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BOOK OP ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation"- revelation process which sustains the new- creative
witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart BraftJE-216

February 18*2002(1)
February 18, 2002 (1) [I had been praying to have the fear of mortality taken off my mind so I would be able to do the
things that I was appointed to accomplish in the name of Jesus Christ, I became aware of the desire to write. I wrote: In the
name of Jesus Christ, it is given unto me to know things above and below. I desire, O Lord, that I would be quickened to
] overcome mortality.] [3:07 am. February 18, 2002 (1)]
February 19, 2002(1)
February 19, 2002 (1) [I heard the words:] I have sanctified my name in thee.
March 6, 2002 (1)
March 6,2002 (1) [I heard these words in my mind while praying:] Rejoice, I have come unto thee,
March 8,2002 (1)
March 8,2002 (1) [I heard the words:] Do not despair; peace be unto thee. [4:00 a.m.]
March 8, 2002 (2)
March 8, 2002 (2) Peace be with thee as ye come to greater knowledge and understanding that ye be sustained in thy
peace in the presence of God this day that ye find the manna of greater- stewardship discipleship as ye open a
correspondence with the eternal nature of the things of godliness found abiding within thy heart and rolled forth unto thee in
thy determined manner to serve the Lord thy God amidst the confusion of this hour in thy proving that ye would hearken to
the way of passage opened up to thy mind and heart. So be it written to thy learning and comfort to anoint thine eyes with
greater light and dominion in the presence of thy God who doth come to comfort thee this day. So be it granted thee in thine
affliction. So be it to thy dominion illuminated before the throne of God. [March 8,2002 (2)]
March 8, 2002 (3)
March 8,2002 (3) Write again that ye do find a circumference of understanding granted unto thee in the holy of holies this
day where ye do abide the face to face instruction granted unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ that ye do come forth to the
privilege granted the faithful that ye do bring forth thy witness of the name and face of God given unto thee in thy time of
greater tribulation and discipleship stewardship to stand in the function of a witness of the name and face of greater
understanding bestowed to grant thee peace in the way unto a greater dominion of power and light to acknowledge the way
opened before thy mind in the panorama extended unto thee to find thy place in the proper restitution of the knowledge of
God to the inhabitants of the earth that ye abide the way marked for thee that ye overcome the world in thy purity of heart
and mind. So be it written that ye abide the knowledge of the Son of God upon thy brow unto an illuminated- circumference
understanding brought to bear upon thy brow in the name and dominion priesthood of the call to abide a knowledge of the
Son of Man who speaketh to thee in thy sorrow that ye would rejoice in the day of thy deliverance from the things which
cause thee sorrow in the world that ye would be lifted to a stance of greater overcoming in the name of Jesus Christ for I
come unto thee in thy distress that ye abide the day in the face to face revelation of the knowledge of the day of witnesses
brought to thy remembrance that ye arise and be counted as a true witness of the name of Jesus Christ Stand and arise with
the countenance of the knowledge of God strewn across thy brow as ashes are found in the hearth after the fire is consumed
and the sacrifice is accepted. So be it written to bring thee the monitored face to face knowledge of the dominion of sacrifice
wherewith ye have advanced to gain the understanding of the way of eternal sacrifice in the name of Jesus Christ So be it
granted unto thee that ye awaken to the comfort of the face of an everlasting- sacrifice dominion of perfected righteousness
as ye come to stand in the witness of the face to face transference of the name of perfected righteousness in the rehabilitation
procedure of the tower- building sacrifice to stand in the dominion granted thine understanding as ye come to display greater
faith gained in thine extremity as ye do find the comfort of the hand of God extended to thee to lift thee to the comfort of the
name of the face to face- circumference dominion extended to thee this day. So be it that ye do come to the privilege to see
the face of God upon thy countenance and ye stand as a true witness of the circumference- holy of holies dominion granted a
disciple of noteworthy honor to abide the sacred circumterence- dominion stewardship of the name of Jesus Christ found
marring thy countenance with the word of righteousness unto a dominion of power and acceptability gained in the chambers
of dominion where the scepter of dominion is granted thee and ye do come to abide in the way of an extended circumference
of righteousness in the name and dominion of greater understanding granted thee this day. So be it that ye abide hi the way
of the name of the face of extended righteousness that ye would fear not the way of proving that ye come to a transfiguration
of the face to face transfer of authority to stand in the name- placing ritual of the knowledge of the Son of God in the face to
face transference of the right to overcome all things in the name of the Son of God and in the face to face transference of the
dominion granted thee as ye with faith in the Son of God do abide the way in the way of the perfected name of righteousness
that ye do function with the confidence granted unto thee that ye do stand in the way with the shout of praise upon thy brow
and do come to the throne of the face to face transference of the name of Jesus Christ mat ye do find the peace of the name
of righteousness brought forth unto thee in the way of a perfect dominion of the things of the way of the face to face
dominion of the name of the thin^ of the way of the dominion of the throne- circumference scepter of the way of the name
of the Lord God Almighty. So be it granted to thee to be lifted to a greater circumference and knowledge of my stewardship

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. E)raft_E-216

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