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BOOK" OF 2HFFANLAH - teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-12

across thy brow; arise with understanding bound across thy heart; arise with knowledge bound across thine ears and across
thy forehead; for the words, Holiness unto the Lord, are found written by the finger of God, even the revelation of the Lord
Jesus Christ. And ye shall rejoice with the hand of God writing unto thine understanding the mysteries of faithfulness given
unto thee according to thy faith in Jesus Christ And ye have come unto this knowledge because of thy diligence and
prepared attitude given unto thee in the presence of God. [July 31, 1994 (1)]
August 6, 1994 (1)
August 6, 1994 (1) Rejoice, thine adversity shall be a small moment and if thou endure it well thou shalt be exalted in the
heavens and ye shall dwell with God in the presence of holy angels who do the bidding of the righteous who inhabit an
understanding based on eternal never- ending principles of order and dominion. Be not discouraged; for thy God is over all
things, both the godly and the things which desire to thwart the holy work of the Lord. Be at peace; for I speak peace unto
thy soul. And ye shall be awakened unto God and the marvelous journeys of Spirit reserved for the righteous of heart and
mind. Haste to do a work of eternal significance. Haste to the work of the Lord upon the earth. Haste to forbear with those
of lesser understanding— haste to do the work of the Lord for the things of greatest worth are things given of God to the
contrite of heart and mind; for I give unto thee wisdom and the ability to discern between good and more good. Choose the
more- good portion of the preparation given unto thee. Choose to honor sacred covenants and choose to honor the word of
the Lord. Choose the good part and choose God, even the word of God in thy learning process. Choose to keep sacred those
things given unto thee unless ye are prompted of God to reveal them to further the work of the Lord. Be at peace. Peace be
unto thee. [August 6,1994 (1)]
August 11, 1994(1)
August 11, 1994 (1) My daughter of the everlasting covenant, ye seek knowledge which shall bring thee peace in the
knowledge that thy God is over all the repentant of heart and mind. Ye seek confirmation that ye are in the steps outlined
before the world began. Ye seek to know that ye have not been forsaken by thy God. Ye seek to understand the mind and
will of God for thee. Ye seek to come to a knowledge of the hand of the Lord, even the hand of God might bring forth
knowledge given even in the presence of Hie Lord; for ye shall be added upon line upon line according to thy faith in God.
And ye shall speak unto the Lord as mother doth speak unto the child, for the child doth have confidence in the mother; for
thy speech shall be brought forth out of thy heart which is pure; and the pure shall listen to the voice of everlasting
revelation deep within their heart; and the heart which is pure shall be added upon in the presence of the Lord. Write as
speaketh the Spirit this day; for thy speech shall be yea or nay concerning the corning forth of new revelation in the presence
of God. And ye shall prepare thy heart to accept the monitoring of the Spirit of the Lord to encircle thee with the fire of
everlasting knowledge. Peace be unto thee. Ye shall have peace, the peace which passeth all understanding. Ye shall speak
of the peace found in the presence of God. Ye shall not go out from the covenant of the peace of the Lord even ye would
find fault with the persecution set to purify thee in the midst of thy desire for righteousness. Rest in the peace of the Lord.
Rest in the grace afforded thee even ye would rest in the work assigned unto thee which means that ye shall not bewail thy
termination notice to come away from the people and things of the world. Ye shall be found glorified in the knowledge
given unto thee, even the knowledge that thy God is over all those who forsake the world and bring forth the glory of the
Lord in abundance. Ye shall not worry about the affairs of thy life for thy life shall be filled with hardship for thy good, even
that thy strength shall be spent to glorify the Lord thy God and ye shall feast upon the eternal name, the manna of
discipleship found perfected in the presence of holy administrators who seek for thee to arise to the call of righteousness and
be not bowled over by the opposing forces which seek to derail thee from off the path. [August 11, 1994 (1)]
August 19, 1994 (1)
August 19,1994 (1) Prepare thy heart to be happy in the knowledge that thy God is over all and ye feast upon living manna
as ye feast upon the words of eternal life. Ye feast upon the things of a better world and ye feast upon the ways of God the
Father and his Son Jesus Christ who doth come unto thee and uplift thee and soothe thy brow with knowledge; and ye shall
not fight against the peace of the Lord given unto thee because ye want to be found in the pleasing graces of thy fellowman.
Ye shall suffer the hand of the Lord upon thee until it is meet that ye share the concepts of eternal life with those prepared to
hear the message of eternal dominion and life in the presence of God. So be it written and given unto thee, for ye shall be
beckoned to rely upon the words of eternal life even the life of the body and the sustaining of the spirit in the presence of
God. [August 19,1994(1)]
September 2,1994(1)
September 2,1994 (1) Ye have been lax in thy devotion paid in thy devotion paid in tribute of the mercy of God in thy
behalf. Thy commission is to declare the word of the Lord unto this generation and ye shall fulfill thy stewardship even as
the Lord seeth fit For the term, "declare the word of the Lord," doth not offend the godly of heart; for they take their
direction from the voice of the Lord, and declare the word of the Lord in their walk and talk, in their every day life in
communion with the Holy Spirit of the Lord. For ye have been given a commission of knowledge and ye shall declare glad
tidings unto a perverse generation and ye shall prepare thy heart to follow more closely the word of the Lord that thou dost

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501 (c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is www.streamsofrenewal.coni.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft E-12

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