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r--^ BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

> witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-59
«* J

•?n — October 11, 1996 (1) Hearken and hear the voice of the Lord this day in the righteousness of a pure heart. Blessed art thou
£I as ye find the wind of doctrinal expose" upon thy brow as ye configure the plea for the indwelling knowledge of Christ to
dwell within thy heart. Be at peace as ye do serve as given assignment through the Holy Spirit of God which directeth thee
in the paths of discipleship in the name of the Lord. Be at peace and rest assured that thy calling to record the word of the
Lord granteth unto thee an everlasting knowledge bestowed upon thy mind and heart to grant unto thee the knowledge of the
things of godliness which is upon thy brow as ye find the sustenance and grace of the Spirit of the Lord abiding with thee to
defend thee and protect thy mind and heart from adversarial advances into the realm where the things of God would be
hampered in a remembrance state of recollection; for the Spirit of eternal redemption and of sanctification, and of the eternal
focus of righteousness bringeth about the things of the knowledge of the purification of the eternal- elementary focus of
eternal life whereupon is gathered to the forefront an understanding of the things of the eternal season of righteousness and
of longevity in a seasoned- redemptive state of awareness. And the things which are of God are transfigured in the name of
the Lord, and the work is upon the longevity elements abiding within the things which are praised and brought forth to
accompany one into the season of timelessness whereby the time and eternal- timelessness remembrance is brought forth to
inhabit the things of the eternal world; for the things of transfigured knowledge are brought to stand in the season of
timelessness whereby timeless knowledge is the focus of eternal feasting and the focus of long- term memory restored. So be
it written that ye might come to understanding placed upon thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. [October 11, 1996 (1)]
October 11, 1996(2)
October 11, 1996 (2) Write as given unto thee that ye might be filled with the Spirit of the gift of prophecy and of revelation
that thine eyes might be opened to see the things of the eternal focus that ye see and hear the mercy available to unclog the
ears of those whose eyes are not seen seeking the knowledge of the things of the mysteries surrounding the atonement of
Jesus Christ, even that the atonement covereth a multitude of sins, and the effect transfigures the flesh to be found seeing
and hearing the precepts of perfect righteousness. So be it written that ye might accrue an interest in the principles of divine
religion, even that knowledge wherewith ye are found transcribing upon the paper to fulfill the ordinance and the law upon
which ye do ascribe a seal and testify of the divinity of the name of Jesus Christ, wherewith the things of the eternal focus
are brought before thy mind and displayed upon thy heart in an eternal reckoning wherewith the gospel of the Lord Jesus
Christ is brought to thy remembrance of the new and everlasting covenant of the gospel of Jesus Christ; for I do speak unto
thy heart as the things of the ways of godliness are revealed to thy mind. Behold and receive the Lord Jesus Christ into thy
dwelling arena wherewith the face of new- transcribed knowledge doth find thee prepared of heart and mind to decipher the
word of the Lord in righteousness, even that the precept of transfigured love is brought forward to thy heart and are seen
upon thy heart as a new world of righteousness, that ye would bear the fruit of transfigured words of living light and of the
knowledge of worlds without number and numberless concourses of time wherein there is no time accounted unto the
inhabitants of this earth, wherewith ye see as given unto those who have been brought to greater understanding, wherewith
thy heart doth perceive the lasting knowledge of forever turning to the voice of the things of God and are found in the
covered pavilion of the dwelling place of greater knowledge and understanding, even that the knowledge and realm of
habitation abideth upon the pure heart prepared to journey through to the things of forever understanding the mind and will
of the Eternal God who focuses on the things brought forth in dominion and in the righteousness element of the blood of
Jesus Christ to the saving of souls believing in the sacred heart of pure righteousness split for the redemption of all mankind.
And the eternal season of righteousness transfigures the elements broken in representation of the eternal knowledge of the
bestowing of the greater knowledge to remember the former scenes of transfigured relationships of those who have passed
from the view, even as Christ doth dwell among the pure in heart to bestow a godly remembering upon those feasting upon
the things of eternal life, even the elements of the words of spirit brought to the mind and heart, even as the things of the
new day arrive upon the countenance and are transfigured to the heart and mind in a sequence of remembering the premortal
as the things of an eternal- tuneless season of preparation. And the way of righteousness abides in the unlocking of the
fountains of pure knowledge and pure reconveyed- stewardship assignments, even the eternal things of righteousness and
the configuring of experience wherewith all that is foretold is transferred to the pure heart in an attitude of meekness and
recovering of the mysteries hidden within the timeless element of spiritual knowledge, even as the rights of the priesthood
are conveyed to the purely- sanctified heart and are found partaken of hi an attitude of uprightness and compliance to
become as a watered garden of further light bestowed unto the mind as the sheath of fibrous veiled- password admittance is
shed from the mind and the things of eternal salvation are found rending the knowledge- remembrance mechanism and the
veil is removed to see beyond the boundaries of limited time and given the password to open the knowledge of worlds
without end. So be it written to convey the things that are reserved for the believing in the household of faith in the sacred
name of Jesus Christ. [October 11, 1996 (2)]
October 11, 1996 (3)
October 11, 1996 (3) Write as thou dost hear upon thy heart as ye are transfigured in the presence of God to overcome the
elements of the mortal earth to be a believing orb of perfected seeing and perfected hearing as ye traverse the boundaries of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-59

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