Toaay .Go'lre-rnor WaJ:ker&"#'821Ti s .
> office released a timeline of union and Senate Democrats' actions
> related to balan= cing the budget.<o:p></o:p></span></font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p><!o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><u><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
-> style~3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>2009<o:p></o:p></span></font></u></P>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size~3D3 face~3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 17</span></font></b><font 'face~3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Governor Doyle in= troduces a
> budget repair bill that raises taxes by one billion
> dollars.<o:p></o:p></=
> span></font></p>
-> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 18</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Senate Democrats ram the' bill
> through the Legislature, without a public
> hearing.<o:p></o:p></span></=
> font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
-> font~family: Calibri' > (http,-l!legis·!2009!dab,,!in,66hsLh1:m·
> 1)<0:=
> p><!o:p><!span><!font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-'size= :12.0pt;
> font-family: Calibri' >&nbsp;..<o:,P><!o,p><!span></font><!p>
.> <p class=30MsoNormal><u><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=30'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'> 2010<0:P></0:p><!span><!font><!u><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>Campaign
> season</span></font><!b><fon= t face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Governor campaign= s on budget
> reform.&nbsp; Unions send out flyers warning that'<stl:place w:st=3D=
> ff o n "><s t l : Ci t y w:st=3DfJ o n">Walker</stl:City></stl:place> might reform
> collective bargaini= ng. <o:p><!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt; .
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> 2</span><!font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;County Executive = Scott. Walker
> becomes the Governor-elect.<o:p></o:p><!span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> lO<!span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Governor-elect <s= tl:place
> w:st=3D"on"><stl:City w:st=3D"on">Walker<!stl:City><!stl:place> asked
> Gover= nor Doyle to suspend contract negotiatiqns ~o th~ir ftscgl
,::-.,-;>, impact -"cQultl be - consfdeye't!-:trr. 'the ''C0utex!:"'tJ'f'''Ure' 2mY~-J.3''S1:ate''·· ---'.-..-."'-
> budget.<o:p></o:p></span><!f=
> ont><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>November
> 29</span><!font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Governor-elect <s= tl:place
> w: st=3D"on"><stl :City w: st=30:'on">Walker<!stl :Ci ty></stl :place> penned
> a le= tter to the lame duck legislature, asking them not to take up
> state employee contra= eta.
> (attached) <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>December
> 7</span><!font><!b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#82l2;Marty Beil, execu= tive director
> of AFSCME calls <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:City w:st=3p"on">Walke=
> r</stl:City><!stl:place>, &#8220;master of the plantation and we're.
> supposed to be his slaves.&#822l;= <o:p><!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri.>(!260494l5/det
> ail.h=
> tml)<o:p><!o:p><!span><!font><!p>
> <p class~3DMsdNormal><b><font size=3D3'face~3DCalibri><span
.> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>Oecember
.- Y··10</spart><l.f·6nt·><·/b><fbnt "".'".. - ' ~
c._ ~.,

> style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;The contract'negotiations, which

> were-not completed in the first 17 months of the' contra= ct period,
> were suddenly finalized.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class~30MsoNormal><font size~303 face=30Calibri><span
.> style=30' f'orrt-vs Lz ew : 12 •.0pt.j
> font-family:Calibri.>(
> ail.h=
> tml) <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>Oecember
> 16</span><!font><!b><font face=3DCaiibri><span
> style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;State employee co= ntracts fail
> to pass the Legislature. Marty Beil, executive director of AFSCME
> call= s a Legislator &#8220;not a prostitute, a whore.
> W-H-O-R-E.&quot;<o:p></o:p></s=
> pan></font></p> '
> <p class=30MsoNormal><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri '.> (
> polit= .
> ics/article e836dc76-0862-l1eO-a476-001cc4c03286.htmll<0:p></0:p></spa
> n></f= -
> 'ont></p> .
> <p class=30MsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>January 3</span></font></b><font
> face=30Calibri><span style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Governor
.> Walker i= s inaugurated. <stl;place w:st=3D uon">.<stl:State
> w:st=3D"on u>Wisconsin</stl:S= t

~".' ". -''".,:o··::--:>''ce.''':'''·'f';-·'.:'.' '-":~'---''''i'",'''-'·';',''T-' _.;-, .----~""-..~~ ".-

';C.' --;; 'fute><1st1Tpl1:lc;e? ~'-" --""~--.'.;<'-""--~~.~"''''

> faces a $137 million current fiscal year shortfail and looming $3.6
> billion structural budget deficit.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><b><font size=303 .face=·30Calibri><span
> style=30' font-s= ize: 12. O p t ; ' .
> font-family: Calibri; font-weight:bold'>February
> 1l</span></font></b><font face=30Calibri><span'
> style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Before introducin= g budget
> repair bill, Governor Walker personally briefs Senator Miller and
> Representative Barca on the bill. Governor Walker introduces budget
> repair = bill ..
> <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 1S</span></font></b><font face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;The Joint Finance Committee takes
> 17 hours of public testimony on the bUdget repair bill.<o:p=
> ></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=30MsoNormal><b><font size=303 face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 16</span></font></b><font face=30Calibri><span
> style=30'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;The Joint Finance Committee
,> passes the budget repair bill with changes to protect workers rig=
> hts.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family: Calibri'; font-weight: bold"">Flobrua-r:l' -
> 17</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen S enate D= emocrats flee
> <stl rp.laco W: st=3D"on "><stl: State
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</stl:State></s=
> tl:place>
> to avoid debating 1 ~£fering amendments or casting a vote on the budget
> repa= ir bill.&nbsp; They go to a Best Western in <stl:place
> w:st=3D"on"><stl:State= w:st=3D"on">Illinois</stl:State></stl:place>
> and continue to draw their paycheck, total cost to taxpayers $1,915
> for the= day plus the cost of their benefits. (Legislators are paid
> $49,943 per year.&nb= sp;
> $49,943 divided by 365 days, times 14 State Senators =3D
> $1,915)<o:p></o:p>~ </span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D' font-s= ize: 12'. Opt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 18</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Public employee u= nions claim to
> support having their members pay 5.8% a pension contribution and 1=
>'2.6%.0£ the cost of health insurance coverage. &nbspiGovernor Walker
.> states that= when local governments receive cuts to state aid they
> are going to need the tool= s contained in his proposal .to help.
> balance their bUdget without layoffs or reductions in the delivery of
> cover·government services.&nbsp; Fourteen.Sen= ate Democrats remain in
> <stl:plqce w:st=3D"on l l > < s t l : S t a t e w:s~=3D"on">Illinois<=
> /stl:State></stl:place>, take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for
> the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalipri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 19</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
. > ··st'yle",3-D 'font-'fanri:ly~ealibri '>'&#821ZiFbtti't'eeI1' S'enat-e''t)'''' emoBra"fs '~' , . ,,'c· .. · .. · -. - " <..

> continue their vacation in <stl:place w:st=3D"on"><stl:State

> w:st=3D"on">Il= linois</stl:State></stl:place>, take an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day.&nbsp; Continue to rec= eive
> taxpayer funded benefits.<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D' font-s= ize: 12. Opt z.
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 20</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen Senate D= emocrats
> continue their vacation in <sti:place w:st=3D"on H > < s t l : S t a t e
> w:st=3D"on">Il= linois</stl:State></st1:place>, take an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits. <o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><b><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-weight:bold'>February
> 21</span></font></b><font face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-family:Calibri'>&#8212;Fourteen Senate D= emocrats
> continue their vacation in <stl:place w~st=3Dnonn><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">Il= linois</stl:State></stl:place>, take an additional
> $1,915 from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded
> benefits. Senate Democrats begin to fundraise. <o:p></o:p><=
> /span><ifont></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCa1ibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:'' > (http://www . ssdc-wi. orcr/SSDC/Home .html) <0 :p></o:p
> ></sp=
> an></font></p>
'. >
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-size= :12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D 'fDnt-s.i~"=·,,,:J..z,.. Opt; font-.f.amily.:.Gal.ibri '.>Along with this
> timeline Governor Walker&#8217;s spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released
> the following statement:<i><span
> style=3D'font-style:italic'><0:p></0:p></span></i></span></font></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri; font-style: italic'>&nbsp;<o:p></o: p></span></font>
> </i><=
> /p>
> '<p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>Senate Democrats need to come
>'back t= 0 work .the jobs that they are getting paid to do.&nbsp; 24
> hours was enough t= ime for them to increase taxes by $1 billion
> dollars two years ago.&nbspi Now with = more than
> 17 hours of public testimony and a 5 day vacation to <st1:place
> w:st=3D"on"=
> ><st1:State
> .w:st=3D"on">Illinois</stl:State></stl:place>, Senate Democrats say
> they ne= ed more time.&nbsp; <o:p></o:p></span></font></i></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style~3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt; .
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic">&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font>
> </i><=
> /p>
, "> .<p: 6rasgC'3D~lsbNormal><i><f'o'rit·si';:e=3D3"'fa:ce=?5D'C!alib'r±>.i::s.pan .,": .. ~•.. :.~'. ~.''7''- .- .'~' < - ._.

> style=3D'font·s= ize:12.0pt;

> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>The truth is at a time when
> <stl:pla= ce w:st=3D"on "><stl:State
> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</stl:State></stl:place> is in = a fiscal crisis,
> these individuals are on a taxpayer funded, campaign 'fundraising va=
> cation&#8212;avoiding debate and their duty to cast their vote on a
> proposal that is 100% directe= d at balancing our state&#8217;s
> budget. <o:p></o:p></span></font></i></p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font 8ize=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>&nbsp;<o:p></o:p></span></font>
> </i><= .
> /p>
> <p c1ass=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri;font-style:italic'>Instead of using <st1:place
> w:st=3D lI = on"><stl:State
.> w:st=3D"on">Wisconsin</st1:State></st1:place>&#8217;s fiscal crisis to
> fil= 1 their campaign coffers, Senate Democrats should do their
> job.<o:p></o:p></s=
> pan></font></i></p>
> .,
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><i><font size=3D3 face=3DCalibri><span
> style=3D'font-s= ize:12.0pt;
> font-family:Calibri; font-style:italic' ><o:p>&nbsp;</o: p></span></font>
> </i><=·
> /p>
> <p class=3DMsoNormal><font size=3D2 color=3Dblack face=3DCalibri><span
y style=3i) vfont s Lae : 11. Opt; font-family: Calibri; color :·black' ><o·:p>&rrbsp-:

> </o:p= .
> ></span><!font></p>
> </div>
> </body>
> </html>
> -- 000 54458D04BOB7924C905A097l36CD6EB24ADDE2A664MEWMADOPC02GO --

....; ..-.

Page 1 of2

.. Cullen
~- . J -.. GOV·
-~ .~

From: GOV Press

Sel'lt: Monday, February 21, 2011 1.:50 pM
To: GOV Press
Subject:'Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Related Events

February 21, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Timeline of Union & Senate Democrats Budget Related Events

Madison-Today Governor Walker's office released a timeline of union and Senate Democrats' actions ..
related to balancing the budget.

February 17~Governor Doyle introduces a budget repair bill that raises taxes by one billion dollars.'
February lS-Senate Democrats ram the bill through the Legislature, without a public hearing.
( I)

Campaign season-Governor campaigns on budget reform. Unions send out flyers warning that
Walker might reform collective bargaining.
November 2-County Executive Scott Walker becomes the Governor-elect.
November .1Q-Goverll9r-elect WaJker.i;lsked Governor Doyle to suspend contractnegotlatlons so their
fiscai Impact could be consldered in th~-c;;~t~~t~'fth~201i~13 state b~dg~t.· - ' - . _ ..
November 29-Governor-elect Walker penned a letter to the lame duck legislature, asking them not to
. take up state employee contracts. (attached)
December 7-Marty Beil, executive director of AFSCME calls Walker, "master ofthe plantation and
we're supposed to be his slaves." .
December 10-The contract negotiations, which were not completed in the first 17 months of the
conttact period, were suddenly finalized.
December 16-State employee contracts fail to pass the Legislature. Marty Beil, executive director of
AFSCME calls a Legislator "not a prostitute, a whore. W-H-O-R-E."
( 1/govt-and-po Iitics/artiele_e836dc76-0862-11eO-a476-
January 3.-Governor Walker is inaugurated. Wisconsin faces a $137 million current fiscal year shortfall
and looming $3.6 billion structural budget deficit. .
.. February ll-Before introducing budget repair bill, Governor Walker personally briefs Senator Miller
and Representative Barca on the bill. Governor Walker introduces budget repair bill.
February 15-The Joint Finance Committee takes 17 hours of public testimony on the budget repair
bill. .
Page 2 of2

February 16-The Joint Finance Committee passes the budget repair bill with changes to protect .
"._ .-_.. workers rights. . , "' _ ' . . « _ ••.. "'_ ,_.. . .. " ••••

February 17-Fourteen Senate Democrats flee Wisconsin to avolddebatlngofferfng amendments or

casting a vote on the budget repair bill. They go to a Best Western in Illinois and continue to draw their
paycheck, total cost to taxpayers $1,915 for the day pius the cost of their benefits. (Legislators are paid
$49,943 per year. $49,943 divided by 365 days, times 14 State Senators = $1,915)
February l8c-Public employee unions clatrrrto support having their members pay"5:S% a pension.
contribution and 12.6% of the cost of health insurance coverage. Governor Walker states that when
local governments receive cuts to state aid they are going to need the tools contained in his proposal
to help balance their budget without layoffs or reductions in the delivery of cover government
services; Fourteen Senate Democrats remain in Illinois, take an additional $1,915 from taxpayers for
the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded benefits. .
February 19-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in Illinois, take an additional $1,915
from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded benefits.
February 20-Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in Illinois, take an additional $1,915
.from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded benefits.
February 21...,.Fourteen Senate Democrats continue their vacation in Illinois, take an additional $1,915
from taxpayers for the day. Continue to receive taxpayer funded benefits. Senate Democrats begin to

.Along with this timeline Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Senate Democrats need to come back to work the jobs that they are getting paid to do. 24 hours was
enough time for them to increase taxes by $1 billion doi/ars two years ago. Now with more than 17
.• hours..of pu.blir:;,Jestimony and a 5 day vacation tollllnols, senate pemoqats sqy they need more time.
"'--:':~."""'-~~.'~'. "'.............
- .. ""'_ . . . . . '"';- .~ "-'-. '--"'~• •" -"'.-'-'" '" "",.:",~",.:\""-~~-,,,,:",.',~ . . . . . . ., , . . , . , . _•• -..,.,..-,~- £'.' '~'~"~-.

The truth is at a time when Wisconsin is in a fiscal crisis, these individuals are on a taxpayer funded,
campaign fundraising vacation-avoiding debate and their duty to cast their vote on a proposal that is
100% directed at balanclnq our state's budget.

Instead of using Wisconsin's fiscal crisis to fill their campaign coffers, Senate Democrats should do their
Werwie. Cullen J - GOV

From: Don.Walker.[• • • •
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:42 PM
To: Werwie, CUllen J - GOV
Subject: RE:'Response?

To be clear,. this .Ls .you t.a.LkLnq. ..right? Seems that way.

Don Walker

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV []

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:30'PM
To: Don Walker
Subject: RE: Response?

February. 19, 2011

For Immediat~ Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Madison-Today Governq~ Wa~ker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following


Sen. Erpenbach should come to work and debate the bill while doing his job in Madison.
Governor Walker has repeatedly said that we won't negotiate the budget and we can't
balance the budget on a hope and a prayer. That remains true. State and local government
need the flexibility to manage this and future budget c~ises. In addition, as government
workers pay a modest amount toward their pension and healthcare premium, about half the
national average, it is fair to give them the choice of additional savings on their union

':'.,'" eu.1le'h 'We±iri'±e ~ ;... ~ ~"-"'~ ,- - ~~'- ""---:--"-' <- ~." .
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303
Email: Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Walker [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, .February 19, 2011 12: 29 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Response?
I'm told statement is out? Hello? Where??

Don Walker

From: Werwie,' Cullen J GOV []

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 10:56 AM
To: Don Walker
Cc: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: Response?

We will have something on 1 soon

On 2 he is spending time with his family

----- Original Mes;slalgle"~1I1I1I11I1I1
From:. Don' Walker <. >
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Sat Feb 19 10:32:58 2011
Subject: Response?

Gentlemen~ Two questions:

1. Doesthe governor have -Er.penbach claim that public employees have.agreed
to financial aspects of the bill?
2. Where is the governor? We are told Ft. McCoy. True?

Don walker~ilwaukee Journal Sentinel

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

From:'. Don Walker [._III!

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 201112:47 PM
·To: Werwie, Cuilen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Response?

Can you confirm Gov. w.ill be at American Legion in~Neillsville~at.£ p.m.???

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV []

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:30 PM
To: Don Walker
Subject: RE-: Response?

February 19, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cu~len Werwie, 608~267-7303

Madison-Today Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the'following


Sen. Erpenbach should come to work and debate the bill while doing his job in Madison.
Governor Walker has repeatedly said that we won't negotiate the budget and we can't
balance the bUdget on a hope and a prayer. That remains true. State and local government.
need the flexibility to manage this and future 'budget crises. In addition, as government
workers pay a modest amount' toward their pension and healthcare premium, about half the
national average, it is fair to give them the choice of additional savings on their union


Cullen Werwie
'Press'Secretary < ~.' ;:. ~ '.' _.- .,'-:: ~ • ~ • ,$. •.'-'.- •. ~. - < • '- -:" ._ ..:' •• _ -,,",0

Office of Governor Scott Walker

Press Office: (608) 267-7303
Email: Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov.

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Walker [mailto:
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 12:29 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subj ect: RE: Response?

I'm told statement is out? Hello? Where??

Don Walker

From: Werwie, Cullen J GOV []

Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 10:5q AM
To: Don Walker
Cc: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Subject: Re: Response?

We will have something on 1 soon

On 2 he is spending time with his family

----- Original Message
From: Don·Walker <C~• •~I!I ••••••••••I>
To: Werwie, Cullen J -'. GOV
Cc: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV
Sent: Sat Feb 19 10:32:58 2011
Subject: Response?

Gentlemen: Two. questions:

1. Doesthe governor have a response to Erpenbach claim that public employees have agreed
to financial" aspects of tha"bill?
2. Where is the governor? We are told Ft. McCoy. True?

Don Walker, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV Press .

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11 :44 AM .
To: Wisconsin Radio Network, Brian Moon
Subject: RE: Dems-clalmlng ·internet blockage at capitol

February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Response to DPW Lie

Madison-Today. the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press conference to spread a lie about
Governor Walker stifling debate. DPW claimed Governor Walker blocked the website from internet access at the Capitol.

The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go
through a software approval program that unblocksthem. Within 30 minutes of being notified this
website was blocked, oox circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible.

In response to DPW's lie, Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, reieased the following

•.",.,., -'''~,-@ve1'· week-E!l1el.·fI·half f?TJMemo,,"WcrlkeF41as-repeatedly,talked:€lDou(;'pfotestors having"e'l£t".'F" 4<''''~~-. ;:,.,.?

right to have their voice heard.. Hours for the State Capitol have been changed to allow protestors
extensive accessto the statehouse to voice their opinion.

Debate and participation in the democraticprocess are goodfor our state. Senate Democrats should
try it out.

The Democratic Party should spend less time lying about Governor Walker, and more time trying to get
their AWOL State Senators back to· Wisconsin. Of course DPW won't do thot because they ore using the
Senate Democrat's taxpayerfunded vocation to Illinois to fill their campaign coffers.


From: Brian Moon [maHto: ~

sent: Tuesday, February 22,201111:08 AM' .
To: GOV Press
Subject: Oems claiming internet blockage at capitol

The WI Dems just put out a conference call stating the site is being blocked on the
Capitol wifi "guest" account. Essentially any member of the public using the network is blocked from
Page 2 of2

accessing that site. They are alleging that evidence points to an intentional blockage likely stemming
from someone in the Walkeradministration, They also spoke about potential illegalities if this is indeed

We'd like to give the governor's office a chance to comment about this assertion.


Brian Moon
Morning anchor/reporter
Wisconsin Radio Network
Page 1 of1

Werwje, Cullen J • GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Tuesday, February 22,201111:41 AM
To: GOV Press
Subject~ Response ,to DPW Lie

February 22, 2011,

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Response to DPW Lie

Madison-Today the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press conference to spread a lie about
Governor Walker stifling debate. DPW claimed Governor Walker blocked the website from internet access at the Capitol.

The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go
through a software approval program that unblocks them. Within 30 minutes of being notified this
website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible.
, , I
In response to DPW's lie, Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Over the last week and a half Governor Walker has repeatedly talked abaut protestors having every
,. --"",·-·rfgh;HG"have,·theif',voice heard. Hours for the State Capitol have been changed to allow protestors
extensive access to the statehouse to voice their opinion.

Debate and participation in the democratic process are good for our state. Senate Democrats should
try it out.

TheDemocratic Party should spend less time lying about Governor Walker, and more time trying to get
their AWOL State Senators back to Wisconsin. Of course DPW won't dothat because they are using the
Senate Democrat's taxpayer funded vacation to Illinois to fill their campaign coffers.

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J ,. GOV.· .. _

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 201111:41 AM,
To: BIZ Times, Andrew Weiland
Subject: RE:Dern allegation

February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release

Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303'

Response to DPW Lie

Madison-Today the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press conference to spread a lie
about Governor Walker stifling debate. DPW claimed Governor Walker blocked the website
www.defendwisconsinocom from internet· access at tlIe Capitol:

The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created,
until they go through a software approval program that unblocks them. Within 30 minutes
of being notified this website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately
made the website accessible.

In response to DPW's lie, Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the
following statement:

Over the last week and a half Governor Walker has repeatedly talked about protestors
having every right to have their voice heard. Hours for the State Capitol have been
changed to allow protestors extensive access to the voice ~heir opinion.

Debate and participation in the democratic process' are good for our state. Senat~
Democ~ats should try it out.

The Democratic Party should spend less time lying about Governor Walker, and more time
trying to get their AWOL State Senators back to Wisconsin. Of course DPW won't do that
because they are using the Senate Democrat's taxpayer funded vacation to Illinois to fill
th~ir campaign coffers.


--~--Original Message-----
From: Andrew Weiland [mailto:~~~~~~~IIIIIIIIIIIIII~
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 11: 19 AM
To: GOV Press; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
subject: Dem allegation
Importance: High

The Dems just had a press conference and are alleging that the Walker Administration
yesterday blocked acces s on the publ i,c WiFi .Ln the' state capitol to 'tn,,' webs'ite -~ , They say ,the website is being used by the protestors to organize
rallies, actions, etc.

Do you have any comment about this?

Let me know. ASAP.. I '.m ·,GIl deacUine.


Andrew Weiland
Managing Editor
BizTimes Milwaukee

Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

.- - .'.-

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 11 :41 AM
To: WISN TV, Susy Quinones
SUbject: RE: Problem

February 22, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Response to DPW lie

Madison-Today the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press conference to spread a lie about
Governor Walker stifling debate. DPW claimed Governor Walker blocked the website from internet access at the Capitol. .

The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go
through a software approval program that unblocks them. Within 30 minutes of being notified this
website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible.

In response to DPW's lie, Governor Walker's spokesman.Cullen Werwie, released the following

Over the last week and a half Governor Walker has repeatedly talked about protestors having every
~~~'"--"'t(J-hdvethetrvoice heard. Hours for the State Capitolhave been changed· to allow protestors
extensive access to the statehouse to voice their opinion.

Debate and participation in the democratic process are good for our state. Senate Democrats should
try it out.

The Democratic Party should spend less time lying about Governor Walker, and more time trying to get
their AWOL State Senators back to Wisconsin. Of course DPW won't do that because they are using the
Senate Democrat's taxpayer funded vacation to Illinois to fill their campaign coffers.


From: Quinones, Susy J [maHto: ] ,

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 201111:25 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Problem

Today the Oem party of Wis had a conference call to discuss what they say is
"violation of first amendment rights."

.. ~. ---Folks.on the call are alleging that the site:, is being.
blocked at the state capitol. Apparently the site was available on the capitol's free
internet connection up until Monday. Mike Tate says he got an email from the
DoA saying that the site was blocked because it is new, he's not buying that
because it had been available with no problem for several days,



. Cnn urgent question Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

From: . Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: TUesday, February 22, 2011 11 :41 AM
To: Welch, Chris
~ubject: HE: Cnn urgentquestion

February 22, 2011 .

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Response to DPW Lie

Madison-Today the Democratic Party of Wisconsin held a press conference to spread a lie about
Governor Walker stifling debate. DPW claimed Governor Walker blocked the website
www, from internet access at the Capitol.

The Department of Administration blocks all new websites shortly after they are created, until they go
through a software approval program that unblocks them. Within 30 minutes of being notified this
website was blocked, DOA circumvented the software and immediately made the website accessible.

In response to DPW's lie, Governor Walker's spokesman, Cullen Werwie, released the following

Over the last week and a half Governor Walker has repeatedly talked about protestors having every
·",,·'·-.-.oif'fght tmhave-theirvoic;echeard: Hours for-tne-StateCopitat-havebeen 'Changed-tfrallowprotestars.'- o ..... _~·" ,••••.

extensive access to the statehouse to voice their opinion.

Debate and participation in the democratic pracess are good for our state. Senate Democrats should
try itout.

The Democratic Party should spend less time lying about Governor Walker, and more time trying to get
.their AWOL State Senators back to Wisconsin. Of course DPW won't do that because they are using the
Senate Democrat's taxpayer funded vacation to Illinois to fill their campaign coffers.


From: Welch, Chris [maHto:

Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 201112:13 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Cnn urgent question

Hi Cullen,
I've got word tonight that the capitol'sinternet(both wireless-via 'guest'--and hardwiredfrom lawmakers offices)--is
preventing users from logging on to the website, They are going on the record and accusing the
Crin urgent question Page 2 of2

governor of censorship. Can you chat or respond at all? First, is that accurate, that the site is blocked in the capitol?
Chris .

Chris Welch
CNN Twin Cities
Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: Monday, February 21,20112:49 PM
To: FOX News, CichowskMArla i
SUbject: RE: Governor presser

While we dont.t have .any:thing planned. .that is out .0£ the. Dxdinary, he will be talking very
specifically· about dems in IL.

With that said, just because we don't have anything planned that is out of the ordinary,
my boss has a pretty good track record of making news at press conferences when it isn't

Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303
Email: Cullen.Werwie@WI.Gov

----~Original Message-----
From: Cichowski, Marla [mailto:~~~~~1I1I1I
Sent: Monday; February 21, 2011 2:47 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Governor presser

Should we expect big news out of todays "p r e s s e r " with the Governor?
We are trying to determine whether to take it live on our network

Marla Cichowski

Page 1 of1

- Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Julie Pearl l

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:33 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: lsGevernorat State Oapltol- have democrats walked out?

The information contained in this communication may be confidential or

legally privileged and is intended only for the recipient named above.
If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are
hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this
communication or it~ contents is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error, please immediately advise the
sender and delete the original and any copies from your computer system.
Page 1 of1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Charlie Sykes ~:• • • I

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:33 AM
To: WeflNie, Cullen J " GOV
, SUbject: RE: Check· we qotout

literally, I have NEVER gotten as many emaiis as I got today on thls.,.,

From: Werwie, Cullen J" GOV []

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 201111:22 AM
To: Charlie Sykes
Subject: Check this email we got out

I am a teacher here in the Madison, WI area. I wanted to say thank you for your work to pass iegislation to
'dissolve unions. I am a long-term substitute in a third grade classroom. I am forced to sit at home today, unable
to go work because of my unlon. I was given no choice in joining the union and am forced to pay dues while
receiving no benefit. I am missing out on pay for the day and wili be forced to make up the day when I have
other plans. I feel as if I have no voice. The union has taken that away from me. They assume that they speak for
me when, in fact, my beliefs do not align with the union at-all!

And, as ateacher andsomeone who will eventually receive a pension, I still support the idea of reducing
pensions. Wisconsin cannot continue on this unsustainable path. We all have to be reasonable in what we
expect. People long ago made promises they could not keep and I am appreciative of Scott Walker's efforts to
clean up the financial mess! Stay the course and THANK YOUI! ,

Cullen Werwie
Officeof Governor Scott Walker

IS T"@W'G"
PressOffice: (608) 267-7303

Page 1 of l

Werwie, Cullen J ·GOV

From: Julie Pearl

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:34 AM·
To: WelWie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE:-.Js Governor·at State Capitol-have democrats walked out?

Understand thanks Cullen.

From: Werwie, Culle'n J - GOV []

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 201111:34 AM
To: Julie Pearl
Subject: RE: Is Governor at State Capitol- have democrats walked out?

Governor Walker is at the Capitol today working.

Call the democrats, I can't speak for them.


From: Julie Pearl [mallto:

Sent: Thursday, February 17; 201111:33 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV .
SUbject: Is Governor at State Capitol- have democrats walked out?

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Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: WisPolitics Staff [

. Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:55 AM
To: Werwie, Cuilen J - GOV
Subject:· (WisPolitics) ALERTI --GOP seeks quorum amid Oem walk-out --17 Feb. 2011

WisPolitics ALERTI
17 Feb. 2011

Exclusively for WisPolitics Platinum Subscribers

From WisPo/ .,.

-- Republicans issued a cailof the house this morning in an attempt to bring back at least enough lawmakers for a
quorum forafinalvote on the guv's budget repair bill.

-Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said he was caught off-guard that Oems refused to come to the floor this
morning for a quorum. He said Republicans would wait until at least one Oem could be found to proceed.

With a 19-14 majority, Republicans need 20 members present for a quorum.

"Clearly they just· decided to-cheek-out today," Fitzgerald·said.

Fitzgerald said at some point, if needed, Republicans will use the State Patrol to round up Democrats to bring
them to the floor.

There's a tense scene inside and out of the Senate to begin the day. Protesters jammed the hailway sometimes
banging on-the outer Senate doors and chanting "Shut it down."

- Members of the Capitol Police; State Patrol and DNR stood guard at the Senate doors and wandered the hailway
just outside the • chamber.
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Foilowing a roil cail, members of the public began to chant "Freedom. Democracy. Unions," over and over,
drowning out Senate President Mike Ellis. Ellis continued despite the chants until Fitzgerald asked five Senators
to rise and declare a cail of the house. -

All rights reserved. Reproduction or retransmission of this publication, In whole or in part, without the
express permission of WisPo/ Is prohibited. Unauthorized reproduction violates United States
copyright law (17 USC 101 et sea.), as does retransmission by facsimile or any other electronic means,
Including electronic mail.

" BtASTnewsletters
Page 1 of l

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Bauer, Scott [

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 201112:45 PM
To: . Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: any-reaction to-what Senate Oems are up to?

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notify The Associated Press immediat~ly by telephone at +1-212-621-
1898 ~.

and delete this.e-mail. Thank you.

Page 1 of1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: WisPolitics Staff [• •

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 20111:42 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
SUbject: (WisPoiitiesl ALERT! Erpenbach: 'We had no choice'

WisPolitics ALERT!
17 February 2011

Exclusively for WisPolitics Platinum Subscribers

From ...

•- Sen. JOn Erpenbach told WisPolitics this afternoon Senate Oems left the state in 'an
attempt to force Republicans to negotiate a compromise to proposed changes to the
bargaining rights of public employees.

Erpenbach would not disclose where he was or how many of the Oem senators were with him.
But he said he believed all 14 were already out of state by early this afternoon. .

"We were left with no choice;" Erpenbach said.

Asked how long they were prepared to remain outside Wisconsin, the Middleton Oem
demurred. .

"The question is iNhen are the Republicans going to sit down seriouslywith the other side on
thi~j~s.ue !Lnd try to work something out," Erpenbach said. "When are we going to be .
reasonable about this and slow things down?"

"We have time."

See more in the Budget Blog:

. All rights resewed. Reproduction or retransmission of this publicetion, in whole or in
part,' without the express permissiori of is prohibited. Unauthorized
reproduction violates United States copyright law (17 USC 101 et seq}, as does
retransmission by facsiml/e or any other electronic means, including electronic mal/.

( ' 8lLASTnewsletters
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Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Eberle, Ed - LTGOV

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 20111:50 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Cc: Sehrimpf, Chrls -'GOV
SUbject: ABC News Request -NY

Eileen Murphy of ABC News in New York is looking for .a comment on the Democrats
leaving town.

Ed Eberle
Policy Advisor'
Office of Governor/Lieut~nant Governor

Page 1 of1

Werwie, Cuilen J • GOV

From: Dillon, Jim

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:48 PM
To: WelWie, Culien J - GOV

Cullen dO you have any information on report that senate democrats left on bus to iowa? Also,
Any word yet on governor statement. ..

Thanks, jim Dillon

Page 1 of 1

WeriNie, Cullen J. GOV

From: Dillon, Jim

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 20112:49 PM
To: WelWie, Cullen J - GOV
SUbject: RE:


From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV [] .

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:49 PM
To: Dillon, Jim
Subject: Re:

Going out momentarily

From: Dillon, Jim <~

To: Werwie,Culien J • GOV
Sent: Thu Feb 17 14:48:21 2011
. Cullen:..... dOyou have any information on report that senate democrats left on bus to iowa? Also,
Any word yet on governor statement...

Thanks, jim Dillon

Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: GOV Press

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 20112:51 PM
To: GOV Press
SUbject: WalkerCalls DernocratLeqlslators Back Into State

February 17,2011
For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303

Walker Calls Democrat legislators Back Into State

Madison-Today Governor Walker released the following statement:

Out ofrespectfor the institution of the Legislature and the democratic process, I am calIing on Senate
Democrats to show up today, debate legislation and cast their vote. Their actions by leaving
the state and hiding from voting are disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of public employees
who showed up to worktoday and the 'mIllions of taxpayers they represent.'

Governor Walker will be holding a press conference at 4:45p.m. CST today in the Governor's
Conference room to discuss the day's events. It will
only be open to credentialed members of the

Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Mandell, Meredith [

- Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:10 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
SUbject:- walkout--next step?

Hello Cullen,

Wanted to find out what the next step is now that state senators have walked out ofthe building?

Thanks so much,


Meredith Mandell
Page 1 of l

Werwil~, Cullen J - GOV

From: Bauer, Scott [• • • • • •

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:09 PM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: FW: Walker Calls Democrat Legislators Back Into State

Do you have information that's accurate that they truly are out of state? Miller says they are nol.

From: GOV Press []

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 2:51 PM
To: GOV Press
Subject: .Walker.Calls Democrat Legislators.B.acklnto..5tate

February 17, 2011

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608_267-7303

Walker Calls Democrat Legislators Back Into State

Madison-Today Governor Walker released the following statement:

Out of respectfor the institution of the Legisloture ond the democratic process, I am calling on Senate
Democrats to show up to work today, debate legislation and cast theirvote. Their actions by leaving the state
and hiding from voting aredisrespectful to the hundreds ofthousands of public employees whoshowed up to
work today and the millions of taxpayers they represent.

"='7"'~'80vernor-WalkerwilJ-be'holding a press conference at 4:45p.m. C5Ttoday in the Governor's Conference.'

room to discuss the day's events. It will only be open to credentialed members of the media.


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[IP_US_DISC]msk dccc60c6d2c3a6438fOcf467d9a4938
Werwie, Cullen J • GOV
From: Jerry Hanson~]
.Sent: Thursday, Feb~· .
To: GOVPress
Subject: Re: Walker Calls Democrat Legislators Back Into State

On 2/17/2011 2: 51 PM, GOV Pr e s.s wrot.e.:

> February 17, 2011
> For Immediate Release
> Contact: Cullen Werwie, 608-267-7303
> Walker Calls Democrat Legislators Back Into state
> Madison-Today Governor Walker released the following statement:
> Out of respect for" the institution of the Legislature and tqe democratic process, I am
calling on Senate Democrats to show up to work today, debate legislation ~nd cast their
vote. Their actions by leaving the state and hiding from voting are·disrespectful to the
hundreds of thousands of public employees who showed up to work today and the millions of.
taxpayers they represent. .
> Governor Walker will be holding a press conference at 4:45p.m. CST today in the
Governor's Conference room to discuss the day's events. It will only be open to
credentialed 'members of the media.
> Hi

Please relay to Gov. Walker my whole-hearted support for his budget initiatives. The
public employees have had their ·way too long, and there are too many of them. How many of
. the protesters do you estimate have been'bussed in from out o£ state?

I am s~rry I can not be at the press conference today .

.....~ .,.~- ", .....=-;... c _ '-',~.,f, _~ ",_·~·~...".·~,r"'~' ...
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Keep up the good work,
Jerry - My wife Edwina sends her support too.

Page 1 of!

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV

Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 3:48 PM
To: Schutt, Eric - GOV; Murray, Ryan M - GOV; Gilkes, Keith - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

RT @DanODonnellWTMJ Missing Senate #Democrats are apparently at the Clock Tower in Rockford, IL. #WisBudget

Chris Schrimpf
Communications Director
Office ofthe Governor
Press Office: 608-267-7303

.' ::
Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J . GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: Monday, February 21, 201110:41 AM
To: Associated Press, Scott Bauer
Subject: RE: cupla questions

Hey Scott-

How concerned is the governor over this Friday deadline to refinance the bonds?

Regardless of Frldav's deadline Governor Walker is going to balance the state budget. If Senate Democrats
remain out of state on their taxpayer funded, fundraising vacation it will force more aggressive and painful
spending cuts in the very near future.

What is the governor doing today?

Governor is meeting with Republican Legislative leaders this AM.

Anything new on the angle of negotiating with Democrats or Republicans?

No negotiating, Democrats need to come back to their jobs.

Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Officeof Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303

r'~'iI r~"Ti'@,"GW

From: Bauer, Scott [mallto:

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 8:36 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: cupla questions

How concerned is the governor over this Friday deadline to refinance the bonds?

What is the governor doing today?

Anything new on the angle of negotiating with Democrats or Republicans?

Scott Bauer
Associated Press
Page 2 of2

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Page 1 of 1

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent:. Monday, February 21,2011 10:44 AM
To: ; Jason Stein
Subject; Statement-on ref timing

Jason & Patrick-

I know you guys had some questions regarding this (I saw the story posted). I understand I'm late with this
comment, but if you run anything this week feel free to usethis as well:

Regardless of Friday's deadline Governor Walker is going to balance the state budget. If Senate Democrats
remain out of state on their taxpayer funded, fundraising vacation it will force more aggressive and painful
spending cuts in the very near future.


Cullen We.rwie
Office of Governor Scott Walker
PressOffice: (608) 267-7303

r~t" 1"~" T"@W>G"
Page 1 of2

Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J - GOV

Sent: Monday, February 21, 201110:58 AM
SUbject:· . ··RE:no rush-says Erpenbach
Attachments: 2.7.11 Budget overview.doc

You should roll out both the truth-o-meter AN)) fllp-o-rneter on this one.

PANTS ON FIRE. State of Wisconsin is facing a $137 million budget deficit. See attached release. On Friday we
lose the ability to refinance our state's debt. Read about it here:

FULL FLIP-Senator Erpenbach rammed through a budget repair bill that increased taxes 2009 by a billion
dollars in 24 hours with no public hearing ( because it
had to be done right away. Now he's content to continue on his taxpayer funded, campaign fundraising vacation
in Il claiming there is all sorts of time.

Cullen Werwie
Press Secretary
Office of Governor Scott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303

1'0"" r~" r"@W'G"


.From: Dave Umhoefer [maHto: ]

Sent: Monday, February 21, 201110:47 AM
To: Werwie, Cullen.J - GOV
Subject: no rush, says Erpenbach
Hi Cullen:

lam fact checking a statement by Sen. Erpenbach, who said on Maddow show:

JUlie 30 is actually the date to keep an eye on. June 30 is when our budget ends, so this budget
doesn't need to pass right now ••••We have time to deliberate, we have time to debate, we have time
to change it, we have time to make it better. We have all sorts of time, there's no rush in the state
of Wisconsin.

Would you take issue with, no rush? And if so why?

Please let me know what you have to say, by mid-afternoon today ifpossible. We are expediting some
items given the nature of the situation. .

Thanks, .
Page 2 of2


Dave Umhoefer
Reporter, PoIitiFact Wisconsin
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Page 1 of2

Werwie; Cullen J • GOV

From: Werwie, Cullen J • GOV

Sent: Monday. February 21, 2011 11:48 AM
To: Kotuby, Stephanie; Schrimpf, chris- GOV
Subject: RE;·Wolf Blilzerrequest -

Tonight won't work. I'll check to see what 'l'{e have for tomorrow.

Cullen Werwie
, Press Secretary
Office of GovernorScott Walker
Press Office: (608) 267-7303

IE;;;'i1l"~" T"@",G"

From: Kotuby, Stephanie [rnallto:

Sent: Monday, 'February 21, 201111~47 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: RE: Woif Blitzer request - .

Ah, ok... we can do something immediately following the presser - say 630ish (EST)?

stephanie kotuby I cnn I the situation room I sr. guest producer I d:

. From: Schrimpf, Chris - GOV [mailto:

Sent: Monday, February 21, 201112:46 PM
To: Kotuby, Stephanie; Werwie, Cullen J - GOV
Subject: Re: Wolf Blitzer request -

I did. Today will be tough we are doing a presser at 6 eastern.

From: Kotuby, Stephanie [mailto:

Sent: Monday, February 21, 201111:40 AM
To: Schrimpf, Chris' GOV
Subject: Re: Wolf Blitzer request -

Heyl Just making sure you got my email. Thanksl

Stephanie Kotuby
The Situation Room
Senior Guest Producer

From: Kotuby, Stephanie

Page 2 of2

To: <>

Cc: Kotuby, Stephanie
Sent: Mon Feb 2110:54:51 2011
Subject: Wolf Blitzer request -

Good morning Chris! Any chance the Governor is available for an interview with Wolf
Blitzer today re: the no-show derris, etc? Ideally, we'd like to do the interview live,
during the hours of 5-7P ET. Thanks so much!

stephanie kotuby cnn the situation room sr. guest producer d: I m:_1

..., ,,, 1 1"'1\1 1

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