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I BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

I witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a. pure heart DraftJE-178

who speaketh the words of the Father in thy distress upon the earth. Blessed art thou as ye are brought to a knowledge of the
restoration aspect of pure redemption granted thee this day as ye come forth to greater- foundational faith in the name of
God who doth grant unto the children of God the things of God unto a restoration of premortal inheritance and gifts of love
as ye are expanded in thy heart to a greater understanding of the former promises placed upon thine head in the council of
Mothers as ye were created in the image of God the Eternal Mother and came to an adoption of the covenant of everlasting
lives whereby ye were brought to a great feast of the knowledge of eternal lives in the numberless worlds of creation and of
an exalted sphere of reckoning the word of the vantage of an unlimited understanding granted thee in the circumference of
all that has been in the eternal- life perspective and in the knowledge of the recovery plan of happiness to be brought to an
understanding of the blessings of restoration based upon the way and covenant knowledge of the things of God granted the
eternal offspring of deity. Blessed art thou as ye are granted a view into the eternal heavens which is awakened within thy
heart and ye find the new separated from the eternal in the foundation of righteousness even that the new is a remembered
covenant of eternal lives flourishing in the presence of God and is based upon the premortal- encompassing dominion of an
understanding of eternal lives in the focus of remembering the word of righteousness first spoken in the abyss of the eternal
sea of light and personality where no organization abounded to come forth to a creation of organized tabernacle of spirit
where eternal intelligence could progress and come to a greater capacity of dominion whereby the word of the righteousness
of the Father did penetrate the abyss of light and personality with the word of greater dominion whereby those eternal
intelligence were laden with the things of a spiritual creation in a tabernacle of spirit which was endowed with an
understanding of the word of creation and anew configuring of the life within which expanded the capacity of a being
capable of the remembrance of the inheritance granted to become a being filled with the knowledge and intelligence of a
Father and a Mother who are added upon the dominion and posterity an endless knowledge of sanctified beings brought
forth to greater dominion and circumference within the purified reality of an ordered dominion within the heart of the
purified intelligence of the omniscient and all- encompassing degree of love which expands the things of the eternal
inheritance of everlasting lives. So be it written to thine understanding as ye are added upon the tilings of a commission of
intelligence to grant thee greater peace in the household of purified faith placed in the name of the Covenant Bearer of the
words of eternal lives and dominion. Peace is placed within thy heart as ye focus upon the knowledge of the way of eternal
•• :
lives and expanded knowledge of the eternity before mortality and an expanded knowledge of the on- going- experiential
capacity of the premortal spirit to have the knowledge word of righteousness, even the expanded heritage of the way of
eternal lives entered into by way of the voice and name of God who awakens the word of eternal intelligence to a hearkened
pattern of obedience and sacrifice of obtain dominion over the things of an awakened countenance brought forth in the name
of Jesus Christ to shine upon the knowledge of worlds without number and numberless concourses of inhabitants who doth
come forth through the awakened heart to a knowledge of righteousness. So be it granted to give the capacity to overcome
all things in the name of God, that the name of almighty righteousness might abide upon thee in thine affliction and distress.
Blessed art thou as ye enter into the covenantal promises granted thee in the way in the things which awaken thee to come to
greater understanding. So be it written that ye abide a knowledge of worlds without number and ye come to a greater
capacity to overcome through the word of greater intelligence awakened within thy heart unto a seasoned perspective
granted the faithful to a greater understanding of the pure word of eternal intelligence awakened within thy knowledge and
capacity to hear and be found in the obedient resolve to obey the word found within thine own heart even the awakened
word of eternal righteousness planted in the premortal heart of a willing being of light and personality found prepared to
hearken to the call of the development triggered within to arise with greater understanding of the way and a knowledge
brought forth to signal the readiness to be added upon a greater capacity for exploring the possibilities inherent as a
spiritual- creation intelligence of light and personality wherewith is the challenge to move beyond the state of inert capacity
to a state of expanded view and mobility even as the prospects of an expanded ability and capacity awaits thee in the
function of thy capacity to believe the plan in operation to grant an eternal inheritance unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ
that ye would rejoice and be added upon the world even that ye become perfected in the sphere of operation that ye
overcome the world and be added upon the things of an expanded capacity to be granted the knowledge of the way unto an
experience wherewith ye are comforted with the peace of the Lord thy God even that ye come to a knowledge of the peace
which passeth understanding and prevents the destroying function of the worldly perspective to destroy thy capacity to
inherit an eternal- life perspective. So be it written as ye overcome all things in the name of Jesus Christ So be it given unto
thee to further teach thee the things of God and of the love of God. [12:15 p.m. to 1:25 p.m. January 29,2001 (2)]
January 31, 2001(1)
January 31, 2001 (1)1 have blessed thee this day unto a greater capacity to understand and believe the word of the Lord that
ye might raise thine head and shout alleluia in the face to face expression of knowledge streaming upon thy brow as ye
hearken to the opportunity to move forward to an increased mobility that ye do work with a view of an expanding
achievement and blessing which ye have merited in the name of Jesus Christ [January 31,2001 (1)]
January 31, 2001 (2)

Please contribute by making copies to share the message, BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is MendsMp@streamsofrenewa!.eom.
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. DraftJB-178

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