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Chapter 3.

Sampling Theorem and Alias(取樣定理與假象)

§ 3.1. Continue_time Sinusoidal Signals

xa(t)=Acos(Ωt+θ), Ω=2πFa -∞<Ω<∞
xa(t), A----phyical unit Ω---radian/sec Fa ---cycle θ---radian
A1.For every fixed value of the frequency Fa, xa(t) is periodic
⇔ ∃Tp xa(t +Tp)= xa(t ), Tp=1/ Fa is the fundmental period.
A2.Continue-time sinusoidal signals with different freuencies are themselves distinct.
A3.Increasing the frequency Fa result in the rate of oscillation of signal,in the same sense
That the more periods are included in a given interval.
⇔ when Tp→∞, then Fa=1/ Tp→0

§ 3.2. Discrete-Time Sinusoidal Signals----Find its period N

x(n)=Acos(2πfn+θ), -∞<n<∞
=Acos(ωn+θ) ω=2πf
n---sample, ω---radian/sample, f---cycle/sample, θ---radian
B1. A discrete_time sinusoidal is periodic only if its frequency is a rational number.
⇔{if ∃ k,N is in integers such f=k/N , then x(n) is periodic }
根據定義: 一個離時訊號是有週期 N,N>0⇔x(n+N)=x(n), ∀n
⇒ 若一個弦態訊號有數位頻率 f 是週期 N
⇒ cos(2πf(N+n)+ θ)=cos(2πfn+ θ)
⇒ ∃k, 2πfN=2πk ⇔ f=k/N, k和 N 是互質的
Example 1: x(n)=5sin(0.8πn)
ω=0.8π=2π*0.8π/(2π)=2π*2/5 →f=2/5, k=2,N=5
Example 2: x(n)=-2sin(0.055πn)
f=k/N=11/400, k=11, N=400
Example 3: x(n)=2sin(0.05πn)+3sin(0.12πn)
∴ N1=40, N2=50, LCM(N1,N2)= LCM (40,50)=200

B2. Discrete-time sinusoidals whose frequencies are separated by an integer multiple of 2π

are identical.
Cos([w0+2π]n+θ)=cos(w0n+2πn+θ)= cos(w0n+θ)
⇒When all sinusoidals xk(n)=Acos(wkn+θ),
wk=w0+2π*k, n=0,1,2,3…. is indistinguishable(i.e. is identical)

⇒any two sequences with frequencies in the range -π≦w≦π or –1/2≦f≦1/2 are distinct.
⇒analog signal Ω=2πFa -∞<Ω<∞ -∞< Fa <∞
w=2πf -π≦w≦π –1/2≦f≦1/2
B3. The highest rate of oscillation in discrete-time sinusoidal is attained
when w=π(=-π) Or f=1/2(=-1/2)
From w=0,π/8,π/4,π/2,π or f=0,1/16,1/8,1/4,1/2
⇒the period decrease as the frequency increase.
From w=π--Æ2π, x1(n)=Acos(w1n)
x2(n)=Acos(w2n)=Acos(2π- w1)n=Acos(- w1)n= Acos(w1n)
w2 is an alias of w1

§ 3.3 Sampling of analog signals

Ω=2πFa , t=ts*n, ts=1/Fs
w=2πf, f=Fa/Fs, w=Ωts , Ω=w/ ts ,
xa(t)-analog signal,Fa-analog frequency(cycle/sec),t-analog time(sec)
x(n)-discrete signal,f-discrete frequency(cycle/sample),n-discrete time(sample)
ts---sample time(sec/sample) , Fs----sample frequency(sample/sec)

If the sinusoids is xa(t)=Acos(2πFkt+θ), where Fk= F0+k Fs, k=±1,±2,±3…….

are sampled at rate Fs, it is clear that the frequency Fk is outside the fundamental
frequency range −Fs/2 ≦F≦+Fs/2
x(n)= xa(t)= Acos[2π(( F0+k Fs)/ Fs)n+θ]= Acos[2πnF0/Fs+θ+2πkn]=Acos[2πnf0+θ]

Sampling Theorem
If the highest frequency contined in the an analog signal xa(t) is Fmax=B
and the signal is sampled at a rate Fs>2 Fmax=2B,then xa(t) can be recovered
from its sample values using the interpolation function g(t)=(sin2πBt)/(2πBt)
Thus xa(t) can be expressed as
⎛n⎞ ⎛

x a (t) = ∑x
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟g⎜⎜ t − ⎟⎟
Fs ⎠
n = −∞ ⎝ Fs ⎠ ⎝
Where xa(n/Fs)= xa(nts)=x(n) are samples of xa(t)
Nyquist Rate FN=2B=2 Fmax
the folding frequency =Fs/2
=the maximum frequency that can be represented uniquely by sample frequency Fs

Example1. Consider the analog signal xa(t)=3cos(100πt)
(a) the analog frequency(Fa),minmum Fs ?
Fa=Ω/2π=100π/2π=50, minimum Fs=2 Fa=100(sample/sec)
(b) when Fs=200(sample/sec), x(n)=?
f=Fa/Fs=(50 cycle/sec)/( 200sample/sec)=1/4 cycle/sample < 1/2, is unique
x(n)=3cos(2πfn)= 3cos[(2π1/4)n]= 3cos[(π/2)n]
(c)when Fs=75Hz,x(n)=?
f=Fa/Fs=(50 cycle/sec)/( 75 sample/sec)=2/3 cycle/sample >1/2, alias
x(n)=3cos(2πfn)= 3cos[(2π2/3)n]= 3cos{2π[(2/3) –1]n}
= 3cos{2π[-(1/3)]n}=3cos{2π[(1/3)]n}=3cos[(2π/3)n]
(d) when Fs=75Hz,what signal is unique after sampled (i.e. Fa<Fs/2) ?
Because f=Fa/Fs, so f=Fa/Fs=Fa/75= 1/3< ½, Fa=25 Hz=25 cycle/sec
xa(t)=3cos[2π(25)t]=3cos(50πt), Hence Fa=50Hz is an alias of Fa=20Hz under

Example2. Consider the xa(t)=3cos(50πt)+10sin(300πt)-cos(100πt)

What is the Nyquist rate for this signal ?
(a) Analog frequency Fa1=50π/(2π)=25Hz, Fa2=300π/(2π)=150Hz,
(b) Nyquist rate, FN=2B=2 Fmax=2*150=300

Example3. Consider the xa(t)=3cos(2000πt)+5sin(6000πt)+10cos(12000πt)

(a) What is the Nyquist rate for the signal?
(b) Assume the Sample rate Fs=5000 samples/sec
What is the discrete_time signal after sampling?
(c) What is the analog signal ya(t) we can reconstruct from the samples if we
use ideal interpolation?
(a) Analog frequency Fa1=2000π/(2π)=1000Hz=1kHz,
Fa3=12000π/(2π)=6000Hz=6kHz,BW= Fmax=6000Hz,
Nyquist rate, FN=2B=2Fmax=2*6K=12KHz
(b) When sampling frequency Fs=5000 samples/sec,
f1= Fa1/Fs=1k/5k=1/5< ½, unique
f2= Fa2/Fs=3k/5k=3/5> ½, alias of f=2/5<1/2,
f3= Fa3/Fs=6k/5k=6/5> ½, alias of f=1/5<1/2
=3cos[2π(1/5)n]+ 5sin{2π[(3/5)-1]n}+10cos{2π[(6/5)-1]n}
=3cos[2π(1/5)n]+ 5sin{2π[(3/5)-1]n}+10cos{2π[1/5]n}
=13cos[2π(1/5)n]+ 5sin{2π[-2/5]n}=13cos[2π(1/5)n]-5sin[2π(2/5)n]
(c)The recover signal is ya(t)=13cos[2π(1000)n]-5sin[2π(2000)n]
Example 4: x(n)=1.5cos(ω0n)

Example analyze the diagram
(1) x(t)=cos(2π(0.2)t),
Fa1=0.2, T=1/0.2=5
(2) Fa1=0.2, Fs=1,

(3) x(t)=cos(2π(0.8)t),
Fa2=0.8, T=1/0.8=1.25

(4) Fa2=0.8, Fs=1,

f=Fa1/Fs=0.8=4/5>1/2, alias

Example analyze the diagram

(2)Fa1=0.2, Fs=1,


(4)Fa2=1.2, Fs=1,
f=Fa1/Fs=1.2=6/5>1/2, alias

Example analyze the diagram

(1)Fa1=0.1, T=1/0.1=10


(3)Fa2=0.4, T=1/0.4=2.5

f=Fa2/Fs=0.4/0.5=4/5>1/2, alias


※ 程式 alias7.m

1. An analog elecocardiogram (ECG) signal contains useful frequencies up to 100Hz
(a) What is the Nyquist rate for this signal ?
(b) Sppose that we sample this signal at a rate of 250 sample/sec. What is the highest
(c) that can be represented uniquely at this sample rate ?

2. An analog signal xa(t)=sin(400πt)+3sin(720πt) is sampled 600 times per second.

(a) Determine the Nyquist Rate for xa(t).
(b) Determine the folding frequency.
(c) What are frequencies, in radians, in the discrete signal x(n) ?
(d) If x(n) is passed through an ideal D/A converter, what is the reconstructed signal ya(t)

3. A digital communication link carries binary-coded word representing samples of an input signal
The linkis operated at 10,000 bits/sec and each sample is quantized into 1024 different voltages.
(a) What is the sample frequency and folding frequency ?
(b) What is the Nyquist rate for the signal xa(t) ?
(c) What are the frquencies in the resulting discrete –time signal x(n) ?
(d) What is the resolution Δ ?

4. Consider the xa1(t)=cos(6πt), xa2(t)=cos(14πt), xa3(t)=cos(26πt)

(a) What is the Bandwidth, Nyquist Rate of these analog signals ?
(b) If sampling rate Fs=10Hz, what are the discrete frequency of xa1(t), xa2(t), xa3(t) ?

5. Assume there is a analog continuous signals .

xa(t)=6cos(60πt) +3sin(300πt)+2cos(340πt) +4cos(500πt) +10sin(660πt)
(a) What is the Bandwidth, Nyquist Rate of these analog signals ?
(b) If sampling time ts=0.005sec, what is the discrete signal x(n) of ?
(c) If H(z)=1(i.e. y(n)=x(n)), what is the reconstruction output analog signal ya(t) ?

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