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Practical Training Report



Taken At

Zeal Softs Pvt. LTD.

(May12th 2010 to Jun18th 2010)

Submitted in the Partial Fulfillment of Bachelor of Technology Degree

(Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)

(Session 2010-11)

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mrs. Shikha Choudhary Ishan Trivid
H.O.D. (IT) DEPT. 4th year, IT
Roll no 07ERIIT020
Seminar In charge:
Mr. Rakesh Sharma

Department of Information Technology

Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology
Bhankrota, JAIPUR-302022
I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Training And Placement” submitted to the
Rajasthan Institute of Engineering & Technology, is a record of an original work done by me
under the guidance of Mr. Chain Singh, Faculty Member, Zeal Softs Pvt. Ltd., and this
project work has not
performed the basis of the award of any Degree or diploma/ associate
ship/fellowship and similar project if any.

Ishan Trivid


Company Details:

• Company Name: Zeal Softs Pvt. Ltd.

• Address: 34/86, Kiran Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur - 302020

• Contact Person
a. Name: Mr. Kamlesh Kumar

• E-Mail ID:

Training Details:

1. Training Topic:,C# .Net

2. Contents:
• Introduction to C#.Net
• Advantage of C#.Net over other languages
• Introduction to C#
• Various server controls like Textbox, Dropdown list, button, Menu etc.
• Database connectivity

3. Duration: 12May - 18June 2010

4. Training Coordinator
a. Name: Mr. Chain singh

Project Details:
1. Name: Training And Placement

2. Technology Used

Front End: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Back End: Sql server 2005

3. Scope of Project:
The title of the project is “Training And Placement”. This is an Training And Placement
project constructed using C#.NET. The project is a free website. The goal of project is to
make various internet users informed about various plans provided by a Drug company.
As companies launches new attractive plans so as to provide benefits to service users. But
there occurs situation when users are not aware of newly launched plans and therefore
Companies initiative to provide good plans surges down.
Thus our website can be used by company to put down their newly launched plans. Also
users can use it to perform comparative study of plans provided by various companies.

4. Role in Project:

Design: : Design phase included of designing various windows form like login, exit
registration, placement, search, view etc..
It also includes proper menu for particular form..


To Start with , I must extend a huge debt of thanks to a large number of people without whom
this practical training of mine would not have been possible. I express my sincere gratitude to the
management of Zeal Softs, Jaipur for giving me the opportunity to get a first hand technical

I am highly indebted to Mrs. Shikha Choudhary (HOD, IT Deptt.) and Rajasthan Institute of
Engg. And Tech. for giving the opportunity of doing my training on technology “ASP.Net”
which is very innovative and different concept and has provided me the opportunity to enhance
my skills and knowledge in this field.

I am extremely grateful to Mr. Kamlesh Kumar for permitting me to take training at their
prestigious organization .

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Chain Singh and all other for their valuable
guidance & scholarly suggestions, prudent admonition, effective management which made my
training process smoother.

Ishan Trivid
B. Tech, IV Year

(IT Deptt.)

Table of Content
1 - Training Taken
Introduction 8
Exposure level 8
Conclusion 14

2 – System/project development
Introduction 15
Project description 15
Roles/responsibilities 19
System analysis 19
System design 21
System development/implementation 23

3 – Conclusion
Introduction 27
Lesson Learned 27
Knowledge Gained 27
Suitability of Organization 27
Limitation 28

Bibliography 28

1: Training Taken

This part of report tells about what I learn from real time environment of the company or
industry. It gives idea of exposure which I got by training from the company.


1.2.1 Microsoft .Net

Microsoft .NET is Microsoft’s new Internet strategy. .NET was originally called
NGWS. The Microsoft .NET strategy was presented by Microsoft officials to the rest of
the world in June 2000.
.NET is Microsoft’s new Internet and Web strategy
• .NET is NOT a new operating system
• .NET is a new Internet and Web based infrastructure
• .NET delivers software as Web Services
• .NET is a framework for universal services .NET INTERNET STANDARD

.NET is built on the following Internet standards:

• HTTP, the communication protocol between Internet Applications

• XML, the format for exchanging data between Internet Applications
• SOAP, the standard format for requesting Web Services
• UDDI, the standard to search and discover Web Services C#.NET FRAMWORK

The .NET Framework is the infrastructure for the new Microsoft .NET platform.
The .NET Framework is a common environment for building, deploying, and running
Web Services and Web Applications. The .NET Framework contains common class
libraries - like ADO.NET, ASP.NET and Windows Forms - to provide advanced standard
services that can be integrated into a variety of computer systems. PAGES

.NET pages, known officially as "web forms", are the main building block for
application development.[8] Web forms are contained in files with an ".aspx"
extension; these files typically contain static (X)HTML markup, as well as markup
defining server-side Web Controls and User Controls where the developers place all
the required static and dynamic content for the web page. Additionally, dynamic code
which runs on the server can be placed in a page within a block <% -- dynamic code --
%> which is similar to other web development technologies such as PHP, JSP, and
ASP, but this practice is generally discouraged except for the purposes of data binding
since it requires more calls when rendering the page. CODE-BEHIND MODEL

Microsoft recommends dealing with dynamic program code by using the code-behind
model, which places this code in a separate file or in a specially designated script tag.
Code-behind files typically have names like MyPage.cs or MyPage.cs while the page file
is MyPage.cs(design) (same filename as the page file (CS(design)), but with the final
extension denoting the page language). This practice is automatic in Microsoft Visual
Studio and other IDEs. When using this style of programming, the developer writes code
to respond to different events, like the page being loaded, or a control being clicked, rather
than a procedural walk through the document.
C#.NET's code-behind model marks a departure from Classic C# in that it encourages
developers to build applications with separation of presentation and content in mind. In
theory, this would allow a web designer, for example, to focus on the design markup with
less potential for disturbing the programming code that drives it. This is similar to the
separation of the controller from the view in model-view-controller frameworks. USER CONTROL

User controls are encapsulations of sections of pages which are registered and used as
controls in C#.NET. User controls are created as ASCX markup files. These files usually
contain static (X) HTML markup, as well as markup defining server-side web controls
where the developers place all the required static and dynamic content. A user control is
compiled when its containing page is requested and is stored in memory for subsequent
requests. User controls have their own events which are handled during the life of
ASP.NET requests. An event bubbling mechanism provides the ability to pass an event
fired by a user control up to its containing page. Unlike an ASP.NET page, a user control
cannot be requested independently; one of its containing pages is requested instead. CUSTOM CONTROLS

Programmers can also build custom controls for C#.NET applications. Unlike user
controls, these controls don't have an CS markup file, having all their code compiled into
a DLL file. Such custom controls can be used across multiple web applications and
Visual Studio projects (which is not allowed with user controls). By using a Register
directive, the control is loaded from the DLL. RENDERING TECHNIQUE

C#.NET uses a visited composites rendering technique. During compilation, the

template (.cs) file is compiled into initialization code which builds a control tree (the
composite) representing the original template. Literal text goes into instances of the Literal
control class, and server controls are represented by instances of a specific control class.
The initialization code is combined with user-written code (usually by the assembly of
multiple partial classes) and results in a class specific for the page. The page doubles as
the root of the control tree.
Actual requests for the page are processed through a number of steps. First, during the
initialization steps, an instance of the page class is created and the initialization code is
executed. This produces the initial control tree which is now typically manipulated by the
methods of the page in the following steps. As each node in the tree is a control
represented as an instance of a class, the code may change the tree structure as well as
manipulate the properties/methods of the individual nodes. Finally, during the rendering
step a visitor is used to visit every node in the tree, asking each node to render itself using
the methods of the visitor. The resulting HTML output is sent to the client.
After the request has been processed, the instance of the page class is discarded and
with it the entire control tree. This is a source of confusion among novice C#.NET
programmers who rely on class instance members that are lost with every page
request/response cycle. STATE MANAGEMENT

C#.NET applications are hosted by a web server and are accessed using the stateless
HTTP protocol. As such, if an application uses stateful interaction, it has to implement
state management on its own. C#.NET provides various functions for state management.
Conceptually, Microsoft treats "state" as GUI state. Problems may arise if an application
needs to keep track of "data state".


Application state is held by a collection of shared user-defined variables. These are set
and initialized when the Application on Start event fires on the loading of the first
instance of the application and are available until the last instance exits. Application state
variables are accessed using the Applications collection, which provides a wrapper for
the application state variables. Application state variables are identified by name.

View state refers to the page-level state management mechanism, utilized by the forms
emitted by C#.NET applications to maintain the state of the windows form controls and widgets.
The state of the controls is encoded and sent to the database at every form submission in a hidden
field known as VIEWSTATE. The database sends back the variable so that when the page is re-
rendered, the controls render at their last state.
The main use for this is to preserve form information across post backs. View state
is turned on by default and normally serializes the data in every control on the page regardless of
whether it is actually used during a post back. This behavior can (and should) be modified,
however, as View state can be disabled on a per-control, per-page, or server-wide basis.
Developers need to be wary of storing sensitive or private information in the View
state of a page or control, as the base64 string containing the view state data can easily be de-
serialized. By default, View state does not encrypt the VIEWSTATE value.


Microsoft SQL Server is a relational model database server produced by Microsoft. Its
primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL. It included native support for managing
XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could
be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be
associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is
converted to an internal binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized
indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery;
Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was a main feature with this edition, enabling
one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. SQL Server 2005 added some extensions
to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also
defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML that allows query-based modifications to
XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server to be exposed over web services
using TDS packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed
over web services, results are returned as XML.
SQL Server 2005 (codenamed Yukon), released in October 2005, is the successor to SQL
Server 2000. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data.
For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a data type in database
columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data
being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type
before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML
data. XML data is queried using XQuery; Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was a
main features with this edition, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR.
SQL Server 2005 added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery
queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML that
allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server
to be exposed over web services using TDS packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol)
requests. When the data is accessed over web services, results are returned as XML. DATA STROAGE

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The main unit of data storage is a database, which is a collection of tables with
typed columns. SQL Server supports different data types, including primary types such as
Integer, Float, Decimal, Char (including character strings), Varchar (variable length
character strings), binary (for unstructured blobs of data), Text (for textual data) among
Storage space allocated to a database is divided into sequentially numbered pages,
each 8 KB in size. A page is the basic unit of I/O for SQL Server operations. A page is
marked with a 96-byte header which stores metadata about the page including the page
number, page type, free space on the page and the ID of the object that owns it. Page type
defines the data contained in the page - data stored in the database; index, allocation map
which holds information about how pages are allocated to tables and indexes, change
map which holds information about the changes made to other pages since last backup or
logging, or contain large data types such as image or text. While page is the basic unit of
an I/O operation, space is actually managed in terms of an extent which consists of 8
pages. A database object can either span all 8 pages in an extent ("uniform extent") or
share an extent with up to 7 more objects ("mixed extent"). A row in a database table
cannot span more than one page, so is limited to 8 KB in size. BUFFER MANAGEMENT

SQL Server buffers pages in RAM to minimize disc I/O. Any 8 KB page can be
buffered in-memory, and the set of all pages currently buffered is called the buffer cache.
The amount of memory available to SQL Server decides how many pages will be cached
in memory. The buffer cache is managed by the Buffer Manager. Either reading from or
writing to any page copies it to the buffer cache. Subsequent reads or writes are
redirected to the in-memory copy, rather than the on-disc version. The page is updated on
the disc by the Buffer Manager only if the in-memory cache has not been referenced for
some time. While writing pages back to disc, asynchronous I/O is used whereby the I/O
operation is done in a background thread so that other operations do not have to wait for
the I/O operation to complete. Each page is written along with its checksum when it is

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SQL Server ensures that any change to the data is ACID-compliant, i.e., it uses
transactions to ensure that any operation either totally completes or is undone if fails, but
never leaves the database in an intermediate state. Using transactions, a sequence of
actions can be grouped together, with the guarantee that either all actions will succeed or
none will. SQL Server implements transactions using a write-ahead log. Any changes
made to any page will update the in-memory cache of the page, simultaneously all the
operations performed will be written to a log, along with the transaction ID which the
operation was a part of. CONCURRENCY AND LOCKING

SQL Server allows multiple clients to use the same database concurrently. As such,
it needs to control concurrent access to shared data, to ensure data integrity - when
multiple clients update the same data, or clients attempt to read data that is in the process
of being changed by another client. SQL Server provides two modes of concurrency
control: pessimistic concurrency and optimistic concurrency. When pessimistic
concurrency control is being used, SQL Server controls concurrent access by using locks.
Locks can be either shared or exclusive. Exclusive lock grants the user exclusive access
to the data - no other user can access the data as long as the lock is held. Shared locks are
used when some data is being read - multiple users can read from data locked with a
shared lock, but not acquire an exclusive lock. The latter would have to wait for all
shared locks to be released. Locks can be applied on different levels of granularity - on
entire tables, pages, or even on a per-row basis on tables. For indexes, it can either be on
the entire index or on index leaves. The level of granularity to be used is defined on a
per-database basis by the database administrator. While a fine grained locking system
allows more users to use the table or index simultaneously, it requires more resources. So
it does not automatically turn into higher performing solution. SQL Server also includes
two more lightweight mutual exclusion solutions - latches and spinlocks - which are less
robust than locks but are less resource intensive. DATA RETRIEVAL
The main mode of retrieving data from an SQL Server database is querying for it.
The query is expressed using a variant of SQL called T-SQL, a dialect Microsoft SQL
Server shares with Sybase SQL Server due to its legacy. The query declaratively specifies
what is to be retrieved. It is processed by the query processor, which figures out the
sequence of steps that will be necessary to retrieve the requested data. The sequence of
actions necessary to execute a query is called a query plan. There might be multiple ways
to process the same query. For example, for a query that contains a join statement and a
select statement, executing join on both the tables and then executing select on the results
would give the same result as selecting from each table and then executing the join, but
result in different execution plans. In such case, SQL Server chooses the plan that is
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supposed to yield the results in the shortest possible time. This is called query
optimization and is performed by the query processor itself.
SQL Server includes a cost-based query optimizer which tries to optimize on the
cost, in terms of the resources it will take to execute the query. Given a query, the query
optimizer looks at the database schema, the database statistics and the system load at that
time. It then decides which sequence to access the tables referred in the query, which
sequence to execute the operations and what access method to be used to access the
tables. For example, if the table has an associated index, whether the index should be
used or not - if the index is on a column which is not unique for most of the columns (low
"selectivity"), it might not be worthwhile to use the index to access the data. Finally, it
decides whether to execute the query concurrently or not.


This part of report gives information of our learning and exposure level in
the company and industry.

2:Project Development
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2.1 Introduction

The project entitled “HEALTH CARE ” is a windows application developed on

C#.Net. It stores the information of all drugs in the company and store the record of available
and upcoming products .
This project can be used by user to track of records of the medicines and discounts
or offers in the company.
User Portal aims at providing the Facility to automate and simplify the process of
registration and list generation of available medicines. This System provide facility to
administrator Staff to do all the their updates Regarding Products like Collecting product Rates,
current discounts, to check the number and stock of products, and important announcements to
other users.

2.2 Project description


• Design Tool: Rational Rose

• Application Architecture: .NET

• Database: Microsoft Sql Server 2005

• Web Server:MS IIS

• Development Tool: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

• Operating system: Windows Xp to 7

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Hardware specification:

Customer Side
Server Processor RAM Disk Space
Internet Information Pentium II 256MB 1 GB
Services At 1 GHz
(IIS Server)
MS SQL Server Pentium III 512MB 1 GB
2005/2008 At 1 GHz


2.3 Roles/Responsibilities

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Design: Design phase included of designing various web pages like admin, home,
contact us, master page, home, login, show products, insert, update, update net, user
home, user net.
It also includes proper navigational links for particular page to another pages. Each page
includes advertisement for leading products and brand.

To provide easy access of information and allow minimum typing by user we have
provided drop down list at appropriate places.

2.4 System Analysis :

2.4.1 Feasibility Study

Preliminary investigation examine project feasibility, the likelihood the system will be
useful to the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical,
Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running
system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited resources and infinite time. There are aspects
in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation:
• Technical Feasibility
• Operation Feasibility
• Economical Feasibility Technical Feasibility

The technical issues usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation
includes the following

1. Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?

2. Do the proposed equipments have the technical capacity to hold the data
required to use the new system?

3. Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of

the number or location of users?

4. Can the system be upgraded if developed?

5. Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access and data

The current system developed is technically feasible. It is a web based user interface for
students. Thus it provides an easy access to the users. The database’s purpose is to create,

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establish and maintain a workflow among various entities in order to facilitate all concerned
users in their various capacities or roles. Operational Feasibility

Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned out into information system.
That will meet the organization’s operating requirements. Operational feasibility aspects of the
project are to be taken as an important part of the project implementation. Economic Feasibility

A system can be developed technically and that will be used if installed must still be a
good investment for the organization. In the economical feasibility, the development cost in
creating the system is evaluated against the ultimate benefit derived from the new systems.
Financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs. The system is economically feasible. It does
not require any addition hardware or software.

2.4.2 System Requirement and Specification

Platform: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Operating System: Windows NT/98/2000/XP to 7
Server: IIS Server

2.5 System Design:

It includes:


There are two tables

1. TabCategory

2. TabProduct

1. TabCategory :-It stores the detail of the each category. In this table there are six
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Column Name Data Type

1. CategoryID int

2. CategoryName nvarchar(256)

3. CategoryDESC ntext

4. CategoryAbstract nvarchar(256)

5. CategoryImageURL nvarchar(256)

6. CategoryImportance int

2. TabProduct :- It stores the detail of the each product. In this table there are nine

Column Name Data Type

1. ProductID int

2. ProductName nvarchar(256)

3. ProductDESC ntext

4. ProductAbstract nvarchar(256)

5. ProductUnitPrice smallmoney

6. ProductDiscount int

7. ProductStock int

8. ProductImageURL nvarchar(256)

9. CategoryID int


Project includes following window forms:
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1. contactus.aspx.cs

2. Default.aspx.cs

3. MasterPage.master.cs

4. ShowProducts.aspx.cs

5. DAL.cs

6. Ad_Category.aspx.cs

7. Ad_Product.aspx.cs

8. Admin.aspx.cs

9. AdminMasterPage.master.cs


Home Page:

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Contact Us:

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Caregory edit:

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Product edit:

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3: Conclusion

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3.1 Introduction

This part of the report describe the overall result and conclusion made during the training
program and outcomes and benefits obtained from the training.

3.2 Lesson learned


1. Relationship with work colleagues

2. Sociability

3. Relationship with training staff

1. Leadership

2. Resilience to Pressure

3. Team Player

4. Multitask Performance

5. Creativity

3.3 Knowledge Gained

The training at Zeal Softs Pvt. Ltd. provided me an insight on and C#.Net. I also
done a project named ”Health Care”. Interaction with students and great support from their
experts enabled our successful completion of training. It provided industrial exposure and
acted as a stepping stone for my career ahead.

3.4 Suitability of organization

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The organization and environment was suitable and working under H.R Manager Mr.
Kamlesh Kumar and training coordinator Mr. Chain Singh was great experience. All
facilities were available to us and required software was easily available to us.

3.5 Limitation and Recommendation

The training duration of one month was felt very short as we were not able to devote much
time on important ingredients of website like JAVA SCRIPT, FLASH etc.

We would recommend other students to undergo training from such a reputed organization.

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Books and other references:

1.Begining C#.NET : Wrox Publication

2. Mastering C#.NET : BPB Publication
Site :

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