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BOOK OF ZTFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a. pure heart. Draft_E-6

remission of sins; for I the Lord do forgive thee in the holy name of the Almighty God that ye be found rejoicing in the
name of the Lord God Jehovah for I will forgive who I will forgive and it is required that ye forgive all who transgress
against thee who know not the voice of everlasting salvation, nor seek eternal righteousness in the presence of thy Father
who doth grant unto thee a remission of thy sins because of thy diligence unto repentance that ye would overcome the world
of carnal commandments which instilled a non- forgiving attitude in the spirit of man unto a rebelling against the Spirit of
the Lord taking up a residence with the repentant believer; and the hard of heart shall not be found partaking of the meat of
new manna which resideth upon the new countenance made new hi the presence of God and ye shall forsake all that is
impure which is not sealed upon thee as light unto a greater knowledge of the Son of God who doth grant unto thee
forgiveness in the name of the Lord. So be it written and given unto thee unto the filling of thy soul with peace in the
presence of God. [End 5:50 aun. May 19, 1994 (1)]
May 2S, 1994 (S)
May 25,1994 (8) Peace be unto thee; peace be unto thee, not as the world giveth, give I unto thee, but I give thee the
knowledge of the broken and contrite heart that ye would feast upon eternal manna in the name of the Lord God Jehovah
who doth come unto thee with perfect peace that ye might abide in perfect peace, that ye might have an abundance of glory
and knowledge given unto thee even mat ye would feast upon living raanna in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who calleth
thee daughter of the Most High God; for ye are admonished to be clean in thy thoughts and in thy dealings with thy God. Ye
are praised because of thy desire to serve single- mindedly the name of thy Savior Jesus Christ. Ye shall forsake the world of
carnal commandments as ye enlist in the service of thy Savior, Friend, and Redeemer. Ye shall be found clean before me as
ye partake of the atonement gained upon the principles of eternal fellowship with thy God which inviteth thee into the
fellowship of Jesus Christ, that ye might be added upon knowledge and adjunct blessings received even through the love of
thy Savior that ye might feast in the name of the Savior and Redeemer that ye be found perfect in my sight, able and capable
of receiving the words of eternal life in the name of thy Savior Jesus Christ. So be it -written and given unto thee that ye have
forsaken the world of carnal commandments, or enticements given of the spirit of the adversary. [May 25, 1994 (8)]
June 3, 1994 (3)
June 3, 1994 (3) Ye shall record thy testimony anew in this situation for the future generations which will read this Record.
The past is gone and thy repentance has been accepted and ye are clean every whit Record the words of living prophets who
speak in the name of the Lord for thy posterity. Be it written in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [June 3, 1994 (3)]
June 11,1994 (1)
June 11, 1994 (1) Come unto me and be found at my feet. "Write these words as I speak unto thy mind and heart. Ye have
been troubled by thine association in the world with people in the world. Ye need associate with the pure in heart. Ye need
not cast aside those who seek thee for sustenance and reassurance. Thy friends are the pure in heart. Thy companions in the
world are those who have overcome the world. Ye need recognize those who have overcome the doctrine of scripture
mingled with the philosophies of men. Ye need overcome thy desire to be seen of men that ye would be praised and adored
as ye stand in front of the mercy seat Ye need cast aside those things of the world which cause thee pain and anguish.
Release thy hold upon the need to communicate thy progression with those who do not understand spiritual things nor the
tutoring process in the presence of God. Ye need be satisfied with the love of God which fills thy heart with knowledge of
the way. Ye need be found in ready willingness to obey as directed through the Spirit of the Lord. Look not to another to
lead thee, for a little child looks to his Father for his hand of fellowship and continued guidance. Seek not to please those
who hold thee at abeyance because they do not understand for ye are saved within the confines of covenant with thy Savior
Jesus Christ. Ye have learned hard lessons of discipleship and ye have cast away the false prophets which have led ye astray
from the principled awareness that thy God is over all. Keep these things sacred and come unto Christ through the perfecting
waters of discipled obedience to the words of Christ which signal thy readiness to participate in the knowledge given that
Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that ye have been called to participate in the covenant process of gathering
greater light and truth, even the manna of discipleship in the name of the Lord God Jehovah. [June 11, 1994 (1)]
June 17,1994(1)
June 17, 1994 (1) Ye are being blessed with an out- pouring of prophetic knowledge which would water thy garden in the
midst of the angels of living water who cast thee not out from the tree of life, even that ye would partake of the healing
headwaters of eternal life, even those headwaters of pure revelation and extended- prophetic thought which flows like water
into thy spirit from the presence of God even that ye would sing the song of redeeming love, the pure and undefiled song of
new revelation procured from the powerful and present message given to those who repent and return unto the Lord for
sustenance and feeding, even as the feeding of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Ye shall be blessed this day,
meaning the day of the inheritance even that thy sacrifice has been accepted of the Lord and ye are called to partake of the
knowledge that thy sins have been forgiven and ye are clean every whit Ye shall partake of the life- giving waters of new
revelation which clean thy heart and prepare thee to enter into the holy presence of the Lord and be received into the
knowledge that thy God is over all the affairs of thine existence, even that ye have been forgiven of transgression against the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL. INC. is a nonprofit 5 01 (c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Drafc_E-6

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